) .'.J The DailVOL. III. No. 149 aroonCHICAGO, FBIDAY! .JUNE 2, 1905 PRICE Two CltNTSWe W'Ult � .... - .........tto. , .... '1'111 DaIIJ ..._.. FRESHMEN HAVE GROWN' CHICAGO SHOULD WIN CONFERENCE WILL GIVE BIG DINNERThe gymnasium directors atWisconsin' have completed someistatistics concerning the growth of Starting with the preliminary.the freshman Class, which are inter- heats in the quarter mile and theresting in that they show a consider- trials in the pole vault, which will.able improvement over the measure- be held this afternoon, the struggle.ments ta'ken in the Fall. Especially for Conference honors will become�is the improvement noticed in the a reality to the thirteen teams to;streI?gth tests, the indication being which it has meant months of hard'that the strength of the average preparation.student has considerably increased. Chlcaco Should Win·The average gain in height has On paper the meet is Chicago'S.',been slight, which shows that the Enthusiastic "dopists"give the Mameasurement of muscles IS more roon a margin of twenty pointsthe result of gymnasium work than while the ultra-conservative hesitate·:of natural growth as compared with to allow more than a scant three;previous years, the gain is perhaps and consider Michigan more than a; more, especially in the lung capacity possible winner. If past records:and strength tes.s. and consistency of performance: Agirl freshman at Nebraska was alone decided all three places inlseen by a group of upper class girls each event, Chicago could claim thetwith an '08 cap on one day last championship without dispute.week. By strategy the cap was ·Surprlse. Are Certaincap.t�. , T�e news spread rapid- Surprises are so certain that thely and the "freshmen being unable unexpectedness lies only in theto, obtain the cap. locked five of the man and the event. Everyone conupper classmen in one of the rooms fidentlyexpects a few second rateon the second floor. __ By a stairway __ or....comparatively unknown athletesof winding sheets two of the girls to spring into stardom tomorrowescaped through, the window and afternoon and upset all predictions.released theothers. No bones were The danger to Chicago's chances isbroken-victory for upper class in these so-called surprises whichmen. everybody expects, and the way: _ The Yale News editorially denies their balance falls will point to the!that Michael C. Murphy has defiu- Western Champion of 1905. For:italy: decided 'to leave. Yale for three years this balance has favoredfPennsylvania. Telegraph reports �iichigan with a winning margin oflast night confirm the rumor that from tnree to nine points.me will go.t On June 10 Dr. U. S. Grant anda party of Northwestern students�li-sailfro� Portland, Oregon, -for�aska, where they will begin workin the U. S� Geological Survey and�nvestigate the' copper deposits this year, and no�e of the other en­about Prince William Sound. tries come with records better than: Reports of Wisconsin Gymnasium. Show Decided Increase inStrength this YearFresbman and Sophomore Girls at Nebraska- . Have Trouble OverClass Caps. VARSITY 'RIBS FRO. BELOITIII J.i&llt-BittiDC Game Scores 4 to 3-Bezdek • Star in FieldIn a game characterized bv lightbitting on both sides the Varsitydefeated Beloit yesterday at-Beloitby the score of 4 to 3. The gamewas. won in the eighth inning.Baird was hit over the heart andHarper took his place on the base ..,was advanced to third, and stolehome on a passed ball.: Bezdek played a star fielding.:game for �hicago, accepting nine'chances WIthout error.Chicago Leads in Golf, Chicago led Wisconsin in the 61"5t'half of the golf match played this.moming on the Homewood course:by a score of 7 to 2.. Following are the results:CHICAGO WISCO:-;SINMaxwell 1 Hibbard 0. Lambert 3 Logan 0; Pettit 0 Cavanaugh 2.Harwood 0 Leslie 0: Magee 3 Fisher 0Total 7 2 Feast and Smoker at Commons toFollow Conference Keeton SaturdayCareful Figuring Gives Maroons the Greatest Number of Points­Unlooked for Performances by Outsiders May Swing the Balanceto Michigan -Coaches Declare Their Men on Edge andReady for Contest of Their Lives-Conferenceand World's Records in Danger-Preliminaries Today PromiDent Uninraity Students and I'ac­ulty lien to Speak-BonfireAfter DinnerThe men studeuts and, ahmmi'�'the University will gather at an in­formal stag dinner and smoker inHutchinson Hall tomorrow evening.It is hoped to make the dinner ahuge celebration of the successfultermination of the great Western I�­tercollegiate Conference meet. Allmen in the University are expectedto be present, and the alumni ass0-ciation has promised a great repre­sentation.The entertainment committee ofthe Reynolds club commission has-selected a number of prominent Uni­versity men to speak. CaptainHugo Friend of the track team Winbe the first speaker on the program.He will be followed by Coach Stagg,"Billy" Bond, Jones Webb, FredMoloney, Dean Vincent and' Dr,Shephardson. � '" .The commission urges all the fra­ternities that wish to reserve' tablesto notify Steward Boylan of theCom­mons before 10 0' clock tomorrowmorning ..._ 1'!te, cheering �ll � er­ganized and the "Leather Lunged"have been carefully chosen for thehonor table.The dinner will be served prompt­ly at six o' clock. Following' thedinner there will be a big bonfire Onthe campus.GrolDan Star In QuarterThe quarter should go to Groman.Apparently he has not an equal inthe West. He can run under :50if he has to and according to allthe records made in the West thisyear no other quarter miler canbeat him. Waller is probably thenext best man in the event, but ifhe runs four heats in the dashesbefore the quarter it is doubtful ifhe will come back strong enough tobeat the Michigan men or his ownteam mate, Stevens. AccordinglyWaller is given secoud on the lib­erallist, with Rebstock or Goodwinthird, and on the conservativesheet Goodwin or Rebstock takesecond and Stevens third.Catlin Best In Burdle.Catlin is picked to win the 120yard hurdles as he has not beendefeated over tlie high sticks for twoyears. Nicol is the only man be­sides Catlin that has beatenFrien:d Llahtbod7 Depended UponLightbody has demonstrated thathe is good for both the half and themile, but to the conservative themile is given to Verner who willbeyond a doubt give Lightbody thehardest race qf .the year.' Vernerwill run two races, but what they'will be is not known. Figuring con­servatively he is given first in the'mile race and third in the half. Inthe liberal dope he is figured sec­ond in the mile and third in thetwo-mile, shutting out Stone.Meyers of Wisconsin, seems to havethe call on Waite of Michigan forthird in the half if Verner does notrun. Ramey is next to Lightbodyas nearly as can be judged, for hecan run under 2:00 consistently,which is better than the otherknown half milersof the West haveshown. Coe can hardly get morethan third in the mile, as bothLightbody and Venter are clearlyhis superiors.Mlchl.an Beat In Two MileThe two mile seems to lie be­tween Rowe and Lyon, but Rowemust be given the preference on hisperformance in the Michigan-Chi­cago dual meet where he defeatedLyon in 9:55 1-5. However. Lyonis now in the pink of condition andmust be reckoned with. ShouldVerner run the half instead of thetwo mile, Stone looks best for thirdas neither Gilkerson of Illinois norHean of \Visconsin are consistentlyill the 10:00 minute class.�hot Put To .Mlcbl.anDunlap has not been bested incompetition or in record by any­athlete in the West this season, sohe is the favorite in the shot put.Garrels, while not very consistent,has shown better than Carrithers,the next best, and is given second,I with Carrithers third. There are, no doubt other good shot puttersamong the conference entries, buttheir records this year do not war­rant giving them places. DevineContinued on page " column 3 STUDDTS CJlUR TRA.CJ[ TUIIl100tera Crowd Kent-Show Fee1lDg tIIatChica&Q Will Win CODfereac:eAn enthusiastic massmeeting washeld in Kent this morning at 10:00for the track team that will repre­sent Chicago in the .Confereneemeet tomorrow. The students,both men and women, turned outin 'force. "Billy" Shennan actedas chairman and Don Robertson ledthe cheering,After warming up with "Chi­cagos" and "Locomotives" DeanShephardson addressed the rooters­He assured the assembly th�t 'chi­cago could not lose the meet�'�­cording to his "dope."Captain Friend urged stud�t:snot to be overconfident, as the meetwas still to be won, "The teamneeds your support," be said."Come out on the field tomorrowand root. The men are on edge andthey will surely give a good accountof themselves." Director Stagg wasunable to be present on account ofa meeting of the Conference Com­mittee. He was represented byDr. Thatcher who delivered theOld Man's message, "Cheer upand root hard tomorrow if youwant a victory. The track mendo will their part."his, so Nicol and Friend are con­ceded second and third places. Gar­rels is given first in the low hur­dles. He defeated Catlin by a nar­row margin on the straightawaytrack at Ann Arbor and he must begiven the place, though Catlin isexpected to give him a hard race onthe curved track on Marshall Field.As far as can be judged Nicol haslittle competition for third, butsome unknown is liable to come inand upset the calculations.Stru •• le In Dashe.Hogenson is booked to win bothof the dashes. The defeat administered to him in the hundred byAnnis can hardly be counted; considering the three yards that theMichigan runner stole at the start.Annis is given second in the hun­dred, but it is doubtful if he willbeat Blair. Waller has been do­ing good work in the longer dashand has a slight chance of beatingBlair. Groman is counted 011 illthis event but he has not run thedistance in competition and cannotfigure in the "dope."CHICAGO, FRIDAY, JUNE 2,1906�'.... -----__,. SHOREY 1· 0 ...Sac��o t •...rorm.rl, lbe UDly.ralt, of Cblcqo W_klJ'..roO)IUJWTIle Unl'Y"alt7 of C111c. Week.,.. GeL .... lUI1'IU DAILY 1Ldoo. - - - �L 1. '801NBWa CONTRIBUTIONS REQUESTED:PabIIalae4 b7 tIM lIlu4eDta of tIM DDher­� .,f CJaka&o eye". afteI"DOOD. deep,"Saluiaa, aDd thlDcla7. dur1D& three .U&I'­wr. Of tbe UDJyeraltJ 7 .. r.rlnt boanl Of editor. and bualD... 1IWl­.... 8tIIoI'iMe bf lludeDt-bodJ tD m ....GMetID ..... , 15. 180Z.1l.....,..lp on nbeeq1leDt boanIa ofeditor. to be .det.nDJDed b7 compttUUoD..MD .. all .adenw ID tile UDheraJtJ.BOAllD or BDITOas._aaaalDa Bdlter ••••• H&r17 W. J'o� '05Ncwa 1£dftor •••••• _ .••••• Walter L. Gr�ry, '06A.thletic Hdltor •• _ ••••••••••• _ .... JohD l). Wn&bt. 'OSASSOClATII JaDITORS.Ralp)a P. Iluly&ae. '05........... 11. � .... "08. .'I.e Bo7 A. ·Van PatteD. ·Oe.e. Arthur Bruce. '06.Claude Schofield. '01Wm. A.. McDermid,.'07Bemard I. Bell. '07Wm. H. HatJield. '06WOIlBN BDITORS •..... lIarle OrtmaJ.r. 'II'" BeIeD Smith. '06• Kia Cedi Palmer'8TAIT or RBPORTEaS.Ida EtDa Robey. '0'1.'e. KcKenna. Rush, U, R. Hddy Mathews. '07lIerbel:t M. Harwood. '08, R. F. Baldwin, '07B. G. Pet.eDthal, '08.. Ch ... A. Pa1t.zer. '05G� H. Brown, '08 l,uther D. Fe1'11Si.ld. 'OSMake-up maD today-R. Eddy MathewsBUSINESS STAFT.BuID... lIanapr •.•• HeJ1)ert I. Markham'Aa't Bua. ·lIanapr JOhD Worley. JrNrculaU01l Mgr W. 1\1. RuffcornIIIDteTed U MCODd-elua mall at Cblcagc.o. PostofDce.. bail7 Bub.crIPtioll. $3 7�r;' $1 ,for a moe.;87' .. all ·ID 'Clt)< .. �; '$1:%5 for 3 moeSubllc:rlptiODa recelyed at Ta. iluooN<MIlee. 'ElIIs Hall. 'or left lD TID IluooNBox. the Pac:ulcy EzehaDP. Cobb HaiLPrIDted by Quad�le Prea. 404 II. 55tb.'I'" EDITORIALS "'ITHlt massmeeting this morningwas -the ·best ever held in the in­'terestof track athletics at the Uni­veriity. Members of the' student'bo(iy�lhere expressed to the mem­� of the Conference team theirconfidence in the ability of the teamto win the great college derby to­morrow. . But this meeting was apledge of continued support as wellas an expression of confidence.Hence' every Chicago man . shouldfeel it his duty' to be in therooters' section tomorrow. Theathletes will do their part. Be. sure that you do yours.Clothes Shop'E X C L U S I V E'HIGH-GRADE CL01'H�S. 'BATS AND l'UaNISH�NGS. TOOWE-1lA1rn NO , ATTEMPT TOTR.Y AND COMPETE WITHCHEAPLY MADE CLOTHES.BUT WHEN WORKMAN-. ;S'� H, I P, Q' U A t.r TIE S'-A'ND F·ASHIONS AREB:g IN G 'CONSIDERED WE.DELIVER THE GOODS."Frenzied" fabrics,mercerized cloths,are being manieu­lated to look bkethe genuine. Wedon't use an inch.. We let others dothat-OO per centcotton, you know.49,51 AND 53JACKSON BOULEVARDc H -I . C ··A G CHICAGO WIllS TElIJUS DOUBLESWeatem CJwnpiouhip lD Doubl. Goes ToGarnett and GlayChicago won the Western I nter­collegiate tennis championship inthe doubles yesterday by defeatingthe Iowa team in doubles. Accord'ing to the great form shown by theMaroon team all season the victorywas to be expected, although theIowa men defeated Michigan theday before. The score was 6-2, 6-3,6-4.The semi-finals in singles was anexhibition of good nerve on the partof Cy Garnett who, though not upto hisusual form, pulled out a hardfought match from McNeil of MiCh­igan, 11-�, �4. Rowley of Chicagowas easily outclassed by Stewart.who won with a score of 6-1, 6-2.The finals in singles were playedthis morning between Garnett andStewart. Geo. H. Fiedler .� COeTAlLOI(SYoung Men's Clothes Made ByVOWlg Men Who Know HowWe Carry A Line Of WoolensThat Will Appeal To YouPhODesHarrlsoD l�Automat1c S S .. lt. 13 to '6Daztar Biela.14 ADAMS ST.If You ce.lIon A. LIPMANgg . B. IIa41Ion st.MoneyWantDiamoDda, Watches. Jewel.-y, and Antiques. for sale. Old Gold aDd Silver Bcnqrht____________ ..;.. i ......:iioi:O:� ...... __ '_·:_�_'·_'_'"_·_·\_�· "M. E. FITZGERALD & CO.MAKERS OF GENTLEMEN'S GARMENTS360 EAST FIFTY-FIFTH STREETNEA.R KIMBA.Rlt A. YE.WE HAVE A SPLENDID RANGE OF; GOODSA long and trying season past, but onebig task remainsAnd two great teams are fighting hard,the championship to gain;They've worked and trained, and donetheir best, now one mnst see defeat;Let us all rally round our boys, and helpthem win the meet .Extracts from "Martyn's MaroonRhymes," U. of C. Photographer, 570.')Cottage Grove Ave. FOR TWENTY-.FIVE DOLLARS. FULLTUXEDOS. CLERICA.L. SPORTIN.G A.NDBREECHES. DRESS.RIDINGTRACY G. WRIGHT. Pre •• � •• ..', ". •I' • t' •• ,CHAS. W. DAaDIN. V.P •• �.C�7.UNITED ST A�E.S coar, £,0 ..Wholesala COAL l'l COKE. Il • t ....800-802.804 Old ColoD7 ·BI!la.:PHONE. BAIlIlISON 966 'CHICAGO 'FOWlES GLOVESwill be warn longerthis season thanothers - - thai Is,ather gloves � �'Also Branch Buffet at 69 E. Monroe SLDon't Foolwith your face. You cannotafford to take chances. Al­ways insist onWILLIAMS' .n'� O.nr .Shower-proof Overcoats .}kde t�Fit You $20 to $4O.00�NICOLL, TheTA!lLOcR'J. M. PATTERSON JOHN CLARKProprietor JrIJ Dager Clark and Adams .Streets . LWe ne'Ver cloae.,. L FUt7-Se'nDtIa Stre ..Te1epboae Hyde Park {=*************** ··Lightest on the Head **and Purse"= LELEWER·S :* NATTY STRAWS ** ,91.,.* Splh Braid '1.00. '1.50. 'Z.OO *GanalDe PaDama. '3 to '10 ** 152 Madison St .• D�r LaSalle *: 1 04 Washington St., Dr.Clark ************** .>THE SUIl.II.ER VACATIQ:!l'May call upon you for a decision as- toYour Life WorkWhat do you intend to do?If in doubtHatablbhed 1873.o .AMES HATS,2.00 13.00A FAIi'..· DI:.AL WITB KVltaTBAT161-163 E. III4iIoIl sc, Deal' La SaDe Write to B. F. NO�S, Superintendent os Agencies,TBE·BORTBWERTERN JrlUTUAL LIFE INSURABCE COIIPABYI Milwaukee, Wis. )cmcaoo, FRIDAY, JUNE 2. 1905w' uy use poor;' �UDwbolesome. .,' � milk, wb� .for the �e• '�'i 3,L r;, ,monq:O.;you. can get it---------------------------- Pure, Sweet ,and EztracmtiDarily� � - - . -- .. � _- -_ .Rich, delivered: in sealed bottles, by--FOR-- :calling up Telephone South 817, ordropping a postal to r.SIDlEY, WANZER I SOlS, 'I,. � '. Colleg� §�#'Aetlts�uire brain-making foods. 1tedaDger of collapse or "b� _'from. overwork may easily�"avoided by the use of 11Goo4 Food Properly Cooked.. We use braiDS in se1�gand cooking the food served by 118THE KUITZ-REM.LEI 'Co., .. ,�... J,303-305 Wabash AvenuTeL _,HarriaouDINSB, PAGE 8i CO.ELECTROTYPERS- . I,ANDSTEREOTYPERS\. "t .. .'. l ;)187 ADAMS, ST. ,'_ .',. ',.. CBlCAOO�' l�! Telephones: .Main 200 .. ,'f • Auto 82JIClallltllll Advertl-.ments; . ). SHREDDEDWEAl -.Give n share of your trade toJ ErN KIN 5 SIl()THEl\..S, .". " ." i' ..,Dij·y , ,GOODS. ,'. , andMen's FurnlshID&.41,5-41�7 E. 63rd St., Cor. KimbarkPhone Hyde Park 1188.e Established 1890.)1 Fact You HdYS O,sllooksdWHAT?Whln patronizing a drug store' .... � '-'-� nofil tof: �:- � . �A.·P. D:&WEY &CO.• r -.612 E. eaa St. ,Tel� H. P. 254-255' ,A trial will convince JOu hen-;Is ,'�. pI�e8 �� tradeBUSINESS CAa.DSIe. Cr. am. Soda. Candle.We regulate your temperature in hotweather. Our Soda Water is Cold andDelicious. Ice Cream Parlor in connec­tion, PORTI.AND PHARMACY, N. E. Cor.60th St., and Washington Ave.W�nted Teach.rs • nt£ fOOl) THATI A1III.£tESmMADE orThe problem of theathlete 1. perfect bod­ily development. NoIl1&O can excel in any aport if heia DOt perfectly developed in everyroU!t or if one part of the body.. developed at .the expense ofthe other. This is largely a mat­ter of food andShredded WholeWheat BisCuit'is the ideal food for ath­letes. This is true becauseit .is made of the' wholewheat kernel, which is shown byanalysis to contain every elementneeded for the nourishment of thehuman body-teet�, bone! mus­cles tissues and brain, It IS goodfor the stomach, too, because, itenables it to work, instead of rob­binlf it of its natural function,as 'predigested" f 0 0 d s do.TIIIC NATURAL FOODCOMPANYlI ... ara Falls. N. Y.Shrecl4ec1 Wheat Bbcak.· tbe IImdarel ce­real. Ienecl witb milk. cream. fnaits ororeptahles. .. The perfect food to �rf.ctIIIWI. '.' «t Td8ouIt. tbe Dew Ibredcledwbelll cracker, delldoc. with batter, cb_ar preIeneI. Try" ToaItecl TrllCQk"wIda cbeeIe ID place of onllDUF cracten.'·n.Vf,.,0-.....c.NB ......"..The Varsity Cafe(. U�414�;,"l-A Sf&E.£"TUp-to-date Culi�&mce,, j , 'Special buS to Students.Catering to Small'Parties and Families====on Short. ·noti.cc:ee====".. ,.., II, r "--305-1 'Thirtieth St.THE be�t collar for all'round service, fit' and finishis the Try'tolu, Tar and Wild Cherry. for,that cough. University Pharmacy 660E. 55th St.C •• arclte.Illinois not being Wisconsin or Indianawe are stillselling the Egyptian Deities:Pall MallMogulD of YorkMuradAstion, etc.Your nearest place for cigarettes, PORT­LAND PHARMABY N. E. Cor. eoth St.and Washington Ave .SPRING AND SUMMER1STYLES :These collan are made InQUARTER S�ZE�OF SHRUNK FABRICS$cotdl Tweed8. En,liaIt Sergea.GIld Chniot..No",. Spun and"Fkin".,..6"" • .taI 9,..,. .131·1a Salle Street«; Jackson BoulevardCHlCAGO, ILL.They are sure to fit youjust right and )'ou bue oYer100 IItJ'lea to select from..-_ ..- ......... ,. ,. .15c each; 2for 25c\. _,':.... � R.estaurantsCLUETT. PEABODY Be CO.Lara.:est makers of Collan'&Shirtsin the world Have you tried the Lexington Restaur­ant and Lunch Room for meals? "L"Station 520 E. 63rd Street." ,A.,D�1�edl878 Incorporated 1902 "M.rrll Plna,'Plol'i', ... ..,SCM E. 63d Street, nearEllis Ave. (Ground" Ioor.) ,Sittings made"San_, -Wed. aDd Sat.evenings.•• ,IA.'Devore & SOD"TAILORS Call and see the PicturesWe make a spec!alty of high grade Dress'.: �t8f� �g,men. THE LATESTTIll F.mo .. Morril PIa.., Plotu .... , 2& Perm ....... I·ho�, lor. 25..! ' (e:uct size)In five different posi­tions and a free sou­venir button.Ask Any Upp.rclas�man Who if you wish to secure a position toteach call on or write to James F. Me(;ullouch. HailwQ Exchange. Chicago.C. A. Scott & Co., proprietors of the :Bridge Teachers' Agency, 2A Beacon Istreet, Boston, are seeking desirable, can­didates for college and private school p0-sitions in the Western States. Candidates 'who would accept a university position toteach English at a salary of 11,20), andacademic positions to teach French andGerman at salaries from $100 to $1,000should write at once. . ,f:f/IJ(jff�ffl:---� • ....:!!I�"F �OUS" 18.He will teU y� that "Famous" Is theman whO pub your clothee In sood cOo­'dition and does first�lus work in r.pairinc and pftB8ing.See' him em the campus.. r.UfOUS' TAlLO'RING 00 ••Its IL liQtb_, S�t. .� ;Ib� :�a,� ;..�1.�-,EilmALL BALL243 Wataah An.,Spe4;la /.: 'it .�.� 19£'-''f°rJ�O'U. of C. 'Ortiliial I4eu aDdSuidents BzausheStylealDPhotographs A •• ntal A.entalf;25.00 PER WEEK DURING YOUR VACA­TION. WE WANT COI.LEGE STUDENTS toact as our representatives arid take ordersfor Our new line of Up-To-DATE goods,ENTIREI.Y Nnw, QUICK Sm.UtRS,during your vacation to pay your tuitionfor next term. Write for particulars to­day. UNIVERSA� MANUFACTURINGCOMPANY PITPSAURG PA.Ask forE. C: M: -0 .O·R E•• :jfIo�ist .,212 E. FIFTY.FIFTH ST.'• ,T.I.phone 874. Pari 38 •P W t is thelure .. ,; a er· basis'of:6004 Health i, iI't i!t IDelivered In; i�edat;o�telU:e. SOld by an· IJad.iug CIruggiSts. . I·TIIE COIIsiillEN.£O. IButler. � to 36th St&''- �c.a_co. IT.lephon.Yards 1220 I'�------�--�--�..... ------------------------------1MUSSEY·S . Tailors- • w_ ,, For fine tailoring go to 364'E. 63rrt St. D &. E X E L C �;F ETHE STUDENTS' DnuNG ROOMMRS. A. H. FARRELLE, .�rop.� -< -. rWeddings and Parties Suppliedon Short NoticeThe very best grade of Men's Wear forUniversity of Chicago students is kept byJ. R., �ilcox at 590, East Gard St.For Sal.FOR SA I.E-Ladies' new wheeL Verycheap. . A beauty'; 2M E. 00th Street, top, floor. Address: 65Z E. 57th STREET1Phone: H P. 7294For a.ntFOR RENT-Two unfurnished roomsWith use of furnished kitchen, betweenUniversity and Illinois Central. Studentor business woman.' Address �, 243 57th-sc, or telephone Hyde Park, 136.' Breakfast or Lunch. BDliard Balls and Bowling Alleys ,The Largest and Finest AmusementResort in the World100 to lOa' M_dl.on Street, ;' Bz.uc:h: '118 DnI8 SL. BftDstoD ':BORDEN·,SCOllDDSBD IDLE, J'LUID 1IILE,, CDAJI AlID BUTTBRIIILKAU' BOTTLED IN THE CO"N'mFBORDEN'S CoNDENSED MILK Co_ ..ZT..u c. PORTY-a1:Yl:1ITM aT.Till 'e IbdO Padt II a4 . B)'de PaR_A. McAdams'rTHE tJNlVERSITy FLORIST�01JSKS:· �"&GO,·c..SJ'l ..... � .... '-4U�THE COllEGE OF DENTISTRY:UNIVERSITY of ILLI NOI,SLocated on the West Side in theccllter of the greatest Medicalalld IX-ntal Community on earth'OFFERS -UNSURPASSED CLI'NIC-AL ADVi\�TAGE.SEveryopportunity for J;>racticaland scicntific dental tratning isafforded. Infimlary, Laborator­i� and Lecture Hall modem andcomplete in evelJ detail.For 'particulars address:B. J. CIGRABD, •• 8., D.D.S., DeanCorDer BarrilOD aDd Honore Sla., Chicagot'l , KEENAN'FLORISTSUI WlIltwortb In,; - noDI WeaL 813, Itt Eat lard St. - -' PboDe B. P. HIi'Fresh cut flowers, seeds, piants �d bUlbs:Gold Fish and Aquaria Supplies The food with a delicious, nlaple flavor- always freshand crisp ..;L MANASSB"oPl1ClAN.-- ... ,.._ ......II .... , .... .,.. _.�I IIIIIIIIF��T"""'".E::ZQ!:..... �.�a.-�� Found whereverGOOD THINGSare served. _r'Pullman BuildingCHICAGO, FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1905.-., '... " ,'. N"'. EVER was anythinghandsomer for men's. "" suiting's than ou.rSummer Flannels and. W orsteds, The way t4ey aremade up and the way a man looksin them must appeal to everyonewho "bas a sense of good clothes.Ask for Kirschbaum' Qothes(Warranted). Good stores every­where, $12 to $25.� on seeing the Kirschbaum label inside breastpocket or coat. New Style Book freeif you'll write for it.. A. B. Kirschbaum & Co.,(. ,!II',jIII (Makers) Philadelphia and New YorkPhone Hyde Park 1810I also do Cleaning, Dyeing and RepairingM. SCHIFFMAN.F I.n eTa. I lor I n gSuits "ade to Orner408 E. 63cl Street"MIllineryMRS. S. TAYLORWashington Ave. & 55th SE. BURNHAMHAIR GOODSELECTROLYSISPacial Massajte. Manicuring. Ladies HairDtasing and Manicuring. IAdie!\' Turkish andRussian Baths. 70 and 71 State St., ChicagoGO BY BOATThe comfortable, convenient andleast expensive way to travel,SERVICE THE BEST TOGRAND RAPIDS7:4;) p.m. Daily.I:ARE. Fl.ro.MUSKEGON, GRAND HA VENFARE. !UJO. : 7:45 p.m. Daily.MIL"W' AUKEEFARE$1.008:00 p.m. DailyEST-I860156 STATE 5T.A. BlSHU.l" & CO. Docks FootMichigan Ave, CHICAGO SHOULD WINContinued from first pnge, column 3,of Wisconsin, Draper of NotreDame, Thomas of Purdue, andGale, Speik, and Parry of Chicagoare in this class.Dammer and Discus UncertainThe hammar and discus are un­certain events and will probably goto the men who happen to have agood day. The best men are likelyto have an off day and lose on thataccount. Thomas has done themost 'consistent hammer throwingin competition, and he is given theevent. Parry has done just as goodwork as Thomas in practice .bu t be.falls down in competition. He hasbeen doing well over 150 feet thisweek, however, making one throwof 161 feet 5 inches \Vednesday,and if he keeps on edge until Satur­day it would not be a surprise tosee him win from Thomas. Tobinordinarily does much better in ameet than in practice. He beatParry's mark in the Michigan meetand has kept up the good work thisweek, and in view of Parry'serraticworkTobin is considered ':D0re likelyto take second.Garrels and Parry seem to beclearly ahead of the rest of the fieldin the discus. They have done a­bout the same in practice but Gar­rels won in the dual meet and he ispicked to repeat it in the Intercol­legiate. Sage and Dunlap are close­ly matched for third, with Speikand Russell, of Chicago, and Devineof Wisconsin about in "the sameclass. Conservatively figuring, Dun­lap gets third; liberally, Sage is giv­en the point.Samae Best in Pole VaultUntil Norris defeated Glover inthe pole vault, in the Illinois-Purdueineet last week, Glover and Samselooked about on a par, but Samsenow seems to have the field to him­self. He does over 11 feet 6 inchesregularly and unless he has an otIday he should win easily. Norrisand Wilkins have been about oneven terms all year, but Wilkins'injury, while it may not affect himseriously, keeps him out of" the fig­uring. Norris is considered secondand Glover third. All three ofthese men can be counted on tovault 11 feet 4 inches at "least andthere seems to be nobody else a­mong the entries to cut them out oftheir places." Barller Should Win DI.b .JumpThere are very few good highjumpers in the West this year,Barker of Iowa being about the'only one in the 6 foot class. Leeteof Michigan wac; consider� next'best but since the publication of thedope sheet on Wednesday it hasbeen announced that he will notcompete, so Samse is given second.Samse has made several good recordsthis year but it was not thoughtthat he could both win the polevault and take second in the highjump. Cox of Michigan will prob­ably take third. He was reportedto have done over 6 feet severaltimes this Spring, but 011 investi­gation it was learned that he madethe records jumping off from athree inch mat.Friend In Broad JumpCaptain Friend should win thebroad jump. He has been doinggood work for' the past two weeksand he always does better incompetition than in practice. Hisjumping in the Michigan dual meetwas remarkable and he is probablyin a class by himself. B'ut he hasbeen defeated once' by Woodin andin the conservative dope the Illinoisman' is given first. French' hassome good marks to his credit buthe falls down in competition aridcannot be conceded more than third,Hogenson has a good chatice tofigure on the strength of his per­formance in the Michigan meet buthe has shown in' this class onlyonce this year so he can hardly. beconsidered in the dope. Schobingerwon the broad jump at Wisconsinbut hi! is ill the same position thatHogenson isv-- , ... ; ..... ,. '.. \JCalculations Basear'on Pedonnallce. All this calculating and figuringis based on the general work of themen this year, records and consis­tency being duly considered. Butwhile it looks all right on paper,there are bound to be surprisesfrom men who' are not suspected.The dope can be figured quite ac­curately when only those' teamswith which Chicago has competedare considered, but the outsideteams are sure to cut in on thepoints where they are not expectedNebraska is notfignred at all andsome good athletes are sure to -besent from that institution, but theirrecords are not good enough tocommand great attention, so theycannot be figured, .in any specialevent. Iowa, Indiana and Purdueare likely to.count more thsn theyare figured upon to do." Michl.an and ChicasoOne thing is practically certain,however. that the meet will be 3,dual "between Michigan and Chi­cago. Chicago has once demon":strated her superiority over the -W 01 verines, in the "dual truck meetat A�. Arbor. and it now remainsto � 'seen wh�p.er the outsid�teams will cut into Chicago's pointsenough more than into Micbigan'�to turn the tide of.victory. ). Blackfriars·ElectThe" Blackfriars elected sevennovices this morning:. Carter,Greene, Hosmer, Shipley, Judson,Pinkerton, Darlington. The ban­quet will be June ·7, at 1:00 p. m.Further elections will be held nextMonday at 1:00 p. In in Cobb.Where Do YOU GetYour Newspapers, Periodicals and Sta­tionery?AT NORTON'S.'Free Delivery.348 57U1 Street. Phone 116 Hyde Park2M E. 55th St. Chicago.. -. A. W. STRICKLERWATCHMAKERAwarded Certificate of the AmericanHorologieal Society for Superior" Workmanship