..I ,'.T'he Daily" Ma, .................. bJu.. ... of tile v�" CIIkqo Dad8f . thnt.� tf u.. ValftD19VOL. III. No. 144 CHICAGO, THURSDAY, MAY, 25, 1905The Semitic Club will hold a specialmeeting in Room 26, Haskell Museumat 9::'> this evening. ono CaNTSYALE FUND IS RAISED ,MAROONS DE F EAT ILLINOIS GOLFTEAJI GOES TO AIm ARBOR FUNNY ISLAND IN BLINK• Bu1f'a KeD Shut Out III Faat Game­IlliDi Battera at _ • r c y 0 f :. Erole!IIUler '" Ollly ODe Veteran ,OD. Team-WlIc:ooalDTeam Playa Here JUDe 3-Klchigan toProve • StroDI OppoDeDtThe University golf team, con­sisting of Captain Maxwell, Lam-:bert Magee, J ames and Harwoodwill leave touight for Ann Arborwhere it �iJI meet Mi�igaD Fridayaftemoon 00, �.Amor.course...'Tomorrow morning, the team wi�practice on the course in order toaccustom the players to the links,Michigan is unusally strong thisyear and the Maroon players show­,ing against them is doubtful.. Atthe beginning of the season onlytwo of last year's players were, i�school and one of those will not beable to play against Michigan.Captain Maxwell is the only vet­eran on the team. There are twofreshmen players on the team whoare erratic players, Lambert alsoa new man has played consistentgolf in the practice this' spring.Captain Maxwell' stands a'.goodchance of winning from his manbut the result of the match willlargely depend on the: form shownby the DeW men on the .squad.. lThe wisc0n8isi team will be playedhere OQ the morning of the 'Con7fereace: meet, lune 3. Little hasbeen heard regarding the strengthqf the Badgers! King Augustus at First Declines toCorreapondent Interview, Think­ing He is From IndianaAdam Upp Arranges the Ital.DIlar to SultIlia Desire For a LoDI Life(Specl&l to DAILY NA"-OON)- 'Isbnd' onUiDk;: lIayi7� '-l.9OO:�� .�., ., . ':-:" 7Afte'r - two' days of' waitiDg theMinister of Public WorkS informedthat .King Augustus LVIII wouldreceive me in the throne room ofthe castle that afternoon at two.He said the King was rather afraidto grant me an audience aa he b.aIL,heard that I' came from Indiana.The Minister said he was sure Iwas not from Indiana because I hadnever written a book or perpetrateda pusedo comic opera on the gulli-ble public. I asked the Ministerof Public Works what the costumede rigear' for an afternoon receptionwas. He! mtd me there was-no par-ticular' costume for the occasion, butI was to watch what the citizens ofHoopla wore. It rained about noonso, I decided not to go a la Hoopla.I wa� escorted. to the castle bythe Blinkean army and a fine chaphe was. The castle was an impos­ing edifice of mud about six feeteight inches high. Here 'we weremet by the King' s body�guard, the� sOn of tlie' Blirikean piny.. .:;:In the ante-room I was met bythe famous King's Kalendar Keep­er, Adam Upp, who was now aboutone hundred and twenty-seven yearsold. A very interesting story wastold .me concerning the, � ofAdam., Duriag the last years of ,the reign of the fonner King, AwLmhad been warned by a sooth-sayerthat he would die on a certain day.As Adam had the prerogative of.sayingwhen a, new month and. anew, year, would start, he decidedthat the best way to prolong ,hislife would be to hold off, the fatalday. For about thirty years hehad not announced a new monthand it had been the forty- secondday of the month Ramabazoka,year 17432 for, overthirty years,American time. The people havebecome accustomed to the date andhave grown to ike it- So there isno need for any change. A fanfareof a trumpet is heard, I am aboutto meet the famous monarch. - Moreanon.JUiOT Cou� CoaDcil Aab Girla to Tab• WalkSentiment against the use ofcarriages at dances on the campushas set in so strongly that the mem­bers of the Junior College Councilhave formally recommended theabolition of the custom.At a meeting of the council yes­terday the following recommenda­tion was made:The Junior College Council 'ofthe University of Chicago. actingwith the full consent cf Dean Talbot,does hereby recommend that girls,livingon the campus or within easywalking distance of the gymnasium,do request their escorts not to pro­cure carriages for the Junior Promi­nade, which will be held June 9,unless the weather prove inclement.Undergraduate Classes Raise $S,Z50To Cover College Deficit- J un­lor Class Most LiberalBy defeating Illinois yesterday 2to 0 the Varsity demonstrated thatat times it can play winning base­ball.All the fun came in the fifth in-.,:1hng. . After' one; otitr.�Temp1etOllsignaled and reached secondwhile Pitts was juggling theball. Bezdek drew a base on ballsand Harper hit to Bush­nell forcing Templeton at third.Harper and Bezdek worked adouble steal and Paul drew thesecond pass for that inning fillingthe bases. Then Baird came tobat and hit to right field scoring theonly two runs of the game.In the second inning Illinois camenear scoring making three successivehits and filling the bases. ButMiller struck out the next two bat­ters and the last lifted a fly to Baird.Miller had the better of Bushnellthroughout the game.' He struckout four men and gave no passes.In the last six innings but twenty­one Illini came to bat.The largest crowd of the seasonwas at the game, over five thous­and people being in the stands.Score:Chicago'Bezd�kl 2b __.Harper,cPaul, d, pBaird, IfSpeidel, rfLinn,3bTempleton, 55lrliller. pAbbott,lb TweDty DlviDlty lieD Play for Cham­pionshipThe Divinity tennis tournamentis making rapid progress. Sevenmatches in the singles and one inthe doubles have already beenplayed. ,The winners and the scores sofar follows:GJllUlUium Work to be Required atPrincetoD-lIorthwestem Men's ClubTakes p�� of QaarteraThe plan of the three lower-elasses -of "!tie. .Academi�.' Depat ..ment at Yale announced May I, toraise by undergraduate SUbscriptionenough to cover the, College deficitof $5,000, has been more than re­alized. The movement was startedby the Junior Class, and in a littleover three weeks a total of $5,250has been pledged. Of this, '2,125was subscribed by eighty-five mem­bers 'of the Junior- -Class in sharesof $25. A:week later the Sopho­mores took up the matter and con­tributed seventy-two shares of $25,a total of $1,800. Last week theFreshman Class was asked to sup­po� the movement, and respondedliberally with forty-nine eoatribu­tions of 125 each, amounting toSl,225. The rest was raised bysmaller SUbscriptions from all threeclasses.A new plan is to be adopted nextyear in regard to work in thePrinceton University gymnasium.All Freshmen will be notified toreport at assigned hours to undergoa ' rigid 'physical examination and .'upon this examination will bebased a prescribed course of exer­cise planned to develop each manill the direction ill which he is mostlacking. A second examinationWIll be given. if desired later in theyear to show any development thatmay have been gained. These ex­aminations will be optional withmen in the three upper classes.The Men's Club of Northwest­ern University, a recently organizedassociation of all men of the uni­versity, has rented quarters inEvanston and the formal openingof the club house was held Satur-.day' evening. The object of theclub is to promote fellowship amongthe students and to' augmentNorthwestern spirit. It bids fairto become a success.There are 194 girls ill the gradu­ating class at Vassar, and it issaid more than a score of them areengaged to be married.Last Thursday the' Cornell stu­dents held their third annual SpringDay Celebration. It was a sort ofan imitation fair or circus. Theobject of these eelebrat ions is toraise money to support athleticsand at this one about two thousanddollars was realized.Student occupants of the Win­throp dormitory at, Harvard reoported this week to the police thatsecurities and jewels to the value of$I,(X)O have been stolen from their R.11ooooooo H Po 3,.2, 5'1 'I1 5o �o 11 0o 0o 10 Bo ",;" TJOr:OLOGS :m�mflns'-rolnnmY0,1o1o1ooA­Iooo133412 5 Z1 .13 3PARo 24 02 01 0o 0o 12 02 0o 1 Preliminaries-Runyan defeated Sealock, 6-0, 6..0.Larson-Benedict match unplayed.Biglow defeated McLauchlin, 6-0,6-0.Neuschwander defeated Sunder­land, 6-3, 6-1.Second Round-Parsons defeated MacIntosh, f..4,6-0, 6-2.Allison defeated Perkins, 8-6, 3-6;63.Henry defeated Webster,6-0, 6-0.Burwell defeated Matthews, f�,«;,2.Daniel-McDougall and Merrifield- Kelley matches not yet played.Doubles--Larson and Roy defeared Binamand Ewers, 6 3, 6-2. 9-7.Those who have been watchingt he progress of the tournamentpromise a hard-fought and inter­esting contest for the champion­ship. A number of matches arebeing played every afternoon, andit is expected that the singles'tournament at least will be finishedby the end of tile week.TotalI11inouV'dgrift, 3bBrooks,2bBushnell, pTaylor, IbRothgeb,'dWhite're, rlSlocum, cRay. 55PiUs, If RH13o61o913ooooooooo 2oo12o1ooTotals 0 {t 24 11 4Chicago 0 0 0 0 2 0 9 0 0-2Hliuois 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0--0Two Base Hits, Vandagrift. StolenBases, Harper, 3, Bezdek, Paul, Baird,Vandagrift 2, Slocum, Ray. Struck Out,By Bushnell. 8; by Miller,4. Bases onBalls, Off Bushnell, 5. Double Play,Speidell to Harper. Left OD Bases. Chi­cago, 5, Illinois, 7. Hit by Pitcher,Pitts. Earned Run, Chicago Time,1:00. Umpire, Pickett.Christian Union Needs WorkersThe Christian Union needs oneman or woman to take charge ofthe University settlement station ofthe Chicago Public library on theafternoon of June 1 from aboutI::10 to 5:30. The work will be ofa regular library type such as find­ing and giving out books on' cardsand cancelling the same when re­turned. A person familiar withlibraries would be the most usefulthere. Please call at I A Cobb10:30-11 a. m., daily except Satur­day and Sunday.rooms.Morgan Park Alumni to MeetThere wilt be an important meet­ing of Morgan Park Alumni tomor­row morning at 10:00 0' clock inCobb Hall. A full attendance is de­sired at this 'meeting.Steinbeck Elected SpeakerAt the meeting of the candidatesfor the degree of associate at theend of the presentquarter, Clark C.Steinbeck was elected speaker.: '" ,C�IICAGO, TH.U.RSDAY. MAY 25,1005SDIOR GIRLS wm AT HOCKEYttbe JDatl� maroonJUDion Lose Bard FOlljtht Game by Score,ofltoo'The Senior College hockey teamdefeated the Juniors yesterday intheir first championship game bythe close score of r to O. Theplaying on both sides was spirited.Only once towards the end ofthe first half did the SeniorsI'ormwb' tM U� of CIaIcap ��.�TIle Unly'do of CIaIc. WMkb'. Oct. 1. 1892TIm D£IL"I' Kooo. - - - Oct. 1. '802maws CONTllIBUTlONS B.EQUBSTED.",f, i•).01 E. 13rd StreetBet Monroe & Kimbark Ave.succeed in passing the opposingbacks. The two remaining gameswill be played June 5th, and June7th. Line upS. Morrison, lw M. Faville Capt.E. Markley,Capt. 1. i. f. H. SmithF. Chaney, c. f. M. PayneB. Clark, r. i. f. T. RichardsEdith Moore, r. w. L. RipleyE. Schmidt, l.h.b. G. SullivanR. Wade, c. h. b. A. BigelowE, Whiteford 1. h. h. E. MartinA. Davis, 1. f. b. A. Hoffman,A. Whiteford, r. f. b. M. GarrityF. Schmid goal J. NelsonBOARD or EDITORS.Ilan .. �. E4iter ••••• 1Iarr7 W. rord, '0&News Editor •••••.• _ ••••• Walter 1.. Gr�ry. 'mAthleUc Editor_ ••••••.•••.•••••••• John s. Wnght. ·os SHOREY & �NERHOUII,I' Successors to�eo. H. Fiedler {) Co.TAILORSASSOCIATE 'aDITORS.Ralph P. lIuh&De, '015.JD4ward II. KerwlD, '06.IA R07 A. Van PatteD. '06.C. Arthur Bruce, '06.Claude Schofield, '07Wm. A. McDermid, '07.Bernard I. Bell, '07Wm. H. Hatfield, '06 "Young Men's Clothes Made ByYoung Men Who Know HowWe Carry A Line Of WoolensThat Will Appeal To YouWOllEN IIIDITOR8...... lIarle Ortm&7er. lllaa Hela Smith, '06Mias Cedi Palmer PhonesHarrison t�AntomaUc � Suite 73 to 7'Deziel' Bid ••84 ADAMS ST., ,, STAFlI' or REPORTERS.Mias lUna Robey, W.e. McKenna, Rush. '05, R. �dy Mathews. '07Herbert M. Harwood, '08, R. F. Baldwin, '072. G. Felaenthal, 'US. Chu. A. Paltzer, '(1;George H. Brown. 'O!S I.uther D. Fernald. '08",�r A. LIPMAN99 E. lIIadison St.If You ·Want Money callonPhi Gams Defeat Sigma Nu.Phi Gamma Delta defeated SigmaNu yesterday afternoon in Wash­iugton Park in a close game whichwas characterized by clever field­ing.Score:-Phi Gamma Delta 0 1 0 0 221-6Sigma Nu 5 0 0 0 <XX>-5 Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, and Antiques. for sale; Old Gold and SitTer BouahtMake-up man to-day-Edward 1\1. Ket'WinBUSINESS STAlI'I'.Buamesa lIanager •••• Herbert I. MarkhamA .. 't Bus. lI&Dager •••••• .lohll Worle7. Jr.rirculaUoa Mgr.· ••••••••••••.••••• W. M. RufI'cortaM. E. FITZGERALD &: 00.MAKERS OF GENTLEMEN'S GARMENTS360 EAST FIFTY-FIFTH STREETNEAR KIMBA.RK AVE.EDtered .. IIeCODcl·clua mall at Cb1�POIItomce.Oall7 Subscription, $3 7ear; $1 for a moa.87 lIall In Clt7 $-1 7ear: $1.215 for 8 moa.SubscrlpUOD. recelyed at Ta. IUBooN01llce, Ellla 'Hall, or len lD TJD IhBooMBo%,. the l'acult7 Exchange, Cobb HaiLNOT R I:.SPONSIBLI:. FOR COPII:.S,LOST THROUGH CHANGE. OF AD.DREaS •Notlce-Subscrlbers: The DaU7 Ma.roon will be sent to 70U from quarterto quarter unless 'Jou order It dl.con�tlnued.Subscriber. are requeated to notlf7tbe clrculatlon department of theirchan.e of addre.s or t�elr desire todlscontlnue subacrlptlons. WE HA.VE .A. SPLENDID RANGE OF GOODSFOR TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS_ FULL DRESS.TUXEDOS, CLERICAL. SPORTING AND RIDINGBREECHES.Substitutesare dangerous. Beware ofdealers who offer you substi­tutes for the famousWLLIAMS' ��II� ,. "TRACY G. WRIGHT. Pres. CHAS. W. HARDIN. V.P.6Sec·7.UNITED STATE.S COAL CO.Wholesal. COAL {j COKE. R. • t • I I800-802.804 Old Colon.,. Bide.I' EDITORIALS "IUniversity men will dance andsing tomorrow 'night in the secondannual comic opera' ofKin, g's the Blackfriars. ThereKalendar is every reason to be­Keeper lieve that "King's Kat-Keeper" will be a moreComplete success than was the firstoffering of the Friars, "The Pass­jng' of Pahli Khan," and that issaying a good deal. The book of theKalendar Keeper is a bright one,the lyrics are catchy and the musicis tuneful and happy. Besidesthese ordinary leading features ofthe comic opera, King's KalendarKeeper will present men in all fem:inine parts, and this adds a charmof grotesqueness that could beobtained in' no other way, albeitthe stars in the cast can hardly betold from real actresses, so well dothey assume the feminine.Women who are leaders in thesocial life of the Unh'ersity andthe city are acting as patronesses ofthe �rformal1ce and the scarcityof tickets at the box office .Insuresa record breaking attendance. J.:M. PATTERSONProprietor JOHN CLARKManager PBONr. 1lAR.R.ISON 966 CBICAGOW. never elo.eAll arden, day or night, filledpromptly.Jaca. Paitt u.ySnccessnr to J. H. Kintzan L nrt7-SeYeDth 8tnet BROMMER'S"Champagne" Ice CreamIs an exquiste article. Like Champagne its served on specialoccasionChoice of 40 flavors-delivered packed in iceSOC per quart brick'Special for this month-one layer of Neselrode puddingallowed in each brick without extra charge.BROMMER BROS.FAlfCY BAKFRS aDd CONFECTIONERS OF QUALITY.450 East 63rd Street � Phone H. P. 5663Te1ephoae Hyde Park { =A LECTUREONChristian ScienceBYof Boston, Mas.c;.,will be given inUniversityCongregationalChurch, Great Western High""ayCHICAGO TO;�'\II·I,1.,1 Da ..............SL ,. ...56th St. and Madison t\ ve,TII."'I, EVI., Ma, 25, 180& Lan ........II .. CHr0 .......8 o'clock.Admission free. No Tickets required.• nneapon.Council IluffIMr, McCracken is a member of theChristian Science Bo rd of Lectureshipof The First Church of Christ, Scientistof Roston, Massacltusetts. The Lectureis under the auspices of the Fifth Churchof Christ Scientist, of Chicago whichextends a cordial invitation to all toattend. IS THIt POPULAI\.CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN Ry.• • •1!..�-, 'l THE lIfidligan Daily boastsjustily that Michigan bas the threebest athletic coaches in the world.The boast may be true But whyhave three men when there is onewho is a match for all of them? EYlrythlng tor .... Trlnler's ComfortE. C. II 0 0 R E••• j1ortst •••112 L I'IFTY.FIFTB ST.• T.I." •• D. B7d. Para 31 .. Depot, Harrison and Fifth Ave.r� 115 Adams St.) •PIONEERSUSPENDER CO. 718 MarketStPblladelpbla cmCAGO, �HURSDAYJ MAVl25, 1905-. PHI GAIUIA KOSE our SIG.A KU SExtra Inning Game Jitesults in 6-5 Score- Protest Before Leaz;ue CommitteePhi Gamma Delta defeated SigmaN u in an exciting extra inninggame yesterday in WashingtonPark by a score of () to 5. Thegame was close throughout and itwas only by a batting rally that thePhi Gamms won out.- si-upsiIon-decidecflo play Sfgma­Alpha Epsilon but only a few menshowed up and a practice contestwas held. The Sigma Alphs willbe credited with winning the game.Tbrough a misunderstanding ChiPsi and S. A. E. failed to play yes­terday and the Sigma Alphs areclaiming that the game was de­faulted. It is probable that thematter will be decided by the ex­ecutive committee at their meetingtomorrow in the Reynolds Club at2 o'clock.The James P. Hall Law club met illthe court room of the Law School yester­day.One Fare For The Round Trip.via the Nickel Plate Road, account ofDecoration Day. Tickets will be sold tostations 'within a radius of 150 miles fromstarting point, on May 29th and roth,with return limit of May 31st, 1905, in­clusive. Three daily trains with vesti­buled sleeping-cars to New York andBoston and New England points. Mealson American Club Plan, ranging in pricenom 35 cents to $1, served in NickelPlate dining cars; also service a la carte.No excess fare charged on any train onthe Nickel Plate Road. La Salle Street.Passenger Station, Chicago, corner LaSalle and Van Buren Streets, on the Ele­vated Loop. City Ticket Offices, 111Adams Street, and Auditorium Anne�.Phone Central IDs7. - -- Big Four Routebet ween Chicago andLa Far.tIIindianapolis-louisvilleCincinnatiand all pointsSouth & SoutheastAll traius stop at 63rd st. Station,Chicago, within a few minuteswalk of UNIVERSlrY of ChicagoBuffet Parlor Cars or Dining Cars on daytrains, and Pullman's finest Compartmentand Standard Sleepers on nights. Alltrains run solid, Chicago to Cincinnati.The only line from Chicago connectingin the Central Union Depot, Cincinnati,with C. & 0., Q. & C., L. & N., and B.& O. S. W. R'ys. For reservations, etc.,calIon or addressJ. C. TUCKER. G. N. A.238 Clark St., ChicagoAfter the Theater theUNIONRESTAURANT111 E. R.ANDOLPH I!!!.T.Excellent ServiceBest Music in TownTelephones Ceatral 2829 and 11i1BORDEN'SCOllD'&IISED JllLlt, PLUID 1111&.,CUAII AlID B1JTTK2JIILltALL 1l0TTLED IN THE CO"NTDBORDEN'S CoNDENSED MILK Co •• :l7-ea3 E. POIITY-aEYEIITM aT. .EITLE.E.WHO DRESS FOR InL£lOT lESS, lID CO.FOR'WEAl 'HE •• PROVEDMAKERS OF PIONEER SUS�£Na. ...CRAS. A. LAWRENCE.MaJl8&er and DirectorLAWRENCE .ORCHESTRASelect Music for all select ooeaaloDLYour patronage lIOIicitecLResidence 5745 Boealle OoorLCIaic:aco.Tel. Ib_ Puk 1487.WH. '0 use poor, unwholesome� milk, when for the samemoney you can get itPure. Sweet and ExtraordinarilyRich, delivered in sealed bottles, bycalling up Telephone South 817, ordropping a postal toSIDIIEY WAlIZER I SONS305-7 Thirtieth St.If" you do not see what youwant. a.k foJ" itWe carry S1ICh a .ariety of I'toc:k thatpoaibly the particular article youneed is not ia view. If aot. uk forit. It is more thaa likely that WI'will be able to supply the desiredarticleROSALIR PHARMACYJ. J. GILL. Pb. G ••Pbooe H. P. 175 274 E. 57th St. AD tLcWtrICaliforniaOut and Back$62i_From ChicagoOn certain day. tLi. Springand Summer .. tLe Santa F •will sell brst-dass roUDCI­trip tic'-:ets to CalifonDafor about one fare. HOD­ored on the luxurious Cali­fornia Limited.For $5 more visit PortlandExposition.For $6.50 more see Gr.mdCanyOD of Arizona.Sev.eral personally conductedexcursums. BOSTONBARTERA Complete B:DcycJopecJJa 01 .&metear 8pcIIte SPALDING'SOfficial. ATHLmCALMANACForl90SEdlt.d b.,. J. 1:,. SULLIVAN(Chief of Depanment of Physical Culture.I,ouisiana Pulcbaac Exposition).Should be read by every college student, as ..contaios the records of all college athletes andall amatenr events in this COUDtry and abroadIt also coutaias a complete review of theOlympic: Games from the official reportofDlrec­tor SUllivaD aad a resume of the two cJayadevoted to sports in which savages weretheODlyCODlestaDts. This is the first timeia which theathletic perfonnaDces of savages have ever bee:usystematically recorded.This is the largest Athletic: Almanac ever pub­lished. CODtaiDg 320 pages. Numeroul'illDStraotioDS of promiaent athletes and track teuos.Price 10 CeDt.For sale by aU newsdealers andA. G. SPALDING .& Bk05.New York Chicago San PraDda»SeDd for a copy of SpaldiDgs's Athletic Gooclacatalogue. It's free.Pure Water ��h�fGood--HealthIs absolutely pure. Delivered InaeaJed glass bottles. Sold by anlading druggists.THE CONSUMER' CO.Butler. 35th to 36th se, CmCACOTelephon. Ya.rd. 1220I PLEISIIT aIBIEY..__... .... nJOU� ........Chlcaco, IndlanapoUsCincinnati. LoulsYlII.andFrench Uck andWest Baden SpringsIf JCMI 80 ." the we, Of til.c..ft ,_ Lecal TJcbt ...184 CLAkK STkEI:.T Lias n.t to u.. Lec-II .....Slips. Tea ... ror U.f_t ...SuDp1es-Jr.8DltGOc..CCIUDD!k.IIaIW GO ncelJl& Of pcb.c..'rOltCO ...... ta U.s.a.EASYMUSSEY·SBilliard Halls and Bowling AlleysThe Largest and Finest AmusementResort in the World100 to 108 Madi.on StreetBralldI: 611S Dam se, �DSloDA. McAdamsTHR UNIVERSJTY FLORIST5UENHOtJSES . CHICAGOc-. 1_ at • .., Ki.bar' .-.KE.ENANFLORIST6UI Wentworth A,e. - Phone Went. 363Itt East 63rd St. . Pbone B. P. 546fFresh cut flowers, seeds, plants :\011 bulbs.Gold Fish and Aquaria SuppliesL MANASSE, OPriCIAN.. -- ...................... In ...... .,.._.. III a.aDy &4Jat.IayaT ........:==t:..... I..8aIIniII..1bIab,aa­..........Established 1878 Incorporated l�DINSE, PAGE & CO.ELECTROTYPERS.STEREOTYPERS167 ADAMS ST. • • • • emcAQO·Telephones:Main ., Aato 8S1I "rhree EQre.. TraIna :But Ever7 Da7In the Year. PallmaD. Dza .... JioomSleepm.. Can on all TrabuI. �­t.lnental �ourlat Cara leave Ohl-.o S'rI­Weeld¥ on � and Sunup at2:30p.m-and Wedneadap at 10:86 .....1 *11 =�TOO:: IIJI Imodem DInInc Oars II8r'V'iDtr meala OIlIndlv1daal Club Plan, ranglDg In prloefrom 3� oenta to .1.00, alao 8el'riae • IaCarte. Oofl'ee and Sandwlchell,atpopalarprloea, llerved to paII88Jlpr8 In thelr Mateby 'W'altera. Direct Une to lrort WQDe,l!'lDdlay, Cleveland, BrIe, BldIIalo, Boch­eRer, S�, BlDahamtoD, So:ra1ltoD.A. A. Devore & SonTAILORSPullman BuildingWe make a spec!alty of high grade DressSmts for young men. l!IBW YOBK OITY, BOSTOBAJID ALL POIlI'm B.A8'.r.Colored pozten In 1IILltonD I1l ett- .....CllDaIl Oouh � U� .........plate a trlp .. oaIl OIl � �acbt Apnt, or �JOJDI Y. OAT AKA., a.. .....118.Adama ... Ohm ....Are popular- with college men be-­cause they lie flat against the Jeg;never bind; fibre button; does not tearhOR. Easy to put on and take 06.25 and 5Oc. a pair.8014 by GlJDt'&, 401 '&. 63r4 at....T&IN. CO •• Cblc ... JU ...cmCAGO, THU1tSDAY; MAY 25, 1905II:iII GILL'S LILLY CREAMIs a dainty preparation for the skini'a prompt and efficient remedy for alroughness, cha'pped hands and lips&0 prevalent just now. It is quickly. absorbed and is neither greasy nor, sticky 1\.0sa1le Phannac7J. J. GILL, Ph. G., 274 E. 57th StreetPHONE HYDE PAJllr::: 175KIllBALL BALL� Wabaah An.� ')� 1\oorS�io,U. of C. OrldDal I4eu adStudent' BUlu1inSty1ea1DPhotographsSPRING AND SUMMERSTYLES Lange Bros.l\ Spring� StylesNow atEstablished 1�73.AMES'2.00 HATS$3.00You canAi FAIl\. DJ:.4,lL ·WITH ItVER. Y.·.BAT161-163 E. Madison St., near La SalleIffnterested in Bowling or Bil­liards, you should have a privateten pin ball or cue. Price ofTen Fin Balls $4.00. Fancy cues$1.00 to $4.00 each.Brunswlck-Balkl-Collender Co.263-265 Wabash Ave.IF YOU ARE IN NEEDofA Place to Board or arelooking for a Room, youwill do well to follow theCLASSIFIEDiADVERTISEMENTSof theDAILYMAROON I .... AMUSEMENTS .... IGARRICKF. C. Whitney's "Musical Cocktail, ,.PHI, Pall, PoultA Big New Feature Added to ro Others.Entitled "SIIE·S ALL RIGHT,·'The Original English Pony HalletSpecial Decoration Day Mat. Tlles. May 00STUDEBAKERPop. Mat. Toc.lay 25c to $1- . Extra Mat:-uecoratioll iJay.The Virginianwith DUSTIN FARNUMLA SALLE.Mat. TodayIt's Your l\IO\'e, Only One Possible IfYou Have Not SeenThe Isle of Bong Bong100th Perfonllance May 24. Souvenirs.POWERS'Last 5 Ni£hts and Sat. Mat.Mr. F. C. Whitney PresentsMme. Schumann-HelnkIn"Love's LoUery"HYDE & BEHMAN'SEvery Night. Mats. Wed. and Sat.Everyone Is Laughing atKafoOlelumThe New Musical OddityWith DAVr: LEWIS and ELFIE FAY"Join the throngsThat nightly comeTo lauzb at oldKafoozleum.'SliMl\IER PRICBS.SEEING COLORADODuring the Epworth League Convention at Denver, July 5th to 9th theDENVER AND RIO GRANDE R.R."The Scenic Lines of the World"will make low rates to all the princiJ?81summer resorts and Scenic points of m­. terest in Color-do aud Utah, Also to theYellowstone Park, California and theLewis and Clark Exposition at Portland.For rates and full infor.uauon writeS. K. HOOPER. R. C. NICHOL.G. P. & T. A Gen·1 Agent,Denver. Colo. 242 Clark. St,Chicago. Ill.MR. WORKERrtakertore Mone)Selling our goods than Books,School Supplies, or anything else!'Ve haven't room enough bere toshow you why but will tell youby mail if you send youraddrcss.CHASE BROTHERS COMPANYROCHESTER, N. Y.Scotch i ••• ds. English Serges.and Cheriots.Home Spuns and Flannels.Gun .etal GreTaTailor for Youn. "eDTwo Stores:131 I�'l Salle Street44 Jackson BoulevardCHlCAG(). ILL.1.Bargains in anv makeeither for rental or saleTHE TYPE�TER EXCHANGE319 Dearborn StreetCmCAGO, ILL.Where Do YOU Get'\"out' Nc,\\·spapcr8, Periodicals and Sta­tionery?AT NORTON'S.Free Delivery.M8 Sith Street. Phone 116 Hyde Park DevelopsBone. BrainandBrawn«l A sound mind in a soundbody i. the ideal which everyrational man seeks to attain.This ide a I is a question ofproper food, andShreddedWheat Biscuitwill produce the desired results.It is made from the choicest!'heat and nothing else. G. ItIS a known fact that wheat con­tains all the elements of thehuman body and bra in. Itbuilds muscle. bone. tedh and"gray matter." G.TryTri ••crult. the whole wheat crackerused as a toast or waftr.un. v,�:'�!:?:::'�� !w,.The Natural Food Co.N�Fal"'N.Y. GO BY BOATTIle comfortable. convenient andleast expensive way to travel,�ER\·lCE TIlE nEST TOGRAND RAPIDSI:ARE. :.!.oo .. : 7:-15 p.m. Daily.MUSKEGON, GRAND HAVEl(FARE. '! .ro. : 7:-15 p.m. Daily.�:[IL -W- A UKEEFARE$1.008:00 p.m. DailyDocks FootMichigan A ve, 1 ........ CALENDAR.orlMay 26 King's Kalendar Keeper,May 27 King's Kalendar Keep, r.June 10 Women's Athletic Ban-9�et.'CI ••• lfled AIIv.ertl.ell1entsBUSINESS CAI\.DSIce Crea.�. Sod�. CaDdie.We ��Pr..:!::t�- yc:::-- t�:�r:::t!.:� i:: !:c!­weather. Our Soda Water is Cold andDelicious. lee Cream Parlor in connec­tion, PORTL�ND PHARMACY. N. E. Cor,60tb St., and Washington Ave.Dru.sTry Tolu, Tar, and Wild Cherry.for,·that cough, . University Pharmaey 660E. 55th St.; -. We do not advise drugs if you are well.but when you're sick. 'Tel, H. P. 557, andyour d ug' .ueeds will, reo eive our profes-'sional allen ion. Delivery by specialmessengers; '"1fF. PORTLAND PHARMACY,N. E: Cor. 6Oth-St.- and'Washington Ave.J . •••• �Restaura.DtsHave you tried the Lexington Restaur­ant and Lunch Room for meals? "L"Station 5ro E. 63rd Street. .W .... nted TeachersIf you· wish to secure a positioD .. tciteach call on or write to James P. MeCullon�h. RAilway, K:s:cbaOJte. -()bl�.C. A. Scott & Co., proprietors of. theBridge Teachers' Agency, 2A Beaconstreet, Boston, are seeking desirable can­didates for college ann private school p0-sitions in the Western States. Candidateswho would accepta university_�tion toteach English at a salary of Jl,21lO, andacademic positions to teach French andGerman at salaries from flOO to _ $1,(XX)should write at once.Student. Want.dR gtim I can'teaeh any persona e of average intelligenceto play real ragtime on piano in ten les­sons. College students possess more thanaverage, intelligence.; which makes mywork easier. Write at once for explana­tory book let. C H R 1ST ENS EN, 409Athenaeum Bldg •• Chicago.$25.00 PER WEEK DURING YOUR VACA­TION. W.I<! WANT COLLEGE STUDENTS toad as our representatives and lake ordersfor our new line of Up-To-DATE goods.ENTIRELY NE.W, QUICK SELLERS,during your vacation to pay your tuitionfor next term. Write fOT particulars to­day .. UNIVERSAL MANUFACTURINGCOMPANY PITPSAURG PA.Tailors .For-fine tailoring go to 364 E. 63m St.The very best grade of \!en's Wear forUniversity of Chicago students is kept byJ. �. Wilcox at{j9() �t 63rd St s,DR. FRED W. 'PARKERDR. RALPH' We PABKERDEN··T·I�TS6249 Kl)JBARK AVE.N. E. Cor. Slxt1-tblrd 8t.Phones:Office IIvde Park 1188Resid�Ce: Hyd� Park 2248 Boors:t OOtnl�OOI 30 to &00..We alway�: have instock a full line of .Soci­ety and Business Station­ery,' Office and SchoolSupplies, Magazinesand Periodicals. • • • •KODAK SUPPLIES ANDSPO&TING GOODS. S�rtoB. B. DILLER, w, II. BIJ.UNGS402 East S��d StreetTelephone I�yde Park. 1017... Barker ...·THE SHI� ,CUTTERShirts Mad. To Order&.. O. BARKER.415 E. 55th Street )