The Daily-M...... 1Ied £ftaDoou by the StucleDta of the l1Dlnnity of Chicaco Darlar I tIIne � of the UDlnwVOL. IV. No. 70 CHICAGO, FRIDAY, JANUARY l�, 1906. oon'RICH Two CENTS---Elaborate preparations for thememorial number of the MONTHLYMAROON are being made. It willMinnesota and Northwestern In Other Semi be put on sale 'in place of the regu-Finals Toni&bt at Minneapolis-Win- lar January number of the magazine,ners Meet April 13' .. ' :-c�'.:JVil1 appear next week.The various phases of the char­acter of President Harper will bepresented ill contributed articles bythose at the Uni ver sity who arebest fitted to write of these charac­ter sides. Those who have knownDr. Harper best, who have beenmost intimate with him, who havebeen in closest touch with him, as aco-worker, as a friend, and as anadmirer, will tell of their impressionsand voice their sentiments.Henry Porter Chandler, who fora long time bas been in close touchwith Dr. Harper, will write of thethe President as an administrator.Dr. Ernest D. Burton, of the NewTestament department of the Divin,ity School, will write of thePresident as an educator. Dr.Burton has for years been a closefriend of the President and an articlefrom his pen comes at this timewith added value attached. DeanShepardson, who beg-an his workunder the the prepar­atory school at Granville, Ohio, willwrite his personal impressions ofDr. Harper as a teacher, and willhandle the subject with a great dealof sympathetic insight into theteaching ability of the President.Dean Vincent, one of the closestfriends of the President, will writeof Dr. Harper as a man. JamesWeber Linn will write of Dr.Harper's Memorial, and will showhow the University of Chicagostands as an exponent of a singleunit-the personality ofDr, Harper,its conceiver and fosterer.Horace Spencer Fiske's poem,""The President of the University,"will appear i� the memorial number.A memorial cover poster is beingprepared and the entire number willbe set in inverted rules as mourningborders. An effort will be made tosecure the 111 Memoriam poemwritten by Dean West of Princetonand read by Professor 'V. G. Haleat the Memorial services last Mon-MICHIGAN CONFIDENT OFWINNING THE BIG DEBATEWolverines Have the Popular Sideof Question- Coach TruebloodOptimistic About ResultThree .Michigan debaters will tryto break the long spell of Chicagovictories tonight in Manuel Hall.These three men from Ann Arborhave the popular side of a vitalquestion and with their largeamount' of experience have every··cason to show the confidence of. vinning which they did this morn-ng.Professor J. C. Trueblood whohas charge of the workof the Mich­gan men, said at the Del PradoHotel this morning that he thoughthis team would win.The Michigan men will' arguewith the knowledge that they havethe body of their hearers in syrn­pathy with them. President Roose­velt and Congress having bothgiven expression to their favorableattitude toward popular rate leg­islation.However, the Chicago men arerea .' or for the contest and will go) i in t .. vin.1 order in which the speakersapp ar is as follows:FOI Michigan-(1) H. K. Legg.(2) J. A. Rawlins.(3) G. A. Malcom.The same order holds for rebut­tal... For Chicago-(1) W. J. Matthews.(2) J. L. Lewinsohn.(3) C. F. McElroy.Rebuttal-l\Ir. Matthews.Mr. McElroy.Mr. Lewinsohn.1\1 innesota and Northwesterncontest the other set of semi-finalsat Minneapolis tonight and thewinners of the two debates willmeet on April 13.:1.New Debating. Societyi'i At a meeting last Friday after­noon the Philosophy College De­bating Society was organized withNathan L. Krueger as acting chair­man. Another meeting will be heldnext Monday afternoon at 4 o'clockin Cobb Chapel to complete theorganization, and listen to the firstprepared debate. The subject willbe "Resolved, That Capital Punish­ment Should be Abolished." K. F.Mather and J. Rubovitz will defendthe affirmative and Ben. F. New­man and Alva \V. Henderson, thenegative.Philosophy Coltege is the first ofthe four to reorganize its debatingsociety and begin active prepara­tion for the series of inter-collegiatedebates with which it is planned tosupersede the annual Freshman­Sophomore debate ... \11 PhilosophyCollege men interested in debatearc requested to attend :;\1011-day's meeting,Blackfriars PictureThe Blackfriars Picture will betaken tomorrow, Jan. 20, at Riot'sStudio, 12 o'clock sharp, 1 .ave the Daily Maroon deliver­ed : t your door every evening. Itwil' give you all the news of theUn vcrsity up to 3 o'clock in theaite .noon. Much time and effortare expended to lay the news be­for- you. Give us your support.A MEMORIAL MONTHLY :MAROON TRACK TRYOUT FOR FRESHMENManagin& Editor Newton A. Fuessle Pre­paring a Special Edition-Articles by Dr.Burton, Dean Vincent, Dean Shepardson First Year Athletes Will Be Given a ChanceTo Show Ability Tomorrow-- Good WorkExpectedFreshman track athletes will begi :en their first tryout in the gymto norrow morning. and CoachF r iend expects every f reslnuan whohe shad 011 a track suit to reportar d give the coaches and followersof track work a chance to see whathe can do. It is too early in the51...' .son to expect any remarkablepc ·formanec but the freshmenh; .e been at work now for abouttl. ec weeks and ought to make acr ditable showing.\11 the events on the indoor pro­gr .m will be run off, with the ex­ec -tion of the two mile, which istor long a distance for so early inthe season. All of the distance menwill be put in the mile and half.Judging from the form shown inthe practices so far this year, themen who should show well in thetryout are: Merrill and Steffen inthe dashes; Steffen in the hurdles,Merriam in the quarter or half,Anderson in the half, Mathews inthe mile, Schommer in the highjump, and Kelly and Maddigan inthe shot. There are several othergood men who will undoubtedly"make good" but these have shownthe best form in practice.DRAMATIC CLUB TRIALS, - . . TO BE HELD MONDAYNo Production Thi. Quarter-Elaborate Pre­:?AratioDS to Be Made for Jnnior Dayday morning. ':'he Dramatic Club Trials to beheld next Monday will offer an ex­cellent opportunity to make thisorganization. The method of judg­ing has been altered, it is thoughtto the bettering of the candidates,chances. Six new people will betaken in so that the Club member­shi:? will be full for the annualsprng' play.The selection of the candidatesshould be from dramatic literatureand should be about three numbersor less in length. Dialect is taobooed. This latter action was takennot because the Club does not rec­ognize the value of good dialectreadings but because of the diffi­culty of judging such selections.N ames of candidates and their selec­tion should be handed to the Busi­ness Manager, box 152 FacultyExchange,The play scheduled for this quar­ter, «'TreIawney of the Wells," hasbeen indefinitely postponed. Thisaction was taken by the ExecutiveCommittee. The plana will prob­ably be to combine all the perform­ances of the year into a large pro­duction on Junior Day. The SpriggConvocation will be the fifteenthannual one and it is intended tomake it memorable in the history ofthe University. It is hoped to makethe dramatic portion essentially astuc.ent affair and if possible exceedany .. Iring ever given.Women's Union ElectsAt the annual meeting of theWomen's Union, held Jan. 17, 1906,the following officers were electedfor ensuing year:President-Miss Marion Talbot.Vice-Presidents-Miss Annie E.Allen, :\Iiss Helen Hendricks, Mrs.Alex. Smith.Secretary-Miss Inez Busenbunz,Treasl1rer-�Iiss Annie Martin.Chairmen of Conuuit tecs-e­House-s-Miss Gertrude Dudley­Hospitality+ Miss C. Rice.Membership-s-Miss Livermore:Entertainment-Miss Edith Red­den.Music-Miss Whittier.Philanthrophy-e-Miss Haessler, FATE OF FOOTBAll IS NOWUP TO THE PROFESSORSRepresentatives of Conference Col­leges Are in Session at theChicago Beach HotelRadical Changes in tbe Game Will Be Pro­posed and Probably Demanded- -Michi­gan for Sweeping ReformFootball as a college sport in theWest is now at the mercies of thefaculty representatives of all theprominent Western universities.The long discussed "indignationmeeting" to r ,:·.. olutionize the sportor throw it into the street is now inprogress at the Chicago BeachHotel, Professor Pattr-ngill of Mich­igan calling the conference togetherat 10:30 o'clock this morning.What the Representatives will doand are doing can only be con­jectured, for they will give out noinformation until they have come tosome definite understanding. It iscertain, however, that radicalchanges in the present game will hedemanded as the price for_ therelention of football as a part ofuniversity athletics in the 'Vest.All of the men favor reform: butsome favor more radical reformthan others. Michigan, throughProfessor Pattengill, it is said, willdemand the most sweeping changes.Abolishment of professional coaches,diminishing of gale receipts, andlengthening the freshman rule toone year instead of one semester,are a few of the bitter pills whichMichigan. hopes to make the con­ference colleges swallow.President Judson is at the confer­ence' in person representing theUniversity. What be will ad vacatehas not yet been made public, butit is known that the UniversitySenate has instructed him to takedefinite action, probably ·along thelineS of reducing the brutal featuresas well as the professional color ofthe sport.The universities represented, asfar as can be learned, are unani­mously in favor of retaining footballwith certain changes in the rules.Purdue, Minnesota, Iowa, andNorthwestern are all strong for theretention of the game but theyexpress themselves as ready andwilling to unite with the other in­stitutions in an effort to purify andbetter the game in any respect. Itwill take about two or three days tocome to definite action, but, secretlyas the sessions can be held, the+preseutatives hardly keeptheir actions from the anxiouspublic for that" length of time.Whil� .the professors are deliber­ating and the fate of football hangsill the balance, let all the worldhold its breath!Captain Parry in BusinessAt the meeting of the NationalAssociation of Cigar Dealers, whichwas held in this city on the 1il, 16,and 17 of this month Captain Parrywas elected to the X ational Boardof Control. Mr. Parry's work willbe to represent the interests of theAssociation in the colleges and uni­versities of the United States.cmCAGO, FRIDAY, JANUARY: 19, 1906. . , I '.' .'tthe lDatl� maroon ALB£RT MATHEWS. Pres. CEO. II. FIEDLF.R Vice-Pres. F. H. STRATTON, Sec'y.hand ; that the penalty for holdingor unlawful obstruction shall beloss of the ball; that interferencewith the player behind the line ofscrimmage after he has kicked theball shall be punished. with im­mediate disqualification.They recommend a series ofproposals for the perfecting a moreopen game and form this new rule.That of the side havirlg posses­sion of the ball, not more than threemen besides the man receiving theball from the snapper back shall beless than five yards behind the lineof scrimmage unless 0 itside theposition occupied by tl. c outsideman in the line.Among the signers of the reportis Lorin F. Deland, who says in asupplement report, that, while heagrees with the other committeemen as far as they go, he does notbelieve they go far enough. Hesays:"I advocate the abolition of gatereceipts. I (10 not see whv a matchbetween students of competing col­leges sould 110t be played beforeinvited guests as in the army-riavvcontest. \Vhen a single game �­tween Harvard and Yale brings ingate receipts of $80,000 I think thatthe commercialism has found goodsoils for propagating serious evils."..... r17 � tJalT .. lt7 of � WMkl7·.-otnmaD'I'M UDtT'al� or �Ic. W .. 17. Oct. 1. 1112TIDI D.&ILY -..00. - - - Oct. 1. 1102N.wB OOl'n'lUBUTlONS IllIQUDT&D.1IDtere4 .. MCOn4-cl.. mall at ClllcapPa.tomce.Da1l7 Sub8c:rlpUon_ ,. 7 ... r: $1 for • ....8J'B:,as��Ioc;:.t7 �r=: a'l.�or J.:omee, :mUla Hall. .r left til TIm �JtISo%. th. I'&cult)' Exchan.ce, Cobb HalLJohn Fryer Moulds, Business Mgr.Prlnte4 b7 Quadransle Pretia. "'0"' III. GISth., ... EDITORIALS �IThe action taken by the studentsin adopting a less conspicuousbadge of mourning cannot be con­sidered otherwise than commend­able. It is regrettable that the of­ficial badge is such a failure. Hard­ly a student in the Universitywears the colors without feelingthat they are to conspicuous, andeven the faculty members, whohave been practicaly instructed towear them, pin them under theircoat lapels and in other placeswhere the whole ribbon will not beseen..The students wish to show theirMARTYNU. of C. Photographer5705 Cottage Grove Avenuereverence for President Harper andare reluctant to wear the officialbadge, so they have adopted whatthey think is a more suitable one.The authorities must realize thatthe new design is the mote appro­priate and it is hoped that they willauthorize the substitution of thesmaller emblem as the officialbadge. We are leaders in Souvenir postalcards. albums. photos and picturesKOELLING & KLAPPENBACB100 Randolph StreetToWnesGloves',HARVARDCO:MMITTEEREPORTS ON FOOTBALLBelieves That Game Should Not Be Abol­ished, but RecoJDJl1ends CertainIIocU1icationa in RuI. Will be 'Worn longerthis season than others-that is. other gloves.The special committee named bythe Harvard Graduate AthleticAssociation to consider the game offootball and recommend changes,completed its report yesterday.The doucments will be turnedover to the rules committee, nowmeeting in New York. .The committee arrived at twoconclusions:1. That the game possesses toomany excellent features to beabandoned.2. That it should be radicallymodified."They recommend that the gamebe made more 'open and visibleand claim that the rules are not ex­plicit enough and are not strictly. enforced.To prevent these evils they sug­gest that a second umpire be ap­pointed to watch the conduct of theplayers; that the linesmen shall payspecial attention in preventing off­side and illegal plays.1t further recommends that aplayer shall be instantly put out ofthe game for any act of brutality,roughness or insulting remark. Anyplayer disqualified for any of theabove offenses shall not reenter thegame nor he substituted for insideof 6\"C minutes of play. Anyonedisqualified twice in one season shallhe kept off the team for the remain­dcr of the year: that rule 17 oflast year's code shal he made toread as follows:"The player of the side that haspossession of the hall shall not hold,block or otherwise obstruct the op­ponent's play except with the body;hut the player running with the ballmay ward off an opponent with theDOctors Sayit is better to shave, but don'tattempt it without the rich,healing lather ofWLLIAMS' ��clJd.lfJIUClothes Shop Hasa Rare Assort­ment of FilleGarmentsHave you ever noticed the re­fined elegance about the clothes ofa well groomed man?The ability of selecting suchgarments is not in the me n, but inthe buyer of the shop v .: here theclothes are purchased.I f a shop has fine garments theman who patronizes that shop can­not but have fine clothes.\V c sell only the best quality ofclothes, $20 to $50.48 Jaokson Boulevard.Chicago MATHEWS &. CO. Inc .,!he Tailor ShopNEW POWERS BLDG .• 156 WABASH AVE.MAKERS OF YOUNG MEN'S CLOTHESOur Specialty $35. C2,2 Sad\. Suits\Ve show one of the Largest Lines of Woolens in Chicago.RESTAURANT104-106 MADISON STREET------------------------------THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE amiSTORAGE COMPANY'PIiODe. Hyde Park 57. KIMBARK A VB. and FIPTY -.51X111 ST.The Cleanest and Best Kept StorapWarehouse in the City • • •Furniture and Pl:anos :Moved. Stored, Packed and Shipped 10 all pmta ..the world. 300 Private Storaze Rooms. La'ie Parlor E.zc1asiyel7_PlaDae. Rooms for Trunks and Wheels, La'ie Room lor eamaa-._ Bueaies. and Sleirba. TRtmKS TO ..&lID nOIl.ALL DEPOTS.Loc:allnlllilla_ s.a.e. ......... �ctc.. at short notice..... 1IMdal �ttau. Gtfta Ie Vainal\7 OrIlla.----------------_._-- .. -. -_ .. _---_. -.-------------M. E. FITZGERALD ®. CO...• MaKers or ...GENTLEMEN9S GARMENTS360 EAST FIFTY-FIFTH STREETWe cater to the Faculty and Students of the U. of C.Our prices are within reach of all.FULL DRESS TUXEDO CLERICAL SPORTINGRIDING BREECIIES'ESMOER PHOTOSARE GOOD PHOTOSESMOER243 Last 55th St.Also Branch Buffetat 69 E •• onroe St. Old101-103 r, MadisonStreetA ConnectionWITHThe Northwestern Mutual LifeInsurance CompanyWould Afford You a plendid Opportunity.B B If you wi�h to Know more about thi� write to B .eH. F. NORRIS. Supt. or Agencie�. MIL W AUI\EE.. WIS.---- --- -_._--------- JIJ LECTURE ON DUTCH PAlNTIl'CGCHICAGO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1906.Class Will Meet Tomorrow at 2:15 P. M. inthe Art InstituteBasketball Team in ShapeThe basketball team is getting infine shape and the men are anxiousto start 011 the schedule. The gamewhjch was to be played this weekFriday night has been 'cancelled andthe first game will not be played \until a week from tonight. \Keeler Quits Michigan for Illinois \Michigan's track championshipaspirations got a jolt yesterday \when "Chick"Keeler, the sprinter, \left to enter the University of \:Illin?is. With Blair and Hogenson.e1immated, Keeler was counted asa sure point winner in the confer- \ence meet. He says that athletics Ihas nothing to do with the switch, !•. I would not be eligible to run for ;Illinois for a year, -and by that timeI will be away from there," hesaid.Mr. Zug has announced a changein the date and place in his coursein Dutch and Flemish painting.The first lecture will be given at theArt Institute Saturday the 19th at2: 15 p. 111. The class will holdweekly sessions of two hoursthroughout the winter quarter.ARROWCOLLARShave n. story you OUJ(ht to knowprinted on the inside.The Arrow mark means largestnssortnn-nt of stylt:s-�st wear­ill:r fabric-s and most car ef'u 1workmanship,Clupeco means that the fabricshave been fully shrunk and canshrink no more.The �: or �{ shows vou thntthere are four sizes to -the inchinstead of two.lSc each; 2 for 2ScCluett, Peabody & Co., MakersM.U SSEY·S1 :8ll1lard Hal,le aDd Bowlln. AUe,..The I.arltt'st and Fin�5t AmusementResort in the World100 to 108 Madison StreetBranch: 1.16 Davis St.. Evanston'llURR do you gel yourNew.papere, Periodicals andStationery? .At NOR. TON·SFree DeliveryPho.e116 Hyde Park 348 57th StreetNOTICE TO SENIORS.All Seniors are requested to. callat Martyn's Maroon Studio andhave one picture taken free ofcharge for publication in the Capand Gown .BORDEN·SCONDENSED IlILK, FLUID 1IILE,CREAJI AND BUTTERJIILallt.ALL BOTTLED IN THE col)NnrBORDEN'S CONDENSED MILK Co.• :n-.aa 1:. ,.ORTY-.EVENTH .T.J. A. HARLSONPR.OPl\.IETOR.372 E. 55th Streets. LIBERMANN.HYDE PARK'l.abiee' \tailor METROPOLE LAUNDRY198 ��TH ST.The latest o( Parisienne Styles and Importedgoods for Fall and Winter.Remodelin& and Repairing a specialty.H. HOFFMANL. MAN ASSE., Optician88 Madison St •• Trib1Ule BuildiD2. Spectacles and Eyeglasses ScientificallyAdjustedEy�s Tested FreeEverythintt OpticalMaUaematical.MetereoloJtical and(or the.I.anternlst.Kodak •• Cameras and Suppli<!S. cteaner ••• tta tlor ... 1Dl!eiSuits Pressed Monthly, $1.00443 E.ast 61st St.. (near Kimbark.)Tel. Hyde Park 7659. . Harder's Fireproof Storage & Van Co'.. Successor to ..Becklenberg Expres$, Warehouse & Van Co.Furniture, Pianos, .Trunks, Merchandise and ParcelsDelivered to all parts of the City, Depots. and SuburbsGeneral Offices,Storage and Salesrooms:61::>-1-{)6-i",s Wentworth AvenuePhOl1l'S:Wentworth 41iO. 461, 46'",'an<1 480 Branch Office. Information Office,Univ . of ChicagoR. R. Warehouse,Chicago JUlldioll R.R.40th and CalumetTHE ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN ENGLEWOODE!lTAllLISlIED lSS�1Offers you the Protection of Government Supervision and Con­trol Which Cost NothingS 1. 0 0 DepositGets One3 Per Cent PaidOn Sa�ingsThis Cash Reg-ister BankLoaned FreeThe first National Bank of EnglewoodCOR. 63rd ABD' STEWARTChecking accounts of $50.00 and up received on favorableterms. Deposits may be mailed. Savings Department open from6 to � Saturday evenings."Vogelsang's"176-182 Madison St.A Modern Up-to-Dat.CafeWhere the cooking and serviceis equaled only by the best.\ Jatlkson&Clark 'SPALDING'SI They accuse me of buying only ATHLETIC LlBRAR'\ "Stock Lots" of Colthing ; that II could not sell Clothes worth 15.00I, to 25.00 at 10.00 if I bought regu-lar goods. I like to buy dean, de­\ sirable goods less than what they\ are worth. You come and see the. Overcoats and Suits I sell at 10.00 Edited by JAMES E. SULLIVAN�;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;� \ and you will like to btl y.KEE.NAN,THE Ol.D REl.IAAl.H 1 50 This month for Shirts to or-F L 0&1 ST. ,. der, 4 cuffs to each FancyFresh cut flowers, Floral Designs and \ Shirt.6112 Wentworth Ave. and 411 E. 63St. i 115.' -t,' 'Cape" Street Gloves, worthPhoaes Wentworth 36S. Hyde Park 5461. .������������� I • • I.SO.I 85C l�t of "Soft" Shirts-they'regood.2 35 lot of Fancy Vests-they're\• fine.PRICE 10 Cents1 00 �IORE-Black Imported· �n<1yO\lrnam�:\ndR<1<1rc�!,.!,toourn�Rr�t!'tore• I will sell you six pairs-NO for Spalding's Catalo�� of all Athletic Sporta-it·!' Iree,--- �------- ... 'EIt.I893.P. D. WEINSTEINLADIE.S· TAILOa.Workmanship UnequalledSpedal Rates roc U •• r c. StudeeteN. E.. Cor. 55th an" L.ZtDatODPhone 1282 Hyde Park Special Neckwear Sale25CF. W. BAKERDR. FRANH. c.' JARVISDentistPhone Hyde Park 464N. W. Cor. 57th and Lak. A .. enu.Chlc •• o Mens Furnisher:and Hatter34Z E.63Jd.Established 1873.AMES$2.00 HATS$3.00Al'tIJo:S Gift Bonds (or lIats. Gloves. Um­breltll5 and Canes. Acceptable Holiday Gift�16Z-163E.MadisonSt.,nearLaSalle L. FERNSTROM_High Grade Ladies' and Gents'EAT ATBBRT ADAMS TAILOR. .64 East 55th StreetExtra pair of Pants with .. chSuit or Overcoat.6013 Wa.hln.ton A .. e.Food Right Prices RightCHICAGO\ MADISON AVENUE PACKING CO.H. T. McGUIRE.. Prop.6 3 0 <) Madison Ave.Supplies the Commons with Meat J ach.son Parh.LiveryJ. H. KINTZ, Prop. JOliN Cl.ARK.. MKrAll ord,rs day or niRht 6"� promptlyWE NEVE� CLO$ECHAS. A. LAWRENCE,MANAOE" AND DIRECTORLAWRENCE ORCHESTRASel«t Music for allllelttt occasionsYour patrona� solicitedResidenee eT�l«phOD� 5745 Rosalie CourtJlydc Park 1467 CHICAGO 273 E. Fifty-Seventh StreetT�lcphon� Hyde Park till No. 250�: SPALDING'S_ - OFFICIAL. ATHLETIC. ALMANACr: FOR 1906All Intercollegiate and Inter-. scholastic Meets and Records;Amateur Athletic Union Re­cords; A. A. Senior and J un­ior Championships; Swimmingand Skating Records; A. A. U.Boxing and Wrestling Cham­pionships; all Shot Putting andWeight Throwing Records; Of­ficial Report of the Lewis andClark Centennial Athletic Games;pictures of leading athletes,Amcrcian and foreign.Socks, or 17c for one pair; notmore than six. They are 25c onState-st.carne from Ontario county,Canada. Did yO\1? 1 want youraddress.Sundays closed. Saturdays opcn10 p. m. A.G . Spalding & BrosChic:l�oSYl":ICI:<.('HufTalo"at'�� Cit vl' .. tshll'� .:.tontr�al. Ca n, I'hilRd�lphia:-.tinn�apolisCincinnRliSRn Fr'anciscowasb ingtonLondon, Eng.New YorkDenverSt.I.ollisHo!'lonRa1timore!'�W Or Ie arrs-----------------The College Larder"Home Made Delicacies"D.ollar"Murray"TenTom CATERING, LUNCHEONS.447 E. 55th St.t·II.Ibar\)arb lbotel5114.16 W.shln8ton A"f'e..boD� Hyde Park 1533 near I. C. and U. of CRooms single or e1l suitePlcaaant home witb hotel conveniences Tableboard and single meals.Tailor for Youn8 Men. Two Stores:131 La Salle Street44 Jackson Boulevard"Dull Season Specials"Blacl\. and BlueCHEVIOT SUITSwith extra trousers.; .156 State StreetIf" 70U do not see what 70"want. .ak fop itWe carry such a variety of IItock tb.,possibly the particular article yoa11� is 110t in view. If not, uk forit. It is more than likely that Witwill be able to supply the desiredarticleROSALIE PHARMACYJ. J. GILL. Ph. G ••Phone H. P. 17S 27-1 K. 57th St.Tel�hones Hyde Park 18 and 695A. McAdamsThe Unl"f'erslt7•.. F lor i e t •••GRmnnrOUSES:Cor. S3d St. and Klmbart: Ave. ChicagoDEML:NG'SDRUG SHOP61 ®. Woodlawn Ave·DANCINGPROF. G. S. D. SCHULTZ.Tcachu of DancingStudio 30 I W. 63rd StreetGUARANT£E COURSEStrictly Private. With ;\(u!--ic SS.W{ Forbt:�· Hall. 63rd St. andR.ECEPTIO�R H��:r�;�;I�·�. v�7rd\\-;'�·.:Calumet Ave. every Sat. CHICAGO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1906.SElflOR CLASS ELECTIONIS HELD THIS MORNUfGPresident Gale Appoints Varioua Senior'Clus CommitteesThe Senior Class held an electionto fill the vacancy caused by thegraduation of Marc Catlin, the classtreasurer. C. Arthur Bruce waselected to the office; defeating Cap­tain Baird of the base-ball team ina close vote.Arrangements were made forClass Day, and Committees wereappointed by President Gale.At the next meeting of the SeniorClass to be held in two weeks theClass Orator will be elected.President Gale appointed the fol-lowing committees: -Executive Committee-L. L.\,y right, Fred Baird, Marcus Lum­bard, Cyrus Garnett, Marie Ort­mayer, Frances Breen, Edith Law­ton, C. Arthur Bruce, B. M. Pet­tit.Class Day Committee-FredBaird, Margaret Burton, RuthReddy, J. D. Dickerson, J. V.Hickey.Class Pin Committee-MarcusLumbard, Helen Norris, NelleKemp.Program Committee - CyrusGarnett, Sterling Parkinson, V. A.Woodworth.Class Songs Committee-MarieOrtmayer, Carrie Currens, FelixHughes, N. A. Fuessle, B. S.Weber.Decoration Committee-FrancesBreen, Albert Enoch, G. T. Wake­field, Mabel Porter, HermanSpoehr.ClassLawton,Hatfield,Casey.Class Play _ Committee-C. Ar­thur Bruce, Jeanette Barnet, GraceWiliamsoll, Howard Willett, Flor­ence Scott.Reception Committee-B. M.Pettit, Ruth Reddy, ElizabethCasey, Felix Hughes, GraceNoblett. Gift Committee-EdithHelena Bassett, W. H.Hugo Bezdek, ElizabethSTUDENT BODY ADOPTS ANUNOFFICIAL .OURBING BADGEDinatisfied With the OfIlcial Badge,Students Adopt ADothlrThe appearance of the officialmourning badge has met with greatdisapproval in the student body, be­cause of its size and conspicuity.A student voiced the general opin­ion in saying that the badge is morelike a grammar school secret so­ciety pledge ribbon than an ex­pression of reverence for PresidentHarper.In accordance with this feelingseveral of the representative stu­dents, headed by Bert Scherer, Ar­thur Bruce and Burt Gale, haveadopted a less conspicuous badge,consisting of a small by fold of theoffiical colors in the lapel buttonole. As this ribbon seems muchmore fitting as a badge of mourn­ing, the promoters expect that thestudents will follow their example.Program. for Sunday MorningOrgan Prelude, beginning at 10:45.Largo . HamielAndante con 1\Ioto' . . Schubert(From "Unfinished Symphony")Anthem-·"Crossing the Bar" ._ FooteOfJertory-Solo--"l\Iy Hope in th( Ever­lasting"(From "The Daughter of Jariu"")StaenerMr. Jone.PostludePrelude and Fugue in G MinorWe want your name on the sub­scription list of the Daily Maroo� STUDENTS PLEDGE HEARTYSUPPORT TO CONFERENCEMany Noted Speakers Will Address Meet­ings-Dr. Lyman Abbott Will SpeakOne hundred students represent­ing the various colleges, fraterni­ties, sororities and other organiza­tions of the University, met in Has­kell, today at 10 :30 and pledgethemsel ves to support the stu-lentconferences on personal religionwhich begins Sunday at i :30 inl\lanuel Hall.Professor Shailer Mathews ex­plained to the students the natureof the conferences. "Three yearsago," he said, "there were held atthe University a three-day series ofmeetings wherein was discussedthe general topic: 'A Young Man'sDifficulty with His Bible.' Thoseconferences called out the studentsin large numbers. During all thesessions Kent was packed. 1 believethat the coming conferences willbe just as loyally supported. If thepresence of so great a number ofstudents in this room this morn­ing is any criterion, 1 am sure thatmy belief is justified."Professor C. R. Henderson said,"The time was opportune for ageneral movement on the part ofall to work for the deepening ofthe religious life at the University."He read a simple Christian Cove­nant to which he heartily pledgedhimself.1\1r. Henry P. Chandler recalledhis student days at Harvard andthe help he had received from themen and women whose ideals wereof the highest... I t is a fittng time, I think, forus to express our fealty to aspira­tions that are of the best. It is wellfor us to adopt an attitude of more. aggressiveness toward practical re­ligion, good . deeds and benevo­lence."George Swan,· secretary of theY. 1\1. C. A. and Miss Burton, presi­dent of the Y. W. C. A. expressedtheir pleasure at the stand thestudents were taking in view of theconferences.The bulletin boards will bear fullannouncements of speakers. Dr.Lyman Abbott has telegraphedfrom Beloit that he will be glad toaddress the students in MandelSunday evening.An embossed invitation writtenin Latin has been received at thePresident's office, at Stanford, fromMelbounre, Australia, asking Stan­ford University to delegate a rep­resentative to the jubilee to be heldin Melbourne on the occasion ofthe fiftieth anniversary of thefounding of Melbourne University.The period from the 24th of Aprilto the l st of May has been desig­nated as the time during which allevents in the celebration will takeplace. As the distance from Stan­ford to Melbourne is so great andon account of his positon and resi­dence, Thomas \Velton Stanford,of Melbourne, trustee of the Uni­versity and brother or" the late Le­'land Stan ford, will be the dele­gate to the jubilee from Stanford.Over two hundred students fail­ed to pass the examinations at theend of last term at the Universityof California, and as a result willhe refused registration when col­lege opens Monday. It is said thatthe above number is the largest thathas "flunked out" in many years.The cause is attributed to over-in­dulgence in college activities saidto have taken place during the pastterm.Bach I. A MUS E. M E. NT S "'1GarrickBERTI-IA KALICHIn MONNA VANNALast and Only Matinee Saturday.N ext Sunday-Seats To-MorrowDavid Belasco's ProductionTIlE DARLING OF THE GODSStudebakerHenry W. Savage OffersThe Standard Bearer of MusicalComedy-TuE-PRINCE OF PILSONWith JESS DANDY.Powers'Nightly 8 :20, l\Iats. 2 :20, CharlesFrohman presentsJOSEPH WHEELOCK, Jr.,In Gco. Adc's Hit,JUST OUT OF COLLEGELaSalle"Looks Good to Father."THE UMPIRELooks Good to EverybodyColonialTHEATRE BEAUTIFULl\IcINTYRE & HEATHPro and Entr'acteM usic in Promenade de Luxeby Mandolin OrchestraLast Two Goodbye Weeks-In the Musical Novelty­''THE HAM TREE"Prize Cast and ChorusIllinoisMatinees Today and Saturday.GRACE GEORGE"Tcnderiy Beatftiful." -News .THE MARRIAGE OFWILLIAM ASHE )MajesticCONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE12-Broomstick iWtches-12Hickley & Nelson,Mr. and Mrs. Esmonde.Edwin Laten.Kelly & Violette.3- The Manning Tri0-3.Ethel Robinson.The Kinodrome.Bert Coote & Company.. 3- The Seldoms-3.:Melville Elils.Carson & Willard.Mr. and Mrs. Hodges.Golden & Hughes.Massey & Zea.Kleintop Sisters.Prices-15-25-50-75cPhone Cent. 6480..'Cla"lfIed Advertl.ementsTry Tolu, Tar and Wild Cherry,for that cough. University Phar­macy, 560 E. 55th St.Huyler Candies, Manicure Goods,U. of C. 50u\·. Postals, Cigarettes,Toilet Articles. Tel. orders receiveprompt attention. H. P. 557. ThePortland Pharmacy, 6001 Washing­ton A ve., A. C. Symmes, R. P.J f you wish to secure a position toeach call on or write to James F. Me­Cullough, Railway Exchange, Chica­go.LostLost-A Chinchilla muff fromA utomobile on Tuesday morningabout 10 o'clock on 58th St. orWoodlawn "Ave., between theSchool of Education and 55th St.I Return to In formation office, Uni­versity of Chicago and get reward.