Th D "·1' M. ..: .- .. �� .. .e U��!�1.'�� y a roo nPublished AfternooDsl1'�ile e.tudents of the University of Chicago During the Four Quarter. of the Univenity YearVOL. II. No. WO. PRICE Two CENTSCHICAGO, FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1�04BOON FOR THE CRIMSON . TEAM HAS SPIRIT OF CONFIDENCE CONVOCATION PROGRAMsity without presenting the custom­ary class gift. The class thinks ,of witl1essit_Ig. The pick of westernthat it has not received proper athletes will struggle for honorstreatment at � the.hauds of the Iac- and records. T,hat records will goulty, �nci proposes io�e'T;�rbe"scor�" ' is a fore�t'll1e conclusiorr, �tl'll-it .i�by interrupting one of the strong- also certam that the smashing willest traditions of the faculty. The occur in many events.particular grievance is the refusal Michigan and Chicago are sched-by the faculty to release the mern- uled to fight the greatest track duelhers of the class from final examiu- in the history of western athletics. Iti Wisconsin, Stanford and the other.a Ions. colleges entered are, eager to des­A new Sophomore Class Honor-troy the expectations of the twoary Society has been established at leaders.Northwestern University by four-teen members of the class of 1 H07 . IThe new organization is known asLambda Alpha Pi, and is formed'ostensibly for the purpose of pro-.meting good fellowship among the'fraternities of the college throughthe' binding together of men earlyin their college career. It is alsorumored that one of its objects isto mix in class and university pol i- ,tics, exerting its influence to pre­vent 'undignified squabhliug foroffice.Plans' for a Dam on the CharlesRiver Approved by theWar Department.Northwestern Senior Class Threaten toGraduate Without Leaving ClassMemorialHarvard's rowing interests haverecently received a great encour­agement through the approval bythe War Department of-the plansfor the proposed Charles RiverDam. The construct ir n of t h!sdam will he of great value to theHarvard crews since it will givethem a stretch of water which willbe always level, and relieve themfrom the present necessity of row­ing in narrow channels and combat­ing tides. The suggestion for thebuilding of a dam was first made in185H, and since then the project hasheen constantly agitated by Harv­ard' men. The total cost of theproposed irn provemen ts is est i matedat from $2,500,000 to $3,000,000.It is expected that active work willbe commenced by August 1, butfromthree to five years will be re­quired for the completion of theundertaking.The senior class of Northwesternhas threatened to leave the Univer-. .The subject decided upon byMichigan and Northwesterit fortheir debate next year is "Resolved,That corporations doing inter-statebusiness should ,be compelled to in­corporate under a national law;granted that such law would beconstitutional.' ,Cap and Gown Sales LargeThe sales of the Cap and G07tJllhave still increased, and the busi­ness managers announced todaythat the book would be taken offsale in Cobb Hall next Tuesday.The unusual sale is largely on ac­count of the excellent art featuresof the book. Business managerRiley said this morning that all sub­scribers should call for their hooksbefore they are taken off sale. Sev­eral have not yet done so. Chicago's Conference Meet track that Chicago's chance would be ateam "get inspiration" ft:om a big large factor in determining the out­mass-meeting in Kent Theatre this come. Dr. Merriam cheerfullymorning. predicted better things than a "lastTwo members of the faculty ex- ditch fight" aud hoped to win.pressed their conviction in the "Pat" Henry was next called onmass-meeting that Chicago could for a speech and said that, in hiswin the Conference Meet. Five belief, the present team is materi­track athletes, representing the ally stronger than last year's teamspirit of the whole team, declared ",' which gave Micliigan such a closethat they would fight to the last rub. Hugo Friend declared thatditch to land t he cup for Chicago. "moral" victories wert becomingCaptain Clyde Blair could not at- tiresome and said it "was time for atend the meeting. He was out on genuine victory. "I have figuredthe field with Professor Stagg work- anywhere from a tie to a margin ofing to get into condition again ten points in favor of Chicago," heafter his illness. said. Cahill, Rice and Parry fol-"Chicago has a mighty good lowed with short speeches, express-'chance to win tomorrow. \Ve are ing strong hopes of a victory forcertain of second place and a little the Maroon. Then the track teamshifting of the' 'dope" will give us lined up 011 the platform, while athe victory. In such terms as these succession of inspiring "locomo­Dr. Shepardson, who presided at tives" were given to show themthe meeting, assured the students the sentiment of the students.READY FOR CONFERENCE ,E L E C TED TO BLACKFRIARSNames of Men Who Made the "First 'Seven" Are Given Out - FurtherElections LaterThe first elections to member­ship in The Blackfriars were heldyesterday. Men are elected to thealready famous opera club in groupsof sevens day ny day iintir the en-,.tire li�.t of membership is made up. :I ,cl'he"!,t!ven liie111bere.elected each dayhave the priviiege of voting on' the'nominees brought up at the suc­ceeding 'elections.The men who made the "firstseven" are:Harold Higgins Swift.J. Howard Dennec1y.O. Arthur Bruce.Arthur Gibbon Bovee.Ridley Harris Allen.Edwin D. F. Butterfield.George Martin.The annual initiation banquetwill be held at the Hotel Del PradoWednesday evening, June 8.Chicago on Edge and Ready for GreatBattle for Championship -Michigan inGreat Form =Otner Colleges PresentThe con Ference meet tomorrowwill be the greatest athletic meetthe West has ever had the chanceEvery person who will be so for­tunate as to see the great hundredyard dash, and the 220 will betreated to a struggle bet ween thepremier men in these events. Rice,Blair and Hahn have old scores toCambridge University Professor Tells of"Greater Chicago"The prediction of the high placethe University of Chicago will oc­cupy among the world's institu­tions of learning was made yester­day by Dr. H. T. Bovey of Cam­bridge university after a visit to theUniversity."I fear for the future of Cam­bridge and Oxford, of Yale andHarvard," he said, "If the Univer­sity of Chicago continues to growas it has grown during the past fewyears, it appears to me that itwill be the great college of theworld within the next twenty-fiveyears. No institution has a betterchance. 'In ten years I shall ex­pect to find the University twice asbig and twice as famous as it is to­day."Dr. Bovey was accompauied byProf. Peterson of McGill university,Montreal. While at the Universityhe was entertained by ProfessorGeorge E: Locke.settle and tomorrow is the final'reckoning, Rice has defeated themhoth but his opponents are gameand will run their greatest races UNIVERSITY'S FUTUR,E IS BRIGHTtomorrow,In the SSO Cahill and Hall willmeet again, Tn all their othermeetings Hall has won by inches.Cahill is now in the h<:st shape hehas ever heen in, If he cannot winthen Hall is the greatest tltlO man inthe West. In the mile Chicago hasLyon who has shown class. He isgame and will fight to the finish.In the hurdles Callin looks farthe better of the other entries. Heis also ill good shape and will goafter a record. The difficulty is topick seconds in the hurdles, Friend,Stewart and Shicler are all goodmen and about itl the same class.Chicago's chances are brigh t,Michigan of course has a wonder inRose, but there is a good chance for·Chicago,.Ora 1'. Fell has been pledgedSigma Nu.Miss Medora Googins and MissHelen Nelson are pledged to Sigma. Exercises of Fifty-First Commence­ment Begin Next Tuesday. MorningWeek of Dramatics, Alumni Reunions,Athletics and Class Ob­servancesThe exercises of the Fifty-thirdconvocation begin next Tuesdaymorning, June 7. The completeprogram follows:.TUNIi! 7, 'J'UESDAY.10 :30 11. ill. Senior College ClassExerelses,The Ohape1, t)oll1, Lee/lire H,I11.a :4li p. Ill, BIIHI' Bnll, Ohleugo '1','1.JIIillOiR,Murslwlt li'ield..TUNE 0, 'l'nuHSDA,Y.4 :00 p. m, 'l'he Annual BusinessMeeting of the Bctn of Illinois Chap­ter of Phi Beta Knppn,Jl askel! Orten 1(11. M ''''/cIIIII, OlHlfll'llfl"­lion Hall.S:OO p, m. 'rite .l unior UolIl'gl!li'inuls ill Puhll« �1)(,lIld'llg.,f Kent. ,}'h('l\ll'".1UNE ,]0; ]t'IIWAY, .luxrou UOJ.T,IWg��i:.� .8 :,:10. 11. Ill. .TII II lor ])ny Athlot ics.1\(nI'Hhlll l.!'iel<1.'l'he ',Inter-f,·nte.'nily l\J4'et; theInter-house Meet ; 'l',·oph.y KXI'I'cis(\l'l.]2:00 Ill. lv,\' It:x(\.'c!l.;I'S, I,'y Oru­t.ion b.Y C. AU'I'1l uu Hnucie.1�(/.1f) N rlu) II I..2:00 p. m, Drnmutlcs, II 11 Ii or timIl11HllieCS of 'the Uni\'I'I'sity or Chh'lIlt0Drnmutic Olub.'I'h« Leon lI/llllllel .'t.�HClIIlJlll Hull,4:00 p. Ill. Bllse RnJl, Ohiengo '1,18.Illinois. Mm'Hlwll It'; ('11/,,8 .ao l�. 111. �r)m' Junlor' 1'I'On)(�IUlt.)t!.,�L'11C 11'1'11111,; J)'ick;IIlWIt lturtleit 0/1","-11(1l�illm., _,Jl,:;w_.��l.-,·JIl.'." Hdlunl� of, N(llll:flt:luJlIt�xercIHeH. , ....... '"_,... -_ ............... ,--- _'BIII1II(HlS lJlfti!1O Hull.1):00 p. m.-6 :00 1). m, Receptionto the F'rlenda of the CIllliS � of JOO-1:'Eunnon« AZrJiu'c tun:.TUNE 11, SA'l'UnUAY. 'j\LUMii:DAY.12 ::30 p. m. I4uIlchoon ���n'by fhoChicngo Alumnae 'Ch�bJiAU1,e WOIIW.'tGrrulnntes of the ChLqS.�f 1!}D.J..�/'''(J Qtia�rlWfllo atull.2:00 p. m. Annual Business Meet­ing of the Alumni. Reception of theOlnss of 11)04 into the Assoelntlon.Address of Woelcome.Response on behalf oC the Oluss,AIl'I'HUH ]i)'. I .. onn, '04.'l'/to Leon Mandel ,1stwmbly IlIIIl.3:00 p. m. Olnss Reunions,Commlttee : Ainsworth 'V. Olark,'01), Ohnlrman ; 'V. r. Anderson, 'OU,.T ohn Ii}. 'Yebb, '01), 1\Iury B. PU1'tlee,, '1)0 .. Gertrnde P. Dinges, 'IN, Lydiu A.Dexter, '84, Homer .T. 0111"', '7n'ChllL'les '..r. Otis. '74.Ohiss of 18HU. Jf�t1Wlll·tl l.!\ Sterns,Chulrmnn, ,P"'i1Jale D ill iu!) Room,lIutcllilHwn 001ll11101t8.ClUBS of 1874. Ohnrlea �'. Otis,Chn irman, ou» Room, 'J'Jtjnl j,'lool',RCYllollis Olub II 01180.Cluss of 1870. HOIlICl' J. 'Cn1'1',ClllliJ'man, Alll1ll1li Room, AfUcl1C1l�'OlVC1·.Clnss of 1884. I�ydill A. Dexter,Chairman, Olub Room, SccmltZ Floor,Ucynolds Olu'6 ]lou8e.Clnss of 1804. Get·truc1e P. Din.gee,Chairman, 'l'/teall'c, �'''iJ'(1 Floor, RCII,nolds Olub JIou8e.Clnss of 1805. John. I...e!\(ny, Chait··mnn, Oafo, lI1dc/titlHo1t Oommoll8.Cluss of 1890, .T <?scph E. HnycrQft,Ohairman, Kent 'l'hcate1'.Clnss of 1807. GilbCl,t A. BiiRs,Chairman, Dilliufl Room, /11ltcltiltSOI£OOm1ll011s.Clnss of 181)8. .Tohn F. Hngey,Chail'man, Rec('jll itm 11 ail, RC'IIJ1oltl'lUlub l/ OW10.Class of 18nn, W. Fl'ance Andet·­son, Chah'man, �/'lw I .. COlt Malldel ... lH-8cmbly ][all.Oluss of ]1)00. J[owat·cl P. Kit·tley,Chah'man, Billiard RoolII, ReYljoltlHOluiJ I/ouse.Cluss of 1901. A.·thul' E. BestorLCoqtinued on Page 4 Column :2LAST ORGAN RECITAL GIVENCHICAGO, FRIDAY}, JUNIt 3, 1904ttb,e 1f)afI�, mat:oonFormerly the Uninnity of Chic.lro Weeki,.roUNDItDThe Unlverlit,,_ of Chic.lro Weeki" OcL'I�·189.1Ts. DAILY MAROON. • • - • OcL _,190.1Ni!:WS CONTRllJUT10NS REQUESTED.Entered as lecond-clau mail at Chlcallo Post-, , office.Uaily_ Subscrjption, $3 per year; $1 for 3 mos. jBy Mail in City $4 per year; $1.25 for 3 mos. 'Subscriptionl received at THm MAROONOffice, Ellis Hall, or Jeft in THill MAROON,Box, the Faculty Exchanlle, Cobb Hall. 'meet approaches, the "dope" onthe outcome is more and more infavor of Michigan. Chi­cago is co n c e d e d a,Can Win chance for second place.ChicagoAnd yet. to onefamiliarwith the history of western athlet­ics, the conditions to-day are strik­ingly 'like those before the bigmeet last year-and last year Chi­cago upset all calculations by fighting it out with the Maize and Blueto the very last event.Chicago is not beaten yet! Ittakes more than newspaper storiesand pre-meet' 'dope" to win points.No meet has ever been won because'the wise ones were on hand withtheir predictions. Meets are wonbecause the men come to -the mark'in condition and determined :to find:an extra ounce' of strength' a yard Ifrom the tape.Michigan has not won yet. 'Re­versals of form come' to the bestteam as well as to the-poorest, andsuch reversals will come to Michi-,·gan if. to anyone.' "THE P;\,ILY.,M�RPON says to-daywhat it said a year' ago: "Michi­gun has not a monopoly on courageand grit. We can win and we canlose just as g�al,dl,y as Michigancan. We have just as much luckas Michigan has. We can stick itout just as long as Michigan can.Chicago has a good fighting chanceto win the conference meet.The thing for Chicago to do is togo to the meet not with hopes alonebut with faith; with faith that themen OIl the field are there for ap�rp?se and that purpose is not toget second, hut first. And thething for these athletes to do is tofight, fig-ht, fight, and so, fighting:still, to take the fortunes of war asChicago men can. Mr. Jones and Mr. Seeboeck EntertainLarge Gathering in Mandel. - . '•.The last of the series of recitalsin Mandel Hall was held yesterdaysitions.Settlement Association MeetingThe Settlement Association willhold its .regular meeting Monday,June 0, at 2 o'clock in the Associ­ation Office 1 A Cobb Hal), 'Pro­gram; Discussion of work duringlast quarter and plans for the sum­mer. All members are urged bythe Executive Committee to' presentwith reports,Cbt [anat SbOtFOR ,FASTIDIOUS FOLKSDESIGNED BY YOUNG MENFOR YOUNG MEN'S WBAR149 Dearborn StreetTRIBUNE � ,� I L DIN 0It's a FOWNES'rhat's all you needto know about a gloveSUMMER WORKFor the Tabard Inn Library. J,ive. ent husinst iccollege man \Va,nted to or��nize clubs 1l!ld es­tahlish sub-statlous of the 1 abard t nn ),Ihraryin IOWIl, Minnesota, Wi-;consin, Illinois, l ndi­ana, l\1ichi�all and Ohio, J�i"e JJelltlJtr,�/tip �WI/l$1.5U, Unique piau, ,1,lberal COIIIIIIISs..IO�I:Reference aud bond required. BOOKI,OV}<,R:-;LIBRARY, �40 Michigan Avenue, Chicago,Illinois College of Law30 I E .• E.rie St., ChicagoSummer School opens June 13. Regu-111· Session September Gth. Annualreglatrution �JOO students; no S�'(!nEN1'SPARS 11.1.1 NO I !':! !JAIt EXAM lNA'I'JON EA�UYEAR. LARGES1' JNDEPENJ)"�N'I' LAWSCHoar .. ,lN 1'HE 'YES'!'. Large I!'aculty,goo a liul'fll'Y IlJld college ullilding. Totalexpenses need not exceed ,$:�OO fOI' the�'elll'. WI'ite the De-tlll� HOWAHD N.O(mEN, Pll.D., LLD., :101 JU. IUI'ie St.,Chicngo.Pal'tilll Seholul'ships open to Gl'uduatel:lof Colleges anu Higb Schools, "Don't trifle with'your face.') lTseWi 11 i a 111 s ' ShavingStick.--------T-a-m-b-o-u-r-i-n-eSpells.Faultless Perfection inEgyptianCigarettesTelephone Hyde Park .8A. McAdamsTHE UNIVERSITY FLORISTGREENHOUSES: CHICAGOc •. S3d at. aad Kimbarlc ave.LOSER & uANSON"·TAILORS·175 DEARBORN ST.CHICAGO.A Typical College Manis at once recognized by the distinctand faultless cut of his clothesWe are Tailors forCollege Men •••••MUSSEV'SBilliard Halls and Bowling AlleysThe Largest and Finest AmusementResort in the World100 to 108 Madison StreetBranch: £11£1 Davis St.. EvanstonChicago-Kent College'of LawMembers of Association ofAmericun Luw SchoolslION. THOMAS A. MORAN, LL. D., DeanPrepares for admission to Bar ill all theStates. Three years course leading todegree of LL. D. Sessions each week­day and evening.For catalogue address the secretaryEJ.�l\IER E. B!\RRET'l', LL. D.708 Title and Trust Building, C hicagSeniorJuniorSophomore or Freshman-first day atschool or lust, you ure J list UI:! Hable toaectdeut unu !:1 J ust us gl·ent need otPoud's Extruct-/he old /mnily doc/or-torelieve you, 'I'Iiere ure muny HI!:! thatyield llke mug lo to it!:! healing Inrlu­ence, For 0"8l' tiO years It has been theleading remedy III tho old Iurnf ly medi­cine chelt-"tlrst aid" 111 ull ernargen­clea. At college or school, us well as10 the home, it 18 eouuted a. necesstty,I:;oothes a nd fresheus the ruee uttershaving. H vou nuve never usedPood's J�xtrnct you may IIOt refuse'Vatered Witch Hazel when ILls ott"eredyou us u au batf tu te ; it����� you huve used Pond's• Ex truct you wni reruseto tu ke a 1111 SUU!:Iti tu te­YOU will IUHI!:Itoll POilU'Si!:xtl'Uct: 1<'or ullrllll,cuts, bruises, to I:Itol)bleeding anddrlvo awaypuills {llld uches, it Is al:Iootlllllg". heulluL{ rem-IR��!Y'#.I edy, easy o( upplloutlonand 0. positive cure.Suld o7llv in Jl'lIlpd /Jot·tl!!$ ulld�I' buff wrapper._CCE" NO SUBSTITUTE. , A '101 " S E 101 E Ni T � ISTUDEBAKER, ,Popul,ur Matinee WednesdayHenry W. Savage The Sho - Gunoffers ;A New Korean Cornie OperaL A SALLE... )" ,,-.'The Royal ChefMat, 'l'lIes(la)�, Thursday, ��tUl:.da,ro W' 'E R-' 5'Matinees, 'Wed. aihr'Sat.MR. LAWRENCE D'ORSAY,The EARL "of �A.WTY,GKETGREA T' NO'R'�HE�NMats. Wed. and Sat. 25c & soc"FHIU> J<:. 'VRIOH"f'S"': . --,Y OHl{ STATE' ,POLKSp.- -..-;--QRAND '�����'WIZAR,D �F .. ,02w r-r u &lO,N'rUO�(J� HY ,<!,-N 0 ;-;TONr�:'225 Dearborn Street Suite 801-802 'Telephone 4523 HanilOOBORDEN'SCONDENSED MILK, FLUID MILK,CREAM, AND BUTTERMILK. "ALL BOTTLED -IN TilE COUNTRYBORDEN'S 'CONDENSED MILK ,c'o.e27-033 E. FORTY-SEVENTH ST.W H�' use poor, unWholeldme, mllk" • I for the same Dlo�ey you' can f:,ct ,itPuro, Sweet, and Extraor.l­•• rlly Rich, delivered in sealed bottles, by,callin, u,Telepho_ne. South 8r7, or �rop})lnr a ,post�1 �. ,ISIDNEY WANZ'E� � .�9N�305 Thirtieth' st. "'I�eena·n;· ; .,Florist ,,' .: ��) �6112 Wentworth Ave. Phone. Went. 36341l E. Sixty-third st. P,90ne, H. p .. , 5462FRESH CUT rrowaas. SEEDS, PLANTSand,BULBS,Gold Fiah and Aquaria SUPIlU!,.s�'Want The "Eartli?For twenty-five cents we will mail -you, for one year, a monthly il::;lustruterl puhlicatiou of sixteenpages devoted to the industries,climate, life and present oppor­tuuities of the Great Southwest.Sample copy mailed upon re­quest. You'll want it wheu Y9usee it. Address,THE EARTHlIlA Railway Exchange CHICAGOMUS 1,0For all Instruments andall Voices. Special Ca­talogues free 011 applica­tiou. Usual discount, , Ifw. H. WILLIS & CO:.Successors to The John Church(. o's R�/ai/ iI/llsie Busil1esS.",� .: J248 WABASH AVENUEL. MAN ASS E,· ,Q.PTJCIAN88 Madison St., Tribune BulldlnJr'peetael .. and Byeglall.1 ScteDtUlcally Adjuste.Eyel Tested FreeEvery thin, OpticalMatliematJcalMetereolorical,andfor the Lanterniat,Kodak" Camerasa.4 SuppU .... 'J�stnlllbslied 1870. Incol'porated i888.The Credit Guide Co,7th Floor, Fort Dearborn Bldg;134 MONROE STREETChicago.Coww'erclal Reportl. . 00llectio.u...]Edited by J. E. Sullivan,Secv-Treus., A. A. U.The only publication In the country containing allauthentic athletic records. This book contains over�oo pa�e!l of athletic information, and is profuselylIIustrat,.d with numerous portraits of leading athletesand athletic teams. Price, 10 cents.A.. G. SPALDING & BROS.Sond for illustrated catalog 0 f athletic goods. • RECEIVE DEGREES WITH HONORSCHICAGO, FRIDAY, JUNE H, 1904----------- -------.------.. Waiting for you."Our Spring Woolensselected especially forCollege Men.1Tailor for Vounl( MenA. N. jerreuis, I\fgr. I�'IHHI r,a Salle st.IIYDB PARK AND CalCAGO BBACa STABLBIJ. H. KINTZ('IO'RI.TOI)Jackson Park Stables273 Baat Fifty.S,ventb StreetTel"HydeParkss� CHICAQ.NEWCOLLARUniversity Barber ShopEVERYTlIrNG NEW3 chairs 3 high-class barbersNo tedious wait. Ex ce l le nt se r vice.409-S7th Street, - near Kimbark Avenuenext door .10 Kern's LOUIS MEYER, Prop.University of IllinoisE. C. MOORE:jflOtifJt132 East Forty-Ninth StreetTelephone Oakland J49S271 East Fifty-Fifth StreetTelephone Hyde Park 38\VILCOX & V\l·ICK(Formerly with l\I. J. Coffey)Fashionable TailorsFORFastidious Dressers"Good fit, style and quality" is ourmotto, Our prices are very reason­able. We invite your inspection ofour spring patterns. .ROOM 72, 119 DEARBORN ST.C. A. LAMPERTVIOLI N 1STMember of the Chicago Orchestra.Pupils and engagements accepted.Address: 3433 Wabash Avenue.1804 EDITION NOW READYSpalding'sOfficialAthleticAlmanacA. 7. CORNELLMerchantTat/orO..u CAicago Sfo�� Exdan� Bld/dinrW'"/U'''¥/D'' alld LaS"l/, SII.MarquetteBulldlngMen'sWearDearborn Street fruttrnlty Stationery, Invlkltlons. etc.loWllst Jlrlces DUNWELl &: fOND, nne Skltioners171 WABASH AVE.Miss Jessie B, Allen Writes" Psychologyof a Guinea Pig""The Psychology of a GuineaPig" is the name of a paper t h a trepresents three years of hard workand has earned its author, MissJessie B, Allen, a student of neurol­ogy, the highest degree off'crercdill the Uuiversity. As the result ofher labors 1\1 iss Allen will receivethe degree of doctor of ph i losophyat the coming convocat ion with thehonor of /JI(f.�·lItl (II/II !tI/lt!t:.The contrihution made to scienceby Miss Alien's thesis lies ill thed iscovery that the nervous systein ,of a newly born g"ui11'>u pig' is fullymedullated. "T 111ud ' e x per iment sto discover whether or 110t 1!J·'g uineu pigs hall Ful ly dc-v 'lopedmetuor ivs a ml other Incult ics at theag'c of one day", said Miss /\111.'11yesterday. "T discovered that suchwas the case."Miss Allen hegan her e x pcr'i­meuts ill the ueurological depart­ment of the University of Chicagomedical school t hrcc years ngo.She received the degree of A. B.[r0111 the University of \Vashi11gtoni 11 ] �� H I all cl a 11 A. 1\ r. Iro 111 t h csrune institution i11 1 �IOl.The Sociologicnl Clu h will holdall Opl'11 meet illg' ill Cobh Chapel011 Moudny l'\'l'l1il1g at � o'clock.'1' h c s u h jed will Ill': "'J' 11<: R vln t i 0 11of the Uuivcrsitv of Ch ir-uvo to theCity of Chic:lgZ)." TIll' :pl'akcrswill he Hou . Clarence �. J iarrowund Miss i\1:ll-g-nret I lulcy , sccrc­t ary of the Teachers'. Fcdcrn t iou.A ge11eral iuvitnt ion is e xteudcd tothe uuiversit y puhli '.8",b: .. eribers are re oue, .. ted to settle'nJl ttiei»: tmlnw1';ptio'/l, accousu with, lie lJA 1 L I' ALA BOON bef'or« t.h.c u·flO a'll'((,1/ 1'01' I li» �'I{ III nter ,Ice Cream, Ices or Frappe Iurn ished 011short notice. WILSON, :IU2 ":. {j:Jrd S'.,Phone Hyde Park (i05':!.The place for Ice Cream Soda. t lui­versity Phurumcy , !)[)lh Sl. ruu l InglesideAvenue,STUI>IO J"OP S'J'lIDI';N'l'SMnrtyns Mnroon Studio57u5 Collage (�I"O\'e A venue'I'lle fULlIUUS 'I'n llurlng Co.VAW�I'I'Y 'I'AILOH.Drop ill to see Fuuious about that newsu lt,NEWBERGER & lHWRO\'Y, Props.� .. ro l�. uritl1 St.Phone 1 Jyde PUl'k moo.Wm, H. Sage & Oo., reliuhle druggist»COl'IIel' Woodlawn Avenue uud li'ifty-lifthstreet. Sole agent ill l Iyde L'n rk fOl' VI',Cud Koch's New Dlscovery for the cureof Consumption, Coughs, Colds, UIl!! alldiseuses of the 'I'hroat, Chest and Lungs.Guuranteed to cure 01' money refunded.Pi-lee, 50 cents. Tl'ial size 10 cents.If you wunt It position to teach, callon 01' write to Jumes l!'. McCullough,Han It'ine Arts ltu ilding, Chicago.ARROW COLLAR16 CENTS, 2 fOR 25 CENTSCLUETT, PEABODY & CO... ... KERB OF CLUETT ... HiI MONARCH 8HIRTSDANCE' PROGRAMS. Evary Puff Makes aPat onTHE LATEST BIG HIT()PE. A. Condax {;J Co.DELTAOF NILECork or Plain Tip Cigarettes10 for 15c.Northwestern University Medical School[CIIICAGO MEDICAl, CUI,I,J';C HlN. S. DAVIS, JR., A. xr., 1\[. D., VennHu i ld i ng s and equipmeut uew. Four Hospitals with ROO beds in uffilintiun. Illspcnsnry treats 1I0,(lnOpn t ie n ts uu nun l ly. The recognized lender in .\tellicol Edllcatiull.Clinical Work. in every year. Ward walk.s for Seniors daily •. For Circular nnd Illrurl11:!lioll.l1dllress I)r, A rthllr R. Hdwnnls.St:c·y,� 1:11 I)ellrhorll "lrl't:t.Chicngo. IIIIf You Want Money can A. LIPMANon 99 East Madison It.0' • D 0"., w� Jewelry. aDd �Dtiques. fot sale. Old Gold and SUnt BoqbtW. T. DELIHANTPresit.1eut M. C. O'DONNELLSecretary ALBERT TEllOTrCa5IUClStandard Washed Coal Company303 Dearborn StreetSTANDARD WASHED COAL FOR DOMESTIC USEStandard Egg.. .. $5.00 per ton Washed Chestnut • $4.50 per;tonWashed Range $5,00 per ton ,Washed Pea .. $4.25 per tonSuito 73 to 7G, Dexter Bldg,Clothes made by us have1 he "Lines" whichappeal to young men. Bishopsu-rc Hat$.300156 stateSt.GEO. H. FfEDLb:R&CO.TAlI,OIUNG :-iI'E'IAI,ISTS) ) Ll arrisuu , (I huues ( Automut ic J ll9�1:!Northwes'tern Un.iversityDental SchoolLocated ill the center of the business section of the Cit«, corner ofLalie and Dearborn StreetsUnexcelled in Facilities and E.quipment for Teaching Modern Dentistry.Operative and Phosthetic Clinic Are Unequalled Anywhert!l.The Clillics are cunlilluous throug-hout lhe year alllI are 'OIlSlHlIlIy supplied withan abllndallce of the grefltest variely of cases for study alld praclice.For Fllrber Particulars A(hlressThe Secretary of the Dental School,Northwestern University BuildingChicago.NORTHWESTERNUNIVtRSITYSCHOOL of LAWForty-sixth Year opens Monday Sep­tember 26, 1904.Illtemlillg stlJdellts of the law \\'illbe inler·s1ed ill the M.\Y HtlJ,I.I�TIN, AI.le of Library Addrehs SECRETARY of LAW SCHOOL,Northwestern University Bldg,Lake and DearboJn Sts. CWCAGO, IJ"L.CHICAQ.O, FRIDAV, JUNE 3,1904Here is a Curefor that "t ired-wcruinj; � t his-o I (1 - s 11 i t - fee 1-ing.' ,A smashingline of 'IE. M.System" springs nit s smashedto $1,1.Mail orders shipped everywhere onapproval.MOSSLER'S E. M. SYSTEM121 Monroe St., near ClarkrI . ZEISSLADII�S"rAII .. ()l{{) RAS'l' 47'j'1I S'j'nEE'!'NEAR 11.1 •• OU:N'rHAI. STATIONPhone Oakland 2(i9 af'ter 7 p. 111., or SUIl-day Phone (�ray ,IO!UNLINED SUITS from $35.00 upSILK LlNEU SUITS ., 40.00"SKIR.TS " 15.00 "College of,Physi'ciansand ''Surgeonsof ,Chicago(Opposile S_ook Coullly Hospilal)Fall Term Begins October 1st.Four years course. Sludenlspermitted lo specialize ill elec­tives, COll1plekly equtppeclLauoratories,I1nsurpassedclinical advanlages.DR. FRANK B. EAR.LE, Sec'yCong�ess {:J lIonore Streets, Ch lcagoLIBBY'S (Natural Flavor)FOOD PRODUCTStempt the tired palatc with their exquisiteflavor, alld thc dailily ",a}'s in which they scrvcd'Libby's Veal Loaf makes most delightfulIUllcheolls-always ready-easy to SI!J'VC­whoicsollle, appl!lizinR', satisfyint,:',It's only one i)f Libby's Good Thingsto Eat.Jl3l1dsOIll .. lllllstrnted booklet, "Good Thllli!8 toEat," �""t fr..... �ellli live :lc btalll(Js fur Inra,:e AllaJIof the wurld,ln colurb,Libby. McNeill 4- Libby. Chicago. CONVOCATION PROGRAMContinued from Page I Column 4('hnil'fllnll, SUIlIIt Ulul) NOOIII, �ecolldFloor, HCJjllOldN 01110 House.Clnss of ]!lU:.!. Horhort K Fh'Ill-iujr, Chn h-mau, Llbrurtt, UCIllIOZds Olll1)• J/OIl8C.Class of 100::. 'Vnlker U, :Mc-LaIlI'Y, Vhnil'lllnll, A ,'1,'WIII bl/l NOOIII,NJ/('I'.'1011 i,II/JUI'atury.t\ :00 p. Ill. A lumni "Sing."llus/.'cll 8/('1)8,G :-:10 p. Ill. Auuuul Rocoptlou undBanquet. ll nlchlnsun. OOIIlIlI(J/I.'::..JUNE ]2, SUNIIAY. CONVOCA'l'ION SUN­DAY.D:" n, Ill, Bihle Service.Il ankcl! Oriciuut ,1f.IlIWlllII, 00;11 {/I'cya­tiun 11 (Ill.10 :]i) u. 111, �'hc Oonvocntiou) 'rnyer Service.1I11.'1kdl Urlculul MII8CIIIIl, (}ollf,rcy(£-liun. 11 all.·10 :·I!i n. Ill.11 :00 a. Ill. �ehc Pl'oCCRo;ioll.'I'he Con voen tion Re-Iil-\'iollS Rel'vicc.'rile Cum'oen Lion SCI'nH>ll by theH 1,;\'10:11.\ N)) ]'IICWI,:HHOIt l::\HA lU';H MA'I'I[­II:\\'H, n. n,'J'Iw Lcoi» Jllalltld .'h.'lcllibly uou.,L :00 p, Ill, of the ChicagoHelil-\'iolls ]1;Clll<!lItiOtlal Association.Address uy HI':VlmANU lJ'UANK"rAKI':LEY (iUNI:;AUI.UI:i. D. D.�L'IIC Lcun. Mandel It 8,%'1117)1" Hall.,Iu,'I� :1:1, Mo DAY. OLASS DAY.:10 :00 II. III, Itn ising of the 1�.){H:)1'Jag'.A(llll'ess 011 hohn lf of the UniveraityIIv ,lA1I1Io:H llAYIH:N 'I'UI"I'S, Donn ofI'llI' N"tliol' Uolll'l-\'('s; raising of theflag 011 behu lf of tile Class of l!IO·l hy(ILI\''':lt HIIOWN "rYMAN.'l'itc Il'/ltf} l'olc.iu :::0 n, 111. )I'al'cc.'J'ltc [,('OJl Mlllldd :t.'1M'lIIl1ly uou.1� :(10 III. Luncheun of the (J1:1SH of:1!)( ).1.� ::.:0 1', III, J kncll EXl'I'<!iS('s.i\llIsh'.1'I'''SI�III:ll.ioll of tile Hellim' HI'IH'II t.lIll .. (:Iass of ·I!)();', "·ILl.I.\:1IJ: .T. "r A '1'-EIt:\L\ ,Hl'spotls" 011 hC'halC of lh� Clllss of1!)0;;, J<:ttNI':H'I' K (�lIAN'I'J:E]'L.)'I'l'sl'lllaliotl oe Ihc UIlP 11,1111 UOWll10 Ihl' (:tnss of 1!)();i, ]lollo'I'IIY DUN-CAN. ,. Hc'slJ()llse C}ll 'II('lInlf Ol lho Cliiss of]!lO:i, JI;J.IZAIII':'I'J( 1\1. 1\IUNClEH,]'}'I'sC'III:1lioll of Ihe Class <lift: 10IIII' tllli\"'I'sil�'. EI)\\'AIW C. ]·�ICJlEJt.HC'SPflIISC', Till'; I'IIEHIIII'::'I'I' OF THE1 J N 1\'(o:IIHI'I'Y,(�llIss 1 'OPIII, l';,\ItNEH'I' :1. l::\'I'EI'(j ENH.('I:I!'IS IlislclI",\', (:11,\('1'; HEIII>\,.10':1 I'C' \\'1' I I III (�llIss I\'y. lilA 10.( 'HOIT'I'III,:t:S.1":lI'\\'c'lI III ('01111 Iiall, LEO J1'AT,I\:\\'OI:�1 :-;1,;11,.\ 1111:1 i\1:l1 ,'I'.!) :::0 n, III, .JuniOl' ('0 II I'I-\'f' ClflssEX"I'C'iSt's, K('llt 'rheatcl'.Addl'l'sS h�' PItOI"I'::-lSOlt l'AUL HIIOItI�Y,:.! :::0 p. III. 1 )i\'illity :\lllllllllli Mcet­it II-\',/I IIs/.'dl Oril'lI/l1l M 118CIIIII, Ollllf/l'('f}a­IiI)I/. 1I111l.:� :-1;' ]I, Ill. l\[f'('ling with the Pl'csi­clc�lIt of IlC�W 11lC'llIllel'S or 'the Ullh'I'L'sily('lllll-\'l'C�l-\'lIlio'll. �/'llc I'rcsi,lc"l'N Onicc..1 :()O p, III. rJ'he: I{'ol't:,Y-s('('ollll l\r(I(.'t-illg of till' lllli\'I'I'sily n()JII-\'I'('�atioll.1/1181.'1'{ (),.i,'1I/1I1 .111181'11111, ()IIII!//'('!}I1-liol/. illlll.S :00 p, 111. Con('('rl'.'/'1Ie: 1�l'ol/. illlllltid :188(,11111/!1 71 (Ill,!I :O() p, Ill. to ·11 :00 p. Ill, Tile (jon­\'CW:ltioll I:"('('pl iOll,)[II/{'''ii�on lJall.,JUNI': ]·1, II'llESIIAY, CO.!'i\'Ol'NI'I";'Ii I�.\Y.s:, II. III. '1'111' i\1:l11It:illul fclI' ('lIn­dicl:lll's 1'01' Ilil-\'hf'L' ))c'gt'CCR.'I'lle l'rnsitLclIl','1 Jlt';I1'�(?,!) :"d lI, III. II'il's!: 1\[('('(ing of the :\d­\';isc�I',\' ('otlllllil:lel'l of thc'l ])ivillil�yf:;('lIoo1. illlskdt Orielltlll M /1,';;-1'/1111, ('UII!/I'('!lfl/illll 111111,10 :::0 lI, III. 'I Ill' l"ifl,\'-lil'sl lJJli-\'('I'sil,\' ("III\'O('lIl iOll,'-'''III' ) 'I'o('('ssioll.�l'hl' ('Oll\'o('al ion :\(ldl'css, .JOSEPIf1:1-:.\).10:, ,lit., Pl'lIf('SSOI' of Lnw ill Ilnl'­\':II'c1 {'lIh'I'I'sil,\' alld 1)pnll of 11/.· T111\\,Nc,llool ill IIII' Ulli \'('I'siIlY of ('lIi('ago,'rill' ('Ollfl'l'J'illl-\' of j)el-\'l'l'(,s,'1'111' l'I'I'�iell'lll's (}II:1I'I!'I'I,\' Hlalf'-1111'111,I:.! :::0 p, III, 'I'll" tilli\'I'I'sil,Y LI.III1'II-C'oll. lfll/dtiNoll 1/IIIt,., :00 p. III, '1'111'.-\ 111111111 Adell'C'ss h,,-1'111'1' IIII' BI'I:I of Illillois Ch:lptel' of('Iii n,'11I KII(lPII,By "'" It 1'1' JI, l'ngf', of NI'\\, YOl'k(Iii,'" HllhjeH: "'1'he E<lIll'llll'c] 1\11111in 1111 J ll!lllSII'illl J�)'n,"']1111.' L"ull Malltll'! :JI)IH'"dJlII l1ul/. THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE andSTORAGE COMPANY'Phone, Hyde Park 571 KIMBAR.K AVB. Llnd I-IIPTY·.5JXTH ST.The Cleanest and Best Kept Stor4reWarehouse in the CityFurniture and Pianos Moved, Stored, Packed and Shipped to all partl .1the world, JOO Private Storage Rooms. Large Parlor Exclusively forPianos. ',Rooms for Trunks and Wheels, Larg-e Room for Carri.,e ..BU�iie5," and Sleighs, TRUNKS TO AND FROM ALL DBPOTS.Local tra.slera for Haju�aie, Furniture. Packages, etc" at short notice. ',� PP- Special Attention Given to Uninraity Order ..SlImmel' work, Student ngellts wnuted Iorl\lcClllre's Mugnz iue, Large Couuu isslou. Cnshprixes for hest work, EnH\'. Dig'lIifietl, Write1I0W fOI" Iul l part iculnrs. 1�1 Hnsl �lilh Sl., NewYork cltvReaders of THE DAn,\' MAROON whoare interested in a commercial or steno­graphic course will do well to investigatetheMetropolitan Business College,,,15G Wabash Ave., Chicago. 'This is a most excellen t busi ness pre­paratory school uurl enjoys till excellentreputation throughout the Northwest.Students are received at any time.Young men and Women with higl;school educutiou should lit themselves furpractical work by pursuing one of thecourses given at the Metropolitan.Send for i l lustruted prospectus.TheAmerican ConservatoryKll'lfBALL HALL BUILDING.�:In to 2r.3 "'uua,sh Avenu e, Chicago.�L'hc most complete School of Musicand Drumu tic Art ill the 'Vest. Sixtyeminent instructors. 'I'enchers' '1'1'IlillillgDepartment. Uurlvalted free udvuutuges.�llllllllt'l' No 1'llIIlI Session of five weeks,heg inu lng .Iu ne �7 :IlIU ending .1 lily :10,1 !lO-t. Cntn'log mailed Iree..TOlIN .T, lINI"I'S'I'AEO'I'. President.Illinois College of Osteopathy167 Dearborn Street,CIIICAGUTelt:'pholle Ce nt ra l �·II�w. G, Hu m lf n , D. O. Prt's, and 't'reas,\Vrite for 0111' tenllS lojllniur IIledical stlldentsII will illterest YOII,'CHAS, A. 14A \V« ENe .. �.l\1ullal{er ulld ()il'ectol.L AWRENGE ORGHESTRASelect muetc for nilSelect � c cae ton elI10ur Patronagereepectfull\? eoltctte�Residellce5745 Rosalie CourtTel. Hyde Pork loJI7, CHICAH(). O'MEARA BROTH[RS' HOME BAK[RY:(Phone 16,.6 HydePllrk.) .All Ooods Strictly Home-Made �0Ncn takeD for Ice Cream and Ices. Good� delivered218 East Fifty-Fifth StreetStanley H. OkeCash Grocery and narketFine Bakery Qoods414 and 416 E. 6Jrd StreetS. E, Cortler Killlhark A \'e.Telephone Hyde Park 1.JH5TrimandNeat AbovetheFeetare the legs that wearBRI6HTON tL'AAs1> 6ARTERSFOR MEN'fhe garters that FIT-that wl!..AR-tllatI'LBJ.IlK, '1'lIe tUlilOUII Hl'i�lIlulI rllLt C'iuspCfiU't pOlllllbly catch or fl'uy tile c1uUlilll{-l��e��s ���.r�::::�r��IIPjiu��c�re !::� ��':�pure .lIk web wltl! nIckel tl'llIIlIlilllCli tllutcannot I'II.t 01' I'U b. )'I'it'c ollly I!(jl�. ul IitUI't!1Ior b1ll1all. Oot. the" HIlIOWl'ON."J'10NEEK MVl/WENDEJt co.,118 Market l!ltrt!et, Pblhulelph'u.:W"k�r. uf Pluuur HU'pelillcr., "�e want. your name on the subscrip­tion list of 'I'he Duily Maroon., lSummer . Students,come to'Val!i!t1aill�·t()J.1 ParI.: CaCeG057 COllage Grove Avenuefor the hest horne cooking1\ $� ,00 meal ticket for $3,GO-----------DICK HASGolf awl Tennis Supplies,Hasebul l (�oods, CameraSupplies, Stationery andPeriodicals.Night on (he It'all to ,}uckson ParkJ. DICK & CO., 344, E. 63rd Streetrun showing II complete new lineof exclusive huportutlona '.Irom the fashion centers ofLotulou-c-Pm-la+-Ber'lin.My Oustom 1\11lt1e Shirtsn re correct ill every partlcularIGxclusi\'e Patternsr=ARTlIUR S. HYMAN.5 J ncksoii Boul., Chicago.The High Art Shoe StoreA complete line ofStylish and Dependable FootwearFur Me n, Worue n u nd ChildrellAt Cor rect PricesWe Cor.liul ly Invite Inspection71� EAST SlXTY-THIRlJ ST.TYP,EWRITERSONE-HALF PRICESend for our list of special bargains in allmakes of Standard, typewriters. ' Full ,line 01supplies, Machines for rent $2 ,to '3 permoDtb.I(OCKWELL·BAR.NES 'CO.:167-:160 Wabalh Ave.A H:��u�H��D51ft;' .;r ElectrolysIs,Fncinl l\lnssnge, l\lollicurin&, I,odie!!' 11011'Dressillg- IIl1lil\IHlliclIl'ing, l.ntlies' 'J'lIrkiRh ondH.llssiall Balhs, 70 atHl 72 State st., Chicago .OET THE BEST$2 AMES HATS $3Established 1873.61·.63 E. Madison Stred aear L. S.1I0 'IS-4 DearborD StLargest Exclusive lIat Stock inChicago. "Nobby Straw Hats."PRESCRIPTIONSR £ L I A B L £ P H· ARM A C Yo ROSALIE 'PHARMAGY €J. J. GIL L. (jh.mlat and I'IIormIdIlPbone Hyde Park 175 274 E. 57th St •• n_ W ..... A"-II. '1'. McGuire, Prop.�[:\f)I�ON AVI�NUlC PACKING CO.WHOLESALE- ANDRET AIL MAR.KE: TlI:wn �rnl1i8on Avenue. ChIcago.Pholle lIy,lc Park 1322 JM. AHERNFIl\HMILLINERrI'I/(Jllt' If)'de Park 5+63