'Ube lDatl)2 maroonPublished Five Mornings Each Week by the Students of the University of Chicago During Three Quarters of the University Year.20 mittce.Wrather said, had been at workfor a long time, and after consideringnumerous plans which' had been pres­ented, had decided unanimously onthe following as the least complicatedand most satisfoctary one.Organization.The Executive Board of the Cap·.nd Gown shall consist of five mem­bers, viz., two managing editors, twobusiness managers, and a literaryeditor. This board shaII be respon­sible for the publishing of the Cap Dean Vincent. temporary dean of:,nd Gown. It shall have power to the Junior CoIIege of Arts, in an-..,ppoint tlre chairmen of the various nouncing the freshman class meetingcommittees. and acting with each to be held tomorrow, said that thechairman, to appoint the members of purpose of the meeting was to de-the committees, r.:de what sort of insignia the firstNomination and Election. year men should wear. "It must beA nomin .. ting ticket. consisting :)f understood, however," said DeanGne nominee for each of the five ofr- Vmcent, "that the freshmen, so called,ces shall be selected by the Order :,f wiII not be compeIIed to wear thethe Iron 1\I:>sk. Such ticket: sJ.ul caps or badges selected by their fd­t'·e maue public not later than Fii 3.y low cJ lssmen. In a small coIIege .1or the second wee�< p.f��t��:AiR �ii �n I lUst submit to the consequea­Qu.uter. At least:',one,�eelC�� t',a ��:.O! opinion or be hazed. It is th'!. bct een ...._ .,. .. � ....... -'� •. " ... �"'f fnter�'ell� ��S� '�r.� 7.. � 'Ie 0 a man in a large unh·-(If this ticket �n�. th�f-'����' � '. '.1It to fo�l�w or not the ge��ral:\t a regl1larIY,�n�.,t!,!�.� :.��_ t.l�G -of opmlon, as he pleases;Junior CIc,ss. an!>t.��t� s· ��r . ��b� Colleg.e of :\rt� today c.om­to the one already· . .p��"i1;"m t;�-r ���tl halJotlllg tor Its commItteechosen. . ' ': t":::�i-:-t.·�· ::' �. }OI.:j��h IlC\�' stands as follows: �IC-Each \'oter shall ���� , ·�t ��de. chalflllan: Harper, Price, D:l-otle vote ior eflch' o£Jh;,rfi�c I Jf;;.. Vis, J fummel.In t!le case of the in'5lrlciiiing editors -_ -_aJHI the business managers the two Arts Women Meet.recei\"in� the highest number of voh�s The Junior College of Arts (M(,-�haJJ be .Ieclarcd elected. In the cas� tiien) met this morning and vott:d toot the literary editor the one recti :... :It.·cept the plans of the executive com·illh the majority shall be declared n.ittee, which organized last weekekcterl. electing EI�ie Schobinger chairman.. Eligibility, .\ mong the recommendations of theAny studl'nt with not less than ft( committee accepted by the coll��eteen nOi more than twenty-si:t major� ;,re an inform:.1 reception to be held(retlit sha Ii be eligible for voting .n Friday. October 19. from 4 to 6, atfor election to the hoard. Such ii;;t Green Hall. the organizati'ln of ,1sl.all be (·h�:lined from the dean':" La::kethall team. and the invitation t,)office. ;1'i the members of Arts and GreekFin8W1cial R&sponsaDiJity. and Latin faculties to be prc;cnt at(Continued to h .. e 4-) • the wc("kly college meetings.I II.EIFECT II Olllill \.. .:: . .....:... , ' j_. - �.: r:! ��� ....::c..,,' '.;:..' '_' :_ _._ ,_....-_-_ _."'_�o:..o.a;.,,_' � �0,;; '_'", ..,,,,Executive Board of Five Members for game.Annual to be Nominated by Or- N ext to the speakers will be theder of Iron Muk. yelling. The first thing on hand willbe. the election of a varsity cheerleader and two assistants. There witibe a pianist present and songs willbe sung. The whole student bodywill constitute the "leather-lung"Definite plans for the publication squad. It will be mass meeting O)fthe whole. student body, of the kind:!h.;l .. L�5 championship 'reams an.lreal varsity spirit. More to this ef­'f("c� can be found in the editorialcolumns,The freshman class is asked toshow their class loyalty by attendingtc the last man,-a more practicalmethod than, by display of caps.Other classes have learned what isexpected of them. Friday. ten-thir­ty. in Kent.VOL. V. No. 12. Cl-ilCAGO. \VEUNESDAY. OCTOBER 17,1906. PuCE Two C.ENTS.IeOne Thousand Members of the Fed­era Lon Throng Mandel Hall on):Jusy Annual Meeting.• Day Occupied Mainly WithRoutine Matters - EducationalProgram on Evening Session. The new plan for the election ofSenior College. councilors was an­nounced by Dean Shepardson at tb echapel exercises yesterday morning.The students of this college arc tobe divided into six divisions, as for VARSITY TRAINS HARDFOR GAME WiTH PURDUE IOVERCOMEo H. A. Brown. Medical SWdent, FoundU�conscious on the Street AfterMidni�ht - Took Strychnine asStimulant for WC'rk.� STRYCHNINE' FIRST BIG MASS MEETINGFRIDAY MORNING III KENTCheer Leaders to be Elected forPurdue Game - Cheering aDdSinging the Main Features.Under New System Councillors WiJINot be Elected in Open Meeting­Secret Ballot for Two Days inDean's Office. Eckersall's Men Give Special Attel1-tion to Defensive Work-Even­ing Blackboard Drill H. A. Brown, a student residing inRoom 21, Hitchcock Hall, was foundlying unconscious at the corner c,fFifty-first Street and Ingleside Av-:,at 1 :30 A. M .• Tuesday, October 16.Brown was immediately taken l:lthe Baptist Hospital where it wasfound he was suffering from an ove>dose of strychnine. His condition JSnot serious. It is generally under­stood that Brown was taking medic­iue containing strychnine to keep himin his work. Director Stagg Has Important Mes­sage for Students-Five FootballVeterans to Speak at Mee�g.ILLINOIS .CLUB WOMENHOLD SWAY ON CAMPUS NEW SENIOR ELECTION PLAN3it,,0!I _ Coach Stagg Says Actual Strength ofTeam Will Not Be Known Un­til After Game.One thousand club women of i ne merly, the names of the members "This is absolutely the strangestHinois Federation of Women's Clubs of each division to be posted on t he situation 1 have been in during my'ere called to order by the President, bulletin boards and in the senior whole career as a coach. Never be­Irs. James Frake, in Mandel Hall, dean's office within a short time. fore have 1 begun a season withoutester day morning in the twelfth dll- Nominations for councillors in each knowing something about the ability.ual meeting of the Federation. division can be made by any student ct my team, hut this year 1 have n- -t'here were three sessions in all hel-l of that division, but must be in writ- tile slightest idea as to what it canesterday morning, afternoon and ing and in time to be posted on the do:'veiling. The morning and afternoon build in boards by Wednt.'sday, Od- Director Stagg after the practiceessions were mainly occupied in the ober 24. The elections will be held yesterday afternoon, discussed thetransaction of routine business, rc- [he two following days in the office prospects, giving the reasons iUl'ports of the districts, election of dis- of the senior dean in Haskell -Hatl, the above remark, as follows:trier officers, and so forth. A fcw the polls being open from 9 A. M. to "I n past years I have known themusical selections varied the monot- 12 1\-1., and 2 to 4 P. 1\1., both days. standard by which to judge a team.ny. The evening session was de- Votes will be counted by officials of This year we are playing an entirely CAP AND SOW" COIIMITTEE�oted to the presentation of addresses the dean's office. and the results will new game, and it is impossible for me nand papers on educational subjects. be announced at the chapel meeting to tell whether or not our plays are PRESENTS ITS FINAL PLA.The Morning Session. the following week, on October �. up to the general standard of thoseMr. Arthur Dunham opened the ex- This system supplants the old that will be used by our opponents,ercises With an organ voluntary, method which was found deficient on ami I Jo not know if we are ablewhich was followed by the call to many ways. The election this quar- to run off these plays as well, or bet­order by the President of the Hlinois tcr in unavoidably late, due to the ter than the other teams. It is norFederation. The Right Reverend inaugration of the changed system, an easy matter to gain ten yards Election to be. by Junior Claa atSamuel FaIlows, D. D., pronunoced but hereafter will be held at the be- in three downs against even the Special Meeting·-Otber Featarc:sthe invocation, and addresses of wel- ginning of the second week in each Freshman team, which is not a unit of .new Plan.come wer'e made by Mrs. George B. quarter. at all. The '10 men are all goodCarpenter, Chairman of the Local individual players, but, as they areBoar., and Acting Presideret Judsoa. BED TAPE ACCOMPANIES playing individually .. ather than as ars. Carpenter welcomed the' guests . "'__"_-��....rirIlill"l'YOO· TB' ALL RATES team, wc have had.no .J'f"31 .• neans �fof the local clubs and expressed �p- "I uu� I r satisfying ourselves that the Maroonspreciation of the hospitality of the can go up against a genuine team andUniversity. Manager ChitWood Devises Scheme" win.'Dr. Judson extended the freedom To Prevent Traffic in Reduced "Probably under certain conditionsof the University to the guests:n Tickets t9 Football Games. we would do well. We should needno uncertain terms, and emphatically a fast field with little wind and a drycommended the, work of the Fed'!r3- Students Buy Receipts and Get Paste- b;-.JI. I f conditions were against nsfion. The greater effectiveness of boards at Gate·-Only One Sold we would have' to show wonderfulcombining forces as compared witn . to a Person. work to make good. With a highindividual efforts Dr. Judson noted is wind or a wet ball we should not oe.one of the most beneficial results v-f X ovel plans for the sale of student abl� to attempt the forward pass orthe womens clubs organization. tickets ior the football games have any of the more complicated ways.Mr. James Frake, President of the been perfected by the athletic depart. "About the Purdue team I have noIllinois Federation responded to the ment, and the sale of seats com. information, but they have five stars'wClcome and made the main point back, and held us to three touchdownsmcnces today. The system is exceed-that the object of the association is last year. We are going to have aic promote education among older ingly elaborate. and is designed to Ia ir'Iy good back-field. but I can't sayr�ople. She said in the address: eliminate any possibility of specula- until after the first game whether"l 'We are, as Dr. Judson says, a univ- tion or abuse of the student privilege. or not our line will be able to hold ..,' ';ity of old and young women." The seat sale for the Purdue game be- Our hardest contest will probabh,;. Reports followed of the committees gins today at the gymnasium ticket be that with Minnesota. for the north­cre.lentials, by Mrs. F. B. Cornell, office, from 10 to 12 A. 1\[. Each pur- erners have ten men of last year's, airn-an : rules and regulations, and chaser will be given, instead of his team back.".),ogr m, by Mrs. Francis D. Evereu. ucket a receipt bearing his name, and The scores of. the previous Chien-l-ain Ian. Mrs. Everett said that r . will be permitted to reserve the place go-Purdue games follow:'I>P: ation of the pr 'gram this yc .. he wisht s, which will be held carefully Date Chicago Purd,,<,.. \,.<1 een greatly f:1 ilitated by t . f\)r him. He will then be required:o 1892 0 28to-o �ration of the l.' iversityand f..resent, at the gate opposite Hu:1 1�3 10)·ad less and willinJ less with wI 1 Gate. the receipt which he hold... 1894 6the lembers of the acuity had. - He will be identified by means I&)..� 17. sent_d to appear •. 1 the progl t. of an elaborate card index syc;· 1S99 44'The program this year. is far n: :e tern which will prevent any clUIJii- 1900 Iicomplete than any of the previulls cation or the lI�C oi any stu- JC)OI 5meetings. d<.·nt's name by any other per�l)tl. '902 33? Business reports of the officers came In case he i� not known to the tickd IfJO.l 22'!lcxt in order: Mrs. James Frakc, seller. he will hav� to pro\'c his i<I<,'I1- HlO-t 20;rrcsident; :\Irs. Frank L. Bills, Rec- tity. hy certain data. For the 1905 19.olliing Secretary; Miss Grace E. T �1l1' �iinnesota game scats must be rcpIc. Corr.:sponcling Secretary: :\lrs. �er\'ed a week in a<l,·ance. It i� cli�· Total T9.l 78Frank Gates Allen. Secretary for t'w tlllctly �tated that nf) scats will he GanH'� w(ln. i: lost. J: tied. I."ncral Federation of Illinois: and sold at the field at the reduced student Y l·"ten!ay the candidates were able.lirs. Robert Alexander. Treasurer. rate. :\ull purchases must be by r<:- '0 run up O:l'Y eighteen points on tlie.After the reports of the auditing ceipt�, hought at the gymnasium. Fn'"h11len in a scrimmage la�til�gend Local Board committees the :\Ir. Chitwood claims for the sys- thrce·qllarh·rs of an hour. The rest;tr.eeting listened to reports on tile tl'rn th� (,h\'i()U� advantage of elim- of the time was !'pellt in practiclllgspccially significant ancl instructive inating speculation. Those of th., �h(' ell'ments of the game. chargin.-{.:ftatures of the St. Paul com'ention students tf) whom the plan was ,)U'- �)a�sing. falling- on the hall. kickin��.of the General Federation of \\'0- lined <lid not take to it kindly. "T<)" catching PUlltS. and tackling. L15tlneTl's Clubs. Mrs. Watkins, Mh. much r<"11 t:lpe" was the gener.l1 Hr· ('\'('ning came the first drill with the£ven'tt and Mrs. Allen were cllose'l <iict. hlackhoanl. The men spent half :mt(, present these features. Pure foo<1 Purdue is getting hU5)" with a nOll. :O'lr :,eeing the coach explain howItgislation. the preservation of Nia- J..'!'l·:tnce. :\f;,nag{'r Fro�t has re- :n·· 'he ,'ario\ls comhinations should worl(:f"r,l Falls. stringent child labor law:,. ((I a thot1�and �C:lt:'. :lnd ktt('r.'; rl I)1It. This plan will he followed \1)'the saving of the American forescs. cei\'ed from Laf:lyette )"ester<I:lY ,'0". n:J.:llt and tomorrow ev('ning. :Brown, whose home is in Worces­tcr, Ohio, took an A. B. at Worces­ter College in 1902. He is now amedical student, having lived inHitchcock since the Winter Quarte.·,1906. In default of the election of theSenior College Council, the DallyMaroon, as the representative of thegc.:ne�1 student body, issues today acall for a mass meeting in KelitTheater, at 10 :.10 on Friday. Allplans have been completed for a rous­ing preliminary to the mass meetingwhich will follow the dinner to thePurdue team on Friday evening.Coach Stagg is to be the' princi­pal speaker, He has an importantmessage for the student body, andhrs address will be the feature of therally. Other faculty men wiII speak.ldembers of the team will tell whatthey think of the prospects for the]1-, of the Cap ¥1d Gown for 1907 and en;stiiiiif . ycars'-\,"ere '�aiJe:'-p�b�-' .Senior Chapel yesterday. After theformal chapel exercises were con­ciuded, Dean Shepardson introducedW. R. \Vather, Chairman of the Capand Gown Committee, The com-WEARING OF INSIGNIAOPTIONAL TO FRESHMENDean Vincent Says a Man·s OwnOpinion Is Respected in LargeUniversity.10oo55(Continued OD Pace 4-, Continued to page 3 (Continued to Page 3)witt iaily :!BaroonF!"l'"hllll"1I will gathl"r at Kent Thea_it)' of Chicago is too. :cr this morning at 10:30 o'c1ock totally unconscious oi h('ar discussed and to consider th�lt1e�tion oi adopting green caps :.:-,th.� iact tilat she has I .t !elr headgear. Postcrs distribUk.:1a team or tl.at the �)\"er the call1pu:: ycsterday announce,1team is face to fal'c his mceting. and great intc: est ha ...with it:' tirst contest �nd one which been manifested in it hy the ml'mh�r:-,I�i:!y matl'r:al!y affect the fate oi the If the two lower classes.. The meetin!.� is called by the upp;:-r:1;ls.;;meJ1, by whom tile plans adoptedJust by way of contrast, it would at a recent Illet,ting will be UJ1foldcll.,'\: well t'O look at the situation at I t is also announced that thc "only.i'l,�due. The Chicago game is the ;('al, live, Freshman caps." will bl.!hi" game oi thc l-,oiler makers' :;ched- ;old for tiity cents each. ;uic, �:!:d �he whole State oi Indiana i.5 Announcem('nt of the meeting wa.,;uade by the deans oi the junior co!­.\�t�· ;ing to sec them make good. .cges yc:-terday morning, by who'nTd cldeat, even to scor" on the chaJll- I: 1(' attitudc was takt�n that while SUC;Ipi0ns oi tht: west wuuld be a great I' .:ra( Itlons would not be discoura<.etlit.::.ther in the caps oi that team. The:: , "".)y the authorities, anything lookin."ha\'c everything to gain by playin;� ,...to a clash between the two class.�st;IC hardl!st kind of ball .. The rooters -would not receive ot1icl','ll .at Purdue ha\'e held wildly entlm- sanctlOll.slastic mass meetings, have elected J ENNIScheer leaders. whom they are wjJ1in�to follow, are inventing new yells,:md discarding old ones which are notsufficiently snappy. Today the ncwsal,pears that they have resen'e<1 on':tl!(Jusand scats :l1ld want more. They\":ill till a special train on SaturdayIl!orning. :\ full section has be�a tl'rday wi!h a :,mall ("ntry list. TheSr;( cially n':-;ern:c1 for the PunltH! ::1atche:-; hr,)tl�ht ant one snrpri:-;e. tlll_alumni, and largc reservations in it dl'feat of Eddie Kuh hy Kroe�ch. K1Ih1;:lve already beell made.\"(111 the I!ouhlt's in the \\·(':,t,:rn inte'-Chicago is aho\'e all thing:-;. aslecn scholastic last :'l'riJlh.:at th(.' switch. There is a rumor thatt!lere will hl' a Jllass mecting on Frt·(;ay night. bnt no one can tracc it .0it:- source or find out much ahont i:.Tht'rc is no \"arsity cheer leader ,)ra:-;� istant:,. 'na're is no demand iorst'ab. TII('re is ahsolutely no :,ig-Ilthat the Chil'ago rootl.'rs care wheth .::­(J. not the I'urclue play('rs trail tn ...vl!:idal �tud�ut l'ull.kuuvu of tb� t:Dh'�I'SHY v1 \.. iUl.a�u.Furw",rl,)"'J he 1:111\"'I'8Ity vi \.'Ilil'IlJ,;v WI..'t'kly.FVUUtl",tlTIll' \\""l'l.;ly, Ut·tvl.wr 1, l!m:!.:. e w- Conr ribut ions arc requested.l:ull'ITlJ us �l'(·vllCl·CluK." �Inll at t he Cbl·,:ao;v l'tn!lvlllce.lJaily Su"scr11J1IvUS.$3,00 per year ; $1.00 for l months.� .. u.� ... r'jll!v"s l"l'll'ln:u Ul tilt· llarvvu Ul'lin'. EIII,,; 01\','11 Ill', or lell Iu tile .\lu1·'>o11"ux, t ru- t··aculty I·:xchall;':t·, CvlJlJ lIall.IInh'l"s 1111' ,.!t·lin'I·Y vI' t he llilily �llll"vvll.r-It hcr l·d,lcJ .. lh e 1)1" pi01I,t' vI "US.IH'S;';. mUJI,e IllUIll' oj" I"'';l:ll t:UI'II, 1.11' lhl'OU;,;1I l'!IC-1III0IJl', IIp.l· ,'ar •• -i:':ti. _\11\' 1l'l'l",.;UI01I"Il,Y,II ueli\','IY :>III1II1U lJe ilJlllll·lliat.'iy !"el'01'le.!lo rue vu,,:c vI (lIILllulllUlI.--.v\'m. A. McDermid, Managing Edito�.K Eddy Mathews, News Editor.Luther D. !'ernald, Athletic Editor.George E. Fuller, Business Manager.\v EDXESIJ:\ Y. OCTUgER 17. 1906.Printed by the .l\larooJl Pl"('�s.47-t E. 55th Strcct.Tel. If. P. 2050,---------------------------------:;:\TURD:\ Y, OCTOBER 13. 1906,------- -----EDITOI\.I .. �L5 Jli'l-.---.,Four d:I)'s to the l'ardue game, an Itl.l· ill:licatiolls :1. e that t!lC l]ni\'cr-;-ArjeepAt theSwitch..\ hole sc:'.son.II\II1I!iIIJl::�rooll ill the dust.,"Vith this ullCl'rtainity a!O to i,!l.pian:' thc l1ail)' :\Iaroon has taken theill:tiatin·. ;,l1cl ha� made arrangl'J1l','i,t ...fl)r a mas .. Jl1l'l'ting ill "cllt on Frid:t\·;It 10 :,W. Thi� i:, iclt tn hl' im:ll'r-t·'I\"C. I f �hl' m;l,,'; Illc<.'ling Oil F··i­cby n:ght i .. 1I(.t a trcIIH'n<lOIt .. "1"'-1." .. "'" t!l(' I'urdu,' team. ",hid1 \\"1:1h' prC';('llt. will h(' in"'l'irl"d with tl'tt"'l1!io}('Ill"l' whicil ... n nill'n i ... tilt' Ill,":1' .... �l'lI,i;d L'l·tflr ill a \·ictflry. ;11111 lii�­(ilic:t;,.!o !t';t11l will hI" propprti()l1;;::',1!:"IH'artt'I1l'I[. It j .. ah .. nlntely lj,"c� .. :try 111:11 c11l'l"r 1c:llkr ... h�· cho. :il;;111[ th;lt �()1lll' idea of artl1al sit­Itation h(' ;,!'in'1l to till' .. tt1,lent ho.lyCO;lch St:tgl� !J;, .. told till' ('dit(lr� tIn:I:l' �las :a mL'�:-;ag(' for thl' �tlllknt hod)':Jnrl will �i\"c it -at that tim('. Ot!:t'r�I'(,:1J.;er" will Ill' presl'nt. It i, t',.'(';�an("e ior Chi(":J�o m�'11 and W01l1:�1lt·) show tllat thcy are aii,'(' to t, �work of their team alld what its "'1,�­("us mC:lns. Ait er conside riug ItUJIlC�OUS plans.r:'lIgil1� from extra-radical to ultra-conse rvat ive, the CapCap and Gown committeeand Gown has finally set t lcd ouJ:-'l.ms. the plan outlined u�auot ncr column. Whet her this is or isnot the best plan there will doubt le-,«he iuuch discussion, but it JIlI1='t I).'re-membered. hdur\.' pas .. ill� tou ha . -t vjudgeurcut. tllat pract ica hif ity comesbefore perfect ion. I i the present pla n... ;ttislil·s the dcmaud- f,'r an iuuuc­diat e work imr plan. it .. houhl Iw a:­;:'l·)>tecl, Iea v iug the e li miua t iun r)innnor 11a ws to a lat er t ime.Last year's Cap and GOWII was all­mit t ed ly till' best ever, and there i�no reason why this year's. manag cdunde-r t he bct t cr plan presented !) ...h(.· conunitt ee, and st ar tcd seve:,:lIllullth" l'arlier, shuuld not cciii'S\.! thl..·.llInual of 190--">..\ \\·("cl.;';, tillll' is all')\\'ell for the COII­.itkratioll uj this plan hl·jore tll,,:\'oic i:, d'.'lllallded. :\ plan which r,:­:l·i"'l·S toe :-;UPl'llrt oi a rl'pfl'Sell!:I­(i\"e :-'tudl'lIt conlluitll"e. and tht' ai"­jHo\'al oi 1Ill"lIIber:-; of the iacuity \\,11'.'Ire c](I:'l' til the situatiotl, sholJld nOlI){· lig-htly pa:':'ed o\"er ur earcll'Ssiynjecteu.fO DISCUSS GREEN CAPSFOR FRESHMEN TODAY• .'Jleetbg to be He!d in Kent toDecide on First Year Insignia.TOURNEY ISKroesch Defeats Kuh and Spring.>Surprise-DoubJes Stopped byDarkness.The tennis tournament startl'd yes."rol'sch. .11'(l:-': graclt::lt,-', plaYl·t1 on:(":tJll thi .. )l·ar. :11111 wonals in the t;ni\"l'r�ityThe matches: t 11(.' snJ1llll·�rinto the fil:-tournamcilt.�teil1 Deat S!ll':l. 6-0. 6-2,�"ac:,\,�il hcat :\Icrri!iclcl. 6-0. ()-,-:.Carr heat :\Ic hlto:-,h. 6--t. 6-1."roesc�1 bt'at Kuh. 6-3. 6-3.f)onhles hl't\H'en Kroe�ch all'l�Ic Intosh a�ainst Gray and Carr wer.:'iOI�I)(:I! hy (Iarklle�s aftl'r each halj'.,·pn a .. d, Tl:e match will Iw COil;�1JlIll'cl at 3:30 toclay.Literature College Elects.In the mecting of thc mcn oi tho:"'!kt:"�, oi literature YC":l'relay morn­illg. j. E. :\Icador. :\"';n F, "ranll':.:11:(: !':ny \\'. I.o("kklnl wcrt' t'lc('t.,,�'Pt'mher .. oj the l'xl'('ltti\"l" ('fllllmitll" ,Tilt· t'h-..:tioll oi th(,�l'. three lI11'I!,.\·1;.1111 \\"i�h l'o1l1e;''')' and Stt'wart \\,:iir\ "fe·"nt tlll' ("o!kge during the COl"ing qn,llt(·r. W;I� po:-;tplll1('d irom awl'ek ago in oreler to gi,'c the 1111'11;,11 opl",rtl'nity to hl'l'ome acqnaintl'.!.Social Calendar.Saturd3j-·. October ..?O,-Reynoll!<;�"l:i) ":::1"" ,\1;.ha Delta Phi I100h<'I';trty.Sl1h�\:rih(' ior the Daily )'laroonrllld be in line, ON5705 Cottagc Gl0\'C Ave.ro PUBLISH NEW PAPER ATUNIVERSl!'Y OF WISCONSINDepartment of Agricultu1e M-l�:!n.�Plans for Monthly Puhlic�doll--'A Nove! Scheme,Piall� at tilt' L:lliy;:r,;ity (Ii \Vi.­con .. ill f(�� another cOIJ._'g"l· paper a rvb-.:ing r:&p:dly uu.turc d and Ih.'ior\.' !o:�;':it i:-; lil;'.:ly that a mont hly puhlic.u ioui .. -ucd iJy the ColiL"!.�l' of Ag ricult tncwill JIIak c it:' init ral ;�p;Il'ar;d:l·l·. E ,.t im.u cs UpUIl ':10: l").-t 0:' r:!Il!lIg 1»:'1rc gular colkgl.· month lies and a�:-':l:tl;lr::! "lr:;d�" p::Jll'r:, wcr c �t:.)11:;1 ted to :: mas,,, ml"l':ill� oi :-,tUlkill:-,'); that dcpart rucnt vi the Luivcr su vdJcl t!lt_" •.. ·:'·:!!tl!�lh.:� \\'I....'r�· .";'t� �:tti�iae!ot·\·.o thc students that it is thot1glt�.ike Iy that the vcnt urc wi!·1 he startl',1;tf. once..\ couunit t cc 11a:, hce n :;p;lO:ntl,tl to';'_,nier \\ ith thl' ianlity concernillg' t::"Ii:jll:c!tiflll ui t:Il' mUlu.lly. a11d il;Pt allt!Jfll'itil'S ;,rl' i:l\"o ahil' to :l!";)\)lI1t a prl"iilllinary :,t;ttY. .\ltl:ulI;"::'�'n'rai ;I;..!"ricu!tnrai culll"ge .... thruti;"::l.;'n the (U�tlltJ'y SIlJlport papers I);I eir 11\\'11. -tudl'lI! puhiic:ll inll .... r,·pr,.::-,ultill'.! sill�ll: dql::rtl:ll'lli:-; oi ia:'g,:�'niH·r .... itil:' ;Irl' quill" rart'.Um:,ilk ;.:, \\"l·ll a.; within till' c;,;·:':gl.' ibdf, :he studl'lIt ('pillioll �el'nb.l' L I \., , :- !." l''' .. ! :J. :-.1111 '.::. t ( Ii' t: 11.'I'.:w mo:a�hl.r.HOLD-UP AT MINNESOTA�\an and Woman Students Stoppe.iat Pistol Point on GopherCampus.:\n att<."mptell hO!II-up on the calll­pl� of the Uni\'e:-sity of :\1 il1n;:,;ota ;I�\' .. !;ieh a man and woman studl'!I:were shot at twice has aroused tl)('�ttJd<."nts to demand from the :\linn­�':-IJ)()lis police more adequate prot('c­':.111. This i!'\ the ctJlminatiotJ oi aseries of crimes which han' l"aus�'ddcnht to l'�ist as to the safd,· oi�it1(lent's li\'es and propert:r. A;tlltJ··� reiter. a sophoJ1lore. was the mandl0 was the victim of the attemt>,,�.1c':"il11e, \Vhell he. e:-'corting- a worn:! I:-fllCk'nt. was crossing the Pleasant�t reet cros�ing. a man jumped outf:om behind a clump of trees and or ..dl'rcd him to hold up h:s halld:.; It'mo!Ot appro\'ed bandit style. \Vltl"1:h<: couple started to ttJn, thc Jllan'Ired at them twicc. :\ thorough 111-\",�tigation has becn ordered hy Lh"!:\f:nneapolis police but nothing hasL"en found.Philosophy Women Elect.:\t the elcction of officers and ex­('cuti\'e committee in the Colle�e 0:I'hilosophy (\Vomcn) this J1lornin�,\�.ss I'hd)l' Ikll was l"Iected chair­i;'�!n.The cr1nllllitte(' I.. comJlosed 0:�\Iiss('s :'.lice nrig-:lt, :\Iarjorie 0:1'.'.1:(.,1<"11 Pl·ck. Estfll'r 11 all. Sar';h\\ ilk('s. all1l \\'illl'\\" Dean Chatll'r:'oll."!'he (.'x('('uti,·e c0mmittt'(' will also ht'ti:<:' hl':I.}s oi the "uh committees ... \ rt.\thlt·ti<.·';. Dram:1tics. and Social.Entertains At Foster Hall.Miss Grace Jackson cnt(,rtained inFoster Hall on Saturdav in honor '1t�Ji!Os Holmcs and �Iiss Harri,�tHoYmcs who sail for Enrope ne'i:':\\"('ek Those who a�sisted in sen'­ing "'ere :\Ii�scs B�rker. Capps, Hull.TIaxter. Xo\\"ell. :\IiIler. Buchanan :11:(1Haskell.Spe�ial Meetings at y, M. C. A.The Ct'ntr:t1 Y. :\1. C. :\. i� ('011-dl1ctin� an import:Jllt "('ri('� of ('n­tel r:1inllwllt .. :11 ",hidl !Oltch :11('11 ",ill�"p(,:1r a .. \kCnt('lt('o11. ()11tC:111It. tlterr('� !nr nf th(' �'('lln\\" kid :l11e1 nl1"f('rr.rn\\"ll .. ht-nh Rii,. T ,nr:1dn Taft :1T1I1.lwrj,:1p-.;. \\'illi:1111 .r. H r\";l 11. \J ('mhcr"nf thc l·lIi\·cr"ity Y. \1. r.. \. (':1111111Y �(':1<;0n tick('ts for t \\"1'11t�· Cl1!('!"­':;:l1n1<"l1f� in- $.1 00. Tl1(' co�! tn 110.,111('mh('r" fnr !h(' twcnty ('ntert:Jin-11:('111.; will hc $(j.oo.,. Py!"o- \fnl1n':!"r:11I1 f'nr! r:Jit,," arc theJatc!Ot th:ng-.\f:\"RTYX'S :\1:\ ROO:-'; sn.-nlo MOSSLER'SClever Clothes,so JJ.'::�$O:l Blvd."Colleg� CloHH;S."'1'::1.." <mi r ; Col­L:�·.: CI:aps :Irc"i! Ippill!.! l:p our··',:,!:;pi:-.;t �t:'t il'".ti'ilC):-l :1'; i:t�t a:',n� can ?l"t themin..\Il(ll':,·r hi:.!b:·tl.":1 .)f ·'swat;·gl' r" l"ulll' �e pa t­terns _iust arr!\",:.l.l-I:t�diy any �\") :-;ljl.'';' alike.so yon are sure of "exclusi\'l'­IJ�':-;";·' and illd:\,:':Uit1ity.�t1;t� at $I� til $ :0. 'J\'e: eO:I�:'$20 to $55.If it:> a "M05sler Gc:.nr.ent" itsrightM'osslerCoClever Clothes. 50 fackson :�'Chcil1barvard 1bot�1i '.:: .. :: .. ::,.:: .. :: .. ::.::.::.::.-:: .. :: .. ::.:: .. :: .. :.: .. :: .. :: .. ::-.::.,:.:,.::.::-:��III;QEuuna �. �tftllart2,000 STYLES:NE I 1.-\ V E till' i;:!)rI\'s-the ex­.)ert cutter:-; and ;k:!Jetl tailors-to·n::l-.:e g(l(1(1 u:lr h�a,;t-'hat .:'\icoll;C:;I(I� for best tail >rin:;--alHl' at a:notll'ratc price.On:r 2,000 desi;'_:'l)s this se�son­norco perllaps, tln.l you'll find inmany other shops .�JJllL:ned. Canyot! drop in to-day?Trou�ers $5 to $1'! Suits $20 to S50lNlLLIAM JERREMS' SONS., Clark and Adams Sts. (;IIFinestAccommodationsfor StudentsandTeachersPrices ModerateLocatton Ideal5 714 l+·�shingion A venal.)r-h�HOME fOLKSLIKE YOUR LmERSSTANDARD OR seLF FILLUIG• Thoe P2rkt'r has three vit:ll flointlof superiority "",found in nth.r I'�u.C2n yuu �lford nM to supply yound:with :I r2rkt'r rrn tVogelsang'sJS2 :\r .\IlISU:O; STREET.:\ ca f e of individual tonewhere fa�tidiotls folks findchc rand refresl:ment-­the pcriection of twentiethcl'ntl1ry c()okin� in a de­li�:lt fnl old-world atmos­!lhL're.---------- - -- -- ------- :.-:b.. \Ihert :\Iathe\\· ... I'rc�, (:('('. H. Fiel!L·r. \'icc-l're:-;. F, 11. Stratton. Sec.Mathews & Co. Inc.THE TAILOR SHOPr,;cw Powe.s Bldg., 15() Wabash Ave.DESIGNERS OF CLOTHESFOR YOUNG MEN.Harders' Fireproof Storage &Van Company, Successors toBecklenberg Express, Warehouse " Van Co.FURNITURE. PIANOS, TRUNKS. MERCHANDISE and PARCELSDELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY, DEPOTSAND SUBURBS,GClI('r;tl I. :'":>"".Stor:l�c and S:l' c'rr·' 'll'� :(iJ.i-t-50-5X \VI'nl\\"",r:i; ,\n,l"\"1'11.':11"' :\\'cnt"'prrh -r,l) . .j�". I:..! ;Iild �"')' • ;�r;l11ch Office. Information Office.l �ni\'. of Chica�o,l�. R. \Varehot1�e.Chir::�fI Jl111(":ion R. R... oth a11d t ·;)�ltIl1,·t..'.Ir,O'i,THE DA TLY MAROON, CHICAGO. \\'EDNESJ¥)A Y. OCTOBER 17,IS (Continued from Page I., .- ---..-------------- -- ---RED "fAFE :\CCOl'IIPAl\-:IESSTuDE'NT F007BALL RATESVARSITY '!'RAINS HARD:'OR GAME WITH PURDUEot�, t;:illL'li t h« IIl·\\· ... that 1I1111111"o:d ... arel'l miiu; :'r"lll l'r:l\\,,,iorcl,.\·ilk. \! 11';1'1,.a'lIl Ill'i�hl)l,"illg IU\\'II" to atL'll'! 11'-'g;llIIl', T'hv COIIIl'"t with 11�'!;·;II:I. 1.,;'which h:� exnlr-;iulI" to l ndia n q',,'1 .1·.:lH' hcc n run. w i l l not ht' i�·,l,i t;·:,..year. :11111 the Chic;��.�() ganll' i, thl'�',\'­f.;-e the I'r-! our-ot-t own t','I';E, -,,.a result :11: l ud ia na i� :1111,11: � p :1:1": .. invad: :·,::·r";:I:lil Fi:;l,. rho l'llr-0:.(. t e.un ;� c.l:ni:lg lip :;";"_' t., ',\111.and, the I'i -ot e r- who ';;11'l'l.r·l It ;1; ,:c',lI"itkllt t t.at t h cy arc g:)lll''':- t o :"�l'a vicrorv.. 'r::l' :1lL'1l lined up a:-- Iol lo w s : I{,,:,­c.:\., ;111.1 I:::rka, eud s ; Kelly and Ru«­sell .t:,l"l-:d,,: �lacCarthy anll JUIIC';."\1:11":''': llarri�. ccutvr : Eckl·r.�:�ti,t, ff -(jli;,r�l'I' l.ack : \\'.d�l'r arul �lc UtI,:'h:di i);:ck,.: growll lull Lack In till";l'I,IlIJill;ttillll Coach Stagg wa s tryi1l60:11 ! t:.._, hoys ill new pos it io n s ratherili.u. pn'-cclill� the lineup ':I:; it wi ilb\., ::1 t:,,' ,;tart of t hc first gallle, I l c, ':: \ill<ln':dl'd a'" to h o w he wrl!F::�'�" ',11'" mel! when the ';C:I,;OI1 0PCIIS,i'::rdne has had about three wvv k -,morl' IIf practice t hau have tile Chi­r:lg" J!llo'I;. and co nscqucut ly a 1001;';l':·t'.' jl,r training, V cry few of the::'1,11" 'II� a rc ill the be st oi shapc ph y­":;l·;tl.\·. ior tIll' :,hort time �incc cul­;: !,' ;)"g:,11 i" :titu:":dlll'r tuo sltort for:1' jla,lir:l;llary tr:lining period, n:e:,I>I);:t:,,1I lli the training table ll:,:�pit t;,l' 1Il1o'II 011 their hunor to kc','pt[;tilling. b�11 it i� iar hanter to ,]!:tlli .. a\Lly frllm qllarter,; :1I111 amon;.!:::1 lite d;lilltil','; ui whidl their irientb1';:rt;lkl'. lknb nut to ca:'ry any lllun' .lll0lH'ythin Ill'Cl',;"ary fur cariarl' W�ll'11 (Illtill' call1l>U'', "It i"n't �afc to k'a\'�:tl,\" ya!llahle� arullllll," hl' ..:aid, "I ti� -illll'U .. sihk ill ,,0 Iargc an in�ti[",­(on to catch thc thil'\"l'� that arc ';0r:!infully mlml'rOt1� that at time� ith:l:- bel'11 lll'CL's"ary to ha\'e (ktecti\'l'';on the. campus, The wise way is tot::kc ,prl'cantion�: 110t to hang ou�sigll� after your property is gone,"I-I.� also saill that anyone who Wl'ar�(.':,.pcn"in' cl()thcs around tlle campu,i;; Ycry iOCllish ;\nd quitc unapp;-e,ciated.MICHIGAN TRACK PRACTICE�.:,: .. :: ':�·:\-f"DON'T CARRY MONEY ORWEAR EXPENSIVE CLOTHES"roart Dean MacClintock Says Neither isSatisfactory Policy for Stu­dents,:\i:tcClintock urgl'� hi�lkall\Vord hom 1'lIrdul' color,.; the !:'li_krlll;lkl'r',; l'r(),,;pl'�·ts darkly. the fol1"",il1g rl'porl bcill� ill �nh,;tal1::e the!;Itl',.;t n_'p'lrt oi tlll' Purdnl' Exponl'llf :"\Vith a wcak lilll' and inability' 8CXl:cutl' team work. PlInlue is in poorSi::I}Il' iu: the ga111C with Chicago Sat­rrelay,,\lthough sume brilliant indi\'idual\\ork has bel'1l dOlle in practice. tilt:work of the team as a whole ha�bn'll far fro III "ati"fadory to the Boi­I.'rmah·r" and thcir adhcn'nts, T:I':!ward pa"s, �I) nl'ces�ary to (:Iencw rules, ha� n'maillcd a myst�'!".v10 the I'lInhH' agg-regalion, whic!1\. hl'lIl'\'l'r iii practicl' gaml'S has trie'J!l. has bllt faill'd 1110"t compll'tely to Captain Ramey Musters Material lorCross Country and Track Teams,�Theyl Fail practice has hl'cn begun by t!;,:!t!':1ck tl'ams of tl!� University 0:1lichigan. UIHler the leadership oiCaptain Ramcy who has just made 111"-;f:1::.t apjl�';::';lI1cc this fall, c:llHlilbtt.'sft,l' tl:e quarter mile <lashe�. and hur·(!;cs !la\'e COIllC out ior tile team,ror the cross country team. o\'er seY­ent\' men have appca:-ccl as candi(l­;:te; amI illterest in that departmcntof sport is umlsually kl'en,Outdoor workouh han: heen heldfor thc past two days an:1 \';ill Ctll1-ti:lue as lung- a,; the weatl:l'r willpermit. According tu th.e present in­'dll:ltions. there i,; an UllUsually lar�:k� of material in si;;ht jllr the :-;princiteam,gain gal1111(1.fll'"l!llll'n last I n the game with th':Saturday. individtL'_1:LF FILLI!!Gvitlll "oinllin othrr I'�as.''Ip!Y yowsd! l,J:ayt:r,; of the 1910 team made long­�ail1s through the \ar�ity and tltl":eor iour men seemed to he ahle toLlod.: the regular plays at will.The final s·core of Saturday's gamewas 16 to 6 in f:1\'or of the \'aristy,III thc sccond half when thc regu1.1rtl:am linally reco\'cred itself !'Olll':­\Ihat, Conl1\'ill and �Icrrill did mo;i.(.)1 the work which land cd the thr .... :tlltlchd()wn� for thc varsity,Studcnt opinion, a wcek or so ag ••50 sangninc as to the result of t:le( Ilicago game. has matcrially chang,',1s'nce last Saturday's game at Purd1t:!,Thc adherents of the BoiIL·rmak.:rc:;mp realize that· if they ;ire to nukec,'en a decent sl10wing ag-ainst Coac.lS[ag-g's men next Saturday they mthtfIJt depellfl on a few brilliant playccslaidcd hy team work. .. \lthou�:hhen' the Purdue frcshmen arc C011-�rncd it is realized that "Dad" a:l.1 Hare and Hounds at Minnesota.The old EIl�lish hare and hotllHbrace ha.... hccn introduced into tlwllnin'r,;ity oi �Iinnc:,ota, Last Fri·day aitcrnoon the Cross Countc\'(iuh maue it:' tirst cha�e, Sc\'cral0: the hl'st n:nnl'rs oi the organiza,'sonefindIt­icthde­lOS-�a"g·.:)m. Sec,�N. ol1l1\"ill. with the rest of their tea'�1 tion wcrl' gi\· ... 11 back hags oi con·ccorating parts of thl' gridiron 11l11.:h f,lti which tht'y scatten'd as thl'Y_) the rear. may he :lhle to tcal' r:ln, l'ur:'l1ing' tlwl11 hy thi" "scl'nt",rough th(' frl'::.hllll'n line" ior :il1 C:iI1ll' the fl,,,t oi the club, By thl'ccasion:tl tOllchdown. that that kill.) il�lroduct;on of this Illore "port"mall­(.j f .. othall \\'ill not a\'il much against likl' il'atnie into the ordinary run"Chicago i� as cvident. So the P\1r, oi Ihe cluh. additional interest ilasd:.e mel1 regard the outlook for tit... bl'l'1l art)t1:'('11 in the c\'ents am '11�g-am(' hcre S:ltl1rday as \'cry dark.'· till' llIHll'rg-r:Hlllates,The rn'i\'al oj the old Engli�h C11,,-t('111 It;:" hu'n ,,0 "tll'c\'s�ft11 at ::\Iinnc·:or,!a thaI it i" cllll"idl'rl'(1 likely tln�tll,_' cx:)cri1!lt'llt wi:1 h� imitaled ,I�..-,[ !wr t:nin';,,,il ic;,Honor System at Minnesota.In Ihc department of economics ... ,the l�ni\"(·r,.;ity oi �Iinne"ota. the ho;)·o!' sysll'm h:." hcen alloptl'(l. SludcntcOlllmittees ha\'e lwen formed t1ntL�rtI,,, directioll ._,j ))r. �IcVoy which ;Iretit ohtain ple(lg'e" from all "Iudl''l!''I;, .dr.lin irol11 "crihhill�" of all v;tr­'('!ic..; in I.'x:tmin:,tion" or other writ·'11 cXl'rci"e", 111 ('a:-c any 111"11111('rof the uni\'cr .. ily hre:tl,,, the pkd�_',eAOffice. Michigan Interest in Penn,,\ 11 0 i :\ lie hi g:t 11 ':" i 11 � \' r t''; Ii" (' l' n .ten'd 1]1i" i:111 ill Ihl' prl'p:tr:llitt11 il·r11(' 1\':1 il ��;II1lt', \\'h"11 th(' ea"ll'rl1crs.. \-ill he :--hO\\,11 hll\\' t11t' \\'l',,1 ph.\',j ( () t h:1 1 i. :'\ tl t \ \ i I It .. t; I ,111 i Ill.!' t h (' i I' h:t h -itllal "cli-cfln1idl'I1Cl' it i" :111 open :-('­.-rl'l tltal Ihe \lichig:lll ddl'I1,,(' i" nntthe imprl'gl1:!111l' "tOlll' wall wlticl� :tlla .. h(,t'n regarded :11 the P:t"t. IIIthc m:ltter of puntinl.!' and �oal kid;·1'0:,:, :\li("hi:�:111 111:1)" hl' ahk tn ('XI'('1.Wants Golf Match With Chicago. htlt in the otiter dcparlnH'nls oi til.'iilinoi" wants In arran�(' a g'()]f 1-;':'111<' Ih(' two team,.; ,,(,('111 to he \'cr\'m:.I('h wilh ("1,i('ago for th(' mornin� l'\'clll)" matchc(J.o�' tll .. flay of IhC' annual fnnthall11'1'" o.!llIt]l'nlPI:l1i�l1Tllel1�, commillcl' will fix ili,.;If the schem(' pro\',',,;:0.�lll'e'e:--"fll1 in the departm('nt of (,CO!l­"111 ie's. it will IH: I ried in nl her de­l',1rl111cIlts of the in"till1tion,RCELSTS�;I:l:�'. :�fI\'c111hcr 2i, \':1111<'S wilh thl'h:lll\'illc \'(,If C1uh ;111d Ihe' C]la1ll­P;lig-n \\'('r(' pl:ly('cl la,,' S:ltnrday. rl',suiting in defeat fo:- the TlIini,R, �l1h�l'rill(' inr !h(' I )aily \b rll!)!1:11,1) h., i,� 1;1)(',P:llroniz(' Daily �Iar()on ad\'erli"{'r"," GENTLEMENWHO DRESS fOR smrNEATNESS. AND COMFORTWEAR THE IMPROYEDBOSTONGARTERTHE RECOGNIZED STANDARD�The Name Is�!:�� on ty"� ����CUSHIONBUTTONCLASPLIES FLATTD THE LEG-flEYtRSLIPS, TEARS NDRUNFASTENSCEO,FBOSTCO,.KUeral:G&toD.:MAu,. tl', S, A,st tl- __ ..",ALWAYS EASY�_--'l ft- �paldiDg's. OfficialFoot BallGuide, NE'W,a�IUb�Swith full I':�:':I' ('xl'laliatory plct ures. ,l':ll.ill·t! bv \\'altl'" CaUl!', '1'11(.' larj.!l·st Foot� :t,l,l ','; :;�tI .. t'�':'I', 1�IILtl,IIi�!:'�I:. , �··III.!.,�.� .. :,���.I.t.l U·l�HUI.I"tt�lI. 1""'''''·\'11.3, "l.O.'-� ... a..>,...".-lIt .Id. ,;: eal'lall1�: recorrls ; �COI'l'tI;1,it-1111'< S u! over 'LOtlU p!UYl'I"g,Price. 10 cents.A. G. SPALD.lNG & BROS.,:-:"'\' \'''1'1 •• (·h1l'u).:o. st.' Louis'. :-:au Fri�u"j,;\,(" :,llull":tlloii:-o. 11<'11\'1'1', Bulfal". Syr,1II·\!:,.o', l'ill�"'II'':, I'hll:III,'lphia. 1:",.,,,,,.\\'a:.ldllhtoll. Cincinnati, Baltimore,Kan­:<;1:, ('11 v, :'\,'\\. VI'It·all". :\111111'-":11. l au,;L',l ';:01': Eli;'::,: 11alllllul';'::. (J1'I'm:lIlY,:-0;.1.<1 your 11:11:1" all,l 1:1'1 a fr"l' "0;);'­"I' I �'" :II'\\, :-O;jlaillill:': Fall :1I1t1 \\'jule1'�I .. ,n" "alal,,;';Il.,. ,·'Jlltaluill).: l,i.:IIll'U>::!:d ""ll"';; 0: all t he lIL'\\' seasouubteut h h-t lc :,:volb,-THE--HOTEL andRESTAURANT011 R&D401ph st. between Clark AD4DearbornIS THE POPULAR PLACE faR OAIITYSUPPERS AFTER THE PLAYExtensi� improvements havemade the' dining room, the mostbeauttful and attractive in theTheatre District.The new hanging balcony forthe enlarged orche3trn il> anotherimprovement and the music fa6 made aD especial feature.. �---��---------------------- ..WHERE do you get yourNew.papers. Periodical. aDdStatloD.r.,.?At NOR-TON·SPho.e116 Hyde Park Free Delivery318 57th Street.I'atronize Daiiy :'laroon auverfj","r,), AMES HAT!!t52.00 53.00A fair ul'al with c\'cry hat161, 163 E. MADISON STREET.Opera Hats, Silk Hats.Xe;lr LaSalle,KH.InAJ.r. HALL243 Wilh.l!"u Av�.Original I(h!::s a III I Ex:c:usi\'c Stylc�inPHOTOGRAPHSSpecial Ra"'s t.) U. or C. Students------------_._---- _._---- "FitsANDMisfits\ \' c hear n great deal these(!a "S abut the "eternal fitnessor' things" and thc man whob. st "tits" the place he fills inthis world is acknowledged tobe the most successful. In likemanner clothes that "fit" per­irctly-that hear the imprint(,f a master hand and em­body all the personality and in­dividualitv of their wearer arcllr()111 )t1I1l'�'d 1)\, discriminating­�lrl'SSL'rS to he' the only doth�sa successful man can wear­hence. good clothes arc an ab­solute neccssit v. Men havelearned that fn these busvdays the garlll(,llt is the indl'�to "th<.: l1'a�I, and the tailor \\'hocan dress the111 wdl at a mod­erate cost is in \'cn- truth a"friend indce(l." thousandsof young college n1l,.'n-yes­-an<1 the facutt \', too--havefonn(l that our c"ombincd skilland experiencc give just thcclot hcs-sen'icc thc\' necd.Our slH:cial fall ·offer of aregular S�5'oO suit or overcoatperfectly tailored for $35.00 iswcll \\'orth thc attention ofl'\'cn' n�an who reads this all.C;ll1: ;f von can. on the fonrthI1nor of the At,\;ootl Bt1it(ting­You'll Ret a hearty welcome.If "ou cannot Game. \vrite foronr nooklct, showing latestfall styks and samples of thegoods. Lay the "�laroon" clownand do it now.hardy Bros ••Foster 6. Co.ATWOOD BLDG.,CLARK and MADISON STREET.CHICAGO.CARSON PIRIE SCOTT &.COSTATE AND MADISON STREETS.Women's and Misses GarmentsIn the Reigning ModeFor the t=all and Winter of 1906·1907for", to the se:atiment of style effectiveness for the season of ll)O:! ::nd If}Oi,�cope of theco�tu!i.es. coat..; and wraps, is characterized by marked The dispby' of suits,individ tnlity. yet theshowi:1� perrr.its the widest lat itude for choice.tile wort!1y v.:!::c:; th.:t are reprfsented, We recommend it �Cl' the ab!>olute correc�ness ofFurs of Quality inFashion's F�vored StylesThe supremacy of style cl q;ancc, depenuc:b!e workmanship and high qualitj' in the season'sproductions from "A S:o!'e loa r.�ot:s for Its Fu�" is convi:1cir.giy pesenteu in the strikingly richexar.lples in our fourth i1o.Jr ur�c(:tion. 7::�7 will certainly elicit \Va l'0Tl apPovOlI of those whoseek becor.lingness without a sacri f:e\. 0= c:';�"�l":;:· .... cncss,----------------11.VIe confiGently submit the result of well considered and careft.lly matured plans whicn con-�IIFour;!, Floor I8TlH: bAiLY MAi?()()N. CHTCAGO:WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 17,1906.��������������������������������IILLIN�IS CL�B ���EN lamelioratc the condition of the un·BRIGHTON HOLD S�AY ON CAMP�S skill(:u, non-professional women. workers.. . At the adjournment of the session.FLA.T-CLASP GA.RTERS 'lIld the Iower ing uf the tariff on artal. informal reception was tenderedwor ks, were SOIllC oi t h e aims of theto :\1 rs. Sarah S. P. Decker. presidentSt. l 'aul conveut iou that were corn-y t he General Federation. Mrs.mended and indorsed. J .nnes Frakc, president of the I Iliuois.\1 r s. C(.'urge R. Bacon. Honorary Federation and former presidents and�'lIn'n'd seated in the balcony n nd\',':IS called to t he platform..\ itl'" t hc adjourumcnt of the morn­'II� sl',.:,.:iflll t!IC "even number" ·Ji:-­�ril'I"; rc ma in ,-d in their seats nnd':l,ld district mect ing« to nominate:;l't'-pre� idcn t �.LUlh:lleulI was· .!'en·cli tu the WU111en'11 t he nH'II's and \\"Ol11l'n'S C0111111on,.;,The Afternoon Session.The afternoon :,c:,si()n W;IS a �ell-���������������������������============�I eral censurc of tIle local clubs hyhe Orl!l'l'r� of the Ge ncrnl Fcder t.,tinn for 110t p:!ying an}' att ention to:l:l' litvr.rt urc dist ributcd, and for n ot'ltkllding" to till' busines-, (If the Get:­«ra l .\��ociatioll. Every -pcakcr l'111-p!l:l<;izl'd this point most st rong ly.Tile fir,.;t part oi t h e session was tak­l'11 hy the report:' of the vicc-prcsi­dents of t h e districts, .i\1 r s. George\\�::tkill� )lrl'sidin:-�. Sntisfacri.m.vit h t111' new dist r ict plan was -:y­)1'(·�"l'd. Xl r s. John E. Bl'�t. of the\llin:;tol1 I I eight;; Women's Club,.;ng:;e";ll'd that the women pay more.rt t cu tiou to the school choldren, par­ticularly with reference to the vcn--�.- -�have long been th-; .�dard 25 c�t �rter. The, patented flat claspprevents chafing, bInding and catchIng 10 the clothln1!. The Brighton�bt Clasp Garter is as ht .. your hand. Worn by men who appre­ciate comfort and neatness. Made of pure silk elastic webbing. Allmetal parts of brass-heavily nickeled. 25 cents a pair, all dealers or hymail prepaid. "or men wbo prefer a cord garter, "'e have perfectedLOCK-GRIBBRIGHTON GA.RTERS. While they are quicklv and easily detached. yet they have thefirmest gnp of all cord garters, The flexible rubber diamondgrips with a bull dog tenacity. No wear or tear of the socks.Can't spring loose or become accidentally detached. Made offinest quality webbing ; all metal parte heavily nickel platedbrass. 2Sc and SOc a pair, all dealers or by DUil, prepaid.PIONEER SUSPENO=R CO •• 71:lllllarilet St., Philadelphia.JI.u". 01 � 8� -.j11I-II,:!1!': Start School RightCL�THES AN INDEX TO CHARACTERCOLLEGIANS N�TEDLY G��D DRESSERS.U. of C. MEN LEAD THE WESTWHEN WEARINGCollege Corner ClothesMADE TO ORDER BYCarver. & WilkieC�LLEGE CL�THES.I I��l�1 $35.00 to $45.00. TAIL�RS.lS5-laP Dearborn St.THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE andSTORAGE COMPANYPhone Hyde Park 671 Kimbark Ave. & Fifty-SixthSt.The C!eanest and Best Kept StorageWarehouse in the Cityl··urnlture and Piano. lloved. Stored. P:l.cked:ln:1 Qnlppedto aU parts of the world. :sUO Itrivate Storaa:elC(,(lms. Lal'b'Par lor Exduslvely tor·1'1an08. ltooma tor Tru ks UIH.JWheela,l.JIl'ge Room tor Carriages. Buggies and Sld�;sTRU!\"1{S1'O AND FROM ALL DEPOTS,llaggage, Furniture. Packqes, etc,. at short notke,8peda1 Attention Ginn to University Orders.Leeal Transfers torJOHN W. DOUGLAS3EITAILORI�Telephones 4068 Harrison--3884. Automatic51 Jackson Blvd. E. CHICAGO.Cincinnati a IndianapolisQUICKLY AND COMFORTABLY REACHED viat FAST TRAINSOF THEBIG FOUR ROUTEMOST POPULAR OF ALL TRAINS IS THEQUEEN CITY SPECIAL�'I. �I 1i, Lv, Chicago Daily .. II :30 P. M. Ar. Ci.ncinnati , , 7:45 A. M.Compartment and standard sleepers to Cincinnati and local sleeper toI ndianapolis, All sleepers open in station after 9 :30 P. M.TICKET OFFICE, 2.18 CLARK ST.I. P. SPINING. General Northern Acent. CHICAG�.John B. Stetson UniversityAFFILIATED WITH THE UNIVERSITY �F CHICAG�.t COLLEGES. 5 SCHOOLS, It BUILDINGS,t8 IN FACULTY. STUDENTS MAY BEGINW�RK DURING THE WINTER QUARTERAT STETSON AND RECEIVE THEIR CRE-DITS AT CHICAGO.Stetson is in the land of flowers. sunshine. blue skies and halmy oc�nbreeles, Summer recreations nm through the winter, Costly buildings, elec­tric lights, electric bclls. ccment waiks, shell roads, broad a,·cnues. �vaciou!campus, tropical shrubbery and trees. Large increase this year in all de­panments,AnDRESS: PRESIDENT LINCOLN HULLEY. Ph.D"DE LAND, FLORIDA.i1Il.1:\. :\I:\XDELCORN, Tel. Hyde Park 3283 H. BR:\ZGO.ll. SlBanbeltorn &. 4tO.University TailorsHIGHEST WORK AND EXCLUSIVE GO�DS.565.1 KnfnARK AVESUE. EQUITABLE PRICES. Cnrc,\Go.Illinois,.ulS-T:l� : \VOl hl1sitle�,; numa g cr s sha ll:;l::I' t h c !i1lancial rcspous ib ility of thebe ok a 11(1 �,i!::ll make or lose as cir ...:tllll,;ta:Jce� deterlllille. :\ detuilc-l<ratcmcut of :t11 the business t ransac­nons shall be submitted to the 5 .: ·.r.or CO;�l';;l: not later than j une i.01" t he cnlkge year.(Con�intJ('d !rom Page I.)CAP AND G�WN C�MMITTEEPRESENTS ITS FINAL PLAN1" he committee, composed ofWrather, John Moulds, Earl Hostcc .tel', \Vellington Jones, and Max Richar ds, was una nimous ly iu fa vor oj 'heplan outlined above, which l�"IH;�ll1Sthe best features of all the i):.lI ... pr e s­er-red.The plait of nomination and elel�t:":lpr oviclcs for the provisional nornma­tron hv a self_perpetuating ho-ly, ;l:eJ unicr honor society, but nornn 1-ti'.ns are by no means limited. .'.tLi'l time oi election. a week after .} ('tilation on :,;dlOOI rooms. init ia l nominations are made i.1')-I n reporting" for the Litcraturc ' I;;:. another ticket may be prcsente.ICommit tee, Xl rs. :\Iary Bourland lll!t hv ::le Junl\)r Class at largc. anelparticular emphasis on' the literature v:)1\:<1 on along with the nominationstllat should be put in the way of chil- oi the JUliio: Society. By this pIan(lren anel high �chool g-irls and hoy=-. tile society IS forced to nominatl! (he"The dime nO"els and so forth shouid hest l11en. or be overruled by thebe done away with: so should (h'.' class.so-called 'children's hooks.' she saJrl. The standard of eligibility called'Good literature should be subst"i- fe"� is tbe usually acccpted Ol1l'.tuted. \Ve should feed our children's There is also no change in the m·l'!"­minds as well as their bodies." ter of financial responsibility, from (heThe music committee concluded the:1fternoon scssion. The West EnllWomen's Cluh, the oldest chorns in'hc state. under the direction of �oIrs.\Vallan', ren<lcrl'd two selections. The:\Iilo Association quartet was heartilv1pp!auded, and '�he North End W�­men's Club chorns concluded the ai­t('rnoon's program with three selec­tions,After adjournment the distri�tpresidents remained in confer�nceand listencd to a short address i)y,,\1 rs, Sarah S. Platt Decker, Presi­�icnt of the General Federation ,)f\\'o111cn's Clubs, The hurden of �rr",i )(.'ckcr's remarks was a mild cen­'Ilrl' to tlle local c1uhs for not :Lt­:;.ching llue importance to thc work_>1 the Gl'nl'ral Fedcration. Informal:esolutions werc made to "bc good,"in the futu: e anel make the gencr:lI.\"ork a P:lrt of the local c1uh rOlltin':.The Evening Session.The evcnin;; meeting. at 8:00 0'c10�!�,\'a:-; dc,'o1<.'d to reports on civic, mu­nicipal and indu�trial reform.:\1 rs. AIlH'rt G, Lane. Chairman ;Ifthc Ci"ics Committl'c, introduccd t!l<;\"ork of the committec and :\lrs. He:1·ry I I eIHI�r!'·on. its secn'tary, present­ed the r('port.Professor Edwin O. Jordan. of th!university oi Chicago discussed'":-rullicipal Sanitation," with especialrcierencc to the relation between ru­.al and ci"ic f'pidcmics, and to (y­;>hoill fe\"(�r and (Iiphtheria,:'Iiss .\nna E. :'-:icholes, chairmallof the Indu,.;trial Committl'l', prl'�l'ntsihe outline of it� work and :\Ir�. lIar·riet Vall Ikr Vaart and :\riss :\Iary'\Icl)(lwdl discllssed it in detail..\Ii�� SOitholli,.h:l H. Hreckcnridg".nj the Cllin'r:-ity of Chicago, spoke"II "The ,'rllkl"tioll oj the HelplessII Illd\ht ry.·· Compelled hy lack oi'illll' III omit m\ll'it of her paper. :\Ii:,..;I:rl'ckenri.tge confinl'd her addr�',,�:', :111 :111:dysi:, oi the l'l'ol1omic COII­liitil)l1 oi helpi('�� WOml'n, and to �n:ll'pe:t1 for thl' aiel of thc dl'legaks'1 st'l'llr:l1� aell-qll:Jte kgislation anriii' aielillg" inn's:igations dl':,igned' toE. C. MOORE. FLORIST., ; policy w��ich il: • .; �,i>t:l::'('! ::! the 1',-;;.,Each Junior will vote for the fi ... ·cllll'lllhers of the executive committce,and may split. his "ote if he sees f;�.�\� in thc scnior class elections, Lheb�.lIots will be checked up with lis(:;,!rom the dean's offi_ce.Dean Shepardson, who f -t. ,')r;:, tl:':new vIall enthusias'tically, has givenpermission for the voting by specialballot ior or against thc plan at theregular senior collegc meetings ncxtweek for thc clection oi councilors.Each member of the Junior and Selllorcl�'sses will vote "yes" or "no" on theproposition.I f a majority snpports the plan, itwill go into immediatc effect. and til':.!whole Cap and Gown (juestion canbe settled by the first of Novembcr,\,,-ith this early start the prospectsior the best Cap and Gown in his.tory are "ery bright,,Telephone yonr c1assihedthe :\Iarool1, H. P. 426. ads to I 'i HaveYOU' The YouWillTipBeen Top LikeThere? Inn ItTo!, floor ofThe Pu IIman Company Build'gCor, Adams St. and Michigan Ave .Rcsidence:1:".33 Arlington PI. PhoneLake View JO�ORCHESTRA. andCONCERT BANDI. Goldsmith. Conductor.Cflice with the Cable Piano CompanyPhone Harrison 1644Wabash and Jackson. CHICAG�. For Sale or RentFur sale or Rent: 5454 InglesideAve., Corner 54th Place.1\.00111 rcsidcnce : Hot water, heat,0; k floors, newly decorated : rent $40per 1110nth or will sclt on easy ten");'II idea l home. P. J. Harmon, 542350. Halsted Street, Phone Yards 261-8001(5NEW AND SECOND-HANDat Lowest. Prices415 E, 5itn street. The Openingof the SeasonUur IIUpO. tations of Woolensfor l'all are on view to-day.Tiley arc a bit smarter thanever before.The "j e rrcms \Vay" of build­ing these Fabrics into clothesmeans a study of your. indi­vidual figure.To-day is bet ter than to-mur-'row,•TAILOR FOR YOUNG MENTW� SrORES131 La Salle Street. and44 Jackson BlvdPATR�NIZETilEUNIVERSITYPHARMA.CY5(10 E. 55th Street,R R. B�WAN. Prop. Telephones Hyde Park 18 and ()1)5A. McAdamsTbe UDI ... ralt7. .. F lor: sL ••GRBBlIBOUSES:Cor. S34 SL aDdJtJm.,.arkA�. ChicagoConl{lin'sPenSeH-FiDinaFor busy reoplc.No bottler.Fills itself.Cleans itself.No dropper.Nothingto take apart.Nothing to spill.A dip in ink, atouch of thumbto nickel cres­cent and thepen is full, .ready t� �rite •_," tM '-, dealers nf'rY­�t'UlUortel'l1. I.rallf-e�l�er.;:'�:�d�":;It U yon lnell.( III" n bIITln«It.. ("JIIb 110 JUon-lhan olberfnantAln rrn- of bo1lt jITade.lODtdJI .. and .Iz • .,.to ... lfoe&rn- "OO,,'n all c,ur ca"'CC�"nr;��,.r�,,��ncTI==1&1npen�'ll PTtlmptly.TI1� (."O�ELI!,( PI::t W.��rn����l�����----�BORDEN·S ICondenKd .Milk, Fluid Milk, Creamand Buttermilk. ,AI.I. BOITLF.1l IN THE COUNTRY.Borden '5 Condensed Milk Co.327-329 E, Forty'-seventh St,----------------------_.Phone CClltral 2260THE WHITE HOUSEFlorist and DecoratorTeddy Cc:l1os. Prop.CHICAGO272 East 55th Street. Chicago.-------------------------- TELEPHONE HYDE PA.K S�------------------------------