• T'he Daily� �m ... by tile 8ta4ftta of tM bit.llt) .. c.kap...... tIane�" tM VIllnnlt7�-VOL. 1 II. No. 140 I'RICE Two CENTSCHICAGO, FRIDAY. MAY 19, 1905ACADE\IY BOYS STRIKE 'THE "DOPE" ISJohn V. Farwell to Speak.Mr. John V. Farwell, head of theJohn V. Farwell Company, willspeak on • "The Morals of Trade"on Tuetday, May 23<1, at 4 o'clock,in Cobb Lecture Hall. Mr. Far­well has for years been one of theso-called "merchant princes" ofChicago, and is well qualified tospeak on this topic. The lecturewill be open to all.INTERESTING CHEER TRACK TEAMFIRST SECOND THIRD CHICAGO MICH120 Hurdles Catlin Nicol Friend 6 3220 H. Garrels Catlin Nicol 3 6100 Dash Hogenson Keeler or Blair 6· 3------ Annis,......... ,. , K�ler' or'220 Dash Hogenson Blair Annis 8 1440 run Groman Quigley Rebstock 8 1880 run Ramey Lightbody Wait 3 6Mile CI Lightbody Coe Doane 5' 42 mile run Rowe Lyon Stone 5 4Shot Dunlap Ackerman Gale 1 8Discus Garrels Parry Russell 4 5Hammer Parry Dunlap Tobin 6 �High jump Cox Howard Brown 1. 8Broad " French Friend Fisbleigh 3 6Pole vault Fishleigh Wilkins Clark 4 5Total 63 63Morgan Park Students up in Annson Account of Poor FoodServedDartmouth Wills Annual Debate FromWWiama- U�lvenlty of Nebraska.t.His- .a,Pab1icatiOn BoardDeclaring that the food . served. them at the Academy Commons isunfit to eat, almost the entire stu­dent body at Morgan Park Acad­emy went out on a strike yesterday.Complaints have been made fromtime to time, so the ringleaders de­clare, but the authorities have donenothing. So yesterday noon at anagreed signal, all the boarders gotup and left the room. Very fewreturned last evening, and the lead­ers declare that they will not re­turn-until the authorities promise abetter class of food.Dartmouth won the tenth annualjoint debate with Williams, sup­porting the negative side of theproposition, "Resolved, That theMonroe Doctrine, as interpreted byPresident Roosevelt in his annualmessage, should be adopted as anational policy." Governor JohnMcClane of New Hampshire pre­sided. and the judges were Freder'ick- Dodge,' Charles S. 'Hamlin and .Edgar J. Rich. all of Boston., At the University of Nebraskathe board of regents have establish­ed a student publication boardwhich is to have supervision and'control of all student periodicals,except annuals. This board is tobe composed of five faculty mem­bers, heads of departments, to bechosen by the Chancellor and theregents, and three student membersupper-classmen, to be elected an­nually in the . manner to be pre­scribed by the board.The University of Oxford an­nounces an extension summer meet­ing, open to all students, Englishand foreign, to be held at Oxford,England, from August 4 to Aug­ust�. Courses will be given inEnglish and Furopean history ofthe sixteenth century; the litera­ture, painting, architecture, ap­plied arts and music of the Renais­sanoe; also in social economics, thescientific method, education and.English. There will be conferenceson educational and social topics ofcontemporary. interest. Students of the Univemlty GiveSend-Off to the TrackTeamLead by tJae BaDel, Par..s •. ,1IardaN tor.,: .",_ . ..;..: ...... - .,The most spontaneous demon­stration which has been accorded aChicago team since the footballdinner after the last Michigan gamewas given this morning at 10 o'clockby the students of the University tothe track team which left for AnnArbor.Led 'by the University band, aprocession was formed and pro­ceeded from Cobb to Hitchcock,where a tally-ho containing themembers of the team was waiting.Returning to Cobb, followed by theteam, the line passed in front ofWalker and south on Lexingtonavenue to 59th St., receiving an en­thusiastic reception from the womenin Lexington and the dormitories.The parade moved. by Woodlawnand Monroe avenues. to _63rd street,singing and cheering. The D11U'Chon 63rd street was to the accompani­ment of I. Go Chicago." As thetrain pulled out with the team, the-croW1:tnn the"plalf6ttri clieereti With' ,-:, -,-stirring enthusiasm until the traindisappeared. .On .the: return march, as' the tinepassed the hotel Vendome, a younglady hung from 'a' win-dow in: thetop story 'an immense Chicago ban­ner, and the crowd went wild. Hatswere thrown into the air, and songsand cheers were raised again andagain.At President Harper's residencethe line halted, and after givingseven 'rabs for "Prexie,"sang withbared heads "Alma Mater,"At the "C" bench the crowd. af­ter giving a cheer for the band, dis­persed.Blackfriars' Seat Sale GoodThere is such a demand for seatsfor the Blackfriars' opera that themanagement is unable to reserveany seats after next Tuesday night.Consequently all those who havemade reservations are requested tocall at the Information Offieeduringthe next few daysSECOND GAIlE WITH PURPLE REYBOLDS COKlllSSION ACTIVECoIIlmlttee Cholen to Prepare Ifew Ch.Ica-10 Sonp ad YeU-Lreplration for In­tenclaoluUc on Jal 10.The members of the ReynoldsClub CommiS!ion have undertakenthe task of preparing some newChicago songs and yells. A specialcommittee has been selected whichis to solicit the student body forsuggestions. Chicago is badly inneed of additional songs and yellsand the cOiDinisSiOti 'Wishes to be­able to try at least six. new ones atthe next smoker.The commission is nowbeginningpreparations for the Interscholasticmeet which will be' held on Marshallfield June 10. Committees on boardand lodging will be announced nextweek. and these committees will seeto the assigning of the prep- men tothe different houses.The entertainment committee isarranging a program and dance forthe entertainment of the prep schoolathletes the night of the meet, theshow will be presented in Mandeland the dance will be given in theReynolds club. The committee onsouvenirs has been considering sev­eral designs, but as yet no satisfac­tory ones have been received. Golf Squad ReduceiBad weather has handica�-thegolf players in their matche1s:" atAuburn Park this week. Th� -' iii- �,cessant rains have put the courSe­in poor shape and the matches havebeen played . under most adverseweather conditions. High Scoreshave been the rule. Captain Max­well expects most of the m�t���to be completed by the first of thecoming week. ' '. -'Five men have lost to the golfsquad OD account of .notices andone man has been compelled to quiton acconnt of other work. Thisleaves only six men from whom topick the team.Varaltv .uta lfortJLweatem Tomorrow onJlanJW1l'leld-LiDe-up Unclwl,e4-JIUler Will PitchNorthwestern plays Chicago onMarshall Field tomorrow afternoonat 3:00. This is the second gamein the series with the Methodistsand. the Maroon players feel some­thing more than a strong inclina­tion to' break the hoodoo and wintheir first Conference game to-'morrow. "�. . 4"--_ ..-,Miller will do the twirling -forChicago and otherwise the line-upwill be the same which faced Wis­consin on Wednesday. Abbott willbe kept at first and Linn will againcover third,.Rooters are requested to occupythe bleachers opposite first base as10 Wednesday's game and to comeprepared to do their share in help­ing the team retrieve its string ofdefeats.Lecturer for College of EducationThe College of Education will beparticularly fortunate this summer'in having one of the best knownmen in education from across thewater. Mr. John Adams, formerlylecturer on Education in the Uni­versity of Glasgow and Principal ofthe United Free Church TrainingCollege of that city, and now Pro­fessor of Education in London Uni­versity. will deliver two courses oflectures during the second tenu ofthe summer quarter and also a seriesof Open Lectures, This will bethe occasion of Mr. Adams' firstvisit to the United States and therewill be many persons who will wishto hear him because of the reputa­tion he has made by his book on• The Herbartian Psychology Ap­plie-t to Education" which has hadan enormous sale in the country.Mr. Adams is one of those veryrare individuals, a witty Scotcheducationist. Education is gener­ally treated as a very serious sub­ject and suffers thereby. It will bea relief to hear lectures that com­bine both wit and wisdom. Interfrateruity . Baseball .. tela WOD byScore of 17-9-BotIl Pitcher. Euy- Sigma Chi .won from Delta Upsi­lon' yesterday afternoon by a scoreof 17 �9 in a five inning game on theJackson Park grounds. , Delta Uwas handicapped by having to playa seven man team.The line up and score by inningsfollows:S. C. D. U.Smith Catcher ReachRobinson Pitcher HughesGale lst Base l WebbShipleyLackner �Base FernaldMcMullen Short Stop Post'Verner !l<lBase KauffmannNewman Left Field--- Center Field FullerGaston Right Field ---Sigma Chi 6 7 0 4 x -17Delta U 3 2 0 0 4- 9CHORUS GIItLS WILL BOT STRIltKlilt Ia Vulgar tJ Tiley Say &DC1 nen Theyan Imitation Girl.The strike is over, No longerthe clouds of threatened revoltlower on the Blackfriar horizon. Acompromise was effected just beforethe rehearsal last evening at a con­ference between Coach Cushing andthe representatives of the LocalUnion of the Amalgamated Asso­ciation of American Chorus Ladies.It was arranged that if the re­hearsals continue until eleveno'clock p. m. the escorts of thefair broilers will be permitted towait at the stage door. Upon thisbasis the girls returned to work,and last evening's practice wentrapidly and smoothly. Umpire-Henry .Time of garne-l:.15.Delta Upsilon will take on Kap­pa Sigma early next week.11_ Berenice Medbury is the guest ofher sister. Kia Ruth Medbury, at Foster.CHICAGO, FRIDAY. MAY 19. 1905tthe 1Datl� mat"�!1ronaet" aa. UnlftnttJ' of Chl,.aao WHkl,I'OU.1UlDTIle UnIT'IIlt7 of Chic. W .. k17, Oct. 1. 11'92TH& lJA11..i 1(AIlOOlil - - - Oct. 1. '91)2NEWS CONTaIBUTIONS REQUESTED.Publillbed b,. the .tudeDts of tbe llnl,orr·"It)' of Cblcaco eTel')' arterDClUD. 'll. "III. SalurUu,. lAud �UD4a,., durlDC tbr'.. 'It .. �• .• ·rt or th� University ye.r.II'lrst board of editors and bUill .... ,.,. Dliln"."r authurlze4 b,. lIludeDt.-bod,. 10 W.HIIII(1\'tlil,- NQ 15, 1902.Itlemberahlp on ':UbeequcDl t, .. ards oftldlton to be d�lermtue4 b7 ceJllPt;Utlon',peD to all atudcutll 10 Ule UDI\"flra1l7.�OA It 0 Oil' EDITORS.\4'lP.,.inlit Edltor .•••. HIU'l'7 W Ford. ·Or.'News Hditor:� _ ••••• Walter I.. GreJtory, '06Athletk Rdilor johu �. Wright. 'OSASSOCIATI:!: ELHTORSU.lph P !lulyaDe, '05.Ed .... rd M. KerwiD. '06.lA RoJ' A. Van P.tteD. '06.C. ... rthllT nr"'�. 'I",Claude Schofield, '07Wm. A. McDermid, 'OJlkrnard l. nell '07Wm. II lIat6eld, '06WOKEN EDITORS,'...... MarIe OrtmaJ'er. Kta. HeleD Smltb. 'Of;Mias Cedi PalmerSTAYT or REPORTERS,MJ.aa..Rtna Robey. '07, .C. McKenna, Rush. '06, R. Heldy Mathew5, '07Herber( !'tI. Harwood, 'OS, R. J:l, Baldwill, '07H. G. FelKllthal, 'OS. Chu. A, Palteer .: osGeorge H. Brown. -os Luther' D. Fernald. 'O!SMake·up man t<M.lay-Wm. A. McDermidBUSINESS STAFII'.BaslDea. M.anager Herbert I. Markb.DA .. ·t BU8. MaDager Joho WOl"l�y ,ir'(".realalien l\Igr W. M. R;uflcorD'.' btel'8lJ .. lIeCOod-c1... man at Cbh-ll,'PostoMce.Dally SubecrlptloD. $3 7ear; $1 for 3 m ...87 Kan 10 Clt7 " 7ear; $1.ms for 3 IDOL··SaltaerlptloD. recel,nd at Ta. IiIAJIooN:Odlce. Ellill HaU, or left III TJD MAaoo'":Box •. tile lPacully EzebaDse, Cobb' Hall.,NOT a E.SPONSIBLE. FOa. COPIESLOST THR.OUGH CHANGE OF AD.DKI!.SS.I. Prloted b7 Quadrangle Preas. 404 'E. 55th.r',' f'; £DITOIUALS "IThe. send- off given the trackt� this morning by the studentsof ·the University was one worthyof the occasion. Special creditshould be given the members of the'band who turned out to lead theprocession to the depot, as it wasthrough their efforts that the suc­cess of the send-off was due. It iscertainly to be desired that suchmass· meetings and student demon­s.trations shall become a permanentfeature of our University life..;.��OJClothes Shop�';'"EX,.C L U S I V EHIGH-GRADE CL01'HESBATS.AND I'UIlNISBINGS. TOOWE MAKE NO ATTEMPT TOTRY AND COMPETE WITHCHEAPLY MADE CLOTHES.BUT WHEN WORKMAN­S H I. P, QUA LIT I E SAND FASHIONS AREBEl N G CONSIDERED WEDELIVER THE GOODS�,1 "Frenzied" fabrics,merceri7.ed cloths,are being mani�u­lated to look hltethe genuine. We<1on't use an inch.We let otbers dotbat - 00 per centcotton, you know.49,51 AND 53JACKSON BOULEVARDCHI C AGO'I1\ I''''OAl\.COTLETTES ... ' ION Pa,OPHES5UR.%.WitA APd/"gUS to 70S" Billings, 7, :./.nyer,A prophessur iz a sort uv po rrasyte thatfassens hisself on tu a kolledge. II ismane objeck in life iz tu hav a gull e<'''Ythyme anc1 do uz littel uz possibul, Beekums tu koUedge 3 hours a week andtel-./. uss sum dum rot wee doant want tohere ennywa. Then bee goaz hoam andsleepz or smoax, witcb bee callz .• Re­search \Vurk." In the spring hee flunkzuz menn>' stewdantz uz hee kan, jest tusho hee lZ sumbuddy, Then when sum­mer kums hee shoze what 8. paytriotickAmurikan bee iz bi taikin the fust botefor Yur-up, ware hee seaze the Alpz, andParris, and lots moor uv plases wee sea onthe mapp. In the ottum hee kums hoal11and telz uss a bole bunsh uv Iize he gotout uv a gyde-buk and expex usa tu be­leave it aw1.Doan't thinck prophessurz iz phoolz;tha git pade fur dooin this. jest uz mengit pade fur dooin reel wurk. Thaarren't kno dum gud tu ennybuddy, huttha J..,rit ther munny, witch iz awl thaknead tu kare.Illinois State Bar ExaminationNorthwestern University Law �chooloffers a course in general review for theJune Bar Examination; the first sessionto he held in Hurd Hall Monday, May22, attwelveo'clock.For particulars address the Secretaryof the Law School.Martyn's :Maroon Studiois the Student's Studio. Lowest rates onall Varsity work.U. of C. Photographer, 5705 CottageGrove Ave.FOWlES GLOVESwill III wom IORgerthis Ilasan than011.,.· - that Is�other glow .. � �Don't Insultyour face by making it smartand sting with bad S03 p. Al­ways insist uponWILLIAMS' ��J. M. PATrERSONPioprletor JOHN CLARKManagerWe never cloaeAll arden, day or �ht. &Bedpromptly •..... ParkLINJSuccessoI' to J. He Kintza,s L PUt7-S8Ye.tIl a......-FOR-Breakfast OT LundlAsk forThe food with a deliciousmaple flavor- always freshand crisp.Found where�rGOOD THINGSare served. )SHOREY I WlliIBHOLil•aaCc�" t.Geo.· B. Fiedler & Co.TAl LOa.SYoung Men's Clothes Made ByYoung Men Who Know HowWe Carry A Line Of WoolensThat Will Appeal To YouPhone.Harrison l�AutomaUc S Salte '3 to '6Dest •• IUa..84 ADAMS . ST.If You A. LIPMAlfgg B. ..... St.MoneyWant call00Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, and Antiques. for .. lei Old Gold and Silftr IIoaahtM. E. FITZGERALD & CO ..MAKERS OF GENTLEltIEN'S GARMENTS360 EAST FIFTY-FIFTH STREETNEAR KIMBA.RK A. VEeWE lIAVE A SPLENDID BANGE OF GOODSFOR TWENT.Y-FIVE n()f�'.ARro;. FULLTUXEnos .. ("LERICAI�. SPORTING ANUBREECHES. DRESS.RIDINGTI\.ACY G. WIUGHT. P.e •• CHAS. W. HARDIN. V. P. &&.c·.,..UNITED STATES COAL CO.Wholesal. COAL � COKE. Il e t • I I800-802.804 Old ColoD7' Bide.PIIONE. BARIlISON 9" CHICAGOAlso Branch Buffet at 69 E. Monroe 8t.Our Shower-proof Overcoats Made toFit You $20 to $40.00NICOLL,TheTAILORClark and Adams StreetsDo You Kno-w- Anything�hat �11l offer you a beUer ope'nlng thanField Workfor a good Life Insurance Company?If Dot. write toH. F. NOR.R..IS. Supt. 01 Acenciea.THE NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFEINSURANCE COMPANYMilwaukee. Wis.) cmCAGO, FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1905THEFoster Gives DramaticsMonday evening some membersof Nancy Foster House gave a veryinteresting pt:rformance of StephenPhillips "Paolo and Francesca."Some of the principal performers.were: Miss Vida Sutton. Francesca;Miss Lucine Finch, "Giovanni;"Miss Marion Redlich, "Lucrezia:"Miss Lora Moore, "Paolo;" MissMillie Kennedy, ·'Nina." The playwas extremely well given, the act­ors interpreting their parts withmuch taste and feeling. One ofthe best scenes was that betweenGiovanni and Lucrezia' ill thefirst act. The play was witnessedonly by the members of the house,but may be repeated later, for alarger audience.If interested in Bowling or Bil­liards,. you should have a privateten pin ball or cue. Price ofTen Pin Balls $4.00. Fancy cues$1.00 to $4.00 each.Brunswlck-Balke-CoHen_ 'c..263-265 Wabash Ave.If you do not see 'Wha.t you'Want, ask ror it\Ve carry such a nriety of !'lock thatpossibly the particular article youneed is not in \'iew. If not. uk forit. It is more than likely that w�wilt be: able to sIIpply the de siredartideROSALIE PHARMACY.J. J. GILL. Ph. G ••Phone H. P.175 27-& :& 57th SLTAILORSPullman Building'We make a specially of high grade DressSUIts for young men. E. C. II 0.0 RE••• y(ortst •••Z12 It. FIFTY.FIFTH .ST._• TelephoDe B74e ..... 38 • AImSTEREOTYPERS167 ADA.'\IS ST. � • • • c:mcAOO. Telephones:Main 200 Auto 82'lITHE' best collar for all'round service, fit and finishis theARROWThese collars are made InQUARTER SIZESOF SHRUNK FABRICS, ,They are sure to fit rODjust ri�ht and you have over100 st)'les to Select' from15c each; 2for 25cCLUETT. PEABODY & CO.Lareest makers of Collars & Shirtsin the worldEstablishecllS73.AMES$2.00 HATS$3.00 Spy OutThe Land��n_d _!.rip Honleseekers' Tickets on sale every Tuesdayto and including October. to Minnesota. North Dakota.and Canadian Points.One Fare Plus 52Tickets on sale to points in Montana. Idaho. Washi�lgtoll'-'O"$on. and British Columhia. first and third Tuesdaysin l\Iay and June,VIANorthern Pacifle Ry.Regarding rates aud train service, sorite 10 C. A. lIfallhrws,Grn, Agi. Pass. Drpl .• 208 S. Clark SI., Cltic(zgo, /11 Formaps and furlJur information rrgarding land. torit« 10 C. W.MOll, Gm'l Emigration Agt .. SI Paul, Minn.A FAIR D£.AL WITH EVER.YHAT161-163 E. JladisoD se., near La Sane THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE andSTORAGE COMPANY• .,._, Hyde P8rk 571 KlMBARIC AVa. aDd PIPTY�..... •The Cleanest and Best Kept StorapWarehouse Ia the City _ • .,Vamltare IIDd PInos Mowed. Stored. Packed and SJsipped to .n .......the world. aOO PrIvate .5torap ROGala. Laqe Parlor � ...PI--. ltooma for TI'OIIb aacl Wheels. l.arRe Room for earn..-.... __. _ B� ad Sleiah8. 'l'RUlIJ[8 TO � PRO. M.L DBI'OTL_�"-"", ........ �ac..atsholtDOtice...-8 ... .utaUaaGhla .. VKI'� OIIIILA. ComlI1ete � of .&metear 8JCIIt.SPALDING'SOrflcl&1. ATHLmCALMANACForl905Edited b� J e" E.. SULLIVAN(Chief of Department of Physical Culture.Ipuisiana Pulchaae Exposition).shouid be read by every college strident. as facontains the records of all college athletc5 andall amateur event. in this country aDd abroad·It also contains •. comPlt:t� i'evic:w of theOlympic: Games ftom the official report of DiI"f:Co<tor Sullh-an and a resume of the two daysdevoted to sports iD which SBvage8 wc:retheonlycontestants. This is the first time iD which theathletic nerformances of savages have eTa' beeaaystem"Ucallv recorded.This is the )a� Athletic: Almanac: ever pab.lfahed. containg 320 pagel. Nameroaa illuu.tioaa 01 promfneut:atllletel"aBd track taJU...rlo. 10 C.DI.·Por ale by aU newsdealers aDdA. G. SPALDING" &1'.05.NeW York Chicago san,ptand!a8ebc1 for. copy of t;pafdings·s Athletic GoodaC&talOl(11e. It's free.Ptfre Water- '�i��fGood HealthIs absolutely . pure. Do-..livered ineeaJed glass bottles, Sold by aUleading druggists. •'THE CONSUMERS CO •.Butler, 35th to 86th se, CHICAGOTelephone Yards 1220 ' WHY use poor, unwholesomemilk, when for the samemoney you can �t . itPure. Sweet and Extraordinari1yRich, delivered in sealed bottles. bycalling up Telephone South 817. or(Impping a postal toSIDNEY WANZER & SONS305-7 Thirtieth St.Telephone Hyde P;trl' ]0-17 .... Barker ...THE SHIRT cunERShirts Macle To Ordera... 0.. B A ,R K.E R415 E. 55th StreetBOltDEN·SCOllD .. DD IIIL� t'UJID mr.�CISAII AlID BU IlaRJIQ.KALL BOrrLED IN THE COUN'I'rFBoRDa'. CoIiIDalKD MILK Co ••• T ... C. NttTT4CftWTte n. DINSE, PAGE & CO.ELECT_ROTYPERSDevelopsbone. 'Braln .andBrawn I«l A lOUod mind in a souad�y i. the ideal which everyrational man seeks to attain.This ide a I is a question ofproper food, andShreddedWheat Biscuitwill produce the desired resa Its.It is made from the choicest!,heat and nothing else. «litIS a known fact that wheat con­tains all the el�b of thehuman body and bra in. Itbuilds muscle. bone. teeth and"gray matter." «l Try Tri.­cult. the whole wheat craderused as a toast or "afer... ,.y�� ... "n.e Natural Food eo.N ...... FaI", N.Y. College Students� brain-making foods. Thedanger of collapse or "brain fag"from overwork may easily beavoided by the use ofGood Food Properly CookedWe uae hraiDS in &electingaDd cooking the food served by us.1 PLElIIIT .111110MUSSEY·SBilliard Halls and Bowling Alleys. The Largest and Finest AmusementResort in the World100 to 108 Madi.on Stre."BraDch: 118 Daria SL. Evan .. ;tonA. McAdams1m iJNIvERsITy FLORIST;..aKD1IOUSES: . CHI'" A 'GOtel. 01'" ad JOahcl:.... �KEENAN(FLb�ST6fll Wentwoftb in. " .: ..... ne WenL 36341 t East 63rd St.· - PIIone B. P. MGfFresh cut flowers, seeds, plants and bulbs.(',oM Fi!'th and Aquaria SuppliesEstablished 1878 Incorporated 1002 .. ,,".n ICMI .TnIw .. · .,., •••Chicago, Indianapolis ACincinnati. Loul.YIIIe .endFrench Uck andwest Baden"""",If JCMI ao ..,the .., Of ..LATEST SOCIETY FAD1'111 F•• _ IIorris ... .., PlotanI, 2& .......... PI ............ tor 210(esact size)In five different posi­tions and a free 9OU­venir button.rj)�.1 6'J.l E. 63d Street,· Ileal'Ellis Ave. (Gro •• dfloor.) SittiDgJ u.cIeSUD., Wed. and Sat.neaiDgs.A. A. Devore & SonCIUC.AGO, FRIDAY, MAY 19, 100:'i!!!!IlI!!I!I'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:!!!��-��!!I!!!!!!!!::!=���::=:!!!!!!!:=:�====..:..::- !!!!!:=:=::;'_����' - _-_._ .=���=..=:::==��!:!!!!�����=��, , .'TJE·ciniiEBE 0;: DENT/STRr It··oo U_rH'-1,u,�:!!!!:!:w::;�.�,�:,�/s lutS p .. � II, center: of the greatc!'>t Medical, and Dental Community 011 earth 'O .... Eas UNSUaPASSED CLINIC· EST-IB60AL ADVA.�TAGE.S 11E6 ST""'TE ST.Every opportunity- for practical .,,,and scientific dental training is A' • BI SHOP & CO.afforded. Infirmarv, Laborntor-ies and Lecture Hafl modem andcomplete in every detail.For particulars address:B. J. CIGRAND, M.S., D.D.S., DeanComer IIan180D aDd BODore Su., Chicagoblue Serge about hits yourfanc¥_ for a new suit thenby all means see the Kirsch­baum American Serg_e­deep, rich color; soft, Gnn fabric.We giye a new suit for everyonethat fades. 'Ask for Kirschbaum Clothes(Wananted). Good stores every-where, $12 to $25. ' .{,.','. Insist on seeing the Kirschbaum label inside b�pocket of coat. New Style Book freeif you'n write for it.A. B. Kitschbaum &; CO.(Makers) ,Philadelphia and New YorkAsk An, Upperclassman Who"FAMOUS" IS.Be will teU you that "Famou" ill thtomaD ,,-110 pub your e10tllee la pod COa·dition and ctoe. 6nt�1Ua wort la nopairiac and J)I88IDc.See him 011 tbe campus.FAMOUS TAILORING 00 .•.. II. I5&It Strefot.PtMme � PuJr moo.ISPRING AND SUMMERSTYLES,,'.. ' 'cote' T" ... , Engli8h Sugn.and CheFio".Home S",,,. and nanne".SlIn •• tal Sre,..'!,'Where ,Do YOU GetYour Bewspa�; Periodicals and Sta­tionery?AT� NORTON'S.Free Delivery,S48 57th Street. Phone 116 Hyde Park,:, Two. Stores-; . ,. ��. 131 La salle Street' �.I.�« Jackson ''Boute\-jrd ,� ;;l: ... ·�·<.1 �!'!�� .; .�::: --:-_>, :,'_: :., -'" CHICAGO. ILL.M.,,'. Ful'ftlshlDa.Boot. aDd Siloe.415-417 E. 63rd St., Cor. KimbarkPhone Hyde �rk 1188a1IO 773-777 B. 47th Street'.'If':i'lBargains in any makeeither for rental or saleTHE TYPE�TER EXCHANGE319 r>earftOni Street .CHICAGO, ILL. Give a share of your trade toJE.NKINS BR.OTHERSReasonable amI ReliableR.etailers ofE. BURNHAM DRY GOODS.HAIR GOODSELECTROLYSISPlldal M .... �. Manicaring. Ladl� Hairnre.iq and MAnicuring. Ladics' Turkish andIl..w. Baths. 70 and 71 State St., Chicago. The clallcill� (·1;1 ..... "f �Hss l rcue Ben-I!-ili�er Itehl ,III illf"I'If1:l1 in tho lunchroom of till' �hu()' of Eclucalloll t.1�tevening. 'Iiss Ben .. inver 11 IS h 1(1 alarge class this quarter and the membershave enjoyed many pleasant parties.SEEING' COLORADODuring the Epworth League Convention at Denver, July l)th to 9th t11 :DENVER AND RIO GRANDE R.R."The Scenic I4im.'S of the Worhl "witt make low rates to all the princiJ.>alsummer resorts and Scenic points of 1U­terest in Colorado aud Utah. Also to theYellowstone Park, California and theLewis and Clark Exposition at Portland.For rates and full information writeS. K. HOOPER, R. C. NICHOl.,Go-P. & T. A Gen'l Agent,, 'Denver, Colo. 242 Clark St,Chicago, Ill., Phone Hyde Park 106'� Open evenings till 8Miss Hannah M. HartLa.dies· HairdressiDg .. DdManicuring ParlorsF.ledric Scalp Treatment nnd Facial Mas­sage a Spc-cialty242 EAST 55th STREET I SOC A'�, F. 'J D /I. -• .,...n]May 2G 'Ki�g's Kalendar "Keeper.May 27 ' Kiug'sKalendar Keeper.June 10 Women's Athletic Ban-qu�t.. ClassHied AdvertisementsaUSINESS CA&.DSlee Cream .. Soda. CaDdie.We regulate your temperature in hotweather. Our Soda Water is Cold andDelicious. Ice Cream Parlor in connec­tion. PORTLAND I'HAJUIAC\.·, N. E. Cor.(j()t.h sr., and Washington Ave.Dru ... ".J �,A. W. STRICKLERWATCHMAKER294 E. 55th St. ChicagoAwarded Certificate of the AmericanHorological Society for SuperiorWorkmanship Try Tolu, Tar and Wild Cherry. for,that cough. University Pharmacy 660E. 55th st. ). (MIllineryMRS. S. TAYLORWashington Ave. & 55th St We do not advise drugs if you are well.but when you're sick Tel. H. P. 557, andyour drug needs will receive our profes­sional attention.;. Delivery by specialmessengers, THE POIl.TLAND PHARMACY,N. E. Cor. 00tb St. and WaAhington Ave.Kod .. lls·C�er ...5X7 GOBRZ SERIES 1B LENS, $36.75.Cameras and kodaks rented or exchanged.Prompt developing. Central Camera Co.,31 Adams St.&.estauraDt.Have you tried the Lexington Restaur­ant and Lunch Room for meals? "L"Station 520 E. 63rd Street. 'n P. D. WEINSTEINLADIES'·TAILOR,Workmanship UnequaledSpecial Rates for U. of C. StudentsN. E. Cor. 55th and LexingtonPhone 1282 Hyde ParkPhone Hyde �ark 1810I 111' 0 do Cleaning, Dyeing and RepairingM. SCHIFFMAN,Fine TailoringSuits Made to Order408 E. 63d Street We.Dted Teacher.If you wish' to aecure a position toteach calIon 'or write to James P. Me• !nllOORb. Railw8.J ExclaaDce. Qhlcqo.C. A. Scott & Co., proprietors of theBridge Teachers' ARency, 2A Beaconstreet, Boston, are seeking desirable can­didates' for college ann private .school p0-sitions in the Western States. Candidateswho would accept a university position toteach English at a salary of $1,�, andacademic positions to teach French andGerman at salaries from $700 to Sl,OOOshould write at once,R O+-i"",;' '. I ca�teachanYpelW,t1&6 "-LULe of average intelligence ,to play real ragtime �il 'piano inten les­sons. College studeuts -possess more thanaverage' intelligence, ''\Vbich makes mywork easier. Write at once for explana­tory booklet,' 'CHR.r-STENSEN, 400Athenaeum nlelJ!.:·Cllic-ago:$25,00 PI!R WlmK nURI!'«': YOUR VACA­TION. W ..: WANT Coi .... xa: STUDENTS toact as our representatives and take ordersfor our new line of' Up�To-DATJt goods,'ENTIRELY NI'_W, QUICK. SEI.LERS,during your vacation-to- pay your tuitionfor next term. Write for particulars.to­day. UNIVERSAl. MANUFACTURINGCOMPANY PrrPsAURC PA.Tatlora, For finetailoring go ,t9 3&! E. 63rd St.Summer Emp!e7m.DIWanted= Several 'wide-awake studentsthat are experienced solicitors, who wishto earn some. eas y money soliciting nearthe University an bout' or two each dayand on Satunlays. Salary or commission.Call at the MAROON office and inquire ofcashier, f I- " '" -SUMMER EMPLOYMENT-We havea most profitab14; ,proposition for summerwork for coll�emen. It can be W01'kedalone, 01' as a sacte-line in connection withsubscription books, etc. If you are goingout with any proposition tbis summer,write us for out' plan. It is wholly origi­nal, has never been used by any otherpublisher, and contains features whichmake the wMk �y, enjoyable and mostprofitable, THE CROWKLL PuBLISHINGCOMPANY, Sprin�eld. Ohio,"or a.DIFOR RF.�T�Fine front'fOOm-well mr­nished and well lighted; position next toGeneral Libra!)', Call and see it. )Irs.'Smith 573) EllIS A,·.A modem up-to-date Cafewhere the cooking and serviceis equaled only by the best. ::"Vogelsang's' ,178-1�2 :MADISON ST.