PRICE Two CENTSThe Dai ly MaroonI'IIIIIiaMd .,...... by tile 8tdeata of tile Valnralty of Claica&0 Dalal tIae tJlheQurten ., tile VDinnlty Y-VOL. III. No .•64 CHICAGO, MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 1905Varsity DebatiDg Team Completes Its llidnight Lunches to be Sened in Rey-Practice Schedule With H. 1.lIarkham, nolds Club BepDDiDg Tonight Mr. James S. Riley Succeeds Roy ·DeeS. F. Moulds, R. F. Baldwin OppositioD Boylan to be Steward Keehn, Resigned u Presidentof Reyuold's ClubA buffet lunch counter will be-,opened in the Reynolds club as a Other OfIlcers to Be Elected in 1Iarc1l-result of r t it 1" Yale Club to Visit the Uninrsityecen agr a 10n among Saturday ]fjghtthe club members. Beginning to­night lunches will be served from9 to 11:30 p.m., the Commons'prices prevailingHeretofore there has been no placenear the University where lunchesin the evening could· be obtained.The demand has been so generalamong the students that it wasthought the project merited a trial.It is only an experiment how­ever, and whether or not it willcontinue depends on the amount ofpatronage it gets.Steward Boylan announces thefollowing bill-of-fare for tonight:Oyster Stew, 15cFraukfurt and Potato Salad, 15cPickled Pigs Feet, 10eSardines, per box, 25cSANDWICHESRoast Beef, 5c Ham, 5cBaCOD and Egg, 15c Ham and Egg. 15c Junior and Senior College Councils,Contestants Mnat Register with DeaD Be- Swiss Cheese, 5c Am. Cheese,5c and chairman of the latter. He isfore Monday 1I00D, February 9 Egg, 10eDESSBRT a University Marshal and is aThe Junior College preliminaries Apple Pie, 5c Coffee, lX member of the Three Quartersin declamation will be held, for the Fig Rolls, 5c Club, Skull and Crescent, Ironlower Juniors, Wednesday, Febru- Mince Pie, 5c Mask, Owl and Serpent, and ofarv 8th, and for the upper Juniors, Beta Theta Pi.Thursday, February 9th, at 4;00 p. �ClIKDULE OF RKJlAJ1II1KG JU.TCIIKS· Quantrell was treasurer of the- - �ntestant5- �t register-with - 'Pr�;'-·ROmUi--to··be-FiDlshecl i�- - -Re�.BbI· Be._ �ga,ed-'�'-""'�-"".. '_'." ..the Dean of the Junior College �- : Week-Please CUp tile SChedule last fall, when he dropped out 'of .fore Monday noon; February 6th. Th hed I . f h college for the autumn quarter.F . . e sc u e or t e rest of theollowing IS an extract from the bo li hes i h .. He has been a member of the trackrules governing the contest: w mg matc es 10 t e �rehmmary team and is a member of the ThreeTh d . . -:.... round follow. According to this Quarters Club, and Phi Deltae eclamation contests are openito schedule the preliminary matches Theta .. members of the Junior Colleges who haxeless than 18 Majors credit in any of the will be finished next week, Thecolleges. and who are eligible for public final match to decide the champion­appeamnce. ship, in which the three leadingThey are held during the Autumn and teams are to contest, will he playedWinler Quarters, under the rules hereby off the week following. Captainsprescribed: are requested to clip this schedule. for future reference, as it will notbe printed in full again.Jan. 17-Tuesday:Delta Tau Delt:l vs. Sigma Chi.Beta Theta Pi vs. Psi Upsilon.Jan. 18--lVednesday:Sigma Nn vs, Phi Delta Theta.Alpha Delta va. Kappa Sigma.Jan. 19-Thunday:Phi Kappa Psi va.Delta Kappa EpsilonChi Psi vs. Delta Upsilon.Jan. 2D-Friday:SilUla Alpha Epsilon vs. Si� ChiPhi Gamma Delta vs. Pai Upsilon.Jan.21�turday:Alpha Tau Omega vs. Sigma Nu.Delta Tau Delta vs. Alpha Delta Phi.• • •Jan. 24-Tueaday:. Beta Theta Pi vs. Phi Kappa Psi.Delta Up-ilon '\'8. Phi Delta Theta,Jan, 25-Wednesday:Sigma Chi vs. Kappa Sigma.Psi Upsilon n. Delta Kappa EpsilonJan. 26--Thursday:Chi Psi va. Sigma Nu.Sigma Alpha Epsilon va. Alpha DeltaPhi.Jan. 27-Friday:Phi Gamma Delta vs. Phi Kappa Psi.Alpha Tau Omega vs. Phi Delta ThetaJan. 28-Satllrday:Delta Tau Delta vs. Kappa Sigma.Beta Theta Pi vs.Delta Kappa Epsilonw. WUlt 10W DUDe _ 1M .QbecrI�dOG U. of TIle DaDr .......HEAR YSAYEATU�OF W. PRACTICE DEBATE-S END LUNCH COUNTER FOR CLUB ELECTS NEW OFFICERSViolinist Receives Ovation at )[adi­son-Harvard Improves RowingQuartersThe debate was held. before Mr.Houston in Cobb lecture hall andthe opponents chosen for the teamwere J. F. Moulds, H. I. Markham -and R. F. Baldwin of the class inoral debatesThe plan of disposing of the evilsof the railway svstems brought for­ward by these debates was differentfrom any heretofore suggested bythe negative. Instead of outlininga definite course of action with regard to the control of pools theyargue that. the government shouldleave natural economic conditionsto decide their final establishmentBrownson Club MeetingThe Brownson Club w ill hold animportant meeting tomorrow after­noon in Cobb Hall. All Catholicstudents of the University are urgedto be present.PeDDsylvania Boat Club Building Burns­President Eliot Receiyes HonorsFrom FruceAt Madison last Wednesday auniversity audience of 2,509 peopleheard the master violinist Ysaye,who 1S to play at the new Orch straHall here ill Chicago. Ysaye wasenthusiastically received by the stu­dents at the state university.Since the cessation of fall row­ing at Harvard early in Decemberthe two balconies of the Universityboat house on the second floor fac­ing the river, have been entirelyenclosed. The western balcony isnow a room, a7 by 22 feet, andwill be used as a lounging room formembers of the University BoatClub. It is finished in dark wood,has a hard-wood floor and a largebrick fireplace, and is heated bysteam. Several windows on thenorthern and western sides facingthe river, make the room. light andattractive. The eastern balconyhas been enclosed to make an ad­ditional locker room, with accom­modations for about fifty men.This room is also heated by steam.• resident Jordan of Stanford has.. forbidden smokr1ig"ll�orarOtn1d'the. buildings of the quadrangle.Hitherto there has been an unwrit­ten law against this, but recentlyit has been openly violated..Bellevue Villa, the little summerhotel which bas sheltered the Uni­versity of Pennsylvania loat crewsduring their season of training inPoughkeepsie for the past ten years,was destroyed by fire in December.The loss is placed at $25,000 Thehotel, which had accommodationsfor ninety guests, was situated onthe west bank of ·the Hudson, op­posite Poughkeepsie. It was un­occupied when the fire broke out.President Eliot of Harvard, hasbeen elected by the Academy ofMoral and Political Sciences of theInstitute of France as a corresponding member in the "::;ection Moral"to fill the vacancy caused by thepromotion of the Hon. JamesBryce, M P. of England, to becomeForeign Associate.Professor James Weir Mason, fortwenty-five years instructor inmathematics at New York Univers­ity, died suddenly in Easton, Pa.,from paralysis of the heart. Hewas sixty-eight years ol�. or overthrow, confining its attention to stopping the evils of thepools by the direct action of theInterstate Commerce Law.The work of the team itself wassatisfactory.JUIOOR COLLEGE DKCLAIIATIOIl·a. T"� P".�/iminaries.1) A contestant registers his name. thetitleofeelection-end-the name-of its auth­or, with the Dean of the Junior Colleges.before Monday noon of the sixth week ofthe Quarter.. Selections must be in prose,and all limited to to) wonts.2) The Preliminaries are held on Wed­nesday and Thursday of the sixth weekof the Quarter. Each speaker then hastwo minutes in which to present any por-tion of his declamation. .. 3) The members of the Faculty in theDepartment of Public Speaking act asjudges. Five men and five women fromthe Lower JUDiors and five men and fivewomen from the Upper Juniors are chosento speak at the Semi-Finals. .h. TIle &",i-Fi"a/s.1) The Semi-Finals are held on Wed­nesday and hursdayon the eighth weekof the Quarter. Each speaker then pre­sents his entire selection.2) The members of the Faculty of theDepartment of Public Speaking act asjudges.3) One man and one woman from theLower Juniors. aDd one man and one wo­man from the Upper Juniors are chosen tospeak at the llinals. To each is awardeda scholarship for one Qurrter. '. c. Tlu Finals,1) The Finals are held at the last Divis­ion Meeting of the Quarter.2, Members of the Junior College Fac­ulty act as judges,3) The man and the woman winning inthe Finals, share equally the F�rdi"antfP�d. Prize of f.:""JO. James S. Riley has been electedpresident and Ernest E. Quantrillvice-president of the ReynoldsClub. These elections were madeby the executive council of theclub at its last meeting in accordance with the provisions of theconstitution regarding vacancies inoffice. The office of president wasmade vacant by the graduation ofRoy Dee Keehn from the LawSchool last Quarter and thevice-presidency was made vacantby the promotion of Riley fromvice-president to president.Riley has been on the financecommittees of the Junior andSenior Promenades, and businessmanager of the Cap ami GownHe has been a member of both th�The present officers of the Clubwhose terms expire in March arepresident, Jas. S. Riley; vice-presi­dent, Ernest E. QuantreU; secre­tary, Harry W. Ford; treasurer.Geo. B. Robinson: librarian, FredFischel. The faculty members ofthe executive council are: Dr. C.E. Merriam and Dr_ H_ P. Warren.Next Saturday night the YaleClub of Chicago will be the guestsof the Reynolds Club. The Valemen will take dinner in the Com­mons at 6 0' clock and will be re­ceived in the club from 7 to 8.They will have with them theirGlee Club which has been rehears-ing for the occasion and which willsing Yale songs in the club. Thevisit of the Yale men will not con­flict with the debate with Minneso­ta but wili be a drawing card as itcomes just before the debate. Allmembers of the Reynolds Club areurged to tum out to meet the Yalemen and make the visit a plesantone for all.The visit of the Yale men isunder the leadership of David B.Lyman, Jr_, secretary of the YaleClub of Chicago.President Harper Back From EastPresident Harper returned to theUniversity yesterday from his tripeast. He has been gone about aweek and visited Washington andBaltimore. In Baltimore he at­tended the session of the Associa­tion of Americaa Universities.Heston to Coach DrakeMartin . Heston, the wonderfulMichigan half, will coach DrakeUniversity next year, according tothe announcement made last Satur­day at Ann Arbor. Heston will.receive $1� for three months'work, which is the largest salaryever paid a Michigan player forcoaching. Heston will also havethe honor of being the first Michi­gati coach to lead his team on toFerry Field to play the eleven rep­resenting his Alma Mater. Drakehas a game scheduled with Michi­gan for next fall.CllICAOO, MONDAY, JANUARY 16. 1905ltbe ))ail, maroonIII�III'I:I'rI'I:j,riI,I'II.IiII' � tM UIlITenlt)o of Chlcqo Weekl7.I'OVJlDJU)TM Ualy'dO of ChIc. Weeki,.. Oct. 1. 188STall DAILY -..ooJl - - - Oet. 1. 1101NIIWB CONTRIBUTIONS REQUESTZD.� b,. the atudeDta of the UDlnr­aJtJ' or Chic:aco Her,. afternooa. aeeptIIatIaI'da,J u4 Swada,.. 4urlq three .... -t.. cal tbe UaIT ..... t,. 7ear.J'IJ'IIt boar4 of e4lLon &ad bual __ maD­aaw aatborlae4 b,. atu4eat-bod,. la maaameetiq IlQ 15. 1802-1IeIDbenbap, OIl aubeequent boarc1a ofe4lton to be determlDe4 b,. competitioDopea to aU atudeDta ID the UalnnilJ'.BQ.UlD 01' EDITORS.IlaDaclq Ultor ••••• Harr,. W. Po rd. '05Newa Editor •.••. -._ ••••. W.lter 1.. GreKory, '06� Bdito s. Wright, 'OSASSOCIATE EDITORS.Ralph P. Mulvane. '05.IIdwart II. Kerwin. '06.Le Ito,. A. Vaa P.ttea. '06.Wm. A. McDermid, '07Bemard I. Bell. '07Wm. H. Hatfield, '06C. Arthur Bruce. '06.WOllEN EDITORS..... lIarle Ortma,.er. Xlaa HeleD Smith, '06STAFlI' OF REPORTERS.Miu Etna Robey, '07. Miss Cccii Palmer::. IIcKeaDa. Rush. '05. Arthur BrI4cmaa.·07Herbert M. Harwood, 'OS, R. IWdy !\Iathews. '07B. G. Felaenth.l, '08, It F. Baldwin, '07Ch ... A. PaUzer, 'OS Benjamin Allin, .Ot$BUSINESS STAFF.BudDe.. llaaqer •••• Herbert I. MarkhamA_'t Bua. llaaapr •..••. Joho Worle,.. Jr...I.dT.lII� _ · Beu. s. SibleyEnbrecl .. IIeCODd-clua m.ll at ChlcasoPoatolllce.Dal17 Subecrlptloo. $3 7e.r: $1 for a mos.By lIal1 ID City $. ,.ear: $1.25 for S mOLSubscrlptiODs received at Tu. M4BOONomoe. IIlIIs Hall. or left 10 TmI ILuOONBoZo the Pacult,. Exchaap, Cobb Hall.PrIDted b,. Quadr.Dgle Prea. .04 E. 66th.I'" ED.TOaJ.,ALS "'IProfessor Pattengill of the Uni­versity of Michigan athletic boardmade a point, in the. Noa-eollegiate barring of RalphRose from westerncollegiate athleticcompetition, in which many westerncollege men will concur. Heholds that college athletes shouldnot be allowed to represent athletic. clubs or other outside organiza­tions while in collegeGreat commotion is stirred up inathletic circles when there is theCompetition;!IIIljII I1I II,l iI!i1IIIIIIIIi1 slightest hint of professionalism inamateur competition. And yet Dr.Pattengill's point that it is hut indirect professionalism for a collegeathlete to compete in a meet underthe colors of some athletic clubseems to be well taken. He is in­directly hired to pull out a victoryfor'the organization, for he com­petes as � member, and yet is notrequired to pay the regular mern­bersbip dues. The athlete Jayshimself open to criticism from zeal­ous adherents of clean sport. Itmay be argued that only in thisway can the college athlete contestwith other stars in the athleticworld who do not not belong to anycollege, but this argument will nothold good. There will be plenty ofopportunities for the college man tojoin some re&ular athletic club afterbe graduates. By so doing he willbe above any taint of suspicion re­garding his amateur standing whilein college.• • •MRS. EDWIN D MEAD, who is tospeak at the Chapel ASSembly onThursday morni.lg is well knownthrough her connection with theAmerican Peace Society and for her active share in the great Inter­national Peace Conference held inBoston last autumn.' All who areinterested in the great humanitar·ian movements of tho: world will beglad to hear her speak.·FIRE TBREATEIIS COUliTY BUlLDlBGExploeion Does $15,000 Dama&e u4 Ea­cJaJllera Prieeleaa Court RecordsThis morning there was a badfire in the county building, It wasoccasioned by a slight explosion inthe paint shop on the fourth floorThe flames spread rapidly throughthe third and fourth ftoors of thebuilding. In the panic which followed, several of the county em­ployees were injured. It is thoughtthat all will recover.Thomas Edwards, employed inthe paint shop where the fire startedwas fatally burned by the explosion.The loss to the building and fur­nishings is small as it will probablyfall below $15,000. At first it wasfeared that some of the valuablerecords would be lost, but fortun­ately most were saved.CITY NJtWSPAPE2 .aft SCORltDHenry P. Cbancller Dcelarea Them • Kula­Allee Before Junior College StudentSHenry P. Chandler, secretary tothe President, severely rebuked. stu­dent reporters for the city news­papers this morning before themen of the Junior Colleges in chap­el He remonstrated against their'carelessness in handing in falsestatements, and characterized themas disloyal and traitorous to theUniversity.Mr. Chandler said that the stu­dent sentiment ought to be sostrong against these reporters thatthey be forced either to give up thenewspaper work or leave the Uni­versity This adverse student sen­timent, he said, was the only wayof ridding the community of thisnuisance.Many Enjoy Reynolds Club Daac:eThe Reynolds Club dance washeld Friday evening, and aboutfifty couples enjoyed a program oftwenty dances. Benson's orchestrafurnished the music The billiardroom was thrown open to the useof the guests which furnished·amusement between dances.We are making you a special offer.With every order of eighteen gr. -up pic­tures, one 16x2D enlargement. Pleasemake your arrangements early. Specialrates on all Varsity work. Martyn'sMaroon Studio, 5705 Cottage Grove A\·�.FOWIEI lLOYDwill .... n ....................01111,. - -.... II,.... r .... ��Don't Tortureyour face with poor shavingsoap. A ""oid irritations andshave with ease. Insist onWILLIAMS' r¥'� 11 maBattr oJ.. ......... to b�altb beeauee" I. made from tbe tluest malt. rareu �-paftlt...... and Ie brewed UDder &>erfect "DI� eoDdlUODL Dlaenml_Uoc beer drtak·... bovld c.elepboae tJoatb 1:!U4 at 0DCe &Del order a cue. Ooe 1[ .... pro. .. A.LMA�TEK'S evpertortt,..McAvoy Brewing Company, .• Chicago.TJL.ACY G. WJL.IGIIT. Pr ••• CHAS. W. HAJL.DIN. V. P •• S.C·7.UNITED ST A TE.S COAL CO.Whol •• al. COAL {"J -COKE. R. • t. I I800-802.804 Old Colony Bid ••PHONE. HAR.R.ISON 966 CHICAGO'If You Want Money Co·�1 �B.L�Diamonds, Watches. Jewelry, .nd ADtiqucf. for 1I&le; Old Gold .od Silver BouahtTo Keep Busy in J �uary and FebruaryWe will make a suit and extra trousers ofour Standard Black Thibet for $25.00.NICOLL.. The rallor. 'Clark and �.ml 11 .... 11THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE an.STORAGE COMPANY.� _.. �171 KUlBARIC Ave. "'IVTY--'IXTII·ST....... ae-est aDd Beat Kept StorqeWanIIoaM· Ia tile CIt7 • • •Fanaitant ad � ....... s.n.I. PIdrecI .. SIalpfe4 ..........tbc1nllW. .JOe Prina..,...... R..... I.aqe Pub�"PIaa· Itaiaaaa Iar,Tnab .... WMeI&. ............. �a..l .. �.���� . .urD no • .m. DDftL.......... ', .....It fUeU_" 6rwJ1ti"6i" tile..tdt.uill6fi$k-��•• Aurr�" •• &'"is wthng a h� 5Undardof workmamhip thall has ncrbeen anain� In th�construction 01 high.rr* watche.en. DooWr·H ................ --._.c .... __._ ... -'"'r­----,"The 4OO"l:r""--­----CHICAGO. MONDAY •. JANUARY 16, .1905,Ie.uat.... ComfortUle Tripcan be had in anystyle that's comfort­able or fashionable.They are made inQuarter Sizes I MAJORS .• a. NUI'''_IMiss Hortense Butler spent Sunday atLake Forest.Miss Mollie Ricker spent Sunday atWinona.Alpha Delta Phi will give an informalnext Friclay evening.Miss Skinner was the guest of MissPowell in Green Hall Sunday.. Alpha Delta Phi held its initiation lastSaturday eveningMiss Elizabeth :\liner spent Sunday atRavensweod.. Miss Grace Warren is teaching inWaukegan.Miss Marion Pierce is studying in Paris.France,Delta Upsilon gave Richard R. Davis aflll'cwell theatre party aud dinner on Fri­day evening.Miss Helen Mousch entertained at asun-bonnet-baby party a Kelly Hall Sat­urday evening.Msss Mary Anderson and Miss EvaMygrants were guests at Foster Hall Fri­day eveniag,Miss Belle Bartlett of Lake Forest Uni­versity, was the guest of Miss Hillman,at Beecher Hail. Friday evening.Miss \leriam Washburn, of Lake ForestUniversity, was the guest of Mise MildredFaville at Kt:11y Hall Friday enning..Miss Gertrude Murrell, 6112 GreenwoodAve., entertained at luncheon Saturdaynoon in honor of the Lake Forest girlsvisiting at the University.Mr. and Mrll. B. B. Barker, of 0042 Mad­ison Ave., entertained the University�bating team and a few of their friendsat dinner on Saturday.The Tuesdav afternoon " TwilightHours" held in the league room in Lex­ington Hall, which were so successfulduring the past quarter, will be continuedthrough the winter.Professor C. R. Henderson spoke on.. Lodging Houses- and the Care of Defec­tive and Dependent Classes" at the noonmeeting of the Roosevelt-Deneen Club ofthe 6th and 7th wards on Satnrday,Professor E. E. McDemlott of the Uni­versity of Minnesota, coach of the l\Iin'nesota Debating Team, was a visitor tothe University Friday for the purpose oftlLlking final arrangements for tbe \­nesota-Chioago debate of Saturday next. The . questions of interest to thosecontemplating _ trip to the East aretime of departure of trains. oconveni­ence of station from which to of train. location of apart­ments in sleeping ears. service in diningcars. smoothness of the track, freedomfrom curves of the railroad. courtesy oftrain employes and others to be en­countered on the journey. and last. aswell as first. the expense of the tripinvolving the price of tiekets and mealsen route.The trains of the Nickel Plate Roaddepart from the La Salle Street Sta­tion the advantages of which are appar­ent from its central location and fromthe advantages afforded by its spaciousand elegant waiting rooms. passage­ways. train station pavilion. baggagerooms. etc. etc. Competent and cour­teous attendants in uniform are provid­ed to assist and direct passengers toproper trains.Three express trains leave daily in­cluding Sundays. equipped with mod­em day coaches. also equipped withthrough Pullman sleeping cars to NewYork City or Boston. Train No.2. thefirst each day. leaves at 10:� a. m. forFort Wayne. Findlay. Cleveland. Erieand points east. is composed of Pull­man Drawing room Sleeping cars forBoston Via West Shore and FitchburgDivision of the Boston and MaineRoads through the famous Electriclighted Tunnel under the Hoosac Moun­tains. arriving in Boston at 5:20 p. m.the following day; also Pullman Draw­ing Room Sleeping cars to New YorkVia West Shore Road. arriving at NewYork City 3:30 p. m. the followng day.Pullman Drawing room Sleeping carsare also provided on the train to NewYork City Via the D. L- and W. road.reaching New York City at 3:25 p. m.the following day. A modern Dining;Car is attached to this train for Chi­cago. furnishing meals en route on theIndividual Club Meal Plan. under whicha number of menus are prepared' inbooklet form for selection. each desig­nated by numbers with price announcedfor eaeh, -whieh vary ·from thirty-fivecents to one dollar. but no more. Mealsare also served A la Carte.Train No.4. the second train to de­part each day at 2:30 p. m., is an Ex­press train for New York City. isequipped with modem Day Coachesand Pullman Sleeping Cars to NewYork City Via D. 'L. and W. Road. ar­riving in New York City the followingday at 7 :35 p. m. This train is alsoprovided with Pullman Sleeping car forBuffalo. where it arrives at 7:35 thefollowing morning. connecting at Buf­falo with through fast express trainover the West Shore Road. arriving inNew York City at 9 p. m. Meals arealso served in Dining Cars in the man­ner explained for train No. 2. leavingat 10:35 a. m. This is a favorite trainfor passengers destined to Buffalo orpoints beyond in New York State orNortheastern Pennsylvnia, reachingdestination the following' day. Passen­gers for points in Indiana and Ohio. in­culding Valpariso. Fort WQIle. Findlayand Fostoria. may enjoy advanvatgesb� taking train No.4.Train No.6. leaving at 9 :15 p. m. isan Express train for Fort Wayne, Find­lay. Fostoria. Cleveland. Painesville,Ashtabula, Conneaut. Erie. Dunkirk •Buffalo and points east. in addition toModem Day Coaches has Pullman Draw­ing room Sleeping cars for New YorkCity Via D. L- and W. Road. arrivingat New York City at 6:50 L m., sec­ond morning. Connection is made atBuffalo with the West Shore Road.where Pullman Shleeping Car berthsmay be seecured either before leavingChicago or by wire without expensefrom the train, for Boston, where youarrive at 9:50 a. m •• or New. YorkCity. where train arrives at 8 :00 a. m ••second morning from ':::hicago.Trains No.4. and 6 make good con­nection at Buffalo with lines diverging.Unifonned train porters are employ­ed to attend the wants of pasSengers.and especially to ladies traveling aloneor who may be accompanied by children.Their duties also include proper heatingand ventilation of the Day Coaches. andto see that all coaches are kept cleanen route.No Excess Fares Are Charged OnAny of the Trains of the Nickel PlateRoad. and no line from Chicago East.mjoy» lower rates to aD7 point reachedb� the Nickel Plat. Road. ON THE uSOUTH SlDE-"PRAIRIE NATIONAt BANK1.59 La Salle .ft.. CHICAGO. ILL.ON THE "WEST SIDE"PRAIRIE STATE BANK110 WASHINGTON BLVD..A. complete 811CYclopedJa of .A.IDeteur SpedSPALIIII'SOlflcla.lATHLmCALMANACForl905Edlt.d b7 J. 1:.. SULLIVAN(Chid of ikpartlilent or I'hyltical Culture.Louilliana PulC�h .. Expositioul.Should be read by every college .. tndeat, .. itcontain" the records of all college athletes andall amateur events ill this country and abroad.It also contains a complete review of the?dia:,�il�i?:umc:.• .!t0� ��:::-d{�I:r��oD:Sec�devoted to sports in whicb uvages were tbe onlycontestants. This is the first tim in which theathletic perf 01 mances of _vages bave ever beeusy.tem ticallv recorded.This is the largest A.tbletic AhaaDac enr pub­Iish�d. containg 3:..'0 J>ages. Numerol1l' illustra·tions or prominent athletes "nd track teams.Price 10 C.ntaFor &ale by all aewadcalera aDdA. G. SPALDING � aROSeNew York Chicago "an FranciscoSend for a copy of Spcaldinp's Athletic GoodsCatalogue. It·s free.It This gi ves you pre­cisely the size youwant.15 cents eachSltCOlfD SCORE CLUB IIfFORIU.L Special Pricesthis month2 for 25 centsCluett, Peabody & Co.Makers of Cluett and Monarch Shirta'BORDEN'SCOlfDKlfSKD 1IILJt. I'LlJID IIILIt,CDAJI AIm BUTTBItIIII.E.ALL BOTTLED IN THE cou�rBORDEN'. CoNDENSED MILK Co..n ... a:a Eo fOllTY .. CVUlTH 8T.mEhty-Five Couples Sped Pleasant Sat­urday Afternoon Dancing at 20ealieThe second Score Club Informalwas attended by eighty-five couplesSaturday afiernoon at Rosalie.The attendance showed that the in-formals are losing none of theirpopularity. Lawrence's orchestra'furnished the music for a programof twenty dances ..(\mong the ladies present were:Misses McDonald, Paltzer, Harmi­son, Stephenson, Thompson, Bax­ter, Hendrix, Reddy, l\;oblett,Terry. Curtis, Googins, Campbell,Conroy, Norris, Dewhurst, Lawton,Wells, Hough, Kelso, Collins, No·wak, Amez. Waughop, Ellsworth,Butler, Beery, Young, Benedict,French, Gerhart, Street, Gannon,Casey, Ahrens, Murray, Williams,Osmond, F. WillianJs. FOI"---- ..Dr ... SuitsDinner .Jacket... n. Frock SuitsTaUer for Youn .....TACOMA BLDG.1»111 la s.o. 8t�CIDCAGO. ILL.P Wt is theure a er basis ofGood HealthIs absolutely pure. Delivered insealed glass bottles. Sold by allleading druggists.THE CONSUMERS CO.Butler, 35th to 36th 5ts. CWCAGOHitchcock Ball R�ptien lIondayHitchcock hall will hold itsmonthly reception next Mondayafternoon from four to six o'clock.The program will be as usual. thereception and tea in the library anddancing in the club room. Allmembers of the University are in­vited, NEWCOLLARIlk.., ................."I' AIIotnr 18.He .Ul teU 100 that MI'UIUMIa" .. tileIDa. who Pllta 10lIl' c:JetM. ID .... CIa­ditia and .... Int-dua won I. r.pairl .. and �See 1l11D _ tile c:ampaLrUIOU8 TAILORING 00...............''twin- � Pan .'101..Where Do YOU GetYour N� Periodlcale .......tieD r,'AT NORTON'S •Free DellveI'J.348 57th Stl'ftL 1'boM IUS 07" Park.MUSSBV'SBlIIIaI'd Hal .. aDd BowtIq A"ey.The Largest and Finest AmusementResort in the World100 to 101 Madl.on ��: _Da.�a.-.Telephon. Yarda 1220PRESCRI.PTIONSRELIABLE PHARMACYROSALIE PHARMA(jr.. _ GILL.- .....,.... IML ....A. lVkAdamsTHE UNIVI!RSITY FLORISTGUDnIOU'SaS : �� A 'GOc..Jldat. ... � ... ��E. C. II 0 0 R E...• tenet ...21S E. FlFTY •• IFTH ST.� T.lep"'.e B�a. .... sa _L MANASSa, OP11CIAN........... T--...-.... II'IO ...... .,. ..... � UIeaD'r��T"'''''':::=t:..... 1 "Ir*b,a-..... -....KBBNANFLORISTlUI Wentworth lie.tH Eat Uni St. . Pliole lent. 363.... e If. P. 548tFresh cut flowers, seeds. plants and bulbs.Gold Fis� and Aquaria. Supplies.J. M. PATTERSONProprietor JOHN CLARKManagerWe clo ••All orders, dny or night. filledpromptly.Jackson Park u....,Successor toJ. H. Kintz273 1:.. Plft7·S ••• n'" Stt-ee', :"}.:;2Telephone Hyde Park \55.1 . CHAS. E. WAY271 East Fifty-seventh St.TOB�CCONISTCigars, Cigarettes, Sporting GoodsBilliards and PoolTurtls_ Imoklnl Rllm111I1.nOl.FJm)AY wnnnms BOWL WELLCHICAGO, MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 1905SOLOMON CHOSEN AlITER DEADLOCK·TO-DAYWherever you eatAsk for.'rIt gives that satisfiedfeeling without thedepression of over­eating.DR. FREDW. PARKER,DR. RALPH W. PARKERDENTISTS�9 KIM BARK AVE.N. B. <lor. Slxt,.-third St.Phones:Oflice Hyde Park 1711Raide1lc:t: Hyde Park 2241 Hours:, .. to1200130t06'WHY use pJOr. UDwboleso_lIlilk, wbeafor the same _ey )'011 ntD Cd hPan, .sweet, aDd I!ztrMr8-..... 1,. RIcII, dellYaed i. sealed bottles, by caJli.c ..TeIcpboae South 117. or cbopplDc • postal IeSIDNEY WANZER & SONS305 Thirtieth .t.A Happy Disposition of thefirstS2 80 You get hold of• would be put i\ intoLANCE'S.,3.50 1:0 .5 00WINTER SHOES. Its all you needit gets 'em January clearance.LANGE BROS."Right Side" of the Tribune Bld�.w � B. Willis & CO.248 WABASH AVE. CBICAGOEverything in thermSIC LINESpecjal Rates to StudentsFrank S. You�. I_dor Loui ..Telepbooe Hyde Park 1252-PROMPT DELIVERYYOUIII AMERICA LAUNDRY� East Sixty-third St.A Side StudyWe teach you to get well and keepwell, by the aid of Pure Drugs,Sanitary Soda, and UnadulteratedCandies. At your service,� KIDDER � LEWIS .-13 Jac:boa Blvd .5.';th and Indiana St.DENTIST369-1! 63- STREETTEI.EPHDIIE nycle Pn 1196 Elected Captain of Water-Polo Team BySU�ht JlarginThe deadlock which resulted inthe election of the water-polo cap­tain from the balloting of Thursdaywas broken Friday evening in favorof I J. Solomon. Solomon 'has hadconsiderable experience, havingplayed with the team since it wasfirst started and i-, a swimmer ofrecognized ability. The final votestood f; to Z>.Varnell. A. Badenoch, Goes,Conkey. Solomon, Weddell, 'rem­pleton, Stein, Sitbermuuu, Man­heirner, and Allyn were the menwho were permitted to vote.SENIORS WIN HYDE PARK MEETUpperclasamen Take Fint Hooors in High­School Meet-Carlton and Way StarsThe Hyde Park Inter-class trackmeet was held in the Bat tlett gym­nasium Saturday morning and re­sulted in a victory for the Seniors,with a total of 40 points. The Jun­iors were second with 22 pointsand the Sophomore'S third with 2pointsCarlton did the best work for the'05 class, winning the 40 yard dashand tying for first with Way '06 inthe hurdles. Hom, Favorite, Par­ker, and Coy le also won firsts forthe 'Seniors. Way did the bestwork for the Seniors, winning twofirsts and a second.Notice to Women StudentsWomen who wish to join theWomen's Union may do so by ap­plying at Dean Breckinridge's officein Lexington Hall, between 8:00and 9:3Q, or at Dean Talbot's officein Cobb Hall, between 12 and' 1o'clock. The fee is fifty cents aquarter or a dollar a year. Theprogram for the winter quarter willoffer an opportunity of meeting sev­eral distinguished women from thecity.Robinson Elected Texas CaptainRobinson, who will be remem­bered by Chicago men as the mostbrilliant player on the Texas elevenwhich played on Marshall Fieldlast fall, was recently elected cap-. .tam for next year.OHAS. A. LA. WRIIlNCm.Hanapr and DirectorLAWRENCE ORCHESTRASelect )Iumc for all eelf!d Ot"'eMloD&Your �troDace 8OIlclted. •Rt!8idftlce 5745 Roalle Coert.Cbicqo.Tf"I. Ib_ Park l.1f17.WILLARD WEST-ft.__'·_IIor__ .P.283-85 L.S.lle St.Opp. INrd of T ... dePhooe Wabash 1093 IA M U 5 ElliE N T �IIARRiCKLast Week. Heis .till the Favorite-The VirginianWith Dustin FarnumNext Monday. Seats Thursday., ADA REHAN, supported by Chas.Richman "The Taminz of the Shrew"STUDEBAKERTonight, Pop. Mat. Wed. 25c to $1An Entertainment for EverybodyTHE PERLEY OPERA CO., in theNew Comedy OperaGirl and The landltFull of Musical and Comedy HitsLASALLE84th time. "This play will run till May"You'll say so when you see�Is Highness The I.,tOOth Time Jan. 27-CosUy SouvenirsGRAND O� HOUSEOnly Mat. Sat.Mr. Richard MansfieldTontght, Wed. "& Fri. Ev'gs & Sat. Mat.BEAU BRUMMELTomorrow, Thurs. & Saturday Nights asSH YLOCK in the1\1 ERCHANT of VENICENEXT WEEK-Mon. Wed. and Fri.Nights and Sat. Mat. as the BarouChevrial in A PARISIAN ROMANCE.Tues. Thurs. and Sat. Nights, KINGRICHARD III_FOURTH WEEK, The last but one­Mon. Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde; Tues.Beu Brummel; Wed. Ivan the Terrible;Thurs. The Merchant of Venice; Fri.A Parisian Romance; Sat. Mat. TheMerchant of Venice; Sat. Night KingRichard III .COUSEU.Daily at 2�:OOThe Great Military SpectacleThe loer WarLast Few Days,Popular Prices 25c upward.Reserved Seats, Lyon & Healy.POWERS'Last 6 Nights and Sat. Mat.Prices SOc to [J1.50Charles Frohman PresentsAnnie RussellinBrotHr Jacque.Next Monday-Seat sale Thursday\Vm. H. Crane in "Business is BuSiness"IWIOIS ToNight2nd Week. Charles Froham presentsWIIlam GUletteinThe Admirable CrlchtoriMatinee Saturdays onlyHYDE & IEHIIINMatinee Every DayLittle Men and Women, Monroe, Mack and Lawrence:Matthcws & Harris Pour AlvinosLa Viue Cimaron Trio Celina BobeVan Fossen & McCauley Sisters HornQuartette BasqueSTElIWAY HALL17 Van Buren St,Week Commencing Jan. 9th, Mat. :'st.14.RUDOLPH D. AGNES & C,").Presenting 15 features of, Morality PlayEvet'JlMDAll Seats Reserved. Prices, 11.50,,1.00 and 7ic.•If inter=sted in Bowling or Bil­Iianls, you should have a {>rivateten pin ball or cue. Price ofTen l""in Rails 1-1.00. Fancy cues,1.00 to 14.00 each,Brunswlck-I.lke-Collender CO.263-265 Wabash Ave. -Ccrmtade:via1bf(gnititFaDC1IGood Team Scores llade by Ohi Psi aDdKappa Sip1&Chi Psi and Kappa Sigma werethe victorious teams in the matchesof Friday. The Chi Psi team scoreswere consistently good and promisea strong bid by that team for thechampionship. Kappa Sigma bowl­ed in good form for two games, fall­ing down 011 the third. One of thetwo matches scheduled for Satur­day was only partially played andwill be completed toda :. Theother match was postponed. Thescores follow:Chi' Psi186 14U 217139 130 121VarnellMaxwellI Parr 13H 122 162Freer 124 If.)2 1HJohnson 152 147 137-- ----737 750 001Phi Delta ThetaLattin 116 144 137Blake 157 119 133Quantrell 137 111 U5Harwood 10H 120 140Graham 95 99 100r,oo 750 SOlSubstitutes - Harper. Ridlon.Umpire - Cornell. Scorekeeper­Allin,KIllBALL-BALL:143 Wabub A ...Speda /.: itR::a 19& l\OorS�i.o.U. of C. Origlul Ielea oelStuden 18 belaat .. sty_ taPhotograph. TYPEWRITERSONE-HALF PRICESend tor oar list of special bu2aJM 01 Staftdard typewriters. hn ..RppUes, Machines for rent '210'3 per .....IlOCKWIIlJ...BAIt!Q!S co..,._.W .........• • •Kappa SigmaBigelow 162 91 152Tobin 136 176 121Inee 134 131 135Ozanne 182 185 189Green 118 185 137------7�2 730 6fmSigma Alpha EpsilonStackhouse 104 125 179Farson 1a3 103 U6Brown 115 103 117McCallie 112 148 172Wondries 148 104 122f>I2 583 7Of,Umpire - Gray. Scorekeeper-s­Short.TWO MORK MKl'{ LOST TO TEAJIPittman and Priogle Added to List ofIneligible CandidatesThe track team has been furtherweakened in the last few davs by thedisqualification of two of the mostpromising freshmen distance men,Pittman and Pringle. Pittmanhas only a condition. and may beable to work it off, but Pringle hasreceived a "flunk," and as thecourse in which he received creditis not offered again this quarter hewill not be able to compete in eitherthe indoor or outdoor meets.Both Pittman and Pringle haveshown up well so far, Pittmanspecializing in the mile, and Prin­gle in the two mile The coacheshad already begun to rely on themand t heir loss will be keenly felt.Fl rnished house for rent at extremelyreasonable rent for February and March;situated near \\ oodlawn and 61th; tenrooms. steam heat. Addrcs« H. J. Carr.6-1:r.! �linen'a An'.FOR �AI.Jo:-A fine microscope aml ob­jectives. Call at I8-I� Indiana Ave,If you wi8h to eecur'e a po.'1itiOD toeach call on or write to Jamcs F. MeCullough, UaihVllY "�J:cb"nJ:'" Cbi"ago.Try Tolu, Tar and Wild Cherry.forthat cough. University Pharmacy 560E. 56th 81.