T-ek forrthlcago.$3sanock inlats.' ,:1 co.ND.E.TlItO·,nc,whe.aD ,et ittraor •• •alliqu,:.;ONS.- The ·Dai(i�y��JMaroonPlabUIIl.d Aft.naooDI by til. St"teDta of the VDlnrlity of Chicago Duriag the Four Quarterl of the VDinnlty y..,VOL. II. No. 146\. PRICE Two CENTSCHICAGO, FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1�04WANTED: LIBERAL MAN COMMONS OPENPennsylvania, Columbia and Cornell FormDebating League With PeculiarConditionsIf anyone with several hundred}l�ousand dollars to spare, wishes to�o a kind deed, he can' pay forColumbia's new dormitory, and inreturn the building will be named'in his honor. The dormitory willsoon be finished, and' as yet nodonor has stepped forward. Colum­bia has hit upon a novel scheme toget the new dormitory. The authori­ties will have the dormitory builtout of university funds and then ifsome generous person happensalong and offers to pay for it, thedormitory will be dedicated andnamed. The advantages of this wayof building are obvious. The well­,known philanthropists will not betroubled with solicitations from th�university officials and so need notfeel any obligation about the mat­ter. And' if sO,me obscure personwishes to achieve. fame, he hasonly to let it be known that he willpay for the dormitory and at oncehe is a personage. Finally, the President Butler Will Speak in Mandeldormitory will be built and used . Hall Tomorrow Afternoonwhile the university is looking The exercises in connection withanxiously for.a donor. the dedication' of the buildings ofAt a recent meeting of the rep- the School of Education' took the'resentatives of the universities of ;orm of departmental conferencesPennsylvania, Columbia and Cor:: --ihis morning, in Emmons Blainenell, it was agreed to form a· tri-vl : Hall. There were three conferen­angular debating league between' ces, one on the training of teachersthe colleges. The league will h�ld led by director Joh,t:l Dewey, one onthree debates annually. All three the arts led by Miss Lillian S. Cush­will be held on the same evening, man, and one on music, speech, oralOn the same question, each univer- reading, and dramatic art led bysity being represented by two teams, Miss Eleanor Smith.one maintaining the affirmative, This afternoon at 3:00 o'clock aone the negative. The negative general conference on manual train­will always be upheld by the visit- ing was held in Mandel Hall. Theing team. The conditions are features �er� a paper by Superin­rather unusual in inter-collegiate tendent Thomas M. Balliett ofdebating. Springfield, Mass., on The ManualTraining Movement; and an addressfor the Commercial Club of Chicago,founder of the Chicago ManualChairman E, Z. Vogt Announces. Details TrainingSchoQl,byMr.A.C.Bartlett.of Celebration Tomorrow morning at 10 o'clockin Emmons Blaine Hall there will bea conference on History and Eng­lish led by Professor Ella F . Young,on Science, Geography and Mathe­matics by Professor W. S. Jackman,and on the Library and Museum byAnderson H. Hopkins. At 12:00a reception will be tendered to Mrs.Emmons Blaine, President NicholasMurray Butler, President AugustusDowning, and other distinguishedguests. Luncheon will be servedto the guests of the University atHutchinson Hall at 1 o'clock.�he formal �edication of EmmonsBlaine Hall WIll be held in MandelHall tomorrow at 2:30. The pro­gram is as follows:A�dress The President of the UniversityHIstory of the School of EducationDean W. S. JackmanAddress for the Chicago Institute TrusteesMr. Cyrus Bentley, ChicagoWelcome and greeting on hehalf of theNormal Sch<?ol. of the countryPresident Augustus DowningNormal College of the City of New YorkIntroduction of OratorDirector John DeweyOration Pres't Nicholas Murray Butler Show. your collece spirit by' 8ubllCl'ib-Columbia Uaiversity in, for The Maroon.He Can Achieve Fame by Apply­ing to Columbia University asProspective DonorJUNIOR DAY PROGRAMIn the J unior College Council to­day the program for Junior Day·was .presented by E. Z. Vogt.As is usual, at 8:30 a. m. the Inter­F:raternity and Inter-House Ath­letic '1peet will take place on Mar-'shall Field and will occupy most ofthe morning. At 12 o'clock theivy exercises will be held. Theplace of the ivy planting and theivy-orator have as yet not beenchosen. .. At 2:00 p. m., a little earlier thanusual, the Dramatic Club will pre­sent "The Twisting of the Rope"and "Lend Me Five Shillings," inMandel Hall.At 4 p. in., the baseball game be­tween Chicago and Illinois win takeplace. Mr. Stagg has changed thehour from 3 to 4 0' clock in orderthat the game might be included inthe exercises of the day.At 8:30 p. m, the Junior Prome­nade will be given in the BartlettGymnasium. TO WOMENReferendum Vote by Patrons Gives Wo­men Privilege of Using Commons onSunday-Forbids' SmokingWomen will be admitted to theCommons for dinner on Sundaysand the men will not be allowed tosmoke during meals These werethe two important questions decidedby referendum vote of the patronsof the eafe and-dining ... rooms yester->day.The vote on the question of ad­mitting the women was carried byan overwhelming majority, 172 to78. Smoking at meals was prohib­ited by a vote of 121 to 134. An­other question, as to charging sep­arately for each item on the bill offare, was carried 159 to 97 ..At a recent meeting of the Com­mons committee, composed of pat-. rons and members of the faculty, itwas decided to introduce ana la carte system for breakfasts andluncheons in the Commons in addi­tion to the present table d' hoteplan. In the future a special listof articles not regularly on the billof fare will be offered �o the patrons.DEDICATE EMMONS BLAINE IfA:LL READY FOR DUAL MEETChicago and Wisconsin Will HaveClose Fight on Marshall Field To­morrowAll is in readiness for the trackmeet tomorrow with Wisconsin.The ,track has been sprinkled androlled daily, and will. be solid forthe contests. Coach Stagg left thismorning with the baseball team, but-,vur return tonight and take 'chargeof the meets. Before he went hesaid: .. It will certainly be theclosest and best meet of the season.It is hard to pick the winner."Coach Kilpatrick of Wisconsinwas not so conservative and gaveout that he expected Chicago towin easily. The following is hisclassification of the points:Chicago Wisconsin'points points8 18 11 86 '34 5a .' 68 16 3o �8 18 14 53 Ii5 \100 yd.220 yd.440 yd.8801 mile2 mile120 yd. hurdle220 yd. hurdleHigh jumpBroad jumpPole vaultShotputDiscusHammer throw71 55This estimate is, of course, sub­ject to- some .changes from the Chi­cago standpoint.Blair and Rice will, barring acci­dents, get eight points in each ofthe dashes.' Tommy Taylor willbe unable to run the quarter, andas Mr. Stagg does not wish to runCahill iri this event, Wisconsinshould get first and second withPoage and Waller, and Ferris maypull out third from Kehr.The mile will' be one of the mostinteresting contests of the day be-. tween Lyon and Post, and eithermay win. Matthews should takethird easy, and may spring a sur­prise by doing better.McEachron and Henry are slatedfor a great race in the two mileas both have run below ten minutes.Matthews or Hean should get third.The hurdles look fairly easy forCatlin,The high jump is all Wisconsin's.Dulaney, Todd, Abbott and Fuhrerall have done much better than theMaroon entries Carroll, Gowan andFerris. Little is known of Wiscon­sin's ability in the broad jump.For Chicago] Friend, Kennedy andFerris should pull out at leasttwo places.Kennedy is looked to win thevault from Adams. Miller, thegiant from South Dakota, is an easyfirst in the shot-put. .The othertwo places will fall to Maxwell. 'Speik or Gale. Wi th Parry throw-ing the hammer over 140 feet, firstplace looks almost certain.Parry's recent throws of about115 feet with. the discus makesChicago's chances of winning thisevent strong. Catlin and Speikare also strong competitors. STREET FAIR PLANNEDKe lly Hall Girls Will Give BigShow in Gymnasium NextSaturdayBan �n Confidence Men Raised-SevenWonders of the World Will beExhibited on the PikeThe girls of Kelly Hall are goingto hold a real street fair Saturdayevening, May 21, at the' Womens�Gymnasium. The gates to' thisgreatest of the great shows on earthwill be open 'to a chosen few, con­sisting of members of the facultyand a few other friends of the KellyHall girls. •That the fair will be an exactreproduction of the wonderfulaffairs held down state is assuredby the management. Attractionshave been billed that are knownfrom one end of the civilized anduncivilized world to the other. Ont�e poster appears the followinglist of stellar attractions: .Madame Kacbeeta, the world'smost famous palmist, who knows a.Iittle about everybody's businesswill tell your past, present and fu­ture. An art- collection will be ex­hibited that has won medals in theart palaces of France and America.The freak show is a secret, as thefreaks are very modest. The SevenWon�er� of the World will occ'?-PYa booth _q�wp_ the Pike, _ and. aresaid to be the greatest thing 6f 'th�kind ever' shown. At the stockshow prize animals will occupy-pad­ded . cells and, will be shown everyten minutes in the large arena,The managemen t will also offerunique and costly prizes to the bestdancers who appear at the dancingpavillion. This will close promptlyat midnight.The guests will appear in cos­tume. As they enter the gate eachwill be' given a large bundle ufmoney and invited to enjoy himself.The ban has been raised on confi­dence men, sharpers, gold bri�kmen, and the wheel of fortuneoperators. The guests and theirstage money will be at the mercy ofthe light-fingered representatives,It is said that anyone spending tenthousand dollars will be promptlyarrested. 'The bill proclaims that there willbe plenty of good refreshments andmusic: Miss Robertson is the gen-eralmanager of the exhibition ', .BASEBALL TEAM GOES TO BELOITCritical Games to be Played With Wis­consin Colleges Today and TomorrowThe baseball team le'ft this morn­ing on its Wisconsin trip. Beloitwill be played this afternoon andWisconsin tomorrow.These games are critical ones forthe team as Beloit defeated theVarsity earlier in the season andWisconsin is to be met for the finalgame of the :senes. The team isnow striding along towards thechampionship and the prospectsare very bright. The men areworking together nicely and with�he aid of our star pi,tchers ChicagoIS expected to win both games.CHICAGO, FRIDAY, ·'MAY. 13, 1904-------.----------------------------------�--------------------�--------------------�-------------------------------------------An. Elizabethan production ofBen J onson' splay, "The Sad. Shepherd," will' be given in the, Hull House Auditorium, Polk andHalsted streets, 011 May 11 and 18by the Hull House Dramatic Asso-ciation. Admission is 50c. Ad-, vance reservations may be made b)'mail to Frederick De Knatel, atHull House. telephone, Monroe 70.The success of the presentation.' of"Midsummer .Night's Dream"along similar lines promises muchfor the new performance.ttbe 'Iilail�' marOOnFormeri" the Univeraitr of ChicalO' Weekly.I'OURD.n ,The Univerait.Y_ of Chicqo Weeldr, Oct. '1, 18g.TBII DAILY lIrLUlOON. - - - - Oct. I, IgO.lI'" EDITORIALS"", IGamma Beta, the newly installedchapter of Kappa Sigma, enlarges. _NEWS CONTRIBUTIONS REQUESTED.II i I, I Publisbed by the atudents· of the Univeraitrof Chicago ever� afternoon, except Saturda1and Sunday, during the ,.6 weeki of the UOl­veraify yeat.Firat board of editor. and buaineN manalEerauthorized by .tudent-body in mau meetlDlMl!l 15. 1902.. Jrlemberahip on .ubaequent boarda of editora"to be determined by competition open to all.tudenta in the Univeraity.BOARD: OF EDITORSMaoairinK Editor ••••••• Oliver B. W�an, '0,.New •. Editor ••••••••• _ ••• HarrI..W, Ford, '0,.Athletic Editor •••. ' •••• Walter Grqory,. '05ASSOCIATE EDITORSErnest J. Stev� �o.tlWph P. Jrlulvlll!.«;' '4)jEdwU'd JIll. Kerwin, '06LeRoy A. VanPatten, '06 .. Edward R. Gannon, '04RUq H. Allen, '04John S. Wright, '0$WOMEN EDITORSMi .. Lena Barria .Mias Helen Smith. '06STAFF OF REPORTERSC. McKeon a, Rush '0$ Arthur Bridgman, 07Ch .. A. Bruce, '06 Claude Schofield, '07Wm. A. McDermid, '07 Wm. H. Hatfield, '06Bernard I. Bell, '07!liM Marie Ortmayer, '06BUSINESS STAFFBUlineaa Manager •••••••••••• Julien L. BrodAEntered 11,8 aecood-claaa mail at Chicago Poet·oflice.Daily_ Subscri_ption, $3 per year; $1 for 3 mos.By Mail il\ City $4 per year; $1.25 for 3 mos.. Subscription. received at TBII MAROON. Office, Ellia Hall, or left in THII MAROONBox, the Faculty Exchange, Cobb Hall.u\ 'i I':1" 'Printed by the Quadrangl� Press. 404 E. 55th St,the list of national fraternities rep­resented at Chicago to fourteen ..�he local society known. as .�·'q'h'e .Bronze Shield, " which forms thenucleus of';the' new chapter, is to be-.,. ) ,. .�6bgtatulated. Backed by so large'.and active a fraternity, Gamma.... I •••• 1 TBeta enters the University withgood prospects and the best wishesof all.'i I011t It. •••Selections from Modern Com posers,No.1'BEAUTY SIGHSI need 110 notice to remind me, 'r need no summons from the Dean,Whiie, fhinking 0' er the weeks be-hindme, 'No better grades than D are seen.1 do not fear what'er betide meWhile ·golf and tennis hold theirsway.Though for .my drives my friendsderide me,I labor through the long.vhot day.I �'anYii� sbholarship for mine, love,I��nt'no gold Phi Beta key.' "W1i'eA �1 hole out in less t}1�n lline,love,That glory is enough for me.Some may worry 0' er conditions',Flunks may cause them wild alarms,But i .try to find positions .P�inless for my sunburned, arms.M.(Without apologies to Paolo Tosti). '.. Dr" Small on SpecializationThree: "vices" of specializationwere: spbkeil of yesterday in' acJ:tapeI address by' Professor' AlbioliW.JSi.nall1o t,he graduate students�:tre' salci' iliat spec,alizati01i in anyHncf�foduces intellectual inhospital­ityt. or 'S110 bbishness and tends to astate Of, academic irreligion or intel':le�fual atheism. ". \, I' I, You owe it to yourface to use Williams'Shaving Stick'.I t'·s a FOWNES'That's all you needto know about a 'gloveCbt £angt SbotFOR FASTIDIOUS FOLKSDESIGNED BY YOUNG- MENFOR YOUNG MEN'S WBAR149 Dear'born StreetT, BU. N B B U 1 L D' 1· NO'H. 'I'. M'CGulre. Prop.Phone Hyde Park 1822 .... ,Established 1878. .Incorporated 1002.A. A. D'E 'V' 0 R E & ... SONTAILORSPullman BulldbigWe make a specialty of high grade DressSuits for younc·· men ..I:-I� ZEIS;SLADIES:TAIL'OR{) EAS'l' 47TH S'l'HEETPhone Oakland 2()9 after 7·p. m.,.or Sun­day Phone Gray'40tU�LlNED SUITSSILK LINED SUITSSKIRTS from $35.00 up,. 40.00 I'•• '15.00"BORDEN�SCONDENSED MILK, FLUID MILK,CREAM AND BUTTERMILKALL BOTTLED IN THE COUNTRYBORDEN'S CONDENSED MILK CO.027-033 E. FOATY-.II:VENTH ST.L. MANASSE, OPTICIAN88 Madf.on St •• Tribune Bulldlni'.peetaclt. and Ryecla •••• Sciontilcally AdjtiltotEyes Tested Free. Eveeythinr O_ptlcalMatliematical.Metereoloric;!,udfor the Lan�milt.Itodak., O .. tra.�.4 ."ppU..... : ,Telephonc Hydc Park 18. A. _ McAdams'••• .. • t. '.THE UNIVERSIT� FLORISTGRK�NHO'QSES: . '., .CHICAGOc.;' 134 i' ad Kimfladc a.... . . .• .' �. t • \./ ••••. � ." .. ".: -� ...5491 WASHINGTON AVE .•:./ ...HairDressing, Shampooing, �ranicl1l:ing and Fac!al_ Massqe.Special prices fOI; courses. ." .: .,'Hail' dried with compressed air. ;Coiffures for balls and parties a I!IPecla.lty.AII' the appllances and" convenlencee of tbe-: best dows town establishment.in your own neighborhood: " if'. TELEPJiONE �YDE PARK 5853.I ",:The Philbrick· Shorthand and Typewriting School, _•. '6303-7' MONROE AVENUE,. OHIOAfpO, r,IYOUNG PEOPLE THERE IS! MONEY IN THIS FOR YOU.,This School is. Taught by an Experl- Best. There is, 'More Money in It 'forenced COurt and COnvention Reporter. you.Individual Instruction." Graded Speed Stenographers -of All Systems WhoClasses. Phrase Writli:'g.· Expert Wish :\101'8, Speed Can be .. Grea�y Be�. Instruction. '. . .: .• fited Here.. ,. . The Demand for 'Good Shor'thlUid"We Teach the Systems Us.ed by the Writers Exceeds the Supply. "We Teach'mOR� Expert Reporters .in this Country. Book-keeping; .Bualneee OorrespondeneeAvoid the So-Called I. Quick, Easy aud Spelling, etc, Day and IDvenlngSystems. It costs .. no more' .to learn the Session. "08.11' o� write us.j "' ..PU,BLIC .. TYPEWRITING �FFICE .IN C9N�ECTION. ,THE ILLINOi�WAREHOUSE- artdstORAGE 'COMPANY ..'Pho��. H'yde P�rk S71 KIMBARK A va, �nd' �IPTY·.5IXTH ST.• " : I. '.The Cleanest' and Best Kept StoraleWar�hou8e in the City· . •Furniture and Pianos Movcd,·Stored. Packed and Shipped tG all parts �fthe world. 300 Private Storace Rooms. Large Parlor Exclusivcly for�ii===;=ie. Ptanos, Rooms �or' Trunks and Wheels. Lar2c Room for Carria,",,, BU�liel, and Sleiihs. 1'RUNKS;rO AND 'FROM ALL DBPOTS. "Local traasfcra lor Bae&qep. furniture, Packa�esi etc •• at short nonce,.... Spec1�1 Attention Given to University Or401l •.i .'rHE VIRGINIANMADISON AVENUE PA�KIN.G. 00., Popular Pr,iced Mat, WedueRdny'. ; Next Mondny-Mr-s. Fiske sent Sale Thurs.WlJO�LE�.t\..��. '��ND .:,.S·T .U,J),E l� A'I{ E·R iRE TAIL MAR.KET: Popular Matinee Wednesday -.!Hen,r� W·. Savage 'The: S' h 0 - 'G'un," offers '. .6309 Madison. Avenue, Chl��IO. .A New I�orea� Comic Opera'.' • •• r •'1I • t' .' ..... .' .. �I,_A_.M__U_.. _5_.: _E_M__"E_,N__'1_· _S I:G· A .. · a, ,R·, I, C KL A··�S·A ·L·L ET·r·e Royal cs-rMat. Tuesday, 'Thursday,' Saturday'\P 0 .W,.� R S'Matinees, Wed. and Sat... , .,MR. LAWRENCE D'ORSAY�he EA.RL of �AW·TUCKETQuick Servico Geo, '0. Marlatt. "�.ANHEUSER'& NEIL:. Restaurant. ,CBlQ..AOtJMAKE:R TO USER. IOur Designs 'are the Latest a-nd1110st Artistic. , :We .are the largest Office furnituremanufacturers in the world ... Desks 'Chairs TablesA. H� ANDREWS CO., Chicago; . Ill.• '•• j til IMUSSEV'S ...... 1Billiard Halls and·. Bowling 'AlleysThe Largest' and Finest Amusement ... '. : Res�rt in the W. orld, '.lqO"to '1 OS' Madison StreetBranch: 616 Davis st.. Evausto'n .. '.. 187 ·E. 55th Stre'at' ,: ;Corner Jefferson Ave .. ' I ",'.'.Best Meal "in' Hyde 'Parki,}'S'c....,.- __.__ -,.. ,of·.. :1 I 'l<��r' all Instrun'lell ts andall Voices. Special. Ca­talogues free on appiica- C:� •tion. Usual discount... ,W. 'H .. -W:(L�LlS &:00.': t ;• • • • :. .. •• � ••.:' _ . SllcCt!'SSO,.s�·to TlitI.loltn Church(.o's Rllail Music BuSmess : _ . .:, ...••• ;,1 ..; ..... , ;.. .. :- ... \...a4·.S .. ,:'\VA,.&'AS.II .. AV EN.ULi' .:.. L: .... .. ... :·R.O ll.N, DT. A.:8:'INARROW'· BRAN'D"'i5'CENTS,2 FOR 2frCEN7S.� . .;. CLUETT, PEABODY A.CO. .. Makers of Cluett and Monarch Shirts -·DA'.NCE' PR06R·AMS. ).. . , � � ..fraternity ,Stationery, InVltat�5, etc.'. .:.. . ": _.'l(_)west �rlce�. . DUNWEll &\ FORD, ll1e S.taitoner�'.1 •• '!1 WABASH AVE •j University Barber ShopIW:gRYTHING NEW_3 chairs 3 high-class barbers.. 'No tedious walt. Excellent service.409-57th Street, - near Kimbark Avenuenext door to Kern's LOUIS MBYBR. Prop.University or illinois·M· ziT-TERN". � ... .£....,FIAEMILLINER.r,The HIgh Art Shoe StoreA complete line ofStylish and Dependable Footw.earFor Men, Women and Children. At Cor rect PricesV.je Cordially Invite Inspectio� ;712 EAST SIXTY-TH1RD ST .Want The Earth?F�ltwenty-five cents we will mail.YOU, for one year, a monthly it·lustnited publication 'of sixteenpages devoted to the indu!IItries,climate, life and present oppor­tuuities of the Great Southwest.Sample copy maileu upon re­quest. You'll want it When yousee it. Address, .THE EARTH·iii8· Itailw�y ExChange CHICAGO J'-J,t 'forWhoBe�tbaIid'·reach·deQceenlng"' ..�aridTH ST.parts �Ilively for:arrialCa.rs. "n.·� ..B:'Drs.irts -".. _.,tIoner� '.HAVE.Ihopbarbers.e,Avenue, Prop.ltoreotwear ),. :ionI ST.th?nail ,il:-. eenies,oor-est.re-y�u[rCAGO Men's"Waiting for you."Our Spring Woolensselected especially forCollege Men.Tailor for YoU"r MenA. N, jerrems, l\fgr, 129-IIU La Salle St.ODB PARK Aft� CHICAGO BBACH STABLES'J� H. KINTZ(raOPftIIlTO.). Jackson Park Stables:173 Bast Fifty·StTenth StreetTel" Hyde Park SSli CHI C A 8. Northwestern University Medical School[CHICAGO MEDICAl. COI.I.J�GR]N. S. DAVIS, JR., A. M., M. D., DennBuildings a nd equipment new, Four Hospitals with 800 beds in nffiliation. Dispensary treats 110,000patients nuuuatly. The recognized lender in Medical F.ducatioll.Clinical Work in every year. Ward walks for Seniors dally.For Circular and Information, address Dr. Arthur R. Hdwards.Sec'y,24SI Dearborn Street, Chicago, Ill.If You Want Money c:!1 ��!:���ND .1 .. w--. JeweIrJ. ad Aadquee, for Ale, Old Gold .. au ........Chicago- Ken t Collegeof LawMembers of Association ofAmerican I.IlW SchoolsHON. THOMAS A. MORAN, LL. D., DeanPrepares for admission to Bar ill all theStates. Three years course leading todegree of J�L. D. Sessions each week-day anrl evening. ,For catalogue address the secretaryEr�MgR E. BA.RRETT, LJ�. D.70S'Title and Trust Building, ChicagoReaders of '1'HH DAII.\' MAROON whoare interested in a commercial' or steno­. graphic course' will uo well to investigate, theMetropolitan Business' College,156 Wabash Ave., Chicago.This is a most excellent business pre­paratory school and enjoys an excellentreputation throughout the North west.Students are received at anv time.Young men and \Voill�n with highschool education should fit themselves forpractical work by pursuing one of thecourses given at the Metropolitan.Send for illustrated prospectus, w. '1'. DELtJLUn':frOlid01lt l'tL O. O'DONftELLSecretary �BRTTBBOTnuu.nrStandar4 Washed Coal Companyg03 Dearborn StreetSTANDARD WASHED COAL FOR DOMESTIC USEStanc1(lrd Egg -Washed Range - $5.00 per ton$5.00 per ton Washed Chestnut - $4.50 perftODWashed Pea - $4.:as per ton•SECURE OUR PRICES ONF'RATERNITY STATIONERY,, PROGRAMMES, MENU.,INVITATION. ANDENGRAVED CAROB.BROCHON.' 34-36 WASHINGTON ST.E. c. MOOREjfloti�t133 East Forty·Ninth .str_Telephone Oakland J495:371 East Flfty·Flfth .str�._ .. .Jel�pho!,e HY<!�.r.�rlc_38 _ _"W"ILCOX & "'\VIeR(F'ormecly with 1.\1. J. Coffey)Fashionable 'Tailors,. FORFastidious Dressers"Good fit, style and quality" is ourmotto. Our prices are very reason­able. We invite your inspection ofOUI' spring patterns.ROOM 72. 119 DEARBORN ST.C. A. LAMPERTVI'OLI N 1STMember of the Chicago Orchestra.Pupils and engagements accepted.Address: 3433 Wabash A venue.1804 EDITION NOW READYSpalding'sOfficialAthletic'AlmanacEdited by J. E. Sullivan,Sec.·Treas., A. A. U.The only publication in the country containing allauthentic athletic records. This book contains over� paees of athletic information, and ill profuselyiIIustrat,.d with numerous portraits of leading athletesand athletic teams. Price, 10 cents.A.. G. SPALDING & BROS.Send for illustrated catalog 0 f athletic goods.A. 7. CORNELLMerchantTailoro.u CIIi&aga Slot� Excllanr, B1u'/d"nrWa.II,·"rtDIf and LaSa/l, SII •t MarquetteWear _�B_Undlng_----- Dearborn Street Trim,andNeat AbovetheFeet11I'C the legs that wearBRI6HTON tL'AAs� 6ARTERSFOR MENThe 'garters that FIT-that WEAR-thatPLKAtiK. '1'he rumous Brighten tiat claspeau't pusslbly catch or fray the cluthlul(-�fe�;s ���J��:!�r��"p!Tit��c��e !�� ��':�pure .Uk web with nickel trlmrulnga thatcannot rust 0.' ru b. Price only 2Ii(!. ilL store.or by mall, Get the" BIIIUJlTON."PIO.NJo.:ER SUSl',ENDEK co.,T18 Market 8treet, Phlladelph!a.)fakers or Pioneer Suspenders,We are Tailors torCollege Men •••••I-f.,»SER & "'ANSO�..... AILOR.·t7� DEARBORN a'r.CHICAGO.A Typical wllege Man.. at once recognized by the dlatlnctand faultless cut of his clothesPond's Extract is an everyday ,tand.byamong oollege students. They knowthat It 111 a sovereign remedy tor themany accidents incidental to schoollite. Pond's Extract-the bId /am1llldoctor-might with equal propriety becalled the old college doctor. For over60 years Pond's Extract hUI been dOinga work ot mercy, -curing cuts, brutses,burna; relieving ache. and pains;easing suffering, and making lirebrighter. It Is [ust as emcleot to.day.A. bottle should 801 ways be kept con ve­nlent. Soothes and treshens the faoe.ner ahavlng. Don'texperlment withi����il so-ealted remedlessatd tobe "Justas.good as Pond'sExtra.ct"-there 1, nosubstitute, Watered WitchHazel, a weak solution-aometlmes otJered Inplace orpond's Extraot-has no m ed t o t n ajvalue-Js posJtlvelyworthless. Pond's Ex­tract C U RES-thererore·ls priceless.Sold only i1l 'taled boUt.,under b� wrapper.ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE.�CollegeDoctor BENHAM BROS. �t,.. E. BURNHAMHAIR OOODSElectrolYSisFacial Massage, Manicuring, �adiel' HairDressing and Manicuring. Ladies' Turkish andRussian Baths. 70 and 72 State st., Chicago.FASHIONABLETAILORS DICK HASGolf and Tennis Supplies,Baseball Goods, CameraSupplies, Stationery andPeriodicals.Right on tlte wall to Jack80n ParkJ. DICK & CO., 344 E. 63rd Street225 Dearborn Street Solte 101-102Telephone 4523 Harriecn.4th FloorTYPEWRITERSONE-HALF PRICESend for our list of special bargains in aU ''makes of Standard typewriters. Full line ofsupplies, Machines for rent $2 to $3 permontb.ItO<:KWBLL·BARNES co.36,.26i) Wabuh Ave. Spring StylesDoNotDelayGEO. H. FIEDLER&CO.THE HANDSOMltSTESTABLISHMENT IN CHICAGO CALL ONMcDonald & SpannTAILORS185 Dearborn StreetAdams Express Bldg.Suite 73 to 76, Dexter Bldr,GRAY and BLUEWorsteds o SergesARE CORRECTWe have them inALL SHADESYears of experience in fittinggentlemen who appreciate thevalue of correct dress. ,"�.� •• r �:,��; :'Bishop�n-rc Hat.��156 stateSt.Heller & BensonTAILORS85-87 DEARBORN STREE'fBank' FloorNorthwestern UniversityDental SchoolLocated in the center of the business section of the City, corner ofLake and Dearborn StreetsUnexcelled In Faclllties and E.quipment for Te.cbln. Modern DenUstry.Operative and Pbostbetlc Cllnlc Are Unequalled Anywberlt.The Clinics are continuous throughout the year and are constantly supplied withan abundance of the gre-itest variety of cases for study and practice. ,For Furher Particulars AddressThe Secretary of the Dental Scheol,Northwestern University SuUdln.Chlc •• o.'II CHICAGO" FRIDAY, MAY 13,1904\Ve have not ap­pealed to the eco­nomical side of you'men as nnjch as weshould.We do 110t liketo call this a (( Bar­gain C lot h i n gStore," although itis, in a sense! Asuit can be a greatbargain at $20-infact we have justsuch a line of Bar­gain Suits-swell.elagantly tailored,worth $30, and any store sellinghigh-grade clothing would markthem $i30; No tailor can betterthem for $40. �..... I! '. /-',Mail orders shipped everywhere 011approval,II ,Ij,I:Ii11I MOSSLER'S E. M. SYSTEM'121 Monroe se, near Clark-----------------------------�Established 1870. Incorporated 1888.Tbe Credit Guide Co.7th Floor, Fort Dearborn Bldg.134 MONROE STREETChicago.Commercial Reports. Oollectiona.GO '1'0HYGEIA DINING ROOl\IS�759 DREXEL AVENUEAll Milk and Cream Sterilized Water FilteredOrders Solicited for Battle Creek SnnlturhuuFoods, Fresh Stock,R. EAsON. MANAOERLIBBY'S (Natural Flavor) ,FOOD PRODUCTS ,� Annual co operative entertain­ment given by adul] clubs of theUniversity Settlement at UniversitySettlement Gymnasium, 4630 Grossavenue, Friday evening, May 13,1904, at 8:15. Admission 25 cts.Tickets on sale at Cobb Hall1A,Friday 10:30-11:00. WILLIAMOUAS. A. LAWRENCK,Manager and Director.Select .mustc rer allSelec,t � c cas ton smOUt Patronagereapecttuun ecuctreo SACHLNTAILORL AWRENGE ORGHESTRA am showing a complete new lineof exclusive importationsfrom the fashion centers ofLondon-Paris--Berlin.My Oustom Made Shirtsare correct in every particularExclusive PatternsARTHUR S. HYMAN.5 Jackson Boul., Ohicago,Our collection of woolens for SpringSuits, Overcoats and Trousers is com­plete in every fabric., Our fit andstyle is of the belt only.320 EAST FIFTY-FIFTH STREETWm. H. Sage & Co., reliable druggfstscorner Woodlawn Avenue and Fifty-fifthstreet, Sole agent in Hyde Park fOI' Dr.Cnl'l Ko('h's' New Discovery for the curr­of Consumption. Coughs.' Colds, and alldiseases of the 'I'hroat, Ohest and Lungs.Guaranteed to cure or money refunded.Price" 50 cents. Trial size 10 cents. Residence5745 Rosalie CourtTel. Hyde Park 14U7, c : HI ("' ., (�( lO'MEARA BROT-HE-RS-'-H-O-ME-BAKERY(Phone 1616 HydePark.)All Ooods Strictly Home-MadeON.,. taken for Ice Cream aDei Ices, Gooda deliveredA premium of five cents will be offeredfor the following issues of the DallyMaroon if delivered at the office, 58thStreet and E1liR A venue. :.January 8. 21: February 4. 1904. 278 East Fifty-Fifth StreetFin�- Stationery, P,R ES C RJPTI 0 N 5RELIABLE PHARMACYROSALlE- PHARMA()YJ. J. GIL L I (jh�shncl PlllrmldatPhone Hycle Park 175 274 E. 51th a, near Wash� Ave. OET THE BEST$2 AMES ,HATS $3Established 1873161'163 B. Madison ,street near La ,saU.15. Dearborn St .Largest Exclusive Hat Stock' illChicago. "N obby Straw Hats. ttKeep your clothes in ShapeD. & D. Pantatorium Club624 East 63rd St., Between Elli. and InglesideOne Suit or one Ove'rcoat, or two pair of Trousers Cleaned and Pressed eaeb week forOne Dollar per Month"Wagons call for and deliver all goods. Fancy, dry andsteam cleaming and dyeing. We call and deliver at yourconvenience. Telephone Blue 572 or mail us a postal andbe enrolled.W H Y use poor, unwholesome milk, wheafor the same 1Il0ney you ran !let itPure, Sweet, and B:draor •••narlly Rich, delivered in sealed bottles, by calliD, u,Telephone South 817, or dropplDi a poital t.SIDNEY WANZER & SONS,305 Thirtieth· st.Mag:lZincs� Eastman Kodaks an.i �o\)ks, Photo­graph Supplies SportingGoods, Blanks arid BlankBooks.H. B. DILLIS,Succexsnr to \\', H, BillilllfS408 East 63rd Street Woo.dlawnSafetyDepo sft, 'Company Will open inits new buildingl\1ay 1.Steel Vaults - burglar and fireproof. No expense bas been sparedin making this the strongest andsafest vault in Chicago. .. ..Boxes to Rent at$3 and UpwardsThe 1110St cOl1v�nient Safety Vaultfor those engaged at the University., 449·53 'East 63rd si.,Near WoodLawn Ave.SeventeenthAnniversary·Sale. StateJackson &Quincy Sts.Hose at 25cWorth SOc, 7Sc and $1.00.Thur�da.y begins a sale of great inter­est to a.1l men in need of hosiery ••• Allthe stock. lots (about 1,000 dozen) ofthe f�mous firm of Henry Schiff �Co, New Yorlt, bour ht in by us atpractically our own figures.Choiceof the lot,per pair,25cSee Our Window Display ofThese G'.odsTO RENT-Double parlors for two orthree persons, light house-keeping if de­sired. 2111.1 fiat, 6123 Ellis Avenue.'l'he University Pharmacy carrtes acomplete' line of cold weather remedies.5UO Fifty-fifth street.All students who desire good photo­graphs should call at Martynis MaroonStudio, 5705 Cottage Grove Ave. We'finish in all the latest original and artis­tic designs: Platinum; Co1odio Car­bon, \VU!:!h Drawing, Platlnums andMiueatures. We also have on salephotos of all Versity buildings and ath­letes. Special rates to students.The famous 'l'ailol'ing Co.V ARSI'l"Y TAILORDrop in to see Famous about that newsuit.NEWBERGER & DEBROVY, Props.346 E. 55th St.Phone Hyde Park 5700.If you want a position to teach, callon or write to James F. McCullough.6S0 Fine Arts Building, Chicago.Men's, Half'fhe styles include fine imported Iisles, Icottons and silk and lisle mixed ... alsojacquard & embroidered stripes andfigures in tans, blues, browns, grays)1and blacks ... all the novelties and fan­cies for this spring ... hose that wouldsell regularly at 50c, 75c and $1.00.tempt the tired palate with their exquisiteflavor, and the dainty ways in which they canbe served.Libby's Veal Loaf makes most delightfulluncheons-always ready-easy to serve­wholesome, appetizing', satisfying.It's only one of Libby's Good Things to Eat.Handsome illustrated honk let. "Good Thlnl!s toEat." sent free, Send live IIc stamps (or large Atlasof the world. In colors.Libby. McNeill ... Libby, Chicago.I� :PRESIDENTSuspendersWOI'k In perfect harmon), withthe wearer'. every movement.Comfort. Style and ServicoABSOLUTELYGUARANTEEDTrimming. cannot ru.t.race IlOo and '1.00� any ,tore or ma.ll. prepaid.THB C. A. EDGARTON IIF"'- 00.­Box 208 BbLrley, II .... )