',�. ' ....... ,.:,.� . ".' "':�� •• It''-,.. •• �!h"'� ....••. -{- .. $.� ... �j ,_�.' ", ••• -::.tt::;., ..... _ .•. ; ...... "I-�'4I!.�. ",/�., .,.."," •. ';'. .�, -'� " .. "'::/.-w:. �� ... '." '1'1�"" - ....#�.� ��;; �ff..��"-"Ml{'"\lt'(,..:10( :"'\'�-'!:�' "� -� ... #_�.:: �.,.{ •. �> ::>< ..... ��., ..;"t-�.;L:;: • ��. _. ". .... '!ok •. ,. "i��;w�tA}�3r��¥r-r�i;���::��1J��;\r.�·�I�::fl;;}��t�i�'\%�:7.��1�.�g�i�:;�:�;�:�:�?:����:r.��1��l��;,;���t����;\��� .;:'�'1.!iZij'T?::�:��f��;?��h�0t��7;�7��tft. ::�:( 'D)::.�, -.�.:. : :"�.;" : ::'::�;-?�I:T·-r_�,�·�:· . �::,�' .. : ... '':,,: .... :···M�.:J��:·�r:;·';' ,�.: :'.; '): c ,:"�;;��r�:�f��';'?���ff.�?:G.1��3��\E�JS:�' . .�,.".:' 'e'- .- .a"1" ! .y.... . ", . -a' .r'. '"" .... :.' ..,�. .' �- .. "."�"�'" . ,:' .'.,-',..�.�J���':Cf·· . -.' " . - ..., .- .: .: . " ".:' - . ., -. <�I';;<... ..y t UfI- lItMV___,IICldclpDm.i . thnc�lItMVIll' . �'2,-Jf�;r-., -.. .- -I. '. .r -i",.. .... fl'/.> '�:{���36 CHICAGO, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1905 -PJtJea -ci;o�···"· .. '<h�r> VOL. IV. No.-.�FIELDSTANDSSAFE FIRSTCOIfCERT BY GLEE CLUB SAlE WITH IWIOI�·j'··. '�,�i'.;. ALL READY ID\Y FORTRY UT FOR MAROUIS -v,;�-:.��_,�' . MICHIGlI lASS IE G ·S.riDteDdent llacIAa� Tells of Utmost 8uccesafal EDtertaiDmlnt Ginn in Oat . U "'.. . [¥�=- c:=,iao!'::U .... Sw.u ga::!.'t':....��!:.!o:;.:: -� State Team Fur1!iBhedrereiy . Yt�The collapse of the grand stand The University Glee and Mando- A Goodcago-WScoorkre�44t:fotol. 'oChi-. '.. �.-.:��:ff..���at the Michigan-WiscOnsin game at .. lin Clubs gave their first concert _:.._ . .....,.,Ann Arbor Saturday has aroused. last Saturday evening in the \V ar- . ::::.1:$.k ECteraail·Bru.Iai·Au JticJdD&.2ecorc1a b" -�Team Will Appear-aaea., Soap. aDd some di�ussion .. and a Ii.tle fear as, rington Opera Hou:;e at Oak Par . Dropping lI'lT. �SUba1tut .. '" '�-:\!,::�-:"'�Speechea WW Be the to. the safety of . the stands at., Mar" Forty men took part, and' the -'Kab Goo4 � r _ • � ':-'-'=�__ ���"��� :.,.- .' ...;.,. � .sb8UFi�d,andj.especially.as.��.t�l.orPl'�j�����it; _�; ... J, p' :. : ';,:'-"-';;';': '_�:'_'_�'::'. ..... -• ,..':.������:i�.'The semi-fi�als for the. football new stands now beingerected. That was received, was a decided success. ,Illinois was overwhelmed to the . �Xt.'i'l!championship -of the West were the u�most possibl� care is being The first part of th� program in- tune ot 44 to 0, despite the prelimi- ".• ,: c;����::�:!;;. tbegridiroa at Ann Arw =?rJi::::;;�;�!;n:� ;��nt�!�t.��;�::�:� [��i:�=��E �:;:: r- :_:,�.:-:.�The semi-finals for the rooting old stands i� shown, by an interview utes From Exams," contained. the. could -do it without. half trying. ....championships will not be held given to THE DAILY MAROON this 'funny business and local hits inci- And out of the 44 points Eckersall ' :{?�until next week when at Ann Arbor momjng by' Mr MacL""an super- dmtal· to a farcical "scene in a' tallied: 25, five drop kiCKS out of si� '>, .... :r:and at Chicago, loyal students will intendent of Buildings and Grounds college room." attempts, and, a fake kick run for a. _ " '�':�:\�get together to sing and yen and , "We are putting in two perman- Among the "jokes" were a toucbdown., ' �listen to rousing .speeches, ent stands at the north end of the nnmber for the benefit of Mr. Far- "Eck.e's" kicking five goa1s out .. .:{�The finals both on. the gridiron field, both 48 foot sections, and two son, the well known auto;IDobilist of of six attempts in a big game sets aand on the bleachers will, be held temporary sections, one 240 feet in the West Side suburb, who was in new Collegiate record both Bastand . .)�on Marshall Field on ·Thanksgiving length at the South end ofthe field, the front row, .red tie and-all, to· West. To make the feat still.great- "�""(�JDay. The school that wins will and the other 000 feet long on the appreciate them. .Other: subtle er all but one of the goals. were.have. to, show, its superiority. in: northend," he said. "Tbese stands shafts of wit were directed at 'the madelifrom.various diffiCult .angJ.� •. both. were.' designed by James Gamble .Lake Street "L," the local. papery The temptation is too' great Dot toAt Chicago; the great m�meet- Rogers,' one of Chieago's foremost uOakLeaves" and'''Bab'' Andrews. conjecture what would' have hap­fug (If the y� will be held on.Tues- architects, who 4!!Signed the School. • The next appearances, of the pened in Michigan's'game'Saturdayday evening, NO\reDlber'� 28,�a of Education. and' also built the Ci�b are·full con� 1;lt'.the:Chica.. had it been Chi�go With,Ecltersall'week from tomorrow. It. will 'be former:stands on 'Marshall Field 1lS go Athletic. Association· on next instea:d.of.Wiscoilsin with·Melmer".held at Mandel Hall at 1:30 o'clock. well'as those'at Northwestern Uni� Wednesday evening, and at .the who six times. got: within. strikingThe �ichigaD rally. always is the versity. The plans have been ap-:- ·Central Y. M:_ C. A. Auditorium on distance of the Wolv�e goal_.t tin-· f th _,. proved �y the building. department next,Satur:. day evening. For the.Chiea.. go team' the �Uinois� mass mee g. � e y�, "_ �and the fact t�t the 'Michigan oi the �ity' of C?ica?9 ... T�e� are Attractive posters have been is- game was a �'trY�ut f�r th�. . ����e this yt:ar conclusively settles all budt. OQ, SCIentific pnnClp'les. sued for these. engagementa,. and doubtful places m t�e 1ine-uJ?, Bad.. . �:�;£�DID. '_'.' dd carefully fignred by competent.en-.' ..... at- . .. d enoch, Ga1eandEckersalJ.�g.thf:�.,. _: _._ ::�;j�l;,_:"� .'� �e WestemchamplonsDlP wt1l,a ,- . ...... .. ......_.��_l��,��;..��u ... bO��.:�_�:t;.t�_ I -�-,::.:-reguJm·t'O . t1iiiiiJl,�::;&�.;.-,:,.�--;:-.��*,."",:,e:��.-'.�' ''__. 1UIditne1esttuttie�1lgr�'_�'��7���" "dance which W1ll:,��ptaceOD' ��.7 oJKeP , .... /��:7.. :. . ,:.�::'$&��s> -'. ..... of the best ma�erial. .. . Frid��, December 8th. Lawrence .througho�t�th¢_CODt�t •._ 1;'he:�ei\::"��";', .:' '�, '��::�����:?;:--- The football team will occupy "The temporary·stands-proVlded. '. . . .' started WIth the regular line-up _-'.c-:,;' _ ':;:�'l.;����. . th, e stage. Coach Stilgg� will make for standing roo'm 'are st. �Pi�g. ,plat- win Pl.ay. '" for the danCIng •. a�de1the wit, h'the su.bstitn,.·.ti�.· . of RusSell fo�' -;��:". �:.. :" .\;; :��I��speech AI . t d 15 d' ..' . . -. . hall.wlll be deooratecl appropnat y.. ..'! -.. .' ' .: . : .. �, ' ._. .' �l&:,: �a: ._ nmm, s u en �. :forms, builtmsectt?DSSO'.that;they· GroUps·,.clnbs, �nd fraternities.w.ill Scherer, Scl1��Jo.. r .. :Mtigs, �;�i:-;.�;�.":·':'���faculty will talk. A quartet IS can be stl)red .. dunng .. the,wlDter. _ . .' _ for DeTray and HitchcOck at'.half.-'" ,'. :';'�" .. ':.:"';_�bei ized Special' ., . . be penmtted to make· blOck, reser-, .'.. ." .' . '" _',' .. "... fW:-.f. ng organ. son� � They are. of� new· material. The ,'. t- DS for a. short· time before the RassellstaYe(tat.o;hiS p8sUhrOagh�' '>:- ..._ .. ': "?'���being'preNlTed All the fraternities . . -.-.� ha h va 10'.... •,. 'd --..a: hi .''.' ;.:.��. r-.' " �per repon��.t _ t.t e_.0 ing onhe�eralseat sale. out::the�gamean, .tQade�'QQ.U�,_�._ . . :�.�1will attend. Only. two wen: re- temporary stand at Michigan which pen . , .. "., bid: for the positio� .'. Scheres;-. �eld , :-:�--:(�,spectably represented at th� last collapsed. -was; 1�_. feet. high' in the B�tJES »itlT.&T WHITES I1f doWn: Meig$' piace 'f�ir�y: � - but, ,_' .. :�.��rally, hut not one of the .Slxteen' rear� supported-by '2x6'.s', wherJ:- SA'rUROAY'S:SOCKBR_G� will. have.no cbance of 'keeping··.ii . . < ',,::}:-fi!,will � I�cking. in college sp�rit �t as, our stands are 'only �ix �eet higb, fr�m the big Sopbomc)re. . R�'s' � .- ._, �.�:��!the MIChl� rally. Everybody WIll in the rear . aud are supported by DeaD.ViDceDt Jticks (MI-.en !lake Batt,.. playing' was, if' ainythmg,' Ii Shade: .' I��yell and sing.�d �hen y'ell ao� si�g '.okS's.' ., '. jActoIy Showing u(JruBt'Appearuc:8' superior to that of Scherer •. : :"'''. '�<}.f;��some more. It wit. I re the btggest . "The otd 'stands have been gone 'D� d k t ed t full' L-_L .�:...' •.• )�!.; . The first exhibition game. of . LK'Z e s ay • a .�. J�' _ ; .. ,���.and best and most-but what s the over EVPTV beam has b�n sound- I h t t ood, I. ,·t· .. ;.,:.�.�• "_.J - sacker ball was played Saturday on- ongenoug 0 ge a g war. au :" :" . .:'�,�use of, exhausting our, supply of ed. All sil1s� upright supports, Marshall Field. as the curtain raiser in his own poSition •. He plaYed at '. -::.��adjectives? . . -d' f I ks . , -Y-�':l-�bracers, _n�5, an ,sur ace· p an for the Illin.ois game. The Blues left half p;ut of the. pme aDd fin- �, ��1C.;o;have � carefully tested, and of PhilosOphy College won fimn.the ished- ap at-Catlin'send. .WiIiiam--· .- �,;���;UYKOLDS CLUB GIVES. wherever the 'slightest defeCt·, have whites by a �re of 1 to 0, Calhoun son waS. first tried. at: full back' and __ : �:���81JCCUSJ1JL SJIODIt been ·rene,�. Not only have. th� being' the individual star.· _The played creditably at i�mes� though. �" .-:�,�S��ds been Inspected J>y the U.�n- game �gan at� 1 o'clock, Dean he waS rather jnconsistent. T�' �'l;j;.;' ':'�'�:�JoeephIlec1mPattw_iaa-lof ...- �ty InspectOr, but bvan'engtn" Viucent kicking',off. the ball to his the end of the-game FergusOn had '��':;'Y;j:k�. Buiof 1IcIdInNIIteaI..... ,�from Mr. Roger'e office �ud,an Philosophy. College. The. teams a trial ini'themiddle back &eld·.�:' �:;£$I.ff{t�iDSpect� from the. city buU��. played good ball considering the repeated his Armour �:"·�t�t. ," "; /. '.�-8department. 'short. lime t�ey have had to �t or.. p'lowing thtOagh: the lbie' for �.. "-�_; .� '��:f�"The old stan� at the North �nd down the finer points of the game;' abo�t ihirty' .. &�yanb,:�ng.t� .... ;.: >/.-�.��has been demobsh� .. though v.:e C�ach' Parcell was verY much ball everY play three to fiVe yardS " . _.:'. :/j;_had �iBon to. use.�t� It, �� pleased with the form of the boys at a clip. Partial cRditfOl':thiS is. . ::,�' R:�questionable and: we d1d noti w�nt and Coach �tagg was muCh.intel'�' due,to the· line· however for the .. - ��.�to take the slightest chance. The, ested in the game. Many expressed 'lioemeo opeaed' ap· big. hOIes .. fOr ": ��-astand:that fell at AnD: Arbor was:a, the opinion that socker would be him every time.. • .. ; ..... 13:temporary �and" and; this::w3S.the: tbe coming., game. The,practice '�itchcockp1ayedan "AI" game,. _' �last. year It was to be �. We will be stronger now than ever until showiQgclever work in ruDDingback . ,,�.;C;took. ours down before It.had a. Thanksgiving DEY when a socker punts, dooling, picking holes in ,-�chance to fall." game will probably precede the the· line and gaining on the ruos. . :".z<Michigan game. If� , Hitcbcoclt· bad ·aheal I ten or &f�: :..�President Harper Taken Out of Doors _..1_ ad..l-...ll h· . h hT.he.-line:uR:- teeD·POUIM.&:) \KU to IS wag t: e .'Blues Wbite. would be-one.;of�tbe first half,.backs-- -',- �Gregory . Goal � in, the... West. As.it is. be.. may. bo.. .,j,'.::::berUn R���t=-. All� counted uP,On, to do credit to Uf _: . }�Lake RigJst·.1!'!'1� =- back field position in case some one ', :;::;�=dter C��&ifi Ba&liab- of'tJ1e regalan'is laid·oat.Sim�D Outside _1�ight· MIller- Larso1t baa jt�8aIIIe-troable- tbattIlaDbdm, I ...... t,.· .......CaJbcilnr-. .' .�; Md'lieW'i HitclIcock .harlack.of�· bat,.W� - IDside L1eff . bHb1aim!� DaDa � Left atmGad.:' -:::,:- .. ':.-:-�-:_: .--� .. ;: .•. :-_.�-PlanS For Big Rally In �del BallOne Week From Tuesday AreJladeThe Reynolds. Club �oker &It­urday night, in honor. of JosephMedill· Patterson, was preceeded bya dinner and siDg in the commons.Mr. Patterson spoke. interesting­ly'. on. tlie phases of graft withwhich a ommissioner of -publicworks meets. He alsO empha..�the grand openings in public lifethat are presented to the youngman graduating from college. Mr-.Patterson was followed .by Mr.Hard, a graduate of Northweste.n,whose witty and ente-rtaining talkwas enthusiastiCAlly recei ved.The remainder of the eVeningwas spent in smoking and talkingdope on' tbe·coming championshipg,me. . Many,alumni were presentaud.. t.,ld.of. plans for an arousingalbmni.meeu"' .. which,will preaDdelbe mass meelinc Now:taber 28. President Harper. was.able to bebrought out· yesterday in :an invalidchair and ,enjoy the beautiful· Sun­day morning. " H� was� wheeltd :a.,bout on the campus for. , an.hour·accompanied' by-' several r frieadS ..He· was. resting. easily. and seemed .. to eujoy his�oa.tiag._Presideat; Harperr ... -takeD.ou�fOl'la-sbort ti��h��DiiJt..: -:..,.;'_ CHICAGO. MONDAY NOVEMBER 20;U05/' , ..� �-"., ..... rly 1M Oal ... lt7 ., CIaJeap Weekl7., .ou.DIID_,� 081 .... 0' ., QIc. WeekI7. Oct. Ie 1 .. 1T.- D.u.y 1Iuoo. - - - Oct. 1. \101COlC"IIUBtJ1'I01f1 R&QtJB8TE).Dalb 8ubKr1JIUeD. .. 7 .... ; 11 for ...._ KaU lD Clt7 ... 7""; ,L2I fol' a IDOL'.abecrlpUoDa �"ecJ at TaD 1I.uIoo.0.... Em. Haft. or left lD ,... -..00 •... tIM I'aeult7 b�. Cobb HaiLPrlDtecJ bJ' Qua4raq1e � 4CK .. IItIa.At make-uP today Wm. A. lIeDermid11 DAYS; THEN MICHIGANl ... · EDITORIAL,S "IIn the prophet business we are adistinct success. We said, you willremember, early last week, �'NextSaturday ChicagoThe Yeller will hear the finestFrom Yellville cheering to be.heard in the west.Illinois has good yells, knows them,.and above all, yells them." . Didn'tthey make good� Their repertoirewas varied and unique, they knewtheir yells, and above all, they, hada �heer-leader in a class by himself.That man was a whole circus andthe br-ass band. He was a blizzard,a lightning conductor=-but wordsfail to tell all that he was. Whenit came to draWing cheers from thecrowd by main force, that auburn­haired jumping jack in the whitesweater' waS strictly it. We do natapprove of slang-in editorials-butnothing but slang more vivid thananything we can possibly recall cando justice to that man's methods.The game? 'That was' a minorro�sideration. We did no morethan we intended' to do, and thatwith ease. The real feature of thatcontest, aside from a few stunts byour gifted friends in m�leskins,were the antics and contortions ofour esteemed adversary, the Illinoisye1lmaster. He alone was worththe price of admission.• • • •6�d th�t, your neighbors, who arein ,sympathy ,with Chicago, but who__ do-�1!���t�f 1t��! Wt� get to·getber with you, auei hdp you out. Do you remember when Princeton'sang "Old N assau" at the track. meet a year or two ago? No matterwhere the �nnceton_ men were (andthey were scattered all over thebleachers, and among Chicago men)they took off their hats and swungthem. and sang as though therewere no Chicago men within fivemiles. That is the example of spiritof which you who are not in DDsection on Thanksgiving day mayvery well follow.Kappa Sigma Freshmen EntertainThe Freshman of Kappa Sigmagave an informal dance to the chap­ter last Friday evening in the chap­ter house. Among those presentwere: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ham­mer Ireland of Beardstown, 111.,Mr. and MOl. Fred L. Pond Jr. Mr.and Mrs. Thaddeus E Allee; andMisses Swallow, Wood, Cornell,Kemp, Porter, Corse, Boyd, Chand­ler, Johnson, Cornell, Anderson,Noblet, Vincent, Driver, Boyd,Hoffman, Fitts, Daly, and Arenz,and Ethel Bradley of Decatur, Ill.LISTENDon"t throwaway your old Hat; eitherSTIFF, SOIT OR SILK 'i will make them look like new, and willsave you a Dollar or two '427 E. 63rd se, Cor. Kimbark Ave.Bata cleaned, blocked and p-trimmedIfartyn's MaJ.oon StudioAnother battle ended, another victorygainedOnce more our team of loyal Maroonshave proved theit strength and brains,Hail to the football. -WOnder, our littlekicker. grandHail, hail to the record-breeder, thegreatest in the land .•Now aI the rest are conquered, each oneBut nine more days, then Michigan willalso sec defeat.E%tractfrom ".Martyn·6 MaroonRhymess"U. of-C. Photographer,5705 Cottage Grove Ave. .RememberYou can't forget what happenedin the w hole four years of yonrcollege life if you keep YOUT cc M'I�men toes' " in a scrap book. The'largest and finest' assortment ofscrap books, stationary, and foreignand domestic books is to be foundatKOELLIBG & KLAPPEBBACB.100 Randolph StreetBear DearbornWe .... t nar .... OD tile ......,.t'"" 1h1' "" ..... Dally .........Will be worn longerthi. season than oth.�'-that h. other gloves.Tbick Lathercreamy and· lasting, is the kindyou need. You'll find it in the,old reliableWILLIAMS, SHAVICSTICK ALB.t!RT MATHEWS. PIes. GSo. H. FIlU>LER Vice-Pre&.. . P.IL STIlATTON. kc'y.MATHEWS &, CO� Inc .The Tailor ShopNEW POWEI\.S BLDG •• 1.56 WABASH AVE.MAKERS OF YOUNG MEN'S CLOTHESOur Special.,.. $3�. <22 Sac'll Suit�We show one of the Largest Lines?f Woolens in �Chicago.THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE 'an.,STORAGE COMPANY.n-. II7de s».rk 871 ICUlBAItIC A VB.';" PIPTY-axnI ....The aeaaest ... 4 Best Kept StorapWarehouse ID the City. •� IIDd Pluoa Mowed. Stored. PIICbcl _ Shippee! ............the WOrld. aoo PriYateoSto ..... R..... Laqe Parlor�"1'1--. Boama _ Tnmb aDd Wheels. Laqe Room - c.m.e-._ Baa"'_� SJeiaI& 'l'RUJID TO ..&lID nOM .ALL DBPO'I'L.£ocaI1aiIIIIIt.a .. ......, ....... ncaaes.-=... .. Ibort DOtice. '......... Auau..,. .. 1hd .............ALDORFSpeaking of Illinois cheering,Iet' s speak of 'Chicago. We allknow- the difficulties in the way ofChicago's cheering.Can We We know thatprobab­Cheer, Too? ' Iy the 'only section ofthe Chicago oleaehers 'wHich will get together to any ex- . ' F own estent will be the rooters' section,There i� at least this much which Glovescan be done. Every Chicago manand every Chicago woman, no mat­ter' where they are or by whomthey are surrounded, must yell astbough in th� midst of Chicago sup-PQrters. This may seem Wieless tothe inaividual, but it is the sureway to get the volume from thewhole bleacher,_as well as from t�rooters' section. Enthusiasm is in­f�iious, 'an�, before 10,ug you will ARROWQUARTER SIZECOLLARSAre made of fabrics shrunkbefore being cut by theClupeco process. This in­sures permanent and exactsize. Over 100 styles.15c each; 2for 25cCLt."ETT. PEABODY &: CO.�ea makers of CollarS &: Shirtsin the worldOur FOUNTAm is Open all yearBEST ICK CRHAK SODA IN TOWNRAM MAlE'S 'PHAR.aCYP ... crlptloD DI'1I •• I.t. 'Telephone H. P. 46457th street and r..ake Ave.. CHICAGO,'Establislaed 1873.AMES' HA.;rS,2.00 ' '3.00-A I'AI&'. DEAL WITH EVE .. T'IIAT161-163 :L JlacUMIl St., UK La SaD8George T. AikenBARBER SHOP446 I'Ut7.I'U'tb Street. Cblc�oPlnt-dasB Shaving and, Hait' CuttingCigars Boot Black in Attc,!dancePREB. .. �Wn.kla" ................G. " C. IIEIUUAM CO............. a ................. 'GET TII&' aUT 348 57th.StreetWHERE do you gct yourNe .... ap.pera. Perlodlc.1 •• ndStatloner'7?At NORTON·SFree DcliveryPhoaeU6 Hydc ParkP. D. WEINSTEINLADIES· TAILO'a.Workmanship UnequalledSpttialllates for: U. of C StudentaN. E. Cor. 55th and Le�oDPhone 1282 Hydc ParkL. MANASSE. Optician88 lIIadison St •• Triba.De Baildiq . 'Spectacles and Eyeglasses SCicntUioallyAdjusted ,. -Byes Tested FreeBvcrythin�Optica1Matbematical. .MctcrcolOJtical andfor the LantCt'Dist.Kodaks. Camcras and Suppli.s.Telephones Hydc' Park 18 and 695A McAdamsThe Unl .. eralt7••• F 10 to i st •••GRBEIIBOUSBS:Cor. 53cl st. and EimbarkA'Ve. ChicagoStop AtHOTEL, FLORIDA5721 Cottage Grove Ave.,:Room and Board for Studenta $5.00 perweek. Ileal Tickct. $3.75. 'J. A. RILEY. PrQprietor-v ogel$ang9 S��176-1&� Macl1soD St.A Modern Up-to-DateCafeWhere the cooking and serviceis equaled only by the best.'."If' 70U do Dot ••• what 7cnJwant. _I( for It"We cany sac:b • "ftlrlety of IItoc:k that�bly the partic:alar article �Dftd is not in Vie",.- If aot.,nk forIL It is more thaa likely that ....will be able to .... pp1y the cIe::sIftd 'artidellOSAUE PHAR.MACY, �.�. GILL .... G ••Pboae H. P. 175 27-1 a. 57Ui at.MUSSEY·'SBIUlard OaU ••• d Bowlin. AUe7.The r.arr'st and Fin at Am�tRC80rt ia thc World •100 to 108 M.dlaon StreetBranch: 616 Davia H .• EvanstoaRESTA.URA.NTARD LUNCH R9011718 .AIID 720 .. 83D STREET11 ... �oao". GnlWAw..,... ......DI'_E. ALL .,.",."We solicit your patronageHILL'S , ,•CHICAGO. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 00, 1905Jim asked Jack for the loan of10.00 until Saturday. Jack hesi­tated.Jim-Why, I will pay you Sat-l1rday, sure.Jack-You don't n� to do that.Jim-What do you mean by that?Jack-Why, I don't intend to let'You have it.Jack may have wanted to buy ofTom a suit of clothes or an overcoat-out of that lot of over 3,000 worsted.and all-wool suits at 10.00, made tosell at 15.00 and 25.00, made by oneof Chicago's best makers-always·'Iook for the label."Also over 2,500 overcoats=-not10.00 overcoats, but 15.00 to 25.00-overcoats-at 10.00. .Let me put acoatover you again-"then look forthe label" and 10.00 you must payash if you buy of me.You can buy FineUnderwear ofme cheap, .a-lot of Broken Lines nowon sale � off. This must and will-elean up the odd lots. Pay you tolook at them!My "Cape" Glove at 1.15 is one-of my best ads.I make to order in my own factory:3 Day, Fuli-Dress or Fancy Shirtsfor 5.00, 6.00, or 7.50, 4. cuffs to-each fancy. Who else does? No one!To give all a chance, for the pres­elf my Clothing Dep't. will be openuntil 10 o'clock Wedneseays andSaturdays. I will make it pay youto come downtown.''TenTom Dollar"Murray.Fall andWinte� StylesARB' HERB�.��Tan •• '0. Y .... M ••Two Stores-:131 La Sane Street" JaCL'IOn BoulenmtCHICAGO. ILL-.-One of the inteTnt!ng items at myHOSE and VEST Sale6 pair 25c Hos.for$1.00ALEXANDER McLEAN�'. 1'aralaM8& Qoo4a, . ·allIat846 E.,' ADAMS- ST&EZT '. _. -Chteago-' ", DItS.IU.CKElIZIB AlID IlEJlDJtR.SOIfAT JUKIOR COLLEGE CHAPELSIleetiDg For Relief of ItauiaD Jews AIl­D01UlCeC1-TlwlbglYiD, SeniceIn summing up his address on,"The manliness of the, Christian.faith and life" at the Men's JuniorCollege Chapel this morning, Dr.William Douglas Mackenzie, Presi­dent of the Hartford Theological'Sewinary said: C ·The Christianlife leads to the best man. It re­quires the loftiest ideals,' a non­dying loyalty to them, and' in- thepursuit of them the necessity of be­coming. a disciplined nature. '-!Dean Vincent made announce­ment of the Michigan football rallya week from tomonow night, andalso of the meeting to be held at10:30 0' clock Friday morning inCubb Chapel for the purpose ofraising contributions for the reliefof the Jewish victims of the recentRussian atrocities.Dr. C. R. Henderson mad! aneffective appeal to the women of theJunior College this morning in ashort sermon on the text, "Rejoicein the Lord, 0 yerighteous." Hereminded his audience that it is be­cause our joys, such as music, art,literature, and even the more ma­terial pleasures come from an eter­nal source that they are real. Heasked the students to learn to en­joy this source (or religion, he said,gives the best and most enduringjoy in life. 'Announcement was made con­cerning the specialrf'banksgivingDay service. Dr. Hendersonpointed out the wonderful "fore­thought and.solicitude of.PresidentHarper that, in his condition ofmental and physical pain,he shouldsend out such a request for the at­jendanee of the student body.Bilew ,oar c:oUeP ..,arit b� au�I.. for. Tbe I(.uooa.·'MOSSLER'SCI." ... ClothesSO Jackson Blvd.Isn't· It So?Sounds egotistical, but never­theless 'true! ...What othername t han thename of ., Mossler'is' so instantly andindelibly associ­ated with fashion­a b I e, exclusive,high-class clothes?Lots of men liketo pay just J25 fora Sui� or Overcoat,Ours at this pricean �c""lional-6t big men up .to .48, small men down t6' 33�P"(U/�. :i . MarsItallField§Co.DN'S UNION SUITS,If you have never worn union suits youwill find these garments a revelationin ease and comfort� Balbriggan, $I·50, $2., $3·, $J.50 and $5.� Wool and Cotton Mixed," $3.50 and $4.50.� All Wool, $3-50 and $4. $5.25 add $6.� Silk and Wool, $4., $5.50 and $I£.� Silk, $9. and $I2.MEN'S SWEATERS�r Heavy shaker Swe zters with high collar, $5 .,$6.a"d$7.� -r: neck Sweaters, $5.� Sweat�r.Jackets, $6.� Jerseys� $2. $2·50, .. and $3.lIEN'S UNDER� SECTION, FIRST FLOOR, NORTH ROO., . -,-."_ '�.)'-,..._.J"';;"a. �T •••• I •• alo.' ••• co.d n ..... n17.... · .. 0_ on '.nl. .Mossier Co.CleY� Clothes. 50 Jacl\aon HARRY G. SMUCI\ERAtwood Building . Clarh and Madison Streets.SUITS: AND OVERCOATS"to measure $25.00 up. First·class workmaDsbip· and Triunmngs guaranteed.'MAX SCHWARTZ, 'Manager \SAI.ltS)iANHarry H Parker.Jas. B. Scudder.Gus. Toaulin. CUTTERSGco Hayden.Anhnr' Lamane.. :�.,,_,.:;.�'.,, ....'" .. BORDEN·S� i COJIDDSD IDLE. n.vm IIILE,, CRUll BD BObCR-ilKALL 80TTLIlD. IN TNB COU�Boll COIIDaIRD MILK Co... T Co ....-n4CYal1'W n.CHA8. It.. LAWRENCE.�AIIO�LA WI\ENC£ ORCHESTRASelect KaIc: for.n _led �Yoar patroMp80ltdted. R�:� -. '. 57&5 Roa1ie CourtIIJ* Park 1467 , CHICAGO' .. RESTAURANT104-106 MADISON STREETTHE 18-H OU R TRAIN, � PIO.NEHRCHICAGO TO NEW YORKR�N. oveRTHE PENNSYLVANIA NEW YORK SHORT LINE''Leavin� Chicago daily at 2:45 P. M., arriving New York 9:45 next moming. .Retunl1ng leaves New York 3:5.!J P. M., nrrives ChiC"8go 8:5, A.-M. 'All the appoiatmenta on tbi� train in keepiug with the: Pennsylvania'. well-lmowustandard of excellence. ' ,"Enjo7 the Cool Ride over' the AUeghanles.-Stone ballasted and freefrom dust. .TicketalDnd faU information at City 9ftiCf", 243CIa,k street.c. x.. K.IMBALx.. �.i.tant GcD'I Pa,,', ARent G. G. BELTZHOOV�R, District Paa'r Alftl.Abo BnmcIa Bdetat 69 It. IIoIIroe st. Old.101-103 E. Madison. - .... Streetday manifested more interest in the I :score board detailing information.8 A MUS E MEN T S " rfrom Ferry Field than they did in -the game before their eyes. Itwas easy to see that the local in­terests sided with Wisconsin, forevery time Wisconsin wouldstrengthen or get the ball a cheerwent up from' the east bleachers.The reason for Chicago's hopingfor a Wisconsin victory �as: Chi­cago has beaten the Badgers and ifthe Badgers defeat Michigan Chi­cago had a better chance againstthe WolverineS on . ThanksgivingDay.Assistant Coach Fred Speikwatched the Ann Arbor game atfirst hand and comes home withbear stories of the, darkest sort.Describing Coach Yost's machineas perfect in every particular of thegame, both on offence and defence,be says that Chicago has a fightingchance and no more. Michigan:according to Speik, is weak at nopoint, has an 'almost impenetrabledefense and an insurpassable back­field trio in Tom Hammond, Long­-man and Clark or Weeks, and isequalled by Chicago in just four p0-sitions. Parry and Catlin are �tt1ethe' superiors of Garrels and HarryHammond, though the Michiganends are far from weak. De Trayis better than either weeks orClark though not so much that therest of the Michi� backfield doesnot make up for it. Eckersall is theplace where' he pauses. Mchigan'squarter backs, Norcross and -Barloware not in Eckersall'sc1ass. ThroughEckersall Speik thinks the MaroonsSOPKO.OU _GIItLS WIll GAJIB might win..The "Old Man" shares Speik'sFirat IDterc1aa Bubt Ball CoDteat Ia W'oaby 1908 in KzcitiDg Fight . opinion that Chicago· bas only a. fighting chance. He says Chicago'sThe Sophomores beat the Fresb- defense cannot bold such an. attack. Theatre Beautiful -mea in the first Sophomore-Fresh as Speik says Michigan has, and RaDdolpb st. uear Stat�"ID the Loop'man basket ball game of the season the :Maroon backs cannot gain con- Every Eve. aud, Sat. Mat. � to.$1.50in Lexington gymnasium, Fri4ay, sistently against snch a liueasSpeik "Pop. Mat." Every Tuesday, 25c, to $1.00·'nth a score uf _6 to 3. Misses Fer- say.s Michigan has. Tel. Central � Mail orders 611edSeats Two W�k'i ill Adv:u.ceguson, Quin, Moran and Heap did However, the story of the game Promenade de I..;uxe Big Ex:tr�some.specta�lar work The game leaves several loop-holes- in the 'DeLuxe Thaoksgiving llatioe�.was exciting most of the time. as Wol�rines' �ork to show that Big Pop. Mat. Tom,,"owthe teams were well matched. ¢bicago is not quite defeated yet F., .. T ......... ·The lengthening of the' distance and may spring a few surprises. on In Oeo. 1'1. Coban 'a Great Socuss ....for free throws from fifteen feet to the 30th. Firstly: Chicago's back- FORTY FIVE MINUTES,twenty kept the score down eonsid- field is· as good as Wisconsin's, FROM BROADWAY .erably. The work done however especially wit� Vanderboom out of "Gee, yoy Have to Talk Baby Talk Here,,..gives good promise of fi�e team:: i� the line-up. At that WiSCODsin got Sthe spring championship games. .into Michigan's territory enough •About one hundred and twenty- to try six drop kicks and miss themfive women were present and so all by Darrow margins. Michigan. 198 33TB 81'.t htre was good cheering, especially surely cannot hold. the. ball in The latest or i'ari8ieDae StylH and Import�cS..h So Ch· , . 11 h· d ROOds fOt' Fan aDd Winter.� among � e phomores led by Flor- lcago s terntory ate time an Remocf"eJinK aad kep.;rinK a apedalty.� 'ence Araney. .. whenever Chicago has the o"al'.':': \ The line.np waS!, SoPHOMORES; inside.. of: the' Wolverine 65 yard ' TO IlAGAZIJIII: SUl!8CIIIPTlOB•. �. ·l�.E. Madison· Street: .fo�cb, Evelyu.Cuh'er, Algo-.An. line Mictigan is not safe with AGUTSi�� 1/104 Dest to I.a �.l1e ,dol'9Oll •. Mary Htap; center, 'ADna, Eckersa11 in tbeJine-up. "The Four-Track· News," the well-·-,�J.:,.. � .&: Washington Street . GriM; gftrds, pf�. _ Moran,. known illustrated monthly magazine of'.... DftttoClark MS. There seems to be still· at �least �ve1andeducatiou,ia·naaking�--.tary. �th.. " F.iEm1lEJt, :'. fore; lall .. adftnt • .,_..._ --- -;-r:- '.-;: , d nI�� r: ' •. _ raw,·.of,_· ho .., ,'.' lei. t fOr Cbicaoo, " -e. ... " vUQ''' to subeenpitift._', \_ . W ,r s, .rJVK'BCe' FeT� Auita\ #. r- & • agen� who will. fiDcl.�·••. • Rl1er,.��'" -... ""S�rialll.JS GIInIe(isp-MJ l'(l/lle Sturges; centerS, R\1th JackmaD 'inasmuch as ·Wi..:onSn was not aftordlnl ftry�. tS.. Send to-.�;r;. • Elsie Schobinger; guards, H�� beatea.oa.straigilt football bY.. mpre: the pubhsber, �e ."l>allie1a, '1 But��::. . • P«k.l..Eva.&hIaJ'f' . 6""_.. ,' __. . ..:..�.... ,'n. _..• Ud Street. New!:Y.� Jocr ..... �·�:..__ : � ,�..,.. ..... _ and particulara.� .. .....1b�:.,: -' : -; :�l��/�i���.���:�i���·· � �;j;i.::,.:i;L': :, {i .t:_�.:,,,. "b' �- : �::.:" : '.: " '. ;', ': • �,<' ,: • _:.. _:;.. -. �, , ..:.': -" ,.' .' •, ".: •�'AU't. n� �'I� r"'U"Hl..�ttirJ.�'��j����lG; .... £J'_';'��:�'uk��.1-�.r";;;;.-�";- ;-......x4�-��;.... �t_.�;:Z��:..-::.�-:-::.'��1-:.. ��_1.�,.;;+ ..� ...: ..... :.. ..... �",�-��.:.... ��. < .... :�r;;; • -, 1�:' .. �-;:;":,--;;:�.",�. <:-11'.... - "•• <." �. __." . __ '_-""" ... _21..c-· . ."",.,' '�'. €0<.-4 .-,r, -'�:"""-" ":��' .••. ;�..::::"':h. '*$ ...... �. ",:::,�;-,.. ,:; .... 1�., .� .... : ' . ,'CHICAGO, MONDAY, NOVEM�BR. 00, i905CGLOIIIALKICHIGAlI AlfD CHICAGOARB AWlIE n" 'THE' RACElLLIBOIS GAD IS TRYOUT. ContlDued froID ant � eolWDD f.llar\'arb botel5714�i6 W��hl;'.to':'· ATe.Phone Hyde Park 1533 near I. C. and U. of C.RoomH single or en suitePlc:as:ant home with hot�l conveniences Tableboard and single meals. though he was not so shifty' asHitchcock he played just 'as hardand will give the best he has in casehe is called upon in the Michigaugame.Noll replaced Hill at left tackleduring the last fifteen minutes ofplay. He did not show-in "Bub­bles' " class but played harder thanhe has in any otber game this sea­son.' Noll's great trouble hereto­fore has been in not getting anysnap into his work. This hereme­died to a great extent Saturday andmay make a bid for the doubtfulguard.Mefford took Parry's end for ashort while toward the last andshowed that. he knew the game. Hisfirst act was to catch the ball on thekickoff and make a dodging thirty­five yard run through a brokenfield almost for a clear run for atouchdown. On offense he regular­ly cleared the road fol' the man car­rying the ball and on defense hemore than held his own against hisIllinois opponent. Mefford has hadfew chances to show his ability thisseason and he uiay get into theThanksgiving game on the strengthof his showing Saturday. .Anderson .replaced Hitchcock fora while but.wasin so short a time-that no, Iine could be drawn upon'his. work •.- Coach. Stagg. was satisfied withthe Illinois contest in general; Thefact .that Chicago scored 11. pointsmore ,th� Michigan did Dot impresshim; despite the fact that Carrithers. �as in and - Chicago had' used the'''pony'' back ficld almost all thegame; What gives the "Old Man"the most satisfaction is Eckerra11'skicking record coupled with the fact·that Wisconsin got within strilriDgdistance of Micliigan"'s goal siXtimes and lost every opportunity;Reports from Ma�hall field andFerry field will be watched witheagle eyes this week and next. andevery look and move of MessrS.Stagg and Yost will be convertedinto usable dope on the turkey daybattle. Meantime keep your eyeson the ball. Wiac:ou.m DowD &Del OIlt-ClwDpioDabipWill be'Ua4i8pute4-Speik Saya' Chi­"10 IIu 0Illy FiglltiDg ClwlceMichigan has humbled the Bad-:gers and now the undisputed cham­pionship of the West lies between.Chieago and Michigan. Thanks­giving day will decide beyond adoubt which is the best team in theBig Nine.With- the final. battle between. Chicago and Michigan in view theChicago rooters and entbusiasts onthe Mars�ll Field bleachers Satur- Try Tolu. Tar' and Wild Cherry forthat eouah. Univenity Pharmae7 666E. 66th St. ."e.t.Huyler Candies. Manicure Goods, U. of .�. 5<?uv. P06�, Cigarettes. Toilet At­�cles. Tel. orders receive prompt atten­tion. H. P. 557. The Portland Pharmacy6001 Washington Av., A. C. Symmes, R.P:Seod & po.t&l eard to M. Wolf. U.pay. the highe.t· priee. tor' eut ot .elothiol: Vail ordera promptly .-.tended to. �9 0 'Bria� .treat, Chieaao.If J'OD .. IA to. eecure a poIIltl.. gteach call on or write to James P. MeCullouch. RalhrQ E%cha�e. Qhleaa..&ARRICKEvery NightMats. Wed. and SaturdayNothing can Stop it!It's in the air-everywhere!The Gorgeous Musical Productioa-e­Replete With Novelties Galore.aab •• In Th.:WHds:.J. H. KINTZ, Prop. JOHN CI.ARK. Mgr.'STUDDAKERAll orders day or niKbt fined promptlyWE IIE'ER CL05E LAST WEHKFrank L. Perley PresentsA Comedy with Music-:-The Wlnnlng"-',J a:G�n" ·ParhLivery· AN INCOMPARABLF CAST·.Tomorrow and Thursday at 2:00-ALICE NIELSON INDon Pasqual,�!":)... �. IJf17:-Seventh. StreetTelephones Hyde Park � �CHICAG.O� Supported by a Company ofEminent E.uropean Artists.Seat Thursday. for.LIL�IAN BLAUVELTIn a New Romantic Comic' Op era·'THE; ROSE OF THE ALHAMBRA."Coming. Next Monday Nigbt •.. ,Every Night.�ats. Saturdays and Thanksgiving DayCharles Frohman Presents - 'SAM BERNARD'iNTIle Rollicking 8IrI :80 other fwi-makem includiDgHATTIE W�LLIAMS' D_ JULES LUMBARD CONCERTThursday Afternoon. ... 5,�.#S�·�c.ott.ge Grove Ave.CHICAGO' '. IWIIOISNo. 241Officia1� CollegiateBasket Ball GUide,TOI\. 1905-06EDITED BY RARIty A.. FISHERContainll new official rules to gOVttD an col1eg·iate contests, pictou8.of al1 the college teams. 'and the�son'. records.For .. az..� .. b. fill .raefD.dtau,., ."orting good,ualer, aad Up<irtmftt .tore •.PRICE 10 CENTS BY MAIL8paldiftg" CatalogtU (,f .dfAk&. �JIOT" .Ao1h-1M .O.Jli;i4l l"'pU"'�"" for fill .AWetic EflQu.&rul Your Nanu lor. (J Free CoP •.A.G.Spalding&BrosNew York Chic:aaoDeD'ft't S�C1deSt. Lo:1ia BUffalo�')11 Kit' ..... CityBa1��� Pittabu'ltNew Orlea_ Montreal, CaD. �WERSRandolph near La SalleTwo Weeks Beg1l1ning TonigbtMats._Sat1;mlays ,Special Mat. Tbauksgivillg DayChas. Frohman PresentsWM. H. CRANE- .In the 'N�w Comedy,THE AMERICAN LORDrBy Broa4tburs� and Dazey.PhiladelphialIinuupolia .Cincinnati�aD' FranciscoWaahinKt·nl.ondon. Hn�.If you talk' through yourHA�Use· a, Lelewer; lSe�r!$2.00 LIBERMANN.,HYDKPA.RK1a�te6' itatlot,(.I No moreAt either store