The 1907 Washington Prom will0(' held in Bartlett _gymnasitllll. not­wit hstanding . pc:rs� iumon - - toih·� ; effect thaf it ' wot.ld be ·given in a.down-towD ·hall: The price of the. . i�C.Kets will be fo·u� dollars until thenight"· of . the dance, when it : wiil be Memorial services, simple and im­raised . to : five dollars. These an- pr essive, in honor of Dean Wilburnouncements, made definitely yester- Samuel Jackman, principal of theday by John F •. Moulds, chairman of University of Chicago elementarythe finance committee, set at rest any school, were held yesterday morningvague rumors which had been circu- in Mandel Hall. From 10:JO untillating about the campus. 12 o'clock, all classes in the .Unive·r-The only serious object-on to hold- sity were suspended, out of respectfor the late educator, whose deathing the Prom at Bartlett was theI;oor condition of the floor for dane- lust Monday cast a pall over the en­tire, Yesterday the tJiniversity au- . .The services were marked with allrhorities agreed to put it in such a .the dignity and solemnity fitting tdshape that it can be used for dancing. the occasion. Members of the fac­Actual repairs Will be beguD ·at once.A . - ulty, in sober academic gowns, electric 'rotary floor polisher,' ... ·ere practically the same as in the such as is used on the floor of Bour- ed by the University Choir, led themorning. nique's and the Chicago Athletic As- processional, with which the servicesYesterday's gain was not great sociation, has been purchased. Steps opened.h t t . . "Lead.Kindly Light," was the ooen-enoug 0 warran any increase m will be taken to obviate the difficulty :ng selection by the choir.after whichthe hope entertained for Dr. Hul- experienced in former years as a re­bert's ultimate recovery. However, suit of the warPed condition' of th. Dr. Alonzo Ketcham Parker, theit is generally thought that the great . floo di 1 ( . University Recorder, read a passage­length of time the patient has been natatorium, oor, irect y over tb, .frorn the Scriptures. Dr. Charlesabe to hold out is in itself a favor- .. 'R.Il·hmond Henderson, the University.Satisfaction that the P�om IS to be 'Chaplain, offered the prayer.h�ld on'. the ca'.llPus seems to be Dean Nathaniel Butler, dean of thewl�espread among �e st�dent body. School of Education. delivered the:. ; 1: IS'" �Me,*=!=� �t 1Dasmu� as it is 'first address. He spoke on D�n'_ . ·the chief social event of th� ,lJ.nil-er- Jackman's .personal characteristics.. ._._,• - �.W�iaD�� ; ���re���·�:mC.dd",be--'-helct��,ndim H�· �old of hir·�rst-�ng-·t�";:�;"';"';.i���\��·PabIic Talk TIda Aftemooll ill t. e quaClrangies. .cago and of his· subsequent work ,- ,;�:.cObb BaD. -�- __ . : . The increase OD the night of the 11.e� .;,;.1::Ftom 'in· :the cost of tickets· Sold at "Dean . Jackman has left his im- �,":;':'f.MANY MEETS ON THIS WEEK An open lecture will be delivered :the door. is to induce c •• s �ny as, not only on the education ')f .':::/�:b�. Prof .. L C. Marshall, ·of Ohio .rossible to purchase tickets earli. pncago, . but upon the entire COUD- .. : • ',���Swimming, Basketball, Track and \Y�sleyan University this afternoon This' win �nable' the members of the ;try,'· he Said:-·· .. To him, perhaps more. -.6High School Contests Planned. in Cobb Hall on, "Race Effects of finance committee to estimate accu •• than any other man, is due the in- .... .;..·�EImmigration." Prof. Marshall, who rately just how inany will be present.; troduction of nature study into. our : /:;'is one of the rising young econo- .trld just the extent. of the resources cI('mentary· schools. He was· a man -:-' .. :;:�tmists of this country, is a graduate �i the. committee. In arr21l8ing of vill'orous thought and of active :��of Harvard, and has received his many of the details it is said to be temperament. It is hard to realize f:Master's Degree from that school. n,�cessary . to �ecu�e an accurate that he is gone, partly because he . :�::His subject is especially interesting knowie.dge of just what to expect. was taken away so suddenly, buton account of the gretat European . : more because he was so essentiallyimmigration on the East and the Tickets will � on sale at the In- a part of whatever he became inter-<:ue!;tion of the yellow race on the fcrmation Office, the steward's desk e�te� in. He �as. a lovable man, andWestern coast .. The trades unions, at the Reynold's Club, and by mem- nc.\"Cr Ie! a differenc� of oplDlonSamuel Gompers and the Pacific iJ."!rs 0 fthe finance committee. s:and in the ",vay .of friendship," .states are in favor of stringent im- From the fact that this is the first Professor James H. Tufts, head ofmigntion regulations, while �uch P, om to be held' for three years, un- .t)·e department of philosophy, thenmen as Pres. Elliot are in favor of l:.-.:ual student interest seems to be s:;,oke. He dealt with· the educationalcontrary politics. Prof. Marshall aroused over the affair. Last year, work accomplished by Dean Jack­will discuss the subject fully. All th� event was postponed because of man. speaking of the various move-s:udents are invited. tht. death of President Harper. The ments in which he was interestedyear before it was delayed through am! which he did so much towardWILL LECTURE ON IIUSIC. h:� �erious illness. rraking successful. .After the solo by Lester BartlettThnes, the services were closed withthe benediction by Dr. Henderson.The stage was decorated simply.The rePlains of Dean Jackmanwere taken to California. Pa., hisformer home, yesterday afternoon.Dean Butler and the members of theOn account of the fact that ·Wis. f:lmily' accompanied them.��---- .1iuJSOPHY COLLEGE�c� PRO GRAil IS '.UICEDtI�� Sock aDd Buskiq; to Present Elabor­.; !aiC Vaudeville :�riday Evening at· ReyDolas . Club.�� Key," "Sis ,Hopkins" and Other. Famous Olio· Perfo� to TakePut. 'r. ,"'-. �Tbe -f-oel" and Bu'skin�'1:)ramatic.:-:._ Scc:i�ty of the College of Philosophy.' Women, has announced part of itsPto8nm for the vaudeville show to. DC ariyen tomorrow evening, in the.,: _: �,nolds Club. Theater. The per­,. fo�ers include a list· of stars; sucha.; �ere never presented on one stagebefore. J im Key, the famous "educat­ed horse, and his equally renownedtrainer, ha ve been engaged for a onenight's performance, positively the.r>uly inter-season engagement in�wl:ich . this wonderful animal will_, .'I appear.._- �'Si5" Hopkins' will appear in an.•. r�IY new performance upon thit· cccasion. When asked to appear un­.der the auspices of the Sock andBuskin Society, "Sis" said that shewould be glad to do so, but she was. -' airaid that her usual sketch was toowell known to be enjoyed. Finally,I:owever, a compromise was effectedwhereby . she will appear in her us�0:.1 costume, and do the buck and·. wing. Among the talent from, abroad who will perform. on . this., . eeeasion is the famous Lenora Dou­,\,.:.��erf!!to,·.- champion -lady ):)Ve�htlifter of the worlct who will ·give anexbmition of her marvelous s���ngth.A troupe of lively· girls, fre�h- fromErin's Isle, will dance the Irish wash-... ·oman, and the students' very dearfrien�, the "Flunk Card," will do as('ng and dance. This last is to beon(; of the special features of the. program. The identity of the auto­maton is a profound secret, but it isar.derstood to be one who has hadauiuaintance with the above-men-. tit.oed. friend, �nd the. performanceiSrj· expected to. ::be "�nk.: which willtouch 'he he�rts 0 fall students pres­eol.l ..t ••..: )��. .,;.::"j ",('.I.'f':' Then' will be a number of local.' sketches, one called '''Deaning,''1Vhich wilt depict ·the trials of a Jun-· ior Dean. Another called "Wild Ani­mals I Have Known" is a take-off on�ve prominent faculty me�bers.Bernard Rell has written some splen­did parodies on Popular songs forthe occasion. Miss _Helen Bright.. ill give som� musical numbers.The girls· of the Philosophy Col­lege are· privileged to invite friendsor escorts, p�eferably coltege people,and an members of the PhilosophyCollege for �en are cordially invited.Th� program wilt bern at 8 o'clock,and there will b,e an informal dance FAILIOEll HULBERT ,r.tPROVES:OUTCOUE STILL 1-1' DOUBT huaaaementa Completed for GiviDc•__ _ I of ·Winter SoCial· Event on Campua-TicketS to' tie Iacreuecl from ..Slight � iaReported After Pa- to $s on Micht of Prom.tent bad Remained .Three Day. inCritical State..0.. ,'� '.-;.:::.. .. �\.,.'- ..-�LLINI TRACK STARS .,� . - .arconMembers Teams Receive ;..1;tO. THURSDAY, JANUARY .JI, 1901. .PaIca Two CaIn.of··Cons" in Semester Exaniinations­Burroughs. Smith and Jenlans Out-Basketball Team Leaves.Urbana, 111., Jan. Jo.-Wailing and,snashing of teeth arose at the Uni­versity of Illinois today when it wasannounced that five of the best trackathletes had tripped up in the sem­ester ��aminations last week. and.would be barred from the first dualmeet with Chicago February 8 unlessthey were able to pass. off their"cons." Burroughs, shot putter, andC. H. Smith, the two miler, .twocracks counted on as certainties forfirst place in their events against theMaroons, were the leading men to.:ome under the faculty ban.Companions in misfortune werejenkins, sprinter and quarter miler;Bloomfeldt, half-miler, and Miller,railer. Burrough's failure caused es­pecial surprise, as the star lias anexcellent record as a student for tli�past two years. He is confident thathe will be able to reinstate himselfby herculean labors, but enthusiastsfear he is out of the competitionwith the Maroons.The basketball five left today for'Minneapolis to encounter Minne­sota tomorrow night. Friday nightWisconsin will be met at Madisonand Saturday night the team willmeet the Maroons at Chicago. Theplayers to take the trip are -CaptainJuul, Ryan, Stewart, Dadant, West�fall. Cermack and Riesche..':"·{;unning�. -catcher·', on �·-die :: 63seballnine, reported for practice.Friday and· Saturday will be fullathletic days at the Bartlett gymnas­ium. Friday's schedule originallycalled for a swimming meet betweenWisconsin and Chicago. but this waspostponed by the Cardinal authori-ties.I n its place� beginning at 7:30 p .m., three evnts will be held. The firstwill be the fourth basketball gam�of the series for the University cham­pionship, Law playing Divinity. Lawhas already won one game, from theSenior team last Saturday.The second event wilJ be a swim­ming meet between Oak Park andUniversity ·High Schools, and thethird a meet between the Vaosity ac­qua tic team and the freshmen. Theadmission fee for the three events }-tOLD PROM 1M GYMNASIUM IMPRESSIVE SERVICES AREHELD FOR DEAl JACKMAIDean Nathaniel Butler and ProfessorJames H. Tufts Pay Tributes toDead Leader.. Bulletih'-3:00 a. m.Dean Hulbe'.� -is practically thesame as he was all day.. He is slight­ly better than he was yesterday. Noprediction can be made. �emej .. , _Taken· to· ·caJifOnua, "p�- --.sylvania. for Burial-Family A6:.­companies Them.Betterment Not Gftat Eno.. toW� Incrr.r·· iD ... Hope-= ., impro��f _ "Maintained.Dean Hulbert was slightly im­p oved yesterday. The bettermentwas noted yesterday morning afterDr. Hulbert had remained· in analarming condition for three days,with n6 perceptible change. Hemaintained the improvement of themorning throughout the day and bul­letins received at a late hour lastable indication.will be twenty-five cents.On Saturday afternoon beginning�t 2: 15. two dual track m�ets will berun off simultaneously. They will· bebetween the Varsity freshmen andCentral Y. M. C. A., and MorganPuk Academy a�d Englewood Hi�hCHICAGOAN TO SURVEY School. The former witl be the firstIN THE PH'ILIPPINES meet of the 1910 squ�d. MorganPark is picked to win the latter.Benjamin C. Allin Receives Appoint- In the cvcning the Varsity basket-ment as Go..emment Surveyor. ball tcam will mect Illinois, thefrc�hman five playing a curtain-raiserwith the Wilson Ave. Y. M. C. A. Jln. Alfred Emenoa To Talk at PRESHIIEN SWlIIIIBRS TOUDiwalltJ Hip School MODdq. .IlEET VARSITY TOMORROW:\ l�cture upon the "Early Devel-orment of Vocal Music (Polyphony)wiU be given Monday, Feb. 4tb. at ..p. m. in the College of Education,rcom 214, by Mrs. Alfred Emerson,of the Musical Department. It wt1lbt' illustrated by ten s:ngers from theNorthwestern School of "Music. un­c('r the leadership of Profess6r Lut­kin, Director of the School. Somecompositions from the 14th, 15thand 16th and lith centuries, includ­ing several selections from Pa1es­tr:na win be sung. A11 members ofthe University are' invited to attend. Purple Five Here Feb. 20.The scheduling of a basketba11g;lmc with Northwestern for Febru­:try 20 in Bartlctt gymnasium wasannounced yesterday by Dr. Ray­croft. This is a return match fort),(' contest at E,·anston early thismonth. As Captain Schommer's five\Va!' best on the Northwestern floor,an easy vietory is expected on the.h('·me floor.Benjamin C. Allin, 'oS.· who forthe past year has been an assistant to tcam. The linc-up of the VarsityProfessor Jones in his surveying team will be: Buhlig and Georgen,c:Jas�e!;. has been appointed as sur- 'forwards: Schommer, center; Hough."('yor with the U. S. Government ton and Harris, guards. The fresh­in the Philippines. Allin wilt sait men will line-up: Falls and Page,from San Francisco on Febnlary IJ, forwards; Hubble. center; Hoffmangoing by way of Honolulu, Japan and Corper, guards.and China. He wi1l return ilt theend of two years by the Suez route,thus circumnaYiptiftc the "obe.a!ter the, since the Freshmen are fullya match for the Varsity in the swim­ming events, and the Freshmen poloteam is strong enough tft put up aThe French Circle of Conversation hard fight against the regulars.of the Department of Romance meets The University 'High School willthis afternon in Beecher Hall at" meet Oak Park High School on the4 :30. saine evening,and this .contest !.hould The French Circle of Conversationadd much to the interest of the occa- of the Department of Romancehas been Charles Foster Glore, '10, has been sion since both teams have several n:eets this afternoon in Beecher Hall,J-!cdCed �Ita Kappa E� swillll .. er. who are .tar �. at .. :30 o'clock.Harlan Orvin Page, '10,rledg�d Delta Taa Delta. CardiDaJa CaDce1 Date--Oak Park. mel UDiftnity HiP Scbool inPreIimiDar7 Sp1ub.consin has cancelled the swimmingmeet scheduled for tomorrow nighta meet between the Varsity and thenewly-organized Freshman swim­ming team wilt be held. This shouldnot detract from the inter�st in thetrlit il{t -,ITHE DAILY ·M�ROON, CH�CAGO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, J!:,-:-During this season of the year, PLANS DAILY FOR "UN HIGH -. -----------------------------when the mind of the averalle""5�u.dent ia filled witji 'o9D 9WCD Would Establish Paper,thoughts of dances, to Replace the WeeJdy-Says Fi-proms, 'and other social nanc:ial' Support" Would Not be"�affair's, it is 'well to stop LackiDg for Enterprise. - t,J moment and consider the other ana"more important side - of college life- A dai Iy will soon replace the Uni- Ione's studies. It is' a well-established \. 'l'rsitr High School Weekly, if Dean Iract that 'the Winter quarter brings William B. Owen has his way. " Hemore failures than any other,and this 'Ia� been in favor of the project for:IS due in no small measure to the some time, ana - yesterday gave his iunusual number of social 'features reasons for desiring the change. He I DRESS SUITS FOR COLLEGE MEN OUR SPECIALTY._,' 1during that .time. One can easily Jeclared that. a 'daily is.. practicable, I' .. ' �licarry his work to �' successful con- and is needed. He has not yet . ,..elusion, and at the sa� time do as brought the matter up for discus�onl��������������������������������much society as he pleases, if he will by the faculty, but says he may be-only remember that ''Class work is fcre long. Inever postponed on account of dances "There is 110 danger that 8 dailyand parties, and make provision be- :;;.ver cannot be run .on account ofiort:hand for doing his required exer- ' s. ck of funds," said D�an Owen .cises. It might be well to take warne' "Each student pays one dollar a from the experience of other wi n- 'or what we call a social fee, and quarters, and not suffer person- .l-ere are about 600 students at the ially what is unnecessary, and call be -chool. Besides, we can get some Iavoided by a little forethought. H!vertisements to swell the amount. I"1 think such an innovation has aJANUARY MONTHLY OUT; aistinct place in the University HighIS - CREDITABLE ISSUE. School. If introduced. it wouldprove useful. There are any numberimproved Monthly 'Maroon Appean of things that happen here, aboutPunctually=-Has Unusually Large which the students are ignorant, '1J1dNumber of Contributors. which are not all published in theWeekly. For instance, there are no':ccs which interest the whole school,.nd these would have their mace in:1. daily paper."This departure would neeil the1:(' lp of the English department., at'east until it got well under way.After that, the only question wouldbe whether the student's could handle TAILORS'br.tter quality, but there are more tl:e paper; that is, whether they 185 189 Dearborn St.ccntributions, and several new names would be willing to spare the: time DAY Jil' ilie li� � co�rib��rL T� n�ded on an underta�ng � iliiSI���������������������������'-·������ S�dm"ketches show that there is plenty of sort. I am hoping that we shall pub- THE UNIVERSITY PANIA'T' ORIUM :.;, -H. W,litera y matreial in the University, hsh a paper as large as The DailyOdcl Shepard contributes the lead" M2roon. I should like it to !,,! a four­,'I�g piece of fiction this· month, en- page paper, the pages being abouttit led "The Red, Red Rose," being 'ialt the size 0 fthe University daily.tilt' story of an artist who had a hat- And by my plan.arrangements woul-Ired that expressed itself in a wholly br made for supplying everybody 111prig-ina I form of revenge. It is a the high school wit,�. a c.)J>Y'"jllovel ',and startling conception that:'la!: yet to be improved upon.: Gustavus Swift Paine has an in­\eresti.'lg sketch called ';iA G'enius in: Raffles." which abounds with depart­mcnt store color, and' win be readwith interest if _for that reason alone, The Freshman baseball squad sue­"The Fable of How Slangy Psyche ceeded in holding down the Varsityand Psychological Sadie Copped Out �c' one run yesterday. The work was,heir Affinities," is supposed to, be the fastest and snappiest displayedfrem the pen of Ewing Lewis, one 'so far this season, few· hits beingOn February twenty-first the 1907 �i the editors of the magazine, and is made. The .men lined up as follows:Senior Promenade will be held in 1 concoction in slang, With capital Varsity. Freshmen.Bartlett gymnasium. "etters interspersed, as i�· fable books Gaarde C........ SheldonThis will be the .first of the past. There �re several other Staehling P Preston, SlaterWashington Pro m "ighter sketches. all readable, and Maddigan rst B... :.... Redfield,since 1904. but it is to ;ome acceptable poetry, to which M. Kathan 2d B. '.. Orchardto be hoped that tht L. Spencer' and Adolph George Pier· Davenport .: .. ".3d R...... Peguisst1!dents have not forgotten that us· 'ot �ign their names. ; , Templeton .. , S. S, Sternually this event is the chief one in The most commendable feature of Meagher' .....•.. L.. F.. . . . . . .. Clearythe year's social calendar. The com. t}1t' magazine is 'the' 'abs.cnce'o(tYP9- 'L�' Valley." R. ,F ,' ... Collingsm,ittees appointed by the Senior Col. 'raphical errors, showing' that Dlore :Meigs '" � .�� h, C F Roe. TuckerI<:ge Council are hard at, work plan. ,:-are has been tak�n with 'its' make- Coach DkkiD's,on expressed himself�ing the �etails of the affair, and \Jr· It is stili nec�ssary ,to inc�lcate 13 exceedingly. ;Well pleased with yes­tl:ose intending to be present-.and 1 little more University· or' Chicago :<:rday's work. ·"Fine." he said, "fine:the list should be ]arge�an san 'c'cal color into the monthly, to make 'n(' be!'>t yet."thf, members of these committeer :; the real studen'!'s magazine. The ,much worry and trouble by purchas. p:-ogress. however; is 'very notice- The Church History Cluh meets I, ing their t'ickets wen in advance. Thc' ;·ble, and will, be favorably comment· with, Profes$o'r Johnson this even-!finance committee has made special ('(! on hy tbe stl!dent b�dy. The edi· nf' at 5531 \V;shington avenue.inducements for the early purchasing tors s�r .that hereafter a_ timely ap- �:oo p. m. Mr.' A. W. Fortune gavecf tickets, and will place them on pearan<:� is �o be, the rule and not the club, a �alk on "Studies in De­SolIe within the next few days. Light. the exc,eption of the Monthly Ma- nominationalism-the Disciples."�r; the burden of t.hose who are giv- roon.' _,mg their time that' you may�r Daily lIarnnn,�'Freshmen Prove a Hard PropositioDfor: Older BaSeball lien.Omelal StUdeDt l'ubllcatiOD ot tbe UD1.Yer, A Stitch81t1' ot ChlcaCG. ,lD ·.a:ime"'orm�rI1The Unl'l't'ral�fouU:d:C;blca,o WwlJ.l"The Weekl1'. Oct. 1. 1892,T�e DaIl1', Oct. 1, i902.";u�ert'd u HIICond·Cl .. llall at the Chieeco p�tomce.SuLt;crlptlon price, ,3.00 per 1'ear: $1.00tor 3 months. Subscriptions receiyOO at'hf' Maroon OWee, �1I1a lIall, or at th ..Fu('ulty Exchange, Cobb Hall. ,Ordentakeu by Iball, or telephone." Hyde Park.26.IC. EDDY MATHEWS, Managing EdItor.),:DWAIW G. J..·ELS�N·J·lIAL. News EdItorr.crusn D. J..·�UNALn, Athletic EdItorUEOIWE E. (O·ULI.�lt, BU81Dess ManagerASSSOCIATE EDITORSC. W. Paltzer,A. W. Henderson, llerDard I,. Bell.Prestoa Po. 0888,Warren D. Foeter, :Uelvln J. Adams.REI'ORTERS. "eter 1". Dunn,I� W. l'l,nL;e,rton, W. P. MacCraekeD •Miss _!:'alth DodKe, The January number of the Month­iy Maroon, a decided improvementover the previous issues, made itsappearance today, and there is mucncause for congratulation among theeditors for the decided improvementover previous issues. Not only are.he articles and short stories of aJerome Frank, lIarry A. Hanseu,W. J. lIalDslurther,Uarvc)' u, Fuller, Jr.l'rlntOO by the MarooD l"rea-Ai4 East a5th StreetPbone U¥df' Park 3691The . encouraging reports fromDean Hulbert's bedside are extremeIy gratifying to all stuA Most dents and faculty memoRemarkable bers of the University.Fight, His Remarkable fightagainst disease is butanother example to prove the char­acter of the man. His life has beenspent in struggling for good, and inhis brave efforts to best the Grim \VARSITY SCORES ONE RUNReaper he has shown the same quali­ties that made for success during allhis life. It is the fervent hope ofall that he may be spared for furtherwork.BuyTicketsEarlyAn open :ecture gh·en this after-Students of Indiana. Un�versity are noon in room 159 of the Trainingpi::nning a: monster minstrel show School Building. by 'C 'V. Wash­for ,the benefit of, the Athletic Asso-I hl:rn. of the High Schonl Facuity.c;;.tJon. Tn former years this was The suhject of �Ir. Washhurn'� lec­the hig social event ::nd ,this year it I fltf( i:, "Greek Art."i... planned to eclipse them an.,Patronize Daily :\Iaroon Advertiser!',Small ads bring large returns in They are reliable.The Daily �Jaroon.A rare opportunity was presentedy<'stenlay., and will bf! presentedagain today to those ofA Rare· the University publicChance conversant with French.Offered :\1. Anatole Le Braz is. one of the foremostJ'rench scholars of the day, and hislectures arc of great interest. Th, b' '. esu Jects are well chosen and ill thfield �n which M. Le Braz is mos�rr�ficlent-that of the literature ofBnttany. .The Alliance Francaise isfcrtunate m securing so .r eminent auerateur to speak at th U'sity. 'e nlver. IT'S � FOWNEs ,.-- ._-----STUDENTS, REMEMBER US 'When making arrangements forvour fraternity g:-OtlP p:ctures for theTHAT'S ALL 'YOU Cap and Go",n._ .Special offer this INER,D TO KNOW year, Come and see.ABOUT A GLOVE. MARTYN'S MAROON STUDIO5705 Cottage GroveU. or C, Pboto",apher. Albert Mathews, Pres. Geo. H. Fiedler, Vice-Pres. 'i. n. Stratton, Sec,Mathews!"&, Co. Inc.THE TAILOR SHOPNew Powers Bldg., 156 Wabash Hyde Park-16. 243 EAST 55th STREETDRlBusUniversity Style $3.00 'per Doz.Student's Special $3.50 per Doz,' �JThey Fill that Empty Space at Hom'e. ,n,�gmoer'g l&boto �tutJto':During Jan. and Feb.(For U.-of C. :Men only.)$10.00 a'nd $12.00,'We Are Making«'. ,t"'"�iTrousers an� Vests for $l�OO to further advertise' our clothes among'he (;ollege men.$60.£t leader ;s special qualify sil�. lined fve!,ing l!ress' Silit for�:Carver It Wilkie .. 8u:Presses your suit every week and shines your shoes, L.- tor $1.00 per month5645 Cottage Grove Ave., Hyde. Par�.3nlrTOMASO�����;tl:··.·'t :r,·.�SII KIMBALL HALL, CHICAGO.MANDOLIN, 'LESSONS, $1.50.i'e..� To:Music Furnished' for����======�=== All : Seled- Occasions. . HouseAlO�Phone Harrison 803--����������������������--��������",�-16th and lIichigaD .w'e 16th St. Livery �' �Riding Academy" ;;:High-Class Saddle and Harness Horses for Sale. '��.Ror�es Sdioo!ect ,:, J'Send for Circular. Open Evening..·: ;f.... : . ..� �'"�-... �".- �._\".. t.;Phone H.P. 1252-: �c• :,' .... �JAmerica �undry'�!Telephone Calumet 251 " Thisftred teFrank S., Young.YoungBUNDLES BROUGHT IN AND CALLED FO,RShirts , ,.. Be - Co!lars. , , ' .' :zcCI!fi's , ..................• 4,C684-686 East 63rd Street .'.:� th:ng IIVlcuna�AlI stylGradtATrou!Wais1Fur Iat 50'Few(S.,. .n--�------------------------------------------�----�--------. �lilt_DEWSFireproof' Storage It Van Co. ' .ances rlwerlc 0:or "�Io.UltNITURE, PIANOS, TRUNKS, IIKRCHANlnU ._ •• A .....DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY; DKPOftAND SUBURB&.Clot)GeaenJ 06:eI._ St. aM Calumet A ...PboDerDoqIu iIooPrhat. Eadaaap all Office .. - -,,1JJ '. �' ;, �:�".� ;,f.!,� ..:>: .:'� �� -: ! : ..... �:�-: � ..... I :: �.-� \,. '--:. .. _ . -THE DAILY MAROON,: CHICAGO, . fHURSDA'�f lANUA� y. -31, 1907 .Est. 1856...fmma C. Stewart-/'rREHarvard· HotelFINESTACCOMMODATIONSFOR STUDENTSANDTEACHERS,.. '"J Prices Moderate,Location Ideal5714 Washincton Ave.BRYANT 11 smnoNBusiness CollegeOffers ,SuperiorAdvan�ges in•• Business T,ai�ing ••. AND L•• Stenography ••DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOLStudents May Enter at Any Time.R W. Bryant.· Pres.. L Brent Vaughan, U. of C, '91.Manager.315-321 Wabash Ave.MOSSLER. CO�·Good Clothes50 Jackson Boulevard- ;-�.ToDay!. HoUle CI.�ngl.Any. Suit, SIS.Overt:oats; 520." This season's goods will not be of­fered to you next season.Hence. this sale!cept only regular lines ofblacks and blues. Finestimportations included.All sizes to 48 stout.Broken lines of tuzedos and dresssaits at 20% to 50% off.Gnat chance!_! ... -Clothes for Men and Young lien50 Jackson BoulevardDaily Maroon LIT COLLEGE illEN WIN.FOURTH sTRAIGHT GAMElt • •WARNS- OF CONFLICT WITHNATIONS OF THE FAR EASTProfessor .Mathews Sa,.. Commer- Defeats Arts. by Record Score �f 54cial and Perhaps Military .. Strife to 7-Philosophy and, ScienceWith Orientals. Is I�eDL .Today. For the PromTo prepare for a war, at least com- Literature College set a new rec-mercial if not military, with the peo- ord for inter-college games yester­vies of the Far East. is the warning day afternoon by running up thegiven to - America by Professor Shail- score of 54 to 7 on Arts in two fif-er Mathews, in an editorial in the teen-minute halves. This is Lit'scurrent issue of The World Today. fourth straight victory in the JuniorProfessor Mathews tells of the Ang- College series, and their first gamelo-Saxon's contempt for dark skinned in the University series, in whichraces, in which the Japanese and they are tied with Law for the leadChinese share. He declares that at one victory apiece.Japan is shortly to become a menace Yesterday's contest was Literatueto America's trade, and that, follow- all the way through. Arts, weakeneding Japan's lead. China will become by the absence of two of its regu­:1:1 infinitely greater danger. In this lars, did not succeed in getting aconnection he writes: point until the second half, in which"Japan, if once it can "get its Davis scored the opener after aboutfinances on a war footing, will be a five minutes of play. Captain Ettel­nation any power wishing to share son of ,the Lits, used his regular corn­if"! Oriental commerce must either I bir.ation in the first half, but in theI beat or obey. But ten years hence, second moved himself from guard towhatever danger we may today find forward, supplanting Kelly, and sentin New Japcm, will seem infinitesimal in Stewart to fill the vacancy at rightwhen compared with danger we shall guard. The change was very effec-see in new China. tive, but it is exceedingly doubtful··We have been accustomed to if it would work against stronger for­think of the Far East as a sort of wards, such as Law will offer.sponge whkh can absorb our surp�s Ettclson, at right guard in the fird ���������������������������������products. But what if the Far East half, and left forward in the second,its elf becomes industrial? We have was the star of the contest, prevent- Residence: Phonel-cen accustomed to think of China ing his man from scoring while a :f.U Arlington .PI. - Lake View 102.0d d ki b Phone Harrison I�""as wedded to a past that was old guar ,an rna mg seven askets af- U<f'twhen civilization was born. But ter the change. Redfield was thehenceforth the Chinese, like the J�P- chief point winner, pulling down 22an ese, will take the cream off West- tallies.ern civilization. With none of those The score:age-long enmities which have re- Literature-54 ArtS-7.suited from the development of our Kelly, Ettelson .. L. F.. . .. . .. Pnncelleiaborate industrial world, they cao Redfield R. F.. . . . . . . .. Davisuse as well as we every sort of rna- Moore c. Longchin� and process and agency we Hainsfurther L. G: Smith, Klinghave il\vented. When a half-billion Ettelson, Stewart.R. G McBridepeople pass into the industrial stage, Baskets from field':_Kelly, St�w­the center of gravity in history is rat, Redfield I I, Moore 5. Hainsfur­going to shift." ther, Ettelson 7, Davis, Princell 2.Diplomtic difficulties, caused by the Baskets from free throws-Ettelsongreat difference between 'Orientals !, Davis. ",Time of halveg-;.ys min­an'n -OCciaentals, are fore�een 'by Pro- jttes eacht>. Score at end of first half:fessor Mathews. In speaking of this Literature 24, Arts 0.· Referee, Me-he says: Keag."There is a hundred times more The standing of the teams in thekinship between America and Europe Junior College series is as follows:than' between America and Asia. Literature �;........ 4 0 1.000V�'e can trust the course of events Philosophy 2 .667 European diplomacy. We all play Arts .. . . . . . . . . . . . 3 .250the game according to the same Science .,; . .. . 0 3 .oodrules. What rules will the East ob-serve? As long as the East was COLONEL VISSCHERafraid of the West., diplomacy wasC3!,y. That day has passed. Japan Noted Kentucky Poet and Authoris teaching China to despise Euro- Is Guest of Pen' Club.pcans and Americans. It is only amatter of time before China shall Men's Dress Suits$35Others up to �O.OO·Marshall Field & Co.Goldsmith's Orchestra!. Goldsmith, Director .)ffi.ce, Cable Piano Comp�y,\Vabuh and Jackson. CHICAGOhave . become a vaster Japan, andSuits-They run in America shall find itself between theScylla of Europe and the Charybdisvalue up to $4o-they·re of Asia.yours for $15- We ex- "WhenOiercoats- Your choice of every- Judges for Debate... :"'i" t�:ng up to $45. Meltons, Kerseys. David A. Robertson. llr. Hoxie ofVlcuna�. Cravenettes, the Political Economy Department,A111tJ1�s. HandSomeiy -·tiDed.. and �lr.Gorsuch of the Public Speak-Grades up to $65 at 33% 01'. ing Department, will be the judgesAND OTHER THINGS at the preliminaries for the debate ofTrousers up to $g at $3 � "'" the Philosophy College in C,..t..··Waistcoats, all Jdnds,$ and $3- chapel this evening at i :30 o'clock.Far lined or (ur trimmed coats I The presiding officer wil1 be H. 507r discount. 'Hostetter of the committce on de­Few (by:, only! Our housc clear- hatin� .. Spcakcrs will have fi\·c min-ances :trl' popular. We make short utes in .which to present any !'ide ofwcrk oi 111('01. Come and get a taste the question and three minutes forof "�fo�,lcr Service." rebuttal. The second series of lectures to be(�eli\"ered by Professor Kraeger willh(' given tomorrow afternoon in KentTileater at 4:00 o'clock. The subjectior tomorrow's lecture will be "Kol­hein and His Contemporaries." Dr.�;o("s '�cturcs are always assisted by�Ir. Hiram Parker \Villiamson, of stcreopticon views, which gives an1tJded interest to the lectures.thr. Romance department. will de-liver a lecture on French songs un­(!(."r the direction of the AllianceFr;:ncais at the University of Mich·ig-�n, being part of a lecture courset::at is being given there. :\Ofr. Wil­advertisers. !iamson will sing different Fr�ncb• to ilJustrate his topic. During this monthwe will make you. a·Suit· and an ·exirapair of Trouse� for. ;the price of .�he suitI t is economy to buy a suit withTALKS an extra pair of trousers, it makesthe suit last twice as long.Colonel William Lightfoot Visschl('I, the noted Kentucky poet, autho�r-nd humorist, last evening was theguest of th� Pen 'Club at a din netin the private dining room at Hutch­:r.son Hall. Colonel Visscher is anold-time newspaper' man, having butrecently retired from �ctive work af­ter forty years in th� service. He isalso well known as a poet and auth­or, his. most popular book being··B1ue Grass Ballads."He entertained the members of theclub' with a fund of stories and anec­dotes. which he acted out realistical­ly. reciting also many of his ownpoems. His was one of the raresttreats the Pen Club has had in many lNWEBSTER.�S.months. I TERNATIOHAL.The next meeting of the club will DICTIONA.R.Y'he held two weeks hence.that inevitable day come;\H shall be thanking our lucky starsthat some men and women were far­sighted enough to send school teach­ers 'and foreign missionaries to Chi­na along with drill sergeants and ..wJLUAM JERREMS· ·SONS.u.rk and Acbms Ita.----------'-civil engineers."St_,. fDr till Scllooll,.ALL STATB SCHOOL stJPERm­TENDENTS INDORSE IT. TheSCHOOLBOOKS of t�e country arebaaed upon It. ALL STATE PUR­CHASES for 8Chool. h1 ve been madeIn It. faTor. COLL!:GE PRESI­DENTS. NORKAL SCHOOL PRIN­CIP ALS,CITYand COUNTY SCHOOLSUPERINTBND:tNTS ·IDdorse �dcommeDd. It. Editor In Chlof, Wm. T.H&n1., U. S. Cl)mmiuioDu of Ed'D.UP TO DATE .... nt:I.IABLE.2380 p� z;ooo Jllaat.raUcJUs.� wonderfuny compact .torehOUM. of aceurate lDlormaUon.\.An open lecture will be given thisafternoon in. ,room '59 of the Train·:ng School Ruilding. by Mr. C. W.:·'.shburn. of the High School faculty.The subject of Mr. Washburn's lec­tl!re is "Greek Art." Write for" Dlctlollary Habit" - F;ee_G . ..c. "t�Im. A:.I CO .•SprlD,�e1cl. 1::J.a3 .• U. So A.GE.T 'un: nEST.• • - '.1 .'. _. .:.. .. - *, ,.. .. J"_':� ;\:, � .. --; .. ���""':;..; �1�:'lG' ,,\��"� .. -; �� .. �. �� ..":'J .. AR,CADE�W(]apeco SbruU Q,uter Size CoLt15 cents each: 2 (or 25 centsCLUETT, �3DY &. CO.a.u aD4 - --= SIaIdaConklin'sSell- Pen...For busy people .No bother.Fills itself •.Cleans itself.No dropper,Nothingto take apart.Nothin� to spill.A dip m ink, atouch of thumbto nickel cres­cent and thepen is full,_ready to write.All the beet dealers eTf1'7-.. tllenHl� Dr��1��D4':: I,.,ur yna IMt.t Ul'Oft ��Ir .IL ('.">IIte no more thaD otberfountain pens of lINt pade.l'!.!!,.lee and UU1I to_leet� llbown In our ca1a1(C.... n,. =t::e :.en:,,:::IUD pea re)IaIreil promp&.l,..TIlE <'eKKLllil PE!It ce.IIUP � .& .... " ...... __ " ... ..... .,"'1II"n c..w.1eINUIa..f -g-�e �oot Stu�icKDlBAU.IlALL243 Wabvb Av.:.Original Ideas and Exclusive Styl� inPHOTOGRAPHSSpecial a.,,..s t> U. or c. �'udeDt •Telephona Hyde Park 18 aad �7A. McAdamsTbe UDI.e".1t7. .. Flor'.t ....GRB:2lfBOUSES :Cor. 534 St. aDd Jttm..,k A.Ye. Chic:agoWIII�RR d-:J you �et yourNew.paper •• P ... lodlcal. "DdStatloD.r7.At NORTON·Srho.'!"116 lIyde: Park Pre.:: lklivcryillS fiith Str�etTHE nAILY MAROON, CHICACO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1907·.� 1'�' ""'�:�U�I�OWCH��O �KAGOTOSUDTUM ,�========================Wot:ld you like an attractive UNIVERSITY rLAN REUNION TO PENN TRACK KEEl' •. • ,Pictu:-e. an artistic bit of PottelY, I HR··1" GHTON'or a good Plaster Cast for your Meeting to be Held in Union Hotel .hector Stagg Accepts Invitation of. ,room? on February 22. Quakers For Annual Event In FL&T CLASP G4IlTEll8We have these at inexpensive 'Apri!. are worn annually on 4,000,000 legt-the most popular garun fit .prices and many other beautiful Extensive plans for a reunion of men's wear. The patented Sat clasp brings comfort-the aecretlallthiJ;lgs not to be found elsewhere. all men, both professors and students The Univer-sity of Chicago will be ita non-biDding, Don-irritating hold. It's as fiat as a sheet of paper"holds the aock as smooth as the skin. Made of pure silk elastic w�Let us give you prices en framing i of the old University of ChIcago. to "presented agajn this year in the in- All metal parts of heary ",ckel plated brass. 2S CeDta a pair, all __your pictures. : be held in the Union Hotel, 117 Ran- ration track meet which is annually or by mail prepaid. For those who prefer a cord �,we oIerThe Chicago Art � dolph street, on the evening of f'eb- :1(;1d by the University of Peunsylva-] LOCTT I GRImary 22, are being made by a com- o!.a. at .Phila�elphia in the latter part! � -fducation CO. · mittee of Chicago alumni which ex- ,I April. Director A. A. Stagg an-IA. C. McClurg Bldg., pect s to see hundreds of old grads in Jounced yesterday that he had re- B�GHTON GA.RTERS .21:;: \Vabash Ave. i the city on that day. The evening .:,,·ived an invitationfrom the Quakers' Thenea!est,easlestand �ostc.omf�rtab!ecord �rmad4!- Tlu:., I rubber diamond holds a VIce-like gnp that •• U never dip. w.n________________ ' will be devoted to a renewal of old t.' send the Maroons east and would 'I notinjurethefinesthose. Thesmallest,smoothestflattestgripwer_--------------_ ! associntions, songs, toasts, reminis- x-mply with the re que st, u:t.."ttonacordgarter. Finest qua1i�ywebbing. Metal�sheailThe You Icence s and such an informal good It isvery likely that the plau of last Du;k.elplatedbrass. 25cand5Ocapalr,alldealersorbymailprepaaI .' I PIO.E •• auap •• D •• co .. 718 .arket � Phllaclelphla.I as only old grads can have. The year Will be cnrried out and that sev- JI4bra� PiMa«r BUJW:I&Wa.Will drmer will be served at 6 :30 o'clock. :ral individuals besides tlie relay teamThe entire affair will be as informal v.ill be sent to the meet. Last yearI :!S possible. �,l!ic<lgo was represented by its relay! The favorable answer of a large earn and also by Parry, Williamsonnumber of men. some of them com- n� Steffen. who participated in indi­, :ng from a distance. has been secured .idual events.and letters announcing the event are The University of Chicago has alsobeing sent to every alumnus of the lefinitely decided to compete in the'old school on the records. Those "ndoor A. A. U. track championshipswho have not answered are asked to which take place on March 13. and incorrespond with Lincoln ).{, Coy, of the First Regiment meet to be heldI the executive committee, 1417 Unity (,;-; February 21. Chicago will proba-I ' II buildrig. The committee has not all bly p:-esent full teams in these con­_. A M U ::; E MEN "l" S .# I the �re�ent add�e�ses of old gra�u- �ests as several of the star men who.. • � ates 111 Its possession, and would like He not elegible for conference com-; to obtain those of men who might .ctition because of the freshmen antirc overlooked, 'our year rules, will be permitted toThe committee on" attendance is c.prcsent the University in these ':03made up of the following prominentChicago alumni, some of whom are! new with the University of Chicago:I George W. Thomas, '62; Wm. L.i Price. ;65; Frederick �. Smith, '66;Oscar G. May, '67: Henry A. 'Gard­ncr, '68; Adrian C. Honore, '69;':harles R. Henderson, ·70; E. H.Pratt. '71-; John L. Jackson .. '72; Ed­gar L. Jayne, '73; Jacob Newman,'73: Charles T. Otis," '74; John Rid-'on, 'zs: Richard B. Twiss. '75; Har­ley B. Mitchell. '76; John E. Rhodes,'76;Luther c. Bass, ·77; Eli B. Fel-I senthal, '78; Frank A. Helmer, �78;I Frederick S. Comstock" '79; Ethel­bert W. Peek, '80; Edgar B. Tolman,'80; James P. Gardner. '81; Frank G.Hanchett, '82; Robert F. Harper, "83;Theodore M. Hammond, "85; DavidJ. Lingle. '85; Edgar A'. Buzzell. '86;and George A. Newcomb, '86.HaveYeu TipBeln Top Uk.Thari? Inn It7.......The Pullman Company BuilllThe Garrick�' VIRGINIAHARNEDINTHELO,V ELETTER-------------_.--------Colonial.Theater BeautifulA' CYCLONEOF MIRTH,MUSIC ANDBEAUTY,CARLEIn the Full-FeatheredMusical Hit,THE SPRINGCHICKENPowers.MIS SMAXINEELLIOTTIn theClyde Fitch Comedy.ea E RGREATMATCH"The GrandKENDALLWAYI s to make you happy withquiet, wholesome comedy.EZRAKENDALL-IN-"SWELL ELEGANT JONES"The StudebakerNEXT MONDAY NIGHTSeats now Selling,Henry W. Savage offersRAYMONDHITCHCOCKI n a new Comic Opera,lOA YANKEETOURIST"_ ... _- -----_._------- Typewriting. Suit and Extra Trousers, $30 to $slN. A. Fuessle, '06, who,with Ralph All kinds of typewriting neatly andT. :\tnlvane, has been a reporter on I,:-omptly done. Apply room 24. Hich­the Seattle Star for the last five cock Hall.ncets, -,\LUMNUS ACHIEVES QUICKSUCCESS AS JOURNALISTN. A. Fuessle, "06, Made PoliticalCorrespondent of Seattle PaperAfter Short Apprenticeship. Dnonths has been given the positionof political correspondent or" the,eattle Post-Intelligencer at Olym­pia, Washington, during the presentsession of the state legislature.The Associated Sunday magazines'lave recently published a short storyby ),1 r. Fuessle entitled "The Opera­tor at Queens.'· Editorial announce­ments in "The People's Magazine:'"Everybody's," and the "AssociatedSunday Magazines" tell of othershort stories by Mr. Fuessle whichire to appear shortly.Mr. Fuessle was editor_ of "The\Ionthly Maroon" last year andvlso editor of the campus story de­oartment of "The Daily Maroon." svWRESTLING CHAMPIONSHIPPLANS ARE ANNOlJNCE:-lContestants for Mat Honors to DeDi'{,ided into Three Classes, Ac­cording to Weight.Preliminary details of Dr. Ray­croft's plan for the inauguration of1 University wrestling championshipwere announced yesterday. The datec f the tryouts is not yet certain, but�h{ contest will be held sometime,:'tring the present quarter.Wrestlers wi11 be divided intot �, ree classes. according to weight.:\Ien weighing between 115 and 125pounds will compete for lightweighthonors; those of 140 to 150 pounds,I will constitute the middle weightclass. The limits of the heavy­weight class are 165 to 175 pounds.Men may enter any class of higherweight. A lightweight man can com­j.cte for honors' in all three. divisionsi i he chooses.The bouts will be held under the AT THEUNION HOTEL and RESTAURANTWILL FIND RESTAURANTS ON TWO FLOORSWILL FIND A SPECIAL AFTER-THEATER MENUWILL FIND SPLENDID· SERVICEServing only the Best .the Market Affords111 to 117 RANDOLPH STREETWe make a Specialty of Club, FraternitY. Dinners, EtcFinest Orchestra in the CityJ�'A. N. jERREMS. Manager.Tailor for Young Men.The Yates··'- Fisher Teachers'Agency.Paul Yates, Manager.Room 740 Fine Arts Bldg.Michigan Ave. Chicago, Ill. BfTWfENSfASONWflGHTSIn BLACK_BLUf andGRAY·'A' e secure positions for college anduniversity professors. normal school,high school, grade, and all kinds ofspecial teachers. We also have astrong department of athletics. Writeor call for further information. SUITABLE WEIGHT FOR MOlTANY TIME OF YEAR.Also early shipmentsof New Spring Wool­ens for those goingSouth or to Canfoinia.:.Copying and typewriting done atreasonable rates. Leave work or or­ders with Abraham Bowers. 5827Kimbark Avenue ..Subscribe for tIle Daily Mari)unmd be in line.Either storeI�t 1 a Sane Street, and'" Jackson Blvcl.�(j� Send Your�� Nameto,� Spalding 8)..OELTA U. BOWLERS WIN FOR A CATALOGUE OFWAY INTO SEMI-FINALS Spalding Ath/�tic Goods.Defeat Delta Tau Delta Team inTwo Out of Three Games-HaveGood RecordThe, Delta U. bowling team won'ts way into the semi-finals of the in­ter-fraternity bowling championshiplast night by taking two out of threerames from the Delta Tau Deltas.Garrett, of the Delts, was high forthe evening with 203 and 202. Hisaverage was 173 I-J. Russell was'li.�h for the Delta U's, with 183.and an average of 1s8 2-3. .TheDelta U's won eight games and lostone in the preliminaries: The scorefollows. PATRONIZEMent.on what sport you are in­terested ill and ask for a list ofcollege and school supplies.The Spalding Athletic LibraryText books on every at1.letic sport THEUNIVERSITYPHARMA5f1o E, 55th Street,R R. ROW AN. Prop.'0 cents per copy.Send for Complete List.Mail Order Dept.0\. G. SPALD.lNG 8i BRO..,.,125 Nassau St.. New York.149 Wabash Ave .. Chicago. : Phones:Office, H.P. 1iBS. Residence, H.r.IIDr • .lttll am. Ilttltt i �I)r. Bal" am. �nrc, fDENTISTS ;iCor. 6Jr'4'Hours C)-12. : I :JO-s. t·6249 Kimbark Ave.PATRONIZE�IAROON ADVERTISERS-T' system. each of the colleges Delta Upsilon: 1; nd schools being allowed a certain Ulrich, 147, 174. '32. Bowman, Inumber of entries. The best men in lIehberd. 157. 138. 146. Totals, 7ZQ'1each collcec will compete in the '30. ,,6. Kling, '4'. Russell 1--' C di ff!\ • .... �:'I. re It or Track Work.tinals for the championship of the tRJ. '.1R :\Iorgan. '.18. '46, 16.�·I' Acco. ding to a plan formed byUniversity. IIehberd. ,:;- '19 146 Ttl• /. .' . 0 a s. iZQ, Ilrc�. ident \'an 11 ise and other mem-i5i, ;25.. hl'r� of the faculty, the students ofThe German Club will meet tomor- Delta Tau Delta IF ' : I'·i:-con:-;in will receive credit forr0W in Lexington Hall at 4:00 'crguson '4' 1'2 14' 'I b' I1'".. '. ',1 , '.\ a tn. lrack work. It is the intention too·clock. The Icctute will be delivered 'Uof. 88 Q5 Garrett 11- 203 2P 11 k' �" 20.I �ct cYcry man out for track as thehy Dr. Von Noe, his subject being, 0 oc . 13�, ,65, I&.>, Hunt. ,67.; ':adgers think thcy have' a fine·':\ustria." '.10. '47. Totals 726 718 749 . IP. '". i C lance to c;'pture the Conference.restdent Eckersall ha" announc-\ ·\1 . Id I .L' lOut 11\'(' lUn�red men are expect-An ad. in The Daily Maroon is act lat alt preliminary matches i (.'(1 to answer the call.�()od investment. Have you tried it? must he rolled off by Tuesday. ' AN AD. INTHE DAILY MAROONIS AS GOOD ANINVESTMENTAS YOU CAN MAK&HAVE YOU INVESTE. ,C. MOORE. FLORIST.') �: ,. ; .. 272 East 55th Street. Chicago. Jilin--------------- �"'i!MW ft .. PM" '1--------------.