The Daily MarfIIIIIIIIIIed Mt8DoIu by tIM Stdeata of tile VIliftl'lity of CbicaCo Dadar ULretqurten of tM VDl'Yenlt7 y_ onCHICAGO, FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1905VOL. III. No. 145 o CJtN1's 'J AP S ARE GRATEFUL FINE FEATURES FOR FETE MUCH INTEREST IN PROII LAST ANON FRO(II BLINKWomen Will WorkWonclera With Wares­Employ EnticiD, Electrical Uects­Several Surprises in Store Completion of PlaQs for Junior Day Func­tiOD Arouses GeDeral Interest.-Gooc1.usic ProlfAlll Final Words of Amb!.aadorReach Office By Roundabout-R�!!reJlanager of Waseda Team Ex­presses Appreciation of Treat­- -!!!e!!t et St!U!ford -Fees Raised at :MichiStu-Ten Dollar in­crease iD Tuition Jlade Necessary byFinancial NeedsBefore leaving Stanford for theSouth,Manager Abe of the Wasedabaseball team, gave out the follow­ing statement:"On behalf of the Waseda teamI desire to express our appreei­ation of the kind and consideratereception which has been accordedus at Stanford. Before we reachedhere we were somewhat in doubt asto how we would be received bythe Stanford students, but we weresoon put at our ease on that point.We desire especially to thank Man­ager Barrett and the men of theStanford baseball team for theirkindness in allowing us the useof their diamond and for the helpwhich they have given us in manyother ways."I am very well satisfied with theshowing made by the team. Wecame here knowing that we hadstill much to learn about the game,and we hardly expected to makeas good a showing as we did. Ifwe are ever able to return to Cali­fornia again, I hope that it will bewith a stronger and, more skilfulteam which will be better able tocope with the California universities. In conclusion, Ldesire to saythat. if it ever comes abont that aStanford team shall visit Japan, wehope to be able to repay in somesmall measure all that has beendone for us here."Iso ABE,"Manager W aseda Baseball Team."Dnring the past week placardsappeared in the halls of the lead­ing buildings on the campus an­nonneing that beginning with nextfall the annual fees in all profes­sional departments of the Univer­sity of Michigan will be increasedten dollars, making the annual feesin these departments forty- five dol­lars for Michigan students andfifty· five dollars for students com­ing from points outside of theState. Owing to the financial needsof the University this action wasdecided upon by the board of re­gents at their meeting May 13.The annnal fees in the literarydepartment will, however, remainunchanged. Nothwithstanding thisslight increase, the fees of the! pro­fessional departments are still farbelow the average of universitiesin the same class with Michigan.The average fees in schools of equalrepute. amount to something likeone hundred and fifty dollars.Mr. Edward Tuck, of the classof 1858, of Paris, has notified theauthorities at Dartmouth of his in­tention to present them with thevaluable library of E. Koscwhitz, awell.known Romanist, the privycouncillor and professor at the uni­versity of Konigsberg, also editorof the Zeitschrift Fuer Franzoesische Sprache and a prominentauthor. .The Junior Prom is now an as-sured success. For some time afterthe plans for this annual Juniorfunction were first made. consider-able doubt was felt that there would. (Specl .. 1 to DAILY MAa.OON).be· sufficient interest to make it pose "ISLAND OF BLINK,M�y 18,1905sible. As large numbers have now -I had a very interesting interview�gnified tneir intentions of giving. with Augustus. -r� surprised to.the. Prom their most hearty sup-' find him dressed in a rather'iDGd­port, there remains no further doubt em fashion. He wore a frockCOiatthat it will be the largest and most and light hat, tan boots, with �successful Prom ever held. Because· ties, low cut waistcoat with a blueof the fact that the Washington shirt and red cravat. He woreProm was postponed a special ef- several decorations. Among themfort is being made to make this were the' A. P. A .. the Ancient Or­eve n t doubly successful. The der of Hibernians, and the Orange­Seniors are planning to support it men. Several waiters were standingalmost as strongly as will the a;ound ready to take his orders:Juniors. We had a very charming chat., . The Prom will be given in the I had been told that the king wasBartlett Gymnasium, on the eve- suffering from extreme nervousnessning of Junior Dav, The grand caused by fear that �me day an­march will commence promptly at : other comic opera would be writtennine 0' clock and will be led by about Blink and I was not sur­J ames Howard Dennedy and Miss prised when he begaa to questionPhebe Bell. me about Indiana, George Ade and. Lawrence's Orchestra will prob- *Muncie.ably furnish the music. A program. ,"Do you come from Indiana?"is now being prepared, which will asked Augustus.contain hits from all the latest "No. I am from Chicago."operas, including some from "The "That is a suburb of Indiana,Passing of Pahli Khan" and "The isn't it?" ,.... '. ...King's Kalendar Keeper," as well "Well, not exactly, but many ofas from the . two operas frem the. � people from Indiana think so,pens of Unlvei-sitjrmen, "His Hrgh�' - your maj'esty.w·_ ','" -r: �-:,;-',.--, -_,ness the Bey" and "The Isle "of "Isn't there an organization' atBOng Bong." the University of Chicago calledMr. MacLean promises that every .the Colored Cooks?"effort will be 'made to put the gym "No, Sire .. 1 think you meanfloor in excellent' cendition, and the Blacldriars."says that it will be better than ever "You .do not happen tobe con-before. uected with that body in any way?'"'In connection with the Prom the asked the king in a voice thataction of the Junior College Coun- boded ill for the Blackfriars.cil, recommending that the use of I was in a quandary. I could notcarriages be restricted to places off be so base as to deny the Black:.the campus, .is of interest. Many friars, but I saw that an affirmativeof the girls in the halls have already. answer wonld doubtless. cause Diesent requests. to their escorts that some inconvenience. I resolved tocarriages'be not used for the short stick by the ship. , .distance, unless the weather prove "1 am one of the charter mem-inclement. bers of that organization," I an-Preparations for the Prom are swered fearlessly.rapidly beina pushed by all the The rage of the King was awful,., to behold.committees in charge, and all pres-ent indications point to a most sue- "What, ho, guards! Sieze thatman."cessful close to the Junior Day fes-tivities. . ' The army rushed in aad seizedme in his powerful grasp.&CAt last! At Iastl,". cried. theking gloatingly. ·'1 have a cb,8ucC:to wreak my vengeance on' ODe ofthe men who put my happy king­dom into a comic opera. Eversi n c e the King's KalendUKeeper was produced in Chi­cago there bas been a dark cloudover this once peaceful retreat of Ar­cadian bliss. The people have be­come disconsolate, the girls walkand act like show-girls To thinkthat we should have been accused ofmaking such inane and asininespeeches as we are given in thatopera makes my blood boil. I havesworn to boil the authors alive, es­pecially the one from Muncie, butI have not been able to capture himyet."The kin, stopped for lack ofbreath.All the plans for the QuadrangleFete are completed, the final detailsbeing arranged at a meeting of theexecutive committee yesterday'afternoon. Work will be begun onthe booths tomorrow noon and thecampus will present a scene of un­usual activity all afternoon. whenthe members of the women's organ­izations will tum their efforts to­wards making the fete a success.;There will be considerable rivalry ,among the different clubs, each one �trying to outdo the others in indi­viduality, and some bright featuresare in store for the patrons.The Holland booth will be awindmill gotten up in characteristicstyle. Arrangements are beingmade to have a special electricaldisplay feature, and the chief engineer is now making an estimate ,to see if the idea can be carriedout. It is quite probable that DOdifficulty will be encountered andthat the wires and lights will bestrung tomorrow afternoon.The women are sparing no painsto make the fete this year evenmore attractive and original thanwas the one given last year in co­operation . with the Blackfriars'opera, , 'The Passing of PahliKahn," and tomorrow night whenthe' patrons of- tbe-4"King's Katen­dar Keeper" come out on thecampusduring the intermission, they will Ifind many surprises, in store forthem. Fate of UDfortunate Victim in Doabt­Feared Be Baa BeeD IIaroonecl­Elorts at Rescue' VainLIGHT PRACTICE FOR TJU.CIt lIDParry Throwa Hammer OYer' 150 J'eetCoDsisteDUy -StrenDO'U Work Toc1ayDirctor Stagg has given the trackteam light work this week, follow­ing their strenuous day at Miciganlast Saturday. Some of the dis­tance men have been given timetrials, and the weight men havebeen working bard, but the sprint­ers and short distance runners andjumpers have had it rather easy.Ed Parry kept up his good workperforming with the hammer yes­terday in spite of the rain. Hemade several throws better than100 feet and one within an inch' of154 feet. This proves conclusivelythat Parry is ove� the 150 footclass.A hard workout was in store forthe track men yesterday but therain upset the the plans and thestrenuous program is reserved fortoday. IIORGAlI PARK lID TO DDIBA1mDDl aDd SeDioD I'roIIl Acal8IDJ toIIeet at CoauaouAt a meeting of Morgan Parkalumni held this morning at 10:30in Cobb Hall; it was decided to givea joint dinner for the alumni andthis year's senior academy class, inthe private dining room of the Com­mons, next Thursday evening at6:30.The meeting was called at the in­stance of the Reynolds Commission,which desires to make the graduat­ing "preps" familiar with the Var­sity. A number of prominent men,including President Harper, whoseson is president of the academyseniors, will be present as guests.All Morgan Park men who cancome are asked to hand in theirnames to W. J. Sherman beforenext Wednesday.BroWD80n Club ElectsAt the annual meeting of. theBrownson Club yesterday, the fol­lowing officers were elected: Pres.,Paul O'Donnell; 1st Yi� Pres.,Miss Edna Weldon; 2nd Vice Pres.,Peter F. Dunn; CorrespondingSec'y, Miss Irene! 0 Brien; Record­ing Sec'y., Miss Mary McElroy;Treasurer, Walter McAvoy;Seventh Member of ExecutiveCom., J. R. M c-carthy. • Thiele D.t th.Ia •••• 'tb.m ..,.u-.t _ (IIqt .. .._ ..I';Ij GOLF TEAll AT IIICBIGAlf TODAYCHICAGO, FRIDAY. MAY 26,1905ttbe 1Datl� maroonJ'ol1Derl7 the UDl,.eralt7 or Chlcqo W .. kI7. Chalacea for Victory AgaiDat WolnriDelSlim.-llichi&u KOD aU Vetel'BDSWith the odds against them theMaroon golf team left last night forNEWS CONTRIBUTIONS REQUESTED. Ann Arbor to meet the Universityof Michigan golfers today and to-Publlabe4 b7· the lItudeDta or the UDlnr-.ltT or Chleqo eYer7 aftel'1l00D. acept morrow. The Michigan team isBaturcla7 aDd SUDde7. dUrlDC three .uar-Wra or the UDlnnlt7 7ear. made up mostly of veterans, fourrlnt board or ec1lton aDd bualDeu maD-apr authorised b7 RudeDt-bod7 In mau and possibly five of the men onm .. t� II.a7 115. 1902. ,______ � __ )I�berahlD OD .ubeeQuent· boarc1a of last vear s team retainin� theiredlton to tie determiDed b7 -compeUU.D- --.opo te all etudeDta lD the UDlnntt7. places this year. .BOARD or EDITORS. On the other hand Captain LeelIaDacloc Edltor HUr7 W. Ford. '0& Maxwell is the only player onNews FAitor , Walter L. Gr�ory, '06A.thletic lWitor .. _ John s. Wnght. '05 Chicago's team who has had anyexperience in intercollegiate golf­ing, the four other members of theteam playing their first intercolleg-'06. iate rounds today. Under theseconditions the best that is hopedfor by Chicago is a close contest,Maxwell, Lambert, Magee, Jameslila lIarle o=��I����rel8D Smith, '06 and Harwood will play for the Ma­roons and Trueblood, Smoot, Kid­son, Bloomfield and Becker or Bar­ber will represent Michigan.J'OUNDGThe UDI,.'.lt,. or Cblc. Week.,.. Oct. J.. 1892TIm DAILY IldooM - - - Oct. 1. '\902ASSOCIATE JlIDITORS.Ralpb P. lIul,.aDe. '015.JC4warc1 II. Kerwin. '06.lA Ro7 A. VaD PatteD. '06.C. Arthur Bruce.Claude Schofield, '07Wm. A. Mc:Dermid, '07Bernard I. Bell, '07Wm, 11. Hatfield, '06WOKEN EDITORS.IIIIj. STAJI'J' or REPORTERS.Mba lUna Robey, '07.C. McKeona, Rush, '05, R. Hddy :\latheWII. '07Herbert M. Harwood, 'OS, R.}<'. Baldwin, '07E. G. Felseuthal, 'OS, Chas. A. Paltzer, '05George H. Brown, 'OS I,uthcr D. Fernald, 'osMake-up man today-R. Eddy MathewsBUSINESS STAFF.Bu.loesa ·lIIanager Herbert I. MarkbamASlI't Bus. Manager Joho Worley, Jr.rirc:ulatioa Mgr.· W. :\1. RuffcornEotered as aecood-clasa mall at ChlcagoPostomce.Dally· Subllcrlptioo, $3 year; $1 tor � moe.By lIIall In City $4 year; $1.215 for 3 mo •.Subscrlptionll received at TH. MABooNomce, Ellls Hall, or left In Tus IlAIlOONBox, tbe Faculty Excbaoge. Cobb Hall.Prloted by QUlldraogle Press, 0104 E. 55th.I, I"" EDITO.R.IAL5 'ITHE holding of the Quadrangle. Fete on the same evening as a per­��ormance 0 f theThe Fete and ,. King's KalendarThe Opera Keeper" is a fortu-D ate arrangementfor the success of both affairs. Theprettily decorated booths with theirfair attendants clad in the colors ofthe nations, . will furnish a pleasantway of passing the half hour's in­termission between the acts of theBlackfriars' show.Clothes ShopE X C.L U.S.I·V·EHIGH-GRADE CLOTHES.' •. :::"BATS AND FUR.NISH1NG�. TOO:WE· MAKE NO ATTEMPT TOTRY AND COM�ETE \-nTHCHii��LY �IADE ·CtO�HES.'BUT WHEN WORK:\lAN­S 'H I P, QU' ALI TIE SAND FASHIOXS ARE'R E'Y N G CONSIDERED W EDELIVER THE GOODS."Frenzied" fabric­mercerized cloths,are heinJ,! mani�u­lated to look likethe genuine. Wedon't use an inch.We let others dothat - 90 per centcotton, you know.49,51 AND 53.JACKSOX BOULEVARDC H I C A G SHOREY & WEN_HaUlWe want Jour name OD the .ut.erlp­tion list of Tbe nan,. M.uocaCome visit the Island of Blink, its Kalen­dar Keeper and King,With its beautiful maidens so fair, eachcostume a wonderful thing.The girls you will meet when you'rethere, by their grace you'll be filledwith surprise,Their manners and ways you'll adore,while their beauty will dazzle youreyes.Now all of you turn out tonight l'U'hoknow wben you see a good thing,So put on your finest and best and payyour respects to the king.Extract from Martyn's Maroon RhymesU. of C. Photographer ,5705 Cottage GroveAve. Photos of cast for sale at above ad-•dress.D·&'EXEL .C··�F;·�THE STUDENTS' DINING ROOKMRS. A. H. FARREu.E, Prop.Weddings and Parties Suppliedon Short NoticeAddress: 65Z E. 57th STREETPbone: H P. 7294FOWNES GLOVESwill be worn longerthis season thanothers - - that Is,other glovII � �Don't.Tortureyour face with poor shavingsoap. Avoid irritations andshave with ease Insist on' -WILLIAMS' :r�o Sacc ••• on t.r1. M. PATI'ERSONProprietor JOHNCLARXManagerw. Deyer clo ••All arden, day or Dfght, &De4promptly..... _ P.n LInIJSucc:eIIor to 1. H. Kintz.,. Eo. PIlt7-Sen.tIl a..... Geo. H. Fiedler � Co.TAl LO&SYoung Men's Clothes Made ByYOWlg Men Who Know HowWe Carry A Line Of WoolensThat Will Appeal To YouIf You callOD A. LIPMAN99 E. KdJaoD St.MoneyWantDiamond.. Watches. Je .... elry. and Antiques. for salei Old Gold and Silver BoaabtM. E. FITZGERALD' &: CO.1'IAKERS OF GENTLEMEN'S GARMENTS360 EAST FIFTY-FIFTH STR·EETNEA.R KIMBA.RK AVE.WE H..A.VE A SPLENDID RANGE OF GOODSDOLLARS.SPORTING FULLAND DRESS,RIDINGFOR TWENTY-FIVETUXEDOS, (;LERICAL.BREECHES.TAACT G. WR.IGBT. Pre ••UNITED STATE.S COAL CO.Wholesal. COAL & COKE R. • t • I I800-802.804 Old Colon.,. Bide_PHONE. BAR.R.ISON 966 CHICAGOOur Shower-proof Overcoats Made to.Fit You $20 to $40 .• 00NICOLL,The TAl LORClark and Adams StreetsTHE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE an.STORAGE COMPANY .• ...... HydeParkI7. IaMBAltlCAVS. ... PIPTY..5ID1IS'I'.TIle Qeaaest aad Best Kept StonpWarehouse Ia the CIty • • •Panaltant ..s PI.- MGftIIl. slOftd. PKb:d mid Shippecl .... ,... .._wadeL po PIt R...... Luze Pub Ea:IasiftJy ..PI-. TnaaP mid WbeeIs. LIaze Room lor c.m..-._ Baais. IIDd SJeia'1& 'l'RUlID TO .All]) no. ALL DJIlIO'l'L.......................... PacJarea;.-c.. .. .Jataatic:e.......... � ........ NWItt OI1lIaA.lso Branch Buffet at fm E_ Monroe St.BORDEN·SCOllDE.SED IDLE, PLUID IIJI.E,CUAII AIfD B1JTTKRJIII,EALL 60TTLED IN TIlE CO"NftFBoRDEN'S CoNDENSn MILK Co.en .. " 11:. PORTf4CYl:RTM n.E. C. :M 0 0 R E••• .Yiortst •••111 E. I'IITY.I'IFTB ST.• . T........ H74. Para 38 •D ANCOYERYou can always get yourstyle, your height and yourexact me inARROWQUARTER SIZECOLLARSThese collars beine madeotfabrics shrunk before cut­ting by theClupeco Process.will not shrink. Thisinsures perm.&DeDC), or size TEKlfIS TOUUEY CHECKEDCHICAGO. FRIDAY. MAY 26, 1905DINSE, PAGB & CO.ELECTROTYPERS_�- KlJIBAIL BALI.Speda -243 Wabula A .....� i&�orS��v. of c. 0Ntul ...Stu4eDt. Jrza .,... ..PhotographaTHE LATEST -SOCIETY FADRaiD Prevents Progress in DivinityTournamentThe heavy rain of yesterdayafternoon prevented the playing ofa number of matches in the singlesand doubles in the Divinity tennis. tournamen t.The preliminary match betweenLarson and Benedict resulted in avictory for the latter, 6-3, 6-2.The remaining matches of thesecond round are between Runyan­Benedict, Bigelow-Newschwander,Daniel-McDougall, and Merrifield­Kelley. They will be played offthis afternoon if possible.Players are requested to registerthe results of all matches on theDivinity bulletin board as soon asthey are played.New City Library PrivilegesMrs. Dixon, librarian, announcesthat the Chicago Public Libraryhas granted to professors of theUniversity the privilege of holdingteachers' cards, by which they mayobtain the use of six books at atime from the City library. Theapplication blanks for these cardsmay be obtained at the loan deskin the generalli brary .Establisbed 1873.AMES,2.00 HATS$3.00G. A sound mind in a soundbody i, the ideal which every. rational man seeks to attain.This ide a I is a question ofproper food, andShreddedWheat Biscuitwill produce the desired results.It is made fnMn the choicestwheat and nothing else. G. Itis a known fact that wheat con­tains all the elements of thehuman body and bra i n. Itbuilds muscle, bone, teeth and"gray matter." G.TryTris­cult .. the whole wheat crackerused as a toast or wafer."n. p"!':;��:n!-:'�:' .... "The Natural Food Co.Nlapr. FaJ .... N.Y. THE COllEGE OF DENTISTRYUNIYERSITY of ILLINOIS- -----iiiii-- - - --l5c each; 2for 25.cA FAIR. D!:.AL WITH EVERYHAT161-163 E. Madison St., near La Salle -FOR-Breakfast or LunchAsk forThe food with a deliciousmaple flavor-always freshand crisp.Found whereverGOOD THINGSare served .. Located on the West Side in thecenter of the greatest Medicaland Dental Community on earthOFFERS UNSURPASSED CLINIC·AL ADVANTAGESEvery opportunity for l?r8cticaland scientific dental training isafforded. Infirmary, Laborator­ies and Lecture Hall modem andcomplete in every detail.For particulars address:B. J. CIGRAND, II.S., D.D.S., Dean.Corner Harrison and HoDore St.., ChicagoGive a share of your trade toJE.NKINS BR.OTHERSDRY GOODSCLUETT, PEABODY & CO.Larcest makers of Collars & Shirtsin tbeworldA. ComlIJete Jb:Ic7dOpecUa or Ametear 8Jorte SPALDINI'SOfficialATHLmCALMANACFor190.Edited SULLIVAN!Chief of Department of Pbya1ca1 Cul"_I.ouisiaoa PulC:bue RXpositiooJ.- ....Should be read by every college student. .. tacoutains the records of all college athletes andall amateur eventa in tbis country and abroadIt also contains a complete rmew of the�rsrx�i�m�n���O:e�f�rt��devoted to sports in which sanges weretheonl;contestants. Tbis is the first time in which theatbletic performances of savages have ever beeDsystemdicallv recorded.This is the largest Athletic: Almanac: ever pub.liabed, containg 320 pages. Numeroul'illustra­tions of prominent athletes and track teams.Price 10 CeDt. .For sale by aU newsdealers andA. G. SPALDING 4& aa.os.New York Chicago �an �8eDd for a copy of Spafdings's Athletic Good8C&talORUe. It's free.P W t istbeure a er basis ofGood HealthIe 8t.olute1y pure. Delivered la-.Jed. pass bottles. Sold bY. allladiDg dmgists.THE CONSUMER' co.BatJer, 35th to 36th sts. CmCA.COTelephone Tar4. 1220 WHY use poor, unwholesomemilk, when for the samemoney you can get itPure, Sweet and ExtraordinarilyRich, delivered in sealed bottles, bycalling up Telephone South 817, ordropping a postal toSIDNEY WANZER & SONS305-7 Thirtieth St.If you do not see what youwant, •• Il for itWe carry sucb a nriety of Iltoclt thatpossibly the particular article youneed is not in view. If not. uk forit. It is more than likely tbat wewill be able to supply the desiredarticleROSALIE PHARMACY. J. J. GILL. Ph. G ••Pbone H. P. 175 27 .. 2. 57th SL Ask Any Upperclassman WhoUF AMOUS" 18.He will ten you that "Fa!nolw" Ia theman who put. 10ur clothe. In sood 0011-ditior, and doe. firat-clau work In re­pairing and preaiDg.See him on the campus.rAMOUS TAIWRING 00.,HI m. mstJl Street.PbaDe Ib'cJe Pan MOO.Develops. Bone. BrainandBrawn andMen's FurnlshiDS.415-417 E. 63rd St., Cor. KbnbarkPhone Hyde Park 1188.(Established 1890.)P. D. WEINSTEINLADIES' TAILORWorkmanship UnequaledSpecial Rates for U. of C. StudentsN. E. Cor. 56th and LexingtonPhone 1282 Hyde ParkMUSSEY'SBilliard Halls and Bowling AlleysThe Largest and Finest AmusementResort in the World100 to 108 MadieoD StreetBraDCh: IUS Davia SL. EvaJIStoaA. McAdamsTHE UNJVERSJTY FLORIST�oUSItS: . r"Y.JT�.A.GO... ad ....... Jti.....n.-. ��KE.ENANFLORISTSttl·Wentworth In. - Pbone Weul 3634tt Rut 63rd Sl - - PIIone B. P. S46tFresh cut flowers, seeds, plants and bulbs.Gold Fish and Aquaria SuppliesL MANASSE, OPnCIAN.. -- ... ....--..."II ....... .,... ••• I .......�T ... ;!,1;zrrr:.............�,a.­..........Established 1878 Incorporated 1902 I PLEiSIIT �OURIEY••• _ured when JOelTra ••• .,.....Chicago, IndianapolisCincinnati. LouisvilleandFrench Lick andWest Baden 8prlngsIt JOG 80 _the .., of til.Call and see Phone Hyde Park 1810I aleo do Cleaning, Dyeing and RepairingM. SCHIFFMAN,Fine TailoringSuits Made to Order�8 E. 63d StreetA. A. Devore & Son. TAILORS\>ullman BuildingWe make a s�alty of hi,h grade DraaSuits for yoUU& men. ':llmll:l;JIIIII'_ c-a Y .. Lecal Ticbt..... •184 CLAa.K STR.EE. T -STEREOTYPERS181 ADAMS ST. • • • • CBICAOOTelephones:MaiD ., ARto 8271the Pictures A. W. STRICKLER. WATCHMAKER294 E. 55th St. ChicagoA warded Certificate of the AmericanHoroJogical Society for SuperiorWorkmanshipPbone Hyde Park 1069 O� cv . nings till 8.... H ........ H.rtLadles" Hairdr.,ealDS aDdManlcuriDg ParlorsElectric Scalp Tr�tment And Facial Mu·. .age • E.�ltyZ4Z EA6T ·55tb STR.EI:. TWhere Do YOU GetYour Newspapers, Periodicals and Sta­tionery?AT NORTON'S ..Free Delivery.848 57th Street. Phone 116 Hyde ParkE. BURNHAMHAIR GOODSELECTROLYSISTIll F ...... · Morri. PeR.., PIIIa.II. 2& PInn ..... PIIo .. _ tor 2&0(euct size)In five �t poe­tions and a free sou­vezair buttoD •• orrll '.nn,'101.,.1111...,624 E.63d Street, DearEllis Aft. (GrouDdfloor.) SittiDgs madeSUD., Wed. and Sat.evezaiDp.I Ii'I CHICAGO, FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1905good work in Kirsch­baum Clothes is put theretostay. Thedothwears,the ht lasts, they are made�. tailors and mostly ,by' hand.w Ihey could hardly be made better.Ask for Kirschbaum Clothes<Warranted). Good stores every­Where, $12 to $25.Llnsist on seeing the Kirschbaum label insidebreast pocket of coat. New Styl� Book. free if you'll write for it.A. B. Kirschbaum & Co.i(Makers) Philadelphia and New York'.<,-�Bargains in any makeeither for rental or saleTHE TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE319 Dearborn StreetCHICAGO. ILL.College StudentsJ:equire MaiD-making foods. ThedaDger of collapse or "brain fag"froai ovenror� may easily beaoided by the 1IIe of 'Good Food Properly CookedW. us. IIralDa in selectingand cooking the food served by usTIlE KUITZ·RE •• LER Co.303-3OS Wabash AvenueTel. 599 Bani80IISEEING COLORADODuring the Epworth League Convention at Denver, July 5th to 9th th«DENVER AND RIO GRANDE R.R •. "The Scenic Lines of the World"will make low rates to all the princiJ?-'llsummer resorts and Scenic point!' of m­terest in Colorado and Utah. Also to theYellowstone Park, California and theLewis and Clark Exposition at Portland.For rates and full information writeS. K. HOOPER, R. C. NICHOL,G. P. & T. A Gen'l Agent,Denver. Colo. 242 Clark St,, Chicago, Ill. SPRING AND SUMMERSTYLESScotch Tweeds, English Serges.and Che rio ts.Home Spuns and Flannels.Gun Metal GreTsTailor lor Youn. MeDTwo Stores:131 La Salle Street44 Jackson BoulevardCIIlCAGO. n.i., LAST ANON FROM BLINKContinufOd from first page. (..'OluDlD 4. BUSINESS CAk.DS-"Vogelsang's"17t5-1t52 �IADISON ST.A modern up-to-date Cafewhere the cooking and serviceis equaled only by the best. ::MIllineryMRS. S. TAYLORWashington Ave. & 55th S Ice Cream. �od •• C.actl ••We regulate your temperature in hotweather. Our Soda Water is Cold andDelicious. Ice Cream Parlor in connec­tion. PORTLAND PHARMACY, N. E. Cor.GOth St .. and Washington Ave.I could �e that I was in a veryembarassing predicament. Whatif the king should treat me as heintended to treat the +Muncinianauthor.I could see him eyeing me in asinister manner. •• Let Ole see. Youare from the University of Chicago,are you not?"· politely asked Gus."Yes, your most gracious andpuissan maj(·sty.·· i \\ U" uUWTri:ubed rock' and was forced to draw inmy horns"Since you are from the Univer­'sity of Chicago, I have decided tomaroon you on a desert island.".Hen- the manuscript ends abruptly.Attempts to establish telegraphic cotll­munic tion have been ill vain, as 110 clewto the whereabouts of the Slender has beenobtained, the dispatch coming via Singa­pore ami Hong Kong.-Ed. Dru.sTry Tolu. Tar and Wild Cherry,for.that cough. University Pharmacy 560E. 55th St.--------��------------------------------We do not at! vise drugs if vou are well.__b!.!L'\.�·h�! you're �kk Tel. H. P. 557. andy.our d, ug lle�ds will �e(. cive our profes­sional atteuron. Delivery by specialmessengers, THE PORTLAND PHARMACY,N. E. Cor. roth St. and Washington Ave.l\.es�.ur_.•_D_t_a _Have you tried the Lexington Restaur­ant and Lunch Room for meals? "L"Station 520 E. 63rcl Street. •W�Dt,!d.Te.chersU yuu wish to secure a position toteach calIon or write to James �'. Mc'('!lll1011lth. Railwav ��xcba�e. r.. blcago.C. A. Scott & Co .• proprietors of theBridge Teachers' Agency, 2A Beaconstreet. Boston, are seeking desirable can­didates for college and private school p0-sitions in the Western States. Candidateswho would accept a universitv position toteach English at a salary of '$1,�. andacademic positions to teach French andGerman at salaries from $;00 to fl,(X)()sbould write at once. "Students Wantedt AD Inhabita.nt of MUDcle.Sans Souci ParkSaturday at 1 p.m. ana everyafternoon and eveningthereafterRagtime I can teach any personof average intelligenceto play real ragtime on piano in ten les­sons. College students possess more thanaverage intelligence, which makes mywork easier. \Vrite at once for explana­tory booklet .. C H R ISTENSEN, 400Athenaeum Hldg .• Chicago.------------------------------------Allental AlleDtsl A •• Dt.1Sans Souci Park under new man­agement takes on added charmsthis season. Many new buildingshave been erected and the old onesrenovated and improved includingthe theatre which will scarce berecognized in its new habiliments.On every hand is seen the handi­work of skillful landscape garden­ers, who have increased the lawn<pace and added many attractivefloral features.A new band stand.handsome andornate, occupies the center of thegrounds. Here, beginning tomor­row afternoon and every afternoonand evening thereafter, DirectorHowstrawser with his famous FirstRegiment Band of 45 pieces willdiscourse music of the popular va­riety while "Dare Devil Castellane"on a peculiarly constructed appar­atus essays the perilous feat of rid­ing a bicyc'e down an inclined plane"gapping the gap.", "looping theloop" and finally • 'gapping theloop" through flames from hngecal.Irons placed beneath,In the theatre will be presented• 'The Paraders'", a musical pro­duction of unusual merit which en­joyed a deservedly long run at adown town theatre some time since.With the reduction in the ad­mission price to ten cents a muchlarger attendance than formerly islooked for. $25.00 PER WEEK DURING YOUR VACA­TION. WE WANT COLLEGE STUDENTS toact as our representatives and take ordersfor our new line of, Up-To-DATE goods,�NTIRELY NE�, QUICK SELLERS�during your vacation to pay your tuitionfor next term. \Vrite for particulars to­day. UNIVERSAL MANUFACTURINGCOMPANY PlTPSfoURG PA.T,.UoraFor fine tailoring go to 364 E. 63rd SLMeD·a WearThe very best grade of Men's Wear forUniversity of Chicago students is kept byJ. R. Wilcox at 590 East 63rd St .The Varsity Cafe474 E. 55th'STRE.ETUp-to-date Culinary Service,Special Rates to Students.Catering to Small Parties and Families====:on short notice' BOATBYGOThe comfortable, convenient andleast expensive way to travel.SER.VICE THE BEST TOGRAND RAPIDSFARE,I2.00. 7:45 p.m. Daily.MUSKEGON. GRAND B1 VElFARE,! .50. : 7:45 p.m. Daily.MIL"W" AUKEEFAREI �Fact YOI H.I. O,.rlooked"'\(VHAT?.... n patronizing a drUg lionwhJ not go toA.P. DEWEY &CO.612 E. 6.1<I5t. Tel. H. P. 254-255A trial will conYince ,OU .. ,.II tile place to trade $1.00GOODRICH JUNESTEAMERS 8:00 p.m. DailyDocks FootMichigan Ave.GET IEXT TO I GOOD THIIGLELE"W"ER'S$2.00 HATSOurCollegeTelescopeCrushedare "it" IfIDterested in Bowling or BU·IIards, you should have a �vateten. pin ball or cue. Price ofTen Pin Balls $(.00. FanCJ cues$1.00 to 1'.00 each.•• IIIWIck· .. Ik .. C. ........ ee.�6S Wabuh Ave.15Z M"DISO�. D •• r LA SALLE104 WASHINGTON. D ••• CLAkK