) The Daily Mafi§�p� Mtanoou by tile atu ... ta of tu Ullinraity ot ClUcaco Dada, �., tile UIll .... nlty Y_ .J,. � ;.VOL. III. No. 120 CHICAGO, THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1005 PRICE Two CENTSBuckeye Club To EntertainThe Executive Committee of theBuckeye Club held a meeting thismorning and decided to issue invi­tations to their first meeting to beheld the second Friday of May,May 12. The officials wish to knowas early as possible how many willbe present at the meeting.FRESHMAN FIGHT SOPHS PROGRAJI FOR AQUATIC MEET STAGG RETURNS TOMORROW OPERA CAST 'SELECTEDYale-Chicajto SwimmiD& Meet to be VariedBy Five Bi&h Scbool Ennta·-Full Listof Entries Treatment at Bot Springs Bas Done HimLittle Goocl- Will See Trials Saturdayand Go With Team to Philadelpbia Blackfriars Annual Production NoW'Ready for Rehearsals-We'llKnown College Men in CastMembers of Two Classes In FierceBattle At University of\I NebraskaDr. Osler Warns St1lC1ent.Commit MentalSuicide 1I'0t toThe worst class fight in the his­tory of the University of Nebraskaoccurred Monday morning betweenthe 'freshmen and sophomoreclasses. The trouble was 'srarteJby the sophs, who captured a goatand labelled it .. A Lost Freshman."They then retreated to a large rockwhich in times past has been thescrapping ground for the classes.The freshmen saw the goat, tookthe labels off and went for the oldermen with a rush. They fought forthree quarters of an hour when thefreshmen finally gained possessionof the rock. Sophomore leadersdeclare that there will m�re trouble.Dr. William Osler, in a lectureto the University of Pennsylvaniastudents last night, said that toomany men commit mental suicideafter leaving college, by droppingtheir habits of study ... He urgedall to continue in their studies.BASKET BALL sQUADS ANNOUII'CEDWomen From Junior and Senior Colle&t"sPicked for Preliminary Squads.The first squads of the Senior andJuuior college women, from whichthe final' basket ball team will bechosen, 'were posted today. Thesecond cut in the squad will prob­ably come in two wee�s.· Aboutthe third week in May the firstteams, which will play for thechampionship in, 'June, will bepicked. There will be the hardestkind of competition for places onthe junior team, as only two of lastyear's team, Miss Robey and MissSpence, are back. The guard p0-sitions for the Senior team will beclosely contested for between thefour candidates.The squads as picked are:Juniors; Anna Anderson, Margaret Spence. E. Culver, A. Gran­tham, H. Rich, F. Moran, G. Nor­ton, L. MyswawJ(er, G. Robey, M.Smith, E. Watson, L. Healy, L.Lake, 'M. Peglowe.Seniors: H. Roney, E. Vaughn,D. Visber, M. Ortmayer, G. Vialo,II. McElroy, H. Freeman. M.Mnrphy, E. Andrews. C. Currens.IlETBODIST TEAll :.AY!DISBAIID• Baseball Prospects at Borthwestern areDixoaragIDzThe report was sent out fromNorthwestern last night that thebaseball team will probably be dis­banded at once. Such an actionby the Athletic Board of Controlwould cancel the game on Chicago'sschedule, to be played at Evanstonnext Saturday.Nothing definite cannot be le31nedthis morning. No official commu­nication had been received by Dr.Raycroft. Northwestern was de­feated by St. Viateurs College Sat­urday in the first game of the sea­son and the prospects of the teamdo not promise a better season thanlast year. Preperations for the Yale AquaticMeet, to be held at the Bartletttank Monday, April 24, are com-pleted. .The following high school eventswill be interpolated in the programof Yale-Chicago events-40. f)() andIOU yard dashes, 40 yard( swimmingon back) �nd the relay race. Otherexhibition events for Varsity swim­mers, such as duck, candle, blind­fold and tub races may be addedlater.The entries are:40 yard: Yale-Meigs, Johnston;Chicago-Stein, Weddell.100 yard Yale-Meigs, Walton;Chicago - Templeton, Weddell.Plunge for.distance: Yale -Cooke;Chicago-Solomon, Schott.Relay: Yale-Meigs, Johnston,Neal, Cooke.Water Polo game:Yale. ChicagCooke, 1- t Solomon,Neal, forwards Schott,Curtiss. . Conkey.Hart, 1 . { Gale,Nuhn. r guards Speik.Reid. ) goal ( Jennison.The high school entries for theAquatic Meet are' as follows:Calumet: Percy Dolbeer, Olin,Richards, Roy Howard, R. Olson.Yale School: Ray C. Thome,in 40, 60 and 100 yd. and 40 yardson back.University High: 40 yd. Belluneand Geyer; 60 yds. Bellune, Geyer;100 yd. Ebeling, Henry; 40 yd. onLack, Weary, Henry; Relay. Bell­une, Geyer, Ebeling, Henry, Wam­'pler, N ellegar, Durand.""Hyde Park: 100· yds. H. Ing­hem.North Division; 40 yd. Pollard,Goldzier, Freer; 40 yd. on back,Goldzier, Freer, Leidholm; 60 yd.Goldzier, Dieusen, Mueller; 100 yd.Goldzier, Freer. Relay; Freer,Goldzier, Mueller, Hyde, Lesd­holm.Englewood--40 yd Uhlendorf,Palmer; 60 yd. Palmer, Uhlendorf;100 yd. Uhlendorf; 40 yd. on back,Webar. Relay-Badenoch, Palmer,Uhlendorf, Oestman, Weber. Director Stagg returns to Chicagoto-morrow at 11 0' clack from HotSprings after an absence of fourmonths. He will resume his dutiesof superintending the athletic teamsat once. as he is very anxious to �etacquainted .with the material thatwill represent Chicago on the trackand diamond this season.The physicians have strongly ad­vised against his leaving HotSprings any sooner than was abso­lutely necessary. Mr. Stagg, how­ever, set Aprjl 21 as the limit ofhis stay there because the follow­ing day would be the latest possibledate for the tryout before the Penn­sylvania meet and he had set hismind on seeing the work of themen who will go to Philadelphia.Mr. Stagg is somewhat betterthan he was when he went to HotSprings but he is yet far from well.He says that the baths have donehim little good and the other treat­ment he' can get just as well athome. His rheumatism still bothershim considerably and he walks withdifficulty.Mr. Stagg' will direct the workof the teams in person as much ashis condition will permit. He willundoubtedly accompany the trackteam to Philadelphia next week .. Soubrette is Wanted and Candidat .. areto Report Tomorrow Afternoon atChorus PracticeThe cast for the Blackfriars'opera was practically decided uponat the rehearsal last night. The, soubrette part has not been assignedas yet, and all men who can singtenor. have a small build, and arereasonably good looking, are askedto come out at the next rehearsal,tomorrow afternoon and try for thepart.The lines were given out lastnight and most of the songs distrib­uted for the first act. This eveningthere will be the first musical re­hearsal, conducted by Allan Bene­dict in the Reynolds Club. This isfor the chorus and a large attend­ance is desired. Twenty more menare needed in the chorus.The cast for "The King's Kalen­dar Keeper" follows:Augustus the 57th K. H. DixonDoctor Philander Pill M. A. FlavinHaffe Phitt J. H. DennedyAdam Upp E. D. Butterfield,Waterson Stocks E. M. KerwinLieutenant Malvita M. H. CookMary C. Stocks. J. H. WeddellChassie Cadwick C. A. Bruce'�Princess Helene ·--·lrarry-SpenceMazetta J: H. GreeneSusfe Not castCapt. James Dumps H. R.AtteridgeCapt. Bowsprit H. D. SulcerProfessors from the U. of C.R. M. Wilder.•TENNIS DRA WIlfGS IN S11IGLBSTwenty-two .en EIlterecl-Raln DelaysTOUDWllent Tbia Week .The drawings in singles for thetennis tournament were given outby Captam Garnett this morniag.There are twenty-two entries withtwo byes.In the first round the followingmen will play: Byford vs. Ward,Burr vs. Ransom, Wickes vs- Green,Bridgman vs. Hills, Horton vs.Johnson, Burger vs. Garnett, Mul­vane vs. Kirtley, Rowley vs. Fuller.In the second round these menmen will play in addition to thewinners of the first matches. PaulGray vs. Van Cloef, Bacon vs. W.B. Gray. Harwood and McDermiddrew byes for the third round. D. M. Compton.G. E. Shipley.BlGB SCHOOL RELA.Y KBTRIBSFive Scboola EIltered for PelUl8J'lnlllaTeam Tryout-Sa More to CompeteEntries for the High School re­lay trials to be held on MarshallField Saturday', have been receivedfrom five schools,' Wendell Phillips,Hyde Park, University, Harvey,and Jo1i�t. North Division, Engle­wood, Morgan Park, �Lewis Insti­tute, Shortridge (Indianapolis) andShattuck are expeded to send teamsbut their entries have been delayed.The race will be closely contestedas all of the Cook Counly teamshave met before this year and areabout on a par, while the teamsthat represent schools outside Obi­cago always give the local teams agood race.The entries received to date areas follows:Wendell Phillips: Borden, .Brem­er, Reilly, Burke, Powell, Peck,Paine.Hyde Park: Hutchinson, Way,Favorite, Fox, Dads, Cunningham,Carleton.Harvey: J. Powers, \V. Pow­ers, Day, Franklin, Pettigrew ..Joliet: McNally. Eldred, Palmer,Kohn, Bannon.University: Lingle, Joseph, Per­sons, Stevens, Collins, Tilden.1Ir. Gardis Write Doctor's Thesis.\Varren Stone '}ardis, who tookhis doctor's degree at the Universitylast summer, issued his Master'sthesis from the University Press to­day. The subject of the thesis is:liThe Estimates of Moral ValuesExpressed in Cicero's Letters," andis a masterful treatise upon thestudy of motives expressed or ap­proved. Mr. Gardis is now teach­ing in Lewis Institute.TBBOLOGS PLAY BASaBALLSouth Divinity Defanlt. to 1li4clle Dina­ity-Scrub TealS PlayRepresentatives of Middle Divin­ify Hall met at Washington Parkyesterday afternoon for the sched­uled game with South Divinity, butthe latter team did Dot appear. TheMiddle Ds were not satisfied withtaking a game by default, and twoscrub teams were picked; Mac­Dougall and Stean were chosencaptains. After an extended game,in which seven or eight slab artistswere brought in by each team,Captain Stean's team claimed thegame hy a score of 13-7.Another game between the twohalls is'being arranged, and will beplayed in a few days.ttbe IDatl� maroonrOnDerl,. tIM U ....... q or Chleap Weeki".,1'001iDDn. UDly'a1q of Chic. Weeki,.. OcL .1. 1892Ta. DAlLY�" - - - 0cL 1. '902NBWS CONTRIBUTIONS REQUESTED,Publlahed b,. the, 8tucleDta of tIM Unlnr­• It,. of Chlcqo enry afternoon. esceptSaturcla7 aDd SUDda,., durlDS three .uar­wn of tbe UDlwenlt,. J'ear.rlnt board of edlton and bulnelUl maD'aser autborlzed b, 8tudeDt-bod, ID masameet IDS lIa,. 15, 1902.Membership OD subsequeDt boards oredlton to be determined bJ' com�tlUonopen 18 all .tudenta In the UnIYenlt,.BOARD OF I!IDITORS.MaoqlDS Kelllor .•••• Harry W. Ford, 'o�News Hditor ..•• ; ....•••.. Walter I.. Gr�ory. '00A.thletic Editor [ohu ::.. WnKht. 'OSASSOCIATB ICDlTOR8.Ralph P. lIulYaoe, '05.Kelward M. Kerwin, '06.Le Ro, A. Van Patten, '06.C. Arthur Bruce, '06Wm. A. :\lcDermid. '07Bernard 1. Bell. '07Wm. II Hatfield. '06WOMEN EDITOR&.Mlu lIarle Ortma,er. MI •• Heleo Smith. 'Ot;Miss Cecill'almerSTAFF OF REPORTERS.MiM .. :tna Robey. '07.C. �lcKentla, Rush. 'U5, R. Eddy �lathews, '07Herbert 1\1. Harwood, '08. R. F. Haldwin. OJ"Jo:. G. Felsenthal. 'OX, ChaM. A. "BItzer. 'l�'iGeorge H. Brown, 'OS Luther D. Fernald, 'OSBUSINE8S STAFF.nuslness Manager ..•• Herbert I. MarkhamAIIII·t Bus, Manager Jobn Worley .. Ir('jrculation Mgr W. 1\1. RuffcornEntered as aecoud-clasa mall at ChicagoPOKtoMl'e. NBW BOOK BY SIIAILBR IlATTBEWSCHICAGO, THUR.SDAY, APRIL OO,l9(ZDepicts the .e .. i&Dlc Hope 10 the lIewTeetameotProfessor Shailer Matthews of thedepartment of Systemic Theology.and editor of World Today, is theauthor of a new book entitled "TheMessianic Hope in the New Testament," which was issued from thePress today. It is one of the sec­ond series of the decennial publica­tions, and was issued in commem­oration of the completion of thefirst ten years of the Universitysexistence. The volumes are dedi­cated "to the men and women ofour time and country, who by wiseand generous giving have encouraged the search after truth in alldepartments of knowledge. "Thebook is an exhaustive treatise uponthe Messianism of J udaism. of J eSllSthe' Apostles and the Christian re­ligion. Price $:LjO net.Oally Subscription, $3 year: $1 tor a mOBBy Mall In City $4 year: $1.25 for 3 mosSubKcription8 received at Til. MAIlOOlli Cl thOMee, Ellis Hall, or lett In TH. MAROON 0 e sBOll. tbe Faculty ExcbaoKe. Cobb Hall.NOT � E.SPONSIBLE. FOR COPIE.SLOST THROUGH CHANGE. OF AD-DRESS, -Notice-Subscribers: The Dall.,. Ma­roon will be sent to .,.ou t"rom quarterto quarter unless 'J ou order It discon-tinued. -Subscribers are requested to notifythe circulation departlDent of theirchen.e of address or their desire todiscontinue subscriptions.Printed by QuadranKle Press. 404 E. 55tb." EDITORIALS 'ITHE Vale-Chicago aquatic meetnext Monday night in the BartlettGymnasium, will mark the begin­ning of a new era in Americancollege sports. For the first timethe East and the West will clashin a swimming contest. The meet,besides being novel, will be agood one, and deserves the supportof all Chicago men.PSYCHOLOGISTS TO MEET• North Ceatral Branch of.. AmeriCAll As­sociation Convention at UoiveraityThe North Central Branch of theAmerican Psychological Assotiationwill meet at the University on Sat­urday, April 22nd, 1905 in WestLecture Room of the Law SchoolBuilding at 10:30 a. m.The programme follows:"The Perception of Reality," J. D. Stoops."The Irradiation of Light," Foster Bos­well.Report on Recent Work on the "Growthof the Nervous System." II. FI. Donaldson."The Wundt Pendulum Complication Ap­paratus as Tested l)y the Duddell Oscil­lograph." W. D, Scott."PragmAtism and Its Critics," A. \\'.Moore.At 2:00 p. tn. the program \\;11 be con­tinned as follows:"J>cn�lopment of Ethical Sentiment inthe Child," l\f. W. O'�hea."Fcc1inJ.! as Emotion :11111 Sentiment." :\:--';c�leckll Chapter ill Psychology, I.. o.:\Ionin."The Affective Life as a Source of Knowled�e." C. D. Starbuck."Tile Concept of Idcut itv am] the Inter­pretation of the l dea ," F. II. Farley"1t1la�c mHI Idea," B. II. Bode."Racial Differences in the upper Limit ofAudibifity;" F. G. Bruner.(Subject �o be announced), Guy Tawney.Ii ShopEXCLUSIVEHIGH-GRADE CLOTHESNO BRANCH STORES AND NO AGBN rs 'OUR STRONG SUITIS TO FIT VOUPROPERLY. SMART-CLOTHES THATSINGLE YOU OUTAS BEING DRESSEDWELI4, MATER,IALSAND MODELS, OFC 0 U R S E, E X C 14 U S I V EORIGINALITV STAMPSOUR HATS. GOODDRESSERS HAVEFAVORED THECOLLECTION49,51 AND 53JACKSON BOULEVARDCHICAGOlIartyn's IlarOOD Studiois the Student's Studio. Lowest rates onall Varsity work.U. of C. Photographer, 5705 CottageGrove Ave.A Merciful Manis merciful to his face. Hekeeps it smooth and free fromirritation by usingWLLlAMS' SHAVINGSTICK. 1.1\1. PATTERSON' JOHN CLARKProprietor ManagerWe oe ..... clo ••AU orders, day or nigbt, finedpromptly.Jackson hrk u..,Successor to J. H. KiDtz313 E. ... "17.8 •••••• StNetTelephone Hyde Park {= COl E. 13rd StnetRet Monroe & Kimbark Ave, Frank 8. Yoa�. 1 __ Loal ..Telf'phoDe H1M Part lID.PROMPT DELIVERY·YOUNB AMERICA LAUNDRYGSJ·6RG East Sixty-third St.BORDEN'SCOlO>KlISKD JllLK, I'LUID IIILK,CREAM AJlD BtrrTBRlllLJtALL BOTTLED IN THE CO�NTRrBORDEN'S CONDENSED MILK CO.eZ7 .. 33 E. FORTY·.EVIU.TN .T.")SHOREY & �NERHOUISucce.sors toGeo. H. Fiedler o Co.TAILOR.SYoung Men's Clothes Made ByYOWlg Men Who Know HowWe Carry A Line Of WoolensThat "Will Appeal To YouPhonesHarrison 1Automatic f� Suite 13 to 16Dexter Bid ••84 ADAMS ST.TIlACY G. WRIGHT. Prea. CHAS. W. HARDIN. V. P • ., Sec·.,..UNITED ST ATE.S COAL CO.Whole .. l. COAL � COKE. R e t. I I800-802-804 Old Colon.,. Bldg.PHONE. HARIUSON 966 CHICAGOWant ca.1IODDlamODda, Watches. Jewelry, and AllUques.for sale; Old Gold and Si1vet' BouKhtIf You Money A. LIPMAN99 E. lIIadisOD St.BROMMER'S"Champagne" Ice CreamLike �halDpagne. it is always served on specialoccasions. Made frOID double crealD. whichgives it that delicate Oavor that is all its own.til 40 TLA VORS tilPached in Icc. til SOc per qt. bricKBROMMER 81\.0S.FamUy Caterers, Fancy Bakers and Confectioner of Quality450 East 63rd Street"FILLOWTIE FLAB"WABASHSummer 'Tours. Write today for a Free copyof WABASH Summer TourBook-.9OS, outlining manyve.., attractive summer vaca­tion trips, with rates, etc.Write us about any tour youmay have in contemplation.We shall be glad to assist you .c ... CRAIIE. F. A_ PALMER.O. P. aT. A«eDc.. A. 0. P. AgeIIc..ST, LOUI& CRICAOO.•NEWCOLLARNOTICESome extensive improvements have justbeen completed in the popular DiningRooms of theUNIOII HOTELand RESTAURANTon Randolph street, AmI they uow standforth as the most beautiful and attractiveCafes in theTHEATRE DISTRICTOne of the many improvements is abanging balcony to accommodate the en­larged orchestra, and the music is beingmade aD especial feature. B B DILLE SlJCCeS80r to• •. R, w. B. BIU,INGS408 Eaat Sixt'Y.third Suo_tWe always have instock a full line of Soci­ety and Business Station­ery,· Office and SchoolSupplies, Mag a z i n e sand Periodicals. • •·DR. FRED W. PARKERDR. RALPH W. PARKERDENTISTS6249 KI:MBARK' AVE •N. E. Cor. SItt7-thlrd 8t.Phones:Office Hyde Park 1'188Residence: Hyde Par)c 2248 Hoars:'OOtoI2001 BOto 600III GOODMAN A.MILLERDENTIST369-1! 63!1 STREETTB.EPtIIE "'. P.. 1196l{ CLASS DEBATE TRIALS HELDcmCAGO. THURSDAY. APRIL 20, 1905PIONEEr.SUSPErmER cc, 718 Market StPhiladelpbla PrelimiDaries Took Place Lut EvrDiDg­No CoDteat for SophL)mOr�8Eight Freshman debaters of theUniversity met last night in CobbLecture Hall to contest in the pre­liminaries for the Freshman·Sopho­more Debate. The speakers drewlots for the order of speaking. andthen chose sides 011 the question asthey pleased.The subject for debate was ... Re­solved, That if a st udent has COIll­pleted one of 1 he fl'q uircd groups ofp eparatory <tudies ill hi� fittingschool, his work in 1 he Uuiversit \sh. uld he ent irely \ it-cli\'c." Twospeakers diose the uffirui.u iv«, t lu­other six spoke for t he lIl·�ali\·\.'The contestants were j lltil.!ed 011the general debating nhility displayed. Messrs. Huston, Blanch­ard, and Chandler. of the Depart,ment of. Public Speaking acted asas judges. They sele cted the sixbest debaters to compete in thesemi-finals: as soon as the speakerswere choseu they drew for sides andfor the order of the speaking.The following are the debaterschosen. and the sides they will up­hold at the semi finals, which willbe held on the fifth Wednesday ofthe quarter,Affirmative- Schwartz, Bevan,Hoffman.Negative Moser, Krueger, Wil­liam Brown.As but five Sophomores registeredfor the contest, the preliminaries .for them were given up. Theywill choose sides for the semi-finalsin the manner adopted by theFreshmen.Mr. Huston announced that thejudges had decided that in fairnessto all concerned, the question of re­quiring "English A" or "English.I" would not be allowed to enterfuture discussions of the electivesystem .. The question "ill accord­ingly be re-worded. and will begiven in its final form tomorrow. E. C. :M 0 O-R·E.••• jflorist. ••Z1Z E. FIFTY.FIFTH ST.# T.lephoDe H.,.cJe Par.. 38 #PIONEER SUSPEN:J�""A Complete BDcyclopedla of AmeteIIr SportSPALDING'SOfficialATHLmC. ALMANACFor1905Edited by J. E.. SULLIVAN(Chief of Department of Physical Cult�I.ouisiaua PuJchase F.xposition).Should be read by every college student. as Iscontains the records of nil eottege athletes andall amateur events in this country and abroadIt also contains a complete review of theOlympic Games from the official reportofDirec:­tor Sullil·an and a resume of the two days •devoted to "port." in which savages were the onlycontestants. This is the first time in which theathletic perfor mances of sa\-ages have ever beensystem-rticattv recorded,This is the largest Athletic Almanac ever pub­lished. containg .120 pages, NumeroWl illustra­tions of prominent athletes and track teams.Pr:.;o 10 CeDt.For sale by all newsdealers andA. G. SPALDING G BRO�.New York Chicago San Fra�Send for a copy of Sp.'lldings's Athletic GoodsCatalogue. It's free..P W t is theare. a er basis ofGood. HealthIs absolutely pure. Delivered Insealed glass bottles. Sold by allleading druggists.THE CONSUMERS CO.Butler. 35th to 36th Sts. CHICAGOTelephone Yard. IZZOFamous Singer Guest of Dutch ClubMr. Vernon D' Arnalle, of Chi­cago, will be the guest of the Ger­man Club tomorrow afternoon, at4:00 o'clock. He has consented tosing a short program of Germansongs.Das Veilchen Mozart.Der Erlkoenig Schubert.Die heiden Orenadiere 1 Schumann.. Dicbterliebe fFeldeinsamkeit Brahms.All friends of the Club are cordi­ally invited.Y. II. C. A. To KeetThe Y. M. C. A. will meet in theclub-room of Snell Hall this eve­ning at 7:15 o'clock. .SecretaryWaterman has arranged for a shorttalk from Dr. Edward Judson, Pas­tor of the Judson Memorial Churchof New York City. Mr. Watermanextends the invitation to all Uni­versity men to attend. L. MANASSE, OPfICIAN18 ..... st.. Trlb .... Ballda.� ad �.cJ,auN SdtaUlcally A4juWBfa Tested Free.E�0DdcaIabt!::QMet .adfor the LUtenUat.EeUb,CUunI."IQJUILuse poor. unwholC8OlDeW J:i Y milk. when for the samemoney you can get it Pure.�we.t and E.ztraordlnarU», Rich.dellver-ed in sealed bottles. by calling upTelephone South �17. or dropping a postal toSIDNEY WANZER & SONS305 .Thlrtleth S�. flexo .... ··GarterAre popul ir with college men he­C;IlL<;C they Iie flat against the leg;never bind: fibre button: does not tear!l?Se. �M.r to .put on and take off.2;, and ,;()c. a parr,Sold by GUYRE. 401 E. 63rd St.A.STEIN D CO •• Chlca.o Mfr ••Mussev·sBilliard Halls and BowIID& Alley.The Largest anti Finest AmusementResort in the WorldtOO to t 08 Madi.on StreetRran('h: Rut Dllvill St •• �a.toaTeleplaonea IIycle Park 18 aDd �cIe Park 695A. McAdamsTHE UNIVERSITY FLORISTGa&KNHOUSES : CHI" A 'GOc:.r. ,,. n . ...s KiwaberIt .... �KBENANFLORIST6tU Wentwortb Ale. PboDe Welt. 3634t t East 6ard St. - - . PboDe B. P. 54&tFresh cut flowers, seeds, plants and bulbs.GoM Fish and Aquaria SuppliesCIIAR A. I..A WRENeE.Mannger and DlredOrLAWRENCE ORCHESTRAt �f'If'(·t II usic for 011 8e1.-ct Ot'CL.. ioDfIYour J,,,trnnagp fIOlil'itf'd.Ht"lCi.lt'nn- 5i-l."l RORalie Court.Chic·n�o. '"',,1 n ....... · ,- .. ".. 1 •• t':"SEEING COLORADODuring' the Epworth League Converttion at Denver, July :lth to Slth theDENVER AND RIO GRANDE R.R .."The Scenic Lim.'S of the WorM"will make low rates to all the principalsummer rt'sorts anfl Scenic lx>illts of in­terest in Color-1do nUfl t :tah. Also10 theYellowstone Park. California anfl theLewis an(1 Clark Exposition at l'ortlanel.For roth .. "S anel full informatIon writeS. K. 1l00 .. J-:R, R. C. NICHOl ..G. P. & T. A Gen'l AJ,!cnt,Dc.vcr. Colo. 242 Clark St,Chica�o, Ill. STANLEY H. OKECASH GROCERY 8. MARKET414 & 416 E. Sixty-third St.s. E. Cor. Kimbark Ave.Phone Hyde Park 1435I PLEIS.IT JOURIEY.e atutured when JOUTra... betweenChicago, IndianapolisCincinnati It LouisvilleandFrench Lick andWest Baden SpringsIf JOU frO by the way of 'h. E. BURNHAMHAIR GOODSELECTROLYSISDINSE. PAGE & CO.ELECTROTYPERSANDSTEREOTYPERS167 ADAMS ST. • • • • CmCAGOTelephones:Main 260 Anto 8!'lIFacial Massage, Mallicurin�. l.adies HairDresaing' and Manicuring, Ladies' Turkish andRussian Baths. 70 and il State St., Chicago.AMES HATS$2.00 $3.00A FAIR. DEAL WITH EVERYHAT161-163 E. lIIadisOD St., near La SalleREMOVAL NOnCEOn May 1st\Ve will move to 77 Dearbornse, (Unity. Bldg.)SpeciaRatestoD,ole.Students. We are now showing thesmartest line of Men's Shoes andOxfords we have ever h .d: inboth stores.Lange Bros.149 Dearborn st. ,. 17 Dearborn St.Tribune Bldg. Unity Bldg..EITLE.E.... DRESS FOIltnIlEA'IESS, liD ..... ,WEAl THE.PIGIII10 •EXCESSFARE01...,TRAilBOSTON8ARTERThree Ezpre.. TraIns East Every DayIn Ule Year. Pullman Drawing BoomSleepmw Can on all Tra1Da. '.rraDs-Con­tlnental Tourist c.r. leave ChIcago Trl­WeeJrq on Tueedaya and SUDda::ra at2:80 p.m. and We4Dea4aya at 10:36 ....I CHICAGO TO BOSTON I A4 WITHOUT CHANGE. I'.odem Dlnlnar Can IMrvlDar mea1a onlD41vldual Club Plan, ra.ngIng 1D ·prlcefrom 36 cent. to .1.00, alao aervlce a ..Carte. Ooft'ee and Sandwich., at popularprices, aerve4 to paae:ngen In thelr ... t.by walten. Direct Une to Port Wayne,Plndlay, Clevelan� Brie, Bum.lo, Boch­eeter. S�IM. Blnarhamton.. 8craDtoD.NEW YOBJ[ CITY, BOSTONAJIlD .ALL POINTS EAST.LI •• n.t to u.. Lec- .....SII,.. T ... "' a._teas81mp1e,..BIDr .... c..1Ie.x.u.s oa newipI of ,nee..... , .. c... ............_., ......Colored Porten In uniform In attendancean all Coach Pas_ngers. If you contem­plate a trip Rut caD on &D7 convenient1'lcket Ag-ent, or addre • .,JOHN Y. CAT.AHAN, OeD. Aa't-.118 Adam. St.. Chlcaco. m.CHICAGO, THURSDAY APRiL 20 1'005"PIKE" A THING OF BItAUry I"AMUS�;;�NTS"ISTUDEBAKERBEN GREET PLAYERSTonight, and Fri. Eveningsand Today and Sat. MatineesEVERYMANE have taken thisspace to tell youabout KirschbaumClothes- made mthe City of Philadelphia. Kirsch(cherry), baum (tree)-At theSign of the Cherry Tree.Kirschbaum Clothes are madeby we )-paid tailors, In clean,light, sanitary shops-State andNational officials say the finesttailor-shops in the United States.The clothes are carefully' made.They have style in them and fitand good looks.One thing about KirschbaumClothes; their style is not a matterof geography. ' They are rightIn London or New York or SanFrancisco.Over a million dollars' worthare worn in New York and Phila­delphia every year, half a millionin 8ostoB and ''11 ashington. Theyare represented in ev� greatCollege in America. . They aresold by good stores in three thou­sand other cities and. towns.There are two things that go along way in Philadelphia. In facttwo things one is rather expectedto possess-a grandlather and awell-cut coat. We can't supplyyou with the one, but we areready with the other.We expect to talk nften to youabout Kirschbaum Clothes. Weshall keep af!er Y-0u until you trythem. That s all we ask you todo. We ask it because we knowthe opinion of those who do trythem and we know the clothes.It will pay you to know them.Better clothes are worth while.They are worth remembering thename and finding the store thatsells them.A. B. J{'irschbaum at Co.Philadelphia aDei Mew YOl'k Pre .. Agents DeacriptiO:l P&i:lts • Verta­ble Fairyland of PleasureThe press agent for the women's"pike" came in to the editorialsanctum this morning. "I have alittle thing concerning the Pike Iwould like to have you run, willyou do it she said. The editor sue­cumhed and here is the little thing."Joys denied to the rest of theworld will be bestowed bountifullyupon those who attend the Pike inthe Woman's Gymnasium on April28th .. Here mirth, merrymakingand mystery, spring beauty, Orien­tal splendor, and German goodcheer will unite to make life wellworth Iiving, and one round of de­light. Come, and beneath the tentof the dark-eyed Gypsy maid takea peep into the future and from thewisdom of her utterance learn thefate that awaits you. Come, andfrom the fair flowers of the springreceive the sweetness which will: that Right be theirs to bestow.; Come and visit the Japanese village.and converse with the dark-eyedmaids of the Orient and learn ofthe strife that has sent them peace­seeking to the happy Cnicago Uni­versity. Or, if you choose, stepinto Lexington Hall and, whilethe wee canary birds sing aboveyour heads in their nests of green,as you sit at the small round tables,or while the sketch on the stageis winning a hearty applause. letthe flaxen-haired German maid de­light you with some of the goodthings of her excellent menu. Comeleave your discourses on Latin andGreek, your researches of Law andScience, and forgetting all else but,the delights before you, enjoy lifeon April 28th.T}1e Editor has declared a nation- Thurs. at :� p. Ill. and 8:15 p, m.HAMLETin two parts.Saturday NightTHE COMEDY OF tRRORSNext Monday E\'t�ninKA big hit coming hackThe Perky Opera Coin the comedy opera triumph.The Girl and The Bandit.GARRICKOpeninz TonightSam. S, Shubert OffersUilian Russell in Lady Teazl.A Cornie Ope a Classic., POWERS'Tonight at 8:15Charles Frohman presentsEthel Barrymorein "SUNDAY" by Thomas Raceword.LA SALLETonight at 8:15"OlI, the Deuce, What's the Use" of Try­ing to Stay Away From theIsle of Bong BongMatinee 'tomorrow.HYDE & BEHMAN'SMama's PapaLast Two �1ats., Tuesday and Saturday.Next Sunday Night-Seat Sale ThursdayRobert Mantell- Richard IIILast Week.Tonight-Mat. Tomorrow.Josepb HaT t and Carrie De MarWm. A. Brady's Musical FarceIf you do not see what youwaRt. ask, for itWe carry such a variety of Iltock thatpossibly the particular article youneed is not ill view. If not. ask forit. It is more than likely that wewill be: able to supply the desiredarticleROSALIE PHARMACYJ. J. GILL. Ph. G ••Phone II. P. rrs !!7.a E. 57th St.al holiday for tomorrow.Ice Cream, Soda, CandiesTomasney Sisters. Fresh goods alwayson hand, Soda Fountain open April �.63nl St. and Ksmbrrk Ave.STUDENTS TO SKIt IlAllLErllany Will Attend Performauce .. Guest.of Ben GreetProfessors Boynton and Senn an­nounced to their classes in Eng­lish 40� this morning that throughthe kindness of Ben Greet, whosecompany has been giving their fa.mous rendition of Shakespeareanplays at a downtown theater, anumber of complimentary ticketswould be given to the students whomight wish to use them. When aspecial presentation of "Hamlet"was requested, Mr. Greet made itconditional upon the sale of' onethousand tickets. 'When this num­ber had been sold, Mr, Greetoffered 'a number of complimentarytickets to the English Departmentof the University, These ticketshave been distributed among themembers of the classes now en­gaged in the study of Shakespeare. 5X7 GOhRZ SERIES lB LENS, $36.75.Cameras and kodaks rented or exchanged.Prompt developsng. Central Camera Co.,31 Adams St.Summer PositionsMAN, WANTED to solicit among stu­dents. new propositiun, liberal tenus togood man. Address The Collegian, 199Kinzie Street.Students who contemplate earningmoney this summer are invited to writeor call Room 60'� Journal Building, Chi-'cag� ,\. y offer ss a very desirable one:of suitable natvre, good pay.5.1l20 Woodlawn Ave.-A desirable frontroom to rent with board,An elegant large front room, nicelyfurnishep, running water and grate.Also large, light side rOOD), pnvate house,474 Greenwood'<;, A. Scott & Co., proprietors of theRndge Teachers' A�ency, 2.. Beaconstreet, Boston, are seeking desireable can­diclatt."S for college an" private school p0-sitions in the Westeru States, Caudidateswho ... roukl accept a university position toteach English at a salary uf f,l,2(X), andacademic positions to teach French andl�ernlan at salaries from �jlW) to $1,(00should write at once.Dr. Reynolds is vtsiting his daughter,Miss Myra Reynolds .•"'ante,l-Sever:ll wide-awake studentsthat art' v x per icuccd solicuors, who wishto earn �Olllc' (':l!'ooY 1II011C'Y soliciting neartlu- I 'lli"I'r�ity a n hour or tWI) each clayand (Ill �atllrcl:lys, �alary or c .. mmission.�all at the l\L\I�oo:-; nflin' and inquire ofc:l�hier.Try 1'0111, Tar and Wild Cherry,forthai cough, University Pharmacy 560Eo 55th st..If you wi� to M'('ure a position toteach call on or write to James F. MeCulloUCh. Railwa,J Exchange, Cbicqo. ,. ((