VOL. II. No. 152. PRICE Two CaNTsMaroonTh D ,.,,'fIe al U.SI�i!c�I:;·�xl.'. • .�J�Publi8hed Aftemoon8 by the Students of the University of Chicago Dunng the Four Quarter8 of the Uni�enity y..,MICHIGAN TAKES MEET IIIIIIICHICAGO, �ONDAY, MAV 23, 1Y04COLLEGE MEN WIN DE'8ATERS' MASS MEETING SOCIETY WILL TURN OUTNext Thursday morning at 10:30Michigan Engineering Building Will in Kent Theatre a mass-meeting�se Great Experi- will be held for the general en-mental Tank couragement of all oratorical andThe • -editors of "W/tO'S Who in debating interests of the University.A;,urica'" haverendered the co un- ' , Thi,s mass meeting has been author­try a service by inducing more than ized by the Senior College Councilten thousand of the men now living and will be the first of its kind inin the United States who are' 'thost the history of the' University.notable in all departments of use- Mass-meetings have been held toIulness and reputable endeavor" to arouse enthusiasm just before a de­report their education. These men bate but there has never been a gen­have won enviable distinction and eral meeting such as Thursday'sthe facts they give will help answer will be. The three particular in­the question, "Does education help terests which the meeting will pro­one tosuccess?" and "What amount mote are Minnesota-Chicago de­of school training helps most?" bate, the Hamilton Club OratoricalThe report from 10,704 notables contest, and the Northern Oratori­shows: Without education, none; cal for next year.self-taught, 24; home-taught. 278; The contests in which the Uni­with common school training only, versity. representatives for the1,066; with high school training, Hamilton and Northern Oratoricals1,627; with college training, 7,700, will be selected, will be held earlyof whom (j,129 were college gradu- next fall and it will be necessaryates. for those who will competeto workBetween sixteen and seventeen on their orations during the sum­thousand barrels of water will be mer. For this reason a mass-meet­ing is to be held this spring.The decision of Minnesota in re­gard to the choice of sides for nextyear's deb�te has been received andwill, be announced at the meeting."Who's Who" Proves That Uni­versity Education Helpsin Life Blackfriars' Opera Will be Brilli�nt SocialEvent-Prominent Women Will Act asPatronessesThe Blackfriars' opera "ThePassing of Pahli Khan," promisesto be a social as well as a dramaticsuccess. Many of the best knownsociety women in Chicago are inter­ested in .the work of the Blackfriarsf.nd will act as patronesses of theaffair . Nearly: all the boxes, inMandel Hall have been engaged by Ipatronesses who will entertain:friends at box parties.The complete list of patronessesis:'M!s. William R. Harper, Mrs. HarryPratt Judson, Mrs. Carter H. E'arrisorr,Mrs. Hvrold E. McCormick,. )trs. CharlesL. Hutchinson, Mrs. Leon Mandel, MissLouella Chapin: Miss Mabel S. Vickery,Mrs. George E. Vincent, Mrs. A. A.Stagg, Mrs. Francis W. Parker, Mrs. C.W. French, Mrs. E. J. Goodspeed, MissAgnes Stuart, Mrs. James M. Reddy,Mrs. S. H. Clark, Mrs. William Gorsuch,Mrs. 'V. H, Jackman, Miss KatherineJones. Chicag. Defeated in Great Dual Con­test by Score of70 to 56Rice Wins Both Dashes From Hahn--FiveConference Records Are Broken­World's Mark for RoseTJle greatest, and hardest foughtdual track meet ever held in theWest was witnessed' by 2,000 per­sons on Marshall Field, Saturdayafternoon. Michigan with a stringof victories which reaches from theEast to the West, and the greatesttrack team in her history, won fromthe Varsity t 70 to 56. Chicago lost,but the cloud has a real silvery lin­ing I for Rice lowered the colors ofArchie Hahn in the dashes. EvenRose's wonderful �orld' s-recordshot-put pales a little when Chicagostudents see again, in their minds,Rice running the dashes.Not a person who saw Hahn 'Keeler, Blair and Rice crouchil1�for a start in the hundred, and heardthe crack of the starter's pistol, willever forget it. The four great sprin­ters sprang away from their markslike so many flashes. Down thestraight-away they came Blair,Hahn and Rice, with Keeler behind,and beaten. .At the seventy-fiveyard mark Hahn led, then cameRice. He caught the pride of theMaize and Blue and passed him,. breaking the tape a good foot and.ahalf in" the lead . 1�he � spectators,yelled like mad. Hahn had beenbeaten by Rice and Michigan hadlost the century.In the 880 Cahill and Hall foughtevery inch of the last 200 yards, butHall was a little bit the' strongerand won 2:00 flat. Parkinson rana good race in the 880 and finishedthird. In the mile, LYOll, Chicago'spromising freshman, ran a gamerace forcing Perry of Michigan torun himself out to win. Lyon hasthe making of the greatest milerin the Vt.r est. N ext year he shouldstand among the leaders in thisevent.In the 440 Rebstock resorted tosome dirty work that put TommyTaylor out of the race. At the first'turn Rebstock began his foul tac­tics. He jostled Tommy and tried toCl1� in ahead of, him. Finally hespiked Taylor in the foot. Reb­stock's work brought forth a dem­onstration from the spectators whohissed him roundly. 'Catlin displayed excellent formby winning the high and low hur­dles with ease,Stewart seems to be the only manwho can push, him in the low hur­dles, and he did not finish doseenough Saturday to cause muchconsternation. In the high hur­dles Nicol and Friend both lookgood for the points in the confer­e�ce. Nicol won second place fromFriend Saturday only after a hardstruggle.When the whistle blew for the220: yard dash many of the specta­tors settled in their seats and de­clared that here was the event inwhich Hahn would get revenge.Continued on Page 4" Column '2 !I iIPlan to Encourage Debating and OratoricalInterests at Meeting in Kent ThursdayMorningrequired to fill the experimentaltank to be used in the study ofmarine engineering at the Univer­sity of Michigan the coming collegeyear. This tank" which is in thenew engineering building, is one ofthe largest under cover in the coun­try. It is 300 feet long, 22 feetwide, and from 10 to 12 feet deep.At one end is a dry dock. Thereis machinery for towing the modelships, which are here tested, at therate of 800 feet per minute. Byvariation in the ballasting, themodels can be tested for differenttrimmings.An Event of Universal InterestGreat preparations are bei ngmade for the Quadrangle Fete. Atthe meeting of the committee thisnoon enthusiasm was high as theplans for the booths were discussedand the location on the campus wasbeing determined. One has but tonote the names of the committeeand representatives of the variousorganizations to prophesy for theFete a huge success. Miss Gannonis general chairman of arrange­ments; Miss Lena Harris, advertis­ing; Miss Baxter, musical program;Miss Favidle, refreshments; Miss, Elizabeth Robertson and MissHough, decorations; Miss Osbornand Miss Merriam, treasurers; Miss'Louise Murray, representative forthe Mortar Board; .Miss Freeman,Esoteric; Miss Reddy, Sigma; MissEdith, Ferry, Quadrangler; MissCuarens, Phi Beta Delta; MissDonaher, Wyvern; Miss Westover, 'Kalailu: Miss Bran, SpellmanHouse; Miss Epstein, Woman'sUnion; Miss' Mac Farland. AthleticAssociation; Miss Theo. Kichards,Foster Hall; Miss Tuttle, KellyHall; Miss 'fschirgi, Green Hall;Miss Louise Just, Beecher Hall;Miss Dorothy Silverman, School ofEducation; Miss Buechler, Chi PhiSigma; Miss Schenkenbefg, Engle-I wood Club; Miss Murrell, Japanese,supper booth. PROGRAM OF WOMAN'S UNIONMany Entertainments Planned for Next, Two WeeksThe Woman's Union has an­nounced the following program thecoming fortnight:Wednesday, May 25, and Tuesday, May31, 2:30 p. m.--Girls from the senior'classes of the high schools and privateschools of the city will be the guests ofthe Union. It is hoped that all the mem­bers will be present and serve as guidesthrough the University buildings and tothe athletic games. Chairman � MissLucie Hammond, 5810 Drexel Avenue.Saturday, May 28, 7 p. m.-The Unionhas accepted the invitation of the YoungWomen's Christian League to conduct abooth for the sale of ice cream and straw­berries at a Quadrangle Fete. Membersare invited to bring or send to the Unionroom Friday or Saturday candy to be puton sale at the booth.Saturday, June 4, 2 p. m. Kent Theater.-The Children's Chorus of the Univer­sity Settlement will be the guests of theUnion and the Settlement League. Aftera concert by the children they will betaken to the hockey field for games andice cream. All members are cordiallyinvited to be present and assist in the en­tertainment and care of the children.Chairman: Lucy R. Watkins, 5611 DrexelAvenue.CLASS HONORS ARE AWARDEDMiss Dorothy Duncan Will Hand DownSenior Cap and GownMiss Dorothy Duncan has beenselected by the Senior class to handdown the senior cap and gown.William T, Waterman will handdown the custody of the sen­ior bench. President Stewart an­nounced this morning, that a classsing will be held on the campusThursday evening at 7 :30. Thisis the first open air sing andall of the class of '04 are expectedto be present. The band will prob­ably be there also. ILLINOIS WINS AFTER HARD FIGHTVarsity Has Four Important Champion­ship Games This WeekThe Varsity lost the first ga�eto Illinois through Paul's, inabilityto hold ,Cook's pop up fly in, theeleventh inning. Taylor of Illinoislined out a three bagger just before"Cook's effort and scored the win­ning run on Paul's misplay. Chi­cago should have won the gameeasily as they .outplayed and out­batted the IllinL, 'Captain Howe Ipitched winning ball striking out,six men and holding his hits downto eight. Illini men were able to.hit in a pinch and by their timelystick work tied the game in thesixth.This week the Varsity hasa hardschedule. Northwestern will beplayed to-morrow at Northwesternand as the Methodists are in ratherpoor shape the Varsity is expectedto- win. Michigan comes toMarshall Field Wednesday for thelast game of the series. Chicagohas won two and must win thisgame in order to obtain a clear title,to the championship if Illinois isbeaten. Thursday Illinois will beplayed at Champaign and SaturdayIllini journey to Marshall Field.These games are critical ones as thechampionship depends upon them.TENNIS TEAM WINS FROM PURDUEDefeats Hoosiers in Dual Tournament byScore of 5 to 1Chicago defeated Purdue Uni­versity Friday and Saturday in adual tennis tournament on the localcourts by the score of 5 matchesto 1. The Maroon team won everymatch except one in doubles.The summaries:Singles-Bingham defeated Good, 6-1,6-2. Bacon defeated Kirby, 6-1, 6-0.Moorhead defeated Ritter, 6-2, 6-2.Jayne defeated Dunning, 6�2, 6-4.poubles-Bingham aad Moorhead, Chi­cago, defeated Dunning and Kirby, Pur­due, 6-8, 8-6, 6-2. Ritter and Good, Pur­due, defeated Jayne and Bacon, Chicago,6-4� 6-8, 6-2,' 6-4. ' ,CH[CAGO, MONDAY;' MAY 23, 1904-------------------------------II------�----------------�----_T,----�--�--�-----------------------------------------------'more support at the games than ithas received heretofore this season.Four games remain of the Illinois�eries, three of which �iii, be played011 Marshall Field. By winningthree of these games and, by defeat-'ing ,Michig�n Wednesday Chicagocan win a clear title to the baseballchampionship. .Every Chicago manshould attend these games andcheer the team. to victory.Let every Chicago man rememberthat Chicago is out to win twochampionships within the nextthree weeks, the championship ofall the West in track athletics, andthe championship of the ConferenlJe�"e 1Dail� maroon"ormerty the University of Cbicall:o Weekly,J'OUNDIDDThe University of Chicaio Weekly, OcL '1;'i892'IIJII DAILY MAROON •. '•• . OcL I, '902\ ,.�WS CONTRIBUTIONS RI�QUI':STJWPublished by the studenrs of the Universityof Chicago every afternoon, except Saturdayand Sunday, during the 4b weeks of the Uni­versity. year.I;irst buard of editors and business managerAuthorized by studene-bcdy in masa meetingMay IS, 1902.Membership on subsequent boards of editorsto be determined by competition 'Open to allI�udenta in the University.BOARD OF EDITORSManaging Editor ..•.••• O�iver n. Wy!"an, :04News Editor •••••••• � •••• Harry W. Ford, 04Athletic Editor •.•.•••• Walter L. .Greaorv, '05ASSOCIATE EDITORSErnest J. Stevena. '04Ralph P. Mulvane. '05Edward M, Kerwin. '06LeRoy A. VanPatten, '06Edward R. Gannon, '04 'Riley H. Allen. '04John S. Wright, 'oSWOMEN EDITORSMiss Lena Harris Miss Helen Smith, '"iiSTAF� OF REPORTERSC. McKenna. Rush 'oS Arthur Br irlanmn , 0irhaa A. Bruce. '06, Claude Schofield, '0,/WIll.A. McDermid. '07 wi». II. Hnlfield, 'OllBernard r. Bell. '07Miss Marie Ortmayer, '06 colleges in baseball.IG A R G 0 YLETTESIRUSINESS STAFFUusines8' Manager .•.......... Julien L: fhod�.'·.ntered as second-class mail at Chicago Post­offic.e. A Suggest'on for tee Back of theBlackfrars' Program:I've a flunkAnd a conAnd I eautGo 011And 'be inthe showThough I knowmy partRight offby heart,But the Dean. , Daily. �u�8CriPtion, $3 per year; $, for 3 mos.Ry Malt In City $4 per year; $1.25 for 3 mos.Subscriptions received at THm MAROONOffice, Ellis Hall, or left in Tum MAROONBox, the Faculty Exchange. Cobb Hall.Printed by the Quadrangle Press,404 E. 55th St.I" EDITOR.IALS '1To the track team and to thebaseball team THE DAIL � MAROONextends the hearti�stcongratulations of theUniversity for the in­spiring fights of last says no.I've tried to geta good excuse.1 haven't one-rChicago it is no use.'Tis vain appealto tears or wit.I've flunked! that isthe end of it.GritSaturday.The work of the track team insecuring seven firsts from the Wol­verines was, of a nature to giveChicago ample grounds for hopes'of winning the Conference meet. -Had Ferriss been in the meet Sat­urday and had the Michigan menrun a -fair race in the quarter, theresult of the meet would have 'been. different. Every man on the trackteam did his best when Chicago"needed his best the 1110St. This is: Chicago grit. Kennedy and Clark. did. eleven feet in the pole vault,, better. than they have. been able to. do ill. practice. . Parry broke a"record in' the discuS. Cahill andHenry made their opponents setnew marks in their events in ordert� wi�, while Rice .ran himself to,�glory by defeating the renownedArchie Hahn in both dashes. Asoneenthusiast 'expressed it, "Ri�ewon his C with a Magna 'c/lmLaude."Every man on the track team isa fighter. E�rery man's heart is"on the right side." With twomore weeks under Director Stagg'scoaching the team will enter theConference meet on equal terms. with Mich�gall·.The. struggle of the baseball'team 011 Illinois field, was no· less re­markable than' that of the track (We won't tell who wrote this, but itsright from the heart.)Keep your facef air. Use Williams'Shaving Stick Class 01�04 lAMUSEMENTSTU DEB A'K E RPopular Matinee WednesdayHellrYoi¥�r�a\'age The Sho - GunA New Korean Comic OperaA A L LOver 60 years ago Pond's Extraot-:-theolel/amily doctor-came Into existence.Durl ng all these years I t has beenthe leading remedy In school, collegeand horne, for the relief of a ll thepains, aches and ncotdents of so fre­quent occurrence. A bottle should beIn the room of every atudent=-hundytor quick use-and applied beforepain drives study from the brain. Re­lleves earache, toothache, rueuma­tlsm; cures cuts, bruises, burns; stopsbleeding from cuts and wounds, andsoothes all pain. A wonderfully effl­oaclous rem edy-pure and strong.����i Soothes and freshens• the face atter shaving .If yon have never usedPond'sExtractyou maynot refuse Watered WitchHazel when it Is offeredyou us a substitute; 1Cyou have used Pond's'�II Extract yon will refuse� to take any substltute­you will Insist onPond's Extract.S_old onl3/ in seatea bottle.umhw btl.$' wrapper.ACCEPT NO SIJBSTITUTE.MUSIOFor all Instruments andall Voices. Special Ca­talogues free on applica­tion s ; Usual discount.W. H. "WILLIS & CO.Successors to The .fohn Churchco's RIta;! Music Business248 WABASH AV ENUE. sTelephGne Hyde Park 18A. M'cAdams LThe Royal ChefMat. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturdayo E S'THE UNIVERSITY FLORISTGREENHOUSES: CHICAGOC-. S3d It •• ad Klmbark aYe. WpMatinees, Wed. and S8,t.MR. LAWRENCE D'ORSAYThe EARL of PAWTUCKETGREAT NOR �HERNDAVID HIGGINSHIS I�AST DOLLAR• MUSSEV'SBilliard Halls and Howling AlleysThe Largest and Finest AmusementResort in the World .100 to 108 Madison StreetBranch: 6t6 Davia St .. EVAnRtonGO TOHYGEIA. DINING ROOMS:>759 DR.I<:X"�I. A. VENUEAll Milk and Cream Sterilized Water FilteredOrders Solicited for Battle Creek SanitariumFoods. Fresh Stock.H. EASON. MANAOERChicago-Kent Collegeof LawMembers of Association ofAmerican Law SchoolsHON. THOMAS A. MORAN, LL. D., DeanPrepares for admission to Bar in all theStates. Three years course leading todegree of LL. D. Sessions each week­day and evening.For catalogue address the secretaryELMER E. BARRETT, LL. D.708 Title and Trust Building, ChicagoEstablished 1�78. Incorporated 1�.A. A. D E V 0 R E & SONTAILORSPullman BuildingWe make a specialty of high grade DreslSuits for young men.I t's a FOWNES'That's all you needto know about a glove THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE andSTORAGE COMPANY'Phone, Hyde Park 511 KIMBARK A VB. and PIPTY·.5IXTH ST.The Cleanest and Best Kept StoraleWarehouse in the Clt� • • •Furniture and Pianos Moved, Stored, Packed and Shipped to all part •• fthe world. 3.0 Private Stor.lr0 Rooms. Lara-e Parlor Exclusively forPianos. Rooms: for Trunks and Wheels. Large Room for Carria,e ..BUJ:ries, and Sleieh.. TRUNKS TO AND FROM ALL DBPOTS.Local trusfell for BA2iaee. Furniture. Packages, erc., at short notlce, .,.... Special Attention Given to Uni.,.�raity Ordera.Cbt J:angt SbOtFOR FASTIDIOUS FOLKS FENIMORE & GUYR�401 E. G3d St., Bet. Monroe and 'Kim bark Aves.Me�',s 'Furriishi�g Goods a.nd Ha.ts.Newest stock, latest styles, and finest goods to be found in WoodlawnWe Invite you to call and examine our goodsPrices Reasonable.DESIGNED BY YOUNG MENFOR YOUNG MEN'S WBAR149 Dearborn StreetTRIBUNE BUILDINGH. 1.'. McGuire. Prop.MADISON AVENUE PAOKING 00 .WHOLESALE ANDRET AIL MARKETteam on Marshall Field. Against Gao!) l\fadlson Avenue, ChicagO.the champion Illini, in the face of1,500' rivai rooters, the Maroonsbattled for eleven innings before theyacknowledged defeat. Chicago has·the best team of baseball playersand the best team of fighters thatit ever had. -The team deserves . Phone Hyde Park 1322DICK HAS.Golf and Tennis Supplies,Baseball Goods, CameraSupplies, Stationery andPeriodicals.Right on the way to Jack8ln ParkJ. DICK & .cO., 344 ,Eo �3,d Street JiJstablished 1870. Incorporated 1888.Guide Co.The Credit7th Floor, Fort Dearborn llhlg.134 MONROE STREETChicago.Commercial Reports. Collections.Want The Earth?For twenty-five cents we will mailyou, for one year, a monthly il­lustrated publication of sixteenpages devoted to the industries,climate, life and present oppor­tunities of the Great Southwest.Sample copy mailed upon re­quest. You'll want it when you. see it. Address,THE EARTH1118 Railway Exchange CHICAGOMAKER TO USER!Our Designs are the Latest andMost Artistic,We are the largest Office furuiturmanufacturers in the world- Desks Chairs Tables,A. H. ANDREWS CO" Cblcago, III L.OSER & "'ANSON ..."TAILOR.·178 D�ARBORN ST.CHICAGO ..A Typical Gollege ManIe, at once recognized by the distinctand faultless cut of his clothesWe are Tallors CorCoJIege Men.· ••••Keenan,Florist6112 Wentworth ATe. . Phone, Went. 368411 E. Slty-thlrd st. Phone, H. P. 546.2FRESH' CUT FLOWERS, SEBDS, PLANTSand BULBS,Gold Fiah aAd Aquaria SUllpIiOI, ) (T S I-Gunlay5'lAY�ETRN�lIeysentreet:)'MS&ilteredriUIIlegeDean.11 the19 toeek-yI.icago1902.ONOresllodI ST.Irt •• ,JJy forla, ...let!I368462 ) ( U Waiting for you."Our Spring Woolensselected especially forCollege Men.Tailor for Vounlr MenA. N. jerrems, Mgr. 129-181 La Salle St.nn. P,,"RK ,,"lQ) CBICAGO BB,,"CB STDLBIJ� H. KINTZ(p.OPJUaTO.)Jackson Park Stables273 Ba,t ,.itty·S ..... ntb StreetTel •• l:IYdePark 5511 CBIO,,""INEWCOLLARUniversity Barber Shop. EVERYTHING NEW3 chairs 3 high-class barbersNo tedious wait. Excellent service .. 409-S7th Street, - near Kimbark Avenuenext.door to Kern's LOUIS MEYER, Prop.University of IllinoisE. C. MOOREjflotfst132 East Forty-Ninth StreelTelephone Oakland 1495�71 East Fifty-Fifth StreetTelephone Hyde Park 38WILCOX & WICKt,Formerly with M. J. Coffey)Fashionable TailorsFORFastidious Dressers"Good fit, style and quality" is ourmotto. Our prices are very reason­able. We invite your inspection ofour spring patterns.ROOM 72, 119 DEARBORN ST.O. A. LAMPERTVIOLI N 1STMemb('r of the Chicago Orchestra.Pupils and engagements accepted.Address: 3433 Wabash Avenue.'1804 EDITION NOW READYSpalding'sOfficialAthleticAlmanacEdited hy J. E. Sullivan,Sec.·Treas •• A. A. U.The only publication in the country containln&, all. authentic athletic records. This book contains over� paees of athletic infonnation, and ill profuselyIllustraitod with numerous portraits of leadin&, athletesand athletic teams. Price. 10 cents.A.. G. SPALDING & BROS.Sond for illustrated catalo&,o f athletic eoocfs.A. 7. CORNELLMerchant(._ .TailorOJJ CAl�1I1t1 SI(J�� Ez�AII"p Bulltll"rWII�AI"rt(J". lI"tI LIISIIII, Sis.t larquetteBuilding•____ .... _ Dearborn SWeetMent�Wear Golfers in Round RobinFollowing are the results of thematches that have been played sofar in the round robin for the can­didates for the golf team:R. Jennison defeated Young, 8 up, 6 toplay.L. Maxwell defeated Shulzberger, 5 up,3 to play. .Buck defeated Gray, 8 up, 6 to play.,B. Pettet defeated Young, 8 up, 6 toplay.L. Maxwell defeated Gray, 8 up, 6 toplay, ,Young defeated Gray, I up.Buck defeated Shulzberger, 4 up, 3 toplay.B. Pettet defeated L. Maxwell' 2 up.The first inter-collegiate matchfor the !eam will be played withthe University of Michigan duringthe first week of June·, probably onthe third and fourth .. ' Of the eightmen now playing in the roundrobin six will be selected to playon the team.The-place for Ice Cream Soda. Uni­versity Pharmacy, ,55th St. and InglesideAvenue.The famous Tailoring 00.VARSITY TAILOR·Drop in to see Famous about that new,uit.�EWBERGER & DEBROVY, Props.'346 E. 55th St.Phone Hyde Park 5700.If you want a position to teach, callon or write to JamM F. McOullough,639 Fine Arts Building, Ohicaco.Wm. H. Sage & 00., rellable. druggltttscorner Woodlawn Avenue and Fifty-fifthstreet. Sole agent in Hyde Park for Dr.Oarl Koch's New Discoyery for the cureof Oonsumption, Ooughs, Ooids, and alldIseases of the Throat, Oheat and LUI:�gs.Guaranteed to cure or money refunded.Price. 50 cents, Trial size 10 cents.COLUMBIA UNIVERSIryGRADUATE SOHOOLS The Facultiesof Political Science, Philosophy, and Pure Scl­ence offer a wide range of courses leading to thedegrees of A; M. and Ph. D. Graduates of col­leges or scientific schools. are admitted withoutexamination.SOHOOL OF LAW Three·year course.Candidates for admill8ion must be graduates of acollege or scientific school or show evidence ofeqaivalent training.SOHOOL OF MEDIOINE Four -yearcourse. �andidates must have completed. oneyear of work in a college or scientific school, ormustpass the stated entrance examination.SOHOOLS OF APPLIED SO,IENOEAND �ROHl'l'.EOTURE Four -yearcourses in Mining, Metallurgy. Chemistry, Civil,EJectrical, and Mechauicaf - nngineerine- and. Architectur. Graduates of colleges or scientificschools csn usually enter these courses with Ad­vanced standing.'l'EAOHERS OOLLEGE Professionalcourses In Education of varying Jeni"ths, leadingto degrees and diplomas. Students will receivedue credit for work done at other colleges orschools for the training of teachers.For information apply to the Secretary ofColumbia University. New york, N. Y.•DANCE PR06RAMSFraternity Stationery. invitations. ete.lowest Prk:ea DUNWEll &: FORD. Ale Statfoncn171 WABASH AVE.ARTHUR FEILCHENFELDUp to DateHATSAre unsurpassed in Style andQuality. ....Northwestern University Medical School[CHICAGO MEDICAL COLLEGE]N. S. DAVIS, JR., A. M., M. D., DeanBuildings and equipment new. Four Hospital!:! with ROO beds in affiliation. Dispensary treats 110000patients annually, The recognized leader in Medical nducation. 'Clinical WOl'k In every year. Wal'd walKs for Senlol's dally.For Circular and ·Information, address Dr. Arthur R. Edwnrds,Sec'y,24S1 Dearborn Street,Chicago, Ill.If You Want Money c:: A�!:!!!!-iND' , It, Watcbea, J�. ucI Aatlquea. for salel Old Gold ucI 811 .... BoaaIItW. T. DBLUlAKT 14. O. O'DONlfELL "-LBBRT TBBOPrOlicl.out -Secretary TreasurerStandard Washed Coal Company303 Dearborn StreetSTANDARD WASHED COAL FOR DOMESTIC USEStandard Egg· • $5.00 per ton Washed Chestnut • $4.50 per;tonWashed Range $5.00 per ton Washed Pea • $4.25 per tonTYPEWRITERSONE-HALF PRICESend for our list of special bargains in allmakes of Standard· typewriters. Full line oflupplfes. Machines for rent $2 to $3 permontb.ROCKWeLL-BARNES CO.267·26t) Waba.h Ave...,....clothes .made by us havethe" Lines" whichappeal to young men.GEO. H. FIEDLER&CO.TAIL9R1NG SPECIAT,IS'l'Sh S Harrison 1Pones ( Automatic J H998 Spring StylesDoNotDelayCALL ONMcDonald & SpannTAILORS185 Dearborn StreetAdams Express Bldg, 4th FloorLocated in the center of the business section of the City, corner ofLake and Dearborn StreetaUnexcelled In Facilities and Equipment for Teaching Modern Dentlatl'Y.Opel'atlve and Phosthetlc Clinic Are Unequalled Anywher ••The Clinics are continuous throughout the year and are constantly supplied withan abundance of the greatest variety of cases for study and practice.For Furher Particulars AddressThe Secl'etal'Y of the Dental School.N.rthwestern University Building, Chicago.Years of experience in fittinggentlemen who appreciate thevalue of correct dress.,Heller & BensonTAILOR,St85-87 DEARBORN STREETBank1Floor College of Physiciansand Surgeonsof Ch:ic ago(Opposite Cook County Hospital)Fall Term Begins October 1st.Four years course. Studentspermitted to specialize in elec­tives. Completely equippedLaboratories. Un s n rp as s edclinical advantages.DR. FRANK B. EARLE, Sec'yCongress Cd Honol'e Stl'eets. ChicagoSpecial Saleon University CapsSOCARTHUR FEILCHENFELD81-83 E. Van Buren se,I'ISBl:R BLDG. CBICACiO N o r t h w est ern U n i v e r sit yDental SchoolW •• t AI,le.f Llbrar7 NORTHWESTERNUNIVERSITYSCHOOL of LA WForty-sixth Year opens Monday Sep­tember 26, 190 ....Intending students of the law willbe interested ill the MA y BULLETIN.Address SECRETAR� of LAW SCHOOL,Northwestern. University BldK.Late and Dearborn Stat CHlCA.GO. ILL. •Mossler's Daily GossipEven competingmanufacturers ad­mit that I 'E. M.System" garmentsare remarkable.Irnposs i b I e topro d u c e morefaultless clothes.They are knownin every large cityfrom the Atlantictot h e Pacific.Custom t ail 0 r scome close to eq ual­ing them in their$30·to $60. styles,but our prices areabout half theirs -$15 to $H5.Mail orders shipped everywhere onapproval.MO iSlE�'S E. M. SYSTEM121, Monroe St., near ClarkBENHAM BROS.,e225 Dearborn Street Suite fIO.·3OaTelephone 4523 HaniloDIIIjIII" TrimandNeat AbovetheFeetare the legll that wearBRUiHTON ciLL;S1, (iARTERSFOR MENThe garters that FIT-thnt WEAR-thatPLKAtiK. '1'he famous Brll(lIton fiat claspcan't p08slbly catch or fray the clothlng-«makee tile Ilarter slmple, secure end ahzo­lutely eoinfortuble. ]llnde of GIle ,.10(,0pure .Uk web with nickel trimmlngll thatcannot ruet 01' ru h. ,j'rll'o only 2(,(!. at storesor by mall, Get the "llIlIGII'fOlS."PIONEER SUSl»ENUEIt CO.,'US Market I'ltreet, Philadelphia.llllkcra 0' Ploueer SUlpeudcn.,)'l, ,, .LIBBY'S (Natural Flavor)FOOD PRODUCTStempt the tired palate with their exquisite�:���'v��� the dainty ways in which they canLibby's Veal Loaf makes most delightfulluncheons-always ready-easy to serve­wholesome, appetizing, satisfying.It'sonly one of Libby's Good Thingsto Eat.Handsome Illustrated booklet, "Good Things toEat," sent free. Send five 2c stamps Cor larlec AtlasoC thc world. In colors.Llbby, McNeill 40 Libby, Chicago. CHICAGOl MO�DAV, MAY �3, 190·1MICHIGAN TAKES MEETWILSON' 5 362 E. 63rd St.Telephone Hyde Park 6054 JWILLIAMcontinued from Page I Column 4As the four starters swept roundthe turn into the straight away alleyes were on Blair and Hahn, whowere running side' by side. In theinside lane Rice was tearing alongunnoticed. Twenty-five yards fromthe finish Hahn forged ahead ofBlair and' then the spectators cameto life. Rice with his wonderfulspurt dashed ahead of Hahn andwon by a yard. Rice was a heroand he was cheered again andagain.In the field events Rose kept uphis reputation as a record breaker.He set a new world's record in theshot of 48 feet 7 1-5 inches beatingMorgan's mark by 5% inches.Bert Gale by consistent work tookthird in the shot. In the pole vaultClark and Kennedy showed excel­lent form tying for first place ateleven feet. Friend won the broadjump and Kennedy took third.Five conference records were sur­passed at this wonderful meet.Parry set a new mark in the discus,121 feet :2 "1-2 inches, Rose threwthe hammer 154 1 1-5 inches:K�llog lowered the Conference rec­ord for t \VO mile to �):57; Halllowered t he record for the 880 to2:00.In the matter of firsts Chicagoand Michigan each won seven.Michig-an took ten seconds and Chi­cago four and Chicago took nine­thirds to Michigan's four. Rosewon the individual honors withthirteen points and Rice and Catlintied for second with ten points.The summaries: s.120 yard hurdles-Won by Catlin, Chi­cago; Nicol, Michigan, second; Friend,Chicago, third. Time, :15 3-5.100 yard dash-Won by Rice, Chicago;Hahn, Michigan, second; Blair, Chicago,third. Time, :10.Mile run-e-Won by Perry, Michigan;Lyon, Chicago, second; Daane, Michigan,third. Time 4:34 2-5·Discus-\Von by Parry, Chicago; Rose,Michigan, second; Garrells, Michigan,third. Distance, 12T feet2� inches.High jump-Won by Brewer, Michi­gan; Keller and Miller, Michigan, tiedfor second. Height, 5 feet 7 inches.440 yard clash-Won by Garrells,Michigan; Goodwin, Michigan, second;Taylor, Chicago, third. Time, :521-5.220 yard dnsh=-Won by Rice, Chicago;Hahn. Michigan, second; Blair, Chicago,third. Tillie, :22 1-5.'Pole vault-Clark and Kennedy, Chi­cago, tied for. first; Withey, Michigan,third. Height, 11 feet.Shot put=-Wou by Rose, Micbigan;Dunlap, Michigan, second; Gale, Chi­cago third. Distance, 48 feet 7 1-5inches. New worlds record.BrmH1 jump-Won by Friend, Chicago;Heath, Michigan, second; Kennedy, Chi­cago, third. Distance, 22 feet I inch.220 yard hurdles=- Won by Catlin, Chi­cago; Stewart, Michigan, second; Nicol,'Michigan, third. Time, :25 2-5.SHo yard ruu=- Won hy Hal', Michigan;Cahill, Chicago, second; Parkinson, Chi-cago, third. Time, 2 :00. . .Two mile run-Won by Kellogg, Mich­igan; Daane. 'Michigan, second; Henry,Chicago, third. Time, 9:57 1'-5.l lnuuuer throw-e-Won by Rose, Michi­gall; Parry, Chicajro, second; Tobin, Chi­C1WO, third. Distance, 154 feet I 1-5inches. SACHE-NTAILOROUl' collection of woolens for SpringSults, Overcon ts and 'l'rousers is com­plete in every fabric. Our fit andstyle is of the best only.320 EAST FIFTY-FIFTH STREETOHA.S. A.. �A. WHENOE.Manager and Directot.. L AWRENGE OHGHESTRASelect �l\etc fot a.llSelect ·®ccaetone1Il0Ut Patronagerespecttutte ecucueoResidence5745 Rosalie CourtTel. Hyc\e PRrk 111',7. ( ., , 1 I( • " f �f ...O'MEARA BROTHERS' HOME BAKERY(Phone 1616 HydePark.)All Ooods Str ctly Home-Made I.Oran taken for Ice Cream and Ice" Goods deUveNd278 East Fifty-Fifth StreetPRESCRIPTIO·NSR ELI A B L E P H ARM A C Y.ROSALIE PHARM.A()YJ. J. GIL L. Clhemlst and PhannidstPhone Hyde Park 175 274 Eo 57th St.. near WIIh. Avt. I am showing a complete new lineof exclusive importationsfrom tbe fashion centers ofLondon-Paris-Berlin.My Custom l\'lade Shirtsare correct in every particularExclusive PatternsARTHUR S. HYMAN.5 Jackson Boul., Chicago.OET THE BEST'$2 AMES HATS $3Established 18731610163 B. Madison Street aear La San.IS .. Dearbora StLargest Exclusive Hat Stock inChicago. "Nobby Straw Hats."WHY use poor. unwholelomemilk,wheafor the same money you nn let itPure, Sweet, and Bxtraor.'.•• rlly Rich. delivered in sealed bottles, by camar u,Telephone South 817, or dropplnl a postal t.SIDNEY WANZER & S'ON!305 Thirtieth at.L. MAN ASS E, OPTICIAN88 Madison St., Tribune Building8pectaclll and ByclI .. aea Scientiflcally·Adjuste.Eyes Tested FreeE'fe�thin, OptIcalMatliemattcal., Meteteolor1cal,.ndfor the Lanternilt.Itodalta, Cameras.. d 8uppU.a.The time is fast approaching whenMaroon readers should make their plansfor the summer and fall. If they arethinking of preparing for an offic- posi­tion they should investigate the facilitiesof the Metropolitan Business College.This institution is in advance of otherCommercial Schools and offers a muchstronger course of study, as well as morethorough and practical instruction. It isstrictly a high grade college of businesspreparation. Readers of the Maroon 'areurged to fully inform themselves cori­cerning the Metropolitan. Address, 156Wabash Ave., Chicago.r-r . ZEISSLADIESTAILOR{) EA.ST 47TH STREETN E'AR ] LL. OENTRAL s·r.A.TIONPhone Oakland 269 after 7 p. m., or Sun-day Phone Gray 40.&:U�L1NED SUlTS from $35.00 upSILK LINED SUITS .. -40.00"SKIRTS " 15.00 uMildas a da.y inJuneTAMBOURINEAt the "Twilight Hour" tomor­row, (Illesday) at 4:30 in theLeague room, there will be an in­formal box opening of sixty-twobooks which have been presentedto the Y. M. C. A. The remainderof the one h uudred books are 011the way from England, fresh fromthe press Miss Randall will give anumber of violin solos to add to theenjoyment of the occasion. CIGARETTESWe both lose if you dont .buy myIce CreamSummer work. Student agents wanted forl\IcClure's Magazine. Large Commission. Cashprizes for best work. l£asy. Dignified. writenow for full particulars. 141 East 25th st., NeWYork City. BORDEN'SCONDENSED MILK, FLUID MILK,CREAM AND BUTTERMILKALL BOTTLED IN THE COUNTRYBORDEN'S CONDENSED MILK CO.827-833 E. FORTy-aEVENTH aT..� E. BURNHAM.. HAIR 000D5.. ElectrolysisFaciai Massage, Manicuring, Ladies' HairDressing and Manicuring, Ladies' Turkish andRussian Baths. 70 and 72 State st., Chicago.Illinois College of Law301 E. E.rie St., ChicagoSummer School opens Juno la. Rcgu­ar . Session September nth. Annualregixtrn tion 300 students; (i0 S.TlI))EN'i'SPARS IU.INOIS nAR EXAMINA'l'ION EACHYEAH. IJAHGE'ST INJ)EL'l':Nm�N'L' LAWHCILOOL IN 'i'lIE 'YEST. Large Faculty,�ood llbrnry and college- building. '.rota!�XpCnHf!S need not exceed $HOO for thevcur. Wrlte the Dean, nO"'ARD N.OGDEN, Ph.D., LfJD., aoi E. lUrie se.,Ohicngo.L'uutinl Scholarshlps open to Graduatesof Colleges and High Schools.TheAmerican ConservatoryKI�LBAJJrJ HALL llUlLDING.:!:�n to 2r.a Wabnsh Avenue, Chicago.The most complete School of Musicand Druruutlc Art in the West. Sixtyomlneut Instructors, Teachers' 'I'ralningI )epllrtmcnt. Unvlvul'led free advantages.�nll1l1ler Normal Session of five weeks,heg inning June 27 and ending .Tuly 30,1 H04. Cuta'log mailed free.JOlIN .T. HA'!'TS'l'AFJOrl\ President.$$6,500.00.Monthly Payments, $50.00G13l AND 0133 ELUS AV.CHICAGO UNIYE'RSI'l'Y DISTRICT,�1;J.An WASHINGTON AND ·JACK­SON PARKS:I. C. R. u., FJLI�VA'.r'l"D, AND E'LEC­'l'ItIC 'l'HANSrOltTA'.rION.NEW UO'l�UO 'l�N BOOM RFJSI­nl�NCmS, Spanish. HIe and slate roof,T.JAHGE COLONIAT.J POUCH, English.oak hen morl ceiling <lining-room, deco­rated in Fub-rl-ko-nn and Linerustn'Val ton ; parlor in oak, with console,r-ernmic tile floors in kitchen, pantry,a 1111 hn t lu-oorn, white ennme'l trim, snni­nu-y plumhi ng, nickel fittings, laundry,('001 storage, and steam' heat.MADLUNG UIDMANN & McCORTNEY401 and -:102 ,Clmmber of Commerce Bldg.Illinois College of OsteopathyCollege an.d Sanitarium: 496 Sunnyside AvenueCity Office: 167 Dearborn StreetCHICAGOTelephone Central 2412w. G. Hnm'lin, D. D. Pres. and 'Preas,"Trite for our terms to senior medicalstudents. It is of value to you.