bill'l\Iy' -:Ier�.l1.•• T'" " The. DailY�\M-a'r"o'O"Publi8hed Aftemoon8 by the Studentll of the University of Chicago During the Four Q�arter8 of the University Year... , :!VOL. II. No. 156. PRICE Two ''CENTS. "An� rCHICAGO, FRIDAY, MAY 27, H}04MAY ENDOW ATHLETICS BLACKFRIARS ON STAGE TONIGHT YEAR BOOK ON TUESDAYBrown University Would Hold AllContests Without Admis-sion Fee•IRECITAL AT TWILIGHT HOURMiss Lucile Russell of Oberlin Conserva-�ory �f Music, to Give Piano ProgramThe' progrom for the Twilight, Hour next Tuesday consists of anorgan recital by Mrs ,Metta M.'Libis, of the Oberlin Conservatoryof Music, assisted by Miss LucileRussell. This will be given in¥at1d�d Hall. Tl�e program is asfollows:1.Preludio ', , BachFantasia ....•• ' .....••••.••..... M osaylPreludio .•....•..........•.... ' ¥Vhilillg'11. Duos, Organ an(l Piano.Ad��o . . . . ... ......•..... Beethoven,Adfgi�, No . .I ..•• . •..•• ',' '••• KalliwodaIII. .' .,.; ... MacDowellClair de LuneGaletae 1Elej.!tra f ...Barcarolle, . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. GyodzkeEtude Melodique.... ... .., ..... RuffIV. Duos, Organ and Piano.C��zon tta H o lIae1ttlet:Adagio No. II .. ,.. . KulluvodaV.RomanCe ' } S hNachtstucke . . . . . . .. ... c 1I11lannPolonaise ....•....••.....••••••. C hopi1�.... , .. Jensen "We were robbed of the gam.eyesterday," said Coach Stagg thismorning. "Parker interfered withthe ball and should have beencalled out. The men played agreat game, only making one error,and not three as the papers statedthis morning."The Score:I'ILINOIS R H PRoberts. cf O 1 0Pitts, 3b .......••..••..•.. O 1 2Rothgeb, 1£ 0 0 2Hill, lb.. . 1 2 7Parker, 2b ..•••.... .,. 1 1 4Pfeffer, p ............•... 0 2 0Taylor, ss ...•............. 0 0 0Broks, rf.. 0 0 0Zangerle, rf......... 0 1 0Byers, c .... , .... " ...•.... 0 1 12 AEo 0o 1o 0o 01 03' 12>0o 0o 03 0>r.h.:te ,w'A'5iirnd9·''0T,[(-e-n:.of,,sh�o-;ta,Ie;lJ.y,ni-l'Y,a�. Fifty be-wigged and be-flounced"artists" stopped long enough in dress .rehearsal of the Blackfriarstheir agitated songs, dances, and comic opera, "The Passingof.Pahli-French Instructor .at Berkeley Says Lan- dialogue to' eat a yery slight lunch- " Khan.' ',,,and the-first act- .. was just Glimpse of Advance. Sheets,. Indlcate�.... .guage Cannot be Taught to Co- eon last night- about 12 o'clock in over. The thoughtful manage- Remarkable·,Work. Teemlag'.Wlta.educational Class Mandel Hall. The luncheon per- ment had provided the luncheon, Interesting Features.fIIIt has been proposed at Brown force was very light, formany 9f and around the sandwich man there The 1904 Cap R_nd .. Oowh, thirty-university to do away. wiUL..aU;ga.te Jhe stage feminines, what with� was grouped,' a motley crowd of two pages larger, .than the 'edition.�, Teceip'fs'at 'athletic "contests "either' -'."straight front's" andv'erect forms' .. -:i'" R'tissi�m peasants, noblemen, pretty of last year, and 'with everything"by the-endowment or subscription had scarcely so much room as girls and policemen. that a college annual ought to have,plan. Tickets for the entire season usual. Down in front the dramatic When the curtain.goes up at 8:15 from "faculty limericks" to "iresh�under the new plan would 'be issued coach l�oked on with a stern eye, tonight the climax of weeks Of d "'11 b tman reams, wt . e out .nexto all of the 'alumni and members .for he was having his troubles. training will be.on. Catchy music Tuesday morning.of the university. Whether the Faculty wives, needle and thread light fooled dancing, and genuine Judging from' the advance sheets" I public should also, be allowed to in hand ready to rush to the rescue humor will hold the stage until the hi 1 t'l' d' it f tl' 1w ic 1 ie e tors 0 ie annua.witness all games free of cost is a of damaged costumes, relaxed their Dean .of Affiliations - but stop! have been' unable to keep secret'. problem 110t yet solved. The pl�n vigilance for a moment. That is a secret. from .n DAILY MAROON reporter,would' still further add to the ' the book is a' greatimprovement 011burdens of the head .coach, as he UMPIRE DEFEATS CHICAGO ANNUAL TOURNAMENT HERE that of auy previous year. Fourwould be expected, to raise.sub lumdred and'sixteeu pagesfs1i"guar-scriptions to support athletics. Illinois Wins Great Game 2 to 1 by Un- Intercollegiate Tennis Matches Scheduled 'al1tee of quantity, and 'the qualityAccording to, a second plan, ath- fair Play-Stagg Says Team Deserved for Campus Courts, May 30--Chica�o's will' speak' for itself. In fact, itletics WOUld. be regularly endowed Game 'Team to be Strong Factor will shout, for the 1904 Cap andand members of the university and One of the.closest and most bril- The annual inter-collegiate ten- Gown may be called a "periodicalthe public alike would be admitted liant games ever played on a college nis tournament. will begin May 30 of protest," and some of the gentle. free to the contests. diamond went to Illinois -yesterday 011 the University courts. Teams .knocks, announced 9Y decidedlySeparate clubs for men and women by the margin of one point 011 an are entered from the following humorous fake heudliues, .mayhave been found necessary by the unfair decision of the umpire.· The schools: Chicago, Michigan, Min- ', <;aus� official wrath and c!�sl��ay. Ileaders .of the University of Califor- fimil score 'was 2 to 1 nesota, Iowa, Illinois, N orthwest- Chief among he iconoclastic fea-. nia French Club. The old organ- After eight innings of almost em University and Armour .Insti- tures of the book may be mentionedization, which was co-educational errorless ball the score was tied,I tute. This year's contest will the mysterious" Aztec Fragments."in a thorough fashion, has been. with a ; run ' chalked "ltp for each .probably decide: who .is to retain faculty . take-offs, andr a series offound worthless. save as a social. ill- team. Then a clever double steal ·,penllan�nt. possession of the cUR,', . pseudo-ads ... Hl\U10rOl}s verse hass�i��tion, .. and Instruc,�or Ma�iusJ .. >��d�t�l� q�e���n.�?l� :,��c.i&io.n;.�i�. ,,)��}��iga�.,n�:din? �:>ut one.poi�t, to: been_iookeci. after-well] ai��·:in"the i'SpmeI1.�.J.;t.�7, :����. t.?_l,t .tb,a.,���,�as;.� j'tlie umplh� scored .Illinois : the win- "'W111' It, and Chicago two P�111t�. � �rlist�, Iine;.' campU,�."car(091�,,: C --:-••••disbanded and a new club, strictly ning run in the last of the ninth. I (For Michigan "it seems ',extr�m!,!ly -unusuallygood. ..' ._�" .for men, started in its place, with a Illinois' carne-to bat, in the ninth probable that Hunt, champion: of. The cover design has been drawnwomen's club,' to be formed as a with the score a tie. ''Hill knocked- .California, will gain the desirefl', 'by Miss 'Bertha Herbert', 'the designseparate organization in a short out a single,' Ellswortb 'hit Parke� point in the singles. . being .of a mystic maze nature, intime. Only by such heroic means, and the two men on bases executed qn the basis of showing made i? ,gold on the regulation maroon back­says Instructor Spinello, can any adoublesteal. Pfefferthenknocked '. matches played this year and a, ground. The half-tones through­French be taught t� ei�her sex. a grounder to Baird, and Hill was fomparison. of the ,,:ork of ?th�r. ,out the book are very good. : Ath-T�e fac�lty of IllInOIS has. und�r caught at the plate. On the next Inter-coll�gtate e�tr�es, Chicago .letic pictures have been featured.'conslde.ratt�n a. plan, wht�h, If play, Parket was rounded between ��ould wm one point 1.n the doubles An innovation has been made onadopted ,WIll give four credits to horne and third. Harper's throw WIth Moorhead and Bingham.. the usual order of things' by scat­the editor-in-chief of the university to Baird was interfered with by Out of five dual tournaments- tering the literary portions In.differ­paper and three credits to the Parker and the ball rolled out in Chicago luis won four, defeating ent places. The literary ;'cont�ntsassistant editor. left field. Newels threw it home Iowa, Northwestern and Purdue, include several short .. �tQri.esJ1}l,)VellThe University of St. Petersburg where Roberts also interfered. U111- and lost one to Michigan. In siilgle known University. fWr�}��:?, ,,�n4 a'has 'been closed pending the settle- pire Tilldilt' (aiied tp observe either matches in these tournaments ('Tropical Extravag�l1z�': .. �n.titledment of the strife among students f 1 d 1 Moorhead has won four and lost "The University' of H. 'aIllboDlo.' ,infraction 0 the ru es an t Ie game .caused by a division of war sym- . d . S one, Bingham ha� won three' and The business iriailag''ers.' are" au-wen t to IllinOIS espt te tagg'sPathy. lost two, Jayne has won four and thority for the stateniellt.' that thepr�test. lost none, Bacon has won two and edition is limited. ..\ ,I •• '.'lost two. All matches in doubleshave been won by Chicago excepttwo with Michigan, and these werelost only by the closest of scores.The besf men entered in siriglesfor t,he inter-collegiate outside. ofCbi'cagof. are: Bailey of Iowa, Leeand St. John, of Michigan, andHatllmond of' Armour' Institute.N one of these should prove danger­ous competitors to either Moorheador Bingham of the Maroon squad.Final� in the singles should lie be­tween Chicago and Michigan.Totals ..•..•......... 2CHICAGO RBezdeK, 2b.. . 0Harper, c 0Snlart, rf .•.•••.........•. 0Paul, ss 0Stillman, If 0Ellsworth, p........ 0Baird, 3b .. , 0Bloomer, lb. .. .. 1Nowells, cf 0 9 27H Po 4o 31 3o 0o 02 0o 02 ]3o 2Totals. . .• . 1 5* 25 16 1�;One out when winning run scored.Chicago .......•••. 0 0 U 0 1 0 0 0 0-:1Illinios 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1-2 All this means that it was the'LAW MEN CHOOSE COUNCILORS9 2AE4 14 0o 03 0o 03 02 0o 0o 0 Exciting Contests Mark Election in Sec­ond and Third .Ye·arsThe second year Law men elect­�d councilors ·this' morning after anexciting contest. The new coun­ci,lors are: Lyle G. Herrick, Wal­ter E. Collins, Earl J. Walker, andFrederick Dickinson. The coun­cilors elected by the. third year menare: Victor S. Kutchin, HenryLample, Oliver LeRoy McCaskill,and' Fred E. Heckel. " Cap. a'�d Gown Managers" 'DeclareAnnual Will be Ready on.. fhat DateSPECIAL'STl1DY OF THE' SUN'!,.. "')·iExpedition from Yerkes Observatoty toMt. Wilson, California ;"With the aid of a grant of $ (0,000f�om the Carnegie Institute for useduring the current year, the YerkesObservatory has sent an ex�di;.tion to Mt. Wilson (3,�86 feet),near Pasadena, California, for thepurpose of making special investi­gations of the SUllo The principalinstrument to be erected on themountain is the Snow horizontal'telescope recenlly constructed inthe instrQment �nd optical shops ofthe Yerkes Observat.ory:The work is to be under the im­mediate direction of Professor Geo.E. Hale, Director of the YerkesObservatory. During his absenceProfessor ·IE. B. Frost will be incharge· of" the Yerkes Observatorywith the tjtle, of Acting Director.Professor Frost will also be manag­ing editor of :the. astro-physical jour­nal. Mr. Ferdinand Ellerman andWalter S.·Adams will be associatedwith Professor Hale in the work atM t. Wilson; . -;:....CHICAGO, FRIDAY, MAY�27, 1904.-----. .--�----�--�--�----------��--��--���--��-�----�------------��---:��------�------{the mat��' Maroon�lIr",eriy �the Univerlity of ChicalEo Weekly... _. ro'DNDm)._ .. .. .. , ..rhe Univerlit,_ of Chicqo .weeki,. Ocf. 1.'1892I HII: �4IE-:r,. ��R�N. • • • • Oct. I, 1902... ";WS-=::CONTRIB�TIOSJ; REQUESTED.PUbliatrcd' hY -the studenl;' of the 'UniversityJf Chil'allo every afternuon. except Saturdayand :-\uIHlay; durihlC .the 41» weeks of the Uni-�t'tllll>, Year, ",:,Firat board of editors and businesa manager'&\Ilborlted by .tudent·bodY' in masa meeuIISHay IS .. ·. '90<1. "'.M�mbej.lh{e on subeequenr boards of editorsto be determined; by � compeijdon open to .11.,udentl in the Univerlity.---"BOARD OF EDITORSttbi:ulging .Editor •••.••• 00iTer B. Wl!Dan, '(,4Newl Editor Harry W. ford, '04Athletic Editor •••••••• Walter L Grelory, 'os':. ASSO'cIATE EDITORS" Erneat 1. Steven., c'04 .I , • ' ''Ralph P.:. Mulvane. 'C)j, &!.dwar" M. Kerwin. '06t:eRoy�·A. VanPatten. �o6 ., Edwar.d �. Gannon. '04, Rile! H. Alaen, 'Q4John S. Wi-isht. '05 ,WOMEN EDI-tORS\Iuis Lena'Harril ',.. Mid,tIelen Smith. 'd6" STAFF OF REPORn:RS- C. McKenna, Rush '05" Artltur Urid�man, 07('haa A. Bruce. '06 Claude Schofield, '07Wm.A.·McDertuid, '07 Will. II. Hatfield, '00..' Bernard I. Bell;i'07Mia Marie Ortmayer, '06liuSINESS STAfFBusines. Manaaet .. , ••...• ": ;Julien L. nroJ�1-.ntered as lecond-clall8 mail ':t Chicago Po�t.oflice. 'I )aily Subscrjptlcn, $3 rer year; $1 (fir 3 moe.tty Mail in City $4, per year; $1.25 (,r J mos.,Subscriptions received at THill MAROONOffice, Ellis .lIall, or left in THE l\IAROONBo�, the Faculty Exchange, Cobb Ball.'-hinted II}' ,Iht' Qllndran�l.e Pres�. 411,� ,E., 55th St.E.n I T'O a;l:A L 5Chicago's baseball situation isfar from hopeless, The Varsity haslost two games to Illitl�is but thisshould; not lead any followers of, .the iea��:l�o rid themselves of, long-sighs �nd expressions regardlng a10�'tcba,n�piQ��'lip. The.1two gamesat Champaign.have bee� so closelycontested that in one extra inningswere required' �nd in the other �margin of one rub, secured in theninth, gave Illinois the victory.There are three games left in thechampionship series and' all are tobe-played/on Marshall Fi�ld. The'fitsfB(Jt1i� .. three is scheduled fort'gtiiot'i��1 �I£ternoon at 3:30. Chi-L' !,jA:,h •• Il-�I.· . . ,Fafio;}}�en ,��vgl materially aid theVarsitiY"l?y'�b�illg present and mani­festingv enthusiasm such as the'haudful' of=students expressed onWednesday.I � 'A'R GOY L E. T. '"I' E S IA request comes from "A Vic­�fm"'. presumably of the "Gargoy-1ette" column, which translated,,reads something' like this:\Ve ilaye dallied, IlOW allclthen,\Vith the festivt: tennis ball.(Though perhaps th s seems too far-fetched to be true. I\Ve have let our claily lessons,Maily times go to the wall,(And we're reu(ly now to het you','e doneit, too,)We know that strong- temptation,To seek frequent recreation,And we've wasted precious hours uponthe hunkers,(Anel siuce it's the !'ame with you,)Show some fel1ow-fe� ling, do!AIH11et up a liltle while on the fluuktrs.1\1.TheJunior College Council passeqa resolution recommending tha� thestrident body be urged to slipportloyally the Junior Prom to begiven June 10th, Junior Day'. Track Men Have Morning WorkSeveral of the track men wereout training this morning. Park­inson ran an easy quarter in :533-5.. He was told not to over- exert him­self, but ran his first 220 in :24 4-5.Kelley ran a half for pace in 2: (43-5. Hugo Friend practiced thebroad jump, and made near twenty­one feet consistently. Some of theathletes from the Stanford Univer­sity were also out, and took lighttraining.Hot faces cooled aridrefreshed. Williams'Shaving Stick.I t's a FOWNES'That's all you needto know about a glove ,I •SA-W-YER54SH WASHINGTON AVE .Halr Dressing, Shampooing, ManIcuring and Facial.Massage.Special prices for courses.Hail' dried with compressed air. Coiffures for balls and parties a specialty.All the appliances and conveniences of the best dOWB town establishmentsWe Teach the Systems Used by themost Expert Reporters i� this Country.A void the So-Called Quick EasySystems. It costs no more to learn thein your own neighborhood.TELEPHONE HYDE PARK 5853.. '.:'The Philbrick Shorthand and Typewriting School6303-7 �roNROE AVENUE,OHICAGO.YOUNG PEOPLE THERE IS MONEY IN THIS FOR YOU.This Scbool is Taught by an Experi· Best. Tb�re is l\Iore Money in It forenced Court and Oonventlon Reporter. you. ', ' ',.Individual Instruction. Graded Speed Stenographers of All Syst�m8 WboClasses. Phrase Writing. Expert Wish More Speed Oan be. ,Greatly. Bene-Instruction. fited Here.The Demand for Good ShorthandWriters Exceeds the Su'pplY. '·We ''feachBook-keeping, Business Oorrespondeneeand Spelling, etc. Day, and . EV,��lngSession. Oall or write us.'.PUBLIC TYPEWRI'l'ING OFFICE IN CONNEq'l'ION.THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE' andSTORAGE" COMPANy . ,j. t '• •'Phone, Hyde Park 571 KIMBARK AVe. and PIPTV-.5IXTH ST.The Cleanest and' Best: Kept Storaze .Warehouse in -the City • ",,Furniture and' Pianos Moved, Stored, Packed and' Shipped to all part,s 01the world. 300 Private Storage: Rooms. Laree Parl�� �xclusively forPianos. Rooms for Trunks and Wheels. Lar2e Room' 'for Carrialcl,Bu�eies, and Sleiehs. TRUNKS TO ·AND FROM ALL DBPOTS., Local traasfers for B�ellie. Furnnure. Packages, etc., at short notice.' ,..... Special Attention Given to UniversitY Ordora.I A !of 0 5 ,It" !of It' N T S I" " " '·t,,;S T UDE,BAKE",;R" 'Popular Matinee Wednesday" . �Henry W. S�vage _ The 'Sho _' Gtnoffers .' - - ._, .. "A New Korean C�tilic Opera'L A S A· L L ,F..The Royal Chef '1\1:at. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday •Cbt [anat SbOtFOR FASTIDIOUS FOLKSDESIGNED BY YOUNG MENFOR YOUNG MEN'S .W,BARI 49 D ear b '0 r n S ,t r e e tT RiB U N E ,.,� I L D .I ,N G I�ee'nan,1"- lorist61iz Wentworth Ave. Phone. Went. 363411 E. Sixty-third st. Phone, a. P. 546'Z•• fFRESH CUT FLOWERS, SEEDS, PLANTS, and' BULBS,Gold Fish and Aquaria Supplies.The High Art Shoe StoreA complete line ofStylish and Dependable FootwearFor Men, Women and ChildrenAt Correct PricesWe Cordially Invite Inspection712 EAST SIXTY·THIRD ST,Chicago- Kent Collegeof LawMembers of Association ofAmerican Law SchoolsHON. THOMAS A. MORAN, LL. D., DeanPrepares for admission to Bar in all theStates. Three years course leading todegree of LL. D. Sessions each week­day and evening.For catalogue address the secretaryELMER E. BARRETT, LL. D.708 Title and Trust Building, Chicago op w E R.. �S 'SUMMER WORKFor the Tabard Inn Library. r.ive. enthusiastic'college man wanted to organize clubs and es­tablish sub-stations of the 'I'abard Inn Libra ryin Iowa. Miu uesota, Wiscou sj n , Illinois. tndi­ana, l\lichi�all'[thd Ohio. Lite JUembtrshil1 now$I.MJ, Un ique pIau. Liberal commission.Reference and 'bond required. llOOKLOVHR'SLIBRARY, �40 Michigan Avenue, Chicago.ROUNDTABARROWINBRAN D15 CENTS, 2 FOR 25 CENiiSMake�sL�[-�fu'eftE:n�o�cin:rc'rt°Shirt8 Want The Earth?For twenty-five cents we will mailyou, for one year, a monthly il­lustrated publication of sixteenpages devoted to the industries,climate, life and present oppor­tunities of the Great Southwest.Sample copy mailed upon re­quest. You'll want it when yousee it. Address,THE EARTH1118 Railway Exchange CHICAGO Matinees, Wed. and Sat. .,'MR. LAWRENCE 'D'ORSAY.The EARL of PAW-TUC�ETGREAT,NORTHERNDAVID HIGGINSHIS LA�T DOLL��Illinois' College of I.:,aw301 E. E.rie St •• Chicag6"RIIIII mer School opens June 13. Regu­a I' Hl'ssioll September Gth. Annuall·l':.dstl·l1tioll 300 students; (iO S'l'lmEN'rsI',,'HH' 'iJ�j:INO'rs' DAR EXAl\UNATION EACHYI�AJ(. LAHGES'l' INDEPENDEN'l' LAW�CIlOOL 'IN THE 'VEST. Large Filculty,g'ooll Ubrul'Y Ilnd college building: ,'l'otal(lXJleIlSI�S Ileed 1I0t exceed $300 for the.'·CIlI'. "'rite the Denn, HOWARD N.()(�DEN, Ph:D., LLD., :l01 E., Erie: St.,Chicugo. t,Pu;·tinl Scholurships open to Gl'I1l1U1}tesof. CollJgcs ,nnd I;Iigh' Schools. .;rlIj! IIMUSIOFor all Instruments andall Voice�. Special Ca­talogues free on applica­tion. Usual discount.W. H. "WILLIS & CO.Successo,'s to The John ClwrcllCo's RetaIl Afusic Business248 WABASH AVENUE.I�stnblished 1870. Incorporated, 1888. Chicago Colleg�!of Dental Surgery:, ,', L/.';" ". ',/:: ��i"':' • .':, .... �I,(����, ,'.��" �;l",' �i¥/{Offers Unsurpassed Facilitiesto the Dental Student.For announcemont address ,DR. TRUnAN W. BROPHY, Dean,758 Harrison St., CHICAGO.,.. •, . \ I' ,,TrimandNeat .A�ovetheFeetare the leg II thAt wearBIU6UTON tL'AAs�,6ARTERSFO� MEN'The garters that FIT-that WE,UI,-thatPLK,AZlK. 'fhe famous Hrl",htoll Itat claspcalk t POBlllbly e&tcli or fr·a.f the clothillg­m� iee the �a.rter Ilmple, Becure aud aUIIO-pu:e �l�������lt· nl�L�1�1��J�I�I�g:\t�tcannot rUlt or ru b. Pl'it'e 0111 y 25<:. at storesor by mall. Get the" lllfIGHTON."PIONEER SUBPENDER CO.,TIH Market Street, PhUadelpllla.Makers lit Ploueer Su.peadura. The· Credit Guide Co.7th Floor, Fort Dearborn Bldg.134 MONROE STREETChicago.Commercial Reports. Collectiona.••�tarI.JlnresLj!�I! II IIji �'Waiting for you."IOur Spring Woolensselected especially forCollege Men.Tailor for Youn" MenA. N. jesrems, Mgr. 129-181 La Salle St.ftDB P�RJt �lfD CHICAGO BB�CH 8TdLBI.oj. H. KINTZ( •• OPRIKTO.>J�ckson Park Stables. 273 Bait Fifty·SeTenth StreetTel •• Hyde Park sS!I CHIO�Q'NEWCOLLAR"W"ILOOX .& "'\VIeR(Formerly with M .. J. Coffey)Fashiona.ble TailorsFORFastidious. Dressers"Good fit, style �nd quality" is ourmotto. Our prices are very reason­able. . We invite your inspection of�ur spring patterns.ROOM 72, 119 DEARBORN ST.O. A. LAMPERTV10 L.I N 1STMember of the' Ohlcago Orchestra.Pupils and engagements accepted.Address: 3433 Wabash Avenue.1804 EDITION NOW READYSpalding'sOfficialAthleticAlmanacEdited by J. E. Sullivan,Sec.·Treas., A. A. U.The onlv publication in the country containing allautlientlc • athletic records. This book contains over!IOO\paees. of athletic information, and is profuselyilIustrat,.d with numerous portraits of leading athletesand· athletic teams. Price, 10 cents.A.,·G. SPALDING & BROS., . Sond for illustrated catalog 0 f athletic aoods.:A'" 7. CORNELL.� .,.... 'Merchant. Tatlor., o.u CM�agtl S'oe" Exc"a"p Bulld/",Wa.III"po" and LaSall, Stl.Dearborn StreetMen's MarquetteBuildingWear CHICAGO, FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1904Northwestern University Medical School[CH rCAGO .'II�DICAJ .. COr.I.EGE)N. S. DAVIS, JR .• , A. M., M. D., DeanBuildings and equipment new. Four Hospitals \�ith ROO beds in affiliation. Dispensary treats (10.000patients annually The recognized leader in Medical Education.Clinica.l Work in every year. Ward walks Cor Seniors dally. .For Circular and [11 fonnatloll. ad::lress Dr. Arthur R. E:lwards.Sec·y,2481 Dearb0rll -;treet.Chicago. [}IAnyone desiring theses typewrittenneatly, promptly, and at moderateprices, can have same done by one tho­roughly �'a1lli1iar with this class of work ;by inqu ring at the MAROON office.Readers of THE DAIJ4V MAROON whoare interested in a commercial or steno­graphic course will do well to investigate:theMetropolitan Business College,156 Wabash Ave., Chicago.This is a most excellen t business pre­paratory school and enjoys an excellentreputation throughout the Northwest.Students are received at anytime. ·Young men and Women with highschool education should fit themselves for �practical work by pursuing one of the:courses given at the Metropolitan.Send for illustrated prospectus.'Elegant furnished room to rent. Mrs.I ... Nurnberg, 889 East 55th St., flat O.��"1The place for Ice Cream Soda. Uni-versity Pharmacy, 55th St. ,��.(rlnglesi<1eAvenue. It, You Wa�t Money ,:!l A�B��!!:��Dr I�. Waccbea, JewelrJ, aad AIl� for salo; Old Gold aiS SUva Boat .... l'4. O. O'DONl'fELLSecretary �BRTT� .Trouwer .w. T� DELmmPreaideutStandard W ashed Coa1� Co�pany303 Dearborn StreetTypeWRITERS(ONE-HALF P�I(zESend' for our list of �pecial bargains in allmakes of Standard typewriters. Full line of:."aiapplies, Machines for rent $2 to $3 permonth. IstOCKWeLL-BARNES CO.�6,':'�6p Wabash Ave.STUDIO Fo�..slf"UDENTSMartyn's Maroon Studio5705 "Cottage Grove .A vel1.t�e-n"'"The fa.mous Tailoring Co.��RSITY TAlLOnDrop in ttr see Famous about that new,., sult, .);NEWfiERGER & DEBROVY, Ptb��.346 E. 55th St. .• c..lPhone Hyde Park 5700'.Wm. H. Sage & Co�:·re·liable �roggliits .DI�K. liAS corner Woodlawil�Aveoue and"'Fifty-fifth- .. Golf and Tennis Supplies -6 street. Sole··«gent in IHy�e· Park for. Dr.Baseball Goods, Camera Carl ·KQ�Ji'�J :N_�wl"Di�covery for the cureSupplies, Stationery � and of CObsumption; COughs, Colds, and allPeriodicals. ...., diseb�8 of tlie 'rhroat, Ohest and Lungs.l!ighl' o�� tiie way t�. ����k8Qn Park . "Guaranteed to cure or money refunded.J. DICK & -CO.;�3·44 E. 63rd-·"Street Price, 50 cents. Trial siZe 10 cents.E. ·C.· M·OORE,),. . 'r _ .� J-,�_J .,I jf'(otifjt. ' 13::1' East· Forty-Ninth Streel. -Telephone Oakland 1495271 East i=lfty-Fifth Street. . Telephone Hyde Park sa If you want a position. to teach, callon or write to James F.· McCullough.·1339 Fine Arts Building, Ohicago .. MJ\.K£R. TO USER!Our Designs are the Latest andMosi"A,./1.'stic.We are the largest Office furniturmanufacturers in the worldDe.lts Cha.ir8 Tables,A. B. �NDREWS CO., Chlcago, IIIPIl011t Hyde Park 5463M. AHERNFINEMILLINER 1TheAmerican ConservatoryKIMBALL HALL BUILDING. .239 to 253 Wabash Avenue, Chicago.'l'he most complete School of Musicand Dramatic Art in 'the West. Sixtyeminent instructors. Teachers' 'I'ru iningDepartment. Unrival'led free advantages.Summer Normal Session of five weeks;beginning June 27 and ending July 30,U)04. Outatog mailed free.JOHN .T. HA'l'TSTAE�T. President.GO TOHYGEIA DINING ROOMS�7:l9 DREXEL AVENUEAll Milk and Cream Sterilized Water FilteredOrders Solicited for Battle Creek sanitariumFoods. Fresh Stock.R. EASON. MANAGERIllinois College of OsteopathyCollege and Sanitarium: 496 Sunnyside AvenueCity Office: 167 Dearborn streetCHICAGOTelephone Cenlral �412W. G. Hunrlin, D. D. Pres. and 'Preas.'Vrite for our terms to senior medicalstudents. It is of value to you.University Barber ShopEVERYTHING NEW3 chairs 3 high-class barbersNo tedious wait. Excellent service.409·57th Street, - near Kimbark Avenuenext door to Xern's LOUIS MBTBR, Prep.Univol'8itl' oC UUDol. STANDARD WASHED COAL FOR DOMESTIC USEStandard Egg. .1 $5.00 per ton .W�sl1ed,Chestnut • $4 50 pe�:�oDWashed Range $5.00 per ton Washed Pea·· $4.251 per ton ..'" .,-.. �-Suite 73 to 76, Dextor Bldg,Clothes made by us hav ethe "Lines" which­appeal to young men.GEO. H. FIEDLER & CO.TAILORING SPECIAT,ISTS• 5 Harrison }Phones (A.utomalic l;!998Years .of experience in fittinggentlemen who appreciate thevalue of correct dress.Heller I & BensonTAILOR.S85-87 DEARBORN S'l'HEE'l'Bank Floor Spring Sty�esDotNotDelay .CAT.I. ONT A I• tI.� I185 Dearborn StreetAdams ExW�ss Bl(l�. 4th Floor._'---+--� , .8fsh()1>�6u-rc 'tlat$��156·.StateSt •.... 'Northwestern UniverDental SchoolLocated in the center of the business section of the City, Corner ofLalie and Dearborn Streets .� ..Unexcelled in ·Facilities and E.quipment for Tea.chlng Modern Dentlst"y.Operative a.nd Phosthetlc Clinic Are Unequalled An v wb e re ,The Clinics are continuous throughout the year and are constantly supplied withan abundance of the greatest variety of cases for study and practice.For Furher Particulars AddressThe Secretary of the Dental School.Northwestern University Bulldl�8Chic&&o.Weat Allie of Library NORTHWESTERNlJNIVE!iSITYSCHOOL ef LAWror.y-slxth Year opens Monday Sep­tember 26, 190 ....Intending student: of th law will'be interested ill th M \ Bt f.LE'l'fN.Addre s SECRETARY of LAW SCHOOL,Northwestern University Bldl! and Dearborn Sts. CWCAGO, ILL.CtltCAOO, PR!nAV, MAV 27, lQOJ��--�������--��--"-�� . ._----------------��--------�--------�------���--�����--�-------------IT'S 50 CHANCE FOR TRIP WITH PERRYCollege Men May Go North With GreatExplorer.College men will have an oppor­tunity this summer to accompanyCommander R. E. Perry, U. S .. N.on a trip as far north as Etah andCape Sabine (79 degrees north lati­tude). Commander Perry intends', to make another ' 'Dash for thePole' , next year, and his object inmaking a trip this summer is to es­tablish a depot for coal and provis­ions, and to perfect arrangementswith the Eskimos for. collectingmeat, skins .and other supplies for;his Polar expedition next year. In"order that the trip' this summer'may partly pay for itself Cornman­der Perry has made arrange men tsto accommodate anum ber of p s­sengers.. The opportunity to bagwalrus and" polar bears will doubt­less attract many sportsmen, whilescientific studentswi llbe interestedin (his. unusual opportunity. tostudy ethnology and geology of thegreat white north: The ship is'scheduled to leave New YOl�k aboutthe first of July and will return thefirst of September. ':rhe par ty islimited to thirty members. Those.who are interested should commun­icate with the Committee on Appli­cations, H West Twenty-ninth .-Street, New York city.1 he very firstthought of cloth-ing s u g g est s'I.E: M. .. 'J's/elll"garmeu ts.�ver -., .. $1� to $35.Best TAILOROur collection Qf woolens for SpringSuits, Overcoats and Trousers is com­plete in every fabric. Our ·fit andstyle is of the best only.:WILLIAM: .�- ....... .._ ..... --SACHEN320 EAST FIFTY-FIFTHOHA.S. A. LA. WHENOE,Manager and Director.LAWRENGE ORGHESTRA,serect �ustc fOf allSelect � c c a at 0 n aJQOUf Patronage. respectfull� acuctreoResidence5745 Rosal;� CourtTel. Hyde PRrk' "'"7. ':"I('\f�.'-----------------------O'MEARA BROTHERS' HOME BAKERY(Phone 16t6 HydePark.)All Ooods Str ctly Home-made".... tabD for Ice Cream an!llce.. Gooc:t. dellvend218 East Flft.,..F�(th Strep, STREETI am showing a complete new lineof exclusive importationsfrom the fashion centers ·of­Loudon=-Parls-e-Berlin.My Oustom Made Shirts.are correct in every particularExclusive PatternsARTHUR S. HYMAN.5 .Tacks�n' Bou}., Chicago.$2 OET THE �E5TAMES HATS ·-,3Established 1873 .'161·163 B. Madison Street aear La!S8iI.:'154 Dearbora StLargest Exclusive Hat Stock inChicago.' "Nobby Straw Ilat's." ·1IIJMail' ohlers sh.ippec1 . everywhere . opapproval.MOSSLER"S E. M..' .... � SYSTEMSeven room flat, completely furnished,for rent for june, July, August. . ..Apply to V. R. LANSINGH,5329 Kimbark �veilUc.BENHAM BROS.'&225 Dearborn Street Suite: 801-802 �ITelephohe 4523 Harriloa PRESCRIPTION.S': I '::W··· H'·y··t' usepoor.unwholeSOmeml1k·��h�.I for. the same lIloney you '"an ret itR ELI A B L E P H ARM A C Y''. Pure. Sweet. and· Edraor •• iJR O·S A LIE �p" H ARM Ary 6 .. rlly Rich. dellvered in sealed bottles, �y ,�al�!",U". \) Telephone South 817, or dropplDr'a postAl t. I,,; J. GILL. CihemlltlnclPharmlc'.lIt! SIDNEyr W'A'NZ ER . & .. SO'HS"PIlon. Hyde hrk 175 274 Eo 57th. St.. near W ..... A"- '305' Th·I�letb. st.... '.L. MANASSE •. OPTICIAN'88 Macll.oa St .• Tribune DundinI' . 'j.,.ctacl •• AD4 Hyall ..... ScientHlcaUy Adjuste.• Eyes Tested FreeEverythiD, OpnealMatliemaucalMetereoloricai.aodfor the Lanternist.)[04all: •• Oameras .a.48uppli •.•• BORDEN'S:CONDENSED MILK, FLUID· MILK,·CREAK AND BUTTERMILK4LL' 'BOTTLED IN THE COUNTRY.�. BORDEN'S .CONDENSED .MILK C� •. �I:" 827-833 E. 'OATY-SEvrN"t.H. 8T •• _. .. ...Your money b.ick if my..·:'I·�:.;.�: IceCreamis·llbt·s:lHsfaJCp·i-./ .. f ilnt's a square� proposi!j(m',\�li;1 j·t?.' 't . � .' I ::1.1 JI' • i ,) 'j• '. J • • i •. 'wi ��so, �' :1): •. 362' l�·. 63rd St.I Special Decoration pay: Rates I Sutumer work. Student ageuts wal1ted�"fotBetween 1\fpdtsoil 111\11' Monroe Avenues .I I;;�.ta.bl_ished. 1878. -Incorporated 190:l.: r· l\tcClur'e's Maguz iue. Large Com missloh, Cash.' .�;·"H .��. Via Nickel Plate Road- 'fickers·:wl.l1·l .prizes fpr best work .. Easy ..• Digllified\' Write, ':I.�, ,e. Jpp._L!o�e Park '(j054 'be so1cl at one fare, plus twenty-five.cente., .. I _ •. '.'''. .I, r , : I' pow rof filII part iculars. ,141 .. E�s�;;Z.5th ti.t. .. '!1f��', -�-':'P .1 ..•. '.' forthe�·ound-trip,.01�MaY28th,�9t�iJU1d .. !.·" �EVO'R'E �& S'l;ON'j �·ork�\ty·"., 11••• , •••�,!;I • .I If. •.••.. 30tlr, WIth return hnlltto·MaY3Ist,'tuclrlt\1. A r'A D' . " ... ,'-j ',: .• ! '-./ . ,..Cq:llege, of: Ph-YSIClans' sive Chicago depot, Van Duren and La'· �.'.'. , .' . -" .. ". .�. ': . ',' . rl?'_' 'E. 'BU'R'NHAM',' . Balle streets, 011 the Elevated Loop. Cityand· Surgeons offices 11 I Adams street and Auditorium" ; TAILORS :. . H A I ROO 0 [j-5j ',' .'. Annex. '�hone, Central 205?;.� i, I 'I',', ,rull.�aq.;BuJt�ing;.:.·., ;"lO�I, n t .• ' ;, \ . of Chit ag/:) I 'I I, • •• •. , • • • �:, ,�. '. r:iectroiysJs• : .... 1',' ; .;." '.•• , I"; .-.� , .. ' ,. . .[ ,.'.. � .I •• _,I,; r·(·opp·()s.i't... e .. C... o.Olt•. ·.;.G.ou.n.ty::.H•. ·os.pHa1) \Y(,' wnnt your name on the subscrip-' .'\1 ". k' ',' i t. ':Ity' 'f' �'ig·ti "'�ado O'res8: I Facial M�ssage, Matiicurdh�g, iadie�'h··H�dr1 .� I !(In Ji�t of The Daily Maroon. I ••• ,. E' rnn �.R specla '._. p.. �. _........ ' Dressing and Manicuring, La les' .Turkls an. .f: 'j °t·. r.· ,- • .__ .______ Suits . for young men. Russian Baths. 70 and;'72 State st., Chicag?,�. .1'21 ,Monroe St., near Clar k"" 'fl.'. .' ' )--�--. -'-r T.lepb�n� Hyde P�rk :I.Af A. McAdamsTHE UNIVERSITY FLORISTGR.El:NHOUSES : CHIcAGO�� ��d KhnlJark aYe.F�l T.�rm Begins, October 1st.... I." 'J. ,f'" •'" �·�9UT. years course. Students.. perlWtted to" ·fiPecihlize. in elec-tives. '.. Completely equippedLaboratories. Un S 11 r pas sed.. clinical ad van tag�s.DR. FRANK B. EAR.LE. Sec'yCongress iiJ �on.ore Streets. ChicagoLIBBY�S. (Nat�.ral Flavor)FOOD .��ODUCTStempt the' tired palate' with their exquisitethwort and tlle dainty. ways in which' they canbe served. .Libby's Veal Loaf makes most delightfulluncheons-always ready-easy to serve­wholesome. appetizing, satisfying.It's on))' one of Libby's'Good Things to Eat.H�.ndsome Illustrated ·booklet. "Good ThIngs toEat. sent freo •. Send five 2c stamps for large Atluof the world. In colors.Llbb�. McNeill 4- Llbb�. Chicago. LOSER « \JANSON"·'TAILORS·175 DEARBORN ST.CHICAGO.A T ypic,al College Man\8 d.t once recognized by the dlstlnctand faultless cut of his clothesWe are Tailors CorCollege Men f ••••DANCE PROGRAMSfraternity Stationery. Invitations. etc.Lowest Prices OUNWEU &: FORD. Fine Stationers1'71 WABASH AVE.MUS�t�V'S"UllliN Halls and Hnwllng AlleysThe Largest nno Fim:st All'msementResort iu the World100 to J 08 Madi40n StreetBrauch: 610 UU\'is ::;t .• livaustou r-t .... *-��I S SL'ADIESTAILO'R9 EAST'47:TH STREETNEAR ILL. CENTRAL STATIONPhone Qakland 269 after 7 p. m., or Sun-. day Phone Gray 40!U'ILiNED SUaTS 'from $35.00 upSILK LINED SUITS II 40.00 HSKIRTS .. 15.00 IfMildas a day -in'June'TAMBO'URINECIGARETTESH. '1.'. McGuire. Prop.,l\[ADlSON AVI�NUE PACKING CO.WHOLESALE: AN D: RET AIL MAR.K£ T6309 Madison Avenue, Chicago.�hone Hyde Park 1322 . $$6.500�OO.Monthly Paynteijts; . $�().(jo. Olq1 .AND .6133 ELLIS A.V.. ,CHICAGO UNIVE'RSI�'Y I)rSTRICT.NJlJAH. WASHINGTON' AND JACK­SON 'pAn'KS: .I. C. H. ll., MLIOV A'l'�"D, AND ELEq­�'RIC TRANSPOH'.rA�'ION.NJ'JW GOTHIC TE}N ROOM· RESt­DENCI��, Spanish Hie nnd slate roof,LAHGJ� COLONIAL PORCH, Englishoal< hcnnwd ceiling dining-room, dec�-1':1 ted in Fab-ri-ko-na and Lincrusta"'alton; purloL' in oak; with console,c:cl'Umic tile floors in ldtchen, pantry,lind bathroom, white enarne1 trim, sani­bu'Y plumbing, nickel fittings, laundry,cool storage, and steam heat.l\fADLUNG EIDMANN & McCORTNEY,<101 and 402 Chamber of Commerce. BId,.College'DoctorPond'sExtract Is an everyday �ta.nd-byamong college students. They knowthat it ill a sovereign' remedy tor themany accidents inCidental to schoolI1fe. Pond's Extract-the old /arntl'lldoctor-might with equal proprietY, becalled the old college doctor. For over·60 years Pond's Extract has been doinga worlt of mercy· -curing cuts, bruises.burn�; relieving aohes and pains;eaSing suffering, and making l1(ebrighter. It is1ust as etllcieot'to-day.A bottle should 0.1 ways be kept conve.nient. Soothes and freshens the faceafter shaving. Don't experiment witb����� so-called remedIes said to• be "just as good nsPond'sExtraot"-the1'e i8' no8ubBtitute. W ntered WitchHazel, a weak solUtion-sometimes otfered inplace of Pond's Extract... -bas no medicinalvalue-is positIvelyworthless. Pond's Ex­tract CURES-thereforeis priceless.Sold only in ,ealed bottle.tmder bv,U'wrapper.ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE.