• -''::-The Daily�,Published Fin MonIiDp . Each Week by the Students of the It)� ��#���i: . ��·,t-· ... &uta� ,t �.,.. aroonVOL. IV. No. 144 CHICAGO, FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1906. hICB Two CDftBLAcKFRIARS PEOPLEHOLD LAST' REHEARSAL READY FOR THE BIG MEET SENIORS WIN CLOSE GAME "CAP AND GOWN". EDITORS-- FLEE WRATH OF VICTIMSVeteran Team Takes Opening Gameof Championship Series by Score of18 to 13-Both Sides Are HeartilySupported-Play Hockey Today..raining. ,young women, because it would have.Michigan's team is in prime condi- l been "awful inde e-l" to let the menLion, according to the Maize and Blue � see what shockinr thin�,; the womendopesters, and the men are all about. can' do. \Ve refer t » the painting.as confident of winning as they were ,profuse and artistic, with which thelast Thanksgiving Day. They are so . Seniors decoratc.l :111 four fences ofconfident (If a foregone conclusion the field. A number of "rude" boysthat interest n the track team at Ann watched the contest from BartlettArbor has dwindled to absolute'; Gymnasium and mocked the shrill, ._apa.th:r!>-,�5�or���� .:�o }_�.�_���':.er.�.:: h�ll�. _!l�"th��� bl��._��u.; ':- = ����. : e , � -.'. �. .�_:.College paper. I which came from the excited spccta- ; , .__ ._.. . _, �-It is usually when Michigan gets tors. ling B. had been a Juni,!� CoUqe'seems to have the better chance of The lineup was as .£ollows: Councilor an� a member of tbe trackcarrying off victory in tomorrow's Juniors. Seniors.' team. Suddenly he paused,' aad.. .. a.meet. Michigan ought to win, it. Forwards. : flush of color overspread his'�tr,Mi�higan has lost only two or three . Culver, E Heap, M. brow, as he read: "He is" � :la&s'of last year's team and the men who � Penney, E Ortrnayer, M. man-s-his smiles are tntly �".are left are stronger than ever, while. Subs, Pitkin, M., Emery, I. Then he turned, and started. o�a..� "of Chicago's wonderful championship Sub, Bovell, R. -not a still one, eith�-for.a ccrtaiu::team of last year only one Confer- Center. Earl D. Hostetter. The "boss," how-'. . 1 ft· ever, saw him coming, and, when lastcnce point winner IS e t to compe e Jameson, V McElroy, 1\1. • .for the Maroon. S b P . 11 E seen was still in the lead toward the: u, owe, .It is usually when Michigan gets Guards. Sigma Chi house.one of these confident spells, how- Peck, H Moran, F. An irate professor, whose dw hadbeen described as an excellent cureDickerman, G Smith, M.Usual Catastrophes With CostumesEnliven Scene and InspireLanguage. Chicago's Track Team Is In PrimeI Condition to Meet Michigan In An­nual Dual Contest-The "OldMan's Uphill Task Near a Tri­umph. The girls from the Senior Collegehumbled the Juniors in n well-playedbasketball game yesterday afternoonon the women's athletic lield. Thescore, wlu-n all was over but theshouting=-nud this carne in abund­ance-stood 18 to 13. nut, though de-'fcMed....:.u,e·-jemiw ..... - ±:sii.,i.. Fr'hearted .. Their showing was raoark­able in view of the fact that their, team claimed only one veteran, while: that (jf their opponents -had all ex­perienced players.As Ior ·tht>"g;&mc. it was .. c�o,se� than,the score indicates. Spectacular play­ing 0'11 hotl, sidvs \\';'1S. much in evi­dence thrill! rhout l\t:ss Ortmayer, of. the Senior Collcr;c. was the individualstar, 'm:lking six haskct s Miss Heap,of the Seniors, :lIIel M'ss Penney, ofthe JUl1i'?fs, :llsCl elill wvl], throwingf�ur apiece, and Miss Culver, a Jun­ior, threw two.A large attendance turned out andproved itself exceedingly enthusiastic.,It consisted for t'rc most part ofFinal Performance Is Smooth, andCoach Wears a HappySmile Today.Art s College and Philosophy Col­lege clash at baseball Saturday morn­ing at to o'clock on Marshall Field.The tt'ams are about evenly matchedand a good game is expected.The first full dress rehearsal ill finalpreparation for the opening perform­ance of "The Rushing of Raxes," tookplace on Mandel stage last .night. Thecast and chorus assembled at 7 :30o'clock for the most strenuous workof the "practice" season, and the wee,small hours of the early morning hadalready arrived when the worn andweary director dismissed his hard­worked proteges with an encouraging The biggest dual track "wet of theseason l'l ,t1Il'� off tomorrow afternoonlin Mar-shall Field when Michiganmeets ,C1,ieago in the annual contest.Two weeks ago Chicago had one ofL� .wukest tr.ack ..t1:3DlS,�in the BigNine, but two weeks with the "OldMan' in action has worked wonderswith what seemed a hopeless lot.\Vhen Coach Stagg arrived on thescene from the South a week beforethe lllinois meet it looked as if therewere not enough men 011 the squad tomake up a complete team to meet thel lliui. One. week .with the "Old Man:'was sufficient to build up a team tomake at least' a respectable showingagnius! :1 strong team like Illin,',is;another seven days sufficed for Coach�t3gg to bring out of chaos a teamthat was enough to overwhelm Wis­':onsin, and since the \Visconsin meetthe team has strengthened more thanluring any previous week of Spring-Karl Hale-Dixorrr:word of app��cJ. -The trip' to' 'th�Realm of Carnac i13d' been success­fully made and 'the coach seemed sat­.isfied with: results.The two acts of the operapresented in their entirety, werefromdances to "lines," and the finishingtouches, which in things theatrical areknown to count for so much, wereadded.Wh�n coryphces, ballet girls, prin­cipals and all the other Blackfriarmummers swept on to' the campus of_ the University of Bangaboo, the sightwas certainly prepossessing. Many ofthe costumes, of course, were ill-fit­ting; such things always occur dur­ing the nervous strain of a full-dress 'night. ..But ". corps of seamstresseswas on hand prepared to alter ma­terially the mis-appearance of any. mummer who happened to be in dis­. tress.But the worst is yet to be told.Tight shoes and high heels had their: effect on the Chicago boys' feet. Pig­eon-toes were in' evidence, to saynothing of pinched corns. Sway­backs, short breaths, straight fronts,and "Kangaroo walks" also told of'the presence of corsets. Imagine a.score of untrained athletes in "stays,"and such weather as' this! The sightbaffles description. The language; used in smothered whispers and be­tween twists and pulls would not look. well in print. It may have been the, society vernacular of northern Egypt,.but it is impossible to reproduce it inthe Maroon. The "torturous processof waist reduction" had to be gone. through nevertheless, and it is he­lieved that by tonight the members. will have become accustomed to their ever, thatthe "Old Man" catches themSubs; Schobinger, E., Raichlen, M.Subs, Markley, E., Horn, P.This afternoon a hockey game will. be played.napping and "slips one over onthem," as he did last Spring and lastFall. This time, if the team succeedsin taking the Maize and Blue. intocamp, after the hard uphill pull tomake up any kind of a team at all(and it is welt inside the realm ofpossibility), if this time Michigan isdefeated it wll be one of the great­est victories the "Old Man" has everbrought to Chicago, WILL PLAY MINNESOTA.Director Stagg Announces BaseballGames for May 31, June 8 and 90For the first time in five years the�I:lroons will meet the Gophers inbaseball. Director Stagg yesterdayannounced that arrangements hadbeen completed for three games. Thefirst of these is to be played on�1:trshall Field on �Iay 31. The othertwo will he held on Northrup Field at�Iinneap(llis on June 8 and 9·The last Chicago-�Iinnesota gamcwas in 1901, when the Gophers won.In all only three games have everbeen played between Minnesota, the)[aroons winning two. For severalyears the Gophers have' not been rep­resented on the diamond.To get pointers from the big pro­fessionals, the Varsity haseball teamwent-10 st"e the" game between Chi­cago and Philadelphia yesterdayChicago Man Honored.The Uni�ersity Council at Colum­bia University,' New York, has just. awarded a scholarship of the value of$150 to �Ir. G. E.' Anderson, a resi­dent of Lehi, Utah, and a graduate of. the University of Chicago of the classof i905. The selection of the Colum­bin University scholarships, of whichforty-two are awarded each year, ismade from among a large number ofgraduates from the best colleges anduniversities in the country.garments;(Continued on Page Four) Perpetrators of Roasts in YearBookTake to the Woods, Pursued byPosse.Parkinson, Hughes, Gale and Otherson WarPath for Scalps ofJokers.Five minutes after the 1906 Cap and'Gown was put on view in Cobb yes­terday, it was evident that there. $r·_ .... ·;.�nthe most: unsophisticated freshmant could sniff it in the air.And there wa5-7and SOOILFirst of all, Stirling Parkinsonstepped up in a perfectly ladylikemanner 'and looked over a copy:' He'read with much approbation that Stir-for insomnia, next appeared on thescene. Newton A. Fuessle, 'who hap­pened to notice the "grind" at thesame time and was foolhardy e�oughto snicker, was petrified witli one 'pro­fessorial glance, as with a 'snort the.angry instructor started in a bee line(or Haskell. (P. S.: The Black-friars will take no trip this year).·"High society is my ambition," readFelix Hughes, and his dire threatsagainst John Fryer Moulds madeCobb Hall ring. H ughes i� still atlarge. .And just then up . 'tramped BurtGale: For just one moment he paused,and when he read that it was said ofthe Senior class president. that "hisstudy was but litc1 on the Bibel,"he started after Bill McDermid, whoselanky form was just pas�ing throughthe door of Cobb. But the literaryeditor was a sprinter in his youth,and the way he did the four-forty to­ward the Phi Gam house would havedone Coach Stagg's heart good.In like manner did the other editorsof the Cap and Gown find it the partof wisdom to make themselves scarce.They are still in hiding, in spite ofan organized posse'� endeavors tosearch tbeaL_out:,.>THE DAILY MAROON, CHICAGO, FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1906.will not capture at least one point to­-ward trimming the arrogant Ma­roons."Having had experience along theselines, we would caution our Michiganfriends not to pin tOI) much faith inthe fact that their confident squad iscomposed of the histori c ·al number oftwenty-three. There were twenty­three men on the Chicago team thatwent to Illinois two weeks ago.. .. * 'nough said!'(the 1DaU� maroon.Official Student Publication of theU.uweraity of Chicago.FormedyThe University of Cbicaao Weekly.FoundedThe Weeldy, October I, 1892-The Daily Maroon. October I, 1902-News Contributions are RequestedEntered as Second-Class Mail atChicago Post office.Daily Subscription$J.oo Year; $1.00 for 3 Months.Subscriptions received at the Ma­roon office. Ellis avenue, or left inthe Maroon box. the Faculty Ex­change, Cobb Hall.Ordu.,.·fo�.·.deliYCr)tl· of dR-DailyKuoo .. either. residence or place ofbusiness may be made by. postal cardor througb telephone. Hyde Park.p6. Any : irregularity in deliveryshould he imlllediately reported to theoffice of publication.John Fryer Moulds, Business Mgr.PriDted b" the Oaadrtncle Preas,404' Eatt Fifty-Fifth Street.FRibA Y, MAY 18, 1906," .DJ.TOIUAL' '-1fTonight, in an the glory of costumeand make-up that ingenuity can de­vise and taste execute, the Black-friars' Opera Club pre­The Black- sents "The Rushing offriars� Show Raxes." It has beenTonigbt under rehearsal fornearly two months, aheavy strain on everyone connectedwith 'be sbow. No expense has beenspared to produce the opera in' asuitable manner. An efficient and de­voted costume committee has spentweeks in preparing that all-importantpart of the V� eduction, scenery hasbeen secured, music orchestrated andlearned, lines and dances painstaking­Iy.memorized, and last night the dressrehearsal put tile finishing touches onan already satisfactory performance.Of .their reception. there is littledoubt.' Their success is assured. Twohits have already been' scored, and thematerial this year is even more prom­ising. The third appearance will bethe best, beyond any question.In three short years the Black­friars have grown from a small Jocalorganization to be one of the leadingsocieties of its kind in the country.Its reputation has spread to all otherinstitutions, and accounts of its per­formances are awaited with the sameinterest that greets those of the Mask·and Wig, th� Hasty Pudding, Pi Eta,and similar organizations.Tonight a Univcrsjty audience willgreet them. and show by their ap­preciation the status which the Black­friars have attaif1c.cl,� the. Universityas a popular activity �'hi('h aims tointerest primarily the University pub­lie. and to supply it with the varietyof amusement that is the spice ofVarsity life. All hail to the Black­friars!From the Michigan Daily: "Iftwenty-three has anything to (10 withit. the tatoo has already been beatenat double-quick and the wily Stagghas nothing left to do hut "skidoo.'The main instrument in this attackis the track team which Coach Fitz­patrick and Captain Ramey havechosen to represent Michigan at Chi­cago next Saturday. Twenty-threemen are on the squad and from pres­ent indications there is not one whoI: . ALUMNI ANNOUNCECONVOCATION PLANSSpecial Exercises Will Mark FifteenthAnniversary of University.The Fifty-ninth Convocation willmark the fifteenth anniversary of thefounding of the University of Chicago,and therefore the exercises will havea distinct alumni character. A specialeffort will be made to bring back tothe University, for the convocation.graduates who have left it, and thevarious addresses will be given en­tirely by members of the University._ either past or present.Saturday, June 9, will be Alumni'daY, marked by class reunions in the· afternoon and by an alumni dinner· and banquet in the evening. The ser-· mon at the convocation religious serv­ice Sunday, June 10, will be deliveredby. Rev. Henry �. Mabie, correspond­ing secretary of the American Bap­: tist Missionary' Union. Mr. Mabie,who is one of the most widely known· Baptist preachers in the United; States. has received three degrees· from the University: A. B_ in 1868,D. B. in 1875, and D. D. in 1882.The Phi Beta Kappa oration will be: delivered Monday evening, June 1 I,\ in Mandel Hall. by Professor Albion; \V. Small, dean of the Graduatei Schools. At the convocation proper,; Tuesday. morr.ing, June 12, a convo­cation ode yill be read by ProfessorEdwin H. Lewis, of Lewis Institute,who is a doctor 'of philosophy of the; Universjty of the class of 1&)5. Thei convention address will be given by; Professor William Gardner Hale,� head of the Department of Latin. the• first head of a department called toj the University. His 'appointmentdates from November 18, 1891.The Stump meets tonight at 7:30i o'clock in Cobb Lecture Hall. Hat: drawing will be the only feature of: the program.· THE LAKE SHORE TO BOSTON·Very Low Rates.One fare plus one dollar for the: round trip. Good going l\[ay 31st toJune oth inclusive. Return limit by: depositing ticket, July 15th.· An excellent opportunity to spend'your vacation in New England.Write L. F. Vosburg. G. W. P. A .•Chicago, for full particulars. Warren· J. Lynch, Passenger Traffic Manager,Chicago:MARTYN'S MARCX>NSTUDIO5705 Cottage Grove Ave. U. ofC. Photographer. Special rates tostudents.PatronizeOUf AdvertisersSafety and Easeand comfort in shaving arefound only in the soothinglather of the .old reliable� .•.• A' ·U 5' SHAVIIIC•• ....,.,.,...a ST •. CIt ,Albert Mathews, Pres. Gee. H. Fiel(i�r .. Vice Pres. F. H. Strattoo. Sec.MATHEWS &, CO. Inc.THE TAILOR SHOP.New Powers Bid,., 156 Wabash Aye.MAKERS OF YOUNG MEN'S CLOTHES..Our Specialty $35-00 Sack Suits.We show one of the Largest Lines of Woolens in Chieago.E.NTERPRISE LAUNDRY5640 LAKE AVENUEHANDStudents· Friend Shirts 7 c::entsDomestic or Gloss FinishJ!v�r)"thilll: 1�IUIU.,d but lh .. dirt.Ag�hbWautN Sock. Damed f FUDd�'wf'al Patcbccl {rEeh.ttGu kept OD EYetyWII& ,Telephones: ::.. 4068 Harrison, t;3t:>4 AutomaticJOHN W. DOUGLAS, TAILOR61 Jacnon BI�d. E.,. Chlngo'EXTRA INDUCEMENTS FOR MARCH AND :APRIL.25 per cent discount to Stu. tents. New ideas in folders.See the Student's. Special at $3.50.E.SMOER PHOTO STUDIOPHONE HYDE PARK 16 .. 243 EAST 55TH STREET_-IIEMOVJm;TO3S2 REPrRJ.lC BI.�)G._ .. RO(l"S 7:-4-74TaL.p.o.a Z.:lO 0. ) ItH. E. SHOR��Y & CO.••• TAILORS •••---------.-------------------------------------------------------! CHARLliS GOODMAN Phone lIyde Park 119Ur1i-versity Ta.ile>cSWE WANT YO\ R BUSINESSLa.1its· and Cen"" Calm�ll .. llnlltd, l)y�d. Rt paiaf'd, �pc-I1I:(d 11l1d Prul't'd, Gloves Clnnfd Fu!= . Cuod!l C.l1� For and DeliYf!r� .i Prompt and First C1ars Work Guaranteed .. .1.!64 E.ast 57th Sire.. CHICAGOCE.TLE.,... DIESS FOR STYlE.. nos. .. COlI.'WUlltI£ ..... E6J. H. Kintz, �rop. Joha Clark. Upo.All orders da:r or aiaht fiIIe4l:promptly.We never' cloee. BOSTON8ARTERJachson ParkLivery273 E. F"dty-8eftntb Street.Telephone Hyd� P:ark 552. S5JCHICAGO.I NATHAN:'S399 E. 63&D ST--"E.F..TTelephone your classified adds tothe MarOOIL,··WII.SON'·.mrans Ililh�lIl Quality.We SellWillson a�:,��\UNDE" WI.AaNECKWE.A�HALF HOSEE.TC. £.TC.A ... w ...... d C.II ....la 1-4 � 2 fur :l5 CftI&. �- �..... _ _..... ""'c... ................alWay, rlSYSnbscr'be for the Maroon beforeyOi& ,0 hOGe.I (I THE DAILY MAROON, CHICAGO, FRIDAY, MAY. IS, 1906 .Largest Manufacturers in the \Vorld ofOfficial Athletic SuppliesBase Ball Lawn Tennis ,..Foot BallArchery�,:'·. Cric:k� Golf. Implements .for all sportsSpalcliDc'. 01!Idal Sue Ball Guide for1906 •. 'Edited by Henry �hatlwick. Themost eompletc and up-to-date book, everpUblished on the subject. Fully Illus.trated,. Price 10 anu, Every Requisite for Lawn Tesml. andGolf. .$PALDING'S 'rRA'DE .ARK, .' 'QJl YOlU· Athletic Implement givesyou an advantage over the other plaver,as you have a better article, lasts longer,gi�� more.satisfaction ..·A.G.Spalding & BrosNt. 'York Chicagc �05toD BufJal0Kan ... " '=ftr c..:ir"in�ti DenverT�De8 Hyd� Park 18 -04 (fl5•• ,,;=: A'McAdamsTbe Ullly.r.lt7:. .. Fllo r &: • t •••___ OUBBS:CW. 536 st.IUI4�1.kAft. " ChicagocitA8; Ii. 'LAWRENC�IIAIMOEII MD DIRECTORLA WR,ENCE ORCHESTRA" . kkct JoIa.Ic: for allllekct occuIouYOB �lI'oaqe 8olicited.," �."";' :: .. ", '"Rsidenc:e:TeleophoDe 5745 Rosalie Co�__ Park 1467 . CHU.'.AGOr.===�===================='�""'BORDEN'SeownDSD IOI.K. n.om ,IIII.E.,,.r�·,u.m,.�A"U'M1'ITL6lJ IN TB� COUlnZF. "DDt. 'CoIeDalKD .�LK co..., .... 11: • ..-n� eT.AMES' HATS• 2�OO" $3.00,,�' A Wi- deai 'iith'-e� b.:t '..6':1._16S. &. MADISON STIUtE.T.Near LaSalle'. , Op�rQ .HoIs,. Silk HalsPhon":Oflicc. H. P.I188. Rnhlence, H. P. 96\Sr. 'rel),... parkerJ)r. llalPb 1111. parkerDENTISTS6Z1J1t ,�I""" A�.. Cor. 63n1 StreelHour.: 9-12. 1:.10-51 YPE'WRITERSBought, Sold', Rented, Repaired.ALL MAKES.Supplies a .Specialty,Tel. Central I�� ..'20'VAN nUREN ST.• ; �.'. • j..... .� - -Advertise in theM� .. oon .------------- Boston Ezc:unioDa Via the, Wabash.,l_MK,AJORS aDd MIN'�RS It.= , The Wabash �i1l sell excursion tick-The Literature College Debating ets to Boston, May 31st to June 9th,Club will meet this afternoon at 4 via Niagara Falls and direct line. viao'clock in Cobb Lecture room. The Montreal. or via New York. at onesubject for debate is: "Resolved, fare plus $1.00 for the round trip. Ex­That Cabinet Officers Should Have tended return limit July IS. 1906·Scats in Congress and a Voice in Its Write for printed matter and full de­Debates." Affirmative, Upton and tails. F. H.. Tristram. Asst.· Gen.Silberstein; negative, Stewart and Pass. Agent. 97 Adams St., Chicago.'Vander.Ann Arbor,T.II •• for T .........-Two Sto�:. 131 La Sal�e, ���t44 J:tebon 1loulenrdI THE MICHIGAN LETTERI Annual Appeard �t Ann Arbor, WithRoasts for Chicago-Wolverines'Hope to Win Rest of BaseballGames-Succes30r for ProfessorPatteagfll,May 17.-Michiganstudents feel rather complimented inthe decision of the Chicago Board ofAthletics to play Cornell, while Mich­igan is barred because the Midwayschool intends to play only the'smaller colleges next fall.The 1900 "Michiganensinn," just offthe press, contains numerous "digs"at Chicago," while it is expected that:the Chicago "Cap and Gown�' willcontain replies in kind." Micmgan's championship aspira­tions in baseball received a setback:1n the unexpected defeat of the teamat the hands of Chicago. Supportersof the team feel, however, that itsdownfall is accounted for by the hardcontest with Illinois the Saturday be­fore. They feel confident that Mich­igan will take the remaining game ofthe series •. to be played at Ann Arborin June.It is planned to run off the dis­puted cross-country race Wednesday.T�e race was run off last week, butlhe course was changed at the last�inttte, and through a misunderstand­!1ng, some of the runners followed acourse a quarter of a mile out of theirway. So it was decided to run the.race over again. Immediately after'the race the annual election of offi­cers will take place.; .The vacancy in the faculty ranks,'caused by the death of Professor Pat­�cngill, has been filled by the Board;of Regents, who appointed Arthurfairbanks to the chair of Greek Ian­guages ..f 'The' �eg�nts also voted the expcndi­�\lrc of $20,000 for new books for the�eneral library.: The track, team to meet Chicago�ext Saturday is pra-ctically certain.Coach Fitzpatrick making his choicelargely on th� showing of the men inSaturday's "varsity tryout." Prac­tically all the winners of first and sec­�nd places will be taken along, but�thers who show promise of makingkood will not be left behind. Theteam hopes to take revenge on Cap­�ain Parry's team for the crushingdefeat of last year. We make a specialty of 6tting col­lege and technical school men intothe right places. Write us to-day andiet us tell yon about the positions wehave to offer men who will be readyfor work in July or September. \Vithoffices in twelve cities and over IS,­ooo employers calling on us ior men.we can place men in any section oriine of work desired .HAPGOODSThe National Organization of BraiDDrollers.Hartford BIde., Cbicaco, m.Offices i:l other cities.The Philosophy and Arts baseballnines arc scheduled to meet tomor­row morning at 10 o'c19ck on Marsh­all Field.The Episcopalian prayer meetingwill be held this morning at 10:30 inHaskell Hall.The German Club meets today at4:00 p. m., in Lexington Hall.B�owni�Ii,�i& COlDpanyStudent StyleThe re is a tendency to exaggePatthe lines of Suits for Students and tomake them with absolutely broad andpadded shoulders, and trousers sever­al sizes too largein certain parts.We credit theCollegians withbetter t a S t ethan some of Ithese su itswould indicate.Single- breastedsuits, f15 to f35.Double-breastedsuits, $16 to $35.Hats in theright sbapesand�ancy 'S hi r ts;:Neckwear and Hosieryeffects. in striking170-2 Wabash Ave.Chlcallo •. m.Br04dfIJaw-NIlW YORK-Coop" 8qua, e.til. RIgId ._ for .... IIIgbI -PIMep; CHEAP RATES TO BOSTON.!$19.00 for ronnd trip from Chicago(plus $1.00), via the Niek�l PI.ateRoad, May 31st to June 9th, inclusive,with privilege of extension of returnlimit to July 15th. $24-00 via New�ork City, all rail, or $:3.00 via �ew¥ ork City and steamer 10 both dircc­.ions between New York and Boston.Stopover at Niagara Fans and C.ha�­tauqua Lake points, if desired, withinlimit of ticket. Tickets good on any[rain on above dates. No excess fare�,harged on any train on Nic�e1 �l�te�03d. � Meals in Nickel Plate �lIllllgcars, on American Club Mcal Plan,ranging in price from 35 cents to $1.00,Mid-day Luncheon So cents; also a lacarte. Three through trains daily,with modern Pullman sleeping ears toFt. Wayne, Findlay, Fostoria, Cleve­land, Erie, Buffalo, New York City,�nd New England points. Trains de­nart from La Sane 51. Station. Chi­cago, the only depot on the ElevatedLoop. Write John Y. Calahan, GeneralAgent, Room 298, No. 113 Adams St.,Chicago, for reservation of berths, inthrough standard and tourist sleepers,and full particulars. BOW ABOUT YOURSP&'ING CLOTHESOur Spring Styles are Herein AbundanceBile 6nys, 611 CI,' C'ecb II. TalB"".sWe Invite Your InspectionWHUB � set�; ,.__. 10 ••••••....... ..;.,. -AI NO&TOIrS, '. Free DetlftrymTfde Park SiB 57th Street RnAEI], ', .. AU-tiMW!rForemanShoe' ce.====!'!�w J.OC4I'IO"I====218-220 Si.,tc.St.,cor. Qui�LA.Q.IE.·S·'OXFORDSIn Patent Kid,Patent Calf,Dull'Kid and TanLea the r s , andWhite Suedes, at$3.00,AU newest shaped .r toes' and . h e e l s.We are pr�pared.I':. welcome. you. in. I o�rnew home, tJfIti serveyou effi';ently. Thesamestraig�tflrwardpolicy tli�t has giventhis store its reputa­tion as the leading�;� ;:o;;���:;;: I-=== ..THE DAILY MAROON, CHICAGO, FR.tDAY, MAY 18,1906.,,. TO-DAYAt the 'CommonsAt the Boarding HouseAt the FraternityASK POR .•..."THE FUOD O� QUALITY",IT'S DIFFERENTFRATERNITIESafter a dinner atTha Kuntz-Rammler CO,Restaurant'303-305 WABASH AVDU:&,Tel. 599 1Iarrlso.CHIC litO EXCLUSIVE STYLESIn Suits, Lingerie, Waists, SummerGowns and Tailored Skirts.MAXWELL a: ROSING,142 E. sard St.H. Depew, Mgr.DEPEW nRGHESTRAMusic Up-to-date..... Id.nc.5630 DIU:.X&L AVE. P',one II P 3395l\e 9{oot StuciicDilBALL JIALL '243 W&bub. A.n.Original Ideas and Exclusive StylesiDPHOTOG�PHS.p.or to u .• r c. a •••••••. We can suit yourPocket bookas well as your tastePrices forBusinessSuits $20to $50 Arts vs. Philosophy. applying to John Y. Calahan, General3:00--Dual track 1111..'C.'t: Varsity vs. Agent, Rooin 29R, No. 113 Adams St.,Michigan. Chicago.I"IC'�N DAR;"ISocl.lFri:lay, May 18."The Rushing of Raxes."Sa�ur.iay, May Ig."The Rushing of Raxes."ChristianYoung Women'sLeague fete.Friday, May 25-Mortar Board Dance,Chi Rho Sigma Dance.wood Men's Club).Snell Informal. (Engle-Phi Gamma Delta Smoker.Saturday, May 26.Reynolds Club Smoker.,Trip to Lake Geneva. Mr. Scott.Friday, June 8.Ju'" ,. Prom.Dc... T:m Delta Informal Dance.Snell Hall Banquet.Tuesday, May 29.Wyvern Party at Homewood.Phi Gamma Delta Informal Dance.Bt:la Thda Pi Dance. (ColonialCluh.)Friday, June I.Kappa Si�llla Informal Dance.F":o'tl'r Hall Party.Tuesday, June 5.Sigma Party. (Midlothian Club.)Lecture. aDd ClubsFriiay, May 18.1O:3o-BrutherhoOlI of St. Andrew.(Haskell.)4:00--Der Deutsche Kluh.( Lex­ington.)4:00--Mathematical Club. (Ry-erson 36.)s:oo-Professorial Lecture: "Tu­berculosis," by Dr. I nga lls. (Kent.)AthleticsSaturday. May Ig.10:00--1 ntcr-college baseball game:DEBATE TEAMS PREPARE,FOR COLLEGE CONTESTPhilosophy and Literature Represen­tatives Have Preliminary Tryouts.The members of' the Philosophyand Literature College debating teamsarc too busy whipping their argu­ments into Jlrescntablc shape for thebig event of next Tuesday night torecognize any Spring fever tenden­cies. In spite of the hot weather themen are utilizing every minute ofspare time for hard preparation. Ac­cording to the coaches, no trips tothe woods have been taken yet. Phil­osophy, taking a hint from its oppo­nent, went up against a scrub team forpractice yesterday. The men of bothteams arc reticent as to their pres­ent condition and the outcome of thecontest, but promise to make the timespent by those who attend well worthwhile. The tickets are out and maybe had for the asking at the Informa-tioit Office. .. ' . 'One Fare for Round Tripplus $1.00 from Chicago to Boston andreturn, via Nickel Plate Road, May31st to June 9th, inclusive. Also ex­cursion rates via New York City. Ex­tended return limit July 15th. JohnY. Calahan, General Agent, Room 2g8,No. t 13 Adams St., Chicago.Advertise in The MarOon.Patronize Maroon advertisers. (Continued from Page One)BLACKFRIARS PEOPLEHOLD LAST REHEARSAL110weHr, by repeated trials thesmooth, easy swing of a Florodorasextette was finally reached.The opening chorus is entitledJ. Howard Dennedy."College Life," and will he followedby toasts, lullabys, 'love-songs, andvarious other "barks." Other sensa­tional features of the performancearc necessarily withheld.The Uuivcraity Theatre Agency willkeep open this afternoon until 5o'Clock. Tickets may also he had atthat office Saturday from 9 unail 5.The box office will open at 7 o'clock.$10.00 to Boston and Return $1g.OO,plus $1.00 from Chicago, via NickelPlate Road, May 31st to June 9th, in­clusive; also via New York City at ex­cursion rates, Return limit of uuly15th by extension of ticket. Folders,rates and all information furnished byClothes ShopIs not an',Expensive StorePeople not familiar sometimesfear that a store like this charges ahigher price than others. This isa mistake. On the better class ofmerchandise one can buy as cheap­Jy and always of a better qualityhere than at the other stores. ,Amerchant who caters, to a fine tradeis always compelled to nnderstandhis business more thoroughly thanthose who are content to do a "hitor miss" sort of a business. Be­cause of this thoroughness he canalways give better values than thestores who do not specialize.,_ .. .ri �"'�;:"·.--�t7·'tr�49 i�cksoD &uI�vard.Chlcaaloe-TJd-UNI'ONHOTEL ...IlElTAUIWIToa......_It. ....... � ...�IS TIE 'I'BUI ,uel fllilimSOPPERS mEl TIE ,UYEsten.i� im�eata hn.aede �e diniac I'OOm, tbe meet�aUfal and attractift •• lIleTheatre DiatrtcLThe lIew ba._tq balcoay fOt'the nlaraed orchestra ia allOlJanImproftlD-t ... the m.-k: ..mede all �11 .. tae. TheTipBeen TopThere? Inn Lik6ItI HaveII YouYou WillT�� FloOr 0.1THE PULUIAI COIPOY BID.D1I6Cor. A�Uls SL, II� �1c�ipI AILt .Vogelsang" s162 Madison' StreetA cafe of individual tonewhere fastidious folks findcheer and refreshment-«"the perfection of twentiethcentury cooking in a'" de-1ig�lfnhold�\\"9rld 'ah1ios.f ��;'phere. .(Th .... I. ODI� ODe Vo •• I.aD..·.1I KEE.NAN. ITHE OLD RHLIABI.E ,: FLORIST.Fresh cut flowers and VJor.t1 I 'esiJ.:lls6112 Wentworth An'. allcl411 E. 635t.Phonal Wedt .. orth 3t;a. lI�de Park �I.Clallllled AdvertisementsDr .....Try Tolu. Tar 'and Wild Cherry.for that cough. Uuiversity Phar-,macy, s60 E. 55th St.WaDtedFor tine tailoring go to 364 E. 6JrdStreet.FOR SALE-Cheap, Century Dic­tionary, Encyclopedia and Atlas­latest; 10 Vols., 3-4 morocco withstand. Goodheart, 57�0 Ellis Ave.I� AM USE U.N"l:-;:;]", t:..'GarrickMEXICANACHRISTIE MACDONALD,Louis Harrison. Joseph Herbere,. t'owers'Maurice Campbell PresentsHENRI�A CROSIIAN.In Her Latest Success, the .M.od"en.Comedy,Mary, Mary, Quite CODt!'U7 ...Prices, SOC to $1.-50.,MajesticPeter F. Dailey at Co..' KatheriDeNugent, 6 Roumania Orchestra, Char­ley' Rossow, Conley' & Klein; Harry:Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Lamoine, TheKinodrome, Lee Harrison, RossowMidgets, Thomas Keogh & Co..Dierick Brothers, Marion Hyde, Fredand Annie Pelot, Abacco Brothers,Harold Morley.Colonial'foe Greatest, SQCC�S �f !d�D" ,�carat'CiEO .. ·iL ',COHANS�,MdSiQf Pia,. ..4s IInwTES FROII' BROADWAY�The Delightful Comedienne,FAY TEMPLETON.VICTOR MOOREAnd Entire Original Cast.Studebaker·'It's the Fluffy Girl That Gets 'Em."Henry W, Savage's prodacao..THE COLLEGE WIDOWGeorge Ade�s Gr�:tt Corned)'LaSalleNow holds the lona distaDce record.-THE UIIPIRB-We want your name 011 the sub­scription list of the Daily Maroc-. )