.. - .-.;._.� ."m.aroonPrice Two CentsCHICAGO. FRIDA Y, FEBRUARY 22, 1907.VOL. V. :\0. 90·.-------� HUNDRED COUPLESMAKE WASHINGTON PROMSEASOH'S SOCIAL EVENT THE NEW PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSity Of £HlCAGO "YOU AND I MUST WORKFOR 0 U R UNIVERSITY:"DR. JUOSOI TO STUDENTSFIRST MIDWINTER PROME-NADE IN THREE YEARS AGREAT SUCCESS. STUDENT BODY EN MASSEGREETS NEW PRESIDENTIN HASKELL •.DL AND MRS. JUDSON PRESENT FArrB IN CHICAGO TBE KEYNOTEWhileSing Congratulations Pour in from Uni­versity Public and from all Partsof Country.Maroon Lights Flood HallDancers Halt March to"The Alma Mater."'For the first time in three yearsthe Washington Prom was held lastnight. The maroon and white deco­rations, the iestoons of flags and ban­ners hung from the ceiling, �nd theelaborate electrical decoration hadtrc:nsformed Bartlett gym. A spotlight, which was changed from rna':'roon to blue and various other colors,was thrown on the dancers and wasvery effective.The grand march was led by EarlD. Hostetter and Edith Emily Terry.When the line divided after prome­nading once around the gym. EarlHostetter and Edith Terry led oneline and John Fryer. Moulds andTheo Rice led the other. When thetwo lines halted, the Alma Mater wasstruck up, and the bnilding was flood­ed with maroon light, all other lightsbeing put out. Immediately afterthis the dancing began and lasteduntil 3 o'clock this morning, a sup­per being served in the Commons,between the fouctccnth and fifteenthdances.The Prom was voted c n imrnense Psuccess, about 100 couples being pres­ent, and everything being off withou�a perceptible hitch.· MAROONS. SECOND IN .. ��President Judson :!IHI Mrs, judsonappeared in the gall c ry, after thedancing hac) well berun, and wereenthusiastica lly rccci vcd. Presidentand Mrs. J udson we're among thepatrons of the affair. the other pat- "Y ou--the young men and theyoung women of the Universityof Chicago - and I must workhand in hand for the good ofthe University. You must eachand every one of you pledge yourloyalty to the University just as nowI pledge mine. For the University of.Chicago is only just begun; the great­est work is still to be accomplished;the greatest task is still in the fu­ture. "J n these words, addressed to sev­eral ·hundred students from the stairsin .Haskell yesterday morning Presi­dent Judson gave his greeting to thestudents who 'had marched there forthe purpose of giving him a rousingdemonstration, The echoes of ninerahs with "Judson" on the end hadbarely died in the corridors, "go Chi-cago," could be heard on the, lips , � �/, 't)f·sOOre: on�_:biiRrd���ttcnUfd��- ...;�.+::�'enthusiastic undergraduates that . ��{�.c�owded into the halls President Jud- v. �,�30n thanked them heartily for their ,:�::congratulations. ,,'�I feel deeply grateful ·for, this ex-Dr.,Harry Pratt JudSon." . ,pression of interest on your part,"------....;..------------------------�.�--=--.."..-:-------------- said President Judson. "All of usJAPAIESE BASBALL--'NIIE "REACH'� �O�:' BY. HEALIN<? 'rave our work to do, and each must. ,MA-Y" 'M';':"E':ET'; :,'C'�'HI;'C"A- G·O':I� '0' 8 C!C:> his part. It is only by combina-. ft :pro � Grenfell '� Bodies o� lien tion of effort that we can accomplishMust be Healed Before Souls Can i·nything. We must each and everybe' Reached-{lig Audience Hears one of us be loyal to the UniversityMissionary in- Mandel· of Chicago and help on the greatwork that is still before us."U. of C. Athletes Make Strong �how­in� in First Regiment Meet,.....:.J�c­. obs, Iddings,. Steffen, Henneberry,Maddigan a�d McAvoy Star. F�ed Merrifield Wri�es to Director"Stagg .from Waseda UniversityConcerning Gamerons and patronesses being Dean and University' of Chicago athletes lastllrs. Geo. E. Vincen t. Professor and night won second place ;J1 the FirstMrs: Benjamin Tcr ry. Dean Marion Regiment meet, with 16 points. TheTalbot anrl Dean and Mrs. Francis First Regiment team ··won'''th·c meetWayland Shepardson. with 18. and Central Y. M. C. A.The procram of the Prom. consist- took third at 12.ing of twenty-eight dances and four ....extras. was as Iollows : Two step. The :\(aroon point .winners ,wereOur Director; waltz. Golden Sunset; Steffen. Jacobs, Henneberry .. 'Maddi­two step. :\rrah Wcnna ; waltz, Wine, gan and McAvoy. Had .;Iddings and,Wo1"!l:ln anrl Song; two step. Semper 'Noll, who were entered unattached,Fidelis: waltz. Arnourcuse ; two step, been eligible to compete for the Ma­The Proft's:,or; waltz. Dolly Dollars: roons, the University would havetwo step. The Last Call: waltz. Vio- won the meet with 2T points to it!'lets; two step. Policy King; waltz. credit.Ever Or X cvcr : two step, The Tour- Henneberry sprang a surprise" by, ist; waltz. :\(11c. ).rocliste: supper ex- taking the third point in the forty­tra: two step. Gate City; waltz. My vard dash. Thirty-one h�ats in a11Fiance; two step. Love is King; were necessary to decide this event."!'lItz. Gcrtana: tWI) step. College in which there were 46 starters. He��; waltz. Nourages Roses; two had a handicap of four f<?etstep. Y:lnkcc Roy; waltz, 'Horne '�f In the forty-ynrd hurdles. the' :\Ja­�Y Chil(lhoo<l; two step, :\lIIe. :\fod- roons made a killing. Stcucn provinglS!e; waltz. Tout Paris : two step. The nn easy victor. w.t h Xl c Avoy annex­�mgerbrc;jd Cadets; waltz, Murmur- ;ng the second place.mg W:ttcr�: two step. Rocky Road toDottbr Roy :\J a(Mig:m. \\'i t h a T!:llHlic:tp ofE rn: �\·alt7.. ne:l11ties Charm.xtras: SCllmr ('xtr.l. Chica�o extra: 3 feet. :Jnd an a("I:al p11t ni ,,� fect.hvo t PI 4 inchc<;. took S('('nnrl !�()l1nr" in tht'TJ S ep. allt:1tion Th�timcs; w:l1t7..l� Time. The Place anc1 The Girl "hot P11t. Frc(1 Xnll.\yhn \\":1:' entered�_Arnong the men present were; nn;-att:Jched. took, third place in�rl n. lTo"tett('r. John Fryer this e\·('nt. with a i·ot:tf Pllt� inc1\1din�'p'�oulds. r D. nukersin, Adolph the h:Hlc!icap of 4 (cet 6 inches. of .tolerrot TID feet. T-,2 inches.T . ,ut ler. Fernald. Leo DcTal, n:tn-y J:\me�. Harry C. \Vatts,' Tc1ding� :ll1d J:: 01>,. hnfh scratchrred H K \,"T' . IEd . ay. 'u;Jm E. \Vrathcr, men. tiecl for fir"t placc ;n t lC poletlVard G. Felsenth:tl. Paul K. Jud- v:tu!t at T T f(,et 3 :;.� inchcs. hre:skin�n,. Roy�J Root. john T. Gevin. the First Regimcllt r('cord, Iddings.dham M:t�Crackcn, Karl H. Dixon, however. entered ullatt:tcherl .. sO thatonly Jacob's points count for Chi­tago. "We must heal men's bodies firstif we wish to reach their 'souls,' de- By the v�ry nature of its informalityI· d D ,1I1'lf d G' ,-, the sincerity of the demonstrationc are r, rv 1 re rerifell, the manwho has done so' much for Labrador was shown. The movement to greetfishermen, in the course of his lee- the new president began in Cobbturc in Mandel Hall yesterday after- HaJJ at 10:30 and soon led a crowd ofChicago may meet the crack Jap:- noon: "Unless you do ,tbis,- how cl6 several hundred men toward Haskell.anese baseball team from the Uni', you expect them)o have faith jli Good live rahs for President Judsonvcrsity of Waseda in .,1908. Director YOtl? . We are using' the 'saine' meth- were given in the corridors, until theStagg has just received a letter from ods used by Jesus Christ. 'We 'are activity of the University officesFred Merrifield, captain' of the Uni- healing the sick, comforting the . af- ceased for the time being. Clerks, as­versity of Chicago nine ''1 1900, who flictcd. 'aiding the poor, and, 'after �e sistants, instructors and studentsis now working among the students have fed and healed and clothed crowded around the stairs. Rows ofof Japan, s�ying' that lir. Abi; Was- them. we are ready to preach the faces peered over the banisters andeda's professor-manager, wants to gospel of the Master." the landings higher up were filledbring his team to America a 'year The floor of Mandel was crowded with students who were called from'hence, and ·asking· for series' of games . h U· . the Divinity library by the cheering.WIt mversrty and 'Hyde Park peo-with Chicago: The r�tter also makes plc who came to hear the noted' mis- President Judson was heartily wel-inQ�liri('s. as to t.he probabilities of se- sjonary, Dr. Grenfell appreciated corned· upon h.is appc:-rance in. hisclfrrng games \�lth other Western and the interest in his w' 0 k b .' ,8:30 class on international relations. . . ,r, y.. runnng • . •Eastern umversrtres.. ,'over the allotte� ,time - �th h.is le�- n Cobb Hall !esterday mommg. TheThe Japanese· team made Its first I turc showing the. audience ju�t as' pplause continued for several min­trip to America a season or tw� ago. many slides as the smail compass ,utes. after he entered the room. Theplaying L�lan�. Stanford, the Umvers-, ' ... ·,onld allow. He said that' he wished president. heartily thank�d the .a:n�m­ity of California and other teams on to present every phase of life in Lab- bers of hIS clas.s for their expression,h(' Pacific coast. rador, and show with what condition of regard.On this tour the nine aronsed great �hc doctors :tnd nurses were fighting Dr. Jl1d�on was kept busy the:ntcrcst and showed some classy ball- Ill, their missionary wor��.' A MeatK �. greater part of the d:\y receivingpl:cying. :\rr. ::\Jcrritleld belicves that m:my of the pictures related to fil :L••,I congTatutatiolls. conveyed to him thy., better tea� can be sent in thc event 1l1�. but showed the work done l',n. wire. mail, note and person. Duringof successful arrangements' bein� the hospitals. Photograp:'\.s' of pa-III the day a great number of facu1tym:ule for the T908 trip. ,tients, types of settlers.' of hospl't"'ldo 'members entered President Judso�'s, SI)eaking of "rooting,�' and atllletics wards . and new settleme'nts ware... offic�, to voice their pleasure at' the:11 Jap:\J1. the former Maroon captain sho,yn. ,4hoip&�the Trustees. Telegrams ofhas some interesting things to tell- Hr believe it is as great religious con8TatuJcttio� I)onred in from anwhich go to show that rivalry is not work to he:tl,the sick .. 'f - �". .' dS I IS t� parts of the cop'ntry. Several studentalone :tn American intcrcoltcg!ate preach. saId Dr. Grenfell S"-a�'n' .."l- .... •f . Y'" 1!II;1 g organIzatIons sent notes ,expressmgfe�ture. :\(r. Merrifield in his letter 0.. the methods' used, he said: the gratifica,ion of the stude�ts atto :\Ir. Stagg, says: _�et the people into fresh air. the selection of their new president.Tells How Intercoll�te Rivalrycaused Faculty to Call Off Base­ball GameI,r·,(Continued on page 2.)· - (Continued on page, 3) ,(Continued oil 'Pap J.) (Continued o� page ... ), ................. �'. '." " � ......... , 7" .. ; .. : .r"...'. __;-.. .... � "': ..... _' ....... ,.: ....'.:.,:-;.::.�: .�:'.'?�;:���"�'��:A"_��".�� .�, ����':,��::-!��J-�:'��.�r�' �. • . .... � I � ..\��t::.r::�· ';'�-?5::';):"':'-?=:':;_�::�"'; ':- - .... '::'.::-;.-:. 'i�.�; ::�>J:'-"" ". .... ,.:� C: �.r.::· .-I'm�t lailg lIunon THI DAILY MAROOM. eHteA�'IU1)AY. HIRUARY it. 'tOGJ.The Dall,. oee, 1. lD02.'1'243 EAST 55th STREET::/ what three majors are most suited RUisu 8110 •• ' RDOIIto study for the followiD&' twelve IN GRANTING REPORJIS_- .ccl:.iII......_l.IIrl::a. ...· :ire_ weeks; Under the new system. how-om"lal Stlld.nt (.ubllc.tloD ot tb. UDly«. ever. registration has been extended Mr� S. N. Harper in Di8c:uuiDc Racealt, of Chlcqo. over a longer -period of time. in ordef Problem. Sap' J� are Fearedto avoid the congestion of the week BecaU.e of Ability.before examinations. The spring an';' . -nouncements have been issued. and "The Russian government. has madethere h p�ntyoftime toanow eve� � timdy d��ion in abandon�g hs �������������������������������one ample opportunity to select his mcompromising policy toward thework for the coming quarter. One of demands for. liberty and reform.whichthe greatest advantages to be gained ire making America a hot-bed ofF.n�('re-d .. Hecond·Cla. llall at lbe 01,C8£O Poetolftt"e. through the new system is that i.t revolution. and causing the outflow ofgives greater opportunity, for students .housands of Russians." This wasto discuss 'their course's of stuay' With the statement made by' M�. SamuelSubscrlptioD price. $3.00 per ,ear: $1.00lor 3 months. SubscrlptioDa recehed at their deans, and outline them syste- �. Harper. in his lecture on "Thetbe .Maroon Omce. Ell .. BaU. or at tIw matically. It would be well for all Race Problm in Russia; Jews, Poles,l-'aculty ExchaDge. Cobb Ban. Orden students to study the schedules for md Finns." yesterday afternoon ..takcn by mall or telephone. H,de Park registration and register at the pro- Mr.· Harper dwelt mostly on the426. per time. � ews, Poles. and Finns. who are thenost important of the aliens, in Rus-U. EDDY MATHEWS. MaoactDc I!'Aitor. CHURCH AN INADEQUATE· -ia, In speaking of the Jews, he said:EXPRESSION OF RELIGION 'They are too intelligent. and thel.ussiaris are afraid of their skill andibility, They have been subjected to • ..;..----------�-------------------III kinds of persecutions and injus­�ices because they were Jews. . Theyhave paid many taxes additional to"Religion is infinitely larger than the regular dues. They are excludedany expression of it." said Dr, Hen- from civil and military offices, al­derson in his add res to the Junior Wo- though in the Japanese war they dis­men's Chapel yesterday morning. "1 played the greatest' loyalty and eour­is a common belief tha" religion is 'lge as soldiers. In the 'revolutionaryw. P. UacCrac:ka identified only with some .narrow, sec- movement they have taken a greatJerome .'raok. Hurry A. llaoaeD. tarian, ecclestiastical institution call- md active part. but they have notP. W. l'lnterton. llurvl'Y H. F"Ucr. J, ed church. Tl_!is is an expression been the instigators of ·the revolu-'w. J. HalDJllfnrther. which is inadequate for most of us. tion,"We want to live our religion alone. Mr. Harper reviewed the story ofThe m��� �aloo�yreligi�� �nbn4 He �d furth«: "Thel_--�-------------�------------_to socialize it. If It do less than Poles are not struggling for separa­this it falls short. because religion is tion, but for liberty. justice and re­unive'rsal and unselfish, It is often forms, such as will enable them tothe men who live in a quiet place become peaceful, and prosperous.who have the widest influence, In "There are many races in :a�ssiaFaith in the future of the great the words of Emerson:. elf a man can besides these three leading ones. InUniversity. founded by a great man. preach a becter sermon. write a better southern Russia, there are the Tar­whose place he has now book, or a better poem, or if he, can tars. Caucasians. Cecks, Lithuan­been called upon to make a better mousetrap. though he ians, and others. All these peoplefill. and a sincere desire build his habitation in a wood. the can ,Jive together without dis- �er (:J WDkieto aid in the upbuilJing world will make a beaten track to it. int�tion of the empire underof this University, was "But. suppose the expression of a separate institutions. languages. TAILORSthe keynote of - President Judson's sermo�. a poet �r a p_:;alm, is i.!Jade- religions _and culture, It is the Policy 185 189 Dearborn St.�����·iliC�d���es��y���·fur���u��ticlu��ili��ern����H��hul�-�--------------------------��morning. This same purpose' and of course; but remember. the saying made the race problem serious." � : ,,'I.,faith the President' expressed in a �It takes an architect to build a tem- The 'iecture 'next week which willletter to the editors of The Daily ple, but an idiot can bum it d"wn.'" be the last of the series will deal withMaroon. The lette rreads: the latest developments' in the .Rus­�iayf send a word of greeting in PLAN FENCE RUSH AT YALE sian'situation. and the posS"Diliti�s ofrecognition of the generous words of the next Douma. which' is to conveneThe Maroon • -and by way of partial Annual Fresh-:Soph. _Cantest at ·Old in less tha.nltwo weeks. 'response to the many kind words � � to Be Held T0da7which ha\-e come to me in the last . f .fevl hours from faculty and students ; Vale: students have drawn up rulesalike? for the Washington's Birthday fence"The honor conferred upon me by rusb. Fiftee�� members of the Sen- Wuhington'. Birtbdq WiD Not bethe Board of Trustees I appr�iate ior class will act as marshalls_ The Celebrated WI,th � as indeeply. It is, however, ,most of all, rules are a� foll:>ws: Former Yean. 'as an opportunity for lar� an� use- 'I. The Sophomore class will eo­ful work that i prize the appointment. ter chapel by the College Street Today being Washington's birth­To share in any capacity in the up- doors; they shall enter as usual I.!ld day, is a UniversitY holiday, and' allbuilding of a great university is a not in a body. classes will be suspended. 'Contraryprivilege. Such a task, however, can 2. There shall be no snow-balling to expectations and the general cus­be wrought out successfully only by or contention of any sort before chap- tom of former y�rs. announcementmany hands, co-operating to a com- eL was made yesterday by Mr_ David. A:d N h· 'b" - Roberts� secretary to tbe Presi-mon cn. ot 109 can contn ute 3. After the dose of the mornmg d b bli • will be, more powerfully to the result which chapel. the Sophomores will coagre- ent, t at no pu c exel'ClSeswe seek than the loyalty of the stu- gate' at the Sophomore fence and the held and no observa�ces .. m, be�ents to the best ideals of Alma Freshmen. WJlI assemble in a body made than the suspension of classes.Mater. Let each one, so far as his some' place between the fence andown action goes, keep the honor of Dwight Hall (to be determined by LIT WOllEN TO GIVE DANCBthe. University of Chicago stainless. the marshalls)� The figbt wm start . - .Let each one be ready at all times to at a signal from the marshalls. Mea of ScieDce aacl Literature Col-lend a hand. wherever neede4 Let � Only ligb� bam� canes may Jeaea Iinitecl to IDfOrmal Nat Man fot' English High School. $1200; begin soon. For Supe�,'our spirit be that of �he old motto, be used by the Sophomores. TJaiaadal. dent, (I) Latin and Greek, (2) French and German. Men. $1_:<:·Each for all and all for eacb.' S. After the signal, the Freshmen"With sinc:ere_ thanks and' of cor- will try to take the Fence guarded The then of the College of Liteta- B. F, CLARit, 605 STEINWA Y HALL. . :'� ,dial best wishes for the prosperity of by the Sophomores. tun. and Scienc� have been invited to '. '."':'TheMuoo��d�� lu� �� �A����ri�������u�fu���tobe.�I��-���-�-��������-�����-��--���for the future of the University, I twenty minutes, the marshalls. wnt n�xt, Thursday aftem�n at .. � Frank S. 'to� . Phone H.P ....am. give the signal to stop fighting aDd �. clock. The dance .. 111 be held 10 V . A • La d' 'Very truly yours. then will -count the number of huds !he Reynolds OOb, �"d a good time I OIiD.g merlca un PII..Harry Pratt JudsoD." on the fence on both sides. between IS expected. .,;two certain posts, which will be paint- ------------- BUNDLkS BROUGHT IN AND CALLED FORed white today. Telepboae JOUr waDt ads to the Shirta .. _ ......•..•............... Ie CC:lar:o , KDaiI7 lIarooa, _ H,.e Park. CuI& ...•.......... _._ ·4C684-686 East 63rd Street, A J";.nt·Clua Hotlll a BlocJdrom the University., THE "_OTE·L lMAROON, FIFTY ·BIGHTH ,AND DREXEL, AVENUE.. .Pint-CIUa Cafe:. WeD Fumiahed Rooms. Lunch Room. , /Bapecially well prepared to take care �!, the atudenta" patrona&e.LUNCH ROOM OPEN TILL ONE A. M.t .... orm�rI1Tb� Unlnralt,. ot (."blcaco W .. lld,FOUDd�Tbe Wftkl,. Od. 1. 1892.Albert Mathews, Pres. Geo-H, Fiedler. Vice-Pres. F. H. Stratton, SecMathews & Co. Inc.THE TAILOR SHOPNew Powers Bldg., 156 Wabash Ave.THE LINE FOR SPRING IS HERE.IT'S THE BEST EV�R. SEE IT NOW.I-mWAHD ·G. FELSEN1'HAL. New. EdItor,LUTlIEH n, FERNALD. Athl("tie EdItorGEOHGE E. lWLLER. BuID" IrIanqer. Dr. Henderson Dec:larea �n isLarger Than Any Other IDatibl-tion-Saya It Must Be Lived University Style $3.0.0 per Doz.Student's Special $3.50 per Doz.ASSSOClATE EDlTOUC. W. l'o.ltzcr. Cernard I. Bell.l'reatOD Fl. G ....A. W. Henderson,Warren D. 1 .... ester, llel1'ln J. AdamL They Fill that, Empty Space at 'Home .e.mon'� @!Joto �tulJfoPeter F. Dunn.Phone Hyde Park-16.Printed b, tbe MarooD l'rela414 East UGth Strftt During Jan. and Feb. We Are Making):(For U. of C. Men only.) .�810.00 .nd $12.00Trousers and Vests for $7.00 to further advertise our clothes amont'the college men. '. :'.�;Our leader is special quality silk lined Eveniny Dress· Suit for ..$60.00.Pbone llJ'df' Park a:;!)1PresidentJudson'sMessage'.. ' 16th and Yi�;4Jhe 16_h St. Livery. �Riding Academy:':;High-Class Saddle and Harness Horses for Sik·::,·Horses Schooled ' ' ,,11'.Send for Citcular. Open E� .'. �." 17 Telephone Calumet 251 '.HOLIDAY TO"B� PASSED\:.YITHOUT DBIIONSTRATION"', H. E SHOREYTB£DTAILOR_�cWldiD ••lIS;!! COu.f;GE SPEI;IALTeachers VVan.ted :' ..+Perhaps the students have not be­comc familiar with the new systemof registration, or per-}taps they have been GLOVES MAY BE RIGHT. AND NOT BE FOWNESt?O busy, prepanng for BUT THEY CAN'T BEsix-weeks exams. theprom, and other eventsof absorbing interest, to take noticeof the fact that registration has be- FO'lYJY.., TC'. Sgun. With the opening of the spring W 1 "IDquearter, nearly six we.eks away. itseems difficult to realize that tberime has co_me for the pica.. of ju.tDon'tForget toRegister GOOD JUDGMENTis one of the facton of Iffe. Cultivateyours by having )'OUr photographicworle done at Residence: Phone-',u Arlingtol\ PI. Lake View len...Phon'e Harrison 160MGoldsmith' $ Orchestrat �ld8mith. Director.If&ce. Cable Pia1to CoIllJXUlY.�V ...... and J.cbcm.. CIlICAGO.MARTYN'S MAROON SJ:UDTO5105 Cottace Groft�-:. -':"�,rff�r�;;i'if iliAfij, r'J�i�"j ,\i�V..�·.���� �r.·:�J&���������_ �f-,�.�:i,i�'t�.:���i:i....:;: ,,:...��-i,..;;,j;�§;,�����·�u�·:::..;�..::;�,.;.;·�.:..-.;��-�....·"';..;.�-,; ....:--:-;;;.;.. :�L:::.:.:�J;_;�:...::.. ;..:.lo.:;..:.JJ!�·�-,...:;·�:::,;;'�i;I.;··>.:.:·::����""""��L::.iII;..;..;......;.;.......;..;..._;;...;.�.=..;:s:,i;�;;..;w.;;:;;;,�IIIioiiio ....... (Cont--The housesdisease. TItilatio� TlanY better 1. clothing. 1get fresh �I"We havstores. W..�s cheaW begin sllpcting withand the Jagainst us.'and we anstores arc Iadditions.-=-A- greatamong theqUOr, intrrDO regard-manage tobad' Iiquol'for, like t'0£ getting: "1\Iost ':work arc'the Easteileral physiUniversity'use to son;pleasure i'that you;ing to livhave save.limbs in (i6cation t('�JOUng lac��ow, if wiin our w.: can come.that boy':Among.tions ineluded seBorealis i: in many'� the laue!:,appJause.,boat, the�:his work,_' Dr. Gr: Dr. A. 'K; dress, F,: called up; eontributi helping; 11Iis isr�niversilbe said.- !'among t� lions of: William, Grenfell: the New: The Chi; ing to }; hospitah; ready b::� one of';.,commite. ;.: • .;!,'.- . -?- ! PROF •II�Roted :".' .For t�tyfessorSeminal�ity Pro.- ProfeI Edinhul�. in theo.: �s gd:author.ship" aha"ingPreach. the autbe h'erlFeblua·t ..... � ...... ��----�- ..... ---:-- � -.' �� SOUL BY HEALING" ONI HUNDltEP COVPLU' . ,. -..... '.. - \:-:�CH MAKE WASHINGTON PROIl ".:.' '. '",,:, ' �.•.. . .SEASON'S SOCIAL EVENT -� .. � (Continued from page 1)�'- t��hcy live in nourish (Continued from page I.)The houses. I;. They are huts without ven· __dise�se. The good people don't know Fred' Hornstein, H. J. Wilson,' Gor­tilatlOI1:_ than to cover patients with don H. Mabin, Frank L. Dickinson;Y better '. '.an. The first thing we do IS to Wilson A. Austin, H. W. Harriman,. clothIng.. ,f h air to the patients. M. C. Mattinson, George E. Fuller,get res •. � D Wh ,. established co-operative A. R Gibbons, George Garrett, . ."We ave '. . . W 11ores. We aim to give people their Ferguson, Wilham Hunt, F. H. e •. Itcheaper and better. We had ing, F. C. Eberhardt, H. H. Chandler,ePOCls. low because we were com- i«, W. H. Morse,' H. B. Roney, V�III begin s,, .. " D S I.' .ith well-estabhshed concerns, B. Gray, J. M. Gilchrist, H. . u _petlDg hYf pe-ople were prejudiced cer, Dean M. Kennedy, C. F. Nelson,, and. t e. 1'\lt we have succeeded, Charles Jordan, Arthur H. Vail, F.: against us. ) ".I'· • out in the open. Our M. Orchard, H. S. Johnson, F. J.· and we an:.. �. v ...I r 'cognized and are building Collings, C. F. Axelson, B. H .... �og,� 5to�e� arc \:H. B. Atteridge, Oswald F. Nelson.�__ddl�ons. Harvey B. Fuller, Jr., James R Tal-"A reat deal of the suffering...gh f I folk is due to Ii- cott, Schuyler B. Terry, T. H. San-mong t C 15 ier. 1... P W P'a. I.d by m� who h�e denon, � B. HI�k�� . . m-II�����������������������������������������������quor, mtro(fucc I n beings' We kerton, Renslow P. Sherer, Heath L.O regard or luma..S R C PAN ESE BASEBALL NINEn. d t pretty soon when Byford, Clarence Russell,. . apps, JA . .-manage to lin ouW P I L MA' Y MEET CHIC A 'GO IN I-.R. . t into a community S. Alfred Tucker, C. . a tzer, . no: ':I"'"bad liquor ge S I. . '.. I llpox it has a way A. Van Patten, J.' Thomson.. G. O.·.for, like t IC ound . ,Fairweather, L. F: Curtis, Flint Bash,of g:etting aroun .Willis Adams, Loren 'Hebberd, G. L.: "Most of the f,"oluntHeers fodr ou� Stewart, V. C. Beebe, Harry O. Lath� "One of the Imperial University�ork are drawn rom arvar anM J Th R' h d J h J- 'W h am, •. . ornas, IC ar . fellows Claims to.;; have broken t eo'the Eastern schools. e �ve. sey: 0 ': K 'tIi- 0'-. C 'u.&-. -n..'ul R' t·-' ., H ki aVIs. cnne . rosU.1, '.1:':<1 • word's record in 'the pole .vault reeent-,leral physicians from John op IDS Gr�y L.- - T. Loose, w. G. Matthews, Iy. I am trying to introduce sprint-'U· 'tv You knew you are of. '..· mversi -'. Alvin F. Kramer, Harris W. Parker, ing, etc,. into Waseda, but cannot yet'use to some one, There IS no greater'1 N h L K' ur A Mc�·Id h t k r., at an . rueger, no.. induce them to try spiked shoes,'pleasure in the wor t an 0 nowDerrnid, B. C. English., Walter W.· .h fiI d h b Tennis and baseball have t e oor'that you have he pe a uman e- TIC E L J E Daven-. d I' b tt W ayor, ., . oose, . . �"'oJ now and other things must come;ing to live, an to ive e er. et H F M N· h E A Goode-. d trai ht d por, . . ac elS, .. gradually.have saved lives. an s rarg ene. no w, · Harold Swift, R. Eddy Mathews • __ ---- -. __ •I d h t ... "Baseball is on a rampage. Every.limbs in our hospita s, an t e gra 1-d M R' h d; ficati�n to me is great. There is a 1n ax IC ar s.comer ot and street ha� its sroap of'. . Among the women at the' Prom II b and pitchaa are,11Oting lad who would not be IlV1�g _ . :;ma oys now '.. ..l.,w, if we had not taken car� of him were: Edith Emily Terry, Theo Rice, springing up everywhere-with odd; in our wards. The best feeling tlpt Corinne Brown, Alida McDermid� attempts at the foreign swiDg.r: Was-Edith - De·ck�r·,· -Margaret Wood, WiI' d . . hid . this y .... _: can come to me is that I helped saye . -:- e a IS In t e ea ; again .....-&.lard Singleton, Harriet W_ ilkes, Lil- The .final game with Keio University·that boy's life."ian Kent, Katherine: Nichols; May was called off by the authorities ofAmong the slides showing condi- Cave, Myra Nugent, Ruth Swallow, che latter because the students be-·tions in Labrador, Dr. Grenfell in- Frances Savage, Eleanor Day, Miss came too much excited over-the root­eluded several showing the Aurora Mathews Eljzaheth Fogg, Evelyn ing. Formerly they have mildly clap­Borealis in all its glory, and icebergs Middleton, Bertha Kendall, Jessie ped their 'hands. Last year. a small: in many varying forms, the beauty of Heckman, Winona Fitts, Helen Rob- group . monopolized the rooting,� the latter calling forth spontaneous. erts�'t:..Marguerite Wells, Irene War:.. This yea:: 'llundnds'-' crowded- .the�.applause. Dr. Grenfell pictured his ner, Helen Marsh: . Phebe Bell, Nellie stands and grounds and sang 'japan-boat, the Strathacona. given him for Diet�r, Edith Osgood, - Eliza"eth ese songs and gave Japanese �d Eng- .":his work, ill "arious dtl1ations. Th:elens, Gertrude :" Butler, Frances lish yeUs--rah-rati or ray-"ray, chief­_. Dr. Grenfell was introduced by: �rake, - Madge Dain�on, '. Frances Iy. I' thought if was getting; qUite; Dr. A.' K. Parker. Fullowing the ad- N ow;:k. Eleanor Hall: tl'et'en' :·:Fuller. aecent, when it' was' calle(J off sud;l dress, . Professor �hail�r Mat�ewl' Adelaide Roe, Mrs. Shimizu.-· Ellen denly and the last 'gam�' 'for' the Cup; called upon the Umverslty pubhc to MacD�ff, Marg':lr�t. Lane, �dna '�u- was postponed indefinitely for fear; contnDute its mite to the work' of chanan, Esthe_r. ��1l, .. S����y�_r. the students wou'd'i lose control of� help!n� the L,a��do� fis�ermen. Marie Hendy, - Gertrud� �r�um, themse,lves an.d a��play b�ll <?f. s,��e­;.�IS I� a noble \\o.k 10 whIch th.� Ruth Hart�ell" .E?-na· W�lsh, Mrs. thing else afte�.the game. F�om 20,: .1!mverslty ought to be represented, H. F. Mallory, ._ EdIth Wiles, Inez 000 to' 30;000 . st'udents 'pack into the.he said. Envelopes were pa�sed Jackson, Lola Fi5h�i-, Blanche Fisher, grounds nowadays to s�e ,a .�alr ga!De.- ! a�ong those present and contnbu- Grace Warker, LOIS Kauffman, J�an •. 1 have 1.0 ump�re �nc� i� a. while,: hons of any amount may be sent to Compton, Florence Drake, Charlotte but there's never any back'talk.,On�y; Wi11iam A. Douglas, treasurer of the Mouat. Nate1ie Young, Ethel Cham- once has any' protest been made, and HITCHCOCK TO ENT.ERTAIN, Grenfell Association of Chicago, in berlain. Marie Sinclair, Helen Gun- that· was done most politely. Don't" the New York Life building, Chicago, sat:lus. Julia Prindle, Jeannette Lane. some' o( the home umpires' wish to.' The Chicago association is endeavor- Alice Alfred, Ruth Porter, Charlotte move out here?",; ing to help Dr. Grenfell build more Th�rle, Grace Williamson, Marguer- Mr. Merrifield is in�ensely in love: hospitals and equip better those al- ite Proby, Olive Underhill, Lucia . ".rtl' with his work, .. which consists pa ,Y: ready built. Professor Ma��,w� is Raym�d. Miss Crane, Marjo�e _ .•.. �- in· coaching tbe:,:Waseda ,nine, partl�:t one of the members of the Grenfell Stough,' Vivian Rice. Ethel Hogg. Iin teaching in ,punan �o I�ge, an,.. ; .. commitee of Chicago. Reina Greinsfeld, Myrtle Wade, �- partly in missionary work among theno' Y on(Jorff, 'Ella Ford, Vielchen von60,000 to 70,000 students of the col-Rodenhausen Latlra Osman, BerthaBLACK WILL PREACH' leges and universities.Mont�omery. "Coaching at Waseda gives me afine introduction' to the mally base­PENN. W�TER TEAll STRONG ball enthusiasts,". he .writes. "�dleads naturally to many opportunitiesFor the next two weeks the Uni- Close Contest with C. A. A. in PhiIa- for .friendship- and helpfulness., l have'fttsity will have the services of Pro- delphia Augus m for .KUOODL a fairly free .fiel�· and if I don'tfessor Hugh Black, D.D. of Union kick a goal,. may I be kicked orSeininary. New York City, as Univer- rUn which the Univer- $IQwned in my trades. M!SS IN GALS, EX-'06. IIARRIED�ity Pr(';lcher. The close"'I h f . _.: h 0' bl ad "sity of P�nnsyl\"anja swimm!ng team . 'l" y; ow 0 tell' t � lcago 0Dat:ghter of Professor E. .,.. Inga�"- Profes.or mack recently came from gave the" c.- A. A. men last W.,dne.. gets stirred" up anefT retl like' whoop- Weds New York. 1Ian.I EdinburRh to accept a professorship day, proves that Penny has a fomid- i�g. I ache for one of the football. �. in theoloRY in Union Seminary. He able c""'ggregatl'on thl's year. The score games .. Our Chicago cl�b is started. . R 1 f IIt- II :\!;�S �Jehss:l . Tnga s. ormer y"' ""s lr.Iined considerable note as an was 24 T-2 to 2T T-2 in favor "of the and we feel Dr. Harper's loss mosta student of the class of T<)06 at the•• thor. hi, books. e,pecially "Friend- Cherry Circle squad. Comparing the keenly. We wish that we" were some-Uuh"er,ity" of Chicago. w"' married.hip" and "Culture" and "Restroint," ,howings' made against the C. A. A. where where we could show loyalty 1.>1 e\'ening at the Hyde Park Bap.. ha"ing receivcd wide attention. " h E to the prseent administration. An.P by the Un·verslty and t e astemers, ti�t church to �rr, Clarcnce Fisher.r<ae he r for 'ever. 1 weeks during eh a necs seem to favor the latter when th at belongs t�" the dear old" U. of C.of New Y ork � I iss I n"a Is was.' the �utunlO quarter of 1905· He wi11 thev invade Bartlett natatorium belongs' to ns."mt'mber of the 'Vyycrn Club. takingbe here I' h k b •. .F· (unng t C wee s egmnmg early next quarter, especial1y with her associate's title at the University,eblUary 24 and �f:trch 3· I the' Freshmen rule in force. Korean Park- to Give Dance. She is a daughtcr of Professor E. F, ��e Park-_ .._ - The University polo team has. an To help raise 'funds to provide f<?r Tnga'!'. of Rush :\fedical Collcge. .. .. IIIIIiII ���� .."i"' .. II'mnesota Starts PracticJ.· even chance to win. since it held the a baseball coach. the students of Mot.""fie kinnc,ota's" baseball cio.eh" Kien- C A. A. fo "7 to 0 and 3" 10 0 scores. gan Park academy will give a dance Charles E" Hughes, "governor of�I. ".tarted p,..ctice last "Monday. while the Pennsyl:"nia sextet was de- in the academy gymn3siam next Fri- New York will "deliver Washington',..:t!rom �ow on the mt'n win be put to feated by a count of 8 to o. But day evening. Manager F. A. liecht, birthday oration rthis afternoon at{:�1c I� cages. A strong Frshman Pennsylvania will proba�ly not have of the ,baseball team, announces that the Uni�'ersity of ::\fichigan.��'!I. WIll be organized to give the much difficulty in winning. the dis- University students wishing to attend. _ '�Ian; some good oppoaeatt. lance even� the pan, .nil .. _..... ratrtmiu Daily Maroon advertisen'f :";��.�,�r�F::'!:-�J:�����$�-r:;.:-·."!�·.,;l-�·�-"" '. '-: " _��... ; ... :- .:�.:- :--;"','. �� . "�"::- .. ' ..... -; �. � . � - '<; - ... r- '1" .......... ,..; .. '11, .. - ..., J.1'H:! :DAti. Y 1rlAAOOM;" C'2IC.f.GO. FtunAY. Pd,�_A�\I � Zflo. <; . •JACKSON �d DEARBORN" . .," '. ",'.- Ffjd�y 'is 'one of the days -on W�IC� our new:,.o·'Lenox" Collar is especially becoming. Theother days are Saturday, Sunday, Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday, .Thursday."J BOTH $TORES.WASHINGTON and DEARBORN(Continued from page I)--.._Conklin's- Stu.. . Pen':'. I'IIIIug" . .For busy people.No bother.Fills itself.Cleans itself.No dropper.Nothinttotakeapart. .NOthin, to spill.·.A -'dip' In- ink, a' , ..touch of thuinbto nickel cres­cent and' thePen is· full,ready to write.,eD8 ....... 8�­� i!3:: 1lJ,,,,p,:�I"'.:&..=!:!i:la;�fne ..... �4Jl' ..... ar.�I. Or'"';::........ r,...InIil �.'1'11& c.-eWELIlI PElil ...::':..�:.:....� BfTWEENSfASONWEIGHTSIn BLACK,BLUE andGRAYSUITABLE WEIGHT 11'0. 110M"ANY TDm OFY ....A . large selection of·Spring OvercoatinO"C atFirst Reception' of Quarter to be Held _ ...Monday Afternoon. tempting prices.200 styles of Fancy,Vestings.Hitchcock house will entertain itsfriends Monday afternoon at a rec�tion and dancing party, beginning at4 o·clock. There Will be dancing from5' to 6 in the club room. Mrs. Her­man von Holst will be the guest ofhonor and Mrs.' David Allan Robert­�on :wi11 be the chaperon. This willbe the first h�use reception of thequ3rter. the January reception havingbeen.' postponed on account of thedeath of Dr. Jackman.i PROF.t� Roted Scotchman to Be University·Preacher for Two Weeks.!' . ,. ..".�-J- �:'''�-:'i :(..:< -::.;:.: .. _.)#.:.:-_�:�.> ' , ... ,; ?'"' - ..... ",... � �.... ..-........ - .-.' ... -; .. .... - .. ,,�.. J �.. � '•• ...._�....... �: ; ........ :_ Suit and Extra T� .........AIso earI7 -hIpm= •of New IpriDa Woe&­ens for tbQIIe ...South or to c.JlIonaILA. N. JERUIlI. Mm pr.Tailor for YOUDC .....tIIer .. Ie111 La Sane _ ........... J-a- ....---.-----O{!R SP�/NCiSTOCK IS READYPRICESSuit to orderOvercoats to orderFancy Vests hototso2Oto 505 to ISTAYI!OR..,.WAM .. E .... EM.· .ON ..\,;lark an4 A .... Ita.WHaRB do y" Cd- JOQrN a Ical. a ••8Iall ••• .,_At NOJ\TOWSFree Dellftry348 51th StreetA. MeAd ...n.v ..,• •• FI • ................... : CLa.. • ........... Aw. ... .., •. --''''-'�' ---'" :-:-·�",.:1'I"" ..... -. .� •t ,.� '':'" .('""It.: .... '�: ...THE DAILY' MAROON. - CH1CAG6. -FRtD�y,- FEBRU,ARY '22, 19O'i.'__ ....---- ... -- ... .1 REVIVAL-'MEETINGS toBEGIN SUNDAY EVENINQ MEET 'ILt.mois TOMO'RROW T' O' 'M' A' S'OSCHOOL.a·-:';'� . ORCHESTRAGENTLEMENWHO DIESS F. SnllIUTIE.SS.1ID CO.FOIIwua TIll •• 'IOYED •.BOSTON'GARTER varsity Swimming Team To EncoUD­ter Squad From Champajp' inBartlett-Maroons ,Weakened byFreshmen R�& 511 KIMBALL HALL, CHICAGO.MANDOLIN LESSONS, $I.SO.Dr. Judson To Make Firat Addressas President' Sunday Evenincin Mandel Hall '",The University of Illinois swim­.:ing team will come here tomorrow,light to meet the Maroons in theMeetings To Be Held ThroughoutWeek In Interests of PersonalConference. Music Furnished for=====��.rst Western inter-collegiate swim- ==�===��� All Select Ocras·IOns. � {.FoL. V.President Judson will make his .iing' event 0 the year. The Cham- = \-, 'first public appearance as head of the .,aign school has not yet sent up a Ph H· 80 � ?-I-ICIP- ,-one, ar�son 3 ' JIBUniversity Sunday evening in Man- .st of entries. The following events I :(.1del Hall when he will �ve a short .ave beeQ agreed upon: 4� � and �����������������A�T�T�H�E�����������·�·� UPON Iaddress in the interests of the person- 00 yard swims, ,plunge for distance,:11 conference on religion that opens elay race and polo game. u'. NION HOTI:L and RI:STAURANT 'there at the time. It will be an effort The varsity team has. been so de- WILL FIND RESTAURANTS ON 'I 'NO FLOORS,10 interest students in religion and _Jletcd by the rule barring Freshmen Wl�L FiND A SPECIAL AFTER-THEATER MENUwill be seconded by addresses by hat the only swimmers on the team WILL FIND SPLENDID SERVICEDean Small, Dean Vincent, Miss Rey- .vho are not polo men are Paul Har- Scrviuz only the Best the Market Afford-nolds, Professor Coulter and Profes- .er and Sidney Walker. 1£ Morse is III to 111 RANDOLPH STREE: -Fsor Shailcr Mathews. The confe�- estored ' to eligi'biUty today he will We make a Specialty of Club, Fraternity Dlnr cr '. E:cnece is held under the auspices of the .lso be available but the chances areCh�trian un�n of the UniversU� a ,hat he will'not be �Iowed to com-I-·�����������������������������body made up of. the representatives pete.• __ -�ALWAYS EASY"_ III of a�1 dcnomi�atio.ns. The Sunday I This leaves Paul Harper to takeI evening meetmg IS set for 7 :30 .are of both the 40 and 60 yard swims�-----l-"'-h--e-------- 0 'clock. Dr. A. K. Parker will pre- md to take the principal place on theHave You side. :elay team. Prince]! of the polo squadMeetings will be held in Mandel 7S a promising swimmer who can also Hyde Park 3711 It wouldYou Tip' Wi II dall throughout the week. The Mon- 're used in the short --distance races. advice to 01Icy meeting will be held at 4:30 Harper looks good for first in the 60 ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE 8ttcf :", and probleJBeen Top Like o'clock in Cobb chapel. A special zard race, his favorite event, and to- STORAGE CorlPANY he should r.neeting or the women of the univers- �e�her with Princell should land a ' the principlPhone Hyde Park 571. Kimbark Av. & Fi:ty-Sizth St:Th e re? Inn It ty will be held Monday evening at 'llajority of points in the 40 yard . 'But it woulThe Cleanest and Best Kept Storage " ',i :30 o'clock in Cobb chapel, the Rev. swim. Walker never swam the 100 tion to shrH k bei h .. I k Warehouse in the Cityugh Blac emg t e prmcipa spea - y-ard race until this year but he . has thotJgh straFurniture and Pianos Moved, Stored, Packed aJid.ere �een constantly improving and should . I Law�====:a!!� Shipped to all parts of the world. 300 Private StOf�.:" nonaTwo meetings are scheduled for, �ve' a' good account of himself in � 1;- • 111' r':gral ani, age Rooms. Large Parlor Exclusively for PianOs;�' ..Tuesday, one at 4 o'clock in Mandel '�his' event. First place in the plunge Rooms for trunks and Wheels. Large Room for Carriages, Buggies' ii.t: "system ofHall with the Rev. Hugh Black as seems' assured on account of the Sleighs. TRUNKS TO AND FROM ALL DEPOTS. - �,� TIle infalspeaker. The evening meeting at record-braking performances of Sol- �'i'). wisdom ant. Local Transfers for Baggage. Furniture, Packages. etc., at short notice:7 :30 wilt havve Bishop C. P. Ander- oman 'during. the . .season, Schott has Special Attention Given to Univers '!y Orders. .�'('.. was born i:son or "its- speaker 'and will be lor the been out of condition up to this time �{ .!family of J�en 0 ilie Un�e�U� but'l60ks good �nou�h fu� � l�� �����������-�������������������� Wil�n e�President Frank W. Gunsaulus, of a point in the long -dive. Hilton (Iiizhe Armour Institute, will speak in "The lack of swimmers will be most "D'i.... S "Wben the:�[aJldel Hall at 4 o'clock Wednesday seriously felt in the relay and the HADlE .. - . their indepafternoon in one 0 the most import- chances for a Maroon victory in this to receivelilt meetings of the week, Dr. Back r s & V C ".+- od trace are rather slim. Harper, Walk-� Ir' eprool 4o"age .saO A··j·· m era e !will speak Wednesday evening at ::r and. Princ�1I -'will be the mainstay II • I � �:� ��t.'� __ O!:;:-,:30 will have Bishop' C, 'P. Ander- of the team in the -relay, It is possible I:�' "�e (50n for its speaker and will be for' that the -polo game will be the, decid- . �� '�k(S W 01.he men of the University. . -. , , . , "�",�- on berng event of the meet. It is hard to .U1tNITU1tB. PIaNO" TRURQ. MBR�HAHDI" ... JlAJtCmU: ' _,The Y. �. C .: A., �h� Y. W. C. L., �('II -what the Champaign swimmers DaLJVaRKD TO ALL PAliT8 OF THE C1'1'Y. DaPeTi " requeSt, iland all University religious bodies are can db· '. t AIfI) luaUaaa. "':,.' :�';";"'meri. . , . 0 y companng scores agams ',I: .-.".-throwing all their force into the work the C A A b h b th t she .oot 01. . . . ., y w om 0 eamsof making these meetings the best have be d' t d b t ' • -, �lInIty anden eea e, u comparison GeaenI omc., Brauch 08ice. 1afDr ..... c-.. .:-� :� .,-th.ey can. Further anno�ncements of polo scores is favorable to Chicago. _. tit. ... CaIamet Aft. l:1m. of �. ',� ;::: _Character,WJII be made as .the mee.t1Ogs pro- Illinois was beaten by the C. A. A. � R. It. W.......... . j,{ :alSo to th(�ress and student mterest IS aroused. sextet b 12 t 0 h· h . n....+- .... 1"'1.:__ .. ante of all. . . y a 0 score, w IC IS a --.- ".._ � l.acdaa It. ' ,The. Christian U.mon, undec whose decided contrast to the 3 to 0 score _� �" •• p all Olicu. ...... Cal..... " ::;:-'1,. usages whlcsplces the meetmgs are to be held, made a' gaO t th U· 't A· t u- among ci.. • 10s e mversl y. gaUlS . J,�as orgamzed under the adVIce of the Y. M. C. A. team both teams were have for tlD� HH�� who.��md � �n«. v�Wrioo�Illino�bya"Ore�I� .��----��-��-���---�--��----�--�,�"�.� ��m��tra�e al.l the rehgtous work - In the 0 made in an extra session and Chi- �r- e 9{oot Stu�ic: • Send Yocr e:\' -"No COilUmversJty under one head. cago by 2 t 0 Th 1\ - - - ":� _cttioy the 1. a 0 score. e game IOIIBAU. BALL N arr.e to '.,promises to be a scrappy affair -with 243 W.bub. Ava. S ·,d. � in 'model11lLLINI FEAR DEFEAT AT the Maroons slightly favored. OrigbialIdeasandExc1asiveStylesiD ",:7'� pa Ing ",-;� .to all theHANDS OF CHICAGO • PHOTOGRAPHS FOR A CATALOGUE o,-·�� DD�ses.SIX LEWIS'MEN ON TWO p.cl.I·&.I�.hU.orC�t1ldeDt. �,� ,crcise so�1910 TEAMS SATURDAY :Est. 1856 Spalding Athletic CiooilSt�: treaties, n"';":" with otherMention what sport you are iD��'( refuse to 'ested in and ask fora list of coneat.:r ..ations aceand school supplie!' ' . " -: ",. 'ftr'Sally cThe Spalding Athletic LibrIrJ ". ::� would prlTextbooks on e\'ery athletic spbr(�� 'l�onsistelto cents per copy. '.,' ,��_- :;� .ne.-:,;;;"Send for Complete List. "i� �M�jJ Ord�r Dept. ';;.: ��A. G. SPALDING &: BROS.' ,:{:. :sJ.stem of126 Na!:";3u St., New York. �rJ :-. this co1"9 Wabash Ave .. Chic.;��� clWacter..��?_ .. Thi�. �:.f; �!fie Supr,'�_! �: : "This i,!' �'any n.1ORnition ,commonnales hnIaIcral (,may tak,lIlunkip:-t:,� facts, 1of nationWallace,o, Perhap'-; fact ',hat::.:� of OUr la,� ..[-*-,-�---i:-,,-::;,-. -�'-, --"';----- ...... '.-1. is. to be_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • ���� ���J �U. s ..:. tion invo'Illin��:aoIicitor of� Writes ACiv:.�Profesaor SterD&tionaIn1CEO. FBOSTCO • .xu-aJlodoll ....... 17.8.A. (Copyright.THE UNIVERSITY PANTATORIUMJ1 James 1paPresses your suit every weektor $1.00 p e r rr onth5645 Cottage Grove Ave. and shines your shoesTop floor ofThe Pullman Company Build'gCor. Adams St. and Michigan Ave.Unclassified students are expectedto attend chap�1 in Mandel Hall, themen on Monday at 10 :30, the womenon Tuesday, at the same time.Fnones :Office'. H.P. 1788. Residence, H.P. g61mr. jfrtb mil. {Barmmt. 1L\.alpb mll. {9armDENTISTS6249 Kimbark Ave.Hours Q-12. Cor. 63rd St1:30-5·The, Yates' - Fisher Teacbers'Agency.Paul Yates, Manager.Room 740 Fine Arts Bldg.203 Michigan Ave. Chic:aco, m\Ve secure positions for college anduniversity professors, normal school,high school, grade, and all kinds oj�pecial teachers. We also have astrong department of athletics. Writ�or call for further information."YOU AND I MUST WORKFOR OUR UNIVERSITY:".DR. JUDSON TO STUDENTS(Continu\!u from page I.)Men Working Hard to Get in BetterTrim Than at Last Meet WithAmong these were communication�from the' Senior College Council, th(.'Cap and Gown. and the Daily Ma­roon. The executive committee ofrhc Reynolds Cluh met and voted toefra w ,up resolutions cxpressing theple:tsurc of the club :tt the selectionof th4.' new presideDt.:\g:tin. at the Prom. last night.Pre�id(.'nt 'Judson was. as he ex­pressed it, "mobbed." His appear­:tnce in the gallery was greeted withcheers that m:tde the gym ring, andth� insistent crics for a speech weretin;!lly :lI1s\\,crcel hy the newly electe(lhc:tel of the University. In this�peech, Dr. Judson took occasion todecl:trc himself most sincerely inter­ested in all student activities. Hecalleel the �tll(l�nt period the happiesttime of :\ man's life. a time on whichhe could look back from his l:tterliie when hc needed to h;l\'e his soul,ref-c"hed. He called on the student�to rel11el11hcr th:tt thcy all belongedto the �amc University.that all should!'tancl together :tnd devote their beststrcnt!th to the welfare of their Alma)fater. BRYANT Ii gUnONBusiness CooegeVarsity Ten Chi�o Players on Illinois andChicago' Freshman Teams-MeetSaturday Evenir:g.Track and baseball cancii\lates arebusy working at Illinois. Coach Gillis busy preparing his men for thecoming meet with Chicago. It isgenerally' feared at Illinois that Chi­cago will win the meet, for it isclaimed that the added advantagewhich Chicago will have from beingin her own gymnasium will be toobig a handicap for the Illinois meno o\'erc<;>me.'Burroughs made the biggest 'heavet h:. t has ever takcn place in the Illi­nois gymnasium the other day, whenhe put the shot 43 feet four inches. Ifthis lad keeps on he will likely provethe best all-round weight man inthe west. Several of the men have... hown exceptional ability this year,wei if they show added improvementin the Chicago and Michigan meets,:t is probable that the rooters wouldconsider fa,,·orably a suggest;on tos�nd them to Philadelphia nextspring. The Chicago-Illinois freshman bas­ketball game which will precede thecontest between the two universityteams at U.rbana Saturday' evening,has 'an especial interest in that all theplayers are from Chicago, and threeon each team are Lewis Institutemen. The Chicago 1910 team winconsist of Page, Hoffman, and Fans,Lewis· Institute, Hubble, Wheaton,and Cleary, Oak Park, The Illinifreshmen are Rennacker, Watson andSommerfeldt, Lewis Institute, Pop­perrus, North Division, and Thomp­son, Wendell Phillips.The Varsity' squad will consist orCaptai.n Houghton, Schommer, Geor·gen, Buhlig, Carter and Steffen. Offen SuperiorAdvantages in.• Business ·Tra;n;ng.�AND�.Stenograph, ••DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOLStudents May Enter at Any Time.H. W. Bryant, Pres.L. Brent 'Vaughan. U. of C, '91,Mana&er.315-321 Wabash Ave. PATRONIZETBt.' :�UNIVERSITY ., PHARMACY":;AQ F. 5,:;;11 �'-t'etR. R. BOWAN. Prop.-- - -- ------THE DAILY MAROONIS AS GOOD ANINVESTMENTAS YOU CAN MAKE.HAVE YOU INVESTED?AN AD. IN� J� #'._..... �__ " ��., .. .Ar -... ��.� .. '•�. c. MOORE. :rJ.,O���T.-ot " 272 East 55th Street. Chicago.... ..... _ ..... TBLaPHon HYDE PARK _.. ,. ,,'