T-lsUnol!!!!!!I-, � ,.·1StreetAlleysmentInIdry'itlke A.ve.I ,Ham�reat1y-made1- pureldevil.Mass.CreamL.:eddItV'. T,h'e Dail t(�y�- PabUahed Aftemoon. by 'the Student. of ... � :8 •. :' -,. , ,. _ .. -')_.v" �ul,t E� M'aroonrlDg .the Four Quartel'8 of the Unlvmity YearVOL. II. No. 134. CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1�04CONDITIONS CANCELLED . ,�FRATS WILL CROSS BATS ENDOWS A PROFESSORSHIP CaiCAG9 'S'tO�K .tru8ES. Preliminary Round '�f Games Scheduledat Meeting of Captains-Twelve Fra­. terntttes in LeagueThe .inter-fraternity baseballleague season will open next Satur­day' morning with Beta Theta Piand Delta Upsilon striving for hon­ors on Marshall Field. At the:same time Alpha Delta Phi meetsSigma Alpha Epsilon on the Waslf-iington Park ·diamond. .At a meeting of the captains of'the fraternity teams composing the;league in the Reynolds Club yes-'terday, the schedule of, games was,partially arranged and the samelplaying regulations adopted as werej'in force last year.A new system of playing games"however, will be ·adopted. The WILL GET-t'INE ON 'TRACK 'MEN Inew system assures at 1 least threelgames to each team. Last year '.Director' Stagg Plans ,'to 'Ho'ld Tryout!I Next Satutday Iwhen a team lost it -was . dropped Ifrom the race, The "new, system] On next Saturday the first offi-]divides the twelve fraternities into] . cial try-out 'of the· Varsity "track Ithree divisions, 'each team playing: -materialwill be' held -on Marshall]every other team in its division,: 'Field. ',Mr. S:tagg says that the'and the winners playing each otherl -main .object tOf 'this meet is to Show!the fimil games. Al 1, ,preliminary, J hinqifst. what. men .... can '·be teliedlgames are to be played' 'off by' June; upon for the coming meets. In or­first, leaving three weeks fOr'the. 'der that the -athletic -events may Ifinal. games. I ; not l.intetfe're -with the "base ball,The fraternities 'were .1?la�<1: in' game with the University of Ne-jdivisions as follows: braska,·,some�of:-them,:probablythe!Division' 1- pole .. vault. and weight events. will �Phi Delta Theta, ·Chi. Psi, Phi 'Gamma' take place' in the morning.Delta, Sigma Chi. ,� • " 'I' 'At present; ,'the 'prospec'ts' of ajDivision-Ll -e- ! victorious track season are not veryDelta Kappa Epsilon; Psi Upsl1011, Phil bright .. To�my Taylor'S spr�i�edlKappa Psi, .Delta 'J-au Delta. 'knee IS 111 such conditio n allowed eleven hits but so scatteredDivision III- that he may not be out for a Iwere the'y that : Wi�consil1 profitedBeta Theta Pi, Delta Upsilon, Alpha month. 'Cahiil's injury, which. II ..Delta Phi, 'Sigma Alpha Epsilon, I little by the =siti�l�s. 4 se'Ver�t tiDi-esThe preliminary schedule is as] -hereceivedlast winter inthe gym, . he got in 'a pll'1cn:'l)'ut:-n w'aslritStfollows: I is practically well, and he is train- \ here that- he' showed-his oolevemessSaturday, ApriI30.-Beta Theta Pi vs.1 ngregular y. as a twirler. On -two .occasionsDelta Upsilon;' Alpha.:_DeltB. Phi vs. Sigma! I with the Badgers threatening . toAlpha Epsilon. ' I Noted Greek Scholar Lectures j score he retired the side.Thursday, May 5·--Delta Tau Delta vs. i The Rev. Marcu� Dodd .... , D.D., , One of the most· encouraging,phi Kappa PSi; �Delta�Kappa Epstlon vs. f f E t 1 Ph 1 hPsi Upsilon, pro essor 0 .. xege l:a· 1 osop y features Wf the game wasthe heiivyat New College, Edinburgh, g.ave 'stick work of Chicago. .lea .... t.Saturday,: May 7 ..... Phh Gamma Delta h fi d .t'vs. Sigma Chi; Phi Delta, Theta vs. Chi! t erst an second lectures 111 a Lewis, the cardinal pitcher, was inPsi. I course of ten Monday and Tuesday I !the -'bo'x arid -"tlisp1ayed'1<eX'e�11ent� o� this .week. The lectures will be! :curves and ia :hdstrof ,speed. -:ButCHICAGO: IS RECOGNIZED ABROAD I gIv.en 111 Ha�kell. every ,�fternoonl Chicago managed to.:locate the ball(WIth the except�on of S�turday: every inning, e?pecially when runsQueen ot 'Nethe.rlands 'Puts . 'University i and ,Sunday) untIl the senes has were needed. 'Thirieen safe "hitson Accredited List been completed. The subjeCt of were sectired. Harper "3:1111 ..IpA\i!The United, States Minister at the· the first l.ecture was the.conjectured led the batting fbr the MaroonsHague has just forwarded' to the authorshtp?f th� Eplstle to the with three ;singles uea·cli. cyaU!.University of 'Chicago a copy 'of Hebrews. Dr. Dodd said, that. scored three' tittles. In -(the r fieldthe royal order', of :'the 'Que�n of G:reek �hrase�logy did not warrant Chicago's .work .was remarkable.the Netherlands whereby the 'de-. the I>:hef that Paul was the a�thor Not a single error was .made overgree of Bachelor of Arts,6fthe fol:. o� t�.IS, book, but that AqUl�a or twelve difficult chances being ac-lowing universities 'in the 'United Plrsct1la probably wrote the EpIstle . t d" - 'th . 1 '. .. 'h" dl· .. ··., �·f· "".1i',.. .. cep e w� c ever an 111g u \.' eStates is recognized :as admitting The s·econd.1ectrtre had'for its'sub- ball.the holder to pursue his studies at ject "Signs and Symbols."any of the Universities of the Neth­erlands: University 6f Chicago,Harvard 'Ullivers�ty, .Yale Uni­versity, the Catholic University ofAmerica, the University ·of C_ali­fornia, Clark Un,versity, ColumbiaUniversity, Cornell University,. Johns Hopkins University, Stan­ford University, University of. Michigan, University of Pennsyl­vania, Princeton, the University ofWisconsin:In Honor of Jubilee, WisconsinPresident Calls Off �01d."Flunks" - '·F., J.I De'ves 'Gives' Money to 'Esfabiish·German Professional Lectureshfp in theUniversity. 'Franklin J. Deves, president ofthe Standard Brewing Company,. has .given $2,000 to the University'for the establishment of a Germanprofessionallectureship, rThe money, is to be used. to bring some German.educator to the University tolee­ture on the German language .and'literature. This gift is in charac­ter very much like the Crane en­dowment- which provides each yearsome noted Russian to lecture 'onthe Russian .language, history andinstitutions. It.will be known asthe Deves. Professorship.U.niversity of Indiana StudentsState Oonventton in Private'CarAt the University of Wisconsinpre-jubilee .dinner last Saturdaynight, President Vall Hise madethe statement that in honor 'of thebig' celebration aU "cons" andflunks would be called off. Twelve.lnmdred students heard the presi­dentts ,message with unbelievingears; but after 'the' full' force of theannouncement 'had dawned uponthem', they made the pre-Jubileebanquet one of joy indeed. This�l1ove of the Wisconsin president. is taken as evidence Of the fact thathe believes in extending the jubileespirit .into. -student activities, and, making it. possible for every under­graduate to join- in the celebration.with no thought of "cons" hang­jng over. him. Several members ofthe faculty' are reported to haveseconded Preside�t Van' Hise's. words .heartily.In preparation for the jubileeexercises the Wisconsin trophyroom -is to be fitted up at a cost of'several hundred dollars. Glasscases .have been arranged for all thebanners and cups. It is the plan,to' ))'uilct another trophy room inthe future.In order to study politics, politi­cians.and politic methods at closerange, fifty University of Indianastudents will attend the RepublicanIndiana :state convention. A spe­cial coach ·has' been secured, for thetrip: The students deny the report'Stating that they are to work forany' candidate, and will make nodemonstration whatever. Indianahas .been holding a mock conven­t ion .. and the enthusiasm and inter­est .displayed Was so great as togive some of them' this idea ofstudying practical politics. Visit'FIRST FRESHMAN TRYOUT TONIGHTDebaters of 1907 Preparing for AnnualClass Debate'The preliminary trials for thefreshman Debating Team will beheld to-night at 7:30 in CobbChapel. The'. candidates will havetwo speeches, one opening speech offive minutes and a rebuttal of threeminutes, and may speak on eitherside of ,the question. Tne questionwill be the one which has beenchosen for the Freshman - Sopho­more debate, "Resolved, That N at­ional Regulation of Trusts is Pref­erable to State Regulation." Dr. Dods Addresses WomenDr. Dods of Edinburgh, Scotland,gave a vefy interesting talk at .theTwilight Hour of the 'W. S. C. ·L.yesterday afternoon. Dr. Dodsspoke of the interest in settlementactivities in Scotland, but said they.had nothing to compare with HullHouse. In closing he spoke of ' thefriendly relations between Scotlandand America and expressed his desire .that this feeling should con-tinue. 'Prof. Moulton will read from theBook of Esther and Mrs. Moultonwill render several solos at the Twi­light HoW-' next ··TueSday.,'- President Barnes Here.President C, W. Barnes, of theJacksonville, Ill., college, is at theUniversity to-day. He' is heremaking arrangemen ts for the sev­etity�fifth anniversary I f the col­lege 'which is to be held in the fall.The college, is the oldest west ofOhio. ,Atnollgthe speakers at thecelebration will be Dean Vincent. Dean Beale is expected' to returnon Monday to commence' his springcourse of lectures, which he willgive before'his return to Harvard. Vars�ty Defeats Hitherto"Vfctorloul'WiscoDsi'n Nine i by' ',&oreof �()'to 6Badger Pitcher's, Curves ·Are·· Landed' 'OnFor Thirteen 'Hits.-..:..SfUJmanMakes ,Debut .Chicago's 'expected brace in base­ball came' yesterday and Wisconsin,touted as the most probable westernchampions arid -victors over Michi­gan and Beloit, fell' before a rapidonslaught in the battingHne andnearly perfect fielding, -The 'Scorewas 10 to '6 and . 'a'fter ;.'the 'third.. inning the Badger players werenever strongly in the running. Asthe game progressed !'CFticago keptimproving and at thei'�lo'Se- '�f 'thefinal inning. it was the' .universalopinion of the J hundred and fiftyshivering spectators that.Wisconsin'had been -outplayed i� 'eV'etyld�pah­. ment of the 'gam�,a:nd;,that· :Chicagowas decidedly in the running forthe championship. .Stillman, thefreshman from' Morgan-Park; madehis debut in the' box for the-varsityand pitched winning ' ball'�deSpitethe adverse weather conditions. ...A_strong north rwind swept downupon, the unprotected :diamond.and madeit "a miserable .day for .baseball.But Stillman was inthe game fromstart to finish arid �never .t�t' d'd\\(r'n'for .one " brief \1n'ortlerlt. ,-�TWeIve'cardinal batsmen' w�i"e:'. un:abt�·t·to.meet the ball rand -were -retired-tothe bench in short .order, ' He'NOTES OF:THE :GAMEHarper's work . behind -the bat-showedcontinued improvement and he will prob­ably catch' f6r tile reIilahid�r bI' the "'liM­son. He had"eleven ,put..outs:land'oourassists. Paul -was in form at short-andaccepted two hard chances.Bloomer at 'first· billght"a huffibH'ijfpick-ups and, bounces :and, 'Slaslied 'Out;:atwo bagger which resulted in a score.For Wisconsin Lewis, pitcher, andPerry, second base, led tlle batting,' '!je�hr­ing three safe' hits. ., In' the, l1itltb-':Le�i'8sent a long high . �y into -:left, field, result­ing .in a hODle run. WfscobSin's·'threeerrori' were costly, two· Maroons' "Bco�don this misplay. 'Wisconsin played Illinois to·day. atChampaign.Continued on Page 4 Column 2CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1904�be JDail� maroonFormerly the Uaivenit7 of Cbicalo Weekly:.-oUNDE)The Uaiveraity_ of Cblc:aao Weeld1, Oct: 1;189aTIl. DAlLY MAROON. • • • • Oct. I, Igoa,NEWS CONTRIBUTIONS REQUESTED.Publilhed by the Itudents of the Univeraityof Olicago everf afternoon, except Saturdar.and Sunday, durin I the 46 weeka .f the Un·ver.ity rear.Firat boarel of editora and bUliae81 manaJerauthorized by .tudent·body ia m... meetlnlMa% I!, Igoa. cia . f d'Memliership 00 lubaequent boar 0 e ltorato be determiaed by competition open to all.tudeota ia the Uaiveraity.BOARD OF EDITORSManalinl( Editor ••••••• Oliver B. WIman, '04News Emler ••••••••••••• Harrl..W, Ford, '04Athletic Editor ••••• '••• Walter Greaory, '05ASSOCIATE EDITORSErneat 1 .. Stevena, �04 ,.llalph P. Mulvane !)jEdward M. Kerwin, '06LeRoy A. VanPatten, '06. Edward R. GanDOD, '04RUey H. Allen, '04John S. Wright, 'oJWOMEN EDITORSMill Leaa Harrla Mill Helen Smith, '06STAFF OF REPQRTERSC. McKenna, Ruah 'oS Arthur Bridgman, 07Cbaa A. Bruce, '.' Claude Schofield, '07Wm. A. McDermid, '07, WID. H. Hatfield, '00Bernard 1\ Bell, '07Mi .. Marie ��tmayer, '06BUSINESS STAFFDu.iae81 Maoaaer •••••••••••• Julien L. BrodAEntered u .ecood-cla.. mail at Chlcaao Post-office. ,.Daily_ Subacri_ption, $3 per year: $1 for 3 mos.By Mail ia City $4 per year: $1.a5 for 3 mos.Subacriptiona received at. Tam MAROONOffice, ElUl Hall. or left in Tam MAROONBGx, the Faculty ExchlJnae. Cobb Hall.Printed by the Quadrangle Press, 404 E. 55th St.'1' ED ITO 1\.1 A L 5 �r,I Henry Rand Hatfield, Assistant'Professor of 'Political Economy and,I .. Deah of the College of Commerce.. ' and Adnunistration has resigned.. {rom the f�culty of the University'" ,t�, . accept .a professorshi p in ac-\/ �otinting at"the University of Cali­'fornia. Professor Hatfield duringhis term as a member of the facultygained the friendship and esteemof many hundreds of the studentbody who were so fortunate as to'take his courses. His wi thdra walfrom the staff of instruction of thedepartment of political. Economy iskeenly regretted by the �ndergrad-nate body.• • •The cla�s of 1904 has, chosen its, .itt � written its songs andcommt ee;::>,.is well advanced 10 pre-paration for. the JuneSing With Convocation.'the SenioreSo indefinite are classJ1 at the University thatlines drawrs of '04:, like those ofthe membs. classes,' have not en-precedmg ... 11e distinctions' and pr rvt-. yed all tv .JOt are traditionally theleges ths � 1• "_f oW that their final c assseniors. J.....d hoi .. 'n is affecte, owe vel ,orgamzatl0 .'me of their departureand the tl.ear the honor of theirdraws so P ,,. bould be accorded them.seD10nty :; 'd d. tradi tion has pro VI eCbicago1JY which undergraduates.one way . 1"may rally �round the sem�r c a�s 10e-ni tion, The time of allfinal reCOb-- ,'. '4'1gs": is at hand. 'the"senIor Sly ,"senior" can not be nar-cognomen, ,1 lied to these celebrations.row y app .Not only is the range of selectionnot confined to senior songs, butparticipation is open to graduatesand under class men as well. The Burrojap Vamp and Quarter,Four Buttons, Colon i a 1Tongue, bingleSole, Last No. S3 50102, Cuban Heel Ipresence of the other classes onsuch occasions. and their warmsupport, is a recognition which thesenior class deserves; also a tributewhich it will not soon forget.I ��� _��C NOTES IA baseball team will be organ­ized later in the season.Dr. Findlay gave the membersof his class a written quiz for thework of this quarter on Saturday.This system which is so ·bearti.ly,met with by the student body willprobably be continued.The senior class is putting more,men in the city hospitals this yearthan any previous class has forsome time. In each leading hospi­tal, Rush has a fair representation,placing the County at the head ofthe list.Harry Murdoch of the '05 ,classhas been appointed as Dr. Hyde'sclinic assistant, the, clinics beingheld twice every week.Books of the law school libraryare being moved into the library inthe new building.Cbt £angt SbOtFOR FASTIDIOUS FOLKS mURROJAP-Nothing has equalled our successA ". with !he "Burojap" brand of. I �'\. men's shoes.They are made first to fit thefoot perfectly and givethe longest wear- andthen to look' 'right" .And at that theyare the hand­somest. shoewe have seen.Come in pat­en ten a 111 e 1and calf.Rothschild & CompanySTATE & VAN BUREN STS.Button BLUCHER'OXFORDWorkmanshipUnequaledSpecial Rutes for U. of C. StudentsGood morning! t N. E. Cor. 55th and LexingtonPhone 1·282 Hyde ParkDESIGNED BY YOUNG MENFOR YOUNG MEN'S WBAR149 Dearborn' StreetTRIBUNE BUILDINGI t's a FOWNES'That's all you needfto know about a gloveHot faces cooled- andrefreshed. Williams'Shaving Stick.Did you wearMossier's"E. M. System"clothesyesterday?$10 to $35.Mail orders shipped everywhere on,approval.MOSSLER'S E. M. SYSTEM121 Monroe St., near Clark. MAK£R TO USER!Our Designs are the Latest and"_A,Iost Artistic,We are the largest Office furnituremanufacturers in the worldDesks Chairs TablesA A. B. ANDREWS CO., Chicago, Ill.,P. D. WEIN5T£INLadiesTailorUniversity 'Barber ShopEVERYTHING NEW3 chairs 3 high-class barbersj No tedious wait. Excellent service.1409-S7th Street, - near Kimbark' Avenuenext door to Kern's LOUIS MEYER, Prop.HARRY S. LESTERPRESCRIPTION PHARMACIST.(( If your package 0'1" bottle bearsLester's label it's right."55th St.' and Kimbark Ave.M,U S I 0For all Instruments andall Voices. Special Ca­talogues.free on applica ..tion. Usual discount. '.W'. H. W'ILLIS & CO.Successors to The. John Cit urch'Co's RIta;' lJlusic Business2�8 WABASH AVENUE, '. AMUSEMENT"�ISTUDEBAKERPopular Matinee WednesdayHenry W. Savage The Sho - GunuffersA New Korean Comic OperaGAR.R.ICK'niH l\IUSlCAL EXTRAVAGANZA,"Aft Eh6L1�H DAI��"Brimming full of hllmor and music that is catchyGREA T NORTHERNMatinees, Wed, and Sat.Chicago's Own Musical Comedy,'THE BURaOMASTER�'L A SAL L E"Laugh and the world Jaughswith you."The Royal Chefis a paroxysm of joy.Mat. Tuesday, 'thursday, SaturdayGRAND OPERA HOUSEDenman Thompson andThe Old HomesteadMatinees, Wed. and Sat.181 E. 55th StreetCorner jefferson Ave.Best Meal in Hyde Park 15cII. '1'. McGuiri, Prop.MADISON AVENU.E PACKING 00.WHOLESAL£ ANDRETAIL MARKLTB309 Madlson Avenue, Chlcaro.Phone Byrle Park 1822Wilson's BilliardPARLOR301 E. 55th St., near Monroe Ave.Everything new. Highest gradetables. Open SundaysDANCE PROGRAMSfraternity Stationery, invitations, etc.Lowest Prices DUNWEll &: fORD, fine Stationers171 WABASH AVE.essoftheivell1dt" .leynd­roe�n.lat­. e IIT" � IERLy-Gunra".,'ZA, Kt is catchy�RN)"rER�':h you."irday�USEesteadl-r'Erk ISCm co.�ND(£TI!aro·ardIe Ave.rade\MSatloneniH AVE. CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, APR�L 27, 1904------------- ------- _- ���-------_;_-----y-------...:....----------------------------U Waiting for 'you."Our Spring W MIensselected especially forCollege Men.Tailor for Young Men "A. N. jerrems, Mgr. 129-181 La Salle st.&YDB PARK AND CHICAGO BBACH STABLBSJ. ·H. KINT.Z, ('IIO'RI KTOII)Jackso� " Park Stables. 273 Bast Fifty·S.venth StreetTel •• Hyde Park S5!1 CHI C A. til •am showing a complete new lineof exclusive importationsfrom the fashion centers ofLondon-Paris-Berlin.My Oustom Made .Shlrtaare correct in every particularExclusive PatternsARTHUR S. HYMAN.5 Jackson Boul., Chicago._SECURE OUR PRICES ONFRATERNITY STATIONERY,'PROGRAMMES, MENU.,INVITATIONS ANDlNGRAV£D CARDS.BROCHON4·. 34-36 WASHINGTON STE. C. MOOREjflot(fjt132 East Porty-Nlnth StredTelephone Oakland 1495271 East Flfty·Flfth StreetTelephone Hyde Park 38...NEWCOLLARC. A. J ... AMPERTVIOLI N 1STMember of the Ohicago Orcbestra.Pupils a�d' engarements .accepted.Address: 3438 Wabash A venue.'804 EDITION NOW READY'Spalding's,OfficialAthleticAlmanacEdited by J. E. Sullivan,Sec.·Treas., A. A. U.The only publication In the country containing allauthentic athletic records. This book contains over!IOO paees of athletic information, and is profuselyfllustrat,.d with numerous portraits of leading athletesand athletic teams. Price. 10 cents.A.. G. SPALDING & BROS.Send for illustrated catalog 0 f athletic eoods.A. 7. CORNELLMerchantTa£/or09J CIu"etlgo Sloej Excllanr, Bu,1t1lnrWtlIII,'"rto" and LaSall, Sis.Dearborn StreetMarquetteBuildingMen'sWear If You Want Money c:: A:o�!!1!��........ W.tIChee, Jewe�. aDd AIltlquee, fot laSo, Old Gold .... 811"' ....Steel 17aultsCOLUMB.IA UNIVERSITYGRADU A 'I'E Sr.1I00LS The Facultiesof Political Science, Philosophy. and Pure set­ence ofTer R wide range of courses lending to thedegrees of A. M. and Ph. D. Graduates of col­leges or scientific schools are ndmitted withoutexamination.SCHOOL OF LA W Three-year course.Candidates for admission must be graduntes of"college or scientific school or show evidence ofeqaivalent training.SOHOOL Oil' MEOICINf4� Four-yearcourse. Candldntes must have completed oneyear of work in a college or scientific school, ormust pass the stated entrance examination.srHOOLS OFAPPl�'l':D srlft:�rll:.AND AHCHl ..... :CTUR .. : Four -yearcourses III :\Iining, ,\1etallurgy. Chemistry. CivilJElectrical, and Mechnnlcal Ungineerin� anaArchitectur. Graduates of colleges or scientificschools csn usually enter these courses with Ad­vatic d standing .TEACHERS COl.LKGf4; Professlonatcourses lu Hducation of vary,ing lengths, leadingto degrees and diplomas. Students will receivedue credit for work done at other colleges orschools for the training of teachers. 'For information apply to the Secretary of'Columbia University. New York. N. Y. E. BURNHAM._. HAl R OOODS... ElectrolysisFacial Ma88llge, Manicuring, I.ndies' Hair'Dressing and Manicuring, Ladies' Turkish andRussian Baths. 70 and 72 State st., Chicago.., I w. T. DBLDLUn' M. C. O'DOl'm'BLL ALBBRT TBBOPresideut Secreta17 TrIaI..-Standard Washed Coal. Company303 Dearborn StreetSTANDARD WASHED COAL FOR DOMESTIC USBStandard Egg· • $5.00 per ton Washed Chestnut • f4.50 perltODWashed Range $5.00 per ton Wasbed Pea • '4.25 per tollTelephone Hyde Park 18A. McAdamsTHE UNIVERSITY FLORISTGREENHOUSES: CHICAGOCw. S3d .t. aad Klmbark aye. . OET THE BEST$2 . AMES HATS $3Established 1873161'163 B. Madison .street near La .sallo134 Dearborn St.M:ENDINGMending done at reasonablerates. Send postal or' callat 6342 Ingleside Avenue,Flat 2. Bundles will becalled for. .MRS. P. BESS�MS Early Spring Hats, Canes, Glovesand UmbrellasThe EARTH I 25cThat's the yearly SUbscriptionprice of the latest and best jour.nal in the interest' of farming,, fruit growing ancl cattle raising.It will acquaint you with the con­ditions, climate, life and oppor­tunities of the Great Southwest.Issued monthly; profusely illu­strated. Address for sample copyTHE EARTH Suite 73 to 76, Dexter Bldg.GRAY and BLUEW orste,ds o SergesARE CORRECTWe have them inALJ.J SHADESUtR .Railway Exchange CHICAGO"WII .. COX & "W'ICK(FC?r��rlY with M. J .. Colf!!y) •Fashiona.ble TailorsGEO. H. FIEDLE� & co.THE HANDSOMESTESTABI.ISHMENT IN CHICAGOFORFastidious Dressers"Good fit, style and quality" is ourmotto. Our prices are very reason­able. We invite your inspection ofour spring patterns. .ROOM 72, 119 DEARBORN �T. BORDEN'SCONDENSED MILK, FLUID MILK,CREAM AND BUTTBRllILKALL BOTTLED IN THE, COUNTRYBORDEN'S CONDENSED MILK CO.82T-833 E. 'ORTY·.EVENTH aT.L. MANASSE, OPTICIAN88 Madison se, Tribune Bulldlnlf.peet.cl •• and Byerla •••• Seieatilca1ly AdJa.tetEyes Teated FreeE.�hln, ODtfcalMatliematlcall• Metereolo,lcaJ,aadfor tb. Lanternl.t,Eot.ts, cam.rAIuct.ap,u ••.OH'&'S. A. L.&. WRENOB.Manager and Director.L AWRENOE OROHESTRASelect �usfc fot allSelect 4' c cas f 0 n smOUt �attona.etespeCtfU�I12 soUcftebResidence5745 Rosalie CourtTel. Hyde Park 1467. OHIOAGOBENHAM' BROS.t.FASHIONABLETAILORS225 Dearborn Street Salte 101-102Telepbone 4523 HarrisonElectric LinedIIYDE PARK CENTRALSAFE DEPOSITVAULTSTAILORSPullman BuildingBurglar PrOOf. Fifty·F.ifth 5t. and Washington Ave.Boxes $.,..00 per Year.DENTIST369-e 63- STREETTELEPHONE Hyde Park I t�6 . ; Fire Proof, ' A bsolute Security.W. K. YOUNG o BRO •Phone Hyde Park 997PRESCRIPTIONSRELIABLE PHARMACYROSALIE PHARMAGYJ. J. GIL L. ChemIst Indl'llarmaclltPhone Hyde Park 175• 274 Eo 57th St.. near W .... Ave.Established 1878. Incorpora ted 1902.A. A. D E V 0 R E· & . SONIt's the llttle thingsabout a man'sclothing that makeor mar his comfort.Garters, for In­stance, are smallthings, but to beeomrortable theymust be right.Daily'Ease We make a specialty ot high grade DressSuits for younr men.l;u1u:OllwIl3_uTho Greatest Game Out' FootbaU.Poker has all theMimic football Played with Cards interest and excl�ementof thoE L E PI two great Amencan Games.uy to earl\- uy to ay Full of spectacular run., '(oalafUI\ for Two..,..ful\ for e.. Crowd from the field, blocked 1tlCq.fumbles, touchdowns, etc.b�k�l�:� 0l»!.�t�g ���� �tn':o�a��l�:-."d��?�!n�mln:paid. Sample chart of game free. Youn� and ola, teachers, cow..students, societ}'-everybody Is playing Football.Poker."All Harvard plays Football·Poker-now tho rap with ItUdeDts.""An Interesting and Instructive pmo"·-DI"et;;��7:J."Ak't;.":.:THE REILLY • BRIT�ON CO •• 8f Adam. Sa.. Cbi�DLBRIGHTONFlat ClaspGARTERStor men are" riotu " sn rlors-they J) t rlght-teelrlll'ht and wear rhcht. They sllap on nnd ofteMily, yet lLl"'nys secure. !' over bind, pull, rubor slip. Jllst comfortable, [ust rli(ht. )Iude ofone pit'('e purl' 'ilk toeb with nickel trtnuntnga,and cost only 2lic. A t stores or by 11111.11.P10N1UUlIIVI:II'KNP1Ul CO., 'j llillarket si., PbUadelpbla.Jlakm-.o/ Pioneer SlUp,nder ••• Quit k Service Qeo. O. Marlatt, lip.ANHEUSER & NEILResi4uran,f391 BAST SlXTY-1'RIRD ST. OHIOAGOO'MEARA BROTHERS' HOME BAKERY(Phone .16�6 HydePark.)All Ooods Strictly Home-MadeOnIera lakeD for Ice Cream aad loea. GoocIa dell ...218 East Fifty-Fifth StreetWHY use poor, unwhole.omcmilk.whe.for the .ame money you ('an ret ItPuro • .sweet, aIId B:draor.l.•• rlly Rich, delivered in sealed bottle., by calli ... u,Telephone South 817. or dropplnl a po.tal .."SIDNBY W ANZBR 4 SONS305 Thirtieth It.CmCAGO STOCK RISESCHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27,1904AN /iJ EXPERIMENTr�st summer I employed one U. of C. student.RESULTS:1. He was a success. 2. I wish t had employedhalf a dozen. 8. I am ready to do so now.4. Contract now, get training free, be ready forwork when school eloses.D. H. Stoker, Supt., Pacific Mutual Life Ins. Co.608 MARQunTTn BUII.DINGPRESIDE-NTSuspenders. work . In perfect harmon" withthe wearer's every movement.Comfort, Style and ServiceABSOLUTELYGUARANTEEDTrimming. cannot ruat.Prlce 800 and $1.00. any store or mall, prepaid.TOE C. A. EDGARTON MFG. CO.Box 298 Shlrle:r • .II ....if you have .it on hand, will help greatlyto 'entertain the unexpected guest.It's an old-fashioned product- made­honestly and pure of HAM and purespices - nothing else.All first class dealers sell it.Look on the can for. the little red devil.Wm. Underwood Co •• Boston. Mass.Fraternity Stationery<Daillng Gardslnvltatlons Programs Continued from Page I Column 4'the score:CHICAGOR. H. P.A. E.Bezdek 2b... . . . . . . . . .. . I 0Harper, c 0 3Smart, rf....... I 1Ellsw'th, cf 0 0Paul, 55 •• · ....•• ·••· •••• 3 3Baird, 3b " 2. 2Bloomer, lb 1 2Abbot, If..... . . " 2 IStillman p. ., ..0 I 2 I 0II 4 00 0 00 0 00 2 0I 0 0II I 0I 0 0I 4 0Total. 10 13 27 12 0WISCONSINR. H. P. A. E., Persons. If .. .. ....... 2 1 ·4 0 0Gates. 1£ ... ...... . .... I 2 2 0 0Holtz, ss ........ ....... 0 0 I I 0Perry, 2b ............ 0 3 2 2 1Rush,lb ..... 0 0 5 0 0Hart, rf .... .. . .. ...... 0 0 0 0 IBrush, 31> 2 0 0 0 ILeahy, c. 0 2 9 0 0Lewis, p. I 3 I 0 0lIIStonn ....... 0 0 0 0 0- -- -Totals.. . ... .. ...... 6 II 24 3 3il!Storm batted for Hart in ninth.Chicago. I 0 0 3 3 3 0 0 ;;1-10Wisconsin rIO 0 I I 0 0 2- 6Stolen Bases-Brush, Leahy, Harper (2),Baird. Sacrifice Hits-Gates, Leahy.Two Base Hits-Bloomer, Gates. Three'Base Hit-Perry. Home RUl1- lewis.First Base on. Balls-Off Lewis, 6; offStillman, 6. Struck Out-By Stillman,12; by Lewis 9. Double play-Harper toBloomer to Harper. Hit by Pitcher­Brush. Passed Ball-Harper. Umpire-Pickett. Att ndance-s-r 50.NOTICESStudents and faculty members are requestedto send all notices to The Daily+Maroon forpublication free of charge. Notices must beleft at The Maroon office or Faculty Exchangebefore 11 A. M.Dr. Hans Gadow, F. R. S., lec­ture!" on zoology in the Universityof Cambridge, England, who hasjust delivered six lectures on theColoration of Amphibia and Rep­tiles before the Lowell Institute inBoston, will present a resume ofthis subject in the form of two lec­tures on Wednesday and Thursdayafternoons, April 27 and 2t;, at 4p. m. in Kent Theatre.FOR SALE-Nice iron bed, cot, chair,table, etc. Also a Pneumauxeter (VonBoeckman '5, $2). Call 5548 Drexel,flat 5, between 12 and 5 p. 111., l:llUrsday.nuu « IN MIj\'Vtnat: your �'uiJtfc1·ip£·tOIlI ,it; noio -due'Iu',' Ute. IIp'l''i'ltg qutt,te'r and we'Wuuld titanic 'Yu'u to r�IIf,'i" promptly .r:All students who desire good photo­gru phs should call at Martyn's i\Juroon:::ituuio, {)705 Cottage Grove Ave. WeIiuish in all the latest original and artis­tic deslgua : Platinum, Oolodlo Car­bon, Wash Drawing, Platinums andMlneatures, We also have on' salephotos of all Versity buildings and ath­letes. Special rates to students.The famous 'l'ailoring Co.V AR SI'l'Y TALLOn.Drop in to see Famous 'about that newsuit.·NEWBERGER & DEBROVY, Props.346 E. 55th St. 'Ph9ne Hyde Park 5700.The U ni versi ty Pharmacy carrles acomplete line of cold weather remedies.560 Fifty-fifth street.If you want a position to teach. callon or write to Jamee F. McCullough,639 Fine Arts Building, Chicago.Wm. H. Sage & Oo., reliable druggitttscorner Woodlawn Avenue and Fifty-fifthstreet. Sole agent in Hyde Park for Dr.Carl Koch's New Discovery for the cure'of Consumption, Ooughs, OOids, and alldiseases of the 'l1Jlroe.t, Ohest and Lungs.. Guaranteed to cure or money refunded.Price, 50 cents, Trial size 10 cents.ALBION OAFE398-400 68d St.Good Meals, Quick Service •.Also Furnished Rooms to Rent. WILLIAM SACHLNTAILORSpring Styles,poNotDelayCAT.T, ONMcDonald & SpannLOR"STA185 Dearborn StreetAdams Express Bldg, 4th FloorOUI' collection of woolens for SpringSuits, Overcoats and Trousers is com­p1ete in every fabric. Our fit andstyle is 'of the best -only.320 EAST FIFTY-FIFTH STREETy ea�s of experience in fittinggentlemen who appreciate thevalue of correct dress ..Heller & BensonT A I L .0 R. 585-87 DEARBORN STREETBank Floor Golf and Tennis Supplies,Baseball Goods, CameraSupplies, Stationery andPeriodicals.Right on the 11'(l1l to Jackson Part:J. DICK & CO., 344 E. 63rd Street'LOSER & �ANSON,·'TAILORS·176 DEARBORN ST.CHICAGO.,,A Typical (Jollege Mants at once recognized by the dlstlnctand fauJt1ess cut of his clothe.We are Tailors forCollege Men. '.' ••DICK HASMUSSBV'SBilliard Halls and Bowling AlleysThe Largest and Finest AmusementResort in the World.100 to 108 Madison StreetBranch: 616 Davis St .. EvanstonLIBBY'SNatural FlavorFood Productsare U. 8. GovernmentInspectod. The whole-ome-rt�l!�r��,�fn�y����sr c���;���:��f��c�� r��i!':t����ker-o Imin" cnns. A RlIPIlly on your pllntl')' shelves���g�(J::�)� ��R�lI�:n'��Ili-,,:t IMI'� ���k���fI';,t�a��Make Good ThingH to Eat," tllJS nil about them­Bent free. IAhby's Atlatl of the World. mulledfree for 10 cents postage.L'IBBY, McNEILL & LIBBY. c;HICAOO. Spirit ofHelpfulness• In cases of accident everybody manifestsB desire to� be of aaatstance, At such timesthe spirit of helpfulness asserts Itself .. but sooften the wrong thing Is done and the rightthing left undone. 'I'he first thing to do Insuch an event Is to qnlckly and freely applyPond's Extract-the olel lamily doctor-arecognized emergency remedy, tor over 60yeara used by muses, physlolans and nos­pltals. Every student sbould have a bottlecloae at hand. Quickly stops bleeding Indeep cuts; cures brulses, sprains,· and, pre­vents muscles becoming sore from gym-����§inaslum exercises; re­I tteves -earache, toot.hache,rheumatism and all pains •.Soothes and freshene thefaceafterahavlng. WateredWitch Hazel, a weak solu­tion-sometimes offered Inplace of Pond's .Extract­has no medicinal value-Isposlti vely worthless. Pond 'BExtract CURES-thereforeIs priceless.Sold only in ,ealed bam_under buff wrapper.ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE.Will open in. its new buildingMay 1.Steel Vaults - burglar and fireproof. No expense has been sparedin making this the strongest andsafest vault in Chicago. .. ..Boxes to Rent at$3 and UpwardsThe most convenient Safety Vaultfor those engaged at the University.Woodla.","nSafetyDepositCorn parry449·53East 63rd si.,Near Woodlawn Ave.·)4Jstnblished 1870. Incorporated 1888.The Credit Guide Co.7th Floor, Fort Dearborn Bldg.134 MONROE STREETChicago., Commercial Reports. Collections. TYPEWRITERSONE-HALF PRICESend for our list of special bargains in allmakes of Standard typewriters. Full line ofsupplies. Machines for tent (,2 to S3 per month,I(OCKWELL-BARNES CO.267-269 Wab .. b Ave ••