-rrInet!!I:reetleysnteet..,.I all! of!Ida.RY .'� ��8'j,1tr1\1 r 0' 0 n: e·•• ' .llqIlJt; .... a�"'''' . 4'.t! .�-'04 •., .,� .• " , ". ,i •4.··· . .Pa�JJaIl.d Aft,mlO.' by tile StU4.�t. of til. Val'Ytralty of Cklcago J)uriD� the .F0W: Q�arten of the Vnlvon1tJ y.., , ,VOL. II.' No. 137, CHICAGO, ·.MON.i;>AY, I MAY 2, 1�04 PRIC�" Two Cl\NTSNEBRASKA'IS DEFEATED. � ,. ".,'CHINAMAN WINS HONOR TRA-CK MEN DISAPPOINT CONDEMN COIN TOSSERSFew Contestants and' Mediocre Work in Senior Conncil Asks President Harper toFirst of His Race, to Get Fe�lowship Saturday Tryout. Dampen Ardor of Stop Practice of "Pitching Nickels" inFrom Columbia Uni- Rooters and Coaches Front of CobbThe home meet Saturday on Mar- The Senior College.Council, thisNorthwestern University Changes Policy shall Field was disappointing in morning drafted resolutions con- Stillman's Great Work in Left Fieldand Will Sell Much Real many instances. The men in the demning the practice of "pitching Sav.s the Game for',Chicago-Estate field events performed in pathetic nickels" in front of Cobb Hall. It Ellsworth i.Ji<FQrmFor the first time in the history style, heartrending to the followers is the custom this spring for a Securing the lead in the initialof Columbia university a fellowship of the team. l number of the men to drive a stake inning and holding it throughoutwas awarded to .a 'Chinaman at the . The weight: 111et1'''Work�(1'' hal·d�·: ... !U'th�grouad...and. J:o try.their sldH . the. �gam�.,_�hi.cago. administered ameeting of 'the University council but 'did little. Maxwell could not in throwing a coin at it, the one defeat to the strong Nebraska ninerecently. Chin Yung Yen, the new put the shot far enough to score in pitching his coin nearest the mark Saturday 'in the best played game _fellow, is ·.'a historical student, a high schoolmeet and Parry could receiving the money. The council seen on the baseball field this year. 'at Columbia, where he has been not make 140 feet with the ha1llme�. feels that the practice is bad in Strong batting by both teams and. : .since UI02. He comes from T'ient- The pole vault, ended at i 0 feet;6 itself, but especially so in front of good fielding," .especially by Chi- .,Sill, where he was ast udent in the inches, Miller clearing that height, Cobb Hall. The Council recom- cago, kept up an interest through- .Iniperial University from 189:3 to, and Kennedy dropping out at 10 mends that the president take some out the nine innings. Though the .1901. Another fellowship was .feet. Speik did fairly well in t�e action toprevent the practice. Cornhuskers made desperate efforts .. ,granted to William Ca��phell, of, ."discus, >vinni.ng with a \throw of to overcome Chicago's lead, they"Durham University, in England."]. 106. feet' 9� 111c;h�� STUDENT GOVERNMENT DISCUSSED were forced to the. bench by the "'rl�e Carnegie .Iustirute has granted :.. T�l�,';';.track ev�n,ts prove.d 11l0�e. superb pitching of Ellsworth, and "_;'-i'�to Mr Campbell $1,500 with which : :l11tel:7.��,111g .: alalr al�cl. RIC� :ajn At Meeting of National Municipal League the brilli'ant �. ork'.�O,J Stillman. in' . "�&,t' , tl 1 d d i of t R g Friday Different Systems Criticised ,to prosecute further iuquiries; into" ':. 1: �,\l�l. re lt1., a, l�e Wl11�l1.� . the left field, who ,()� more than one' .the effect of heat on, the micro-, . by t\Y9' ·feet. Lyon WOll the mile Student self-government was the occasion saved th'ei:"game ,for' the'. structure and the pliy'sical proper-", ;.ill, ,�.qo�,· -time; defeating Matthews main topic of discussion at the ses- Maroons by hauling'do\vnlong hits. . ': "ties of iron.and steel. '. ' .: �tJl.e· varsity miler. Cahill .ran an sion of the National Municipal It was largely due to Stillman's <LBefore sailing .for Cherbourg, � ��asy .race in the 88Q, wh.ming ='. League 'which was held in Cobb work in left field', tHat the' garile:,\L:with his wife and daughter, Andrew. � 'ly: The feature of th.lS r���.:��s chapel Friday afternoon. Two was won.' He caught four difficulf .Carnegie "Ts ��aiCJ -to' Ttaye- made': �·t�e sprint "made by Parkinson in: plans of self-government, devised flies which stanip � him, as an out­known hfs;,'illtentio_l1s,to give $5 ,000, .... � �.the �tretch. He weakened near by Principal John T. Ray of the fielder of class, 'Three which he.o {) for educational purposes, TI�e � -the t�pe but ran the .best race of John Crerar grammar school, and brought down' would. have been,'formal ail;lotO'ice'mebt of the gift; his career. As a result of his work by George H. Martin of the Mass- good for 'three 'baggers or home'. is expected in a few ·d,!Ys. If is be- ! � h� �-mr�been'.invited. to the training achusetts board of education. When runs. .,. :,:lieved .that the sum will go to the: tabl:: ,Ed�he Ferr.ls ran the 44�. President Bonaparte called for dis- Chicago' scored two.runs in' the:'-.CaruegieTustitute at:l>it�sbllrg .' .• .: � a,I01��:-; �.��d- fillishe� -il� . 5� 2-5: �.� �u.s:i�n,.' this SYS�:l�l was severely first after' Smart and.Ellsworth .had.j,In pursuance �f • a ichange.cf.pol-. ... �q����a�l�}�a�u��"qf: .. the ,�i��t ,���. �r�hclsed. by L. E. Holden of the single� and Fe�l��p ;�rop1?�d :PtU,l'.�/ .• '!icy' 'in" ��g:�i�«( "t?, ',il�"�·r?!}�'�����l��··· :· ':tl.1�-'�l)aJl. t�'tiI1lt>,�:���e,s���s��.,���;I_ ._ �!t'l!e���/;,f.l�'·�rI?�aler, Pro�. Fr�nk .!�E.�_�!ive to left.\. ��na!t �ade. �l!e�, J$800,000 worth of Evanston "rear '1 . 'Summaries: ": .r. . "\> :i,�;,�'" H� Ro��rts. Of�enver :Ul�lvetslty, --third run in the eighth"': oitSti�""t�estate has heen placed upon -the]: roo. �ar<� desh=-Won by Rice; : Blair, and �rot· George E .... Vmcent of man's single. , ... :., .' :7 .., ..1 N h ,.. ,second .. TIme, :10. Cll1'cag' 0 �\ M PI 'b 'k' . 11'l'S' 'old; .market)y ort west.ern 111l1Ver-.' Mile run-aWon by Lyon; Matthews,' c lerson was: . hc atsi,ty. This includes the most of second. Time, 4:622-5. Secretary Clinton R. Woodruff position behind the:bat and,allowed.:!the Varsity's unimproved land in Two mile run-Won by Henry; Kelly, read a paper on' "Univ'ersity and only one stolen' base. He. ,WIl'S, �the city. . second. Time, 10:443-5·. '. �ollegi�te In�t:uction and R�� slightly off 'f�r�, ��wev�r. ,'''.The institution's holdings now 880 yard run-Wo� by Ca.hlll; Park tn- search 111 MUlllclpal Government, Harper went from catcher. toamount to: about five per cen�. of sO;�;:��:�:���o���Fri;��l�K!::����: written by Dr. L. S. Rowe of the center' field, :btti.' �as give� ". :�� .the area of the City. At one t1tne, second. Distance, 19 feet J 1 inches. University of Pennsylvania, and chance to distinguish himS�'lf.· ,';: .. ,.:however, the university owned, Discus-Won by Speik (106 feet 9� Dr. F .. L. L�queer of Brooklyn Only one error. 'was' made ':by'.!l',nearly one-third of Evanston, but inches);. Parry, second. (105 feet); Max.. r�ad a paper on "T�aching Muni- Chicago. Ellsworth thre\y. '�ide,if�i"some ears ago disposed of much well, thIrd, (102 feet 1 tnch). �lpal Government 111 Elementary to Bezdek .once in an ,atte,mp't �ii>�:.'f.�,..Y '. Shot put-Won by Gale (38 feet 7; ,. . 'of It 111 orc��r. to lllcrease the pro- inches); Maxwell, second (37 feet 3 'Schools." catch a Nebrask� n1an 9ft basi: '. :,: ��duction of -Its 11nproved :property. inches); �arry, third (36 feet 9 inches). Purdue is sclu!duied to meet. tb¢ ':'I Hammer throw-Won by Parry (137 . William. Scott Bond on Conference Maroons on Marsh�l1 Fieid 'f'��or�':'DIVINITY MASS MEETING PLANNED feet); Tobin, second (125 feet I� inch�s); Board row afternoon: r{'i� th�ug1it that:;-Maxwell, third (124 feet). At the meeting of the Board of either Paul. ,or Captain Howe wl1PlObject of Gathering Is Kept a Deep, Dark Pole vault - Won by Miller (10 feet 6 Physical Culture and Athletics last . hSecret inches); Kennedy, second (10 feet); 1?ltC .Clark, thinl \9 feet 6 inches). Saturday William Scott Bond, , 97,High jump-Carroll' and McGowan was appointed Chicago's represent a-tied at f> feet'3� inches. tive on the graduate committee incharge of the Conference Inter-col­HERBERT AHLSWEDE IS 'ENGAGED legiate Meet, in place of T. H.Patterson, Jr., resigned �{r. Pat­Marriage to, Miss Nancy Miles Will Take terson is, now located at Seattle,'Place in June Washington. The board passed aresolution expressing appreciationof Mr. Patterson's excellent workduring the two years of his serviceas U' member of the graduate com-versityA mass meeting of all the di'dni­ty students of the University \Villbe held in the assembly room ofHa�k�ll tO�lOrrow nigl�t at' 7 :30:President Harper will . preside and,addresses will be mad€7 by Hon. F.vi: Parker, Charles A. Marsh, Dr.T.;· W .. Goodspeed, and Dean Hul­bert. The object of the meeting isbeing kept secret by those who havethe affair in charge and will not bedivulged until tomorrow night.TENNIS DRAWINGS COMPLETEDTwenty Best 1\len to Contest for Places.on TeamThe drawings for the tennis tour­nament were announced this morn­ing by Captain Moorhe.ad:Preliminary round: W. Jayne vs, R.A. Rowley; W. H. Hatfield �s. J. R.Ozanne; C. S. Burr vs. L. P. Saltnger; O.R. Sellers ys. Paul Gray.First round: N. R, Emrick vs, A.' J4•Anderson; J. L. Mitchell vs. F. O. Nor­ton; R. P. Mulvane vs. J .. w. �reen; D.Wickes vs. F. Lovewell; J. M. HIll vs. W.A. McDermid; E. G. Ince vs. W. E,Moffat.Preliminary and first round. matches are to be played off today .• Herbert ·F. Ahlswede" the formerUniversity of Chicago footballguard, and 'Miss' Nancy Miles, 924North Perry street, have announcedtheir engagement, and the weddingwill take place early in June. Theromance which will culminate inthis happy event, began eightyears ago when both parties at­tended the N orthw�st Division highschool. .Mr. Ahlswede entered the 'Uni­versity of Chicago in' the fall' of '99.In his freshman year he m_ade thechampionship football team. . Hewas prominent in football andathletics until the conclusion of thelast football season, when 'he re­tired to engage in business with·hisfather. Ahlswede is a member ofPhi pelta Theta. ' . Strong Western Team Loses WellPlayed Game by. Scoreof' 3 to 1.1,., ,•mittee. "r .': _il}WARNER WILL STUD�, �NGI�'ER���l,�"'jl:...,---_--. r 1 ; '. '�;'jFonner Head of Information' Office' Le'a\{e"�"for Denver Tomorrow .' .. ;, : ,!�'[. .#�IHayward Do' Warner leave�·�.t��if:,:• • '. �,rP'- �Vmverslty to-mO(rbw to go ,t9.'·Den.$';ver to s�udy. mllllllg en.ghr�erjng:!.>He was one of the founders of the ... :Information offide ':a�d w�s� at the:, 'time of his' 'resignation_, he�d of it. '.He has been: planning for some';yea:rs to take" up: :engineering' a�d: Iit was' for .this :reason he :i-esigned.' .'He was. :.on,t the., .. track team two. years ago-, ,but gave up track work togive-hi� time to Y. M. C. A. work'auld to the Information Office: The'..effidency o(th'e '. i�formation Office:. is largely, due JP_;,)];is work and fa'c-'',ulty memb�r�j: iJ�at1y regret hisresignation. : _W�rner has �enidentified with many student activ-, ,ities, . having been, on the' Cross "Country' Club, the Councils and "many important committees. ' He!,'. was a ,University Ma.rshal, and I a'"member of Lincoln -House and' Beta fTheta 'Pi.' ' .... .,"Season Tickets Cost But $3.00'. ,Basebali season tickets are onsale' at the information office. Ad­mission to .twelve games, regularprice $5.75, may be secured for$3.00. The. usual rules obtain asto non-transference or detachingof cou,pons: .Rehearsal of Junior Day PlayThe first rehearsal of the JuniorDay play' of the Dranuitic Club willtake place Tuesday, 4,P, m, "Lendme Five ShilHngs" will be re-hearsed. '.. CHICAGO, MONDAY, MAY 2, 1904ttbe JDatl� maroonFOnd ..... , the UIIlnnit, of Chicaro Weeki,.I'OUNDJIDn. U.lYel'lity of Chie .. o Weeki" Oct. I, t892TIl. DAILY J(AaOOM.·· • • • Oct. I, 1902NEWS CONTRIBUTIONS REQUESTED.Publilbed b, the .tudentl of the University• of Oaicalo every afternoon, except Saturdar.md Suao" durinl the ,.6 weeki of the Uni­yenit7 7_r.. .. ".Pint board of edltora and business -managerauthorized by .tudent·body in maaa meetlDlMay 15.. 1902 •• embenhl., Oil .ubaequent boards of editor.to ... determined b, competition open to allltUeinta ill th.: Ullinrlit,.BOARD' OF' EDITORS........Jl1 Eclitor •••.••• Oliver B. Wlman, '0,.New Edl_ ••••••••••••• Harry W. Ford, '04Athletic Eclitor •••••••• Walter L Greaory, 'esASSOCIATE' EDITORSBUSINESS STAFFB-w.n .., Manaler •...•....•... Julien L. I1r"df\ CEater. u .econd.cJ .... mail at ChlCflll1l I'"",: olice.Oail.1_ Subacr!ption. $3 per year; $, for .1 nil'!'0, Mail in Cit, $4 per year; $1.2� f'r I nl,'!oo'SuNcriptiona received at THII MAltflllNOft'ice, Elli. H.JJ, or left in THm MAUl"'"Bea. the Faculty Excb.nKe, Cobb Hall,P.rinted, by the Ou.adranale Press, 404 E. ssth :-'1'''''' EDITORIALS ""'IThe annual class debate bet weenthe freshmen and sophomores willbe held during the latter part ofthe current quarter. Chicago's ulti­mate success in debating is largelydependent 'upon the quality andstrenJ1h of the competition de­veioped by debaters during theirfirst years in the University. It isimperative: that the freshmen andsophomore debating club. duringtheir existence maintain a uniforminterest in platform speaking. Thevarsity. debating team has �achyeat been handicapped by thedearth of competitors for places onthe' team. The freshmen and sop-. homore organizations by stimula­ting debating interests in the classesWill increase the number of com­petent men ' eligible for the varsityteam.• • •Nebraska has a good baseballteam. The game of Saturday be­tween the Cornhuskers and Ma­roons was by far the most interest-• lng of .the season to date. The menfrom beyond the "muddy waters"play 'a fast, ,pretty game:' all thetime, and they accept the .... rulings·of the umpire and the fortunes ofwar like gentlemen, Chicago stu­dents will .hope to see Nebraska onMarshall Field again next year �Orville E. Atwood returned tothe University yesterday. Atwoodhas been managing his brother'sranch at Ellis, Kan., for the lastten months. He will be. in resi­dence this quarter.Dr. Moulton willread HEsther"and 'Mrs. Moulton will' render sev­eral solos at the Twilight Hour ofthe w. S� ·C. L. tomorrow after­ncioJl. All women ofthe Universityare cordially invited. GIBBONS. Clothes ShopEXCLUSIVEHIGH - GRADE C LOT H E Sl\To Bra net: Storrs No AgO/IS:REPUTABLE MAKERS-- PROGRESSIVE ONES­WHO ARE UP 'TO' S:\ UFFAND KNOW THE KNACK OFPUT1'ING IN PROPER ;STYLECORREC�r DRES'SERS 'LIKE,BUILD .CLOTHES: \v'E SE'LLl ..4H A�D 51If A GI cCbt [angt SbOtFOR FASTIDIOUS FOLKSDESIGNED BY YOUNG MENFOR YOUNG MEN'S WBAR149 DearbC?r� StreetTRIBUNE BUILDINGIt's a FOWNES'That's all you 'needto know abou� a gloveIrritated faces soothedand healed. Williams'Shaving Stick.MUSIOFor all Instruments andall Voices. Special Ca­talogues free on applica­tion. Usual discount.W. H. W"ILLIS & CO.Successors to The Joh" C;'urch,Co's Rita;' Music Business,248 WABASH A.VENUEUniversity Barber Shop,EVERYTHING N�W3 chairs _3, �.!g�sla�� barbers-- N6 tedious' wait� �xcellent service.409-57th Street, - near Kimbark Avenuenext door to Kern's LOUIS MBYBR, Prop.Wash. Smith & Bro ....GROCERY and MARKETFinest Goods a SpecialtyCor, 57//1 St. 'and Jifferson Atr«.�el. Hyde Park 72 •TYPEWRITERS,ONE-HALF PRICSSend for our list of special b........ III aUmakes of Standard typewriten. 'uU Un. of'supplies, Machines for rent'2 to'3 permoatk..ROCKWBLL-BARNes C». '367-369 Wabaib AYe. COL. FRANK o. LOWDENNEW STO:RE�IEN'S FURNISHING GOODS AND HA�� I"401 E. 63d St., Bet. Monroe and Klmbnrk Aves. _ "'_.' __ .. ,I I.'A BUSINESS MAN'-FOR GOV£RNOR, \,\rote for him at the primaries Friday, May 6tq.Telepbeac Hyde Park ISA. McAdamsDress Shirts, Dress Ties, Dress Gloves.Newest Designs in Neckwear and Shirts.Correct Shapes in, Hats. Large As­sortments in Caps (Etons, Golf, Nor-folk, Etc.) ,Prices Reasonable.LOSER & "ANSO�·TAILO •• •'75 DEAR.OaM .T.OMICA."A Typlr.al (Jollege ManI. at once recognized by the . dfltlDatand faultI�8a.. cut of , hi. Clo�he�-------- --- - - --,'.We are Tailor. forCoJle�e Men •••••. ...... _ ... :- �, .. 10m •Eraat J. Stne� �04 .. ltalph P. Mulvane '�.5.. . Edward M. Kerwin. '06Lea., A. VanPatten. '06,Uward R. Gum on , '04• Rilel H. Allen, '04l�hn S. Wril�t, 05, WOMEN ED'ITORSMi .. Leaa IJarria Mi .. Helen Smith. '06, .: �TAF'-F OF REPORTERSc.' MeKenna. Ruab '05 Arthur Bridgman, 070. .. A. Bruce. '.' .Claude Schofield, '07Wm. A. McDermid, '07 Wm. H. Hatfield. '06Bernard I, Bell, '07Mi .. MarieOrtmayer,'oli IN JACKSO:\i BOULEVARIIoFENNIMORE & GUYRESpring Styles.DoNotDelayCALL ONMcDonald & SpannTA,I LO RS185 Dearborn StreetAdams Express Bldg. ath Floor... - .. ,,- _., .......DICK HASGolf and Tennis Supplies, 'Baseball. Goods, CameraSupplies, Stationery andPeriodicals.Right on the wall to Jaclmm Park:J. DICK & CO., 3,44 E. 63rd StreetMUSSEV'SBilliard Halls and BowllnJt AII�ysThe Largest and Finest AmusementResort in the World100 to' 108 Madison Street, .RrAnch: fU6 Davis St., EVIlD"ton,O'MEARA BROTHERS' HOME BAKERYCPhODU6f6 HydePark.) T """T1'"tn:tn�ITY FLORISTAll Ooods Strictly Home-Made HE u,.u v �, ON.,. takeu fol' leo Cream aDCllc:el. ,GGOda delm-t. ,GREENHOUSES: CHICAGO218 East Flft7-Flftb Str •• t ', Cer. JJd It. aad Kimbark ay ...Years of experience in fittinggentlemen who'appreeiate the. value of correct dress.Heller & Benson�AILOR.S85-87 DEARBORN STREET, Bank FloorDAN(JE PROGRAMSfraternity Stationery, invitations, etc.lowest Prlcea DUNWELL & fORD, fine Stationers171, WABASH AVE.• •CHICAGO, MONDAY,' MAY s, 190'Want The Earth? You Want Money c::! A��!!.!!�ND' I 5 W..-, JewelrJ, ad Aatlqael, 1« laJoJ Old Gold ad �� ..... .IfYO:; If •U Waiting for For twenty-five cents-we will mailyou, for one year, a monthly il­lustrated publication of sixteenpages devoted to tbe industries,climate, life and present oppor­tunities of the Great Southwest.Sample copy mailed upon re­quest. You'll want it when yousee it. Address, w. T. DBr.DLUfT If. O.O'DONlfBLL ALBBRT 1'880PreI1dn� 8ecretaiy ,�Standard Washed Coal CompanyOur Spring Woolensselected especially forCollege Men. .' • \1303 Dearborn Street -., .STANDARD WASHED COAL FOR DOMESTIC USEStaD4ard Egg· • fs.oo per ton Wash"d Chestnut • ..... 50.,..,..Washed Ranle $5.00 per ton Washed Pea·· t4.�:,.r-THE EARTHUIR Railway Exchange CHICAGOl'istnlJlIshed 1870. . Incorporated 1�.GuideThe' Credit Co. '� B. BURNHAM. "HAIR OOOD�, , ., ,�, . Electrolysis. Facial Massage. Manicuring. Ladies' HairDressing and Manicuring. Ladies' Turkish andRussian Baths. 70 and 72 State st., Chicago. BORDEN'SCONDENSED MILK:iJ FLUlD'IIJI,&:,CREAM AND: B TTItRIIILK:AU BOITLED :,�!{. T!fE CO�NTRYBORDEN'S CONDENSED' MILK CO.827'-833 C. 'O .. T .... -.CV.NTH .T.ith Floor, {i'ort Dearborn Bldg.134 MONROE. STREET'Chicago.', '., Commercia! RE!PortR� . 'COllections •.A. N. jerreme, Mgr. 129-181 1.8 Salle St.ftD. P.ARI: AlfD OHIOAGO BB.iOH ST.lBLBI•• 1·.·H7.�1!'1T�.... J:: .. Jackson. Park Stables". . ;. '173 Ba.t Pifty·SeTeDth Street.. '. Tel., H�de Park 558 CHIO.iQ. to' J'L. MAN AS S S, OPTICIAN88 MadllOn St .. ,-Trlbun. Bulldlalr'peet.ele. ud Bye,lall.i 8cfeDtUIcally Acljultet.'Eyea Tested I'ree. Iberythiq OpticalMatliematica�MetereolOlicaJ,uclfor the Lanteral.t,J:oclak., O&Ja.ral••• lu'pU ...OET THE BEST�$2 AMES HATS $3e.tabllsbed 1873.6 r- i63 S. Madison Street aear La Salle,'S4 Dearbora St": E'arly Spring Hats, Canes, Glovesand UmhrelJasTURBINEA CL()ETT 'GoLLARQUARTER EACH, QUA'RTER 81ZES,CL.UE;TTJ: PEABODY,' &. CO. 'MAKIR8 OF CLUE�, AND M,?NARCH 'HIRTt CHA.R. A.. LAWRENOB.ManalCer and' Directot.L AWRENGE' QRGHESTRAANDREY{S �t:��:' Wh,a;,..: Typ�wrj.(er Ch.afrsOnl)' fi' Dc'livered East Rockyountntus. .A [ways Cleanly. Attractive,Comfo·tnble. III estructrble ana" Inexpensive. .) jap Copper .Plated and Polished.I Order by',iurriber.,·j' .A, It A'ndrtlws Co ',174 Wabash avo Chicago'•• '... I • Select .mu�(c' tor allSelect '" c cas ( 0 n sll10ur I)'atron'age. Jrespecttull12 eeueuee----_.\,S£C�Ht: .(..I.,i-l·PHIC£S ON'A'" E" r., Y 'STA1IONFRY,PROIlHAMMr:S. MENUS,INVITAT'O-N. "NO.. NGRAVED CARDa. ... "Residence5746 Rosalie CourtTel. Hyde Park 1467...., ,'�, •• 11BROCHON OH�OAGOSuIte 73 to 76, Dexter Bldlol' 34-38 WASHINGTON S;r. H>\RRY. S .. LESTER '!' -'·E. ,C. ·MOORE. PHESCRIPTION ;PHARMAOIST.I " ,Ilodst: " ,"If your package or bo�tJe bearsfall: sUt.Porty-Nlnth .streee·�· ' Lester's .label it's' right."•, Telephonc Oaklanch495 55th St. and Kimbark ATe. I! :l7.J�E8st· Fifty-Fifth $trecC. : . .� �.' Telephonc flyde Park 38', :, .. ',, ' I am 'showing a complete -new 'lI�e IW·, . of exclusive 'importations I,�.; ... ILCOX & W·ICK from the faBWon centers.tof::>�. ':. ( (Jr��t�erlY with, Mo":r� 'Coffe;,) London;.:EfUU�Be?lrn:' .",'",(!, �. • ' �yuOWlfom: Made' Shirts;;'lra�hlon'able Tailors .. ' ,�, iare correct hI' every.' �Icula�. 'r\'::/�:' L. 'I '. r, v- • "'" '�".' , ' •"", Exclusive .Patterns! . ,I·.r. _.',.,_ .,.. F 0, RFastidious Dressers ARTHUR a. HYMAN,�, 5 J aekson Boul., Ohleago."Good 'fit,' style and Quality'" r� I,Our '. "....;.... -'-. ._motto. Our 'priceS 'are nr;. reuon- Quick Serviceable.", We invite your Inspection ofour .sprlng patterns., ,.'ROOM 72. 119 DEARBORN ST. BENHAM BROS."GRAY and BLUE'Wor�teds & SergesARE ' CORRECTWe have. them inALL SHADES " f' ", •FASHIONABU: "- ...' .� .,,";' 1;)TA'/LORS""It,GEO. H. FIEDLER & CO.I , ! .T Ii R HAN D S 0 .l\( ESTasTABI,ISHMENT IN CHICAGO' 225 Dearborn S�et. '. �� �'� ...Telephone 4523 Huiiecia�,,.' ': (/;'!"J:·��t':,"):I1.l"l/(.Electric'Lliict/:Geo. o. lIarlatt, 1111' •. Steel Yaults'ANHEUSER & NEILHYDE PARK CENTRAL'SAFE DEPOSITVAULTS.: RestatlranJ9. A. LA�pmRTV'IOLf N 1STMemb�r of the Qlfcq. Ore .... tra •.Pupils and enral'ementa accepted.,Address! . 8488 W.buh Annue. 191 BAST SIXTY -TBlRD 81'; 0810.&00P .A_.:R.:K ·C.A.FE181-·E.·S5th StreetCorner Jefferson A,ve.Best 'Meal in Hyde Park JSc' Flfty·Flfth 5t. and Washington Aye.Burglar PrOOf. Fire Proof'. A "solute Security.W. K. YOUNG t'4 BRO. Boxes $.f...ooper �Iar.Wilson's BilliardPARLOR301, E. 55th St., near Monroe Ave.·.;Everything new. Highest gradetables. Open Sundays Phone Hyde Park 997'804 EDITION NOW' READY.Spalding'sOfficialAthletic,Almanac H. '1'. MCGuire, Prop.l\fADlSON AVENUE PAOKING 00.PRESCRIPTIONSR I: L I A B L: I: P H ARM A C YROS,ALlE PHARMA()YJ •. J. GILL, ClIIemIlt .. PIInIcMI'IIoae Ib'Ie hrk ItS 274 f. 57111 St.. JINI' W ..... An. WHOLES.ALE. ANDRET'I\IL MA�KE T- Edited � J. E. Sullivaa,:" Sec.-Troal., A. A. U.TIae oDly publication in thc country containine anautbeatic ,thletic records. This book contains over.ao P .... of athlctic information, and ill profuselyJIlUltnN with nUD1eJOUI portraits of Jeadine athletesaDd .lhtetic teams. Price, 10 cents.' .A.. GO. SPALDING & ·BROS.s.a.s lor Ulusb1lted cataJOC 0 f athletic roods. IEstabUlbed 187�. .6309 Mad.lllon Avenue. ',Cblcap.Incorporated 1902.'Phone H;,de Part 1822WH YUle poor. unwholesolDe milk, wbafor thc .ame .oney you C'an ret hPur., .sweet, aad Bstra .......ull), Rlcb, delivered in Haled bottlea, by calJi., ...Telephone South 817, or dropplq • postal '-SIDNEY WANZER"& SONS305 Thirtieth ·st.A. 7. CORNELL . TAILORS'Pullman Buihlinl'1 t 's the little tblnpabout a man'ldothlng that makeor mar his comfort.Gartol'S, tor In-8I.t1n('O, aro slllallthlnvs. but. 10 becomfortablo theymust be rioht.DailyEase W. make a �peclalty of 'hll'h grade Ore ..Sulb tor younr men.reet Merchant·Tailor lilllli:MIIQII�JailThe Greateat Game Out �ootbaU-Polrer has.1I tileMimic Football Played with Card. interest and cxci�eme.at of theEuv t. Learn-Euv to Plav two pat IAmenClUl' Gama.II:' # # # Full of spectacular ��Ja.. Ul\ for Two-fUll for a. Crowd from thc ficl� blocked JdCb,• fumblea, touclidowu; etc.broA real pme of Football played on a .pa� "cridiroD" and min.ken oonea. Price ISO cents at book dealcrs or from ua I!OAopaid. Sampl.c chart of game tree, Younlr and old. teache .... coU ...atudents, soetety-everybody is playiul' Football.POker."All Harvard plays P'ootball·Poker-now the rap wfth 1tUdeDts.""An InteftstlD&' &lad Instructive pme,"-Dir«/���T..v=THE REILLY. BIUTTON CO ... f Adalft. St.. Cb--'''�yst BRIGHTONFlat ClaspGARTERS'. � OI�I" �IH� ExcAa"zr Bundl", ,1I'1I1Ai"PtJ" ."d LIJSall, SII.at�,� Marquette�l�� BuildingWear .,______ � Dearborn StreetIS fO"IIlf'!lare "I'iollt" 1::lrlt'I'S' IlIl'y fit rhl'ht- fl'l'lJ'll!llt hllrt \\'l'llr l'htllt, Tiley SlIal' 011 lind {Iff('Il';.' r. YI'L Illwllya Bf'cnrc. .!oievcr bind. Iluli. rubvl·.1 I': ,) IIiIL COlllfOl'tlllJlc. Just ril[lJt. �I 11110 or('//<' 111' ('f! ]).,1'(' ,illt; IIII'll with nkkel tlllllll"II�B,ulHI t'vbt vuly !?{jc. .\ t storcs or I,y 1111111.I'JON(,;Ut SUISI'l,;XlJHR ('0., 7111 Jlarhtt�I •• I'blllu,,,,,,bla.Maker. 01 Piolleer Su.pender ••Men'sn,VE.-, .; ....-- , �CHIC4(�}O':= MO,�PAY; �MA� :2� '1904II,......'I: I' I �."..r :,1Z 1 Monroe St., near Clark. . .·PRES'·DENTSuspenders-::'WWk "ID': perfect hannoD7 With... - wearer'. every movement.': ColDfo�. SO-Ie and ServiceABSOLUTELYG�ARANTEEDTiuandng.caDDot�.t..... 100 and tt.oo. aDy.tore or mall. prepaid.TB& C. A. EDGARTON liFO. CO.'.' •• z 898 8hl .. leJ' ...... ." .' .: ,',.- .. ",' 1' ..-----------------------------------,BETA WINS FIRST . GAME ... : '''_':' .Defeats Delta U. in Hard Conteit' i Filledwith Star, �i�Y8.· . _ I ''', ...... ,Beta Theta Pi defeated DeltaUpsilon Saturday morning on.' theWashington Park diamond by ascore of 16 to 12. Delta U tied 'tIle i. � . , ITwenty-fi ve U'niyersi ty �of Chi­cago WOll!ert· spent Saturday ill. Lake Forest at the �l.�t�'opo1itan,Confer nee of.. Y. : W. C .. A TenA premium of . five cents will be offered 'for the followl[hi . issues of the Dally,Maroon if delivered I\-t, the, office, 58thStreet and EUi's' Aven\i�.: - ' :.J anuary 8, 21; February 4" 1004.All students who desire goOd photo­graphs should call 'at Martyn's Maroon·. Studio, 5705 Cottage Grove Ave. YVefinish in all the latest orilinal and artis·. tic designs: Platinum, Oo1odio Car'·bOll, 'Vash Drawing, PlatinuDl8 andMiueatures. We also· have' on - sale'photos of all Versity :buildings and ath·letes. Special rat�. to . students.The famous Tailoring 00., 'V AHSITY "TAILOlt .,Drop in to' see Famous about that newsuit. � ��, .. , :NEWBERGER & DEBRQVY, Props.346 E. 55th'. St.'Photic Hyde Park 5700.. . ..: ,- .' . �. ' . � '. (', ;: . .''J'he University Pharmacy .�al'Tlelif �acomplete- line of' cold' weather - remedie�.;')()O Ij"if�y-fifth street. ' I ;, !If you want' a pOsition ,t4> teach •. _c�lion or write to Jam� 'Jr. McCulloUI�,'tiB9 Fine Arts Building. OhlcsiO.A few- reasonswhy this is aboutthe busiest cloth­i n g s tor e inChicago:__ ��f'\...,.......It pays not to lie!It pays to handleonly such clothing score in the fifth inning on a corn­as the plain truthwill sell. bina,tion, of errors of -the usual fra--It pays to sell ternity baseball brand, 'while the,I close, . . . ..It pays to sell Betas garnered in several more -o� .. ', ��ili�gfu�wti� � Parry'sd�iv�y �� t�po�·:·�-�---------------------------�fies. -',' ----------��--------------�------------------�--�,--.--------------- -Itpays'to'be gen- - - support- behind; him; ..,' "'1 ' ., ,", • :erous. .. . Features of the:·game. were .sel�···j .. I.·''�I ",:, YOT"E FOR.It pays to refund .... I .' ". Ithe money rather ler's catch of a fly,· 'Parry' 5 catch \ C"... I· H�.. '.. '.� 5' ,th·an. di��le�se a of a line drive, .and Vogt's stop and' �customer. ' }'-' .. 'a' b' ,-, • ��k .It pays to all ver- assist of a: ut. over thir . ' ase-sac 'f:' ! .. u.o .' • "-• • •• , I �.. � - �_� .;..� .... 1t .... " •• the 'p" - . • 110.-1. a�y.' -:+tee-·.·. 6" t-h' '."'ttse._ ,,' . Garnett caught a fine game:)i'#�r I .. '. .: ". at rimaries, tVi nIn the E. M._ Allen struck out twelve men andSystem" Gar -'. ments' 'we" 'have "the' smartest allowed but four hits.clothessold in Chicago. -'--"'_""'; .-, r: .. �If it -isn't .so ask 'to have your Women Students Attend Conventioumoney back. -'..," '$�e this'new arrival of suits we' vemarked $�4. ..' ,Others. $10 to $35.W_orilt imrestigating! �Mail orders shipped everywhere 011approval: ' -' ,MOSSLER�S: E. M. ,SYSTEMWm. H. Sage '& 00., reliable druggltltac'orner Woodlawn Avenue and Flfty·flfth�treet. Sole agent in Hyde Park for: Dr.Carl Koch's· New Discovery fo1" tht,- cureof Consumption, Ooughs,.- Ool�. and allcliseases of the Tb�t, Chest and Lunp •.. "G�ilraDteed' to -cure; or money refunded.:._. , 'Price� 50 �ntH. THaI airA! 10 'c�ta, , " 'Our collection of woolens' for SpringSuits, Overcoats and Trousers' Is com­plete in every fabric. Our fit andstyle is', of the best only.W.ILLIAMTAILORSAC .. H£N� "�20.··EA·5T STRE'ET..s.,, ,i ,-'. '. A·· ' -)rfAN D.E·,N 'E�E N'....... 't...... .... �. .. ... �r ," -'- �• __ , '1 .• ., .....of the Chicago cabinet went up onFriday afternoon and ",eye enter­.tained over nigh t very lio ... pi tublyby the people of Lake Forest .. J\N 'JJI 'E�PE,RIMENT 'Early kS�iurday morning fifteen�'lll�z::tp�r Lemployed one ti.:of c. student. . more Chicago women arrived for the1. Hewal.asuc:ceas. 2.Iwishlhadetuployed .confereilce, At tli'e banquet 011half a . dozen. 8. I am ready to do so now.. . '"4. Contract now, get training free, be ready for. , .. Friday night the ·Chicau·o tou-twork when schoo! eloses, _ .,' ,, I':>b:, __ . StOt�r;:supt, Pacific Mutual Life Ins. Co. -was given by ¥bs Elizabeth �lac·608' MARQUETTE BUILDING . Fi.rland. .·T.he;tmsine�s of the l:OllGO TO fereuce was done 011 g.1turLiay morri-HYGEIA._ DINING' ROOMS ing when the delegates from the, ..... �7�D DREX�� A. VENU� . various "colleges and, universitiesAll Milk and Cream Stenhzed Water Filtered� 'Or4ers Solicited for Battle-Creek Sanitarium read' reports of thei r associa t ions .. ! ." Foods. Fresh' Stock. .' , - ..�',. R.-K�SONt MANA.GER ... -------- - .----.. --.-,COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Alpha Delta Det�a�s S_. A. E. �r ,• �," - ,A1I)ha Delta Phi defeated. �igtlla .GR..A..DU A 'I'E SCHOOLS 'fhe Faculties01 Political Science, PhilosophY'� and Pure l:)ci--' "Alpha Epsilon ill the first of theence otter a wide range of courses leading to the •deareea of 'A. M. and Ph. D .. Graduates of col- inter-fraternity series on· Saturdayleges or scientific schools ·.are admitted' without'examination� '." - - _.. - --_. by a score of IV to 5,. The battery'SOHOOL OF· LA. W T'hree-year course.Candid�es for admission must be graduates of II for Sigma Alpha Epsilon was Graycollege or scientific school or show evidence of . Ieq,alv.alepUralning. , ' and Wakefield, and for Alpha.SOHOOL OFj)lEDJCINE Four-year, '"course. Candidates'must have completed one Delta 'Phi', J 01t'IlS0�1' and Sherman ..year of work in a college or scientific 'school, ormus!_pass the stated entrance examination.SOHOOLS OF.A.PPL1ED SOIKNCK�ND-"&':R CHITEOTURE Four -yearcourse_a'in'Mining, Metallurgy. Chemistry, Civil,. :Rlectrical, and Mechauical· Engineerin� andArchitectur. 'Graduates bf colleges 'or SCientificathool.ll,Cati-:,uB·u��ly, en€er'these courses with Ad-vanctd 'standing;' ... • '.1:EA.OHERS . OOLLEGE Professionalcourae8 In Education. of Yarr,ing lengths, leadhlgto degrees and diplolUQ.s. Students will receive�e credit for work done at other colleges orbools for the training of teachers.For information apply to the 'SecretaTY of,�lumbia University. New York. N. Y. ., ,,' ,...WITH� A ! RE'C,eRD".,l .. ',: ..'.\. ... t'j l •••• t ...I'.; 'I; ' .• ).'i�:.UaD� �"nr:.':�Ftl9�ol. ��e==r1:it. prep ..... tion for lour.convanl.nc ••. � the Iuuld7kefoOpenlnll cap.. A IUPllf on Jour p(l.DtrJ ,hal ....Dabl .. JOU to have alwalll,at liand the .... ntlal.eto th. vel'J beat meal". The littl. boot, "How tolIak. GoOcl Thin .. to Eat," toll, all about th.m­"Dt free. LlbbJ', Atl .. of the World. malledtne tor 10 ceDta poltap.: LlBBV. McNeILL" LIBBY. CHICAGO.W'oodla-VVD-Safety·Depo.�itComp-any!449·53·East. 63rd '5�.,"·Nea.r Woodlawn Ave.'THE _ILLINOIS WAREHOUSB a�:d.,,STORAGE COMPANY ," r'PhO�O. �y40 �arl¢ ��I. KIMBAR�'A �Ii .... F�.�.Y.SJXT" ST ••The Cleanest an. Best ·K�pf. Stora,. -�., .' .Warehouse in the City, ..• ,,�.. •Furniture and Pianos' Moved ... Stored, P.�ked �d Sbi�._'" all ,srui ..the world. 300'Prl;vato St�r.lo, Rooms •. Larac Pulor,�c1_uai��I� ... rL.Piana.. Rooms for Trunks llnd· Wli�ls. JArlc Room l.� C;:�." .,_But!Rics, and Sleiibs. TRUNKS' � �lB:Q PROM, ALL J)�,P0T8. :. "._ ....J.cK;al u_ualor BIII'IC. i'umItWC, Packares, etc., at short notace. ,. f'-:: : . .' _ ....... a,ocia! Attention G1na to VainrlitF Or4.n. " ISl:hool�·DaysI\ :! Ir\.,.r.,. are lIometimes filled with suffering. The. strenuous 11 fe or the a. yeru.ge student'brings Its series or mishaps. Ponel'.. Extract-the old family doctor-oft'ersquick relIef. and cure tor ail sucb 111.:Tbe student wbo bas 0. bottle or Pond'..._ E�ttact at hand, Is welll>rovided to re.U6\'e 1>aln and suffering., -It •. cures cuts,brulsell, burns; .tops bl�edlng; re.,Haves earache, 'tootbach�, rbenma.'tiSIn' ,and �all pains a.·.It, py',�maglc.. Boothe •. �Ad. '�eshenJi' �tbe' ·tace:� atter;:.bavJI)$'�<.f0J' �v;e:r\ po "x.�ar�>'t basJ)pe�: I<tb. one '�a}ll�lY; ·,r�Jt:l�dt.:. tbat1==::;:;:::::::;;:;:==tI bas never disappointed.Watered Witch Hazel,a weak solution-some­times offered In placeor Pond's Extract-:-hasno' medicinal value-Isposlt1vely'w or,t h le8 s.·Pond's Extract CURES-therefore Is priceless.Sold oJlly "� sealed bo'Ue,. 1U1cltr buff lV1'apller. •• IAf:f:Urr NO SIJ8STlTUTE. .Will open in its new buildingMay 1.Steel Vaults - bur�lar ,an�. :fir�proof. � 0 exp_ense has been sparedin making, this the strongest andsafest vault in' Chicago. ' t.jBoxes to R.ent at$ 3 a�ci::, V J;wa.rds'libe most' convenient Safety V 8ul�f6r those engaged at the University.