·.r��:;!;;�r�·(�DJ:t.t? t �·: '::-r:". ';�� ;�,.�,_, ... i -lDatl)2 maroonfficia! Student Publication of the University of Chicago.CHICAGO, THURSDAY, JANl!ARY 10, 1907. PRIa Two CuTs. The above nominations for coun­The allowinl( of freshmen to com- cilors in the various divisions of the. Pete in the minor sports.' Senior Colleges were made yester-, The University of Chicago_' is �he day, in the office of Dean Shepherd­,first of the members of the BIg NlD�_ son. "I'hey . will be voted upon to-!:lo accept the Conference, recom�en-, dav and tomorrow all students be-', :�tions . in tot�,. e� o�her ufli�er..:' i� � requested to c�st their ballots:, � whIch has; voted th�s far having- :for: a ,candidate in their division. Ai:\�� "�tiOD .to! one. Or more of ine same. time, there was posted, in!• ����'�A"-���� ti(e'-()ffi�e'orthe··Ue3n�·onllc; 'S��io? .'on Tuesday' voted Colleges a list of all members of the ,,1 .,QaiDst three of the most, important divisions, so that any student not.I.Cobference m�ifications. The Meth- knowing just what division to vote:• faculty v,'etoed"the amendment .' .' 'I.in, can ascertain this before votmg.: :extending the "length of the schedule The long list of candidates showsifrum' 5 to' '1 IPUles' and the rule al- that interest in the nominations 'has:lowing freshmen to compete, in anti- picked up, a gratifying result' of':retroactive change." It "is said that Dean Shepardson's recent talk, urg-,'�e action of the', Evanston faculty iog students to take more intere�t. in!�s pract.i,�I� unanimous. elections. Much interest is' shown in!. The seven-game - rule.:i!; now op- Division 2. in which there a!� four:�';ed by four; of the "big nine," and 'candidates, a�1 well known students>therefore seems doomed. The col>J�ges oppose the freshmen rule, andt� �f the' rulings' making men now STUDENTS ARE INVITED�·<colle� 'eliltible' for' (our - years" TO VOTE· ON TRACTION:�petition: �. 'two;.thirds vote is te-,�uired to ma'_e the action-binding on ChicagO"Tribune �nvites EXpression�e Conference, but ,these two meas- . of Opinion on Street Car Question�� '�ill paSs' jf; 110' other votes are -Much Interest.�orded apinst them. The other�endments seem, 'h1tcly 'to pass. The Chicago Daily Tribune yes-I ' terday began a canvas of the studentsTRACK liEN Df :RAPID' RACE and faculty of the' University to d:s-cover how the institution stands onAre �t Throach Fat Work-oats by the traction situation in the ·city. Foi'Coatb FriIad.�,. • .. ' ,some weeks past the Tribune ha�been taking a straw vote on the pro�osition of . immediate settlement orCandidates for the Varsity track ...... _ k' h _1- referendum in the spring. This has,�, are' eeplpg it e tn\;A wa ," !- " .'' ....... �. .- d '__ , !been' carried on among vanous repre�, oIQC q:pnntel'5";ift 1tettmg 0 ..... "t ,'. • . ..... rd ric B k M' ... sentatlve groups an the CIty, and t�""It. wo. ar er, crnam anu �'.. I fi ld b.1.Porn .. h 'A Umverslty 'IS the atest e to. �eroy are gettIng tnto s ape. '.. �J,allre squad, of distance men - is -out, .covered. .UId it looks' 'as; if, a ; tight ·race. for ,In order to give all the members of� pl;lcH.in the long rans WiI�Tesult;. .the University community an oppor� .":�Jt Hugo Friend has been devot- t�nity to express an opinion in, t�� 3·'mg a great deal of time. tB,.Merriam matter, ballots have- been placed I� 4·at tile hurdles. "Merry" has the various public places, including the! 5.�d, but is' havi�', 'difficulty with Information Office and the Reynol.ds 6.t�e form, but Friend thinks, tbat }Ie Club, and alJ men and women are m, 7.��.� 'l1l�ke '.Ia '�' ���, St�ffen was vi ted to vote on these slips, givingj 8.opz .the floor, 'but did not t�k� a work- also their reasons for their views.!'"". He will gcf' into' harness to- COllsiderable intrest is being mani-''�w;' The��;_ 'men a�� pole- ,fested' i� 'the experiment, and it is,�ttrs are watting, steadily and th.ought that a large number of votes£� ,irit. () '�Ondition as rapidly, as WIn be recorded.• 'Lk" -". _..�... . U..:'..'.Rsrn" EIDORSES,cOlfelEicE'CHIIGESi,�ty Scu� Declare! in Favor� � Of Rulinp of � Dece�r Con-i, . fCreace. -.- J, IThe University of Chicago favors'Ill of the changes recommended by1 tbe December' conference of .the �ig: Nine, The first- and 'final expression,'of the officiai attitude of the Uni­versity authorities wa� made yester­day -afternoon', �b��':, the senate met, and took action 'upOn the recommen­,,' :dations made·· it':,the meetingiof the,� : jboard of phYii�'�, culture, and ath-:: '�Jetjcs Moi1�.! The senate, ratified.... .�� � •. . ...;the vote- of . the board, thus unarn-:.ously appro�ng of all the{c'haDgeS, which, are :� The 'repeal of', the retro-active fea-:tures of the three-year rule. ',The extension .of the- ,football sea-" ,.-: ,son from five, to-seven games.The establislunent- of' September20, �s the date, for the opening of,football practice.:\'",'*r'''Miss Xeni� Woolman. state secre­::. tary qf the Y. W, C. L. of Wisconsin,�" here,�,. 't, '� ,":: __ �;; ',� ':-; At a disappointingly· small meet­ing of the Junior Class- yesterdii--- morning, preliminary steps were .. tak-"avorite Hymns of Dr; Harper "¥ill Be Sung at the Service-Se1ectioDS en toward an amendment of th�;;:e��. ..===::;::::;;:=:==, from-HiS 'WOrks 'wnt�--.Kead:"':':MUic :ancf Prayer O�c�Pr '�i..-. -:.:.� . c--;;t� �i":��' .:_��-: pubii:t{rliii(':��4. .,' .... ;,_ ,"" _",,'Main P��on of the Program. Gown. After considerable dt:l�Je" �;Z::� Y��13, motion was passed, ·authorizing· Pres:-- < .:» ', •••• ',�The death of President Harper, .which occurrred one year ago today, 'ident 'Hewitt to appoint a com.s:n}.tteeof three to consider what changesis to be observed this morning by a simple service in his memory. to bearc necessary' and report their find-held in Mandel Hall at 10:30. The main feature of the event is to be the ings to the class. Any action taken'fact that it will be an exaltation of th� memory of the late. President, rather by the class is to be subject to athan a mourning over his death. All suggestions of mourning will be referendum vote of the Senior Col-. leges at the spring election of conn-carefully avoided. It is even probable that the flag -will not be lowered. '. 'Thi id f f I 'dh d . . h ' I b cilors,IS avoi ance 0 any unera note IS a ere to Wit especia care, e- The debate on the' motion' hingedcause it is thought that such would be the wish of Dr. Harper. on the right of the class to legislateThe service is to be unusually impressive. There will be no address. for following classes. Although itThe singing of hymns that were favorites of pro Harper, and readings from was not made clear, that ,�he classthe late President's works, 'will make the observance especial' appro- had this right, it was brought outpriate. The program arranged is as follows; in the discussion that it would' resultI. Organ prelude. in benefit to next years board tohave the results of this paper toThe following names had been puti� (Domination at the end of the nom­ihating, 'time yesterday :riOlhNA'fE }lOR �OUNCILORS I LIFE OF PRESIDENT WIWIM RIIIEY HARPER TO 'BESe:;; �=:::� 7or��'1 CO",MEMOR1TED BY UIIVERSITYSTUDENTS 110 FACULTY-Large Number of Nominees ShowsGreat Increase in Interest. �vent Will Be Kept Free From ,AU Suuestion of ,Gloom or, Sadness-AllUniversity Work Will Go On As. Usual. Except During the Hours PLAN CAP AND GOWN CHANGEJuniors- at Meeting ,Yesterday Ap­point Committee to Consider Hold­ing ,Elections to S�: in SpriDc­Dance Committee is' Named.from 10 :30 'to 12 :00.Marion Segner.A. c. Trowbridge.Division 2C. C.' Steinbeck.H. H. Swift.Faith Dodge.S: A. Lyon.Division 3E. D. Hostetter.Flint Bash.Dade Sherer.Estelle Hunter.Division' oSW. D. Jones.Anna Montgomery.Division 5Davie Hendricks.Mary Heap.Peter F.' Dunn.Division 6 'Helen Dewhurst.Paul Wander. work on. :The principal change which willprobably be suggested is in regardto holding the elections d�g th�spring previous to publication, rathe's'than waiting for fall. This is done,at most of the other universities, -andaids, considerably 'in the ease withwhich the publications are gotten out,There are also several other changes,dealing with the details, of the -elee­tion which willl be considered.,;., ; ., Tl1� i m.e�I�Qg3,al�.:�ss��_.:-a...mP.tioP_,.to the effect that ,the,),Presidenb ,a� .P1>j�t, a' committee :�G '�D&icietl�.-"and- means. for. givingra, :Junior., Clas,',dance- �this ' q�arter.:.: The �nce.', if,: 'given, Will, be ,very. .ioformal,-'·its, -ob- ..j�ct �b��g mainly., to gi¥e'�the ,mem-,.bers of the class a better opportunity:, 't� become acquainted, It' win: Prob­:a�ly be held in 'the ,Re}T.o!ds ,C1u�;:- 'i President Hewitt <announced :_ his­appointments, ,of, the committees foir,'t�e' proposed Junior 'dance and for.'.irivestigaring the, Cap -and Gown mat-.ter, The Cap and Gown committ�eis: Alvin Kramer, chairman; PaulC. Judson and Wellington D. Jones.'The Junior dance committee is: NO,r-'man Barker, Henry Roney" CharlesJOf(_Jan, Frank Bevan. Miss LoiusKauffman, Frank McLeon, and Hal­liba� Chandler.WOMEN PRACTICE DANCESFOR ATHLETIC C4R1DvALHard at Work ���et,�d 60�-Colleges to Take Charge of the,Bootha.---�Preparation for the Woman's Ath­letic Association's Folk Camiva�scheduled to take place February 8Pr<)cessional of Faculty from the Reynolds Club.' and 9, are now well ander way, WorkMembers of the 'Board of Tnlstees and the Faculty will meet in the on the dances has been 'started, andmost of the performers for theR�ynolds CTub house. "stunts" have been chosen. The girlsDOxology '(al� stan�ing�) have begun practicing on the minuet,Invocation' a.rid 1.ord·s Prayer. Professor A. K.. Parker. with its fancy stepping and gracefulH�mn. ;'0 l\Ia�ter, Let Me Walk With Thee." courtesying. Variety' is promised inScriptu're Reading. Professor E. D. Burton. the form of clog dancing. All theAnthe�,' !'Sanctus," Gounod. Women's Colleges have arrange� toPrayer, the Chaplain. take charge of the booths at the af-Readings from thc works of President Harper. ,Professor:' A. W. fair.Small.Miss Allen, secretary of the Y. W.C'L. of Mt. Holyoke College,'Ma�sa­chusetts, visited the Y. W. C. L. hereTuesday. 9. Hymn, "0 Love .... that Will Not Let Me Go."10. Benediction,II. RecessionZt.: Or�n.For the most part the work of the University will go on as usual. Thecleven o'clock classes', will not be held, but otherwise all exercises willproceed as' ordinarily. This, like the absence of mourning, is due to thedesire expressed by President Hac-per that his de.th should· make no dif­ference in the canying on of the Uni!emty" wort. New Head in Hitchcock.Walter Van Dyke Bingham, of theDepartment of Pyschology, has beenmade head of Section 5 of Hitchcock,H211,. succeeding David Allan Robcrt-,son, who was head until Christmas,'The head of the· entire, hoase' is -Dr.A: K. Parker, the Univetsit," re�cOrder... ". -, -, >,A ,� _- ", .... '\ t .. "'..�:.-fl!�� :".J�f- ��.�.�.I:� .�::.;"E-���,"". -'.,; .n:.1on , ..�'ol1D�rJ7Tbe Unlnralt7 uf Cbleqo Weeld7.. .lo'ouoded.. ; Tbe W�kI7. Oct. 1. 1892-.•• I ., .•T!ae Dal17, Oct. 1. 1902.t-;u'.t!red .. tJeund·Cl .. .wall at lbe CIlIcaco PoatoWt"e.Subscription price, $3.00 per year;$1.00 for 3 months. Subscriptionsr ecei ved at the Maroon office, EllisHall, or at the Faculty Exchange,Cobb Hall. Orders taken by mail ortelephone, Hyde Park 426.R. Eddy Mathews. Managing Editor.Edward G. Felsenthal, News· Editor.Luther D. Fernald. Athletic �ditor.:�o�e E. Fuller, Business Manager.Associate Editors.·C .. W. Pattser, nernard J.. Bell,A. " •. ' lIenderson, Preston R Gass,Warren D. Foster, Cole Y. RO\\'e,Melvin J. Adams.Reporters.Peter F. Dunn,lJnrVey n. Fuller, Jr.Printed tiy the Maroon Press.474 E. 55th Street.Telephone Hyde Park 3691.WilliamRainey \Harper'Many mcn have achicved greatnessin s«;>rne. pa�tiCt1lar line, There haveb�cn oth�r great. edu.cators; therehavc been many notable administra­tors; tl�ere havc bcen many men de­voted. t� the f.amily, and there haveb�en .many devout Christians. Butas a .miln who represented the em­bodimcnt of all thesc qualities, andeach in the supe'rlative degree, Presi­dent \ViII;am Rainey Harper stoodalone. . THE DAILY MAROON, CHICAGO, THURSDAY. JANUA�Y.IO; 1907.the rise in the interest barometer.Cap andGownPlans -Ifiliecl�����rC�kF pti�UE mval�.�ONSi '_�--I�-·_�·-'-·-.-'-··-�-��>�--.-.. !.-"-"'�'-'-"-�-...-'��--.-�---,--��touncilors can 'be considered a bar'o-� L 'WI"meter of student it,:"r- Facl!lty Explains Opposition to Pro-. . . . .•.. ' ..est in activities, it ap- posed Football CbaDceL .pears that Chicago menand women are slowlybestiring themselvesout of the mire of apathy in' whichthey have unfortunately so long lin-'gered, 1\1 uch more than the usualinterest was manifested in the norni­nations of councilors yesterday andthe day before, several names havingbeen put up in each of the divisions.This added interest is a good indi­cation. and it is hoped that the re­sults will prove the fruits of the longlabors in this direction, and not therenewed efforts of the industriousfew. The elections today and tomor­row wil tell whether the whole Sen­ior C�lIegcs, or merely the .abovementioned few. arc represented by01Dclal Student l�ubllcat1OD of tbe UDlnr. Is theal11 of Cblc:qo. InterestGenuine?giate athletics, and especially in in­ter-collegiate football. Two . confer­cnccs. called by President Angell ofthe University of Michigan, sought toremedy these evils, and the efforts inthis direction were' successful to amarked deg:ee. Much good has beenaccomplished. The new regulationshave worked well thus far and havec;::===��placed college sport on a higher planethan it has hitherto occupied. TheyThe few faithful members of the have also silenced much of the hos­Junior Class who gathered in Kentyesterday to consideramendments to thepresent- plan of publish­. ing the Cap and Gownhave started good work.Recognizing that there were certainfaults in the scheme as applied thisw. P. 'MacCracken. year-faults which could not be fore­P. W. Plnkeeton, Miss }'alth Dodge, seen, and which are not to be con-J'erome }�r�nk, Hurry A. Hansen, strued <IS any reflection on the workw, J. Ualnsfurther, of th ecornmittee which formulatedthe plan-they have set about to MISSIONARY BRINGSemedy these flaws, in tbe hope that EXAMPLES TO· LECTUREthe present Sophomore' class will nothave to surmount the difficulties Mr. Monroe at Y. M. C. A. Meetingwhich have been met this. year. Brings Converts as - Illustrations.The amendments adopted by theJunior Class will not, of course, be That the most riotous crooks andabs�ut�y hlniling on ilie Sopho� invct��k drunkards can be con-I_�������������������������������THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1907. mores, but it is to be hoped that the \:crted was" vividly demonstrated 'atlower classrnen will appreciate the the Y. M. C. A. meeting last night,efforts that are being expended ill. PY :\1 r!,,� Harry Monroe of the PacificThe University commemorates to- their behalf by their predecessors. in Garde� mission of this city.. Mr.day 'the life of her first leader, Presi- order to save. them unnecessary Monroe iir-st introduced Mr. 'Wer- of the U. of C. men have thel''dothes ..dent William Rainey trouble. There is no political . side dell. ° a refo�med' safe blower. In' a . . - .' .... y.H h di d' made by Carver & Wilkie. but MAN, �.: .. ,;.' .. ' .arper, w 0 ie one to the present movement.' - .Ijs auth- short talk to the boys Mr. Werdell- L' I h the BEST DR:SS.r:. O_.n .... s.. do .. ,.,..... _.J.�\·.�,l. \year ago; Itt e t a;ors andsupporters are acting.:i!,! good related how he, .at one time a con- a,., _ ��'",;;S no�already :en_ r�� faith -.nd for the genera!'bene}i� of vict"'was :reformed and converted by I' Cary.'.. er '·4 Wilkle:·_·.;... .'.!.:.·.. ·�" ..earse can :sat< .the University� and ·und�r;·the- cQn· Mi: Monroe�- COLLEGE SUITS _�abo-;'I!hat remarbblc life. but it can- 'diti;'ris should be liiven the· h�arty . Mr. Rice. next intrOduced, was at . p6.OCJ j. . . : TA��9.�S .. �. '�:-:',.:.' .'�'. not be too often r::peated.. support of"all concerned. bn� t.ime _an inveterate drunkard, in...__���������_ ".: 185 1ttft "D'-arbo' m 'St •. :- ;�:r:.; .. , .... �!::t.:.{,;'£:President 'Harper is not here: In----__ fact ha�j"n'g lo�t a good position be- _ U7 �,_���,b�h� I� �da«om��- All II·O��cbh���ra!����.. k� Throq.hili��-�===�-�����������-�����-����--��mem�·��d�g ��. as � e�m� �A�d�to�to���:�s�� fl�n�.��.Mom��h���nl�� � � ���=��--�---����"-·�monument, ;can .never be taken away. dents and faculty members � attend up this� �'ic�" and is now engaged in t.T ... �HE.:. ..;.:. :::;.; ,His life', attained �n ap�'rOJ6mation the service to be held in Mancielllall, ,·Iea:rni=ng::a. trade and at the same time UNION HOTEL aDd RESTAIJRANT. .;' ., '.: �'l•to the ideal, to an extent reali:.t!cd by at �0:3o, in commemoration of-Pl-e5i..., aidi�g.:'iri· the missionary work. WlLL FIND RESTAURANTS ON rWO�'FLQORS: .' ::'few people. First of all, he was one dent Harper's death.. .. ._WILL FIND A SPECIAL AFTER-THEATER' 'MEtiU . :'.�of the ,greatest of educators; he was :' E�elSOn Lit Basketball Captain. WILL FIND SPLENDID· SERVICE" .. -". .:.: :;:not only"far advanced in his own edu- Commonwea1�. Club. At a meeting .of the basketball men Serving only- the Best the Mark-et Aff<?rds" '. ;�.: : •. :' .. ;;cation, but he. also had the rare fac- The:-e will be an oqen meeting- of of �he. Junio� Literature College, 111 to 117 RANDOLPH STREET.. .> .., :..ulty of �ing able to impart his the Commonwealth' (Jub tonight �t Goeffrey Ettelson, '10, was elected We make a Specialty of Club, Fraternity �h�� ��� .;j:':5 :knowledge to others, and to system- 8:00 o'clock, in Cob" chapel. Mr. to .the� aptaipcy. Although Ettelson Finest Orchestra in' the CitY·�,. '. 'I ••. ,i-atize all b'rancltl!s of education into Raymond Robins' of� the Chicag�' was ·��t:� mein�r of la'st year's teama most effective university. With thi� Board of Public' Schools. will 'deli�er h_e' j��.'j;g.<!.p(l �an.· He is on thehe was a most thorough and capable an address on "T�e S�hoo1. Board:and' Vaisi�Y·:-sqqad'.trying for the position. administrator; no problem was too th" Rusiness Administration oCthe� 6f."fofwAnf": :-Henceforth he will di-great �� .1.00 small for his personal Schools." re�t:.l)�j��>attention- to .. developing adirection a�d execution. His private ," '. champion'ship' Literature �eam.life, it is needless to say, bears him At the Friday chapel service$ of theout as an ideal father and husband. School of �ucation; Mi;s An�e T;y'­at all times devoted to his family, lor, a Bible study·.� (eacher. of the'despite the pre.ssing cares of his posi- World's Morning W�tdl"'�11 speak..tion as President of the University.\Vith all his inseparable attention tothe material affairs, he always putthe spiritual first and was a most de­vout Christian. STUDENT� REMEMBER US·\Vhen making arrangements for.your fraternity group pi-::tures for theCap and Gown. Special offer thisyear. Come and see.MARTYN'S MAROON STUDio5705 Cottage Grove .U. of C. Photographer.FOWNESGLOVESThc love and admiration of Ch'ca­go students and faculty for hini canonly be repeated, as it has been onevery possible opportunity. Therewill be' another opportunity to ex-�ress this. feeling this morning when WILL BE WORN LONGER THISChicago students al_1d faculty gather SEASON THAN' OTHERS-THATin Mander to unite in a: service of IS, 'l'HAN OTHER GLOVES.praise and rejoicing for the life oCjWilliam Rainey Ha�r. , In explaining their "stand pat" posi­tion on the reformed football propo­sition. the faculty of Purdue' has is­sued thc following statement: : ."We believe that these three recom-mendations should not be approved at Itliis time. About a. year ago. it 'O'asquite generally conceded that manyserious .. buses existed in inter-colle-tile criticism, on the part of the gen­eral public, which prevailed a yearago. The passage of these recom­mendations would undo a part of thegood work which has been accom­plished and would, in our opinion, bea backward step. The new regula­tions have been in force only a few.weeks, , and we believe that theyshould be more thoroughly test­ed before being materially modified.". The Hotel Maroon; Cor." of 58thar..d Drexel'Ave., Will op�� abo'ut Jan.J2th. J'he �nagement of this newmoder�' hote-, haVe :spare4 DO .eXpense'to m:tke it' the most complete hotelin Hyde P:trk. Espe'cial attention hasheen given to the lunch counter andcafe, where the best of oysters, fish,steaks, and. chops. will be served atpopular prices. The aim is to givethe students of the University ofChicago the be�t possible food �nd�cn'icc for the money. Special atten­rion givcn to parties and banquets.Thc rooms are steam heated. andnc\\;ly furnished. and can be had in�l1it� or �ingle.AN AD. INTHE DAILY MAROONIS AS GOOD ANINVESTMENTAS YOU CAN."AD.HAVE YOU INVESTED? �...Are. 'au in fallor of an immediate fraction sen�emenl? o�. '%Are 'au in fallor of postponing settlement un�" next spnlJ!so that a refereudum may be had? ... .;Ellery sfJIdent, in. the Un�versil" ma� !1M � WO�� ,• .....:fac�I" member, should reg,ste� a�. �p,,"on In _!.he lht. .'Tribune Tradion Vote. Ballofs--oliliJlftap'e: at.' �Ii. e:!� P!I1l_�Jj.. Office, . Woman's Exchange,' �e",olds C1� _�� .. MjJro9llJ3�.TRIBUNE TRACTION:' .,'.TE·; _f.,... ,,� ..1 '",� ..."" ... ::1 ;) t. � �.. .:�.Albert :\fathcws. Pres. Ceo. II. Fiedler. Vi�e-rn .. :-; .. r·:U·.Str::ttoll .�.:: Pri,... Lov5;;'.. -Mathews & Co: IntJ;�:�'7�.,. 0, ;,n: 4 �!. � ::·.'."r . "")".. .. _ .::.i: J::�II..' . _ . 'IiI'� .. ��;.�'; .�.:.�DRESS SUITS FOR COLLEGE MEN OUR SPECIALTY: . ..: ... : .. :--.' .,..n:It f.\ .i: -.. � �. -,THE-:TAILOR SHOj? .,New Powers Bldg.! '156"Wa�h Avt�,", .•.. !... , � .. . ... :'�iUniversity Style S3�OO .per :Doi�: •• ':'�itStud�nt's Special·$3.S0 pet�D6i'::f, .... ,' ...... ". . .. '. . ';"They fill that Empty. Spaceat·,HcJ�e."J·E�motT'� J&lJoto t9tulJio . ,; ,. ··r ,';' .I!:."l";�,. j'.'.. 8u;••phone Hyde Park-16. 243 EAST 55th' 'STREE(.. . ... ", ,,;;.... N OT .H. \\L.;". :" _r." ;�". 'anto::flrfl;\ . C.\...� :F1'.. . ..... :' .. �---------------�--------------�--������THE UNIVERSITY PANrATOJlIUf,f::/�iPresses your suit every week and 'shines: 'your�sh()es :"'�� .for $1.00 per month. . . !.' . ,. .• '., ····15645 Cottage Grove Ave. T. JtllI)tra(mea\�it'sl� ..;�. p.tub(hon.:.,'\ol··, . "�HARIIEIFS ...rlreproof . StoraD� A·· v.�. (:0_/_: .. ,.-:-: � ."..... , ... '.U1UfJTUu. PIANOS, TRUNKS, IIBRcBANDIU .... ·pAJtCal· ·DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS'OF TIm CITY,.:Dap()TI. :1.'AMD 8UBURB& "�":, .General Offic:a.... St. ad Calumet Aft.PboaC"DoqIu t600Prhate Eadlup all Oflicu. BnDda OfIce.I ........ :O'"U.,·�·�\ "..R. It w"'_"'�' .CIdcap J-dIoa R.. .-�.� ... 0,J" KAT •.. � ...• �- ..... �""" l. Patron, .. �:,.'. ',?�" ..L�:erature· and Philosophy Meet bat. Cannot Agree· on Subject forJoint Debate..i., ::\.t a joint meeting' of representa­tives of the Philosophy and Litera­tnr� debating teams, who will comet,ogether in the first debate of theinter-colleg� scries;. no agreementcould be re�ched'�regarding a subject.p,hiJosophy advanced -a subject on therJoPlllar election of' United StatesSCIHltors, but· L';terature rejected it ""ILLIAM .lERREMS' SONS.on' the grounds that several of the • \;lark and Adama Ita.Phrlosophy' men had debate.-I on the - -- -----subject bdore. . The' Literature men c:T�e moot �tu Qt•. ,. ...tllcn arl\'�nced 'a subject regarding �".:I" eJ CI �the Japanese situation in California. ItIIIBALI.IU.LL Evening Dress Clothes $30 to SSO-Tht·y considered the question a fair 243 W.bull ATe..• ;. I� r.one, as it has not been debated bc- Origiualldeasand Exc1U5iveStyl�iD ler-C'fore. It is proboble that Philos·hn• hy PHOTOGRAPHS I SS: . ri":11' a •• c •• rae, ... to u .• r c. 5,.4.Dt. "wifJ �cc�.,i ··the questib'n, I" Clothes for Men and Young M�n.I 50 Jackson BOI4/et!ard.Telephone your want ads to the. Call for book "Points on Dress."Daily )larooD, H,. Park..' Fatronize Dail.1 MarOOD aclyerti.en. ......... ' .. ,.-._ .... J. J'First"�; ."...... � ... That .\1ichigan will lose her posi­t ion. unless she receives substantial- 'lil�all�ia1 'assistance, is the statement��de in the :\Ii�higan Alumnus.wbich. That "The .. Cap and Go�'n"� is COIll-is just to b�' published. The articleing on 'nicely, and that· "there arc'. ' • t will say:.. prospects of a very good issue, is t he '. "N�w that the University has comeopi��on eXI>.J:'csiicU;�cbX_::�(l��: �!J.itor!�. to have almost 5,000 students, theEspecial attention' :js' :being given �.o necessity for a larger income is be­.the artistic features of the:.b��� al�(J corning imperative: .The desi�a�ility.' , ... " .. _ '1' of a larger appropriation for buildings,a number of cspecialfy '. fine:;) .. [rhoto- .: ." .. f. equipment, and salaries, has 0 tengraphs will-be' used-as illustrati�ns. been pointed 'out, but it is Tery dif-, 'K raincr. one of tl�e' C'ditoi-'S, �\;ll.<;n in- ricult to re;alize just how' acute thisterviewed this morn,ing. said, "Th� necessity has become, unless one has'ortly thing th:;t is hampering us is �ecl.l. i.n �lln Arbor the !ast fe": years,;j : .... ';bd' has "become acquainted with ac-� Ii .. . ... ,. �.,-.' '. . the slowness. with which grou�.��I.�; . ;l.al· conditions. .. i"1 ., Emma C.. ·.·• Stewart':: .tures, and more yet, the Senior. !JMC;'; . ···Aln-.;.Jst· within the last ten years�. -; :�ur:es, arc comin�in. 1 think... if: th.:: 'the t�tl;l1tjers in attendance have dou-:_'Seniors could only realize how gr�a:t, bl�d.' According to the calendars, �he:1::..---------------...,;: I:ty their delay incommodes us, �l':Y actua] figures for ISgo, are 2,153 stu­would be a little more prompt. :�Vc dents, and for 1897, or just ten yearst ago this coming June, 2,975 students.shall hold- this department open illlP- �rhe pi-'��cnt year we have a tctal of.fil. the first of �"ebruary, an� WC·I�?P.tC 4,800 �t least, and it is more. th�nthat �Y that time every picture iVl•1 probable that it will be 5,000 1� ar­be in, so that we shall not hav [o other twelve-month. Since the quar­publish any list of delinquent or c:i·- ter m�1I tax was granted in 1899, t�ef ti .. lS· .F b fi k number of students has increased r,-ec rve emors. • e ruary rst as r- •••. .GOO, or about 33% per cent.also been fixed as the- date' for ctos- ,". ."Michigan IS now the third largesting copy on the. fraternity :dep�rt- university in the. United States, ex-ment,and all pictures. ah.d. inse�s must ceed.ed in. numbera- ol\ly by Harvardbe in our I��nds at th'at tim�. All stu- �and' Col�D1bi�: an'd �ssibly by theden't organizations are also advi�ed_ _Uniye_r�Jty of.S�cago, �f. her imm�nse. . : summer school 15. counted. Yet Mlch-to get in thelr pictures as soon as pos- .. ' ';«.:', � 'h'" .:. d'.' . .. t t. .' tgan o.!_.ers. er a vantages. a a ra esible. of tuitiori\;ery ��ch �lowe� than anyAY �. �;�J�!!!' SCHOOL ··w c may seem··�... sDf�J£·pcople to' b� other large university in the coun-Students:.:l¥ay· Enter' lit Any Time. in an awful hurry, but thc book is try and,' in 'addition, these rates areco�ing out on the first of April 'rhi� considerab"t)· lo":er' for the stud�nt.s. . \vho come from the state of MIChl-year instead -of' thc-first or-June, as .AI h h M' h� .h .bL, !!ent _yaug� U� of C; '91.' ... _ '. gan. t oug IC tgan as eenManager. heretofore� and so we must go a ht- the acknowledged model for all the. ' .••..••.. ,. .-< ... ,tIe faster than usual. :ncighboring state unversities, they:3rF'31i"'Waba:S1i'··Ave. �--.'�.. "Litcrary contributions of all sorts are rapdily surpassing her in the num-,. :..� �,� ,,;: tY :)are desired. Squibs 'of a college iia:- her and the beauty of their building.s,.;. '. ; .. '': .� � �:'";:'�:':":��=r" -" '. -. -.�-�, .. � - ure, and' kn<?cKs�"oii -Yarsity peQple; �:j�h�!&n:�::P-:;��ei:n!a:���nf�::��.. � .... �:. ":".... .\. -. .., •are what ,":C �specially : need: jl:lst Th� have not as yet, however, su�-�'.:.. . ';��r-a .quick shave,· now. Contributions a'nd communica- passed her in the number of students,',':.' "a' n" ,. ···e·.... a�s·... y;..... ';.� ...s� ·Ii·�a··'· ·v:...e:,· .. · -.·a'·-�, tions ·of any �sort should be' address�d or. in actual efficiency, but it is �f�._ to 'the l\lanaging Editors:�' Cap :.' alld 'course apparent that if the· University.. ..: ... :... '.' .Gown, B .80 'F ult Exchang�" continues its phenomenal growth,with... ·co'lri. f 0 rta hI e; face ox 2 , ac y .'no increase in income.it must lose the. . .) .' ,.: position it has always occupied.· flrfler. th� shave . WRESTLERS GETTING BUSY, On�e thi" h:.s h:'JlJl�n�dJ it wilt be at-. '.. '•. ' - .:. . most impossible to regain what h�s:. 81-.i. ve at" '. 'Hom' e Biggest. Squad Ever. Brought Out is bc'en lost.ua in Practice this Qu�r. ::., "It is with a realization of these.W· ith ·facts that the regent.s are to ask thisThe class thi:i quarter is made· of year for a substantial increase in in­. c: :'FI�'" . . t:; . ter for wrest1ing is larger than evcr come from the state legislature. In. t.; ..•........ 0·.'.. �..•..... w..........•..'·10. beforc. this cffort: the friends of the 'Univer-. '. � ,,... Thc . class this (Iuarter: is made �f sity can dO'a great deal in an educa-.. �:.' (1'raIe M�t:�,� , the..iollowmg.: JoneS:,· BeH� S.T-rot:!k-Y, tional way, and by dropping a word;:,: ·This·fragr:.an�tran�parent H •. HosteUer, F.',::\>lcLean. L. Hin,' c. here and' there, where it may sow a... jelly.:.(:<:>ntains 'I Pond's Ex- L.. mbach, �P. Brnndo,.�; S.: ,-DC'\!a, ; �l: se�·d. Many do not realize what th'e·h· k h . h Price, G. A ndcr:;O'll;' R.: \V ri'ght, � 1: University is doing and what it hastract-·t 'ln w at t, at .CR' 'I 'I' d W a ...... ompll·shed I'n the past, sl'mply' be·.-Rc'chnl . owe,."'""\, cxan cr, . '""meansl .L k 'R B '[ W calIse' they have had no' rcason toagan e,' :.""\,. arron, .�, oorc, .:.� "<;' \Vhil�it.softens ·the beard Oids. R. �Iix and H. Shaw .. The i�- think'about the matter, or know about· it' soothes and. heals' and re- structor of this class, . �tr. Suiter is it .. I t is an' excellent' opportunity for'ffeslieSlhe skin. a wres'tler of mudl" e:cperiencc; He missionary work on' the part of every. received' hi� . first training tlnder' :EI- :alumnus in the state."Pu('n.p- in a collapsible korn of Ya1e, :md 1afcr was 'a'ssistan't.tube �:a .. Convenience at instructor ·in·. the same sport at thehome or·,on the .� University ��_. _P_en_n_s_�I_\;an.�.� .• I". >:.On January 21sr' the TI-!�eologicalClub will lrold' a joint. �eetin'g \�iththe Church History 'tillb':' �rofe·sso.rHulbert will discus's '.'Thc·. Relation 'ofChurch History to Systcm:atic rheol-a·' •. _,"."l ' •.,,; ..'WEBSTER·oSINTERNATIONALDICTIONAR..YTHE· ONE GREAT ..STANDARD AUTHORITY.CaD It truly be .aid of an,., othn boolethaD WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONALDICTIONARV that it iI:-- .The StaDdard of tbe Federal and State c.urts!The Standard of the Govt. PriDting OfficdThe Basil of Dearly all the SchoolbOOk!!! J n­doncd by every State Scbooi Supt.! U niver­sally recomm�nded by College Presidents andEducaton! The Standard for oYer 9'1'!0 o'the Newspapers! -'17P TO DATE aDd RELIABLE.2380 Pace-- lSOOO lUuatraUoo.s.Sh_I" Y_ No& Ow. 81H'h n r_,ki"W'IaIIrnt .. 'S Cou.rou� DlcnoluaT.'1'" IarCW' of our a�ta. �I.raacl Thl. J'apoor edltloD&. U� (or-nUP!���Il�"��n'on. .Write for "The Story of a Book ·"-Free.Q. a: C. MERRIAM CO ••SI'ItlNCnaLD, .MASS.. U. S. A.GET THE BEST., .... # ��. FINEST. ; . ," ::ACCOMMODATI'ONS:"�.. FOR 'STUDENTS: .... � .. AND··,�� .,--.TEAC.�"�R� . -....,{Prices Moderate;I, .'.• Location id��L �" .... �... _5;=4. Washin�on Ave. __Est. )856. qft- m;:'I�g'·r:oct BaU.; . I •Gal�. CODtal ... the ,NEW RI.iLE�wltb tall ,..., ezplaDato1'7 pletureL J:d..lted b7 Walter Camp. The larseat FootBan Guide eyer published. J.l'011 of football lDfo�_O!!L_ t'nlewa ; forec:ut;1ICbed:d_; � ; recorda; 8COnII �pletua of oyer 4.000 plQeI'LPrice. 10 cents. .A.. G. SPALDING &: BROs..Nno York. CJaleqo, at. Lcnd8.8u iriu·eI8N. lIlo_pou., DenTer, BuJraIo.:811"­PltDburJr. PbJladelphla. s.toa.. Cliclmaatl. Baltimore. Kau·... t7. .. QrleaD80 lIontr.l. CaD.;LoIlc1oD; 1IIDc-: Bamburj. Germau,..BeDd ,.our Dame ancl pt a free' cop,.of the Dew 8paJcllDc P'all' a4 Winter8porm cataJope, CODtalDlq �aacl . price. of all the DeW ........ eatIaletle -«OOC1a. ... BRYANt' � . SYUnONI A'1 . .Business· CoUede'_;,r�"jJ"" -:. :'.' ... , ". _... : • .;\ .", '.,;_' ,,: �:: .. .- .,. .Ofiea:· Superior,'; .I�.'!'i' .Advantages in:. _.'.i:" i�. If" .':. ••••. :, JoI.,.3".... ,' . .:.:' ..... -, .: �..�Bu�iiJess; Training.'." AND.• Stenography ••· H. W. B�ant, Pres. .Te1ep11oDa H)'de Park 1S aacl69f7A McAdamsThe UDl"'erall7••• F lor &. •. t..;' .....,UQI. ." .... '.,Gor. SK at. ... � at.· . ,Chicago.WHUIlB do yotI get J'O'U'New.paper •• Perlo4lca!a aD4Statloa • ., •.At N01\.TOWSFree DeUYUJ'PboaeU6 Hyde Park :H8 67th StreetResidence: Phone(�33 Arlington PI. Lake View I�Phone Harrison 1644(ioldsmith's OrchestraL Goldsmith, Director .: lffice. Cable _piano Company,�Vabash and Jackson. CHICAGO.OUR New YearSpecial--A Black orBlue Cheviot orThibet Suit with ex­tra Trousers of �he'same or striped'ma­terial--$25.00_.._---JUNIOR " COLLEGE- DEBATESA proportionate reduction on all ourfancy suitings.ogy."Extempore ")\CW Year's" speech�<;and election of officers will be themo�t interesting items on thc pro­gram of "The Pulpit Club.... thi� even­ing at i :30, jn ·Co�b 6A�,. .I�.' .'.' ...... J..·... ttJ J.', n';, . All J J . o'clock .class exercises Willbe suspended �ay. to allow aU· stu­dents and faculty members to attend'me service to be held iri 'Mandel Hall,at JO :30, in commemoration of Presi-.dent Harpet"� c:teath;'� .. ,; - r:"" -:;"-_-"'_-'"".• t'Patronize Dail� _!t!a�oon adverti.etl. Waher Steffen '09, has returned. tothe University from Seattle._ ..",.....- .-, .. _ ....... -- ... '" :;!. .'For busy �pJe.No bother:-'r:�.·Fills itself.Cleans itself� ,No drQPper. �.,N othinftot�k .. part.Nothing to spill�:,p'A dip in .. ink, .J},utouch of thumbto nickel'''cres.cent and" . thepen is ··�:full,. rea�y to_ write..-�.� ---,._., .............AU the beat dealers enry.fttn-8t&Uonen, Dr'!.�: '�.tewd��.� .� �if1i��:U'!S ... �i:'f&FtalD =ro�KIrSde.�,=::a��=-�.=er:e=�::::�=�:;� .�����----�" )P'ATR(Uuik-- .UNIVERSITY!."PHARMACY.it. ":-1" #.Itf r'soo g. 55th.:�i!�c�.. rR R. BOWAN, Prop. .. i:." '.. : .. _ .. :Phone':_'Office, H.P. 1788. R�idence, H.P. ¢1 .31Dt • ..frtb mlI. �arktt31Dr. ltalp� �. taarktt" DE�!'S1;��;l6249 Kimbark�¥e":'''Uv.f9r. 63rd St ._ Hours Q-12 .. 1 :30-5..... '{aM 9 $.51.£ 1lnGO.�. M:lothes,.. \�Jit:bDn'(""/TTHIS WEEK, SUITS $250P.,.....--.__.·Blackbcautiful- ..... _ .. -- ..... ...,. ... -.- ......... - ."',; », r?;� ..� ":' \� -:I, �.'J .'� _.". .�{.�J' "'"".) ,_ '.. '.:. :�. � r:. '�:r.-:_:.'0:: �� '��:.;_ .. ,:;;t:-�:.�:J.�J:� :;� j�:-, ·:�t 2 'r: =. . ..,. :��"?;:�::�"'�.�'�····;tJ··: �.'i :"7'��� ._-¥ t-���·.. I" THE D�ILY MAROON. CHICAGO. THURSDAY. JANUA�Y :10. .907."IItBaADY':'POa:. TOIlOllROW'S.BAS�L.CONTEST·.Y •. '! '1-')' ':;WII�t; ·'hnil7.�� .. T� .. Lut Practice. . 'r I y�" 'BefOre Game With-INn" Top La, 1 Lewis .lutitute Frida,-. ·,TMrtr::--:·lbn �:II !, Literature �aad· Arts CoUccea �t11Oppa 'lD_-�le. Conteat W.1th .CurtaiP· Railer Frida,..,.._.Yesterday. afternoon the Varsitysquad took its last hard practice be-fore. the initial game .of the basket- The Y. W. C. L. will offer a course-:' -, � .ball season, tomorrow afternoon at of lectures during this quarter on ah'I�JI-U S � N £ N. "1. s __ I,' �.·4 o'clock. Lewis. Institute will come entirely new subject. Specialists 0.\1_� .. ; .to the Bartlett gymnasium· to inaug- various phases of charitable workurate . the winter's struggle. Dr. have been selected to deliver: lee­Raycroft . will, give every man on the tures. . The first will be given nelftsquad a .chance to show what he can Thursday. January 17. at 4':IS p. � .•do. against the West Side team. The 'n the League room, on the subjectsquad as reduced. contains eleven. of "City Charities." Besides thismea': Captain Houghton, .Carter, topic, the following subjects � will bePage and Hoft'man. guards; Schom- taken up during the .. ,course: "Themer and Hubble, centers; Falls, Wat- Church and Charities; What Wo­son, Corper, Buhlig and Georgen, for- men's :Clubs are Doing in this Work.wards. Jewish Charities, the Settlements of� The 'game wilkbe preceded at 3 :IS Chicago, Legislative Measures. thep ... m ... by .. the .. "*ia1 ... contest. of. the Juvenile Court. the City WorkingInter-College. Basketball League, the Girl. Factory and Store Work.- Chil­Men's 'Junior. Colleges of 'Arts and dren of the Poor, and IndustrialLiterature opening the season for the Work in Connection with Sunday_,... ' ..... .1 ."�minors .. The -schedule begins with a Schools."single game between each of the four Visitors are invited to all. of tbe�e�n's Junior. Colleges. This series lectures, which will. be . held in thewill' "be followed, by games between rooms of the League. Those who-the. Divinity and Law Schools, the wish to attend tfie' entire course are ;.�­Senior Colleges, 'and the Men's Jun- quested to leave their -names in. �eior Colleges. The result of this. last 'box located inside die League roomseries will determine the University door.championship, while the result of the4rst i series, . combined. with the sec­ond 'series of games' in which . theJun'or. Colleges meet each 'other, will Ev_anstoD and· Chicaco Teams .. aredetermine the Junior College cham- Evenly Matched-Meet CO be.pionship. A. banner will be gil-en to Held .Tomorrow NiKht.the r , team winning in each division.All members of the schools and;i, .........."r4" · .. III'..t ....:i · ... i.ritlia· .. r$ •. :_�colleges concerned are eligible tocompete, for the teams, wtih the ex­ception of men now on the Univer­sity sqaad,A team' desiririfit a. change in datemust securea substitution With someother team,· or :forfeit.The plan' for this year's race is anenlargement on last year's,' in whichonly the 'four men's Junior Collegesparticipated. Literature College win­ning after a close . race.The fact' that the Bartlett Gymna­sium is now' equipped with three in­dependent courts, will make it possi­ble for all the teams to practice atJ o'clock daily.The schedule follows:Friday, Jan. II_:_Literature vs. Arts.j Tues., Jan. IS-Philosophy vs.Science.Thurs., Jan. I7-Literature vs.Science.Sat., Jan. I9-Philosophy vs� Artsat 7:JO p. m.Tues .• Jan. 22-Arts vs. Science.Wed., Jan. 2J-Literatnre vs. Phil­o.sophy.Thurs., Jan. 24-Senior vs. Divin-itySat., Jan. 26-Law vs.7:30 p. m.Wed.. Jan. Senior Tues., Mar. s-Arts vs. Divinity.Thurs., Mar. 7-1 aw vs. SciencCl.·Tucs., Mar. l�-Pbilosophy. vs,Arts.Thurs., Mar. 14-SeniQr V�, Law.::HARiTABLE WORK WJLL rBE SUBJECT O� LECTU.RESY. W. C. L. to· Hear Coune of Lec­tures on Subjects Connected·wi�h Charity.-Powers,-W·I t.·.L,1 A 11G.'. '£':.L:�·T T .KJD�His �N ... ,CoiDedy. ,Dnmj. ... C L A � ICE"'Jo-PhilosophyScience.· Sout":Sic1e Treasfer'l. \,.,'). .: The I. been pplaced\-ariouspresent.with piunsatisto be'lstem:: Plans'watermadefor thiRockef'�2ve b4Wallac4�f the�lant vture. �over $;after clregardi:ber of. The :Sand filbe locaHall.Md in��-"�""'''I:J.�IIi •• �i. to the'. ��The StudebakerLEN A-A S H-tWiE'L'L"..GU Y. S;TA�N.D IN G;'�ID-.·R '8. DAN B-s 'DJ B:.F :E:.N C<F.�---------------�--------'The Garrick·T"H··B·8'0' C' I A··LW·H.I·RL,WltbChu. J.-RQuaDdEi&b9.OtbaL,.·.' .. �ef)IQnial... .' � .........: THE G:UxD·.IlOOUL:� willa.,I, FRANK MOULONAacI GnK:€OUl�7 .of. One HUDdr�..:." La �SaBeOtIten! Come. aad:. �!. .Go, Bat-fta:.TD18TJIIIt:.. LACE ... . TIm. GUlL, ,. ;,Liudsay StoragetCo.'. BA8ClAOE;.BXPItBIS I''''a .. Ly •• E.6Id St. ......."--'1 p,";; ·0 ..... ,�IO ...... 3 =30- p. IlL,....... :0.. � tr9-Trips to Wood- t� .......... S ... ood·SIa&iow·, _.. "�.. .c.OnrI(28. .� _.... � ..... -.Tel. &,.'.� niIL',�George lIIas1tiil"... _Onc;e.' thre�;.��$D�r no� athe Potomac: River, . tradition. u� .But-to explain this marvelous' � :-a Dollar ·.would CO ..... tb' ,than it does ;·DOW. . .But tJlis is the time \)f theto make yonr Dollars go just t .'as far. ,',:�;,,,,,,:'� Beginning tOda, we· .... � .. a� .. and. �n eXira'· Pair ·of .. tro1JSer&.:if,All II o'clock class esercises· will ,the �ric;e'�Qt _3 , s�it.�· /, . . .�be: aaspeDcIed today to anOw'alI stu- .It's-'�Dfinawe>.to' have"�n�"�"deDtIHlDd f� members to attend pair of trouRrs' to fall-. back on.tbe·�ce to be held in llandel Hall, Above all, it is Deoa8UJ', forat 10:30. in coauuemoration of Prea- a snit has been thrown aside'�t H�. ckath.: cause .the -"rousers. wore. 'OlIt fi'.and critlldn't be replaced' in the s . �." patte·,'Il. . . �pjConSt�aently, this means practi«.Iy a suit at half-price. !f t·Bat· it _ure,aa, :'D;O·'I.e�-do,", in �.'hiib..:cJass, 'mctmctUI Jerrem. ..oring, or in the exclusift· Jel, ��tterns. asecJ-.;.it simply. �� OO!.� .cu�!ion fo:._ MK. kst tail9fIt till,'"�prin� .rash.'· .. '.;." .� . �Suit aDd<��.troaH"" � i;_.$so.OQ. � '. . "'.d�ome :i��d'IJe the-ftIfF� .. ��t .. ���ha� �.�J�)p_ttel1ls·:· . . > .' . ;. !....�ew· Theater(ENDOWED.)DORA�.y'�Vacioriea . SanIoa.........Tuada,,_ a�d .Saturday.pnc ... �JOC 10 .....,....., ._- q---t7 ..........The GrandOT'IS "S K�I N·N E R-IN-",-',H B D U\E L"By"Henry Lavedan.NEXT W�EK:ua. �ANT.ELL Coach Knudson is rounding. his meninto condition for the swimming meetwith Evanston Y. M. C. A. tomorrownight. Evanston .. has no. water. poloteam so that the Maroon·. polo. mCln Copying and typ�writing done at ... ----- ... ------- ....will not have an opportunity to -show reasonable rates. _ Leave work or' 0 r­what they can do. : ders With Abraham Bowers, s827Prospects for :l victory are pretty Kimbark A venue .evenly balanced Lindsey and-Harperare doing good work in the short dis­tance swims and Walker· is tryiJlg Jhe220 yard event. The 40, 60, 180 ,and .. For .Rent=-Nicely furnished room;220 yard swims will, with the ·relay use of piano; fro�t room, steam hea�race .and, the dive for distance. make bath; prefer couple young ladies asup. the list of events for 'the: meet. companion fot� wif��': J20 'E. 55th St.,No annonncement haSy. as yet. bee� -ftat.4- .' * • � ;made concerning .the men who will:beentered in the various races. and. therelay team has not yet been chosin.J. R. McKnight, a recent-acquisitionto the swimming squad who comesfrom Armour Institute, has beenshowing excellent form in long div­ing. He created a sensation by div­ing within a foot of the length. of thetank. Handy and Solomon. are alsoworking on the long dive.The -water-polo candidates areworking hard to perfect the teamplay, which will have to lD3ke .. up forlack of big or heavy .men. Captainat Rohde,' Solomon, Goes, Badeooch lIo�.IiOllCY for Library.Schott, Ferguson,' Bannennan, Reddy Dr. Goodspeed,. registrar of theand McKnight have been out rega- University, said yesterday that miscel­larly since the, opening of the winter laneous contributions. for. th� -Williamquarter. The first .water-polo match I Rainey Harper Merponal fllnd arescheduled is with the formidable C. sti�1 comin�. several gifts of $� �a�hA. A. team. which holds the A. A. U. �Ing received the day before. Stu­championslHP, for·January 16. The .Dts .. :uad ��i.a� sllovrioJ aA-¥t�date for the- first inter-collegiate meet .terest in the w9rk, and the wish otis still undecided the· University .trqltee� to illl!ld t�librarY out qf the �of1�ributio�s �f th�many, rather t .. an the few. is meetingwith ready response.Thurs., Jan. JI-Literature ys.Arts.Friday, Feb. I-Law vs. Divinity at7=JO p. m.Tues., Feb.' s-Senior vs. Philoso­phy.Wed .. Feb. 6-Arts vs. Science.Thurs. Feb. 7-Divinity vs. LOt- �obert Terhune, '09� "as left schoolerature. to Jake 'a position as traveling sales-Friday, Feb. 8-Law vs. Philosophy man· for the National Biscuit Com­Sat., Feb. 9-Literature \·5. Science pany.at 7:30 p. m.Thurs., Feb. 14-Philosophy vs.Divinity.Friday, Feb. IS-Law vs. LiteratureTues.� Feb. 19-5cience' vs. DivinityWed., Feb. 2O-Arts vs. Senior.Tues., Feb. :z6-Literature vs. Phil-osophy.Thurs., Feb . .28-Science vs. Senior.Friday. Mar. I-Law vs. Arts. TypewdtingAll kinds of typewnting neatlY - andpromptly d()ne. . ApPb' room 24Hitchcock Hall.vs.Profeaor lIathews TalkL"What constitPt�s a Christian."was the snbject of Professor ShailerMathews' talk to the members of theOivinity 5 clroo I at the' r¢gular week·Iy chapel services yesterday:'Advanced Standin,.Students offering advanced creditfrom other colleges, apd who havebeen in residence and completedwork. are requested to ,leave theirnames at once, if they wish their Literature basketball men are re-cJ2ims placed before the' Board of quested to .:meet in the gym at J :rs� ..University Relations for official ac- to prepare'''for the Arts-.Literature,tion. pme to be held OR Friday. througlbnildim�ew pi'the buifoantailUniver&: Coolneat ill'riceabl4Befoltem thltigatedsandPasteulengineclion. ofstalled'-cive p\'lear syand re.pervicost oftionatelthe P;c�t ofuse ofings, \\'new syit is tlserviceezatnio,Theand lh.willbcPtovemthis ychtalthTheCoJleg<:a busidiscusslthe qu;plan fcBa�Thcrlketballthe gyrtive toWOTnCt. . �-. .._. . --i.: .Z7�. Easti 55th·: ·Street.· Chicago •. '.. I�_ ...... -._�_-.. -..-.. ":'S""'"''''.��''''''''' --" . j'- .. '.4_ --"'-_' •. " . ...., .. ;'.'..." .j�' 'I. ., ' ......