f The Daily Mar"1!Ibltabl'd 4ft.mOOD. by tb. Studpllt. of ·hf' l'q .... ,.,tv .. , Cblca20 Dorta, tIlrM JQ.art.r. of til. UD1't'C:laitv Y_' I.� •VOL. III. No. 155 PRICE Two CENTSCHICAGO, ,MONDAY, JUNE 12, 1905SENIORS OWN CAMPUS· W. A. A. ANNUAL BANQUET THE MONTHLY MAROON IS OUT PREP MEET SUCCESSFULClass Day Properly Observed Al­though Rain Tries to InterfereWith ProgramBaseball Game Won by Seniors-OratioDby Joseph L. Lewinsohn-Pre­sentation of BenchThe Class of U05 had possessionof the campus today. From theraising of the class flag at 10 o'clockuntil four o'clock. when the forty­eighty meeting ·of the Universitycongregation was held, the men andwomen of 1905, in their caps andgowns, held full sway.Promptly at 10 o'clock the seniorsgathered about the flag-pole to raisetheir emblem. Dean Shepardson,the first speaker, told of the irapor­tance of being loyal to the flag afterleaving school. He then said thatwith the raising of the flag, '05would take complete possession ofthe campus for the day. Lee Max­well responded for the seniors.Instead of the class farce, whichwas to have been the next numberon the program, the Varsity bandgave a concert at the "C" bench.The rain marred this part of theexercises, but the shower was ashort one and did not interfere seri­ously.After the concert the seniors, ledby the band, made a farewell pro­cession around the campus. Allthe buildings were passed andgreeted.The seniors won the indoor base­ball grme, played on the campusnorth of Haskell, scoring five runsto the Junior'S four. The lineupwas as follows:1905-Wm. J. Sherman, CaptainHugo Friend Albert HopkinsHenry C. Sulcer James S. RileyLee Maxwell GeorgeRobinsonClyde A. Blair Geo. Schobinger1906--Felix HughesBurton GaleC. A. BruceC. F. KennedyM. S. CatlinLuncheon was served at 1 o'clockin Lexington Hall for the grr du­ates. After luncheon there was anintermission until 2:30, when theclass exercises were held at thebench. Cyrus GarnettJames HickeyH. L. WillettRalph CobbThe program was:Introductory Speech by the President ofthe Class, Clyde Amel Blair.Presentation of the Universlty Hammerto the Class of 1900. Edwin DeForrestButterfield.Pesponse on behalf of the Class of 1906.Howanl Levansellaer Willett.Presentation of the Cap and Gown tothe Class of 1900.Response on behalf of the Class of 1907.Margaret Persis Brown.Presentation of the Clas." Gift to theUniversity. Clyde Amel Blair,Response for t11C l 'niversity. FrancisWayland Shepardson, Dean of the SeniorColleges.Class Poem. Theodora Leigh Richards.Class Oration. Joseph Lewis Lewinsohn.Presentation of the Senior Bench to theClass of 1906. Frederick Adolph Speik.Response on behalf of the Class of 1900.Evon Zartmann Vogt,University Song. "Alma Mater." Eighty Members of the Association DineIn Lexington Gym Saturday lIi&ht­Emblems Will Be Awarded to llanyThe fifth annual Women's Ath­letic banquet was given under theauspices of the Women's AthleticAssociation, in the women's gym­nasium, Saturday evening. Therewere eighty girls present, specialguests being Dr. Judson, Dr. andMrs. Tufts and Mr. and Mrs. L. L.Miller of Danville, 111., and Mrs.Ortmayer.The cheers and singing wouldhave been a credit to a pre-Michi­gan game massmeeting, while theprogram was excellent. Miss RhueMyrtle Miller presided as toast­master.The following girls will be recipi­ents of the emblems, indicatingthat they have played on finalteams, won first points in meets, orwon a tournament.Basket Ball-E the 1 Vaughn,Mary Murphy, Helen Roney, MarieOrtmayer, Marie McEroy, EtnaRobey, Margaret Spence, FlorenceMoran, Olga Anderson, EvelynCulver, Mary Smith.Base Ball-Augusta Scott, MarieDaszkiewiez, Katherine Golden,Bernice Dodge, Myrtle Miller,Ellen Cooney, Shirley McDonnel,Elizabeth McFarland, Signa Bos­trum, Lucy Porter, Gladys Gay­lord, Helen Hurd. Frances Crane.Elizabeth Miner, Edith Terry ,Ethel Terry, Hazel Kelly.Hockey-Elizabeth Markey, Eliz­abeth Markey, Edith Moore, B.Clark, Florence Chancy, StellaMorrison, Edna Schmidt, RuthWade, Agnes. Whiteford, EleanorWhiteford, Anne Davis, FriedaSchmidt,. Mildred Faville, T. Rich­ard, Mabel Payne. Helen Smith,A. Bigelow, Edna Martin, W. Ger­rity, Frances Carver, J. Weret­heimer, G. Bouton, Florence Scott,L. Dymond.Gymnastic Contest-Avis Fiske,Helen Freeman, Mary Heap, MarieOrtmayer.Tennis-Alice Hillman.COBVOCATIOll( ARRAlfGEIIDTSExercises Stan at 8:30 A. "-Senicaat 10:30 A. _,The arrangements for Convo­cation Day have been completed,and the last day of the class of 1905on the campus will begin at 8:30tomorrow morning with the Matu­tinal for Candidates for HigherDegrees. This will be at theQuadrangle Club instead of thePresident's House.The Fifty-fifth University Con­vocation will be held at 10:30 A.M.at Mandel Assembly Hall. TheConvocation Address will be givenby William Peterson LL.D., C.M.G., Principal of McGill University.Montreal. He will speak on "TheEarliest Un i ve r sit i e s and theLatest."The Convocation Chaplain willbe the Rev, Mr. Warner.The University Luncheon will beat 12:30 P. M. in Hutchinson Hall.Tickets will be rJOc, and have beenon sale at the Information for thepast week. There will be seatsfor 425 people. JUDe Con'Yocation IIwnber of Literary Mag­azine The Best Iuued Thul Far-Con­tains Good Stories.The June number of the MonthlyMaroon, convocation special, ap­peared on the campus this morning.The features of the issue are thelead story, a criticism of the BenGreet players, by James WeberLinn. and three poemsby MarjorieBenton Cooke, whose work on mag­azines have won her a national rep­utation. Two stories by NewtonA. Fues.s le, ,ICravens--His Mis­sion" and ClHis Lady's Pleasure,"ClAt the Informal," by Don M.Compton, &CAn Invitation," byElizabeth Munger, a poem, II AMidway Aftermath," and &CHow tobe a Novelist by Correspondence,"by Luther D. Fernald, make upthe literary features of the maga­zine. The usual departments ofVarsity View and Alumni are pres­ent, and a number of pictures ofUniversity buildings. The editorialis particularly noteworthy. Afterreviewing the work of the year theeditor says: "We know that Th�Monthly Maroon is better than whenwe took hold of it last January: ourfriends have told us so, our enemieshave admitted it, and PresidentHarper says so. But still we arenot satisfied. The magazine is notyet what it should be, and the reas­on. therefor is the fact that the edi­tors work under terrific odds, andwork hard too.Practically all the manuscriptthat is obtained and printed is got­ten by strenuous "rustling' TheEnglish courses at the Universityare so arranged as to give studentsa chance to produce marketablestuff. English 5 and 6 are givento short story work of easternmagazine nature. Consequentlywhen a good tale is produced it isimmediately sent east to some tencent magazine. A factor in thiscourse is the University of Chi­cago's prevailing spirit of com­.mercialism. The student spirit is:Give the story to the student pub­lication if you can't sell it some­where.Next year's regime will have aneasier time than we have had. Ifwe have succeeded in turning moreattention to the Monthly and mak­ing it more readable, we are con­tended and will die happy, editor­ially speaking.Score Club InitiatedThe following freshmen were in­iated into the Score Club. Nor­man Barker, George C. Bliss, JamesH. Green, Earl Smith, Karl HDixon, Henry B. Roney, Keath T.Byford, Fred T. Robinson, EugeneA. Willis, Herbert M. Harwood,Wilson A. Austin, Frank Temple-ton, B. C. Tompkins, H H. Chand­ler, C. B. Childs, L. RaymondFreer, Arthur C. Allyn, Paul J.Judson" Harvey Fuller, Daniel W.De Prez, Third annual Inter-Scholastic Ath­letic Conference Surpasses AllExpectationA. Rose, Oak Park, and L. Talbott Tiefor Individual Cup-Lewis WinsMeet with Twelve PointThe third annual inter- scholasticis past and gone, leaving behindrecords of its being the hugest andbest affair of its kind ever held.The meet augurs all the better forChicago inter-scholastics in thefuture because of the fact thatthirty seven out of seventy-sevenschools represented scored pointsvarying in number from twelve toone-half.In the quality of the work doneby the contestants, the meet alsosurpasses those of former years.Eight new records were set, asfollows:A. Rose of Oak Park-Half-milerun, 2:02 3-5. Old record, 2:04.W. P. Steffen of North DivisionHigh-One hundred and twentyyards high hurdles, 0:16. Oldrecord, 0:16 1-5.Butler of Englewood High-One­mile run, 4:40 4-5. Old record,4:44 1-5. .N. A. Merriam, Wayland Acad­emy-Fourhundred and forty yardsrun, 0:52 as. Old record, 0.532·5.W. Ben-Olie1, Ann Arbor, Mich.­Two-mile run, 10:30. First record.J. N. Patterson, Detroit U. S.­Running high jump, 5 feet 10"inches. Old record, 5 feet 10�inches.L. Talbott, Manual Training,Kansas City, Mo.-Discus, lOS feet11 inches. Old recorn, 107 feet8X( inches.C. Watson, Lewis Institute­Broad jump, 22 feet � inch. OldRecord, 21 feet 2� inches.Of these records, those in thehigh-jump, mile, and hundred yarddash are perhaps the most notable.The broad-jump also, which waswon by Watson of Lewis Institute,was better by far than that usuallydone by high-school men.Though he broke no records atthe meet, the work of Talbott ofthe Manual training school of Kan­sas City is worthy of note. Talbotttied for the individual cup awardedto the men who won most points,with Rose of O� Park, who didmuch fine work, winning the halfand quarter. A separate cup willbe given each.At the start the pole-vault didnot give promise of being up to theusual standard; but as the contestwent on, the event became more in­teresting and the record was indanger. Rogers. of the Robert A.Waller High School tried elevenfeet but failed.The scores by schools follows:Lewis Institute 12; Oak Park,Kansas City Manual, North Divis­ion, and Detroit University schoolwere tied for second, with countsof 10 points each. The remainingscores were: Englewood, 9; Louis­ville High, 8; Morgan Park, 8;Continued on page 4, column 3�----- .. ---OI'FICU!. STA-TENeT OF RUSHCHICAGO, MONDAV, JUNE 12.1905ltbe JDatl� maroonDr. lficholu Senn Remains AI Ilead ofSurgical DepartmentIn view of the errors which haveappeared in the press concerningthe changes in the Clinic of Surg­ery at Rush Medical College. thefollowing was issued last Friday:, 'Dr. Nicholas Senn remains at thehead of the Surgical Department ofRush Medical College and willhave entire charge of the clinicalteaching of surgery during the Fallquarter."Dr. Senn bas' .also been electedProfessor of Surgery in the Uni­versityof Chicago and wi11lectureto the medical class at the Univers­ity upon the principles of surgicalemergencies."Dr. John B. Murphy has beenelected Professor of Surgery inRush Medical College, and with Dr.Arthur Dean Bevan, will havecharge of the administrative detailsof the Department of Surgery inthe college, and. will conduct theclinical teaching of surgery duringthe remainder of the year."FRANK BILLINGS,WILLIAM R. HARPER.I'ormerl7 u.. Uatnralt7 of Chlcap W_kl:r..-ovlQ)JII)TIM Unl",·a1t7 ot Chic. Weekl:r. Oct. 1. 1892TID; DAILY�. - - - Oct. 1. "902NBWS CON'I'BIBUTIONS REQVESTJr.D.PabllalM4 b:r the .u4.nta of the Unlnr­.1t7 .f Chleaao ."'.17 afternoon. e:z:cept8at� aDd SuncJa:r. durlq three .uar­bin of the Un ..... ralt)' :rear.rtnt boarc1 of e41tora and bualn... maD­aav authorbe4 b:r .ud.nt-bod, lD maymeetiDa II.,. 1&. 1802-lI.mbera1lip OD .ubeequ_t boar4a ofe41ton to be d.termlDe4 by eompeUUen__ te all .u4.nta lD the Unlnralt,.BOARD or JmITORS.lIanqiDa B41ter ••••• HarTJ W. J'oI'CJ. '05Ne .. Hdltor .••••.••••.••• Walter I.. Gr�ty. '05Athletic: Hditor •.•••....••..•••...•. Joho s. Wnght. 'OSA8SOCL&.TB IlDlTORS.Ilalph P. IIDl",ane. ·05.Dhrar4 II. I{enrlD. ·08.Le Ra, A. Van PatteD. ·08., C. Arthur Bruc., '06.Claude Schofield, ·07Wm. A. McDermid. 'OJBernard I. Bell. '07Wm. H. Hatfield, '06WOllEN EDITORS.... lIarle Ortma,.r. II ... H.eleD Smith. '06:Mia Cecil PalmerSTAlI'J' or REPORTERS.Miss Etoa Robey, '07 •• Kclt.eoDa, Rush, '05, R. Hddy Mathews. '07Herbert M. Harwood. 'OS, R.}t. Baldwin, '07B. G. Felaentbal, 'OS. Chaa. A. PaltzeT. '05George H. Brown. 'OIS Luther D. Fernald. ·OISMake-up man to-day-Wm. A. McDennidBUSINESS STAJI'J'.Bum... lIanqer .•.• Herbert I. MarkhamAg't Bu •• Manapr •••••• John Worle,. Jr.Nrculatioa MgT., •••••••••••••••••• W. M. Ruffcornhtere4 .. MCOn4-c:l.. mall at Chleacopostomee. SEEING COLORADODuring the Epworth League Convention at Denver, July 5th to 9th theDENVER AND RIO GRANDE R.R."The Scenic Lines of the World"will make low rates to all the principalsummer resorts and Scenic points of in­terest in Colorado and Utah. Also to theYellowstone Park, California and theLewis and Clark Exposition at Portland.For rates and full information writeS. K. HOOPER, R. C. NICHOL,G. P. & T. A Gen'l Agent,Denver, Colo. 242 Clark St.Chicago, Ill.r, OallJ SubllCrlpUoo. $3 ,.ear: $1 for a m_.e,. lIal1 In CIt)' $4 ,.ar: $1.215 for 3 mOLSubscrlptloo. recelnd at Tim iLuIooNo alee. Ellis Hall. or len 10 TID IhBooN80][. the Faculty EltchallP. Cobb Hall.NOT RESPONSIBLE. FOR COPIESLOST THROUGH CHANGE OF AD­DRESS.NoUc -Subscribers: The Dally Ma­roon will be sent to you frOID quarterto quarter unless sou order It discon­tinued_Subscribers are reque.ted to noUlythe circulation departlDent 01 theirchance 01 address or their desire todiscontinue subscriptions.II, iPrloted b, Qua4rancle Press. 404 B. 66th. Are you Golnc to be at HOlDe Durlncthe SUIDIDerl" EDITORIALS -IWITH the exercises of Junior dayand the interscholastic out of theway the interest of the campus nowcenters in the final doings of theseniors. With the observance ofthe time honored customs of classday the seniors this afternoon gavetheir formal farewells to the build­ings and the campus which havebecome endeared to them throughfour years of undergraduate life.The class of 1005 has been one ofthe strongest in its work for Chicagcin athletics and all other branchesof student endeavor, and we feelsure the loyalty of the members of1905 will never waver in years tocome. Loyal students make loyalalumni, so the University expectsIlluch of the member� of this year'sclass. The members of the threelower classes will join ia makingthe last few days of th(; stay of theseniors as pk�li( and as rich inmemory as possible. If so you can go ahead with your pres­ent plans for the disposition of your time,and in addition to the money you now in­tend to make, you can be of help to usand clear as much more without inter­fering in any way with your originalplans. Write at once to I. E. Springer,Jr .• 8().1 Security Building, Chicago.Notice to GraduatesSpecial rates on graduation picturesat Martyn's Maroon Studio. Cap andgown on hand.U. of C. Photographer,57<X> Cottage Grove Ave.FOWlES aLOVESwill .. worn 10 .......this season thanothers - - that Is,other glov .. � �A Necessityfor right shaving, and a heal­ing balm every time you applyit to your face-WILLIAMS' SHAVINGSTICKFrench Dramatic Club PlayThe first performance given bythe new French dramatic club ofthe University, "Lf-.s Enfants de laMere Loye," was given in thtReynolds Club theatre last Thurs­day afternoon. It is the intentionof the members of the club to givetwo performances e-ach year. Ifpossible these plays will be original,or if not plays written by popularFrench authors will be used. I. M. PATTERSONProprietor JOHN CLARKManagerAll orders, day or night, fiDeclpromptly........ Part LIYIIJSuccessor toJ. H. Kintz •ua Eo. .1f17�.D" StreetTe1ephoae Hyde Park {� "During June we will reduceprices on many patterns toeven up our stock."NICOLL,TheTAILORClark and Adams StreetsDo You Kno'W" Anythingthat will offer you a better opening thanField Workfor a good Life Insurance Company?If not. write toH. F. NORRIS. Supt. of Agencies.THE NOR THWESTE.RN MUTUAL LIFEINSURANCE COMPANYMilwaukee. Wis.THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE antiSTORAGE COMPANY• ........ 117 .. Park 171 IICIMBARIC AVE. aDd FlPTY-.5IX'I1I .....The Cleaaest and Best Kept StorqeWarehouse 10 the City • • �FDI'IIitara ad PlaDos MOftd. Stored. Packed aacl Shipped to all .....the world. aoo Pra"' ... $to ..... It..... I.ar2e Parlor Exdasiftl:r"Pluo&. Roams far TJ1IDb aDd Wheels. I.ar2e Room for earn.-.B� ad Sleic" TR1JBJtS TO .&lID PRO • .RIo DBPOTB.I.-.laa..-._ ............. �ete.. .. short DOticc.__ 1JMcIaI ...... ana t. Vld'l'enlt:r 0dIIa.Phone Hyde Park 1069 Open ev.:nings tillSMilS Hannah M. HartLa.dies· Bairdressinc a.ndMa.nic'briug ParlorsElectric Scalp Treatment and Facial Mas·sage a Sf ecialty242 EAST 55th STl\.EE. T·NEWCOLLARWhere Do YOU GetVour Newspapers, Periodicals and Sta­tioneryrAT NORTON'S.Free Delivery.�8 57th Street. Phone 116 Hyde ParkE. BURNHAMHAIR GOODSELECTROLYSISFacial Massage. Manicuring, I.adies HairDrnaing aod Mllnicuring, Ladie'S' Turkish aodRussiau Baths. 70 and 71 State St., ChicagoThe comfortable, con\'enient andleast expensive way to travel.SER. VICE THE BEST TOGRAND RAPIDSFARE. 12.00. : 7:45 p.m. Daily.MUSKEGON, GRAND BA VENFARE, !1.50. : 7:45 p.m. Daily.MIL'W' A UKEEFAREGO BY BOATGOODRICHUNE t-STEAM ERS $1.008:00 p.m. DailyDocks FootMichigan Ave, Steamers &sterr:. Slates and Westem StainThe. DIRECT and POPULARROUTE to POINTS WESTDAILY SERVICE, MAY 10thhnprDftCl ��Seninl (1& boan) nc-BUFFALO and DETROITLy. DIlII"aIe 1IaIJf. 5.10 P. L .lr. D.tnoh, '2" &. ..\:oD��.'!t�.{��f�,J'f..!,�mtJaLy. I .. ,.-.1& DalI,. 5.00 P. L .lr. BatraJe, 8.00 &. LConnpcunll: "ith all :a.rorniD8'TraiDa for PoiJda EMl.J�te betw_ 8ull'"lo and De&mit",5O 0IIe _,.1.:.-..;.0 round trip. DenIaa 'LOG, iL50l ��O • ..,h diftdiou.'l'h;::';��l!����&1IIlBaD.RAIL TlCKETP HOIIOR£D Oil STEA.£RSAU Cta-N of Tickets .olel nlldiDlr yv. GraDel Trat.lUc:�"aD c.ntnrJ ancI WabMh Rail_,.., bet'WeeIa But.���J:!."l';:i��cl�=�':Det.roi&. A. A.. SCa.u-"TZ,O.SAP.T.JI .. �I Established 1873.AMES HATS,2.00 13.00A FAIl\. D£AL WITH EVERTHAT161-163 B. -.aiIoD St., near La SaD.CRAS. A. LA. WHENCE,Manqer and DirectorLAWRENCE ORCHESTRA�Iect Mosie for all eelf!ct Ol"CUio ....Your .. tronqe eolicited.Residence 5146 Roane Coort.Qak:qo.Tel. Ibde Puk 1481.Give a share of your trade toJE.NKINS BR.OTHERSDRY GOODSan4Men·s FurnlshlDI.415-417 E. 63rd St., Cor. KimbarkPhone Hyde Park 118R(Established 1800.)The Varsity Cafe.1. £. 55th STRE.E. Tt;p-to-date Culinary Service.Special Rates to Students.Catering to Small Parties anel Families====:ou short notiocee==== '1I· 1I ALDORFARROWQUARTER SIZECOLLARSAre made of fabrics shrunkbefore bein� cut by theClupeco process. This in­sures permanent and exactsize. Over 100 styles.15c each; 2for 25cCLUEn. PEABODY & CO.Larsest makers of Collars & Shirtsin tbe worldIf you do not see what youwant. ask for itWe carry such n variety of stock thatpossibly the particular article youneed is not in view. If not. ask forIt, It is more than likely thaI W"will be able to supply the desiredarticleROSALIF. PHARMACYJ. J. GILL. Ph. G ••Phone H. P. 175 274 E. 57th St.Every Studentshould have in his posses :iona report of the OLYMPICGAMES, contained in Spald­ing's Athletic Library No. 217,written by James E. Sullivan,Chief of the Department ofPhysical Culture and Directorof Olympic Games of 1904.The book also contains re­ports of the games of 1896_ and 1900, and hundreds ofpbotographs taken expresslyfor this work, including pictures of all the champions.The edition is limited andthe price, 10 cents, makes itpossible for all to secure a copy.A. G. SPALDING & BROS.Ncw York Chicago PhiladelphiaDelIver Syracuse llinneapolisSL Louis Buffalo CincinnatiBoston Kansas City San FranciscoBaltimore Pittsburg WashingtonNcw Orleans Montreal. Can. London, Eng.Spalding's catalogue of all athletic sports mail-ed free to any address.MUSSEY'SBDliard Halls and Bowling AlleysThe Largest and Finest AmusementResort in the World100 to 108 Madi.on StreetBraDCb: 818 DaN SL. RvaDatODKE.ENANFLORIST6UI Wentworth '18. - Pbone Went 3634tt East 63rd SL • PboDe B. P. 6461Fresh cut flowers, seeds, plants and bulbs.Gold Fish and Aquaria SuppliesBstablished 1878 Incorporated 1902A. A. Devore &; SonTAILORSPullman BuildingWe make a specialty of high grade DressSUIts for young men.Ask AnJ U ..... rcI.ssm.n Who··I'AllOUS" II.He will tell JVU that "I'amoua" .. themaD wtIo paw 7OUI' el0tJM8 In pocl CICIIl­dillon aDd doeB 6nt� ... wort In re­pairlnc aDd pIWBiDc.See him OIl the campa... AIIOU8 TAILORING GO.,...... BInet.,... � Put crroo.. PARRY'S FUTURE IS PROMISINGCHICAGO, MONDAY. JUNE 12, 1905Claillfled AdvertisementsTHE LATEST SOCIETY FADTrack Captain-Elect Now Re,arded as Oneof the Greatest Weight ThrowersEd Parry, the captain of nextyear's track team, is regarded asone of the most promising weightmen in the country. Parry has twomore years of competition andalready has to his credit a mark of136 feet in the discus and WO feet inthe hammer. In the Conferencethis year he WOll the hammer andtook second in the discus. Hisform in the hammer is peculiar ashe throws with only one arm. Noother athlete in the country hasbeen successful with this style ofthrowing. John. De \Vitt. the ex­Princeton weight man, and holderof the intercollegiate record in thehammer, watched Parry work atthe Conference Saturday and saidthat he would set a new world'srecord before leaving college.Parry entered from the OskaloosaHigh School. He was on thefreshmen football team in 19(}2 andplayed on the varsity eleven inlH03 and 1904, being chosen as All­\Vestern tackle last Fall. He is amember of Skull and Crescent audof Delta Upsilon.Rush BaccalaureateThe Baccalaureate sermon at theRush Medical College was de­livered Sunday afternoon, June 11at half past three, in the UpperAmphitheatre, by Rabbi Emil G.Hirsch,Phone Hyde Park 1310I also do Cleaning, Dyeing and RepairingM. SCHIFFMAN,Fine TailoringSuits Made to Order408 E. 63d StreetMR. WORKERYou cannakenore MoneySelling our goods than Books,School Supplies, or anything else!\Ve haven't room enough here toshow you wby but win tell youby mail if you send your address.CHASE BROTHERS COMPANYROCHESTER, N. Y.U Interested in Bowling or Bil­liards, you should have a privateten pin ball or cue. Price ofTen Pin Balls $4.00. Fancy cues$1.00 to $4.00 each.1runswIck· ..... COI ....... c..263-265 Wabash Ave. .WHV use poor, unwholesome.It milk, when for the samemoney you can get itPure. Sweet and ExtraordinarilyRich, delivered in sealed bottles, bycalling up Telephone South 817, ordropping a postal toSIDNEY WANZER I SONS I·305-7 Thirtieth St. BUSINESS CARD�Ice Cream. �oda. CaDdie.\\'c regulate your temperature in hotweather. Our Soda Water is Cold andDelicious. Ice Cream Parlor in connec­tion, PORTLAND PHARMACY, N. E. Cor.GOth St., anel Washillgto_n_A_�_·e_. _DrusaTry Tolu, Tar and Wild Cherry, for,that cough. University Pharmacy 660E. 55th St.ClsaretteaIllinois not being Wisconsin or Indianawe are still selling the Egyptian Deities:Pall .MallMogulD of YorkMuradA.tion, etc.Your nearest place for cigarettes, PORT­LAND PlIARMABY. N. E. Cor. 80th St.and Washington Ave.RestauraDt.Have you tried the Lexington Restaur­ant and Lunch Room for meals? "L"Station 520 E. 63rd Street.W�nted TeachersIf you wish to secure a position toteach call on or write to JaDles F. Mer.nllour:h. Railway Exchange. Cblcqo.C. A. Scott & Co., proprietors of theBridge Teachers' A�ency, 2A Beaconstreet, Boston, are seeking desirable can­didates for college ann private school po­sitions in the Western States. Candidateswho woulc1 accept a university position toteach English at a salary of �1,�, andacademic positions to teach French andGennan at salaries from flOO to SI,OOOshould write at once. L MANASSE, 0PI1C1AN........ st..ne- ........,... , ... Id " .. _�.,_T .........e:=t:..... fa !K81ab,aa-. ... .......Dr. James Oregon Dunn(v. 0 .. o. ·015)DENTIST59:! H. 43rd St.Near elevated station. Phone Gray 182f;25.00 PER WEEK DURING YOUR VACA­TION. WE WANT COLLEGE STUDENTS toact as our representatives and take ordersfor our new line of Up-TO-DATE goods,ENTIRELY NEW, QUICK SELLERS,during your vacation to pay your tuitionfor next term. Write for particulars to­day. UNIVERSAL MANUFACTURINGCOMPANY PITPSAURG PA.TailorsFor fine tailoring go to 364 E. 63rd St.Mon·. WearThe very best grade of Men's \Vear forUniversity of Chicago students is kept byJ. R. Wilcox at 590 East f)3rd St.- For RentFor Rent -Two front rooms finelyfurnished. Mrs. Dink, 5828 Ingleside.3rd flat.For Rent-Two pleasant furnishedrooms en suite Or single. Privilege oflight housekeeping. Keyes, 6025 EllisAve.WantedWanted=-Several reliable young men towork in circulation department for theInter Ocean, Inquire Room 11.For �aleFOR SALE-Official newspaper routein neighborhood of the University addressC., care Maroon.TilE COllEGE OF DENTISTRtUNIVERSITY of ILLI NOISLocated on the West Side in thecenter of the greatest Medicaland Dental Community on earthOFFERS UNSUR.PAS�ED CLINIC.AL ADVi\NTAGE�Every opportunity for l_)racticaland scientific dental training isafforded. In6rmary, Laborator­ies and Lecture Hall modern andcomplete in every detail.For particulars address:B. J. CIGRAIm, •• s., D.D.S., DeanComer IIarri80n aDd Honore Sta., ClakagoDREXEL CAFETHE STUDENTS' DmmG ROO.MRS. A. H. FARRELL£, Prop.Weddings and Parties Suppliedon Short NoticeAddress: 652 E. 57th STREET E. C. II 0 0 R E... Ilorist ...Z7Z E. FIFTY.FlFTH ST.• Tolo., •• D. B740 Par.. 38 •Phone: H. P. 7294 BORDEN'SCOl!lD_'SED mLK, I'LUID JIlL£,CUAJI AlfD BUTTEltllILItALL BOTTLED IN THE cottlnWrBORDEN'S CONDENSED MILK Co..2T .. aa E. FORTY-.EYE,"" aT.Call and see A Fact You HaYB ORrlookeDWHAT?When patronizing a ....... storewhy not II tlA.P.DEWEY&CO.612 E. 63d St. Tel. H. P. 254-255A trial will COnY�CI 'OU hlnII thl place tl tradethe PicturesTeJepboDel Hyde Park 18 aa4 Hyde Park 695A. McAdamsTHE UNIVERSITY FLORISTCaKENHOUSES : on'" A 'GOc-.ulat. ad � 11ft. �DevelopsBone. B:ainandBrawnC. A IOUnd mind in a sound�y is the ideal which everyratJODaI man seeks to attain.This'" ide a I is a question ofproper food, andShreddedWheat Biscuitwill produce the desi� resumeIt is made from the choicestw.eat and nothing ebe. tlltis a known fact that wheat con­tains all the elements of thehuman body and bra in. Itbuilds moxie, bone, teeth andUgny matter." tl Try Trt.­CUI" the whole wheat cradermed as a toast or wafer."n.,..�--::" ... "nw Natural Food eo.N ....... I" ..... N.y.The FamlUi Morris Pen.., Plotul'll, 25 ... rm .................... tor 210.(exact size )In five different posi­tions and a free IOU­veair button.6U E. 63d Straet, nearEnia Aft. (Groundfloor.) SittiDgs madeSUD., Wed. Ud Sat.eftDiDgs.CHICAGO, MONDAY, JUNE 12 1905The Most Elegantly FurnishedSmoking and Dining Cars on anyEleotrlc Railroad In the World20th CENTURY TRAVEL"The Way to Go"To the begrimed and sooty trav­eler of the steam train, a fifty orhundred mile trip 011 an electricrailway is at once arest and a pleas­ure. The steady increase in throughtravel among electric roads is re­markable, showing as it does thata properly equipped and managedelectric railway meets the require­ments of the man of business aswell as the man of leisure;Pre-eminent among the new eraof railways is the Dayton & Wes­tern, the popular "way to go"-theshort line between Dayton,Ohio andIndianapolis, Ind. Sup e r b I yequipped with new rolling stock; awell kept rock ballasted road bed of108 miles with scarcely a curve;two over- head tressles crossingsteam road tracks with perfect safe­ty; an hourly schedule and a parlorbuffet service between its termini;baggage facilities unequaled; acorps of neatly uniformed andalways courteous employees-it isindeed small wonder that the formersteam road traveler is now' our bestfriend. His trip over the Dayton& Western gives him freedom fromsmoke, cinders and dust, he chooseshis own hour of leaving, and heandhis baggage is carried to the city'sbusiness center, or to the door ofhis hotel without the annoyanceand expense .of transfer.The only difference in appoint­ments between this electric line andone of the transcontinental flyers isthat the former has no sleepers.The parlor car, however, is of thenewest model, the movable wickerchairs are cemfortably upholsteredand broad windows give travelers achance to view the surroundingconn try through which they fly, as". , though they were occupying an ob­servation car.Once inside the Interstate Limitedall suggestion of a trolley line islost sight of. The highly polishedwoodwork and trim, the soft velvet• carpet, the electric globes. 4111, infact, are on the highest scale of ele­gance and luxury.Lnstead of busy and ungracioustrolley conductors, for sometimesthese employes are not the most at­tentive in the world, the parlorbuffet train is run by a suave andcourteous crew, from the uniformeddriver to the immaculate whiteaproned porter-chefWhen the luncheon hour arrivesregular little buffet car tables areset up. and travelers may availthemselves of a dainty and appetiz­ing menu, which offers a choice ofoysters on the half shell, fruit,soups, cold meats, eggs,sand wiches,cheese, coffee, teas and cigars.The prices are moderate and it ispossible to enjoy a three or fourcourse meal with a fair variety ofdishes for seventy-five cents. Withgood service, dainty napery, spark­ling glass and silver, this seems anot unusual price to pay for a mealwhich is primarily a great timesaver.Business men find the buffet agreat convenience, for they canleave either end of the road just be­fore luncheon or even at the break­fast hour and arri ve at the otherterminus ready to begin their im­portant business affairs without de­lay. The time thus saved, both bythe traveling speed and the possib­ility of lunching quietly and with­out a rush en route, make the newelectric line of incalculable value tothe public., One car on this trolley train is de­voted exclusively to smokers. Theircomfort and wants have been ascarefully studied and provided foras though the passengers were em­Larking on a journey to the Pacificslope. It is to be doubted if any ofthe superb club cars that pull outthe Grand Central or Pennsylvaniastations filled with New York mil­lionaires on their way to their coun­try homes are any more elegantlyfurnished than these smoking carson the Middle Western electric line.Every luxury provided. Thereare two rows of leather cushionedchairs in this compartment, andcard tables and smoking requisitesare at hand to increase the personalcomfort of those who are eligibleto the smoke shrouded section.Following the precedent estab­lished by some of the special trainson other railroads, the 'InterstateLimited carries no baggage. Alltrunks, bags and luggage must beforwarded on ordinary electric trainseither preceding or following thespecial.On account of the abundance of�ame in the district through whichthe Dayton and \Vestern line runsspecial accommodations are offeredto hunters during the game season.Each Nimrod is allowed to carry adog free on combination cars, sothat during the winter monthsseekers after hare, plover, wood­cock and snipe are numerousenough to almost call for a specialtrain instead of only a separatecompartment. PREP MEET SUCCESSFULUontiDued from first page, column 4.Wayland Academy, 8; Petersburg,6: Crane, (); Hammond, 5; AnnArbor, 5: Du Quoin, 5; Ida Grove,4; Joliet, 4; Carroll Preparatory, 4;North Dixon, 3; Whitewater, 3;Geneva, 3; Calumet, 3; WendellPhillips, 3; La Grange, 2; GreenBay, 2: Des Moines West High, 2;Fort Atkineon, 2; Sioux City, 2;Pillsbury, 2: Shattuck, 2; Mil·waukee South Division, lYz;Frankfort, 1; Hyde Park, 1; Lin­coln, 1; 'East Division Milwaukee,1; University High, Yz.SCHOOL OF EDUCATION EXERCISESDean Locke Presented Loving Cup byStudents of DepartmentThe Class Day Exercises of theCollege of Education were held inEmmons Blaine Hall, Friday morn­ing. The gift of the class of '05 tothe college, a cast of the Discusthrower, was presented by MissBeatrice Chandler Patton, the classpresident, and received by DeanLocke, on behalf of the college.After the singing by Miss Jewettand Miss Alfred, Dean Locke ad-dressed the class.,At the close of the address thestudent body of the college took theopportunity to present Mr. Lockewith a loving cup as a token oftheir esteem and high regard forhim.In presenting the gift, Mr. Spen­cer J. McCallie, acting for the stu­dents, referred to Dean Locke'ssplendid service to the College ofEducation, calling attention to themany difficulties Mr. Locke has hadtv encounter during the past year.He said in part, "Though thereis general regret at Mr. Locke'sleaving, the entire student body andall others connected with the collegerejoice in his deserved promotion,All who have had the occasion toobserve Dean Locke's energetic ef­forts for the upbuilding of theschool, know that these efforts havesucceeded."The graduating class numberstwenty, of whom eight will receivethe Degree of Ed. B at Convoca­tion.Miss Beatrice Chandler Pattonwill receive the title of Associatein Education. This is the timethus this title, which concludes twoyears' work and anticipates twoyears' further work for a Degreehas been conferred since the organ­ization of the College.The class officers are MissBeatrice Chandeler Patton, Presi­dent; Miss Stella Frances Craig,Secretary, and Miss Alice ElizabethAlfred; Treasurer.IIISS BILLIIAIf TENlOS CBAllPIOKDef .. ts .Ia Borton in Finals and ReceivesFint Vanity PiaMiss Alice Hillman, by defeatingMiss Norton Saturday (;..a, 7·5, wonthe woman's tennis championshipin singles, and as a result has thehonor of wearing the first pinawarded to the winner of the annu­al tennis tournament. The girlswho played in the semi-finals were:Misses Hillman, Norton, Haas andHay.Inter- House Final ScoreThe summaries of the inter-house meetwhich were given in Friday's issue werethose had up to the time of going to press.The final result of the meet was:. Wash­ington House 70, Lincoln n, Sne1l12�. _ VARSITY PLAYGOE.R I"His Excellency the Governor,"the Junior Day play of the Dra­matic Club, added the best to themany successful productions of thatorganization. The audience wasunfortunately rather small but theywere agreeably surprised by theexcellent nature of the performancewhich they witnessed. The writerhas never seen a professional com­pany in this particular play, butthere are many companies whichpurport to be professional that be­tray more crudity and inefficiencythan did the cast in "His Excell­ency."To enumerate the individualswho contributed to the successwould be to name the entire cast,for the work was so uniformly bal­auced and the �.�ting so spontane­ous that individuality was lost. tosight in the pleasure of watchingthe whole.Messrs. Sulcer, Hickey, Butter­field and Flavin, the four "lead"men, were thoroughly competent,while Miss Anthony, Miss Robert­son and Miss Barnett earned un­stinted praise. If any adverse criti­cism were possible, it would be tosuggest that Mr. Butterfield permitsa few gestuses and mannerisms tocreep into his serious parts whichmore legitimately belong to hiscomic characterization. Even thisslight defect is overlooked, however,by those who enjoyed his "Sir Mon­tague" last Friday afternoon.All things considered, this is thebest production which,in the experi­ence of the writer, the' DramaticClub has given. :M.$21.35 to Asbury Park, N. J. $21.35and return, via Nickel Plate Road. Tick­ets good via New York City. Dates ofsale, June 29th and 30th and July 1st and2nd, with extreme return limit of August31st, by depositing ticket Chicago CityTicket Offices, 111 Adams St. and Audi­torium Annex. Depot, LaSalle and VanBuren S15., on Elevated Loop.The most attractive eastern excursionduring the coming summer will be toAsbury Park, N, J., on occasion of theAnnual Meeting of the National Educa­tional Association, July 3rd to 7th inclus­ive, via the l"!'ickel Plate Road and itsconnections, either the West Shore orLackawanna Road, with privilege of stopover at Chautauqua Lake points, NiagaraFans and New York City. Rate $2l.35for the round- trip. Dates of sale, June29th and BOth and July 1st and 2nd, withextreme return limit of August 31st bydepositing ticket Patrons of this routemay have the choice of a ride over themost interesting mountain scenery inNew York and Pennsylvania, andthrough the celebrated Delaware WaterGap, or through the beautiful MohawkValley and down the Hudson River,which also includes the privilege of aride on day line boat on Hudson River,between Albanyand New York City, ineither direction if desired. No excessfare charged on any train on NickelPlate Road. Meals served in NickelPlate dining cars, on American ClubMeal Plan, ranging in price from 35c to$1; also a la carte. Chicago Depot, LaSalle St. Station, comer Van Buren andLa Salle Sts, City ticket offices, 111Adams St., and Auditorium Annex.For further particulars, address JohnY. Calahan. Gcaeral Agent. 113 AdamsSt., Room 298, ChkD&o.DENTIST36g.! 63- STREETTElEPHONE Hyde PMiL 1196