The Daily Maro.... n" "Mter ")J tile ..... ef tile VlIMnlty of CWea&o DmaJ . tIIne� of tM vlliftRttJ' Y-VOL. IV. No. 20 CHICAGO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1905READY TO MEET THE PURPLEDR. BLACK TO CONDUCTTHE SUNDAY SERVICENoted Presbvterlan Divine of Edin­burgh, Scotland wm Preachat Leon Mandel Ballllay Speak at Junior College Chapell!Ionday-Complete Pro�ramfor Sunday ServiceThe Rev. Hugh Black, D. D., ofEdinburgh, Scotland, will conductthe Sunday morning service at LeonMandel Assembly Hall, at 110' clock. An effort will be madeto have Dr. Black remain at theUniversity until Monday to deliverthe address at the Junior CollegeChapel exercises. Dr. Black. is oneof the most cultured and eloquentministers of the Presbyterian churchin Scotland, and one of the leadingdivines of the British Isles. Hisrecent book, "Culture and Re­straint, " had a large circulation incountry.The Sunday Service will be pre­eeeded by a short organ recital byMiss Ethel Reider, the Universityorganist. Families wishing to at­tend the Sunday services who havechildren too young to profit by theservice, are invited to bring themto the room of the Woman's Union,15 Lexington .Hall, ..The program for the servicefollows:Organ Prelude, beginning at 10:45Prelude in C Minor ChopinLa Cygne Saint-SaenOrgan Sonata No.2 Mendelssohn(Grave-Adagio-Allegro maestosoe vivace)Anthem- "Hark, Hark, My Soul".. Shelley-MorseOffertory: "Sing Ye Praise" (From"Hymn of Praise") MendelssohnMr. JonesSermon, Rev. Hugh Black, D. D.(Edinburgh, Scotland)Organ Postlude, Chorus of Pil-grims t Tannhauser) WagnerTEAll WILL SEE (ClIUl!IprY DUJlPTY"Football Night at the Garrick: Will not beEnjoyed by Rival Rooters and TeamsStudents' thearter night at theGarrick will be the feature of theChicago and Northwestern gametomorro w as was the case last year.The team has made arrangements,however to attend "HumptyDumpty" at the Auditorinm, andalthough no special arrangementsare being 'made, it would be well foras many students as possible to at­tend this performance and cheer forthe team.EARLY LUNCK AT COMMONSBEFORE TRIP TO EVANSTONMr. Boylan Make. Early Hour ArraDgementfor Benefit of RootersIn order that the students whoare going to the Northwestern gamemay have ample time to get theirlunch, Mr. Boylan has arranged toserve lunch in the commons Satur­day at 11 0' clock instead of 11:30as was formerly annouueed. Thiswill give the students plenty oftime to form in line at 12 o'clockand march to the train. ABBOTT IS JUNIOR PRESIDENTChosen at Election of Class of 19()j ThisMorning-Defeated Candidate Is C. F.AxelsonDOll Abbott was elected presidentof the Junior class this morning atthe regular meeting of the '07 class,defeating C. F: Axelson in a closevote. Other officers chosen were­Earl Hostetter, vice president: MissKatherine Nichols, secretary, andJohn Fryer Moulds, treasurer.The vote was a large one, nearlyall the members of the class beingpresent. The defeated candidateswere: Arthur Bovee and Miss Proc­tor for vice president, Miss Terryfor secretary and \V. B. Gray fortreasurer.Abbott is a member of DeltaKappa Epsilon, of the Three Quar­ters Club and the Score Club. Hewas first baseman on the baseballteam last spring.Earl Hostetter is a member ofSigma Chi. He is a member of theThree Quarters club and the Scoreclub.Miss Katherine Nichols is amember of the Mortar Board.Moulds is a member of the DeltaUpsilon. He is a member of theScore club.ALL ARRANGEMENTS HAVEBEEN MADE FOR TRIPFaculty Kembera Will Go to Daytonin a Pull.maD CarSpecialArrangements have been com­completed for making the trip toDayton, Ohio, to visit the "model"factory of the N ational Cash Regis­ter Company by Chas. M. Steeleof the N. C. R. Co.The special train of Pullmansleepers on which the party will goto Dayton will leave the UnionStation at 10 p_ m. Sunday night.By special arrangement the trainwill run via Englewood, leavingthere at 10:30 o'clock.Sleeper reservations will be as­signed this afternoon at the Presi­dent's office by the representativeof the N. C. R. Company, Chas.M. Steele. Cards giving the reser­vations will be mailed to the homeaddress of all those who have ac­cepted the invitation to make thetrip. Should any of these fail toreach any of those whose names areon the list they should report at thetrain where the reservation will beheld until the start.Returning. the party will reachChicago about 7 o' clock Fridaymorning.Golfers-NoticeThere will be a fall tournamenton Saturday, Nov. 4. All univer­sity men who are interested in thegame should hand in their namesat the Information Office by Mon­day, October 30.Details of arrangement will becompleted at a meeting early nextweek.Watch the bulletin boards! W. J. SBElUtIAN CRITICALLY ILLProminent University Graduate in Classof 1905 Snfters Relapse after Appendici­tis Operation-Condition Very SeriousWilliam J. Sherman, 1U05, one ofthe most prominent students thatever attended the University, is ly­irtg in a critical condition at theWesley Hospital, with an a'. tackof acute peritonitis. Chances of hisrecovery are held by the attendingphysicians to be slight; and thereare grave fears that he will not livethe night through.Sherman was taken ill about tendays ago and was removed immedi­ately to the hospital. Shortly afterhis arrival he was operated on forappendicitis and he began to im­prove. A few days ago he suffereda relapse and siace then he hasgrown rapidly worse.DR. MATHEWS IS OPERATED ONInstrnctor in the Medical School is Victimof Appendicitis -Condition FavorableDr. S. A. Mathews of the Medi­cal school was operated on Wednes­day for appendicitis at the WesleyHospital. His condition this morn­ing was declared to be much im­proved and it is believed he will re­cover. Dr. Mathews was taken illsuddenly _ On Tuesday he was ingood health and was attending tohis work as usual. On Wednesdayhe became ill and went to the hos­pital.REYNOLDS CLUB IIElIIBERS TO DANCEFirst Club Social Evlnt of the Season.-Arrangement. for Non-dancin, MembersThe social season of the ReynoldsClub will be opened this evening byan informal dance limited to mem­bers of the club. A5 has been thecustom at former dances, the musi­cians will be placed at the hetd ofthe stairs on the second floor, sothat both the first and second floorsmay be used for dancing. Gold­smith will furnish the music.For the benefit of club membersnot wishing to dance the newspapersand periodicals will be moved fromthe reading room to the alumniroom on the second floor.Y ••• C. A. TO GIVE CLASSESWeekly Bible l!Ieetinga will be Hiid inthl Balla aDd Fraternity BODIeSThe Y. M. C. A. will conduct anumber of weekly Bible Classes thisyear in the various halls and Fra­ternity houses. This work promis­es to be more successful than lastyear,Prof. :Mathews has again kindlyconsented to hold weekly meetingsfor the class instructors. This nor­mal class will meet Sunday morn­ings in the parlors of Snell Hall be­tween 9:30 and 10:30.Posters To Be On SaleCopies of the Chicago-North­western football posters will be onwe at the �e tomorrow. WILL PURPLE PLAYERSREPEAT TRICK OF 1903?Maroon Confidence Wavere AtThought Of Crucial Game TwoYeara AgoFinal Scrimmage IIel4 Yesterday-stanSaved ForJforthw�StaaAnnounces Probable LiDe-ap• • • •R�member the special rooters'train on the I. C. tomorrow attwelve thirty. Everybody take itat Fifty-seventh Street.• • • •Will Northwestern repeat thetrick she turned on the: Maroonstwo years ago?, is the question thatis being asked by all Western fol­lowers of the game. Coach Mac­Cornack says "Yes." Coach Stagghesitates, says "Maybe," thensmiles. "I don't know what thefinal score will be." the Old )lansaid last night. "I can't make aguess; but the fellows will have tobrace up a good deal or the scoreat the end of the first half will beo toO, unless Nortbwesternscores."A final scrimmage was given theVarsity with the Freshmen lutnight, Coach Stagg expressinghimself as satisfied with the workof both teams. The regular.scored twice on straight footbaii.and the first year men, given theball twice on the ten yard line,scored twice on the Varsity onqnarter back runs by Steff ••Fumbling on the part of Fergusonand \Vondries, who were in theback field for Bezdek and Walker,was the only thing that gavc theFreshmen the ball at any time, forstopping the Varsity's plays wasout of the question.Walker, Bezdek, Hill, Badenochand Catlin were kept out of thescrimmage because Coach Staggexpects them to get enough batter­ing up tomorrow. Noll and Rus­sell played tackles and Larson re­placed Catlin. Noll made the beatshowiug he has made this sea50Das he says he is determined to getinto the game. "Noll ought to beon the regular team," said �bStagg, "but the trouble is that helacks the requisite nerve._ If h.keeps up the work he did tonight,thongh, he will stand a goodchance. I may use him Saturday."Scherer, Gale and Meigs lookwell to the coaches, for the �tertrio. Meigs· is a little green yetand Scherer has had much moreexperience, but Meigs has thenecessary fight in him.The probable line-up as announc­ed by Coach Stagg last night indi­cates that be will take no chancesagainst the Methodists, in view ofthe surprise by MacComack inin 1903. Walker, Bezdek, DeTrayand Eckersall will start in the field.Catlin and Parry at ends, Badenochand Hill as tackles, Scherer andMeigs at guards and Gale at centerwill compose the team that willline up at the beginning of thegame, Substitutions will dependon later developments.�GO. PRlDAY. OC'rOBB" 27, 1101\tbe J1)atl� maroon...... 17 tM UalT .. lt7 .f � Week17.nvJI1)G'fte UalY·.so .f Oklo. Weeki,.. Oct. 1. 1111'I'ID D.uLY 1ldoO. .. - - Oat. 1. 1101..... OONTaIBUTlOIiI ,,1JaTE).D&l17 lubecrlpUeD. ,a ,. : ,1 lor • ..._ Mall lJa Ott)' " ,. : '1.26 lor • neely" at TID 1Luoo.0_. BUla Hall. .r left lJa TJu the J'&cult)- JlzcJaaDp. Cobb HalLl' EDITOR.IALSN orthwestem tomorrow! AndChicago students do not seem torealize that it willRemember be one of Chicago'sNorthwestern hardest games. Anand 19031 air of confidencedoes not becomethe Chicago student body beforethis game, for just so sure as thisfeeling prevails the Purple is boundto spring a surprise.Has everyone forgotten twoyears ago when, after Chicago hadplayed brilliantly up to the North­western game and the Methodistshad shown miserably, the lightNorthwestern team, with a week's"whipping into shape" by wilyCoach MacCornack trotted ontoMarahall Field, caught the over­confident Maroons napping andheld the Varsity to a 0 to 0 score?Has the student body forgottenthat for the rest of that season andall the next season the slogan was,"Remember Northwestern!"The conditions now are identicalwith tlaose of two years ago. Chi­cago has defeated Wisconsin;Northwestern has been held byKeutucky and Chicago is over­confident.Northwestern is always a hardnut to crack for Chicago. This istheir greatest game and Coach Mac­Comack is "doing thinp" withthem this week. They play ontheir own grounds and will fightlike demons.Let them not catch Chicago nap­ping again.Every student in the Universityshould go to Evanston tomorrowprepared for a struggle. Standback of the team, and remember1903!','�� j;e:1Tennis Tourney Bear& FiDalsIn the tennis tournament nowbeing played off, Byford beat PaulGray, 10-8, 6-2, and is now in thefinals. In the doables Carr andByford won out in their matcbwith \V. P. Henry and W. B. Gray,6-2, 6-2. Carr and Byford willsoon play Gregory and Ahrens forthe Championship of the Univer­sity."Ernie" Quantrell has been appointedsecretary to Vice President Otia of theChicago Saving's Bank.The executive council of the CanadianClub met with Dr. J. G. Wilson lastnening. Clothes ShopQuite Popular with Menand YongMenA gentleman who, with his son.son was in our shop said to our sales­man: "If you want really fineclothes follow the young men. Theyseem to have a knack of knowingwhat's what in clothes and whereto get them."We have always known that theyoung men's trade was the basis ofany fine clothing business. Wefirst made our reputarion on youngmea's clothes. \Ve gave them some­thing different from the ordinaryready- to-wear clothing. \Ve gavethem garments such as only Dunneand Wetzel and ourselves can pro­duce. They were ultra-very ultraof course they attracted attentionat once.Fathers admired their sons' clo­thes and came here to buy for them­selves. VIle gradually enlarged un­til our clothes for the older men arein as fine form as the young men'sclothes. Today we have the finestyoung men and older men's tradein Chicago. We do not sell boysor children's clothes, because wecannot do two things superlativelywell at one time. Clothes ready­to-wear, $20 to $50.• 8 Jacklon Boullvard.Martyn'. Maroon StudioIs the Student's Studio. U. of C. Pho­tographer,5705 Cottage Grove.LISTENDon't throwaway your old Hat; eitherSTIFF, SOIT OR S�I will make them look. like new, and willsave you a Dollar or two427 E. 63rd St., Cor. Kimbark cleaned, blocked aDd retrimmedCome and SeeNot another firm in town bas the im­menee line of foreign books. and raredomestic worb. Also a fine lot of pic­tures for decorating pu�, atKOELLING & KLAPPENBACB100 Randolph StreetNear DearbornTownesGlovesare a --Good thlng tohave on hand·· and allgood dealera h avethem on hand.Don't Tortureyour face with poor shavingsoap. Avoid irritations andshave with ease. Insist onWILLIAMS' ��Phone Hyde Park 5713'I1lbtte'9 Blbton ¢afe391-400 Er. 634 StreetChic ...Ust JOVI RoOm. with as. Rooma for Reut. Northwestern cr)8 ChicagoSatiifiJrgOc'loOer 28-!2_O .The N orthwestern-Chic.:ago Poster is perhaps the finest piece of printingthat has ever been used to advertise a football game. The original (14x22 inches) is in three printings, showing in addition to the black anotable harmony of the purple and maroon of the two Universities.Both the designing and printing of this Poster were done by Messrs .Kimball & Rogers, Printers, whose work in the line of posters, artisticbooklets and general ornate printing is well known.� Copies of this Poster will be on sale at the game at 25 cents. or will bemailed to any address 011 receipt of that amount by Messrs. Kimball &Rogers, 1907 Central St. Evanston, Illinois.�bal1&�rs�nters'"�."T JlATQWS. Pta Gao. B. PIJ1DI.,JUl VIc.PnL P ... STaATTOK,..-,..MATHEWS &. CO. Inc.The Tailor ShopNEW POWEI\.S BLDG .• 1.56 WABASH A VLMA.KERS OF YOUNG MEN'S CLOTHESOur Speclall7 .3�. � Sack Suit.We show one of the Largest Lines of Weolens in Chicago.THE BEST HAD" A PLEASED CUSTO·.IIBllWILLIAM SACHEN==�atlor==320 FIFTY-FIFTH STREETUN 0 THO W C H F. A P ; HOW GOOD"101-103 E. MadisonStreetAl80 Branch Buffetat 69 E •• onlOe St. OldCtlICAOO. 1'R.IDAY, �OBD 27. 1_ARROWQUARTER SIZECOLLARS .OVIUIElIT IS STARTEDTO CLEAKSI! FOOTBALLSaint John'_ School Would Eliminate HighSchool Football UDtil Reforms are "deA new movement has been startedin the East for the purpose ofcleaning up the game of football.The prime actor in this move is theathletic association of the St. John'sSchool at Manlius, New York.They have issued a circular to allschools in the country, in whichthey urge as the only way to curethe existing evils in football theelimination of the game from pre­paratory schools for a year or so.Such action, it is asserted, wouldcompel the authorities to radicallychange the football rules as theyapply to prep. schools. This ideais a development of PresidentRoosevelt's suggestions along thesame line.The students at St. Johns havepledged themselves not to play thegame except among their own clas­ses after the present season. Tneirdeclaration follows:To whomsoever tbese presentsshall comeGreeting:RESOLVED: That we, the studentsof Saint John's School at Manliusdrop the game of football after play­ing out the season, except amongourselves on our own grounds.That football as it is �ow playedis more for college than for prep.schools;That professionalism and fakescholarships are largely responsiblefor the unnecessary roughness slue­ging and demoralizing influences ofan otherwise noble game;That we endorse President Roose­velt's efforts to cleanse the game.Adopted this nineteenth day. ofOctober, nineteen hundred and five,A. D.Students of Saint John's School,Manlius, N. V. Marshall Fieldt?Co.Fine Overcoats and Suitsfor College MenThe high character of these garments ap­peals strongly to men familiar withthe best of custom tailoring� Long, form-/ilting Overcoats, Newmarket and Pad­dock styles, $25 to $60.jJ_ Russian Overcoats, novelty cloths of Scotch andEnglish Cheviot, long and loose fitting, $20 to $40.� Suits, with the season's long coats, side or center -oents,single or double breasted styles, with very full skirts,$16 to $45.Our great Clothing Stock is now at its best, offeringexceptional advantages for immediate selection.SecoDd Floor, North RoomlMade ot tabricsshrunk before cut­ting by theClupecoprocess. This in­sures a perfect andpermanent tit.They're the longestwearing collarsmade.CLUETT. PEABODY&. co. Largestmakers of Collars &.Shirts in the worldS!T��� �I�!!:SNo. 252How to SprintBy ARTHUR. T. DUFFEYHolder OJf the World's Rec 0 r d 10 • sPrice 10 CentsThe book on Sprlntln. th.t b.a.... r b.en pubUah.d.Every boy who aspires to be a .printer can studyChampion Duffey's metbods ia thi .. book analearn why he waa so successful. The illustra­tions were posed especially by Champion Duffeyand will be of invaluable aid to the novice.A. G. SPALDING & BROS.New York Cb ic:a 1[0 PhiladelphiaDenver SyraCUR )IinneapelieSt. Louis ButIalo CiadnnatiHoston Kan ... City �an Franc:iaoeBaltimore Pittabuq Wa.hinct .. aNew Orleans Montreal. Can. London, Ene.Speuldinl['. catal�e of an athletic .portamailed {ree to any addraa.Hyde Park .. 4 CbJca&o Beach atab! ..J. H. KINTZ(PRopaIJlTORIJaoklOll hrk ·Stabll'273 But lI'ift7-8natb St.Tel. b4e Park 55Z CHICAGOThe Masoni. Club will meet with L. T.Loose in Hitchcock Library touight.The tint meeting of the year of theClassical Club was lield in HitchcockLibrary last night on the invitativu ofMr. Carr. There were about 25 memberspresent. THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE antiSTORAGE COMPANY'Pb ... Hyde Park 871 KlMBARIC AVB. aad PlPTY-.5IXTII ....The Cleanest and Best Kept StorapWarehouse In the City • • •I'mnItma ad PIanos MOTed. Stored, Packed aud Shipped .. all ,... ..the world. 300 Prlyate Storap Roo..... I..aqe Parlor � ..PIanaI. Rooms b Tnmb aud Wheel.. I..aqe Room for earn..-.• ____. _....&- .. � _ B� aDd Sleiaha. '1'RlJ'lIES TO BD PRO • .AU. DBl'O'l'L-- �'---'�-c..atabortDOtic:e.__ a..ul AUDUIa en. .. hlNIIIItit ......P. D. PELLEGRIN IMPORTING•••••• 'l'AILORWe solicit your patronagts, LIBERMANN,HYDE PARK1at)tee' ttaUor198 :i�TR ST.The latest of Parisienne Styles and Importedgoods for Fall.nd Winter.Remodeling and Re airing a specialty.P. D. WEINSTEINLADIES· TAlLO&'Workmanallip UnequalledSpedaillates foc U. Gf C. StndeabN. Eo. Cor. 55th and Le�oDPhone 1282 Hyde ParkWHER8 do you get yourN.w.p.p.ra. P .... odlc.l. andStatloneQ?At NOR.TON'SPhoae Free DeliveryU6 Hyde Park 348 57th StreetI'- 7011 do· not see wh.t 70UW'IlIlt, .. Il for itWe carry such a vari� of lItock thatpossibly the particular article Y!JQDeed is Dot in view. If not, uk forIt. It is more than likely that wewin be able to aapply the desindartideR.OSAUE PHARMACYJ. J. GILL, Ph. 0 ••PhoDe H. P. 175 274 E- 57th St.BORDEN·SCOJIDDSED IIILlt, I'LUID 1III.E,CDAII AIO) BUTTEItlllLEALL .OTTLKD rN TR� cor1N'f'ftFBORDEN'. CoNDataD MILK Ce..n...-u E. PO,,""E","" .,..Stop AtHOTEL FLORIDA5721 Cottage Grove Ave.R.oom and Board for Stud�tltA $5.00 perweek. Meal Ticketa $3.75.J. A.. &1 LEY. Proprietor MOSSLER'SCl .... r Cloth ••SO Jackson Blvd.Record­BreaJringSuit SellingWe hoped, in fact, expectedto do an increased business thisfall-but hardly�xpu/�d 10 dof o u r limn asmuch.We thank you!It is a glorioustrlbute to the• c lever est"clothes yet pso­duced and soldat a saving offive to fifteendollars a SUit.Reception and smoking roomfirst floor, big salesroom secondfloor.Several splendid values insuits and overcoats today andtomorrow,f20 and f25Ta ••• I ... at.rt ••• coad floor, •• 17ahow.roo_ on flrat.Mossier Co.Clever Cloth... .50 Jacl\.oD 716 AND 720 E. 63D STREETXear Cott4g. ON)f)' At' e- Eln. moao..OPE. ALL .,tJHT178 E. Forty-third St., near Drexel BoulevardTe1epJaoneGray648Z CHICAGORESTAURANT104-106 MADISON STREETDo You Know Anythingthat will ofter you a better opening thanField Workfor a good Life Insurance Company?II' NOT, waiTE TOB. F. NORRIS, Supt. of AgencielTHE NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFEINSURANCE conPANYMilwaukee. Wis."'Vogelsang's"17&-162 Madison St. HILL'SRESTAURA.NT.&.MD LUNCH ROOKA Modern Up-to-DateCafeWhere the cooking and serviceis equaled only by the best.WILL PURPLE PLAYERS REPEATCHICAGO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER. 17, liOiThe-"Frat" ManKnows When ClothesAre RIGHT.W hen it comes to clotheseducation he takes all the"degrees."No-you can't begin to foolhim as to the style, cut ordrape of a coat (not a whitmore than Bea� Brummel inthe flower of his day.)You could not give thecc Frat" man a train load ofclothes that were not EXACT­Ly RIGHT.FOREMAN has sold everyblessed man of one of the fra­ternities of a great universitynot a thousand miles from Chi­cago.But first he had to sell oneand the first sale (only twoweeks ago) was one of hisfaultless form-fitting overcoats.Really, if FOREMAN pos­sessed the genius of forty sales­men he could not have sold aman of them (not even for theprice of the buttons) if theclothes he showed were notdead RIGHT.The truth of the matter isthat FOREMAN has invented0" 7.-orzS.a1Y82, 84, 98 Washington SmetL. MANASSE, Optician•• a4i8oD St., TrIbaDe BaUd�Spectacles and Eyegl� SCientificallyAdjustedEyn Tested p�Everythin� OpticalMa�emaltcal. .Metenological andfor the Lanternist.Kodak •• Cameras and SupplLs.Ash lIeHlnll' fot Decorating Col-n r. lege Rooms. Usefuland Ornamental for hangingPhotographs, etc.CHICAGO BET & TWmE CO.Phone Cent. 1550. 81 MICHIGAN .A. vr! MUSS EY· 5Bllliarel Ban •• ad Bowlin. Aney.Tbe I.a�5t and Pin�!'It Amu�mcntRCtIOrt in the World100 to 108 Madt.on StreetBranch: 616 Davis �t .• EvanstonTelepbona Hyde Park 18 and 695A. McAdamsThe Unl •• raIt7•.. Florlst •••GIlIZIm01JIB8: Ch. JCor. 534 St. u4 Klmbart A'ge. Icaeo Continued trom ftnt pase, colulDD 4.This is the same line-up thatfaced Wisconsin, except thatWalker will replace Boone at righthalf, a change that will strengthenthe team considerably. Boone is areliable and consistent player, buthe lacks the speed to keep up withthe rest of the back field. He willbe first choke as a substitute andmay be used in the line throughoutthe game.Everything points to a Chicagovictory, except the overconfidenceof the Maroon team and rooters.Northwestern's sole hope seems tobe in the first fifteen minutes ofplay and a change to take theMaroons by snrprise. If all goeswell the first half, Chicago willprobably win.At all events, the "Old Man"wears a smile, which indicates thathe is not in great fear of the out­come.Thc call to battle soundeth loud,Again the trumpet blows,And Stagg's Maroon clad warriors rise,To meet their Purple foes.Go forth for Alma Mater now,May fortune with you be,To crown Chicago'. loyal sons,With well-earned victory.Extracts from Martyn's 'Maroon Rhymes,U. of C. Photographer,5705 Cottage Grove ATe.156 State StreetBovs TRVTHE PALACE \Rlllaurant and Lunch Room6251 COTTAGE GROVE An.Reasonable Prices Quick Service36!59 Conago Grove Ave.CHICAGOSub Postal Station 203W. L. JansenPHAR.MACISTDancingRosalie Music HallAdult Classes, Monday EveningDancing Party after each lessonopen to those outside of class.Children's Classes, Saturday andMondayGymnastic Dancing FridayAfternoonETHELYN BAH.ER FOSTERTeacherOf Gilbert Normal School of Social andCluaic Dancins, Boston.Studio: 348 W. 67th StreetTel. 1409 NormalAd,ertlse In the Dal� Maroon Practice EconoDlYBuy your clothes direct from the greatestmanufacturer of woolens. \Ve control::r2 mills throughout the eastern states andoperate 45. Retail stores in towns of anyprominence. : : : : : : We sell our goodsFrom MILL to MAN' Directand guarantee you a saving on yoursuit or overcoat of from $8.00 to $12 005000 Styles ofNobby Suitings and Oyerco�tings to Order$15 No MoreNo Less $15Cut according to the prevailing styles�s you like them-long or shortWe will present you with a handsome SuitCase FREE OF CHARGE, on allorders booked tomorrowBring this ad with youSATUR.DAY, OCT. 28thUNITED WOOLEN MILLS CO.258 State StreetBetween Jackson and Van BurenBROOKSI:1all Clothes ReadyClII' Fall Models for this season arecicply elegant.Fabrics of every description in Suits,Overcoats, Cravenettes. One uniformprice, tl5.00."Such Clothes asThese MakeFooling WDhCustom Tailors aWaste of Money"We are now delivering, ready to wear,the best suit or overcoat in America, thekind that fit and retain their shape, handtailored, and guaranteed thesame material used by mer- $15chant tailors in their $25 .and $30 suits and overcoatsat the uniform price • • • . .BROOKS �fSTEM CLOTHES. .140 East Madison StreetMake No Mistake-Be Sure of theNumber-··140··Gh-e a share of your trade toJENKINS BROTHEa.SDRY GOODSandlI.n'. I' ....415-417 E. 63rcl St., Cor. KfmbarkPhone Hyde Park 1188.C,2stablished 1890.) WANTED-toO STUDENTS.Who realize that clean, pur. food ..eaaenti&l for a elear, aetive brain, totake their meal8 ,.t the Hygiea Duu..aRooms, 5759 Drexel Ave., comer G8UtCt., one Iquare wut of Cobb Hall., , Nothing but the bellt ia good enougL "Meal tieketl, ts.OO. Give u. & faUtrial. B.. EASON, liar.Try Tolu, Tar and Wild Cherry. for.that COUCh. Uniyenit7 PbarmacT �E. 55th St.Send a po.tal eard to M. Wolf. B.. pays the higheR priee. for cut Mail orden promptly at­tended to. 49 0 'Brien .treet, Cldeap.If 700 w16 to �... a poelU.. tieteach call on or write to Jam.. P. lieCullooch. RalIWQ ElJ:claaop. .Ic.p.For a.ntTO RENT-!?pacious and attractivesingle and separate room, unfurnished orfurnished; rest of apartment occupied bytwo University people. Apply only at 3dapartment north, 5716 Madison Ave.Establidaed 1873.AMES HATS,z.oo '3.00A FAI� DE.AL WITH &VZayBAT161-163 It. -..u.oD St., Dear I.a SalleOur FOUNTAIN is open all yearBEST rca CREA.M SODA IN TOWNRAM.ABE'S PHARMACY..... crlptloft DI'1I •• I.t.Telephone H. P. 46457th StTftt and Lake Ave., CmCAGOGeorge F. AihenBARBER SHOP446'lla Street. Clalc •• oFirst-c .... Shaving and Hair CuttingCigars Boot Black in A.ttendance