The Daily Ma·r.oonhbUaMd £ftenoou b. tbe Stu4eau of tit. Uaiweralty ot Cb&caco Dariae tbo tJarM\)aarten ef tJae UIUYeJltty y_,VOL. III. No. 57 CHICAGO, THURS,?AY, JANUARY 5, 1905 PRICE Two CENTSRECORD OF FRATERNITY BOWLERS READY, RHODESATHLETES SCHOLARSHIPTHREE MONTHS RULE IN DOUBTPrelimiDary .. tche. Begin lied TuacJay'-Schedule to Last Three Weeb-.ore, Scholars will be Given Pre1fmiD8ty2ipd Rules to be Enforcecl Tests on January the 17th_____ and 18thBaird of IrIichigan Will PrepareComplete llichigan Records ForFifty Years President Harper Wishes Rule Either Abro­,_ted or Extended to One Year - FacU1�ties DI.ided in Opinion, . From the present indications it The Inter Fraternity bowling:RJaodes JIan Makes Oxford Crew-Syra- I h bee Scholarships A.warded by Special Jud-cuse Will Sing.Alma Mater After seems that there is little hope that eague as n organized for the- .-I . . From Successful Candic1ates-One forChapel t ie three months rule regarding' winter season with Walter L, '1' Each State and Territoryinitiation of new men �to fraterni- Gregory as president and George]Charles Baird of Michigan is pre ties will be abrogated. The facul-: R. Beach, secretary. The plan of�. The qualifying examinations forparing a complete record of every ties have been unable to come to; dividing the league into sections, the Rhodes Scholarships of 1905athletic organization since the any dec.sion on the matter, some. which proved successful in the: have been announced for Tuesdayfounding of the Universit-'. This favoring its abolition and. Sl)IDe ar- inter-fraternity baseball league last: and Wednesday, January 17 andinvolves a vast amount of labor in guing for further restriction. spring, has been adopted. I.18, in Fine Arts. Building. 203looking up newspaper files and rec- President Harper has made it: The fifteen fraternities compris-: Michigan ave.ords for the p.sst forty or fifty plain that be does not wish to see I ng the league are divided into � These examinations will Dot heyears. The report will include the the rule annulled "The whittling' Ihree divisions of five each and the � in any sense competitive and arerecords of each team and its per- process in regard to the fraternity: eaders of these will bowl for the: given only in order to give assur­sonel, all of which wiil prove valu- rule," he said, "has gone as far as championship. ance that every elected scholar isable and interesting to the present possible. The rule must either be' The sections are made up as fol-:, able to pass the first examinationsgeneration. The record is intended abrogated or remain as it stands. I lows: for the B. A. degree.primarily for the members of the am in favor of a rule which would· .The Rhodes scholars will be se-; Section 1-athletic association. require a residence of one year be ; lected by a special board of judges,Chi Psi, Alpha Tau Omega, Delta up-;Lewis McAllister, the great util- fore a student could join a Greek � silon, Sigma Nu, Phi Delta Theta. � from among the candidates whoity baseball player on the Detroit Letter Fraternity. tJ 'Section 2- . have successfully passed the exami-American team fOT four years has Si�'1J1a Alpha Epsilon, Delta Tau Delta, I nations, and one scholar will bebeen engaged to take full charge of TRACJt lIEN REPORT FOR PRACTICE; Sigma Cha, Alpha Delta Phi, Kappa 1 chosen from each state and tern-the Michigan baseball team this Sigma. I tory to which scholarships havecoming spring. As he is perfectly Rumor that Lilhtboc1y will go to Yale-: Section 3- been assigned.Rice not to Retum·· 'Th f 11 .at home at every position on the Beta Theta Pi, Psi Upsilon. Phi Kappa: e 0 owing regulations haveteam, and has great coaching abil- T�e track squad will begin regu-. Pai, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Phi Gamma: been made concerning candidates:. Delta. .Tity, the student body has rosy lar practice this afternoon. On ac- : hey must be unmarried citizenst f th f hl . hed fI I The schedule was made out yes- ;', f th U ited Sta be hvisions of a star aggregation of ball coun 0 e res y varms. oor i 0 e rn tes tween t ek h bee d terday and will be started next � f 19 d 25players representing Michigan this no wor as as yet n one this: I ages 0 an • on October 1 of " .. spring. week, but every man wbo has reg-. week. Two matches will be rolled i the year in which they are elected, 'kRalph Bevan Brown, '04, Rhodes istered.for track or field athletics is: each day o_f the week except Mon-: except in the case of Massachu-_. .• .r�� ..... �_�. _ _".__....��'-*"�� ........ da.vs. one m the afternoon and, ODe' setts :whepe-a.nfVlint· tn ..... "'" ...... ' I...... • •�r:, arE:�;,:��le��e���: u.:;-;:;�:i:kh;"=··i; his 'in 't��:;V�i-" Thi;';iu.";,j' th� . -;';:;'frO:':�a��J'AD·=�h. f hi 11 hi h event is scheduled preliminary season on Jan. 28, leav- appointees m ust have completed atcampion crew 0 ns co ege, w IC .. hwill competej in the finals with Lightbody. has not returned from lDhg t �re ht�ams to contest for the least two years of work at some,��, .'. c ampJons Ip d gr t· 11 ......other Oxfora colleges for the Uni- New York where he went to com-· e ee-gran mg co ege or UDIV"II:r-versity championship .. The four pete in the meet held recently by . The winner will �.decided by a, of which Bevan is one, made the Pastime Athletic Club in that single contest of the' three leaders, Candidates may choose whetherup one of the lightest crews in the city. No definite word has been the total number of pins for the they apply for a scholarship in thecollege and won from their �t of received from him but the rumor is three games to count, thus avoiding state of their birth or in the stateabout ten rivals by only a few current among his friends here that possible. ties. in which they have been educated.inches.' he will join the Yale track squad , The executive committee has The qualifying examinations maySyracuse has followed Chicago's and will not return to Chicago. He; recommended that the Reynolds be passed in any state but no can-,example by singing their alma has talked favorably of this action: dub alleys be used. Score sheets didate may compete in more thaJ.;mater each morning at the close of and the Yale authorities are very' to be used as official reports, are one.chapel. desirous of getting him : being printed and will be sent to The examinations will be in theIt is to be hoped that Lightbody. the captains of the various teams, following subjects:1. Arith metic-the whole.will return to Chicago, for he, is There will be an official umpire and , 2. EitJur, the elements of algebra-now eligible to compete here. His a score-keeper at each match, and addition, subtraction, multiplicatioll, di-Emil G. Ochsner Loees Way in WiIcoDliD loss would be greatly felt as he is after every match both captains vision, greatest cvmmon measure. leutBIinanl-Jtescued After Three Day. considered one of the mainstays on must sign each score sheet and send common multiple. fractions, extractiODEmil G. Ochsner '08 had a nar- which Chicago's championship them to Ceo. Beahc, 152 Faculty of square root, simple equation. contain':'ro f d th i th h' iag ODe '01' two unknown qwmtitia.andw escape rom ea 10 e ter- opes depend. Victor Rice has Exchange, by 9:00 of the morningrific blizzard that swept over north- d fi . 1 d ided followi problemts producing such eqtI8ti�e nite y eci not to return to 01 owing the matck. tile elemen,s of geometry. Blemmtaryern Wisconsin the first part of last Chicago this quarter. Taylor, The ruJes of the American Bowl qoestiOJlS, includillg propo.ilions eDUD-week. Ochsner, who lives several Matthews and Hogenson are back, ing Congress, Including foul line eiated by Euclid, and easy dedactioasmiles from Waumandee, Wis., was although the latter may not be out role, will be used in all contests. therefrom, will be set 011 the _bject-snowed in for se e I d A f . ·1 matter coatained in the followiD- --v ra ays. s or practice untt next term. All inquiries, protests, etc •• should . fEll> r-provisions were limited and com- t;iona 0 nclid'. Elements, viz:be addressed to the Rules commit- Book I, The whole, excladiag popo-munication was absolutely cut off, hi h . ·U· 7 16 17 011II&lIYTO RBGISTD fOR ORATORICAL tee, w ic consists of Walter L- 81 ODS, , • ""&the question of his situation was Gregory, H. E. Watkins and John Book II. The whole, excladiDg popo-desperate. AU Applicatioa. to be 1114. at DeaD SIaep- 5 W . h sition 8. 'In an attempt to reach town &1'4'. 0tIlce • ng t. Book III. The whole, excluding �Oeh I h. The schedule for next week fol- c.itions 2; 4-10,13. 23, 2f, 26:28 ..� sner ost IS way and was out R' tion f th A I Oregtsrra Ions or e nnua a- lows: Any method of proof will be KCeptedin the blizzard all night and was torical Contest are being handed in which .hows elearness and accuracy innearly frozen. By a careful eeon- to the Senior office already. Several Jan. lO-Taesday geometrical reasoning.f food 1 ged Chi Psi vs .•O\lpba Tau Omega. So f ibl domy 0 ie mana to exist men have handed in their names to ar .. pos8I e can idates shouldSigma Alpha Epsilon vs, Delta Tall· k· th f funtil the btiz7.ard �topped and a Dean Shephardson. and more have Delta. mm at ma 109 e proo 0 any propo-party from \Vaumandee reached sition complete in itaclf.declared their intention of doing so. Jan.ll-Wedne8day. In the case of propositions 1-7,9, 10, ofhim. Phi Gamma Delta ,\·s. Beta Theta Pi. Book II, algeb�ical proofs will be al-Oschner arrived at the University Gymnasium Still Bot in Use Delta Upsilon vs. Sigma No. lowed.yesterday little the worse from his Jan. 12-Thursday. :l. Greek and Latin grammar.experience. Because the two coats of varnish Sigma Chi vs. Alpha Delta Phi. 4. Translation frem English into Latia.put on the gymnasium floot during Psi vpsilon \'S. Phi Kappa Psi. 5. One Greek and one Latia book.vacation have failed to dry rapidly Jan. 13-Friday. Any of the following pertions of theenough the baseball and' basketball Chi l»si vs. Phi Delta Theta. undennentioned authors will be acceptedSigma Alpha Epsilon '\"S. Kappa Sigma. as a "book."squads will not begin practice until Demosthenes: De Monday or possibly Tuesday. Jan. U-saturday. F. ··d ( f ItPhi Gamma Delta vs. Delta Kappa 4unp1 es any two 0 tbe 10110wiagGymnasium classes will Dot meet Epsilon. plays): Hecuba, Medea, Alce8tia. �.until Tuesday. Alpha Tall Omep. va. Delta Upsilc-D. CoDtinued OIl � '" GDI_ I. •FRESHMAN IS ALIIGST FROZENNotice to Musical StudentsStudents who have regi5ter�d forthe new couese, No. 1 in musichave been requested to meet Mr�Jones by 4 o'clock today for classi-'ficatioD.ltbe '!lan! maroonror-i7 Ge VD� of CIIJca&o WeekI7.nvJIDSD'fte VD ....... � of CJaJc. W-.kIJ'. Oct. 1. 1882TIm D.&ILT�. - - - Oct. 1. ltOJNmW8 OON"I'RIBVTlONS IUCQUIIISTBD.BOARD 0,. EDITORS.IIaDqlq B4itor ••••• RanT W. Ford. 'OGNcwa Bditor ••..•.•••.••••• Waltel' J.,. Grecory, '.Athletic Editor ••••••••••••••••••••• s. Wright, '05ASSOCIATE EDITORS.Ralph P. JlulYADe, '05.award ... KenrlD. '06.I.e Roy A. Van PatteD. '06.Wm. A. McDermid, '01BerDard I. Bell. '01Wm. H. Ha�eld. "06c. Arthur Bruce. '06.WOKBN BDITORS.JI_ Karle OrtDla7er. lila HeleD Smith. '06STAII'J' OJ" REPORTERS.M_ ElDa· Robey. 'fYI. Miss C�l Palmer1. Mc:KeDDa. Rusb. '05. Arthur Brl4amaD:07Herbert M. Harwood, 'OS, R. Hddy Mathnn.. '01a. G. Fetaentbal, '08, R F. Baldwin, '01Chu. A. Paltzer, '(6 Benjamin Alba,'�BUSINBSS STAW.Bulne&ll Manager •••• Herbert I. MarkhamA_'t Bua. lIaD&ger Joe Worl.,.. Jr.Adv. M� Ben. S. SibleyEntered .. IIIec:On4-c:la.u man at Cblc:appostomc:e.Dally SubllCrlption. $3 year: $1 for 8 mOLBJ' lIall In City U year: $1.25 for 8 IDOLSubscriptions rec:elnd at TJuI iIAIIooNOmce. Ellls Hall, or left In TJuI iIAIIooNBox. the Faculty Exc:hanp, Cobb Hall.Printed by Quadrangle Press, 404 11:. 55th.• , ... EDITOR.IALS · ... 1Dean Hulburt. addressing thestudents of the Divinity school :nChapel yesterday morn­G� Shirk ing,emphasized the lackAthletic of interest in athleticsWork manifested by the stu-dents in that depart­ment, and urged them to take upgymnasium or track workDean Hulburt's criticism appliesnot only to the divinity departmentbut to the other professional depart­ments and to the graduate schools,where the extent of work frequent­ly makes impossible more thanmere prefunctory attendance at'required clasess in physical cul­ture. Under this press of work,there would seem to be some jnstifi­cation for the belief that time devot­ed to athletic pursuits is time wast­ed. Gradually, however. thi� ideais being e1minated, and the WIsdom• •C7 a snPC'ified amount ofof requlnnn . 1'--.'work of this kind has been J�tdied. nee While it 15 trueby expene. .that for men in these departmentsexhaustive courses of training forany of the big teams are out of the. . t is nevertheless true thatquestion, I.rnest participation 1Da more ea.merely the required gymnasIumld Pro\·e of incalculableclasses woubenefit.f the use of theThe privilege 0.'Bartlett gymnasium, With Its spte�-did uipment and numerouS facI�eq if' as Itities and conveniences, 0 enngdoes opportunities which n� ot�ergyJDnasjum affords, is in itself an In-centive t9 such participation. Bit. 8II&LL COIfSULTKD orrEllCBuCAOO.THURSDAY. JANUARY 5. 1�5DIIlYenit,. Pilyaiciaa Reporta TIIat lI&DyStudeat. Are TreateclThe University physician. Dr.Chas. P. Small, in his recent reportshows that the work of the office isgrowing and is going on in goodshape. During the last quarterthere were in all 355 students whoheld consultation with him. Ofthis number 240-123 men and 117women-received treatment, and92 received medicine which is fur­nished to students at cost price.The distribution in regard tohalls of those consulting Dr. Smallwas as follows:Graduate Hall 10Snell "7M Divinity" 20S " "9Beecher "8Green "12Kelly Co 19Foster "23Outside u 141Hitchcock " 3Dr. Small's office hours wilremain the same from 11:30 to 12:30this year, and he will consult allstudents who need it.DAIIAGE SUITS WILL BE SETTLEDJlichigau aDd Wiacoum Gin AssuranceThat Trouble b OYerAfter a conference yesterday between Manager Baird of Michigan,Manager Kilpatrick of Wisconsinand Dr. Raycroft of Chicago, anunofficial statement was made bytwo of these men to the effect thattrouble over the damage suits isnow over. Athletic relations willnotbe broken off, as Baird .andKilpatrick gave assurance that theirinstitutions will settle for the suitsarising from the accidental fallingof the bleachers. Another meetingwill be held today. at which Huffof Illinois and Downer of Wiscon­sin will also be present to completebaseball, track and football sched­ules for the year.Dramatic Club RebearsalaThe Dramatic Cluh will holdtheir regular rehearsals Tuesdayand Wednesday afternoon andThursday night-H You Valueyour face, protect it from pain­ful irritations, and keep it softand smooth. UseWILLIAMS' SIIAv.c·STICKImportant Notice to Seniors:- You canJet one photo taken free for publicationIn the Cap and Gown, at Martyns MaroonStudio, 5705 Cottage Grove AftDue.ORAS. A.. LA. WIlIINCE,II ..... Uhl DIrecUrLA WRENCH ORCHESTRASelect Mule for .n _ltd CK"eMIo ..Your patroa.qe .aldted.Raldeoee G74G Bc.a11e Ooart.Qaieqo.Tel �Pad I •.DR. FREDW. PARKERDR. RALPH W. P.&RK_DENTISTS6249 KIMBAR:k A VB.N. II. Oar. 8btJ-tlalrt lit.Pboaes:0iIic:e. Hyde Park J711"aidace: Hyde Park !III Roan:... I. 401 E. 13rd StreetGeo. H. Fiedler o Co.TailorsYoung Men's Clothes Made byYoung Men who know how.We carry a line of woolens that will appealto you.Geo. H. Fiedler t:I Co.�$P"��•CHICAGO... 73 to 76. Dexter Bid&. Phon�Harrison l31198Automatic f Suite 73 to 16.Dezter8Id ••84 ADAMS ST.If ca.1Ion A. LIPMAN99 E. lIIadis.. StMoneyYou WantDiamonds, Watches. Jewelry. and Antiques. for sale; Old Gold and Sih.·er HousbtA. G. SP AI-DING & BROS.LUI(f'''1 Manufarlurrn In Ihr "·"rlt1 of Offi,.t.l Athl .. ttc SuppllesPlans and blue prints of Gymasium Paraphernalia furnished upon request,Spalding's 'frade Mark I Every base ballgoods are the acme of q"� manager shouldperfection; accept no T� . send at once forgoods that are not the . � a copy of Spald-spalding kind; there ing'� Spring aadis no substitute for a Summer Catalo-Spalding article. gue. It's free.BASE BALLSpaldln."s Athletic Ahnanac Cor 1905• BDITED BY J4111.S 11'. SULLIVANContains the Official Athl�tic Records for 19M and theOfficial liteport of tbe Olympic GamesPRICE 10 CENTS PER COPYBASKET BALLGOLFBOXING GLOVESSTRIKING BAGSGYMNASIUM GOODSA. G. SPALDING � BR.OSBALTIMORE DENVl-:R MINNEAPOLISWASHINGTON PITTSBURG SYKACUSESAN FRANCISCO MONTREAL. CAN.NEW YORKPHII.ADHLPHIABUFFALOBOSTON CHICAGOST. LOUISKANSAS CI'fYLONDON •. ENGI,A.NDTa.ACY G. Wa.IGHT. Pr ••• CHAS. W. HARDIN. V. P. GSec·.,._UNITED STATE.S COAL CO.Whol •• ala 'COAL i:t COKE R e tal I800-802.804 Old ColoDOY Bide.PHONE. HARRISON 966 CHICAGOWE ARE· OVERSTOCKED ON WINTER OVERCOATSto get our money out of them quicklyWe have reduced the prices on all Overcoatsto Order by IO to I2 per cent.You can get a bargain now. We pledge ourselves to maintain ourhigh standard of work without regard to the reduction in priceslICOu., TIle Tailor, Clark and Adami Sb ....HOME. COOKING. CATItIUNGPhoae 2111 Central 1 A. M. te1:1OP.II.J. M. PATTFRSON JOHN CLARKProprietor :ManagerTIll MRS. CLARK CO.We r..e'Ver closeAll orders, day or night, filledpromptly. LUNCHROOM...... hrk LInrySuccesaor to J. H. Kintz213 1:.. "lfty·Sa.aDth Streat . area.r •• t ••• Dlnnar ••• S.p •• rOpposite Art lastit1lte153 JIICBIGAN A. VEIfUETelephone Hyde ParJt { ��il�-- I Windo��R Talks.orR"Bizz" Walks.Nobody balks at$3.50for this-TUTTLE DAISY ILANGE BROS.·'Rleht Side" of the Tribune BIde.IIlGOODMAN A.MILLERDENTIST369-1! 6S!t STREETT8.EPIIIIE .,. Pill 1196Collegemen find agrateful degree ofcomfort and servicein the BrightonFlat Clasp Garter.Now worn by near­ly two million men.),fade from one piece of pareailk webbing with nickeltrimmlD&'S that cannot rust.Price 2SC. II t stores or by mail.PIOJIEER 81l'8PEKDICJl ....n. Mark_ 8&redo PIaUaMI�K�or��r8u�BORDEN·SCOllD&NSED KIL� FLUID IIILK,CUd AlfD BuTTElUllL1tALL B07TLED IN THE COUNTRYBORDEN'S CONDENSED MILK Co..2T .. a:a E. "C"'TY·aEVE .. TH aT.Pure Water b��h�f. Good HealthIs absolutely pure. Delivered insealed glass bottles. Sold by allleading druggists.THE CONSUMERS CO.Butler, 35th to 36th Sts. CHICAGOTelephone Yard. 1 ZZGPRESCRIPTIONSRELIABLE PHARMACYROSALIE PHARMA(jt,,_ J. GILL • ._ .......,... .... ftIll711 114 L 57a sa.. _ WIll. ....GET TO£. B£.ST$2 AIDes Hats $3161·163 E. MadlaoD St. noar La SalleFaU and winter hata, elo... caDell.ombreU.. ucl cape.A. McAdamsTHE UNIVERSITY FLORIST• CIlKKHHOUSES: CHI" 4.·GOc::...,. ..... �... �E. C. I[ 0 0 R E•.. �IOtt8t. ..275 E. FlFTY.FIFTH ST.� ToloplloDe 8740 Par" 38 �L MANASSE, OP11CIAN........ St..� ........1111 _ ... .,.&1 _IdIaUleaDy�I,..T .........:::::::t:--w--.�,a.-............KBENANFLOR.ISTSUI Weatwll'tb Are.411 Eut 63rd St. . Pbol. Wenl 363PboDe B. P. 5461Fresh cut Bowel'S, seeds, plants and bulbs.Gold Fish and Aquaria Supplies.MUSSEV'SBOilard ...... ad BowHaC Atley.The Largest and Finest AmusementResort in the World• 10 to ••• M.dl.on Street�: atDftt. SL. � CHICAGO, 1'HURSDAY. -JANUARY 5, 1905STANLEY H. OKECASH GROCERY ,. MARIEI414 & ns E. Sixty- third St.s. K. Cor. Kimbark Ave.Phone Hyde Park 14.15COUKCIL ELItCTIOKS AIINOUKCED PIe........... COmfo ........ TripThe questions of interest to thosecontemplating a trip to the East aretime of departure of trains, oconveni­enee of station from which to start,equipment of train, location of apart­ments in sleeping ears, service in diningcars, smoothness of the track, freedomfrom curves of the railroad, courtesy oftrain employes and others to be en­countered on the journey, and last, aswell as first, the expense of the tripinvolving the price of tickets and mealsen route.The trains of the Nickel Plate Roaddepart from the La Salle Street Sta­tion the advantages of which are appar­ent from its central location and fromthe advantages afforded by its spaciousand elegant waiting rooms. passage­ways. train station pavilion. baggagerooms. etc. etc. Competent and cour­teous attendants in uniform are provid­ed to assist and direct passengers toproper trains.Three express trains leave daily in­cluding Sundays, equipped with mod­em day coaches, also equipped withthrough Pullman sleeping cars to NewYork City or Boston. Train No. 2, thefirst each day, leaves at 10:30 a.. m. forFort Wayne, Findlay, Cleveland, Erieand points east, is composed of Pull­man Drawing room Sleeping cars forBoston Via West Shore and FitchburgDivision of the 'Boston and MaineRoads through the famous Electriclighted Tunnel under the Hoosac Moun­tains, arriving in Boston at 5:20 p. m.the following day; also Pullman Draw­ing Room Sleeping cars to New YorkVia West Shore Road, arriving at NewYork City 3:30 p. m. the followng day.Pullman Drawing room Sleeping carsare also provided on the train to NewYork City Via the D. L. and W. road,reaching New York City at 3:25 p. m.the following day. A modem DiningCar is attached to this train for Chi­cago, furnishing meals en route on theIndividual Club Meal Plan, under whicha number of menus are prepared inbooklet form for selection, each desig­nated bTnmnbers with price annooncedfor each, which vary from thirty-fivecents to one dollar, but no more. Mealsare also served A la Carte.Train No.4, the second train to de­part each day at 2:30 p. m., is an Ex­press train for New York City, isequipped with modem Day Coachesand Pullman Sleeping Cars to NewYork City Via D. L. and W. Road, ar­riving in New York City the- followingday at 7:35 p. m. This train is alsoprovided with Pullman Sleeping car forBuffalo, where it arrives at 7:35 thefollowing morning, connecting at Buf­falo with through fast express train· over the West Shore Road, arriving inNew York City at 9 p. In. Meals arealso served in Dining Cars in the man­ner explained for train No. 2, leavingat 10:35 a. m. This is a favorite trainfor passengers destined to Buffalo or· points beyond in New York State or: Northeastern Pennsylvnia, reachingdestination the following d&y. Passen­gers for points in Indiana and Ohio, in-· culding Valpariso, Fort W&7De, Findlayand Fostoria, may enjoy advanvatgesby taking train No.4.Train No.6, leaving at 9 :15 p. m. isan Express train for Fort Wayne, Find­Jay, Fostoria, Cleveland, Painesville.Ashtabula, Conneaut, Erie. Dunkirk,Buffalo and points east, in addition toModem Day Coaches has Pullman Draw­ing room Sleeping cars for Wew YorkCity Via D. L. and W. Road, arrivingat New York City at 6:50 a. m., sec­ond morning. Connection is made atBuffalo with the West Shore Road,where Pullman Shleeping Car berthsmay be seecured either before leavingChicago or by wire without expensefrom the train. for Boston, where youarrive at 9:50 a. m., or New. YorkCity, where train arrives at 8:00 a. m.,second morning from (:hicago.Trains No.4. and 6 make good con­nection at Buffalo with lines diverging.Uniformed train porters are employ­ed to attend the wants of passengers,and especially to ladies traveling aloneor who may be accompanied by children.Their duties also include proper heatingand ventilation of the Day Coaches, andto see that all coaches are kept cleanen route.No Excess Fares Are Charged OnAny of the Trains of the Nickel PlateRoad, and no line from Chicago Eastenjoys lower rates to any point reachedby the Nickel Plate Road.C. F. Axelson Chosen for President by Sen­iora aad Freel Speik by JuniorsThe organization of the two un­dergraduate councils has been per­fected and the following officershave been announced:- J unior Colleg� Council:President, C. F. Axelson.Vice President. Hugo Lezdek ,Secretary, 1. H. Dennedy ,Senior College Council:President, Fred A. Speik ,Seeretary, Cecil Palmer.Axelson is president of the Y. M.C. A .• secretary of the Junior Col­lege Council, autumn quarter andmember of Delta Tau Delta.Hugo Bezdek has played full· back on the football team for threeyears 'and has been on the baseballteam for a similar length of time.Dennedy is a Blackfriar and amember of Delta Upsilon.Speik has served four years onthe Varsity football team, havingserved as captain during the pastseason. He is a member of PhiDelta Theta.Miss Palmer is a member of thereportorial board of the DAILY MAaoox,If 1'OU wish to eecure a position toeach call on or write to James F. MeCullouCh, I!ailwQ Exchang., Obicaao.Try Tolu, Tar and Wild Cherry, forthat cough. University Pharmacy 560E. 66th S1..I. Goldsmith, Conductor and Gohbmith. Violiniat.oJ. Goldamith, Pianlat.The Goldamith OrchestraAND OONCERT BAND.Office. Room 6, 50 Dearbonr St.Phone State 53-Residence. 1833 Arl,nctoD Place.Phone Belmont 1393-Automatle PboD.207"-LuncheonWe make a specialty of our"Saturday CollegeLuncheonuYou ..viiI see your friends here.The Henriei Co.1� Randolph St.(Opposite the Garrick ." )NOTICESome extensive improvements have justbeen completed in the popular DiningRooms of.. theUIIIOIL HOlD.and RESTAURANTon Randolph street. and they now standforth as the most beautiful and attractive. Cafes in the.THEATRE DISTRICTOne of the many improvements is ahanging balcony to accommodate the en­larged orchestra. and the music is beingmade an especial feature.TYPEWRITERSONE-HALF PRICESeDc! lor oar list of special baJphrs fa 01 Standard typewTIten. full IiH 01-wHa, Macbiaes lor reD!,2 to'3 per ......IlOCICWBLI..-8ARNBS c:o...,_.W ...... A ...Frank S. You",. I_dor LouILTelepbooe Hyde Park 1152.PROMPT DELIVERY'GUllI AIlERICA UUIIRY68f-686 East Siny.tbird St. fle�o-·s(jcuterAre popular with college men be­cause they lie flat against the leg;never bind; fibre button; does not tearhose. Easy to put on and take off.25 and 5Oc. a pair.Sold by G� 401 E. f63rcl St.A.STEIN l"4 CO.,Chlca.o MCr ••.. J Nourishing, Sustaining �r and "IRRESISTIBLY.. DELICIOUS.".�.�.ON THE "SOUTH SIDE"PRAIRIE NATIONAL BANK15�. La SaI1e .ft.. CHICAGO. ILL..iWT p� 011 IIEPfIIIIg. ON THE "WEST SIDE··PRAIRIE' STATE BANK110 WASHINGTON BLVD.WHO tRESS FIR Snl£IUTIESS. 110 CO.FOITWEAl THE I.PIORDBOSTONGARTERSELECTION OF OPERA. DEFERREDAfter Lengthy Arpmeut Black Friars Com­mittee Adjourns Until TodayThe final decision upon the twooperas offered for the Bla�k Friarswill be made by the committee thisafternoon. The choice was to havebeen made yesterday, bu t after alengthy discussion the matter wasleft until today. Gregory, 'Vestand Blakey wrote one of the ope­ras, and Flavin, Smith and Mul­vane the othes,As soon as the opera has beenchosen the preparation for the playwill begin. AnHouncements willsoon be made as to the selection ofthe chorus. The rehearsals willbegin after the preliminary drill forthe chorus,Plans are being made for a cou­ple of trips for the company. AnnArhor is one of the prospectivepoints.STDD;an' GOBS 011 THE STAGE.utoa Sills, Graduate Student in Ph lloao:­- play, Coached by Rob_ert8oD for StageMilton G. Sills, '04, bas resignedhis Fellowship in Philosophy andjoined a company of amateurswhich Donald Robertson, the great. English actor, is pr�paring for thestage.M�. Sills has been a member ofthe University Dramatic Club forfive years and this has formed the "foundation for his progress He �as� •always had Jeading parts; his great­est success being in Esmeralda. Anexcellent stage presence and a goodvoice are two of Sill's principalcharacteristics. U n d e r carefultraining he will develop rapidly.After studying two years underDonald Robertson. Sills will enterone of Robertsons companies ..Founder's Secretary on CampusStarr Murphy, the private secre­tary of Mr. John D. Rockefeller, thefounder of the University, is visit­ing the city. Mr. Murphy may befound while he is here at his officein the Press Building..... ,.. ........ t�_ ........ fw,.,. ........ CHICAGO. THURSDAY. JANUARY 5, 1� .RHODES SCHOLARSHIPConti� from first pqe. colulDD 4. MU5EMitNT �IHomer: (1) Iliad. 1-5 or 2-6; or (2)Odyssey. 1-5 or 2-6.Plato: Apology and Crito.Sophocles: Antigone and Ajax.Xenophon: Anabasi., 1-4 or 2-5.Cresar: De Bello GalJieo, 1-4.Cicero: (1) Philippics 1·2; or (2) InCatilinam 1-3, an Ind Verrem Actio I; or(3) pro Murena and pro Lege lrIanilia; or( 4) de Seneetute and de Amicitia.Horace: (I) Odes 1-4; or (2) Satires;or (S) Epistles.Livy: Books 5 and G.Virgil: (1) the Bucoliea, with books 1-.1of the Mnehl; or (2) the Georgics; or (3)the Mneid, books 1-6 or 2-6.The texts used in setting the examina­tion papers wid be those of the series' ofOxford classical texts, so far as thesehan been published hy Ule Oxford Uni­versity Press.SCANDINA. VIAlf CLUB BOLD MEETINGDr. Martin Schuue Addressed the Club­Good A.ttendanceOne of the most promising meet­ings in the history of the Scandina­vian Club was held yesterday after­noon at .. o'clock. in LexingtonHall Dr. Martin Schutze spoke on.. Influences of Scandinavian Literature on German and English Liter-ature in the Past Century .. , "The subject matter of this ad­dress, which wilt soon appear inpamphlet form, was divided intothree periods of the last century.First-In which Scandinavia is es­sentially receiver. Second-Natur­alism chiefly represented by Ibsen.Third-Neo-Romanticism.Dr. Schutze stated that Scandina­via had drawn its influence chiefllyfrom the English through BernardShaw, andfrom Germany throughHauptmann.David Wahlberg sang .some Scan,dinavian songs, and his offerts weregreatly appreciated by the audience.There was a large attendance atyesterday'S meeting and much in­terest manifested. Twenty newmembers were received into theclub. Light refreshments wereserved after the program. Here­after the club will meet on Mondayafternoons at 4 o'clock, instead ofWednesdays.CHAS. E. WAY271 East Fifty-seventh St.TOBACCONISTCigars, Cigarettes, Sporting GoodsBilliards and PoolTurkis. Smoking RDlmIn connsLtio .l.Different and Indifferent• �� There are many "iff�r�nlkinds of cereal foods, andsome people are in"iff�rml toall kinds.However, not many peopleare indifferml to the crisp deli­ciousness of•• Tlu Food wi'}' a Flavor"Try it"At the Commons" I MAJORS .aDd MUII''':;1Steward Logan, 'OS, of Chicago, ispledged to Beta Theta Pi.Mr. Louis Taylor of Sioux Crty is visit­ing his brother Orville Taylor, 'OS.Cooper Waller of Dubuque, Ia., ispledged to l'hi Kappa' Psi.Burpee Thompson of Wichita, Kas., ispledged to Alpha Tau Omega,Miss Edna Yondorf, '07, has returnedto college.Miss Loretta Toner, '00, and !\Iiss EthelSherwood, '00, are spending the winterquarter at Stetson Universitv.The new divinity class in "The Historyof the Disciples" met today for the tirsttime in Haskelt JG.Mary McElroy bas returned to the Uui­versity after an absence of several quar-terseMrs. Frank A. Vanderfip of New YorkCity, formerly Narcissa Cox, was at theUniversity this morning.The Divinity Students' prayer meetingwas held in Haskell Assembly room todayat IO::)(). The prayer meetings are opento all divinity students.Ralph 1\1. r\shby left Chicago yesterdayevening for Summitsville, Indiana, wherehe bas been appointed manager of theIndiana National Gas and Fuel Co.Mr. Frank W. DeWolf, '00, now withthe U. S. Theological Survey at Washing­ton, D. C., was married Dec. 26. 1904, toMiss Fanny Davis of Windsor Park.N. C. Rogers has returned from NewYork where he attended the conventionof the Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity at" the New Amsterdam Hotel.Prof. Frank i4'. "Abbott of the depart­, ment of Latin, is temporarily disabled bytrouble with his eyes, and Dr. Bechtel is" meeting his classes in his place.The smoker and club meeting' for thediscussion of the proposed amendmentsto the constitution of the Reynolds clubscheduled for tomorrow night has beenindefinitely postponed.On next Monday, Jan. 9th; the gymna­" sium floor will be in use for the first time. this quarter. With the exception of the,natatorium and the locker room the.whole gymnasium has been closed.A number of Student Volunteers forForeign Missions met yesterday at fouro'clock in Haskell 28. "These meetingsare held each week. and all "universityvolunteers are requested to attend.John Smale. '�, was on the campus"yesterday. He made an appointment to8ee President Harper 'about securing theuniversity buildings for -the use of thenational convention of the Brotherhoodof St. Andrew next September.The Senior Council has charge of theWashington Promenade and it is expect­ed that the committees will be electedearly in the week. It is understood thatthe date for the dance will be decidedupon at the next meeting of the councilto take place next Monday.The regular monthly service under theauspices of the Brotherhood of St. An­drew will be held in the Church of theRedeemer. 56th and Washington avenue,next Sunday evening at 7:a>. The Rev.Prank DuMoulin, Rector of S1. Peter'sChurch, Chicago, will preach. All stu­dents are cordially inn ted.We want 70Gr name OD the n�tiOD II. of Tbe DalI7 MaJocaTo RENT-Large, well furnished roomin modem apartment. All conveniences.One or two students. trl3.1Greenwood Ave.3rd Flat.We now have on sale ournew Holiday Stationery rang­ing in price from 25 cents to.$1. 50 per box, come earlyand get first choice. We alsohave a fine assortment ofChristmas Cards, Calendars,Books, Dolls and Toys.B B DILLER Suecesscr to "• • ,w. H. BILLINGS4.1 Slzt7.thlrd Street GARRICKLast week. Don't fail to seeJefferson De Angelis Co.-in-F.nt.n.Sam s. Shubert's Musical Offering.Next Sunday-Return of the Favorite, The VirginianSeats on Sale Thursday.SRAND OPERA HOUSELast TimesMatinee Wednesday Popular PricesEvenings at 8:15. Last Matinee SaturdayOUs Skinnerin "THE HARVESTER!'Next Monday Evening,Mr. Richard MansfieldLA SALLEMatinP.e Today"You Cannot Go Astray"His Highness The leyBy Going to Thi:l Play.Best Musical Comedy in Town.COUSEUMDaily at 2:.�-8:00The loer War"Tomorrow Night, Jan. 6Wrestling Match between John J. Rooneyanu Capt. P. J. Visser (Boer).No Extra Charges.Direction of Col. Frank E. FillisPopular Prices, 25c to $1. Box Stoats $1.50This week, Mats. only. Children, lOeReserved Seats, Lyon &.Healy.STUDEBAKERTo-night. Last Matinee Saturday!Last Four Times.The Gorgeous Musical Success,A Country GirlOriginal Cast and Production.Next Monday, January "THE PERLEY c)PERA CO .• in theGirl and The IMdltSeats Now on SalePOWERS'Matinee Tomorrow Special Prices.DANIEL FROHMAN PresentsCecilia �in the Serio-Comic GovernessPrices-flOc, 75c, 11.00 and JI.50.Next l\Ionday-5eat Sale Thursday.Charles Frohman PresentsAnnie Russellin "Brother Jacques."HYDE I lEHMANMatinee Every DayAnnie IrishSam Collins Princess Trixie.Marco Twins. World's Trio.Ceo. C. Davis. Trolley Trio.Harry Brown. Scott Troupe •Met. Br. Ope Quartette.•STElIWAY HALL17 Van Buren St.Week Commencing Jan. 9th, Mat. Sat. U.RUDOI .. PH D. AGNES & CO.Presenting 15 featnres of Morality PlayEvery •• nA 11 Seats Reserved. Prices, 11.50,,1.00 and 7ic.A Side StudyWe teach you to get well and keepwell, by tbe aid of Pure Drugs,Sanitary Soda, and UnadulteratedCandies. . At your service,� KIDDER o LEWIS �13 JackM>n Blvd �I;th and Indiana St.NEWCO LAR