,: ':' -'" ......� -; �,..: � j.'Y� :\:;.";11 .�"'." ;,.:,..:: .... �;...... .. '.'�.ttbe !Datl� Maroonfc::::::;;_.-'-TO TEST VOTING MACHINE'PRESIDING OFFICER AT FIRST MEETING OF THIS���UIICIPAlLAW DEPENDS RELIGIOUS CONFERENCE.UPON INTERuATIOIiAL LAW Reynolds Club to Try New lnven-Ii n tion at the Election Next Friday-Suggested by Professor Merriam­Constitution to be Adopted.A voting machine will replace theregular ballots at the annual electionof the Reynolds Club to be held�rj­day of this week. This announce­ment was made yesterday by the offi- .ccrs of the Club. and is the result ofa suggestion by Professor Charles E..\lerriam, of the department of Poliri-.De- cal Science. Mr. Merr-iam is one of.he faculty members of the ExecutiveCouncil of the Reynolds Club, and isIt would seem at first sight strange also a member of the Charter Con­advice to one studying municipal laws vention which is at present workingand problems of municipal law, that )n a new charter for this city.he should make himself familiar with Mr. Merriam is greatly interestedthe principles of I nternational Law. '11 the progress of voting machines'But it would only need a little reflec- md has made arrangements to give ition to show him that the advice, them a thorough test at the Club.though strange, is sound; for Interna- election -Friday. He has secured one Itiona 1 Law is :\11<1 always has been an of the latest types for' use at that time.. integral and fundamental part of our T t will be in operation from nine in I- system of jurisprudence. the morning until five at night, and ITIle infant republic, created by the 's expected to aid in drawing out awisdom and daring of our forefathers, 'arge vote among the members. Iwas born into and recognized by che In addition to the five officers to be.;family of nations, or, as Mr. Justice �lected the Club constitution, which I iWilson expressed it in Ware versu.s 'ras been thoroughly revised and -._Hilton (li9l)· 3 Dallas. 199, 281), .. mended is to be passed upon."When the United States declared No radical changes have been made. their independence, they -vere bound 'n the instrument, but several clauses,to receive the law of nations in its which were included at the time that I. moderate state of purity and refine- the Club was first organized, and I��t.'� .. Or..._to us_s the less technicar �\'bich -have S;l�CC become obsolete, .r •. .)Uguage of Daniel Webster (Web. "ave been either changed or omitted,'skr's Works, VI. 437), "Every na- \ statement of the proposed changes'"6� on being received, at . her own 'ras been' posted' Oil ihe< CHlb-bul1e'tin :�oe$t, into the circle of civilized 'roard and members are invited to in-':p;mmerits, must understand that spect it.. .. (•. oot only attains rights of sover- The contest for the secretaryship. �lDty and the dignity of national bet ween Karl H. Dixon and Dean S._Character, but that she binds herself Benton _is arousing considerable in-'alSo to the strict and faithful observ- terest, as is that. between John P.ante of all those principles, laws, and Dille and Henry B. Roney for theusages which have obtained currency treasurer's posrtron. The outcome IltluGlK EXPECTS . AIamong civilized states, and which cannot be accurately forecasted. as ATIILIDC COIIPIOIIISEhave for their object the mitigation of none of the candidates seem to have�be miseries of war. more than an even chance. General 1187 Enter Teams for Both East and"No community can be allowed to satisfaction has been expressed as to West Meets to be Held This.ettioy the benefit of national character the make-up of the rest of the slate., Year.in 'modem times without submitting The election commission, composed,to all the duties which that .character of J. A. Liver, W. McCracken, P. V.nnposes. A Christian people who ex- Harper, F. H. Honberger, J. C. Bur­ereise sovereign power. who' make ton. and P. F. Dunn, wilt meet in the.treaties, maintaii diplomatic relations Club with President Hostetter andwith other tsates, and who should yet Secretary Felsenthal tomorrow atrefuse to conduct their military oper- ro :30 to get instructions and arrange.ations according to the usages uni- the details of the election. The work­�lly observed by such states, ing of the voting machine will be ex­would present a character singularly plained at this time, and hours will be" ·f.iconsistent and anorna'ons." "1Ssignerl to the commissioners for::�.. �}tilc?' .tnd regula lions bind:n� �en'ice at the polls.t. �Jil lIations .n their mU.�.l1��(' ';0 not form a foreIgn OLD ALUMNI HOLD REUNION:.sJ.stem of l;l w, for they, are regarded�. :'_ this COiilltry as domestic in tlieir Graduates of The First Chicago .Uai-�� daUacter. :,:though customary in ori- versity Gather at Banquet.:'.' .... Thi� :� not theory; it is fact, for One hundred of thc alumni of thef; .�!lte �upr,'; .. " Court has solemnly said:old Chicago University met Friday_J '·:"This i� :10t giving to the "statutes night at the Union Hotel at a reunion�'any n.l: ;,'.ns time laws, but is rec-. b:mquet. The dinner was a revival0, ORnition (): I he historical fact that, by of the Washington birthday dinnerscommon .; .11sent of mankind, theseheld during the time of the old uni-nales have b�cn acquiesced in as of .' .- I l' . Of h t ft' ver�lty. The hanquet over which." .. era (1', :,,:atlon. t a ac we I _. . .- ... t I . I" I t' F': ]\:dgc J'rcderlck A. SmIth preSIded-" ;\;«( ',II{ ICla no Ice. orelgn' ..ilion" .: . d d b d :l� toastmaster was filled WIth collegeIClpa: c.:' must to ee e prove,� facts, h�!t it is not so with thc law �ongs and college (,nthusiasm. Toastsof natioll�" (The Scotia, 1871, J4 Were responded to by the following:Wallace, T;"O). Profe!"�or John C. Freeman, of theOld J,'ishing Question University of Wisconsin: Dr. John C., Perhaps the best iltustration of the Rtfr:oughs. former president of the�- fact that Tnternational Law is a part old college: Dr. Edward Olson, form­.�:_ of OUr la\;' :-Iud to be enforced as such, er president of tilC University of Southis. to be iollnd in the Habana (1899. Dakota; and Professors Steam, Mat­hews. and Boyce. The old university,!7S U. S. (iii). In this case the Ques-tion iovolw,l was: Are fishing.smacks of which Dr. Harper's institution is,in a measure; the successor, went outof existence in 1886.II :aotidtor of U, S. Department of State.. � WriteS Article for InternationalCivic League Series.��Professor Scott is Authority On In­terIUltional Law-Article �ntinuedIn Tomorrow's Issue.(Copyright, 1�7, by Intercollegiate. Civic League.)Jy James Brown Scott, of the�partment of State..-..:OD.Pap �) With the . message that religionshould be practical, and that : Chris­tianity should go hand in hand. withscientific study, - the Conference onPersonal Religion held its first meet­ings yesterday in Cobb chapel. Th�purpose of the 'conference was de­dared by the Reverend Hugh Black,who presided, to be to give self ex­pression to the religious life of the·University.Besides the Reverend Hugh Black.who presided, Professor NathanielButler, Assistant Professor Slaught,Professor c. R. Barnes, and Mr. Da�vid A. Robertson, secretary to the',President, spoke., In' outlining the purpose of the-';- . series. of . meetings, Professor Blacksaid.: "To gi�e' self expression to the.religious life of the University, is the.purpose. of . the conference, It is 'nec­essary that we, learn to distinguishbetween- religion and theology. Re-i>:. Iigion is. born when man appropriates�:':'� religion for himself after per3onai. �x­:;-.;, .).erie.Il�· ",�;!�"��__,_,,,:����:. ':' 7: _Tre. � i �aijo'n;bip '.'"Of:? the': scie�.tific -::< . '..� - :.·<�t( �:�'t'. ,.,pirlt: � .to, .. ChristianitY -formed . the.' -. { :._.>:�lt,.'., .- ... '.' " .. 1;".-;;�i .t�eme: of. Professor. Barnes.. .In p�rt .. · -S':-:--:c. -_r:::. be said: 4'It is often, thought an ano-:_ :7.1%. :moly for a scientific man . to be a ... ' ;',i� .Christian. The unfortunatecendeaeor ��. '��':'which the church has sometime�'made .,' ,'>:,:,�r :to deal with matters of nature 'which . ��).� .were not concerns of it at aU has been ' .........the cause of the withdrawal of manySCORNS SECOND HAND FAITH scientific men from organized relig·on.When scientific discovery begins toshow that the things w� are taught.to believe are not true,' the. danger­begins. The very inclination to sci en­tific study should in' itself be a warn-ing. I t means thut the man hasan attitude which is essentially awayfrom personal religion. Emotionalrelationships are away from the scien­tific attitude of mind.ASKS PRACTICAL RELIGIOIi.ON SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLESWEEK'S... '\I Message of Conference On PersoDalReligion is that Christianity ShouldBe Appli.cable to Daily Life... f��.,sor __ BamC8_,-�� _���� �� �'-.�.: . Too Far' frqm . Religion�fes.: '.sor Hugh Black Preaid�,The ReVerend' HUch Black.Professor Black Says Religion In­herited from Father or Mother orTradition is Worthless UDless,Test­ed by Perso� Ezperienc�_Conservative Faculty Favors Mainte­nance of Present Atbietic Relationsof Wolverines. "Although absolute originality ofany kind is impossible, whatevee maybe said-either for or against it,religionis of' no worth -unless it comes: fromthe experience of the speaker a,nd isnot parrot-like repition: of othermen's. arguments," said the Rev. '�IughBlack of the Union Theological Sem­inary of New York in an address atthe Junior College Chapel yesterdaymorning.'."Thank God we are past trymg toprove the ten commandments. �hosewho do make me tired. It is not thepoint to get up and say: 'I believe inGoel.' What is ne«ssary is to beable to say with him of old: 'Oh LordThou art my God.'Untii a maD makesa trial of religion himself it is worthlessDid you get your religious ideas fromyOUT mother and y<\ur father? Theyare worth nothing· until you applythem yourself. A second hand relig- �'cientific man to doubt. The scien­ion is worthless. Until a man makes tist doubts, in order that he maya trial himself. what he may think he learn more. The stl1dy of sci�ncethinks about religion is of no value. 7lt the time leads a. man toward lnd"Of course tradition must play a'tway from the religious tik'.gre;tt part in religion as in everything Advocates Laboratory MethOdelse. However, personal religion' isessential. There is no other sort of Professor Siaught declared that theemphasis should be shifted from thereligion which is real religion. There theory to the practice of religion.must bc. pcrsonal appropriation of the "Until religion becomea "a personalfo:'ces ot religion. matter with us, it is' r:eally not re-"Howcver,' absolute. Originality is 1" t 11 btl th t " h. . . d Iglon a a , u mere y eo ogy ei�POsslble l!l h�ratu�e: art ansaid. "Until we pass M,Yond' thiss�lence as wc:J1 as In religion. A man 1_' _._(ContiT.ued on pap J) (ContilJued on page 3)"Some scientific tendencies of mindare not applicable to religious life,md often are made the object of anattempt to force them to be applica-ble. The scientist demands indisputa-ble proof of any assertion. If he at­tempts to apply this to religion, he·rails. If he attempts . to prove theiact of the existence of God, he. faits •..I can not prove that I am· alive. 4�Howeve�, that seems probable .. It isnot by conclusive evidence; but byprobability that the affairs' of . dait.1-: •life are decided. It is'�e same', witi� ".'�eligion. - r[.;Y.,.'k;1 ��.:.."Skepticism is an advantag� to ayoung man. Through skepticism isthe only way that we can come intonew truth. It is the business of theAnn Arbor, Feb. 24--Michigan isnow in the- paradoxical position ofbeing in the East and yet staying inthe West; immediately following theannouncement that the pro-East re­gents have put the matter of seces­sion from the "Big Nine" . into thehands of the pro-West faculty comesthe announcement that the Michigan­ders havc been re-instated in the east­ern inter-collegiate athletics. The(Iuestion with the factulty now is,which? It is now distinctly up toMichigan.At a meeting of the. board of re­gents, Friday morning, the request ofthe \Volverine senate t}iat the matterof Michigan's athletic attitude be leftwith the faculty wa:; received, and theregents, rather than take action in op­position to the wish of the professors,voted to leave the Question of Mich­igan's relations with the Conferencein the hands of the board of control,which was established especially tomanage athletic affairs.The Question which the Michiganfaculty has hitherto taken in the inat­ter of divorce from ttie Conferencewould seem to indicate that Michiganwill now stay with the "BiC N�e."---_(Continued 011 ... � ... )..... : .' ....�.:·:,�·i�:�:������;��i\�i�����:�'·-/'i�·:�1-4'\·�-;·.t��ri';'&:4';��.':.;.:;,>.�:: ��4.�:�\·�fr.;.��.�:�i:�/�-:'_��-��;-��1·�:�:"��>���.(',;:�:�-�i.�:;,:,�:',-.�;,_�-1.�':':��;;�'�The girls' basketball schedule will�gin ��y w� � ���rone��--------------------------,-,,-.!�,��a�; �t�e�n th� tea�iof Philos� �--------------------�-----���";hy and 'Lite!at,ure Colleges, to be'ield in the Lexington gym at 1:20)'clock this afternoon. The playersire expected to appear in suits aU :05·The centers will act as captains unlessother . leaders are elected.The line-up 'will be as follows ePhilosophy (blues)-Misses HelenPeck and Florence -Tyley, forwards,Miss Mildred Chamberlain, center;\{isses' Louise MartQn and AdalaideWetzier, guards; substitutes, MissesSli��th Erickson and Edith John-son.A professor of neurology .and an Literature (Reds)-Misses Annainstructor of political econoDl¥ have Laventure, belie Emery, forwards;been added to the University faculty. Miss Florence Lawson, center;The announcement of the appoint- Misses Marie Lilly and Maude Stai­ments was made yesterday by Dr. �er, 'guards; substitutes, Misses RomaGoodspeed, Secretary of the Board Vogt, Alice Graper and Esther Cor-of Trustees. nellI'eter If. Dunn. W. P. Mac:CrackeD Chauncey W. Wright has been ap- The game is expected, to prove in-Jerume "·rAnk. Hurry A. lIanaen. pointed instructor in the department teresting as it is. the first of the inter-I'. W. l·lokertoD. 1II1rvl'y'li. I ":"'1. .. of Political Economy for two years, college, games and the line-up' in-\Y. J. HalDllfurther. beginning on October I.. 1907. Mr. dudes a number of stars,,Wright received his degree of A. B. This week .rhe girls, will beginat Harvard in ISgI, A. M; in Econom- �raining in earnest for the sixth 'an­.cs at the same institution in 1903-«l4, nu�l 'gymnastic contest 'to be heldand 'was' Austin Teaching Fellow March 16� All members of the gym­there 1904..;06. At present he is an ·!1astic. c:1ass,es and athletic teams 'arelinstructor in Economics' in Cornell 'lrged to beain training, at once. TheChicago would not have Secretary lX:�Unive ·rsity. .'11' cl d t hibiLeslie M. Shaw entertain, the opinion events W1 10 U e appara us ex I 1-,that his reception at the Professor Charles Judson Herrick tion�: both for time' and 'form, ��d aUniversit ' of. 'Dennison; University, Granville, n" umber of 'races.Ree eiving mversi y last Wed-,d . h 1 Ohio, has' been made professor ofA Great nes ay mg t tru y ex- ". 'Statesman d h .d • .Neurology m the department of Anat- ORA' TO'RI' C' AL" .. FINALS WILLpre sse t e stu",ent lU- .'.PH' k . .',I k 'f . omy. rofessor errrc IS about J8 BE' HEL'D' THURSDAY. NIGuTterest, or ac 0 Inter- .' • 4'". . 'years old. He received the degree ofest, to hIS presence. The studen-s ful- B S' f . th' U" . f C' .. '. ., rom e niversrty 0 IDcm-ly appreciate the honor of having .. � I' C 1 'b' U· University Orator ,Will Be ChosenM Sh ale h U· . nati 10 I�I. . n I?OC' 0 um 13 nt- ',' 'Band Willr. aw spe at t e mversrty, itv ] tb 'ty f N Y k .- at Contest iJl lIande� , .... '. verst y 10 e Cl 0 ew or con- -and there 15 !l0, little regr�t ��� err- ferred uPon him the�de� of- DOctOr � ;_�vt?,. �u.��, � -'... " .cumstances so arranged themselves as f Ph'l h S' . ,�Q h h b .--• . ; 0 I oS9P y IDce J� e as een" .• ' .. ,. � ,,to have him leave With the Impres- P fc " f Z '. I' t· D' Xhe University orator 'will be chbs-. th t Chl'ca 0 was onl ,I k _ roo esso. r., 0., 00 ogy �, enmSQD ' ':T1.. 'd'" -'. M 'd' 1 H IIslon a g Y j U ,e UDlverslty, and has for �several years en I,urs ay evenmg 10 an e a,wanD. . at the finals, of th'e oratorical contest.�en . a recogn:zed leader in neurol�1 t was, of cours�, on short,,' notice The. man, chosen will . represent thegical research along: comparative ..' "- that the Political Economy Club ar- . University" 'in the N.o.rt, hem Oratoricallines. 'Since J8_gI.he has been manag-ranged for the 'talk by Mr. Shaw, the ing editor of 'the Journal of Compar� LeagQe. The co�test '. will begin ;"at�elegram of acceptance �ing received 7 :30 o'clock. .ative Neurology .. which is the onlyfrom him only the day �fore he was The Univ�rsity band will give a, journal in this cOUlltry devoted to theto speak. I mportance was attached �pecial conce'rt before the speechespure science of neurology as distinctto t�e occasion to the extent of hold- from medical sides.' The results of '!re made. The follo'wing men ...,rilting'the meeting in Mandel Hall, in- his work have been widely published serve 'as judges: Dr. A .. K. ·Pa�ker.stead of Kent Theater, where it was Univ�rsity Recorder; Dean F. W.by him. ----------------------------------------------------� ..at first planned to, hold it, and a fair Shepa,rdson, of the Senior Colleges, . .������������O·�T��OO�M���Arnm���A�I�--------------------------�­but it is certair,:y regretted that M�� or, Mr. MacLean. superintendent ofShaw had to 'md his way to·the' Uni- New Contest at Reynolds Club wm Buildings and Grounds, imd Mr. Net-'versity alone the night of the lecture; BqiD .OD� .. lraght. 'Son, of the Public Speaking Depart-to be greeted by two or three profes- ment .. 'In the absence of Mr. Clark.soi's and a few students, and after the The next thing on the boa.rds at the who is' away on a western trip, Mr.lecture be taken with little or no Reynolds Club is a bowling contest Blanchard of the Public Speaking de-special attention; back to his hotel. for two men' teams. At . least thirty partnient wiIl act as chairman.No doubt the short time for �repa- teams must be entered to make the FoIlowing is th program in detail:ration had a great deal to do with contest pOssible. Each team is to' Part I.-Band Cpncert 7:JO"P. M.this reception. but whatever it was, bowl five games and the total num- Part II.-Orations •..... 8:J 5 P. M.and whoever is responsible, it must ber of pins is to count. An entrance T. "Culture artd Its Claims upon thebe understood that it does not reflect fee of $1.00 is charged to pay for the Stude�t."· .Paul Wander.student sent!�c:nt. �Mr. Sh_�� .. spoke games. A handsome. �iJver loving cup 2. "Christ�pher Columbus" '. Ito. the s�u�ents of the UDlverslty�'� i� offered as a prize.by the club offi-.� t "" " �rank .L:uther l\�ot.�.WlsconslO 10 the gy1!lI1asium at Mad- cers. The entries will close Saturday 3· �he Poet of-Revolt'" Cfr�9. LeVIton.ison Friday morning, and �hree t�OU!- night,: Ma�ch 2.' : The contest ,wllJ J. "Thomas Paine"and stu�ents aad f�culty mcntbers, ope�.:M��day.;::.M�rcb:.4. and a regu- ... _ Isaac Ed�rd" Ferguson, ' turned, o�t to hear hIm. Aft.e"rr�s �ar schedule .,nll be' ·followed. Much:;' Bhnd .Party AIle�ance ..'hoe was. g1.v�? a h.urty receptlo�.and iaterest is beittg. shown and the' u.. ' . .:.,:.> .... _ •• AdoJplu.�.rge Pierrot, '-�' �ntertal?� 10 a manner becomIng quired number ':of entries is expect "i "rh� ColJege, �r:a�e.mlty; Its Edu-Ms positIon, as long as he was the early. - catlonal POSs1blhtles," -g;ues� of the University. The final contest in the I nter-frater- Perry Smith Patter.;on., Chicago feels. that Wisconsin has nily league will be bQwled tonight be.;.�cored a great V1C�Ory over her in this tween Alpha Delta Phi and DeltaIOst�n.ce: and whIle the "defeat" is Kappa Epsilon. Besides the banner�umlhatlO�, the greatest regret is nol the winning team win be presented10 companson �f Chicago's reception with a silver loring cup suitably en­of �r, Shaw WIth that of Wisconsin, graved. Both teams have been bowl­but 10 the uncomfortable feeling that ing consistently and, a very close con­the Honorable Leslie M. Shaw, the test is looked for.Secretary of the Treasury of theUnited States, one of the greatest .men in the country tod • LOTS OF PEOPLE NEVER. ay, was given WORRY ABOUT STYLE,a h�lf-hearted. reception at the Uni.: JUST BUY • e e' everslty of �Icago. Nothing can be �O:wn... TC'� 1done about It now. but the students C" 1 I W 1 "I�feel somewhat humiliated. and would Ihave �ecre�ary Shaw know that his G' 10:\ TC'� .reception was not Chicago spirit truly :L..t 1 Y �rl'?re�ented AtID ipT IT ItIOJI'J''. .,I,-I �h� It -I III The fifth. article in the Intereol­W·r� a1 g ZlRatoon legiate Civic League series, in- this__________ .....:_rli1il=cv�.:III.....'issue, is by Hon. James Brown Seott,om(' •• 1 8ttl�Dt Publlt"8t101l of tM UDI .. .,. Solicitor of the Department of State.Ilt7 nf Chleqo:.___ Professor Scott =s one of the greatOtt authorities in the country on interna­tional law. He has been a professorof law at Columbia University, andat George Washington University,andis now at the head of the legal staffof the State Department. His article"�n�,.rt'C.I •• K�UDd·CI._ Uall at abe Cbl is entitled "Municipal Problems in theca�o I'oetoalc:e.Light of International Law." It is anSubserlptlon price. $3.00 per 7ear: ,1.00 exhaustive treatise, and appears partlytor 3 months. SubecrlpUoDl reeelYed at in this issue, and will be continued to­'tbl' MarooD omce, Ell.. 'Han" or at tU morrow.�"-.·aculty Excbance. Cobb Hall. Orden Pmio�pby '�_d : Litet&ture CoUcPWomen to .eet in Firat of Inter­College SerieL�, 'lIRLS·' BASKETBALLGAllES B�GIN TODAY'nCr ... ',,'ormt'rl,,·tu· Unl .... ralt� .. r • 'hll",o W.kl,"·OIlDct.dTbf' Wet-It 17. (kL 1. 1892.The Dalll'. Oct. 1. 1802.\� ..,taken b.r wall or telephone. IIlc1e Par' ADD TWO liEN TO THE�26. FACULTY OF UNIVERSITYChauncey Wright' New Instructor- ofPolitical Economy. Charles Her-.rick Professor of Neurolou. ',It. EODY MATHEWS. Manaclq Editor.t:DW AY.O G. I.o·ELSEN1'HAL. New. EcUtor.LUTHI-at D. nmNALD. AthleUe EdItor\1-1 GEORGE E. "·ULLER. Bl18inea Manager.ASSSOCIATE EDlTOas1.. )1,-I.1,:t, il-I' C. W. I'altzer. l.Seroarcl J.. lIell •A. w. Bendt-non.WarreD D ... ·.oster. lIt-I.ID J. Adam&.I"rlnted by _the Maroo� l'reBII474 East Gath Streetl'hone U,.dE' Park 3;;:)1'... � ,Il,• I1Clyde A. Blair ex '06. visited thecampus yesterday and will leave short-''y for Clearmont, Wyo .. to go into�hc sheep business.GOOD JUDGMENTis one o'f th'e' 'factorS of life.. CultivateTours by having you,r phot�phic:work don� .�� .'MARTYN-S MAROON. -,-.-.J.• �tI. l" ..,., A, Firat-Class Hotel a BJoCkfrOm the University.THE 'HOTEL IW:AROONp_oint,Chriseverydo acChrisOpPOIfit. Iof Chas IThe,;will 1ticeThal arthemtionwhicjustmen!theto sconlyothesock"VrelisthatthepartintowithGre:sod:sionso \ogyligicPerselvGOtcreetledFIFTY -EIGHTH 'ANI) DREXEL AVENUE.First-Class Cafi WeD Fumiahed Rooms. LuDda ,_,Eapeclally wen prepared to �e care of the students' patl'Gllll&LUNCH ROOM OPEN TI LL ONE A. �l. -Albert Mathews, Pres. Geo. H. Fiedler. Vice�Pres. ,F, 11, Strattoll.'. ·4 -cMathews, &, - Co. Inc.THE TAILOR SHOPNew Powers Bldg., 156 Wabash Ave,THE LINE FOR SPRING. IS HERE.IT'S THE BEST EVER. SEE. IT NOW.University Style $3.00 per Doz.Student's Special $3.50 perThey Fill that Empty Space at Homt.Egmotr'g 1&!Joto �tubfophone HydePark-lfi,During Jan. 'and Feb. We' "Are Mali,(For U. of C� Men only.]$10.00 and $12.00·Trousers and lIests for $1.00 10 further advertise our clothesIhe college men. ,.�{Our leader is specia' quality si'k 'ined fvening Dress �f$60.00. emlmalter,tdgsho. our:------------------:---------�------.;-..-------�..;i.4.�:-' '. shiJ{���: . frol. thefroin ,t�··C;;t.zver {:J WDkieTAILORS185 189 DearbolJl SI. "..Telepbone Calnmet. 251 16th aDd·fie 16th St. �ived_'Riding Acade'�JHigh-Class Saddle and Harness Horses for�.. '�Horses, Schooled.. ' �:���nd for Circular. Open i'. � ',' spctoChCOlChch:!In.wi!�ofriofatntoanFrank S. Young.Young America·BUNDLES ,BROUGHT IN A:r�i::>"'CALLED FJ�Shirts .. ' . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. � Co!!ars .Cuffs ........•.•..•....•..•••...•.. 4l:684·686 East 63fd StreetCItifcnd-�.. ,",,. ... 'Bruc:Il 0-....... ,� III !:..UIIIY. of Chic:..-.' �;:.... w.�,,:CIIicIIIfD J .... a. a ,":.. .. � " s;g()aSouth Side Trausfer., "", ..-'TRE,DAlLY·KAaOOx.· CHICAGO .... TU�DAY, PDaUAkY z » : 1901.::t,", PRACTICAL RELIGION lim. of aWlilc.ni�g. .. I�nl: 10 d_o:is.tlie:n&t.1 Ibing to be •.... -:.� ASKON SCIENTIFIC PRIN�I�LB ·'Y ou students who are, day after l lieve or _ to do. ..' . .day, listening. to' teachers, .-. tdding "The first -i�mptation t�at arises inbooks ind taking endless,··lltes, ISre- u�iy�i:�i_ty__lif�, as i have �foulld it, isparing for a future, how do you know to be dishonest; that is, intellectually,. 'the that you will ha ve a - future? How dishonest, I know something of theint we are' .not truly livlDg . , I'f�Ol� •, Iif I do not advocate that do you' know that you will, ever get struggle that ensues in a man S- I eChrlsuan I e. . lout of the University? Perhaps you when he make� up his mind to lookChristian be an athlete, butevery b are letting you. last opportWlities facts in the face,"d te that every athlete e ado aVoca -. . hi n slip now. Who knows, but the op-Christian, There is In t IS way a. h f SCORNS SECOND HAHD FAITHit to do incalculable bene- porturiities which t ese. con erences.opporlulll Y .h ./ d are offering now -may be your last?fit I advocate the laboratory met 0Therefore, do not - despise 'this oppor,of' Christianity. The le.cture, methodb . 'II tried and it doesn t work. tunity, but remember the words of.' .• .. I h _has ee . . .. Md' "\Vh k t-h' h th grows up 10 a spiritua atmosp ere asI I on or ecar, 0 nowe, weer. '. • .The-e lectures .on persorrar re Iglh t th K' d. ' for well as' 10 an atmosphere of religion,d t t ou art come 0 e 109 om '" .:: . � ,.:: . '.wI·II be as nothing, if we 0 no prac- . Shak¢speare 'can be proved to have• id " such a time as this?"tice what IS sal .• There will be two meetings today taken' his piays from his pl-edec.essors�The I'nter-relation of the education-f e son 1 re yet they were so created .Qy _hIS ownth in the con erence, on p r. a -. :,_" .' .. L �I and religious agencies was.. eTh fi '11 b h Id' C 'bb personality that they were origma .a ligion erst WI e e - 10 0 .,... 1theme of Professor Butler. "Educa. - .h' '1 D C R H nd Origmahty m literature means the. re-.. ape at 4 :00. r, . • e er-, b i1. lorition and religion a.re two. ag.encles -. id h k' bei creation of old songs. y �e co onn,d son wall press e. t e spea ers emg -f h d blood d . oarty' r' ttl.which are atteinpting to' make u� a -Dean. Francis ,:W. Shepardson, Dean 0 ·.t e re. . e perso I O. _ ejust ourselves rightly' to our envI.r�- \ W S ,'11 d P 'f s 0 A C writer. ThiS IS what my own Rob-d 1h t It IS . . �a an ro e 5 r '. .bie Burns didment. Each has assume a.. McLaughhn. At, the second meeting, f 11.the only agency. Each has. fal.led '. . "None 0 us can start a over againI ff which will be for men, Dr. C. P. An-d .G d, B h '. dto see that it is· thorough y e ecnve,derson, Episcopal bishop of Chicago, an provek 0 ��� at we c�nti" �Only when in conjunction w.ith the. -'. .s to ma e a persoaar appropraa onA will speak. the meeting being pre- f h frui f .. '. T­other, The Religious Educa�lon s-sided overby Professor J. M. Coulter. 0 � .e runs 0 past experience. . �esociation was formed to remedy tbis.Thi meeting "11 I b h Id .' rehglon'must be a personal appropraa-"Whenever there is man, there is IS WI. a so e e 10don of the truth and the true facts ofCobb chapel.religion, It is' analogous to the fact rife. For much of the fog in men'sthat wherever there is man, there is Sundav minds, Lord' Tennyson is responsible,Conference Begins Jthe social im�lse. Religious life is 1 t is .not true that there is 'more faithpart of ourselves. We want to. get, The confcrenc�� Sunday eve- .n honest doubts than. in half' thei' nto normal and comfortable relations , U d h I) creeds.' Doubt is all right but it'ning at the meeting III nJan el a,. .with our felloWman and with thehi h D A 'K Th.. k .' id d must come from personal experience.'h . f over w Ie r.. . �Cl.r er presl e .'. . f" b-Great Companion. T e expression 0A th speakers were - President fhe' taking of the arguments 0 0social impulse is our joy; its suppres- �:.�g Pr��t Judson, Dean- A. W� jectors to religion without finding.outsion, our destrudio�. It is no lessS H Dean George E. :Vincent Pro- whether or not you actually belteve'so with the reliBious hrlpulse. Theol- fe7sao;]. M. Coulter, Profe�sor 'Sh3i1- them' is hardly '!Orse th�' takin� �he.cigy is Ihe intolleclilAl grasp of reoer Malhews, and Miss Myn Reynolds. ar.gumen� of �e �efenders. of rebll'on;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;�;;;;.1\' , tfIPonS distinclions and d.fi.niliQJIs."Sociely is c1iaracteriz.d al presenl Wllbonl IIlV�.1_iP1iDg �:'" and per. , " •..I,. I>er;onal religion i. to -bring our· b an inslability of ethical slandard�: .onally recelVlug tb...... C'. onk� 11-0' 'Sselves into' . rig�t relationship, with y.,_. _ ., 'G'od and man.._ Tlie questions 'of said' President Judson., '"Men. do riotMUNICJP''&w .W AW DEPENDS'look deeply into themselYes or find cq, � SeH p' ,creed can be I.ft to later. or nol sel· the basis of 'CO'nducl upOn which th� UPON.IllTERNATIONAL LAWnn...-.. .... e.'o .lIed al all. can resL II is said Ihis' is beCau"" ......."The lrouble wilh our schools is 'he old found. lions of. religious ex. (COntinn.d from page I.) For busy people.emphasis is placed on 'the intellec- perience-fear arid hop.e-have been No bother�, .mal. Not ony cUlture but' charac- /riven up. I think. however,· that we engaged in' shore fishing as distinct Fills itself.ler, not o;lIy developm.nl of knowlC �ave ada pl.d Ihes'- elem.nls in .' dif. from - deep oioa 6_Dlr. o;Xempt, fro _,Clea1lll i IllIllf. • , ..tdge, but a deveto&Jliiilil�-9f. the heart rerent way.. capture during ,time. of war? It is.Ol No dropper •..should be striven for. Our tight in "We need nof learn tQ: �i�-a' speci. rule of war that' enemy ,property. on ·Nothingtotakeapart., our attempt to get .the right ,relation- fic and reareViI. ·hat mayo' chme ·to us land is exempt f .. om capture. ',This 'Nothing to spill.'".. ,- A clip in _ink. a.. ship wilh God �nd man may com. 'r. re.r,.rd 10 'the; (UIw-eJlfe..blit a 'new .x.mption is. bow ..... r.· confined. 10. touch'of thumb '��i': .from Htetalure. Sociology, science. or conceplion ';;f evil ,in o�r sOuls. ;ADd land, and enemy.property in OI!emY .. to. nickel cres... Ihe Word of God. bilt it must. com. w. n •• d 'nol I�m· 10 Iiopec·. for Ih. v.ss';i., is subject, to capture. on the cent . anei the'i .� ',: frGpl Ihe force:of tJie dmne life wilb. sam. v.ry defi!uie:·tJii�g in rogatd I" high seas. Uttl. by little a feeling bas . pen is .full,'" ., ;. our life.. ',' Ihe fulure lifer�i�iOr a. ;,,;: ".yond grown up that the Captnre of privale . ready. to 'write.';\. ,.-- 'The purpOse of· baYing -the facully painting and past imagining." " . property on the bigb seas is punis&-: '.." ... __ .......speak. must fl. to have tbem answ.r . L__ .ing the innocent indiVidual. rather ���to the roll call: "What think ye of . ReJi� by Laboratory Method tilan inflicting. injury upon the, bel- 1t.1r(':��Jf!ChriSI?" said Mr. Rob.rtsoo. Iu. � Hgerent gOv.rnmenl, and .Ib.re are �:-==conclusion, . h� aeclared: '''Even it - P felt .h d r th d not wanting many' and distinguished ��....;:-�ro essor ou er, ea 0 e e- '. • . �a.b OI'_lItyle of roaD-Christ were a dream, a man of' that 't f bot 'rt d ha' publicists who malntalD that th� Im- ...... � Jl'CDJ&l7.partmen 0 any. asse e t t re- .' .'. 'Id b 'l'IIR .BID.Dr PEII c..,character is worth stand'ng by. Let I" 'h'" Id be" ud' d b "�h 1'00 mum. ty enjoyed on land shou e .IWIa,.._ .............Iglon ,s ou st Ie y·t e a r- .. .th 0IIMa .......;tny man read the gospel of St. Joh� 'hod' � -. . extended to property. on water.Whe _ .'1' _atory met ." •. ,. thwithout the' scientific spirit-be woul� 64Th' . 'bl h er this feeling was uppennost 10 e1 _" . - , ere IS no POSSI e reason. w y - . .. ..' 'f. �ot apply the SCientific SPIrJt.� !o a h od' .I bo t' " . thod� 'f d mmd of the.; court. It IS of course dl _' ''" -'. t e m em' a ra ory me s 0 e -. '., R--J ..fnend-and he will realize- the �fact t" h ')'d t b' .. : 'd . Ii" ficult to say. It IS a fact,. however. .....eace:. . uca Ion s ou no e use In re 0'100 '. • d tl ... '2 Arlm' tr:If70' D Pl' Lake \riew .cuof the Christ. Chqst is no dream, but 'II ' . :th I -n h : o"d. that the court found that a Wldesprea _ ••. . 7- �s we as ID e c assroom. e 5aI ..,.. h Phone Harrison 1644a true charactef-one, whom I can "I ).. h -th I practice exlsted- exempting' IDS ore'... n re Igton we ave e same genera. .' .. d' G"� =..,,' 0 hes"'atrust Trusting in Christ and trying t' I ." d h Id fishing smacks from capture, an as o,uSmlll.5 f'i_C ..... ''. - ma ena s as ID SClence,.an we s ou .' •• h _to please Him IS creed enough for k . d'u t t··,,·:,1· I that doctnne- seemed ,to be cstab IS -L GoI.l-:tb DireCtor. . ,'. . ma e our a J s men s accorumg y. ., '.'. I led the u.uu � •any man. h"I have built up a creed by, ibis �'. ".nd '1. certal� y ,appea. 10. '.. MIice. Cable' PiaD� Co_,I n concluding the slmees, Profes- hod Th th • is'· • '. . JudICial sense of Justice, the court de \Vabub.· .... J cbo CHICAGO' met, -.' -_ e. re.e. �1D '10 '_ _l� -.� c· Ja---..l the' captupe of the fishing. ...�.. n. .Sor Black said,· in 'ft!llrt: "Everv+bing If h d .. � •" - OJ. unse IS ness, servtce an COlnmunlon. . M J. Gis p!')'cho)ogy :now. I aft sick of the The problem is a clear one-to live smac� Illegal. r.' ustlC:e rayvery word. All 'Of the s�ers have. t If, t' I'f W t d stated that the exact natu�e and th�...' '. ,.' � '. '.' mos e ec Ive I e., emus a.- sources of' International· bw -in tireagreed to· thiS tins a(te� In· � just ourselns to 'Conditions scientif� .. . 'func!amentals. We \ '�lieVe just in ;caJly, and the three most im.,rirtant foHowing mast�rl�-�y:' ::}�per�onal religt.'on-noc de&nitiOils nol .b·· .', If. :..."�' JI· . '- (To be contmude In _neXt lSSUe.). " .- .•. ,.. ." .' IJI� ._re one s se "on'l: S Ie 0\V men _I'" ".creeds. The way fo tnatb'g bY, prac- lnd on�·s GOd." '� l;! t.li«." Prof.ssor Vinc.nt � d.plored th. IlAROON BASKETBALL TEA. .Speab to WFeII ill BftIIiac fact that c�l'ege stud .... ts 'are payinc wnts FRO. ILLIKOIS PIVE"Who knowetft whether thou art 'es� and less attention tQ religion. :COllle to the Kingdom' for such.. "Students tend ·to grow 'away' fromti;::c as this?" was' the text of Pro- �he religious life," he said. "'Th� le­f('!'�()r Hugh Black's addrcss to wo- Jigious life is the all-inclusive, lire�Jr.en in Cobb chapel last night. In Students of modem psy�hology hav� The Maroon basketball teaJll de­d('\'(')oping this... Professor Black unfo1ded to .. is a great -deal in the feated Illinois by the apparently easysaid: teachings of Christ that fo:-merJy a� score of 3S to 20 on the trip to Ur-"We are all our lives waiting for pcar�d mysterious and cryptic. Tak- bana last Saturday, but the contestgr{';lt opportunities, when really ali ing Christ as one's dominant comrade was not so lightly won as the scoreOur life is opportunity. Religious)y:s one of the chief 'things in personal would indicate. The state team'nol 'pirilually, Ihere are no grealop· religion.? . foughl hard all Ihrough Ih. battl., AdYanced Standing Notice..portunities, for cach one is an open H ... d to be HOIlcat. assuminc the lead brly in the game, Students offering advanced creditdoor to God. W. Ihink Ihal lif. is Professor Shail.r Malh.ws e1a;'ned and bolding-- il almost until Ih •• nd .from other collcges. and who have' grave and prosiac; when it is fraught that it was hard t� be honest a.nder of the first half, in the last few min- been in residence two quarters, and�r··' "'ith tokens .of C!i';st;i(';'" have bal .. r ... nt-;tondition,: '. utes of which some rapid playing eompleled ,ix majors of work are r •... hems to und"'slaJId and .yes 10 .... all is not .n .asy thing to be hon" broughl 'Ih. ChicaJlO t<alr,'. score up quesled 10 leave Iheir names. at Ih.- What w. ".ed' is 10 "",ken' np to Ih. .sl und.r any and all condilions,h he to It to 8. . office of admissions al once, .f Ih.y'�". - re:t) issues of life. to the spiritual said. uWe would mucb rather fool Tn the second period the strong w:sh their claims placed before the�_;: �ntths. Th.... is no r.ligion· which ours.I".s inlo Illinlaing Ihat the thing brace taken by the Maroons. PUll il<>ar.t of Univ.rsily Relation. for of-I',._- IS not personal and there mast be a we want to bel�eye,�r the 'thine we 'awat _ pra"I�' of • dole --. leia. �IL ',.:;;-;, . •-.._, ..• I::,�.'. � "'f�':f:i';t�_;t..... �;?��.';:(,.(Continu_� from. page I.)Oll'PlCBS."�6b."'_Tel. H,. .... I.Lindsay Storage Co.OUR SP�ING ;:'1�rOCK IS RfADY,· ��t�.�sp�n�ar�:e.:;�::��; �!: �;ItemptIng PI?ces. �i'.200 styles of Fancy .. �:��Vestings.-_ . �,- )�wirlDing style..-5 .he .,ILUAM .tERRE.S' SON ..."Long John" Schommer .... .,. � \;lark and Adams Sta.star of, the Maroons.· Buhlig alsoshowing up excellently, Ryan of il­linois did some spectacular basket WBJtR8 clo)'01l �t. 70VN pap 041.al. &.4throwing. ataUo •• F7.AI NOI\.TOWSFree Delivety�O:�e Park �IS 5ith Street( (Continued. from page I.).BACIGA ..... XPu.sW .... Ly . .- E."" St.,L m..�3P.m., D--.D St.. I ....... 3:30 p. m.,·S .......OM S1IDCIa1 trip- Trips to Wood-...... "'ewood StatioDI. •. � .. ,,-_ .,., .:.Phone,,1ContinueS Victo ..... Streak in Con· The Chicago men played in theirtest With State Tam at UrbaDa. usual form and shot the goals inIIOVING-PACKING-a ••••We haYe, careful DIal'" I·J K'for IDOYiac HOUMIaeId Geeta ...aDos in' Hyde Park. WID.... ... Eqlewoect. s,ecw ............to packinc ucl ahippiJJa.BfTWEfN'SfASONWEIGHTSIn�LACK,BLUf andGRAYSUITABLE WEIGHT FOR MOlTANY TIME OF YEAR.Suit and Extra Troaaen, $30 to 150-AlSo early Sliipmentsof New Spring Wool-ens for tho.: goingSo�th or to CaUfomia.A. Not JERREII8. ·11 .......Tailor. for Yoana lien.Bitber-sto .. e131 La Sane Street. and« Jackaoo 81v4--_._---PRICESSait to orderOverCoatS to orderFancy VeatsA. McAdamsn.v ....... It7••• Flo r'et.____-- II1II111:OIr.III �A.... Chloa.o'":. .. : --' "' ...... �":-,.� =, .....111, ' .,t�--r." :/II r:1-'" .,.' .Iy1�i -----Wtna 111 SwtMtnjnc. '. ' ,. IIIClUGAN· EXPBCTSBy drowning the Illini beneath & 'AT�le 'COiIPROIlISIt ..... .D·.RIGH'TON�.;.. '�.', ..,10 to 0 score, Chicago swimmers Sat, ... - . , :_., _;-urday night in the Bartlett gymna-' (COIltinlled 1rom' pa2� I) ,PIAT-CLASP GARTERS '�.�sium tank rescued the initial! swim-, , .The re-admission of the Wolverines _ .. lone hem the ltaDdard 25 cent garter. The patented tat �".:ming meet which had threatened to '.:;'".4: .. _ L:_ .... :_ d _L:_' th doth· Th R':..a....;.; •to athle tic relations, in. the East. how- penDb �, UUlUUig an C&tl(,;AllJg lD e lDi. e _..-._ ."'0 to the state men. The score of the . - "l flat Clup Garter is as flat as }.iUf hand. Wom by mea who �.: J�d. ever, complicates matters. At a meet- date coaUort and .neatness. ad&! of pure silk elastic webbia •..... Al. � imeet was 6 to 3. Only firsts counte • '.... 0'ng of: the Intercollegiate Association . metal puts of brass-heavi1y Dickeled. 25 cents a pair, all dea=:t ?victory' being divided according to. theof Amateur Athletics of America, in mail prepaid. For mm who prefer a cord garter, "e have... .. �. ollowing- table: .J. . LOC��RIB ;:. New Iork�last. Saturday, the .appea] , ". .' i. '.Chicago. Illinois.o ')f 'Henry E. Fletcher, president .Q(... o-yard swim 1the ,Maize. and Blue.:Athletic Associa- .RlGHTON GAIlTEII8.oo-yard swin:t....... 0.• .......o tion tor reinstatement m. eastern] waue �.an quickl, and euily detached, yet they have the...o-yard swim........ 1'0 track athletics was he.ard and granted, I �P.iP ol-all cord � Th� Sexible rubber diamond.'junge tor distance..' 1 ,..., pape WIth a bulIdOC teDaaty. No wear or tela' of the socks..<.elay Race... . . . ... . 0 2 Cornell alone dissenting. '.' Caa�t apftac lOOle or become accidmtally detached. Made ofo . �JecJcea, llichican Activity u.t q� webbiDc; all metal parts heavill Dickel plated.vater-p010 game. '" 3. Flet�her explained in detail Mich.i- .".... 25c aDd SOc a pair, all daten or by mai, prepaid..3 gan'� ,��easons for ··withdrawal from . ��� ..... �.::: � • ..,.=..at., Phllad.lphla.the. a_siociation several years. ago, aqdSolomon again distinguished him- <,. .. ·pl.edgecI that 'the Ann Arbor- institu-.. elf by diving within. 6 inches of_ hisvO-foot record and landing this event .ion would be active in eastern com­petitio;" in the future, if re-instatedlor Chicago in ea�y Iashioa, I ��.l The',' athtetic . association' presidentdarper was the mt '''immer 'Of the. . th further explained that favorable . ac-meet. He .was an easy winner In e tion�by the eastern' body would settle'"-to-yard SWim and nosed out 5'�atek, M' h'" bl f W t ththe best of the Lllini, ,in the 6o;yard II" I.C 19a1n � pro em .. o·' es ern a. -). etrc .1:e ations, .. . . '. .event. Harper was the fastest per- "If M' • hi •. d 'tt d t thiI. .' h d . , IC sgan IS- - rea tnt e . 0 �s,former m the relay but his man a .3 • it '11 d th thl t�. association 1 .. WI . sen e a e IC00 big a lead and finished about two·hi ·'h· . th t 'h:•'. team.,:w rc IS ewes ern c am-.lards in front.. The water polo game was too One­_,ided to be exc'ting but the excellent.earn work of the Maroons, directed.Jy Captain Rhode,. made the gamenteresting. The first goal was scored:,y Rohde in 0 :35, three by Badenoch.tnd another by Princell following' injhort order. Illinois took a brace 'at.he opening of the second half but.tfter two minutes of p)ay Captain,;.{ohde scored again. Two more coalsmade the total of four for the t Ma ...;oon captain, while Solomon l andvValker brought the total to ten goals pion," said Fletcher,. in pressing h�scase. . "If we come East, we willbring a team. that will. he the easternchampion,". .At the same session of the easternassociation.the date for the cham pi or)­ship. meet was set for June I, the datethe, Conference meet will be held onMarsh�11 . Field. Three courses,' are,theref�re, open to ' Michigan. · TheWolvennes can stay with the "BigNine" 'and can stay out of the 'East We make a SpecUlIty of Club, Frate::n:,ty r.:l"rc� '"altogether,:-in: spite of their reinstate- .. . . � .. Finest Orchestrd in th"- (It \ment; ,they can secede froin 'the COI!-I .... ----_....;-;;;·... .... _...;,· .... '-.!,·ferenct.altogether and go East; oror the game. , they � enter:both. meets and keep aThe defense play of Art Goes� and finger in each pie. ..!xceUent team work of the Marpons" .Comproaiiae .ia� .Likelydirected by Captain Rohde, made the It now seems likely that the latter "game interesting .. The final go�l; wascourse will 'be the one adopted. Stu­�cored by Rohde in· 35 . seconds. ' .. The dent sC:lltiment is strong for a de6rtit�Jefensive work of Goes _kept the; �a- break with' ihe Conference, while 'theoon goal out of danger. �e entiremore conservative faculty' favors th�:eam did good work� TlJe ,bne-�p �. maintenance of present Conf�renc�Ch' Illmols .,_ Icago .' ,'elations .. Jt will not. b� strangg,..roes .•....... Goal •.•••....•. Ll,lard therefore if a compromise IS etIectecJ.Decl�ring that every man must Badenoch ... "R. G ...••..•..• :. !Bell and thos� eligible under "Big Ninercome o�t honestly and decide Solomon •.•.•. L. G....... Pillenger I' ':tat� take part in the Marshall. . C) Iml Ions .whether he is to believe in a. super- Rohde� (C) •... C. Hackmelster' { Field meet. while the "Conference ;":_ 'natural God or in a God of pure Prince 11 ••••••• R. F .•••••••••. Nelson ::ligibles" go East to star in the Ca�­rationalism. Frank, Hugh Foster, Schott ......•... L. F ....••••.••••• Pope bridge contest. All this. bowevei',pastor of Congregational church of Goals-Rohde, 4; Badenoch, 3;; 501- the action of the faculty, which shouldOlivet, Mich., and a leading thinker >mon, Pri,ncell, Walker. . .be forthcoming in the next few days,in his denomination, sums up the Summary of Events.. will determine.present religious situation after trac- 4o-yard swim- Ha,,?er: Chl�go, Gar.rels proved a star in Saturda�ing the history of the new England won; Schroeder, I Danols, second night's track meet, tossing the shotschool of thology up to the present Time. 0 :23- 43 feet .6 inches. Bohnsack, a fresl!-day. This is contained in CIA History Ioo-yard swim-Swatek, Illinois, man from Lake View high scliool�of the New England Theology," won; Walker, Chicago, second. Timewon the half mile with ease in 2:07which was issued yesterday from the 1 :10. 1-5- Patterson, a freshman, capture�University Press. Plung for distance-Solomon, Cbi- the . high jump at 5 feet 10 inches. J:..In discussing' the present issue the :!\go, won; PilJenger, Illinois, second. number of good performances were'author says: CIA religion founded Distance, 59 feet 6 inches. brought out at the "ryouts.upon God's self- revelation of him- Relay race .(r60 yards)-Won by III'."'" J'. �.lnO·Nself, or a pure rationalism by which Illinois. Hall, Flanders, Swatek,and. Pam to Hae Bia'Track 1Ied.:· ani ",' "IIUI ..truth in religion is attained as it is Schroeder. Time, 1:39 4-5- .Track athletes of the Eastern col- ii' '. c uege'in physics, or in any other realm, of 6o-yard swim-Harper, Chicag�, leges are already turning· their ey�. DSIDAl'l' 0 'knowledge-these arc the antitheses. won; Swatek, Illinois, second. Time, to the thirte'enth annual athletic' car- .,.,.,Before this all the half � way compro- 0 :39· nival . of the University .of Pennsyl-mises of the present day must be. vania, which will be· held on Aprilgiven up. Men must take sides. REGISTJilATIOh CONTDUJES mIL. -Tbey: are.:tuming their' atien-They must be for "he gospel or tion' particularly to the four-mile re-:Igainst it. Evasions as to reality of Gradaates, SeDioIs.. IIDd 8opbomor_ lay, in the hope of securing a teamthe e"angelical miracles must be on CalencI8r .... Week.' that can wrest the championship from�handoned. Criticism which renders •--.--. Michigan' and the ,West, which basevery imlividual lineament of the-por ... ,.. ''Fhis ·.-eek registraiion' wJ1I con-' held it for four consecutive years.trait of Christ uncer·ain must put an tinlle, those who' should register be- This year both Cornell and Pennsyl..:end to its indefiniteness and either ing Graduates (in order of applica- vania are concentrating their strengthgh'c us a Christ, or, confessing that tion). Seniors who have more than in this event in the hope that theyit knows nothing reli'able about him, twenty-five majors credit and Juniors may break the chain of victories.must attempt the formulation of a who have more than nine majors cred- In Chicago's chief event, the miletheology which has no Christ except it. Registration is held during the relay, both Cornell and Pennsylvaniaas it has a Socrates and a Confucius, regular office hours of the various have.a fast quartet. From the pres-deans. ent outlook it ap�rs that this eventwill be the most closely contested ;nTlJe Arts and Literature colleges. the meet.will give a dance at tbe ReynoldsClub on Wednesday afternoon, March6, from 2 to " o'clock.• I""HaveYou YouTip WillBeen Top LikeThere? Inn ItThe ,/------- ----------- ----- -y--6ITo. 'OM'� A' SOSCHOOL. an�.: ORCHESTRA5I1 KIMBALL HALL, CHICAGO.MANDOLIN LESSONS, $1.50.,Music Furnished for======�====��=====�AII Selett Occasions.Phone Harrison 80�AT.l'HETop floor ofThe Pullman.Company Build'gCor. Adams St. and MichiganAve... l "�U'- NION HOTEL aDd RESTAURANT.' .WILL FIND RESTAURANTS ON rr'NO FLOORS. 'WILL FIND It. SPECIAL AFTER-THEATER MENUWILL FIND SPLENDID SERVICE, �. Serving only the Best the Marht Aftord�. 111 to 117 . RANDOLPH STREE'YEc'THf.' UNIVERSITY PANTATORIUM:Pres�es your suit every week and shines your shoes, .. ' :.',.1 ..- !for:;$l:OO p er �onth 15645'· �uage Grove Ave. Hyde Park 371�' : '�.. :."ILLINQIS;WAREHOUSE 6n�k·STORA.GE c"nPANY. . (:.Phone Hyde Park 571. Kimbark Av. & Fifty-Sixtb .�.. The Cleanest and Best Kept Storage :f!::. Wareho�e in the CitY . • •. _':.�Furniture and Pianos Moved, Stored, Packed '�.;Shipped to all parts of the worl4. 300 Private Stor,t�age Rooms. Large 'Parlor Exclusively for Pian�1Rooms for trurik� and Wheels. Large Room for Carriages, Buggies and;,Sleighs. TRUNKS TO AND F;ROM ALL DEPOTS. . \ ,Local Transfers for Baggage, Furniture, Packages, etc., at short notice.··,'t Special Attention Given· 'to Univ�rs'ty' Orders.-------------------------.'�5t\e �oot;::�tu�iQ I·..... Send .Yot:r 8-- ''QWBAU BALL Name to �, :'143 W_...,1I. :ATe. . -- Side __, ;1 OrigiDalIdeasand ExcJusiveStylesm . pa mg ,,' ;PHOTOG&APHS FOR A CATALOGUE OF ., cl tG u .• r C. S.ade;'t.. Est. 1156.PATRONIZEl-nunes:Office, H.P. 1788. Residence, H.P. 961IIDt • ..tub mil •. t9atln IIIDt. lLtalp' mil. teatkttDENTISTS6249 Kimbark Ave.Hours 0-12.Spalding Afhle_fic GoOds. .. ·:·.-- ,.Mention what sport you are. u.ter'/ -;ested in and ask for a list of co� ;and school supplies ." jThe Spalding' Athletic Librar, .�. '.. }(Textbooks on every athletic spori ;10 cents per copy, "', ISend for Complete List. ,- :Mail" Ord�r Dept.A. G. SPALDING a: BROS: .j� r126' Nassau St., New YOlk. ':'149 Wabash Ave., Chi� .Otren . Superior• ':AdYjataaea�' ill.. Buslness Training ••AND :_,•• Sfe·nograph, ••DAY AND NIGHT' SCHOOLStadeDta 1187 Enter at An7 Time.H. W. 1tr7Dt. Pres.L. Brent· Vau&baD. U. of C, '9'].lIanager.315-321 Wabash ATe. Ta.UNIVERSITYPHA.R.'iACY5f1o E. 55th Str;et.R. R. 80WAN. Prop.-----------Cor. 63rd St.1:30-5·Tbe' Yates - Fisher Teachers'Agency.Paul Yate� Manager.Room 740 Fine Arts Bldg.203 Michigan Ave. Chicaco, mWe secure positions for college anduniversity professors, normal school,high school, grade, and all kinds ofspecial--teachers. We also have astrong department· of. athletics. Writeor call for further information.CALLS FOR NO COMPROMISEIN RELIGIOUS ARGUJ4ENTAuthor of New Book Issued fromUniversity Press Says Men MustTake Sides.if it can."The work is a thorough history ofthe school of thought which was de­"eloped by the Calvinism of New Eng­land. I t traces the history of themO"cment from Jonathan Edwardsto the collapse of the school of re­ligiolls thought in the present cen­tury. The . Maimonides Club will have ameeting in Cobb 9B tomorrow even­ing at ":30 o'clock.Miss Jean Hamilton ;s pledged PhiBeta Delta. THE DAILY MAROONIS AS GOOD ANtMVESTllENTAS YQti· CAN IIAKE.HAVE'YOU �TED?AN AD. INSmall ads bring Ja�e returns inn. Dan;. MaroOD.-. Illinois ..'-�..,. ..,..- � *'.'. ...- .... _".:.. � .. ' ---­"\T()L. \===- ., DENIE:AtB'SHOn -\. RELIC,Dean �. neontudeT(4 P.Dr, F,ArmOlllj:.30,sor Sh';. t ISp�ec l'M:triolland DrThatde:"starlieve ilutclythemeAnder�mcetinevenin,"Son: in· pari: stand,That'si(s cr'Religi4man'sprimitvelopsand pIlittle,dfor kncrudedevel<of th«decor:If yOIyou (refus«you cPe(]believpeoplThederst:can'tor bJonlyligiotmannot Iandisn'tSt. �men!T(]leachsumsomethisFran«I r,yest,millitcr ;0\"hc ,Wcforle;)(papthehellIr.pe(]