I'MaroonPublished Five Mornings Each Week by the Students of the University of_ Chicaco During Three Quarters of the Uainrsity Year,�OL. V. No. 52. CHICAGO, FRIDA Y, DECEM'BER r4, rgOO. PRICE. Two ,CUTS-.. ,.-------�I_TIlL PERFOR'MANnE ,OFCOLLEGE OPERA TONIGHT- Mr. H. F. McCormick, Trustee ofUniversity, Makes Donation of $10,-000 To Library Fund-Students andAlumni Contribute Generously.GIVES BIG SUM TO MEMORIAL I PENN AFTER' fOOTBAll 'GAMEWITH MAROUNS IN 1907 TRAINING TABL,E AT COMM'ONSUniversity Footlight Aspirants To'Don Fin�ry �d Bow To SocietyPublic In "Deceitful Dean." Princeton. Basketball Squad To Meet At Even­ing Meal At Commons During Win­ter Quarter-Dr. Raycroft To HaveCharge of Varsity Team. PROFESSOR STAR� LEAYES­AFRICA ON HIS WAY HOMECandidates for the University bas­ketball team next quarter have a.lopt­ed a modified plan for a trainingtable. The men are to gather for the,evening meal every night at the Com-F. Me Cormick, of Chicago, who is, mons, which is to be paid for individ-} Professor Frederick Starr, who hasBedecked in gorg ous fi "The Closely following the reports from 11 d' hItD "e nery one, of the trustees of the University. ua y accor mg to t e regu ar ra es been spending the past year in an-eceitful Dean"'wl'll bow to the U'ni- New Haven that Yale may give Chi- .' Th I . t' '1 -T h' if f $ h m vogue. .ne p an IS no In VI0 a- thropological research in Africa" is"ersity public tonight from the stage wo ot er gl ts 0, 1,000 eac werecago Harvard's place on next year's. f h " f h C fd tron 0 t e spirrt 0 t e on erencenow on his way back to America,Of Mand 1 H H Th d h received from Mr. E. B. Butler an football schedule, comes a similar 1 d' d d 1 I f thh e a'. 'e pro uctrori aas ru es, an IS a opte arge y or e bringing with him several carloads ,0£een prepared under the ausnices of Mr. ]. J. Glessner. In addition to press dispatch from Philadelphia to, . f th Ith � convenience 0 ' e p ayers. specimens and "finds" that he has ac-e Universit\T Settlement League for thes e. many smaller' gifts have been' the effect that Pennsylvania is look- U d h di . f D J E .th'" n er t e irections 0 r. A • cumulated during his explorations one benefit of the Univ�rsity 'of Chi- '. d d . th k f 0 alu ni ing for another big game, and that R oft th d '11 hold Its regu 'receive urmg rr e wee r m mI. aycr ' e squa WI, - the dark continent. He has sent onCagO Settlement, and there is every' it may take on the Maroons. The, l' .. . B tl tt .te and students, bringing the total, in- iar practice every evenung in ,ar e ahead of him boxes and crates ofa�on to believe that th'e entertain- friendly attitude of these two "Big G ium f 6' I k ' .'" 1 di diti I $ to ymnasium rom 5 :45 to :45 0 c oc. specimen s that he has collected, until"I�nt will be well worthy of the effor t , c u ing a con mona 10,000, up Four" universities show the standing, Th I '11' h di thh e p ayers WI t en a journ to e the basement of Walker Museum isW ich the settlement workers' have over $r 18,000. Chicago holds in th � East. C' hIt d 'e ommons, were a supper, se ec e stacked to the ceiling with th,e col-t�J)ended upon it. The announcement Dr. Goodspeed said yesterday that The Quaker authorities have al- under the direction of Dr. Raycroft, lection.that the play is revived purely for 'tI'l'e manner in which contributions are ready decided that they want another '11 b d I thi the menWI se serve. n,' IS. way, ' , 'A great pari of the past year liase sake of aid' 'chari h ld b ,. f alumni and students big game next fall on Franklin field, '11 b bl di tlSit· ' mg cr anty s ou e corning in rom rum 'WI ne a e to secure supper irec y been spent by Professor Starr in mak-Biclent reason fo fill' • . tif ing Alumni' are giving and, failing to secure an Easte, rn ft ti d '11 t I' Iin the di r. mg every seat IS very gra trying. ",'h 1£' ' , . a er prac Ice, an WI .no on y save ing a special study' of the races in the� au Itoflum at all three of the on an average of $25 each" about aa ,contest w111 turn to the West. It IS the time which would take for them,; Congo Free State, and upon thissub­in tforrnances_tonight, Saturday mat- a dozen gifts being received every said that th.ey wilL. try to secure a � to go home, but will be able to keep (J' ect, "The People of Congo Freeee and Satu d . h "Ir isaratifvi t that stu date with either Princeton or Yale, " d h . I di 'II . .agent is t d ay rug t. The press day. t IS grab ying 0 seef d ;,. .> ', "m goo, p ysica con ition, as we as) State" he will conduct a course rn the" quo e as follows: dents are contributing to the un, and In case, neither th, e TIgers nor :, to come together outside of practice .u . '. . h . t t ThO S f Eli '11' t " niversity m t e wm er quar er. ene noticeabl f . D G d d "S 'e students the ons 0 1 are WI mg 0 resume 'hours �.. h h hera' e eature of the op- said r. 00 spee . ' om'. k hill:' , , :anthropologlcal collection t at e asIy . IS the excellence of some of the have the impression that only large, football With the Qua ers, t ey w The players are jubilant over the h d h tunit f' ki - '11tiCS Most f ' , 'h" t k arne with the Maroons. ,i ate oppor urn y,� rna mg �Itet' ,0 them are of the bet- gifts will be accepted, but t IS IS not see a g.' , ., prospects of the team this year, and -make the course especially attractive.grade and h b .g No official word of Pennsylvania s, ki ff k he ll . ,. 'th ' t e music 'to which true. Gifts of any' amount are em.,, ," n .are ma mg every e ?rt to eep t C JIn anticipation of this his n-ew coursePI?' have been set is distinctly received from students, the 'desire be- wIlh.ngness to play Chl�ago, has be� men in good condition. 'was about the first one on the sched-hasas�ng. In this particular" Mr. Linn' ing to build a memorial for Dr. Har- received, an.d Dr. Ra�croft saysh e The Junior College basketball ule to be filled, and there is now a _J)lish :In?nstrated himself an accom- per out of the contributions of plany, kn.ows nothmg. about It except t �o teams will start practice next quarter large waiting list. ' ,al'tt Ie lIhrettist. The appended ex- rather, than of a limited few. The the p,apers. Chl�ago, however, wO�dd u�der the direction of .form�r Ca�- Besides his .. work in Cbngo Fr�� "(jir:c;::.�� prOof of his talent in this cafIlpaign is ?eing. actively pushed/ by b.e glad to co?slder. a :a�e, he sa . tam M �Keag., The playmg WIll start State, 'Professor Starr, h�HJ" spent' 'S",-A. C' , the student commIttee. In �o�nectlOn With thiS foot�a�� a,t 3 :15 sharp" and many spirited prac- eral months in the heart of, the �oJ1ooI sin�s � ,:�rrot, �s Prof. Y. Lactic, �ame: It IS also �nnO\mced that M � �lce g�mes wIll be played each week. tinent,. studying the lowest civilization<leaHn . ng of the Higher Life It CORNELL HEAD ,ANSWERS Igan IS endeavormg �o arrange an l�,- : .captam McKeag says that' from the known, In a recent letter received,as fOIl!:sl:h reform football. It ru�s TELEGRAM OF SYMPATHY., door track mee� WIth Penns.ylvama !present" ?utIook aU the colleges will ;Crom him he stated that he had to. to be held .at Ann Ar�or dUrJ?g the lhave excellent teams. walk fifteen days past the limit of anNo I Easter hohdays. Whtle an mdoor, " .,. " , ,f "b f' It', Ollger OUr • President Schurman Expresses Ap:" " 'd!, means 0' transportatIOn e ore e\1, ,cipher_ stgnals are given in '. St meet may not be arrang:d, It IS sal SANTA AND CHRISTMAS 'T.l�,;EE �ould reach' the' (peoples whom hevv preciation To Chicago u-that the Quakers look, WIth favor on � h 'e re high�r ,- h' dents. --- �oug t. ' '\\1 higher. ,we re Igher, we're an, outdoor meet, The "Little Gi:rls'� in Beecher Hall At the' end of his journey,"he came.e ask OUr On Nathan Krueger, chairman of the - --�-are ,Planning Gleeful Festivities down the Nile to E"gyp�� and, accord':"t>ponents what gain shalt LAY BASEBALLl' We try for Senior College Council, yesterday re- GIRLS TO P for Christmas. ing to a letter received from him ahat's h' h 'P 'd t J G few days ago, he was about 'to' saii :19 er yes, harder and ceived a letter from resl en . .F 'd I\V higher, 'Schurman, of Cornell University, ac- Picked Teams To Meet n ay n The "little girls:' in Beecher ,Hall for home. He is'now on the waY,,�nde WOuld rath knowledg'l'ng the' telegram of sym-. Final Game of the Quarter. will celebrate their University Christ- will be here soon after the beginningf 'er not play than haveOUt eeling exi�t. pathy which the council, 'in behalf of, mas by a "tree" on Sunday evening. bf 'next quarter.tule is "d the Chicago student body, sent on the There will be a baseb�ll ga�e be ..I The, greatest solemnity will mark the -----YOu' 'k 'on't tackle till aftel' . fi t the, tween two girls' teams m Lexmgton occasion. The candles on the tree will "THE CO'OL COLLEGIANS" lA.n<l \'e issed" occasion of the destructive re a "r 'We rule a 'Cornell Chi Psi chapter house. The 'gym. Friday afternoon. The me:..up be 'formally lighted and vesper PROVES A GREAT SUCCESS,th ., man off for a slap on f'or the teams follows: hymns dedicated to Beecher will be __'Ct' e Wnst, letter is as follows: . h J "Y1ng: "Fie I December II, 1900. M. Day and M. Lee, plte ers5 'sung. I Appropriate gifts will be dis- Wiley, House Plays To Big Au�iencehigher l'" oh be higher, beDear Sir.:-On behalf of the mem�' Roe and A, Roe, catchers; Moymhan tributed among 'the little folks, the In Reynolds Theater-Arts ',f h aIld Chatterson, first base; M. Archer exact nature of which has not been Students Star.A.t 0 bers' of Cornell University, and 0 t e PUr form (l' fflicted ,and suffering chapter of the and McBride, second base; A. �or made known, They will be however, The performance of "The C091 Col-stand er rude manner we all ",nd C. Merrill, third base; C, Robm- fiS far as possible, J'ust what the re- legians," given in the Reynolds The-:\\i e' . aghast Chi' Psi fraternity, I desire to ac- 0 E P Ire h' h '. t' ,s'on and A. Kelly, short-stop;. " ar- �ipient. has requested in her pro- ater last evening by the members· ofIg er w" h' kllowIed,ge wI'th grateful apprecla lOn d KI dh' ,e re Igher, we're f ker and Segne-r, left fiel; me an verbt'al l'etter to Santa Claus, and wl'll W'l H ' '-_1'h Igher 1 the kind expression of sympathy 0 dEl ey ouse, was a great success.e old t . . . . Laing, center field; Nobles an '.: b, e accompam,'ed by a few lines of The p1ay, a two-act comedy of Yale,raining t bi ' 'the und'ergraduates of the Umversltyn the Past_ a: ' , e s � thing of Pietz, right field.. . K:hri�tmas verse, original with the life, was coachedI and managed by,'Oatd's h' ' of Chicago.. • The teams ,will elect their captam::; giver. P. W. Pinkerton, who took one ofl' high Igher, hoard's higher,' far Very sincerely yours,before the game, This will be th�' the leading roles as. the' care-freehe "Utl't:r Ib' , J. G. Schurman.last game before the ho,I,idays.. All H M d' h' . !.t'J YALE GLEE CLUB IN CITY arry ere It, HIS portra.Yal of\V plac anquet ,has taken its dancing and sports begin agam 011 the part was excellent, C. J. V. Pet- .e feed e.DR. JUDSON RETURNS FROM, El' M G' C 0 t'b F a k P k th tOn hot airh'l EAST January 2,. 1 en to l'�e a, oncert at r- lone, as r n ar s, ano er s u-It sa� gra W I e the coaches BUSINESS IN THE' .cbestra Hall o,n Monday, Decem- dent, threw himself easily into th�'COsts hut �\uart ' - Hold Funeral of Cornell Victim. ber 24. part of the love-lorn young man. Mis�It' Says er, and everyone Acting President' Is in Chicago After The funeral of W. H. Nichols, t,he The plans of the Yale Glee Club Frances Morrissette, in her fint stag�:sWell it'&' Session With Trustees In New 'Chicago man who was one of the V1C: for its stay in (:hicago week after appearance, received a great deat' otIt '. no higher, no higher' York, . 'n the disastrous fire at the ChI next has been an,nounced. The club a ppla�se for her work in the part' ot.IS ' bms 1 '• ISWeet to b' --� d Psi chapter house at Cornell Umver will arrive on the morning of Sun- Fanny Morrisson, Miss Mabe-l TriJJ�A. YOU'll a e sweet" I a'll sure Acting President Judson returnelsity, was held in Chicago on WChe?nes- . day, December 23, attend a luncheon �ng was unrecogniza.ble in the disgUISe'tt' ll<l nice t gree, yesterday from the East, where hed The members of the lcago at the Chicago Athletic Association of Mrs. Huntoon, the "comedy" aunt.S n 0 be h' h of ay. .o. fun When 19 er, oh higher! has been on business with someChi Psi chapter attended the serVices, building given by the Yale club of Miss Edith Lynn brought' down the() slJttl'�thr a team can run up the University trustees. He did notM Nichols was a graduate of the Chicago on Monday noon; give a house with her' excellent represcmta-"ne t" higher, o:eh,. , _ return to h'is office during the fdah�' v�iversjty School for Boys of Chi- concert at Orchestra Hall in the even- tion of the Irish maid, I(ate; whose'.t'Ute if l'gner or h' h and Just what was t?e nature 0 ,IS ing, and attend \ dance at Bour- antics with Muggins, alias M. �" bo not POWerf '1" Ig , er.I'n the East, was not dls-' cago. . , f h f M S f d th £ • 1 'A.ftet ast; u -such is our business - mque sater t e per ormance. r. pooner, orme e arClca portion:rou, tny d 'closed. Registration for StetSOn. Joseph T. Ryerson is in charge of the of the evening.Irl s .tnOtto of ear Gaston" 's the . Students who plan to s'pend the local arrangements.' Between the acts Miss MarthaPlte of a lltost, N t ce . . D b t f L 'Daily Maroon 0 1..,' t uarter at Stetson Umverslty 0 yns sang' wo 0 yne S songs, ac-an� ,� Protest f t f the Datly WIn er q 'h h M D 'd P B d' f . d b M" M"the ... , \l .lOst rom Goodspeed Hustlers and rep or ers 0." t register in advance Wit, t e r, aVI . arrows, Irector 0 compame y 'ISS ary Wilson,J te ' , thel'r "stnngs mus, f Ch' . d t' f th Ph'I" I I d Miss Emma W bb I d h Ih' no hi h 'Maroon must turn tn, f d t the University 0 Icago l)n e uca Ion or ' e Ilpme san s, " 'e p aye tree se ec'-Igh g er, no higher, no to ,the news editor" before the �nd..(), edan \0 obtain credit in the Uni- was a visitor at the University Wed- tions on the piano. The whole e'nfer-i " • Will be or er" FI, 'd d M B • f' d ft' t f II d bthe quarter. PromotIOns ':'t for work done at the orl a nes ay. r. arrows IS arlen 0 a!nmen" 0 owe y an informal(COllt' _____' . II th 'hasis of these verSI y Acting President Judson. dance was thoroughl . blIllUed ' mad� partla· y ort e 't institution, 1 ," en)oya �,�n Page •. ), . ':s�!�I1:.��:" .. v -�-A gift of $ro,ooo for the William Quakers Willing to Play, ChicagoUnless They Secure Yale or' University Anthrop�logist Ha� SpentPast Year Studying Peoples'Found In African Wilds.CrOWded Houses Assured By Feature Rainey Harper Memorial Library Chicago's. Standing Recognized inof Charity To Settlement-Lyrics Fund has been received by Registrar East--Michigan Wants. TrackExceptionally Good. T. W. Goodspeed from Mr. Harold Meet With Penn. ' Bringing With Him Several C�lC)adsof Specimens Collected On Jour­ney In Dark Continent.I �, I, I\. ,ITHE DAILY MAROON, CHICAGO. FRIDAY, DECEMBER I4, 1906 ..wqr maily !larnnuOfficial Student Publication of the Univer­sity of Chicago.FormerlyThe University of Chicago Weekly,FoundedThe Weekly, Oct. 1, 1892.'l'he Daily, Oct. 1, 1902.�� ews 'Contributions are requested.� Ili Entered as Sscond-Clasa Mail at the Chi­cago Postottice.Daily Subscriptions,$3,00 per year; $1.00 for .� months.::;uul:)cl'lJ,Jtiuns received at the Maroon Of·lice, l'_;llis avenue, 01' left In tile Maroonbox, the Faculty Excilange, Cobb Ha ll.Orders for delivery of the lJai.:y Maroon,either residence or place of business, maybe made uy post.al card, 01' t.lnough telephone, Uyde !'al'k· 4:,!t). Any u-reg ularityin delivery should be immediately repcrteuto the omce of publication.·\Vm. A. McDermid, Managing Editor.R Eddy Mathews, News Editor:.Luther D. Fernald, Athletic Editor.Associate Editors.Charles W. Paltzer, Law, '07.Bernard 1. Bell, '07.Edward G. Felsenthal, '08.Alva W. Henderson, '09.Preston F. Gass, '09.Reporters.Pt·.ter F. Dunn, '07.\Varren D. Foster, '09.Cole Y. Rowe, 'oo.William 1-'. MacCracken, '09Harvey B. Fuller, Jr., '08.Melvin J. Adams, '09.P. w, Pinkerton, 'oS.Miss Faith Dodge, '07.George E. Fuller, Business Manager.Printed by the Maroon Press.474 E. 55th Street:Telephone Hyde Park 3691.FRIDA Y, DECEMBER 14, 1906.Unique ia, but the mere fact that the projectis being. considered is full of mean-are other teams in the West that have SNAPPY' ATTIRE.inent in a movement so honorable asthat of which Amos Alonzo Stagg isthe undisputed leader.The Daily Maroon IS now closingup the work of the most difficultquarter of the Universityyear. The autumn quar­ter always is the hardesttime on a student paper,because in the first threeAnnualAutumnI'roubles.months of the year it is necessary totake on ten or twelve new reporterswho are more or less inexperienced,and while they are being "broken in"the paper labors along under the cir­curnstances. Only too often does ithappen, with a "green" and irrespon­sible lot of "hustlers" that the lateafternoon finds the "copy" hardlystarted and as a result three o� foureditors have to get to work and grindtill the "wee sma' hours" to get outthe sheet.ing along the above lines.Without a doubt the standing of IF YOU'RE seeking something inChicago's football teams has had a the line of garments-a little moregreat deal to do in bringing about nobby-a little more individual-thanthe average tailor shows-you'll lindthis respect from the East; but there it at Nicoll's.\Ve want 'you to know and feel- t.also made good records. Chicago feels that its not merely your business­sure, and is proud of it, that the prime but also our pleasure-to show andfactor in placing the Maroon at the discuss the nobby Autumn and Win-ter fabrics with you.head of the' list in the eyes of un-. 1 Trousers $5 to 12 Suits $20 to $50prejudiced critics is the unmistakab eattitude Chicago has taken, under thetutelage of Mr. Stagg, on the questionof pure athletics. It is a great thingto have a string of championships tothe University's credit; but it meansa lot more to be considered preem-tive of the" West. Within the last. ./. Daily Maroon will start next quarterweek two of the geatest eastern U11l- under the most favorable circum-versities, Yale and Pennsylvania, have stances, With a reliable corps of as­taken a favorable attitude regarding a sistants upon whom some of the indi­prospective game with Chicago in rect responsibility can safely devolve,Under this system obviously thefew men who do have a sense of [C­spo nsibi lity are greatly handicapped.It requires no mean effort to get outfrom eleven to thirteen columns ofreading matter every day, week inand week out, and at the same timecarry full university work; so when--��--- ;�hese well-meaning, thoughtless em­bryo journalists "slip up," as the ex­pression goes, when they are mostneeded, the few on whom the burdenDirector Stct'gg's accomplishment in falls are hard put to it to get out 3.bringing Chicago to the fore in ath- 'respectable sheet for the next day.letics' by the constant and '[ t is in such emergencies as theseChicago's untiring campaign for' t hat The Daily Maroon has unfortu-sportsmanlike athletics ha 'lately made a few errors.Position. had its tangible result ill The editors are now satisfied, how-the attitude the eastern ever, that their corps of "greenings"universities have assumed towards 'las been gradually transformed intoChi 1 t 1 th t t' ':1 reiiable and competent staff of re-icago a e y as e rue represen a-porters an2 feel confident that TheI 907. ' the editors will be able to relievePrevious to this year the East has themselves to a great extent, of thescarcely seen fit to recognize the details,' and devote their energies. to­West as a factor in football. A few ward the general improvement of thegames have been played here arid paper.there to fill out the season but ne -------such, step as the last one has everbefore been taken. I t is not to bewondered, at that the .East has al­W�ys had. more or less of a tendencyAD" look down upon western athletic­').'<1€' somewhat of the second grade or­der-though no westerner would ever'be found to coacede it-for the Westis comparatively yqung.Now that our eastern critics have IF YOU LIKE TO WEARYOURbegun to recognize the fact that after G L 0 V E S LON G,' WE A Rall the West is in their class it' isgratifyingly significant that Chicagois the one first talked of to any grea 1.extent as a permanent factor on theschedules -of . the "charmed easterncircle." As yet nothing definite hal)been done either way in the matter Iof games with Yale and Pel;nsylvan-' TAKE ONE HOME. '"A . Pyre-Monogram Portrait-Yourself the' subject. Latest thing.Ior ci11'istmas presents.MARTYN'S'MAROON STUmOC::70C:: Cortage GtO�� Ave.Special Rates To Students,FOWNESGLOVESTHEY WEAR LONGER. TAii:WILLIAM JERREMS' SONS.clark and Adams Its.Est. IS56BRYANT & STRATTONBusiness CollegeOffers SuperiorAdvantages in.• Business Training ..AND•. Stenography .•DAY 'AND NIGHT SCHOOLStudents May Enter at Any Time.H. W. Bryant, Pres.L. Brent Vaughan, U. of C} '9/,Manager.315-32I Wabash Ave.T d,e the S •. rrta Fe. goingto the N. E, A. conventionin SanFranci�co.Ju]..·q-13,1£06. ,...Only line under .....E:l�a-u,qle;:;;-ent.-Chi.;ago toC�lifornia.-;-. It's the cocI -way inS .. mmer. Yvu�r:,,"d amile and mere up in thesky through New Mexicoand Arizuna.It' sthepicturesquevv"y,YOil may'-see the GrandCanyon of Arizo�a.-Y ou- may'';is;t ::>ourhernCalifornia. -­-Y�u e�tH�rv�'y"�neals.the best in the West.All-theW�1l0)i�ftneh.istoricSanta-Fe"frail.ana.i9i}t:.GrandCcuwon?.... ��Arjzo.na�You trav"l on a eaferoad. a dustless road -;-;Ja comfortable road. ' -��cur.ions oncer-tain ' days. via Grand:Canyon, personally con­ducted.The rouLd-tri�:Only $64.50 from Chicago-$59.50 from St. Louis+­$52.00 from Kans:s Ctv.,Tickets on sale Jure 25toJuly7.1906. Liberalctop­overs and return limits.Ask for N. E.A. folderand "To California O;e�the Santa Fe Trail."Address Passe�gerDel'artment. A. T. fsIS. F. Ry .. Chicago .A'PLEASANT JOUR�EYIs assured when youTra.vel betweenChicago, IndianapolisCincinnati & Louisvilleand'French Lick andWest Baden SpringsU you g') by the way of the.. ' STORES: CHI CA GO-NIINNEA POLIS-ST. PACLMaurice L. Rothschild IQUALITY-CLOTHING-CORNERSouthwest Corner Jackson and StateExhibiting Highest Grade Clothes Possible toObtain, Yet We Sell Cheaply!Quality compared with quality, we guarantee togive you the best results ever attained by you.VARSITY NO.2 OVERCOATS. THE DIGNIFIED OVERCOfSSOF FASHION.It's the Improved Frock Overcoat; Only SatisfactoryWhen Made Skillfully. "Only Here." .Unfinished Worsted Overcoats, 24 oz. cloths $20Gray' Velvet 'Wor st e d Overcoats $25Shadow Striped Effect Worsted Overcoats, $30Silk Lined Vicuna \Vorsted Overcoats $3550-Inch Ryerton Overcoat, Fancy Weave, Very Swagger.Black and \Vhite and Black Scotch Overcoats $15Heavy English Plaid and London Club-'Check Overcoats .. $18Gray Effect Black and Gray Diagonal Overcoats $2048-INCH BODY TRACING OVERCOATSImported French Montagnac Silk Lined Overcoats $50Imported Carr Melton Richly Silk Lined Overcoats $45Schnab le 's Smooth Chincilla Overcoats, silk lined $35PATENT BEAVER AND KERSEY OVERCOATSBlack} Oxford, Blue and Brown-All Lengths.American Kerseys French back or semi-loose back .... $15St. George Kersey Overcoats, all fashionable shapes .. $18Silk Lined or Worsted Lined Silk Topped Kerseys .. $20of tire U. of C. men have their clothesmade by Carver & Wilkie but MANYthe BEST DRESSED ones do.'Carver & WilkieCOLLEGE SUITSTAILORS1 l_8_5_1_89__D_ea_r_bo_r_n_st_· �1.>--------------------------------------------------------�I$35,00University Style $3.00 per .Doz.Student's Special $3.50 per DOz,. They Fill that Empty Space at Home.<!e�motr'� �boto �tutlio243 EAST 55th ST��----------------------------�/phone Hyde Park-16.(t�<��.r\··H .. E. SHOREYTHETAILOR382 Republic BuildingRooms 73-74$35.00 COLLEGE SPEt:IALL-------�--------------�.�WATCH FOR THE MAROON CHRISTMAS ADVERTIS$""; MENTS AND PATRONIZE. OUR ADVERTISER�AT THE_._-,----: .UNION HOTEL and RESTAURANTWILL FIND RESTAURANTS ON TWO FLOORS.WILL FIND A SPECIAL AFTER- THEATER ME�t1,. WILL FIND SPLENDID SERVICEServing only the Best the Market Affords111 to 117 RANDOLPH ST�EE1� .tcWe make a Specialty of Club, FraternIty DI�n.rs. t�Finest Orchestra in the CIty /' ..�----------------------��Phone Central ..1260THE WHITE HOUSEFlorist and DecoratorTeddy Callos, Prop.' B O. R 0 E.Nt� csICondensed Milk, FlUId .Milk,and Buttertuilk_:. J.df.ALL BOTTLED IN THE ��Borden's Condensed �,327-329 E. Ferty-seY .19;1 WABASH An. CHICAGO/', 'TilE DAILY MAROON, CHICAGO, FRIDA Y, DECEM:I1ER 14, r906.START A PRINT SHOP FOR-B. Stetson UruversitvJohn,AFFILIATED WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO.4 COLLEGES, 5 SCHOOLS, 14 BUILDINGS.48 IN FACULTY. STUDENTS MAY BEGINWORK DURING THE WINTER QUARTERAT STETSON AND RECEIVE THEIR CRE�DITS AT CHICAGO. �:I�'Stetson is in the land of flowers.Tsunshine, bl ue skies and balmy oceanbreezes. Summer recreations run through the winter. Costly buildings, elec­t! ic lights, electric bells, cement walks, shell roads, broad avenues, spaciouscampus, tropical shrubbery and trees. Large increase this year in all de-partments. ..;ADDRESS: PRESIDENT LINCOLN HULLEY, Ph.D.,DE LAND, :FLORIDA.:'South Side TransferLindsay Storage Co.BAGGAGE-EXPRESSI2Wagons Lv. 487 E. 63d St. 9 a. m.,noon,3 p. m.5 '3DearboMl St., 10 am., 3 :30 p. m.,.op.m.lOne Sunday trip-Trip:> to Wood­awn and Enilewood Stations._ MOVING-PACKING-SHIPPINGWe have careful men and equipmentfor moving Household Goods. and Pi­anos in Hyde Park, Woodlawn andEnglewood. Special attention livento packing. and shipping,OFFICES110-324 Dearborn StreetTel. Harrison 4923. 487 E. Sixty-third StreetTel. Hyde Park n61. .Bath andTowelWool Soap is a white, floating, toilet andbath soap. Absolutely pure. Towelswashed with Wool Soap are left clean,sweet smelHng-and soft. Try WoolSoap in YOUR home. Get 'a cake ofyour dealer.Swift & Company, U. S. A.Makers 'ofSwift's PRIDE Soap and Washing PowderTo cure"1 and hunger"You should goSouthwestSanta Fe Southwestand buy a farrn.:'8� . !08 tO�da�Ou done so t.en years ago, or even fiye,'youwould be wenl'her; �erely by Increase in land values.' .l'ake IS still some good land left. . '-. ..'. .:See the eoa trtp through the II Santa Fe Southwest". this Fall, anduntry for yourself! ., .., .. .Homeseekers' Excursionsfirst and third Tuesdays,' monthly, . approxi- 'mately half fare, one way and round trip. ".:Exact rates' on request..For further particulars addressGeneral Passenger OfficeRailway Exchange Building,Chicago, Ill.Ask for "S;nta Fe Southwest" land folder,al",o "Free U, S. Govt. Lands" folder.I I patterns.I have built up thelargest exclusive ready­to-wear clothes businessin Chicago by selling'only the best.GET THE· HABITI t will be worth' you rwhile to drop in and seethem. You will not beurged to buy.Marshall Field & Co. FOR E MANELEMENTARY SCHOOL TOTS.Youngsters At University ElementarySchool Getting Out Calendar AsFirst Attempt.A print shop has been started in theUniversity Elementary School, andthe children are learning the printingtrade. The first work to be producedby the little printers is to' be a calen­dar for the year I 907, to be ready to­morrow, in a limited edition of onethousand copies. Every pupil in theschool .will have some hand in thework of publication.The calendar will be a work of art,printed in green and gold on buff pa­per. The designs will be original­all the work of the students. in theschool. The calendar will be sold forfifty cents a copy, and the receiptswill be devoted towards "giving a liftto some children who haven't had aI I fair chance," as the announcement ex­presses it. Following is an explana­tion which appears as a part of thecalendar:"We have just fitted up a print shopin the University Elementary Schoolwhich has for Its motto: 'The BestWork We Can Do.'"I t is generally agreed that if any­body ever finds work coming fromour shop that is not both beautifuland good-the best work we can do­the machine is to be stopped, cleanedup, reoiled and a fresh start is to bemade."With this understanding, the Uni­versity of Chicago Elementary Schoolis preparing a calendar in its printshop for the good year Nineteen Hun­dred Seven .. Everybody in the schoolis going to have something to do withthis calendar before we are done withit. The designs are to be original-,that is, so far as things in this worldcan be original with anybody-andwe intend to decide for ourselveseverything about it except the numberof days in the year."The price' of this calendar will befifty cents, and 'we shall print onethousand copies and no more for any­body. We are expecting to use themoney that we receive in two ways.First, we shall pay our honest debts;second, we know some children whodo not have a fair chance, and we aregoing to give them a lift."The Calendar will be ready about.the fif,teenth of December, and if peo­ple send us their names and money atonce we shall send out the calendars.as long as they last, in the order thenames' come in. We shall get theword if you write to the UniversityElementary School Print Shop, theUni�ersity of Chicago.DISCUSSES BOOK ON FRANCE.Le Cercle Francais Hears Talk ByMr. Babcock-Work of ClubCircles.At the meeting of Le Cercle Fran­cais yesterday afternoon Mr. Babcockdiscusse.d a book which is now at­tracting considerable attention amongAmerican students in French, "TheDiscovery of the Old World By AnAme�ican." The book, although writ­ten by a Frenchman, who has trav­eled much in the United States, iswr-itten in the style of an Americanstudent traveling in France; and in­geniously compares France and theUnited States. Mr. Babcock readseveral of the most interesting pass-ages.The conversation groups have be-come an important part of the club.There the students discuss currentquestions or literary topics, as theyplease. One group is now criticallydiscussing the short stories of Doudet..Another is studying the 'present stateof church and government of France.Telephone your want ads to theDaily Maroon, 426 Hyde Park.Patronizf' Daily Maroon advertisers.�----�'----�----��. Som� Christmas Thingsfor the GirlsRingsBraceletsNecklacesBelt PinsHat PinsBroochesBeadsCrossesLocketsBon' Bon BoxesBook MarksCard CasesGlove ButtonersHat Pin HoldersJewel BoX'esManicure SetsPerfumesAtomizersvVork BoxesCorrespondence PapersBook CoversCalendersFountain PensGlove BoxesMirrorsFansHandkerchief BoxesTable CoversPillowsBook CoversOpera BagsOpera GlassesPocket BooksShopping BagsGlove CertificatesLace HandkerchiefsA CAPITAL BOOKTHECOLLEGE STUDENTAND HIS PROBLEMS,By JAMES H. CANFIELD.of Columbia UniversityFor the college student who reallycares to ask, why he is .in collegeat all? Why he has chosen onecollege rather than another?How he can get the most out ofhis first year? Out of fraterni­ties, athletics, and other collegeenterprises? What his electivesshould be and his choice of a lifework?IIf A helpful book in shaping one's'II ideals and learning the secret ofsuccess.Cloth, 16mo., ,1.00 Net.For Sale at the Book Store.•� Spltding'sODlcialtrek" BallGul��contatnlllJr theNEW RULESwith full page explanatory pictures. Ed­Ited by Walter Camp. The largest FootBall GuIde ever publtshed, Full of football Information; reviews; forecast:schedules. captains; records; scores;pictures of over 4.000 players.. Price, 10 cents.A. G. SPALDING & BROS.,Nell' York, Chicago, at. Louis, San Fran·ctsco, Mlhneapolis, Denver. Buffalo, Syr­acnae, Pittsburg, Philadelphia, Boston,Washington, Cincinnati, Baltimore, Kan­sas City, New Orleans, Montreal, Can.;[,ondon, Eng. j Hamburg, Germany.Send your name and get a free copyof the new Spalding Fall and WinterSports Catalogue, contalnlng picturesand prices of all the new seasonableathletio �Ood8. AR.,CADE�WClupeco Shrunk Qyarter Size Collar15 cents each: 2 for 25 centsCLUETT, PEABODY &. CO.Makers ofCluett and Monarch ShirtsMoney ·Savingtime at my shop. Youcan geta$25 or $30 Qual­ity Overcoat for $20 now­adays, or a $20, $22 or$25 Quality Sui t tor$16.50 and your tailorwould charge you twiceas much' to duplicate anyone of them.Every garment all woolhand tailored, perfectlyfitted and of exclusiveClothes of Quality92-94-96 Washington St.Bet. Dearborn and Clark Sts.Open Saturday evening until 9 p. m.Telephones Hyde Park 18 and 09S7 .A. McAda:rnsThe University... F lor; • t •••GREENHOUSES:Cor. 534 St. anti Kim�rk Ave. ChicagoConklin'sPenSelf-fillingFor busy people.No bother.Fills itself.Cleans itself.No dropper.N othi ng to take apart.Nothing to spill.A dip in ink, atouch of thumbto nickel cres­cent and thepen is full,ready to write.All the hellt dealers every- •wher"_StatlonerR. Dr n 8'­t18tll. Jewelers-bandle tllet�1f��� r�8��1��� &��t��It. (\)SUI no more than otheronntam pans of bl's.t grade.00 styles and 8jllif'� to selecttrom shown In our CAtalog :-'-' ..fnrnl8hel1 free upon request, .: 6/.�J{J.:'1Any malte or �tyla of fonn- ;, & 'y.�' "�taln pen repaired promptly. 1<' J, ·",1· �TDE CONKLIN PEN CO. Jf:' /;.j/�61f-1Il" ,Je.er.DD "VI'., TDledo, O. ;':"9' '/ �801e IIft'r. ConkllD Stolt-FIIJlIl T PellResidence: Phone1P.33 Arlington PI. Lake View 102-1Phone Harrison 1644Goldsmith's OrchestraI. Goldsmith, Director.)ffice, Cable Piano Company,"Vabash and Jackson. CHICAGO.Phones:Office. ILP. J78R. Residence, H. P. iflI.Bor. jfrtb mll. parker�r. Ralpb mll. lOarkrrDENTISTSq24<) Kimbark Ave.Hours 0-12. Cor. 63rd St.1:30-5. .1r :GENTLEMENWHO DIE" FOIln1£IUTllSS. 'ID CO.FOIIW£AlM •• ,IOYED IBOSTONGARTER. .-J'.- ���.,�.'.'.�"4 . -' ..�o. OEO. ROftCO . .,JraUnBa.too ....... t'. B. A.__ ..",ALWAYS EASY--"'1111 __ .,ftTop loor ofTh. Pullman Company Buill,. c.t. Adama 81. ud .. � ......HaveYou The YouWillTipBeen Top LikeTher6? Inn It INI?1AL PERFORMANCE' OFCOLLEGE OPERA �ONIGHT(Continued from Page I.)Another, the "Tea Song," follows:'Tis the merry tea brigade we are,I Each one Rnows how to spoon, sirs.\Ve'H' known by all both ncar andfar,"Morning.\\' e arc girls of knowledge, and th ..,man in college,Doesn't live that we haven't se cn, sirs.Tink, tank. clink. clank .. tink a tank atink tank, spoons on tca-cu»ring\V),ell we're drinking tea who is sogay as wc,As happy and gay as a king.The patronesses for the benefit are-:Xl csdarncs George E. Adams, Em­mons Blaine, Joseph Bond, }. J.Glessner, Wallace Heckman, CharlesH itch cock, Charles L. Hutchinson,Harry Pratt Judson, C. C. Kohlsaat.William R. Linn, Frank O. Lowden.John J. Mitchell, Harold F. McCor­mick, Andrew McLeish, O. W. Nor­ton. Martin A. Ryerson, A. A.Sprague. Herman von Holst. LymanA. Walton, H. M. Wilmarth, and theMisses Helen Culver and Mary Me­Dowell.I, AM U 3 EM E N"l'S "I RAFFlE TO LECTURE'"' _ BEFORE ROYAL LEAGUE.New Theater(ENDOWED.)'r1INST�NTSUCCESSHAUPTMANN'SELGAFirst TimeOn AnyEnglish-SpeakingStage.Prices SOC ;0 $2.00.Jpecial Ratas to University Stud_aLa Salle ..OthersComeandGo, But­THE TIMETHE PLACE andTHE GIRLGoesOnForeverColonial.Theater BeautifulTHE GRAND MOGULwithFRANK MOULON,.\ • * * ** *..• SOTHERNandMARLOWE•* * * * •Po\vers. 'FRANCIS WILSONin HisLatest and G:-eatest Comedy Succ�ssTHE MOUNTAIN CLIMBER.• Persian Student In University ToTalk Monday Night On PersianPolitics.Mirza Sinon: Raffle, the Persianstudent ill medicine :I; the University.will deliver an illustrated lecture be­fore the Engineers' Council of theRoyal League at the Masonic Tem­ple building next Monday night' at 8o'clock, His subject is "The Politic­al Situation In Persia." Raffie is anexperienced lecturer, having spokenbefore many assemblages, on various .phases of life in Persia. Last winterhe gave a series of talks before thestudents of the University.PHILOSOPHERS WILL DANCEWomen to Entertain Men of Col.­lege with Dancing this Afternoonat Reynolds Club.•Students interested in Stetson Uni­\"Crsity will meet the rcprescntativcsof thc Florida-going railroads thismorl11ng at 10 :30 in Cobb ill. Som·.!reduction, or' extra advantages, will bcotTercd to those making the trip in agroup. Last ycar twenty-one went toStctson in the winter quarter. DRPOTEATSPEAKSTOWOIIENr'" ,Says Sound Education Should LeadTo Knowledge of Christ.That sound education must culrnin- .ate in the knowledge of Christ, was Fireproof Storage " Van C�;"the keynote of the address of Presi­dent Poteat to the women of the Ju-nior colleges at chapel exercises yestcrday morning. "The greatest proph­ets have been almost unknown," hesaid,' Sound education interprets his-tory, human spirit and all knowledgefrom thc standpoint of the ChristianFrank L. Dickinson, who has as­sisted Director Stagg as secretaryduring the last season and who willcoach the baseball team this winter,has recovered from an operation forappendicitis and was about the earn­pus yesterday Ior the tirst time.Telephone your want ads to theDaily Maroon, Hyde Park 426. __ ._. __ .....-_ .. _._,___._.__ .. __ �t"' ••G.enI' a...._ .... .5L ... ", ... at.An._......D :tfIoo..... alIO.ceL·."A.DEIFS.UItIIITU .... PlAlloa. nUlla. IlERCHANDISE and PAilaLIDauvmmD TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY, DEPOTI'AIID IVaURBa.Branch Ol&ce. Informatica oA..UDiy. of Chicago.R. R. Warehouse,Chicqo JUIlction R. I.40th and Calumet.THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSEd. ISTORAGE COMPANY�boDe 11,de Park 171 Kimbark Ave. & FiftJ-8idIt...The Cleanest and Best Kept Storale� Warehouse in the CitY • • •.., I'anaJtue aDd PlaDa. KOTed. Stored, Pacte4&Dd as&Jpfiato. � at the world. lOG Pri.,.te StorqellOOllL x.. 'Pal .... B:ulaalnlJ' for PlaDoa. Booms for �..:=.. ,_ __j __ �_�' _,.1Ir!',.. � Boom for Carriqea. BUGles &D4 .,,... ..- ,J!6iC="'� AlCJ) - J'aOM·ALL DBPOTB. ., ..... ,.. s ._ ............. ture. � etc.. at abort DotIc&,. ". .. '. " ,': 8pedaI AttatioD QlftD to UDlTenltJ OIMILMO�El<N ,H�TEL, large diningroom and lunch-counter, will starbusiness at the northeast corner 0Drexel avenue and Fifty-fifth stree. about January I.,Best rooms, best meals, popular pricesWatch paper for opening date. -t PATRONIZEf TilEt UNIVERSITYPHARMAcr'.5()o E. 55th Street. .'R R. BOWAN. Prop. :..s "e -' ,- -. .... - ---t lIeeKS,•• W AND SECOND-BAQ :at Lowest Pric� -MElW 1._ ,415 E. 57th street. ,.-."U1UH4T.WIIJUt. do you get yourN ... pap ..... P .... odlcal ... datatloD.I"7?At NORTON"SPhoeU6 JI7de Park Free Delivery.348 57th StreetETj\e �oot StuJidDllBAIL BALL .243 W.bLeh Ave.Odafnal Ideas and Exclusive StylesiaPHOTOGR.APHS••• 01.1 a..le. to u_ or c. Stad •••The art-loving old Greeks used tosay their best sculptors had "the gol­The social committees of the Col- den thumb"-lege of Philosophy of Women have Because their touch in fashioningplanned for a most enjoyable affair wonderful figures in marble was sothis afternoon, The occasion will be true and fine.a dance given by the Philosophy \Vo- If anything in the zeth Centurymen to the Philosophy men at the tailor's work requires "the goldenReynolds club from 4 to 6. There thumb," it is the making of eveninCwill be a number of cotillion figures clothes.introduccd, and although Miss Hin- That is why we devote our utmostm.:l1 cannot be prcsent to lead them, skill to this exacting garment, so 35as was hoped. thcy arc expected to to express gracefully the lines (IfAnd Great Company of One Hundred fi Iprovc an enjoyable feature. Espec- your gure.ially strenuous efforts will be madc And to stamp the clothes so in-The Garrick by the committees to transform delibly with your own person�lity that• * would-bc "wall flowers" into the gay- no other man could wear them any'• cst of the gay. more than he could wear your hat.Come in and let us show you !Jow* OFFER RATES TO STETSON. we can do this for you.Drop in today. Your visits bringus luck.• Representatives of Railroads WillMeet Students In Cobb This\Ve set all hearts in tunc, sirs .And if so be some churlish lout,Our tea will not drink up, sirs,We straightway drive the rascal out.By clinking on our cups, sirs! religion."So we wink, wink, wink, and W('drink, drink, drink. from tilt' .Dickinson Recovers from Operation.dawn till ten-fifteen, sirs,For Sale-Gent's di�ner suit; fine... aaa ..... _� _. cloth; good as new; $10; overcoat,.... CWW ·· ' ,'$3; both 42·size:· 'Enquire at Maroon..................... 1�IL.-· -office,_ ... __ JI!l!-----Fine viands and rare wines, theglint of crimson Burgundy. theprimrose of brilliant Moselle. thejeweled juice of Hungary, the spar­kle of all the nectars-that is asuggestion ofVogelsang·s182 M1DIMH STUU_But the physical excellence of itis not its most w)nsome quaJity.The witchery of the place Iiesjnits indescribable hospitality.And the Vogelsang habit is.good habit.(There is orily on« V06IUllli6',,) All branches of Mathematic[taught by University graduat! {woman y. Highest" testimonialsPrice. SO cents per hour. Inquire aMaroon office.Found-The best place to board isat the College Inn, 60th street andElIis avenue.--------Tailor for Young Men.TWO STO�ES131 La Salle Street, and'" Jacbon BIYd. For SaJe.ALL LIFE 18 A BATTLE AND A MARC�I• . w� Gab �."" � aDel �lll"'t can eTer hope to conquer.MALT MARROW�� =' .J'IIlt"e Ulna of Ilopa aa. malt I" food. drink and me!lc:ln� all In on(' Tt=�c::a� braiD aDd In'aWll: It IIOar.slln tile blood and tones up tbe sr�·:.:mn biibbl •• 0Jer' wltll •• tdeDt r.:operna for tile s'ck and wounded In 1"f •::�dl����� Iaeal II, b4 IJU'eDuoas. at to cope successfullv �"�- ,- .. --; .� .. , - __ ._... - ...IhAVOY MALT a.RACT DEPT., CHICAGOFa.aa_'_ '**kt-"£8li.'\n' � of the Wesc."__ ii;:iI=-----�'!!!!::=!!== __ ��.- .E. Golden ThumbThe For Rent.c-Nicely furnished room;II�W' building. S09 East 53d street, rstapartment ..For Rent.-One front room; light,warm ; use of kitchen if desired.Mrs. Sommers, .•. E. 55th St; top fit.Tel., 3691 Hyde Park. Yale GetsThree.CFor Rent-Parlor-back parlor, andbedroom en suite; new furniture;'sunlight in each room. 5821 JacksonAve.; znd flat. ECKERSJiLtFour Out Cllect MarcFRESHiiEN!Have ,fOU ..teeD theUniversity of· Cbicgo- So .. Book?Get. cow."t. ou can see them :;: Room 35. .MiddleD., beuveen 1(,;3(' aDd 12:00. Althoughcan footbalpicked by 1have been IIn four ofchosen quaLibby, of (and Dillonthe Navy, ;:received oner besides 1far been ccin the sea!Parry of (nesota and?Iichigan wThe comchosen byEastern crYale, andBigelow, Yton, tackleThompson,berger, Yalago, quPrinceton.er, of Yale,that Waitesemble this��':"Ji�' t��u:picking the: being easiljions 'wereshould be IPUllen, of 'of Harvardfor the pos.QJldidatescenter, butreceived fivsitions. H(almost unacenter. no (by more theAs to thwere considquarterbackW2s as mumiele, the mthe latter rtstrength oflast year.season's chrof Yale, an(ceived posiboth were ilOf the (have beenfor All-Amyears. Edat end andpicked lastwas put atwas chosenYale is' rcthis teamHan-ard. 'ceach.ENTERTAPhilOSophyInforrnaThe PhilRa"e an infof the Collethe ReYnol,"-ell attend�accesful th.� afttr tht ho273 East S_$.$ �Str"t. Chicago. IllinoiS,r.;�- . "IA. p s � ••••a----------�'!""J;.:,;�'_#f'.,........ ,c. MOORE, FLOR.IST,•