1 r' The Daily Mat.. � � by tM StucJnta of tU Ualftl'llty of Cblca&o Dana, thr ... � of tu Ualyen!tJ Y-VOL. III. No. 135 CHIC�GO, FRIDAY, MAY 12; 1905Continued on page i, column 3 'LOEB GETS WELCOME BUSY DAY FOR C�9RUS GIRLS PROGRAM FOR SMOKER READY WISCONSIN'-DUAL MEETWisconsin StudeBts Honor Oratori·cal League Contest Win�er­Prominent Men Assist Meinbers of Blackfriara Company WorkBard to Assume Proper Dimensions inOrder to Please Large Audience Varsity Track Team in ConteatWith Badgers ,Tomoriow�Pro,�pectS Favor ChicagoBreittreutz� Dulaney aDd Kield lMt toCardinal Team:-Ability 'of New Me.Developed on Squad UDkDOWDMrs. Burbank Will Speak - SoDga, Dancesand Sketch will Sene as Prelude toIDtroduction of JIIr. LittleThe Reynolds club smoker to­morrow night promises to be notonly an entertaining affair but asensational one. The message re­ceived from the noted woman lec­turer, who has been given permis­sion to address the men after thedinner in the commons, has beencreating some consternation among'the students. The past history orability of the new attraction on theprogram is practically uuknown.The other features of the pro­gram are in the hands of Univer­sity students and will take the formof high class vaudeville. The firstnumber will be songs by HenrySulcer. He will be followed by asketch by Arthur Bruce and JayWeddel of the Dramatic Club. Thecommittee has not decided definite­ly where to 'place Mrs .• Burbankbut she will probably follow thesketch. E. D. F. Butterfield hasprepared a monologue that will reomove the blues and tears that Mrs.Burbank's little talk may develop.Hunt Henry will close the programwith a song and dance sketch num­ber. Mr. Little, the speaker of theevening will then be introduced andhe has promised to tell some reallive experiences.The management desires that allthe men be on time for the dinner.As the cheering is to be organizedit is desired that the men be at theirtables promptly. The regulationChicago cheers and songs will beused.Dainty little, chorus girls are'strenoltsly trying to become evenmore dainty in order to successfullydou the elaborate trousseaux whichare being prepared by the costumecommittee of the Blackfriars. A The track, team goes to Madisontomorrow to meet Wisconsin, withbetter prospects. than have prevailedbefore any track 'contest this sea-son. ·'the'Strengtlr-of;· the Badg� �-,-�--'-­team, however, is a purely specula-tive quantity arid surprises may besprung in several events.Since the' indoor �eets,., _�J?�Chicago was victorious, the .Bad­gers have been crippled by the lossof three stars. New men have beendevelopedto take their places 'andthe present ability of these athletescan only be guessed 'at.In three events, .the shot put,high jump and the quarter mileWisconsin hopes to score heavily.First places in the other events ,!i�lprobably go to Chicago, and Wis­consin's chance lies .in taking theseconds and thirds.Dormitory Changes at Yale-Phi BetaKappa Reunion at Stanford-Deficitat NebraskaMax Loeb, the University ofWisconsin orator who took firsthonors in the Northern OratoricalLeague contest received a ,heartywelcome on his return to MadisonTuesday night. Fifteen hundredstudents turned out to meet him atthe station, and the hero was es�corted to the campus in a carriagewith President Van Hise and Gov­ernor LaFollette. Speeches and ageneral celebration followed.Work on the restoration of SouthMiddle Dormitory at Yale was be­gun the first part of the week. Alloccupants of rooms have movedinto their new quarters and theYale Co-operati ve Corporationwhich takes up the ground floorwill occupy its new quarters inFayerweather Hall in a few days.The plans for changing the upperpart of South Middle to correspondwith the original design accordingto which it was built in 1750, havebeen prepared by, Mr. GrosvenorAtterbury of New York. This de­sign includes a gambrel roof withdormer windows in place of thepresent third and fourth, stories.After the restoration, the buildingwill be used as now for dormitorypurposes, and will be ready for oc­cupancy next fall.Plans are -being made by the Stan­ford chapter of Phi Beta Kappa fora reunion and celebration of the so­ciety's members in that State to beheld sometime during commence­ment week. Arrangements havebeen made to hold public exercisesin the afternoon of the day set forthe reunion, and for a banquet, openonly to members of of Phi BetaKappa; on the evening of the sameday. Professor Moore of the Uni­versity of California will deliver theaddress of the day, and a pcem willbe read.The Debating Association of Ne­braska University has a deficit ofabout $100 this year, and the De­bating Council is agitating the pro­position of .bringing William J. Bry­an to the University to give his lec­ture on the ccValue of an Ideal" tohelp raise the deficit of the Iast de­bates. Mr. Bryan has given this lec­ture at Minnesota and Michigan toenormous crowds during the lastwinter.The annual debate of Lake For-est with Lawrence University washeld at Appleton Thursday evening.Lake Forest had the affirmati ve ofthe question: c'Resoh�, That .theeconomic interests of the UnitedStates would be furthered if bothCanada and the United Statesshould abolish the protective fea­tures of their tariff systems in theirmutual trade products." Fridayevening the Lake Forest freshmenwill debate with Beloit Collegefreshmen at Beloit on this question,Lake Forest having the negativeside. rigorous course of training has beenimposed. and every economy leadingto a reduction of waste is �ingpracticed by the embryo broilers,as well as by their mentors, thecommittee. Nothing which physicalculture or skillful dressmaking cando to enhance the brilliant effectsof the island pageants will be leftundone, judging by the activitywhich centers in Lexington Hall.The gifted press agent of thecompany is as extravagant as hisprofessional dignity and standingwill permit in -praise of the qualityof the chorus. It is unusually large,and is expected to be one of thebest amateur choruses ever staged.Much time has been devoted tolearning intricate step dances: andthe long hours of rehearsal haveserved the two- fold purpose of re­ducing the weight of, the chorus­girls and of perfecting them instage business.That a large audience will judgethe success of their efforts is to besafely assumed from the advanceseat sale, which has been unexpect­edly good.' The imagination ofeven the aforesaid press agen t failedto do justice to the response whichthe announcement circulars calledforth. Certain it is that the Uni­versity public will not be alone inwelcoming the Jolly friars and their, diminutive partners. ROOTERS GO TO CIlAJlPAIGNStudents Will Take Advantage of Low'Rates Oftereel by llliDoia Central R. R.A large delegation of Universitystudents is expected to accompanythe baseball team to Champaign to­morrow. On account of the Illi­nois inter-scholastic which occurstomorrow, the Illinois Central hasmade a round trip rate of threedollars. Tickets may be securedfrom Director Stagg.The line-up of the Varsity for to­morrow is, not yet decided, butWalker .will probably pitch. Inthe last game with Illinois theMaroons made a whirlwind finishwith nine runs in the last inning,but tomorrow the men hope tostart their rally earlier in the game. CAPTAIN FRIJtNDBreitkreutz, the veteran half­miter, has formally deserted thesquad and it is' not thought. thatthere is another man at- Madisonwho can, push Lightbody in hisevent. Kiesel, -Wisconsin's main­stay in the mile, has also left schooland Lightbody will have practicallya clear field in that event also.Waller will undoubtedly put upa good race in the dashes and quar­ter, but Hogenson and Gromanshould force him to second in bothevents. The hurdles will probablygo to Catlin. Quarles and McAvoywill have a close race for second inthe: high hurdles and Ferriss shouldhurry any Wisconsin man in thetwo twenty event.Quigley seems certain of at leasta third in the quarter and Parkin­son has a good show for a place inthe half, Meyers being the bestavailable half miter in the Cardinalcamp. Lightbody and "Billy"Matthews should land the majorityof points in the mile and Lyonought to have no trouble with Heanin the two mile.CONFERENCE mmT SBO.RT�Preliminaries in Pole Vault &Del �rlIile to be Held OD Day Preceec1in& .�tChanges which have for sometime been practically decided upon'in the running off of the Confer­.ence meet were given "the Confer-ence committee's official stamp ofapproval yesterday. 'Preliminaries in both the polevault and the quarter mile will beheld before the Conference meet.Nine men will be left to compete inthe quarter mile on June 3, and themen who clear 10 feet 6 inches inthe preliminaries of the pole vaultwill be in the big meet.Entries are received from Ne­braska, Ames, Drake and N orth­western Coltegeof Naperville. Def­inite action wilt be taken on theseentries next Thursday. Their ad­mission depends upon whether theseschools strictly observe Conferencerules. 1250 Volumea of Old Kone LiteratureGinn University by Paul StenslanclThe Scandinavian section of theGermanic department in the Uni­versity has just beea the recipientof a very valuable collection of 1250volumes of Old Norse literature,formerly a part of the noted histor­ian Von Maurer's library. Thegenerous donor is Mr. PaulO.Stensland, the Norwegian banker,415 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago.The Stensland collection wilt forma scientific basis upon which tobuild up a Scandinavian library inthe University.LIBRARY FOR SCAJlDIlfAVUJlSW. A. A. MeetingThere will be a meeting of the\V 0 men's Athletic AssociationTuesday. May Hi. in the LexingtonGym, at 1 :15. This meeting is im­portant as all committees for springgames and the banquet are to beselected. All are urged to be pres­ent.i·1;,BOTANIST WINS HONORSCHICAGO, FRIDAY, .MAY 12, 1905ttbe ·Ji)atl� lI)aroonI'onDerI7 tM UIlIftnIt7 of Chlcap Weeki,..I'OVJIDD'!'be UIlIy'alO of C1aIc. Weeki,., Oct. J., 1892TID DAILY�. - - - Oct. L .. 902NEWS CONTRIBUTIONS REQUESTED.. ,"ubU.bed b,. the audeDla of the IJDlnr­.lO of Cblc::aao e.e,.,. aftel'llOOD, exceptSaturdQ aDd Socia,., dUf'tq three .uar­&ca 01 tile UDheralt,. ,.ear.Firat board of edltora aod bualDeaa maD­.. er authoriaed b,. atudeDt-bod,. lD DlabllmeetlDa II.,. 15, 1802. .Ileaiberablp OD .UbeeqUllt boarda ofeditora W· be 4etermlDed b,. competlUeDOpeD te all _adeDw lD the UDlnralt,..BOARD 0,. EDITORS.IIaDacIIls Editor HUTJ' W. Ford, '05Newa Editor .... _ _ .. _. Walter L. Gr�ry, omAtbletic Bdilor .. _ JobD S. Wncht, '05ASSOCIATE ImITORS.Ralph P. )(ul.aoe, '05.Edward II. l[enrlD. '06.lA ao,. A. Van PatteD. '06.C. Arthur Bruce, '06.Claude Schofield, '07Wm. A. McDermid, '07Bernard I. Bell. '07Wm. H. Hatfield, '06WOllEN EDITORS •...... lIarle Ortma,..r. II'" HeleD Smllla. '06Mias Cecil PalmerSTAII'J' OJ' REPORTERS.Mias Ktna Robey. '07.e. :McKcnna, Rush. '05. R. �dy Matbews.. '07Herbert M. Harwood, '08, R. II. Baldwin, '07B. G. Fclacnthal, '08. Chu. A. Palt%er. 'USGeorge H. Brown. '06 Luther D. Fernald. '()gMake-up man today-R. Eddy Mathew.BUSINESS STAlI'J'.BulDesa llaoapr •••• Herbert I. MarkhamAu't BUll. Manapr •••••• John Worl.,.. Jr.('irculatiOD Mgr.· ••••••.••• _ .•••••• W. M. Ruffcornti:lltered .. IIeCODd-cl... mall at Chlcacopoetomce.lJaU,. Subscription, $3 ,.ear; $1 for .1 mos.8,. lIan ID Cit,. $4 ,.ear; $1.25 for 3 mo.Subscriptions recelnd at THB MAROONOmce, Ellis Hall, or left tD Tu. MAROON8oz. th. Jl'acult,. Excbanp, Cobb Hall.NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR COPIESLOST THROUGH CHANGE OF AD·DR£SS.Notice-Subscriber.: The Oall7 Ma·roon will be sent to 70U "rom quarterto quarter unl·ea • ., ou order It discon­tinued.I" EDITORIALS "ITHE most noticeable thing froma Chicago standpoint in connectionwith athletic contests which takeplace away from home, is the lackof student rooters to accompany theteams. This apparent apathy" orrather absence of college loyalty,could be done away with if the stu­dents were notified whenever a tripwas to be taken and the teams givena send-off in mass-meetings. Theauthorities are urged to arrangesuch meetings before the teams goto Michigan next week.!'1 ". 'IL:Clothes ShopEXCLUSIVEHIGH-GRADE CLOTHESBATS AND FUkNISBINGS. TOOWE MAKE NO ATTEMPT TOTRV AND COMPETE WITHCHEAPLY MADE CLOTHES.BUT WHEN WORKMAN­S HIP, QUA LIT I E SAND FASHIONS AREBEl N G CONSIDERED WEDELIVER THE GOODS."Frenzied" fabricsmercerized cloths'are being manipu:lated to look likethe genuine. Wedon't use an inch.We let others dothat - 90 per centcotton, you know.4!l, ;)1 AND 5aJACKSON BOULEVARDCHICAGO AaaistaDt in Department of BotaDy Re­ceives Walker PrizeDr. W .. B. McCallum of the de­partment of Botany has been award­ed the Walker Natural History firstprize for the year 1005. His sub­ject was: ., A Physiological Anal­ysis of the Phenomena of Regener­ation and Polarity in Plants." Ow­ing to the fact that Dr. McCallum'scontribution was of unusual meritand originality, the amount of the.prize wa<; substantially increased.Martyn's Maroon Studiois the Student's Studio. Lowest rates Oilall Varsity work.U. of C. Photographer, 5705 CottageGrove Ave.FOWNES GLOVESwill be worn longerthis season thanothers· - that Is,other gloves � �Well Latheredis half' shaved. No man canbe well lathered without therich, thick lather ofWILLIAMS' SHAVINCSTICKJ. M. PATTERSONProprietor JOHN CLARK:Manager1V. nev.r elo ••An orden, day or night, filledpromptly.Jack ... Park Unrrs� to J. H. KintzU3 r.. 1'1It7 ....... DtIa a .....Telephone Hyde Park {=Endurance is a question of mUI­ele and good •• wind" -perfectphysical development. You can-not be perfect physically if you 'arenot properly fed, and all food. areimproper that do not afford needednourishment to every organ andfunction of the body.Shredded WholeWheat Biscuitis the food you need for the reasonthat it is made of the whole wheatberry, which contains evuy ele­mentwhich enters into the composi­tion of the human body in just theright form for perfect assimilation.«l Shredded Wheat Bboult lIIaybe K"�d in 1112ny way. and i. panicalarlyd�licioQI wilh milk. cr�am. fruil or yecct ..hi". .. For E"ery ),tnl EYer, Day."«l Trlacult. the new Ihreddrd wile atcracker. u�d al brncl or tollt in It. lDan,.tomal. Ellccllent "ilh bUII�r. cheese, or pre­K"e'. Try .. To .. �ed Triacuit" with cbenein place of ordinary crack�n. ··r,.. "-Ir.'O-"r". e .. A :B .. A," free, tell. yo ... bow."The Natural Foocl Company"I ...... a Fan.. N. Y. SHOREY & WEllIERHOLII&ucc ••• o ... t.Geo. H. Fiedler � Co.TAILORSYoung Men's Clothes Made ByYOWlg Men Who Know HowWe Carry A Line Of WoolensThat Will Appeal To YouPhonesHarrison l�Automatic f Suite 73 to 16D.at.r aida.84 ADAMS ST.If You Want callOD A. LIPMAN99 E. II&cUaoD St.MoneyDiamonds, Watches, Jewelry, and Antiques, for sale; Old Gold and Silver �tM. E. FITZGERALD & CO.MAKERS OF �ENTLElUEN'S GARMENTS360 EAST FIFTY-FIFTH STREETNEAR KIMBA..RK AYE.WE HAVE A SPLENDID RANGE OF GOOD!";FOR TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS. FULLTUXEnOS, CLERICAl... SPORTING ANDBREECHE.S. DRESS.RIDING101-103E.MadisonStreetOLDINTEROCEANBUILDINGAlso Branch Buffet at 69 E. Monroe St,Our Shower-proof Overcoats Made toFit You $20 to $40.00NICOLL, TheT AILORClark and Adams StreetsTHE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE antiSTORAGE COMPANY• .,..... H7de Putt 171 ICIMBAIUC AVE!. ... PIPTY-.5Ill1'II sr.The Cleanest and Best Kept StorapWarehouse ID tile City _Fandtare -.I PIaDos )l0ftd. Stored. Packed &lid Shipped ..... ,.. ..thcwodd. po Prl.Ide.5tonp R..... LarzeParb�"Pl--. Rocas lor Traub aDd Wheds.. Larze Room lor c.m.e-.� aDd Sleips. . 'l'RUlID TO DJ) no • .AU. DDOTL.... a.6aa ............... �-=-. atsllortDOtic:e..... 8Iecia1 .uaau.as... .. VIII ..........w����������������������AKK CD ......, -- 0 <c 4- ".... I- - c:: � -... :::E =4J: -e- c:=.,..- ...... -r C) < Nil,89n HEADQUARTERS THE BEST IS • lINFOR THE FINEST NO"E TOO GOODxt.. COLLEGESTATIONER\ IIETCALP fOlYOU tBAm � �411 •• WAIIASH av..u. tPIaT cuss. FRATERNITY OHIOAGO =�= ftBA m MS:W� II£IIUS - ArE'AMZ:C:<J�+><� CD+� &-(DoG-", ::::i .......... >< .......... :2 BZtn�=��=����<��������:���A CerrrreottonwithThe Northwestern Mutual LifeInsurance CompanyWould Afford You a Splendid Opportunity.If you wi.h 10 kDow more about Ihiswrite toH. F. NOa.a.IS. Supt. of Agencies.Milwaukee, Wis. .... ANcorERYou can always get yourstyle, your height and yourexact size inARROWQUARTER SIZECOLLARS ATHLETES .UST GET LESSONSCHICAGO. FRIDA V t MA V 12, 1905Ooach stall Sees that Track and Base­ball .en Keep Up iD Class WorkCoach Stagg bas been pursuing.apolicy since he has taken hold ofthe teams, that he thinks will helpas much as anything to win theMichigan meet and the Conference.He has been keeping track of theclass work of all the athletes andputting great stress on the import­ance of their studies. Keeping intouch daily with the class standingof each man he has found out whoare the ones who need spurring andhe has directed a great deal of at­tention toward seeing that they arespurred. Every night for the pastweek he has had a sign up on thetraining quarters door, "This isstudy night. No visitors allowed!'Coach Stagg is personally super­vising the system and he hopes thatthe six weeks notices will wreaklittle havoc with the track and base­ball squads.Rbo" :yonr con�P. spirit by subscrfb­IDa for The Maroon.SEEING COLORADODuring the Epworth League Couvention at Denver, July 5th to 9th theDENVER AND RIO GRANDE R.R."The Scenic Lines of the World"will make low rates to all the principalsummer resorts and Scenic points of in­terest in Colorado and Utah. Also to theYellowstone Park, California and theLewis and Clark Exposition at Portland.For rates and ful1 information writeS. K. HOOPER, R. C. NICHOL,G. P. & T. A Gen'l Agent,Denver. Colo. 242 Clark St,Chicago, Ill. UNITED STATES COAL CO.Whol .... I. COAL & COKE .. eta I I800-802.804 Old Colon.,. Bide.TkAC:r G. W"IGBT. P .....PBONr. HA .... ISON 966 CHICAGOThese collars beincmade otfabrics shrunk before cut­ting by theCl upeeo Process.will not shrink. Thisinsures pel1D&DeDCY of size15c each; 2for 25cELECTROLYSIS Alk Any Upperclassman Who"FAMOUS" IS.He wlll tell 100 that "Famoua" .. theman wbo pub lour clothes In Iood COIl­dition and does first-cla.. wort In re­pairiog and pn!88lnc •See him em the c:&IDpu.rAMOnS TAILORING 00.,1M m. C5&h Stnet.Phone -Hyde Pan: fS700.If" you do not see wh .. t youwant. ask for itWe carry such a variety of .. tock thatpossibly the particular article youneed is not in view. If not. ask forit. It is more than likely that w,",will be able to supply the desiredarticle ROSALIE PHARMACYJ. J. GILL. Ph. G ••Phone H. P. 175 274 J:o:. 57th St.Found whereverGOOD THINGSare served. _CLUETr, PEABODY & co.Largest makers of Collan & Shirtsin the_orldA. ComtIJete 1tDcydopecUa of Ametear 81ICIIt• SPALDING'SOfficialATHLmCALMANACFor1905Edited II.,. J. r.. SULLIVAN(Chief of Department of Physical Culture,Louisiana Pulchase Exposition).Should be read by every college student, .. tacontains the records of all college athletes anelall amateur events in this country and a�It also contains a complete review of theOlympic Games froID the official reportofDlree­tor Sullh;.n and • resume of the two da::vadevoted to sports In which savages were the onlycontestants. This is the fint time in whkh theathletic performances of savages have ever heeDaystematicallv recorded.This is the largest Athletic: A1DUUlac ever pub­liahed. containg 320 pages. Numerous illaatre­tiona of prominent athletes and track teaJU.Price 10 C.nt.Por sale by alIlle'W!ldea1ers anelA. G. SPALDING 0 Ba.05.New York Chicago &an Pra�6eDd for a copy of Spaldings's Athletic �Catalogue. It's free.P W t is theure a er basis ofGood HealthIs absolutely pure. De1iveted Insealed glass bottles. Sold by aUleading druggists.THE CONSU.ER8 co.Butler, 35th to 38th se, CHICAGOTelephon. T-ar4. lZZO E. BURNHAMHAIR GOODSFacial Massage. MaDicl1ring, Ladies HairDressing and MIlDicuring. Ladies' Turkish andRussian Baths. 70 and 71 State St., Chicago.College Studentsrequire brain-making foods. Thedailger of collapse or "brain fag"from overwork may easily beavoided by the use ofGood Food Properly CookedWe use JnoaiIlS in selectingand cooking the food served by usTHE KUITZ·RE •• LER Co.303-305 Wabash AvenueTel. 6U8 BarriaoaIf lDteaested in Bowling or BU­Hards, you should ba'\'e a �vateten pin ball or cue. Price ofTen Pin Balls $f,OO. Paner cues$1.00 to $'.00 each ••••• Iot·a.a.C.I ..... c..263-265 Wabuh Ave. BORDEN'SCOlfDEBSED JOLK, nUID mLE,CUAII AlfD BUTTERlllLJtALL BOTTLED IN THE COUN72FBORDEN'S CONDENSED MILK Co..aT-eaa E. FORn-.EVENT" aT. Bargains in any makeeither for rental or saleTHE TYPE�TER EXCHANGE319 Dearborn StreetCHICAGO, ILL.MillineryMRS. S. TAYLORWashington Ave. & 55th StMUSSEY·SBilliard Halls and Bowling Alleys- The Largest and Finest AmusementResort in the World100 to 108 Madieon StreetBrauch: 818 Davis SL. EvanstODA. McAdamsTHE UNIVERSITY FLORIST.-.amOUSES : CHI" Ii 'GO.............. ItiaMrIt_ �KE.ENANFLORIST6ttl Wentworth lye. - Pbone WeDL 3634tt list 63rd SL - - PlIo .. B. P. M6fFresh cut flowers, seeds, plants and bulbs.Gold Fish and Aquaria SuppliesL MANASSa, OP11C1AN.. -- ... � ......... 111 ....... .,...._.d a..DJ�• ,.T .........S'!!iat:..... �KeIab.a..­...........Bstablished 1878 Incorporated 1902 E. C. MOO R E••. jflorist. ••272 E. FlFTY.FIFTH .ST.� Telephone H7de Parll. 38 � P. D. WEINSTEINLADIES' TAILORWorkmanship UnequaledSpecial Rates for U. of C. StudentsN. E. Cor. 55th and LexingtonPhone 1282 Hyde ParkA. A. Devore & SonTAILORSPullman BuildingWe make a specialty of high grade DressSUIts for young men. AMES HATS52.00 $3.00 Ladies· Hairdressin& .. ndMlUllcuring' P .. rlorsElectric Scalp Treatment and Fad.l Mas­sage a Specialty242 EAST 55th STR.EI:. T •A FAIR. DI:.AL WITH JtVER. YHAT161-163 E. lIIIadisoD St., Dear La Salle Phone Hyde Park 1069 Open ev nings till 8Miss Hannah M. HartA. W� STRICKLERWATCHMAKER294 E. 55th St. ChicagoA warded Certificate of the AmericanHorologica1 Society for. Superior. VVork�nshipW.H. v use poor, unwholesome... milk, when for the samemoney you can get itPure, Sweet and ExtraordinarilyRich, delivered in sealed bottles, bycalling up Telephone South 817, ordropping a postal toSIDNEY WANZER I SONS305-7 Thirtieth St."Vogelsang's' ,178-182 �IADISON ST.A modern up-to-date Cafewhere the cooking and serviceis equaled only by the best. :: -FOR-Phone Hyde Park 1810I also do Cleaning, Dyeing and RepairingM. SCHIFFMAN.Fine TailoringSuits Made to Order408 E. 63d StreetSPRING AND SUMMERSTYLESScotch T ..... EngliM S.,.,...and Clte,.iofa.Home SpUM and Flannel ••Gun .etal G,..,.Tailor. lor Youn. M.nTwo Stores:131 La Salle Street44 Jackson BoulevardCHICAGO, ILL. Breakfast or LunchAsk forThe food with a deliciousmaple flavor-always freshand crisp .Where Do YOU GelYour Newspapers, Periodical. and Sta­tionery?AT NORTON'S •Free Delivery •348 57th Street. Phone 116 Hyde Park..... uNCI when JOUTray.' betweenChicago, IndianapolisCincinnati. Loul.vln_andFrench Lick andWest Baden Iprlnp.f'_ � '" 'fl. � Of tfte-- -,MONON R[]UTEc- , .. LIcaI TIIIIII_'"184 CLAI'..K ST I'.. £1:. TIfI'I':.'.CHICAGO, FRIDAY .. MAY 12, 1905CI_mld AdvertisementsIjI:1,I� !• XvnR all it's the way aman looks in a Kirsch­. baum Suit that makesrlle dillerence. lnbegood doth and the good tailoringare there, of course, but to getthe sum of all the good points trythe clothes OD.Ask for Kirschbaum Clothes<Warranted). Good stores every­Where, $12 to $25 ..�t OIl seeing the Kirschbaum label insidebreast pocket of coat. N� Style Bookfree if you'll write for it.A. B� Kirschbaum' &:. Co.(Makers) Philadelphia and New YorkI1,! UR�Jla�ee tomorrow",. C. Whitney's "Musical Cocktail,"PIlI, Patt, PoullA Big WinnerGreat Cast. New Comedym Song Hits, Pretty Girls andTh� Original English Pony BalletA Frolic of Features I MAJORS .... d MIN,amMay 12May 13MayWMay 26May 27June 10 Iowa Club Frolic at Hitch­cock Hall, at 7:30 P. M.\Vyvern Club Luncheon.Snell Hall at home.King's Kalendar Keeper.King's Kalendar Keeper.Women's Athletic Ban­quet.STUDEBAKER"tgUlar Matinee SaturdayKirk La Shelle's Production ofOwen Wister's Great Plavof the Plains,... .......with DUSTIN FARNUMU SALLE�ight at 8:15.Are you on oua calliJlg list receiving everyeveninKB .. the right of way overall other shows. __ :rbel ...........Matinee tomorrowHYDE I 1EII1W1'SWILLIAM A. BR.ADV presentsRoIIIrt L ...... 11iD Shakespeare'sOthelloMatiDees Wed. and Sat. Classified Advertisements t�tatsdstt-,IdI,5.1..,r-.. 167 ADAMS ST. • • • • CHICAGOTelepbones:MaiD,200:_ A11to8i18"WISCONSIN DUAL MEETContinued from first page, column 4 •. . W�nt«·d Teacher.... .Wisconsin is without a good polevaulter andWilkins and Clark will.probably have an easy time. Friendis booked to win the broad jump.Parry has been doing better workin the hammer and discus than anyof the Badgers. Dulaney. thecrack high jumper, has been lostto the Badgers, but they have threeor four mea of ability who shouldbe able to replace him.The shot put is Chicago weakest,and Shepherd 'of Wisconsin shouldwin the event on present form.The team leaves early tomorrowmorning over the Northwestern. If you wish to secure a poMltlon toeach calIon or write to James F. McCulloUKh. R.ilw�)' ,:E.�chanKe. Chl�.R gtim I can teach any persona e of average intelligenceo play real ragtime on pianos in ten les­sons. College students possess more thanverage intelligence, which makes mywork easier. 'Write at once for explana­ory book let. C II R 1 S T 1-: N SON, 409Athenaeum Bldg., Chicago.C. A. Scott & ·Co., proprietors of theBridge Teachers' ARency, 28 Beacontreet, Boston, are seeking desirable can­idates (or college and private school po­itions in the Western States, Candidateswho would accept a university position toeach English at a salary of $1,�, andacademic positions to teach French andGerman at salaries from fiOO to fl,OOOshould write at once.For SaleSUSINES� CAa.D� If you need a typewriter, here is a goodbargain. Excellent condition. If takenat once I will sell it for ten dollars cash.Call and see it. S..M. Raffie, 46 SnellHall.Ice Crea.rn. Soda. CaDdiesLomasney Sisters. Fresh candies alwayson hand. Soda Fountain open April �63rd St and Kimbark Ave.We regulate your temperature in howeather. Our Soda \Vater is Cold andDelicious. Ice Cream Parlor in connection, PORTLAND PHA.RMACV, N. E. Cor60th St., and Washington Ave .: Wanted-Several wide:awake studentsthat are experienced solicitors, who wishto earn some easy money soliciting nearthe University an hour or two each dayand on Saturdays. Salary or commission.Can at the MAR.OON office' and inquire ofcashier, �.- •Try Tolu, Tar and Wild Cherry. forthat cough. University Pharmacy 560E. 55th St.We do not advise drugs if you are welbut when you're sick Tel. H. P. 557, anyour drug needs will .receive our profes­sional attention. Delivery by speciamessengers, THE PORTLAND PHARMACVN. E. Cor. 60th St. and Washington AveKodalls-·Ca.rnera. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT-We havea most profitable proposition for summerwork for coll�emen. It can be workedalone, or as a side-line in connection withSUbscription books, etc. If you are goingout with any proposition this summer,write us for our plan. It is wholly origi­nal, bas never. been used by any otherpublisher, and contains features whichmake the work easy, enjoyable and mostprofitable. THE CROWI£LI. PUBI.ISHINGCOMPANY, Springfield. Ohio.� DINSE, PAGE & CO.ELECTROTYPERS5X7 GOI<...RZ SERIES 18 LENS, 1-16.7Cameras and kodaks rented or exchangerPrompt developing. Central Camera Co31 Adams St.·The Reverend Dr. Slicer, of New YorkCity, spoke to the members of Foster Halllast evening on the poet Browning.Miss Paulina Wilcox, of Los Angeles,Califomia, is visiting Miss Josephine Wil­COl[ at Foster.Miss Florence Dennis, who has beenvisiting Miss Richards of Foster, for thepast two weeks, bas departed fOI" herhome in Dubuque, Iowa.O. H. Brown, formerly of the physiol­ogy department' and' now Professor ofPhsumacology at the University of St.Louis medical school, is visiting AlphaTau brothers,Eldon T. Johnston has been called tohis home in Wyoming by the serious ill-..,_ness of his mother .The Girls' Athletic Association of theUniversity High School entertained at aninfonnal dance in the lunch room thisafternoon.SOCIAL ....... 1POWERS'By Beari. DuDiay. ANDSTEREOTYPERSl\..e51aurADtsHave you tried the Lexington Restauant and Lunch Room fer meals? "LStation 5� E. 63rd Street.45-47 J ACKSON BOULEVARD.Two Separate Depar t me n t sMERCHANTTAILOR'INO' Both separate and ........... -- ....distant - the mer­chant tailoring de­partment the peerof any in this coun­try.REA DY - TO- The ready-to-wear�- -. � . . ,�,_.. _ . the best-It gets ItsW EA R '.. inspiration and ideasC L 0 T H' E S from the forme�, naygarmen t being de-DBP.lRTIIDT: 8aCOn FtOOR signed by ourselves.R.I· DIN 0BREECHES and all sortsof sportingclothes forgentlemen-an especial feature of ourMtrchant Tailoring Department.Clothes for the auto-shooting-driv­iog-in short, all· outdoor pastimes.Depart1'!1eDt SecoucJ Floor • •