Published Five Morning's Each Week- by 'the ", Students of the University of Chicago During Three Quarters of the UDiYel'Sity Year.VOL. V. No. 19. Pala Two C&xTs.CH I CAGO. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 26, 19a6.FAIR VOTE IS POLLEDFOR SENIOR COUNCILORSDean Shepardson's New System,Brings out Over a HundredVoters. DRAMATIC CLUB PLAN TRIALSLarge Number of' Places Open toMen and. Women .in, Organizatioll - TrialsTake' Place Oct. 31 aDd 'Nov. I.The autumn trials for the Univers-*DEBATE CLUB TO BE ACTIVE'MAR,OOIS Ill-LAST HARDPRI-CTiCE FOR CARDINALSMASS MEETING WILLPREPARE FOR INDIAIAr: --- ity Dramatic Club have been an-M�<l of Voters Favor Cap and Gown nounced to take place on Wednesday, Plans Provide for Large Atte:DdaDcePlan as Presented-Balloting at Harmony Dinner in Evenin�October 31, and Thursday, November -Speakers Chosen.Continu�s Today. tors of former yc:ars, declared! issdetermination yesterday morning to In-I. On the first day mentioned allOne hundred and three votes out of candidates for places will appear anda possible 391 were e-st in the Senior give their selections before a com­College elections yesterday, which mittee of five. The committee wrllaugurs fairly well for the new system include the .president of the Club, oneinstalled as an experiment by Dean member from the Ciub, Miss Haskcl!Shepardson. All Senior college stu. and three members of the faculty.- dents were expected to cast votes forSenior College Councilors and at thesame time write "yes" or "no" on aseparate slip for the "Cap and Gown"question in favor fOI or against th enew plan. The balloting on bothquestions witi continue until 4:00o'clock this afternoon, when the fatf"of the 'Cap and Gown" and of theSenior College Council will be decidedby the counting of the ballots.As to the voting for councilors lit­tle can be estimated," as the voterswere backward about disclosing theidentity of their candidates, but asto the "Cap and Gown" matter fewseemed hesitant in the expression oftheir sentiments. A large majority ofvotes were in favor of accepting �heplan submitted by the committee, asoutlined in Tuesday's issue of PIeDaily Maroon. People who voted"yes" favored the plan, and in nearl ...every case "yes" was the word in:..scribed on the ballot.There seems to be more than USU] iinterest in the Senior College Coun­cil elections this quarter, and it isexpected that over 75 per cent of theSenior College vote will be cast be­fore the pons close this afternoon.No little campaigning has been don'!by the candidates. and the groundhas been pretty thoroughly coveredPolitical schemes of no uncertain tonewere unveiled during the processyesterday and rumors of a shake-upin the student politics line are fre­quent.Dean Shepardson says that the newvoting system is just an experimentand that its permanency will dependupon its efficacy in getting out a larg«and satisfactory vote. One possiblealteration in the plan, as suggestedby Dean Shepardson is the allowanceof a week between nomination andelection. in which time the candid­ates can get in their campaign work,oWOMEN'S UNION MOSTHELPFUL ORGANIZATION-Dean Breckinridge Tells JuniorWomen Benefits of ReligiousBand.Dean Breckinridze gave a talk ves­terday morning ;" the Junior Girlshapel exercises, Shc said "Tn collegehe need of spechl interest. as ; literature. society. or rc1ifi,tion.i:' very keenly felt. To satisfy these\ have. besides classes. clubs intcr­·sted in special subject'::. like theGerman Club. Glee Club. Athh:tkSSoclatlOn. Dramatics Cluh. amiChristian League. A 11 these are vcr.'"neticial in their way. but the or.nilation that do�s more good thanny other. because it combines m:.ny,f them into one. is the Wom:m'snion. Here are furnished differentays for different subjects. and theJnion helps immeasurably to �".�he girls the full measure of richnjoyment outside (It college life." This committee will perform theweeding out process and on the fol­lowing day such promising materialas they may select will appearbefore the entire membership of theClub for final judgment. Six plac-esamong the women and seven for menare open and if available material -ip­pears all of these will be filled.At the first meeting of the Club,W ednesday. the production of thefir st play for this year was discussed.It was decided that the play shall beof a heavier character than hereto­fore has been the custom. It wilt'be selected from the classics an-Iis to be well deserving of all thcserious effort that the organizationcan muster.Shakespeare's "Comedy of Errors"was considered and also the works ofthe modern English poet, StephenPhillips, including his "Herod" ami"UlYsses."- There is also the probab­iJity that some of the work of Mrs.Peabody may be chosen. The finaldecision was left to a committee toreport at the next meeting.FIRST SOCCER GAME TODAYPhilosophy to Meet Combined Sci­ence-Literature-Arts Squads at4 O'clock.This afternoon at 4 o'clock on Man­del Field will be played the first s oc­cer game 'of the season, the Philoso­phy tea,n standing the rest of .heJunior college. The "dope" favorsthe combined Science-Arts-Literatu-eteam, as its strong aggregation hasthe best men of last year's teams.Philosophy, however, will have thebetter of the argument in the' teamwork.The game will be supervised !,vMr. Ward, of the Hibernian team.who is also coach of the varioussquads.The lineup of the teams for thisafternoon's contest follows:Philosophy. Pos. S. L. A.Ruffcorn Goal WatermanDunn L. F. B. GrayL. Loose R. F. B. BuchnerHostetter L H. B. A. Barro-sMiller C. H. B. J. BarronKixmiller R. H. B. CallanrineCummins L. \V. F. SandersonAdams I. L. F. PeacockHeRin C. F. RubinkamLake T. R. F. Ling!·.!C. Loose O. R. F. PenneyOHIO PUNISHES HAZERFIRST TIME IN HISTORYMarietta Probate Court Fines TwoHigh School Boys.Marietta, Oh�. Oct. 25.- The lirstconviction for hazing in Ohio was se·cured in the Probate Court here to­clay when Sidney Colt and Clarenc.�Ti1:.hetts were fined for attemptiil�to kidnap and haze their schoolmat�.Frank Bartlett. son of a wealthy oi1operator. Platform Club Pbns Vigorous Cam­paign to Get Men Out fo� DebateTeam.:-old Dcbaters Elicible-SixScholarships to � Given. BacJdield Continues Stellar Work­New 'Plays Not Yet Entirely Mas-," w.ed-Ec:kie in Fine Form.Practice Rally in Kent at Ten-thirtyWill be Preliminary to FirstBig G2lIle..)'. .:......::!�' ..... The platform Club, which is com­posed 'of' members of the teamS and University ora- "Jimm:r" .... Sheldon Confident of, diana Victory-Cardinal Teamin Best of Shape.and make this year the most active in tneUniversity's debating history.Those members who are stiJI atthe University met in the Law Build­ing to lay plans for getting out alarge number of candidates at tiletrials next Thursday evening. Itwas found that there are some excell-* * * Indiana. tomorrow. Coach Stagg'"practically untried combination hasfor its opponents in the second gameof the season a team of nine veter­ans, everyone of whom, along withthe coach, is confident" of winningfrom Chicago.Where Purdue was weakest theHoosiers are strongest. This yearthe good ends are a necessity. Ofcandidate's' fo� the end position "Jim­rily�. sh.�fcia'n,. . th� Cardinal coach,lias five, all excellent and sowell matched that only one, FrankMcCarthy, star ·)f the 1905 team,has his place cinched. He hashad a bad shoulder, which togetherwith his parents' objections. kept himout of it until this week, but he de­cided that he could not stand it onth� side lines any longer, so he donn­ed' his fighting clothes and joined thesquad. He is said to be one of thebest end men who ever played with� crimson team, and, although heweighs only a little over 150, he is asfearless as he is fast,Bloomington is wild with footballenthusiasm, and sao people are ex­pecte,fiO. come to the game from thecollege town alone, in addition tothose who will come on the specialtrain which is to be run from Indian­apolis. Coach "j immy' Sheldon ISnot in the habit of making predictionsthat he does not thoroughly believein, and his statement that the Hoos­iers are not going to Chicago to loseis 'accepted as absolute truth by thepeople of the next state. Yesterday,afternoon the Cardinals took theirlast practice before leaving for thegame."The men are all in fine shape andare going to put up the game of theirlives," is the last message receivedfrom Coach Sheldon. "They executethe new formations with great speed,.. passing the ball quickly and accur­* ately. Tighe is the cnly regular who.. is really not in condition. He has aninjured side, but is practicing anJ.. will start in the Chicago game,.. Should he be compelled to retire,.. Markle, a brother of the famous.. Swarthmore center, will take hisAnother day of mass meetingsenthusiasm begins this morning withthe cheer practice and rally in Kent,and ends with the "harmony dinnerin Hutchinson Hall tonight. By to­morrow every rooter in the Univers­ity who has loyalty enough to com"out will know exactly what to expectat the Indiana game, both as to ihegame and the cheering at it.The yell practice in Kent will begin promptly at 10 :30, in order thatit may close before time for eleveno'clock classes. :M'embers of the teamwill tell what they know about thecontest, and the cheer leaders willteach the rooters new yells and modi-fications of the old ones. 'The athletic authorities. in endeav- ent men who have already declaredtheir intention to try for the teams,but that under the new rules whichgo into force this year' there is roomfor many more.: Committees were appointed to lookover the various divisions of theUniversity and give more publicityto the arrangements by which thedebating teams are selected.Two facts not widely known wereespecially emphasized in the discuss­ion: that each' of the six successfulcandidates this year will receive asa prize a scholarship for' two quar­ters, equivalent to eighty dollars ancash, and that under the new rulesdebaters who have already repres­ented the University are again' elig­ible. At �leasi;)wo . old debaters willM- Iilgain in the field this yeaT, aridwill insure an experienced nucleus iorthe teams.The Club decided to appeal alsoto the various college and class de­bating dubs which were so active lastyear to co-operate :n getting odt can­didates .and in continuing their v:11-uable work. Dr. bretz the presi­dent of the Cub, will receive eitherpe-rsonally or otherwise, or throughthe faculty exchange, the names ofmen who intend to try for the team'•.. If you are a senior college 'stu- ,... dent don't forget to vote for .... councilors today. Vote at the ..Who had a great record as half-bad: .. senior office between 9 and 12. 'tin 1904 and 1905. and bids fair to .. A. M., and 2 to 4 P. II.. Theeclipse this as en-I this year. .. nominations follow:• Di'9'ision I.'oring to co-operate with the stu- • G. A.�rdents in getting first-class cheering • H. J. Corper.throughout the season are providing * DiViaion 2-leading batons such as are used in the* R. S. F�East. for the cheer leaders, and large * Edith La� .megaphones will be ready for their * Division J.use at the game. .,The dinner at six o'clock in Hutch- * R. Eddy Matbewa.inson will in the main be similar to * N. L. Kraepr.* S. A. L)'On.that given to Purdue a week ago. _ Division 4-Among the speakers will be CoacnStagg, Coach Sheldon. Witherbee, the • H. G. Moulton.I ndiana student representative. Cap- * W. B. Gray.• Di9bAODtain Hare, Captain Eckersall, Doctor 5·Goodspeed. Doctor Raycroft, and 11 * W. E. Wrather.umni of both universities. * K. A.. Crosby.Every man in the University is in- • Paul BuhJi&.vited to be present. It is belicved * Division 6.that adNlllate aran��emcnts have been • P. F. Dunn.made by which the cxtra ntlwhcrs • Eleanor Day.may be handled, mIl a large turno\lt • E. G, Fe1senthalif, desired. .. W. P. Henneberry.... L. W. Hoffman.OXFORD ABOLISHES • Althea Warren.SENIOR WRANGLERSHlp· • * • * place."• The Indiana alnmni in the city- are• making great prepar at ions to attend.. Saturday's game, George COOK,• president of the local alumni, has sen:• out 'notices for a rally. and the HO.)3-• ier' "grads" are expected to turn out• in force. Mr. Cook has received• word that his Alma Mater's team will• enter the game with an average• weight of 174. if nothing happens, an• average of two pOl!nds to the man• Over Chicago's weight.• Another bit of news which has� come to the President of the Chi-• cago Alumni of Indiana University• is that much of the time in the secret* • practice of the last two weeks ha.;• been spent in developing the defensefor Captain Hare's kicking.Bear stories are a curiosity justnow in the Indiana camp.Chicago's last 1lard practice beforethe game was run off in better shap'.!than any other this week. rh�"twentieth century" backfield work�'Jin the same manner that it did :nScore Club to Give Dance.The Score Club held it� first meet­ing yesterday in Cobb.' WinstonHenry was appoir.ted head of thedance committee.' The first' dancewilt be given to the U.,iversity 011Novemher 16. in Rosalie Hall.University Senate Does Away Wit"1Historic Honor.(Continued to Paa-e 4->Cambridge. England. Oct. 25.--Bya vote of 206 to 160 the senate of th\!University this aftclDoon adopted �hcrecommendations of the special bo:.rdfor mathematics im'olving' the aboli­tion of the senior wranglership. Pen Club meeting Friday morningat 10:30 in Cobb�thetoan':'HR DAILY MAROON. CHICAGO, FRInA V. OCTOBEROtlldul Studt-lit l'ubllc8t1on of tbe Untver- New EditorIIHy of <.:hku&:o.Chosen. Hatfield, '06, from ::�.. vhat we may, \\,;Ii:t' ':�t'Sl' men n'!a::lassociate editorial tbat :·!!i�Ul!l'.board. �lr. IbttiddThe editors of the Daily Maroon enough to pull :or the Univcr-rtv,.mnounce with regret the resignat-on Chicago would need no apaloziv;of Mr. William HII��1a There is not a Chicago ";.irit. ""1\'has been connected with the paperfor a number of years, and has servedit well, winning his place in one oithe severest competitions ever heldfor the board. The nature of \;3work makes it .necessary for him to Iwithdraw.To till the vacancy of xr-. Hatfic1ILresignation, the editors are pleased t.,mnounce the election of �Ir. PrestonGass, '09, as associate editor. � uework by which :\lr. Gass earns this 2"romotion cannot Lc praised too hi'�h-Iy by the. editors. His faithfulness.iccuracy and initiative at a time wncn.hc paper was deeply in need of thesejualities on the part of its reporter-swere exceptional; the value of his all- J.Hound work can hardly be over cs-imatcd. It is seldom that the cdr­ors are so justified in unqualified,lraise, and they heartily congratulatevlr. Gass, the Daily Maroon, and theUniversity public which his effortslave served so well for the last .:ear1I1d a half.Team, students, rooters, all! Don'­: 'orgct last year's expe�ience with I n-diana! On October7, 1905. Chicago 0 :er­whelmed Iowa 0'1Marxhall Field. On- 5·_; To 0 InFirst HalfLast Year.week later CoachSheldon and his team invaded Maroon-crritory and found all Chicago ad­herents=-tcam, students, and all-;;':'Iconfident and revelling in the intoxl­r�ation over the Iowa snap, that il�quietly slipped in a few surpri::cs.The Chicago subs were sent in in tht'first half and at the end of that m�n:­nrable thirty-five minutes time tIl\'score stood r ndiana 5, Chicago I).Eck and Hugo Bezdek were sent :11to make up for the scoring in the�'econd half. and Chicago pulled OIl!a hard victory.Last Saturday Chicago had an easy,�;me with Purdue. Next SaturthvCoach Sheldon comes again. witil:line veterans on the team. If thert'is a possibility that Chicago studentsare now so entranced by the showing',gainst Purdue th,lt they cannot �;e('anything but victory ahead, it wou;,the a good plan to look back and profitby last year's experience. Chicagoknows "Jimmy" Sheldon. Look OU�!mitt iaily ilurddl1.\_ news dispatch in the Chicagomorinng papers is to the effect tlla!"Contrast these utterances , .... ith Th .. • four thousand s(,':o.hfollowing exhorta!ion contributed tv Where is the have been sold ;J'the :Michigan Daily: 'Let any senio,', Difference? An!) Arbor up towho may sit in the grand stand where Wednesday night fo-there is no cheeri'1g, he immediately Illinois game which comes on Saturput up by the fellows around h:n·. rlay. We are ashamuJ to annonn'l'.for a yell master. I f he won't le::\I. in comparison with this, the advanceput him off the tic1d-'fussing' or nr, ,;ale for the Chicago-Indiana game.'fussing.' Shame (·n the man WI1.) It cannot be excused on the groundsnever led his college yell !" of the intricacies of the plan recentlv"That's the way they go at it in tIle :ulopted here. :\ similar plan is inW cst. They have acc�pted the <lut·, vogue at Michigan. It shoqld 110�of cheering for the team as a holy be imagined that fhe 11Iin�is gaml' ISduty. Perhaps, after all, the san •. ·.! any more vital for the Maize and BI.II.'feeling rcally reigns in the East, mcl- than is the Indiana g.lme for Chicago.lowed only hy an uneasy consciolls- The difference must lie in the 'It­ness that coll(.'ge ydling, like collegf? titude of the student bodies of th,:sport, may be overdone:' two institutions with respect to the"\Vhen it . d f' g-ames. \Ve arc not thoroughly falll-IS spontaneous an air. iliar with the situation at �I ichig:\'l,cheering is an inspiring accompalli· hut if tickets can sell like that .Itmen to a great athletic contest. \V:'\'11it i� for\'c<l ;I1l<l onc-sidl'd it is a 11\11-,,'oruaerlyThe lJnherslty of Chicago Wet'kly.FoundedThe \\,�kly, October 1. 1{)02.� ews Contributions are requested.":ntl'rl'd 88 Svcond·CloSll llall at the Cht­cago 1'08tolHcl'.Dally Subscriptions.$3.00 per year : $1.00 for � months.SubllcrlptlonK recl'ind at t he llaroon Of­fice, Jo:IIlK aveuue, or Il'tt In t he Maroonbox, the Fueulty E:x('bull�e, Cobb 11011..� Onll'I't; CUi' delhel·.)' or tlie llully llal'Oon,either resldence or pi lice cr busmess, waybe made by postu! card, or through tele-­phone, Hyde Park 4:.!G. Anv IrregutarttyIn (h,Il\'t'I'Y should be Immedfu tely reportedto tbe ullice or publlcut lou.Wm. A. McDermid, Managing Edito:-.R. Eddy Mathews, News Editor.Luther D. Fernald, Athletic Editor.George E. Fuller, Business Manager.FRI DA Y. OCTOllER 26, 1906.".'Printed by the Maroon Press.474 E. 55th Street.EDITORIALSThis morning a mass meeting"something different," will be held IIIKent Theater. It \\ .1:1. he be primarily in' 'I'�nature of a yell prac­ticI!, and will give theUn;versity cheer leafl·ers an opportunity to teach new yellsand work up new eft �cts with the olt}RootingQ�estion.:'�ones.The question of yelling has bee·.lra;sed by an editonal writer of th··Chicago Evening 1 'ost, allli a con­trast is pointed between th� (.'ast.!nJand the western' tl:cory of the )'c:iat athietic contest 5. After descrih­ing the way they uo it at Harvard.the article continues:·'The Yale News is less forwa�d IIIcalling upon the sons of Eli to g'"their vocal chords into proper condi­tion, but this pap�r also tries to b�conservative in the matter of decl;l1-­ing that "cheering should I�Ot beforced-it should be a plain businessproposition; there should be real en­thusiasm behind it to make it chl'er·ing of the right sort:"I�:,S;I1lCC and dis�race."\Y t' ha\'c con\'ictions on tIl\' sl1h·j('ct of rooting. Illinois heat .beCllic:lgf) ha�chall tt'am thi.. �priJl;':l:trgt'ly on tilt' �\1pport from th.:hl";tl'lH'r,,, an<l <milar insta1Lt'"mi�ht he Tllultiplie:1. Cht'l'rin� i� tll·,thi1lg that 1ll:1b,,_ the \'arsity l'O'l­te!'t" !hl, "pkn<li<l (Occasions they :lr<",and wins \'ictnrit''''_Tlw Lnin'r"ity \\';:nt� :-;pnntanco.l ..c�ll'ering_ hilt it w;,nts tra�1H'd. ()�­g;l1l;zt'11 chct'ri1lg. \\ith known ),l,l1,and hardened lun�s and throats hackoi !hl'Ill, lll'1h'l' the mecting tOIl:ty_ A tour of ctisfi�t1ration, charact.�:'­ized hy an the clements of sophor­ic humor of a type of student:'.was iJ1(hllged in It l1linois I�st SUll'lay morning. The town of Urban:.was well "painted up." the numeral ... I����������������������������������"09" bein� marked on doors. doo:-­-teps and wall�. X ot only the re"l­lIence section, particularly in tllcneighhorhood of Green Street, suff·ered. but e\"en the husiness districtwas invaded. According to "Tj,·�111ini:' a larg-e roomin� house onSpringfield :\\'enue \\ as painted acro"'"the entire front. \Valks on the lTniv-Chicago Yells,T!:l' fo!lowin!� \'t'l!� wii] be U�l,t) i.ithe rally today, and at t he :�am�' t ,morrow. Learn t lu m.Varsity :Chicago, Chicago,Chica- Go ! Go!Go Chica- Go Chica-Go Chicago.'"Every Time."Every time we buck the lineWe Go! Go! Go!Who go? We go!Chicago!Loco notive :Rah, rah, rah, rah,Go Chic a- Go Chica,Rah. rah, rah, rah,Go Chica, go ChicaRah, rah, rah, rah,Go Chi ca. Go Chica!(Tig er.)Bulldog'Bow-wow! Bow-wow!Bow-wow! wow! wow!Yea-a-a-aChicago! Wow!Seven Rahs:Rah! Rah!Rah! Rah!Rah! Rah! Rah!The team!The team!The team!(Tiger.)DOCTOR SENN TO GIVELECTURES ON CANCERPublic Addresses to University Stu·dents Will be Delivered on Wed­nesday Afternoons.Dr. Nicholas Scnn, Professor (OfSurgery in the University of Chica�oand in Rush M ��dical College. an,1Surgeon General of Illinois NationalGuard. will deliver a course of lec­tures on Wednesd:lY afternoons du.-­'ng the current <luClrter at 5 o'clOCKin Kent Theater. These lectures art'lpen to all members of the Univers­ty. The first lecture will be devotedto the subject of "The Choice of ;>Profession," and wi)) be of interest,'!specially to all stt:dents of the col­'eges as well as to students in th';."professional schools. The remainin�y'four lectures win he on the Canc�'r'Juestion from a popular standpoin:.ILLINOIS SOPHOMORESON PAINTING RAMPAGEStudents of State University CauseGreat Damage to Property byPainting Numerals.Ann Arhor, it is apparent that th('stnd("nts <10 not have to ha\'e en·thtlsiasm injectcd hy force. "rsity gro:mds :tn,l thnmghoi1t I:,:,If the men who are whirling dis- two towns also rece'i\'e<l their portio·,tr:tct('(lIy in the maelstrom of stn- of the attention t)f the sopholllort':'.knt plllitic .. , or. who, far wor�c. :lrc The t1allla�� <ton(" is �o grl'at th:.!anilllatin� th(.· vari(lus l'(ltlil's of t�ll' ':nn<t)�'rahll' monl'" will hl' t;:kl'n Incnrrent, would lose sight of !lh'ir rt'lllov(' the l'\'ilkllCl'!'i l.f thl' �f1p1t�}-personal (.'I1<b or prt.'judic('s Ion)." mores rampage.Have y')11 sccn theUnivl:rsity of Chicago Song Book'Get a copy."0:1 ('�n sec th·:.'I11 :-.: Room 35. �Iitldl'_'1) .. I)('tW('('11 1('.30 and 12:00.FOWNESGLOVESI f you :oct' s()tlH'thin� hll\'(:rin� 0\','"�rarshall Ficlll YOI1 may know it:· ·.RE A "GOOD THING TO HAVEauother p('nnant looking for a plac·: �ENATHAND" AND ALL GOODCl . D'l N AJ -,ERS HAVE THE M 0 Nto wavc.- llcago al yews. : HAND. STU))F.::'\TSHa\'� YOI1 se('n our "Pyro-\Jono­gram Portraits"-the lat('st thingfor ChristTlla� pre c;ents.�I "'RTY�'S �f:\ ROON ST17DIOSi05 Cottago:: Glove Ave. 1barvard 1bot�1monantl:ioncYo.y.-.:.:--::-.;-: •. :: •. :,:. :�.-:.:--:,: •. :.:- -:.�-::- :':-�-:·):-�·:-*·;-:--Jh·H':-*·lH-Aft,CADE�WOupeco Sbrwak � Size CJIlar15 cents each: 2 for 25 centsCLUETT. PEABODY & CO.Jll4ennfClQe\t aDd )loaan:h Shin. FinestAccommodationsfor StudentsandTeachers 1:y l'wha:of i!">tah(ii:<Ig�e 9{oot �tu�i�KIMBALl. HALL243 Waba::b. An.Original Ideas 31111 Exclusive Styles inPHOTOGRAPliSSpecial R;.') •• s t.J U. or C. �tudeDts ( xar."1::-. �l(Prices ModerateLocation Ideal5714 WashingtoLJ A venua:) car;\ '',fChni:, i]-_-_- ----_._--------COLLEGEjCLOTHES w ill<!emma �. �tfmartUtion:e�t"arlvi"!ooV ogelsang"sWhTA,Are only meant forCollegy fellows, foralert, and style-wise011_ you n g men, withtaste enough to ap­preciate ext r e III eideas, and individu­ality enough to wearthem. Colleqe stylesare originated simul­taneously with the smart ere­tions of N ew York's Fifth A ve­nue tailors. They're fully ayear ahead of the styles shownby "provincial" tailors.BROOK'S CLOTHES13B E. MadiJ"OD St., near ClarkOPEN EVERY NIGHT :\ caft: (If individual tonewhere Ia-tidious folks findcheer a::c..! rdn'shlllcn:-the perfection of twentiethcentury cooking in a de­light iul old-world atmos­phere. )1)\1I oincomandmeaabid(That: is 0"/), (lilt: Vogt.'/sollg's)• Telt:phones II� de l>,.rk 18 nud (J')5! A. McAdamsI Th .. Ur.h·crslt:v.,.Flor:st, ..GREEl'fHOt'SES:Cc..r. 5:>0 St. 3.:1 KilL..:l·k Ave. Chicago CilAlhert �lathews, Pres. Ceo. H. Fiedler, Vice-Pres. F. H. Stratton, Sec.19.1Mathews &, Co. Inc. 1�THE TAILOR SHOPNew Powe::-s Bldg.. 156 Wabash AvePholDESIGNERS OF CLOTHES FOR YOUNG MEN. TEFI<John StetsonB. University tr-AFFILIATED WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO.4 COLLEGES, 5 SCHOOLS. 14 BUILDINGS,48 IN FACULTY. STUDENTS MAY BEGINWORK DURING THE WINTER QUARTERAT STETSON AND RECEIVE THEIR CRE-DITS AT CHICAGO.Stetson is in the land of tlowers, sunshine. blue skies and balmy Summer recreations run through the winter. Costly buildings, elec­tric lights, electric hells, cement wa'ks, shell roads. broad a\'cnues, spaciouscampus, tropical shruhhcry and trees. Large increase this year in all de­parJments.ADDRESS: PRESIDENT LIKCOLN HULLEY, Ph.D.,DE LAND, FLORIDA.JOHN W. DOUGLAS-tcolric�doc:sof.. gi\• th(E);me�[TAILORI�Telephones 4068 Harrison--3884 AutomaticCHICAGO. I--------)51 Jackson Blvd. E.Cincinnati � IndianapolisQUICKLY AND COMFORTABLY REACHED via4 FAsr TRAINSOF THEBIG FOUR ROUTE�.rOST POPULAR OF .. \1.1, TR:\I�S IS THEQUEEN CITY SPECIALLv. Chicago) )a;!),. . II :30 I' �.l, :\�. Cincinnati .. i :45 A. M.('omp;lrtn"'r:t :-l1cl ,,':�t1r1;':-d ��('('i,tr- :,. Clll'::l11ati and local sleeper :011l1!iall;:pco:i ... :\11 .. k('pn'o "i'\-n ill �::t:illn :1i�-:'i o:Jo P. M.TICK ET ()FFI{ E .?3l' C1..\RK ST.I. P. SPINING, Gene:-<:l Northern Agent. CHICAGO,rur t\.\ It. V �rA R(ION. CItlC AGO. l�R1DA Y, OCTOBER .26. 190().You Can't Telll:y realling an ad v ertiscu.cntwhat kin.l «f people arc backof it. nor bow much theirstatements arc worth. Thedi:-:ril11;Jl��ti!l� student \'::11\\,:II:t to sec the establishment,l xamine the goods, also the tin­i�:�ld productions, and 11 )tc(�lrl Iullv "the personell' of the'r •'. C?tll��;:l'll1el)t particularly if heis investing in anything that",ill inflll�nce his lifc for11l()llth�. pkasantly or unplc'1s­antly. a:, does ;l weIl or ilI-h�h­inllcd suit of clothes.Uftill1(,s rhe poorest proeillc­tiollS an: boomcel b" the "ri:�h­('� t" advcrtising'; we thercfcl'cadvise E oi C. coliegians to"!ook anywhlre. evcrywIvrt;!Yl)n will--kfl'ping 1I1 mi,1dI uillts �1tggl'!'-ted ahove-thenc:;mc to our "College Corner"amI "size us up" by the samemeasurc, llnJ we will gla Hyabide by your decision.WE K.VOW /-IOIY TOTAILORCOLLEGE CLOTHES.TAILORS185, 187, 189 Dearborn Sf.Phone Central 2260THE WHITE HOUSEFlorist and DecoratorTeddy C"�lo-: Prop.19.1 WARASII AvE. CIIIC/\GOra foanlrefreshes, andto shave quicklyand comfortably-Shave at Home��.u • -."Well latheredis half shaved."To be well lath­ered withthatwithRorafoam(Trab .llar".)-the new shaving jelly in acollapsible tube, It gives arich, creamy lather, tha tdoes not dry 011 the face. Itsoftcns the beard while it,.gin�s firmness and vigor to• the skin. It contains Pond'sExtract-think what thatmeans.Order from )'Our drllggisi-.2Y·Armour & Company- JNIVERSITY PREACliER IWOMAN'S UNION PLANSTO BE MAN OF NOTE \ PROFITALE PROGRAM_�e\'cren·! VI. J Dawson a Poet, Es, To Have Interesting Series of Lec .SclYl .. r, Dramatist and Evangelist, tures and Classes in Music andto Preach, Art.PHILOSOPHY WOMENCHOOSE CANDIDATE.Sday program:' t11I..' l'ninn will nff,-:-it:' llll'llllh:r.; a <;I..·ri(.·,; (If .;ix tIlu.;:.:;.JProgram for Coming Year Discussed-Luncheon on <.;ctober 31 the Iccture recital:-; by :\Ii:-;� Faulkner. ;'1connection with the Thoma � nrciw,­tra conccrts, These recit:ds \\,;11 I),g-i\'cn in :\hn<lel Hall on thc :\Tol1(!"yafternoons prece:ling- 'the Tile!"d;!�'nig-ht concerts :lJ1el will he I;�'­vcted to :\I1alysis of the con .. ",rtnumbers with illu.;tration.. on t:H'piano. The<;e !'(.'·.:it:d.. will he i ... ·('to Union mem')('rs. an aclll1i .. �i') 1charge of fifteen cent<; a lectt1re lh'in�made for all otlH'rs, The datcs forThat Chicago has a strong tcamProfl'ssor Edgar jamcs Banks, Field i� the opinioll oi I)r. II. L. \\·illi:11115,Dirl'ctor of the recent expedition 01 :'Ililllll';-.;ota co;!ch. '.\·��n has returned If,till.' Unin'r;-;it,Y 0:' Chicag-o to Bahy-Ionia has contrihtlll'd to the "O;)CliCourt" ior Xon'mhcr :m article n'l"I nlaid and En�rand Vasl.'s of (, • .5°0Y l.'ar_,; .. \go." Thl.' matl.'rials lbed w"r,'porphyry. marbk. alaba:-;tcr, terracotta, and bituml'l1, while lapis dazu1iand �trnllg', ;\11<1 Ihe new rule .. m:lk,·and p:ccious stOll�:' werc frl'qucntl_yinlaid. Till' more elaborate forms the game particularly littcd .for 111(':1;i::�' Ech'r";;l!1 :111(1 Stl,fil·n.; Eck�:r-bore the !"impll..·st dl'coratioils. whik,all':-; ki(.-kil1� :11111 thl' �pn'll al1ll IIoji�­.:'OI11C or" thl..· IllO:-.t :-'( \'(.·rc shapl.'s Wert· iIi!.!" qualitil':' oj bnlh l11l'n givc tht'l'O\Tfl'c! with arahl':''1UC dcsigns or .\Iarlloll·:' a :nrmidahll' li�'ld,",,'\'l'l1 hi;-.;toriad pidllrl's ill :-'OIl1l' (IItill.' l:th'" Ol1es.Tile k cvcrcud w. J. Da wsou, theUuivcr s it y preacher for tl:\:' Suuday svi October �I) and :"u\'I..·1I11,I..·r 4, is a1Il;;1l ui unusual prouuucncc, hoth illthis couiu ry and, The !{C\'­efl·nd Xl r. Dawson was Io rm e r ly tlH'rn.nist cr ui l l ig hbury e...Jll�:lJrallt LOll­grcg'ativll:ti Church, Louvlo n. j l e haspublished many uuuks, pue ms, essays,IIU\·C!". dr.uuas, literary c rit rc i e nv-,and -cr mou s. III..' is w.rh-l y knownas a preacher lJi unusua l cttcct iveucssand has r cccut iy tukcu up his rcsi­deuce ill this couut ry for the pur­pose of g:villg Irimsc lf tu evangelis­tic work,First Function.executin: cOl11mitte.:s oi thecollege of Philosophy, \\'01111..'11, metycstcrday to di:-;ctlss the program:,amI comOlittccs for the coming yca-.The hcaus oi thc committees a1>­I'ointl'd their aides as follows:Social committcc, .\liss Alice llrigh:.chairm:m; Carlotta Sagar. Florenc�:Gerhard, .\lary Etters and :\lar,\':\icher. Dramatics, :\liss EstherHarc, chairman; Alida .\lcDcrmicl,\Villowdean Chattcrson, j can Comp­ton anel Inez Jackson. Athlctics.Helen Pc�k, chairman: Eloise Ke1 Rl1il�ling'. open to mcmbers of tileUnion will he C'OIHhlctl'(r hy ,\1 rs. H.logg, Louis\! Norton, Florellc,: .\. Big-elow. An il�tercstil1� featureDrakc, anu Vera .\loycr_ .:\rt�. flU' . 1 TI ko t Ie tllon t>ro�ram IS t le 1:1Ii ·s-Sarah \Vilkes, ch:tirman; Cccilia Ho: �ivin� dinner which occurs on \Vl'(�­lings{\·orth. Helcn Dye. Sue Chai.- Ile:'clay. XO\'elll!>er 28. in LexingtiYli tield and Augasta �lacDonalu. Library.Carver •. W,·lk,· (ptA The first cvcnt of the social year.. U in the college will h� a luncheon gi\'-l'n in Lexington Library at I o\:loc:,;\Vedncsday, October 31. It will bl'a jolly-up for the gi:ls oi thc colh:gc.The faculty will he p:-l'sent, and SOII1"addresses will be gi\'Cll by thcm.PROFESSOR BANKS TELLSOF BABYLONIAN VASESGives Description of BabylonianWare of b,.500 Years Ago in"Open Court.':COACH KNUDSON WANTSMORE SWIMMERS OU1I G • .Iy Four of Last Year's Team: Available-Few Swimmers ofICalibre in New Squad.I.ood :-,willlll1l'r:,. I;"r :,winll11er, ;1111;men who han' ,Illy illl'a that IlIt·.,('\'l'r 111:1\- lIn'nnw :-\\-;m:i1l'r!". a 1",' ;,iiI' -_• \\';,Ilkd hy (.0:,,11 "l1ucl:'on. "'j::1; .)nly il,ur oi I:.,t YI'ar'" h':Ill1 'l.I,k,: C:lpl;,ill l�ohd('. :-;,,10111011. !',-'In::';:11<1 \\·:t1J.,;('r, ;11:01 'cry 111(,,j;ncrv 11::.1 I,'ri::i ill the rl':-t of thl' :'qtlad tl::'": i:, nllt ilJr the \\'or:". Co:.dl 1'11:,,1''':1! do('..; no! :-l'l..' \\'hc'_' h(' i..; ·;_:-"in:.;: t": m;lkc IIp mtld, oi a swimll1ing- or pol"I team. ;\ call i� i:-�l1Cd for a1l t:1,': ;I\'ail:ihk 1l1;'�l'rial il1 till' CJlin·r"it\·,!F:!cult:.. Swi:nming Class.Tlt(· �·.\·il11111;Ilg- cl:,..;� ior I'hi!.lr"'l'oj the iaculty will he org:llli/t'.J "'iI Sa:ttrday. ()ctolwr 2;. at I) o·c1nck., Cllllr'\· ticket..; m:.y he h;1'1 at Ihl'tiekl't oflicl' III the ('nlrance h;III,cph E. R�ycroit. The \\·c uuau's Uuion ha s plannc-la hu xy yvar which i s e xpvctcd ,.)prove prolitahll..· au.l i nt crc st inu. 'I'll;:acldrl's,; of :\1 rs. Raymond Robins onThursday w:t:' the lir:,t of all i nt er c-r­ing' :'l·ri,,·s of Il'l'11I),(':' on var ious subjcct s. c\ll1ong th�'111 will bc ::\ talk lIy �,I r-. Craupcr 011 "T:I':Rl,lid \\'ork at San Fra nci sco :"I Jca n \Vallan' 011 "Till' Spani.;ilDrama:" a In-",!:'�' hy Xl r«, AlbertEmcr son 011 "T'lt'Grl'l'k ""';:': alii I Development (IfDrama:" xt-.E III I..'!'S 011 is to h ... · ;':' �i,.;t l'cI hy :\1 r-.:\tol'n' ill her rc-ndit iou (If t hc :llll'i.·"!dance. ;\ lecture hy :\1 r .. , \V. D.:\':lC CI ill t C)l' k wi Il :t "'0 hl' g-i\'l·n.In additioll to the l1.;ual \V 1..'<l11�;;th(',;;c IccttlH's will he Octoher 23.Noyemher 20. n�cemher TR ]alltl;J.ry22. March .5 and l\Jarch 26.The art tours of the Fine Art,.;Tkl';l,t.; of llll·miw .... hip in the Un;oncan be l)rocnred fr':lm �\I is:-; H. l.olli ..·rmor('. Grt'en Hall. or at the (,f­!icc oi ])(·all Talhot. C) Cobb 11:111. �,�<lues hcin� onc dollar pcr year.NEW RULES FIT CHICAGOSAYS COACH WILLIAMSMinne�ota Coach Declares Eckel'salland Steffen 'lVi11 Shine in NewStyle of Game.�linIH.··lpoli:, after ";fl';ng- the Chicago­I'nnltw g-ame oi b .. t Satllnhy."It i:, :t 111i�takl' to think that thl'Chicago lint· i .. \\'C'I!,:' :-;aid tho co:c11;1,. ql1otl'c1 in the �I il111e,.;ot:l Dail_\·."On the contrary. the line i .. heavy-------- -------BOOI{SN E V7 AND SECOND-HANDat Low('�t Pricesf.lEWI�m';13 I' .. 3itll "-freet,��a_n.;,,� U'"" "'\!) 4lt-'-a'":'2'Y�''''A��'I'!m.17�:l "'5ml�?... �! Dn��� Ft:.�e ::.. S�r.cI [)ic ih:; ri.��E.,*.z.'"U5 >;, [1:'��!:eT�!.�"'�'f'- ';., .�,'-),:;-.·":I!.�A�l".�T, JI�"",_jj, � C .. 1ICAGO ;p./,:" � iF.. ··:o,(' •- //"..,:·I.I''',-"I'j l'\faO,H'e1.(!a\:lr'� (';a:Js'�Y;·_')��o('I" ?t,;,..;;'S :'\"W Y «rk, '·hh-t1j,;Il. st. Louts, San FrllD'd:wll. )IIIIIII:t poll::;. I )t·II\·I'r, Buffalo, Syr·ucusv, 1'&1 1�IJllr::. Pblladelpbla. HU.toD.WUI;hIIlJ.:t(lll. "Iudullutl. I�ulthnorp, Kan·Sill"' City, =""w Oril'lItlfl. )Inntr(,81. Can. �1.01;111111. Eli;':,: II 11 III bu r1:, Ul!rmany.�"Ild your nnme nnd K�t a free copyof till' 111'\\' �llallllll" Fall and "-Inter�llurtM '·Ullllul:lIt'. contatntnx ptctures111111 III' In,,, I): all the new seasonableat htet le 1.:0011:..,It SpaldlDg'SOHlcl.'.. �ootlllellGuideNEWaRULESwith full pftJ;e explanatory ptcturee. Ed·ltt'cJ bv Walter Camp. The lar&:eet FootBull (;uld.- evor llUbllllboo. Full of foott",11 InforwlltlulI: revlewa ; for�ut;t;dlt'IlIlI"t!: capt atus ; records ; scores �ilkt UI'I.'li of uver 4.UOO plilycra.Price. 10 cents.A. G. SPALD.LNG & BROS ••Conklin'sPenSeD-FillingFor busy people.No bother.Fills itself.Cleans itself.No dropper.N othi ng to take apart.Nothing to spill.A dip in ink, atouch of thumbto nickel cres­cent and thepen is full,ready to write.All the l'"td�lcrll"Tf'ry­wher(.'-I'IIAtlOuer", J)rut:­gtBtII. Jt'w .. lcrll-bandle t1Je:iWki�� 1;1,:!li:rU�1 r:!�fl��it. (",,,til 110 III ore tltan (,thertOlt:ltalll ,Il'1I1 of bfotIt !trade.1110 styl"" lind IIlz1'1" to IN!II'd. �����trorn "IIOWII til our ('ataloe �fllrul"hpd free UT'OIl r''Qnm. , .Any 1II11};1' or Illllt' of tonn· $, IT Ib.iu pen r.-plllrt.'d promptly. �r' /,TilE CO!liKLlS PE:'t CO. ?614':'1'1 Jell'e ...... A .... ,, O. ?�,/Sele .,," C .. kll. I!.I .. nlJl.1f Pe. ------ PATRONIZETHEUNIVERSITYPHARMACY5(lo E. 55th Street.R. R. BOW AN, Prop.BORDEN'SCondense d Milk. Fluid Milk, Creamand ButtermiLlt.ALL BOTTLEII IN THE COUNTRY.Borden's Condensed Milk Co.327-329 E. Forty-seventh St.A . .\IANDELCORN. Tel. Hyde Park 3283 H. BRAZGO.2L �anneltotn 8. QtO.University TailorsHIGHEST WORK AND EXCLUSIVE GOODS.565� KIMRARK AVENUE. EQUITABLE PRICES. CHICAGO.I.l'<:lll THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE andSTORAGE COMPANYPhone Hyde Park 571 Kimbark Ave. & Fifty·SixthSt.The Cle,nest and Best Kept StorageWarehoLse in the Cityl··I1I'l:ilUl·C and PIanos llovcd, StQred, PackednD:1 ouillpedto all l'UI'ts ot the world. 3UO l'rlvate Sto�eU(.'()ma.·"f>Pur lur Exduslve1y for l'lan08. .Rooms tor Truttks and\,\, . I.UI'�� lioom tor Carrlases, HugglH' aDd �lcl&:h.'rItt;NKSTO AND !o'HOll ALL DEl'OT8.T .. nllllf�m for Baggage, Furniture. )·a(·kUl:�M. ('tc., at short notice.Special Attention Given to lJnlversity Ordena.•-TD-The Openingof the Season HOTEL andRESTAURANTOa 1taD40l:p1a It. betwea Clark ...Deal ..IS THE PBPOLAft PUCE FIB 811111SUPPERS mEft THE ruyOur impo. tations of \Voole113for Fall :lrC on view to-ua:,·.Thc\' arc .a bit smartcr thanc\:er hefore. 'The "JerrclllS \\'ay" of bui!d­ing tllese Fabrics into c!oulesmeans a sttllly of your illui­vid:'lal figure,To-day is bcttcr than to-lllor- Extenaift improvements havemade tbe dining room, the moetbeautiful and attractive in theTheatre District.The new hancinlr balcony forthe enlarged on:heatra ii, anotherImprovement and the muaic famade an especial feature.TAILOR FOR YOUXG �IE�TWO STORES131 La Salle Street, and'" Jackson Blvd. WHERE do you get. yourNewapapera, P.rlodlcal. aDdStatioDeF7?At NORTOWSFree DeliveryPho.eU6 Hyde Park 3lS 57th S�reetALL LIFE 18 A BATT'-E AND A MARCaNrALT"on'�MAbR]rOWbeing a pure extr:.ct of hop" and malt I .. food. drink and mealc1ne all In one. Itt'tu •• .,rs oone. bratn and brawn: it nour,!lbn tbe: blood and tones up tbe lIystetr&lite magicIt huhblt II over with nutt'lt>nt propertle!' for tbe lI'ck and woundt"l! In IIft'·.bat! � {'. It I: ak'� men �tronlt. healthy �nd Iltrenaolb. at to cope .uccC55fullv Witb�\"c:·\' .'�·:'1"UI'V :mct. e�(!� <1�nJ!c:.: .•. � .. _McAVOY MALT EX.RACT DEPT., CHICAGOl'�.aJ us for looklct-"�ent Ptyslclanaof tbe Wesl."THE D:\YL Y �\!:\ noox. CHICAGO, FRID.\ � •. OCTOnER' 26, 1<)06.-------1l1AROONS IN LAST HARD Sl'�LS F.tU:SHMAN'S CAP;PRACTICE FOR CARDINALS SEES V.lS.lONS OF POLICETEAM WORK(Continued from Page I.) I Snell Hall Sophomore Spends Nightor 1 error ami on LonsU!tlog LCiW­yer Disco vcrs Hoax.----------_._------t h c Purdue gaml'. only it met a st itf­er dd(.'II�e than the Pur ducitvs 1)\1:Jfs the working together of OU"nany stores throughout the couutry=­he taking of large fahric outputs a6extremely low prices-that makesNicoll's garments stand for real valueo you,The newest effects in Fall .md Win­ter Fabrics go on show today, Sup­pose vou drop in. a st ronj; ddl'lbl', Steffell demon-'IP, Suell IIa1l ha- a -c u-at iou illd b I I irvun I'ur,.uillg pol iccmc n. Imrr icd co n--tr.ucd hcyoud a ou t t rnt re 1�I .�lli�;.t i(lll"; \\ it h lawycr s. and an in-a \\'olldl'r ill making intcrf'ercucc [.!r .uuccut grn:1I cap flgun:.the rest of the backfield. 011 vvvrv result ui the alTai:', oue so pho-','lId run in which h e i,.; lint ca rr yim;mo re, more soph ist ica te d in "'e waysthe ball he is <urc to take off at II..'a�:!oi llle wor ld in genl'ral and Snell l lull�>'lil' man a ml 011 :-1'\·I..Tal ul·ca,.i(j"�.n p.rrt icu lar. i� "tvnipora rily indis­yesterday wa s -;e�'!1 to take t wo men. pu,.l..·d" and inc lined tu be anyt hingIII..' di\'l's at t lu ir fl':t and upsets themout :oI1uaciolls.SI) that t hvy have no chance oi :.!l'(... I tall sturt cd over a green cap,.\ mvmbcr uf SII .. -il i l a ll is assertl..'(1{u l;;�\4..' ;q>pl'lIpri;ltl·d the grl..'l·n c;q>"i ;1 rrc-Iuunu ;It an (lIT the campus(Lllillg r o o n: ill all �':-;Cl'S"; oi s op ho­IlJU, ic spiri t. The iunoccnt memberof the clas s of !91O frum \\'hU111 the:allc g cd theft was committed philuso- .phicall y attributed the loss of hisnew hl..·a<l�ear to that "college spirit"of w hic h he had hva rd :0'1) much illl!i .... high :'ClIOUI d;tys .uul lookl'd wise,:\ot SII, howe v cr. the sophomore's University Style $3.00 per Doz.Student's Special $3.50 per Doz.They Fill that Empty Space at Home.��mon'� )0l)oto �tubfophone Hyde Park-16. 243 EAST 55th STREET SENIOICHI(Vl!?dTAILOR ting- lip and stopping the play, Fin­:;I.:d ;"llJ IJJiil;;S also worked \\'1..'11at this end of the game, out nut upWILLIAM JERREMS' SONS.l,;lark and Adams Sts. to tile st.uula rd set by St c u v n.On scvcru l uj the IIC\\' plays t hcbad:lidd "went lip in the air" �1!Hlmixed the sig nal s, 1 t was cvidcu;that tile host oi new plays Were 'I,'tyet mastered by the Chicagoans. Tllt!}'have been g ivcn �I long str ing cdHave YouTip WillBeen Top LikeThere? Inn ItTheil':io\\' Sne l lin-s,You IIl'\\' .puz z lcr s " and they arc nut ;d,clear in their minds as yet. :\11 CU1I1-lilt{ at the same time makes it h.iruiur tile I1ICII 011 the team. The new- of th,,: t{re,,'11 cap affair�I·rl·ad t h: ()ugh Snell and the fresh­men arul juniors ClII the lirst andthird Iloor,.; cOlhpircd to e\'en ac­COUllt,.;. \Vhen the sophomore re­tnrne(l home. he was met by an anx­ious appearillg delegatiun who· toldhim titat a policl'man jrolll the llydl'Park station armed with a warran,io;' hi:o' arre:-:t on a charge of larceny;:;1<1 :.ppe:lred anll was likely to re­atrn ;It ally time. The sophomore,with hi:o' knl·I..'s tl".'mhling a11l1 "ision:-:j l.c 1I1l·11 wcr e given another nig-htlecture ill the Reynolds Club 1:1';\lll�l!t. I t is exp'.:cted tllat ill a ie\\�Iays c1ect.-ic lights will ue intrudtlcl..·'.on �lar:-:hnll FIeld and darknl'ss wi;.110t ml.'an the discom:nuance oi prac­tice.1.11lC:lgO i:o' gcnerally recognized L;·pOssess in Captain Eckersall pro0:10:';tile oe,.;t all-around kicker ill the C01!'1-try.. 11 is pUJlts arc lon� and we!;.mder control and he can huot :h�o\'al U\'l'r the wilitewashl'd cru�sh.::iU, t;l..'ll.1 goals better than any C')l'l­petit or and from b'reater dist:lIlc,.·;,­lie has shown his prowess ill tiJi�l:ne in years �on hy.Eckersall's ability makes Chicagr• Iloor while ir..:shmen and junior mesoolle of the- most formidable teams 101 :;cngl'r,; told him '::Ji the alleged scan:]:the west and l1lak�s Stag�'s work 0: of th� policeman for him. Lon� af­huilding' his �quad .Ibout the new nll'�s ,(:r dinner time. �he sophomore \Va:;ea:;ier. for Eckersall c:!n help O�E :old that the coast was clear and pi­wunderfully with I:is kicking, loted to a third story room whcreill �I!e I'llrdt:� game, howe\'cr, Ec:":· :e s�:t.r(·d for the lIight, fea:-f111 of ;:.:_ s;:11 jell far helow his previous d return of the man with the warrant._-- - ----- --- forts in !he kicking game. Thi,; i� In the morning long hciore daylig-htFor Sale or Rent the fourth and last year in school, h, hc sneaked from th� room :1n<1 bolted----- .s pl:'ying his last season, he is cat'- for the cle\·att·(l. Contilluing- tlFor salc or Rcnt: 5.;54 Inglcsid tain of his team and 11lU�t hcar t;H E\'anston where i:c arri\'c(l ju:"t aholl�J\"e., Corner 54th Place. weight and responsihiiity \\'h:ch t:n the time the milkmen were well on9-Room Residence; hot water Ileat. position has forced upon him, Som.� their rounds. the te:·rificd soph route(l0< k floors, newly decorated; rent $4c thing of this may ha\'e heen the rea .1 iriend oj hi:o' O\1t of h.:d who was ;�per month or will sell 011 easy terms: son for his poor showing- again:o't P\1:' lawyer. For hour,; thc two consult­all ideal homc, P. J. Harmon, 5.P.) <ine, His work the h:tlanc·,· 0;' �!lt ed with the e\·ident result of ellCOllr­So. Halsted "treet. Phone Ya:ds 263. season will show whether or not IH' aging the �ttldent. who returned t.j, able to maintain t1:e cle\'er ahility Snell late in the e"cning much I��"For Rent he ha:o' :-:ho\\"n in years past. t(.·rrilil'd than \\'I;('n he left. He tolll______ .____ !,ot only in his pUllting hnt :.1:0'0 I: [1:<.' s .. li�·itous g-rouj) which cro\\'(kdTo Re:1t-5ilC) :\{onroc :\n·" lar�c hi,.; drop kicking" \\'a� Ecke::o'a!l w,'ai- aruund him that !he bWY\"r had to)l,�pleasanl room. �ipglc or douhle: 'Igailbt Purdue, T\\ice pUl1t� W'-'! t' him to come out from hiding andsteam heat. gas; with or \\'ithout hlnch·d. twice he attemptt.'(1 to dro�� :o'111>111:t to arrl':o't when the dct(.·cti\'l·board; reasonable; live mil1l1ll'< wan..; l,ick and hoth times dro\'l' tIll' In: \\':t11 the \\'::rra1lt �1·,Ollld appear, Hefrom I. Coo Phone joSO Hyde Park. ,.;trai:.,:-ht into tIlt.' h:'ck:o' oj thl' Iijl' :-:aid th;\t tl;e la\\'\·(.'r furtl:a ad�'i:,e'lTal' floor ofThe Pullman Company Build'gCor. Adams St. and Michigan Ave.New Theater (If the lloi�·(>m(.· cl'iis oi Hyde Par:\';:,� !)\.·r:,u::Oed to hide in thc closet.)i :: ircs!lIuan's rOO;l1. For two 101l�!tour.; he crol.ched in the dark on thc(ENDOWED.)"GALEOTO"By J o,:;e Echegarayand"SHADES OF NIGHT"By Capt. Marsha!!.Prices 50C to $2,00.Special Rates to University Slucentstl1(.·n.The �laroon linl.' was re..;ponsih1"I;!r�c!y ior the h10cke(1 punt:-:. ior :­'e[ "urdlle lilwl11�·n hreak throl1;.!11The tlill1:o'y char;-Jch'r of the line pr0-tcctlllg 11:111 prohably hurried him '"that he coulll not do himself il:1I ilt:� him to plead "not g-u:1t)''' al111 that 1!\.would prohahly :'e aCI:\littcd o\\'ilH�to the small \'alue of thc cap allegedto he �to1<.·l1,For t \\'fI long :Inc! w('ary days the:-:opholl1ore waited with resignationfor the arri\'a1 of the man who wasto a:-r(.·st him, \\,hl'n no policcnnl�arrived, a S\l�lllC:1)1l oj \\'hat wa:o'really the C:I:'C gradually entered th,'man's mind. \\�lten he accll�ed hi..;iellow Sl1ell men of making- him till'\'ictil11 oj :t practi:al jokl·. the (.'horll'"of .... iJlll:� .. Wh:l'11 IlL·t hi,.; qlh'stioll (,'011-rin'll'(1 hi,.; ,.ll:,pi(.'illl1:o'. 11(.' rl'lin'd t .jhi,. ronlll irol1l \\,lh·I1,(.' he lin'" 0('·":I�iI)11;t1h' ,.;t;d1-;,.; forth to cla:o'�l'� alld !1ll\.;t!:-,. �11('11 i .... d·,·einl. :,111) thl' ir('�h- I. .I11'1'11 :111d 'np111'1lll);-l" think the\' ar'.':1 "'1'11 t!'1'1] • I,_,-,_ - .... 1[ .D .D C A I, F. N D .'\. r, ,� .0 IIS�::� cl�7. Cc�ober ..!i·--S;;..;m:t .\lpl:;) II.;h;: .. n 111:nr:n:!l Dal1(,('. I\'o\" 3-·1':,i l·p..;i!I�1l 1I01l:o'e Part�·. I-:\ 11\'. lo.-lh·yllol.l .... CllIh I )aIH'C. I! : �:' ; 'fj � Two l:!rge, Ii sht, ne\\'ly furnishedrc,oms, each !'uitahle for two per";OI1:-:SC'l1th Side "L" and suri:;ce line:'.I':·: .... �·t(' f:llllily. 59i E. 4(ith Street.n,·:,r Grand Boal.----------------------------------War-ted. lice, Indiana may give the �Iaron'l'_________________ a tryout that .. \"ill ,.how the illt!Piano tuning" dOllc at rl';(,,;0Ilah1, stn'ngth oj the �Iid\\'ay t \.':1 111. a!lcl:\lilll1l·,.;nta i,.; like!.,. t,) cau,.;e Sta:!�·'·prices. Eight Y4..·ar:o' oi experil'I':(.·l'. nll:n to extend thl·l11,.;el\'(.·:o' to '_;".E. Ray 582.2 ])n·x .. 1 Ave._______________ . Illllit. tI<llt!' all the stratq!y whi:!l_________________ :thl' "wiz;lnllli thl' :\lid\\,;lv" ha,.; lw,'!'I :thie tl' �., IlijUll· "l' ;, )'..1 tl..·;:ch hi.� lii'::�AMES "4 T� ill nrlkr to c!P\\'11 : b' (;"pher:o',$2.00 $3.00 .\llIdl oj tnd;:y·,. t:111\' \\'a:- "1,,·l1t 1',�i\·:I;:.� t:,\, 1:11\':11\·11 pr;ll'til't' (Ill h.,111illg dllril1g �it·k�. ;11111' the wllr1, "ithe "'�l1rdy C;ll'l;I;11 \\'ill h�· 11111l'h Ill'l­".;. �;ltl1 I];IY "11 Ii,;, :tCC('III1;.A fair dc:a] with ('\,\·r)' ha�161, H'3 E. MADISCN ST�E!n,Opera Hats, Silk lla�s..:-\I..'::r L�I�:t11('.TheRalphi,j re .... \\ ii 1 k·: I\\,jn\'·_'.I 'ri 11\'1'1 Illl : ('.',1-:\lit'hi�;lll. ; .. 1,1H(;�ide-nl"e : l'ilOnc1�'33 Arlington 1'1. l.a1..;c \'icw to2Phone I Iarri�( 111 I(q.t 11";q.!i;lllll.-:\\'il �11"\\,.Goldsmith's Orchestra I.i 11\'�'I Go!dsmith. Director.)!Fce, Cc:ble Piano Co�pany.\Vabash and Jack�on. CHICAGC Jo111l F, \11)1111] ... ;11101 PattI K. Jl,l�fll1 ;Irl' :lltt'l1dil1� !"�. Ik1t;1 l'p�;LlIll'fIIlYl'l1tillll ill �Ii(l(nl hll'-),. \'1. South Side TransferLindsay Storage Co.BAGGAGE-EXPRESS\'.·;I,.!' :15 L\,. -t��i E, ()3d St. 9 a, Ill ..!..! 11;:, 11.') p, Ill,i :t':t: horn St., 10 a Ill •• 3 :.10 p. m.,5 :.\0 i'. ;11.( :l1e :-;�mday tr ip-c-Tr ip., to \\'ood­lav.u and Englewood Stations, MOVING-PACKING-SHIPPINGWe have careful men and equipmentfor moving Household Goods and Pi­anos in Hyde Park, Woodlawn andEnglewood, Special attention givento packing and shipping: BallobniLac• •• S••* COunl* Alterl*** COunl• Altre*** Coun* Alte�*CounOFFICESlio-3:?4 Dearborn StreetTel. llarrisun 4923. 487 E, Sixty ·third StreetTcl. Hyde Park II6I.CounAlterCounAlter*ursdcxpeci.eThecen .:etho<lSuccess in the Gulf Coas'l CountryEvery Tuesday and Saturday there will appear ia the (,OlUmns ofthis paper an example of what has been done in farming in the GulfCoast Country on the Brownsville Line. .2$500 Realized frODl OneAcre of Onions.Mr. Geo. Hoffman, of Kingsville, Texas,planted early this Spring five acres in carrots.In March, he sold his carrots to Denny'& Co.,of Chicago, for $5 per crate. His net returnson five acres of carrots were $320 per acre.One acre planted in onions yielded more than20,000 pounds, for which he received 2 1-2 centsa pound. Result: $500 per acre.1\Ir. Hoffman is not a myth, but a real, live, up-to-datefarmer; write him at Kingsville and he will tell more abouthis wonderful success.Such results may seem beyond belief, but they are facts.You might do as well in the Gulf Coast Country. It has amild climate; tender vegetables can be raised almost everymonth in the year. The farmer there puts his crop on themarket in \Vinter and early Spring, when the price is highest.By irrigation he insures hims( If against crop failure; rivers orartesian wells give a bountiful supply of water. Two andsometimes three crops a year are raised and twenty acres therewill make as much as fifty acres in other placl:s.Don't you think this is better than a one-crop countrywhere your success depends on uncertain weather with irregu­lar rainfall? Come to the Gulf Coast Country and win successas others have done,Now the land is cheap and you can get it on easy terms.Twenty acres will cost you ab�ut $500. The cost of clearingit is about $5 :In acre. Tl1f� ('oc:t of w;tter for irrigation varies.You may want an artesian wen of your own; you may getwater from some river; or YOll may gct it frol11 your neighbor.But the co�t is not great and those who have tried it havenetted from th� first crop, a sum which has paid all expenses,anti leit a good surplus.It is not only a good place to make money, but it is also agood place for a home. The sunny, mild winters are delight­ful and the summers arc tempered by the cool breezes fromthe (�l1H.T:lkc a tr:p d'lWll there andThe w.....__.,�t.t- see for yourscif-that', the bestIU.\II-_w��ft',; way. E\"e:yfirst alit! third Tun­(iA�·-�A_� ..... (by of c.Jch month, we willlell�n �. HlI�.,. ro�md-trip tickets to any point ini the Gulf Coast Country and re-i tum, at th; following rates :• From Chicago, - $25.00_____ .1 From St. Louis, • 20.00From Kansa. City, 20.00From Peoria, • 23.00From St. Paul, - 27.50From Minneapolis, - - 27.50These tickets will he good 30days and they ,,·ilI permit ),ou tostop over at any point.!--et ,!,e "cnd you our hoob d�bing the wonderful cro� pro­duceJ In thIs marvelous country. Don't delay, write me to-day.PHILLIP'S FALL SHOWING MEN'S FURNISHINGS AND HATS238 EAST 55th STREET. -------