VOL. III. No. 68 I'RleR Two CENTSCHICAGO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 20. 1905HONOR FOR PROFESSOR LEWINSOBN CLASS ORATOR TO AC T FOR C BAR IT Y DEBATING TEAll READYAt a meeting of the senior class The University Settlement is tohi .. Hask II J h L Platform Club to GiTe Dinner For CbalrDIAIIt IS mornmg sn . e , osep . receive the profits of the next Dra- &Del Judces Toaicht Minn.lOtaLewinsohn was elected class orator. matic Club play. ,. A Pair of Spec- lien ArrinThe vote was close. Lewinsohn tacles," to be given 011 the eveningwiu�ing by a few Vote:s_oYJ:r:Scb� -- -of-Friday. :Feb. -a;-i1rMan�Halt 'On ... 11Ie< eve- or-tbe'-aetiate'-whh' .ler Terry. Albert J. Hopkins and This arrangement was made Minnesota, Chicago's chances forVernon Beebe were also nominated. through the executive committees victory seem brighter than at anyThe matter of class gift was dis of the University Settlement League time during the last few weekscussed but a definite settlement of and the Dramatic Club last night. This morning Coach Huston wasit was postponed until the next The action is the outcome of a optimistic concerning the outlook,c1a5S meeting. The class president; suggestion of the Dramatic Club. believing that the team bad a-caseClyde Blair. announced that an- It has been the general opinion of which was sufficiently strong '0other entertainment will be given the members for some time that the withstand any attacks and that thefor the class members within a earnings of some of the plays men were well prepared to handlemonth, which will consist of ashort should go to a charitable institu- it The last practices, in whichcomedy sketch now being written tion. The University Settlement the team has met many of the starsby a Senior, and an informal dance was decided upon owing to the fact of former years, have been particu·following. that it is an organization in which lady encouraging. More former'the students are especially inter- Varsity debaters have assisted inEIGHTEEN KilTER SEBIOR COIfTItST ested and one to which all are will- preparing the team than has beenUnusually Lar,_ NDDlber Bud in Speec:hea iag to lend their assistance either the case. in past years, and thefor AD AIlDual UDClergraduate-6ratorical directly or indirectly by supporting present team is considered to bea benefit play such as the coming better coached than any that hasperformance, "A Pair of Specta- ever represented the University.des." The only disoouraging feat-ureRehearsals for the play are pro- of the debate so far has been thegressing satisfactorily. - The first advance sale of tickets, very fewtwo acts are in excellent shape and having been sold. The tickets,could be put on today. The post- which are twenty-five cents each.ers and announcements will be out are on sale at the InformationMonday. The general sale of seats Office and will be transferred to_�il� (.omm��ce_!l� .. Ih�_'Y_Jl.t ,._,Mandel .Hall 10tD�_._., __noon in the Information Office, However a large number of gradu­Cobb Hall ates living in the city have promisedThe cast of the playas it stands to attend the debate and, the Lawis: School is also expected to fanrisbGoldfinch •. • .. Howard Willett a large delegation as two of theGregory ..••... C. Arthur Bruce members of the team Me lawPercv •. - . • . • • . • . . • .. .. Harold Swift students. The Freshman DebatingDick ... . • • •• _ - B. D. ButterfieldLorimer .•...•..•.... Schuyler Terry Club and the Fencibles ha.ve beenBartholemew.. Jay Weddell stirring up enthusiasm among theJoyce ,....... . .•.. Cyrus Garnett undergradnates. .Shoema�-er .••.••..•••. Henry Sulcer Dean Harry Pratt Jadson, wholira. Goldtinch ....•. ::Marion Retllicb before coming to Chicago, 'was aLucy.. _. .: ..... Grace Williamsonmember of the Mionesota facultyYALE lUll IIERE TOMORROW IfIGBT and who has a wide acquaiDtanceamong the alumni of both institu­tions; has been selected as ehair­man of the debate.This evening the Platform Club,composed of former Universityrepresentatives ill oratory and de­bate, will give a dinner in the pri­vate diuin� room of the Commonsto Professor McDermott. the Min­nesota coach, Dean Judson, and thejudges of the debate.The judges are �hief JusticeBishop of the Iowa Supreme Court,Justice Marshall of the Wiscon­sin Supreme Court, and ProfessorRemsch of the University of Wis-Elected at Meetiag tILia Momiag over S. B.Terry bJ Small "rlia-No ActiOll:ODClasa Gift •Former Pennsylvania Medics WillGive Alma Kater Life-sizePortrait of, Dr. OslerLaw Clinic at Oenver-Iforthwestem tolIake Tour-Winoia Students inShakesperiaD Pia)"The graduates of the medical de­partment who studied at the Uni­\'ersity of Pennsylvania when Wm.Osler. M.D., LL. D., was theirclinical professor of medicine, havedecided to present the universitywith a life-size portrait of theireminent friend and teacher. to bepainted by a prominent Americanartist.All students who took part in theSpanish-American war are to re­ceive free tuition in the Universityof Iowa.The legal department in DenverUniversity has recently establisheda law office where anyone needinglegal assistance may place his case.It will be turned over to the sen­iors, who, in prosecution of thecase, will be under the direction ofexperienced lawyers.The Northwestern Universityband is making dates for a tour inthe summer. Several joint concertswith the Glee Club will probablybe given.the students of Illinois Univer­Wnl present as '.ro;-Vou "Like­It." tomorrow evening.In the engineering departmentoj Nebraska University the attend­ance rose from tlO'J in 1902-3 to 82.1in 1904. At the present time thereis a prospect that at least 1,OOOstu­dents will be registered in the de­partment.A fIousek�per' s Convention isill progress at Wisconsin in con­nection with the Farmers' Courseof the College of Agriculture Itincludes a series of lectures anddiscussions by members of the uni­versity faculty and prominent Mad­ison women. 1'be topics chosenfor this series of talks and discussions are ones of vital interest inthe homes of Wisconsin's people.Among them are included suchquestions as the Pure Food Prob­lem, Beverages, Household Bac­teriology, The Kitchen Garden,Food for the Sick, Home Making,Water Supplies, Raising Poultryand Cleanliness in the Dairy.The literary societies at Iowaha\'e been requested by the presi­dent to keep better hours. T-heordinary meetings continue untilmidnight. They have been request­ed to close at eleven 0' clock.Columbia University wrestlerstook the initiative in the formationof an intercollegiate wrestling association for the promotion of wrest­ling championships. Temporaryoffi�rs were elected and negotia­tions opened with Yale. Princeton,Cornell and Pennsylvania for co-op­e;ative interest in making this aregular form of intercollegiate ath­leticsThe fraternities and sororities atWisconsin are organi zing hockeyteams. Match games will be play­ed for trophy cups. Word came this morning fromthe Senior Dean's office that of thenineteen who registered for theannual senior college oratorical CGO­test eighteen bad handed in theircompleted speeches. Tbis is byfar the best showing in years and isencouraging to the departments in­terested. Last year only seven re­sponded-and the great.Increase tbisyear shows that the prizes offeredby the University are being appre­ciated.All of the orations handed in willbe marked by three different judgeson thought and composition, on abasis of 100 per cent, and the tenhighest chosen to speak in the semi­finals. A t these latter trials allwill be marked on delivery. Themarks secured in the preliminarieswill then be added to that of thesemi-finals and the six highestpicked for the finals.The prizes offered the winners oft he finals are as follows: Firstprize, fifty dollars in cash and ascholarship for one year; secondprize. seventy-five dolJars in cashand a scholarship for two quarters;third prize, a scholarship for onequarter.SNELL BALL BOWLmG LEAGUEWUI Orgaaize Team� and Compete WithRepreseDuUns of Other BallaTheinter-fratemity bowling tour­nament has aroused considerableinterest in other circles. At thehouse meeting of Snell Hall lastnight it was decided to form abowling team and send challengesto each of the other halls on thecampos. William Miller, who wasappointed to captain the team,made a personal canvass of the halland reported tbat there were twelveor fifteen crack bowlers from whoma strong team could be picked.Tryouts \\ ill be held at once, andchallenges sent out as soon as ar­rangements are completed.The Wyvem Cluh will give an informaldancing party tomorrow enning at u..home of Miss Lillian Danaher on Wood­lawn Ave. Dramatic Club Will Gin Receipts of "A.Pair of Spectacles" to University Set­tlellUtnt-Cut fOl' Production ADDouDcecl Coach Huston Considers t)k, KenWell Prepared to Meet Minne­sota's OratorsWill KatertalD V .... itv Student. WithYale Sonp in Reynold. QubThe visit of the Yale men andtheir glee club to the ReynoldsCluh is expected to be one of themost enjoyable of the features tobe provided by the club this quar­ter. The Yale men will have theirregular monthly dinner at sixo'clock in the Commons and fromseven to eight will be in the Reynolds club. where their own gleeclub will entertain the studentswith a program of representativeYale songs. Members of the Var­sity glee club will be present andlead in the singing of Chicagosongs. The doors of the clnb willbe thrown open to all the men anda large attendance of students isdesired to make the visit of theYale men a pleasant one.Meeting of Fellows ClubThe Fellows Club of the Univer­sity will have a meeting in the par­lors of Hitchcock Hall, Tuesdayevening, Jau. 21, at eight o'clock.Among other topics to be discussedwill be the work of the board ofrecommendations. Prof. Slaugbtwill deliver a lecture on this sub­ject. consinThe Minnesota team with theircoach, Professor McDermott, ar­rived in the city this morning andare staying at the Wlndsor-Cliftonhotel. They visited the Universitythis afternoon and practiced inMandel Hall.The debate will begin at eight0' clock, immediately after the Yalemen finish their songfest in theReynolds Club.University Preacher for SlUldayRev. Armstrong Black. D. D .• _ofToronto. will be the Universitypreacher for Sunday, Feb. 22od._...... . �'.' '... .... '..'/ .. . . �� .,.. CHICAGO. FRIDAY, 'JA±WARV:OO; UJ05CHAS. W. HA,aDIN. V. P •• s.C·7'.ltbe.-l)atl!,·tI)aroonJ'orm.rb �. U.� Gf Clas.eaP W .. kl;,.._'-4.- _ .. I -.on'DDTIM Ualy'dt7 of CIaIc. W"17. OcL 1. 1891TIPI DAILY"""" - - - Oct. 1. 1eoZNEWS CONTllIBUTJONS Il&QU&STED.P1Iblla.. b;, tbe atucleDw or tbe Ualnr­.JQo Gf CIalc:qo nelT artel'1looa. exceptBatDr4a7 aDd SUD4a;,. durlD. thr.. .uar­ten or the UDlnralt,. ;,ear.rtnt board or edlton aDd bula ... maD­..... autborlaed b,. llucleDt-bod;, lD ma ...... tlDa M&:1 15. leo2-... eaibeHhlp OIl .uNequeDl board. oreIIlton to' be delermiDed b;, compelitloDOpeD to all _adDU la the UDlyenlt,..BOARD OJ' BDITORS.lIaD .. ID. Bdltor ••••• HarT;J W. J1'ord. '05New. Rditor ..•••..• : .••• Walter I.. Gregory, '06Athletic Bditor john S, Wright. '05ASSOCIATE BDITORS.Ralpb P. Mu1YaDe, '05.Edward M. KenrlD. '08.IA Ro;, A. Vaa Pattea, '06., Wm. A.,McDermid. '07,Beraard I. kl� 'or'Wm. 11. Hatfield. '06C. 'Aitlaur Bru,-'fI. '06.'WOllEN EDITORS.HI_ lIarle Ortma;,er, IU .. HeleD Smllb. �06'3TAJI'JI' 01" REPORTERS.M .... Etua RObey, 'C11, Ifiss Cecil Palmer�. JOtcKenna. RUBb. '05. Artbur Brl4cmaD:07Herbert M. Harwood. 'Ol$, R. Kddy Mathews. '07E. G. Felscuthal, '08, R .... Baldwin, '07Cb ... A. Paltzer, 'OS Benjamin Alhn, '�BUSINESS STAJI'JI'.BualneB. Manager ••.• Herbert I. MarkhamAIIS"t Bus. Manager .••••. Jobn Worle,.. Jr.Adv. Mcr Ben. S. Sibley...."utere4 as aecon4-ciaa mall at CblcacoPostomce.I )a1l7 Subscription, $3 ::rear: $1 ror 3 mOLB;, Mall In Clt::r $4 ::rear: $1.26 ror 3 mOLSubscriptions �celved at TH. M.utooNOftlce, Ellis Han. or lert In Tall IIAItooNBox. the J1'aculty Excbange, Cobb Hall .• 'rlnted b;, Quadrancle Preas. 404 ,S. 55tb." E . .,IT9a.IALS "'IT.H£' Chicago-Minnesota cham­pionship debate in Mandel Hall to­morrow night is upon a subject' ofgreatest importance to the Ameri­can people at this time. The rail­way question with all its problems'of competition, consolidation andtariffs is taking more of the tim� ofmen of public affairs than anyother question now under discussionThe men on the teams are well pre­pared on the subject and will pre­sent their material in interestingform. The debate ,alone, leavingout' of consideration the zest of col­lege rivalry, will well repay allthose who attend.,,- ...THE Reynolds club will throwopen its doors to all men in the University tomorrow night on the be­casion of the visit of the Yalealumni of Chicago. There is to: bea Yale-Chicago sing in the clubtheatre from 7 to 8 o'clock. DeanVincent- and the officers of the clubhope for a large attendance of ¢hi­cago men.• • •TH It action of the junior class in,taking up ,the ma��er of class dancesand social gatherings is commend­able, for such affairs have beenfound to be necessary for the pro­motion of class organization. Bysuch social contact in the junioryear, the members of the class willbe prepared to enter upon their lastyear of college in a better spirit offellowship, having a wide acquaint­ance among their own classmates.and with a class organization al­ready existiag, The difficulties ofclass formation which have hqeto·fore been in the way of senior classofficials will be done away with toa great extent.I,!,�1 .' A. SHYLOCK m SlIELLBulletin Board ADIlOUDcea SomeoDe Ba4KODey to LoaD-Run OD Bank ResultThe attention of the members ofSnell Hall was attracted by a newnotice on the bulletin board whichread as follows:"Money2 percent to Loan.30 Snell"It was not long before a proces­sion of impecunious students wasstarted toward 30 Snell. The firstman only wanted to borrow tencents, so the re-quest was grantedwithout question. But the restwanted to obtain amounts varyingfrom twenty-five cents to thirtydollars.The "money lender" protestedthat he was unable to grant theirrequests, much as he should-like to.This brought forth a chorus ofhowls from the would-be borrowers,who brought up the notice itself asproof of his intention to lend money.When the "College Shylock"again protested ignorance of anydesire on his part to dispose of hismoney, the crowd dispersed slowlyand sadly, leaving number 30 towonder who had played the joke onhim.Theodore Thomas AutobiographyA. C. McClurg & Co., will pub­lish in April a book of two volumesentitled • 'Theodore Thomas: AMusical Autobiography." Thework is in the hands of Geo. P.Upton, an authoritative writer 'onmusical subjects. It contains be­sides Mr. Thomas' autobiographybrought down to the presentorchestral season, a series of essaysby bi� on musical topics, and alist of his most important groupsof programmes from 1855 to 1�5.In Willard Hall, Northwestern,the doors of the dining room arelocked on Saturday morning aftergrace and the women inmates ofthe house are indignant, and are ata loss to know bow to get breakfast.A series of four debates has beenarranged by Lake Forest College.In April, Lake Forest will debatewith Illinois College and LawrenceUniversity. At some date not yetdefinitely arranged, she will meetMarquette and Beloit.Notice to FratemitiesCall at Martyn's Maroon Studio, 5702Cottage Grove, for your annual grouppicture. Special offer of 16 x � enlarge­ment. Lowest rates on all Vanity work.FOWIII ILiva...............tills __ ........... ·- ... 111,.... , gloW. � �A Necessityfor right shaving, and a heal­ing balm every time you applyit to your face-WILLIAMS' �� TIlACY G. WaIGHT. P .....UNITED ST A TE..S COAL CO.Whol .... l. COAL {"j COKE ,a • t • I I800-802.804 Old Colony Bid •• 'PHONE. HARR-ISON 966 CHICAGOcan A. LIPMANt9 E. IIa4J.aa StIf You MoneyWant OftDiamonds, Watches, J�w�lry, and Antiqu�. for sale; Old Gold and Sih'er BoulhtTHE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE an.STORAGE COMPANY'PMae.H�daParkS7. IUMBARlCAVa. ..... FIPTY-.5IXTII ST.The Cleanest and Best' Kept StonpWarehoue Ja the City • • •rumitare aDd Pluoa :¥owed. SIOred, hcked aDd Shipped to all parta IIthe world. JOO Prlv ... .5torqe R..... I..aqe Parlor EKduslycly ..PlaDaL Rooms b Trmab aDd Wheels. Lure ROom lor earn.,.• .--1 ..... --'-... ':'UJE� - Sic..... TRVlID � .&lID no. ALL.J)BIOT8.- - a...., Pacbccs.etc.. at short DObee.' "........ AuaUea8ina tie Iratftmttlr ......Also Branch Buffet at 69 E. Monroe St.To ,Keep Busy in:JanUary 'and FebruaryWe will make a suit and extra trousers ofour Standard Black Thibet for $25.00.NICOLL, Th. Tailor, Clark and Adams StreetsLA VERDOHAVANA ,C I GAR S2 FOR 25c. 10 OENTS STRAIGHT, 3 FOR 25cCOULDN'T BE BETTER IF YOU PAID,A DOLLAR.'.Success inLove and War.. W'OD by lbe bealtby man and woman, It bas ey�r been thuB-and so :!wiD ner be. To win In lbl. cyclonic twentletb century YOU AND I MU�TBE HEALTHY. Tb�rerore. we mUllt eyer �ullrd our healtb. If you art'anaemic and poorly nourlsbed you n�MALT MARROWIt la the purest Jul� an4 eUzln of tbe world's nnest maltlnJt barley. llelen·UIealI,. brewe4. 80 tbat all the l'utrlUye element." are retained. and wben takent.� U. atomacb It deflat" lassitude. It teeds starved nerves, and It banlsbl'll..... '_.... Better telepbone Soutb t%9f and bue a case .ent to your bomeMoAVOY'S MALT EXTRACT D ::PARTMENT. OHICAGO.P ........ I ..... llLIe •• "E_I.e.' P .. ,. .. e ••••• f ... e We .....Ch'ICAGO. FRIDAY. JANUARY 2A>. 1005THE TOJVNShredded Wheat '(),s. BeefThe illustration MOWS the compara·tive cost of beef and shreddedwheat-pound for pound. C. TheMichigan State Agricultural Col·lege Report upon the companttivenutritive values of various foocbsbows that tna Uflts' worth ofShredded Wheat BiscuitcOfttaifts 2� ti,"�s mDr� ft,dritiotathan te« U"ts' wIJrlh of sirloi.sttak. Shredded Wbeat Biscuit eon­tains every food-element of the hu­man body and in the exact propor­tion required. Shredded Wheat Bi.�it m�y be served in many ways'Wlth milk. cream. fruits or �geta.bles. C. Try Trl8C1llt. the Shred­ded Wheat Cracker. delicious withbutter. cheese or �reserves. C. "T,..Vital Q_stiD" Cook Boot:· free.� .AftUJ. ncm .,.,...umIII-.ua hIII." w.no less than the gownbas learned to like theQu�rter Size CollarThe best are the"Cluett"sud th�"Arrow··(·LOltTT-cHA .... '.S , Aa .. ow-ALCOlCCluett. esc each, Arrow. tsc each.t for sseCluett, Peabody & Co.Malt("1'1l of Cluet t and Monan·h ShirtsBORDEN·SCOIIDEIISKD IIIL��UID JOI,K,CREAl( AIm B RJIILltA.LL BOTTLED IN THE COUNTRY,BO"DEN'. CONDEN.ED MILK Co.•• .,� E. nUlTY .. I£VEIITM ft.P Wt is theure a er basis ofGood HealthIs absolutely pure. Delivered insealed glass bottles, Sold by allleading druggists. ITHE CONSUIIERS CO.Butler, 35th to 36th Sts, CHICAGOTelephone Tard. 1220 GOOD GYIIlIASTIC TlWI III DOUBT Pleasant and Comfortable TripThe questions of interest to thosecontemplating a trip to the East aretime of departure of trains, oeonveni­enee of station from whieh to start,equipment of train, location of apart­ments in sleeping ears, service in diningcars, smoothness of the track, freedomfrom curves of the railroad. courtesy oftrain employes and others to be en­countered on the journey. and last. aswell as first, the expense of the tripinvolving the price of tickets and mealsen route.The trains of the Nickel Plate Roaddepart from the La Salle Street Sta­tion the advamaaes of which are appar­ent from its central location and fromthe advantages afforded by its spaciousand elegant waiting rooms, passage­ways, train station pavilion, baggagerooms, etc. etc. Competent and cour­teous attendants in uniform are provid­ed to assist and direct pa&:lengers' toproper trains.Three express trains leave daily in­cluding Sundays, equipped with mod-em day coaches. also equipped withthrough Pullman sleeping cars to NewYork City or Boston. Train No.2. thefirst each day, leaves at 10:30 a. m, forFort Wayne. Findlay, Cleveland. Erieand pointa east. is composed of Pull-man Drawing room Sleeping ears forBoston Via West Shore and FitchburgD iv ision of the Boston and MaineRoads through the famous Electrielighted Tunnel under the Hoosac Moun­tains, arriving in Baston at 5:20 p. m.the following day; also Pullman Draw-ing Room Sleeping cars tb New YorkVia West Shore Road, arriving at NewYork City 3:30 p, m. the followng day.Pullman Drawing room Sleeping carsare also provided on the train to NewYork City Via the D� L. and W. road.reaehing New York City at 3:25 p. m.the following day. A modem Din�Car is attached to this train for Chi-cago, furnishing meals en route on theIndividual Club Meal Plan. under whicha number of menus are pre� inbooklet form for selection, each desig­nated by numbers with priee announeedfor eaeh, whieh vary from thirty-fivecents to one dollar, but no more. Mealsare also served A la Carte.Train No.4, the second train to de-part eaeb day at 2:30 p. m., is an Ex­press train for New York City. isequipped with modem Day Coachesand Pullman Sleeping Cars to NewYork City Via D. L. and W. Road. ar­riving in New York City the followingday at 7 ::15 p. m. This train � alsoprovided with Pullman Sleeping ear forBuffalo. where it arrives at 7:35 thefollowing morning, connecting at Buf­falo with through fast express trainover the West Shore Road. arriving inNew York City at 9 p. m. Meals arealso served in Dining Cars in the man­ner explained for train No. 2. leavingat 10:35 a. m. This is a favorite trainfor passengers destined to Buffalo orpoints beyond in New York State orNortheastern Pennsylvnia. reachingdestination thefollowi�day. Passen­gers for points in Indiana and Ohio, in­c:ulding Valpariso. Fort Wape, Findlayand Fostoria. may enjoy advanvatgesby taking train No. 4.Train No.6, leaving at 9 :15 p. 10. isan Express train for Fort Wayne. Find­lay. Fostoria. Cleveland. Painesville,Aahtabula, Conneaut. Erie, Dunkirk,Buffalo and points east. in addition toModem Day Coaches has Pullman Draw­ing room Sleeping cars for New YorkCitY Via D. L. and W. Road. arrivingat New York City at 6:50 a. 10.. see­ond morning. Connection is made atBuffalo with the West Shore Road.where Pullman Shleeping Car berthsmay be seecured either before leavingChicago or by wire without expensefrom the train. for Boston. where youarrive at 9:50 a. m., or New. YorkCity. where train arrives at 8:00 a. m ••second morning from (�hieago.Trains No.4. and 6 make good con­nection at Buffalo with lines diverging •Unifonned train porters are employ­ed to attend the wants of passengers,and especially to latHes traveling aloneor who may be accompaniec. by ehildren.Their duties also inelude proper heatingand ventilation of the Day Coaches, andto see that an c:oaehes are kept eleanen route.No Exeess Fares Are Charged OnAny of the Traina of the Niekel PlateRoad. and no line from Chicago East.uoys lower rates to any point reached_ the Nickel Plat. RoM. A Complete BDeyclopedia of Ameteu SportSPALDIIS'SOrnel.1ATHLETICALllAliACFor 1905Edlt.d "7 J. 1:.. aULLIVAN(Chief of Department of Physical Culture.I.ouisiana PuICl\ue Exposition).Shonld be read by �veTy collqe .tudent ... IscontaiWi tile records of all college athletes andall amat�r nenla in this country and abro.dIt also contalDs a complete re-riew of the?�ist\�i?::e:.!i°:' �':u°:eci�f ��:�D:tec.devoted to sports in wI,jell .. vages wet"Ctheonlycontestants. This is the 6rst tim in which theathletic perfolmaDa1 of _vagn haft eyer beeasyatetn ,tically recorded. 'This i. the 'argHt �thletic Almanac: ftf:t "It­Ushni. coutaiag 3:!O IJCICCS. Numeroutl Ulwatra­tions of prominent athlites aud hack teams.Price 10 C.DI.For sale by all aewmealera aDdA. G. SPALDING. BaOS.New York Chicago ::-an Fraac:bcoSend for a copy of :;PRldiap·s Athletic: Good.Catalogae. It·s fr�. \PRESCRIPTIONSRELIABLE PHARMACYROSALIE PHAR'AU".".GILL ............... 1,. 174Ln ... P'lftpeD MeD Out for Team-W. I. G. tobe Held Here in MarchThe outlook for a championship'gymnastic team to enter the meetof Western Intercollegiate Gym­nastic Association is poor Themeet is to he held in the Bartlettgymnasium the latter part ofMarch or the first of April AI­though a squad of fifteen men isnow working hard on the apparatusin the gymnasium every afternoon,the prospects for the men develop.ing �ood enough form to win theevent are discouraging.Last ) ear Chicago was repre­sented byone man, Hancock. whowon four points at the meet held atMadison. Hancock is in collegeand has been out practicing. Hewill be relied on to win 1110st of thepoints this year. His specialty isthe side horse and the long hor e.Almost all the rest of the squadare green material and althoughthere are a number of men whohave improved rapidly with the recent practice they cannot be ex­pected to defeat the veterans ofWisconsin, Grinnell and the othercolleges in the association.Wilkins, the little pole vaulterfrom Lewis is a �ood gymast. He;expects to try for the all aroundmedal offered. Hanson is workingon the rings, tumbling and hori­zontal bar. Perrill is practicing onthe parallell bars, as is also Fuller.Hewson and Whipps are the candiadates practicing on the horses.The above men are the mostpromising material now in sight forthe team but there are others in thesquad who have been practicingsteadily. '1;hese men.He: . Maynard,\Vorthington,Green, Burns, Magee,and Bruce.Special Pricesthis monthFor-- __ ..Dr ... S .. lt.DIIUlft' .Jack ...an. Frock �ult.TaU ... fo .. Tea .......TACOl\U, BLDG.1.111 la Salle StNfl\.CHICAGO, ILl •.•I! intcrestecl in Bowlh1g or Bit·hanls, you SllOUld bave a prh·ateten pin ball or Cue. Prke ofTen Pin naus ".00. Fancy cu ...11.00 to $4.00 eacb.II1IIIIWIok· .. lke-Col ........ c..263-265 Wabash Ave.A. McAdamsTHE UNIVERSlTY PLORIST..aDBOUSES : CHI" A. 'GOc-.. ........ �na. �E. C. II 0 0 R E... �lOttst ...Z75 E. FlFTY.FIFTH ST.� T.l.phoDe 07". Park 38L MANASSB, OP11CIAN.. __ St.,� ........1)111111 .... .,. __ lcIIatIkaIIJ ACJuteIa,..T ..........==�� ...-�.a.-"., ..........KBBNANFLORISTIttl.�·la �e leDt. 36SItt lilt..,. sc: :.�.,:' - "'.e B. p, MItFrelb c:1it 80w�/Reds, p1ants"�d bulbs.Gold Fish udoAqUaria Supplies.'. ":.� Informal Dance for Medics.The medic students will give aninformal dance Fridayevening.Jan.25. .Not only are all medical stu­dents cordially invited but the in­vitation is also extendeJ to otherUniversity students .One of the women students atNebraska. by her coolheaded nessand bravery, saved one of the largedormitories from destruction byfire.Jiu jitsu has been taken up quiteextensively in the University ofPennsylvania and a course in thissport has been made compulsory atAnnapolis.The four sophomores who weresuspended at Columbia for attempting to kidnap Kingdom Gouldwere allowed to return to work atthe opening of the university.. Syracuse University is soon tohave a laboratory of natural science.The building will cost about $200,·000 and will be erected from thebequest of the late John Lyman ••At I11inois, the Junior AnnualBoard offers prizes for the collectionof fifty or more of the best roastson members of the faculty andothers connected with the univer­sity.J. M. PATTERSONProprietor JOHN CLAltKManagerWe ne".r clo ••All ordeT'8, day or nigbt, filledprom�l}: •.Jack .. PM'k' LIY...,Successor to J. II. Kintz213 1:.. Flf'7·S ••• ,,'b �tre.t--.)Tcl�bone Hyde Park {�1 If you wi. to �re a poeldon toteach call on Ot" write to James F. McColloucb. RallWQ Escbaoc., Obicqo.1'r7 Tolu, Tal' and Wild Cherry,forthat eouab. Univ.nity Pharmac:y 660E. 66th st.I�dy '\\;tb pleasant borne �uld likeIActy student to room and board �tb ber.Price reasonable. Call at Mrs. Jerome358 511t Street and Lexington.'P2.ELDlI1'fAIUES EftD NEXT WEEKCHICAGO, FRIDAY. JANUARY 20, 1905ON THE "SOUTH SIDE"PRAIRIE NATIONAL BANK159 .... Salle .ft.. CHICAGO. D.L..iiJlE8T p� 011 DEPOIII'rIION THE "WEST SIDE"PRAIRIE STATE BANK110 W.ASH�NGTON BLVD.Whe�e Do YOU GetYear N� Periodlc:ala aM eta·tItD�!AT NORTON'S.rr.. DeIlYel'J.848 116 Itnet. Phooe 11. Ibde Park.STUDENTSYour attention is directed fo the$3.00 Hats and3 for $5.00 Shirts(custom made) ofPAIlKER A • .JENKOpp. City Hall. tM Washington St.'.j:I,ilp.H,I'it11'\I •.If1[:!!I�tIi·i[�l'I,I:r,n:'I"\'I :! "II,:Ij-ji'.. i-I I "I!I "I\ II! iI! i,1! 'j! ,, ,I �tiI I11rr: <'fI".a:1 1",�,:�,tI:,!�,;?::iit:� +Ij':1' It gives that satisfiedreeling without thedepression of over­eating.Wherever you eatAsk for"The Food with a Flavor."STOP!on your way to the L C. andlook over my new line of •••••Imported CigarsMUSSBV·SBilliard Halla .... Bo".... ADey.The Largest and Finest AmusementI{esort in the World.00 10 • 08 Madleon Street811U1C:b: II. 1M .. SL. �OD'TYPEWRITERSONE-HALF 'PIlICESend for our list of special barRalDS ia .....us of Standard typewriters. ran tiDe at1IIpplies. Machines for rent ,:no'3 per .....ItOCICWIILI..-BAItNBS co.�W""'A ...OHAS. A. LA WRICNCE.Manqer and Dlnc:torLAWRENCE ORCHESTRA�I�t Music for all 8e1flCt 0t'eUi0 ....Your patronap _Iclted.RMldeoce 57. Rc.alie Ooart.a.Jcqo.TtL Ib" � 1_. BowllDg Schedule For Final Week-Sec­tiOD Winners Ked Next WeekNext week will end the prelimin­ary round in the fraternity bowlingtournament. The victorious teamsin each section will be decided andwill meet the following week tocontest for the" championship. Afew fraternities have not yet paidthe fee of one dollar, This is pay­able at once to Bach, secretary andtreasurer.The schedule for next week is asfollows:Jan. 24--Tucstiay:Beta Theta Pi vs. Phi Kappa Psi.Delta Upsilon vs. Phi Delta Theta.Jan. 26-Wcdnes<lay:Sigma Chi vs. Kappa Sigma.Psi Upsilon vs, Delta Kappa Epsilon.Jan. 26-Thursday:Chi Psi vs, �igma Nu.Sigma Alpha Epsilon vs.Alpha DeltaPhi.Jan. 27-Friday:Phi Gamma Delta vs. Phi Kappa Psi.Alpha Tau Omega vs.Phj Delta ThetaJan. 28--Saturday;Delta Tau Delta vs. Kappa Sigma.Beta Theta vs. Delta Kappa EpsilonVarsity Five to Play LewisThe Varsity basket ball teamwill play the Lewis Institute teamnext Tuesday evening at the Lewisgymnasium. The game will be ahard one as the West Side schoolhas the best team in its historyThey have defeated the CrescentFive twice this year, a team whichwon the Amateur Athletic Unionchampionship last year.(··E. M.·· SYSTEM CLOTHES.) I MAJORS, ... d MIN'')RS ILeo De Tray, ·OS. is pledged to PhiGamma Delta.Snell Hall will hold its first informalfor the quarter this afternoon.Miss Natalie Kohn is suffering from anattack of quinzy.Miss Nettie Dickson is teaching in theState Normal at Charleston. 111.Miss Minnie Hill is teaching in Keo­kuk. Iowa.A reception was tendered to the parentsof the University H'gh School last nightin the School oi Education building.Miss Smith gave au organ recital ut theregular chapel assembly of the UniversityHigh School in Maudel Hall this morn­ing.Training Rules for AthletesCoach Moloney posted a noticethis morning in the training quar­ters, prescribing certain definiterules under which the athletes areto live after Jan. 22nd. The noticeread that all track men must be inbed and all noise must cease in thetraining quarters af.ter eleven0' clock. The use of tobacco is alsoforbidden to any and all candidatesfor the track team.Hitch cock Hall Reception :MondayCards are out for an informal atHitchcock Hail Monday afternoonfrom four to six o' clock. All mem­bers of the University are invited.MossIer Co.121 Monroe St.Next to First 'NaL Ba.:CR.OWDSATTEND SALENow Going On.NOTICE.Our building-cor. Clark and Monroe-sts ..has been purchased by lbe ADlerle�Tros. and Savlogs Bank, who conemplate the erectionof a new bank building on our present s.te. The time for tear-ing down the old bu lding has not been as yet decided upon.We anticipate a notice to vacate DOW almost any day. Prior toour making arranzements for new quarters we haee decidedto sell out our present stock. consisting of the very finestready-to-wear garments. at half price.Our present stockf I th- ( .. E M·· )o C 0 Ing· 5i.le--FOR. 'SALE a.t·SOc on the dolla.r.Pick out your choice aDd di.ide by two. EyerythiDg-as a.ual-markedio plain figures, This sale includes everytbiog-DoDe reserved--e"D oarfamous •• £. M. System" bneiaess aad semi-dress suits (prices 115 te� 20;); full dress and Tuxedos, Chesterfields, Beltous, Paddocks and Surtoutsrprices .20 to $60;; overcoats-in fact. everytbiDg-regudl .. of cost.kind, quality or value-for instance:Our Sit Business Solts lor 17; ourno Solts and Overeoals lor 10; oarUS Solis and Overcoats lor 112.58:our $30 Suits and Overeoats lor '15.And so on to our highest yalues at one-half .arked prices. 14. " and$8 �in.le Trou�cr' (or '2. '3 and", Odd eoat. and VestsIbroken from $15 to ,25 suits) to close at t5 and ST. sua andWash Vestin.s to close at f2.The Mossier Company,OP.;,�;.��rda7 121 Monroe-.t •• Near Clarll. I A M U 5 It III It NT-IIARIIICKLast Week. Heis still the Favorite-Thl VI ........ nWith Dustin Farnum,Next Montlay. Seats Selling.ADA REHAN. supported by Chas.Richman "The Tamin, of the Shrew"STUDEBAKERTonight. Pop. 1\1 at. Sat. 25c to $1Au Entertainment for EverybodyTHE PERLEY' )PERA CO.. in theNew Comedy OperaGirl and The BandHFull of Musical and Comedy HitsLASALLEtOOth time. "This play will run till May"You'll say so when you seeHis Highness The ..,lOOth Time Jan. 27 -Costly SouvenirsGRAND OPERA HOUSElOnly Mat. Sat.Mr. Richard MansfieldFri. Ev'g & Sat. Mat.BEAU BRUMMELThurs. & Saturday Nights asSHYLOCK in theMERCHANT of VENICECOUSEUMDaily at 2:.�-8:30The Great Military SpectacleThl Boer WarLast Few Days.Popular Prices 25c upward.Reserved Seats. Lyon & Healy.POWERS'Last 3 Nights and Silt. Mat.Prices 50c to $1.50Charles Frohman PresentsAnnll RussellinBrother JacqulsNext Monday-Seats Selling\Vm. H, Crane in "Business is Business"IWNGIS Tallght2nd Week. Charles Frobam presentsWUlam GllleHeMatinee Saturdays onlyHYDE I IlEllMAfIMatinee Every DayLittle Men and WomenMonroe. M!lck and LawreuceMatthews & Harris Four AlvinosLa Vine Cimaron Trio Celina BobeVan Fossen & McCauley Sisters HOlDQuartette Basque.- SOCIETY FOR KTmCAL CULTURE'­StalnwlY Hall, 17 Van Bunn SLSundays 11 o'clockJall. 22 and 29,1905M... W. •• SALTER--will apeK OD--"The Mallin.ofMa.�'Ask _ ......... um_ ..."r AMOUS" 18.lie will t.U 1'OD tbat "ramo-" .. 1MIDa. wbo .,.18 yow ele .... ID .......,Iition an4 doa Int-c'" waft fa Noptlirl .. aDd �ina.&e blm OD tIae campa.... UIOUfC TAILORING 00 ........ '8tnet.� llrie Pa" .,...College St�de�tsrequire brain-making foods. Thedanger of collapse or "brain fag"from overwork may easily beavoided by the use ofGood Food Properly CookedWe use brains in selectingancl cooking the food served by usTHE KUITZ·REMMLER CO.303-305 Wabasb AvenueTel. 599 Harrison D; DetbinDtiltilt1aec:E5(pielp:slti0uilft0tlil. -.-.·11i!S1