• The Daily Ma� £ftemoou by tile stucleDta of the UDi .. raity of Chlca,o DaJtq tllnt� of u.. UIll� T_VOL. III. No. 124 PRICE Two CENTSCHICAGO, THURSDAY, APRIL 27,1905'JAPBALL,PLAYERSHERE THE M 0 NT HLY-A REVIEW SPECTACULAR RALLY FAILS, EXCITEMENT ON "PIKE"Team From Waseda UniversityArrives In San Francisco AndWID Play SaturdaylIew Main Building To Be Built AtMinnesota-Military Drill At Mebras­ka C., uses Much TroubleThe Wased'a University baseballtsam arrived in San FranciscolastF-riday on the steamer Korea.They were entertained there for aday, and then were, taken down toStanford, where they will playtheir first game on Saturday. Whileat Stanford the J aps will be enter­tained by the Japanese Club of theUniversity. Fourteen men, includ­ing the manager of the team, madethe trip. On the way across thePacific they practiced daily on thedeck or" the Korea, and at Honoluluthey had an opportunity to practiceon the ball grounds while thesteamer remained in port. Themembers of theteam are describedas compact and active athletes, allabove the height of the averageJapanese.The regents of the University ofMinnesota are preparing to let con­tracts for a new Main Building, totake the place of the old one whichwas destroyed by fire. The legis­lature appropriated $350,000, andthere is $50,000 insurance from theold building, making $-100,000 forthe new structure. The plans willbe- decided on definitely the ·firstpart of May.Military drill as conducted at theUniversity of Nebraska causesmuch unpleasantness. The soldiershave a right fo the athletic fieldafter five o'clock eveay afternoon.Not long «go the ball team wasplaying a game with another col­lege. " At five 0' clock the score be­tween the teams was a tie, in thelast half ·of the ninth inning withtwo men out. When the boys didnot leave the diamond at the com­mandant's request, he chargedbayonets on the players and com­pelled them to discontinue thegame.The Argentine Republic has sentsixteen representative young mento this country to study agriculture,mining, civil and mechanical en­cineenng. Eleven of them aretakiDg courses i. Cornell. Theirgovernment has i two year's claimon their service upon their return.Harvard has organized a motorcycle club, with L. E. French aspresident. He has inaugurated amovement for an intercollegiateassociation looking toward the es­tablishment of an annual motorcycle meet. Columbia enthusiastsare endeavoring to introduce asimilar organization there.The new chapel for Oberlin Col­lege. which is to cost S�I:),OOO. willbe begun in the spring. The Humber of students at Oberlin has in­creased more than fifty per cent.during the last four years. Arather novel departure bas beenmade in the creation of the office ofassistant president, whose main re­sponsibility will be to increase thematerial resources of the college. Monthly Maroon with Usual Offering ofFiction, Verse, and Department Notes�ppears- Quality Good Chicago Loses to Illinois After Scoring .Leading' Attractions in Menagerie!fiae 2uIlS in Ninth-llliJaoia Gets Big Escape- Are Discovered Stroll-.Lead in First Five Innings iog Around CampusSide ShOWS, Booths, Sammer Gardens andCODfideDce Meli Will 2elieve Visitorsof Spare ChangeGreat consternation has been feltby the managers of the Pike on ac­count of the escape of some of theanimals oc"the"menage·rie. 'Theyhave been seen wandering aboutthe campus, inspiring terror in allbeholders. Others have sufferedfrom severe attacks of spring feverand it is said the giraffe has tonsi­litis. Nevertheless the menagerieproprietor has promised to exhibitthe complete collection of "obscureand obsolete" beasts on Fridayevening.The shooting gallery, where youget three shots for a nickle at the"riigger babies," will offer induce­ments of gum and good cigars. The"coons" in attendance, whose pis­guise it will be hard to penetrate,will sing the latest ragtime hits toa banjo accompaniment.In the next booth there will be. achance to stake a claim in the'IKlondike" and win a prize. Picks,shovels, and sifting apparatus willbe chained to the soil, to preventappropriation as souvenirs. Miningexperts of well known winningabilities will be present to assistwould-be prospectors.On the south side of the Pike"Punch and Judy" will renew theirdomestic tragedy. Doubtless theharsh voice of Punch will suggestthe dulcet tones of an athlete wellknown in university circles. Afterthis moving scene the gentle spec­tator will be led to the "Temple ofPalmistry" where mysterious seerswill expound his future domesticweal or woe, for a consideration.Under the fair hands of the skill­ful silhouette cutters he will findhis vanity inflated. or punctured asthe case may be. The gayly col­ored. Wheel of Fortune will offerthe resistless charms of the game ofchance.The stentorian tones of the Var­sity Show • I barker" will next callthe ,. Piker" to view an aggrep:tion of dime museum attractions,such as have never before been col­lected in one spot. The "SnakeCharmer", "Light Rope Walker",I'Heavy Weight Lifter", who willlift a mortgage from the old home­stead, are but the least of these. Asspecial attractions, Andrew Car­negie, assisted by· a friend, willfreely dispense libraries while theRecording Angel of the Universitydistributes Phi Beta Kappa keys toall unsuccessful grinds.Our gentle spectator wlll ned bepersonally conducted through the"Labyrinth" where the secrets ofages past will be revealed. to him ina visible demonstration of the"Theory of Evolution'.' . It mightbe mentioned that the football manand the School of Education young-The April number of the Univers­ity literary magazine, the M on/MyMaroon, appeared on the campusthis morning. The Hull CourtGate cover-design which was usedlast month has been retained, andfor a time will he the regular cover.The contents, while not comprisingas much material as might be ex­pected from the literary magazineof a great University, give indica­tion of an earnest effort 011 the partof the board of editors to raise the After a phenomenal ninth inningspurt Chicago lost to Illinois yester­day at Champaign by a score of11 to 9.For eight innings Opfergelt, theOrange and Blue pitcher, hadproved invincible and not a Maroonhad passed second base. In theninth five hits were tallied up forChicago, a batter was hit and theIllinois shortstop contributed. fourerrors. Nine runs were made andwhen a single would have broughtin two more and tied the score,Opfergelt steadied and t h r e eMaroons went out.Paul started to do the pitchingfor Chicago but lasted only threeinuings. Walker who relieved himwas batted hard at first but steadiedafter two innings.Score by inningsIllinois- 0 3 3 2 3 0 0 0 -11'Chicago-O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9- 9Chicago played Iowa this after­nooti on Marshall Field.standard of its offerings.An excellent picture of this year'sbasketball team makes its first 3p­pearance as the frontispiece. Thelead story is the first part of anarticle by Don M _ Compton. on• "How the Summer College ManEarns Money," the second part ofwhieh WIll appear in May. Anumber of amusing episodes makethe subject matter bright and inter­esting as well as timely. c "TheMiracle of Red Lodge," by Caro­line Montgomery Rice, is note­worthy for its excellent local color­ing. "The Old South" is a tributeon the order of that by Henry W.Grady on "The New South."I-The Kid" by Theodora L.Richards, a love story with a climaxbased on an episode somewhat sim­ilar to the Iroquois tragedy, and"TnExterior Darkness," by James'V _ Hickey, a psychological studyof a young University student, arethe others of the 10I_1ger numbers inthe issue. Less elaborate pieces ofwork are a nnmber of quatrainsand a sketch, "A Specialist in Biol-. ogy." The departments of Edito­rial.Varsity View and Alumni Noteshavetheir usual place. CLUB COllllDSSION BEGINS WORKPlans Are Being Laid for EntertainingVisiting Athletes at Inter-scholastic KeetThe Re vnolds Club Commissionmet last Tuesday evening in theReynolds Ci\1b to discuss plans forentertaining the various high schoolmen who wlPh.be at the Universityduring the time of the inter-scholas­tic meet this spring. The membersof the Commission are planning adinner to.be given in tie near futureasa means of bringing the differ­e_faternity and society men intocloses .. co-operation. The date ofthis dil1ner has not yet been deter­mined, upon.The'��ommissiotl also discussedthe vario�s.waY$ of entertaining themembers of the Senior class of theManitowac High school, who willvisit the University and the FieldColumbia Museum sometime thisTRACK MEN GO TO PHILADELPHIADirector Stagg Takes Relay Team aDdFive Men for IDdividual EventsDirector Stagg and the men se­lected to represent Chicago at Phila­delphia left at 10 o'clock this morn­ing.No tryouts were held yesterdayowing to the rain. Outside of therelay men. Lightbody, Blair, Gro­man and Quigley, the followingmen were taken for the individualevents: Capt. Friend. broad jump;'Hogenson, IOO yd dash, Catlin,'hurdles, Parry, weight events andWilkins for the pole vault. spring.Merrifield to Coach Second TeamRoy W. Merrifield has been ap­pointed by Director Stagg to takecharge of the reserve baseball squad.Men are requested to report Friday,April 28, at a p. m., whichwill bethe regular hour for practice, Allwho enjoy baseball or hope to makethe first team in the future are in·vited to work with the squad.Paul C. Foster \,;11 give an ,illustratedstereoptican lecture on • • College Men'sOutings at Lake Geneva," tpis eveningat 7:15, in Haskell Assembl�oom. ' Allmen in the I 'nivcrsity are .ia11y invited.FRATERNITY BASEBALL TO STARTMeeting Called for Tomorrow Afternoonto Arrange Schedule for This SpriugThe inter-fraternity bas e b a Itteague will have its first meetingtomorrow afternoon at �::lO o'clockin the Reynolds Club. 'I��ch fra­ternity is requested to elect a repre­sentative for this meeting. Planswilt be made for filling out theschedules in the different divissons, The, members of thc executive councilof thc Reynolds Cluh dined at the Ven­donie Hotcl1ast evening, Those presentwere: President Quantrell, Gale, Mem­crria� and Fclsenthal,t . Freeman, Apeltate J\1I1�e of thcs branch, (tel.·erc" his fourth ad­'orr ·:l.e�al '{thies" this afternoon at'�'c1ock in the Xorth Lecture RoomSome of the fraternities have al­ the Law Building. The lecture wasready organized teams and have' 'wcll attended by both Law and Universitybeen practicing daily. stud�tfts..,.. ...I, �I CHICAGO, THURSDAY APIlIL 27,1905Frank 8. Youn:.· 1 r.... ...T�l"pbnn� "yd. Park 1'"l�BO.\II"· ngLI VERYY�Na AMERICA LAUNDIIYescese �t Sixty:third St.main silently in the background.The members of the various com­mittees are inactive and indifferentto their duty. In short, the classorganization, instead of being aseffective as was supposed, -is inade­quate, or at least neglectful of theclass needs. It is of great import­ance that these official bodies "getbusy" at once, and accomplishsomething tangible. or the class of'05 will go down into history witha tarnished record not held by itspredecessors.\the JDail� maroonrol'DleJ'b' dae' Unlnrall7 or Chlcqo Weeki,...I"OV1IDIIDTIle UnIT'Idt7 of "''"laic. W"b'. Oet. 1. 18'2TB.. D�T 1iLUoo1l - - - Oet. 1. "902NEWS CONTRIBUTIONS REQUESTED.. BORDEN'SCOllDDSD': MIL�"l;r:.CUAJI AIID BALL BOTTLED IN TN. COIINr.". BoRDCN·. CONDENam MILK Co •e.., __ • Eo rom .. IEVCIITII ft...... ·PubU.hed b,. the .tudents or the Unlnr­.Ib or Chlcqo eyer,- afternoon. uc:eplSaturday aod Sunday. durlo& three .uar­wrs of the UnlYerslt, 1ear.rim board or editors and buslneas maD­qar authorized b1 student-bod1 In Dl&88meetlll& Ma, 15. 1902..Ilembenblp on sub8equent boards oreditors to be determined b1 competlUenopen to all studenla III the Unlnrslt1.BOARD or EDITORS..Ilanaclnl Kdltor ••••• Harr1 W. Ford. '05News FAitor •••••.• _ ••••• Walter I.. Gr�ory, '06Athlctic �ditor ••••••••••••.•.•.•••• jouu S. Wnght, 'OS • 01 E. 83rd StnIIJIe& Monroe a ltimbark Aft.BROMMER'S"Champagne" BrandASSOCIATE EDITORS.Ralpb P. lIIuh·ane. '05.Kdward M. Kerwin. '06.I.e Ra,. A. Van Patten. '06.C. Arthur Bruce. '06.Wm. A. McDermid, '07Bernard I. Bell. '07Wm, II Hatficld, '06WOMEN EDITORS.111_ lIarle Ortma1er. MIliA Helen Smith. '06MiJIS Cccii Palmer Lihe champagne. it is alwa�s served on specialoccasions. Made from double cream. whichgives it that delicate flavor t�at is all its ow-no� 40 FLA V()RS �Pached in Ice. � 5'Oc per qt. brichBROMME.R BROS.Family Caterers, Fancy Bakers and Confectioners of Qullty450 East 63rd StreetMartyn's Maroon Studiois the Student's Studio. Lowest rates onall Varsity work.U. of C. 'Photographer, 57<Xl CottageGrove Ave.STA1IT or REPORTERS.MiJIS Etna Robey, '07.C. McKcnna, RUsh. '05. R. �ddy ::'tlathcws. '07HcrbcrtM. Harwood, 'OS, R. F. Baldwin, '07E. G. Fclscnthal, ·OS. Chas. A. Pa1tzcr, 'OSGeorgc H. Brown, 'US Luther D. Fcrnald, 'OSBUSINESS STAFF.Busloe:sa Manager .••• Herbert I. MarkbamA".'t Dus. Manager .••... Jobn ·Worley. Jr('irculation Mgr.· .•••••..•.....•••. W. ::'tt. Ruflcor n FOWMES SLOVESwill be warn longerthis lias an thanothers· - that Is,other glovlS � n SHOREY & WlBNERHOUISucce •• ora toGeo. H. Fiedler t) Co.TAl LO&'SEntered as secood-clau mall at Cblcalf'postomce.Oa1l1 Subscription, $3 year; � I tur ,.) WOb81 �all In cur $4 1ear: $ L�5 to. 3 mosSubscriptions received at Tille MAROON- OMce. EIlIII Hall, or lett ill THK MAROONBox, tbe Faculty Excbanr;e. Cobb Hall.r;, 1I Young Men's Clothes Made ByYoung Men Who Know HowWe Carry A Line Of WoolensThat Will Appeal To YouNOT P. E.SPONSI&LE. FOR COPIE.SLOST THROUGH CHANGE. OF AD.DIU!,.SS_ .Notice-Subscribers: The Dally Ma.roon will be sent to you from quarterto quarter unless) ou order it discon­tinued.Subscribers are requested to noUfythe circulation department of theirch8n.e of address or their desire todl.contlnue subscriptions. A Little Moneybrings big face comfort andmakes shaving easy, ifinvest­ed in the famous 8ulte 13 to '6Dexter BI4 ••84 ADAMS ST.PhonesHarrison lAutomatic S�----------------- _._.-----WILLIAMS' SHAVINGSTICK TRACY G. WRIGHT. Pre •• CBAS. W. HARDIN. V.P •• S.c·.,..UNITED STATES COAL CO.Whole.al. COAL � COKE a .. t a I 1800-802-804 _Old ColoD7 Bide.I:'1; :I. Printed by Quadranp;le PI"CSR. 404 E. 55th_" EDITOR.IALS IJ J. M. PATTERSONProprietor CBICAGOJOHNCLARXJrIanager PBONE. BAaRISON 966---------_.-A. LIPMAN99 B. JIa4I8oD at.If You Want, Money callODWe n.ver clo ••All orders, day or right, filledpromptly.".cksan Park UnrrSuccessor to J. He Kintza13 Eo. I'lfu.se.,..Dtla Street ,.Telephone Hyde Park { = .IT is time for the varsity baseballteam to tum ov-er a new leafThree limes the Maroon has beenhumbled this season by the nines ofother conference colleges. Thestudent body feels' that the menhave the spirit and tl.e abilitywhich should make up a successfulteam. The first games have beenlost but there are others to win.The baseball squad and coachesmust not feel disheartened by thepast, but1.he men must go into thegames to come with a spirit thatwill develop' a winuing and not alosing babit. The batt ing rally inthe ninth inning in the Illinoisgame yesterday showed that theMaroons can hit even against sucha master of the pitching game asOpfergelt- The wo�k of the teamin other d�partt11ents' has shown upequally well. What is needed nowis a general rally in the first andnot only in the last iunings of every DIamoDda, Watches, Jewelry. and Antiques. for _ICi Old Gold aDd Silftr BoaPt� I;, "! I;I. t !Success inLove and WarI'NEWCOLLARII I:MALT MARROWIt II De ,._ ... eIIdn ., ..m .. buIeF ...... -...._ _ GIlt l1li .. 81drtt1n 111.,. � n. tablalata ... _.. It ...... �= It ,.... .aan.I ad It .............. ' DII ... 1Iaft a __ .. to Jaw .....IIoAVOY·. MALT DTRAOT DEPART.E.T" CHIOAaO........ _ ...... klet......_ ... � .............•. � 1 '"10EXCESSFAIEOlDYlUllThree E:zpreu TraIna But � DQIn the Year. Pu1lmaD Drawtne Boom8leeplnc Can on all 'l'raIDs. Tnna-Ocm­tlDental Toun.t c.n leave Ohlceco �w� on Tue8daya anJi 8UJldaJ'a at2:30 Po m.1ID4 Wec!DadaYli at 10:86 ....I II CHIOAGO TO BOSTO. II � Iiii WITHOUT CHANGE. THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSe ...STORAOE COMPANY• ....... _"PwIt..,. IDIIBAItIt Ave. .. PIP'ri ........TIle aea..t ad Beat Kept ___Warelloae ,. tile CIty • • •........... .a Pt... _eMIl!. StIIftd. hcbd acI Shipped • III .....abe .. 1d. '" PrI .... .5Canp It...... Laqe Parlor F , .. .., ..PI--. .... for Tnaab I11III Wheels. Wqe Roo. .. c:.r....,a..t ................ ���.::!a.:z:.dJ) no. AI. D .....__ 1IIcIaI AaIaUIa en. " .... e 1"--.. )game. • • •The Senior CI",ss of 1 HU:J has hadan advantage not enjoyed by form-er classes, that of anearly and good organi­zation. Its committeesCommittees have long been selectedand had their workassigned to them, yet they bavedone nothing. The Committees onclass pin and programs, whichshould have reported somethingdefinite to tbe class before this, rew • odern DlnlDg ear. HrVIng meala onIn4lvldaal .1Ib Plazay J"aDtrIDa 1D. pricefrom 86 08Il� .1.00, -'eo MrV10e ...Carte. CofIM IIa Sandwlches,.t popularprices, eerved to puaenpra In thelr..ateby walter.. Direct Une to Port WQDe,Plndlay, C1evelaD� BrIe, B...a.l� :aoob­eeter, 8�t BlDahamtcm, 8craIlton.SeniorClass1fEW YOBX Ol::�OftOlfAND ALL PO �.Colored Portera ID 1IJllform In aUeDon all Coach Puaenaera- u,..,. Con .plate • trip Ba8t .u on � 00I�1Id.1'Icbt AaeDt, or adctre.,IOBll Y. OAT ABA., a.. ......118AdMu ... A ......... Also Branch BuBet at 69 E. Monroe 51.t.) PIONEERSUSPENDER CO. 718 Market StPhiladelphia"'AKERS or PIONEER SUSPENOERS.A CmlpJete.� or Ametear Sprt8 SPALDING'Sorner .. 1ATHLmCALMANACForl905Itdlt.d b7 J. E.. SULLIVAN(Chief of Department of Physical Culture,I.ouisiana PulC:hase F.xposition).Should be read by every college student. as isa:»ntalna the records of all college athlete5 andall amateur events in this couutry and abroadIt also contains a complete review of the�rs��i�::�n�ro: ��::ecia�{��r�:oD�devoted to sports in which savages werctheonl';contestants. This is the -first time in which theathletic performances of savages have ever beensystem:ttically recorded.This is the largest Athletic Almanac ever pub­lished. containg 320 pages. NumeroW'illustra­tions of prominent athletes and track teams.Price 10 Cent.Pol' aleJ»y all newsdealers aDdA. G. SPALDING .& akO!.New York Chicago ban Pran�seud for a copy of Spaldings's Athletic Gooc!sC&talOKUC: It'. free.--------Pure Water �:�f_ .. G.o.ad_HealthIs absolutely pure. Delivered Insealed glass bottles. Sold by allleading druggists.THE CONSUMERS CO.Butler, 85th to .86th Sts, CHICAGOTelephon. Yarc1.1ZZ0·MUSSBV'S�IUard, Halls and Bowllag Alley.The Largest and Finest AmusementR.esort in the World100 '0 108 Mad'eon StreetItraac:h: 118 Davis SL. R'c'anatoa�-s >. A1' . McAdamsTIm � FL01USTc:.o��.... CHICAGOKBBNANFLO'RISTlUI .... tworllliwe. :- PbODe Welt. 3631ft But Ard SL ';, - PboDe B. p, M.6f.Prii1I Cut��': plantS ��(i�bs:·:Gold Fish and. AqUAria. RuppliesSTANUN B. onIASI BROoERY ,. MAR lETQ' & 416 B. Sisty-third SL.... Cor. JUmbak Aft.!IIGae Byde Park 1435I PLEISalT JOURIEYI •••• uNCI when youTrey. I � .. nChicago, IndianapolisCincinnati. LouisvilleandFrench Lick andWest Baden SpringsIf '" � by the way of the1!i1imi:l:imllic..ft ,_ LIcaI nail",- - - -------� CHICAGO. THURSDAV� APRIL 27. 1905Is ouly 0110 of the good quallUe.with Which J'rclSldent. Su.pelldergare eHpcchdly endowed. Otb�r J·UMt·ures are good weur, good look .. undJ:enl.lellellll to IJUt.WUIlo all otwblcb nrcdue to the putent udJustable back that.moves when you do-gives freedomaud ease,H.B.D�.�&�GS40·Z East Slzt7-thlrd Streetfor these reasons, areId�l ut.hletlc. clllllll-rooUland dress suspenders,Guarante-ed a;at.lsfactionor money back, Price rocund 81.00, every store every·whore or mulled postpard,tHE C_ A. EDGARTON MFG. co.Box ...... Shirley, Mus.If you do not see what youwant, .ask for it'Ve carrv such a var ietv of "tock thatpossibly the particular article '1.'011De-ed is Dot in view, If 1I0t, .. "k-forit It is 1110re: than Ij k e lv thaI "'­will be able to s'lpply tile desiredarticleRO�ALU-: I'll A R \1 ACYJ. J. GILL. Ph. G ••Phone B. P_ 17S �71 E. Silh st. WOllEN'S BAlIQUET POSTPONEDAthletic Banquet Set For June 10 Instead. of June 8The date for the annual athleticbanquet for the women which isheld at the end of the spring quarterafte r the games in hockey, baseballand basketball have been played off,will be June 10th instead of June8th as was announced.It is intended in the future toreserve the night preceding JuniorCollege day as the permanent datefor the banquet. and it is only be­cause of a conflicting function thatthe plan has had to be given up fortbis year. •Are .popular with college men be­cause they lie flat against the Jeg;never hind; fibre button; does not tearhose, Easy to put on and take off.25 and 5Oc. a pair.S)1d by GUYRE, 401 E. 63rd St.A.STEIN D CO •• Chlea.o MCr ••University Lectures for the WeekWednesday afternoon, at threeo'clock, at the University of Chi­cago, Professor Richard G. Moultonwill give a recital on " 'Daughtersof Troy' of Euripides.';Wednesday afternoon, fouro'clock, Miss Julia C. Lathrop willdeliver a lecture on "'Public Careof the Chronic Insane in the UnitedStates," in the Institute of SOCialScience and Arts, University Col­lege, 203 Michigan Ave.Thursday evening, eight o'clock,in the Lewis Institute, corner ofRobey and Madison streets, Pro­fessor Charles Zueblin, of the Uni­versity of Chicago, will lecture on"The Arts and Crafts Movcmen 1."Wanted SolicitorsWho c. n sp' ml part or all oftheir time soliciting arlvertis­in�. Exper icuce not ueces­S:II"\'_ Liberal Counuissionpa �l.U. S. Telephone Dlreclory CD.11m Ashland mock.E. C. M: 0 0 R E••• �Otist •••a,.a E. FIFTY-FIFTH ST.• Tel.phoae B74. Para 31 • AMES HATS$2.00 53.00A. FAIl\. D!:.AL WITH ItVItR. YHAT161-163 E. lIIIa.clison St., near La SalleWH: v use poor. unwholemme.L milk, when for the samemoney you am get it Pur ••Swe.t and E.ztraordln .. rU,. &Ieh.deliver cd ill sealed bottles. by calUng upTelephone South 817, or dropping a postal toSIDNEY WANZER I SONS30S Thirtieth St. We want your name on the subeerlp­tion 11. of TIle Dalb Ila.rcaa. DR. FRED W. PARKERDR. RALPH W. PARKERDENTISTS�9 KIMBAllK AVE •N. E. Cor. SIxt7-thlrd Bt.L MANASSE, OPTICIAN.. 51..,........ ...........lI.etlc_ .,. __ 8c:IaUlcaDy £djuteIK,aT __ r ..�KItab,c...u_ ........WHY use poor, 1I1IWhol�emilk, when for the samemoueyyoaam � it Pure.I Sw •• t aad E.atraordln .. rll.,. :&Ieh.delivered lu eealed bottles. � calling upTeIepIIoae Soath 817, or�. po.tal toSIDlEY WAlIZER I SOlS -.1 Thlrtl ..... '"FILLOWtiE FL.B" We always have instock a full line of SOO ..ety and Business Station­ery, Office and SchoolSupplies, Magazinesand Periodicafs. • • Phoues:OfIice Hyde Park 1'788Residence: Hyde Park 22t8 Boars:eooto12001 10 to 600WABASHSummer ToursWrite today for a Freo copyof WABASH Summor TourBOOk-COO,S, outllnlns manyYe", attractive summor vaoa­Iton trips, with rate8, eto.Write us about any tour youmay have in contemplation.We shall be glad to assist you.C ••• CRA.E.o. P. & T . .&«en'­ST. LOUlB. F. A. PAL •• H..L Q. P. ACeD"CBICAOO. �- REIIOVAL NOnCEOn May 1stWe wilt move to 77 DearbornSt. l Unity Bldg.)We are now showing thesmartest line of Men' s Shoes andOxfords we have ever had: inboth stores.Lange Bros.149 Dearborn St. .. 77 Dearborn St.Tribune BIdS. Uaity Bldg.ORAS.· A. LA. WRlDNOE.Mana&er .aDd DirectorLAWRENCE ORCHESTRASelect Music for aU 8eIfet oeeuiODLYour JNltronqe BOIicited.Resldeoce 5745 Boalie Court..Chicqo.Tel.· IbcJe Puk 14«7.NOTICE8E.'LE.E.WHO GaDS fOR STYlEIEATIESS. MD CGIIfGITWEIll ......Some extensive Improvements have justbeen completed in the popular DiningRooms of the .,.UIIOI ·HOID.and RESTIURAII1'ou Randolph street., and they now standforth as the most beautiful and attractiveCafes in theTHEATRE DISTRICTOne of the many improvements is abanging balcony to accommodate the en­larged orchestra. and the music is bUngmade an espePal feature. "BOSTONBARTERIII GOODMAN A.M I LLERDENTIST369-! � STREETTaEPtIIIE "' eI, t',ri 119C»HOY"..:00 'WO ...:ao TO LI tt. tit. Lec-II"'"a .. , .. T r ... U.fast ..........._.IIDEIOe..CG8DII ..IIIaDe4 .. .....,. ct pricIL.... fnatc.... .................... LI.l.. , .::.1'I'CHICAGO, THURSDAV, APRIL 27. 1005EXCITEMENT ON "PIKE" I' A M U-� �-� i.'NTS "IGARRI�·':· .'" ri,E have taken thisspace to tell youabout KirschbaumClothes-made mthe City of Philadelphia. Kirsch(cherry), baum (tree)-At theSign of the Cherry Tree.Kirschbaum Clothes are madeby wei 1-paid tailors, in clean,!ight, sanitary shops -State andNational officials say the finesttailor-shops in the United States.The clothes are carefully made.They have style in them and fitand good looks.One thing about KirschbaumClothes 7 their style is not a· matterof geography. They are rightin London or New York or SanFrancisco.Over a million dollars' .worthare worn in New York and Phila ..dek>hi� e. very year, half a million\ in HostoR and Washington. Theyare represented in every greatCollege in America. They aresOld by good stores in three thou­sand other cities and towns.There are two things that go along way in Philadelphia. In facttwo. things one is rather expectedto possess-a grandfather and awell-cut coat. We can't supplyyou with the one, but. we arerea� with the other .. ;> We' expect to talk often to youabout Kirschbaum Clothes. Weshall keep after y'0U until you trythem. That's all we' ask you todo. We ask it because we knowthe opinion of those who do trythem and we know the clothes.It will pay you to know them.Better clothes are worth while.They are worth remembering thename and finding the store thatsells them.A. B. Kirschhaum 8t Co.��i1adc.lphia aa4 Mo. Yo!'k �� .:i .l- .,! ,I·� ", ti.I:I.1II ('olltillllf>i1 from finot Ila;:e. eolumn . 4.ster occupy appropriate placas intbis scale.A panorama of alternating scenesof horror and beauty, includingeverything from the atrocities ofC&B1ue Beard" to a "Glimpse ofHeaven", will hold -him spellboundthroughout.Members of the Faculty will beparticularly interested in the .. ArtGallery" . Out of considerationfortheir feeliugs further particu­lars are suppressed.At the flower booth the mascu­line spectator will part willinglywith dimes and nickles in exchangefor endless amounts of fudge andsmiles. In attendance here will befouud the flowers of Universitysociety. who will rival Solomon inall his glory.In tbe next booth dainty ladiesof Japan will recall to their residentcountrymen plesanr reminiscencesof the scented Orient, Here toothey may satisfy the inner man aswell as their aesthetic tastes.The resonant voices of the Mexi­can "Touiale' J Girls will appriseall passers by of the pungent smok­ing hot viands within:The vaudeville performance is tocontinue throughout the evening.A notice of this has already beenplaced before the public, We needonly add that while enjoying thismirth-provoking program, the-au­dience may regale itself in theSummer Garden in true Germanstyle. Wieners, pretzels, and steins"served by rosy Dutch maidens willbeguile the intervals of scene shift­ing.Every half hour in the 'c Hall ofFame," national tableaux willchallenge tbe curiosity of the on­looker. Visitors will be invited toexercise their penetration in ferret-'ing out the identity of GeorgeWashington and Napoleon Bona­parte.Young ladies in the guise ofhusky policemen will attempt toprotect you from the light fingersof pickpockets and the wiles of theconfidence man. But if misfortuneovertake you apply 2 t l he J .ost antiFound Department of the ! uforma­tion Office, and all will be right.Here too you may check yourbundles and bicycles, also wraps.A number of the faculty wives.have consented to preside at the Last weekOnly a few times moreUilian RUI.III 'In ·:Udj':-fMIIlNext Sunday-Seats ThurSday ,F. w. Whitney offers a Musical Cocktail"PIff, Patt, Poll""STUDEBAKERPop. Mat. Today Twenty-five Cents and $1More of a hit than everThe Pe rley Opera Co., in the JO)'ousComedy Opera ,The Girl and the "andltPOWERS'Extra Mat. TomorrowCharles Frohman presents �Ethal BarrymoreIn "SllNDA Y", by Thomas RacewardNOTE - Miss Barrymore will -b�ve aSpecial Matinee Tomorrow, whenIbsen's"A DOLI./S HOUSE" .will he acted for this performance only.LA SALLETonight at 8:15You've Heard It Whistled, Come andHear It Sung.Tha Isle of Bong BonlMntinee Touiorrow.HYDE & BEHMAN'SNightly at 8.Matinees Wednesday and Saturday.Wn.UA!\I A, BRAD,Y presentsROBERT B. MAN fELLIn Shakespeare'sRichard III.Next Sunday-e-Mr, Mantell in ..."RicheUau."Classified AdvertisementsBUSINESS CARDSIce Cream. 50da. CandlesLomasney Sisters. Fresh candies alwayson hand. Soda Fountain open April �.63rd St. and Kimbark Ave.5X7 GOE.RZ SERIES IB LENS, $36.75.Cameras and kodaks rented or exchanged,Prompt developing. Central Camera Co."31 Adams St.Try Tolu, Tar and Wild Cherry.forthat cough. University Phami&ey 660E. 65th 8t. . .If yoo wish to secnre a :' position toteach call on or write .to lam� F. Me�l1I101l1rh. Railway Ex�banEe. Olic&KO.FURNISHED HOUSE OR' Fr..A�'::"Gradu­ate stuclent, married, would like to carefor small house or flat for Summer Quar­ter, No children. Best references, E. A.Cross, 700 South second st,, Champaign,111.SEEING COLORAD.O:·During the Epworth League Couvenlion at Denver, J.uly 5�� tf? �h theDENVER AND RIO GRANDE R.R.various booths. "The Scenic Lines of .,lh. WQrld"will make low rates to su lhe principalsummer resorts ancl Scenic points of in­terest in Color. do and Utah, AlSo to theYellowstone Park, California and theLewis and Clark Exposition at Portland.For rates and full inforu.auon writeS. K. IIOOl'HR, R� C. NJCHOI-,G. P. & T. A 'Gen'l Agent,Denver. Colo. 242 Clark St,Chicago, 111. •I MAJORS and MUf'O>RS I1\Iiss Harriet Wilkes is pledged to thePhi Beta Delta club.1\Iiss Katherine Simmons is spendingthe spring quarter at Smoke-mount, N. C.R. 1\1. Chitwood is taking a short vaca,tion in Southern Alabama.Miss Martha Kirtley. who has been theguest of Charjes Kirtley, bas left for herhome in Kansas City. I've sold I ;8., 1::0'>" . ,.:Chica.go..P��.�a.ntssince Jan. 21. .Heres the reason·t •. L."Better" pe""#lJan?i.:llLreasonable prices."$1.00 Pennants, 60 Cents.$1.50 Pennants, $1.15."I make the prices hut not the pennants.",f-' •HARRY f. WATTSRoom ·t;) Sudl 11311Ask Any Upp.rclan ..... Who"FA:\IOUS" IS.II� will tell YOII thAt .. I .. ·amon .... ill themnn who puts yo� ·.crbth� In Iood l'OIl�dition and do('!! fim-('hrll8 -work· In re­pairing and preaing. ., ./' 1 �See him on the eamPaa. 'FAMOU� TA nom RlrOO.,... &. 'Mtll- 81rie't�PbaDe B7de Pm 3700.