forh'.in- ").,he.ct itr •• •r u,�s.J The E4'��lt��ly MaroonPubU,bed AftemooDs by t,f,/ Stud,�ts, of the UDiveraity of Chicago DUriDg the Four Quarters of the UDiversity Year .VOL. II. No. 1-17. �',- --- _. _. -- ... -_ ..... -._ -- - -.- -- -- - __ .- -..- --- -CI-:IICAGO, MONDAY, 1\'1 A Y 11), ]�O.J- -:-- -=-- -==---=PRICE Two CENTSCOPYRIGHT CLASS PLAY B·ADGERS.ARE DEFEATED TWO THOUSAND AT DEDICATION VICTORY � DEFEATEmmons Blaine Hall of theSchool of Education was formallydedicated Saturday afternoon inMandel Hall in the presence of2000. friends of the University';During these exercises Mrs. Em-: mons Blaine, the donor of theSchool of Education, modestly dis­claimed the title of founder. Shesaid, "I did not found the School ofEducation, I simply fo�nd it.Finding is the only status I canclaim in the school. The realfounders of the school were ColonelParker, who devoted his stronglife to the cause we love, and Pro­fessor Dewey and Mr. Belfield. Ibeg exemption from the status offounder. I thank the Universityand President Harper for EmmonsBlaine, that his name may beallowed to rest within the home ofthings.heso much loved. "President Nicholas Murray But­ler of' Columbia :University was theorator of the day. Addresses wereconsin could get no better th anthird in the shot. also made by Dean W. S�· Jackmanof the School of Education, and.Blair and Rice won the dashes President Augustus Downing ofwith eas�, Rice winning the 100porting. d BI' I 2')0 CI' k the New York Normal college.A report published by the regents '�11 t allr t red "'1' ,.llcbagol .to:o r., Mr. "A .: C: Bartlett spoke-at the. lUS ane secon paces 111 ot l.hprr'l I •..•. ' .•. '''1-- ida: 'f' .. Tof thetJiilveisnY'ot'M'ichig-ail�o,\1S ... ··dres:sardJids·f�ililfg tasho�v. r, :- 'cerel1lon(es':'�"n a�' a t.ertlOOn!a�. a.the growth of the university since Th . 'I 1 d I CI .: representattve of the Commercial. . ... " e meet s 1(�)\\e ,t iat ucago CI b. th' fo d' f -·1 CI'1849. The expenses for this year' stands a good show of winning frbm U), ie ou� .er 0 t re llC�gOwere $11,289; the number of pro- Michigan next Saturday. The meet. Manual Tram111� School. nowfessors is given as seven. The sal- with the W�l\'eril�es wi�l be bitterly affi I ia ted with the School of Educa­ary of the professors -was $H33.3H contest�d ... rhe �dea 1S pre�'alent tion. Mr. Bartlett predicted that·. I .•. ._ that l\ltclllga�l l�as th� meet as g�od instruction in manual training foreach term, there being three col. as won. ThIS IS a mistake. MICb- .legiate terms in the year. . A total igan has some wonderful men in sev- tl�e boys of .. the present gel�eratlOn :of. eighty-four students were' re- eral events, and a conservative figur- WIll result 111 more harmonious re- .ported in attendance. J 11 marked, . in� �f points gives th� meet t�' 'lations between capital and labort t itl t1 1 . tl Michigan by about 12 p0111tS. Clll- in the future.COli ras WIlle a iove IS le re- . .. cago stands a good show of WI mungport of the treasurer of the board of some of the doubtful events andregents for the fiscal year ending thereby dashing the hopes of theJune 30, H�Ol, which shows the re- Michiganders.ceipts of the university for that The summaries: Game Full of Interesting Errors-Bril-vear .aruounted to $58H,42H 15, and One Hundred and Twenty Yard Hur- liant Misplays and Good Pitchingi dIes-Catlin, Chicago, first; Friend, Chi-the disbursements to $5(j;),�5�.54. cago, second; Adams, Wisconsin, third. Sigma 1\lpha Epsilon defeatedThe .latest calendar of the univer- Time, 0:16. Beta Theta Pi in the second roundit ". h f 262 One Hundred Yard Dash-Rice, Chica- of the inter-fraternity baseball51 y gives t e names 0 ) mem- go; first; Blair, Chicago, second; Poage,bers of the faculty and officers, and Wisconsin, third. 1'ime,0:lo.· schedule at Washington Park.�n aggregate attendance of 3,712 Oue :Mile Run-e-Post, Wisconsin, first; The score was H to 7. Beta tiedLyon, . Chicago, second; Henry, Chicago, .students. third. Time, 4':364-5. the score 111 the sixth inning, butFour Hundred and Forty Yard Run- S. A. E. secured two runs in theWaller, Wisconsin, first; Poage, Wiscon­sin, second; Cahill, Chicago, third. Time,0:51 2-5·Two Hundred and Twenty Yard Dash­Blair, Chicago, first; Rice,- Chicago, sec­ond; Glab, Wisconsin, third. Time, 0:223-5.Two Hundred and Twenty Yard LowHurdles-Catlin, Chicago, first; Fernis, ceived poor support.Chicago, second; Schnetsky, Wisconsin,third. Time, 0:254-5.Eight Hunched and Eighty Yard Run­Breitkreutz, Wisconsin, first; Mowry,Wisconsin, second; Parkinson, Chicago,third. Time, 2 :04.Two Mile Ruu-c-Mc.Eachron, WiSCOll- Pahli Khan Company have beensin, first; Watkins and Hean, Wisconsin, scheduled as follows:tied for second, Time, 1O:083-!>· Monday, 4 p. rn , -Reyu ,!ds Theatve:Pole Vault---Keunetly, Chicago. first. ull girls, policemen, And sexteUe.Hueffner, Wi�consill, second; Schobinger, Tuesday, 4 p. m.-Sextette. potice,Chicago, third. Height, 10 feeq inches. nihilists; Reynolds TlJeatre.Discus---Purry, Chicago, first; Speik, Tuesday, 7:30 p Dl.-Entire company;Chicago, second; Catlin, Chicago, third. Reynolds Theatre.Distance, liS feet 4 inches. Wednesday, 4 p. m.--Manlly glrls;High JUUlp---Fuhrer, Wisconsin, first; Reynolds Theatre.Abbott, Wisconsin, secoud; Todd, Wis-consin. third. Height, sJeet'9 J-2 inches. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.-Entire com-pany; Mandel Hall ..Shot Put---Gale, Chicago, first; Max- iwell, Chicago, second; Miller, Wisconsin, I· .Thursday, 4 p m.-Police, sextette, Allthird. Distance, 41 feet 6 inches. the girls; R�ynolds Theatre.Ruuuing Broad Jump---Friend, Chica- Thursday, 7 30 p m.-Ent:re c"\mpany;go, first: Ferris, Chicago, second; Schrei- Mandel Hltll.bel' and Marquisse, Wisconsin, tied for 'Friday, 4 p. m.-Entire ch rus.third. Distance, 21 feet 4 1-2 inches. All are urged to he prompt in at-Haulwer Throw---Parry,' Chicago, first;Tobia, Chicago, second; Johnson, Wiscon- tendance as there is a great deal ofsin, third. Distance; 137 feet 8 inches. work to be done.Seniors at Minnesota Try to PreventAppearance of Dramatic Pro­duction in AnnualUniversity of Wisconsin to Begin Prac­tical Courses in BusinessTrainingIn order to keep their class playfrom appearing coupled with various-�ents·in·1he college.annual, theseniors at the University of Minne­sota .have been forced to copyrightthe production. The play waskept secret for a considerable time,but a copy was found by a memberof the annual staff, 'who immedi­ately determined to publish it. Asthe annual had gone to press be­fore the copyright was secured, itis possible that the edition may heheld up.The University of Wisconsin issoon to offer a new course, that ofbusiness 'administration. in theschool of commerce. It is ratherunus�al in that it extends from the.sophomore to the end of the senioryear., It is to .be largely a practi­cal and laboratory course. Thecoursein the senior year will takeup current problems of traosporta-.tion, insurance, importing al�d ex-.MLCHIGAN WINS TOURNAMENT., .Defeats Varsity Tennis Team on' WetCourts by Score of 4 to �The tennis team was defeated by• Michigan last Friday at Ann Al�bor."he'score was -1 to 2. The marchesin the singles' were even for bothsides, but Chicago lost all the'doubles..The summaries: .Singles-Hunt. �Iichigatl, defeatedHing�'aw, L'hi.:ago. 6_:'_·!. (1--3: l\1oorheall,Chicago. {h��'ellled Ltt!. l.\lh:higan 4-6,1O-:�, 6--2; Joyne. Chicago, defeatedMcNeil, M ichigau, (:- .. 4, 6---4; St. John,Michigan, defeated BRcon, Chicago, 6--4,7-5.Douhles---Huut antl St. John. Michi­g._n, defeated Bingham and Moorhead,Chicago, 1-6, 8---1!, 6---1; Lee and 'Mc­Neil, Michigan, defeated Joyue andBa�on, Chicago, 3---6,6---1,6---2.Chicago plays Northwestern onthe local courts next Thursday,and follows with Purdue on Fridayand Saturday', Varsity Track Team Has Easy Time De­feating Wisconsin by 77 to 49--Mich­iRan next SaiurdayThe Varsity track team WOll fromWisconsin Saturday afternoon in aneasy manner. Chicago WOIl firstand seconds with such a markedregularity that the result was indoubt-at 110 time: . The score was77 to 4H.I J n several events reversals in formallowed Wisconsin to take all threeplaces. In the two mile run Mat­thews and Kelley were the Chicagoentries. They; ran one mile andwere forced to quit. Mclsachronand his two team mates ran theother mile in fairly good time, M c- .Eachron finishing with a wonderfu]sprint. Cahill was started in the440 but finished third. He did 110tstart in the t)�O, Tommy Taylortaking his place. Tommy rau agood first quarter but. weakened at.thefiuishofthe second and droppedout. Bert Gale wast he surprise!ofthe meet. He �011 the shot Rutwith ,11 feet ,6 inches surpassingall his other-records. Miller of \Vjs- Emmons Blaine Hall Dedicated With Im­pressive Ceremony Saturday--Mrs. Em­mons Blaine Honors HusbandBETA LOSES TO S. A. E.last, and a lead Beta was unable toovercome. The batteries were:Sigma Alpha Epsilon: Wakefieldand Gray; .Beta Theta Pi: Allenand Garnett. . Both pitchers re-Rehearsals of Pahli Khan CastThe rehearsals of the members of Wisconsin Trip Results in Defeat ofBeloit and a Victory Forthe BadgersHard' Luck Figures in Gam. With Car­dinals-Ball Park Used as Vege­table GardenThe varsity baseball team re­turned from the 'I Frozen North"late Saturday night with a stringof one victory and one defeat.The net result of the trip waslargely confined to. hardening themen for future polar expeditions,The game with Beloit on Fridaywas won by a score of 6 to 5.Wisconsin accomplished a 4 to 2defeat of the Varsity on Saturday,Luck is an element in baseballwhich the rules committee for thenational game and the most expertcoaches can never eradicat�. Theiota of chance which broke intothe contest of Madison startedtrouble for Chicago which eventu­ally left· the necessary margin of'runs with the Badgers.' The teamswere evenly matched and the pitch­ers, Ellsworth, and the 'renownedCardinal artist ,t Cy " Youngoffered problems for the opposingbatters with equal success. Thebalance tipped to Wisconsin in thesecond inning when with two men_outjmd....a!.nia�. on.third, .Baird. and­Paul in an impressive manner madea common effort to catch. a high in­field fly.. The' ball swerved withthe wind and after doing a numberof eccentric circles landed in twopairs 'of' welcoming hands, all ofwhich proved to be uri able to cap­ture it. The Wisconsin base run­ner scored and the next batters in­dicated their appreciation by drivingthe ball far enough to register an­other run.Chicago started' in to discourageYoung by scoring in the first in­ning with clever work at the bat.The trick was duplicated for thesecond and final mark for the.Varsity in the fourth. Wisconsinhad a short batting fest in the fifthinning, when two earned runswere registered ..'I'he victory left the Badgers inthe championship race. Chicago'sposition is changed but little. III i-1I0is must be defeated, and if theVarsity can turn the trick and winduring the remainder of the sched­ule Chicago's championship claimwill be better than the Badgers.The score:\\'isconsiu R H P A E·Persons, 1 f •• ,., It •• f •• I 0 0 IGates, cf ........... I 0 0 0Hoeltz, ss ,....... .. 0 3 0 0Perryv zb .... 0 o. 2 ,5 0Roys, r f ... .. , ..... , 1 0 2 0 0Lewis.ub .. ...... 0 0 8 '0 1Leahy, c ... I 0 12 0 0'Brush, 3b ... ......... 0 2 0 2 0Young, p . . •.•••••. 0 1 0 2 0Totals. .. , 4 6 27 9 2Chicago R H P A EBezdek, 2b J 0 4 3 2Harper, c ..... ........ 0 0 4 0 0Smart, rf. ........... . 0 2 0 0Ellsworth, p .......... 0 0 2 2 0Paul, S8 ........... 1 2 1 2 2Stillman, If. ....... 0 I 0 0Baird, 3b .............. 0 0 1 3 0Bloomer, lb. . . . . . . . . . .. 0 0 10 0 0Nowels, cf ... . .. 0 0 0 0 0Totals 2 5 24 10 4\Visconsln . .. 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 .-4Chicago .... I 0 0 I 0 0 0 o· 0---2Continued on Page 4 Coh1mn I•CHICAGO, MONDAY, MAY 16, 1904ttbe lDail� mato�n GIBBONSFormerly the Unlnrlity of Cbicqo Weekly.. I'OUNDIIDTIle Univerait.Y_ of Chlcaao Weekly. Oct. I, 189.TH. DAILY I4.ABOON. • • • • Oct. 1.19°.NEWS CONTRI.BUTIONS REQUESTED.Publi.hed by the students of the Univer.ityof Chicago ever� aftcrnooo. except Saturdar.and Sunday, dunn I the 46 weeb of the Un·veraity rear.Firat board of editora and buaineu man •• ermuthorizer.l by .tudcnt·body iD ID&M meebnll�l 15. Ip02.Member.hip on .ui»cqUeDt boarda of editorato be determined by competitioo OPal to all.tudcnta in the Uninnity.BOARD OF EDITORSMaoasins Editor •••.••• Oliver B. W�an, '04News Editor ••••••••••••• Harry W. Ford, '04Athletic Editor •••••••• Walter L Greaory, 'oSASSOCIATE EDITORSErneat I. Stncu. '0<6llalph P. Mulv�� 'C)_5Edward II. Kerwin, '06LcRoy A. VaDPa� '06Edward R. Gumoo. '04. RUe;! H. Allen, '04John S. Wright, OSWOMEN EDITORSMin Lena Harria . Min Helen Smith, '06STAFF OF REPORTERSC. McKcnna, Ruab '05 Arthur Bridgman, 07Ch .. A. Bruce, '06 Claude Schoficld, '.7Wm. A. McDermid, '07 Wm. H. Hatfield; '06Bernard I. Bell, '07Mia Marie Ortmayer. '06 Clothes ShopIE X C L U S I V EHIGH - GRADE C LOT H E sNo Brallch. Stores No Agents'REPUTABLE MAKERS:-- PROGRESSIVE ONES­! WHO A�E UP TO SNUFF:AND KNOW THE KNACK OF'PUTTING IN PROPER STYLEII CORRECT DRESSERS LIKE, \:BUILD CLOTHES WE SELL.,49 AND 51JACKSON BOULEVARDBUSINESS STAFFBUlineaa Manaller •••••••••••• Iulien·L. BrodAEntered as .econd-clua mail at Chicallo Poet­olice. CH Ar· GDaily� �u1?scri_ption, $3 per year; $1 for 3 mos.By Mad In City $4 per year; $1.25 for 3 mos.Subscriptiona received at Tam MAROON08ice, EIUs Hall, or left in Tam MAROONBox, the Faculty Excbanlrc, Cobb Hall. If you value yourface, don't experimentwith Shaving Soap.Use Williams' ShavingStick.Printed by the Quadrangle Preaa, 404 E. 55th St.I" EDITOR.IALS "1The Quadrangle Fete which is tob� given on the campus the 28th ofMay promises to be' more represen-tative of the women'sorganizations of theUniversity than any­thing that has everbefore taken place. It's a FOWNES'That's all you needto know about a glovePurpose ofQuadrangleFeteEvery. woman's organization will berepresented, and all will be unifiedby the one purpose of raising fundsin order to send as many represen­tatives as possible to the Conferenceof the Young Woman's ChristianLeague to be held at Lake Genevain. Septem ber.The colleges and universi ties ofthe middle West send a smallernumber of delegates to the Confer­ence than those either of the Eastor West. Last year at Geneva,Chicago was represented by onlytwo delegates, while at LakeGeorge the delegation from Vassarwas sixty strong. It is hoped thatby means of the Quadrangle Fete,every woman's organization in theUniversity of Chicago may berepresented by one or more dele­gates at the General Conference. Cbt [angt SbOtFOR FASTIDIOUS FOLKSDESIGNED BY YOUNG MENFOR YOUNG MEN'S WEAR149 Dearborn StreetTRIBUNE B·UILDINOBORDEN'SCONDENSED MILK, FLUID MILK,CREAM AND BUTTERMILKALL BOTTLED IN THE COUNTRYBORDEN'S CONDEN.ED MILK CO..lIT·e:.:. E. 'ORTY·.EVENTH ST.ARTHUR FEILCHENFELDUp to Date$2·00HATSAre unsurpassed in Style andQuality.Base�al1 ream on Eastern TripThe baseball team will leave to­night on its second trip of the sea­son. Practically the same men willgo as went .to Beloit and Madisonlast week. Tomorrow afternoonthe men will line up against theteam at Ob lier 1U College. Fromthere they will proceed t AArbor 1 . 0 nnwill w iere on Wednesday theymeet the WI' .thi d 0 vennes m the. ir game of the series MIS particularly aUXl' . . r. Staggous to . hicontest with M' hi WIn t ISha ve won . ic Igall,. as eacha game and . .absolutely necessar t a vlctory isof the series 'n y 0 the winning. . te tean '1111 Chicago T 1 WI 1 arriveNOn hursdext Saturday the tl . ay played with N nrd game willnvaustpn. orthWesteru at Speclal Saleon University CapsSOCARTHUR FEILCHENFELD81-83 E.· Van Buren St.ClllCAGOFISHER BLDG .• 'THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE and:STORAGE COMPANY'Phone, Hyde Park 571 KIMBARK AVB. ad FIPTY·.5JXTH ST.The Cleanest an" Best Kept StoraceWarehouse In the City • • •Furniture and Pianos Moved, Stored, Packed and Shipped to an part •• ,: .the world. 300 Private .stora�o Rooms. Large Parlor .Exclusively forPianoa. Rooms for Trunks and Wheels, Larie Room for Carrialos.BU�iie., and Sleiih.. TRUNKS TO AND FROM ALL DEPOTSLocal tru.fUl for Baeeaae, Furruture, Packaees, erc., at short notice. . 0··0... Special Attention Givell to VaiTer.ity Ordera.FENNIMORE & GUYRE401 E. 63d St., Ret. M'Onroe and Kfmbark Aves.Men's Furnishing Goods. and· HatsNewest stock, latest styles, and finest goods to be found in \VoodlawnWe Invite you to call and examine our goodsPrices Rea8_onable. .MUSEMENTG A I cTHE VIRGINIANPopular Priced Mat, ·WednesdayNext Monday-Mrs. Fiske Seat Sale Thurs..STUDEBAKERPopular Matinee Wednesday. Henry w. Savage Th Sh Goffers e 0 - unANew Korean Comic Operao AL SAL LThe. Royal ChefMat. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturdayo w EpMatinees, Wed. and Sat.MR. LAWRENCE D'ORSAY•The EARL or PAWTUCKETANDREWS Steel WireTypewriter Chairs'&1";:. �I�\��{a�s?elivered East RockyAlways Cleanly. Attractive.Comfortable, Inuestructible andInexpensive.jap Copper Plated and Polished,Order by number.A. H. Andrews Co. , 174 Wabash av. ChicagoMUSSEV'SBilliard Hall6 and Bowling AlleysThe Largest and Finest AmusementResort in the World100 to 108 Madison StreetBranch: 616 Davis St.. EvaustouC.A):-4-E181 E.· 55th StreetCorner Jefferson Ave.MU··SI.CFor all Instruments andall Voices. Special Ca­talogues free on applica­tion. Usual discount.W. H. W'"ILLIS &: CO.Successors to Thejohn Churc)'Co's RIta;' lJ1Z1sic Business248 WABASH AVENUE.I-I. ZEISSLADIESTAILOR9 EAST 47TH STREET.1II4:a ILL, 01lUI1TR4L ST ... ·.rIONPhone Oakland 269 after 7 p. rn., or Sun­clay Phone Gray 40iUNLINED SUITS from $35.00 upSILK LINED SUITS .. 40.00 uSKIRTS .. 15.00 "LOSER & "'ANSON��T.AILOR ••175 DEARBORN aT.CHICAGO.A· T y�lf,al (,ollega ManII at once recognized by the distinctand faultless cut of his clothesw. are Tailors forCollege Men ••••• S'K COLUMBIA UNIVERSITYGRADU ATE SCHOOLS 'rhe Facultiesof Political Science, Philosophy, and Pure Sci­ence offer a wide range of courses leading to thedegrees of A. M. and Ph.D. Graduates of col-. leges or scientific schools are admitted withoutexamination. . .. .' :SCHOOL OF LAW Three-year course.Candidates for admission must be graduates of acollege or scientific school or show evidence ofeqaivalent training. .SOHOOL Oli' MEDJCINE Four-year·course. Candidates must have completed' one:year of work in a college or scientific school ormust pass the stated entrance examination; '..SOHOOLS OF APPLIED SCIENCEAND .A..HCHl'l'.KC'!'URE Four -yearcourses in Mining, Metallurgy. Chemistry, Civil. Blect.rical, and Mechanical Engineerin� and·ArcJutectur. Graduates of colleges or SCientific.schoots clln usually enter these courses-with Ad .. ·:vanc d standing. . . ...'l'EACHER1S COLLRGK. -Profesaicna l 'Icourses In Education of varying lengths degrees and diplomas .. Students will reeelve ''due credit for work done at other colleges or.,schools for the training of teachers. .. : ...I For information apply to the Secretary ofColumbia University. New vork, N. Y. . iTURB·INEA CLUETT ·COLLA8QUARTER EACH, QUARTE"· SIZES•CLUETT, PEABODY &. CO... AKIRS OF CLUETT AND MONAROH IHI"TIDANCE PR06RAMSfraternity Stationery. invitations. etc.Lowest Prices DUNWELL & fORD. fkI� Stationers ... �7.' WA��SH �VE. _;University Barber ShopEVERYTHING "NEW·· .>.: ..... :.'.:3 chairs . 3' high-class barbers .I No tedious wail. Excellent service., 409-57th Street, - near Kimbark Avenuenextdoor to Kern's LOUIS MEYER, Frop'.UniversitY of IllinoisWant The . Eartli?:For twenty-five cents we will mailyou, for one year, a monthly il­lustrated publication of sixteenpages devoted to the industries,climate, life and present oppor­tunities of the Great Southwest.Sample copy mailed upon re-. .:quest. You'll want it when you :.see it. Address, .THE EARTH··1118 Railway Exchange . . ...CHICAGOH. '1'. McGuire, Prop;·· ...J1Jstablished 1870. Incorporated 1888:Tbe Credit Guide"· Co.7th Floor, Fort· Dearborn Bldg.134 MONROE STREETOhlcago.Commercial Reports. OollectlOlUl.MADISON AVENUE PAOKING eo. :!.f. .; • � r 'I,WHoLESALE. AN·D·RET AIL MAR.KEiT •6309 Madlson Avenu" .Chlcago.·Phone Hyde Park 1822Established 1878. Incorporated 1002.TAILORSPullman Building··We make a specialty of hlgh·grade-Dre ••Suits· for youn«· lDeD.CHICAGO.., MONDAY, MAY 16, 1904__________________ .... _ '_1 -.- -: --._...;__ ---;-, , 'GOLFERS TURN' IN THEIR SCORES.. Waiting for you." Pettit, Jennison',' IMaxwell do the BestWork in First RoundThe candidates for the Universi­ty golf team met Friday at 1 :HOill Professor ·Stagg's office andhanded in the scores which theyrecently made over the J acksonPark links in six rounds. Theeight men with the lowest scoreswere B. M. Pettit, 222; K. Jenni­son. �23; L. W. Maxwell, 225; N.Buck, 227; F. L. Sulzberger, 238;W. B. Gray 242; W. Hulette, 249;Roy Young 281. During the nexttwo weeks each one of the abovecandidate's' will play each of theothers an eighteen hole match 011the Auburn Park, links and the fivemen with the lowest scores willcompose the team which will playMichigan. TIle match with Michi­gan will be played 011 one of thebetter local links about J nne 4.f... , ., ,� � OUf Spring Woolens·selected especially for-v -College Men,.,: r'or�University Medical SchoolICHICAGO MEIHCAI. COI�T.HCH]N. S. DAVIS, J R" A. M., M. ]J., Deannuildillgs um! equiprueut II(·W. Four Hospitals with 800 beds in affiliation. DIspensary treats 50,000, patients uunua lly. The recog nized lender in Medical Education.: Clinical Work in every year. Ward walks for Seniors dally.For Circular nmllnfoJ'lIIntion, address Dr. Arthur R. Ellwl1nls,Sec'y,2�1:I1 Dearborn Street,Chicago, Ill.It You Want Money c:!1 A�B����ND PI lie, WacdIeI, Jcwelrr. ud Aatlquca, few ale; OJd Gold aDd 811 .. aoa.fIItTaUor for Vounll' .Meny ALBERT 'lEBOTIOUWIr 'II. O. O'DONlfELLSecretaryw. T. DRLIlIANTPreejdoutA. �"Jerrem!>" l\1gr. 129-181 La Salle si..esci·beol­uL Standard Washed Coal CompanyRD. PolK .lftD CHICAGO BBACK 'STABLBS. J. H� .KINTZ," , . (.ao.RJllTOa)Jacks�n' Park' Stables.': 273- Ealt FjftY·Stnnth StreetTeLi �y�e Pa�k SS!I... "'. •. C K I C A en 303 Dearborn Streete,fao� STANDARD ' WASHED COAL FOR DOMESTIC USEarne'or Washed Chestnut • $4.50 perltollWashed Pea - $4.:;a� per ton- $5.00 per ton$5.00 per tonStandard Egg -Washed RangeEar!� ,ficd-:"al .;19vii '�r,:of E. BURNHA'M .HAIR 00005ElectrolysisFacial Massage, Manicuring, Ladies' HairDressing and Manicuring, Ladies' Turkish andRussian Baths. 70 and 72 State st., Chicago.'- ---._...-----Do you ever wantICE CREAMin a hurry' BENHAM BROS.�?• FASHIONABLETAILORSIf yon do and want to he sure itwill be good telephone"WILSON HYDE. PAR.K, 6054"and he will send you any quant.ityyou wish by special messenger.Your money back if you are 'notsatisfied. That's guarantee enough,'isn't it?NEWCOLLAR 'DICK, HAS, ,', I Golf aud' Tennis Supplies,, , .' Baseball Goods, Camera: Supplies, Stationery andPeriodicals.RigId on m« way to Jackson. Pm'}..:J. DICK & CO., 344 E. 63rd'Street.... . � .-,,:. SECURE OUR PRICES ON, ,'-� .., .' 'RATERNITY STATIO'NERY,� ,.��., PROGRAMMES, 'MENUS,. INVITATIONS ANDENGRAVED CARDS.j.� �I BROCHON, �..' 34-36 WASHINGTON ST. 225 Dearborn Street Suite 201-202Telephone 4�23 �arri�D�TYPE,WRITERS; ONE-HALF P�ICE: Send' for our list of special bargains in allmakes of Standard typewriters. Full line 01supplies, Machines for rent $2 to $3 per month.,I(OCKWf3LL·BARNE!S CO.:a6,.:a60'Waba.h Ave.Chicago-Kerit Collegeof Law Spring StylesE. C. MOOREjflotist132 East Forty·Ninth Street'.• �e,lephone Oakland 14,95211 East FlftY·Flfth StreetTelephone Hyde �ark 38 "�,' Members of Associut ion of'Arucr icnu Luw Schools DoNotDelayliON. THOMAS A. !\lORAN, 1,1.. D., l ieau. IPrepares . for Ullliiissrr)�;to Ilar -iii 'u'n tIle'"States. Three years course leading todegree of LL. D. Sessions each week­day AUIl evening.For catalogue address the secretaryEL.i\1ER E. BARRETT, L,L. D.708 Title and Trust Building, Chicago CAI.I. ON'VILCOX & WI;QK()!"ormerly with 1\1. J. Coffey� McDonald & SpannE. Fashiona.ble TailorsIT A I LO RSI-ligh schoot students and others whocontc1llnlft.te�'-'tuking . a commercial orstenographic course, after completing thecourse, they are lIOW pursuing, shouldinvestigate theMetropolitan Business College,of Chicago.I'his i nsti tution enjoys au' excel len treputation among business men as athoroughly up-to-date business school.It has heeil under the continuous man­agenient of the present Principal 'forthirty-one years .. '� '.A handsome illustrated prospectus willbe sent free. .,F.O RF�st�di�us, Dr-e s s er-s"Good fit, style and quality" 18 ourmotto, Our prlces are very reason­, 11b'le: . "re invite your inspection ofour �pl'ing patterns.uooxr 72, 119 OEARBORN ST. 185 Dearborn Streetrs 'Je . Adams Express Bldg. ath FloorSuite 73 to 76, Dexter Bldg,•C. A. LAMPF.RTV 1'(:>.1..;.; 1 N I.S TMember of t'h'e' Oh'icagQ Orchestra.Pupils ao'd ,I e�gagement8' accepted.Address: '.:3433 Wabash Avenue. Clothes made by us havethe" Lines" whichappeal to young men. SchoolBaysare sometimes tilled with suffering.' Thestrenuous life of the average studentbrings I ts series or rntsuaps. Pond'sli1xtractr-the old jalllil.l/ ductor-offersquick relief and cure tOI' all such 11111.'l'be student who has a hattie at Pond'sExtract at hand IH well provided to re­llevepain and suttertug, It cures cuts,brutses, burus : IItOPII bleeding; re;lioves earache, toothuehe, rheuma,tlsm and all pains as lC by muglo,Soothes and freshens the (u.ce artersba.vlng. For over (JO years' It nusbeen tbe one Ctunlly remedy thati���§i has never dlwappolnted.'Vutered Witch Hazel,II. weak sotunon-csoma,tiUII.'H otrered in placeof Poud's Bxtract-husno medloinal va.lue-hl�rallJ positively worthlellll.:£l Pond's l<;xtract CUHEHDggta�RI-therOfore ill priceles!l,GEO. H. FIEDLER & CO.TAILORING SPJo:CIAr.JS'I'S1804 EDI'TION NOW READY",:.t .... ;., Spalding's.OfficialAthleticAlmanac., ' • } Harrlsou }I hones I Automatic 119\1!.! •o, E�It!!d "y J, E. SuUlvan,Sec.vTreus., A. A. U.The only publ�cation in the �untry contili!1ing allauthentic athletic records. This book conrams overIlOO paees of athletic information, and is profuselylIIustratiod with numerous portraits of leading athlete.'and athletic teams, Price. 10 cents.A., G., SP.ALDING & BROS.Send for jJlus�rated c�talo� 0 f athletic �oods. Years of experience in fittinggentlemen who appreciate thevalue of correct dress.)r • 11'11 the Ilttlo thillICI:�hoU'{'I\ 1I1'I\n'81'i0lhill� tlll�t makeur HIIlI' llill eomrorr.,: n I'll! I'll, for In­suuu-r-, n re slllulII hi II !!Il , !Jut to IlIlCOlli l'ul'lI�hlo til e yllIust IJC 1';(1111.DailY"Ease Heller & Benson£1.,. ':·7�,' CaRl'( E'j.,L, TAILOR.SBRIGHTONFlat ClaspGARTERS SultJ IJIIly t'l UlIll'el butUt"'lIlIun·/JII.[t·w,'uPller.�.85-87 DEARBORN' STREET', Bal1��.Floor" ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE. ....'. Merch cin't:Tailor N·or·th'weste·rn U'niversityD e' n t a. I S c h 0 O· I1'01' 1lI�1I" /'1'(/11/" 1,::II'It'l'iI -thl'Y lit rl.:ht-Ceelril!ht lim! weill' ril:ht. They 11111111 011 I\lId offelLllily, yet UIWIlYIIIIl!<:III'C. �cvcl'!Jllld, 111111, rubor Sill', .JlUlt ('olllfol'tlLhle, just rll(ht. )Iu.lle orolle pit·!'t' /Jllrl' silk WI'/; with lIh:kt'1 1111111111111(11,alit! <:u .. t uuly !!lic. A tillures 01' lJy mu.ll.,I'JU!\U.:u SI.'SI't-.:!'tIlt-.:lll'll •• llti llarhlSI., 1'''".d�ll.bjl&.J/uker. QJ Piolleer ,slUpelider •• Locatec1 in the center of the business section of the City, corner ofLake and Dearborn Street" �Unexcelled In Facilities and E.quipment for Teaching Modern Dentistry.Operative and Phos1hetic Cllnlc Are Unequalled Anywher�.The Clinics are �ontinuous t�roughout the year and are cons�antly supplied withan abundance of the grea.test varlety of cases for study and practIce.: .�.:For Furher ParUcijlars AddressThe Secretary of the Dental School.Northwestern University BulldlnsChicaso •I. ,� CAI&II1" SID'� ExcAanr, Dut'/dlnr, W",,,,,,po,, lind L"SlIll, Sis.,. :. MarquetteW ",. �:.- .,,, __ ,: Buildingear .__ ---.-'"_"�_" � ',' Dearborn Street. -_ .... ' TdepbGD� Hyde Park ISMen's A. McAdamsTHE UNIVERSITY FLORISTGU!:NHOUSES : CHICAGOc.� Sld �t. aad Klmbuk aYe,CHICAQO, �ONDAY, MAY 16,1004Daily Clothes. Gossip!You should fol­low our "dailytalk" about clothesclosely.�I����� \Ve do not wishto be confoundedwith the " readymad e ' clothers!"E. M. System'is perfectly customtailoring, scientifi­cally reduced to the" ready-to-try-on "point!Should the slight­est quarter-inchalteration be essen­tial 'we are moreanxious to make it than you are tohave it made.:It must fit faultlessly to suit us!Half merchant tailors' prices isalso a consideration, for' 'waste maycause want.'Not $30 to $60, as they look tocost, but $12. to $35.III, 'I Mail orders shipped everywhere onapproval.MOSSLER'S E. M. SYSTEM. '..'121 Monroe St., near ClarkL. MAN ASS a, OPTICIAN88 Madison St., Trlbun. Bulldlnlr.peetacl •• and Eyecla .... Scientitlcally AdJu.tetEyes Tested FreeEveryiliin, OpticalMatliematlcal. •Metereolollc;i,andfor the Lanternist.)todat., Camera.a.4IhauUe.. .GO TOHYGEIA. DiNING ROOMS:5709 DREXEL A. VENUEAll Milk and Cream Sterilized Water FilteredOrders Solicited for Battle Creek Sanitarium.... Foods. l1'resli Stock. . ....... .,.�. HASON�' M.AN�GE:it ,. !Cof le ge of Physiciansand Surgeons,of Chicago(Opposite Cook County Hospital)Fall Term Begins October 1st.Four years course. Studentspenni tted to specialize in elec­tives. Completely equippedLaboratories. Un s 11 r P a's sedclinical advantages. .DR. FRANK B. EAR.LE, Sec'yCongress & Honore Streets. ChicagoLIBBY'S (Natural Flavor)FOOD PRODUCTStempt the tired palate with their exquisite�����'v��� the dainty ways in which they canLibby's cal Loaf makes most delightfulluncheons=+a lways ready-easy to serve­wholesome. appetizing, satisfying.It's only oue of Libby's ood Things to Eat.Handsom illustraled booklet, "Good ThIngs toEat," 5 nl (rc. Send five 2c stamps for large Aliaso(lhe world, it colors.Libby. McNeill ... Libby, Chicago. VICTORY AND' DEFEATContinued from Page 1 Coluuiu 4-Bases on Balls=-Off Young,.4. ,Stt:llckOut-By Young, 12; by Ellsworth, '3.Passed Ball-Harper, I. Sacrifice Hits­Lewis, Harper. Stolen Bases-Persons,Bloomer, Time-I:30. Usrpire=-IackPickett.The Beloit game was interestingin many ways. Errors were heapedup from time to time and' the teamsthrew the ball. around the lot agood deal. Coach Hollister uses theball pa rk at Beloit for a vegetablegarden when there is nothing 'doingon the college schedule.. It was! thought that want of familiarity. with cabbage patches was largelyaccountable for the loose fieldingof the Varsity. Stillman's pitch­ing was good and his timely hittingscored four runs. Chicago discour­aged the aspirations of a left-bandernamed Vogelsang in an inning anda half. After that, Morrey twirledand did well.The score:Chicago. .. :I I 0 0 0 0 2 I 0-6Beloit ..• , .. 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 1-5Two base hits=-Nowells, Paul, Cr nk­hite, Bunk-r. Struck out=-By Morey, 7;by Stillman, i. Bases on balls-OffMorey, 2; off Vogelsang, 1; off Stillman,2. Wild pitch-Stiflmau. Passed balls­Harper, 2, Time - 2:00 Umpire -Pickett.SNELL MEN PREPARE FOR FIREClear the Hall in. Forty Seconds-Pooleis Track CaptainA fire drill was held in Snell HallFriday evening -under : the 'direc­tion of A. E. Bestor. The house. was practically' forty sec­onds, according to the official timer. .All r, 'loss¢'s "were' fully coveted byinsurance.At the house meeting held afterthe drill Clarence Poole 'was electedcaptain of the· track team for theJunior Day meet, E. M, Kerwin. track manager, and J. W.� Greenwas chosen as captain of the tennisteam. Because of the numerous .social events to he held this spring:it was voted to dispense with the'May informal. .Campus concerts have been in­augurated at the University ofIowa. 1'he concerts will be givenby the university band, said' to be'one of the best college bands in the .country.W ANTED-Students for pleasant andprofitable Summer work with a large,reputable business house.Apply Business Manager,DAILV J\,hROON.The place for Ice Cream Soda. Uni­versity Pharmacy, 55th St. and Ingleside:Avenue.The fIlIDOt1R Tailoring Co.v AHSITY TAILORI )1'01' in to see Famous about that newsnit.NE\VBHRGER & DEHROVY, Props.�-t(j N. 55th St.(,hont> 1I.\'(le PRI'k 0;00.I f you want 8 poaition to reaeh, ea llon or write to .Tame.i F. McCullough.I�;{n F'ine ArtB Bulldlng, .Ohicago.\\'111. II. �age & Co .. reliable druggistsl'iII'lipr Woodlawn Avenue and Fifty-fifthst ruet. Sole agent. in Hyde Park' for Dr.end Koch's New Discovery fo.r· the cure .of Consumption. Coughs. Colds, and- alldlseases of the 'l'broot, Ohest and Lunl8.nl1Arftnt�iI to r-ure or money refunded.Pdl'p.. nO pp.nta4. Trial aize 10 cents..\ premium of five cents will be offel'ed .fOl' the following issues of the Daily�Ial'o()n if delivered at the office. 58thStreet and Ellie Avenue.:Jalluary 8, 21; February oj. ·19O.j. WOMEN CHOOSE BASEBALL CAPTAINSFirst Championship Game\ Will be PlayedThis. .weekOn. Friday the. captains and man­agers of the Junior and Senior Col­lege Vi omens' base ball teams werechosen. . The first gnrue comes offWednesday-May TSth , and becausethe' teams are so very evenly.matched there is great excitementamong the respective supporters.For the Seniors Miss M. Dash­kiewicz was chosen. captain; Mrs.E. Cowles, manager. For the Jun­iors Miss Kate Golden is captain,'Mi�s n, -G,?ogins, manager.'I'he managers for the basket-ballteams have also been elected. MissDuncan is acting for the Seniors,Miss Beed for the J uniors. TheSenior and Junior .Colleges areshowing much enthusiasm tor thecoming games, the first of whichtakes place to-morrow.More Like It ExpectedThe first contribution from thefaculty to the Reynolds Club Libraryfund was received this morning.Professor Floyd R. Mechem sent in.a check for $10. I MAJORS and. MINOR� IRalph Mulvane, Herman Heiland A. L. Anderson were initiatedinto Washington House Fridayevening.Division V. and VI. oftlie j uniorCollege will meet in Cobb 6A onThursday at 10:30 to elect coun­cilors.The name of the University Med­ical Club has been changed to Bio­logical Club in order to includemore distinctly the botanical staff.Professor John M. Coulter is pre�i­dent and Dr. E. P. Lyon' is secre­tary. Tlie Club, holds monthlydinners and scientific meetings �atthe Quadrangle Club. .The reception and. smoker whichwas to have been held in honor 9fthe Rt. Rev. Thomas F. Gailor ofTennessee by the Brotherhood ofse. Andrew Tuesday night willbeheld Wednesday night at �.in; theReynold's Club, instead, .. Every.Episcopalian man in the inst�t�.t4))1is urged to be present.Show your college spirit by 8ubacrib­inaz for The Maroon:TAILORQUI' collection of woolens for· Sprint·:Suits, Overcoats and. Trousers. is COID- ..plete in every. fabric. Our fit andstyle ls of the best only..:\"':'1. . .1 '. .:..3.'2·�O\·tE:A�S T"�F�I F"i Y�F\ tiF�T/'fi '(�JT.'.l(r� �/jWlLLIAM SACH.E,N·Keep your, clothes in ShapeD. & D. Pantatorlum Club624 East. 63rd St., Between Ellis and Ingl�8ldeOne Suit Of �n8 Owercoat, or two pllr of Trousers Cleaned and Plessed eacb wllk flfOne Dollar per nonthWag-OtIS call for and deliver all goods. Fancy, dry andsteam cleamiug and dyeing. \Ve call and deliver at yourconvenience. Telephone Blue n72 or mail us a postal andhe enrolled. . .. OET THE BEST$2 AMES HATS "3,Bstabllshed .873161'163 B. Madison Street aear La·: .. a.le. '154 DcarborD St. . , ,Largest Exclusive Hat Stock inChicago. "Nobby Stra� Ha�s."_"'iiii;;iiii __ � __ ;;;;;; __ ;;;;;;_._---_-__"'-- - ----o a .... S. A. 1.AWH};NCI-:.Manager and Director.LAWR�MGE ORGHESTRASelect mustc fot allSelect 4' c cas ton s1Il0Ut patronagerespectfull» eouctteoResidence5745 Rosalie CourtTel. Hyde Park 14li7. C"ICA(�()O'MEARA . BROTHERS' HOME BAKERY. . (Phone 1616 HydePark.) -All Ooocla Strictly Home-Made0rMn taken for Ice Cream aD. Ice.. Goocla delivered218 East Fifty-Fifth StreetPRESCRIPTIONSRELIABLE PHARMACYROSALIE PHARMAGYJ. J. GILL. Gbtmllt.Pbont Hrtfe'lrk 175 274 L 57. St. W A,.., am showing a complete new I iDeof exclusive Importatlonsfrom the fashion centers ofLondon-Paris-- Berlin.My Custom Made Shirts8 re correct in' everY' particularExclusive Patterns'AR.THUR S. HYMAN.5 J ackaon Boul., Ohicag�'.·W H Y use poor. unwholelOlIl. milk, wh ..for the same lRoney you· nil let itPur., Sweet, aad Bxtt •• r.l­aarlly Rich. delivered in sealed bottles. by caDi., u,Telephone South 817, or droppinl a postal t.SIDNEY WANZER It SONS305 Thirtieth at.Woodla"VVDSafetyDe po sdtCompany449·53East 63rd St.,Ne.r Woodlawn Ave. Will open in its new building May 1.Steel Vaults - burglar. and fireproof. No expense has been sparedin making this the strong��t andsafest vault in Chicago.Boxes to Rent at$3 and UpwardsThe most convenient Safety .Vaultfor those engaged at the University,