The j... I.,Daily M.. _,.•• 'Y tM 8tadeata of tM UDiftl'8lty ... Cb.lcaco Dadaf � III � Ullinnltr� ..r: on_ _. _ -.VOL. 111. No. 150 CHICAGO, MONDAY, JUNE 5, 1905Plans for the University exten-sion movement, which were an-.. __ A. J.DOl1DCed recently; are now�ogf'(.�- _.======::::=====================iog rapidly and definite plans of The Bonfire and Parade Tonight 9:00organization are being formed:.;, ,Negotiations have been opened for_ college campus at Changsha,China, and diagrams are beingmade for the buildings to be erectedul'\()n it. Tile fund entrusted to thesociety' by the British Governmentmakes possible the erection of a re­citation and faculty hall and a dor­mitory. All the college Buildingswill be erected in the Chinese styleof architecture, as far as is eompat-.ible with the requirements of amodem college. The college is tobe an institution for China, andevery building must emphasize thatfact.Following the custom inauguratedat the beginning of the war, the"Japanese students at Michigan helda banquet Wednesday night in, honor of Togo's victory over theRussian fleet. Toasts to Togo, thearmy, and the Mikado were res-, . ponded . to _ ptriotic feFVOl'-Kiyo Sue Inui acted as toastmasterand the "Sun" flag was draped overhis chair, Another banquet will be, given when Russia's surrender isannounced.Twenty-four membe-rs of the sen­ior class at Nortbwestern Universi­ty have been elected to membershipin Phi Beta Kappa, This numberis twenty per cent of the entireclass.Two students at the Universityof Illinois recently measured theheight at which birds fly duringmigration. Two telescopes were used20 feet apart fonning a base linefor calculation, the birds being ob­served simultaneously. Several werefound to be a half mile high.Publications by Dartmouth pro­fessors have been remarkably num­erous during the past five years.In consequence "The Dartmouth,"in .its last issue, reviewed briefly,all of these publications, whichDumber eighteen.A chapter of the Delta Chi legalfraternity was installed recently atLeland Stanford. This is the firstchapter of Delta Chi to be estab­lished west of the Mississippi.The faculty of the University ofOregon has ruled that no studentwill be permitted to enter morethan two kinds or athletic sports.YALE IN THE FAR EASTFurther Progress in Plana for Col­Jece to be Established inCbanpha, China. Japueae Students at llichlgu OelebrateTOIO'S Victory-Twenty percutBorth­weatem Seniors PhlBetaKappuVarsity GoHera WiaChicago golfers increased theirlead and ea.�ily won from Wi�"OnsinSaturday at Homewood by a finalscore of 17 to O.The results:ChicagoMaxwell "Pettit 3Lambert 5Harwood 1.Magee 4 WisconsinHibbard 0Cavanaugh 0Logan 0Leslie 0Fisher 0", CHAMPIONS OF THE WEST CHEER TEA\lA�DINNERStudents Gather With A11l11l1li iDButchiason Ball .d ,Celebrate-the Victory OYer tJae W��. 'Chicago's, Mighty Track Team Takes Bit InIts Teeth and�Runs away with Great Westem Inter - CollegiateClassic-Michigan was Second but never Dan-gerous - A Bad Day for Fonner Re­, cords-Garrels Sets NewWorlds Mark EnrybOdy Cheers up ..., Vokes the Sell·timents of Director Sta,,--A11111lD1,. Are AcUTe; ,The Chicago students who re­r mained ,. in..... the. bleachers. aft� the1.--.... . . .. _ ', .meelo Saturday and. with bareded heads sang their ., Alma Mater"for the track. heroes who hadbrought them victory, started thegreatest celebration in the historyo( the University. From. the fieldthey went directly to the Commonsi�i the dinner .in honor of 'the trackin the half mile, mile, two mile, dis­cus, pole vault and broad jump.,Weather conditions were ideal andChicago won the fifth Conference'meet and won it decisively. TheMaroons outclassed all rivals in every,department of the day's sport, scor-'ing more points on both track andfield than did Michigan, their near­est riva1.Just one-half of the records set. atthe meet were set by Chicago men.Lightbody tied with Garrels for theindividual medal and the mile relayteam won its event in a fashion tooeasy to talk about. It was a glori­ous victory. (or tbe- Maroon,. themost complete ever scored in theWest and it attested to the fact thatChicago has this year, nol only thegreatest team in the history of theUniversity but the greatest everseen in the West. It is the opinionof many critics that Chicago coulddefeat any team in the Country this- year either in· dual or intercollegiate .competition. .From the time Catlin won tbetrial heat iu the high hurdles until .Clyde Blair romped home a winne�,of the last relay in the mile relayrace, the_ meet was all Chicago's.With the very first event finishedChicago assumed the lead and th islead never was surrendered.In every event on the programexcept three Chicago men �redand in seven they stored first places.Every man on the team outdid him-.self and there was but one disap­pointment � for Chicago the wholeday. That was the defeat of Gro­man in the quarter mile. Groman. got a poor start and was boxed andbumped all the way through therace. When he finally got free ofpress he had not the strength left toovertake the flying WaIIer who fin­ished in :50 flat.Everything considered, the meetwas the best .. yet held by theConference. New records were set the largest crowd ever seen at atrack meet in this section 'of the was in attendance. Director Stagg was a little lateLightbody of Chicago and Gar� 'in arriving but when be happenedrels of Michigan were the heroes of in the doorway he was giventhe meet. These men tied for the an enthusiastic reception, i'heindividual medal with ten points "boosting ctmmitt�", consistingeach. Lightbody taking the half of Willoughby, }Valling,' Ralph,and mile and Garrels the discus and HatDill, Bebee Smith and a feit .low hurdles. Lightbody set Jle� other sturdy aluutm, seized' the.�rds in both of his events, while "Old Man" and carried him to hisbarrels made a world's mark in the place at the honor table .:" After thediscus by hurling the saucer over dinner \vaovet' -the afumni formed140 feet. Lightbody's work of win- in' line. and mMched lock-stepning two distance runs the same around t� ball' an&, th� '''Oldafternoon and establishing records Man't'threw otr-In. coat and ledin roth, was the most phenome�al the p�on. , '..: performance. of the year in athletics. ,.- Stagg was the first � •.. HeClyde Blair sprung one of the big started. by aS5!1ring_ :th��..Btudent_s __ .... '_ _ .'surprises'-fntliemiet and ended his - thaChe wo�ld not - have to Jeavefour years of college conipetitjon. in _ them as was reported, but th'afhealblaze that was real gtory by win': was "with them for all night," ,ning the hundred yard dash in reven .. ,ClBoY��9 fhis, is ireal," he said,tikte from Hogenson and Aiitiis. "especially :!��:.,;·�ye, �Blair was scarcely a foot al1eJd of wai�g lf� .. .it ,so . ��g,;., • .An� weHogenson and Annis was less fltan beat th� .;,byp' SUey.;1. big. margina yard back, at the finish. The toO-tlie �Oist �ef�t that h� evertime was given out at ten fiat al-' been' .inflicted bf.' the ,winner of athough all but one of the watches Western Intercollegiate," .' .-caught Blair in his record_ time of. Capts:in' E'riepd �iced the "Old:094-5. Hogensonreversed the de- Man's'" sentimentss.. � � .l=ision in the 220 �n a great race.' All "the senirii members o[ theHere again one watch alone pre-. team,Fiien"d, BI�r� TOIt�u, "Billy",vented excellent time, as all but Matthews, Speik, ap� Ferriss, werethis one caught Hogenson in 2b3-5. beard, trom, all saying how proudSix members of espe<;- th�1 w@re to �. o� the' team 'ofially distinguished themselves by 1905.' .taking points in more than one The alumni speakers were Wall­event. Lightbody got ten points, ing, , Hamill, Smith, "Dooley"Catlin, Blair, Hogenson, Parry, Anderson and Bill 'and Fred �o-� eight apiece and Captain Friend 6. louey., When the Moloneys wereCaptain Eriend was a worthy put up to speak the alumni greetedleader for so . great a team. ,Afte�. them with tbe old refrain "What'�taking third in th� high hurdles he the Matter with ,)I[�loney," whichbrougilt· back1 the days when "FredOoDtiautd 011 .� 4.'� L.'! and Bill" used to run aWay with------------------------.,-:.t:-" .-----:-.),; h2lf of 't�e events for Chicago.RECORD OF POIBT WINNERS IN CORFEREBCE �� ,The other meStbers of tlie teamcalled on were �tlin, Lyon, Light·body and Groman; .o � � ...... f:tr' _ ::s 0tr o· .., :atr' p.. �;q. =oq t'D0 fO):: �. �_.� . ·m· ..�= =til ::!.5·0 00 00 0() 0I) 00 00 00 00 30 00 0() 00 0o· 0 () O:lu() 0:220·' ·4:20"}o 1 :I)7 2-I)o O:;J()o !.:f)()o 0:1Ho 0:2;") 1-5o 44-1 %o 140-23�o i5fl-a;o 2:l Mo fi-IO�1 ll_q�100 yard dash .. � 1·2ro-yard dash .. 8 1Mile run ..... ;; 3R80-yard run .... fi 9,t.lO-yard run ... J 0Two-mile run .... 1 8120-yard hurdles fl :3220-yard hurdles 3 6Shot put. ....... 0 fiDiscus throw .... 3 !)Hammer throw .. 8 0Board jump ..•• 5 3High jump .•.•• 0 0Pole vault. •••.. 0 0Total •••••• 56 000000i- 0 0o 0 ()000000000000001100100010lyj fiyj 040438 ti}1 7� 5 5 1o 0o 0o 0o 1o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 01 yj ()o 01}1 1 ..rooa Teaais Captain Defeata 8� �of IIIcJlfpnCyrus Garnett, the.. Maroon ten­nis captain, last Friday won· theWestern Inter..rol1egiate ten D ischampionship in singles for Chicako,from. Stc\Va�t, Of. Michigcm.. ��escore was 6·!, 6-;l, fl-4. ThiS VIC­tory gives Cbicago ,a dean sweepin tcn11,is this year, and �wo pointstoward the neces.�r.y seven'requiredfor winnipg the oup, offered by .lheassociatiOn.3;'-....:... " ",4_",,", __, -t'. ,.ttb�.IDatl� maroonr.ol'llWrl1 lb. VDlyenlt7 of Chlcaco Weeki,...oO.DaD,....UDly·8lt7 of CIaIc. WeeId7. OcL 1.0 1882THII DULY w..oo. - - - Oct. 1. '802NEWS CONTIUJ!_UTIONS REQUJCSTED.. ,PullU."" b7 &.be ata4ellta of the'­.. BitT of Chleaao 8Te� aftenaooll. except.&alum, &Del �"Iltla7. durlnc lbree .1l&I'­bin of lbe tJDhenll, ,ear."lnt boanl of e4tton ud buill'" MU­..-r aiatborl.secl b,. 8luc1eDl-bocl, ID maN..... t.wa II.., 16 •• 1802. 4 "lIem�nblp' OIl .ubileQuat boarc1a oreditor'll to be' �term1De4 b, competlUoD.... D te .al. lItudeDlil lD tJD1 ... rall,., . BOARD OJ' BDITORB.lIuqh�J Edltor: ••• : HIUT7 W. jonl. '06N� RcWor •• '••• .,._ .••••• Walter L. d'r�ry. '06Athletic: gditor •.••••••••••.•••••••• Jobn s. W�ht. 'OSASSOOIATBI IIDITORS.·',Ralpb P •. )lut ... De. '015. ' II. KtnrlD. ·Os.IA Ilo,. A. Van � '08.e. Arthur Brace. '06,<Claude Schofield, '07Wm. A.. McDermid, '07.Benlard I. Bell. '07.. )Vm, U. Hatfield, '06 '.,-WOllEN BDITORS.Ill .. lIarle OrtmQer. lilA Hel_ Smltb. '06Mba Cedi PalmerIi,IiIi11I',I'III'IIiIi!II!\ eJTAlIT OJ' RJaPOaTBllS ••� 'Mba Etna Robey. '07.e. .Kc:Xenu. .Rush, '06, R- Hddy Matbews. '07Herbert M, Harwood, '08, R, �. Baldwin. '07. a..� . .Pelaen\h&I, '08.' Chaa. A. Paltzer. '�George H. Brown, 'OS �uther D. FeTnald. '08'Make-up man today-R. Eddy l\latbewa,,BUSINESS STAFJ'.8uluea llaiaqer •••• Herbert I. MarkbamA .. 't . BUB. Manqer .Jobn Worl.,. Jr.Nrculation Mgr W. M. Ruffcornblered .. aecond-clua mall at Cblc:aCOpoatomc:e.0.11)' SubecrlpUon. $3 ,.ear; $1 for a mOL8,. 'llall. In CIt)' $4 ,.ear; $1.2G' for 3 IDOL" S�lIUlptloll8 recel'Ye4 .t THII �N" omee. Billa Hall; or len lD TJm IIABooN�][, tbe Fac:�1t7' Excbanp. Cobb HIlU.Prlntad �,. QuadraDKle Prea. 404 E. 55tb.'!'" EDITOR.IALS "I_; h ': i '_,.. .r. ' Chicago is Western championt.. �.� . More than that, theConference' Maroon .... ack team ofMeet , 1�)5 holds witho�t, dfsput� ,the _ premierposi�ori o'f all Western champion. , : t 1 'f teams, and its � ,ltas probably:; �V''er existed in the East.. ','1: .', :'�:' Not��()nly'was the victory over-, • t'. .' ,�Jming, Sci"far as other Westernt��s, ii� cO��ed, but such a sue­�10n of r�r�� perfomiances is_', . . .without precedent in conference�t1�ets.· �ne �o;l� r�rd and six." -. �conference ,' 1" e c trr d s vanished..... �\. ..-:-TMbk� to.thF perfect weather, con-'ditioDS, .star performances wererattier in the 'natural order of e\1ents., ." ... .'than otherwhe, and the standard of. ,not,a single event could be �l1ed�nd.clas.c;. "The Inter�l1egiafe. Conference'committee'w}licls had charge of themeet' is to be Congratulated upo�'tile" way in which the meet was�nducted,' Every detail was �r-, ,ranged for an� e�ery event run off-, .• ,' ',., ,__ r, _on "sc:hedule time so that the med. • lo Iwas �ve'r at a 'quarter after fi�'�f :. Entertain Settl�ment ChildrenTwo hundred children from theUniversity Settlement were enter­tained by the Woman's Union Sat­urday afternoon. After the chilodren·-bad sung "- series of luljabiesof the different nations they marchedfront Kent to, the 'College of Educa­tion quadrangle· and·. they wereset:Ved with ice cream and cake.Th� remainder of the afternoon wasspent in 'games. The youni womenwho helped in entertaining thechildren were Miss Buechler, �tissCben�y, Miss �tcl1, Miss Watson,Miss Weldon, Miss Taylor, Miss'Clendenning, ,Miss Ryder. and MissSmith.iI,J'j BALL TEAJlIlELPS A LITTLEcmCAGO, �ONDAY. JUNE 5,1905SHOREY & te:IEIUIOUIVictory Over Wolverines at AOD ArborSaturday Causes Much .loyWhile the track team was win­ning the conference meet fromMichigan Saturday at Chicago thebaseball team was defeating theWolverines at Ann Arbor in thefinal game of the series.Frank Sanger, Michigan's phe­nominal pitcher, met .his Waterlooin the fourth inning,. when he wastaken out of the box for the firsttime this season. Speidel, who wasfirst up, knocked a home run.Abbott followed with a two bagger,and scored on Linns' hit for threebases. Walker fanned but Tem­pleton singled and Sanger sent himhome on two wild pitches. Afterthis Sanger retired in favor of Den­effe.watker started to do the pitchingfor Chicago but Paul was substitutedin the sixth inning.Last Senior Class Meeting_The last meeting of the seniorclass will be held in Haskell 10:30W ednesday and every senior shouldmake an effort to attend Membersof the class may secure their pinsand invitations at that time.I MAJORS and MIN''''4Mrs. 1\1. W. Kerwin entertained thelocal Chapter of Alpha Tau Omega at din­ner at her home on the north side lastevening.Victor Rice, winner of the hundredand two-twenty yard dashes at the con­ference last year, was a visitor at thetraining quarters last Friday.. Invitations have been �issued _ by themembers of the Women's Homes for al'eception in the Women's Quadrangle onthe afternoon of Junior College Day.The out-of-door entertainment will be5upplemen,ted . with dancing. in Ute halIs.fHail to t�e conquering heroes,The Champions of the West .We've proved our team the greatestAnd defeated all the rest.We've earned our laurels fairly,With a victory straight and cleanSo step behind old Michigan,Make way for the greatest team.Extracts from "Martyn's 1tlaroollRhymes," U. of C. Photographer, 570.")Cottage Gro\'e !' "e.FOWlES GLOVESwill be worn longerthis season than •othen - - Ibat Is,other gIoy .. � �,When a Man' .uses poor soap, his facerebels-becomes sore andirritated. Soothe it withWLLIAMS' ��MR. WORKERVou carinake nore MoneySelling our g()()(ls than l\o()ks,School Supplies. or anything else!\Ve h;\\"en't room enough here tosbow you why but '\\;11 tell youby mail if you send your address.CHASE BROTHERS COMPAIIYROCHESTER, B. Y. Sacc ••• o ... toGeo. H. Fiedler & Co.TAILO&'SYoung Men's Clothes Made ByYoung Men Who Know HowWe Carry A Line Of WoolensThat Will Appeal To YouPhonesHarrison ,l�Automatic � Salt. �3 to �6D.zt.r 814 •••• ADAMS ST • .�TaACY G. WIUGBT. Pre •• CHAS. W. BAltDIN. v.p.aSec·".UNITED STATES COAL CO.Wholesal. COAL & COKE It • t •• I800-802.804 .old ColoD7 BIde.,PHONE HAltlUSON 966 CHICAGOIf You A. LIPMAN99 E. IIa4iaoD St.MoneyWant ca.1l011Diamonds. Watches. Jewelry, and Antiques, for sale; Old Gold and Silver BoaabtAlso Branch Bnffet at 69 E. Monroe &1.our Shower-proot Overcoats Made toFit You $�O to $40.00NICOLL,TheTAILOR·Clark and Adams StreetsTHE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE an.,TORAOE COMPANY..,..__ II7cIe PerkO' ICIMBARIC AVE. .... PIPTY� ....TIle Qeaaest aDd Best Kept StonaeWarehouse la the City • • •Farnitme ad Planas JlOftd. Siaftd. PIICbd ad Shipped fa ... ,... ..thewarld. aoO Prlyate.storace R....... LIrIe Pub�"PJanc.. Rooais ... Tnmb aDd Wheels. Larze Roora lew c.m..-,W.--ll - Baaies. IIDII SleiPs. 'J'RUlID TO BJ) no. M.L DBlIO'I'L---- .. ....._, ......... �ac...shortnotice.......... � ...... 1JId ..........Do You Kno"," Anythingthat will offer you a better opening thanField Workfor a good Life Insura.nce Company?- -If-no'. write 10H. F. NORRIS. Supt. of Agencies.THE NORTHWESTERN MUTU.�L LIFEINSURANCE COMPANYMilwaukee. Wis.c''Pure Water t!i�h�fGood HealthJOHNCLARX:, ManagerI. M. PATTERSON, ProprietorWe neyer elo ••All orden, day or night, fiDedpromptly........ '.1It LIYIrrSuccessor to I. H. Kintzan � 1'1I�.th StreetTe1ephoae Hyde Park {= Is absolutely pure. Delivered IDeeaJed glass bottles. Sold by aDleading <truggists.THE CON8U.Eil8 CO.Butler', 35th to 36th Sta. Cmc:AooTete.heft. y .... t zz.ANTICOW URN buying collars youwant the kind thut will fit best,look best and last the longest,They·re theA R·R 0 WQUARTER SIZECOLLARSThe)' are made in four lIizt"!' tothe iudl: of shrunk materinl«,anti )'UII ha\'c uver'loostrlt'5 to'select from.15c each : 2 for 25cCLURTT. PEAROllY & co..l..argcst makers of Collars & Shirtsin the world SHORT STORY BY R1Ln H. ALLEN•FOlmer News Editor of the Daily"MaroonWrites Another ALukaD TaleIn the Jnne number of the RedBook appears a story by Riley H.Allen. last year's news editor ofthe DAILY MAROON and now onthe E'i'('niIIK Bill/dill of Honolulu,T. H. The story entitled "C0111-r.ides of the SllOW," deals with adramatic situation in the Alaskangold fields and is the second talewith the same setting which Me.Allen has written, the' first, "Forthe Under Dog." appearing ill .J/c­Cllln's for June, 19O!. Both arestrong, vivid narratives of excep,tional power and with excellent1�1 colo'r' and characterizations.S. A. E. Wms From Beta. In the last game in their divisionS. A. E. defeated Beta Theta Pi 18to 3.Phi Gamma Delta and SigmaChi will play Thursday; the win­ners will play Sigma Alpha Epsilonin �he f!.nals Saturday or M�ndaymorning of next week,Low Excursion FaresVia Baltimore and Ohio Railroad fromChicago to Asbnry Park, N. J., and re­turn �1.35. Tickets good going june29,30, July 1 awd 2, valid for return untilAugust 31 by extension. Stop-over atNew York, Philadelphia, Baltimore andWashington. Through sleeping cars toAsbury Park.Baltimore and return $18 Ticketsgood going July 2, 3 and 4. Valid for re­turn until August 31 by extension. Stop­over at Washington .. The only line thatoperates through trains. Send for circu­lars to C. G. Lemmon, T. P. A., 244 ClarkStreet, Chicago. B. N. Austin, G. P. A.Chicago. Consult your nearest TickctAgent for details.Are 70U Goln. to be at Dome Durin.the SummerIf SO you can go ahead with your pres­ent plans for the disposition of your time,and in addition to tbe money you now in­tend to make, you can be of help to usand clear as much more without inter­Cering in any way, , with your original! plans. Write at onee to I. E. Springer,Jr .• fm Security InlUding, Chicago.'. E. V. DAY.NEWCOLLAR, ':11'Endurance is a question of mus­cle and good "' wind "-perfectphysical development. You can-not be perfect physically if you arenot properly fed, and all foods areimproper that do not afford needednourishment to eYery organ andfunction of the body.Shredded WholeWheat Biscuitis the food you need for the reasonthat it is made of the whole'iineatberry, which contains f:Very ele­mentwhich enters into thecomposi­tion of the human body in just the. right form for. perfect assimilation.C, Shredded Wheat Biscuit ma,.be: lerW'ed ia m:lllY waYI aad II panicalarl,.delicioul ... ith milk. cream. frait or Ye,eta­blel. •• For EYery Meal EYery Da,."C,Yrlscult. the DeW' Ihredded wbeatcracker. used as bread or tout in It I mo,.forml. El[cellent with batter. cheese. or pre­sen-e •. Try .. Toasted Trilcuit" with chenein place of ordinary crackeR. ··r ... J'lUi0111,,10" Cool 2100'." free. tella lOa" bow."The Natural Food Co�fUallUa :ran.. K. Y... ,-,".WHY�':h�;:�;.1I money': . you . can get itPure, sweet ·=and Eipa .yRich, delivered in': sealed bottlts.. :calling up Telephone Spqth. 811(.�·droppmg a postal to :. . .d'SIDIEY WAl�', &. :SOIS305-7 '1')irtietb � St. 'If you do not see 'What you_aQt • .,..Il for:-itWe- C1,rry lillch a v •• i,.ty of .. lOcIt tbatpouibly the particular article 100Deed is aqt iD view. If DOt, .. It forIt. It ill more than likely that ..::llcl���li':H �l:�Ii:J��:esiredJ. J. GII,.L. Ph. G ••P ODe H. P. 175 - :t74 l"_ 57tb SLAst Any Upperclassman Who"FAMOUS" 18.lie will trll you that ·'Famous" i.8 theman who put... your clothee lu cood COIl'ditiOD and dot'll lirRt-d".. work iD ....pairinc and JtreMin�.8eP bim OIl the ('SmIHu,.rAMOUS TAILOUlNG 00 .•a. .. fi&b AtreeL...... Ibde Part �700.CHAS. A. LAWRENCE,Mann,er and DirectorLA WRENCE ORCHESTRASelect � usic for all eelf!ct CX'.e88iona.Y ear patronage eolicited.Itesldence 5745 Rosalie Coort.Chicqo.Tpl. Ryet.. Park 1467.TilE COllECE OF DENTISTRYUNIVERSITY of ILLI NOla'f�te(ron the ,veSt: Side 'in thecenter of the greatest Medicaland Dental Community 011 earthOFPE RS UNSUR.PA5�ED i:LINIC-AL ADVA�AGE�Every opportunity for I?racticaland scicnrific dental training isafforded. Infirmary, Laborator­ies and Lecture Hall modem andcomplete in every detail.For particulars address:B. J. CIGRAND, II.S., D.D.S., DeanComer Harrison and Honore Sls., ChicagoMUSSEY·SBilliard Halls and Bowling AlleysThe Largest and Finest AmusementResort in the World100 to 108 Madl.on StreetRrandt: sus Dam SL. .R\"a1l1'toaA. McAdamsTHE UNIVERSITY FLORISTCaKDHOUSES � CHI� Il·GOc:.,]1111 ..... �-- �K�ENANFLORISTPboDe WeDt 363Pbolle B. P. 546t.6UZ Weotwllrtb Ale..4t 1 East 63rd SL .Fresh cut Rowers. seeds, plants and bnlbs.<'..oM "'ish Rntl Aqu:lriR SuppliesL MANASSa, OPl1CIAN............ ,...... ........1111 dIr ... .,...._ 8c11aUkaDy MJateIa,_T .........e:e;t:. .. ... �K.etda,a.­............Established 1878 IncotporatecI1002 E. C. M: 0 0 R E••• jflorist •••Z72 E. FIFTY.FIFTII ST.� T.I.pllon. B74. Par. 38 � P. D. WEINSTEINLADIBS.· TAILO�Workmanship UnequaledSpecial Rates for U. of C: ·StudentsN. E. Cor. 55th and LexingtonPhone 1282 Hyde ParkPhone H)'de Park lOW Open evenings till 8A. A. Devore & SonTAILORSPullman BuildingWe make a s�lty of higb grade Dress. Smts for young men. DREXEL .... M ••• Hannah M. Harl..La.di.a· DaUdr ••• IDS aDdMaDiclI&"lDg ParlorsHlmnc Scalp TreatmeDt and"Facial Mas­sage a �p:cialty242 EAST .55th STREETTHE STUDENTS'DINING ROOIIMRS. A. H. FARRELLE, Prop.Weddings anr I Parties Supplied.on Short Notice. Address: 65Z E. 57th STREETPbone: H P. 72MEXCURSIONtoAsbury Park, N.J.WabashOn Accoarrt of t_National Educational Association.l.eaoi"l1 Chicago June 29 to Ju'� 21.0" rote.. Iorrg Ii""t.. lihra' nop-ooerr;:,o:,.re:,u, "';t' the optiorr of wte Stear.n'.Detroit and lJuffalo. H.t.orr lUoerDo)" Stearrrers fro", Albtm)" to N_rort. 0_ Ocea .. trip fro", N.., rort to, Atlantic Hig.,a.... .n. Oftl)" Ii ... """,*"g Free CIIalr Car. ...."'"" Clrical10 and N.., rort. .Write for frH COP)" of WaH.' N. Be A.lIIanrotc4 Folder. cOlltGhtl,,'1 •• ,... ti._oorU ... fun .,.11 •.C. S. CltANB, C. P. S. T. A .. St. l.oaI ..F. A. PAI.HBlt. A. C. P. A .. Clricago,BORDEN·SCOlIDDSD IDLE, I'LUID 1IILK.CDAII AIm B1JT'rE1tIIILEALL BOTTLED IN THB cotJanrBORDEN'. CoNDCNa&D MILK Co.•• .,-en E. PO,,", ... Eft,"" aT. Give a share of your trade toJ£..NKINS BROTHERSDRY GOODSandM en·s FurnlshlDC.415-417 E. 63rd St., Cor. KimbarkPhone Hyde Park 1188.{Established 1890.}.A Fact You Hale OlillD8k8dWHAT?' . A;. .. IWh ... patronizing a dnig ....J '..., not go.. .c ,"': ;4.P. DEWEY &.��.612 E. f>.3q -si. ··Tel. H. P. 254-255.; ••.. '.,-!"A trial will convince ,.a ..... Is tbe pia. �.Ir"',Call and see The ·Vars �. 'C�t�471'£.. 55th �Ta.J.=.r.."t. ,.� ,;Up-to-datC1 �ulinary semce�'" ." '. J, . : Special Rates to �d t'f.tI Catering t� Small Parlt.... ·es And,' ./Q3_'tlr .�,t.�. • D short notie t. ... � ....SPRING ANI) SU�STYLES. .Scoh:h rwe ... ·E;,f/iah S.,.,...· .. ·and CJ..riot.. I' "Home SPUMI and FIan"ela. :Glln .etal C"'_" . . .:..the Pictures •• j..TaU.r for Toa� .... "',.Two Stores: ' .. 1; ,13t:J� Salle Street' t :·.·��,'lU Jackson' nou�evard. ,;'CHICAGO. ILl ••• : " .THE L ATE S T SOC lET Y FA;!)1'111 FalllOUl Morris Penny Plotures, 25 Perm ....... PhI ......... 1or,2&O .(euct size) ...In five different -Pbsi­tions and a � free 8011�\:enir button� . ',"CHicAGO, MONDAY, JUNB 5, 1905The Romadka Ready Access TrunkTHIS trunk affords comfort in traveling.Saves time in packing and unpacking.It is useful even when not traveling." Takes up little room and is more convenientthin a regular dresser.See t"at hinge?Raising the cover brings both trays up out ofbottom and places entire contents at finger tips.It you want to pack or unpack, transfer articlesfrom trays to bottom (or vice versa), to put• rticles in any special part, or to get at them'after they have been placed there, the trays need· never be removed.No chance for musty odor. With cover raised, air circulates freely through­"out entire trunk.$ $ THIS TRUl'IK IS 01'1 EXHIBITIONSend for beautiful book show- 5 to 50 THIS WP'BK AT TBB OFFICE �p TOing 14 handsome styles from DAILY IlAR.Q01'I. 'Address Dept. G'.&.om.adka Bros. Co., Milwaukee!I , ., ".' eBA}.lPI9NS OF THE WEST: �D,tlnuoo. fl'Om. irst page, column S,m�dt a leep of 23 feet, 3-4 inch inthe broad jump setting a new mark,itd going "far beyond the best ofthe other jumpers. Friend had one"tiler ,jum.p of even twenty-threefeet., .His record was made on his, fir$t, trial; ,• • •, JU«:ORDS BR9KEN IN THE.'," '-CONFERENCE :MEET- ,·DiscUs throw=- J. 'C. Garrels,Michigan,'"':',""�f4'lf8?i�c�-ett' . O,l� re�ord, mad�,W�}t�lPrtt 'lt�, Of�, hc��gan In 1001, 1�.iH;·l'�H�bes. ", .,I,··��4 tt?-H. 1\1. Friend,'ts feet 3- inch, Old record,, '�,#. �lpopkins in 1002, 22 feet. ,�=,�. p. G\ove� of Purdue and, Jt: V� ·�.pf lllillois tied, 11 feet 9 3-8�Q� ' •. Ol4', record, made by C. E., 'I- 'of '¥icbigan in 1903, 11 feet 9��";.,�: ',-', ,�-D"</�'l' .�'-f· A. Rowe, Michigan,a?fl�', " ,_��, ma,' de by N. A. Kellogg_'� !1 '1D 1903, 10:O'l 2-5. :: �" �f!.jle; �'l- J. D. Lightbody, Chi-'�,',.':2fi." O)i record, made by G. R��1I!�lti�,ot ¥i��sin in 100),2:312-5.If''f-Jl1il� run-J. D. Lightbody, Chi­cagQ, l.:57 2-5. Old record made by E.Bmtlcrelltzof Wisconsin in 100., 1:;>8 4-5.·Worl4·s record,'• * •.' ,'TB¥ SU1tDIARIESDI&:US THRO�- J. c. Garrels, Michi-1P.U1. fimt...;.distancc, HOfeet 238 inches;Rf:, Parry, Chicago, second-distance,l2ffeet6� iucbes; G. H. Sage, Purdue,Udhl:--nistance. 12"l feet 8 inches.�:':�lJ4E, R�N-Lightbod}�, Chicago,t�; Coe;: Michigan,.second; Verner,�J'iV,aue, ethird-rimc, 4:25.FOtht HUNDR�'AND FORTV·YARDlttn,,':":Waller, Wisconsin, first; Gro­man, Chica�o. second; Quiglcy, Chi­. �o, third-c-rime, O:;J()ONE IiUNDkED-YARl> DASH (first\wO quatiry)--First heat:- Hogenson.'Chicago, first; Keeler, Michi�t1, sec­OD(I--tiJlle. 0:10 2-5. Second heat:AnnIs. Michigan, first; Joseph. Indi­ana, second-time, 0:101-;'. Third heat:Blair, Chicago, first; Dougherty, Min­nesota, second-c-timc, 0:10 I';;. Finalheat: Blair, Chicago, first; Hogenson,C\icago, second; Annis, Michigan,third=-time, 0;10.ONt: HeNDRED AND TWENTY-YARDBIGII HURDLES (first two paces,,*lily) -First heat: Catlin •. Chicago.firSt;- Houser, Nebraska, �oi�--time.0;16. Secon(t hc:lt: Frien'd, Chi('ago.first; Bodien. Michi�slD. �n{l--time,0:154-5. Third heat: Nicol. Michigan,first: Stubb, ltIinnt�ta. scconll--time,0:18 3-5. ' Pinal heat: Catlin, Chicago, first; Nicol, Michigan, second; Friend,Chicago, third-time, 0:16,TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY­YARD DASH (first three men qualify)-First heat: Blair, Chicago, first;Waller, Wisconsin. second; Robertson,Minnesota, third-time, 0:22 3-5. Sec­end heat: Hogenson, Chicago, first:Keeler, Michigan, second; Burrus, Ne­braska, third, time, 0:22 3-5. Finalheat: Hogenson, Chicago, first; Blair,Chicago, second; Keeler, Michigan,third, time, 0:22.TWO-MILE RUN-Rowe, Michigan, first;Stone, Michigan, second; Lyon, Chi­ca�o; Lyon, Chicago, third, time, 9:50.POLE VAULT-Glover, Purdue andNorris, Illiuois, tied for first, height, IIfeet 9J( inches; Samsc, Indiana, third,height, 11 feet Ginches.SIXTEEN -POUND SHOT PUT --Dunlap,Michigan, first, distance, 44 feet 1�inches; Anderson, MIssouri, second. 'distance, 41 feet 9J( inches, Knox, Ilti-,nois, third, distance, 40 feet 3 5-8:inches,HIGH JUMP--Barker, Iowa, first, height, '5 feet 10J.( inches; Dapprich, Purdue,Parsons, Iowa, and Meyer, Nebraska,tied for second, height, 5 feet 8 inches.TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY­YARD LOW HURDLES (three fiirstmen to qualify)--First heat: Garrels,Michigan, first; Myler, Iowa, second;Ferriss, Chicago, third, time, 0:25 4-5.Second heat: Catlin, Chicago, first;NIcol, Michigan, second; Brown, Iowa,third=time. 0:26 1-5. Final h eat:Garrels, Michigan, first; Catlin, Chi­cago. second; Nicol, Michigan, thinl-­time, 0'25 1-5.RUNNING BROAD JUl\IP--FIien(l, Chi­cago, first-vdistancc, 25 feet � inch;French, Michigan, second-idistance.2"l feet G�.( inches; Barker, Iowa, third-vdistance, 21 feet 8J( inches.EIGHT HtJNDRF.Dand l-:IGfITY YARDRun. Lightbody, Chicago, first; 'Ratti;" ,ey, Michigan. second: Greaves, l\linne­sota, third Time. 1: 57 2·5.IIA:\Il\U':R THROW Parry. Chicagofirst. distance 1fJ6 feet :l inche-s; Tobin,Chicago, second. (1ist:t�ce 15.1 feet, 4 �inches; Thomas.Purdue, third, distanceIf,2 feet 2� inches.ONE MILE RELAy RACE--Cllic:lgo,­first: Wisconsin, second: Indiana, third--lime. :l:26 2-5. Men on winnin� team--Groman, Barker, Quigley and Blair.College Studentsrequire brain-making foods. Thedanger of collapse or "brain fag"from overwork mar easily beavoided by the use 0Good Food Properly CookedWe use braiDS in selectingaDd cooking the food served by usTHE KUITZ·REMMLER Co.303-305 Wabash AvenueTeL _ BaIrtIoa CapVarsity Annualand GownON SALEIN {COBB HALL�, fPrice $1.50 iIMillinery I,MRS. S. TAYLORWashington Ave� & 55th S------------------------------'1Phone Hyde Park 1310 �I abo do Cleaning, Dy�ing and Rep.:.iring\M. SCHIFFMAN. ;Fine TailoringSuits Maoe to Order -408 E. 6341 StreetGO BY BOATThe comfortable, convenient andleast expensive way to travel.SERVICE THE REST TOGRAND RAPIDSFARE, Fl.OO_ : 7:45 p.m. Daily.IlUSIEGON, _, GRAND HAVENFAR�,\!l.50. : 7:45 p.m. Daily.MIL'W' AUKEEFARE$1.008:00 p.m. DailyDocks FootMichibran Ave,U mter'ested in Bowling or Bit­Uuds, you 8hould have a private, ten pin ball or cue. Price ofT� Pin Rall!1I4.00. Fancy cues$1.00 to �.OO each....... • .. It .. CoIIInder ee.263-265 Wabuh Ave. Claillned AdverU.enundl.. ,aUSINESS ,CAaDSIce Cre�m. Soda. CaDdie.We regulate "your temperature iD hotweather. Our Soda 'Vater is Cold andDelicious. Icc Cream Parlor in connec­tion. PORTJ.AN-D 'J>IIARM'A�; N. E. Cor.o.)t�l�� ._�����_\y��bit�g.!.on A_v_e_. _Dl'u.a'fry Tolu, Tar and Wild Cherry. for,that cough. University Pharmacy 660E. 55th'ettea1llinois not being Wisconsin or Indianawe are still selling the Egyptian Deities:Pall MallMogulD of YorkMuradAstioil, etc.Your nearest place for cigarettes, PORT­LAND PUARMARV N. E. Cor. GOth St .and, WashingtollcA.\"e. ,',Have you tried the Lexington Restaur­ant and Lunch Room for meals? "L"Station 520 E. ,6ar<� Street. 'W�nted TeachersU yuu wish. to secure a position toteach call 011 or write to' James F. Mcc :'llIoUlI!h. Railway .wxcbJllI�e, Cbi<'agO.C. A. Scott & Co., proprietors of theBridge Teachers' Agency, 2A Beaconstreet, Boston,' are seeking desirable can­didates for college and private school p0-sitions in the Western States. Candidateswho would accept a university position toteach English at a salary of Sl,roo, andacademic positions to teach French andGerman at salaries, from f'OO to p,<XX>should write at once.A.eDtal A.ents' A.eDtslpl.OO PER WEEK DURING Y.Q_UR VACA­TION., WE WANT COI.LEGE SPtmENTS toact as our representatives and take ordersfor our new line of Up-To-DATE goods,ENTIRELY NEW, QUICK SELLERS,during your vacation to pay your tuitionfor next tenn. \Vrite for particulars to­day. UNIVERS:A.L MANUFACTURINGCOMPANY PITPSAURG PA.Tallol'a'For fine tailoring go to 3M E. 63rrl St.MeDea WearThe very .best grade of Men's Wear forUniversity of Chicago students is kept byJ. R. Wilcox at 590 East G3nl St.For SaleFOR SALE-:-Ladies� new wheel. Verycheap. A beauty, 29i, E. 60th Street, topfloor.For RentFOR RENT-Two unfurnished roomswith use of furnished" 'kitchen, betweenUnh·et;-;tyan�ll�1i�<?i,n:entral. Student'or bU81 ness' woman. Atl«1res.c; X, 24357thSt., or tetephone HydePark, 136.FOR RENT - Two; pleasant furnishedrooms en suite or single. Privilege oflight housekeeping. G025 Ellis Ave.Where' Do YOU GetYour Newspapers, Periodicals and Sta­"tion�ry?AT NORTON'S.,Free Delivery,:U8 57th Street. Phone,llG Hyde ParkA. W. STRICKLERWATCHMAKER29-l E. ruth St. ChicagoAwarded Certificate of the AmericanHorological Society for Superior, WorkmanshipAMES HATS,2.00 ;, '3.00A FAIa. DE.AL WITH ItVItR THAT161-163 E. :Madison St., near La SalleE. BURNHAMHAIR GOODSFAciA 1 Ma�... "IJtc. MRnicut'ing. LAdin lIairDr�iDg Rnd Mllnicll('ing. l.adiC'!'· Turkish andRussian Baths, 70 and n State St., Chicago