, The Daily Maro. PabI1Ped .lftemoou by tIae 8tu4nta of the UIliYeraity ot Cbicaco Dartar tJane� of tIae UIliY.nlty T_VOL. III. No. 142 CHICAGO, TUESDAY, MAY 2.�, 1905 PRICE 1'\\'0 CENTSTO INVESTIGATE FRATS CAMPUS CELEBRATES VICTORY VARSITY VS. THE ILLINOIS GIRLS READY FOR FETEll1inoisCongress of Mothers AppointsCommittee to Get Informa·tion on Secret SocietiesUDlnraity of CaliforDia Offers New Fel­lowship 1D Economics and CommerceIDveatiiatlon8 at PenDsyl'YaniaHigh school fraternities and soro­rities are to be investigated by : lli­nois mothers between now anduextMay, according to the decisionreached by the Illinois Congress ofMothers in its recent session atSt. Charles, Illinois.A resolution was introduced call-ing for the appointment of a com­.mittee of five members who shall ill­: vestigate all secret societies ill the.high schools of Chicago and theState. An endeavor will be madeto secure the consensus of opinion.of the parents of students who art:members of such organizat ions as towhether the "Frats" are desired ornot. The committee will make itsreport at the next annual meeting.The College of Commerce of theUniversity of. California has justoffered two new fellowships in Econ­omics and Commerce. The fellow­ships yield $409 each and the tuitionis only $20 per annum. Applica­tions should be in the hands of theRecorder of the University, whose_ address.i is .. BerJce1.ey,_.C�b.,,_!Jef.Q_t�.July 1, 1905 The opportunities 'forinvestigating the commerce of Span­ish America and the Orient are un­hsuallY good out on the Pacifi��oast.The faculty of the University ofPen n s y I van i a are investigatingcharges of scientific fraud . madeagainst Professor Herman V. Hil­:precht, archaeologist. ProfessorHilprecht carried on the excavationsatBabylon, and stirred the scholasticworld by his reports of discoveries.Now have come forward two othernoted archaeologists asserting thatProfessor Hilprecht bought in Bag­dad and London the tablets he hasshown and based his writings upon.Chancellor Day of Syracuse Uni­versity announced Friday that anystudent owning a bull dog would beexpelled from the University. Oneof the students owned a dog thatkilled a citizen's' skye terrier andthe Chancellor took action upon thecomplain't.A circular was issued by. thealumni committee in charge of themovement to present an endowmentgift of 12,5(X),OOO to Harvard, an­nouncing that $1,&lO,(X)() has been.raised. The circular which is signedby President Roosevelt, BishopLawrence, president of the Harvardalumni, Charles S. Fairchild ofNew York and other men, urgesHarvard graduates to assist in in­creasing the sum t6 the desiredamount.President Roosevelt will receivethe degree .of LL. D. from ClarkUniversity June 21, when he willattend the commencement exercises ..Dr. D. K. Pearsons of Chicagohas given SOO,UOO to �IontpelierSeminary, Montpelier, Vt., on con­dition that the semiuarv shall se­cure $100,000 additionai within ayear. Bonfire, Songs, Cheers and Nilbt ShirtParade EDliYen Jnbilation Oyer lIIichi­gan Track VictoryThe aftermath of the Michiganvictory was a campus celebrationlast night. with a bonfire and anexciting conflict between the in­mates of Snell and .those of Hitch­cock. All the women and most ofthe men joined in the songs, cheers,and a triumphal paradearound thefire, many of the participants ap­pearing in variegated and originalcostumes. 'A large delegation fromHitchcock and Snell. appeared in animpromptu· "night-shirt" . parade.. At the conclusion' of the parade anumber of Hitchcock men assem­bled in front of Snell Hall and be­.gan to do "stunts." The Snellmen objected to this. and suddenlya deluge of water. issued from thewindows of Snell, soaking thecrowd below.The Hitchcock men-made a rushfor the door of Snell, receiving an­other soaking before getting in.They then dashed upstairs, meet­ing with another ducking. Finally,they managed to seize a too. daring"Sneller" and rushed him into thetr.rining quarters, where he wasput under the shower. A rescuingparty of two men from Snell wasoverpowered; and the performance'repeate({,'-each captive soaking a'number of his clptors before they.let him go. Instead of being meekand humble after this ducking, thevictims .showed a very contraryspirit,. and made a rush for. thedoor, tearing off and bearingaway with them as trophies thehat and nightgown of two of theircaptors.Shortly afterward', just as theHitchcock men were returning totheir studies, all the lights in thebuilding suddenly went out. Mat­e hes, candles and whatever othermeans of illumination could befound were used ill the vain attemptto discover the source of the trouble.Finally Mr. Benson, head of SnellHall, heard of the trouble in Hitcli�cock, and had an investigation madeof the switch in the basement ofSnell. He found that in some mys­terious way the switch for Hitch­cock had fallen while that for Snellhad not. After some difficulty con­nections were restored, and thingswent smoothly the rest of the night.IlAROOl'fS DEFEAT PURPLENorthwestern TeDDia· Players I.oae toRowley and Bill. in Final .. tcbThe tennis match in doubles withNorthwestern, which was post­poned from the dual tournament be­tween Chicago and the Purple, wasWOIl yesterday by the Maroon teamconsisting of Rowley and Hills.The score was 6-:l, n-7. Thematch was played in Evanston.This won the tourney for Chi�cago, making the final score 4 to 2.Brownson Club to MeetThe Brownson Club of the Cui­versity will meet Thursday after­noon at a o'clock in Haskel Hall.The Club will make arrangementsfor the final social 4ate.of the-year,and an election '*�'9rfftcers will alsobe held. Everyopc, isrequesled toattend the meeting. : .� "�, lliller Will Pitch Alalnat the Cbampaip.en in Tomorrow's Game-Bushnell inBol[ for DllnoiaCoach George Huff and his Illin­ois baseball team will . be seen 011Marshall Field tomorrow afternoonfor the first time this season. TheIllinois team - this spring is not upto thestandard of the teams whichhave been taking championships to· Champaign,' '·and has lost "three· straight 'games to Michigan, some-· thing that has never before hap­pened in the history of Illinois base­ball.The game will start at 3:45,Bushnell· will probably pitch for: Illinois and Miller· for Chicago e ". ·'DAILY.TDIBS" TO BE PRUITEDi �epar.tions �', for' iub�g Paper. - 'by vmc.lit·.· ClaSa on JUDe 6" ; .' .' "L:' .. :'The annual. issue of '.'T�� Daily�imes," published by the members.. of Dr .. Vincent' s class on the de­velopmeut of the press, will beprinted June 6th. The staff hasbeen fully organized and daily workis being done in .all departments.The local headq uarters of the"Times" are situated in 'room 1, in.Ellis Hall, where the amateur re­porters �re to . ha#�. in. 'their copy,and the first processes of .publieation .is to-be gene through with.' .. :On June Ist, a specimen daily will :be prepared in the offices of theUniversity :Colleg�fip t;h�. Fjne ArtsBuilding and will be made-up allready for the . compositers. OnJune 6th,' the offices of the Chicago .Evening Journal willv be thrownopen to the students, anda secondedition of the paper will be edited,stereotyped and printed. T hisedition will in all probability bedistributed. .. to the people of theUniversity at the Junior Dar exer­cises.. "�;.:The idea of having the paperprinted is distinctly a new feature,and it is hoped by those interestedto prove il great success.GOLF WITH .ICBlGANTeam Weakened by Loss of Pettit·-.'D'. . "Go to A.Iur Arbor ThVaaayThe golf team will leave Th urs­day evening for Ann A�bOr �herethey will play the· Michigan . fiveFriday. The squad has been weak­ened by the loss of Pettit, who hasbeen compelled to leave college onaccount of 'bi$ father's senoWf.illness. This means that one ofthe best players on the squad andthe only other member of last year'steam besides Captain Maxwell willbe unable to play against Michigan.Captain Maxwell, Magee, James,Lambert and Harwood will proba­bly make up the team.Freshman Debaters to MeetThe Freshman Debating Clubwill meet at 8 o'clock this evening,in Cobb Lecture Hall. The sub­ject for debate will be "MunicipalOwnership." . M iss Larsen andW. �1. Ruffcorn will meet :Miss�lil1s and L. D. Fernald. Their Fate Will Not be a Hard One,However, Nor Will TheirGuests Suffer.Elaborate Plans are lIIade by VariousOrK:anizatioDa for National Booths,Wltb Appropriate FeaturesThis year's Quadrangle Fett"',which is to be held Saturday eve­ning, promises to be even a greatersuccess than the one held last year.The committee meetings have beenwell attended and enthusiastic. andeach organization is planning tomake its booth so attractive thatthe patrons of "The King's Kalen­dar Keeper," who come for re­freshments during the intermission,will select that booth in preferenceto all others.There are to be eighteen booths,. so arranged as to form a large C.: open at Cobb Hall. Each booth isto represent a different nation. Theorganizations which are to havebooths, their representatives on thecommittee and the nation each is torepresent are as follows: •Off Campus girls, Louise Lar­rabee. America.Womans' Union: Grace Viall,Scotland.Athletic Association, G r aceTrumbull,' Ireland.School'ofEducation, Mary Crum _pacher, Egypt.·. - ...... -. Foster. Hall, Theodora Richards,Greece.Kelly Hall, Etna Robey, Mexico.Green Hall, Alice Th�pson,ChinaBeecher Hall,. Marie Kiedaisch,Spain.Spelman House, Marie Ortmayer,i .' JIolland .. 'Mortar Board, Helen Hendricks,India.Esoteric, Margaret SPence,,] apan.Quadranglers, PhoebeBell, Germany.Sigma, Medora Googins, Sweden.Wyverns, Avis Larsen, Turkey.Phi Beta Delta, Irene Engle, Italy.Chi Rho Sigma; Edna Buechler,Switzerland.Pi Ddt. Phi. Eva Jess,up, England.Kalailn, Grace Norton, France.The chairman of the fete com­mittee is Elizabeth Robertson; thechairman of decorations, GladysButler; the chairman of advertis­ing. Elizabeth �IcFarl�lI1d; thechairman. of refreshments, EloiseLockart.The refreshments are to be morevaried than last year, and whereverpossible are to be appropriate tothe nation which the booth repre­sents. Thus at the American bootha "square meal" will be used.Turkish paste. can be procured atTurkey'S bOoth, penoche at Mexi­co's booth, etc. Every effort is be­ing made to make this fete a greatsuccess, and it is hoped that allUniversity people will co-operate inthis effort by coming themselvesand bringing their friends.CABADIAN CLUB TO lIUtETUDiTersity People to Hold Social and Busi­Dess .eetinK: in KellyThe Canadian Club will meet inKelly Hall tomorrow evening at I;o'clock. Election of officers fornext year will be held. Not onlyCanadians, but all University stu­dents or faculty members of Britishbirth are welcome..... OOlftlUBUTlOH8 JlBQUII8TBD.BO.AltD 0.. IIDrroaa.Me.e. atIIer ..... Ban7 W. I'orI. '0&New. tor ••••••• _ .••••• Walter x.. G�, '01A-tlaletic lWltor •• _ _Johll �. Wrtcht, '06- ...dSOCU.'I'II IIDrroaa.._. P. lI.lT ..... ' ........... �bI. 'oe. .I.e ..,.. A. V .. httu. 'oe.- ... 'Co Artbar Brace. '08.Claude Schofield, '07WIlL A.. Kc:Derml4. '07Be:nIard I. Ben. '07Wm. H. HaUield, 'Q6WOION m>rrou.... IIari8 Ortma7er. II_ BeIeR 8ID1t11. '06KUa CedI Palmer.8TAW 0 .. BlDPORTDS.. . )It" KtDa Robey, 'O'l.e. Kc:lteIlDa. Rush, U. L Hddy :Mathews. '07HCl'bdt K.. Harwood, '01, a, F. Baldwin; '07:a. G. Fe18cDthal, '08. ChaL A.. Paltur, '05Georp IL· BroWll. '08 I"uther- D. PenI&ld. '08"Make-up mall to-day-JtalphP. Mulvane.BUBINB88 &TAW.BaalIl... 1IaIlapr •••• aert.rt I. IbrkhamA.n Baa. JIaIlapr •••••• John WorW7, Jr.nrcaJatioa Mar.· •••••••••••••••••• W. K. 'IldconlIZDtenI .. MCOD4-c1.. mall at . Cb1eap I............... -�facts given in the President's Bien­Dial report with the financial statis­ties of Harvard show that Dr.' Har-:per has accomplished in twelveyears almost the same record thatit has taken Harvard 300 years to,make. The assets of 'Chicago areplaced at $18,041,915,· and those ofHarvard at f25,OOO,OOO. ChicagoDeedS S5,OOO,OOO more to put it on a'self..sustaining basis, and Harvard.Ddt; $2,500,000.E X C L U S I ·_V EHIGH-GRADE' CLOTHESBATS AND I'VaNISBINGS •. TOOWE MAKE NO ATTEMPT· TOTRY AND COM�ETE WITHCHEAfLY MADE CLOTHES.BUT WHEN WORKMAN­S HIP, QUA LIT I E SAND FASHIONS AREBEl N G CONSIDERED WEDELIVER THE GOODS.i,I"Frenzied" fabrics,mercerized cloths,are being manieu­lated to look hit.the genuine. Wedon't use an inch.We . let others dothat - 90 per centcotton, you know.49,51 AND 53JACKSON BOULEVARDC H I C AGO IIORGAlI PAR WIllS AT TDlUSCHICAOO, TUESDAY. MAY 23, 1906Euil)' Defeata·'Armoar Aca4em, Team illBoth SiD&1ea u4 DoabluThe Morgan Park Tenni5 Teamwon its third consecutive victory inboth singles and doubles, defeatingArmour Academy yesterday, on theMandel courts. The scores were asfollows:Carr (M. P.) defeated Boyle(A. A.) 6-2, 6-2; Palmer (M. P.)defeated Silberman (A. A.) 6·3,4-6, 6-4; Clark. (M. P.) defeatedHenderson (A. A.) 6-2, 6·0; Brown(M. P.) defeated Fisher (A. A.)6-2, 6-2. Doubles, Carr and 'Brown.(M. P.) (defeated Henderson andFisher (A. A.) 6-4, 7-5; Clark andSanders (14. P.) defeated Boyle andSilberman (A. A.) 6-2, 6-1. .01 E. Ilrd Street)let MOIlroe & Kimbark ATe. 1Y. W. C. L. to MeetThe "morning half-hour" of theY. W. C. L. will be held in Lex­ington Hall Thursday, from 10:30to 11 :00. Marie Helgeson of theAssociation House will speak. 'Inthe. afternoon at, four o'clock Dr.Moulton's Old Testament Classwill meet. Dr. Burton's NewTestament Bible Class will meetregularly on' Mondays fTom four to'be o'clOCk., SHOREY & WENNERHOLIISacc ••• on t.Geo. H. Fiedler & c-,TAlLO&SYoung Men's Clothes Made ByYoung Men VVho Know HowWe Carry A Line Of WoolensThat Will Appeal To YouPhonesHarrison tscmAutomatic: S Suite 73 to 76Dezter 11014 ••a4 ADAMS ST •A. LIPMAN99 E. lII.adiaon" St.If You· WantDlAmonda, Watches. Jewelry, and Antiques. for _lei Old Gold and Silver Bou&htDaII7 Bu.crlptiOllo sa "ear i $1 lor a -- '�-.- Starr P08tpo' n-' RN.lllfttiOBBy IIaU til Clq � ,...,.; $1..2S lor a IDOL C.lU.I"_a - --rBabeertpUou nc:elnd at TmI �.0tIce. Ellta Ball. or lett til TmI 1WIoo. Professor starr did not meet his8u. the .. aculq Rxehan... Cobb BalL '---�---_,;-----' .classes todayor will not tomorrow'PrtIltecl b7 QudraDale·P!'ea. .M m. 11th. on account \)£ the seriousness of hisfall, which oceured last week. He.1 "'" ED ITO a I A L 5 .1. .states, however, that by Thursday. _ :he expects to be With 'his class.A COMPARISON of figures and For this reason the' Departmentalreception will not be held tomorrow.night, as was planned, but will bepostponed until May 31. M. E. FITZGERALO.& CO.MAKERS OF GENTLEMEN'S GARMENTS360 EAST FIFTY-FIFTH STREETNEAR KIMBA.RK A. VE.WE H�VE A. SPLENDID RANGE OF GOODSFOR TWENTY·FIVE DOLLARS. FULLTUXEDOS. CLERICA.L •. SPORTING ANDBREECHES. DRESS.RIDINGMichigan, Michig.n, sat on' the wall,Michigan; Michican. had a great fall. .All. Michigan training and MichiganSchemes.Could not defeat Stagg's w0':lderfuliaw&.Eztracts from YartyDs Maroon Ryhmes, IUniversity Photographer, mal CettageGrove Auenue.FOWlES CLOVESwlll· ... om 10 ....l1li' __ .....011..· - ..... ..,... r gIG", � �Be'Fan-to . your face and'your face willbe fair and shaVing a pleasure.Always useWLLIAMS' .SHAVINGI STICKJ.II. PA'n'ERSON JOHN CLARXProprietor .' JIaDagerClothes 'Sho� __._All arden, day 01' Dfgbt, &De4promptly..... t.I ,_. LInI78accaIor to J. H. Kinta. In &. �.tIl a.....-� BJdePlrk{= TaACT G. WI\IGBT. Pre •• ,CBAS. w. BAI\D·IN. v •••• s.c·.,..UNITED STATE.S COAL CO.Whol ...... COAL i) COKE. a • t. I 1800-802.804 014 Colon� S14g.�ONE. BAJUl�SON 966 CHICAGO."Sign of the Beat"A I ask aColumbia RiverPortland Exposition'Yellowstone ParkPuget SoundVIA1� orthernPacificRy.For rates and information write C. A. Matthews, Oen, A�. Pass. Dept. 208South Clark S�et, Chicago. 111. Send six cents for Wonderland 19Ci>, andfour cents for Lewis and Clark Booklet. to A. l\(. Cleland, General PassengerAgent. St. Paul.����2�����������������ffAKK CD ....., C) < ... � L- - c:: <I -- � =5 .. c:::"....._, or <':) < Nil I80ft HEADQUARTERS THE BEST IS • lINFOR THE FnUST NONE TOO GOODx+. COLLE6E8TATIONER\ .ETeALI' fOi YOU tBAAK£ .. +.ATA ••• a.aSH av .. u. tPIAT �LASS, FRATERNITY OHIOAQO n:.:::.,,: ftB.A m A::�, .EIIUS � ArEW BBzC:<1.+-�=CD+.L-CD"'''C:''I''''''�'''''''':Z .&t'n���������<��������:���)PIONEERSUSPENDER CO. 718 Market StPhlladelpbla CHICAGO. TUESDAY, .MAY 23. 1905First Championship Hockey MatchThe first hockey game for cham­pionship of the juuior and SeniorColleges will be played on \V ednes­day, May 2·1th, at 4:15. Both thesquads have been working faithful­ly and deserve the support of allJunior and Senior College women.The game will be played on thehockey field at 58th and Woodlawn.The basket ball game which wasannounced for 4:15 on Saturdaywill be played at a:30. The firstbaseball game for championship willprecede it, beginning at 2 o'clock.Tickets maybe secured at the Lex­ington "Gym."BORDEN'SCOIfDKlISED 1IIL1t. trLum JDIJt,CREAK AlID BUTTJt2JllL1tALL BOTTLED IN THE COUNTRYBORDEN'S CONDENSED MILK Co.• 21' .. 33 E. ,.ORn·.EVENTH .T. ,� BROMMER'S- "Chalnpagne" Ice Ct:eamIs an exquiste article. Like Champagne its served on specialoccasionChoice of 40 flavcrs=-delivered packed in iceS�c per quart brickSpecial for this IQOnth-one layer of Neselrode puddingallowed in each brick without extra charge. :-.BRoMMER BROS.PAlley IWtJ'RS aiad CONFECTIONERS OF QUALITY.450 East 63rd St.;eet � Phone H. P. 5663Big Four Routebet ween Chicago andu F.,.tteIndi ...... oll •Loul.vlll.Cinoinn.1iand all pointsSouth & SoutheastAll trains stop at 63rd St. Station,Chicago, within a few minuteswalk of UlflVUSITY of Ch1ca1OBuffet Parlor Cars or Dining Cars on daytrains, and fullman's finest Compartmentand Standard. Sleepers on nights. Alltrains run solid, Chicago to Cincinnati.The only line from Chicago connectingin the Central Union Depot. Cincinnati,with C. & 0., Q. & C., L. & N., and B.& o. S. W. R'ys. For reservations, ete.,call on or addressJ. C. TUCKER... G. N. A.Z38 Clark St., ChicagoFound whereverGOOD THINGSare served ••MAKEI:S OF PIONEER SUS,.ENO .... Dn. FUED W. PAUKEHnu RALPH W. PARKERIJENT'YRTSb�49 KIMBARK A VH .x, I�. Cor. �iJ:ty·third St.Hours:9 00 to!�f\O1:tO to 600.-FOR-Breakfast or LunchAsk forThe food with a deliciousmaple flavcr-s-always freshand crisp.If 7011 do not ••• what 7011. wanl. a.a for ItWe carry such a .... riety of.tack thatpossibly the �rticulat' article �need is not iD View. If DOt. uk fOt'It, It is mon thaD likely that ..will be able to ... pply tbe desiredartideROSALIE PHARMACYs. s. GILL. Pia. G ••Phone H. P.175 r.' 274 & 57th SL.K f(e."",·sG"-Are popular witb--college:meii:-:t>e­cause they 'lie -flat agaiils{"tlie-1eg;never bind; fibre-button; de>e;l:not-tearhose. . Easy to pnt on and -take off.25 and 5Oc. a pair. . - ,Sold' by GUYRE, 401 E:,- &3r�" St.A.STEIN tit CO •• C£I.c.-o Mf'ra.A. Complete � or .Ametear Sport• SPALDING'SOfflcl .. lATHLmCALMANACFor 19.05£dll.d b7 J. r.. SULLIVAN(Chief of Department of Physical Cui tare,JpuisiaDa Pulchase ExpositiOD).ShoDld be ��& every college stDdent. u IsCODtains the of all college athletes aDdall amateur events in this COUDtry' .Dd abroadIt also contains a complete review of theOlympic Games from the official :report of J>ireo.tot' Sullinm aDd a t'eSUD1e or the two dayadevoted to sports in which savages weretheoDlycoDtestants. This is the first time in which theathletic petformaDce5 of savages have ever beensyatematicall v recorded.This is the largest Athletic Almanac ever pub­Uahed. contaiDg 320 pages. NumeroUl'iIlastra­Ucma of prominent athletes and track tc:am&Price 10 CeDI.Por sale by all newsdealers andA. G. SPALDING. aa.o!t.New YOt'k Chicago SaD Fra�8csId fOt'. copy of SpaldiDgs'S Athletic GoodaCatalogue. It's free.P Wt is theure a er basis ofGood ·HealthIa .absolntely pure. Delivered Inaealed g1af:s bottles.. Sold by allJading druggists.THE CONSUMERS CO.Bat1er.. 35th to 36th Su. CmCAGOT.'.phon.Yard.1220 Phones:Olfll.'"t." Hv de Park 1188! Residence: Hyde .. ark 22-11\CHAS. A. LAWRENCE,Manager and DirectorLAWRENCE ORCHESTRASelect Music for all select ()(.'C88ioD8.Your patronage BOlicited.Residence 5745 Rosalie Court.Chicago.Tp.l. Ibde Park 1467.WHY use poor, unwholesome­milk, when for the samemoney you can get itPure, Sweet and ExtraordinarilyRich, ticii\.:'red in sealed bottles, bycalling up Telephone South 817, ordropping a postal toSIDNEY WANZER & SONS305-7 Thirtieth St..�E. Ce II 0 0 R E... florist ...Z1Z E. FIFTY.FIFTH ST.• Telepla.D. B74. .... 3. • NEW·COLLARGet '; .Readv'for yourColoradoOutingMUSSEY·SBilliard Halls and Bowling AlleysThe Largest and Finest AmusementResort in the 'World100 to 108 M.dleon StreetBraDch: 118 Davis st.. Evanston,....,.... IIyde Park 18 uct Hyde Park 69SA •. ·McAdamsTHE UNIVERSITY FLORIST.aKD1IOlJSES : CHI'" A 'GOc..DI ..... 1Uaben --. �KE.ENANFLORIST6UI W8Iltwortb A,e. - Pbone Weol 363Itt Eut 68rd SL - Pbooe B. P. 5461Fresh cut Bowers, seeds, plants and bulbs.Gold Fish and Aqnaria SuppliesL MANASSE, OPllCIAN............ TIOae ........... 'n.II .... .,.__ IcIIdUIca1ly �a,..T .........est:..... w--..Eetab,a.­............Batablisbed 1878 Incorporated 19O'l Lange Bros.h Spring� StylesNow at77 Dearborn Street,Unity Building.AMESf2.00 HATSf3.00 It is Dot too early to p�tLat Summer outing in tileColorado Roc:lies..TIe Santa Fe is arrangiDglOme low-rate excumou toColorado. account EpwortLLeague and G. A. R. meet­ings in Denver.It will pay you to inquireaLout tLen..Best of traina.and Harveyserves tLe meals.A. A. Devore & SonTAILORSPullman BuildingWe make a specialty of high grade DressSuits for young men. DENTIST369-! 63!f STREETTElEPIIII£ ",de Part I 196I PLEISIIT �OURIEY••••• ured when 'OUTre.el betw.enChicago, IndianapolisCincinnati. LouisvilleandFrench Lick andWest Baden SpringsIf 'ou ao b, the way Of 'h.A FAI"'- DE.AL WITH &VItR.YBAT .161-163 E. IIadboD St., Dear La Salle Gnteral P.�Ker Ollic:eAtclalal. 1'oDeta. SUta Fe Ry.CHICAGO.I±m:m:lamlllc.-Il Your Local naet ...184 CLA"'-K ST"'-ItE. T---- --CHICAGO, TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1005I!:.Miss Frances Pte lett was a guest illEvanatoD Saturday.Phi Gamma Delta entertained at a"parents party" Friday night.Foster Hall entertained at an informaldance Saturday night.Some members of Beecher Hall gaveaD informal dance Saturday night.Dr. and Mrs. Thomson of Garrett, Im1. •. were guests in the campus Saturday,A Dumber of Kelly Hall girls enter­tained at an informal Saturday nignt.The members of the L. Y. F. ga\'e adance at Lexington Hall Friday evening,lI4is& Luanna Robertson sailed for Ger- .many on the steamer "Vaterland ;" Sat­urday.Miues Elizabeth .:\liner and BereniceDodge visited with Miss Althea Ricker in4mora over Sunday.Miss Eliz.llbeth Durley '05 was the guestof Miss Mildred Faville at Kdl\' HallFriday and Saturday. .John V. Farwell, president of the JohnV. Farwell Co., spoke on the "Morals ofTrade" this afternoon in Cobb Hall.Miss Ethel Week& of Chillecothe, Mis­sOuri arrived Saturday to make a visit ofeeveral weeks with her sister Miss PayneWeeks. 'The members of the Junior and Senior1)aaket hall team were the guests of MissGertrude Dudley at a dinner party inLexington Hall Friday evening.Mrs. Scott of the Speyer School ofTeachers, in Columbia University New'York, was a visitor of the classes of the. College of Education today.The registration in the College of Edu­cation for this Spring Quarter shows anincieaae of about 35 over the correspond­ipg quarter of last year.The Divinity men have arranged a ten­vis tournament, and ten teams are en­. .te.red in the doubles and about twenty-sixmen in the singles.Mr. Locke. Dean of the.College of Edu-. ��,,:"� •• ���.j:� cation, is to deliver the Commence-............. ""I!"P'I""!"W'II ...... .,- ..... "-!" ..... ��"'" .... ,._""" Ii"��t Address at the Graduatton Exer­� �b& �--.,-,-, ciMtili connection with the High Schools.,u��.¢=8+'�� ofIDdiaDa lis.��.�.��_;!!*. ..; •.. �.h�' 'f ' po� ..... "., '.:" ... ,., Mr. Carl Kroh, Head of the Depart::�-:,�:!l;��.,..� :;�ca�:ic:!:��i:��:e�e :���the program at the convention, of gymn­�ts ill Indianapolis during the last weekq. J-.me.IeEXCDI,AlE01 AllYlUll';':, 'J!hne B:.Qieu TftIDa :But � ,DQIII the Y-.r. PIallmaD. DmwlD8' BoomIIIHpIq Can em. .u.� �.UDea.ta1 � O&m ..... CbI-ao. �W� em � ca4 ·8'UD� at8:80 p. m. azul " • ..,.,.,.. at 10:86 .....I ,.,11 �-u:::; II.ji I.o4enl DIIllD&- 0... � ...... OIlID4lvl411al Club Plan, �tA 'prloefrom aa _u to .1.00. ............ JaCute. 00SIe azul�"pcJp1Ilarsma-. ... ecl to pe=8ILS.alD t.beIr..uaby waites.· DIna& line to � WQIl8.1'I1uUa7. 01ne1Im4. JIaalo, �.... , � � 1ICinat.OD..lIBW YOBK 0Ift', JIOfto. ,. AlID ALL PO� �.I,I,.'IEITLI.E.,_. DIllS MIUllIEATIESS. IIID COIIFOIT, -WEM�.""D-BOSIOII8ARTER............. 0-. ........................ fnltc.., .......................ALWIYS EISY Telep1ton� Ceatral 28'.19 and lUnI MAJORS .nd MIN'':»RS II.. _,_I__ S_O_C_I_A_L__ .D__,....ITwo hundred Betas of Chicagoand vicinity were entertained byjudge Goodwin at .. Heathertotl,"his country home at Naperville, Ill.,Saturday afternoon and evening.Those from the University were:Messrs. Ri1ey, Garnett, Hatfield.Fitzhenry, Thomas, Bagby. Burton,Martin, Worthington, Log a n,Hewitt, Weber, Slaught. Misses:Elizabeth Casey. Angie Casey,Helen Hendricks. I iavie Kendricks.Mary Gunsaulus. H 11:11 Cutlsau!us.Nobles, Wooll, \\\:oer. Whiting.Friday night at the Midlot hiauClub, the Mort ar Hoard cnter t ai nedat a dinner ail'} dance. The gu,'sbarrived at the Cl ul» holts .. : at aboutfive o'clock. dinner was served atsix and the en:lling was spent indancing, the crowd returning onthe midnight train to the city.Among the guests were Messrs.Compton. Lombard, Sulcer.Hickey,Willett, Hughes, Brown, Sills,Ahrends, james, Hill, Schlabach,Fitzhenry, Conkey, Stevens, Patee,Short, Cook, Wright, Frake, Bovee,Pettit, Maxwell, Hinckley.['-"" A M U -;-� M;_-�NTS -iJGARRICKF. C. Whitney's "Musical Cocktail,"PltI, Patl, PauffA Big New Feature Added to 20 Others.Entitled "SHE'S ALL RIGHT,"The Original English Pony BalletSpecial Decoration Day Mat. Tues. May 30STUDEBAKERPop, Mat. Today 25c to $1Extra Mat. Decoration Day .11:: Virginianwith DUSTIN FARNUMLA SALLEl\Iat. Today ,It's Your Move. Only One Possihle IfYou Ha"e Not SeenThe Isle of Bang Bong100th Performance 'May 24. Souvenirs.POWERS'.Qne Fare For The Round Trip.via the Nickel Plate Road, account of�tiOll Day. Tickets will be sold to�tiDnS within a radius of 150 miles fromst..rting point, on May �th and 30th,...nth return limit of May 31st, 1905. in­cl�ve. nu-ee daily trains with vesti­btaleicI sleeping-cars to New York andBostoa and New England points. Mealsoa 4m.;ncG Club Plan, rcmging in price�0Ql 35 cents to $1, served in Nickelflate dining cars; also service a la carte.No �c:ess fare charged on auy train on�e Nickel Plate Road. I� Salle Street.PuleDger Station. Chicago. corner LaSalle ad Van Buren Streets. on the Ele­vated Loop. City Ticket Offices, IIIAdams Street. and Auditorium Annex.PhoDe Central �7. &EEING COLORADODuring the Epworth League COl1\'ention at DeD\"er, July 5th to 9th theDENVER AND RIO' GRANDE R.R."The Scenic Lincs of the Worlo"\\ill make low rates to all the princiJ;>a1summer resorts and Scenic points of tn­terest in Color.ulo and taah. Also to theYellowstone Park. California and theLewis and Clark Exposition at PortlaDf1.For rntes and full informatton writeS. K. HOOPER, R. C. NICHOL,G. P. & T. A Gen'l Agent,T>en\·er. Colo. 242 Clark St,Chica�o. Ill.Last 5 Ni�hts and Sat. :Mat.Mr. F. C. Whitney PresentsMme •. Schumann-HelnkIn"Love's LoUe..,"HYDE I lEHMAN'SEvery Night. :Mats. Wed. and Sat.Everyone Is Laughing atKafoaulumThe New Musical OddityWith DAVE LEWIS and ELHE FAY"Join the throngsThat nightly comeTo laugh at oldKafoozleum. "SUMMER PRICES., .,_.... 7OUI' c:ollece spirit by I'lIb8crib-IDe f_ 'l'tW' N'lU'nnn.SPRING AND �UMMERSTYLESScotch r".eds. English Serges.and Cheriots.Home Spuns and Flannels.Gun Metal GreTsAftcr the Theater theU N I'ONRESTAURANTTalloI' 101' Youn. MenT",,'o �torc!'- :131 La Salle Streetff Jackson Roule"ard III Jr.. H,.I�r-;UOl .. PH t!oIT.Excellent ServiceBest Music in TownCHICAGO. ILl •• l.lDle ALE N D A R..o.oIMay 26May 27june 10 King's Kalendar Keeper.King's Kalendar Keeper.Women's Athletic Ban­quet.ClalsHied Advertisements8USINES� CAR..D�Ice Cream. Soda. CaDdies\\'c regulate vour temperature in hotweuther. Our Soda Water is C01cl andDelicious, Ice Cream Parlor in connec­tion , l'oRTI •. \SII PII,\JOf.-\CY. �. F., Cor.tj()th St., and \\'ashiugton A ve.Druc�Try Tolu, T3� and Wild Cherry, for ,that cough. UnlVt'l'sity '}':larmaey 560E. 5f,th St.\\'l' do 110l .ulv i-«: .lruJ.!s if you ;:fl' well.hut when voure sick 'I'd, II. f> :-':," andyour �I ug- lICl'C!.:. will rt"�l'in' our profes­sional atten: iun. I ie lrverv hy specialtm:s:-,cllgcrs. TilE POk'l"L\::'I:II I'll ,\ R:\IAC\, ,�, E, ('or. fiOth St. uu-l Washington Ave.Koda l\s-C arne ....exr GOb.RZ SERIES 1B LE�S, fiJ(j.75.Cameras anti kodaks rented or exchanged.Prompt developing. Central Camera Co.,:n Adams St. .RestauraDtsHave _yuu tried the Lexington Restaur­ant and Lunch Room for meals? •. 1/'Station 520 E. G3rd Street.Wr:.nted Teacher�if you wish to secure a position 'toteach call on or write to James F. Me• :UIlOlllth. Railway Exchange. Chicago.C. A. Scott & Co.. proprietors of theBridge Teachers' Agency, 2A Beaconstreet, Boston. are seeking desirable can­didates for college and private school po­sitions in the Western States. Candidateswho would accept a university position to•teach «�nglisb at a salary of $1,2DO, andacademic positions to teach French andGerman at salaries from f700 to $1,(X)()should write at once .R gtim I can teach any persona e of average iutelligenceto play real ragtime on piano irr ten.tes­sons. College students possess more thanaverage intelligence, which makes mywork easier. Write at once for explana­tory booklet. CHR i 5T ENSEN, 400Athenaeum Bldg .• Chicago.A.ents! Allentsl ARents! .$25,00 PER WEEK DURJ!'lG YOUR VACA­TION. WE \\TA.NT COLLEGE STUDENTS toact as our representatives and take ordersfor our new line of Up-To-DATE goods,ENTIREL v NEW, QUICK SELI.ERS.during your vacation to pay your tuitionfor next term. Write for particulars to­day. (;XIVJo:RSAL MANUFACTURINGCOMPANY PITPS.o\URG PA.Tailol'sFor fine tailoring go to:l64 E. 63rd St .\Vanted-Several \vide-awake studentsthat are experienced SOliCItOrs, who wishto cant some easy money soliciting nearthe University an hour or two each dayand on Saturdays. Salary or commis.c;ion.Call at the MAROON office and inquire ofCc'l.<>hier.SUl\Il\Il-:R El\IPI40YME:ST-We havea most profitable proposition for summerwork for coll�ell1en. It can be workedalone. or as a side-line in connection withsuhscription hooks, etc. If you are goingout with any proposition this summer,write us for our plan. It is wholly origi­nal. has never been u&Cd hy any otherpuhlisher. am} contains features. whichmake the work easy, enjoyahle and mostprufitahle. THI-; CR()WEI.I. PCBJ.lSHINGCO:\IPANY. Springfield. Ohio.Fa .. SaleFOR SALE.- Standard size guitar.Fine qua'ity. Cheap. Inquire )Iaroor.office._--- ----- -- ---- ----We always have instock a fu 11 line of Soci­etyand Busine!'s Station­ery, Office and SchoolSupplies, 1\1 a g a z in esand Periodicals. . . . .KODAK SUPPLIES A'_"D�POR.TISG GOODSB. B. DILLER, SIlC��,��t. t;:11.1"I:-O;C�S40Z East Sixty-third Street I