.. '."� , 4 ,. �'� . '�' �, '\tbe lDatl)2 matoon--I(Cor-tinned on Pa� ,.� (Colltiaed _ Pap ,.)Published Five Mornings Each We�1c by the Students of the University of Chleaco During Three Onnen of tile, UaiYenity Year.VOL \'. No, 54. CHICAGO. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 19, 19(J6.BOARD I TO ACCOMPLISH WORKCONCENTRATION NEEDED WITH JOKE GALL FOR lORE TEACHERS. II PHIUPPIIE ISLANDSTESTS MEDICSALUMNI ON ATHLETICATHLETICS CEASE WITH, ARRIVAL OF EXAM PAUS Student Representation on Controll­ing Body Replaced by Graduates­Acting President in Report. Dis­cusses Need for New Buildings. Hitchcock Man HaS Pun With Doc­tors by Feigning Palpitation of theHeart With Rubber Bulb and TubeDr. Hamilton W. Mabie Speaks on ApparatuL Will Hold elm Service Eumina-"Work and Days" at Convocation • tiona December Z7 and 28, to Be ..The announcement of a change in Exercises: No one in Hitchcock Hall w-ll deny leet 120 Educator&.the Board of Physical Culture and that the record of the �lal1 !'or cleverAquatic Meets With Yale", Pennsyl- Athletics whereby the student body' Warns America and England A�..bnst jokes has not been broken, And no Luc:ratift PositioDa Await �Lvania, Princeton and Columbia loses its representation and the alum- the AJitressiveness of Germany man in the hall will take-tro. �nba ·-81 J ..... C=--=· .. fOr �Probable. ni secures an active voice in the ad- and Japan. 1. Stewart thr- distinction oil havingministration of University athletics made the wisest ones victims of aAt lil-t ic activity has ceased, and the was the feature of the quarterly re- Sounding a keynote of warning to je.ke of exceptional cleverness. In A hundred and twenty col1ese pd-gYllllla�iull1. the natatorium, the run- port made by Acting President Jud- America and England against the ag- fact, from the skillfull work of Mr. nates, mostly mea, aod a few· wom�niug truck and the basketball floor are son at yesterday's Convocation cxer- grcssivcness of Germany and Japan, Stewart in carrying out his joke along will be sent as teachers to the Phil-now completely overshadowed by cises, Dr. Hamiltoft Wright Mabie yes- several days, in the face of many dif- ippines in May, IfP1- A civil servieethe recitation room, the school books terday afternoon delivered the Con- ficulties, every witness to the, beguil- examination of c:aodidates for the po-"Student representation has never . . be Id �L.__ adand the little yellow exam pads, vocation address at the sixty-first mg scheme. is fully 'convinced that sition IS to he' �1gUuc.- Z1 aP . II k '11 t d . been satisfactory. either to the board I H 11 • k' be b _C' Th . . t Iwo fill dracuca y no worx WI cone 10 Convocation, in Mande a . even JO .ng can rought to an ar- ow. e positions 0 -.. e payor' to the students;' said Dr. Judson. .u': -fBart ict t gymnasium until :.ftcr the "Neither America nor England will nstic standard. from $1,000 to $2,000 a )lear� ,.... ost 0"I t lacks continuity. and the student .. - -opening of the winter quarter on Ja.n- be able in the future to compete with The fun all began about four nights those passmg the' exa�as sue-members have had a vote only on . I . .� � h._uary 2, when the var'ous indoor teams Germany or Japan, unless they go ago ,and continued until Stewart, sat- cessfully wd recewe a �,.,.. ,,"",'11 . b 11 d h d athl�ti:.: questions. The students, fur- . fi d f h � d f h fi .... _ ----L .•\\"1 agam e ca e toget er an ac- into partnership with science,' was I� eater tree ays of successful 200 or t erst year. �� � ..f thcrrnore. are fully represented on 'I f .• dtive work renewed. The outlook or the way he put it. Dr. Mabie also feigning, gave the secret away. It large y 0 a supervisory cnarader; autheir councils, which have done much . id L._ .d.'all branches of winter sport is ex- said that no honest worker is ever was at the Phi Delta Theta Fraternity promotions are sal to UIII:' rapa 'effective work. The alumni, with a I h " '11 1a t f tceptionally bright. fully paid for his work. The accom- louse, Thursday night, that the crowd T e examinations WI' S or �okeen interest and greater experience f h ch Th .-:.L.Prospects for one of the best sea- plishment of a great work, he said, of fraternity men, while eating dinner, days 0 seven our., ea � e ;1..,-sons in the history of the swimming have never been represented. They depends on the power of concentra- were shocked by Mr. Stewart's falling jeets on which· the-candidates will be. . 1 are to have a definite and perrna- f hi hai ' ined . h th I t' , rtteam arc in view. Aquatic meets WIt 1." tien, of abnegation and of intoxica- rom IS c air in apparent, uncon- examine , 'WIt· e re a rve IIUPO -Yale and Pcnnsylvarfia during the ncnt VOice. tion. sciousness, Soon the supposedly sick anee of ' each. aft:Eastern vacation are practically cer- No gifts were announced by Dr. man was surrounded by friends, and Thesis (of not",less 'thaJa JaG wordsShortly after .1 o'clock, the Univer- • -tain, while those with Columbia and Judson, but in outlining the future everything possible was • done to re- on either 'of'two'� � tosity Procession, in scholastic cap and f -'I"Princeton about the same time arc policy of the University, he said that stcre him to consciousness, The ef- test knowledge' ,0 '�� ..-- mg.gown, marched down the center aisle, • I' • )possibilities. Yale is scheduled to departments already organized would Icrts of the students were successful, pltnctaatiaa- and capita izptigD:. 12.5the officials and faculties taking theirmake its annual trip this' year, while be completed before new nrojects Mr. Stewart eoming to himself with per cent.Y places on the stage and the candi- , (� tb· )Pennsylvania is practically sure ofr cceived attention. Among the most gasps that excited some solicitation Penmanship raf,,!t. 011 ests 5dates for degrees in the front of the -th • r. rised 'following the example: of the Sons of pressing needs, he enumerated the among the men. He directed several per cent an metiC: ,u coaap ;'Inhall. Following the prayer, by Dr. . _-s.-, tEli. Tl.e Columbia and Princeton t'l listen to the palpitation of his the ordinar:v .� � ext-following: Poteat, was sung a hymn in com- ks)'trips are still jn the stage of discus- heart. A dangerously rapid beat of boo ,12. 5 per ceat.sion, 'Chicago will, however, secure A building for the department of memoration of the anniversary of the his heart seemed to be audible, English (as treated-illtIIe,oacliaas,dates with all of these teams if they Geology� releasing Walker Museum Pilgrim's landing in 16:z0. Several of the, student's �friends- graIIIIIIar . .adNal ee.t .... r; -ianJ •• ',-come WC's�':. : for strictlv museum purposes, The - The Convocation ·-address � was, de- were summoned from HitchCOCK Hail analysis and paning). U.5 pu-� .In addition, meets will probably be early construction of the Classical livered by Dr. Mabie, and a selection where Stewart rooms, and great wor: Geography '(mathematical, physiCal. .arranged with -Illinois -and--uther "biiilding adjoining South Hall, the by the band. The degrees arrd t-tles J',! was fe1t by them on reaching the and political). IO'per cent.Western teams. The opening meet building of thc residence quadrangles were awarded by Dr. Judson with all ,"frat" house and seeing the man. He History and cRil, goyenameat:�of the winter will be on January II in for the various colleges, research as- the dignity and solemnity that marks lay' stretched at full length: on a the United States (as covered ia f�ethe Bartlett gymnasium natatorium sistants for the Humanities depart- such an occasion: In all 104 titles and cl:uch in the hall, apparently, enduring grammar· sChool text-boQb, D,d �"e,with the Evanston Y. M. C. A., with ment. .. '�., degrees were awarded. mcch pain. He looked the picture of cGnstitution of ,the United Sta�.wl;ich team a return meet will be held Dr. Judson announced additions to After the quarterly statement by physical collapse. 12·5 per cent.later in Evansto�. \Vith the men who the Harper Memorial Library fund Acting President Judson, the singing "I am sick, boys I" gasped Stewart Physiology and h::J'Riaie as foun4- inhu\"c already reported, Coach Knud- amounting to $18,725 since the last the Alma Mater, the benediction and pitifully. Not one disbelieved him, the' grammar St:bool-text books. ;:7,5'son has excellent material for both Convocation, making the total the recessional brought the services d('spite the fact that several .·�eCliCs- pea cent.Ius polo team and his swimming nearly $119,000. from 775 different sub- to a, close. had listened to the supposed, heart' Nature-study aact'dr.nnng (in�lv-evcnts, scrihers. Dr. Mabic's address in full was 3S palpitation and had examined tlie pa':' ing a ·Imowleidge of ·the' development,There will be no swimming prac- follows: tient otherwise. The friends 'of lii-: growth, habits' and peculiarities of thetice during the examination days or "In this country. where men speak Ste.wart wrapped him up carefully and more common' animals and plaa�during the vacation. The water polo COACH STAGG TO ATTENDof their work as being something c •. rried him to Hitchcock, a distance methods' -of, interesting 'pupils in theS(IUad will have no regular practice FOOTBALL RULES MEETINGII of five blocks. At the hall much sym' _ study of, the' same-; and' skill in theasi(le from their inner life, it is we to ' ,during the vacation. Some of the . pathy was aroused by Stewart's 1'11- ell:ecution of illustrative drawings. 7·5remember that work IS not an exter-ml'n, including Captain Rohde, will A Conference Will be Held in New nal thing, a simple expression of n(;ss, owing to his popularity' among per cent.b f I . d '11 b Discus Science of teaching" (comprising(. out 0 t le cIty an some WI e York Next Saturday to s physical excellence or intellectual the students., The fainting spell wastou busy to come out for practice. Changes m- Cod- p t d t' 'th .'. t school government, methods of teach-"'" ability. For the honest man or wo- re ea e many Imes WI emlD�nS I I_I b I f ing, duties of the teacher, etc.). 10,nee t lere wou u e on y a very ew ---IT,an work is the expression of all that success. The feigning sick man,ttl work with, Coach Knudson has 'Vord has been received from, Di-I i;; in them, the ultimate expression to claiming to "feel a little better,'; visit-decided to wait until the opening of rector Stagg, who is now in tnd,ana, the world of their personalities. e�I each of the five sections of thethe Winter Quarter' to renew the that he wi11 attend the meeting o� the Thosc buildings which throng our hall, and in each place. after Rather­\\" ,rk of the water polo tcam. 5010- national football rules commIttee waf dways, which make large com- in£ a crowd of friends around him,01011. Schott and others who have which is to be held in New York mcnities throughout the country, are st�ddenly swooned. He would re­I;ot bcen out for practice during the City ne�t Saturda� to discuss. t�e tll\' greatest schools of society. The cover h;mself with gasps calculated to.-\utumn Quarter are going to start changes tn the playmg code. ThIS IS f:tctory bells that will ring tomorrow, ir.�pire alarm. ' .",orking with the S(IUad when school the annual meeting of the board. and the day aiter, and on countless In each instance, the act was car­('I,ell-. ior the Winter Quarter. v\"hile it is understood that the co�- d:1\'s to come. will ca11 men and wo- ried out with such realism ,that every:\ �rl'at deal of work has been rrittee i� unlikely to make any mate-I m�n to be traine� for life's work just one in the hall was fooled., and even(It Ilc h," the men who have been out rl'a) changes in the rules the whole b II f h II h• . , as truly as the e sot e co ege t e most serious men were puttingil.';- I,r;lctice since the call for swim- fi"'l..t will he cO\'ered and many rec I'- u. . •• -c1:apc1 summon students to c asses tht:mselves out to extend help andIlllr� and water polo candidates was ornmenclatlons WIll b(' comadered. and Icctures. In our factories, stores, sympathy to the supposedly sick man,j, �l:\,l by Coach Knudson three weeks :\Iany change� in t.h� rules ha:e shops. the fundamental lessons of so- whose "palpitating heart" was the one;l��·_'. Captain Rohde. Goes, Bade- h"cn advanced by crItIcs the duci T I- -._ ',' ,... cidy arc taught. 00 many peop e topic of conversation. The joke was11(1"h, \V cary, Ferguson, Reddy and cf which has heen the additIOn. of I n.iss the symbolism of this world of kept nmning admirably through Fri­.111 Zandt have been doing most of al�other man to the team. the tn-I ours, that al1 a man docs with his day. Saturday, Sunday and Monday,mt· work in water Jlolo. Harry Cf('.lsing of the numher of downs fr�m I h;'l1<1 rcacts upon hi� spirit. that day Jmagination led many to remark how:-odlOtt,XOll, Preston, Pincox and Pet- three to fou: for the ten yards gam., after day he is either :earning or re- p�lr. and weak Stewart looked.1i:1\'C also been out for polo. Lind- the l�ngth(,l11ng of the halves to the fusing to learn the greatest lessons in And then the whole joke came to�(..) and Harper have been most con- 3:: mlllutes ('ach. the removal of some liic. \Vhen the factory bel1s ring out, an end when Stewart gave the men�l'inl0US among the swimmers. oi the restrictions on the forward pass they snmmon men and women to the laugh. and produced from the in.\1\ICll progre's lIas beell rna-Ie I'n and the return to the one umpire• :- u .karn the lessons of truth, honesty, side of his coat a rubber outfit whichtl ;!ching the game of w:lter polo to �ystem. he.nor, steadiastness, without which had created ,the sound, and thud thatth .. I1C\\' n1<:·n and t�lCY ,,·ill be ready ----- s(.,cicty could not endure. Better a was thought to emanate from histl' mi:ot with the experienced players "\Vhat was it the aeronaut said thou�and times the' educaiton which heart. The outfit consisted of a rob-when practice starts again. The work when he fell out of his hal100n and makes the hand respond to the brain, her ball, which Stewart placed underwill have to be hard to get a team struck the earth with his usual dull :lOd the brain to the will, than that hi�: shirt near his heart. From thisrl:ady for the tirst game, which is be- thud ?" e(!ucation which is but touching with there was a rubber tube leading to- Iln-"He remarked that it was a hardInCJr Teams Will. Renew Activ­ities January 2-Prospects for theWinter Bright.thSt. '. Paw limper cent.Experience, trammg and fitness(rated on application form)" 10 percC'nt." There is also a second list' of ques­tions for those 'who wish to qualifyas assistants, These subjects, with-the number. of points of credit foreach, are as follows:Thesis (soo words to be' written on'one of two topi� given), .. points., Correction of rOugh draft manu­script 250 words J points mathe­matics (arithmetic, algebra, includingquodratics and phone geometry), Jpoints.History and civil government of theUnited States; J points'.General history and, geology, 2e i�It:::cel­Mit­Hulian,1�or ..-rJ>.\Rpoints.Colonial government and adminis­tration (general questions), 2 points.Political economy (general princi- ,pies), 1 point.'Education and experience, 2 points.Anyone between the ages of 20 and..., is eligible for the examination fort('ac:her�, and anyone between theages of 18 and .fO is eligible for theexamination for assistants. With re-theing­rist-er�.•••(Continued from page I) world."".. � ",. " .. - ". .. ,.. "".' , ... =: .... �� ... -.--. � ..,� :. . :. -����. ,... -' I'rTHE DAILY MAROON, CHICAGO. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 19, 1906.hl'licf, and esseutial democracy, which: GRADUATING CLASS ISthese many students. coming from COSMOPOLITAN GROUPso many different parts oi the coun- I 'try, even of different race. give to it.This compensates to a great degreefor the losses which the undergrad­uates think they suffer.The board of editors will I1H:et atthe beginning of the winter quartersto elect members of theBreaking In editorial board and thethe Cubs reportorial staff. Nomi-necs will be consideredirom each of the departments, andcandidates will be judged not only onthe actual work submitted, but onm4t laily !larnontheir faithfulness under such circum- mcnt of the Se nior Co_Jk��' ro::Il"h('dstances as prevailed this week. In its high water mark with .i n a t t c n d- � 1:this connection it should be said that a nee of 44B, a n increase of 33 UH'r t ha t :0-there is an excellent chance for new (If a ny previous quarter. Thv worn c n 'rjmen to work into executive positions lead, nurube ring ::Q2, again:,t �oS m c n. ,non t he Daily. Enough has been said Dean Shepardson predicted, ho wc v cr , ': ias to the training which the paper that the men would SOCII catch up :1ofil'rs to make Iurthcr repetition of with the women. ithis fact unnccs sary. It is especially Of the 40 graduates only 15 han: �Ito the freshmen that this is addressed. been in residence four years, and only �!�one of the rnen at present on the seven have taken all tlleir \vork in :i�������������������������������paper have their positions assured, the Univer s ity .• Seven han' been inand a hust ler can always make good. r e sidcuce thrcc year!'; eight. t woCandidates will report to the editors years. eight one year. and t \\'0 oneon January 3. quarter. Fifteen quart crs is the long-____ l'St term of service.\\'ith 'this issue The' Daily Maroon Eleven states' arc rcprcscnt cd : 1I1i-<u-pends publication till January 3, nois 2i, Colorado, Iowa and :\l'\\'1907. The last fcw is- York t \\'0 each. and California, 111-We've Said sues have suffered from diana. �Ia!'sachusctts. �Iichigan. Xl in-Our (last) the fact that the staff, nesota. Ohio and Texas one each.I 'Farewell. in its zca l to pass the Eleven arc Ilapti st s, flour Congre-I'oot Toot! courses which it has gntionalist s, four Prcsbyt cr in ns. threeneglected to some ex- :\Icthodists. two Lutherans. and o n«tent ill favor of thc paper, has de- each Universalist. Christian, Unit a­sert ed its editorial duties for the sc- rian and Jcwish. while eight did notc1usioll of the English library and statc their preference..')tha scholastic haunts, leaving the Tl'aching will attract cleven as alllnkn of the publication on the futurc vocation, graduate study six...hoult)ers of a few faithful ones. At medicinc five. business three. and lawall e\'ents, the quarter, with its ministry. civil engincering and jour­,rouhles, is o\'cr as far as the paper nalism onc each. Four arc undecidedis concerned, and thc editors. with a and four did not answl?r.deep sigh of thankfulness and relief. Five of thc graduates ha\'c sccuredwish their readers a :-'Ierry Christmas honor;lhle mention in the senior andand a succcssful and happy New junior colleges. election to the PiliYear. Rcta Kappa, and graduation with 33majors. Thcy arc: l\Iiss GertrudcfHE UNIVERSITY CALENDAR Boltton. :-.riss Gracc ':\fayer. :\fiss Ag­lIes Vv·hitefonl. �riss Lucille Rochlitz.�riss Josephine \Vilcox :ll1d HarryCorper.omclal Student ('ubllcatlon ot til .. UnIYer,alty or CblcaKo..'ormerl,The University ot Chicago Weeki,.l<'ouuded'l'be W�kly. Oct. I, 189:!,'l'he Val1" Oct. I, 1902.- -----------------News Contributions are requested,":ntf'rf'd 89 S(t('ond·(.'lntlS 11nll at the Cblcago l'08toWce.IInll1 Subscriptions.$J,OO per year; $1.00 for ,1 months.;::,UlJsl:l'IVlluUS rCl:cived at the 11uruou UL·dcc, l';IIi� avenue, or lett 10 tile .\luroouw,x, lUl' ;,"ul:ully I:;xchulIg�, Cobll Hull.Orders Lor delivery or the Val:)' Maroou,either r ��idl'ul'e or place ut 1I<18ioe88, mil,)'lie lDllde lIl' 1)O:;LI1I curd, or lhl'uuglJ tclepuuue, Uyde 1'11l'k .j:.!ti. Auy irregularitytu delivery should be immediately repol·le-Jto the owce ot pu��h:atlon.rr !;, Jl; �II "; I.: f·tt! ItI Ii: 11�' �!;'I:'-ni'• j.! I U�t i,�, �ll,, III�II,I':',, "�;_ I 5 \Vm. A McDerInid, Managing Editor.1<. Eddy Mathews, News Editor.Luther D. Fernald, Athletic Editor.Associate Editors.Charles W. Paltzer, Law, '07.Bernard 1. Bell, "07 .Edward G. Felsenthal, 'oS.Alva \V. Henderson, '09.Preston F.' Gass, '09.Reporters.Peter F. Dunn, '07.Warren D. Foster, '09.Cole Y. Rowe, '09.William, P. MacCracken, OC)Harvey B: Fuller, J r., 'oS,l\1elvin J. Adams, '09.P. \'I. Pinkerton, 'oS.Miss Faith Dodg.!, '07.George E. Fuller, Business Manager.Printed by the Maroon Press474 E. 55th Street.Telephone Hyde Park '3691.";':','"�,,,'WEDNESDAY, DEC 19, I gOO.The Convocation exercises heldyesterday afternoon, recall with forcethe cosmopolitan char­acter of the University,and explain why the en­tire University enroll­ment is not a consoli-dated Chicago student body. Out offorty graduates, only seven took fullwork at this University, and onlyfifteen were in residence' the full fouryears. Seven were in residcnce forthree years, and two, from affiliatedschools, for only one qu�rter.Eleven states were represented, andten religions. A Chinese studentwas elccted to Phi Beta Kappa, anda Japancse studcnt reccivcd his Mas­ter's, dcgrce-intercsting and sig­nificant facts in view of reccnt de­velopments in California. Thc agcsof thc class ranged from twcnty toIi f ty-seven.With such conditions typical of thcorganization of the studcnt body, it islittle wonder if the local cnthusiastbewails the lack of "collegc spirit."and despairs of cver having anymeasure of solidarity and loyaltyamong the students of Chicago. It ,'nt­phasizes the difficulties of the a i'.t111 Iiiin huilding up a unified hody andhecontinJ.! �11 inllucntial factor in theadmini�tration of the University; andto h;t\'e representati\·c:-. and loyalones from :-0 many other collegcs andIIni\'('rsitic� seems to throw a prcttyeffective damper on the incipient en­thusiasm of the local undergraduates.The bright side i� found in the f:tl·ttb,t the University is strotlJ.!cr for :h�hrcadth of outlook, the very cosmopol­itan charactcr which seems to harm;1 few interests, the wide rcputationfor hi�h grade work, the freedom of.An All-AmericanUniversity Is on sale by the Y. W. C. L., at thebook-store, and in Cobb and Lexing­ton halls. Just the thing for a Christ­mas gift. PriC(e, 50 cents.A CAPITAL BOOKTHECOLLEGE' STUDENTAND HIS PROBLEMS,87 JAMES H. CANf'IELD.of Columbia UnivcrsityFor the colie;;e student who reallycares to ask, why he is in collegeat all? Why he has chosen onecollc�e rather than another?How he can get the most out ofhis first year? Out of fraterni­ties, athletics, and other collegeenterprises? What his ele..:tivesshould be and his choice of a lifework?III' A helpful bOOK in sla .. ,._.g one's'II ideals and leaming the secret ofsuccess.Cloth. 16mo •• '1.00 Net.For Sale at the Book Store.YOU MAY SEEFOWNESGLOVES ION THE MAN WHO DOESN'TKNOW WHAT'S WHAT-YOU'RSURE TO SEE THElef ON THEMA� WHO DOES KNOW,CLOSELY BOUND,-------------------- IMPORTANT NOTICE.If students going home for Christ­mas Holidays will leave their names,together with their destination anddate of leaving at the Maroon office Iby noon Dec. 19th. the Illinois Cen­tral Railroad will have a representa­tive at the office of th� Daily Mart)onon Dec. 20th. from () a. IT.. �ntiI Ip. m., and deliver their tickets, thussaving them the trouble of goingdown town. Best line to Rockford.ford, Freeport, Dubuque, Waterloo.PauJ, Minneapolis, Springfield.Bloom-ington. Decatu� SL Loui� Evansville,' �_�� ��_���Nashville. and all points West. SouthSouthe3st and Southwec;t.R. J .Carmichael"District Passenger Agen t.Dean Shepardson Gives Interesting:Statistics at Senior College ClassExercises.:\ siJllpk prog ram marked the Sc-n i o r Colkgl' c1a�� l'x(.'rt·i..;es ill \Iall­tid I JaIl y c s tcrdu y mortling F()!Io\,;- I I�ing till' g rcct ing' by �I i..;s Grace Edith I :�i�Ia:\'l'r on behalf of t lu- graduates,! ihwhich was at once hcaut ifu l. poLshl'd I �and effective, ])'I-'an Sh cparrlsou t'J­made his qua rt cr ly report, gi\'ill;.! :�some intercs t inu s t a t ist ic-; �During the last quarter the cn ro l l- �f�(;.:� A LARGE ASSORTMENT OFDESKS, CHAIRSIMPORTANT NOTICE.If students going home for Christ­mas Holidays will leave their names,togeth.er with their destination anddate of leaving at the Maroon office,by noon Dec. 19th, the Illinois Cen­tral Railroad will have a representa­tive zt the office of the Daily Maroonon Dec. 20th, from 9 a. m. until Ip. m., and deliver their tickets, thussaving them the trouble of goingdown town, Best line to Rockford,ford, Freeport, Dubuque. Waterloo,Ft. Dodge, Omaha. Sioux Falls, St.Ft. Dodge, Omaha, Sioux Falls, St.Paul, Minneapolis. Springfield,Bloom­ington. Decatur, St. Louis. Evansville,NashvilIe, and all points "'lest, South,SC'utheast and Southwest.R. J Carmichael,District Passenger Agent. ANls OTHER FURNITURE, FOR STUDENTS' USE �The Tobey Furniture Co. �V.;�b:lsh Ave. end �.Vasl:in3ton Street.$35.00 COLLEGE SPEt::1 '\LTAKE aXE JTO��T�, I:\ Pyro-�ron()g'ram. Portrait - iYourself the subject. Latest thingfor Christm:ts l.rc�ellb.M .. \RTYN'S MAROON STUDIO5705 Cottage GloTe Ave. H. E. SH OREYTHET A I LO R332 Republic BuildingUniversity Style $3.00 per Doz.Student's Special $3.50 per Dphone Hyde Park-16.They Fill that Empty Space at HQrn��tnon'!) �boto �tul:Jto243 EAST 55th STR.... N 0 T A L L� ...of tire U. of C. men have their clothesmade by Carver & Wilkie but MANYthe BEST DRESSED ones do.Carver" WilkiCOLLEGE SUITS$35.00 TAILORS185 189 Dearborn St., B· I '£::��'�'" VIS l.fOcP sH���- --'1/' • 0 • at,�,;,"--�,;,,�?!........... $3\� . , l'2 �.'I,'. •�\�" �:�"'\\."',,;:'. '?? � The talk of the College."" ladies' furs also.\ Popular Prices.Derbys and Soft Hats,$3, $4 aud $5.A. Bishop 6. Co.156 STt\TE ST. rJSend for Cat. Est. I •AT THEUNION HOTEL and RESTAURANT ,V/ILL FINn RESTAURANTS ON TWO FLOORSWl�L FIND A SPECIAL AFTER- THEATER MENUWILL FIND SPLENDID SERVICEScn-ill;:!' only the Poe=,: :hc �r:lrket :\ffof(I�111 to 117 RANDOLPH STREETVie make a Spechllty of Club, Fraternity Dinners, EtcFincst Orchestra in the Citys•••IkirJst. J)RSrfENU's, Etc , .:,, :---,THE DAILY MAROON, CHICAGO, WEDNESDA Y, D�C. 19, 1900',v: W, C, L. TO ESTABLISHSECOND HAND' BOOK STOREThl' v. \\'. C. I.. will start a secondh;:I�d h(l�k store at the bl'ginning oft hv wiut cr 'quartl'r, As a start, itp!;:n·t1 ycstvrday a large box in roomI. Lexington l ln ll, to receive thebook- which t he owne-rs wish to dis-stamped on every ,r '1'1' I'll bloop- 1) !I( �l' 01. 11:-. rvceptac e \\,1 e ol�entl cont r ibutions of books until Sat-�� l":liay, frum 8:.10 t�ll 5:30. .'CUS�ION I The Ll'ague will be-gin :-elling book­I a the beginning of the- winter quar­BUrrON I tvr , I t will charge 1-5 per cent for itsCLASP I �l'r\"iCl':-, It i� dcc la rcd vt hat all threeLIES FUTTOTHELEC-NEVER' agllll" oi t he tran::.action· will be bene­Ilittl'd hy the new venture: The buyerSamplepalr,SIlUO�.,CottoD�. ' I w;1I gl't a book for much less that:)1 a 11 ... 1 on r�n'll,t of "rice. I, \','('111<1 hl' possible from an establish-cO store. The seller will g et a fairprice for his book, and the Leaguew i ll gl't its 15 per cent.H. W. Bry�t,._�!e�_ lndoor baseball and track workL. Brent Vaughan, U. of C, '97, ",:11 be added to the gymnasiumManager, schedule next quarter, w.th . F. LDickinson in charge '-'f the baseballmen and Hugo Friend looking afterthe track athletes. Definite arraJ'�ge­ments regarding the two indoor meetswith Michigan have not yet beenmade but arc expected to be conclud­cd within a short time. It is expect­ed that one meet will be held in Chi­cago, the other in Ann Arbor.Patronize Daily Maroon advertisers. I Subscribe for the Daily Marounand be in line.t Has PI a .ced in Lexington to ReceiveBooks- Will Sell on Commis-sion. HARDEIFSFireproof Storage & Van Co.GENTLEMENWHO DRESS FoR-snLElEAlNESS, AID COIIFORT JWEAR THE .MPROVED IBOSTONGARTERC:AMES HAT!t$2.00 $3.00:\ fal�' (:�'al with every hat161, lE3 E. MADISON STREET.Cpera Hats, Silk Hats.:-�l'ar LaSalle. ftURNITURE. PIANOS. TRUNKS, MERCHANDISB aad PARCSLIDELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THB CITY. DBPOTIAND SUBURBS.1I'IEst, 1856BRYANT e STRATTONBusiness CollegeOffers SuperiorAdvantages in.. Business Training ••AND.•• Stenography ••DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOLStudents May Enter at Any Time.315-321 Wabash Ave.If your face has­a tendency toroughen, reddenor to become eas­ily irritated-Shave at Homewithf1orafoam(Trab .JI,l,.,,)A "Florafoam" shave is Itkeno other-leaves the Ieeecleansed, invigorated, refresh­ed-not the slightest sorenessno matter how close the shave.·'Flornfo:\m"i!'. a transparent shavIn� jelly in c .. Ilnpsiblc tube .... \pp!y itI:ircct to the Lice, :1:1,1 hrin;; out a rich,creamy, coolinz, antiseptic lather." Florafoam" is made withPond's Extract - think whatthat means! General Offices.40th St. and Calumet Aye.Phone'Douglas J800Pri .. te Exchange all Offices. Branch Oflice, IDionaatIoII a.­UDiy. of Cbicqo.R. R. WareboaIe,Chicago J IDlctioa R. R.40th aDd CalUJDt&.PATRONIZETHItUNIVERSITYPHARMACY560 E. 55th Street.R R. BOWAN, Prop.-------:Onler /ro:1Z ;':�':' druggist-2.VArmour & Company I�----------------------------� The Golden ThumbPhones:Office, H.P, 1788. Residence, H.P. ¢I. :'�m>r. [!'rtb ijl!J. �arktt "m>r. Ralpb mil. ¥larktrDENTISTS6249 ,Kimbark Ave. Cor, 63rd S��Hours Q-12. 1:30-5.The, art-loving old Greeks used t«.. ay their best sculptors had "the gol­den thumb"-Because their touch in fashioningwonderful figures ill marble was S0true and fine.H anything in the zoth Centurytailor's work requires "the goldenthumb," it is the making of eveningclothes.That is why we devote our utmostskill to this exacting garment, so asto express gracefully the lines (Ifyour figure.And to stamp the clothes so .n­dclibly with your own personality thatno ofher man could wear them anymore than he could wear your hat.Come in and let us show you howwe can do this for you.Drop ill today. Your visits bringus luck.ATHLETICS CEASE WITHARRIVAL OF EXAM PADS 'WE.BSTER'SINTERNATIONALDICTIONARYTHE ONE GREAT ISTANDARD AUTHORITY.than �aE��T�Rb;e.sii�TkRNA�lo�tDICTIONARY that it is:-The Standardohhe Federal and State CounstThe Standard of the Govt. Printing Office!The Basis o! nearly all the Schoolbooks'[ In­dorsed by every State School Supt,! U niver­sally recommended by College Presidents andEducators! The Standard for over 990/0 ofthe Newspa�rs!UP TO DJ\'TE and RELIABLE.2380 Pages. 0000 Illustrations.Mho ... -. 'Tn" Not OWII Murh R P.,..k iWEJlSTEa'S CoLLEOUTJ: DlcrJOluaT.The IarJ:ea� of our abridpents. n".:ubrand Tt.ill l'al>er e.iilloDL UmurpaAlk-d forelegan(·., and eonvealenee,ms PAGES AND U�O ILL'O'IITJUTJOKll.Phoae Central ...cz6oTHE WHITB HOUSBFlorist and DecoratorTeddy Callos, Prop.lIS .W BASil An. CIIicAGD(Continued from page 1)1---------�----------------------�iru; arrnuged for the middle of Janu­ary. Coach Knudson is confident th:!�when the whole squad turns out forwork, he will have little difficulty inpicking out a team that will make :Istrong bid for the inter-collegiatechampionship.1 n basketball, only one date outside the regular schedule, previouslyannounced, has been as yet arranged.This is the game with the CentralY. :\1.. C. A. to be held in Bartlettgymnasium on January 18. A returngame will be held later down town.Dr, Raycroft announces that he isnegotiating for a couple of othergames to precede the Y. 1\1. C. A .game, With several stars of the firstmagnitude in the squad there w'Il bea hot fight for positions on the teamDr. Raycroft w:1I coach the Varsityfive. Dress and Dinner Vests,A very acceptable Christ­mas gift.All-wool iClothes arethe only kind worth hav­ing. I will not sell mer­cerized cotton. It is notgood enough for mycustomers,It will be worth yourwhile to drop in and seethem. Worth your whileto save the money.GET THE HABITDrop in. You will notbe urged to buy. Residence: PhoneI�';J Arlington PI. Lake View J02�Phone Harrison 1644Goldsmith's Orchestra! Goldsmith .. Director,Hfoce, Cable Piano Company,\Vabash and Jackson. CHICAGO.Write for" The Story of a Book '"-Free.G. & C. MERRIAM CO"SPlUNGFlELD, MA.ss .• U. S. A.GET THE BEST. J�Tailor for Young Men.TWO STORES131 La Salle Street, and44. Jackson BlvdBORDEN'SCondenRd Milk, Fluid Milk, Creamand Buttermilk.ALL BOTTI.ED IN TilE COUNTRY.Borden's Condensed Milk Co. 1327-329 E. Forty-seventh St..______..,, .MOSSLERCO.Clever Clothes.50 Jackson Blvd,TBIS WEEK, SUITS $250PLate Arrivalsir orn ourShops'S25 to S45nl:ld..: \'kl,:I:I- ""J:; l'I;;,d,cr (If!)(':lllliiI1J i;dll·i.'� 111 i:11:":Y \\·or·,Ieds ;lllcl ch,'\'j"t", nl',;!ll:-C tj:cy'rclate ill ;lrri\·i11':-, t::,'� '1',' ;;':�;'kl'd :\1$25.0C'.Evenit:g Dre:.;s Clo�hcs S�O to $60:I '.�Many desirablegoods reducedin price thismonth.I MossIer CoTelephones Hyde Park 18 and tM7Clothes for Me� :lnd Yo�r:� M�n.�o / acJ..'s:11l l� cll:/c,m·d.Call for book "Points on Dress."A. McAdamsThe Ualy ... 117••. F 10 r& .t. ••GJtBIIIIIIOUIB8:Cor. 534 8t. ad � An. ChicagoWHeRB do you get yourN.�'.pap.rs. Perlo41cal .... D4Station.l'7?At NO.R.TON"SFree Deliverya48 57th StreetPhose116 Hyde P:uk,_. �" •.;.� t ....WITH JOKETESTS MEDICS(Continued from page I.)other rubber ball which was held inhis pocket, \Vhen this ball wassquczcd, the "palpitation" was pro­duced.Stewart has the distinction of hav­ing "caught" old university men whoboasted that they were not' open tojr.kcs. Not to speak of the large nurn­bel of other students who fell to thescheme. The. clever jokist is a lawstudent and comes from Kalamazoo. FOREMANClothes of Quality,92-9t-96 Washington St.Bet. Dearborn and Clark Sts.Open Saturday evening until 9 p. m.g-j\e 9{oot StuaicKtMBALI.llALL243 Wabal'b Ave,Original Ideas and Exclusive Styles inPHOTOGR.APHSSpecial �atf"s �J�! C. 5tudent.CALL FOR MORE TEACHERSIN PHILIPPINE ISLANDS(Continued from page 1.)gnrrl to l:''': sort of men nee-lied, theDirector 0.- Education says : "We11< vcr needed a lrig h cla- s of youngmen ior the educational work a" weIlI'C!) them now, Our experi('ncc i� III'at education ;lIld chaiactl'r count in("til' work in thl' I'hilippilws for moretLan al'tnal expe:-iCIlt'l' in tl·ac1ling'.·In orde-r to take tIl<" examination,it i" neCl',,:-;ary to apply eitlH.'r at th("Chil'ago post otllce or to the Unite(1States Ci,·il Scn·ice Commi�"ion for Ibn "')'1 seen theaf.plication form� numher,,'· 2 and ,�i:;. L/ili .... c::-sity of Chicago Song Book)Get a copy. WILLIAM JERREMS' SONS.\;lark and Adam. Ita.FRESHMEN!If.W AHD aSCOND-HANDat Lowea Prical'r,;l (';111 :,ce th-:-.l1 ;,: Hoom .t�, :\Iirld::I),. hetwcen I('.W and 12 :00.. (Continued from Pa�e I.)" ,1,!J­Bl, .. "�.� - """, .' ,,: �. ::j:.-;" ":-'4 .. t-"�;· ._: ...... '"t - .�- ·· ...... 1,·'.,. ,curious hands the surface of thingsand never penetrates to the deepertruths.I "The quality of the work which sur­I vivcs is thc spiritual revelation of a! race and of a man. The solidity of theI aqueducts. the baths, the roads, build­Car. AdeIN"" U"",,_ I cct by the Roman attest, as could no,.. _ other thing, their massiveness. theiri immense force and their power to sec� tl.ings as they were, and deal withthem powerfully. J f all Greece hadperished, save the Parthenon, weshould ha \'C knowledge of GI ecianclx.racter and mode of life, of all thatt he Greeks were. The pictures ofRembrandt testify that their painterwas, not a dreamer, but a man ofsplendid working personality. WhenWe idealists deplore America's com­mcrcialisrn, we forget that thc Greekswere thc greatest merchants of theirtime, and that in thc canals of Venice,xvhose beauty enchants us in it s "ie-cay, were anchorcd once the fleets inwhich old-time Venetians traded tothe far corners of the known earth.I t is only a people who can deal with-the. realities who can do great things arm and brain to the power which fbe Benson Orchestra will fumish music for the following well known,':in art. ,:s behind one. clubs throughout the season:"Mr. Mabie quoted Goethe's remark "No honest man or honest woman CLUBS _-that all his works constituted one can be fully paid for his work. The Homewood Country South Side Colonial 'Casino at Edgewater !�:�reat confession, and declared that real worker puts into his work what . '"Calumet Onwentsia Lakeside �'.�.work is fundamentally a revelation of hI: wouldn't sell and society cannot �b hi South Shore Club New- 1111'nolS' Athletic Club Ravenswood 'Club �:a man's spirit and genius. He said uy- JS character, his temperament, , , :..}that there are three elements in work. his genius. He may sell his skill his Union League Chicago ,Yacht Exmoor Golf ;:-:(Inc is skill. mastery of materials and power, his manual or intellectual I�� HOTELS ------ :;.�tools, applied consciencc, character bor, but he puts into his work a The Moraine Wellington Metropole Chicago Beach':'�:expressed in a man's work. This is something for which there is no price. Vuginia Lakota Vendome' .....the age of the trained man and wo- "It would be a corrupt world if the This Orchestra enjoyed the distinction of having played for the KirmeS1""�\;man. Eight-tenths of the failures of best that is in us could be paid fur. imd'the Midwinter Cotillion ':�:::life arc due to unwillingness to work The joy of work is the end of work.hard enough to achieve that mastery The joy of life is to pour out all theof materials and tools which spells power that is in you in the largestsuccess. Most of us go halfway; only possible way for the largest possiblea Jew insist upon achieving supreme ends."intelligence. Remembrance that the In concluding, Mr. Mabie told oi: :10trained man commands the situation, old japanese artist, whose work W.15ind that the trained race will com- esteemed throughout Japan, paintingmand the situation in the future. The his last screen, putting into' his workrace which combines science with in- all his marvelous skill and genius,ve ntiveness and ability to work will working with all that was in !t;1:1. andrule the world of the fut'ure. then' standing beside the screen while"Fifty years ago Germany was the his excuse for existence as a critic• schoolmaster of the world. When was to find something to criticise,st�od calm, unmovcd ; then,' as thfy.finished, bowed gravely and, stepping-thr ough the screen, disappeared. "Fora man's work is not only his reward,but his refuge."YouTip WillBean Top likeThar6? Inn ItHaveYou TheT ...... .,The Pullman Company SuRer.l'AMU3EMEN'l'SIINew Theater,ENDOWED.)A. W. PINERO'SSWEETLAVENDERPrices Soc :0 $2.00.Jpedal Rat.- to University StudcnttLa SalleOthersComeandGo, But­THE TIMETHE PLACE andTHE GIRLGoesOnForeverColonial.Theater Beau�THE' GRAND MOGULwithFRANK MOULONAnd Great Company of One HundredThe Garrick...... • • • • ••It...... SOTHERNandMARLOWE• • • ••Powers.HENRIETTA GROSSMANIn Ernest Denny's GreatComedy success."ALL OF A SUDDDENPEGGY.-The StudebakerTHEFLOWERGIRLABigHit.Fine viands and rare wines, theglint of crimson Burgundy, theprimrose of brilliant Moselle, th�jeweled juice of Hungary, the spar­kle of all the nectars-that is asuggestion ofV ogelsang·s'&2 M ADI3GN STRUT.But the physical excellence of itis not its most winsome quality.The witchery of the place lies if'its indescribable hospitality.And the Vogelsang . habit is agood habit.(Th"� is ONly 0'" V061ls.".'I) TO'ACCOMPL�HWO� trn�oondv�tomed �e'����IP----------------------------�I CONCENTRATION NEEDED and Germans. Unless we 'awake toI --- rhe fact that the business man of thei THE DAILY MAROON, CHIC'AGO, WEONESD� '!, �1t��.!9. 1906.(Continued from Paze I.) future must take science as a partner,we. lose in the struggle."The second important element ischaracter. the hand behind the tools,the body behind the hand, sustainedOJ ce, inexorable determination, self­sacrifice. It is character which givespower. and effectiveness to men."I t is not true that art bears no re­h-tion to mortality. Many men haveconsistently broken the laws of life,:\IJd yet have done beautiful things.But t he sane man alone can do con­-tr.ntly asccndmg good work. When': man breaks the fundamental' laws.uid continues to break them, he be­cernes unable to hold the mirror up to Ruppert's L&dfes' Mannish ShoesTHE nobbiest little shoe of the season. Givestone to any street costume and gives that trim,well dressed appearance so desired by women.Looks extremely small upon the feet Can },ewom for dress, semi-dress or street wear. Themoat popular ladies' shoe for all-around use.Snappy and full of vim. Lace and button, patentcalf. Cordovan (horsebide) and gun me tal.Send for Free Catalogue.Buy Sensible Gifts-Any article bought frc.t'il �Il" .: sbops Is abso­lutely guaranteed and always makes a serviceab.e and acceptable gift.Established 1871. Open until 9 a m. I,• "The requisites of great work are:Power of concentration, that is, abil­:'Y to focus all that is in one on onedefinite point, and hold it there as aworkman holds tools against metal ;abnegation, power of self-forgetful­ness so great that a man gets entirelyaway from self-consciousness; intoxi,ca lion, thc being lifted above self,\\ hen the moment of inspirationcomes ;when genius bursts into flame;'to; be able to surrender hand 10<1 na�ons.nature.•• * [he war with France came, it was pos­* sible for Germany to sweep every-1< thing "before it. After the war, France• sent some of its ablest men to Ger-• many to find! out the secret of theGerman power. These men summedup their observations in a phrase: "Itwas the thinking bayonets that wentto Paris." Which, being interpreted,meant that it was intellect behindstrength, preparedness for any event-, uality, which won jor Germany. Therewas a time when Englishmen andAmericans regarded the Germans asa nation of idealists, but of late yearstherc has come an ominous change.During the last twenty years, manyyoung Englishmen who have gone toJapan, China, the East Indies, havewritten to the' London Times lettersprotesting that they are being drivenout by Germans. Germany is sendingout to thc ends of the world youngmen, thoroughly trained and prepared.The man who has iour languages withwhich to aid him will drive out theman with only one language. Thejap;lI1c!'c for centuries have beenkarning evcry man is hut a part ofa larger organization, and the valueef ohedicnce and discipline. \VhenJapan was opencd to the world andthe Japane�e hegan to observe otherc;"ilizations, they sent out thciryoung men to study the schools, then:,\'ies, thc Clrmies, thc mercantile sys­tems of other I1Cltions, and then choscfrf)m cad. its best fcatures. Hencetheir extrClordinary achievcmcnts andJ;rowing importancc in . the modem\\ orld. Fifty years from now it willmakc all the differcnce in the woddwhat attitude we take,and whether wc Patronizf" Oaily Maroon advertisers. $4Open Sundays for Convenience of$3.50 .•Exams Begin Today.Examinations for the Autumn quar­tei begin this morning at 8:30 o'clock.The schedule in full follows: : )�8:00 classes today 8 :,30-11 :00I2:00 classes 2 :00-5 :00.9 :30 classes tomorrow.:!.OO classes 2 :00-5 :00.11:00 classes, Friday 8:,30-11 :30 .. j:eoclasses 2 :00-5 :00. ...-; r:Friday afternoon the 'Universityc1Qscd for the quarter�to reopen W�-. ,n('sday, January 2, 1907. The fi�st -is­sue of The Daily Maroon f�;' the.new year will appear on Thursday,j;'nu3lry .;. ;, ' . -Telephone your want ads t� th�'1Daily Maroon, Hyde Park 426. \. ,- Tons of Cand,- THREE SHOPS:Mc Vi-:ker's' Theater BJdrClark and Harrisv'1 St1:Van Buren ci Ciark St:\.Delicious Candies and Choc­olates put up in beautifulboxes and baskets suitablefor presenis at IX, 25c, 40cand 60c per pound, at ••••••••Gunther's Confectionery,212 STATE STREET Eu COURLANDER THE:ll-¢'nson erceestra1906 - -SEASON - 1907.��r open dates and other information addressEDGAR A. BENSONSuite 500-514 Handell Hal! 40 East RandolphTelephones-Central 5253; Central 571.3. John D.··'Stetson UniverSity ,�,AFFILIATED WITH THE -UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO.� COLLEGES, I SCHOOLS, 1� BUILDiNGS.• IN FACULTY. STUDENTS MAY BEGINWORK DURING THE,WINTER QUARTERAT STETSON AND RECEIVE THEIR CRE-DITS AT CHICAGO. . .Stetson is in the land of flowers,' sunshine, blue skies and balmy oceanb::eez�. Summe� recreations run torough the winter. 'Costly buildings, elec­tric lights, electric bells, cement walks, shell roads, broad avenues, spaciouscampus, tropical shrubbery and trees. Large increase this year in all t!e­partments.ADDRESS: .PRESIDENT LINCOLN HULLEY. Ph.D.,DE LAND, FLORIDA.------------------------�------------------------------------�'qALL Lin' '_ A BATTLE AND A MARCH� � me � 8CnDpIl." aeallMbt caD eyer hope co CODqaer.M·AL T! 'MARROW..... a paN� of � ... IIaltl� food. drtD't aDd .ealc:lDe all la ODe. It...116 ..... Ia a" br'aWD;' " aoar.ueo. Ute blood a" tona up tbe 87SteJDaa.� .It 1..aD1ll4. tWft wllIt Dutt1eD\ � f« Ute .�c:k aud .Gaaded ·hlllfe ..=!�.41����� __ :;: a: co:.a��� .IUl... ......... .....-oaVOy MALT D.RACT D�., CHICAGOp-.� .f.l.ooUe&-"&IIdIleu n.... daDa of Ute WeaL"MODEKN HOTEL, large dining·room and lunch-counter. will starQtbusiness at thc northeast corner ofDrexel avcnue and Fifty-fifth stree�about January I.Best rooms, best �eals, popular prices\\'atch paper for opening date.Found-The best place to board is:tt the College Inn, 60th street andEtlis avenue. 'All branches of Mathematicstaught by University graduate(woman). Highest testimonial.;.�'Price, 5<> cents per hour. Inquire at "'­Maroon office.For Rent.For Rent.-Nicely furnished room;new building. 509 East 53d street, 1st:Ipartment.For Rent-Parlor-back parlor, andhedroom en suite; new furniture;sunlight in each room. ,5821 JacksonAve.; �d flat.�. c. MOORE,' FLORiST, �-'272 EaSt -55th·Street, ·Chic&.8o, Illinois .:�,,.�. ?- � •• ------------- ,�i