'. , .. �.�14 .. ::� r • ,', ,�.. �bc .. ·lDatl\1; CIIlaroo'n.." . � ."�",.,; \ (,.1:,",: • ."Official Student Publication of the University of Chicago.. Ii' ;T,.. •Pua Two CuTsVOL. V. No. 6s.�: ., �. �HICAGO, WEDNESDAY! JANU�RY 16. 1907 •.MY SIITH TUPEAK BAND WILL GIVE CONCER"fSIAlJSUI SlOWS COYER'�,.,;''',':""Tn' STUDEIIft,.. '.;T.�ROW Jniversity Musicians to Make Week- RICH COPPER DEPOS"" Reji:iOlds- Club to Depart from the'- ,Jv..... ,Iy_, ,Pl:bli(. Appearance, in M,cmdel II" Uawil" Semi�formal Mairs in Its1�: ;.• ,� Hall- Harper and' Drisko to' be- ' 'Next. Entertaihmcnt-A Country 1- .. ' ' ..:�:�;�" Evangelist Wall Carry Cam- Soloists for Fint Program. Gold Nut Greatest lrIq:1et 'for Pro.- DUlCe to be: Given Jaauary'26-.' ,Final .Rehearsal' Will be Held in, .. l:,;� from Cit)' to CoUece Cam- 1-ector in NGrthland. Dr. Atwood .,,_,...- Mandel Hall Tonicht-Debates:"'t . ,;.,' pIlL A series of weekly concerts. to be! Tells ScieDce\iIkD.: . '':'''- .. :_A novel feature in University "0- Occur Frida�.--- 'given every Friday afternoon, from cial events is planned by the Rey-. Acwress to be��dd Hall .at � 5 to' 6 o'clock. in Mandel Hall, WIll Or. Schutze; at Philosophy 'CoUep. �olds Club for its next entertainment Negative Team Leaves for Ann Ar--.» ' O'c1o<=k_ AcJrnipjoQ; to be by' be begun January 25th. by the Uni- Says that Gemwi� Almy' is' D� when it will give a Hard Times bor Tomorrow-Much Interest, .. ,.;":�"- ' � T�cket.·' .versity of Chicago band, under the fli- ocratic. country dance. Centered in Outtome.-., � " �rection of E: E. Ewing, assistant : The social committee of the club. Gypsy Smith. the great evangelist. :band master. .The concerts will be Eleven thousand. dollars a month is has been endeavoring- for' a long time.!In �tit beee; s�irri)lg". Chicago With (open to the entire University. no ad- the net profit secured by an' Alaskan tlo change the monotony of the reg-, � r�_y:i�il��eeu.�, Wtl! address the mission being asked. The first pro- who is sitting on the side of a moun- ular club dance and have accordinglystudents of the, Umverslty tomorrow �ram will be announced Tuesday. tain of copper and is . engaged in &it upon' a 'scheme which wilt proveaftemoon at 4 o'clock in Mandel Hall. This new departure was planned picking that copper out by the ton, novel and' interesting. Instead of the�Sy I Smith is. perhaps .the greatest several weeks ago, when Professor' according to the statement made by �emi':'forma}- dance which was to beof .evangelists· at. work� today, He Frederick M. Blanchard, director of Dr. Wallace W, Atwood of the Gee- held; on January �, the committee has'�'secured for the University meet- the band, was here.- Professor Blan- graphy department before' Science planned this feature. with all the in­ing through the eff0A84-the Board chard will be' absent for �,few weeks College yesterday morning. His real formalities which go to make up a, of the Christian Union., 'onger, having gone on a lyceum tour. 'production is $17.000 worth of ore :i tYpical backwoods dance. .Admission to"''''l\f.mdel-Halt tomor- In the meantime. Ewing will direct month, out of which he pays $6,000 Mr. English has signified his in-rOw afternoon will be by ticket, only the band and will have charge of �hc i�r mining and hauling. That isoue tention of- making the club harmonizebcca�se of the large crowd that is ex- concerts. of the reasons why copper. an�� riot throughotit· with the occasion. He, T' k '11 I.. 'al f 'A'I k .. ' ', Both teams are as well prepared' 3Speeted to congregate. re ets WI oe Harper and Drisko will be soloists gold, is the re, resource 0, as a. also makes the statement that anvd h I .1' careful coaching; hard study arid re-free, and may be secure, at t e n- for the first program. Harper play- said Dr.' Atwood. , one who is' not in costume will posi-C bb H II h " f � peated rehearsal can make them, Tnf.,rmation Office. in. '0 ,�. at t. ,c: ing the xylophone, 'and :, Drisko. co c- Dr: Atwood gave a clear picture, 0 nvely not be admitted. The musi-, , '. ' > .' , addition to Coach Chandler. the de-�omen's League rooms 10 Lc:xmgt:m' net. Both men have 'playe-d with pro- how the, Alaskan secu,�ed his ,m, ine ,o� eians will be in "Hoosier" costumes.ffi f !'''Ge L baters have been criticised by BurtH'atl and in the 0 ce or s: orge fessional bands. Harper was a mem- copper. He went to prospectmg W1 "1 while the programs will equal the 0:-,, •f h Y M'" 'c 'A .., f' nd h h ' '- Brown Barker, a lawyer, of the classSwan; secretary 0 t e . . - .... "' .• ber of Feil's band" aDd- qrisko was a number 0 partners, an, w en t ey casion,t, ,e : ti . " .' b , of '97, and. Professor'S. H;. Clark ofill' Snell 'Hall. The entrance lor - ie some time with Duss. Ewing ha s were willing; annexed their claims y The grand march will take qlace,, . . ' d the public speaking department.' Forstuderit body w!ll"be' the mam qua _ - traveled with I nnes, -while other mem- buying diem' at' a sum far below their promptly at 9:00 o'clock. John F., d I H II d . -,'..', . ' ' the past two weeks practice debatesrangle door of Man ea. an bers of the band, among them Brock- real 'value. For this purpose he car- Moulds leading the "parade" on one,b dmi d 'l1�ve bene held almost daily, 'Lastthose with tickets witt e a mitt e man, have been connected with opera ried :$60,000 in greenbacks: sewed up floor while Earl D. Hostetter will'h h d . S '1 . L " week the main arguments were pro-until 4 :05 o'elock.. w en t e oo�s companies ar:d bands of established in his 'shirt. imi ar mstanees were' lead the other column. Cider served_, .. h" , b' I' M ' ., ilounced' satisfactory, and during the, ..',witt be opened to t e pu IC. em- :-eputation; The, Univ�rsity b,and is �iven' at the great copper resqur�cs directly from, the keg will take thef I ' t d t f h N h D A ' d 'd L 'I f 'present week a.ttention has been turn� ! .'_"�',bers of the acu ty are' reques e 0a well-balanced and remarkably· strong o· t e ort, , r. twoo' sal t.·,· p :lce 0 the conventional frappe. :r.,.' 'd ed to'the rebllttals. Tonight the final , �,�:;;;?.:.�ter the hall by the ,:wlestf stage oor orgaRization. and although it is not 'IS No. th was a place for young me� iriIl During the course of the' evenmg �!��.�,_�!l.��.r�at ,oLthe.ma, i� ',sPeedt" �,s"" r _:'.,:,';�� >and take seats on the pat orm. larue' a,s the ,b,ands' ?�.' ... so,me .. U, niye,rsi-" 0, f �_Ii, fe, " �.u, .t" �!ta_t,-, n, .0_ ,_.m.,�n_ should . ,g� specjal , �aJlC'e_s wilL.be �jAtroduced-:- . -�, "Ch' a.:. __' - _ .. - -' - ,--, -• . ' and rebuttals of both· teams ',will.' be':".:'-;'·,! 'il=:-, ,When Gypsy, Smith spoke in 1- ties, it "has - as its members men who "th�re �lthot1t money, as expenses Virginia �I, 'money: musk Old Dan ., " ".. . , "!.I' �"k h' ds t "h' d' b .y.clc Iadi' h,eld.and'thcn"'iUcome,t,b,e,'Wat,.·t.iur',:�,.···�c<>::.. ,?�;,ago last, wee , t ou�an, were u�- .are thorough musicians. - -.,' :.' ,', .�,ere very hlg ,_ compare WIth, t C)st: .I u er, a es choice. and· several ., ", .. , •. - ....... �,,h h II ' J ". F,riday nigh.t. and· the's, urpriSe, 's to:� '"i';':-, :'�.�.'.' <..\;-.':-�.' :r,eel away from 'his' meeting, t e' a s The FridaY'afternoon 'concerts were in �hici8i?" quadrilles�. I,. b M' h' 'd 'N rtb' .', - .4.�-�-t�1being crowded as miich as the ordi: given at the 'University several ��.;.s "Dr. At"Yood makes a visit to Alaska The' committee hopes'to make tHe s�rung .... y �!= 19ao. .an o. west,�.-;·��·�::?;'·::1J:�1nance allows. His w.ocderiul, p'o�er ago� Iii in,stitut�g. the programs this every yea� for the 'geological' survey. affair one' that will' long' be remem- ern. " ','"'=' - �"'" , .. ', � ': .-;����.oVer an audienc� and his startli�g quarter the band, leader wishes it ur.- JIr. Sch� on ,the German Army bered' in the annals .'of Chicago ,so- Tomorrow the V.arsity's' neprive. �. '��',;r' ,presentation of facts .�ave made him 'derstoo(f that there must be a good In a talk on "The German Army,'· ciety as one of tbe 'jolliest "infonn:" team 'will leave for Ann, ArbOr., 'Th� ",��-,t4;.f.. ��'strong as an evangeli�t His coming attendaDce of studJtts in Mandel 'I!�. �itin: Schtd2£;'- ;nstrw1pr - 'D als" 011 reconl.· team leaves'a day �fore�tbe' dd;at�-:r:-; ���:.f)�ff..,to t� Uni:v�rsity will give the stu- every Friday afternoon to gbaranree Gennait I;in�- anc:r litaataitcp_� �--;� , .: in�onler to .,e:in-�ect:trim oD:.�Fri!:/' :-:r·5'{l�·deD� a privir�l. OppOrtunity of the.playing of �he fpH series. ,If the p��ed the: German' military � "..1;, I ·*5�'-'::: aT �gbt;'The."�am'whic&':.m��;�::'" " �/,,�beiaring·. hi��- ,u�d�� �f�v(),�b�e : ;co.ndi.,,: attendance is' small. the band "will' nl)t zation to the' Philosophy College (,f �- or' - RUC"for' the ,negative :apinst' Michii.i:i _ .-;:��tions. '" ,.:m.... "'.,;,'''' �taY. . .men yesterday. He told, of the a� consists of' Victor� K.eyes, .Da�is, :md ",:; ?t�:______ scnce of snobbery' in, German military Ilia WaIIac:e' lD�ces Ealerperi- Moulton. The affirmative team.which _. . ;;�PRINT NAIlE'ON TOWELS SOCK AND BUSKIN. WILL organizations, because of the factth�f to Find'if'NeW Method £mproves will remain at home to meet North- ':.,���. TO STOP THI&VING IN-GYM GnrE VAUDEVILLE SHOW n.O'.<;sound person. rich or poor, is ex- ' PrOmmciMtiOIL western in MandeLHall, is composed --, - ' �>.:, '\" empt from service.' The only discrim- of A. R. Colgrove, D. S. Eisendrath,New �f·ot'T� ,Bem4: ' ination'made is 'between stUdents and 'The experimeii� begun last quar- and Sydney Lyon.-_-Led -ID Q, 's....., T'�' ;.,,' DJirort . Dramatic Society of 'Philosopby Col-' , '......., -.-� ... AU'lege of Women �..:.Entertain-, non-students: The former serve for ter of teaching �rench by the use.oito Cmtt SteaRne': ' ' ,ment for F�niary 1St.: .'�:�' �� v. one year. the latter for' two. 'Dr. a' phonograph wilt be started againIn, a� effort to"stop the constant Schutze also emphasized the point this week. Six members of Deandisappearance o·f· towels from' �.he that '. all militiamen are" given severe Wallace's' French cla�s have been 3e-�;s gymnasiwn;' Which has' been a In ,the meeting yester��y ·.�Qn!i':lg drilling, from 4 in the morning to 6 lected -as "victims," and each of themmost, aggravatiq. 3Ii�oyante to: the of the Philos?ph:r Cotle.ge oJ W.:: at, night. ' will 'have a hal!-hour with ,the pho­authorities.' 'a' aiew . eonsipment' .Jf men, the Sock ��, ��sk!� Dra!Da�I,c .He declared that the system PUr'- uograph each day in Cobb ID. ThetO�els' has just tieen put-' in' the hands SoCiety. of the c;9,lle�e ..... ��I}O""�C<.� � 'sued in Gennany has raised the army object of the project is to use theof a printer' to 'have the name B'art- vaudeville show, to be -gtven· on Fr!- to. the higliest plane of. efficiency of phonograph as an auxiliary in tho!lett printed i� Jarge maroon letters day evening, February ,IS.t, in theany army in the world At pres'!ilt study of Fren'cb pronunciation.aqoss th'�'c�'nter 0(: eacb-towel. It,;s ,Reynolds Club Theater. It IS plann�tj there are 950;000' soldiers always Th�' experiment has been tri<:d'� th�� �lii�; will prevent ,at least to mak� this a a' social gathering i')� ready. �th some success at' Annapolis. andso�e of the offenders: from appropria- the Philosophy Women. and they Arts-CoDeae EJecta was first tried �t Chicago last quat'-tirig the property of th�: Univeriity· to !were invited to bring escorts :md At the meeting of the Arts College ter� but was not carried out fullv.Safply their own home'St',' 'friends. prefera�ly college people. �en yesterday. Horn was ele�t- the Scranton. Pa., C'Orresponden;eThe nuisance has' - 'cnntinued ever The pro�am �11l probably be co�- �d as the fifth member of the exea- Schools, who own the phonographsince tht, gym' was first 'bpened� . ac� eluded, w:-th a.n .mformal dance. .th'e committee. Plans were discus:5- which will be used here. are endeav-�ding to Dr RaycrOft' and all the Any guls m the college who �an .d f d 1..:..' I ' l..ring to t"'ach 'languages compl ... •.. e, :.. :Ii ."., .' ...". e or a ""lce to In: glven ater "n .... � ...efforts to. stop 'it heretofore have contrtbute a stunt for thl� ev��t the quarter. . �:. ;"-:"� with the nse of the phonograph, b11tproven fut,ile. except, for a sh'>rt are urged to do so. and to ha their L- H Id S-":_I £'--=- Miss' Wallace thinks that the besttime Be�id�' t'-e' t'o'wels' van'o' ·'s names as soon as possible, either to 0 I� dO b I:'""'h....... �hduv nI/ ..• �. .. , �'" �, ' .... H . P ccaslOne y t e WIt rawa of results will be obtained if the instrlt-other thIngs. sucH- as' eombs, a�par.l- l\ltss Esther all or l\hss hoebe Cole Y. Rowe,who was recently elect- ment is used 'simply as an auxitia:-y� "n I eve I the d Belt. or leave a note f�r them on :he 'h. .,' nco lng, money an cd committeeman of the' Literature to t e class work.Jewelr h be 1 d' Lexington Bulletin board. Son,:{s, •• y. ave en constant y Isa,- College of men, a special election was The test wilt continue throughontp'urtnJ:. and the most'V'igilant super- dances, recitations. or sketches ai'e held yesterday to fill the vacancy. this quarter under. the direction ·)fYisior. has failed to' 'reveal, the guilty. solicited. Stanley, Faye was selected to com- Miss. Wallace and if it is successfulones, .: 'h' 'b'I'plete the required team. The exec- t ere IS a POSSI I Ity that "phon�-Junior College coarse books must. . '11 graph French" Wl'11 be a f"'ature ofbe handed in at the office 0'- the lu- utlve committee Wl meet tomorrow ...at noon at Hutchl'nson Hall to pl"n language study at Chicago in the {·t-nior Dean in Ellis HalL ' .-the social program for the year.PhilO8Ophy Women Hear of ArtI n addressing the College of Phil­osophy Women yesterday momin�,Dean MacClintock said: PLAN TO' HOLD NOVEL DANCE DEBATE TElMS AMISH'PREPARATIONS TONIGHTAt eight o'c1ock Friday night,there will begin three debates, in theoutcome of which Chicago is greatlyinterested. Each of these debateswill be argued on the same questio·,l.that of the advisability of an inhen-Junior CoUep coune boob must tance tax. In Mandel Hall, Chicagobe handed in at the- oSee of the Ju- will argue the affi�mative againstnior Dean in Ellis HaD. Northwestern's negative team; atAnn Arbor Chicago's negative te�mwill meet the affirmative team ofMichigan; at Evanston. Michigan'snegative team and Northwestern's &If.finnative team win meet.•Pen Club· .�: Today.A meeting of the Pen Club witt be. laeld this morning at 10:30 o'clock atthe Reynolds Club. Many importantquestions are to be considered .and'afull a ttendance is e$s&\tial. '""�;.�)..1........." ....-;:'(COlitiDa:e4 011 ,... +). Hobart Raymond Hunter 'og, andEdward Everett MacBride '10, a1"�pledg� to Beta Theta Pi."In this wodd of art there are two,Junior CO, ,n- - booL- - J . C II' bo k....... --- - a�� umor 0 ege course 0 s, must types of inteiest-5rst, line and shape,-=-........ iii,.· oIIce of die Jb- be handed in at the office of the lu-� �,,,, pior Dean in EJlit HaiL• -.. - _' .-pt •••• : .... Dean F. J. Miller of the AffiliationBoard. will 'address the Y. M. C. A.meetinl' in Cobb Hall this evening at7:11' 0',loA. With a debate tonight in Mandel���.",.>;.�!.. ��: ,;Zdr�j�;;i�.6.��c:k,�!i�;:.;; � :�) :;:'<;J.:.;:';;o-;;".>i. �;;;:f"''.;.'Li. ,��� ���i-1!�-¥.��0,:...6��:.:;; >t::;.��b:l!.;;2;��i����ii.<..:���'i-.G�.;;.;;·,:\:�lJ4,.c;'\< " 'i�i,.� ; t . Hall, the hard. practice in preparationfor Friday night's double headeragainst Northwestern and Michiganwill come to an end. Tomorrow �hetwo teams will rest up, and Fridaynight each will fight to win a decisionon an opposite side of the inheritancetax question. and if each succeeds inits fight. Chicago will be champion ofthe League.Considerable curiosity has beenaroused over the outcome of, the dC"­bating season this year. The Trian­gular Debating League is a new d.!­parture for Chicago. and the successor failure of this year's experiment isbeing watched with interest. Thechief argument urged in favor of thetriangular scheme is that it does' notstretch the debating season to the un­reasonable length compelled by theold method of debating with eachmember of the league in tum. Thechid objection brought to the tria:1-gular system is the great likelihoOdthat the result will be a triple 'tie.f 'om which it will be impossible todecide whether Chicago, Michigan orNorthwestern has the better debaters.Such a tie will result, unless one ·)fthe three universities loses both ,heaffirmative and negative sides of ,he<Iuestion.I�.r�r .,t -.�b'I, ..·1r--r.:?" -,: ;.:�.':'17:� THE DAILY MAROON'; CHICAGO, ·WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 16,1907.deserving entertainment. The Uhinas.PL.\N A REOROAlh:ZATIONconcerts 'given' in Man�l.,ldll �a:e·. OF.MORGAN PARK ACADEMY'..are .musieal treats, that �ghtf�be �� .. ' \', '..'OI1lt'lal SttodeDt l"ubllcatiOD ot the UDI..... predated b.)'.�' a, la .. ge. UJ1h,�rs�ty' a�- �dpal Jo� �rt", �umber.It". ot ChJcqo. dience, were they "brought· to -the a�:" 0" Pupils from Chicaco is Decteas-tention of the students. The Uni- inc and Something "!1St be Done-versity concerts this year have no! Plans Separation of Boya.been advertised nearly enough, Theycome and go while many of the stu- Reorganization of the Morgan Park<lents . know. nothing . .about them until Academy. of .the . University of Chiea-t:ley 'are over, .... .�o is contemplated, A re-arrange-. Then .again.. the .. fact,.· that· seats' to ·mettt of the dormitories' is proposedI:;b�l'rt.'d .. se:;�-��=om�':'" at tbe Cbl· hese concer ts may be purchased by in an effort to improve the discipline_____ ......- � students at 'the }Jasonable' rates 'oC and. scholarship. ,.Steps wilt' be takenSubscription price, $3.00 per year; t.venty-hn and fift-y cents is known to increase t.he.�:"ulJlber of boys in '!!-:$1.00· �r 3 moniliL Subscriptions ticompa�dv�� ��� li�ec�n�"s ��nd�n�e �·mNn�of·a �o�ugh ad- ��������������������������������received at the Maroon office, Ellis were' well adevertised and .brough·� . to \'ertising campaign.Hall, or at the Faculty Exchange, t're atte�tion. of t�e University pub- The number of boys attendingCobb Hall,' Orders taken by mail or ) c, there would be lit_tle need for the Morgan 'Park from Chicago and' vi­telephone, Hyde Park 426. nanagement to excuse the poor ... t- ·:inity has so decreased. that effortstcudance on the grounds of lack .:,f must be made to recruit the boysappreciation.. on the part of the Uni- �r0fn' a distance., Furthermore; withn. I-:1)U¥ llATUEW�. llanaglDg EdItor. versity students. "1 larger number of .. prospective stu­I':UWA!W G. Ft;LSE�TlIAL. �ew8 EdItor. � The· next cori�e·rt:· come's one ··"dell dents to pick from,: standards of ad­LL"'JIIEH D. l-'Elt�ALU, Athletic Editor- 1:om today .. There-rare seven d,ays mission and retention of studentstiJWUCiE 1-:. JoTLI.I-:U. Business lIanager. ; I which to try the experiment. ... :ilI be made" higher.----- In. his annual report. published inIt might be noted, without disre- connection with the report of Actingjard of modesty, that Chicago's atti- President Judson, Principal Franklin:tude, in the recent Con- \V .. Johnson says that with the pres-';hicago's ference discussion over ent equipment. and with slight addi-\�m�d' t���o�d��g�� t�MI UPffiS� ,& m � �ud��I-���--��-�--�-------�------�--���'.the reform' rules, was 'could be cared for. In discussing theindirectly in opposition t� plan for the grouping of students inhe action that had the best prospects halls, he says:'n store for her athletic, teams. Ac- "The plan will be placed in opera-ion corresponding to Chicago's atti- tion next year. The purpose is to se­ude, especially in regard to the re- cure, so far. as our present equipmentreactive three-year eligibility rule, will allow, the separation of ourvould have meant certain destruc- younger boys from their fellows, and. ion to Maroon track championship furnish to all our boys a constant in­rspirations, practically, assuring the centive to studious habits and properide' to Michifan for 'another year. deportment, The plan contemplatesn spite of 'this, Chicago stood most the division of the school into thre�. trongly rn favor of the change, b�- gr�ups:..:; (I) The Lower Hall, CorWEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1907. ause it was conscientiously thought boys of fifteen years and younger.'rat the changes would improve the These will be placed in the north endIt is certainly a most deplorable .thletio situ1lfio--rf'.- . .?f East: Hall. which is virtually a sep-state of affairs when, in as democratic If there- -are--eny- whc � seriously 1rate haJJ,;bei�� separated by a par­an institution as ChiC.1- uestion the ienuineness of Chicago's tition from the other end, They Willgo is, the athletic .&u- :rusade, under Coach Stagg, for pure 're under the oversigJ.!. of a masterthorities should have to thletics, this attempted sacrifice of who .. �iIl give'. careful attention �Ii track championship hope. should their hours of retiring, and to matters,elp sd their doubts at re�t. -:�.�< .• �- of cleanliness an'd health. If po�siblt"tn evening study-room under the .li­rection of a master will be provided.So far as is practicable, pro-rision WI;Ibe .made fq.r: these, boys to be kepf�part from., tpe olcJer boys. in . their 115 '" IJarbom St.·�orts�d���itio�.·�)T�·M�_���_�_�_�_�_�� �_�����_����ro�-d� H��,�rb�s � �� Low��--�----�------�--------�����������:'::;"�eo���h::t�:.i.:; n:::ft_ THf UIIIII_fRSlrY PA·NJ�rOR( .",.r;;;: �moted to the Upper Halls. These Presses your' SUit every week and shmes yo�r �:!t1r. �iwilJ occupy the soutb e'nd of East tor $1.00 per month _ .. _ '.: C, �. .1. �fHall and the first and second floo�.s _of Morgan Ball. They will be unde'r 5645 Cottage &roYe Ave. t. _ � 1IJ4eJ'ut.. 3111: ,�close supeivjsi�n and contrcl. (:;; . . .. .1.The' Upper Halls: for boys of (he .'-'. _.:.. . . 'J:Higher Academy of approved depori- THE ILUNOI. W ....... �tI .. ��tment and standing in scholar<;hi�. STORAGE COJIP� ". ':;, :: .. u . .".�These will occupy West Hall and . h�" ¥hoae II,- PaD In KimIIuk � :. , •. J:hird floor of Morgan Hall. The C!i�• The CIe ... ad � Kept�;'l :, ':' �':"�'i'cipline in' these halls will not be les� !. ::a-:--t.... __ ia,__ �'� .. .:t,f1C:\+1. �)=1._:.:areful, but will be maintained so i-at- _ �- __ .K1 � ,1S possible by securing the co-ope..a� . �':I .:r-��-=-.:...� .. ��_:�.. f th b . h h ._ Wl' ... ,.. ..... ,_ C6!'r' I. �.��,:.�:.: on 0 e oys Wit t e. masters. A. r·,=GiJ.iWiO AD..��6ct!'._""· ..�..:-;-...... ·.'\··.i ... :,·,'f:'.i:".ESPERANTO CLUB IS FORMEn: high .standard 0'( deportment. both in .1 - ...... AI - � _ 1:�n. -_. .. and out of the halls, and a pr�per at- -. ' . - .", ,\ t... '.:," . �-:::j;.'. . }lPromoters of,_ New Univenal .�_ ti�ude in general toward tbe schooi, I "':Bpage �eet,,�and OrganiR. . UWdl be.rHeqluliredBof alll'members of the l.. ��� .')' i; ,ppe.r a. s. . oys Jailing to main- �;;A meeting of Esperanti�ts. those l,�� :tain t�is standard will be degraded to .,... 4�erested in the new international a't!,c- ,tbe Mlddle.Halls or removed from the ....DI�"'S .�{:iliary language,was held. yesterday :Jf� jAcademy.".' .. ".. JI;,�� -. I, '.�,_.: :'_::' , • ' ••• -:-;.��, ',Ilfternoon, and a club formed. An �f:', ,The p,:ospective .. and accornplisoed;�r:h:i!:a� :a�s::ra:,;(:,'i::.!:�r: i;�:.'!:tS �.:.��otha�g :�. do A'::':;' rlreproof Sto ... ge.·�. V.'�_��.·.l... J�.: __.•.. ;�,�.•• , :.1students.. The movement, altbou'{h where an· instructor's room w:lS . -- - - t;�i������·-.��u��s�� �.�.. ,,�.·.B.�.;.&.�...�,.': ......,�'.f.r"'\'ery strong �� Em:�p:e. ....., v_v--. _.. .: ,.r.�be caused so much an-. noyance as they. havebeen caused, by the petty thieving 'nthe· men's gymnasium. Ever since f:bo! New ProfessOnhip.at Wisconsin.gym wa� built and opened to the Stll- A "Carl Schurz memorial profe:;­dents, this situation has been a co"J- orship" is" to' b�; es'tablished ,at . thestant source of worry to tho!,.! .n University oJ .. Wi���nsin as. a resuItcharge, and though they have been (If the movement recently started intrying constantly to get at the root llilwaukee by a number of prominentof the matter, the problem so far re- German-Aj1ericans. The plan is tomains unsolved. nise an endo�ent of .$50,000, theOf course; one must be lenient in i lcome of which will be u�ed for thesizing up the situation, for a man 't' bl;'h �." f' - ,�s a IS ment \) an annual course .:>fmight take a towel home without lectures at the state uniV'ersity, to bethinking much of it, and not consid-:r given by prominent· professors. ofit a criminal offense; but when th:: German unive�sities.. :This memorialpractice gets to be a serious abuse, ):-ofe5:o'orship, to' be held by Germanamounting up in the hundreds it JS .rofes�ors, will be the first of tnetime someone should taJCe the initia- kind in any American state university.tive in bringing it to a stop, est)\!- .t is hoped that the establishment 'otcially .when it has gone so far that this new chair will lead to the e"'C­clothing, watches and money begin �o change of professors between thedisappear from the locker3. It 's Univer�ity of Wisconsin and Germantime for the University men to take univer5ities.up the matter and consider it serious­ly. Stealing,' under whatever mask,is stealing, and there is no situati,)nthat will make it legitim�te.Correction of this evil should notbe left for the athletic authorities towofty out. It is a matter of mostvital' intere�t to thc University me:1,and; for any satisfactory solution ofthe p'roblem must come, not from OUt­side, but from the men themselves. Itis disgraceful. to say the least, to havethis sort of thing going on among thestudents, It is .the duty of the mento make it their business to see thatthe ho�or of the Unh'ersity is upheIdby uniting to stamp out this practiceof petty thieving. A man caughtcommitting a theft in the gym or anyother place on the campus, should heforced by student sentiment, to leavethe University. .·ormerl,The VDI"enlt1 ot Cblcaco W .. kI,."'ounded"l'be Weeki".. Oct- 1. 1892.The Dall".. Oct. 1. 1902.C. W. l:altzer, BerDard J '. Bell.A. W. Henderson, l'reatoD 1'1. G ....WarreD D. Fester, Melvin J. Adams.Reporters.l'eter 1-'. DUDD. W. P. MacCraciteD.llisa Faith Dodge,I'. W, 1'lnl:ertoD.Jerome Fr:lDk, Harry A. Hansen,W. J. Hatnsfurther,Ua"�y B. Fuller, Jr.Printed by the Maroon Press,474 E. 55th Street.. Telephone Hyde Park 3691.Stop thePettyThievingThe next time the question of tl:epoor atendance at the Thomas Or-('hestra concerts arispsAdvertise it might be well for t}.eThe ThomasConcerts management to � inves­tigate the true causesof the situation beforeaccusing the University students �fJack of appreciation and support of a, .;acrificeSubscribe for the Daily Marou!l;'I nd be in line.GLOVES MAYBE RIGHT'AND NOT BE FOWNESBUT THEY CAN'T BEFO.WNES' STUDENTS, REMEMBER USWhen - making arrangements foryour fraternity. group pictures for theCap and Gown. Special ofJ'!r tbis)'ear. Come and seeAND NOT B� RIGHI. .MARTYN'S MAROON STUDIO5705 Cottage Grove_U. of C. Photo,npher.�,- � ...... .\. . ,-"'-,H. E. S II OR E YtHETA:iroR332 ...... Ue ......135.00 CO�E' SP£I;IAL"�JU�;1.1•• 1During Jan. and Feb. We Anf' Ifaf;,,� ::,1(For U. of C. Men only.} " · .'�:.�.-;'.;. ';.) 7r.-,,,;� :,:1'_<$10.00 arid.l��'�t�r,.·�;'··::' �. ';:"��Trousers and lIests for $1.00 '0 further adr� 'OIIIdGt6es, .among,: �,'" college men. ', :: ·,t. :.,.,.. J�.. .:,Our lea ... is .specia' qualifr si'i lined freiliog::_,,S.uit ,;_.. '$60.00. S,�'·.II/,�" ":.L," j'l�� !'#, �,; .,' �.. I'-.� )_; :�..... i..,_�', -� THE DAILY)f���9_Q��.C��¢..Agg... . WEDNESDAY; JANUARY' IS, 1907 •.t��'i" ��i:�E�������'- ������t��p�oo�'r-�---�------------�����===�­. .-, SP)UtCHES "J)K; ·;SiIFRRA.<;iE ;tbe�e French plays.: -, \ .' � ,- ,.' v._ -.':' -_.... . Among those who took part wereIUiitolS EqUal' 'saiffrag�'-��tion the following, who are well known at.. iriaugurates Ori��.,¢p'nteSt to the 'University, -Messrs.- Block, Lo-'Gecsidfrage" Arguments. 'card, Devries. Lona, Lion, De Sin,,: ' .: "... �, " . Lanbet, and Burton; Misses Blais, De-o .The Illinois Equal S�ffrag�' Ass»- vries, Collet, Dodge. and Gandon;.. 'ciation has offer�d two pries. one of Mesdames Arby, Dubois and Dra­:$ICO and 'one �of $50. for th�',two J>est colle,o-ations presenting arguments in. ia­vor of woman's suffrage." .r : -;-. .r : VARSITY OUTPLAYS ARIIOUR: The contest is open to- an ' regularmatriculated students who are' can- NotwithstaDdinc Loss of F�men,'didates -for- a degree in the Univefs�fY. . Vanity Basketball. Team 1Iak_Each institution in _ Illinois of £01- Strong ShowiDC Lut Nicht..�,-: � Moderate. 'tion - Ideal.Ie, bt4 :'Na�Jt�� :.A��11'......... - ..... - .. __ .... - ..... --'f.. 'DR. MATTHEWS TO SPEAK,�,Under' th'e direction-of the F·��n.chAlliance, two French plays were pr"­scnted Monday afternoon- .alid even­ing at Music Hall. "Cornei11e etR:chetieu," by Marceu, and .a play hyLabiche and Marten, were givc:n ..... . ' .... �. The fact that !l\,or:e :'�han .a<·�u!1d�d".Jronjzi_·... <IfteniMrJ. tickets were sold to UniversitY �ta-- -:-,.' _. r rOOll. 4e1Jti� .bo... tbat·. Feat . �- if �,A. N. JERRE.a, ........Tailor for Young Men.Eitber .toreIII b Salle Street, ..-"."1&1 a .... Marsball Field e Co.Two Unusual Clearance' Sales:'of Men's Fine. Clothing..Men .with ' immediate purchases Inmind will greatly profit through theadvantages offered in Winter Suits andOvercoats at these two prices. . -A $2?OO �nd $30.00--Men'� Olfercoats, semi-fitting �-,-'Chesterfields In black and Oxfords; new lines just pur­chased and marked at much below regular values, .At $25.00 and $30.00---A redudion. sale of Men's'Bus!ness Suits-odd 'ots from our regular assoriments-. a "!Ide range of mIxtures and complete sizes at each', .."nce •.. The completeness ot all our .lines of Men'sSUits and Overcoats just at. this time receives. th�. very}avorable comment of every visitor of �this section-i-following out the purpose of this'store, to keep regular assortments always in the',best possible condition, we are adrnirably=pre-«pared to supply perfect fitting Suits and <, Over- .coats for men of any proportion.' . ) ..MOS�LER. co,Clever Clothes,10 Jackson Blyd. ' : .THIS WEE" SUITS $25Late Arrivals(rom ourShopsBlack Vic-unas and a number ofbeautiful fabrics in fancy \f'br­steds and cheviots. Because they'relate in arriving, they're marked at$25.00.Evening Dress Clothes $30 to $80MossIer CoClothes for Men and Younc lI�n.50 lockson Boulevard.'Call for book "Points on DreSL"AN AD. INTHE DAILY MAROONIS AS GOOD ANINVESTMENTAS YOU CAN MAKE.HAVE YOU INVESTED?.. . .. .. ... ... ....... ." .;.,... .... - ... :. "'.., . '- .. -'.�.:..--.:. ".._ ....... __ ... 1't1[:1i�1I1l,\,.. �.: .�::.::�. �{;;)..� ;;." .z: .��.� ...I "'\! �:� . .;. ��ei!:?��..�,_ ".:\�.?'.": �'.��?'; .'. ':1 M.1?,j��.JJr ;.,." c- -��: : �, � •• -:;�,t:;:����. . . '... .{{i�rl;f�' �'���-����������P�H�IL�O�&o�P�H�Y�A�N�TD�H�:�IT;DS�A��L�I:�·�M�A�R�.:�:�:���'G�':�I:�:�·��VV�'�S�:�;���N�R�E�SD�N�Y'�J�A�NU�A�R�¥�'�16�'���-'�����'�'�I�'�',,�.�-�-�.-�-.-�-�-��.��,,�.. 7-:�.7_�.. ��!-!Jlti���:�:.: G.�':�!.-::: FOR FIRST IN BASKETBALL RICH COPPER DEPOSITS; BRIGHTON1�;j�'. BIU�o'S��TC"ofOllN' I Phri.l10":!ldoOc�P.. Yohp�11YyO;ti�C:'d��L(\iftSe:r' �'·'letnut:reeIIf:oreSttierr,.. .•_. (Continued from page I) I . FLAT-CLAIIP GAIlTBlla " :.':��"- d d color These. two typ .. ".' "'''Ioa& .,_ the .tudarcl25 ce.t.prter. The ...... ·iat _I ,_'an seconuv coior. ..... pw_a CbafiDC. � aDd c:atcIaiDc iD tile dotIWia. -n.. I�K.although distinct. ultimately unrte, U..!k I"1u Clasp Garter'is u .... Jour IaaDd. WOrD bj __ who �i,�:)Iace in !hc Junior College busketbnll Fnes becomes the bound y of coIM.. ciate coodort aD.ha."'" Madeofparelilk.a.tic-..wuI. -rGARTER championships yesterday afternoon. Color is the emotional and infinite """!"1_."'�a1cb1oc1. 25_.poIr.oD�.�!;. Th'e Science team, under the leader- sde of art." 'LO' C-jC-..G-R- pnferI. a.coal�!,.�.. < �:.ship of Leo F'e'Tray, was completely As instances of color in literature;.TIllie I IZID STAIDAID immersed under the shower of ha�- !:�:tn Mac Clintock then read Mer.:-�T'" .1. II l-ets. thrown by Keene. Cleary and ':!!l'S "Hymn 011 Color," and Wilii�m ... GIrroN GAIlTBIUI .. -� •• "�tfJ ' miss. The game, although the score Sharp's "The White Peacock:' WIalIe tIIey .. c&.ickl,_..n,cIetKIae4,yetthey MfttM""-. was 39-11. was hard-fought through- Three more representatives for the ���aot�d-:c''Ct..!=� �.!r�,::,�jeja=Th-pe. cut. The appnrcntly easy victory was Advisory Board of fhe. Woman's CaD't apriaaloo6e w become -a_tall, detacUcL M_ ofclue entirely to the inability of r h, Ath le tic Association have been de:-; 6MIt quality webbiq; all metal para "_�1 Di� platedCUSHION I::-Cit.m.(.. forwards to throw baskets, ·:,d. :\Iiss Ma:-garet Bell will repr e- ...... 25caadSOcapail'.alld __ orb,. iI,prepaicl.. I � MO .... auaN.D •• 00.. 7t 8t., PIli ..........BUTTON ":'�ld to the excellent work of the sent the baseball classes. MISS Flor- �.,,,.... •• 11...._CLASP I "hilosophic guards. cnce Chancy. the swimming classes,I Keene, in his first apncurancc a s ; lid :\liss Florence Lawson, �:�eUEI FUrTO THE LEG-'EYERIUPS. TUIIIOIU.fAST£lS I captain of the Philosophers. was be-y ornl a doubt the star of the game.I l is all-round playing of his position'uo.ftOftoo....... : :>d his quick judgment. combined---. 17....... with his five spectacular baskets, were.. "ALWAY& EASY .. : he sources of comment. Cleary. a,,. "rcshrnan from Oak Park. was t:'e.. -r�==����::::�-.,.",' leading point winner of the teams, II r'nging baskets from the field. Bliss'���3 •••• i���tJ ! (::<1 some good work while he was in1 ,',:l.' game. but does not fight In-d= nough to shine especially.'The principal interest now is in• '.1.' light between Literature' andPhilosophy. for the fans seem to think.-: 'rat they are the only· teams _in the.T unior College race, Yet Arts is stillt o be watched. for without the ser­v' ces of two of their best men. andwith only two playing who had doneany consistent practicing, this year,t hey held the Lits to a . hard victorylast Friday. Thursday of this weekat 3: r 5 is the time of the next game.between Literature and Science. TheLit team will be weakened by the :thosence of Henry, who has been returil­ed to the Varsity squad, and is there­fore legible.For busy people. The line-up of the Philosophy-No bother. Science game was:Fill. itself. PhilosophY-39. Science-TI.Cleans itlelf.No dropper. Bliss. _ L. F_ ..•..... Joldersma'NotIai to take apart. (leary F. F : .. : Ohlendorf.'Nothin4 to spill. Rebb C ,�DeTray, Capt,..A dip In ink, a Sabbath R. G 0·. • ••• •• Conant·touch of thumb Keene, Capt L. G.. . . . . . . . . . . Alk:lto nickel cres- Baskets from field: D�Tr3Y 3, Cll�a-cent' and the ry TO. Bliss 4, Allen, Keene 5. B:ls-pea' , .' is full, ke.ts from free throws: DeTray 2,ready· to. writ�. Qhlendorf, Bliss. Time of halves, T5 : MRS.�i'=m�fta7.r�.: min. each. Score at end of first half: .-----IfSrE= PhilosophY.I4. Scien�e 4· Referee. The, G:'�rrick_ .... tllaoUlli' MvKeag. ..=:.=:,-.:% The standing of the teams at pre'>-...... .,� cnt is: A Musical= a-� Literature ' T 0 1.000 Sensa:tion=-�,!=- Philosophy 1 0 T.OOO THE ··.TOURISTS·=p·...-...·r·_·....··,·JI··=--·�iI··"9·-iI·J•.. '.' •..-J.',.' :f-C··I·.·t··�·l.· �c::snc� .. ::::::::::::: >:� ::: Ri: Goldenand a Great Company.'OthersComeand,Go, Bat-THE TIllETHE PLACE aDdTHE GIRLGoes have room for a piano and would likeOn I some one '!I0sical. Apply to Mrs._____._F_o_r_ev_e_I 1 �uller. 38' E. 55th 5,_t_. _New Theater '--�;·w-... __ ..... -.... �.. _- ..,'.!"': .....J. Conklin's. SdI- P..... en,�'• Send YourName toSpalding ::AMERA CLUB TO HEARDR. GOODE AND WILLISTON\ .'Patronize Daily Maroon advertisers. Meeting on Thursday Afternoon inVVa!ker-AU Ubiversity Eligibleto Membership.FOR A CATALOGUE OFSpalding Athletic Goods.Mention what sport you are in­terested ill and ask for a list ofcollege and school supplies.The Spalding Athletic LibraryText books on every atJ:letic sport10 cents p�r copy.Send for Complete List.Mail Ord�r Dept.A. G: SPALDING & BROS ..125 Nassau·St.. New York., - � . -1:49 Wabash Ave., Chicago. The next meeting' of the Camc!"aClub will be held on Thursday. Jan­uary Ii. at 5 p. m. in Wtlker �Iuscum.third floor. There will be two ad­dresses. Dr.]. P. Goode will spc',;con The Aims and Purposes of theCamera Club. and Dr. S. W. Willis­ton will adress the meeting (.n"Cameras. Lenses and Plates. the Various Kinds and Their U �cs.'·The Camera Club is an organiatinnof the membcrs of the Uri'ivcrSitywho are interested in photographyJlure and apploied. All camera OWI1-ers on the campus are asked to 7)epresent at the next mc�ting and hringtheir cameras.5t\e �oot �tuJi�DIIBAU IlALL343 W.bub An.OdtfDat Ideas and Exc1ush'e Styles inPHOTOGR.APHS............. to U. ar C. Stade.t. Telephone your want ads to theDaily Maroon. 426 Hyde Park.Pa tronize Daily Maroon advertisers. gymnastic classes.HaveYeu You;WillTipBeln Top Uk •Thar6? Inn"'1' ...... of·Th. Punman Company .....EMU::I EKE N'l'S','I:Powers.WI L L I·A IIGILLETTEIn His NewComedy Drama.. C LA RIC E"The StudebakerLENA A'SHWELLandGUY STANDING-In-DAN E'S D E"_F EHCBColonial.Theater. BearatifldTHE GRAND IIOGULwithFRANK MOULAN\nd Great Company of One Hundred. La Salle( ENDOWED,)THE MASQUERADEBy Ludvig Fulda.Prices soc: :0 $:r.oo.Sp('c!al Rates to Students. �T THE'UNION HOTEL aDd .ESTAURANT _,.WILL FIND RESTAURANTS ON 'I°WO FLOORSWILL FIND A. SPECIAL AFTER-THEATER IIENU'. WILL FIND SPLENDID SERVICE .Serving only the Best the Market A�ord!O ... c ,II111 to 117 RANDOLPH STREETWe make a Specialty of, Club, Fra temit)r DiJiners. EtcFinest Orchestra in the Citv. -.In •· dent J.' of theis the· for th'ture a.. port i,. :ing, a.the 0,have-The" fiscal. shows.pendit. cashslight1of lUIFoosesser, of whed, le�N,onein pa·jts e'madeafter�,,;'mpro. '" �.x>,rt c. 'fiTe IIr*,a-v;.Th."-, .is a..', CashSouth Side Transfer'Lindsay Storage Co./MGGAcm-BXPREssw .... Ly •• E. 63CI St. 9 a. IlL... --.3 .... �.� . �"_a -..3=30 p.m...;J .... � ... .O-�lrip-T� to Wood­........ �. Stlltioa_II,Footl.TradBaselBaskeWateTenniGymlSoccc.GolfAthieContl:1'_ Relit....._--������--------------: For Rent-NiCel";·-fumished room;use of piano; front room, steam heat,bath; 'prefer couple young ladies ascompanion for wife J20 E. 55th St.,flat 4- ··cfJthes· 'sfa()p·50 % ·Reduction '<"s&Je Coli_esAll ,kinds of typewriting neatly andpromptly done. Apply room 24Hitchcock Hall. vel· _Gyml� HandWornAsMiSC4CashJO,. TcNoamOllpar:NoinducharI1906-ing I:Inponthe"hic:tiondepaamOl10 t1costforIt i�of tltarelof $incrcThview�mplChic-�. -". -Many people probably believ� that'the time for - getti�g bargainS:' ha�UnURal 0pp0rtaDit:y. passed at this sale.' , r .� ';To Rent-Two single rooms with The quality of' our ··prodad.... .is, .sach : ';.�bath, in fi:!c large house near Uni- that -�every. ga"?en� .. in. th�" :Store ,:.:1versitf. House in care of house- would be'a bargam at a much smarter.. ,�keeper in absence of owner. Two discount �',.' . :.. :�. women teachers" preferred Board The small fire which . we ftiiered ��.loptional. Address Maro n. last week': 'smoke" d�riiaged our 'stock L:'�'slightly. :- :. '-. f .. �Copying' and' typewriting done at We shall contitl�e to. s�1I �the�. s�t- ,� 1.reasonab1� rates. Leave work or or- ly smoke damaged. SUits; hats; over- ::- � .:d ' ·!h .Ab h B s8 coats, and haberdashery at _ SO per:' ,.,!! en WIt ra am. owers, Z'/ . J' _ �., ." '. : ..j. ..... : S <' • . '. .' cent. qll �ur rcgwar pnces �til we �·fK�mbark Avenue. - _ .. �-, 'are coiri�letely' sold' out. '" . -1'�-. , .. " ':.... GIBBONS CioTHINO saW,� iKbC; "49 .. J n�ali cqo. ,..For- 'Rent-A choice furnished roomsuitable for one or two, in good lereation and be�t accommodation. \V \!Pat�·.Dailr�!' C, MOORE" FLORIST, DUnOla.. H_�} . Hi, '