The Daily Mar&QnPublished Five Mornings Each Week by the Students of the Uainnq 01 CUcqo DariDc TIane o-n.- .. tbe U.eni��'- �������V IV N ias �-'j'OLe • 0.· CHICAGO, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1906. PRICK TwOtCKN'l'SSUMMER WORK AT BERKELEY CHICAGO TEAM EXPECTSVICTORY OVER WISCONSININTERSCHOLASTIC MEETANNOUNCEMENTS OUTAnnual Athletic Conference for PrepMen to Be GreaterThan Ever. In ;:;pite of Handicap of EarthquakeDisaster, University of CaliforniaWill Hold Summer Quarter SchoolFaculty and Students Active.Handsome Cups 'for Winners ofEvents-Visitors to Be WellEntertained. President Wheeler has made theannouncement that the summer ses­sion of the University of Californiawill be held from June 25 to August4· While the University suffered.very heavily by the loss of incomeproperty in the San Francisco fire,the University buildings and theircontents at Berkeley suffered verylittle damage. The University workwill continue as usual. as soon as therefugees, who are housed in the va­rious buildings on the campus havebeen cared for.The members of the faculty arenearly all engaged in the reiief work,having rendered particularly valuableaid in the organization of the Execu­tive and Sanitary Departments. Pro­fessor Lawson, of the Department ofGeology, is at the head of a com­mittee to investigate the causes ofthe earthquake, Professor Cory,head of the Department of Mechan­ical and Electrical Engineering, i.working with the Citizens' Commit­tee of San Francisco, planning thereconstruction of the new city.Professor Derleth, r-, of the De­partment of Civil Engineering, to­gether with a number" of his assist­ants is investigating "the effects of"the earthquake and fire on the dif­ferent fonns of construction, and thematerials used for building in SanFrancisco. Professor Hyde, Profes­sor of Sanitary Engineering, is at thehead of" the Sanitary Department of'the University Relief Committee, andin addition is making a careful studyof the samtary situation. Capt. J. T.Nance, commandant of the UniversityCadets, took the regiment to SanFrancisco on the day of the fire,where a strip of territory twenty­seven blocks long and nine blockswide, in the residence district, wasplaced u;'der their protection. Theyremained' On duty in San FranciscougtiI friday evening, when they wererelieved� and ret1i�_ to Berkeley atthe request of the citizens of Berke-.ley. who desired their services inguarding property on this side of thebay. Their "work in San Franciscodilled forth the :�endly praise of theregular troops 'and police, to whomthey rendered every possible service.Aside from the temporary abandon­ment of the regular University rou­tine. on account of members of thefaculty and the student-body beingengaged in relief work, there will belittle permanent effect on the Univer­sity other than a serious financialhandicap, owing to heavy loss of in­come property in San Francisco. Itmay be impossible for the NationalEducational Association to meet inSan Francisco on account of lack ofaccommodations. There will be, how­ever, ample accommodations inBerkeley for all who desire to attendthe Summer Schoo1. Aside from thepleasure of attending courses given bysome of the greatest scholars andteachers in Europe and America, thegreat opportunity of watching the re­construction of a great city shouldattract an unusual number to thisyear's Summer Session.The fifth annual Inter-scholasticmeet, held under the auspices of theUniversity, will take )J!ace Saturciay,June 9. on Marshall Field. The 1*of entries has increased steadily eachyear and Director Stagg looks for alarger number of competitors in thismeet than in any preceding.Track and Field Events.The following track and field eventswill be run:One hundred yards dash, zzo-yardsdash. 44o-yards run, 88o-yards ran,r-mile run. z-rnile run, rzo-yards highhurdles, zzo-yards low hurdles, put­ting rz-pound shot, throwing 12-pound hammer, throwing the discus,running high jump, running broadjump, and pole vault. On account ofthe number of contestants in the 440-yard run, the event will be run intwo races, and a full set of prizes willbe given for both.Championship Relay Races.There will be a quarter-mile cham­pionship relay race for .high schoolsand academies for teams of threeboys, each boy to run 1462-3 yards,for which suitable prizes -will begiven. Any school may enter one"or "more tc:1Jl1S. In case 'any memberof a team is unable to compete, asubstitute from the same school mayrun for him. provided he is eligible.There will also be a one-milechampionship relay race open only togrammar schools. each boy to ranone-eighth of a mile, or 220 yards.The- winning team in each of theseevents will receive a handsome ban­ner as a school trophy, while eachmember of the team will receive abeautiful loving cup.Tennis Tournament.The annual Interscholastic TennisTournament will be held on Thurs­day, Friday, and Saturday. June 7, 8,arid 9. Play will begin on Thursdayafternoon at 2 o'clock, when the pre­liminary matches in singles and doa­bles will be played Suitable prizeswill be given to the winners of firstand se�ond places in singles and indoubles.Prizes for WIDDen.Handsome loving cups will begiven to the winners of first, second,third, and fourth places in the tradeand field events. A beautiful bannerwill be given to the team winning themost points, as a school trophy. Firstplaces count five points; second,three: third, two; and fourth, one.Points will count for both 44o-yardraces. A special, prize will be givento the individual athlete who scoresthe largest number of points. Suit­able prizes will be given to the win­ners of first and second places in sin­gles and in doubles in the tennistournament.Entertainment.The University will provide enter­tainment for all competitors from adistance. Contestants arc especiallyurged to arrive on Friday. so as tohe present at the "Welcome" onFriday evening. Tn order to assist(Continued on Page Four) WORK OF LOCAL DAMES CLUBMagazine Statement Attributing OnlyOrpnization of the Kind to Har­vard is Made Without Foundation-Chica&o Has Similar Society."So far as can be learned there isin the world only one university thatprovides a remedy for the social ISO- Maroon ·TrGck Athletes Compare Fa­vorably With Badgers Ac­cording to "Dope" on Paper.Coach Stagg Thinks Team StrongerThan When I11ini Were Met­Barker Still Out.lation of the wives of married stu- With a victory over the Wisconsindents. That one is Harvard and its track team in view, Chicago's trackinstrument is a club called the 'Har-" team-takes a- ' 6Da1'� ��".d ..... ,._._ .vard Dames.'''Such a statement from a Harvarddame, published in a magazine ofhigh reputation, has created consid­erable stir amongst a certain groupof married women at the Varsity.As a matter of fact, Chicago has asociety of from twenty-five to thirtymembers called the "Dames' Club,"designed to fill the very same need asthe .• Harvard Dames," but strikingout in original lines of its own.Mrs. W. V. Skiles, a Chicago"dame," told a Maroon reportersomething of the work of the clubhere. "There must be two' hundredmarried students here at the U ni­versity. I think all their wives wouldbelong to the club if they only knewabout it. A student's wife is al­most altogether cut off from many so­cial affairs here at the University.The club helps the monotony won­derfully. We meet every two weeksand carry out a set program of pa­pers and talks. We take up definitetopics, of �tud.Y .. _4�t_y.ear.. ,it " �,:pottery; this year we are studyinginterior decorating. The downtownstores have been very kind to us.Marshall Field's sent out a collectionof rugs to exhibit; another store hadone of its decorating experts lecturebefore the club. Besides this the clubhas occasional social affairs andevery little while we meet at thehouse of some member and enter­tain our husbands. Life here wouldhave been a blank if it had not beenfor the Dames' Club."The club meets every other Satur­day in the Women's Union room inLexington Hall. It has been makingefforts to acquaint all students' wivesat the University with its objects.ER80RS LOSE BASEBALL'.'�ME TO MICHIGAN---Wolverines Wan Contest in EleventhInning-8core, 3 to 2.ANN ARBOR, May 9.-(Spec:ial tothe Daily Maroon).-Wild throws byBaird and Walker in the eleventh in­ning let in a winning ran for Michi­gan and cost Chicago the game herethis afternoon. The visitors nettedtwo runs in the second inning andit was not till the eighth that Michi­gan had a look in. In this inningthe local team by bunching hits gottwo runs. No further scoring oc­curred until the eleventh, when Mich­igan netted a winning run on two er­rors.Score by innings:Chicago .•.. 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-2Michigan ... 0 0 0 0 000 2 0 0 1-3Batteries - Paul, Walker andGaarde; Sanger, Deffee, and Emmer­man.Hits-Chicago, 5; Michigan, 8.Errors-Cbicago, 2; Micbipn, 2. ternoon and Coach Stagg will bendall his efforts toward putting on thefinishing touches that he hopes willhumble the Badgers. Norman Bar­ker is still out of the running. withhis strained tendon, but otherwisethe team is in top notch form for thecontest.No comparison of the teams as awhole can be made, as the Cardinalathletes have not yet this season beentried out in inter-collegiate compe­tition. The only line that can bedrawn on the Wisconsin men is fromthe inter-class and inter-fraternitytrack meet held at Madison last Sat­urday, in which the Varsity" mencompeted. The marks made in thismeet, however, are undoubtedly farbelow the capabilities of the partici­pants and they will show up dif­ferently on Marshall Field Saturday.Parsons ran the hundred in0:94-5. and is conceded both dashesover Merrill, Quarrels and Steffenare old enemies in the hurdles. witha slight advantage to Steffen. Wal-"ler-will furnish a hot race for' Mer­riam in the quarter and will hurry theChicago sprinters for their placesin the 220. Parkinson and Meyersare about evenly matched in the halfand either one may be the winner, asMerriam will not run the half unlessit is absolutely necessary.Blankenagle, Cooper and Hean willbe pitted against Mathews, Klockand Anderson and Scheid in the dis­tance runs. Hean ran the two milewell for the Badgers last year, butKlock's showing at Illinois puts himin Hean's class and the race will un­doubtedly be close. How the milerswill rate with the Maroon contest­ants is not known.The high jump and broad jump canbe safely conceded to Chicago as noone in the class with Pomeroy, Rich­ards and Schommer has appeared onCamp Randall this season. Parryshould have an easy time with theWisconsin discus and hammer throw­ers and he is counted on to placeamong the high points in the shotput. Williamson and Russell oughtto get in for a few points in theseevents also. Iddings and Henneberryare probably better in the pole vaultthan Hueffner, the best Wisconsinvaulter, but the Barger may be cap­able of better work than has beenmade public.The Wisconsin "dopesters" thinkthey have a good chance of winningthe meet, but on paper everythingpoints to a Chicago victory. CoachStagg says that the team will beconsiderably stronger this Saturdaythan that in the Illinois meet, and itis not thought that the Badgers areas strong as the l1Iini. The men whoare expected to gather in more pointsthan they did in the Illinois meet areSteffen. Schommer, Iddings. Parkin­son, Mathews, Anderson, and Rus­sell,THE DAILY MAROON, CHICAGO, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1906.ttbe ]Dati! maroonOfficial Student Publication of theUnive�ity of Chic:a&o.Fol1DC:dyThe University of Chicaao Weekly.Fo1lDdedThe Weekly, October I, 1892-The Daily Maroon. October I, 1902.News Contributions are Requested."Sntered as Second-Class Mail atChicago Postoffice.l r.u iy Subscrrpt ion$3.00 Year; $1.00 for 3 Months.Subscriptions received at the Ma­roon office, Ellis avenue. or left inthe Maroon box. the Faculty Ex­change, Cobb Hall.Orders for delivery of the DailyMaroon, either residence or place ofbusiness may be made by postal cardor through telephone, Hyde Park426. Any irregularity in deliveryshould he immediately reported to theoffice of publication.juhn Fryer Moulds. Business M�r.Printed by the Quadrangle Press,404 East Fifty-Fifth Street.THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1906.The men of the University shouldco-operate with Director Stagg in hisefforts to make the annual Inter-scholastic Athletic Con-The Ference a success. ItAnnual is an event that hasInterscholastic a great deal to do indetermining just whateducational institution the best ofthe preparatory athletes will seek. Inthe past these meets have been wellattended and the best of athletic talenthas competed in the various events.This year the Reynolds Commissionis setting to work with a will tomake the affair the greatest yet held.Many high schools and academiesare represented in the student bodyof the university. Each man shouldwish to see his own prep school wellrepresented and should bend every ef­fort toward getting entries for themeet. If you haven't the time to:Ittend to the matter, at least give theratory school toname of your prepa .Mr. Stagg or a member of the R�y­nolds Commission and el'crytillngpossible will be done to get represen­tatives from your old school to ac­cept the invitation of Director Stagg.The plans for entertaining the prepmen are elaborate and should appealto not only the preparatory schoolmen outside of Chicago but to theChicago men as well. The prizes of­fered have never been equaled in thewest. The cups for the events aremagnificent and the Department ofAthletics has decided not only to givecups to the winners of the first threeplaces. hut to the winners of fourths.The individual championship cups aremany and well worth the striving for.Director Stagg is now preparingthe invitations to be sent to thecompetitors and asks that the stu­dents submit to him as soon as pos­sible the names of all the prepara­tory at lrlct e s of their acquaintance.ItiiMechem Law Club to Meet.The M('chem Law Club will holdits regular meeting in the court roomof the Law Building 011 May " at4 p. m. r\ trial will take place overwhich Kern will preside as chiefjustice, with Vernier and Bell as as­sociate justices. Mathews and 1.earywill appear as attorneys. Ilen's ClothesShop Is Popularwith Women.Women are clever buyers. Inthe twinkling of an eye they canpick out the machine-made and thehand-made garment. They knowwhat's what in men's clothes aswell as their OWll. At least theyknow what looks well 011 men; and,after all, is not that the test?Women seem to Iike this shopWe are glad to' have them. Weappreciate their judgment. Wehave provided luxurious seats illthe front of our store especially for,them. Weare always glad to seea woman accompanying her son orhusband when he buys clothes.Every considdration is al ways giv­en to her opinion.Clothea-Bata-Slalrts.49 Jackson Boulevard.Chicaao.Lc Cercle tie Conversation Fran­caise meets today at 4 o'clock inLexington 8.Prof. Maun's class in Physics Vmet yesterday morning in MandelHall, where �I r. jones entertained theclass with an organ recital. The ob­ject of the meeting was for the studyof sound vibration.The regular weekly Vesper serv­ices will be held this afternoon at 5o'clock in Mandel Hall.The Church History Club willmeet tonight at 8 in South DivinityHall. Sylvester jones will read apaper on "The Influence of RomanCatholicism in Cuba."Copies of the new undergraduatehallu books may be procured at theI nformation office.The golf squad will hold an im­portant meeting at 10:30 o'clock inCobh 10 C.The inter-fraternity baseball gamebetween Psi Upsilon and Beta ThetaPi was called off Tuesday on accountof rain. The game will be playednext week.MARTYN'S MAROON STUDIOSi05 Cottage Grove Ave. U. ofC. Photographer. Special rates tost udents,TownesGlovesWill be 'Worn longerthis season than other�-that is. other glovet'l.A Necessityfor right shaving, and a heal­ing balm every time you applyit to your face-WLLIAMS' SHAVINGSTICK . .\Ibert Mathews. Pres. Geo. H. Fielder. Vice Pres. F. H. Stratton. Se-c.�A THEWS &. CO. Inc.THE TAILOR SHOP.New Powers Bldg., 156 Wabash Ave.MAKEI�S OF YOU�G' ;\1 EN'S CLOTII ES.Our Specialty $35.00 Sack Suits.\\ t' show OI1� of the Largest Lines of Woolens in Chicago.E.NTERPRISE HAND LAUNDRY5640 LAKE A VE.NUETel- phoDe Park 6201Students· Friend Sh�rts 7 centsD< DIet-tic or Gloss Finish1·.\·�ryt11illg returned but th� dirt.Ag�l1t"WantedEXTRA INDUCEMENTS :FOR MARCH AND APRI::....25 per cent discount to Students. New ideas in folders.See the Student's Special at $3.50.E.5MOER PHOTO STUDIOPHONE HYDE PARK 16. 243 EAST 55TH STREET.Harder's Fireproof Storage & Van Co• • SUCCeSSOr to ••Becklenberg Express, iWarehouse & Van Co.----�¥!!!!'!-!!'!---Furniture; Pianos, Trunk�, Merchandise and ParcelsDelivered to all parts d tie (ity, Eepc ts and Suburbs=±=General Offices..Storuge anrl Salesrooms:61f,4-56-f18 Wentworth A"cnue. l'houes:Wenlworth 400, 461, 4b� and 480 Hrunch Office. Information Office.Univ , of ChicagoR. R. Warehouse.Chicago JUlletion R.R .40th and CalumetH. E. SH0.fl}i�Y & CO.••• TAI.f:,ORS •••REMOVED TO382 REPI'BI�IC BUDG._ .• HOO.'S ,,-:J·74T.L.PIIOXIt �ao .'& .. I�ON:INVIT ATIONSDANCES AND: GRADUATIONMETCAL F .... ChicajoI86 Waba. AvenueSouth Side ,TransferLindsay Storage Co.Bacgace • Express '.elUDC. ShipplDt(Wagons 14". 48i E. �1 St. 9 a, 111"12 noon. :J p. 111.Dearborn St, 10 a, 111 .• :l::�O p. 111.,;,::'J p. m,One Sunday trip-Trips to Wood­lawn and Englewood Stations. We have careful men and equipmentfor 1110\"inJ.: Household Goods and Pi­nnos in Hyde Parle. Woodlawn andEnglcwoocl. Special attention �\""ento packing and shipping.Offices170-:12·1 Dearborn StreetTel. Harrison 492:1 4H7 E. Sixty-third StreetTel. Hyde Park 1161 . ("-• If" THE DAILY MAROON. CHICAGO, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1906.THERE ARE COAT SHIRTS ANDCOAT SHIRTSBUT THERE IS ONLY ONE.�""'­INSIST ON THE LABEL-IT MEANS RIQHT­NESS. FITNESS. WHITENESS AND OOLCMFASTNEss-a I. 50 AND MORE.CLUETT, PEAIODY I: CO., ney, •. Y.Lar.-' .... tera of eolian .... 8lllna .. tM W_ldA. G. SPALDING &, BROS.Largest Manufacturers in the World ofOfficial Athletic SuppliesBase Ball Lawn Tennis Foot BallArchery Cricket GolfImplements for all sportsSpa1cliDg's Oftlcial Base Ball Goide for1906. Edited by Henry Chadwick. Themost complete and up-to-date book everpublished on the SUhjL-Ct. Fully Illus­trated. Price 10 centsEvery Requisite for Lawn TeDDis andGolf .SPALDIlfG'S TRADE MARKon your Athletic Implement givesyon an advantage over the other player,as you have a better article, lasts more satisfaction.. A.G.SpaidiDg& BrosNew York Chicagc Haston BullaloKansas <:ih' Ci .. -innaU DenverTelephones Hyde Park 18 and ()95A. McAdamsThe UDI".ralt.,..•• F lor: at ••.GRBBIIBOUSD:Cor. 5.'10 st. and lCiJrwa·k Ave. ChicagoNew.p.p 04Ic aDd••• 110 •• ..,.1At NOR.TOWSP..-PeUnsySiS 57th StreetPhoIIeU6 Hyde PIlrkCMA8. A. LAWI1cNCE.• IIAIIAQQI ""0 DCRI:CTDItLA WR.ENCE ORCHESTRA!'elect Ka.k: rOt" 8n .elect occasIouYoar patroaace 80UcitedReddm�:TelephoDe' 5745 Rosalie CourtJlyde Park 1467 CHICAGOBORDEN·SCOJIDDSD mLE. nVID IIJI.&.,�OJ)�ALL IIOrrLED IN 771. COl1N7X"8011 Cow ........... Ce.•• ., c .... IIT'I'��.AMES HATS$2.00 $3.00A fair deal with every hat161.163 E. "ADISON.&T�EE.T.Near LaSalleO/>�ra Hals, Silk HatsPhonn:Offi�, H. r. lilj8 Rnidf'nce. H. P. %,Sr •• t(!� 'tID. J)arkerSt. 'Ralpb 'GIl. J)atkerDENTISTS8249 a •• COl'. 83n1 Streetlloun 9-12. I:JO..STYPEWRITERSBought, Sold, Rented, Repaired.ALL MAKES.Supplies a Specialty.Tel. Central 1342.20 VAN BUREN ST. I TO PLAN FOR ANNUALINTERSCHOLASTIC MEETReync 11s Commission to Meet ThisEvening-Stagg to Speak.The Reynolds Commission willhold an important mect iuu in therUCllalS of the club at 7:30 p, 111. thisv+ nu '. The follow:n� committees\\"::1 he :�l1IlOltnc;,(I: Board :11111 room�'I:n:lIit:l'I', r ccr pton committee, andcnrcrtninmeut committee. Throughthese committees. the prep-schoolIII :'11 • /;0 come here tn attend the in­t cr sclu.lastic conference meet of Juneor !I, will he taken care of in a SY5t('­mat ic :11111 efficient manner. Mr.Stagg. who has sent letters to hun­dreds of preparatory school menthroughout the northwest, will bepresent at the meeting of the com­rnis.sion, and will discuss with it plansior the entertainment and comfort ofthe high school visitors. It is mostimportant that all members of thecommission be present this evening.APPOINTS COMMITTEEON "CAP AND GOWN" PLANSenior College Council Names Execu­tive Staff for New Body.At the suggestion of the Order ofthe Iron Mask the Senior CollegeCouncil has appointed a representa­tive committee of thirty-five students,to formulate plans for the future pub­lication of the Cap and Gown. The:committee met for the first time inCobb Chapel Tuesday afternoon andorganized into a permanent workingbody. W. E. Wrather was chosenpermanent chairman and Miss EdithTerry, secretary. An executive com­mittee, consisting of seven members,including the officers, was appointedto formulate plans for the publica­tion of the University annual and sub­mit them to, the committee at theirnext meeting on Tuesday, May 15, at4 p. m. The Executi�e Committeecomprises Earl D. Hostetter, W. M.Ruffcorn, S. A. Lyon, �arold H.Swift and R. Eddy Mathews.ACADEMIC MEET JUNE SECONDTo Be Held on Marshall Field onMorning of Conference.As the inter-academic track meet isscheduled for June ad, which is thedate of the Western Intercollegiate tobe held at Northwestern, it has beendecided to hold the former meet inthe morning of June ad on MarshallField. Of the various schools whichare to take part in the academic meetare Morgan Park Academy, CulverMilitary Academy, Lake Forest Acad­emy, Northwestern PreparatorySchool, and Armour PreparatorySchool.Ez:..students Are Eapged.The engagement of two formerUniversity students, Miss LouiseMurray and Hubert Ellsworth, wasannounced yesterday at a dinnet'party given to the two. The an­nouncement caused some surpriseamong University circles, where boththe young people are well known.Both were members of the class of1()06, and were prominent in campusactrvrtrcs. Miss Murray was a Mor­tar Board and Ellsworth belongedto Phi Delta Theta and to the ThreeQuarters Club. He is a brother of"Shorty" Ellsworth of football fame.Both he and Miss Murray are resi­dents of Chicago.Next Saturday evening. May 12 il'the date of the Women's Glee QubConcert and dance in Lexington Gym­nasium. Admission, SO cents. CARVER &. WILI\IE... TAILORS ...Announce the arrival or theirCollege DepartmentFabrics for spriag •••BUSIIESS SUITS $35 TO S4� II THIS Of PART MElT185-189 Dearborn StreetAdams Espress SuildinRESTAURANT10+106 MADISON STREETMadison PATROlllZE THEAvenue. Laundry6018 Madison Avenue ------Prompt ServicePhone R. P. 1009AI80 BraDCb. Bdetat 69 &. 110.- SL Old101-103 L MadisonStreetCAPTAIN PARRY'S WORK GARNETT AND GRAY WIN.WITH WEIGHTS BETTERDaily Practice Improves Form WithHammer and Diacas.Daily practice is improving Cap-.tain Parry's work in the weightevents, and continued improvementat the present rate will make himpractically sure of the three firsts inthe Wisconsin meet. In practiceyesterday several of his hammerthrows went beyond IsS feet, the bestone being 161 feet 10 inches. Hismark of 156 feet 10 inches at Cham­paign Saturday broke the Universityrecord and the record of Illinoisfield, falling only a few inches shortof the Conference record made byThomas, of Purdue, two years ago.In his present form and on the homefield, Ed stands fair to break therecord Saturday in the Wisconsinmeet. The discus throw is easily his,as he had a throw of 130 feet 2 inchesyesterday. and he is improving in theshot put. Williamson looks good forsecond in the hammer throw; Rus­sell in the discus, and Kelly in tbeshot. .;. Pomeroy's exceptional work in thelong jump continues and he shoalddo even better OD Marshall field onSaturday 'than he did at Champaign.Greeb to Keet at IDiDoiLPresident James, of nJinois, hascaned a national conference ofGreek letter fraternities to be held atIllinois next fall. Various questionsof interest to fraternities in generalwiJJ be discussed. At least two hun­dred delegates are expectedThe Stump will meet tomorrowevening in Cobb Lecture Han."The Deestriet School," presentedlast night at the University Settle­ment Gymnasium, Forty-seventh andAshlaad. will be repeated tomorrownipt. Take First Piace in Doubles-Finals'in Singles Today.There were two important gamesin the tennis tournament yesterday.Garnett and Gray defeated Ransomand Carr. 6-1. 6-4, and thus wonfirst place in the doubles. In thesingles Paul Gray beat Rowley, 6-0,6-3- Rowley seemed a little offform, but Gray played a masterfulgame. This narrows down the strug­gle for first place in the singles tobetween Gray and Ransom. Theywji: �lay this off today.Pen Club Holds Banquet.The Pen Club held a banquet at -theUnion League Club last evening. Mr.Effie Kiser of the Record-Herald andMr. H. F. Carr of the AssociatedPress were among the speakers.lraght-Shirt Parade to Cease.I f the decision of law students atMichigan prevails, the time-honorednight-shjrt parade, held as a burlesqueon the senior "swing-out," will die.After an address on the subject bythe dean of the law school. followedby a long and heated' discussion, thelaw men decided unanimously nevermore to participate in the picturesqueparade.Arts Win From Lit.Arts College yesterday afternoonwon from Literature a poorly playedgame of baseball. The score was 10to 9. and the batteries were: Arts,Nathan and Ives ; Literature, Edsonand Stewart.$'i\e 9(oot �tu�icJallBALI. bLLM3W.-..aA ...0rfPa1 Ideas and Exclusive Styles iuPHOTOGI\APHS....... a..� 10 U •• , c. 8t .......THE DAILY MAROON, CH1CAGO, THURSDAY. -MAY 10, 1906 ..BOW ABOUT YOnSPlUNG CLOTHESOur Spring Styles are Herein Abundance81.611Y$, 611 CII� C�ecks al� TuBIVIISWe Invite Your InspectionTailor for Youo. W.DTwo Stores:131 La Salle Street44 Jackson BoulevardJ. H. Kintz, Prop. John Clark, Mgr.All orders day or night filledpromptly.We never dose.Jachson ParhLivery273 E. Fifty-Seventh Street.Telephone Hyde P3rk 552. 553CHICAGO.I'i, KE.E.NAN.THE OLD RELIABLEFLORIST.Fresh cut flowers and Floral I 'esig11s6112 Wentworth A\·e. ancl411 E. 63St.Phones Wentworth 36S lIyrl� Park 5161�TAftbRClark & Adams Sis.We can suit yourPocket bookas well as you r tastePrices forBu s i n e s sSuits $20to $50I Browning, King& CompanyStudent StyleThere is a tendency to exaKg�ratethe lines of Suits for Students a11,1 tomake them with absolutely hrn:lfl andpadded sboulders, and trousers SCV(.'f'·al sizes too largein certain parts.We credit theCol1�ians with- better t a s t ethan some ofthese su itswouhl indicate.Si ngle- breastedsuits, 115 to 1-15.Double-breastedsuits, 116 to 1-15.Hats in theright shapes andFancy Sh i r ts,Neckwear and Hosiery in strikinJ.:effects s.170-2 Wabash Ave.Chlcalio. III.Hr'lt,.I""lJ/ ."/1..,,, vou«- (;OO/'�r &1,,(1 e, (Continued from Page One) I .. -.-IINTERSCHOLASTIC MEET .. .., CAL END A R.8.DANNOUNCEMENTS OUTthe committee on entertainment, itwill be well to send in your entriesas early as May 23. An early re­sponse will also enable us to sendfurther necessary information to eachcompetitor. The COlll111 ittee on en­tertainment also desires to know thetime of arrival and the railroad bywhich each team. or competitor willcome; also whether the Universitymay have the pleasure of entertain­ing the representatives of your school.The rules for eligibility are:I. No person is eligible who is nota regular student of a high school oracademy.2. No student is eligible unless hehas been in attendance at his schoolfrom the beginning of the third weekof the spring term.3. No student is eligible who is notcarrying successfully at least twelverecitation hours of school work. Thework must be averaged according tothe passing grade of the school,4- No person is eligible who hasever used or is using his skill inathletics for gain.5. No person is elig'iblc who dol'Snot present a certificate of his eligi­bility from the principal or superin­tendent of his school.6. No person is eligible who istwenty-one years of age.On Friday the 8th, Junior day ex­ercises will be held. The full pro­gram of the events of both days isas follows:Friday, June 8.9:00 A. M.-I mer-college meet be­tween Science, Arts, Philosophy, andLiterature.9:,10 A. l'.1.-Interscholastic tennis.'tournament.II :co A. 1\1.-,- Trophy exercises and '.awarding of C sweaters and blanketsto the track and baseball tcarns..Marshall Field.12:00 1\1.-hy exercises, campus.2:00 P. 1\1.-Dramatics, MandelHall.2:00 P. M.-Interscholastic tennisII mrnamcnt.i:OO P. :\1.- Trip to the White City.9:00 P. l\1.-View of the JuniorPromenade. Bartlett Gymnasium.Saturday, June 9-9:,10 A. l\1.-lnterscholastic tennistournament.II :30 A. �I.-Lunch, UniversityCommons.1:30 P. ll.-Interscholastic meet.5:00 P. l\1.-Swim in the Natator­ium.5:30 P. l\f.-Dinner at the Univer­sity Cafe.7:00 P. M.-Mass meeting of con-testants and university students, at :which the prizes will he distributed,llandc1 Hall. The Blackfriars willrive some scenes from their success-ful comedy, "The Rushing of Raxes."9:00 P. M.-Rcfreshments anddance, Reynolds Club House.THE LAKE SHORE TO BOSTONVery Low Rates. . (Hn skcll.) For line tailoring go to 364 E. 63rdStreet.Friday, May II. -------------------4 :oo--Dcr Deutsche Klub, (Lexing-, Do not forget that Saturday even-ton.) ing, l\Jay rzth, is the night of the\\"omen's Glee Club Concert in Lex­ing-ton Gymnasium. Admission .50.SocialFriday, May II.Reynolds Club dance.Saturday, May 12.Women's Glee ClubN u Sigma N u dance.Club).Friday, May 18."The Rushing of Raxes."Satrday, May 19- Concert.(Reynolds"The Rushing or Raxes."Young Women's ChristianLeague fete.Friday, May 25.Mortar Board Dance.Chi Rho Sigma-Englewood.(:\h'n's Club).SIll'II Informal.Saturday, May 26.Reynolds Club Smoker.Trip to Lake Geneva, Mr. Scott.Lectures and ClubsThursday, May 10...J :oo-Cercle de Conversation Fran­caise. (Lexington.)Cascrie de M. Louis Mercier.5.00-Gradu:l tc Vesper Service,Oe:1I1 Small. (Mandel.)i:3o--History Club. (Becchcr.)8:00-Church History Club. (SouthDivinity Parlors.)Stoo=-Commonwcaltb Club. Ad­dress: "The Western Federationof Miners." Mr. William Hard.Athletics Have The YouYou Tip WillBeen Top LikeThere? Inn ItTop Floor o.fTHE PULLMAN COMPANY BUILDI16Cor. Adaas SI., aid Mlnlga , ..Vogelsang·s·182 Madison StreetA cafe of individual tonewhere fastidious folks findcheer and refreshment­the perfection of twentiethcentury cooking in a de­lightful old-world atmos­phere.,There Is 0017 ODe VO ••••• D.·.'H. Depew, Mgr.DEPEW ORCHESTRAMusic Up-to-dateResidence5630 IJR£.XEL AVJ<':. Phone H P.339Classified AdvertisementsDru.�Try Tolu, Tar and- Wild Cherry,for that cough. University Phar­macy, S60 E. 35th S1.WaDtedSaturday, May 12.J:3o--Dual Tr:lck Meet.vs. Varsity. II�AMUS-���;:;�lWisconsin I_ _GarrickBI.ACKFRIAR CORYPHEE,SU<;CUMBS TO LACING;Process of Fitting Proves Too Great .Strain, Revealing True Sex.I t is now becoming- evident thatthe services of a doctor may beneeded before the Blackfriars havedone with their comic opera. Mon­day was costume-fitting day for thechorus, and the operation, so delight­fully contemplated by the femininemind. must have been one of extremehardship for the sterner sex. for be­fore the ordeal had heen gonethrough several "coryphees" werefound reclining behind the scenes andone of the "fair ones" was stretchedout on the stage floor in a faint.The costumers were taking measure­ments, Manager Paltzcr was directingthe work with a critical eye, and thevictim was doing the best he couldunder the circumstances when thecrash came. The victim, overcomeby the twisting. pulling and generaldistorting. gave way under thestrain. tottered and was in the veryact of falling when Manager Paltzcrcaught him. His clothing 'waspromptly loosened, a costumer ranfor. a bucket of water and a sponge,and the unfortunate soon came tolife. The cause of the accident hasnot been Icarncd, but it is believedthat tight-lacing hall something to,10 with it.The ticket sale now in progresshas been most encouraging. Thealumni have been ready in their rc­spouse to the folders sent them andthe reservations are large.One fare plus one dollar for theround trip. Good going May 31st tojune oth inclusive. Return limit bydq,n,iting ticket, July 15th.An excellent opportunity to spend''-''llr vacation in New England.\\"rift' T.. F. Vosburgh, G. \V. P. A..I, (_ ·hil..·;I);' -, f •• r full particulars. WarrenJ. Lynch. Passenger Traffic Manager,Chicago ... ----------------------------�FLORIST 272 E. 55th Street, Chicago-- ----Telephone HYDE PARK 3&·-=======E. c. MOORE •MEXICANACHRISTIE MACDONALD,Louis liarrison, Joseph Herbert.Last two weeks.Powers'MR. ROBERT LORAINEAnd Company in Bernard Shaw'sComedy,MAN AND SUPERMANMaje�tic�I iss Mabel McKinley, Sherman &De Forest, Alice Lyndon Doll, EmmetDevoy & Company, Stanley & Wil­son, Charlotte Ra venscroft, Devere &Devere, Paul Sandor's Dogs, James J.Morton, Houghton & Mosher, NaomiEthardo, Dixon & Fields, Castellet &Ilall, Butter Butler Trio, Joe Murray,The Kinodrome,ColonialThe Greatest Success of Many YearsGEO. M. COHAN'S Musical Play,4S MINUTES FROM BROADWAY.The Delightful Comedienne,FAY TEMPLETON,VICTOR MOOREAnd Entire Original Cast.Studebaker. i 1':-0 the Fluffy Girl That Gets 'Em."l l cnry \\ '. Savage's production,THE COLLEGE WIDOWGl'nr;':-t' Adc's Great ComedyLaSalleN ow holds the long distance record.-THE UMPIRE-