.... � �. �·be· JD'afl�..,: r > ; -:�80VOL V. No. ._1001168 DOl . I:J BlGH TO HAVE A CLUBJUT COACH STILL HOPES ..Jean Owen Announces Plana. for.. Boys' Club House, S� to Rcy-nolcis Club. to Supplant Fratemi­nities-To Open May I •. GIRLS HOLD FULL-SWIY., II LEX{IGIOI� AID GYM Mapacinc Editor Fairweather 'Ap­points Undercraduate Board of, As­sociate Editor. for New AlUJDDiMonthly-CaU for A1wnni Newa.' ':��··t��.. . ,'s����"���:.";''\1,'"Price . Two Cents':.. '.7J::.. �' t�i��.PUBUCATIOI OF'IDITHll -��IS SUSPEIDED BY FACULTY, .��.:". ":-fCHICAGO, THURSRA Y. FEBRUARY 7, 1907.Preparations for Women's AthleticAssociation Carnival Friday andA club to replace the fraternities is Saturday Nearly Completed. Harvey B. Fuller, 'oS, Frederick:l movement lately propogated by the W. Carr, '09, Harry A. Hansen, '09,faculty of the University high school. Recitation Resembl�' Emigrant ,Sta- and Miss (Helen Peck, '09, constitute Lack of Support by Students Held to\t a meeting of the Parents' Asso- tion With Swedes; Italians, Rus- the undergraduate board of associ- Blame - Publication May Beciation, Tuesday, Dean William B. suians, and Others in Cos�e, ate editors of the Chicago Alumni Resumed.Owen and two members of the Se- Magazine, according to an aancunce-'The list of l·ntries for the Illinois .iior class announced the plans al- Only one day before the Carnival. ment made yesterday by Managing Dissatisfied with the conduct ofmeet tomorrow was given out yes- ready made for the club house. If Today all the preparations will be Editor George O. Fairweather. . 'the Monthly Maroon, the Board ofterday afternoon by Dr. Raycroft. the' project goes through one of the completed ,and everything' will be Miss Peck is a member of the Ath- Student Publications yesterday sus­'The Varsity athletes were worked 'rouses in the University's endowed ready for the "grand opening" tomor- lctic Board of Philosophy College; pended the publication of the studentlighty, each man taking a few swings group will be--;'ented, the plan being row afternoon. Lexington Hall. and Philosophy College Council; Keal- journal pending a satisfactory settle-_ ·Z;around the track and then hustled :0 open the rooms by May I. the women's gym have been com- ailu, Sign of the Sickle, and Esoteric. ment of .conditions connected with i;':��_::d Th I . d d' r-ietely given over to preparations .off. Coach Friend also venture an e p an IS one unprece ente m Harvey Fuller is a reporter OU· the .ts Issuance. ::;-;.1!��.for this event. Wh . hinion on till' outcome of, the meet any "prep" school in the United Daily Maroon, member art ccmmit- en 10 t e sprong of 1902, the '.��:;iridaY night. declaring that the Uni- States. The club is to be organized If a stranger were to enter Lexing- tee, Cap and Gown, art editor Month- old University of Chicago Weekly: _ ;�)· Yirsity squad is goin.g to Champaign on the same lines as the Reynolds ton Han any afternoon between 1 and Iy Maroon, Skull and Crescent, ; Iron went out of existence, it was decided : �i��_.prepared for any kind of results, but club, the constitution being in most 2. he would find it hard to recognize Mask, Delta Upsilon. co publish two papers-a daily ana a . _ '.i.�determined to fight the best they can. essentials similar to that of the Un i- it as a recitation hall. At every. ttirn Fred Carr is a member of thiPen monthly. The first issue of �e '-.:-$J:.. .. Th he' would meet girls with huge, bun- hi d � .. L';'. Lornn wilt not compete, as was versity orgamzatron. e dues are Club, Score Club,Alpha Delta Pi.. mont y appeare r 2J; of uaA� '.:� ...'1- dles of vari-colored cloth, or weird � • 11 � � .' .\ ..• L_""'t by some. His loss will rna- �o be $6 a year. The officers are to ,Harry Hansen is a reporter 00 the year. � \ t":'�.WVU5" head dresses under th�ir arms, as ' Fe"-".:t�ny impair ,the chances of Chi- be elected by the students, while sev- Daily Mu")on, Pen Club, Junior, Col- ormer managing editors of the 0*-'eiio in the distance rune, Iddings cral faculty members will act as su- they are hurrying to the sewing lege Council, Literary. Committee, Monthly were: Riley H. :Allen, I� '.��""". rooms. I f he should follow them to rI -,- F k R Ad' ' , .�.'"in also be out of the meet on ac- :>e!"Vlsors. \..ap and Gown, Washington House. 03; ran . ams, 1903-64; Don:-\_w-:.;;.....I . the door, he would· surely think -he \I C - .. :��._ : . coim* 'of his decision to leave the .n IS hoped that by means of this The editors' announce that the: first , • .1, ompton, 1904-05; Cba�les, �rt'_ _ �.�H I b h U· . H' was in an emigrant station, with ·C::We- I (I) N A. Fi .:/.:_"'-Uoiversity this quarter, e was : u, t e mv rsrty igh School 1'"" issue of the graduate monthlYi will ey e ect, ewton u��.�.��:-:;",�"" fIll' . I h fraterni . des., Italians, and Russians, ming ling -06 W'II' A. M-n. . I/IVJ:.: '" ..... .]d.. counted on to give Morns, 0 mois may sett e t e ratermty 'problem. appear the latter part of thia-month, 1905 ; 1 lam \;.UenDul, I� \;:.�<'�- .' stiff argument in the .pole vault. For several years it has been waging their voices in the confusionc j and The following notice was sent out During the past four 'yean ancf:i��;,-b ' " h flashing their brilliant ,foreign! C05- I If h b . ' ",'hOtherwise the team will e mtact. :\ campaign agamst t e secret socie- yesterday by Manamng Editor: Fair- ra t e usmess managers were-�:o�;itumes around. In one comer he�' i!�/.'Barker, who has been suffering. from ties, and now that they seem to be weather:' Byron G. Moon, 1902-03;· JulilG-:�d' .• bad knee. is back in shape and virtually exterminated, a demand has �ould fi?d the Minuet girls re�ear- "The Chicago Alumni Ma�ne Brode, 1903-<>4; George G� Bedc{:�.,�-'d" to run up to his old time form sprung up for a substitute. This' smg - their stately steps and graceful will b gl d t .'t f 1904-05' John Worley Jr: -19OS.· '. ·:.ot· .... •.� oJ bows, while in .. another three � a 0 recelv� no es 0 .' per-• ' '. .,.'... - .::;,7<,'iD the 35 and 440 yard dashes and dub, conducted on democratic prin- .'. , ' -. I �y sonal interest concermng alumni and Tne managing editors of the: .��. v' ' •• h . I' d f' . American girls might be seen Smglng , . ' M hi M f . '�L '.' '_-.::-;*the .relay, The hard trammg as '::IP es. IS expecte to urmsh thiS!, . •. former students of UniverSity, ISuch ont y aroon Or 1907 up to :Ule-:'t �:- ....� the men jnto exceilent con- substitute, a popular ,a�r .and domg a hvely;clog. as recent .death mama e en' .e-:- time of its discontinuance. were· E.�.:-,,�;l("·In an adJ OlD I ng. room, the sound of' '. g, rag . Le' d .' ',' ,.,.' ;.; �,.' .�..and has' developed a confident Dean Owen expressed himself as '.'. eare' J. ment" p�iese.!lt occ. �patl�n, _��ane-_Of. mg, . WI�. a� L. uther �,: F:, �'-:UU',",�"",�,t��,-.0.. E_b, ��J;h.. ey-",are a,'n gO�!':l int� th. - elt--p�sed·.with-"tJie::;pIalr.-'-:":�'=··, ;r st��'����'��� . � of. addiUs-"lifetaiy--:ac:liia�-,IiabIk'-: . �:..p'aJRr wb uf .. editdi-:�� ,T":to'(,..?·� f "I . the ,tarantella. . "- ,. ,. ' , '.' W'II' 0 W·' ,.., .•.. " ... '"l;.� -; ""� hopmg to Win. A number 0 have been thinking seriously of .Too' -.- ". �.. '. ,,-vice and - the .Iike: Students and I aam. •. dson, al� - eclitor.:�y.5i. ':J���ts wilt . accompany the team �his clubhouse idea for seve�1 years." 'I a_y .and to�orrow, all � alumni are invited to c:Ontribut Dot William . M. Ruffcorn Was, buSiheUt�,";-� .',�'.. , "'d c asses Will be excused and the gym ,- , : -• . , ::. �{ ....: :�.-)Dd. make a s�owing in the "leather 1e sal'- "The boys, however,· have '11 be . ". I. only articles of general mterest ,but ma��er, and 'LoUIS S, Berlln". �,�t �,;.:"f�IaD�. department. gone ahead on their own initiative. WI turned over to the carpen�r:s fi' ti d It AU t verhsmg manager: .' .. .;-.· . ,for the construction of the, booths. :.c on an verse as we . � e- , "._ .; ..... .::-:�;.;.��> Caleh Friend declared himself on r am much m favor of the move, and -In Lexin -. .: ." ' nal should be sent through no� JOO, - General �th!, both In ���1=":�;/ti.t merits of the, two teams yester- hope that we may soon- have a club-r . �on h.br:ary ��' the lunch Faculty exchange," support and In literary contn�ti��f� ... ��da1, "f am not forgetting that )lti- house. 'The boys have worked out . oom� whIch Will be ,�olned. fo� the was early manifested by the ��I"'"..:':_:�s has a remark�bly strong team the plans in detail, and the plans .occaslon, the s��e. Will. be er,cted, body towards the Monthly, BY":'�¥�:/:"1IUs year," he �aid after practice, "I seem practicable." a�d tomorrow mght a ,full. dr�ss re- WRESTLING FINALS TOPAY gent work on the �-rt of the edit��f:1;� ,..;:�_ not over optimistic about our hea;sal of the vandevIlle .wdl --be. . however, the magazine was contil •• e.t�j�:.-'.;,, dances, but on the other hand I MR. S. N. HARPER'S TWRD ·hel. At 3:.30 tomorrow afte�oon Junior College' lien to HoY: Kat m�r.e or �ess suc�es.SruJlY':until �f�,·:;;.�b, ve not given' up hope for' a victory, LECTURE ON RUSSIA TODAY the booths Will be-opened to thel pub-. Contats-G7mDasta to Try Out. , year, . ';�. .!:'�-e'- lic. '. ',.:':..;.';o.�:';,0£ course. if the aleged flunkers Attempts· were made at. vanqaa:Z:t;.!:'make up their work, it will change The Rev, Mr, Page, to Discuss The play, "Polly PopUlar Madly This afternoon' at 4 o'clock jfiDials times to interest the alulDDi ·i�_;.:#t�'j�;tbe situation somewhat, and I expect "Church and Charities" and 1Ir.· Rushed to Death," is to be a picture for the junior championship. \!{I'�st- Monthly. by running alumni depari';:!;��, .h' " Washbo' "',.........::_� Art- cf future conditi�ns at the Univ .. rsity. ing contest will take 'place I'n B"'rtlett d -B • I ,�"... -to see t em al m the contest. arne ""� .. .., mc .... ts an news. nt lack of co-op::; ;'?r.,:. --0. 'II be h It will depict the time coming lwhen gymnasium. Those woo have q' uali- . k'd II ' . ''-'l''��: ;', Ir strongest events W1 t e e�tlOn mar e a these efforts; �,�j.�r.=' hurdles. the quarter and half mile The third lecture of the series on competition in. the Junior CoJleges fied in the preliminaries up �to: yes- fa:klre was the result.. When' 'the� ��::.:.�',�.·.runs, the high jump, pole vault, and "Social and Political Conditions in will be so fierce that the present con- terday afternoon are J. B. Barron, plans for the new Alumni MontlilT.·��!, "I't�y. We ought to give a good ac- Russia" by Mr. Samuel N. Harper, dition of club rushing will be far lightweigbt� Arts College; Tr�tsky, were started, all support of th� ·gRd.1·�:�:£�·. �nt of (}urselves in each of these will be delivered this afternoon in surpassed. lightweight, and HosItetftr, middle- uates was withdrawn, and the fa�I����:�. .' events. and should win some of .them. Haskell Museum at' 4 o'clock. Mr, This is to be a fete for everybody, .weight, Philosophy; Alexander,1 mld� boarrl decided to insist on the sus> ��', We also look for points in the shot Harper will tell of the "First R!ls- YOu�� an� o�d, and no�! c,n' af- dleweight, Literature, and MODtigel, pension of the student Monthly unti .. Y?�_ •. pat and dashes. We may score ill sian Parliament." The lecture prom- ford .0 mlss·It, All Un�verslty people middleweight, and Bauer, heavy- its successfu' continuance. was waS ... :;.�" .... 'other evcnts, but do not expect much ises to be interesting as well as in- are expected to· come 'and brinll their weight, in Science College. assured. ..:,!-�ill them. Illinois looks strongest ill structive, as Mr. Ha�er has spent a friends, a�d. they may be assured of The 'lightweiJht men. weigh pp to. :;�•-6 the mile and two mile. They should great deal of time in Russia studying a good. time. Tomorr?w afternoon 125 pounds, qJiddleweight up t9 145, IIANY B .;_• '.1-_ sh Ii' h d h rt I'ts people and POll·tl'ce. '. th.ere will be· no. vaudevdle, but I t.here and heavywei...i.ts up to I6s. ,Much NTRIES FOR '',.�· ouau ow we, In teas , qua er. IW. BILLIARD . TOURNAIIENT ·7-C1.'and, if Hurroqghs enters, the shot "Greek Art" wilt be the subject' of Will be two' performances both to- interest has �n manifested by the � .14.'l",;_ I h:l\'e not kept up with their another of the series of lectures ,by �orrow and Saturday evening, begiD- wrestlers and i� is' expected 'that the --�-?}l'"work an Ii only: know that they arC' Mr. M, O. Washburne of the High DIng at 8 .. a�d I? p.�, • matches this -afternoon will be closely Rqaolcls Club Toamameat ProwS •strong. They �ay surprise us where School faculty in room '59. Training The Carnlval.ls �lDg given by,the contested. -Popular EftIlt-Entriea wm·we least \'xpect it. But we are look- School building. W�man's ':Athletic Association and Directly after the wrestling ,bouts CIo8e:Satarday. -"irag for ;. close contest, for our team .The Rev. Herman Page, Rector' of th� proc�s are t� �o ·to the Wo- the first of three local meets will be '-is Dot th., wor�t that has been turn'- St. Paul's chUrCh, corner of Fiftieth an s AthletiC ASSOCIation. held to determine the- champi�n Ju- Mr. English, of the Reynolds Otlb,ed oat." avenue and Madison street, will give nior College gymnast. contestants is very well satisfied so far with the ., ,Th� fll:! list of entries follows: . an address in the League room 3£ DRI.� HULBERT'S CORDmON being marked according to point sys- Idrge number of entries which have -.. ::,35 yar'i dash-Barker, Henneberry the Young Women's Christian Asso- IS JUST A�OUT TIi� SAllE tern .. Six entri,es are schedul� for been received for the third annual .�iSteffen. Pomeroy, Quigley, Graves, dation in Lexington Hall this after- this afternoon's ,contest and the work pool and billiard tournament at the. Merriam. Chicago. May, Jenkins noon at 4 o'clock. The subject will Reports from H� Ghe Little will be 'on the side hor9le and paral- Ciub which begins Februrary IS.,SPitler. "('ttigrew, Hodge, lIIinois be "'Church and Charities"-the third Encou�t, but Patient is leI bars. :Mr. English says "The interest40 ya rd hurdles-Chicago, Steffen of a course of lectures on the No Wone. which is heing manifested this yearMcAvoy. Schommer. Merriam. 1111. social importance of the church. The IDini Hear Profeaodli llathews. far exceeds that of any previous year.nots, La;·ear. Brown. University public is'invited. The last reports received from Professor Shailor Mathews closed The entry list· is large and it has 8IJ-440 Y:lr,1 dash-Chicago: Quigl.!y Wesley Hospital early this morniD\t the Bible study institute at Illinois til Saturday afternoon to grow. FromMerriam. Barker. Pomeroy. Shuart Pre-Legal Club Pictures Friday. stated that there was no chang� from Sunday by a lecture on "The Old the way the boys are getting into -, :,.':'.Ilinois. R1oomfeldt, Lindberg, Pet- The pictures of the Pre-Legal Cluh, Dr. Hulbert's .condition of· yesterday. Bible' in a New Age." Professe:" shape. a lively contest is looked for, .,:tigre",. Sl,itler. Gardner. May. for the Cap and Gown. will be taken During the day he improved sligh fly, Mathews dwelt on the necessity of" Nevertheless, we want everybody tu .:., ya i(1 run-Chicago: Merriam Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock at but towards evening returned to his careful study of the Bible as it gives enter and it may be a case of "the darkQui... Sh . " hcrse wins.'"). s·ey, �art,Barker, Klock, Esmoer's studio, on 55th. street. All preVIous state. The physicians lin at- to the age a sense of reality of spir-members of the club in good stand- tendance could not pred�' bat eII- itual things, and as it inspires theing are expect� to be on baad. tertaiQ ,hope. .' � aie to do better thinp.,Coach Friend Predicts Good Show­iPI DesPite Loss of RUDDer andPolt: Vaulter. NAMES UNDERCLASS 'EDITORSBoard of Studmt PublicatioDa_ Is Dia­satisfied with the Conduat of Stu­dent Periodical.(bicaIO Stror:g in Hurdl� QuarterJDd Half Mile Runs, H1gh Jumppole Vault and Relay,Go to the Woman's CanaiCflJ,�'. �::;;�rrtI., ': :��.-. � .... ' THE DAILY. MAROON, CHICAGO, THURSRAY. FEBRUARY 7, 1907.CALL TESTlIIO',n�!'FROMPROF�R.8. -'1:JHRELIABI:oEOalrlal 8tu�nt PublleatlOD ot tbe Unlnr· High Scb�l 'PriUclp&ts Say College .)0 Says Mr. Joseph . J. Emery atalty ot Chleqo. I . Profeeors are Not to Be Trusted Literature College' Smoker Lastin Recommending Students. . Evening •College professors are not to be "'-\t present there is no hope forrelied upon when-it comes to rec- ":uban independence-their lack ofornmending positions as high school .Jublic spirit denies all good in theceachers. HIgh school principles are .uture't=-such was the conclusion ofwilling to perjure thcms�lves to h�v.c .• t r. Joseph J. Emery's talk to thecheir schools approved by the um- nen of the College of Literature atversrtres. These assertions .are made .heir smoker last evening. Thisby Walter H. Young, principal of . iew he expressed after an astound­Lewis High School, Southington, .ng narration of graft and lust in the":onnecticut, whose report of the re- Cuban officials. "The governor,"sults of a series of invesrigations ne asesrted, "is in fact a military.unong the high schools and colleges .iutocrat, though bearing but the mildof New England is contained in the .itle of provincial general. TheFebruary number of the "Elerneu- miount of power invested in the.• lry School Teacher.'" American supervision, is necessitatedWith regard to the reliability �f )y the inability of the Cubans to 1:0\'­college professors, 125 higll school e rn themselves honestly..eachers answered the question, "In "The Cubans arc beginning to real­.:mploying teachers can you rely up- ize this themselves=-that is, the mem­.m testimonials from colege profes- oers of the educated class. Thesors?' as follows: ,>eas;:lI1try arc very mobile lovers ofThirteen answered in the affirm- .nsurrection for its own sake.ative, fifteen in the negative, twenty "President Palma was entirelynine had had no experience, and six uonorablc and patriotic, but forcedty-eight qualified their answers as .nto abdication by the political meth­.ollows : "In some cases;" "To some ods of his companions. The insur-extent ;" . "Not aiways ;' "On ques gents were justified in their rebellion,.ions of scholanhi� yes;" "It de. �ut thc� action has destroyed thcirl_��������������������������������,lends upon who the professors are;" own cause:''We do not place much reliance up- Mr. Emery has lived in Cuba foron them -unless we know the profes- rears, and was correspondent for thesor;" Associated Press at the time of theMr. Young said that there had beer. .roubles, He was acquainted withIn instance where a whole college �he heads of all the parties, and saw��culty, from president down, had everything from the inside ..'reen willing to give flattering tes -The smoker was full of interest forirnonials to a graduate who was hard 111 the members of the college, whoof hearing. had an impediment 01 'lave decided that this is one of the.peech, was ncar-sighted. and was best ways of getting acquainted.evidently deficient ineducation, Inrornmcnting on his discoveries Mr: MR. LOVETT WRITES NOVEL.'loung says:"In fact, the whole situation pre- Associate Professor in EbglishDepartment is Author ofThe Freshman Medic Class, afterseveral unsuccessful attempts. covering a period of four months, ye ....terday elected officers for the YearDonald P. Abbott was elected �res!dent. C. F, Edgerton vice-presidentand F. C. 'MacLean secretary ,and!reasurer.F. D. Ole!1tine, H. R. Hunter.· anrl Literature Meets Divinity Today.Juliu";. L.1ckner were elected COl1�ci1- Literature will meet Divinity inPurdue Wants Baseball Candidam. 'lors from th� class. All the men basketball this afternoon. This:sCoach Nicol 'Of Purdue issued a clect<-d have been prominent in thr Literatur<-'s fifth game in the Juniorv<!rious trni\"ersity activities.call for all baseball and track candi-dates on \Vednesd::y. Every manwho had ever se('� a h;!11 game or ;,track meet was urged to come out,as there is a great lack of old mate­rial. There is not a single old manout for either the weights or the poll',·ault. while in the other track evcnt�there arc nnmerODS vacancies.. • ·orm�rI1Tbe Unlnralt1 tit Cbl(. .. co WeekI""'OUDdedThe Weekly. Oet. 1. 1§2.The Dally. Oet, 1. 1102..:u·.t!rPd •• 8ecODd·CI .. lUaU' a' lbe Cblcaco 1-�tofJl<-e.SubecrlptioD price. $3.00 per year: $1.00tor :I months. Subscriptions recelnd at'lit" llarfHID Omce. Ellis Hall, or at tbE'.·aculty . ):;xchaaDge. Cobb Hall. Orderataken by mall or telephone. Hyde Park4�6.It. l';lH>Y lIA'rHEWS, ManaglDg Editor.t;V\\'AIW G .• ·.;LSENTllAL. News EdItorI.UTIU;R U .• ·.mNALU. Atbletlc EdItorUb:OltGJ-; K .·ULI.I<:It. Uuslness ManagerASSSOCIATE EDITORSC. W. Paltzer, Uit-nard I. nell.A. W. Henderson, I-reston Po. G ....WarreD D .•'08ter. lJt":vID J. Adams.REPORTERSPeter 10'. Dunn,P. W. I'JnJ;ertou, W. P. MacCraekeD,lllBa "'altb �,Jerome Frnuk, lIarry A. Hansen,W. J. Halnetortber,1I0"("y B. Fuller, Jr.Printed by tbe Maroon l'ress474 East G:itb Street­'·boDe Uydp IJark 3mHWisconsin has expressed officialapproval of the "Big Four ;" Minneso­ta has ratified the prop­ositron; and Chicagohas officialy . signifiedapproval of the coali­tion, I t is now up toMichigan to decide whether or notthere will be a "Big Four."There seems to be difference oiopinion as, to what Michigan will doregarding the proposed arrangement,but there seems littie foundation 'forthinking other than that Michiganwill coincide in the opinion of helthree natural rivals of the "BigFour,"· Of course, Michigan wants toget eastern games; but the authori­toes at Ann Arbor have also had nfhesitancy in saying that there is n,)intention of discontinuing games witllthe West. This clearly means th:l'Michigan wants games with Wisconsin. Minnesota and Chicago. for sh.would surely not be satisfied witl'.minor contests. The "Big Four·'arrangement presents the most felaa·ble means of scheduling these bi:.:All Votes -ents ;1 sad picture on lack of cour­ige on the part of educated men.roo often the college professor i�ifraid to stand the consequences: of':elling the whole truth o� of refusing'0 w. ire a testimonial. Frequentlyt high school principal will not face.he consequences of denying a cer­�ificate of to the scion of an infltt­.·nti;;1 family. The individual colleg<­'lcsitatcs to cut off from its approvedlist those schools which do not giv('1de<luate preparation; hence 'the al·lianc(" of colleges, for the college�'lcting collectively can ,do what eachone would shrink' from d<ling ind;,·idually. What is demanded i��reater courage on the part ofschool and college officials: the backbone to st�nd ttl' manfully and dcwhat is right. even if it does makeenemies amo�g students, lose' vote�on the school board. or cause pupil-are in butMichigan'sto �o to other colleges."FRESHMAN �EDICS ELECT, ...' �' ... - western gamesIt hardly seems likely that Michi·gan.- will veto the "Big Four" proposition after the' other three univer·. sities have accepted it. unless :Michgan wants to break with thee Wes'entirely and transfer her athletic af­ftfiations to the East. This it ap�pears. Michigan has no intention dpearances and inward intentiomMichigan may be expected to com­vlete the "Rig Four" without muchfllrtehrr hesitation. Don Abbott Chosen �resident andEdgerton Vice-President.,,- %.. , �THE MAN WHO DOESN'TKNOW, MAY WEARFOWNESGLOVESMiss Conde will address the womenof the Unive=-sity in Haskell Assem·bly Ha!:. Sunday afternoon at ..� ·dock., 'OI •. T"IfJ.Ti'I'-,c;w�·��I��THE IIAN WHO DOESDOW IS. SURE TO.• A new novel by Dean Robert MorssLovett. Associate Professor in thedepartment of English, is to appearearly in Spring. The title is "AWinged Victory" and it is a story ofWestern life. The scenes are laid ina large city but it is not localized.-\ ·woman is 'the central figure in theplot. which deals with present daylife. Several chapters are laid on acolege campu� but this scene is like-I'-���������������������������������wise not localized. These chapters D ' .' th· t''(\.'�:are merely incidental. having no im- BETWffN UTlng IS �on lh:portant hearing on the story. The SfASON we will make' you a,��,'college characters introduced arenot vital forces in the novel. WflGHTS Suit and an . eIfrf.Some time ago Dean Lovett's, first ,.book. "Richard Gresham." was pub· pair of Trousers fo��lished by the �racmillan Company, I BLIICK f h ·His latest story will come from thc n , the price 0 'f e suifI:Dress of Duffield and Company. BLUf and .!!" tOQch \,,'ithalone. " them cornGRII Y" lack an all'It is economy to buy a, suit .u.::'an extra pair of trousers, it m"'}· PLAN Athe suit last twice as long.-:UBA NOT YET READYFOR- SELF-GOVERNMENTNew Work.Purdue Rooters Get Cut Rates.Special rates are offered to thosePurdue men who wish to come toChicago to witness the Purdue-Chi­::ago basketball game Saturday night.The rate is $2.40 each way if twentymen desire to come and the ticket�arc .good until Monday. Alrcad ...twenty me!, ha"e signified their; in·tention of taking ad"antage of :thisoffer, so it is evident that PUl"due'�team will bring a band of rooters.College series an(1 if its team \vin!'there' will be only one game betwecn Iit and the championship. 'Patronize Dailv Maroon advcrtis�r�STUDENTS. REMEMBER USWhen making arrangements forYOUr fraternity group pictures for theCap and Gown. Special offer thisyear. Come and see.MARTYN'S MAROON STUDIO5705 Cottage GroveU. of C. PbotoM'apher._, 'r-,' '"".The Northern 4 - cylinder car, with air coruolled clutch,air brakes,and air for pumping ti.rcL 50 H. P.; cylind�r sxSY:wheel base 119 in. Seating capacity for 7 passengers. . Price,$3,Soo, F. O. B. Factory.The 2 -cylinder car is the one that was so much talked .about last season on account of its Quietness. F. 2 is wherethese cars can be seen at the Show. Price, $1,7'0 f.o.b. factory.The world-famed PEERLESS can be seen at our booth. D 4-One look at our Runabout means that you will own one.PEERLESS, PRICESModel I6-30-H. PMode! I6-GentlemensRoadsterModel I6-3o-H. P.. Limousine $4-000 5s,ocoModel IS-4S-H. P ..Model Is-GentlemensRoadsterModel IS-4S-H. P.Limousine$s,ooo $6,:xJOTennant Motor Ltd .1449 MICHIGAN AVE.PHONE CALUMET 1893.Albert Mathews. Pres. Geo. H. Fiedler, Vice-Pres. F. H. Stratton. SecMathews &, Co. Inc.THE TAILOR SHOPNew Powers Bldg., t56 Wabash Ave. 'DRESS SUITS FOR COLLEGE MEN' OUR SPECIALTY.!----------------------------------�-------------------------'�. University Style $3.00 per Doz.Student's Special $3.5.0 per Doz,. .;,They Fill that Empty Space at Home.�ginoer� g _!Joto' �tulJioPhone Hyde Park-16, 243 EAST 55th STREETSUITABLE WEIGHT FOR MOSTANY TIME OF YEAR. eNt·:TAILOR;..,ILLIAM .JERREMS· SON">��\;)ark and Atbm. at&.•Suit and Extra Trousers, $30 to Iso.Also early shipmentsof New Spring Wool­ens for those goingSouth or to California.�A. N. JERREMS, Manager.Tailor for Young Men.Either store1:1 1 a Sal!e Street, and44 Jackson BlVd, The Chicagp Artfducation Co.A. C, McClurg Bldg.,.215 Wabash ,\\'(",Would you like an attractnePicture, an anistic bit of PottcrJ,or a good Plaster Cast for yourroom?We have these at inexpensiftprices and many other beautifulthings not to be found elsewhere.Let us give you prices en frarniqyour pictures.Patroni7.e Daily Maroon Advertisers,Th('y arc reliable.�,.,. .. -,' 0;. ' RaJC!'of�DTicIn ordera:i5 :lnd precomplimentaathletic COil"cjrked outf"lt ticket�til� to thbe gi\'en WIor second:! Iliven out :1the gym. Sliven to pH''Two tickv�ciual contsgi\ocn to eactitular eontets to be giteams formembers 01goes into (.MICHIGMWolverines.Penn.,Michig:!1ltracts withand Case ament justCase andAnn Arborvember 16.Wolverines.vember 2.schedule istlement ofgan's withNin""e" and iFour agreeMMAKE.. _' Professor' Idents No'"There Ithere, was;than at preE. RussellDivinity (�rogglingesty, pQver'very bread"I am �over the p:which thea�r preachan audiene,which suitnot ��riveright.- "We miScripture�them live .1'. �"�­. �:.J&::Iiors toinThe soci:class ha� IIa.. lift. il;have pl;ll� ntalee plac,' ;l11ary l-l. ilmatters :11,\"alentillc,othen\'i,( \.To tIll' '.71dded :\! <:\{ary Pitl,�nd a"';I::,:\frs. R(\.\:lllave ('(\i1-('the aftl'l'n,ilg. h\"('l\.c'ro�,,;,Gther rbnehdie,' ("hoiillert,"t tllai!estin� thelrig�t one,·,�-···;;.:.'��<·:y1;_;,:,:��{·"'�-·'�':"_7:· ���'� .. .�; .--,�.� , ':.:.;.. ,,". THE DAILY MAROON. CHIC.'GO, TIHjRSRAY. FEBRt!ARV ''1. �. "�ST DISTRIBUTION OF�. COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS SOCIi/yO RESPONSIBLE, " i.----------·---------------------- .... -- .......... -- ...FOR ITS WICKED WOMEN (, • � RaJCfoft Replates Scheme for Dr. Henderson Tells Members ofDr.,n Tickets for Indoor Meets Woman's Club It i;I Tbeir DutyScPO . r....... -to Help Fallen.In vI ....der 1'" avoid the unsystem-In or . ibuti f.. 'd promiscuous distri unon 0a"'IS an . d•I' ent'ln' tickets to the 10 oorcomp im '."I . conh:sb, Dr. Raycroft hasatb enc idiw6rked out a scheme for provi mg, k t· for those who are en-f�' tic e :- '.. to thl·1I1. Season tickets willut "COO - itbe given wcarers of the var st yon.I'lt\' these tickets to beor sec u,.· • .'ven out at Dr. Ra,.croft s office m11 Sc: -on tickets will also be-the gym, � ....iiven to pn'"'' r�presentatlves. . ��Two ticket> tor each of the. indi­�ciual contest- in the gym Will �e\-en to each competitor in that par-gI , .1' id 1 . kticular contl':.-l, these murvi ua � tic -ets to be gin'lI to the captains of theteams for distribution arnonge. themembers oi t he team. The schemegoes into "'lied immediately.MICHIGAN'S FOOTBALL DATE,S "Society is responsible for itswicked women and society shouldremedy the - ::opditions that havecaused their fall. No woman, nomatter to what depths she has fallen,is without a spark of divi'ne good­she is like other women, but she hasnot been given a fair chance." Inthese words Dr, C. R, !Henderson of.he University, made a strong pleabefore the Chicago "roman's Clubyesterday afternoon; for a' christiansympathy with erring women and for'he co-operation of its members inthe work of remedying many of thecauses of temptation."Plenty of God's 'fresit air," workout of doors, an opportunity to maketheir living by proper means andtreatm.ent with sympathy instead ofscorn were some of the remediesproposed by Dr. Henderson,Wolverines Arrange Games with STEFFEN AND SCHOMMER. 'Penn., Case and Vanderbilt. ARE OUT FOR BASEBALLMichig:!I1 has seured football con­tracts with Pcnnsylvariia, Vanderbiltand Case according to an announce­ment just made by Manager Baird ..Case and Pennsylvania will play at Steffen and Schommer, desirous ofAnn Arbor on October 5 and No- becoming', all-around athletes,' arevember 16. respectively, whie the now diligently practicing baseball.Wolverines will visit Vanderbilt No- Steffen. a start at football and track.,-ember 2, The remainder of the has proved himself an expert in theschedule is hanging fire pending set- art of batting, while Schommer. oftlement of the questions of Michi- basketball, football and track fame,gan's withdrawal from the "Big has likewise given evidence of beingNin�" and its acceptance of the' "Big a ball player. "Schommer's work isFour agreement, unusually good for a new man," saidCoach Dickinson yesterday, "Steffen.. MAKE SCRIPTURES LIVE" is now one � of the best men in thesquad at batting, N one of the menProfessor'Russell Tells i>i�ty Stu- have 'as 'yet' been assigned ·to perma-dents Not to Cater to Listeners. nent positions, nor' will they' untilthe out-door season begins.""Theee never was a time "whenthere, was :. greater hunger· for GOt"than at present," said Professor JolmE. Russell of Williams College at Leland Stanford Re-engages FormerDivinity Chapel yesterday. "Men' Chicago. InstrUctor-L. P. Lewis¥ruggling with discontent, dishon- Resigns.,esty, poverty are hungering for- thevery bread of life, the gospel. According to word received from"I am saddened when I gl:ncc Leland Stanford' University. Mr.over the papers and see the sermons Charles A. Huston. who eft' the Uni­which the ministers of our country' versity of Chicago .last Spring toa�r preaching. They strive to get accept a .position as instructor inan audience hy ,talking on subjects English has been re-appointed. An­which suit their listeners. They do nouncement is also made that Mr.not ��rive t o make 'men do what is Leon P. Lewis. who is a graduate ofright. •the ,Univeisity and the Law School.- "Wc ministcrs must know the has, resigned his 'professorship ;nScriptures better. We must make law. He intends to enter active prac­them live. firing the Scriptures into tice.'touch with modern needs, interpretthem correctly and you wil1 neve­lack an au,li('nce." Residence: PhonetF';3 Arlington P,1. Lake View 102 ...Phone Harrison 1644. Cio/dsmith's OrchestraONLY,13 PER CENT. OF r, Goldsmith, Director.TECH STUDENTS GRADUATE )ff'ce, Cable Piano Comp3DY,\V.basb and Jackson. CHICAGO.Football and Track Stars Decide: toIncrease -Their Athletic Reper­toire-Do . Good Work.MR. HUSTON '�PPOINTEDPLAN A VALENTINE DANCE Dean of University of Kansas GivesSome Interesting Facts and Sta-tistics.Jl::Iiors to Hold Interesting' Eventin Honor of Saint.The sn�'i;jJ committee of thi JuniorcJas.s ha,� decided to give Dan Cupid�:..hft. II; pursuance of which theyhive plal�ncd a' Valentine dance totake pia c.' at the Reynolds Club Feb-ruary ,I�. from 3 to 6 p. m. To helpmatters :llong each girl will brin.?'''al . �etltmc, 10 her favored suitor (orotherwi,c·\. 'To th(, "(,cial committee have been��dCd .\,:.:� �Iary Martin �nd Miss,ary Pill,in. who_will co11ect dues�nd aw' I. '.1" ,n Interest among the' girls.�frs, Ro.'- :Il�ton and Mrs. Shepardsonrave CO,1 '('nted to act as chaperons,• he aftl"l'l1oon \\;11 be spent in danc­Itg. t\\'('1\'c numbers to make up the,rOllTan S' d .h '. IX qua niles and sixIGt .cr d:'Il(,cs, three of them to 'beIdIC'" ·1 .. . (H)I('(,. are planned, From theIIterc'" t h t th J .'1, a e timor men are man,l,est1n� th .Iri h ' e event promises to be a! g. t nne in the social calendar of, �e cl .. ,�,; of '08. Only about 13 per cent of the stu­dents enro11ed in the technical schoolsof this country receive degrees," saidDean Marvin, of the University ofKansas in a recent chapel talk.,"Students start with engineering,under a notion that it is a good thing.and find themselves 'unsuited." hesaid. The' growth of enrollment�' ofengineering stltdents during the lastsix years. has been marvelous. AtM ichrgan the i,ncrease. is 3,W per cent; ,at Uni\'Cr�ity of Illinois 237 ,I�(.·r cent::It Punlue. '36 at Kan�as. 153 percent."Purdue's Mell Given Spread.Purdue's basketb:.11 team was en·tertained at a hanqu�t Saturday evc­ning by Coach Jamison. The menwere not permitted to break train":ing entirely. but were giv'en enoughto make them relish the "feed."During the evening each of the m('1twas ca He-d upon to sJle-ak. -: , ' \"/Now on· £.IIi6;t;Oll'·;;·at the ColiseulDj,.�I.: .: "�.:;J�Pope-Hartford19071110 delL '. 1: 'C;:,",.!t�·�/ "ofto !� _.II-'!'"25-30 H. P. $2,750.00.The most reliable and efficient If-cylinder gasoline t�uriJ.Wj-car of its class, or aliy other class" that has ever been offeredto the public •Model L, Pope-Hartford, demonstrates the supremacy":of.American automobiles in 'its construction, iJnd successfully, solves a!l,the probl*=ms which are essen�ial in the product,on ofa modern gasoline engine. .. . -.Absolutely quiet running. You must in justice to yourself seethis car before purchasing one which may prove less-- ._. ,worthy. ,�Orlando F. Weber Co.1322-26 _;,;";.an Awe.PHONES CALIJ__ET 986 an" 987 ",�,: �;� .".' ," .'�. �r '.�TEACHERS WANTfD· ''''MfDllllfLYMan for Science and Athletics, S8o.oo a month.Man for Latin, $100.00 a IDOnth."Man for Co��erdal Sa�jects,: $100.00 � mo�th.The lames McCullough Teachers' Agenc,.1711 RaiIwa.7' Ezchange.TelePhone Cal�t 251 16th and IIicbigan'lire 16th St.- Livery aaRiding, AcadelDYHigh-Class Saddle and Harness Ho!'SCS for Sale., Horses.' SchooledSend for Circular. Open Evenines.IFrank S. Young. Pho�e H.P. 1252Young America _. l.a.j,�dryBUND�ES BROUGHT IN A�D CALL,ED' FOR' ,�,i� .Shirts ..•.....•.......••...•.•..•• 8c Collars. '. ,. _ .. , xCuffs ; ···4CJ, 7t����·68.t.686 East 6yd street � :':" :, .,� ...Conklin's::'PenFor busy people.No bother.Fills "itself.Cleans itself.No dropper. ", Nothingtotakeapart.Nothin� to spill.A dip In ink, atouch of thumbto nickel c:res­';cent and thepen is' full, .ready to write.AD &be beet dlalen ""7-=·.l�nft:�"If'::' r:.rll= =�l1'- C ... no man! Ulan otIMJr��L��= abo,,", In oar eata'oc, Any = r::e �n �f1:::WD pm repa1ftd .,uD,uJ'.TIlE C'ellEUlf PElt ce.��������----� WHERE do you �, 70arNew.pap odJcal. aDdal.lloD.�.AI NOI\. TOWSPhoa� . Free DeUvuy116 Hyde Park � 57tb Street FOR A CATALOGUE OFSpalding . At�/etic Goods.I UT.lep11oaa Hyd� Park 18 aDd tM 7A McAdamsTh.UDI .... 1I7• •. F lor' .1. ••CHUaIlmOl1DS:Cor. � st .... KIm .. tk Aft. Chicago Mcntion what !'port �..ou.:;are inttr­ested in and ask for a list of collegeand school suppliesThe Spalding Athletic LibraryTextbooks on e"cry athletic sport10 cents per copy.Send for Complete List.Mail Order De�t..., ",¥A. G. SPALDING .' BaOs.126 Nassau St., New York.149 Wabash Ave., CbiC&Jo.-THE DAILY', MAROON;, • CHIC-AGO. ·-:--T.PJ;tJItSRAY d:EBRt:JARV:,,"'�907 ... '1 ........ --- ......... ----..,-: A'ln'S WINS'THIRD PLACE ; L"YOM .. AHD�'fDDIJIGe.-oVT1:',': 11M, 'The'� VIU IN �A_S_K_ETBALL RACE BUT COA_C_H_STILL HOPESiRP. '�,;.III Chlimpionsbip Rag -- Liter- (C ..... u<41Uom P .... I,)Yiu �'" ; t. l' e�.:re and Philosophy-FinaltII I.n ,T G,p �k. Game, Not Till March.Th • Inn' .It By defeating Science yesCerday. . lPil:... :",. C I . h d hi d•• afternoon, Arts 0 ege CIllC e t irp'ace in the race for the Junior Col­lege basketball championship, which-vil! not be decided until the begin-1�'nK of next month. when Philosophyneets Literature. Philosophy, to tie• 'teraturet for the championship,"�ust yet defeat both Arts and Lit.,apposing that Literature defeats3ciencc in the last game between the. WO, as it is likely to do. If Phil­osophy loses either of these games,;jterature wins. The postponing of;aturday evening's game betweeni .iterature and Science- transfers in-crest in the games to the Univers­ty championship until the close of� ..... :�,.., ...... 17 0 •• , • .,..,.•............. ere ......It:j�. ====::;::==�1·(-:'NvuMENn"'lThe GrandKENDALLWAYIs to make you happy withquiet, wholesome comedy.EZRApNDALL-IN--SVVELL ELEGANT JONES"The Garrick'-.'r., VIRGINIAHARMED ;'AsCA¥ILLECritics agree that MissHamed is the greatest. CaiDiUe of .. this . cener­ation.i :r- '" LaSalleOthersCou:aeand. Go; Bat�" }�THE TDfBTHE PLACK-aDd"THB GDtLGoes .,.. ,,0. ...... � .• FOI'cftl..., ..... ,, T4Je:�Studehakert ,. Seats now Selling,Heiary' W. �vage offers'a:A'·.y .�O� 'D�I T C B C'O � KIn a neW' Comic Opera,:."A YANKEB'r' TOURIS'rt_ :.'::�-Powcrs.11188II A X.I HE:BLLIOTT.:. ,ID..1iI�. Clyde Fitch Comedy."R B R'···GREATII A T C H"1.-;."...""Eat. 1&,6 .. '-111111:;6. :S1iAmN_. : ess -College. ,.' 1... Business Training ••. AND.;StenograpIJ, ..'l .DAY AND IQGHT SCHOOL" ....... IIq Bater at Arq Time.. ,H. w. �t,�:Pr-.: L ...... t V ....... -U.ofC,·91,1IaDapr.315-331 Wabash ATe. 7. Divinity vs. Literature (basketbali).7. Junior College' Wrestling -andGymnastic . 'Meet.S. Chicago at .Illinois (track)."9. University High School vs, Mor­gan Park Academy (track).'Purdue at Chicago (basketball).,Evanston Y.- M. C. A. VS. Fresh­men (basketball.)Law vs. Philosophy (basketball)Philos()p.hy VB.' Divinity (basketbali).Illinois . Freshmen at Chica�(track). :. , " '., ;Li• 5. La w vs. LiteratU're'" (basketbatl} .Chicago at Eva�ston' Y. M. C �'!(swimming). ��cChicago at Central Y. M. -c, �(basketba.ll).. � ;Science ·vs. Divirii\y' (baslCetbal1).J· I!:================;;:;:========_Northwestern �t<"Chieago" �(b� _,' . .. AT THE ,,;;��ketbal'I). .. 'U'" � ·-HOTEL .... d RESTAURANT .. ���Arts �s� Senior' '(ba$ket�l)�_ .WILL FIND RESTAURANTS ON "tWO FLOO_�First., Regim�nt Track. 'Meet. ; WILL FIND A SPECIAL AFTER- THEA TER �Chicago .at' llIiD�isi��bas1aet�n) WILL FIND SPLENDID SERVICE -·rt!! •.IlH��is·.at· Chicago" �iD") . ..... .' . Serving only ·the Best the Market Aftor�s I';".Oak �ark vs.- ·H,Yde Farle -<swii, \ .. 111 to 117 RANDOLPH STREET �";:mina)... . ,'!" We #e a Specialty of Club. Fraternity Dinnccs,'"s",:: 'l6. Chicago �t Lewis Institute: .(baS- '"1 ' . Finest Orchestra in the City .. :fl .�. This actiketball). f:' I .. -------------------------- ... �.�olasticLiterature V9.· Philosophy (ba�. 'Co... ity� The '�:����·vs_-S.nior (bask.tba11): .. :'THf UIfI�fRS'TY PANT�TOR'UI ::=.:; I.� 'Presses your SUit every week and shmes your .. During thetor $1.00 per month'. �fj: .9Q4-()5. ths'G.eoaap &nYI Aye. . Byde �.;,' :S: bel�\\I. Law vs. Arts (basketball). . raw. cI. �;��esota at Chicag� (bas�et- DIe .Yates �;. Mer Teacbers' 911\ �. t !:;.c�; �;:e 00 ,..., .... �Jadson an(2. First Preliminary Track Meet,')f • .,..,., .. ,-C H' h Schooi ....... J.. DIIBALI.BALL ,-:l{: Dr. Jud�,the Coc:»k . �u�ty Ig • Paul :·Yates, Manager. 243 W�ba�ll A.,·. �.;:� done in th5· Arts vs. Di�nlty (basketbalt�. . Room, .740 Fine Arts Bldg. Original Ideas and Exclusift'7. La� �s. Scien.ce (basketball)r aio3-'.lIidIipD �ft. DUcago, m PHOTOGRAP lieved that8. Ilhnols at Chicago (track). ; : , • '. . ap.cla. lila''''. �r c. Hailing tf8. Second Preliminary· Track'·Men :'Ve s�ure pOSltlons for college and PATRONIZE .�.;.:, hlftities anof, 'the Cook COUllty .$ifl ��.!Y;_Rrof��s2.rs., normal, .school, TBK. �n ftrsity nOJLawrence ran in 2.25 and Beman in Schools. ",:� 1rii:b:�Odr,"���' and all kinds of • .;.� DIg. residerZ.;27., 9. ,chicago at Purdue ·(basketballl. �pecaaL teachers.: We. also have a UNIVERSITY :�;Others who will compete Saturday 12. Philosophy ,\'5. Arts. (basketball j' strong. department of athletics. Write PH AR .are as follows:14- Senior vs. Literature (ba_et .or call for further information. .:,'Forty yard dash-Carter, Smith, 5tlo E. 53th Slreel:�Wampler bali). .. Phoa-' R. R. BOWAN, Prop.Forty .yard low hurdles-Smith, 15· Chicago at Wisconsin (basket::rOflj�r. H.P. r7SB. R:idence, H.P. 961O'-Donnell, Carter. bali). J' � ='mD DannIS. Chicago Freshmen at Itlinoi· .,... WR. �2.20 yard dash-Wampler. Stadden. I � 21m Da"'_track). .: . . .,... wa.1PW .. IK ..:Morris. DENTISTS. 16 Chicago at Minnesota (basic,.t-I'Quarter mie run-Stadden. CranE'. .bali). 6249 Kimbark Ave. Cor. 63rd:Morris. Rothschild. 16. Third Preliminary Track Med I Hours �1.2. 1 :.30-5·of the Cook County Higi1. ------Schools. I'.23. Semi-Final Meet of ,the Cook. !County High Schools. I28 a.nd' .29. IJlin()ls Athletic Club I·t.narity Track Meet. I;30. Fin'al Track Meet ,of the 'C()t)�'PatMnize Daily Maroon adnrtisers ICounty Hieh Schools. I�; ... ;.. e month.Yesterday's contest was close until.he end of the first period, when Arts... as in the lead by the score of 10 to', During the second half Davis cinch­:<1 the victory- for Arts by a spec­tacular display of basketthrowing,naking twelve points in the period.I'he final score was 28 to 13.Science, as usual, presented a dif­erent team, two new faces beingeen in the line up. Allen played aliffere� game for the losers, being,�eJ1 assisted by Cobb and Smith.Tile score:Arts 28 Science 13.£xcelsen R. F.. . . . . . . . .. Cobb.Javis , . L. F '. . . . . . .. Allen 9·.eaf C.. . . . . . . . .. Eskey 9.Long " R. G Fishbine.lcBride, Price L G Smith 2.Baskets from field-Leaf 3. Davis t' 4·'. Exselsen 3, Allen 4, Cobb 2. Bas­:.;:ets from free throws-Davis 2, Ai- . 3·'en, Time of halves, 15 minutes.Referee, . Carter. JThe standing in the Junior. College '5.series is now:Literature .. . . . . .. •• 4Philosophy .. • . . . . . . 3\rts .•...........•.. .2Science 0 oI35 I.ooq !6.·775400 '9·.000 !O.UNlVERSITY HIGH TO MEET "0.. ' 21.MORGAN PARK SATURDAY lJ.2J.Preparatory Schoo� to Hold Amlual 23.Dual ,Meet-University HiChChances Bright.University High School and Mor- 26.gan Park track teams will' meet inB:!rtlett gym Saturday afternoon at 28 ..2 o·c-Ioc1c. From present showingthe South Side school has the betterchance to win.The University High' boys, havebeen wOrking consistently for themeet �nd are looking for a close contest. Try outs in the relay and halmile were herd yesterday afternoonIn the relay each man ran two·laps.Stadden heading the list with 0.32 i-5as his time. The others ma1cing theteam were Wampler,. Smith, Morris,Crane and Barrett. In the half mileHalf mile run-Beman, Larson,Knltcher, Gibbs.Twelve pound shot put-O'Donnell,McMurray.Running high jump-McMurray.Smith, . Ber.k. BRIGHTFIAT ClASP GARTE8l.:are wom &DDaally OD. 4,000 000 l�e- most popular •1DeD'....... The patented ht clasp brings comfort-the-'ill non-biDding, non-irritating hold. It'. as Bat as a sheet ofhold. the sock as smooth as the skin. Madeof pure silk elastic.All metal,JIUU of heavy nickel plated brass. 25 cents a pair,oi- by m,U prepaid. For those who prefer a cord garter,..3c:leid, Illinois: Bloomfeldt, Fosland,Jarrett; Lindberg, Richardson, VanInwagen.I m.le runs--Chicago: Mathews,K lock, Ca\dweU; Scheid. Illinois.\':111 Inwagen, Richardson, Putnam, "'�::!O· �.r, GRI::!:Irkhalter, Connard, Miller, Barret.,�: '� ..... - i2 mile run-Chicago: Caldwell, :-: .... GHNN � �TEIlS.(Iock, Scheid, Mathe�s. llIinois •. � euiestand inoatcomfOl12blecord garter made. The�1:lIer, Smith, Connard, VanInwagen, rub�oodholdswithnice_lik.egripthat.illneverslip. WiD:!arrett, Richardson. ·DOtilljurethefineathose. Thesmallest,smoothestftattestgripeYer',' .. used Oil a cord garteI'. F'mest quality webbing. Metal parts heavy. Pole Vau�t-:Chicago: Henneberry, DickllJllatedblass. 2Scand5Oc a pair, all dealersorbymailprepid.,ldien. Lllinois, MorriS,. Hudson. : j PIOIIIlU au.�. co .. 718 .arket et.. Philadelphia •High jump-Chicago: Schommer; .' ........ '" Ptoati:r 8� •Maddigan. Illinois,' Wood, Ropp.�ushnel, Lazear. .. Shot put-Chicago:' Russell, Kelley,vladdigan.. Schommer. Illinois, Bur­'ough s, Dunham. ;!.Relay race - Chicago: Merriam,::larker. Quigley, Steffen, Pomeroy;Shuart, Mathews. iliinois: Jenkins,\Iay, Spitler, Lindberg, Gardner,Pettigrew, in· JllSevtan45IJ KIMBALL HALL, CHICAGO.. MANDOLIN LESSONS, $1.50.,j'"c'Mu" sic Fd'r' n·lshe: d for'-======�===="�= '-;'� ship;·seven1��=======. All Select Occasions): ::::;�:Ihation duriDean Ge:iSsued the.. -------------------------------,--------------------.-���.III "At the I.. ,. College F acwere put 1claly notitiea satisfacto� QuartelrOc'one or"Seventeel....... -__ .-.--ATHLETIC '. SCHEDULEFebl1lalY Phone Harrison 803'lfJlRIJEIl'.artreproof rstorage . It Van. a-.a Olica.',,"'" .... CaJa.et Aft'1 ..._,.::) ..... __ .;�t"""... '. le·aU Oticea."These jWanted BeelDe ..\Vanlcd- Two roon>BSt, convcnicn! tl) hoard.r.rcferahly children.roon OAice.v('ryFer. Officersnr.ity Dctsterd:t\·___________________ ..... is follo'w!�e",ot: '\McBridc'� lad�. "_·_·_h .... _,." .. :j:�� ..����t�.i(·�·