lnet-�treet.ueysentlameatlynadepurelevil.lass.RS11 in all. line ofrmonth..adedelivered,t The Daily 'l\:;\�rOonPublished Aftemoon. by tile Student. of the UIliVOfilty of Chicago DurlDg the Four Quarte .., fi. '�Divers ty�, .=========================�==�====================================================================�������CHICAGO, FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1904VOL. II. No. 136. PRICE Two CENTSSTUDENTS' CAMPAIGN ,GOOD SWIMMING RECORDS' IBUSY SEASON I,N TENNIS . LAWS MOVE LIBRARYMembers of Knudsen's Squad do Re- Varsity Players Wilt Have Team Matchesmarkable Work, Crowding World's Rec- With Northwestern, Iowa, Purdue andords in Many Events ' MichiganThe water relayteam and mem- The'schedule of matches for thebers of the water polo team, stimu- tennis team was given out today by Freshman Would Strike But Dean Issueslated by the prospect of' establish- Captain Moorhead. 'Injunction-Keehn, Bingham and'11 Sheldon as Dustersing a record for this year's CAP On May 9 a two-man team WIAND GOWl'l, struggled for' su- playa similar team from the Uni- The first of May has been "mov-The students of the state. univer-fternoon i th f I th h t ing day" in Chicago for a long, longpremacy yesterday a ternoon m e versity 0 owa on e ome cour s.sity of Iowa have inaugurated anew pool. All collegiate matches thereafter time but the date has never beenmissionary campaign for students.Badenock Weddell and Rhoc:1f.',· -will be with four-men teams. attended by a busier scene than wasThe movement is an echo of the '1 hi' . f 11 Ch·. that about the temporary and newsucceeded in capturing al -t e rec- , "They will occur as 0 ows: 1-enthusiasm displayed by the stu-ords and in making remarkable. ; cago vs.t Northwestern at Evanston, home of the Laws today.dents atthe time the fate of the uni-1 . hi Chi t Under' the guiding hand of Libra-time in some of the distances., May 1 ; M1C igan VS. icago aversity was in the hands of the stateA b M 13 14 N th rian Frede, rick Shenk the work of. d The results follow: Ann r or, ,ay -; or-legislature. It was conceive atwestern vs. Chicago, May 18; Pur- transferring 25,000 volumes from. '. h th f t f the in 20 yards-Badenock, 10 2-5; Weddell,that time t at e u ure 0 -.due at Chi cago, May 20-21. the Press building to the stack'f h 10 3-5; world's record 10 seconds.stitution would be safer I ted k . t room in the new building has been40 yards-Weddell, 25.4: Ba enoc , The intercollegiate tournamenstudents and alumni were better or- 25.4; world's record 23.4. 'occurs in the latter part of Mayon swiftly carried on. The superin-ganized. The organization of the 80 yards=-Weddell, I minute 4 sec. the Kenwood Country Club's tendent of a warehouse companyalumni was begun in Des Moines. 100 yards-Badenock, 1 minute 27 sec.Courts. has never directed a job of movingh d ts i Max Rhode swam' 180 feet under water,The organization of t e stu en s ISin a more astute and masterfuland Terry made a record for the longnow launched. The student move- dive of 40 ft. GOLFERS WILL REPORT TO STAGG manner than Librarian Shenk hasment began a week or so ago whenmanifested during the short hoursa meeting of the class presidents of TRACK MEN CONTEST TOM�RROW Trials for University Team Will be Held assigned him by the Dean in whichthe college of liberal arts was called.in Park to complete the installation of his,This committee-was then enlarged Coach Stag, Will Choose Team to, Meet· Director Stagg has issued a call' charge in the new quarters.to include representatives from the the Illinifor all candidates for the University The manual task of moving thevarious school organizations. Mon- The track men will be given a Golf teani to meet him in his.office books has been done by the Lawsday night the final meeting of the thorough work out' to-morrow in the gymnasium at 1:30 Monday. themselves. Librarian Shenk wascommittee was held and it was at- morning and afternoon. The men He requests that all men who can determined that his prerogatives't!'nded by the presidents of all of who are training for the field play golf and intend to try for the should not be usurped by strikersthe classes of all the colleges of-the events will compete in-the morning, team report at .this meeting so that and accordingly he appealed to, theuniversity. It was decided that beginning' at 10 o'clock, and 'the the" preliminary play may be ar- law school students to aid him. Hethe students should be organized track men will begin work at�. ranged., had in' mind the delay already oc­into county clubs, and a committee o'Clock. All .the men who have so The' first matches will be played casioried 'in the work of completingselected to choose representa- far competed for the: _'g�iv�rsity in , "on the Jackson Park'links and will ,'the new building 'by incensed labor­tives from each county to see that the indoor meets. Will be given; a:' consist of fifty lour holes. The con-' ers and artisans who demandedthe ''Stud�nts 'from that certain trial to-morrow to select a team: to testants Will, bii: paired off and as- higher wages. The plans of Mr."county become organized. After meet the Illini next Satnrday. signed days forplaying, .' From the Shenk, however, received a severethese county clubs are fully org,an- The meet will start promptly, so ,number of p�ayers'in; the prelimin- upset late last evening whet} Johnized they will, seek to make a com-as to be completed before the base aries the eight men making the best J. Radford, a freshman Law, drop­plete canvass of their county with ball game. If the weather is fa-: ,'scores will be chosen 'to play a peddle box of books he was carry­thehope of adding large num,bers vorable all the track 'men will be round-robin for places on the team. ing -; up the stairs of the buildingof ' students for next year. They sent for time. Taylor will not com- It is intended that the golf team and, refused to move another step�ill also act in conjunction with their pete, as his knee is still in bad earn its title this year and also win until an increase of five cents anhome alumni toward securing new shape. He trotted around slowly some of its matches. The inter- hour be made in his wages. Astudents. At the meeting Monday yesterday, but is not in shape for collegiate match with Michigan general strike seemed imminentnight a 'number' �f 'sub-committees any hard work, 'Catlin injured ! will be the most interesting one. when Librarian Shenk called thewere' named to facilitate the work. himself last night by striking his' . attention of the men to the fact thatProf. Harry Plum was named a ankle on the top of a hurdle.. It is'. SIX MEN IN FRESHMAN TRIALS their action constituted coercioncommittee to keep in. touch with the thought that he will beable to run and as such was the sort of thingState Alu'wni Association; Frank 'to-morrow. � and Ferris are Finals for Class Debating Team Will be . that the Law didn't like; that theyWilson editor of the Daily Iowan. training for the 440, and will Held May 10 .were accordingly liable to an actionwas named as press committee, and probably compete in, the event. The preliminary trials for the of tort for using the powerful rna-Prof. A. G. Smith and Henry G. Blair and Rice will also run in the freshman team for the freshman chine of combination against a de­Walker were named a committee to hundred, which should be interest- sophomore debate were held Wed- fenseless citizen. Whereupon Rad-'work among the high school visitors ing. Cahill will go for the time in nesday. Notwithstanding the large ford made haste to call off the strikeat the coming state meet. the 880. He is not in the best of number of entries, but six contest- even before it had been inaugurated,On account of the fact that few shape, and 2:04 will be excellent ants appeared, and as six were to and the work of moving went for­upper-classmen belong to the mili- time for him to-morrow. Lyons' be chosen, there was no need for a ward more expeditiously than be-tary battalion at the University of and Mathews will run the mile. .contest. fore.Minnesota, the number of compan- Lyons is improving as a distance The se�i-finals will occur at the Such well known artists as Keehn,ies is to be cut down by half.runner, and bids fair to be heard meeting of the Freshman Debating Bingham and Sheldon have beenScarcely any of the officers are in from later in the season. i Club one week from next Tuesday. engaged in dusting the books.the senior class, and many of the .T�e ques�ion will be the same:"non-coms" are freshmen and soph- , ,., 'Resolved, That National Regula-' The closing session of the N ation-omores. The number of companies tion of 'Trusts is Preferable to Stateal'Municipal League was" held inat' present is eight, of nearly oneCobb Chapel this afternoon 'with Regulation.' W. E. Wrather, B.hundred men each, and there areI. Bell and' A. F. Drummond willPresident Charles J. Bonaparte ofnot enough officers for this number. . '. Th li f support the affirmative; Geo. Cad-Baltimore in the chair, . e ist 0The new plan is to have all com-. f man R. F. Baldwin and P. M.speeches at the meeting this a ter- ,,missioned officers seniors, sergeantsf ,0' Donnell, the negative. The threenoon included Dr. L. 'S. Rowe 0juniors and corporals sophomores. the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. best individual debaters will consti-Dr: Fred. L. Lequeer of Brooklyn, tute thete�m �hich will meet theRev. Thomas R, Slicer of. �ew sophomores the tenth week of theYork, and Superintendent Cooley "quarter.of the Chicago schools. The ses­sion this morning washeld In . theNorthwestern University Law Build­ing down town. The visiting dele­gates will bethe guests of the Cit!.Club at the' Auditorium tonight.Uhiversity of Iowa Will Make GreatEffort to Get IncreasedNumbers Librarian Shenk Refuses to beBothered by UnreliableLabor Unions, Minnesota Military Battalion Cut Down-Lacks Senior Of-ficersThe French Club was well attend­ed yesterday afternoon. Amongthe most pleasing features of theprogram were the following recita­tions by members of Mr. David'sFrench Class: Ronde! de Charles. a+Orleans by Miss Baxter; Claxnso»d ' un ranneur de bled, aux veuls deJ. du Be/lay by Miss Carver: A Cas­sandre de P, de Rousard by MissFuller; A Helene de P. de Rousardby Miss Geissman; Chanson de F •de Mallurbe by Miss Moss. Nextweek the president of the Cerclewill give lecture on Mil�tary �er­vice in France. Mr. DaVId having: spent three years in service is wellinformed on the subject.The'Settlement Association wi�lhold a joint meeting with The SOCI­ology Club in Cobb Assembly Hall,on Monday evening, May 2, .at 8p. m .. Reports will will be givenfrom the Hyde ParkHigh SchoolSociology Club and' f�oni the "As­sociation House" . MISS McDowellwill talk, on "Some Problems ofSettlement Work". I Dr. Hans Gadow, F. R.. S., lee­.turer on zoology in the University� of Cambridge, England, delivered; the first lecture on "The Coloration: of Amphibia and Reptiles" in Kent, theatre last Wednesday.eaiCAGO, FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1904ttbe 1DatI� maroon·. G I B BON SFormerly the Univulity M Cbicaco Weekly.. 1'017JQ):.Dn. UaiYel'li�_ of Cblcaao Weekly, Oct. I, 1892TB. DAILY MAltOON. • • • • Oct. I. 19°· C lot he s "Shop are made first to fit thefoot perfectly and givethe longest wear- andthen to look' 'right" .And at that theyare the hand­somest shoewe have seen.Come in pat­ent en a 111 e 1and calf.NEWS CONTRIBUTIONS REQUESTED.Pu�Ulhed by the ltudeata of the Universityof Oaicalo evert afternoon, except Saturda1ani SUDUy, dunng the .. 6 weeks .f the Unl­versity rear.:Firat board of editora and buaineu mana,erau':herized by Itudeat·body in mille meeanlMI\I 15, 19.02.:&Iem"berlhip on IUMequeat boarda of editonto be determined by competition opea to allltudeata in the Univeraity. exclusive high-gradeCLOTHESNo Branch Stores No AgentsBOARD OF EDITORSManqi_nl Editor ••••••• Oliver B. Wnnan, '0"Newa E41iwr ••••••••••••• Barsy W. Ford, '0"Athletic Editor •••••••• Walter L. GrqOl'Y, '05ASSOCIATE EDITORSErn�t J. Stev� �o�"Ralph P. l4ulV&l!.t;, '!)�Edwwd JIil. Kerwin, '06LeRey A. VanPatten, '06Edward R. GuanOD, '0"RilQ H. Allea, '0"John S. Wri,ht, '.5WOMEN EDITORSMiSl Lena H&rria Mias Helen Smith, '06STAFF OF REPORTERSC. McKenna, Rum '05 Arthur Bridgman, 07Cbu A. Bruce, '., Claude Schofield, '.,Wm. A. McDermid, '07 Wm. H. Hatfield, '00Bernard I. Bell, '07Mi .. Marie Ortmayer, '06 ..Reputable makers­progressive ones, whoare up to snuff an�know the knack ofputting in properstyle, correct dresserslike, build clotheswe sell Button BLUCHEROXFORDBurrojap Vamp and Quarter,Four Buttons, Colon i a 1Tongue, SingleSole, Last No. S3": 50102, Cuban Heel •49 AND 51BUSINESS STAFFBUlin .. Manacer •••••••••••• Julien L. BrodA JACKSON,IN BOULEVARDEntered as Iccood-clau mail at ChicaKo Poet­of&ce. Rothschild & Comp.anySTATE & VAN BUREN STS.C AH C G oIDaily_ Subacri_ption, $3 per year; $1 for 3 mos.By Mail in City $4 per year; $1.25 for 3 mOB.Sub8Crip�ona received at Tam MAROONOffice, EIUB Hall, or left in THm MAROONBox, the Faculty Exchange, Cobb Hall. Cbt ·[angt SbotFOR FASTIDIOUS FOLKSPrinted by the Quadrangle Press, 404 E. 5Sth St.I' EDITORIALS 'IEarly this morning the studentsof the Law School took possessionof their new home.Moving Day The opening of the,.DESIGNED BY YOUNG MENFOR YOUNG MEN'S WBAR', ..... I, .\SAWYER149 Dearborn StreetT RIB U NEB U �I 1,;, D I'·N:Q' ,5491 WASHINGTON AVE.Law building marksfor Lawsthe addition to theUniversity of a perfectly equippedprofessional school. The univer­sity community in general has onlygained an idea of the external pro­portions of the building. Its pre­tentious exterior and location inthe central quadrangles have givenit an air of learning ill keeping withthe profession to be taught withinits walls. It is not, however, tothe outside that the students andfaculty of the law school base itsclaim to perfection. The interiorappointments of the building havebeen selected with the practicalalways in mind. The best fea­tures of other law school buildingshave been combined in the interiorarrangements of Chicago's. build­ing Hair Dressing, Shampooing, Manicuring and Facial Massace.Special prices for courses.Hail' dried with compressed air. Coiffures for balls and parties a speclalty.All the appliances and conveniences of the best dowa town establishmentsin your own neighborhood.; It's a FOWNES'That's all you needto know about a gloveTELEPHONE HYDE PARK 5853.������._l�������������If you value 'your .,.F'D NTLiface, don't experiment ·COL. �A �with S ha v i 11 g Soap.Use Williams' ShavingStick. O. LOWDI:NM U·S 1.0For all Instruments andall Voices. Special Ca­talogues free on applica­tion. Usual discount.W. H. "WILLIS &: CO.Successors to The John C/uerchCo's Retail lJlusic Business248 WABASH �VENUE.The High Art Shoe Store\ A complete line ofStylish and Dependable FootwearFor Men. Women and ChildrenAt Correct PricesWe Cordially Invite Inspection712 EAST SIXTY-THIRD ST.University Barber ShopEVERYTHING NEWI GAR. G.O Y L Eo T T E & I. LEAVESSpecial Cable to the Gargoylette ColumuWASHINGTON, April 25.Little Paul, formerly Gargoyletteoffice devil, recently page at the. Capitol, and a brave, bright soul isno more. His spirit soared aloftthis morn when he lit a firecrackerin the powder magazine of the'arsenal. Have attempted to sendhis remains collect, but it is no go. 3 chairs 3 high-class barbersNo tedious wait. Excellent service.409-57th Street, - near Kimbark Avenuenext door to Kern's LOUIS MEYER, Prop.·Wilson's BilliardPARLOR301 E. 55th St., near Monroe Ave.Everything new. Highest gracletables. Open Sundays ..; , .. /.... \_.... ' . r':(Another Page Gone from theMagazine)Little Paul's in rest and piecesIII a better land and fairer,And now let's all lift up his pall,And try to be a good Paul-bearer. Wash. Smith -&-Bro'.GROCERY and MARKEt 'Finest Goods a .SpecialtyCor. 57t/l St. and jejjer;on Ave. A BUSINESS ·MAN FOR. GOVERNORVote for him at the primaries Friday 7 May 6th..,Tel. Hyde. Park '!2 .,. 'I',f.' ----------- -----_ . ..,_.._ ............. -Want The Earth?CHICAGQj FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1904",Waiting for you."Our Spring Woolensselected especially forCollege Men.Tailor for Vountr MenA. N. jerrems, MgT. 129-181 I,a Salle St.II'fDB PARK AD CHICAGO BEACH STABLESJ. H. KINTZ. (.aOPRIItTOa)Jackson Park Stables273 Bait Fifty·Seventh StreetTel., Hyde Park 552 CHI C A Q •NEWCOLLAR"SECURE OUR PRICES ON'RATERNITY STATIONERY,PROGRAMMES, MENU.,INVITATIONS AND_NGRAVED CARDS.BROCHON4.-' 34-36 WASHINGTON ST.E. C. MOOREjflot(st13:1 East· Forty·Nlnth StreeaTelephone Oakland 1495:171 East Fifty·Fifth StreecTelephone Hyde Park 38WILCOX &'W'ICK·(Formerly with M. J. Ooffey)F'ashlona:ble TailorsFOR)fastidious Dressers"Good fit, style and quality" i8 our'motto. Our prices are very reason­able. We invite your inspection ofour spring patterns.ROOM 72, 119 n-mARRORN ST.C. A. LAMPERTJV I' 0 LIN 1 S TMember of the Ohicago Orchestra.'Pupils and engagements accepted.:l :Address: 3433 Wabash A venue.1• j,1 '804 EDITION'I)" NOW READYSpalding'sOfficialAthleticAlmanacco Edited by J. E. Sullivan,, Sec,> Treas., A. A. U.The only publication In the country containing allauthentic athletic records. This book contains overIJOO pages of athletic infonnation, and is profuselyillustrat,.d with numerous portraits of leading athletesand athletic teams. Price. 10 cents. ,A. G. SPALDING &. BROS.Send for illustrated catalog' 0 f athletic eoods.A. 7. CORNELLMerchantTailorO.3J CII,'eaZf/ SttJek Exellattp O,1l1dt'n¥W,Z6M,.gtD" and LaSall, Sts,MarquetleBuilding�ren's. WearDearborn Street 314& BA:i'f' SIXTY ·,'HIRD !:iTFor twenty-five cents we 'Will mailyou, for one year, a monthly il­lustrated publication of sixteenpages devoted to the industries,climate, life and present oppor­tunities of the Great Southwest.Sample copy mailed upon re­quest. You'll wantit when yousee it. Address,THE EARTH.11IB Railway Exchange CHICAGOGive a share of your trade toJENKINS BROS.Reasonable and ReliableRetailers ofDry Goods, Men's Furnish­ings, Boots and Shoes415-417 E. 63d St., (Oor.Kimbark Ave)Telephone Hyde Park 1188.Also at 773-777 E. 47th St.rcstnbllshed 1870. Incorporated 1888. :The Credit Guide Go. 17th Floor, Fort Dearborn Bldg.134 MONROE STREETChicago.Commercial Reports. Oollections.ROUNDTABINARROW BRAND15 CENTS, 2 FOR 25 CENTSCLUETT, PEABODV 6. CO.Makers of Cluett and Monarch ShirtsMAKER. TO USER,IOur Designs are the Latest and, Most Artistic. IL We are the largest Office furniture Imanufacturers in the wortd :Desks Chairs Tables �A A. H. ANDREWS CO" Chicago, Ill. iHARRY S. LESTERPRESORIPTION PHARMAOIS£I.'. I"If your package or bottle bears!Lester's label it's right."55th St. and Kimbark Ave.I am showing a complete new lineof exclusive importationsfrom the fashion centers ofLondon-Paris-Berlin.My Oustom Made Shirtsare correct in every particularExclusive PatternsARTHUR S. HYMAN,5 Jackson Boul., Ohleago.Quic:k Service Geo. O. Marlatt, ......ANHEUSER & NEILRestsareniTrimandNeat AbovetheFeetare the legB that wearBRI6HTON !LLfs1> 6ARTERSFO� MENThe gl\rters thl\t PIT-thl\t ,,'llAn-thatPLKAIUt,. '1'ho famOUB Brighton tht.t claspcan't possibly enteh or fray the clothl.nll- .mre1�B ���J�n��r��IIPiM�c��e:::�,�\:�,pure all'. web "'Itll nickel trlmnol.nll"B thatcannot rust 01' ru h. j'rl,!'o 0I11y !!Ln. at storesor by IIIUU. Gct tbo .. HIIIIJU'roN."PIONEEU SUSI'ENJ)ER CO.,'US Ilarl.et fitreet, Phllotle1phla.linkers (If Pioneer Suspondurs. PRESCRIPTIONSR ELI A B L E P H,A R MAC YIt You Want Money c:!l A�E��!!!��.......,.. WaIICheI, JewelrJ. aDd Aatlques, for ute; Old Gold illeS SUv. BoaahIW. T. DELDLU'fT I'd. c. O'DONl'fELL ALBBRT TBBOPrelldeut Secretary 'rreaaWerStandard Washed Coal Company303 Dearborn StreetSTANDARD WASHED COAL FOR DOMES'l'IC USEStandard Egg· • SS.oo per ton Washed Chestnut • S4.50 peJ.1toDWashed Range $5.00 per ton Washed Pea • $4.25 p.er tonE. BURNHAM.. ..__ I1AI R GOODS.. ElectrolysisFacial Massage, Manicuring, Ladies' HairDressing' and Manicuring, Ladies' Turkish andRussian Baths. 70 and 72 State st., Chicago.OET THE BEST$2 AMES HATS $3Established 1873161-163 B. Madison Street near La Sallo15. Dearborn StEarly Spring Hats, Canes, Glovesand UmbrellasSuite 73 to 76, Dexter Bldg,GRAY and BLUEWor.steds {;J SergesARE CORRECTWe have them illAL� SHADESGEO. H. FIEDLER&CO.THE HAN D'S'O ME S TESTABLISHMENT IN CHICAGO BORDEN'SCONDENSED MILlS FLUID MILK:,CREAM AND BuTTERMILICALL BOTTLED IN THE COUNTRYBORDEN'S CONDENSED MIt.K CO.827-833 E. 'ORTY-8EVENTH .T.L. MANASSE, OPTICIAN88 Madison St., Tribune Bulldlnlr8pectacle. and Byegla •• e. Scientilca1ly AdJustetEyea Teated FreeEveeythln, O.ptlcalMatliemaucal.Metereolorl�,.Ddfor the Lanternllt.Itodalr., Camera...48uppUe ••CHA-S. A. LA WRENOE,Manager and Directer.L AWRENGE QRGHESTRASelect �uatc for aUSelect (D c c a at 0 n amour Patronagerespectfull12 soUcttebResidence5745 Rosalie Court'reI. Hyde Park 1467. OHIOAGOBENHAM BROS.·•FASHIONABLE. .TAILORS225 Dearborn Street Suite 201-202Telephone 4523 HarrisonSteel f7aults Electric LinedIfYDE PARK CENTRALSAFE DEPOSITVAULTSBurglar Prooj. FiftyaFif'th St. and Washington Ave.Boxes $1-.00 per Year.Fire Proof'. Absolute Sec u ri'ty.W. K. YOUNG {;I BRO.Phone Hyde Park 997H. 1.'. �Gutre, Prop. .W H YUle poor. unwholesome milk, whe.for the same money you "an ret itPure. Sweet, and E:draor •••aarlly Rich. delivered in sealed bottles, by calliDI u,Telephone South 811, or dlopplne a postal teWE' make a specialty of high grade Dress SIDNEY WANZER &. SONS�uit8 for young men. 305 Thirtieth st.CUICAGUROSALIE PHARMAG¥J. J. GIL L. (ihlmlshnel PbarmacJstPhone "rele Park 175 274 Eo 57th St., near Wasil. Ave.Established': 1878. Incorporated 1902:A. A. D E V 0 R E &. SONTAILORSPullman Building MADISON AVENUE PACKING 00.WHOLESALE ANDRETAIL MAR.KET0309 Madison Avenue, Chlc.co.Phone Hyde Park 18221�IIIU:MII�1I3jilThe Greatest Game OutMimic Football Played with CardsEa.y to Learn-Easy to Playfun for Two-Fun for .. Crowd Football-Poker hal all theinterest and excitement of thetwo great American Gam ...Full of spectacular runl,l(oalafrom the field, blocked klCkl,fumbles, touchdowns, etc ...A real game of Football played on a paper "gridiron" and minUibroken bones, Price GO eeuts at book dealers or from us p'ol'­paid. Sample chart of game free, Younll and ola, teachers, collcsestudents, society-everybody is playing Football-Poker."All Harvard plays Footbalt-Poker-s-now the rage with students.""An InteresUng and Instructive game'''-Di,.«t;;��1:£ J:f:t;::;.THE REILLY e. BRITTON CO •• 8. Adams St .. Chica.,. IlLCHICAGO, FRIDAY, APRIL 29,1904Saturda.y!"Is the day to se­lect IIt,fz/ SpringSuil/ Don'l 'wailuntil Monday." Brains" i swhat makes onecutter superiorto another.When cutterscan commandten thousand ayear salary theydeserve s 0 m ecredit.IIMOSSLER'S E. M. SYSTEM121 Monroe St., near ClarkAN IJ} EXPERIMENTLast summer I employed one U.:of C. student.RESULTS:1. He was a success. 2. I wish 1 had employedhalf a dozen. 8. I am ready to do so now.4. Contract now, get training free, be 'ready forwork when school eloses,D. B. Stoker, Supt., Pacific Mutual LIre Ins. Co.608 �ARQUaTTn BUILDINGGO TOHVGEIA DINING ROOMS:57:>9 DREXEL A. VENUEAll Milk and Cream Sterilized water FilteredOrdersSolicited for Battle Creek sanitariumFoods. Fresh Stock.R. EASON, MANAG ••PRESIDENtSuspendersWOI'k In perfect hannon7 withthe 'Wearer'. every' movement.Comfort, Style and ServicoABSOLUTELYGUARANTEEDTrimming. cannot rod.Price 80c and '1.00, anf store or mail, prepalcl.THE C. A. EDQA'RTeX IIFQ • .,..., Dox 298 Sblrley, ..... ,All students who d'eSlre good photo­graphs should call at Martyn's MaroonStudio, 5705 'Cottage Grove Ave. Wefinish in all the latest, originnJ and' 'artis­tic designs: Platinum, Ootodlo' Oar­bon, Wash Drawing, Platlnums and:Mineatul'es. We also have on salephotos of all Versity buildings and o.th- ,tetes. Special rates to students. ,The famous Tailoring Co.VARSITY TAlLOn.Drop in to see Famous about that new,suit.NEWBERGER & 'DEBROVY, Props.346 E. 55th St.Phone Hyde Park 5700.If ;vou want a position to teach, callon or write to JameJ F. McOullough,639 Fine Arts Building, Chicago.IWm. H. Sage & 00., reliable -druggit5t:.scorner Woodlawn Avenue and Fifty-fifthstreet. Sole agent in Hyde Park for Dr.Carl Koch's New Discovery for the cureof Consumption, Ooughs, Ooids, and alldiseases of the Tbn>at, Ohest and Lungs.Guaranteed to cure or money refunded.Price, 50 cents. Trial size 10 cents.M. AHE,RNFINEMfIL,LINERrPhone Hj,dt Park 5493P.AIXK 0.Al-r'E,181 E. 55th Street,'. Corner Jefferson IL:'!e.Best � eal in Hyde Park ISC,'C::.a�'" ,_Sfshop's,UofC Hat$��156 stateSt. ,85-87 DEARBORN STREETBank Floor TAILOROur collection of woolens for SpringSuits, Overcoats and Trousers is com­plete in every Iabrtc, Our fit andstyle is of the best only.320 E A 5 T F 1FT y:'_F I F'T H S T R E E TWILLIAM SACHE,NSpring StylesDoNotDelayCAr�L ONMcDonald & SpannTAILORS185 Dearborn StreetAdams Express Bldg. 4th FloorDICK HASGolf and Tennis Supplies,Baseball Goods, CameraSupplies, Stationery andPeriodicals.Right on lite wav to Jack80n Park:J. DICK & CO., 344 E. 63rd StreetThe University Pharmacy CalTielll, a Icomplete line of cold weather remedies. :They are the' 560 Fifty-fifth street.'boys' who areresponsible forthese snappy"E. M. System" garments. $15 toto $35.We are converting men to"E. M. System" garments everyday who have been paying tailors$40 to $60 for a suit to order.Aren't you curious enough tolook?Mail orders shipped everywhere -onapprova1.Years of experience in fittinggentlemen who appreciate thevalue of correct dress ..Heller & 'BensonTAILOR.S LOSER &: ..JANSON,��AI __ OR8.176 DEARBORN ST.CHICAGO.A Typical (Jollege Mani8 at once recognized by the dlBtlnctand faultless cut of his clothesWe are Tailors forCollege Men •••••MUSSEV'SIJilllard Halls and Bowling AlleysThe Largest and Finest AmusementResort in the, World100 to 108 Madi90n StreetRrauch: RW Davis St .. EvanstonW oodla w nSafetyDe posdtCompanyThe Philbrick Shorthand and Typewriting School6303-7 M'ONROE A VENum,OHICAGO.YOUNG PEOPLE THl!lRID IS MONEY. IN THIS FOR YOU.This School is Taught by an Experi- Best. There is More Money In It forenced Court and Oonvention ReporQ)r. you. ,Individual Instruction. Graded Speed Stenographers of All Systems WhoClasses. Phrase Writing. Expert Wish More Speed Oan be Greatly BeIM-Instruction. fited Here.W T ch th S t f U d b th The Demand for Good Shorthande ea e ys ems se y I W . E h S 1 W Teachmost Expert Reporters in this cOuntry. B���:ep�':,ed�!si�es�PP J;rr.;'n4enc.Avoid the So-Called Quick, Easy and Spelli'ng, etc. Day and JDveningSystems. It costs no more to learn the Session. 0811 or write us. Pond's Extract Is au everyday $tand-byamong college students. They knowthat it Is a sovereign remedy tor themany accidents incidental to schoolItre, Pond's Extract-the old /amllvdoctor-might with equal propriety becalled the old college doctor. For over60 years Pond's Extract has been dOir,lga work ot mercy- -curtng cuts, bruises,burns; relleving nches and pains jeasing -auffe rtn g , and making liCebrighter. It is just as efficient to-day.A bottle should 0.1 ways be kept oonve­nient. Soothes and freshens the taceafter shaving. Don'texperhnent withr=.::;:::::=::2"'"" so-culled remedies said toII=::;:;::===:;J be "justnsgood as Pond'sExtruct"-there i8 nosubstitute, WateredWitchHazel, u weak solution-sometimes offered Inplace of Pond's Extract-has no medioinalvalue-ct s p o s 1 tl velyworthless. Pond's Ex­tract CURES-thereCoreIs prIceless.Sold only in llealed botUuunder bu.D'wrapper.ACCIEPT NO SUBSTITUTE.LIBBY'SNatural FlavorFood Productsare U. 8, Government Tnspected, The wholesome-ft:tj�r���:R�Y�::1�� ��::����r!f�:c� r���:t����ke,..o'laning cuns. A lIuppl,. on your pantry shelvesrg���Il�:�yU ��8r�:a'��O�h:t ll\�r� :��lt���fr��o��Make Good Thing" to Eat," tc 118 all about them­lIent free.' Lihby's Atlas of the World, muilerlfree for 10 cents postage. I,LIBBY, McNEILL & LIBBY, CHICAGO. Collegei·Doctor449-53'East 63rd se.,Near W,?odlawn Ave. Will open in its newbuildingMay 1.Steel Vaults - burglar and fireproof. No expense has been spared'in making this the strongest andsafest vault in Chicago.Boxes to Rent at$3 and UpwardsThe wost convenient Safety Vaultfor those engaged at ,the University.Tdephene Hyde Park 18A. "M'cAdamsTHB UNIVERSITY FLORISTGREENHOUSES: CHICAGOc-. nd at ••• d Kimbark .YC.DANCE PR06RAMS Ifraternity Stationery, invitations, etc.lowest Prices DUNWEll &: FORD, fine Stationers, 171 WABASH AV£. TYPEWRITERS'ONE-HALF PRICESend for our list of special bargains in aUmakes of Standard typewriters. Full line ofsupplies, Machines for rent,2 to'3 perlOont&.ROCKWeLL-BARNES co.36,-369 Wabuh Ave.--- -�-----------�PUBLIO TYPEWRITING· OFFIOE IN OONNE<Jl'ION.THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE andSrORAOE COMPANY'Pho,ae, Hyde Park 811 KIMBARK AVe. aad PIPTY-.sJXTH ST.The Cleanest and Best Kept StoraleWarehouse In the City • • •Fumiture and Pianos Moved. Stored, Packed and Shipped t. all pam ofthe world. 300 Private Sterace R.oms. Lane Parlor Exclusively forPianOl. Rooma for Trwia anal Wheel.. Lara. Roem for Caniaac'_B�eics, and Sleieu. TaU.a TO AmD FRG • .ALL .SPOTS.Local traasfera fOf Bqeace. Fumlture, PacJc.,CI, .c.. at ahort .. tice. ' ,__ StoeW .A.tteattoa Gina to Vainrlity Or ...... O'MEARA BROTHERS t HOME BAKERY(Phone 16.6 HydePark.)All 0004s Strictly Home-MadeOhIaa taken for Ice Cream anll Iees, GGOCla de1�nnd218 East Fifty-Fifth Street ttt', ==CIFii!NOIofw�mtrerfelatsit"sitIn19grDlTItototh, sttiEwC;klofc, isIiiCicIIn:sitltla­t)h11odIo