,·ETlDbe dlsUnct�thestilies,mera'andPm'k53rd Street'6ling Alleysmusement'ldn . StreetVRDstOD-first day atas1iableto'eat need of.;/)1 doctor-tomy 1llstbat,allng Influ­las beeu t.belmllym'adl-11 emergen­,(1.8 well asa necessity.�. face afternever usednot refusllltlsotferedIbstltute; itlRed Pond'.1 will refusesubstitute-1st on Pond'.[i'or burns,�s, to stopddrlveaway�cbes,.lt Is aeaUn� rem­application,ve cure."'lIealecl bot­uJ/ lorapper.r.TVTE..TERSUCBLl bargains in all�rs. Full line' ot� to $3 permont)a.as co.Ave.gMay 1.md firen sparedgest andatisly Vaultliversity. ) (�\�ily MaPallUaIl,d Aft,mon.·\ u. ".Stuaent. of.the UDinrelty of Chicago DuriDg the Four Quarter. of tile UDiver.lty Year, "\ ""'" �=================' =====:!"'�" �-'�ClIICAGO, 1�HURSDAY, APRIL 21, H)04\ 'T- ---h',:"" re- ,-•� 1 '.••',' ...I,' ,,""\,' ','VOL. II.. No. 130. roon" PRICE Two CENTSCATCHCOLLEGETHIEVES VARSITY MEN AS SOLONS 1904 TRACK AND BASEBALL THE EASTERN INVASIONj ,{ >Organized Gang .'6f .Lifters Imper- Presldel)t lJafPe�" Dean Judson and Wal-sonating University Men ' lace Heckman Mentioned as Candidatestor LegislatureHeld in Boston,George E. Cole President of theCornell. Builds; Immense Filter Plant Legislative Voters' League' about ato Avoid Danger <of Future week ago made an appeal to thoseTyphoid citizens of Chicago who desire pur-An organized band of men posing ity in politics; . In his speech Mr.as college undergraduates have been Cole recommended' that those peo­going the rounds of the' large uni- �le. 'in'�erested in pu�er politicsversities recently, breaking into should become candidates for the, rooms during' -the .absence of the ' -statelegislature and gave out a listoccupants, -stealing anything at o'f·fi!.tY"'llailtes ��'as 'possible candid­hand mid then leaving town to make . 'ate� for the office. Prominentnew raids elsewhere. I 'The . ·13ost�n among ·these' "stood' the names ofpolice have succeeded in running President Harper, Dean Harrythese men down and they are. now' .j udson and Wallace Heckman, .at­detained in that city. Large quan- .. torney for the University and presi-'tities of stolen property have been dent' of the Union League Club.recovered which will be open .. .to, Dr.Fameson.,a prominent Chicagoidentification as S0011 as arrange- .l politician, lately addressed a note tomerits are completed. Among artF' Mr. Cole in-which' he stated' that ifcles recovered is a considerable . Mr; Cole' could indu�e any of theamount of clothing and jewelry re- . above named ·gentlemen to 'become­cently taken from the Yale gymna- candidates from the fifth district he .sium and college rooms.' : would give' them his support and doThe' gang is said to have hs··· . ai'l in his power to get them elected:headquarters in New York and 'to'have operated' as far west as Chi-cago. It is .believed that 'college'men are implicated as the know- Purple Easily T�immed by Maroons Scoreledge of college life and conditions .. ', of s'to 5displayed by the gang has been' T�e ul\i-:V�rsity team won a good'extraordinary. :.game. from Northwestern yesterdayA filter plant with a capacity .o.f �� .�r�pi>ard field on the North500,000' gallons of pure water per 'Side�'" The, �ame was p1�y'�<;l.�I\, tl�e 'day has been installed at �2r��1.1� :J�e�4, oi.� a free�iriir (gale' ':'£rom theU niversity, .... -Cornell :h�s . had· sot .lake.and, this hindered the work ofi1iu(;'ktro�ble '{vitli"'typilOici on the' - the, :��a.ms�· ' -eliicago' fielded wellcampus' that .the authorities have despite the cold .and had only twodetermined to put a stop to it at any errors r�Or�e,A�"" Ellsworth pitched'cost Andrew Carnegie came to a good game and kept the hits wellthe rescue with an offer off $45,000. scattered; '��F.per 'and Smart ledSo efficient is the· great plant. that the Chicago' bat.t�rs and NuttaU;'HH .97 per, 'Cell t. of bacteria are re- was. the best. for' 'N orth western.''moved as the water passes-through. Bloomer .showed up well at first.'T}H� plant- .has been designed, and McPherson had- ten -putouts to his'.much of.'!it built, by Cornell men. his credit and threeassists without. .an error, but failed to hit the ban.EXPECTS TO IMPROVE CAMPUS Stillman,was tried in left field andpiaye� a good game. Th� Jeam.- will play Beloit Saturday on Mar­shall field. The Beloit te'am is said,to be in good-condition and playing:fine baseball. .Gardeners Will Begin at. Onc_e-HullC.ourt to be Garde� :.&p�tContracts have been let and aUplans laid �o improve and beautifythe camplls this Sprilig. Expertlandscape gardeners will be employ­ed to. arrange flowers and trees and'wal�s so that the university campus'may be as attractive as any of theAmerican college ca�pi. Mr. Mc­Lean, superintendent of buildings�nd grounds, says that this newwork together with the regular"spring cle�n up" would c;ommenceat once.The past winter has been unusual­ly hard on vegeta tiqn and in manyplaces the campus will have, to beentirely resodded or at least,strengthened with a bone fertilizer.The land around the new law build-_ing will be leveled and sodded andgralltoid side,valks will be con·structed. Trees will be set out andarranged artistically around thebuilding, a dozen new trees placedbetween the women's halls and thebuilding.Great improvement will be madebetween Ryerson Physical Labora­to�y and the tower group. There.CONTINUED ON PAGE 4. COLUIm' Z Saturday April 23, Beloit College 3:30 p.m. Pennsylvania Relay Games. . .more considerate than his westernTuesday 26, University of Wisconsin, brother. The Pennsylvania games3:45 p. 111.. • .' .this year WIll be greater than ever. Saturday 30, Varsity '!Vleet 2:30 p. ·n'l.:. University of Nebraska, 3:30 p. .rn, before. The' relay races will beTuesday May 3, Purdue University, 3:45 contested by the best runners in thep. 111. country. The hundred yard dashThursday 5, Physicians and Surgeons, will bring together for the first3:45 p. m , time all the hundred yard men inSaturday 7, l.Jniversity of Michigan at AnnArbor, Chicago, Illinois, Dual Meet' the United States. Hahn and Blairat Champaign. will have an old score to fight outWednesda� II, Northwestern University, -besides trying to uphold the honors3:45 p. m, . of the west. Rice is new at theFriday 13: Beloit College at 'Beloit. g��lle but has shown such remark-" Saturday 14, Chicago-Wisconsin Dual' able form and speed that he is con-Meet, 3 :00 p. m.Saturday 14, University of 'Wisconsin at: sidered the equal, of his WesternMadison. teammates. The East will presentTuesday 17, Oberlin College at Oberlin. her great dash men and at presentWednesday' 18, University of Michigan at the chances seem' even. Biair, RiceAnn Arbor. 'd' H h . h b . f d"s t 1 Ch';M' hi DIan a n are 111 t e est 0 con 1-,a ureay 21, lcagO- Ie Igan ua '., , .. 1'.::'" ...... , r.�I,,,,�,��·1 '• Meet; 3:00 p. m. University'or"lUi .: 't'lOn:,/ '.', .'�- .1 .' '"nois at. Champaign. : _' Catlin has' ilOt been feeling wellTuesday 24, Northwestern University at ' and will not start : in .the hurdlesEvanston. unless he is in condition to upholdWednesday 25· University of Michigan, t'" d F' d I b. wes ern recor s. nen ras eeu3:45 p. 111. .' '. •Thursday 26, University of Illinois at doing very consistent work 111 theChampaign. broad jump and should be able toSaturday 28, University of Illinois 3:30 score. Speik is expected to gatherp. m. in a few laurels with the discus asWednesday june I, Northwestern Univer- that event is not so well developedsity, 3:45 p. m.Saturday '4, Conference Inter-collegiate in the East. However. if Swift ofMeet .., Iowa competes, the competition inWednesday S, University of Illinois, 3:45 that event will be interesting.p. tit. The Hyde Park boys were in fineFriday 10, University of l11inois, 3:45 spirits' when they boarded the trainp. n�.Saturday 1T, Inter-Scholastic Meet 1 :30 and each one solemnly resolved top. m. win and set a new record. This isMonday 13, Alumni Game, 4:00. impossible if the weather and trackJuue 18, 20, or 21, Chicago-Princeton conditions are at all fair. The'Dual Meet. Hyde Park team is reli1arkably fa�tand with such a man as Captain. First Recital on Mandel Organ Comstock-has no equal in the West.Just how good the Eastern highschool relay teams are this year isnot known. Last year Hyde Parkwon after a hard fight betweenEckersall and Herr of Brooklynhigh.NORTBWESTESM Hon. Henry T. Freeman, Pre-R. HI P. A. E.' siding Judge of the Appellate. Isaacs, c :- I 2 8... 0 Court of Illinois for the First Cir-Nuttal, d I 3 2 0 0Weinber, 2b , ..•.. I o' 4 3 0Wilk'son, 3b 0 0 0 I 2Porter, lb : o 0 10 0 .�. Bragg, cf. . • •. . � 0 1 I 0 o.McGo'n, If o 0 2 ·:0 ' 2'Jaede'm, 55 � o 0 o' 2 IKersten,p .' 2 0 0 z· ,0_ • _ _r_,WIN FROM· NORTHWESTERNThe score:CHIC •.o\GOR. H. P. A. E.Harper"cf ....•.•.•••••••• 2 2Ellsworth, p......... . .. 2 0Smart, rf............... 0 2Paul, ss.. ..:: I' 1Baird,· 3b ••••.•... � ....•. I. IStillman, If 0' IBloomer, ·lb I 1McPherson, c � .0Bezdek, 2b. . ....• � I I 000'I 5.0. lJ 0 0I I 0I 2 I3 0 o.810 3 02 2 '1Total. . . • • . • • • . . . • • .. 8 9 27 13 2Totals 5 6.2.7 12 '5:Chicago o 0 '6 I 0 I. 0 q o-�.i·N. W., ·0 0 o· I 0 I I 0 2_";:SStruck Out_;_By Ellsworth, Iq; by Ker­sten, 7. Basses-,on Ba'!1a-Off Ellswortq.,.2; off.�.�.rsten� 5. Twc;>llase Hit�-:-Isa�cs, ,Baird. Atten4anc�, 200. Umpire....:.:.RoyClark. Director Stagg Announces Complete Listof Spring Games-Chicago Meets Neb­ras�a on the Diamnnd-e-Dua! MeetsThe complete Chicago track andfield schedule for the spring of 19Q4has just been announced by DirectorStagg. The' baseball list includesin additon to the usual games one" with the University of Nebraska., Dual track meets will be· held withIllinois, Wisconsin and Michigan.The inter-scholastic meet is sched­uled for Saturday June 11th.The. schedule follows:o 0 The first recital on the organ'presell ted to the U ni versi ty by LeonMandel for Mandel Assembly 'Hallwas given today at 4:30 P'" m , byArthur Dunham, organist of Sinaicongregation, assisted by LesterBartlett Jones tenor, and Mrs.Grace Peabody Parker accompanist.'All· members of the Universitywere inv:ited.cpit, gave an open lecture on, 'Legal Ethics" this afternoon in'. the lecture room of the Law School.,l'his lecture. was one of a series of·six which is being given before the-students of the Law School.", The spring-board for the swim­�l1ing ta�1k .will arrive next week..It' will be arranged SO that when. games in the tank are in proKressit' Call. be swung around to one sideout of the way. It is being madeby McEwen Brothers of Chicago. Coach ' Stagg and Varsity TrackMen Left for PhiladelphiaTodayMen in Good Condition and Expect toTake Honors-Hyde Park RelayTeam in PartyDirector Stagg, five varsity trackmen, and the Hyde Park: relayteam left for the east this morningat 10 o'clock. The men will ar­rive tomorrow at Pennsylvania. Allthe athletes were in good conditionand all were hoping that the weath­er man in the east would bea little.EXECUTIVE OFFICERS FOR COMMONSR. V. Strong Named' as President ofCommons AssociationThe election of the executiveofficers and the advisory committeeof the Men's Commons for thisquarter was held last night at theCommons. Each regular boarderwas given a ballot upon enteringthe dining room and deposi ted it ashe left. The only competition inthe election was for the three mem­berships .of the executive cOlllmit­tee, th�re being four candidates.The result of the election has notyet been announced ..The ticket voted on last nightwas as follows:President, R. V. Stron!?,.Secretary, Frederick Dickenson .Committee (vote for three) �William C. Healiol1.Albert E. Lake.George L. Marsh.Paul T. Ramsey.1,� I.. :' l� II CHICAGO, THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1904"IH. T. �Gulre, Prop.Formerly �e Uni!u!'if;)' of, £':li�!l0 WeekJf.:roUND.,The Univenit",,_.f Chicap Weeki,., Oct. I, 189.1TaB DAILY lUaOON. • • • • Oc:t.,.,.�ig,�.a,NEWS CONTRIBUTIONS REQUESTED.'Published by the .tudenta of the Univenit,.of Chica,o evert aftemooa, a.:ept Saturdar.and .Sunday, dunn. the 4' weeka .f the Un·verslty l�r.Firat boarel of editoR and Ituain_ manaJerautlaorizcd by .tudent·bodr in m.. memn,¥ay 15, 190.1.Member.hip on sublequent boarcla' of editor.to be determined br compttitiOll 'o� 'to allItudenta in the V",venib". ' ' .., ..BOARD OF JIDlTORSErnelt J. SteY� !ofltalpla P. M���'g _Uwarcl II. �n. '06LeRoy A. VUlPa� '., .,.,Edwar. It. �_, '.4John S. Wriaht?v..�· �fP, '�4:• ,WOMEN EDITORSMis. Lena Barril )liM ,:Q"e� �lPitl1, "p6'STA�F Of �EPOa4�R.�C. McKenna. Ruala '05 Arthur Bridaman, 07C1tu A. Bruce, 'e' Claude 'Schonel�' '07Wm. A. McDermid, '0'1 Wm •. H. ,¥ .. \fi�\d, '®Bernard I. Bell. '07 ..,Mi .. ¥arie Or�ye�. '06B:tJS1NESS S�*FFBuaineaa Manqer •••••••••••• Julien �. B,rodl. , " .Entered u .ecood-cl.. mail at Chicalo Poet-06: .. r ,', -.••Daily_ �u�lCri..ption, $3 per y�i $1 for 3 mOl.Br Masl In qt)' $4 �r Y,e&;ri Js.as ,for � Jl}9I'SublCrip�on. received .t TBII MAROON'Office, Kill. Hall, or left in TIl. MAaQOHBox, the Faculty Exchan,'�' C�b� Hap.Printed by the Quadran,le Pi..., 404 E. 5Sth St.I'THE person OJ,' persons WhQ, tookcopies of last Monday's MAROON,from the files in the MAROON office, 'will please return them, Everycopy has been stolen .and the �l��J of.the p�per thereby broken.. .'.The detailed progra� of the• Olympian Games and world' 5 cham­pionship contests at the S.t. LouisE:�position, in4icate t��t it 'Yill bethe greatest at4leq� <;:;lrnJ,Yal ev,�rgiven, and that tl:l.e iW�t��,'Y4.��h,it will give to American' athletics,will be almost incalculable. When II 'at the first of the t:ev!v�J;; o( theOlympic Ga,mes �� A.t�eJ,1s in, 1896,an American Wqn t�e 4i,�c\lS t.�Q.W,although he had, nev�r S��l!, �. d��;c\1sbefore his arrival in Greece, � newfactor was introduced into theseco'ntests that haq sc�t:cely. �een c��­sidered hitherto, b�� w.1:*�h; �o,w tbt tange-:$.bOtFO.R FAS1;,I,pious FOLKSh�,p"gt�d. A..-$p'e�i�I.:American -�.Q11l­mittee, (ill. additiou to the Inter­n.��iml�l Committee otthe OlympianGames), as the representatives of'athletics iii America, proposes thatnothing shall be left undone tomake the first American Olympicseries a ,phen,omenal 'success. nB�GNBDBYYOUNGMENFOR YOUNG MEN'S WBARF. S. YOQNG. Proprietor" .. =. ========��== MADISON AVENUE PAOKING 00.WHOLESALE ANDRET AIL MARKET6309 Madison Avenue, Chlcaro.... 'Phone Hyde Park 1822149 D e' arb 0 r-n S t r e e tTRIBUNB'BUILDINGThe Building Commission .which..i�, to consider .plans for the .newWomen's Buildings, and which metweek is .to hold regu- ALBION OAFE398-400 68d se,Good Meals, Quick Service.Also Furnished Rooms to Rent.,for the first time, last'Keep your facef air. Use Williams'Shaving, Stick. Young America LaundrySTUDENTS'LA�RRYTel. Hyde Park 1252 5416 Lake A.v ••Manqj�1 Editor ••••••• Ollver B. WnnUl, '04Newa Editet� •••• � ••••• ; �JIarry W. FOI'�'04 Aid �h�, ,Athletic Editol' ••••• � •• w�� .� �P.r,�, '05AS�OClATE ,�lroRS " Bundin� Iar meetings ,dur�ngCpD\�i"sion the �p.r�tig .q uarter.' "The .Commission is Imade up of members from the fac ..ulty ,�,and,'representati ves from thedifferent 'women's societie's� Th�plans a� sketched �Y the architectwere show.n, at the 'Y�men,' s banq uet, in the �pmwo�� several weeks ago,and are now.to be seenin Room-Sof Lexington. hall. These plans aresubject t,o improvement, .and everymember of the Commission will en­ge��Q" to add as many helpful .sug­gestions as possible.Every woman in the Universityshould take a vital interest in thenew buildings. Possibly, the build­ings Wm 0,9t be erected while thepresent student body is in residence,but as �T.. Harper remarked in hisopening add�ess to the commission, ,.. "they "are not building for nextyear or for �he year.after, out forthe next ten, the next fifty years.' ,. t. 'Tlie! plans ou�ht to !�P.��J3�I},t t_�e ,• _ ••• '.._ t. .£,.)._ ...• .-,.... � n .:-f-# ,n��gs Qf, eY�rY WQml,\n i,n the U ni - :versi�y, but. in order to ,dQ.', that, 'every woman should fefl.ec� ,upon. what 'she' thinks would be a help toher scl,lQla.stic life, �nd she shouldthen C!ommunicate 'that t4�Ught to I 'some members of the Commission,. i,n 9r,d:�� 't�at i�' m�y ·be brQught upfor discussion. Several valuable: suggestions have already been made,. '. ., ,-�0t:� af.�. desired. -EIl1ers,on says aray of light falls on each one to.'testify of. In orde� to :t;na�e theWomen's, ijuildings perfect, it is,necessary to have tlie 'Co�Qp'�rationof every wo�alfiI! the U�iversity... �. , 'Steel raults Electric LinedIIYDE PARK CENT}\ALSAFE DEPOSITVAULTSFifty·Fifth '5t. and �ashing'on Ave.Burglar PrOOf. Fire Proof. A bsolu(e Security.W. K. YOUNG o BRO. Boxes $1-.00 per Year.'P�one 'Hyde Par� 997N,EW STO:REMEN'S FU��HSHING' GOODS A�D HATS40.1 E., G3d St., Bet. Monroe and Kimbark Aves,Dress Shirts,' Dress Ties, Dress Gloves .Newest Designs in Neckwear and Shirts.'Correct 'Shapes in Hats. Large As­sortments 'in Caps (Etons, Golf, Nor-folk, Etc.) ,. ,_ Prices Reasonable. '· �FENNIMORE & 'GUYRE.... ,. ",',, N ow tba� the, waten cooler has, b�en returned to.Sn,elL':EI,"ll1� all 'is,in, readiness. for the' ne�t informal........It is reported in yesterday's issuethat at last some one is ' 'to begin 'work on the cal1}pus.", ... '. •receives suitable recogni�ion in the,selection of an Awerica�, <;ity as, fQeo.VR ,OWN, �AJ.OR� AND PlNO�Ssite for the contests. The cost of', ·, CO�l;1MN.the trip to Athens, however, �l?o�t$1,000 per man, prevented a largerepresentation. on, that occasion, butin Paris, in 1900, the Americans,carried off nine-tenth� ot.. the prizes,although under uU,:;�tj�f,�ctqfY. cir­cumstances. Lack of enough �x­perienced officials, apd the wierdlyuncertain methods of such offi�ials, "THl; P4-I�Y M;ARQO.N'\ beJi�v:esthe U niversi ty i� en tj�el y too strict. ' ,as there' were, handicapped' the, I Subscripe for ili�'MARO'ON. 'men to a very g�e�t. extent" and, • ,. •caused many false star.ts, �n<l dis­putes over technicaJi�ies. At St.Louis, however,' these .�i�cqJt�eswill be eliminated, and, un�er the,efficient control of t�e, Amat�urAthletic Union, the. cQnt�,st�, ex­tending over a period Qt a.1>P4t six,and one-half months, will be well 'r�� a�si�h�pt athletic �di,tpr,has aI I}ew. pipe. It WAtl�t be long l}OW,till he ��t��som� n�w, <lope.* * *ANSWERS TO C<?R�ESPONDENTSQermf1,U, I stAdent:-No, there is'not a rive.r in Gerplany call�d the; Wurtzburger. It may be in'Mil-waukee. . /,�.·I.�)ll·,{:t�<}!�! :;'�a::i�! ����eC;Ii ::���·�:�����I:�::::;I:i�=::���lit!. ::��:i;i;::�::�::�:::::\;+:j},r�' ROTHSCHlLD � COMPANY��� "Educated"Clothe�'dye, the cutting, the tuil­ol'ing, the linings-thenour expert inspects theHUtchi ng, the fit, the style,the lllutchi ng of the differ­ellt goods so that WhOrl thesuit finally gets to you, youyou CUll pin your fait.h 011it. "This is the tale ofthe Educated clothm;."10.50is 0;, favorite price thoughthe15.00 V 17.50lines attl'Uct the most par­ticular <1),0:;801'8.STATE AND, VAN BUREN STREETSCHI C A G ,-0100.NDE.Tid se,ryt A.v ••d- , .CHICAGO, THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 19MCA.l-r·]3),U Waiting for you."Our Spring W oolensselected especially forCollege Men.Tailor for Younlr MenA. N: Jertews, Mgr. 129-181 r..a Salle St.PD. PARK.A!fI) .OHICAGO 'BBACH STABLBSj. ·H. KINTZ(.aOPJUltTOa)Jackson Park Stables273 Bait Fifty·SeTenth StreetTel •• Hyde Park 552 CHI 0 A G •I am showing a complete new lineof exclusive importationsfrom the fashion centers of'.LOndon-Paris-Berlin.My 'Oustom Made Shirts·a.re correct in every particularExclusive PatternsARTHUR s. HYMAN,� J aekson Bou)., Chicago.aSECURE OUR PRICES ONFRATERNITY STATIONERY,p'ROG R A MM ES, MENUS,I'N V I TAT ION a AND£WGRAVED CARDa.BROCHON4.- '34-36 WASHINGTON 'ST.E. C. MO.OREjflot(st132 East Forty·Nlnth StreetTelephone Oakland 1495:I,. eaSt Flfty.Fifth StreetTelephone Hyde Pade 38'NEWCOLLARO. A. LAMPERTV'IOLI N 1STMember of the Ohlcaco Orc_tra.Pupil. and en,alement. ace.,W.Address: 8488 Wabash • TeDUe.'104 EDtTION NOW READYSpalding'sOfficialAthleticAlmanacEdited by J. E. Sullivan,Sec.·Treas., A. A. U.The only publication in the country containing allauthentic athletic' records. This book contains over200 pqea of athletic information, and is profuselylUultra� with numerous portraits of leadin!: athletesaad athletic teams. Price, 10 cents.A. G. S'PALDING & BROS�Send for illustrated catalo!:.o f athletic; aoods.A,. 17. CORNELLMerchantTailor� \CIu'&ap SI()e� Excllan.l"' Bu,1t/"nr 'WIZ'''''"p"" and LaSall. Sis.MarquetteBundIngMen'sWearDearborn Street AU,. Desig1lS are the Latest ami./JI/ost Artistic,, we are the' .largest Office furniture(Formerly ,:"It�; M. J. Ooff'7)" , , manufacturers in the world" Desks C�8.irs ,Tabl.esFashionable ' Tailors A. H. ANDREWS ,CO., Chicago, IlL'FORFastidious DressersPurdue' Not Going EastPurdue University has decidednot to send its four-mile relay teamto Philadelphia this week. Thereason assigned for this change inplans is that the weather of the lastthree 'weeks has been too cold forsuccessful outdoor work and that, the university has poor facilities forindoor training. furdue hadcounted 011 making a good showingas its team contained Hearn, lastyear's conference champion, andVernier, a freshman with a 'recordof 4:28.PRESCRIPTIONSRELIABLE PHARM"ACYROSALIE PHARMA�YJ. J. GIL L I Gbemlst and PIIInIIdIt1'II0no Hrdo Park 175 274 E. 57th St.:.,.. Willi. ,,"-O'MEARA BROTHERS' HOME OAKEIY(Phone 1616 HydePark.) '.,All Ooods Str dly Home-MadeOnIen taken for Ice Cream and Ices. Goods delivered218 East Flfty·Flfth Street BORDEN'SCONDENSED'MILK, FLUID JrlILE,', CREAltt AND BUTTERlIrIILEALL BOTTLED IN THE COUNTRYBORDEN'S CONDENSED MILK CO.• ..,-8:13 E. 'O"Ty-aEVEN'rH, .aT.MAK£:R TO USER!�. ,H AB; ;U�H�� D, ''5'IIf.;';r Bleclroly.l.Facial Massage. Manicurinc" I.adiea.' HairDressing and Manicuring, Ladles' Tnrkflh. andRuseian Bat� •. 70 and 72 State st., Chicago. PA.RK181 E. 55th StreetCorner Jefferson Ave.Best Meal in Hyde Park I5C'telepheue Hyde Park 18A.'.McAdamsTHE UNIVERSITY FLORISTGREENHOUSES: CHICAGOc.. S3d It. a.d Ki!Dbark aye.W" H YUle poor. unwholesome milk, wheafor the same money you ran eel- it, Pure, Sweet, and Extraordl ..•• r.ll), Rich, delivered in sealed bottles, by cltllinr up,.Telephone'South 817, or droppini a postal toSIDNEY WANZER &: SONS305 Tl1lrtleth st.BASEBALLQujc:l� Service Geo. O. Marlatt, II ....ANHEUSER & NEILRestaurant391 BAST SIXTY -'l'HIRD ST. OBIOAOOTYPEWRITERSONE-HALF'PRICESend for our list of special bargains in all.makes of Standard typewriters. Full line ofsupplies, Machines for rent $2 to"3 permontb.ItOCKWBLL·BARNES CO.:1167-:1160 Waba.h Ave. �ILCOX '& WICK,"Good 'fit, style �nd quallty" 'I. ourinotto. Our., prices, are·· nl'Y ·reMOQ--­I able. We Invite' your Inlp&Ctlon ofour spring pattern 8.�WO'M 72, 119 D��RBORN ST.COLLEGEand all other college sp�rt 'is fully covered in text andillustration by THIC I��usTRATaD SPORTING Nnws,�hic� is theO!f�v publicatton giving slucial attentionto ,c.lllre su6jlcts.SEND US ONE. DOLLAR'W.T.DBLmAnPrOlide.t .. o. OIDOl'fllBLLSecretary ,and we will, send 'you the ILLUSTRATED SPOR'l'INGNICWS each week for 1:6 we�ks, which will eouer tllCSp,.inr sl(JStm of (lu/door sport. Address,TH'a ILLUSTRATED SpOaTING Naws, 7 West Twenty-Second St., New York• t • I •If You, W�nf Money c:!1 A�t.!!�1�'pL'.!.i-p w .... JeweJr7.�AIItIq ..... fOl'aJeJ Old Geld and SUv�Bou&bI. Fraternity 'Stationery. Galling Gards .Invitations Programs ALBERT TEBOTreasurerStandard'W ashed Co� Company"II 'h'::llU�'i': •. 1 }1i'��"'�' c3�3.,:J;»��b?fJl Street- ',., __ ,.1", , ,- • ,STANDARD 'WA.SHED COAL FOR ,DOMESTIC. ,USE: 'Standard EU '. • • is.� pir tOn -,' Waih�d Ch�etD�t • $4.50 perltOD . _.Washed Range ,'5.00 p�r ton ; Washed �ea $4.25 per ton., "'I .Of. • IOET THE BEST$2 AMES HATS $3, E.tabll.hed 1873161�163 S. Madillon .street .ear LIi $jill.la.4 De.rbora StEarly Spring Hats, Canes, Gloves'and. Umbrellas,GRAY and BLUEWorsteds & �er8esARE CORRECTWe have them inALL SHAPESGEO. H. FIEDLER & CO.THE HANDSOMESTESTABLISHMENT IN CHICAGO�ooooooooooooooooottooooooooCe:0 ,', .. 0;0 EGYP�IAN: . DEITIES . 0o 0�O No bette .. Tu .. kl.h CI •• rett·e can be <-,0' made.0;0 ST�AW TIP 0o _ . 0;0 Cork Tip' ' Pla.in 0·3 +0 .. 00.0.00:: DAILY. PAPERS AND 'MAGAZINE$.NORTON takes subscriptions for both andhas them delivered at, your door , .F. W. NORTON. Phone, 116 Hyde Park ,S48 51th .sreetKIMBALL BAiL,243 Wabash Ave.i� 1\oorS�J.�oS., Original Ideas andExclusive Styles inPhotographsSpeciaRatestoU: ofe.StudentsJust To Look'<Come Ill, tile Wate,.' s Find""E. M." SystemGar men t s lookworth $30 to $60.Cost $10 to $35.Worth investigat-ing!When WE "suit"or overcoat you,.you,. friends will be"next ill line."Mail orders shipped everywhere 011approval.MOSSL�R'S E. M; SYSTEMI121 Monroe se., near Clark L. MANASSE, OPTICIAN, '8S Madlllo� St., Trlhune BuildingIpeetaele. and Byella •• e. Scientifically AdjustetEyes Tested 'FreeEverythin, OpticalMathematicalMetereolorical,andfor the Lanternlst •.Kodak., Cameras ,ud 8uPPUII. .OIU.. S. A.. LA. WHENOE,,Manager and Director.L AWRENGE ORGHESTRASelect .mustc for allSelect � c cas ton elIlour patronagerespectfull12 acttctteoResidence, 6745 Rosalie CourtTel. Hyde Park 1467. CHICAGOBENHAM BROS.4tJ,.FASHIONABLE'TAILO'RS225 Dearborn .Street Suite 201·202Telephone 4523 Harrison j.''." . ,International Convention, .Y.M.C.A.At Buffalo, l:f. Y. May 11-15. Ticketson sale via Nickel'Plate Road, May 10th,Llth, �itd.12th, 'at one fare, plus 25 cents,for the round.trip. � Good returning May23rd. I For full particulars, ,call, on �ournearestAgent.ior address John Y. Cala­han, general Agent, No 113 .Adams St.,Roo� 298! Chicago, Ill.$12.25 to Buffalo,N. Y. and Returnvia 'N"ickel Phlte Road, May 10th, 11thand 12th, with'return 'limit on May 28rd.Als.o .�owetlt rates to Ft. Wayne, Cleve­land, Erie and other Eastern points.Three .trains daily,·.with first class Mod­em Jtquipment. Meals in' Nickel Platedining-cars, on �ericari Club MealPI�n, ranging in price from 35 cents 'to$1.00; also service a la carte. No extra{are 'charged on any train on the NickelPlate Road'. When contemplating 'aneastern trip, write John Y. Calahan, Gen­eralAgent, No. 118 Adams St., Room298, chicago, Ill. Chicago Depot, cornerVan :Bu�en and LaSalle Streets, the onlyPassenger 'Station in Chicago on theElevated Railroad Loop.DENTIST369-e 63!l'STREETTELEPtl0NE Hyde' Park' 1196,HOURS.. ���g.:;:g li!gg· - .Eetabliihed 1878. In�rporatH 1902.A� A. D E V 0 R E &: S· 0 NTAILORSPullman Bullc1iDcw. make .. specialty of hl�h in\de Dre.1Suit.. for 70WlC men.Wilson;'s Billiard.PARLOR, .. 301 E. 55th St., near Monroe Ave.Everything new. Highest gradetables. Open SundaysPHONE-OFFicE-Hyde Park J788DR. RALPH W. PARKERDR. FRED W. PARKERDENTISTS. Hours \ 8 :30 to 1:1.I 1-00 to 5. 6:q9 Klmbark AvenueIV. e.cs-. Sixty-third st.GENTLEMENWHO DRESS FOR STYLENEATNESS, 'AND COMFORTWEAll THE IMPROVED'BOSTON�GARTERThe Recognized Standard-.-The Name II �'stlmped on � •;�:'100P-�, .�.;hp �������.'{b"'�LASPLies Flat to the Leg-NeverSlips, Tears r or UnfastensSample pab-, SIlUOc .. Cotton 26c.Mailed on receipt of price., Geo. froat Co., Mlker.,BOllen, Mas •• , U. S. A.ALWAYS EASY CHICAGO, T�URSDAY, APRIL 21, 1904EXPECTS TO IMPROVE CAMPUSCONTINUBD FROM PAGE 1. COLUMN 1has been some talk of turning thespace between these buildings intoan old English garden, and the im­provements this. spring will be madeso as not to interfere with this idea.The space between the sidewalksand the buildings-Bartlett Gym­nasium, Kent Commercial Labora­tory and others-will be soddedand appropriate flowers and treesplanted. The water will be turnedinto the pond in. Hull Court andvarious water plants placed there.Hull Court itself, is to be, as MrMacf.eau expresses it, "the gardenspot of the campus."The improvements \Vili extendalso .to the School of Educationwhere the' sam� ge'neral plan willbe followed out. Most of the workhere will be applied to parkingScammon Court, the open spacebehind the main building.Dr. C. E. Merriam addressed themeeting of, the Poli tical ScienceClub last night. His topic was"Direct Primaries." .. Of the eighteenmen who' weresuccessful in the; ecent Cook Coun­ty. Hospital examination, two weregraduates of the University ofChiclgo, Kellogg :'Speed, B. S.,1901, and R. C. Brown, B. S. 1901.Eight. others had taken from threeto six quarters of residence in theUniversity; .Students .and faculty members are requestedto send all notices to The Daily Maroon forpublication free of charge. Notices must be, left 'at 1'ht Maroon office or, Faculty.Exchangebefore II A. M. .' - ". :....Dr. Hans Gadow, F. R. S., lee­turer on zoology in the Universityof Cambridge, England, who. has. just delivered six lectures on' theColoration of Amphibia and Rep­tiles before the Lowell Institute illBoston, will present a resume ofthis subject in the 'form. of t wo 'lec-tures on Wednesday and Thursdayafternoons, April 27 and 2�, at 4p. 111. in Kent Theatre.BEAR �N MINDthat your subllcription ,is 'IllYW duefor the spring quarter and 'W�uunua. tlurnte you to remU promptlyFOR RENT-Choice· ot' three beauti­ful rooms, furnished, in a new, strictlymodern house.5408, DREXEl. AVENUEA II students who desire. good photo­gl'l\l>hs should call at Martyn's Maroon. Studio, m05 Cottage Grove Ave. Wefinlsh in all the latest original and artis­tic designs : Platinum, . Oolodlo Car­bon, 'Vash Drawing, Platinums' andl\Iineatures. We also have on salephotos of all Vers'ity buildings and ath-.letes. Special rates to students.Hu ve your Spring and Summer gar­mouts put in good conditlon now andbe ready for' Easter with a nice ap­peurance.FAMOUS TAILORING CO.,346 E. 55th Street.Phone Hyde Park 5700.The University Pharmacy earrles acomplete line of cold weather remedies.GGO Fifty-fifth street.I f you want a position to teach, callon 01' write to James F. McCullough,63H Fine Arts Building, Qhicugo.W 01, H. Sage & Oo., reliable druggistscorner Woodlawn Avenue and Fifty-fifthstreet. Sole agent in Hyde Park for Dr.Carl Koch's New Discovery for the cureof Consumption, Oougbs, Colds, and alldiseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs.Guaranteed to cure or money refunded.Price, 50 cents. Trial size 10 cents. TAILOROur collection of woolens for SpringSuits, Overcoats and Trousers is com­plete in every fabric. Our fit andstyle is of the best �nly.320 EAST FIFTY-FIFTH STREETS.A·CH.LNMUSSB.V'SBilliard Halls and" Bowling Alleys. 85-87 DEARBORN. S, TREE'!' The Largest and Finest Amusement'" t. ' Resort in the World,,_ b�'�1;1�'�k;}f}Rgr""A4_ 100 to 108 Madison' Street.------IIIIIiI!' ... - .... � -"__"'!"!"I"" .. I' Branch: 616 Davis St •• Rvanston.... ' .. , :,' ..• ;C,:" J'·:.:I·l,;)�) 1£ 1)"�jJ';I'''''' .Spring StylesDoNotDelayCALL ONMcDonald & Spann.T·A I LO RS185 Dearborn StreetAdams Express nidg. 4th FloorI.e .e NOTICES .e "'r ae.llet, '&:"lJenson'T A I 'L:',·O_ ·R. ',5'.,_, I-OSER & "ANS.ON. ...·TAILORS·'7,5 DEARBORN ST.CHICAGO.A T yplr,al (jollege Manis at once recognized by the distinctand faultless cut of his ClothesWe are Tailors forCollege' Men'� ••••• t" ,Year's: of experience in . fitting.gen tlemen '" ho appreciate the'value of correct dress, DICK HAS'Golf: and Tennis. Supplies,Baseball Goods, CameraSupplies, Stationery andPeriodicals.-Rigltt.-on the way to J(lck�on ParkJ� 'DICK' & cq., 344 'E. 63rd Streetr : ._From Libby's famous h)'gienio kitchens.wber purit)' prevails. All meateused lrLIBBY'SNatural Flavor'Food Products���s'!�� a?o�de::s��ftiv'!,�e��:�iB l�e �������its preparation for your convenience. fn the bandykey-onenlng cans. A IlUpply on your pantl')' shelves::���e!::: ��sf�:a,��a�'h:t )ft�r: ��k���':,���Make Good Things to Eat." tolls all about them­Bent free. Libby's Atlas of the World, mailedfree for 10 cents postage..LIBBY, McNEILL & La'BBY, CHICAGO. if you have 'it on hand, will help greatly'to entertain the unexpected guest.It's an old-fashioned product-madehonestly and pure of HAM and purespices - nothing else.All first- class dealers sell it.Look on the can for the little red devil.Wm. Underwood Co., Boston, Mass.Cempreaaed Air Service Antiseptic Face CreamTHE GRAND CENTRAL BARBER SHOPH. J. GAMET, PROPRIETOR7a �d.m. Street Opposite PairLaundry OfficoWoodla:vvnSafetyDeposdtCorrrparry449·S�East 63rd ·St.,Near Woodlawn Ave. Will open in its new buildingMay 1.Steel Vaults - burglar and fire,Proof. No expense has been sparedin making this the strongest andsafest vault in Chicago.Boxes to Rent at$3' ana UpwardsThe most convenient Safety Vault, for those engaged at the University. '.I� .........