The Daily�Ud Aft.mooaa by tH StudeDU of the UniTenity ot ChlCB�O Duri:l�VOL. IV. No. 76ALUMNI ASSEMBLE TOPAY TRIBUTE TO DR. HARPERFormer Members of Old and NewUniversities Tell of RelationsWith PresidentAfter Speeches, Resolutions of SympathyAre Adopted by the AlumniA.sociationY estcrday a ftcrnoon. in � Iandcll Iall. the alumni of the Uuiversitvmet in a menu .rial service il,r Pres­ident Harper. Alumni fWIII theold University and the 11e\\' werepresent, and from all parts of thecountry.J\ Iter the immediate family ofthe President had been seated, theservice conuucuccd, t he alumnimarching in and takillg seats ill thecenter of the hall. \\"illialll U.Wilson, president of the alumniclub, presided. "Many and beauti­ful have been the tributes to Presi­dent Harper's name," he said, "butwe as alumni wish this afternoon toshow our appreciation of what hislife has meant."He first called upon Arthur E.nester, president of the class of1899, who read a letter written byPresident Harper in 1891, just after- his acceptance of the presidency.The letter, in part, is as follows:"No harm will be done, I amsure, in saying to you that myformal acceptance of the Presi­dency of the University of Chica­go is in the hands of the Secretarycf tl: ; �vu • ...:. 0f T I U:3LCC:;, and thatmy face is turned toward Chicago.I t has been a long struggle with metn decide this question, but it is atlast decided, and, I believe, decidedrightly. May I hope that thealumni of the Old I nstitution, oneand all, will ioin hands with me inthe effort to" build in Chicago aUniversity of which not only Chi­cago, but America shall be proud.-The-history of the Old Universityjl1 spite of, its misfortunes is to meevidence that such a thing is pos­sihle. The new interest aronsed inthe work. within the city andahroad, cOl1\'inces me be\"(llld adonht. that if harmony prev�ils andGod assists, the result in ten yearswill surpass all our expectations.:\gain I say, shall we not Jomhands, the old and the new, and,forgetting that there has been abreak of five years, push forwarclwith all possible zeal. I hope thatin due time I may become personal­ly acquainted with even' alumnusof the University." ""How well this pledge has heenflllfilled we as alumni can tell." said\1 r. nestor in closing', "Last \'car'sIllecting, which can�e whcn h� \yasin ill health, was the first of ourIlleetings which hc ha<l missed. I Ie,has always shown a particular in­terest in everything we ha\'c under­taken, and he has made us all feelthat hc cOtmte(l us personal friendsof his."J Ildg-e Fredcrick ,\, �ll1it h, aIllemher of the class of l�("l. and (Ifthe next speaker. "It was Presi­t he present noard of Tmstees. wasd�nt Harper's plan to bring the best(It culture not only to the studentshilt to the surrot;nding worhl atlarg-c. The tangihle evidences oft he way the people of Chicago ha\-eContinued on page four, STUDENTS ASK MASS MEETINGUnder&raduate. Propo.e to Act WithAlnmni In .Reccommenclinc Change inConference Ragulations1 'romiucnt <t u.lcnts of the Uui­n·r...;ity are lnaking' plan" fllr hold­ing a mass JIleeting in conjunct ionwith the Alumni meeting Thursdaynight. This meeting will be onein which the rules and regulationsproposed by the recent faculty con­ferellce will he discussed and the1l1ldcq.!T;ldttatl's arc of the opinion';lat t h is will gi\'L' them a11 ampleqppl'rt�lIlity tl) Slate their objectionsiu certain of the rcconuncndations.Announcements will probably beposted tomorrow concerning theme .... ·ting and also naming the 111(.'11ill cllargl.' oi the affair. In case the.vl.uuni object to the uuclcrg r.ulu­atcs meeting" with them another hallwill probably be selected.The sentiment among the mern­hers of the student body concern­ing some of the conditions to be ac­cepted is very strong. Many be­lieve that the training table shouldnot he abolished and that the longplaying season continued. Otherobjections are being prepared, andin case the meeting is held, will heread to the men present.The action of the National rulescommittee has been heartily en­dorsed by almost an the men in­terested in football. They believethe game has been remedied by the11e\\' rulings and not destroyed.What effect the new rules will haveon the game cannot be stated un-'til they arc put in practice.I1ISS JANE ADDAMS ELECTED TOWISCOftSIN VARSITY 'FACULTYNoted Settlement Worker to Lecture atN ext Summer Session at MadisonAnnouncement has just beenmade by thc Uni\'ersity of \Viscon­sin faculty that Miss Jane Addamsthe well known l�ader in collegesettlement work, has been appoint­ed special lecturer for the universityS11ml11er session. The selection of\I i;-;;-; ,\ddatlls is the res111t of thepC)licy annul1llce;l recently of havinga number of non-resident lecturersand professors to take part in thesummer school work.:\Iiss Addams will give a seriesof lectures on "The Newer Idealsof Peace:' in which she will tracethe m'w hutllalltarianisl11 in the,'a riolls tlloYelll(.'nts for ,socialamelioration: in the protective leg­islation which regards the weakestcitizen as a valuable a..<;set; in theprot(.'st against the social waste ofchild lab Ir, as well ;1S in the de-1l1all<1 il_lr hig-hl']' standards of Ii iel)(,'l'all!'l' of the lwecl ni incrcase(1 in­d11strial dticiency.:\liss :\<1<1al11s' knowledg-e, gain­ed at !lrst hand, of the social proh­lems which she will disctlss, makesthis course in the Sl11l1l11er school ofg-rL'at importance tn thn�e intere�t­l'd ill �(lci(llogy and �(lciologicalqllt'!'t;1 'liS.Change Declamation DateOwing to the fact that Thursday(.'\'ening'. the eighth, comes onWashington's Birthday the finals inIhe dcclamation cl)ntest will be hel<1('lll' \\Tt'k ('arlier than 1l�l1a1. onTll1lr!'day n'cning-, Fehruary 13th,ill :\J anrId ] fall at eight o'clock. COLLEGE DATES ANNOUNCEDJunior College Basketball Teams Give OutSchedule-c-Arts and Literature MeetFriday Night,\ :-;dlL'duk vi lxrskctball galllest., I'l' l,JaYl.'d durill::'; h,:IJI'lI:lry I,."till' tl,;t111S oi the J unior L'ulkgt:s ofArts, Literature, Science and l 'hil­o�l)phy has just been prepared bythe captains of the teams and Dr.Rayn( lit. I t is as follows :!-'t'l" l--,\rt:, and Literature.1'\,]1, ;--I'hilllsuphy and Science.l:e1" II-;\rts and Science,h'h. I--t-I'hilosophy and Litera-t nrc.Feb. 1(.-;\rt5 and l 'hilosophy.Feb. 23-Literature and Science.TIIl'se ga mcs w i II he played un-del' llJ\..· Inkrcolkgiate rules, andwill he figured on a percentagehasi». The �'atlles on the 7th andl-Ith will he "played at 3 o'clock inthe aitcrnoon. All the others arescheduled for 7 :30 and will be cur­tain raisers to the Varsity contests,The contests wil l take place on thelarg-e tiL'ld in the g-Y1l1nasittm.The members of the variousteams wear their emblems from thestart of the season. The:\ rts 111en\\'i11 practice Mondav afternoon, theLiterature Tt1esda�r, the Philos­ophy Thursday an-d the ScienceFriday at .) o'clock. 'NO MORE BULL DOGSALLOWED AT ILLINOISFaculty Puts Ban on Stray Canines atState UniversityAt a recent meeting of the Coun­cil of Adimnistration of the Uni­versity of Illinois the followingresolution was unanimously adopt­ed to keep Champaign from goingto the dogs:Resch-ed, b}1 the C ouncil of Ad­ministration thai bull-dogs shall notbe allo'i.'(�d 011 the Ulliversitygroullds, alld that the city cOUllcilsof ClwlIlpaigll alld Urballa be pe­litioJled 10 caeh rass alt ordillallCeprohibiting thcir being I�cpt ';.{,ithiltlli,' city limits, ii thc 10<(,' gil'cs themtltt-' po;.(.'cr; alld if 1101, thcn to pro­hibit thcir prcscllcc 011 thc streetsor ,�'all.·s either al/cllded or ltIlat­tt'luft_'d .. Studellis of Ihe Ulli • .:ersityare t'amestl_\' r"qucstccl Ilot to kcepbull-dogs ill or about their rooms.The r,'aSOIiS for this Rcsolllli01lIIrc ill ,::'1'/11'1'01 as iollmi.'s:I. Tltc bllil-dog is cs,"clliially at/1111gcrnTls animal, a11(/ ,(.'hCIl kept1t11(""r prt.'.�clIl condi/;0I1S il cOllsti­Iltft's a perpe/ltal 1IlC1taCC /0 Izumalllife. 1�110Ugh accidc11ts lta(.·c al­ready ltarPt.'lIcd to ad11lollish allIhil1l .. ing 11101 Ihat ,(.'(lln,'11 and cllil­dr..,1 ar,' Ollirel_\" lI/lsajc wldcr pres­I':;! conditiol1s.-'> Tlrcs( cOlldiliollS ,�'i!! bccomc{','cn ,(.'or . .;e whcn these bull-dogs",ill Ira,',' bred ,(,illt Illc slreet ClIrs,/,rodlll'ill,t:: a gl'IlI'raliol1 of 1l1011grclse,'Ol 71101'(' dc1l1.(I'rnllS alld ul1derI,'ss r,'slrl1i11/ /lw11 or{' 11r(� pure hredil.'di�'idltI11s,Tlit' (o/(//(/'{ also ,'nlcd I() i11slructtl!( jil/lit!!r,.;; alld olhlT 1'(llicCllICIl ofth( ("/li,'lTsil\' In il11/,olflld all slravtI 0,::: " {(l/lllt! 'upon tll,' camplts 0',.U Ili,'(,/,:iily premises.Notice to Maroon Editors,\ meeting- ot the editorial hoardfit The nail.\' .'1 arO(l7/ will be heldtOlllorrow afternoon at 4 p. Ill, Two CENT�ALUMNI WILL TAKE ACTIONON THE RECOMMENDATIONSAllen Burns Makes ArrangementsFor Dinner and Mass Meetingill Mandel Thursday NightAddresses to be Madr by Prominent Grad II-Alumni Against Proposed RadicalCbangrs in GameThe all1lillli of the L'ni\'ersityv, ill meet at all in foruuil dinnerTllilr..;da\ Ili�'ht in the C0111111011Saikr \\'l'licll 'thcr \\'ill adjourn toRevn. lIds Cluh t-hl'ater and discussth� rl'comlllclHlations of the recent"reform" C011 Ference. The meet­ing w ill assume the form of an in­dig-llat il .n g'atIH'ring' against certainIlf the l"t!comcilllldations,"I t will he a lively meeting,"said Allen I �r 11tbe\'etarsdhnlhmpsaid Allen I lurns vestcrday ... Phil:\11(.'11, II cnrv Gail'. l1i1ly Dond,l ohnnv lIa��\'. nilly Wilson, Don:rnll11i)all joil11 \Yebb and more,prl)l1liilen� 'alumni will speak.""The general sentiment of Alum­ni seems to he stronglv againstccrt a i u 0 f the more rat 1 ical rccom­mcmlations.' lturns continued."The suggest inns of the conferencecommittee which we particularlyoppose are those which regard pre­liminary training'. the training table,and limiting of games played tofive .. ,The "g-rads" will - discuss thequestion '-'fro111 both standoints andit is thought that resolutions pro­testing these and other recommen­dations of the con Ference will bepassed,The resolutions of the Alumniwill he presented to the UniversitySenate, which will meet Saturdayto pass judgment on the action ofthe conference.Members of the Alumni Associa­tion declare that the body has al­ways been influential with the sen­ate and that they expect their actionto ha \'e some weight.STANFORD ATHLETE IS DROWNEDR, F. West, ex '07, Lost While Iospectinga Dam-Was Star FootballllaDR. F. \Vest, ex-'07, one of Stan­ford's most brilliant athletes, wasdn I\\'ned in Eel River recently.\ \" est was employed hy the EelRh'er Power Company on its bigdam ncar Potter. The heavy rainsof the past week had strained themasonry of the dam almost to tilebreaking point, and streams ofwater 250 feet wide, were pouringO\-er the top, \ Vest was sent outalone in a small hoat to watch thedalll and re,port any leakage. In!'OlllC way the hoat was capsize!lalld \Vest was thrown into thestream. It is helieH'£] that he wasstnlst hy Olll' IIi Ihe logs or otherpiecl's oi <khris \\'hich were 110at­ill� Oil thc \\'aln, rt'ndered l111con­...;ril'II:', canit'd (l\'t'r the <lam. aT1<ldn'\\'llc!1. The hody has not yethn'll iTCO\'tTl'( 1.\ \-(':-;t wa� ()Ile (If the most bril­liant and \Iln�istellt athletes whoen'" wnre Ihe cardinal. He enter­ed Stanford ill lanl1an', 1903, an<llllade a place 01; the il;lercollcgiatet rack team I ha t Se:l�OIl, competing­ill the hroad jl1mp,Subscribe for the Maroon.CHICAGO, :MONDAY, JANUARY 29,1906.lthe 1Dail� maroon not legalized. Charge upon chargehas been made upon the methods'of Stagg and Williams and these inthe eyes of the public, have neverbeen disproved. Those men, ac­cording to the conference, shouldpresent clean records, should beauthentically pure in their coachingmethods and should send out torepresent their institutions, footballteams on whom should not rest theslightest suspicion of professional­ism. How different their true statusis we' leave the public in generaland the conference in particular tojudge for themselves. The Uni­versity of Wisconsin should pro­te�t long �nd strenuously againstthis particular recommendation ,110t because we cannot secure a'professor' professional coach aswell as the rest, but because weknow that the conference's actionwas ill-advised; and that the con­ference itself was inconsistent in itsfindings. \Ve who are constrainedto remain outside the closed doorsof the conference are justly led tobelieve that the session was domi­nated by representatives from uni­versities who would in no wise beaffected by the rules adopted. Butwe are hopeful still that when therecommendations come up for finaladjudication they will be settledproperly and consistently." ,".rmerly �e UBI".Mllty of Cllioap ", .. kI,..'J'Ol7Jmm>TIl. UD1"'alt7 of esse. WMltI,.. Oct. 1. unTIm D.A.ILT 1hltoo!C - - - Oct. 1. '.02N1IWB CONTRIBUTIONS RIIQUI\8TBD.EDterec1 .. Mc:OD4-clau mall at Chlcac·Poetot!lce.Dally Subec:rlptloD. $1 ,.ear; $1 for a Ill".8,. Mall tB Cit,. " 1MI'; $1.2& for a JDM.8ubacrlptlon. recely" at TJUI au.oolllOtftce. Bmla Hall. or I.ft tD TID 1UaOO!C15ox. the "acult,. ExcbaDI:.. Cobb Hall.John Fryer Moulds, Business Mgr.PrlDt� by Quaclran&l. PrlOU. (04 E. �litb., '"'I�l,j: Ir � .'.1, ,� 1 \ ... EDITORIALS ""1Under the head, "Wisconsin WillProtest;' the Badger daily paperstates Wisconsin's attitude in re­gard to the recent recommenda­tions passed by the faculty con­ference. The editorial follows:"I'he Dig Nine conference haspassed its jm.1gment upon Westernfo�tball. The statement which itissued to the press dealers that. Football has shifted from its 'posi­tion as an admirable wholesomeoutlet of vigorous physical activit­ies and has been made to offer op­portunity for the manifestation ofmany oxtrcmc, nervous and illogicaltendencies of modern college life:\ Vhether we do or do not acceptthis as .a just criticism .of presentday college Iotball makes but littledifferencc now. \Ve are 1110st vi­tally concerned with the recommen­(lations made and our right to crit­icise them cannot be questioned.The reconllllendation that puzzlesour mind and makes us rather bearthe present evils than fly to othersthat we know not of, is the one re­garding professional coaches. Wearc told that professional coachesarc self-seeking; that they use il­leO'itimate expedients to' maintaintl:ir reputations that they are led tousc questionable methods in secur­ing players; and that they instructtheir players to usc vicious meansto Jcfeat the spirit of the rules ofthe game. Even this, for the sakeof harmony, we will not deny. Andyct, how absurd the remedy! Thecon f erctlce proposes to make theCl)aches memhers of respective uni­vl.'rsity faculties. \Vherein will theso-callcd evil be eliminatcd ? Prof.A. Alonzo Stagg of Chicago, haslong since been a reality. Prof.I knry T. \\'illiams of Minnesota, .. lorics in his title while his athletic�CCOI1;lt hook safely reposes in hisinner ,'cst pocket. George A. Huffof the Uni\'crsity of Illinois alsoenjoys the title of· Proicssor.'Fiddin� 11. Yost pf �l ichigan !\\"hat of him: Reg-cnt ;\nJH1r l l illof the Cni\'ersity of �lichigansaid, .Jlrofessor Yost sounds goodtn my cars.' Regent Dean of thesame institlltion w hilc he is non­cOl11ll1ita\ on the subject, still main­tains that Xl r. Yost 'is the author ofa standard work: :\ t least in thatregard, w hich , as we understand it,is quite a rccommcnclat ion to uni­\'crsity regents for any man, Field­ing Yost pO:':'C':':'l'S the necessaryqualifications. l Iow then will thecv i l he eradicated? 1 f professionalcoaching is inimical to the welfareof football it should be eliminated, NOTICE TO FRATERNITIESAND CLUBS .•\Ve want your work and offeryon special inducements atMartyn's Maroon Studio. Don'tforget to sec the "Chicago Mem­ory Books," for sale by U. of C.photographer, 5705 Cottage Grove.FowrresGlovesWill be worn longerthis season than others-that is. other gloves.Thick Lathercreamy and lasting, is the kindyou need. You'll find it in theold reliableWILLIAMS' ��"Dull Season Specials"Blach and BlueCHEVIOT SUITS'With extra trousers$25.00tr:Fr �tli 44 Jackson Boulevard WOOL SOAPSWIFT & CO., u. s. A.Al.nto:RT MATHl<:WS, Pres, Gl<:O. H. FIEDLl<:R Vi�Pres. F. H. STRATTON, Sec'y.MATHEWS &. CO. Inc.The Tailor ShopNE.W POWER.S BLDG .• 156 WABASH AVE.MAKERS OF YOUNG MEN'S CLOTHESOur Specialty $35. <l2 Sach SuitsWe show one of the Largest Lines of Woolens in Chicago.THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE andSTORAGE COMPANY·Ph ..... Hyde Park 571 KIMBARIC AVE. aDd FIPTY-.sIXTJI n.The Cleanest and Best Kept StorapWaa:ehouse in the City • • •Famiture ad Plauos MOYed. Stored. Packed &lid Shipped to aU pata ..the -odd. a.o Prl.ate Storap Rooms. I..arre Parlor Eulaai1'd�"Plaua&. Rooma far Trunks &lid WbeelL I..arre Room for CarriaeaLocII--'- &- _ - Baaica. ad Sleie1&. TRUBKS:tO.AlfD PRO. ALL DBlIOTL___ ........ �ac..IIt.bortDOtMlC..... 1IMaial � 8I9a _ ... vwn:r o...a.ESMOER PHOTOSARE PHOTOSGOODESMOER243 E.ast 55th St.RESTAURANT104-106 MADISON STREETAlso Branch Buffetat 69 E. Monroe St. OldInter. _t�Q� Ocean� ... �����- Building111111101-103 z, MadisonStreet,.CHICAGO, MONDAY, JANUARY 29,1906.ANN ARBOR. WONDERS ABOUTAUTHORSHIP OF "COACH" CLAUSEcteanee ... ttatlor ... lD�etSuits Pressed Monthly, 11.00...... 3 Ea.t 6lst St.. (near Kimbark.)Tel. Hyde Park 7659.�re,3=1Brighton Flnt Clal'lp Gnrtt'r!l outwear everyother k iud three to one. Tht'y IHe made o(PtJRESIIJ{ web-s-not mercer ised cotton, andco .. t hut 25 ceuts "pair. No other garterhas the DrightooJ",t r{tt$J). For comfortand Ioug wear-insist upon Prof. Pattengill Guilty or Who?--Represen·tative Says Dean Small Is MistakenThe Jl icliigan Daily still juggleswith the authorship of the profes­sional coach proposal. The follow­ill� is taken from Saturday's issue:":\s time passes, the wonder in­creases as to what really did happenat the Chicago conference lastweek. In yesterday's ChicagoRecord-Herald is the following:"'Dean Albion \V. Small de­clared last nig-ht he did not believethe reports that Professor Patten­gill had denied his authorship ofthe 'professional coach' clause inthe conference recommendations,and would treat the matter asclosed.'"I nasmuch as Professor Patten­gill in a signed statement to The:\1 ichig-:m Daily of January 23 didlien), that he introduced the resolu­tion, he was asked concerning theaffair last night," . Professor Small is mistaken asto who introduced the resolution,'replied Professor Pattengill. 'I hada letter from him today which sat­isfactorily explained everything.There will be no trouble betweenChicago and Michigan.'"The Wisconsin Cardinal in a re­cent issue published an interviewwith Prof. T. S. Adams, presidentof the athletic council, in which thelatter declares that the resolutionsmean that baseball and track coach­es must also be facultv members." 'Professor Ada;ns doesn'tknow what he is talking about: was1 'rofessor Pattcngill's comment.' Jachson ParhLiveryBRIGHTONFLAT CLASPGARTERSTHECOATAUDtalers OrBy MailPI_r SIHIJIf'I'dM c..lUI •• rL., �t"'"'Pblladrlpbl .. Mal:""qfPioneer,sltspnll/ff ••" .BORDEN'S It'CONDENSED MILK. FLUID mnZ" �1'1I CREAII AND BUTTER.M.ll.� ,�I AJ..� BOTTLED iN 1"i!E C:;Cli1"it':."iII' BORDEr..'& CO .... OC ... SEt. �,�o;:: C<: :t:.:17·1133 1:. 'O"T'f .lV.III!'''; .-z I-........_,,�'. ,_. ,_ .. - - .. $1.50 or more.CLUETT.PEASODYDCOLar�.t Illak.,", of C .. Il".,.lUlIl ShirtsIn the ,.. .. 11.1.KE.ENAN,THE OLD RELIABLEFLORIST.Fresh cut flowers, Floral Designs and6112 Wentworth Ave. 31111411 E. G3St.Phones Wentworth Jti3. Hyde Pftrk 5461.s. I�IBERl\IANN.HYDE PARK'lLabtes' �ailor198 55TII ST.The latest of Pa r isie nue Styles nnd Importedgoods for FHI1 and Wintt'r,Remodeling alld Repairing a specialty.L. FERNSTROMHigh Grade Ladies' and Gents'L. MAN ASSE. Optician88 Madison St •• TribtUlc Buildill£Spectacles and Eyeglasscs ScientificallyAdjustedEyes Tcstt'd PreeEverythin� OpticnlMatlilemattcal.Metereological and. for the Lanter nist,Koda ks, Cn merns and Su ppf ii s, TAILOR464 'Hast 55th StreetExtra pair of Pants with eachSuit or Overcoat.CHICAGOJ. 11. KINTZ, Prop. JOHN CLARK, MerAll ord rs day or night fillt'd promptlyAn Italian Literary Society.The Societa' Litteraria Dante. :\lighieri was organized last springat Pennsylvania to give lovers andadmirers of the Tuscan languagean opportunity to read and com­ment upon the best Italian authors,in Italian. Weekly study meetingsare conducted at the rooms of theEthical Society, 1415 Locust Street,when lectures are delivered in Ital­ian. Each lecture is followed bya conversazione. These lectures are�i\'eri every \Vednesday evening.There are monthly literary even­ings and musicales to which thepublic is cordially invited and ad­mitted free. In connection with thesociety there are classes for ele­mentary and advanced instructionin Italian. 'Dr. Hugo A. Rennert, Professorof Romance Languages and Liter­atures at the University of Pennsyl­vania, is president of the Societa'Littcraria Dante Alighieri, whilethe honorary president is Dr.Joseph Spencer Kennard.FAY OUS TAILORING CO.346 East 55tb Street r.���epark S7WP. D. WEINSTEIN-LAD:tE.S· TAILOR.Workmaru;bip Uncqualle-dSpecial Rates for U. ef C. StudentaN. E. Cor. 55th and LezlftatonPhone 1282 Hyde Park WE NEVER CLOSEDR. FRANH. C. JARVIS 273 E. Fifty-Seventh StreetDentistTelephones Hyde Park 1 �Phone Jlyde Park 41HN. W. Cor. 57th and Lake AvenueChlcasoA. McAdamsThe UnlYer.lty•.. F lor i e t •••GREEK8GUSBS:Cor. SJd St. and Kimbark Ave. ChicagoTelepboncs Hyde Park 1M and 695IEAT ATBERT ADA�lS6013 Wasblnston Ave.Food Right Prices RightIf" you do not see wh.t youwant, a.k for itWe carry suc:h a variety of lltoc:k tba'posaibly the partic:ular article youDeed is not in view. If not, uk forit. It is more than likely that wewitt be able to supply the desiredartic:leROSALIlt PHARMACY,J. ,J. GILL. Ph. G ••Phone H. P. 175. 274 E- 57th St.MADISON AVENUE PACKING CO. IH. T. 'McGUIR.E. Prop.6 3 0 9 Madison Ave.Supplies the Commons with :\IeatCHAS. A.. LAWRENCE,MANAGER AND DIRECTORLAWRENCE ORCHESTRASelect Music: (or all select occasionsYour patronage soticitedResidence eTelephone 5745 Rosalie CourtHyde Park 1467 CHICAGO The College LarderI' Hom. Made Dolicacles"CATERING, LUNCHEONS.447 E. 55th St.We preas allYOUI' ••a. oft.n •• you want for"Vogelsang9�:.176-182 Madison St. Floyd R. Mechem Law Club.The Mechem Law Club held asession of the supreme court Fri­day afternoon at four o'clock. Thechief justice was l"lrof. Mechemand the associate justices were Neb­ckcr and Mcl lcnry. The attorneysfor the plainti fi and defendant wereI I. L. I ekes and J. B. Blake. Thecase on appeal was the FirstXational Bank \'5. Margaret Knox,ct al.A Modern Up-to-DateCafeWhere the cooking and serviceis equaled only by the best. durin. tb. remalnd.rof thl. quarter.J. A. nARLSONPR.OPRIETOR.372 E. 55th StreetMETROPOLE LAUNDRY'(She Ellis Cafe Martyn has the new Chicago:\ T emory Books. Be su rc to comeand sec them.N. E.. Cornel' 55th St. (J Ellb A'Ye.\"ARIETY our specialtyA Choice of 10 different kinds ofmeats each day�:t?E.�1 15c'3.50 Commutation Tickets for$3.00Open from 6 .0\. ::\1. to s P. ::\1. -- _._--------DEMLING9SDRUG 'SHOP H. HOFFMAN61 al. Woodlawn Ave. ��\�'\\\tttlUt�etb�.Jackson & ClarkSCALPINGPROFITSOn Furnishing Goods from now onsame as I have been doing in Cloth­ing. This Spring 1 propose to cutout all high-priced goods,1.55 will buy Percale and MadrasShirts, with four cuffs, such asothers will ask 2.00 to will buy Percale and MadrasFancy Coat Shirts, four cuffsto each, worth across town1.50.55e will buy any Silk Scarf in stock.-t-5c will buy any pair of Socks.1.00 will buy any Shirt or Drawer.Scalping on Clothing has beenmy geratcst business success, Myfriends said it would break me. Iwill now give you the same squaredeal in Furnishing Goods; to pre­pare for it I will at once sell allfancy Percale and Madras CoatShirts, four cuffs to each shirt at1.15; all Full Dress Coat Shirts,worth 2.00, at 1.50; all Full DressCoat Shirts, worth 1.50, at 1.15; allPure Silk Scarfs, worth 1.00 up, atSOc; all lower grades, former price50c, now 25c; all former 50 and 75cSocks now 35c ; all former 2.00 and2.50 Pajamas now 1.i5; all high­priced Underwear, discount off, 331-3 per cent; all 4.00 to 8.00 FancyVests at 2.35. For few days moreI will make to order day Full Dressor Fancy Shirts at 1.50; four cuffsto each fancy. Send for samples.Success of my 10.00 Clothingsales prove to me that by cuttingout all high priced goods and sell­ing goods for cash I save all losseson carried over stock, on brokenlines, on bad debts. I save room, Isave rent, and I will save youmoney if you will but investigate.My competitors will again give methe laugh and say "He will gobroke, it cannot be done.""TenTom Dollar"MurraySPALDING'SATHLETIC LIBRARYNo. 250l-: SPALDING'S- OFFICIALATHLETICALMANAC_' FOR 1906Edited by JAMES E. SULLIV ABAll Intercollegiate and Inter­scholastic Meets and Records;Amateur Athletic Union Re­cords; A. A. Senior and Jun­ior Championships; Swimmingand Skating Records; A. A. U.Boxing and Wrestling Cham­pionships; all Shot Putting andWeight Throwing Records; Of­ficial Report of the Lewis andClark Centennial Athletic Games;pictures of leading athletes,Arncrcian and foreign.PRICE 10 CentsSend your name and nddrt'l'll'l to our nearest storefor Spaltling'!I CataloRUe of an Athletic Sporta­it'lI free.A.G • Spalding & BrosNnII' YorkDen'l'erSt. LouisRostonBaltimoreNnrOrleaa. Chicago�yrac:u1JC8uttaloKan-.a Citypittsbarf.Montrn • Can. PhiladelphiaMinnHpollaCiacinnatiSan Frand8coW •• hinKtonLondoa, Ene.h, .. barvarb lbotel1714·1. Wa.hlDaloD A ......Phoae Hyde Park 1533 near I. C. nnd U. of CRooms single or _ suitePleuant home wIth hotel conveniences Tablebonn! and .iug-Ie menls.I >I' GA l.:. GO Y LET T E S >I' ITUlle: How'd You Likc to bethe Umpire?How'd HHI like to be a student,Attend th� school called U. of C.Think of all the thing� Y\ll1'l1 learnthereFrench and I )l1tch and II i-torec !Each three weeks you g!-!t a notice,This puts you 11nder a ban,Then who rants '0 be a st\1<lent?Come see ):our Dean!He must be seen!0, the student is a most unluckyman.STAHL ON COLLEGE ATHLETICSFormer UDinrsity of Illinois Athlete WritesArticle on Cempetitive S.,.tlmJake' Stahl; the hero of many aconflict on thc Illinois gridiron andmanag;& of the 'Vashington Amcr­ican Lcague bascball team, in a re­cent editorial of thc Clc\'cland Prcsscuntributed thc following �lrticle:"A chang-c in thc collcge athleticsystcm of the cot1l1tr�: is incvitable.'i'he competiti\'e idca is responsiblcfor innul11crahlc abuse�. The 'beat'cm out' idea has O"aillcd too much,. h•of an asccndanc\·. Thc sole notlO11of onc collegc ·is to inflict defeatupon thc other collegc in football,baseball, rowing and track events.The glory of capturing big. widelyadvertised e\'ents is madc to scemworth\' am' sacrifice, Everythingis staked (;11 the chance to .. \"in.··The desire for victory will neverbe overcome, but 1 know that thisthing is aU wrong and that it hasbeen extremely injuriolls to collcgeathletics. For onc thing, it hasmadc exclusivellcs� in thc physicaltraining (If the :,tl1dCllt:o; at the col­lcgcS',L",1�he e\'c�ll�' hal�n�cd, usc­fttl. pJiyslcal tratl11ng- ot �Ile grcatho(hi:�·of'. students is sacnficcd �ortli� �1-t1i�k an(l scientific (1c\'�I?pmentr f the few \\"110 look promlsmg forthc big compd it h'c evctns."In thc g-rcat 111:Ijnrity of collcges()l1h� the c11ap� who hy physical en­d()\�:1lI11l'nt .oti"l..'r the quickcst prom­i�e' .�( bcil�g modeled and \\'?rkcdinto shape as football players ttl thchig games, ha\'c any chal1c� to playin thc game of foothall. 1 hc grc�tmass of \'oung fcllows who don tlook �()()(i enough to be held in rc­sen'e �as possible competitivc play­cr� are shtlt Ollt of thc fUll and thchl'nefit of telt gamc. Thcy arcrelegated to the ranks of mcrclookers on."All of thc hoys \\·ho go to co.l­lcO"c are entitled to thc bcst athletIC� CHICAGO, ?-.19XDA Y, JA::-.JUARY 29, possible, along the lines inwhich they show the greatest nat­ural proficiency. i rrespect i \"1..' 0 f thecompetitive idea altojrct hcr. Tileidea that this or that lad will pru\"eof IlO value as a nu-mber of the reg­ular baseball team of a collegeshouldn't virtually exclude himfrom the enjoyment of baseball al­together."I know scores of fellows whohave graduated Ir. uu colleges whohave g( It the soft, flahby muscles ofwomen. This is rarely or nevertheir fault. It is because theywere never taken in hand in theircolleges. They didn't give promiseof development into athletic modelsand were let slide. Every youngman who comes awn v from collegeought to he as �(l'1l1;1 as a hickorvnut, hard as nails, right as a rivet."ALUMNI ASSEMBLE TOPAY TRIBUTE TO DR. HARPERContinued from page oue.received President Harper lie 111the buildings on our campus. Itbecame a pleasure to men to giveto a University which was underPresident Harper's direction:'Continuing, Judge Smith readthe memorial resolutions adopted1)\· the Trustees the day after Presi­d�nt Harper's death. In conclusionhe said, "To face death so long. inthe midst of his hopes, is to me oneuf his greatest trimuphs. He diedas he li ved, a soldier amI a hero.".. As a scholar Dr. IIarper hcldan exalted place," said Miss Clcn­dening'. of thc class of '04. "Theol­ogy claimed him as her own. ..\5 aprearhcr he held a place of mllchesteem. Profcssorship claimcclhim. As all educator he was one ofthe world's gcrat pathfindcrs. Asa financier he showcd wondcrfultalcnt. Organization has rccog­nized him as a most cfficient mastcr.nut is is not to Dr. Harpcr as aschular or thcologian. as a prcacheror profcssor. as an cducator, finan­ria, or organizcr-though amongeach of these he holds a kinglyrank-but wc comc today to paytribute to him as a man and as afriend. -', Ve cannot forgel his cor­clialit\· of manncr. his warmth ofieclil;;:!", and his ahs()l11te �ii1cl'ri�y."\\'illiam Scott nond. of thc classof 1897. spoke of thc Prcsident'srelation to thc students and alumni.TIe said, in part:"Ours is the loss of a great fam­ily. Our President. the head of ourfamih', has hccn taken, and wc arcn'ath�red to honor his mcmon·. Ourhereavcment is a grcat p�rso:lalsorrow as wcll as a realization ofthe loss of our Fnivcrsity, our City.and our Nation. It is this pcrsonalsorrow of which T wish to speakcspecially. Kno\\:ing that each ofllS zealously guards a ,,'i\'id mcmory')f O'_lr I ·rc,idcn�·., per.,onalil.y.kl1owil1� ho\\' il1�tl\' of liS havc cx­pcrienc�d his pers�nal interest andhavc felt his kiJHlIy influcncc, I fcelthat it is cspccially filting in ourg-athering today to express to eachothcr our appreciation of a personal!n\'c. and to mlltually rcalize that\H� Ilavc lost onc wlto took a deeppcr�ollal intcerst in all of us."\\"c realizc as il111y as may he tIlt'I()s� which has comc to our Ulli­"ersity and tlte calisc of edllcat ion.hilt ill this mceting- today we es­pccially mourn thc loss of ourteacher and fricnd. Tt is m)' wish tot'xprcss as earnestly as I may for� ou all and for myself 011r rC\'cr­('ncc for Ol1r Pre:"ident's mcmoryand Ollr sensc of pcrsonal hcrea\'('­mcnt.":\Iiss Florcncc Holhrook. of thcclass of '79, spoke of the Prc�_idcnt's relation to educaiton. She said, inpart:"The Ii f .... and wotk of a truly"Teat man fascinates us. E\'eryb. •word habit, act and (k�lre I� scan-lied and debated. �lust grl'(l/ men,we know. could ha ve been great ill111:111\' wavs : Dr. l larpcr would havebel'l; a Il;all of mark ill any line ofactivitv he had chosen .. That hedid not devote his energy to build­ing lip a vast Ii It nil I .... , t,) ur�;llli%illga g-reat COIl'IIII.:rcial l'llkrpri�e­ves, even eo ell ai..'c(llllpli�llIllent ofiIi:, heart's dl'�irL'--is a matter ofsincerest congr.uulat ion for us andfor the \\'orIei.·· -" 'Help us to play the man; helpus to perform tlu- pcttv round ofirritating conce-rns and duties. withlaughter and kill; I i;ln'�: let cheer­Iulncss abound \\ it h industry.' r tseems to me that I )1'. I Iarper lived«ut thi» prayer each day lIt his Ii Ie."said r �l111eS \ \"hite. of the class of'<J(,. ." Even amid the greatest dis­couragemcnts his kindly. gl'nial111:1I111('r wa-. acom Iort to us all. Heneve-r let others know III the thingst Ii:: t worried lrim. .J I c took thekl'l'lI�l and kindliest interest in ev­erything the students were doing."Rev. Theodore G. Soares, of thecalss of 18()7, spoke of the Presi­dent as a teacher. lie told of thepersonal work of the President inthe class room-thc work which heloved best. and of his tact Iul lead­ership of those workinsr with him.:-\ llan Burns submitted on behalfi)f thc Alumni of the University thefollowing resolution, which wasunanimously adoptcd by a risingvote:The mceting cit J�cd with thesinging of thc Alma �ratcr.The alumni of the University ofChicago in special memorial ser­vice assemblcd. Tanuary 28, 1006,wo:tld testi f\· to the great loss \ve�l1stain in tile dcath iii IIllr Presi­dent. 'Vil1iam Rainey llarper hashcen to us the prophet of an cdu­cational moremcnt which demand­ed dear-cut pt1r�l1it of fnnda­mcntal truth, Recng-nizing thclIl:lm'-sidednt'ss uf Ii fe and thcnnit�· of all truth hc became a lead­er �f men who cncouraged re­search into every department of·knowledgc. He was broadmindcd,earnest, bravc and tnlC: cnmprc­hcnsivc and clear of pian: convinc­ing' of prcscntation and �\\"i it of ex­ecution. He laid hold (Ill the pastoi thc human race. wrought \\'on­deriulh' in the prescnt and like aprophe't. hrought the futnre before11S.Dr. Harper was far morc to tiSthan Prcsident. He was o:lr guidc.ollr friencl. ollr cldcr hrother. \Vcha\'e worked with him. and comc to100'e him. His mcmory will C\'cr in­spire us to makc all life g-reater.more bcauti flit. morc ahundant.\Vith a dccp sense of per�onallnss we cxtend to hi� herl'a \Til iam­ily our heartfelt �yl11pailty.5hO\\' vonr collcgc spirit by sup­porting thc collcgc papcr. Suh­�crihc for the l\'laroon.Classlflld AdvertlsemlntsDruc!'Try Tolu, Tar and Wild Cherry,f'lr that cough. University Pharom:lCy. 560 E. 55th St.IIuv)cr Cantlies, �fanicurc Goods,U. of C. Souv. Postals. Cigarettes,Toilet Articles. Te1. orders receiveprompt attention. H. P. 557. ThePortland Pharmacy, (I()()I \Vashing­ton Ave., A. C. Symmes, R. P.WantedI f you wish to secure a position toeach call on or write to James F. Mc­Cullough, Railway Exchange, Chica­go. I ... .AMUSEMENTS ... IGarrickWalter )J. Lawrence PresentsHENRY E. DIXEYTHE MAN ON THE BOXThe Great Acting Co. includes Car­lotta Nillson.�·tudebakerJ'\.·ll1r1l uf His Highness, TheAmerican Promoter!l Ienrv W. Savage will offerThe Dainty, Delightful KoreanComic OperaTHE SHO-GUNB\" Ceorge :\de and Gustav LudersColonialTheatre closed this week for finalI Jrvss Rehearsals and Prepar­ations.�rollda\' Eve .. Feb. 5-First Timel(l:m &: Erlanger's Presentation ofGcn Lew \Vallace'sTil E I'RI:\CE OF INDIADr.un.n izcd by J. 1. C Clarke,\1 usic bv Prof. Horatio ParkerEvcrv Evening Except ·Sunday.'\latin�cs \Vednesdays and Satur­days.Xotc=-Curtain will rise promptlyat cight in evening, two in after­nOOIl, and no one will be seatedduring first scene-fifteen minutes.T" is is i 111 pcratiue. . .Sale hl'�ins today. First four-weeksI �ox office open 9 a. m. to 10 p, m.50 c to $2.00.-Tonight-LaSalle )Gcnt'rons, Glorious, Gingerly,THE UMPIRE95th Timelooth Time Thursday Night­Souvenirs. {Fowers'Last 6 "Nights and 2 Mats.l'iices. Wed. l\Iat. SOc to $1.50Charlcs Frohman Presentsf();;;EI'H WHEELOCK, JR.,in Geo. Ade's Roaring ComedyJUST OUT OF C�LLEGEI Next Monday-Seats ThursdayTHE LION AND THE MOUSE"Bv Charles Klein, Author of "The.�I nsic Master."IllinoisLast 6 Nights. Last Mat. Saturday.Charles Frohman PresentsEDNA MAYIn Her Grcatest Musical SuccessTilE CATCH OF THE SEASONMajesticCONnNUOUS VAUDEVILLE23-Fadette Orchestra-23,Franz Ebcrt & Co.l\lacart's Dogs and 1\Ionks.Vernon.Petc Baker.I ;ro\\"n gros. & Hopkins.Fllllny JO\:ippy. .; J:..S ,Tlte Kinodromc.8-Thc Salvaggis-8.Trio Scipo Argenante.T. N clson Downs.Tack Gardner.i-Iammond & F orrcster.nOllllie Maie.nilh' Dick.Ru;al Comcdy Trio.Rural Comcdy Trio.Priccs 15-25-50-iSc.Phone Cent. 6480.Salc Begins Today----- -----------'VHERH do you get yourNew.paper ... Perloc1lcal. aD.Statlon.P7?At NORTON·SPree DeliveryPho.e116 Hyde Park 348 57th Street