VARSITY MEN IN F. R. MEET CaMMITTEES 'RUSH FINAL " 'I�P�OLDS w��'S·.POSITION GRATITUDE KEYNOTE ATPREPARATIONS FOR PROM T�'::�o:!tS:�D::nW;:==: FUNERAL OF DR. HULBERTt. : .' r" --. - Chapel Yesterday - "FreshnlanM\1Sica1 Program lot Thirty D�c� Tricks� Not to be Tolerated.":"'_Will Have Twenty-eliht Dances • __University 'athletes who are entered and Four:tExtras. Woman's position in the Universityin the First" Regiment meet tomorrow --- was ardently upheld by Dean Shep-night, -have been given prominent Dance Programs Issued-Financial ardson in Senior Chapel=yesterday in Fellow Members of Dr. Hulbert inplaces on. the handicap list. In :111 Success of the Affair is Declared the denunciation of the "freshman Divinity School Faculty Speak atbut one of the four events, the forty to be Assured. trick" of throwing snuff in the faces Exercises in Mandelyard dash, in which Chicago men will of some University women at the car-Secretary of the Treasu� Shaw compete, they have been put at With the 1907 Washington Prom nival week before last.' Gratitude for the great benefit con-will speak tonight at 8:00 m Kent scratch. Schommer in the high jump, bu� one day off, final prepara�ions a�e Some University men who were at Ierred on the University through theTheater, under the auspices of the Captain Russell in the shot ut and being rushed by the committees in the carnival scattered snuff around life of the late Dean Ed Baker Hul- -political Economy Club of the Uni- Jacobs in the pole vault �re· all charge, the chairmen of ' which are'at the, floor and threw it in the eyes of bert was the keynote of the simplet yresity. The subject on which he scratch men. In the dash, Steffen and I'ast realizing the success 'of their ef- some of the girls in the hall way 'of but impressive funeral exercises heldwill,talk will be : "Foreign Markets Taylor are given 2 feet; Allen Graves forts. Earl D . .' Hostetter,' general Lexington gymnasium. in his honor i.n Mandel Hall yester­for American Labor." and Henneberry 4 feet: and Quigley, chairman of the Prom, announced "It must be distinctly .understood day. Mandel was comfortably filledWith these facts known, much Hough and Pomeroy 5' feet. In 'Ie yesterday that the big social -affair that men cannot come to' this Uni- when promptly at I :30 the processionspeculatio� is c�rrent as to what S�� �hot put, Schommer gets I foot 3 would commenc� at 8:30 o'c1oct:"The versity and have the students and filed into the hall to the strains of theretary Shaw Will actually say. It IS Inches, Kelley 3 feet and Watson 5 grand march wtll start at 9 0 clock. faculty 'stand for such a trick," said processional played by the Universityknown that he holds some very pe- feet. Iddings, who is out of. resi- Follo�ing the march a program.oi Dean Shepardsc:m' in chapel, The organist, Miss Reider.euliar theories regarding the solution dence this quarter, is placed at twenty eight dances and four =r= women in this U.niversity hold a high The services were opened by read­of several problems tha� are bother- scratch in the pole vault. Parry and wil be held, supper' being served 'be- position jn the estimation of the men. ings from the Scriptures by present-day economists, and the Noll are also entered in tb- shot put tween the fourteenth and fifteenth That high standing of respect and re- Mathews, the Junior Dean of the;subject on which he is scheduled to una!.taChed.. 'dance_.s in Hutchison Hall. BWoD'S gard must ··not be lowered one bit by Divinity School. Professor ,Mathewstalk may furnish opportunity for air- n':"';'.-!de· o-f thes f t th Chicago Orchestra will furnish ·the such' disgraceful actions. It will not also read a selection .from John Bun-. . :\.� e our even s, e. ... ..109 some of these views, • University will .not be represented in: musical program, which has been an� be tolerated one instant." yan's "Pilgrim's Progress," whichSec�etary S�aw has d�wn muc� the meet. Coach Friend does not nounced as follows:. .. Following along this line De�n Dr. Hulbert read at the funeral of the'attentlon to himself by his efforts to want to take chances on having his . I. Two Step' .. ' Our Direct�r Shepardson asked the men and wo- late President Harper, and whichmakta. � theb natdion's .. currency more men injured on the ,First Regiment 2. Waltz Golden SUns'et men if they did not care what their hw_as thought to apply particularly to. e snc y eposrtmg government t k hii h h id b d f . . " fellow students thought of them. im,. W II S .b dIrac, w IC e consi ers- a or 3· Two Step Arrah W3jit� Th a d bmoneY.111 • a. treet on s to a - them. He has been working the men 4 .. '; \Valtz .... Wine, Women and Sopg "The lowest thing that can be said.p fe prayFer wkl�s nJexht oueref thYJay strmgenciesm the money market .. h .t d d h -h T S 'Se Fid I" of a man or woman" he said "is that ro essor ran In 0 nson, 0. e:' .' • .:. w 0 are en ere . an opes to . ave 5.· wo tep, . . . . . . . mper I e IS "d f Ch h H' .' .d, ASlde fr�m this, his ad�ocacy of a them. show well. '. '.'," he or she is not respected by his or epartment 0 urc IstOry .ansbl'p subsidy and free • ·.ff. zones has 6, Waltz Amoureuse H ·1 ti I th f . th ... 'her fellows." • om1 e ICS. . n e coune 0.: 0, .created a great deal of comment. The . 7· Two Step The Prospector . . prayer �ofessor' Johnson"said.·"W� .. ,'. :.:.l. .. . . free tariff zone is at present the sec- REYNOLDS nuB Clul!lN; .. ",',.. .. 8�. 'V,al�z • ." . �',. :� �:.: •. I?�11� ... ��lla.r� _-- . - .: . :�'.' '. ':'_ " :"�.f'.:.-;'-: "W'our�ijoT praY-Tb'P�u·Pb;rith;.'�, btit� �.:.' :�\;:�}1�.-".. . . �..;:- '-'-"u--a�--..n_""'FO��R-O=-m·O< m ·'9.·,�_,w.o' St�: .. ·..... 1'he .Lasf.-U.I'\ _ •• _- . , .... :Aif;::;_ ftb�'s ,pet. bobby. :aifd_-may -very-wefr n� I1IU1 ,,� -- _.---. .. . ; give thanks. for bini. He has joined . ).:: t::t:·�be the subject for his talk tonight, a� , '0. Waltz ...............•.. Vlol�s. lIEN 'AI!lllOll :OII&IIAL the innumerable . saints. we, offer ,::-�"7�t;, 'it is proposed as a means tn secure a Hewitt for President, T�mp' leton for '12'·. Two Step .......•.•. Policy King', � i pra'yers for ourselves and, thanles for �::'�i;:1, ·fomgn market for products of Amer- ·Wattz .. , Ever or Never Dean... CiDtoCk DIawa C . m.;oJ his great life. May' his children and �;: �,:;:�;jicm labor. The' pl�n proposed by Vi�!.::m� an: �er, �pr 13· TWf? Step ..........• The Tourist frO� -;ec:ord. . of �pby :8 grandchildren .tread the paths he has ':��,::.,�. Secretary Shaw is to have certain ave 0 ponents Z3·, Two1.Step � Mlle. Modiste Women. ! followed and .:arty �n his worthy _-1' -znnes in the Unite.d States into ·which .: 15.:..'T.wo Step .. �. �-:: ...•... Gate City . . : name. May God' '. ral·se up a multi·tUde . i ��h� Voting for Mea No_ted Win 0,,- Ityi, ....-It , "'T-'F"'n�e : 1'," , -- '. :' -."_.�.�.t."� ra� ;naterials may be shipp�d in from' cur' March I�Evay Club- Mem- ; ''i1f$.::��.f � ..... �\. {...... -: Ki' SayS; that on the Whole �omeo Ate of such gracious characters." ,. � -foreign countries, tariff free, and be her Has a Vdte.· .' �T::af�tep .. '. �"'.. '� n� Better. Studen�es LOwer: After a selection on the organ by ·.,';.:t�;�_;.�.r,::.,made up into the finished product :I'·��31t: ., '}. ···\-li· ert�7 ,�f.. Second Year. ' Miss Reider, Professor Ernest D. '-:,.exclusively for the foreign' trade. Mr. . Reynolds Club' Nominees 19-�tr.",o,�· Step�. .< •• ::�. C�, ege :e , _ . , Burton, head of the department of ,- ,��-t:a: �";t::r��';'h"!a:�:t ��;I��:;;: President , W. F. Hewitt =:: �:otz ;t�;,·:·.�·:.��"i'!C;;; That women are,tbe better learners New Tcistamen'.;!t�r;:;:�;::'sInt::�. .' .• ','�,:.. �.�.""::�_c.,..:;.._. It. goods wI·thout,mak·l·ng any hole's Vice-P.reside�t F. H. Templeton 22. Walt� •. Hottte'of MY� Childh� and r�citers'dand. �enl are theh modre pretation made. ,'_- . " ..' inventive -an ,ongana were t e. e- said in part: -in 'the tariff wall. Secretary : :. " K. H. Dixon 23 Two Step .. The MaScot of t�e �uctions made by Dean. MacClintoclc "Thele are four ambitions with ��Member.;; of the Poiitical Economy D. S. Benton Troop ye.sterday in women's Co!:ege of Phi�- which man may ennoble his life: first, '. '::.:fOub -expressed considerable anxiety TrCflsurer J. P.Dille·24- Waltz · : Tout Paris ·osophy. The conclusions made by tha.t of goodness, second that of ";,\i, d H. B. ·Roney 25. Two Step The. Ginger,b. read . ,'-_,yester ay over the reception the Uni- Cadets Dean MacClintock were based on in- .Iearn:ng. third that of friendship, _and ' . .:.t;nrsity would be able to accord her Librarian A. W. Kramer.' - .. vestigations of the records of the fourth, that of achievement. We can- .' .��: distinguished gue!;t upon so short 26.. Wal�z ':. : •.•, ... �. �.Murwunng . Waters �embers of Philosophy College of not devote ourselves exclusively to • -.:�.Ab h' d h T S' :R:'" ky/t{ d to Dublin - ".�.:�,�.:'. notice. Th('y said they wanted to see '. out �ne undre members of t e ZJ· wo :�.k "",�, .', 'loa. ..• �pmen. In commenting on the rec- one of these aims alone. But to :�/:;� }lig crewd in rKent tonight. Reynolds Club gathered in the thea- .:!S·. Waltz.::. � � � .. Beau�les Charm ords made by the members of the col- blend all these. in one life is to maketer of the. dub building yesterday . . �ras ... ; ....::;,. " ". lege Dean MacClintock said: one's life an harmonious whole, for�POSTPONE ORATORICAL afternoon and nominated· the above Two . Step" .. ��t:a��ond �stl�e�. ··Our··records �how that the grades no life is quite complete which lacks. CONTEST TO 'NEXT WEEK men fot. office in the club for th.� Waltz ... "!im����ce an t e, r . are' very eccentric; they 'vary greatly anyone. But it is not a life lack-. calendar year beginning . March I, on Senior Extn:,..·· We find also that on the .whole, wo- ing any of these that we are contem-�ct With ;;;;;;; Induces Change whj�h �at,e the annual ele<:tion witl Chicago. men are the better students; that is plating. The. man we mourn, whoseof Date-Band Concert to Precede [be held. An exceedingly attractive and well they are better learners. and recjte�s victory we celebrat�, had all theseAs "Bill" Hewitt was the only designed program has been sec�red but they' are not so original �d i�- ambitions. He sought goodness andSpeeches nominee for the presidency. he wilt by the printing committee. Although ventive as men. This, I suppose, is loved knowledge. He loved and cul­aet the office withont contest. unless the lack of assurance of funds made due merely to a difference in, their tivated friends and bound them toTilt' ,late of the annnal University I':> ., 'bl h I thO further nominations are made by It ImposSl_ e t� ave ea er pro- minds. Women dodge mathematics. him by .. bonds ·of steel. because. ,ofrator.,:11 Contest, to choose ··the h d·d d . . .petition within the next two days. It gran:-s, t e one' eel � upon � yv_�� "'lfn"and�s�ie-irce 'and take languages two qualities'.he possessed i,nOrator ,"ho shalt represent Chicago . t . f . I th {nl" . . • .. is unlikely that ther.e will be anyone comm.: ee IS ar more. nov� _ .. a.n �- .md history as far as possible. There .a marked dearee-frankness and gen-m th, Xorthern Oratorical meet, - Th h I f �.1..- , else named for the po�ition. Temple- Dlcr,- programs. at t e socIa a -seems to be. a great. question about erosity. He also loved life among.... 5 )l ,'!l postpon.ed to some evenintY . . � fl· .� ton as' vice-president and Kra,mer as fair ". 'Ill: e nan�la <-, s.ucces.�.u· 1� ·this.. Is A.. '_.m. er.e.lY. that they do not men and the doing of those thingsnext ",\"l'k, not yet decided upon. III . -" d � -P 1:brarian'<will also probahly 000 in p.ractlc! y' .... sure.,\. .'. like it or that there. is actually some neces!'ary to be done. It was mod-r0i�'''"or Blanchard does not want r. Th b f hth 'without opposition. e mem ers' 0 t e committees 10 etement lacki.r;g in their brain which esty, 'not lack of ability. that kepte CO�it�st to conflict )Vith the Prom. pH . The caucus also elected si men to cbrge of the.. rom, are: . makes the'sc studies distasteful to hl'm from wn·tl·ng books. He cho;;ee a, Ii wishes to arrange a band Ea D 'Rserve as election comm sSloners. General Chalrman- rt . os- them? "Another thing: students do rathe; to devote his time helping menConc('rt to precede and liven np the Those .named were: J. A. Liver. \Vil- letter. not follow up subjects which they tha.n to writing.�air .,nl) to give the contestantsmore (me for practice. Ham McCracken. Paul V. Harper. Reception Committee - Harold st:trt. They take one quarter of it "Such men never die. Such a life'if Henry H. HanherO'er, John C. Bur- Swift. chairman; Miss Ed;th Terry. arod drop it. because they do not like never ends. Tn his C?oincr we suffer.!' (" 'i:'. Patterson, Mott, Ferguson. {'> � ,.,P, \v ton and Peter F. Dunn. The club's William B. Gray, Miss Helen Norris, it. This is a mistake. .They shouM a loss. but his life has been :\ richerr .. '. ander and Leviton are theC t constitution provo ides that these six William E. Wrather. at least take enough of it to under- g. ain, and our heritage cannot be ta-0.0 (·,..[:tnts in the Final. They willm men should have entire charge of all Finance Committee - John F. stand the "a,luc of the distastef'.ll ken from us.eet this morniing at 10 :30 in Kentt d the details of the bal1oting. Moulds. chairmaao;, Donald Abbott. firsftpart. . "Professor Charles R. Henderson,o ('(ide upon the exact date of the ..r,....conte,..t. The polls wilt be open from 9 a. N�than L. K.t-ue.ref'. ".... ; "'1pe records vary greatly duriJtg 'a of the department of Ecclesiantic:lIm. untit, 5 p. m., on March I. and' Arrangeme�t .c�ltl�ittee -Sanfom st&�t's first quarter, due to his ad- Sociology. and University Chapl:lin,every rriember of the club is entitled Lyon, chairman; Miss Estelle Ru� justing himself to the University. Tn was the next talker. He also sound­to vote. Official ba1tot!=l. with the ter, Peter Dunn, Harold Atteridge, the second year the marks are usual- ('cI a note of cheer. rather than ofnames of the candidates. win be pre- Focrsis Brown. ly lower but steadier tha,n those' of grief. He said:pared. and the election wilt be simi- Printing Committee _ R. Eddy) the first year. This is a perfectly Ie-I "One thing among all uncertain-(Continued on ,age 2.) (Continued on paae 2.) '(ContiDaed oa Pap 3-)' (Continued on p3ge 4-).., :) r � Rt..:..). �, �/�':;";'> �'\ :--:,.:..;: '1"."_ •• ,.",="" ,..r� -t",,{_: �/ ':� ••. _ ,�. >� " 'I: " e , :,,"; • �<",.�: .:� � �4';. �:."i.�.._...,".,:::::� <:.::'''� ", :;.,'-..�..,� ,. ".�: :,,"4' \\� ��.:�,. � -�;:-�.,�.. �:�-.:�.,.;:�� .. :.-. ;:: . �·:"-"�'''·.·��':2·''''?�· ; �'".-�,\�':·�'��;:"':f.."'-�:'::'_:'::',?�?,.f:'.:-'''''':�:':':'.'':.'',' '.� --: , ..• '.' ',' " '. ':::--.' . '.; <,' .'� •. "". 1; .•..--voL' v. No. 88. CHICA\.6() WEDNESDAY, FEB. �, '1907, . Price Two Cents• iCRETARY SHAW WILLTELL OF FOREIGN TRADESpeakers Point Out University's Debtto a Life Such. as That of DeanHulbert.University Athletes Put on EqualFooting With OppOnents in Meetat First Regiment ' Armory-Chi­cago Enters Four Events."Foreign Markets for American La­bor," Subject of His Talk in KentTonight.)lay Tal<e Opportunity to Air His, peculiar ViewS on EconomicProblems.. ---Leland Stanford university willmake an effort to have the ChicagoSymphony Orchestra give a concertthere this spring. Von Fie1etz is con­dacting the orchestra." .. � .>" "_"�:;'''':�';<_��.''�':'�}I : .... �, "I' •• �. ",�-:"':�:> i�:L��'�'" � '''>;>.�':�:<�; �< . � : ...... 'l.. !�.; ". , •. ;.;. :�'1-�;- "'::. �.;:�:: -, : •. �.;;:.�.;.�:.���;'"�(_\. ?"(�.�: \�\ .. ��;(."" �., .THE DAILY IlAROOH, CHICAGO. WEDNESDAY; FEB. 20, 1907,SHOREYC�er6wnkieTAILORS185 189 Dearborn St.JQtYNOLDS CLUB ,CAUCUS.NAIIES lIEN Foa OFFICES's devoting his life to relief W.orkamong the fishers of Labrador,Both of these speakers are m. ofprominence who have accomplishedsomething, and their talks will beworth while. There is little need to lar in all respects. to municipal . or na­urge University students to the full tional c.ontests.·appreciation of these opportunities. Last year and the year before.therewas no contest, only one man beingALPHA DELTS GET PLACE • n�minated for each office. At theIN THE BOWLING FINALS irst electoin in the club, however,�here was a spirited 6ght, and al-Defeat Delta Upsilon in Closest Con- most every member of the club cas�test of Tourney Last Night. his vote, It is expected that much'nterest will be shown in the electionBy a phenominal brace and timely on March I.display of team work, the Alpha The outgoing officers of the clubDelta' Fbi fraternity bowling team de- are: President, E. D. Hostetter: vice­feated the Delta Upsilon five in the president, W. B. Gray; secretary, E.closest and best rolled match of the G. Felsenthal; treasurer, D. P. Ab�interfraternity series. Struggling in 'bott. W. A. McDermid, who wasTi­the semi-finals to decide who shall 'brarian, is not in residence this quar�­meet the Delta Kappa Epsilon team ter,.'in the final contest, the two frater- William Francis Hewitt is a Jun­nities presented their best bowlers, 'or a member of Beta Theta Pi, theall of · bowled consistently, Three Quarters Club, the Skull and- Defeated by ony nineteen pins in Crescent, the Iron Mask, is presidentthe first game the Delta Upsilon team )f the ,Juni.or Class, was a member Phone Hyde Park-16. 243 EAST 55th STREET,fuught hard and d �e end .of �e � ilie �.o�baU �am bd bU, �s �I��������������������������������.. the casr of the "Rushing of Raxes,"record game had gained a lead .01over fifty pins. The third game, was chairman of the Finance Corn-whieh was the "rubber," tested the mittee.. 1906 Juni.or Prom, and is aabilities of both teams, the Alpha m(;mber.of the Brownson Club.Deltas being victorious by a' com- Frank H. Templeton is a Junior,fortable margin and winning the con- '1 member of Alpha Delta Phi, of th"etest by a total of 2390 to 2302. Three �Quarters Club, of the ScoreThe' excellent team work of the Club, of the Iron Mask, was a mem­Alpha Delts in their final' game, in er.of the baseball team in 1905 andwhich they totaled 884, made it p.os-: 1906, and is captain this year, and hassible for them to set the mark f.or been .o·n the f.o.otball and swimmin,ghigh game. Capps,.of the winners, squads.·traveled at a fast pace in the Kart" H. Dix.on is a Juni.or, a mem-Emphasis was given �.o a g.o.od pre- last game and �eg.otiated a t.otal .of ber .of 'Sigma Chi, .of the Sc.ore Club;cedent yesterday in making the mem- 217, which bests the f.ormer record.of te Blackfriars, .of the Tiger's.orial ��ercises f.or Dean .of Sunderland at 214- M.organ,.of the Head,. was a member .of the Juni.orHulbert an .occasion f.or Delta Upsil.on team als.o had a goo4_ ·C.oUeg� C.ouncil, and has bee� atft­appreciation and' grati- eye arid by c.onsistent rolling with letH:: representative .of the Jumr Col­tude f.or. his life, rather marks '.of 202, 2O'J and 129 made an' leges, on the B.oard .of Student C.o':l­than m.ourning .over his average .of 179 1-3, the'reby tieing �r.ol, and chairman .of Phil.os.ophydeath. The appr.opriateness .of giving the previ.ous rec.ord .of Sunderland :.ollege.t.o such services the. air .of h.ope, rather f.or three games. J.ohn P. Dille is a, atha� .of � �nd <:l.ep�essi.o.�,' w�s . The c.ontest was an �mp.ortant �e, (llember .of Phi Gamma Delta. Hereahzed In the mem.onal· 'servtce for 'IS the winner will meet either this has been identified with the debatingPresident Harper last m.onth, and the week .or the early part of next week, :nterests .of the Juni.or C.olleges.g.o.od effect was s.o marked that it will the Dekes f.or the champi.onship Alvin W. Kramer is a Juni.or, ag.o d.own as a precedent. hanner. nember .of Washingt.on· H.ouse,.a Frank S. Youug. Phone H.P��� :Dean Hulbert's life was character- University Marshal, Chairman .of Jun- A· La d .'� .ized by h.ope and c�nfidence in the BOSTON PASTOR COMING TO :.or Day '06. Chairman .of the JuniOr Voung' me' .lca un ril·:-g.o.odness .of Creati.on; he always ATTACK PROFESSOR STARR 'C.ollege Council '06, Secretary of the I � I J • :1�; .�saw the bright side.,.of things. N.oth- Harper Mem.orial Fund, Managing BUNDLES BROUGHT IN AND CALLED FOR 'i:-:'� .ing eQuid be m.ore unfitting as a Rev. Herbert S. Johnson Coming to Edit.or .of .the 1907 Cap and GQwn, Shirts ...•...................... �.. Be Co!lars " � .'.t; ,mem.orial f.or him, than a day.of QUcago to Answer Statements 'lOn.or sch.olarship. '.05-'06 and 'Orr'O']. Cuffs . '.' � �. " ....•••...• 4C .. ;,'; � and m.ourning;· and n.o· cere- in Articles and Lectures. Dean S. Bent.on is a Juni.or, a 684-686 East 63rd Street "; 1m�yro�d·��.ore'QProp���� mem���ChlP��d��e�ue ������_��� __ ��_���������������_�).one! .of thanksgiving and praise. Rev. Herbert S. J.ohnson, past.or .of Quarters Club. He has w.o.n the Rey- -,� ,the Warren Avenue Baptist church n.olds· Club pool champi.onship. .TOM'. ASO' oSCR"COHOESL"T'aRAnd.. '..,�:'. �.'�.... , .•Again. tl!e annual ReynOlds Club.of B.ost.on, is planning t.o c.ome t.o Henry B. R.oney is a Juni.or, and a_caucus f9r:' .officers has c.ome· and Chicag.o within a few weeks t.o de- member .of Psi Upsil.on, the Scoregone, and about the liver a series .of addresses attacking Club and the Order .of the I r.on Mask.same interest as in pre- the statements made by Profess.orvi.ous years was mani- .Frederick Starr in his articles onfested. Disregarding "The Truth About the," andthe· merits .of the candi- in his public lectures, ac�.ording to adates pr.op.osed, it seems s.omewhat letter the B.ost.on past.or re­strange that f.or such imp.ortant stu- ceived at the U:oiversity yesterday.dent h.on.ors as the Reyn.olds Club Dr. J.ohnson, wh.o is .one .of the Board.officers there sh.ould be SIKh slight .of the Ref.orm Associati.on,c.ontes.t year t.o year. will' speak bef.ore several churches,H.owever, the p.oint is n.ot there. clubs and .other organizati.ons in theStudents cann.ot be forced t.o take an city.interest in affairs against their wilt:Interest must be spontaneous. But Columbia Gaias StaDfonf Professor.if there is n.ot en.ough interest t.o get Pr.ofessor Nathan Abbott, Dean .of> .out and n.ominate candidates. there .of the Law School of Leland Stan­.9ught n.ot be en.ough interest t.o create f.ord University, (1) Tuesday resigned�n undercurrent .of· strenu.ous disap- his positi.on t.o accept the chair. atproval of the Reynolds Club "'ma- C.olumbia to which he was recentlychine meth.ods." There has been an elected. Professor Abbott had al­open caucus at which ample opp.ortu- ready refused three .offers but thisnity was given for n.ominati.ons. If last .one seemed too tempting. Pres­n.ow the "machine" ticket goes in ident Jordan has expressed great reawith little opp.osition, let the grum- gret at l.osing .one whom he c.onsidershlers save their thunder until next one .of the greatest of teachers.January and manifest_ their disap-pr.oval by the legitimate, c.onstitu­tional meth.od-at the caucus elec- (C.ontinue� froUl pa&e I)om,·a •• Stud .. nt PubllcatiOD of tb. Ualyer.1t7 ot Cbleaao. H.E,,'ormerl,Thf' Unl ... nlt7 uf (,bh:.KO W_IlI.fFO"Dd�Tbe W .. kI7. OcL 1. 1892,Tb. Dall.f. Oct. I. 1tM)2. THETAILOR. 332 Republic BuildiD,135.00 COLLEGE SPE':I "L.:D�ert'd .. S4l("oDd·ela.. Uall at tbe Cblcago I'a.tom�.SU!Js<'rlptioD price, $3.00 per 7ear; '1.00tor 3 months, SubecrlptioDa recelYed atthe Maroon Omce, EIlIa Han, or at th.­I··uculty Exchange. Cobb Han. Ordentakeu lJy wall or telephone. "7de Park4:!U. University Style $3.00 per Doz.Student's Special $3.50 per Doz,It. 1-:01)\' MATHEWS, Managing EdItor.Jo:DW AJ�D G .• 'ELSEN1·UAL. New. EdItorI.U'l'HI-:lt I •.• 'EllNALD, Athletic EditorGI-:OIW E E .'ULLEIt. 8u.lnes8 Manager They Fill that Empty Space at Home.efm 0 tr' g _boto �tu)JioASSSOCIA TE EDITORSC. W. Paltaer,A. W. UeDden!OD. I!ernard I. nell.l'restOD Po. G ....WarreD D. ,,'oster. 111.'1,,10 J, AdMms.During Jan. and Feb. We Are. Making'.(For U. of C. Men only.)$10.00 and $12.00I" .. ter F. DUDD,J�rome "'ru'!,k, w, P. ��racken.Hurry A. 'Hansen.P •. W. l'lol;ertoD, IIl1rv.·)' H. l-'u."·r. JIW. J. UalD81urtber. Trousers and Vests for '7.00 to further advertise our clothes amolJ, �the college men.Our leader;s special quality silk 'ined fvening Dress Suit foi'$60.00. H: .'� �' ... :. �I"rlnted by the Maroon l'rftlS474 �t tmth StreetI'bom! Uyd.. Park 3001for HisLifeWork 16th and Idi�De 16th St. Livery .��"Riding AcBdemy,:::Grati�de Calumet 251High-Class Saddle and Harness Hones for Sale. ; :'.: ; jH.o�es SchooledSend for Circ:ular. Open Evea�,1'.! 511 KIMBALL H�LL, CHICAGO.MANDOLIN LESSONS. $1.50-SameOldStory COMMITTEES RUSH FINALPREPARATIONS FOR PROM 'Music Furnished for���======�======= All' Select Occasions.(C.ontinued page 1.)Mathews, chairman; Miss Myrt�Judson. Flint Bash, Miss Eva Jessup. Phone Harrison 803\Paul A. Buhlig. Paul Gray. .. !I .. ..(-'Dec.orati.on C.ommhte� Katherin� �����������������������-��������-Nich.ols, chairman; W. J. Cuppy, Wil­'iam Hewitt, Miss Edna Y.ondorf,Miss Grace Barker, A.' M. B.oyer,Miss Anne Davis, Miss MargueriteScanlan. P. Whittier Pinkert.on, Har­ry Meff.ord. WANTEDl\,Ian 'fop High �choolprincipafship in Oreg.on. Latin and ·�,athematics. $1,000. W.ork to etIIIIk}:mence immediately. The Yates-Fish cr Teachers' Agency, Paul "Yat���fanagcr, ?O3 Michigan Ave., Room I :-:S10S Cottage GroTe�. of C. PJaDtOV1'aphr.r.The Psi Upsilon house at Syracuse.N. Y.. burned last week, with a loss.of $7,000 on the h.ouse and a largeamount on pers.onal pr.operty. N.oone was� 1T� your want . ads t.onail,y Maroon • .z Hyde Park. ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE andSTORA.GE COMPANYPhone Hyde Park 571. Kimbark Av. I:Fifty.Siztb .. ··!The Cleanest and Best Kept StoraceWarehouse in the CityFurniture and Pian.os M.oved, Stored, Packed, ud;-­Shipped t.o aU parts .of the world. 300 Private St��.age R.o.oms. Large Parlor Exclusively. f.or �;..Rooms f.or trunks and Wheels. Large Room f.or Carriages, Buggies ..t,�Sleighs. TRUNKS TO AND FROM ALL DEPOTS.' . �:;Local Transfers f.or Baggage, Furniture, Packages, etc., at sh.ort � ..Special Attention Given to U.nivers :ty Orden. -l:�. :�-�. ;,. ..�;::�.�:":;�....... � .. � ,,��':.�����.:}.�.< ��:T.y,: .. ��·-;�;��.�·�::�.¥���i_:t�;)�.'1>�;Si�;.:.�::::.·-��.... :.:�::..... �.n�• ...;. . .......:<.:..:�:-:.......::•• �:.:...-;.;..��;.:..: .. �... :.:.'.i..i.• ;.;.,.;,;,:.. ,.�•..;;•. -,;.•. ;;.;.,�-'_""'..;.;..;;,. ..:.• .:..'o....:..=-...;...;"�• .;;::.:-;.;,.:;,.;' .;..i;_•.•;;....;;...;,.. _-.::..�..:.\.:.....:;...�,!..• ....:::.�:;..:�.--:::,.:..::-:..::.:...;;',�/_...:.-..;,.-.;;,:��::.i��;.;.���:,.;.:..:;;·:·�.;....:;;;..",.,.;.".;,,;;;;,;;,;.D�...e:.;;_IiiLi IliiiiiilIIi�.�I.:"'\ti.ons. FOWNESGLOVES GOOD one of the factors of life. Cultivateyours by having' your ph.otographicw.ork at -The University is excepti.onally for­tunate this week in having as visitingspeakers tw.o men .of ' ,Two Noted n.ote in the c.ountry t.o- WILL BE WORN LONGER THISSpeakers day-Leslie M. Shaw, SEASON THAN OTHERS-THATThis Week S�retary of the United IS, THAN OTHER GLOvaa.States Treasury, andDr. Wilfred T. Grenfell, the'man who MARTYN'S MAROON STUD10 �tio. 1A )leetinLiteritureaftertlOOn ;'an .organizLiteratureeraIY t.opilkam and CI·gi�at.ors.edmgs cThe . nextRoom 62,. invittd. TCharles • 1Dwight ApIbsen's Hlcussi.on.illCHIGAWolnrine5Eas. Michigarfailing toof the "Bitided atto �end -s�ger, to NDODS atten.ment .of 1in the easThis isf Michiganwhich givevermes ar"big nincchanned c•• f� ..Johns"JimmieCarlisle'soOly IndiCamp .on·ter kn.owllf�r N.orthas assist�Ibdra1i�""ond dev.: f�ll, - and '� Warner '"�1:1e.PlansDew gymle4 at PUIt�ree st.oare·t.o bebing'r.oOl:On 'the�emorialand shmc�ntain t'to be 16ptnded tliA t.o be ITQURN:J�n'-Lace'.. ,,�." Vester.. liard t.ouElli.ot byOVer SiltThis aman anclthe cvefand PO\Sheld.on.In theO'Brian.O'Brian't.o C.oUiTlincl�1plays C.the eVefand Bur.:;:..,.: ... :"", .J. :�;;..,�... �. _.._,-1The �OJ>e ... tioObe"1ina c.ollcJ;:"to stri\tr 1Vaysmotive� �oIlt.;: . �..THE DAIt.,Y MA_�OON. CHICAGO, WED�ES�AY. FEB. 20, i907,LECTURESi w"'�r4 '��.I:.1'.ii;i( ',)..�.I!a(S; "{ _.Go,.�.l'U:i- _vit� OIU\r.lr4AL, �� .: .... .,. -.. -f ..' .. . t: ........4., THE HOTEL l\4AROON, ;,' FIFTY-EIGHTH AND DREXEL, AVENUE.A �odern, First-Class Hotel, only a block from the University.��peclally adapted to take care of the student's patronage. 'A �eetin� of the Literary Club of The University Lecture Association guimate drop because It is necessary A lunch room and a first-class cafein connection with the HotelLiterature College was held Mond",:y has announced its program for the aOt' our records to nuctuate until we A place where you can board regularly at a reasonable cost.afternoon at 4 o'clock. The .' club IS season at the different centers. The can get our galt a 1I1.l then go ahead COME AND TAKE LUNCH WITH US TODAY.'n or�nization of the students of courses include lectures by D� Toyo- �teadlly. 1n lfie third �ea� howeve� ��������������������������������J�terature College interested in lit- kichi lyenaga,. Ph, D., Professor Ed- the standa. d suould rase, and if itcrary topic�, Messrs. Carr, Rubin- win Earle Sparks, and Dr. Julius Von ... oc:; uot, tuere IS sometning wrongbm and Charles Leviton were the Bernauer. Professor Igenaga, who .�.':Il rue work:''ginators. It is planned to have will lecture on Japanese subjects, is Dean l\lacLlllltock gave some inter­Idings every Monday afternoon. the foremost representative of Japan estmg statistics of tne records madeThe .next meeting will be held at on the American lecture platform. oy the members 01 the college. TheRoom 62. Hitchcock Hall. All are Professor Sparks, who will lecture average t;rauc lor last quarter was'invit"d. The officers of, the club a�e on subjects of American History, between .b m.nus and, C plUS. ThereCharles • Leviton. President, and has been identified with University were nine complete 'Iaitures, consn­Dwight Apcrs. Secretary. At present Extension lectures for, years. Before curing three pc. cent. 01 the member­Ibsen's Hedda Gabler is under dis- coming to the University of Chicago, ship or tue COl1eg� .r'nere werecussion. he was a member of the University of eleven conditions and two trailers.Pennsylvania faculty. Dr. Julius Von Wasbmgton a Rich ManMICHIGAN STILL FOR EAST Bernauer, who will lecture on Bohem- Dr. E. E. Sparks, professor ill theia and Bohemian subjects is also a ucpartment 01 history, spoke on .-----------�_iiiiiii.well known lecturer. . \'V ashington As a Citizen" to the C� ok)- , ·Wolyerines to Send Delegate to 0 In sEastern Intercollegiate. Monday evening at 8 o'clock, in the men of .Philosophy college yesterdayLincoln Park Congregational church, morning in Kent theater, taking thatb d su Dr. Toyokichi Iyenaga began a s'en'es' subject because, as he said" there FlSeUIPn-g PenMichigan's athletic oar, w 1 efailing to take action in the matter of six lectures on "Japan--1Her Peo- would be talks on Washington, theof the "Big Four" arrangement, de- pie, Ministry and Institutions.'" The statesman and general in plenty dur- Feided at its meeting Monday night following topics will be ,discussed on .ng the course of the week. He N°� � �end "Snipe" Fletcher, track man- consecutive Monday evenings: Feb. sketched Washington's affluence, the ':Fills itself.�ger, to New York to make a stren- 18. "The Land and Sea of the Mi- style in which he lived, his habits of Cleans itself.kado's Empire" (illustrated) ,. Feb. .rte and then devoted some time to No dropper.aous attempt to secure the reinstate--ment .of the Ann Arbor institution 25, "Old Japan"; March :I, "Women nis pleasures. Much of Professor the eastern intercollegiate. of Japan" (illustrated); March 18, Sparks' information was gleaned from Nothin� to spill."The New Japan"; March 25, "Re'tro- original documents and h'istorical ar- A dip In Ink, aThis is the first definite movespect and Prospect." chives. touch of thumbf Michigan has taken for some time •which gives indication that the Wol-. Tues�ay evening, 8 o'clock, in Abra-. "Washington r��e e�rly and ,did to nickel' cres-verines are still hoping to leave the ham Lincoln Center, Prof. Edwin ms work early, said Professor cent and the" . ., d Erie Sparks begins a series of six lee- 'Sparks, 'They didn't have an,. post pen is" full,. big nine' an break into the ready to write.charmed circle of the East. tures illustrating the period of Amer- mortem cereal foods in those days"ican history' from 1763 to 1800. The but instead Washington drank four .t::-'=��;:l:�ewelen-llaDcll .....course is announced under the g' ener- cups, of tea=s-that was the custom. Pm 01' caD �ppl7If you ll111at upon b'YlDCal title, "The Men Who Made the Na- After nine o'clock in the morning �==��::="Jimmie" Johnson, quarterback. of tion," and will consider consecutive Washington would go fox hunting 1t71:: aDdln81RateeeJec&���ca�Carlisle's famous' 1903 team, and t he Tuesday evenings the following top- on his big estate. Although worth a An1 make or �Ie !n0llll-only Indian ever picked by Walter ics : Feb. 19, "Benjamin Franklin, :the little over' $500,000 he was regarded �s::.� ="::Camp on an All-Ame;ican team, bet- Colonial Spokesman at the Court of as one of the wealthiest men of his :..w.::..�=;;_'tee known in the west as quarterback the King"; "Feb. 26, "Samuel Ada�s, time; his manor house was comparedf9r Northwestern, has been engaged the Leader of the Massachusetts Re- to the castle of a feudal lord; his ne-� assistant coach for -the Carlisle bell���"! ���rch_5�-:·;�I.ohn._A.c4ms,-t'ie gro slaves :werC?:;re�aine\rs." .. WJma.ado,oa8et�- ,-Ibdra��"" John���' will have th� sec- Promoter of Independence"; March "Washington ... never miss'ea' an ' ·,New.pap.r •• P.rlo4Ica •• aDeSODd eleven under his charge next 12, "Robert - Morns, the Fi";���ier' of election. In his diary you may read at.�OD."'.: f�l, 'and will also assist Head 'Coach the Revolution"; March 19, "Alex- that he often speaks of going to an At NO1\. �OWS: Warner with the' first team. ander. Hamilton the, Advocate of election, a distance of fourten miles. I Phoa� Free Dehvayf'!Stronger, Government"; March 26, I have looked up' the records of the U6 HJde Park 3i8 51th Street"George Washington, the First Prles- place where he voted and found ihat,�e to Have New Gymnasium. ident of the Republic" he never+missed coming to the ballot r---------------. " Telep1aoaa Hyde Park 18 aud tM 7,Plans have been received for the On consecutive Thursday evenings, box, ;And' he was always fra!nk aboutDew gymnasium which is to be erect- Feb. 21 to March 28,' Prof. Sparks his �;6t�; he wrote ij(his"ai�cy eached at Purdue. The building is to be will deliver jhe same· series of lee- rime 'tile names of th�' men he votedthree stories high. In the basement tures �m "The Men Who Made the for. " .are-to be the tank, locker rooms, rub- Nation" in -the West Side C�nter. "Washington was a big man illlbing rooms, baths and bowling alleys. Lewis institute. more ways than one," conti�ued Dr.Oa 'the first floor wilt be a large On consecutive Tuesday evenings Sparks. "He wore No. ·11 shoes and . _memorial hall, offices, locker rooms beginning 'March 5 a supplementary No. 12 boots. No- wonder that he - Resl�ence:, Phoneand sho'Yers. The tbird floor will course of four lectures on "Bohemia could outrun anyone of his time' for r@13 Arbngton PI. Lake V'iew :�c�ntain the gymnasium proper. It is "1Od Bohemians" will be delivered by you know by the laws of physics 'that Phone Harrison 16.t4to be 160xSo. and ,is to have a. sus- !lr,. Julius von Bernauer at Lewis the longer the pe!1dulum the bigger ,Goldsmith's Orchestraptnded track ten�feet wide. The tank �nstltut�. Each of these lectures will the swing. It is' said that 1 he couldiR to be laT��r than the Bartlett tank. be illustrated with. steriopticon views. toss a silver' half 'dollar across theThe topics considered by Dr, von Rappahannock at -its-southern branch.'n)URNEY OF POOL AND Bernauer' are: March 5, "Time of Set- But moneY" went farther in thoseBILLIARDS PROCEEDS tling and Glory"; March 12, "Time days than it does ,now." --'�of Reformation"; March '9. "PeriodJ�n and Powell WID at Billiards of Wa�s"; March 26,. "Nati�nal-Luce and Sunderland Victors A wakemng."a' PooL The endowment of Wellesley col-__ lege now amounts to $953,000.Yesterday afternoon in the bil- Arts to �ave Picture Taken Tuesday.liard tournament Jesselson won over At its meeting yesterday morningElliot by a score of '45 to 99. Powell Art College of men decided to haveOVer Silhl'Tman 12 to 92, ,ts picture taken next Tuesday. TheThis afternoon Paine plays Silber- -lance which was to be given to ArtsIDan anll �Icagher meets Erhorn. In women and Literature ':men and wo­the, evening Maxwell plays Gifford, men Thursday afternoon has beenand Powell trys for honors against postponed a week.Sbeldon,hI the pool contest Luce won overO'Brian. running '50 balls toO'B' .nan � 72. and Sunderland ran 135to Collin�s' 120.I Lind"I\'y pays Gittler. and Thomaspays Goodenow this afternoon. Inthe evening Luce nms with Hunterand BuTton with Sunderland. tol \..ontinue'�� 'froD{ page I.)Johnson to Coach Carlisle.A. McAdams:� Th. UD ..... ralt7••• Ft 0 r& .t.___ aoDDl:c.. 5N at. U4 Ja&..rk Aft. ChicagoI. Goldsmith, Director,tffice, Cable Piapo Compay,�Vabaah and Jackson. CKICAGOThe men' of Philos�phy CoJlegewill have their photographs takenfor the Cap and Gown next, Tuesdaymorning at 10:30 o'clock. This willbe a required meeting of'the college. BRYANT 11 STRAnONBusiness Collegeotfen SuperiorAdvantages inScience College of men did notmeet yesterday morning 1 ecause ofthe special meeting held last - week. •. 8usiri�ss Training ..• AND•• Stenography ••NOTICEThe meeting of the Literature Col­ege' of Women will be held Monday,Feb. 25 at 10�30, Cobb6A instead ofon Tuesday, Feb.2O.Pardue Seniors Plan Festivities.The Seniors at Purdue are planninga series of festivities to end their col­lege curriculum. A large committeehas been appointed to make arrange­ments for handling the large crowdof alumni and visitors which is ex­pected. Among the affairs planned:tee athletic events, performances bythe Ben Greet players. a reunionlunch on the campus: and' a ·facultyreception. � ' ..BfTWffNSfASONWf/GHTSIn BLACK,BLUf andGRAYSUITABLE WEIGHT FOR MOlTANY TIME OF YEAR.Suit and Extra Trousera, '30 to 'so.Also early wpmeDtIIof New SpriDC Wool­ens for thOle KoineSouth or to California.A. N. JERREMS, Manacer.Tailor for YOUDC lieD.Either store131 La Salle Street. ad.. Jacboa alvd.--_._----OUR SPRINGSTOCK 15 READYA large selection ofSpring, Overcoatings at:tern pting prices,200 styles of Fancy.Vestings.PRICESSait to orderOvercoats to orderFancy Vests..,_... ,TAILORWILLIAM JERREMS' 80N8.Uark and Adama a ..t'be Yates-' - Fisher T_ers'AgeDGJ.Paul Yates, ·lIanapr.Room 740 Fine AI't! Blq.203 Michigan Ave. Chicaco, mWe secure positions for colleKe aduniversity professors, normal Icbo6\!high school, grade, and all kinds of,;pecial teachers. We also ban astrong department of athletics. Write.or call for further information.Fhunes:Offic�. H.P. 1;88. Residence, H.P. g61.Jl)t.�"D. �I)r. .ltal", am. tlitlrtDENTISTSDAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ')249 Kimbark Ave.Students May Enter at Any Time. Hours Q-12.H. W. Bryant, Pres. Cor. 6Jrd St.I :JO-s.To Entertain Lit and Science lien.The men of the Colleges of Litera­ture and Science have been invited toan informal dance' to be giv�n by thewomen of Literature College Thurs­d?y, Ft:bruary 21 at'4 in the afternoonat the Reynolds Club. L. Brent 7auchan. U. of C, 'Ql,lIanacer.315-321 Wabash Ave.The !'tudent council system now in�.' ope.._tioll in Chicago will be tried atObe"1in college, which has installeda COllege s t f James M. Sheldon. director of a-th-.. '.. ena e 0 undergraduates, Lit lien Have Pictures -& strIve in 11 h ' b 'etics at Indiana has made up a sched-, a onora Ie and proper In place of the usual college meet-�':!S to adva.nce the interests pro- :ng the picture of the College of Lit- ule of eighteen baseball games foreL_ of the hfe and well being of erature men was tak�n Indiana's season, which opens April� eollqe.- mominO' at I yesterday If), Indiana will play Northwestern• 0:30· tbit' ,",. PATRONIZJtnaUNIVERSITY'"PHA.RMA.CY5f'lo E. 55th Street.R R. 80WAN, Prop.gj\e �oot �tuJictUll8AU.II&LL,.., ..... "An.Original Ideas aad Hxclasive Styles iaPHOTOCl\APHS.�I.1 to U •• , c. �, •••• t." . ""GENTLEMENWHO IIlsa fII'nu - -'B·u':'O"SS�IIIPIIIUTDc""ON" ,D�/;�::f��!��!!'HiD�psl .:' (Contin��4', .. �rom -page q ,. I dress Tomorrow ties is sure: the memory of a life thatis good and strong and Chrstian. OurDr. Wilfred T. Grenfell, the work- circle will be broken again and again.G A HT E R er among the Eskimos and poor fish- but those, who remain will have' theer men of Labrador will give an illus- memory . of the departed ones totrated lecture in �landel ,Hal� tomo� cheer them,· and en�ourage them.I������������������������������row at 4 o'clock. The lecture will be Whatever God does is good. Deangiven under the auspices of the Chi- Hulbert's influence lives on, and willcago Grenfell Expedition,which is en- con tin-re ,to live. He sowed alwaysdeavoring to raise funds to aid Dr. good seed .and most often on fertileGrenfell in his work. .During his soil, and his' influence, theref�re, livesfour day's s tay in Chicago, he will on and will continue for evermore togive nine lectures on the suffering of work in the right direction,I �he poor people of the frozen north. :'One cannot think of him alone, butDr. Grenfell has spent fourteen must also think of -what he did. Inyea: s among these people, seeking to all his actions he was essential'lybetter their condition by bringin� God's man. He stood in .all thingsthem food and clothes and by teach- for good and righ teousness. . All whoing and encouraging them, \Vhen he take refuge in God are secure, and hisf rst went among them, he found spirit rejoices in his victory."them, in their state of hardship and ,The exercises were concluded by.. __ ... �ALWAYS EASY ..... IlJ I toil. at the mercy of traders, whol P�ofe�sor Soares, of the departmentunderpaid them for their fish and furs of Homiletics, who pronounced the-and who overchargeel them for the benediction. The audience remainednecessities ,of life. seated until the procession and theDr. Grenfell has established four members of the family had passedhospitals in this barren .Iand where out. The members of the Pastors'one can get bed and food. Besides Association and the' active membe'rsthis, four co-operative stores have of the local chapter of Delta Kappabeen estabished where the fishermen Epsilon were present.The active pall bearers were: Pro-fessor George B. Foster, ProfessorShailer Mathews, Mr. Jesse A. Bald­win, of the Board of Trustees, Mr.J. A. Reichert, a trustee of the Di­vinity School, Dr. T. W. Goodspeed,Professor' Ira M. Price, ProfessorMoncrief, .and C. E. Hewitt,' studentsecretary of fhe Divinity Schoo·1.After 'the exercises in Mandel Hall,the body was taken to Mount Hopecemetery. The exercises at the gravewere conducted by Dr.' Goodspeed,and Rev. W:. E. Chalmers, pastor ofthe Morgan Park Baptist church, ofwhich' Dr. Hulbert was a 'member.The CentralY. M. C. A. water poloteam will play in the Bartlett tanktonight against the Varsity team.The;;-e will be ,no races or other swim-ming events.The followers of water sports inthe University are greatly _interestedin this game on acount of the factthat the Y. M. C. A. team has justmet the Illinois water- polo men, whoare coming here Saturday for thefirst inter-collegiate aquatic contestof the season in the West. In thisgame neither the Champai� or Y. M.C. A. team was able to score and anextra half was played in whkh 11Ii­n6is scored the only goal of the game.1£ the Varsity team can defeat theY. M. 'c. A. aggregation the chances.-or a victory in the meet with IJlinoiswill be brighter 1)ecause the pologame may be the deciding event ofthe meet. Coach Knudson w'in usethe. team that he intends to l�e up_______. against Il1inois. Captain Rohde willdir<-ct the play from his center posi­tion. Art Goes will defend goal withBadenoch and Solomon as backs,while Schott and Princel1 will fil1 theforward positions. Walker wi11 also• he used as a forward.THE IECOIIIZlD STAIDUD..... T ••••• I'�� .. �CUSHIO.BUTTONCLASPUES FUTTOTHlLEC-IEYERSUPS. TUIS 101 UIfASTUSuo.nOftoo .......JIaa_ ...... V.I.A.:,i' Top floor ofThe Pullman Company Build'gCor. Adams St. and MichiganAve.TheHaveYou YouWillTipBeen Top LikeThere? Inq ItI .... AMusEMENTs .... ,Colonial.A CYCLONEOF MIRTH.MUSIC ANDBEAUTY,C A R·L;EIn the Full-FeatheredMusical Hit,.... THE SPRINGCHICKEN. � ..t�· :I.; .))i�·:=· ... ....... ._,''''''#_. , The�·GrandMISSEMMA·'. CARUSIn Glen �cnonougli's.Farce w4·· Songs,:roo '.. ''Near'HomeThe GarrickBLANCHEBATESGIRL OFTHEGOLDEN W�T--------- ----The StudebakerSeats now SeUing,Henry W. Savage offersRAYMONDHITCHCOCKI n a new Comic Opera,uA YANKEETOURISrLa SalleOthersComeandGo, But­THE TIMETHE PLACE andTHE GIRLGoesODForevel T-eIls Dlini' How Crowds are Swayedby Orators ad ICIStakeD Ideas .A large crowd of I1Jinois studentslistentd with intense interest to Pro-fessor George'<E, Vincent iof Chicagoin a lecture 'dD. "�e: Psychology ofthe Mob" last night. That ProfessorVincent made a.n impression' is bomeout, by the: following opinion - ex­pressed by the "Jllini:""The extraordinary rapidity withwhich the speaier was able to use ..his large and easy vocabulary seemedto produce the same effect on theaudience as the. all-powerful and ir­resistible force with which manyleaders of public opinion are able tosway their, listeners. The graphica,rid vivid manlier of expression gavethe speaker his audience at first meet-in�.'·Professor Vincent explained how awhole country may become . tempo­rarily hynotized by .some unusualnewspaper report. One man by mis­understanding a single word caused ·WltBSTltR..S�n almost fatal run on a bank. The I INTERNA1IONALnewspapers of London caused great DICTION�excitement at one time by the an-I .. "_-- �nouncement that P. T. Barnum in- St •• fir II Sc_tended to buy the home of Shake- ALL B'l'ATB 8CllOOL 81J"PDtlf.speare and ship it to America. The T&NDBRTS ttmOBSB IT. 'l'bospeaker explained how great orators SCHOOLBOOKS of tbe eo1l1l� an1Iue4 1IpoD It. ALL STATB PO&-exercise this power over an audien<.'l·. CBASESforecIIoolabvebeeDma4ehow missionaries and the book ."O'cnts III ita fa... COLL!:GB PBESI-..... DENTS. NOBIIAL SCHOOL PBIN-use the same means. CIPALS.CITYau4COUNTYSCHOOL81JPnCiTDD:1NTS IDdone �d"What we need today," saM Pro- commend It. B4ltorIllChlef. Wm. T.fcssor Vincent, "is not an ex plana- Ilan1a. v. S. C"mmlalOller of B4"D.tien of this wave of feeling. for that t;PTO DATE and Itr·:LIARI.F..� p� Illustration,,-is next to impossible; what we need � WODderful1y compact ltorehoaaeand what we demand of our colleges of accurate Information.• h ...... TU. \.:Oo..-v .... & 111(."11u .•. 101'IS men and women of individuality, The I� of 0 r abrW ..... t.. J:.-r-'of personality and of influence', peo- t; :�. ���� 1i�"�p'�:;:'�,,"" ""fI1 ,,,,,,,,,,- ..TO TELL OF WORK" OFREJ"IEF ·IN LABRADOR GRATITUDE KEYNOTE ·ATFUNERAL OF DR. HULBERTare dealt with squarely, getting fairprices for their fish and paying reason­able rates for their supplies. Inas­much as the catch of fish is .not pl�·tiful, many people contract tubercu­losis and other diseases, caused fromlack of food. To these stricken peo­ple, Dr. Grenfell has brought medical'mel surgical aid.Resides all this, he has introducednew industries into the country,whereby the men may gain a liveli­hood in the wi;nter months. A sawmill, a schooner-building yard,a coop­erage, and the making of sealskinboots have been introduced. At present, a fund is 'being raised to securebetter milk, meat and transportation.Dr. 'Grenfell has led an adventur­ous life and lecture promises 'tobe an interesting one. DEAN VINCENT TELLS OF.PSYCH.OLOGY OF THE MOB,VARSITY WATER· POLO MEN:·TO MEET CENTRAL Y.,II.·C .. AResult of Contest in· Bartlett GymTonight Waif - Furnish Line ODIDini -StreDgtb.The prevalence of s'carlet fever hascaused Amherst cotJege to dose un­til March r. This vacation will takethe place of the Easter recess. pie who will not be swept this Wrltefor"DlctlOll:LITBabl\"-FrcO.outburst of sentiment, and who wiJ) G •• c. KX�R�.A:.r co.. .. I I 8pdzacbeJ4. .�. v. S. ..A.110t sImp y become tools of the spell- GET THE CEST.bir.der." I"�--�---�-����'"�--------------------------� HAVE YOU�. C. MOORE, FLORIST. . _.' AT THE ' '. I's. " AfUNION HOTEL end RESTAlJRANT .-:.:,. WILL FIN� RESfAURANTS ON 'nllO FLOOR"):::-�.Wli..� FIND A S?EC!AL AFTER-THEATER MENU (. WILL FIND SPLENDID SERViCE ��:..Serving only the Best the Market Aftorcl� :- :�111 to 111 RANDOLPH STREET :'lie mate a S�ecialty of Club. Fraternity Dinr crc, .1Finest Or('ht"l"tr., in the I it v. -:-;.'OF_ICKS }� _. ..* E. Sixty-third Streit:' �:� ;Tel. H,de Park 1161. ': :?:. � •. �!.::'South Side Transfer'Jk.d of U.. »eparUDenHall Be!BAGGAGE-EXPRESSWqou Ly. * E.63d St. 9 a. DL.U DOOII, 3 p. m.Darboni St., 10. m..3:3O p. 10.,5:30p. m.ODe SUDU, trip-Trip:; to Wood- ..... aDd Euclcwood StatiODL �;.;;..-.'. ���;.... '.�I{;�,� .. ��;IIOVING-PACKING-SHIP�'We have careful men and �for moving Household Goods ... aanos in Hyde Park. WoodJaWli IIIEnglewood. Special .attentiaa pckin. and sbippina. .� .;;[..},. Pl.'; Pats Questicl)oCtrine aaDlwercLindsay Storage Co,Declaring. p;, �;hant 10;",(rce of t:1sfition:;. andir.�. powerfuusdess, andkets for Arrducts, Secretie M. Sha,'responsive Ilast night. ,Po:it:cal E(:also placed.--------------------------------------.-. a( a fair dir---------------------------------I111!1 �·Philippine ]. ers, and wiion himself,"the points,:elusions. S"�t:tled' Rei;Mr."Shaw�"g'a hist­'CeODomic I,from the R;:present tin_ tIIDS of m<;��� a; for'�nrioa:�fiiriher de'jll� eharacit ',' •..�Amcrican{and as fai� ��"We ha-1ifAde:and�r���'�nars'� .... ' ,.\!Iat - amo;,·�t3tes. �;di" five hi.iWe iurni!;',. '. ,� .. cotton us.;�tions are·ttbeir own;.fac:tured I�fban a 5tt:things goi,�ning now.(to do-fir� we shall, � .t oar. manut �t. conft',:.J_Ught in� l�k out,'u-."W'e h;��rine.!:IO,�nd g�·ra lrith (�.� a�d c':ind Eng!4"" l''�ethinl'�hin(:�_rte, W:. :.- Follow:. � rluril(� n ,,.t, ,i!Qdequa..}..� : tnt tond.... t� be ns("We hftats ofof mar'the worlstations; c:oal OUrt�'ty \\'0INVESI�f . establish,:':��� '��b:�'------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------���.BARDEIF.r-'ireprool Storage A Van.. GeaeraJ CM&ca... St. ad Calumet An.P-.rJ)oe ......Nate· aU Olicea.8 s.end �Yot:rName to, Spalding!tOR A CATALOGUE·- .....Spalding Athletic G •. '7�l'"Mention what sport you are, .ested in and ask for a list of;md school supplies. . .: i���:rtte Spalding Athletic ��Textbooks on every athle�' .;.10 cen�s. p�r copy. �)�;Send f�r Complete List..-�rlMaIl Order Dept. . '.; ... ,A. G. SPALDING & BROll-126 N�����t;,;;:-:ve��;l.. -.�. �;�" � . .. I 1 .' 0'--' -.,-: .s_ • SA .. _ OIl CIIa:IUWG ac:aHJtft WIn.'I\e (WJ.d � ... ..... ..... arn .����AN AD. INTHE DAILY MAROONIS AS GOOD ANINVESTMENT'.".AS YOU CAN MAKE.272 East 55th Street. Chicago.______ --_TBLBPBONB HYDE PARK II --------�.... _ '. �• �..'f.. ,: :'.:"� ......... : -: ":'" � l'l': '" -; ;...:: .. .�. �.,,.. •. ';: .::<":1 �,', .,;.,.::"""' ..... t ..... � _ ...... : '( • " .', jj (... -: .....,. .:. .: r "l':-