The· Daily MaroPst" t d £ftM .. � tile ..... ., tile Valftnlty .. QJcap DuIq tJd'M�" tM ValnaltJY-VOL. III. No. 139 CHICAGO. THURSDAY. MAY 18. 1905FO_R_FR_tIENDSIIIP .THREE DOLLARS TO ABNHarvard Graduate Olves $10,000 toYale to Increase PriencUy Feel­ing Between Two.GIFTTennis Game SaturdavThe University tennis team willmeet I11inois in a dual match Satur­day on the campus courts. Thefollowing men will play for Chica­go; Garnett. Rowley, Wickes, Hills,Gray. ARBORTotal 12 11 27 15 �Wisc'ns'nO 0 0 2 1 1 1 0 7-12Cbicago ·0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0- 2Stolen bases-Lewis. Brush 2. Two­base bit-Paul. Sacrifice hitS-Lewis.Wbitemore, 'Brush. Hen derson , Gala,Harper. Three-base hits=-Lewis. Brush.Double play- I .. il111 to Bezdek to-Abbott.Inninr pitched-By Walker, 5; by Paul,4. Hits made=-Off Walker, 6: off Paul, 5.Struck out-By Paul, 4; by Cumminr' 3.Bases on balls- -Off Cummings, : oftPaul,,3. Hit by pitcher-By Paul, 1.PURCi balls- Harper, Leahy. Time-3:tO. Umpire-Pickett. Attendauce-3,000.PROFESSOR'STARR HURTA rate of three dollars for the round trip to Ann Arbor is offered tothe first twenty students siplifyi!lg their intention o� accompanying thetrack team. Those accepting this offer must leave V1a the Michigan Cen­tral at 1O:�0 tomorrow ':Doming and may return any time Sunday. Thislow ra�e 1S made posslbl� through the generosity of the UniversityAthletic Management. which stands one-half of the cost of each ticketApplication for tickets must be made to Director Stagg at once. .A big student send off is being arranged for the team when it leavesHitchcock Hall at 10:00 o'clock tomorrow. The band will be out toescort the team to the Sixty-third Street :5tation '.of' the Illinois CentTal '. '" )".. ."..", ,.... . - "IIIf,..- .... _. .. •, and the coach that will'carly the team will be drawn by students. Allthe men in the Y'niversity who are interested in having the team win themeet, from Michigan Saturday "\\;11 turn out and help give the team agrea t send-off.ConaeU &ad Hanard Are to Gin JoiDtMusical Coacert-lmportaDt Se..R1Il. at ComellYale bas received a $10,000 giftfrom an anonymous Harvard grad­uate for the purpose or ·remen!iBg·the good feeling between Harvardand Yale. The use of the funds'was left entirely to the' decision ofthe Yale corporation, which hasvoted to expend it from time to timefor lecturers from Harvard to speakbefore the students of Yale. Presi­dent Elliot of Harvard has accepted .the corporation's invitation to bethe first lecturer.The Musical clubs at Cornell andHarvard are rehearsing carefully forthe joint concert on May 26. The,arrangements for the event are aboutcompleted and the seats will go on,sale Monday. The results .of the,advance sale to patronesses andmembers of the clubs indicate alarge attendance. Altogether,everything points towards an enjoyableand successful occasion.The faculty of Cornell Universityinstituted .an importaut ruling tothe effect' that no. man shall be al­lowed more than fourteen daysleave of absence ,fC?r athletics duringthe college year.'·' This .rule is totake effect next fall.Princeton is to have a new recita­tion hall; Plans have been submit­ted by seven architects for the hall.and work will probably be begunthis summer. In addition to a largenumber of recitation rOOD;lS, thebuilding will contain two large halls.Mr. Andrew Carnegie has just.offered $75,000 for the foundationof a library at Radcliffe College, on, condition that the '.College shallraise an' equal sum of money for thesame purpose, No other conditionsare attached to the gift. Bead of Anthropology DepartmentReceives Painful Injuries Ina FallUubl, to Att,ad Claue. To-c1ay-Ja k­pected to CoDcluct 2ecltattouTomorrowProfessor Frederick Starr, of theDepartment of Anthropology; wasiiijured:lbl,s nl()r�ing by a fall fromthe porch of his residence. He wasthrowing a box over the railingwhen the structure gave way, andMr. Starr fell to the ground, twentyfeet below, striking the box. Hesustained a number of severe scalpwounds, and bruised and strainedhis right leg; It' was at first hopedthat he would. be able to attend hisclasses to-day, but his conditiondid not permit. although he plansto cop duct recitations as usual to­morrow. Dr. Small and Dr. Bradyattended Professor Starr.MEET PROMISES. STRUGGLE SECOND GREET PLAY IS BESTCOnte,t Will Be "Close- Captain HugoI'rlend', Remarkabl� Jump in :mltorlcMeet o� 1 gal .A spirited send-oft' is planned for.the Chicago track team when itleaves tomorrow morning at 10:30for Ann Arbor to meet Michigan inwhat promises to be the closestdual track contest the two universi­ties have had since the great meetin 1902. The most conservative and'the most liberal • '�opesters". onboth sides vary buta few points on'the outcome, all joining in predict;' .ing that the meet will not be wonuntil the last event is decided.The great dual meet in HJ02 wasa record breaker, the closest in the'history of ChicaKo-Michigan con­test. 'It was, in doubt until the 1£1'·event, the broad jump.' whenFriend and Fishleigh were pittedagainst each' other.' Fishleigh hadcleared 22 feet: 4 inches and Friendhad not been able to approach this.mar�, but on his ,last trial Friendmade the remarkable jump of 22feet 8 inches and, won the meet forChicago.H ugo Friend is now captain ofthe Chicago team and he, will leadhis team mates'. tomorrow to thesame kind of a contest as that in1902 when he saved the day. Fish­leigh has returned to Michigan andwill meet the Maroon captain inthe broad jump Saturday,Director Stagg will take the teamto Battle Creek tomorrow where:they will stay until Saturday mom­ing, �heD they will then go on toADn Arbor. Satnrday night willbe spent in Ann Arbor and Sundaythe team will return. "The teamwill leave Hitchcock Hall tomorrowmorning at 10:00, and. a good sendoff is being planned. ' "Twelfth Kight," Given in II&Ddel BallYesterday Aftemoon, aD Excellent Pro­ductionCircumstances combined to makethe Greet performance of "TwelfthNight" in Mandel Hall yesterdayafternoon the best rendition of thiscomedy given in the city by thecompany. The rich and Sombrepanelling and decoration of theMandel stage substituted for thepainted scenes, and the .full sweepof the proscenium arch, unbrokenby drop curtains, formed an admi­rable and' appropriate setting forthe magnificent costumes and pic­tuses of the play. The increase inthe size of the stage, too, was much.appreciated by the players, and··:perDr�ea·-a-,&mter: latitude- in ef­fective stage business than was the'cue the evening previous.The play was late in commenc­ing, owing to the fact that whilethe audience was prompt, it arrivedat one time, making it impossible·to seat it rapidly, and delaying theopening of the action ...The numerous changes in the,personnel of the company havewrought a, considerable improve­ment, Miss Scott .makes even abetter; Olivia than at Studebakershe made a Maria_ Mr. DallasAnderson. while permitting a fewmannerisms which remind onestrongly of Mansfield to creep intohis work, made a most satisfactoryOrsino. Mr. Leiber, a Chicago,man, was the kindly, generous sea,captain, Antonio, and read the partwith excellent effect.That inimitable quintette of faD­makers, Maria, Feste, Fabian, SirAndrew and Sir Toby, or in otherwords; Miss Robinsoa.Mr. Aylmer,Mr. .Darch, Mr. Crawley and Mr.Greenstreet, was superb. Everydetail of their business was wellwrought out, culminating in theriotous . rollicking of the drinkingscene, and the horse-play of theduel. MisS Robinson as the pert,jolly serving maid, and Mr. Darchas Fabian were spontaneous andnatural. Aguecheek is the bestpart which Mr.' Crawley plays;­an excellent foil for the immortalSir .Toby. Mr. Aylmer's songscontributed much to the success ofhis part,Mrs, Crawley gave ber usualperfect and sympathetic interpreta­tion of her part. Mr. Greet, asContmued on pace " colwan 3 SltCOl'ID GAIlE TO CARDINALBadK'lfS Win by One-Sided Score of 12t,o 2-Abbott Makes '9ood at FiratWisconsin had no difficulty indefeating Chicago yesterdayafter­noon on Marshall Field. The visi­tors batted hard throughout- thegame and had men on bases in everyinning but one. On the other handthe Maroons could not hit.-Cnmminp.:�.��pJ. i�. oJle.,.inni!lg __ c:-� � ....... :., .. :-In the eighth with the score 5 to O· " . -Chicago started a batting rallywhich looked dangerous for a while.Bezdek singled and Harper drew apass. 'Then Paul hit for two bases,scoring both runners. The next·two men were easy outs and Chi-cago scoring was over _ ..Although having the game won,Wisconsin insisted upon a goodbatting practice in the ninth. Threehits, two bases on balls, and twoerrors resulted in seven runs.Abbott played his first full gameat first and by his excellent hand- .ling of low balls saved several er­rors from being charged to the in-field for poor throws.Chicago R HBezdek,2b 1 2�,c 1 0Paul, ef, pOlBaird, If 0 0S�del, rf 0 0Linn,3b 0 1TempletoD, sa O.� p 0 0Abbott, Ib 0 0Hatfield. cf 0 0 P.A.3 23 �1 02 0o 0o 31 0o 617 0o 0 E2ooo112oooDHES ABD CHI PSI'S VICTORIOUSBoUl fti Delta aac1 Beta J'ail fD Sen­utioDal .lath 1JmlD, JtaJli ..Delta Kappa Epsilon won fromPhi Delta Theta yesterday by ascore of 17 to 15 and Chi Psi de­feated Beta Theta Pi 15 to 8. BothgameS we� played on the Wash-ington Park grounds. .Kellog pitched a steady game forthe Dekes with the exception ofthe last inning when the Phi Deltsmade 7 runs and threatened to winthe contest. The Betas also madea fast finish in their, game with theChi Psis scoring five runs in thelast session.The line up foe the· D. K. E.­Phi Delta Theta game:D.K.E. Captains, Please Report ScoresCaptains of fraternity baseballteams are urged to promptly turninthe results of all games played, at 'the Faculty Exchange, for THEDAII.Y MAROON, The line-up ofboth teams and score by innings isdesired. TotalWWconsinPeraoDS IfLewefLobyc'. W'tmore IbCummings, pBrush3bHendricks 2b,Holtz 55. Yates, rf 2 4 27 15,._ 61 2 0 0 03 2 1 0 .02 2 4 2 01 1 16 0 01 1 0 8 03 2 1 2 11 0 2 2 10 1 1 1 20 0 2 0 0P.D·TILanonLinthicum, HookSpeik, LumbardPutnamHarwoodEl�usGrahamRidlonJonesJones CatcherKellom PitcherCook 1st BaseConkey 2nd BaseVail S. s.Jennison 3d BaseFerriss Left FieldGoea Center PieldHorton Rigb PielrlScore by iDniogsD. K. E. 3 0 0 2 5 3 0 1 3-17P. D. T. 1 2 0 3 0 1 1 0 7 -IS.CHICAGO, THURSD4V, MAY 18,1905ltbe matll! m�roo"1'onD ... � tM UDI ... ..-.lt7 of Chlca&o Weeki,..roVIfDIID"I'M 'ODI ..... lt)' of Chic. WMkl,.. OcL J.. 189ZTIm D.&JLT Iidoolf - - - Oct. 1. uozNEWS CONTRIBUTIONS REQUESTED.PubUaNO b,. the atU4eDU of th. tJDlnr­aJt7. of Chlca&O enl"J' afterDooD. ucept.Saturda,. aDd Sunda,.. dUriDS thr ... uar­Wra of th. UDI .... ralt,. ,.ear.rlrat board of e4lton aDd bualD" maD­&&V authorized b,. atudeDt-bod,. lD mali8meetlDs IIQ 15. 1902.Ilembenblp OD BUbeeqUeDt boar4a ofedlton to be determined by comlNltltlonOpeD te all atudeDU lD the UDb.nlty.BOARD OJ' JIlDlTORB.1I&DqIDS B:4ltor .•••• Harl"J' W. Pord. '05News Bdttor Walter I.. Gr�ry, 'mAthletic 2ditor )ohu S. Wnght. 'OSASSOCIATE II:DlTORS.Ralph P. IIwvaDe. '05 ..Bdwar4 M. Kerwin. '06.IA Ro,. A. VaD Patten. '06C. Artb'lr Bru.'e. '1)6'Claude Scbo6eld. '01Wm. A. Mc1>erwid. '01Bernard I. Bell. '01Wm. H lIat6eld. '06WOMEN EDITORS.111_ lIarle Ortma:rer. MIlia Helen Smith. 'OR),IiaaCml PalmerSTAn OP REPORTERS.Miaa Ktoa Robey, '07. .C:McKeona, Rush. '(1), R. Kddy ;\Iathews. '01Herbert 1\1. Harwood, 'OS, R, F. Baldwin, '07E. G. Felaenthal, 'OS. Chaa. A. Paltzer, '(6George H. Browo, 'Ott Lutber D. Fernald, -osMake-up mao today-R. Eddy Mathews'BUSINESS STAFP.Bualnesa Manager •••. Herbert I. MarllbawAu't Bua. Manager John Worley. Jr.C'JrculaUOIl 'YIP' W. 1\1. RuffcornEntered &a second-clue man at Chlcasopostomce.Dall,. Subscription. $3 year: $1 tor is mos.B,. Mall In City $� ,.ear: $1.26 for 3 mOBSubscriptions received at TH. MAROONOMce. Ellis Hall, or lett In Tua MAROON8ox. the Faculty Exchange. Cobb Hall.NOT J\. E.SPONSIBLE. FOR COPIE.SLOST THROUGH CHANGE OF AD.DRJtSS.Notice-Subscriber.: The Dall7 Ma­roon will be sent to 70U from quarterto quarter uDle.s ) ou order It dl_cOD­tln.ed�Subacrlbera are requ •• ted to notlf7tb. circulation d.part�.Dt of tbelrchaD.e of addre •• or their desire todl.coDtinue .ub.crlptloD.. ."rlnted OJ' l.luaClranKle Preas. 404 Il:. 66tb.I � EDITORIALS # ITHE editors of THE DAILY MA­ROON wish to explain their positionin regard to the editorial which ap­peared yesterday, regarding theQuadrangle ,Fete to be given on thecampus the evening of May 27th.The editorial in question was basedon the misfortune of schedulingtwo campus attractions for the samedate, Through a regrettable mis­take the Blackfriars' opera and theQuadrangle Fete were used as exam­pIes. The fete and the opera arenot considered as rival attractions,but as part of a �reat college enter­tainment.W.JLL ORGANIZE OHEERIN�Rey1Iolcls Club. 'Commission Selects 'Com­mittee to.Lead SiDiS at Smoker:,- At a 'special -meeting' of the Rey­nolds Club 'Commission held Iaste\·eriing in the parlors of the Rey­nolds Club, a committee consistingof E. E. Quantrell, Lagene Wrightand \V. L. Gregory were appointedto select a corps of from thirty toforty representative students to leadthe cheering and singing at thesmoker on June third.A number of faculty members,. including Dean Shepardson, DeanButler and Dean Miller were pres·d commended the schemeent, an k. A rogram for the �mo ·erhighly.h' Pd is under preparationon June t Ir .nd negotiations are almost co_m _a ber of features whIchPlete for a DumI those at the last stag.will equa.L ·DllD.ois State Bar ExaminationNorthwestern University Law �choolofters a course in general review for theJune Bar- Examination; the first sessionto be held in Hurd Hall Monday. May22, at twelve o'clock.For particulars address the Secretaryof the Law School.llartyn' 8 Jrlaroon Studiois the Student's Studio. Lowest rates onall Varsity work.U. of C. Photographer, 5705 CottageGrove Ave.FOWNES GLOVESwill be WOrn longerthis ... lOn Ibanoth.,. · . - that II,other gloves � .�Investmentsin face comfort, bring big re­turns. There's big face com­fort in the famousWILLIAMS' ��1. M. PATTERSONProprietor 10HNCLARK:ManagerW. ".oyer elo ••All � day ortlDfg�t, �promp y.�ckIon Park LInIy8� to J. H. Kintzua L FIIt7-8e ••• tIl atn.t�Byde�{=E�du�ce is a qu�n of mus­cle and good •• wind;' pafectphysical development.. Y OQ can­not be rmect physically if you arenot prop�rly fed. and all fooda areimproper that de not afford D��DOuriSbment to every organ andfuDCtion of the body.Shredded WholeWheat Biscuitis the food you need for the I'nSOnthat it i, made of the whole wheatberry. which . cootains Cft'r1 cleo­mmtwhich enters intothec:omPosi­rion of the human body in just theright form for perfec::l assimilatioD.C. � Wheat""'" a8F.'k Ifriori· hl_,....,. ... 1 •• �larlFt.elh:loa. witb .ilk. cre_. fill It or ftlCbl-'bIn. •• For E"", Meal Eftty Da,. to··.c.Tdacult. the new abrd.d wbeatcucker, ale ... b�a4 cw tGeIC in Ita __ ,.'0 ..... Eucllml witb bancr.cb_.orJrre­Mnes. Try .. �d TrilCalt·, wilb c ....In placc of orclinary crackers. •• ,.,.. , ... ,Ow.,". C ............ free. tella J'O'I •• '_."Th. MaIunI .. oM �If.qua .. .u.. If. Y.If mtefested in Bowling or Bil­liards. you should have a �vateten pin ball or cue. Price ofTen Pin Balls $t.OO. FanCJ cuestJ,.OO to 1'.00 each,...... ·�..c lrc..26W65 W An. ).01 E. 83rd StreetJIet MODroe a: ltimbark Ave. TB.EPIIIIE 'hcJ' .... rk IIYbHOU'_..:00 TO 12:00.:aO TO 6:00SHOREY & WEllNERHOLilSuce.sao .. t.Geo. H. Fiedler & Co.TAl LOa.SYoung Men's Clothes Made ByYoung Men � KnowHowWe Carry A Line Of WoolensThat Will Appeal To YauPbeoesHarrbon t�Auto�tJc S Suite 13 to 16D.zter Bid ••a4 ADAMS 8T.If You -Want A. LIPMAN99 E. lladiaoJl St.Money callOD��n4a. Watches, Jewelry. aDd ADtiqUes, for .. Ie: Old Gold aDd Silnr Boul'htM. E. FITZGERALD·& CO.MAKERS OF GENTLE!lEN'S GARMENTS360 EAST. FJ�TY-FIFTH STRE�TNEA.R KIMBA.RK AVE.WE H.AVE A. SP�ENDID RANGE OF GOODSFOR TWENTY-FIVE l)OI.LARS. Jo�ULLTUXEDOS. CLERIGA.L, SPORTING ANDBREECHES. DRES�.RIDINGTRACY O ..... IOBT. Pre •• CHAS. W. BA.R.DIN. V. P ••. S.c·.,.UNITED 5.TATES COAL CO.�!»I�nl!t COAL {j COKE Il • t • I I8OO��.8Q4 91d Colon.,. Bid ••mON£. BA .. JUSON 966 CBICA.Gp� �llOM)f.ER'S"Ch�pagne" Ice CreamIs an exquiste article. Like Champagne its served on specialoccasionChoice of 40 flavors=-delivered packed in iceSOC per ·quart brickSpecial fQr this month=-one layer of Neselrooe puddingallowed in each brick without extra charge.BRQMMER BROS.FAlley BAJtFRS aD4 COJl.FBCTIOllDS OF QUALITY.450 East 63rd Street � Phone H. P. 5663Grea.t Western High'W'8.Ylr. . cH.cAGQ TODIs ...........SL ,_. SL ••• _..............h-CHr0 .........- .c ......I� TlI& POPULAIl.CHICAGO GREAT WESTERlf Ry .E,.. ....... fir .... TI'IYIIer'I Cendort=- 115 Adams St • D�pot, .Harrison and Fifth Ave.)PIONEER��PENDER CO. 71811arbt ItPtaU ........."'AKERS OF P'ON6.ER SUS�£Na ...4 Coal»1ete � (If ..&metIIIr 8JCIIt• SPALDING'SOfficialATHLmCALMANACForl90SJt41t.4 h';,3. 1:.. SULLIVAN(Chief of Department of Pb�l Cultun,IpuiaiaDa Pulc:bae RS�Should be read' by every college atudetat, .. �c:outaias the records of all college athletes aDd. all amateur events in thUs country and abn*t11 abo cout.a.m.· a c:01Dplete. reriewr of theOlympic Games from the oftidal report of Dlrec­tor Su1linn aDd· a nsume of the two dayade90ted to sports ill wbich � weretheOlilyconteataDtL ThUs is the first lliDe in which theathletic performances of .. vagea have ever beea.)'atematically recorded.This is the largest Athletic Almanac eft!' pub­lished. containg a20 � Numeroutl illuatre­tIona of prosbinent athletes and ttack tdIDa...Prlc. 10' aa1e by aD newBdealer. andA. G. SPALDING. B&OS.·lJew York Chicago San PraIlc:I.-IjCIId for a copy of Spaldiup'. Athletic CoocIaCatalogue. It'. free. .Pitre Water ���f. _--.- _-Gf)o.d HealthMUSSEY·SBilliard Halls and Bowling AlleysThe Largest and Finest Amusement. . .Resort in the World180 10 108 Madi.on StreetBraIlcb: SU Davia $.. KYUUItoDA. McAdams:nla UNIVERSITY FLORISTftDNHOUSES . 011"'11' 'GOCIit.JiiI ...... � -- �KE.ENANFLORIST\ Ittl .... ·118. - none Went 363Itt East 63rd St. - PboDe B. P. MItPrab cut flowers, seeds, plants and bulbs.Gold Fish and Aquaria SuppliesL IlANASSE, 0P11aAN........... ,.,.... ........II •• dr ... .,...._., ��a,_T ... r..e=r:..... ��.�...........!Wtablishcd 1M78 Incorporated 1902•. A.l>evore &; SonTAILORSPullman BuildingWe �k� a s�lty of high grade DmsSuits for young men. CHICAGO, THURSDAV, MAY 18, 1905Notice.The Dutch Society will hold anopen meeting next Friday after­noon at H:OO o'clock in the Lexing­ton Hall League Room. In addition 10 the regular work, a specialmusical program by :\1 is... HildaSmith has been arranged. The.public is cordially invited to attend.'rhree Ezpreu Trains East EV8r7 DQIn the Year. Pullman Drawtnc Boom81eepinw Can on all TraIna. 'b'aDa-CoD­t1neDtal Tourlat Cua leave Chloaco Tn­w� on Tueadan and Sunda" at2:�C?p.m.and Wedne8da,.. at 10:36&.&.I CHICAGO 'rO BOS'rON IIJ'J I WITHOUT CHANGE. J'J.odern DlnJng Can HI"vlnC meala onlncUvldual Club Plan, ranging 1D. pricefrom 36 cent. to ,1.00. aleo aervlce a JaCarte. ·Coff'ee and Sandwich .. , at popularprice., served. to passengers In their .... walters. Direct llne to Fort Wayne,Plndlay, Cleveland, Erle, Buffalo, Koch­•• ter, S::pTaCuae, BlDghamton, Scranton.NEW YOBK CITY, BOS'rONAND ALL POINTS EAST.Bate. Al ..... y. 'rhe Lo ..... t.Colored Porters In unlform In attendanceon all Coach Paasencera. If you oontem­plate .. trip :But call on �. ocm"NDla.trtcJtet Acent, or addrea,.TOlDI' Y. CAT.AHAN, OeD. Aat-.118 Adama St., ma-.o. aI PLEaSIIT �DURIEY..... uNCI when JOuTray.' bet" .. nChicago, IndianapolisCincinnati. Lou •• vllleandFrench Lick and�est8aden'p�n ..If JCMI P br the way of tile- -----MONDN RDUTE- -----c....1'_ LecaI TiIfIIl .....18. CLAi'..K ST i'.. &1:. T ... Barker ...THE SHIRT CUTTER_.�_�W!.If you do not see what youwant ••• Il for itWe carry auch a variety of .. tock tbatpouibly the particular article youneed fa not in ,·iew. If not. uk forit. It is more thlln likely that w·will be able to supply the- desiredartit'leROSALlH PHAItNAC'\'J. J. GILL. Ph. G ••Phone H. P. 175 %7-1 H. 57th �t.E,t,.JIfl()1t'� •• t112 E. "IFTy.nFTB ST.� T.I.piaoa. 874.·..... 3' ��stablisbc:tll�7J.AMES'2.00A FAlk D£AL WITH EVERYHAT161-163 E. �iIon St., near .La SallewHY use poor, unwholesomemilk, when for the sameIl}oney you can get itPure, Sweet and ExtraordinarilyRich. delivered in sealed bottles, bycalling up Telephone South 817, ordropping a postal to .SIDNEY WANZER & SONS305-7 Thirtieth St.Telephone Hyde Park 1().17Shirt, M�d. To OrderR. O. BARKER415 E. 55th �tr�etLange Bros •� Spring� Styles77 DearbQl'J1 _ Street,UniW Building ..BORDEN·!;COJIDDUD IIILK. J'UJIi) �CJtUJI AlID B1JTT&ItmtEALL .D� (N TIIZ CO';lI'nPBoR •• CoiIDDMD MILK Co •..IIT L .. nc.TIII aT; .DR. FJ.l�D w, PA��KROR. RALPH W_ PARKERDENTr�TSb"l"9 KIMRARK AVE.�. Eo r.or. �bt1-tbird �t.I'hone-s:(lfJ1� IInte- P.rk 1/tIIRl-;id�n�. Il)'de- ('ark 2:!-18 Honnl:»not<,I!mI 30 to 1'>00.o\fter the Theater theUNIONRESTAURANTIII E. H.ANDOLPH "'T.I-:xcelleul ServiceBest Music In T�wnTelepbone& .�� � �.� ll�l CE.TLE.E.·. ...0 DRESS FOR snLElEATIESS, AID CO. FORTWEAR THE •• PROVEDEASYs.mpJep&lr,8Ilk".CoCtoD�.Mailed oa reeeip' of price.Ceo. 'rolt Co •••• k .....Iollall, ...... U. S. A.On certain dayS tLi. Springand Summer. tLe Santa F�will sell brst-dus round­trip tielets tq Californiafor aLout one £are. Hon­ored on tbe l�� Cali­fornia Limited.For $S more visit PortlandExposition.For $6.50 more eee GrandCanyon of Arizona.Several � coudw:tedAll thcWrICaliforniaOut and BackFrom ChicagofleB-·GarterAre popular with college men be­cause l;bey lie aat agaiDst the leg;never bind; fibre button: does not learhose. � *<> put on and take off.25 aad 5Oc. a pair.� ., G1JYR&, �1 � 63111 St.A •• T&lN. CO •• C ....... Mtr ••i,CHICAGO. THURSDAY. MAY. 18, 1905SECOJID GREET PLAY IS BESTCoDtiDued from first pqe. 8, 1 .... cA.L;£ N D A 1'1. .... 1.ail.May 26 King's Kaltlitlar Keeper.May 27 KUtg:s Kalendar Keeper.June 10 Women's Athletic Ban-quet.E have taken thisspace to teU youabout KirschbaumClothes-made mthe City of Philadelphia. Kirsch(cherry), baum (tree)-At theSign of the Cherry 'T fee.Kirschbaum Clothes are madeby wdl-paid tailors, in clean,!ight, sanitary shops -State andNational officials say the finesttailor-shops in the United States.The clothes are carefully made.They have style in them and fitand good looks.One thing about KirschbaumClothes� their style is not a matterof geography. They are rightin . London or New York or SanFnmcisco.Over a million dollars' worthare woin in . New York and Phila­de�hia every year, half ·a millionin BostOR and Washington.. Theyare represented in \ ev� greatCollege in America. "I hey �esold by good stores in three thou­sand other cities and towns.There are two things that go along way in Philadelphia.. In facttwo things one is rather expectedto possess-a grandlather and awell-cut coat. We can't supplyyou with· the one, but we arerea� with the other.We expect to talk often to .!.�about Kirschbaum Clothes.; Weshall keep �afler y:ou until you try.them. That's all we ask you todo. We ask it because we knowthe opinion of those who do trythem and we know the clothes.It will pay you to know them.Better clothes are worth while.They are worth remembering thename and finding the store thatsells them.A. B. Kirschbaum at Co.Philadelphia aD4' It •• YOI'. -....,� ,I',I'1,I I..I:II·I, ..i'I I·IIIII·II:I.·I·i·I·I,j Malvolio, caught his audience fromthe start. Although it was a smallODe for a large university, it fol­lowed with perfect sympathy Mr.Greet's, masterly change of mood,-the pomposity of the chamberlain,the growth of • 'vaulting ambition,"the bitter humiliation. the humbleself-abasement. :\. r. Greet wouldprobably not admit that there isally difference bet ween his success­ive interpretations of the part. Itis equally probable, however. that. af�e;r playing it as often as he has,he sometimes fails to notice theslight 'differences which are appar­ent to one who. sees a few of theperformances Certainly, perhapsbecause of the other improvementsnoted, his performance yesterday�� the most enjoyable of thethree given in this city. Classified Adv ........... ntsBUSINESS CAa.DSlee �!I'ea�., Soda, CaDdie.We regulate your temperature in hotweather. 'Our Soda Water is Cold andDelicious. lee Cream Parlor in connec­tion, PORTLAND l"HARKACY, N. E. Cor.60th St., and Wasbiugton Ave.Try Tolu, Tar and Wild Cherry,for,that cough.. University .Pharmacy 660E .. 66th �t _. __ . ,We (to not advise drugs if vou are well'but when you're sick Tel. a. P. 557, andyour d. ug ueeds, will receixe.our profes­sional .attention. -�Dell\·c:ry. by specialmessengers, THE J.>OIl.TLAND 'PHARMACV,N .. E. Cor. 60th St.JW� Washington Ave.. Kodall ... Camera.: SEEING COLORADODuring the Epworth. League Convention at Denver, July 5th to 9th the 5X7 GOhRZ SERIES IB LENS, �.75.Cameras and kodaks rented or exchanged,Prompt developing. Central Camera Co.,31 Adams St.DENVER AIm RIO GRANDE R.R."The Scenic Lines of the World"will make low rates to all the princiJ.>8lsummer resorts and Scenic points of In­terest. in Colorado and Utah. Also to theY�l1owstone Park, California and theLewis and Clark Exposition at Portland.For rates and full informatIon writeS. K. HooPBR. R. C. NICHOl.,G. P. & T. A. Gen'l Agent,Denver. Colo. 242 Clark St,Chicago, Ill. a.estauraDtaHave you tried the Lexington Restaur­ant and Lun,ch .. Room for meals? "L"Station 521) � -. �� Street,,._---W�ted Teaollera. _If )'ou wish. to; BeCUre ·a position toteach call on or write to James F. MeCull ouch. BallwQ Exc:hance. Ohlcqo.I .. AMusEMENTs .... 1 C. A. Scott & Co., proprietors of theBridge Teachers' Agency, . 2A .Beaeonstreetc-Boston, are seeking desirable can­didates for college and private school po­sitions in the Western States. Candidateswho would accept a university_�tion toteach English at a salary of. $l,�, andacademic positions to teach. French andGennan at .salaries from $100 to $1,000should write at once. .GARRICKPop. Price Mat. TodayF. C. Whitney's "Musical Cocktail,".' - .. PHI, Pall, PoultAnd The O�Ki;nal English e,Qny Ballet, A •• Dtal AaeDtal A.eDt.1STUDEBAKER $25.00 PaR. WEEK DUR.ING ?YOUR VACA­TION. WE- WANT COI.LItGB STUDENTS toact as our representatives and.take ordersfot u;';:'- new line of Up-To-DATE goods,. "ENTIRBI.y·.Naw, QuICK SBU.,JtIlS,during your -vacation to pay your tuitionfor next tenD. Write for; particulars to­day. UNIVltRSAI. ·MANUFACTURINGCOMPANY P'lTPSAURG ··PA •.. .:Pop. Mat. Today 25c_to $1.� La Shelle'a Production oftile ·VlrgI .... n.,with PUSTIN' FARNUK.� SALLE : "Tonight at 8:15.COIlveived'By, Written By, Acted.. By, Played To Chicagoans .. TIle·'''' "Bong Bong.Matinee tOmorrow T.allo .... ,.For fine tailoring go to 3M .E. 63rd St •_.Sammer Itmpl07_e.tWanted--5everal .wide-awake studentsthat are experienced solicitors, who wishto earn some·easy money Soliciting nearthe UDiversj!y_ a!l'bour __ �r: t"V!� each �Yand on Saturday_s. Salary or commisston.Call at the MAR.ooN office and inquire ofC8.4Ihier.HYDE & BE111W1'SliIat. Today at 2WILUAIII A. BIlADV presents... ........... 11in Shakespeare'sH ......Tomorrow(Tburs. )at 9 a.m.Sunmer PricesSeats on Sale for New Musical OddityIt ........With DAVE LEWIS, ELFIE FAY andGreat Co. SUMMER. EMPLOYMENT-We havea most profitable proposition for summerwork for coll�emen. It can be workedalone; or as a SIde-line in connection withsubscription books,.etc. If you are goingout with any proposition .this summer,write us for our plaD., . It is wholly origi­nal, bas never' been used 1;>y any otherpublisher. and CQ,ntaiDs �eatures whichmake the work'eaSY, 'enjoyable aDd mostprofitable. THE'. CROWELl.: . PuBLISHING 'COMPANY, Springfield, Ohio.POWERS'B'ftDings at 8:15. Mats. Sats. Only._, __ Mr:-;f.,C. Whitney Presents�. : �. . ". the IDCOIIlparable.. �::.'-"''''_ .. "'''.Aad the Best SingiDg Organization in. America in; _ �. ......,. LI .... ,., CHAS •. A. LA WBJIINOJD.MaDaaerod·�LAWRENCE-- ORCHESTRASelect M ualc for aU eelf!Ct oeeuiODLYour .. tronap ·_felted.·- .Rmdeoce 5746' Roalle Oourt.�TeL Ibde Puk 1..a7.We always have instock a full line of Soci­ety and Business Station­ery, Office and SchoolSupplies, Magazinesand Periodicals. . . . ..KODAK S U Lt£'8 ANDSO�TING GOQ,DSB. B. DILLER, s�. t:ll.LlNGS402 East Siny.:thit41' Street. - �..... -- -.. •