I-_.inct!!!treetUeys�nt, 'v-'�eet��am�atlyladeJureevil.ass.in allline ofmonth. · ·!l3lJVOL. II. ' No. 129. PRICE Two :OaNTsCHICAGO, .wiU)�ESDAY, aPRIL �O, 1904PURIFY .OUROATHLETICS· WILL EXCLUSIVE ALU'MNI 'HATE 'INFLUENCE 'GAMES AT .EXPOSITIONAt a meeting of the represent a­,'Arc 'Light. 'Down .·'In Missouri : En- tives of the "big nine" conference: doWe4 Wit.h Strange Speech By colleges, held yesterday in theInventive Students Hamilton Club, it was finally de-". ,'After, ,considerable preliminary cided to exclude alloutsiders from'work 'the "W�, club at the 'Univer-' competition, in the annual. track.sitY'df Wisconsin jlas been jestab- meet 'which will be held' ou Mar-· .Iished. The club h�s been' organ-' .shall Field.on June 4. " c,t.:i:zed -..for .a .definite .ptirpose-cthe '] This ruling shuts out Nebraska,:puiification of Wisconsin athletics.' Notre Dame, Kansas, and a num­'The new club is the outgrowth' .ber of the other western colleges'of' ideas . adopted' by students at who have been trying to break 111to-several .universities. Michigan 'has the "big nine" for some years.-an :organization something like it 'When seen this morning In refer--in !the "Friars' Club" " but never ence to the decision of the league,-before has a bodyof students been 'Mr. Stagg said: "It has always-organized with 'such determination been the .policy of the University:; .. to keep college sports upon a high '. .of Chicago in such matters as this· :pli:me.· -Besides the main purpose -to take a liberal stand. Our repre-· the elub-will alsoipromote mutual' sentative has always been instruct­: social : interest among 'the athletes' ed to vote for the admission of those-of the university. Membership in' colleges not in the league. We do.the dub is open only to those who not believe in narrow proceedings,have won the big "w" in athletics, and an; anxious to get' into theAt present about thirty men are r conference meet the best athletesmembers. It is proposed to secure, .of t f: west."Iclub rooms immediately; later on. The .dnter-collegiate conference,.plans will be made for -a permanent! 'composed 'of a .member . from eachclub house. I {university, elected the following:�he·en�neeri1ig students of 'Mis- � officers:· souri University have .perfected an � President-A • .B. Fleager, Northwesterninvention .by which the college yell I. Secretary and Treasnrer-E��ns"Hol-'. , brook .. MiChigan ...· ��y�:.be giy�n. by ll!-e��s of_ an elec- i The ,other members of the conference.trio l,ight.. The light 'can �tso, be ':. 'are: >Wisconsin, S:�S:·C;:l'ego(Yt';':r.i1no�s;madeto laugh, cry, and 'converse in; �J91ui Pfeffer;' Indiana" G. M. Cook; Iowa,any tongue .. The students had been I R�sh Butler; Purdue, Edward,�. Robey;experimenting 'for several months . Mmnesota, .George .Hcrton; Chicago, ·W." A. Bond.upon the .theory . that· light and.. sound 'Waves are ,so nearly identical UNIVERSITY V S. NORTHWESTERN�h��. the hVQ . might be. combinedwith -i�t�r�sH�g results; but their Ellsworth to :Pitc,h in ,First Game of,final' discovery ,was largely due to Series With Methodists� :-:.·accident ....Itt'·the· midst. ()f'a lecture in one'Of the�class roo�s��n arc light sud­denly'said "hello" �nd .then "�alk- .ed" ;rapidly for .seyeral moments,interrupting the lecture� in the·midst of ,his remarks. The speaker. - . paused-and everybody listened. The'arc, )ight ·became humorous andm#de sarcaStic remarks at the ex-: pense of ,the : professor. Severalm�bers of the class were called' byname and made the object of deri­sive'remarks. 'The light concludedwith a loud laugh.. i It ,was i,not .until· several dayslater that ·.it was, 'learned that thearc light was, operated by a party· of engitieeri�g students who had:.accldentilly :discovered the meansof fitting the ele�t:ric light with a:Aphonograph. Recently the engi­ne�rs ,gave a party for the special .purpose 'of showing the inve�tion,·to -the:girl students. 'The arc .light, laughed, sang, and .finally gave thevarsity yell' i.amid 'a storm ofapplause.(\. H,W" Club of WisconsIn WPl Take• Stand· fOf . Clean CollegeSports'President Warfield Will. LecturePresident E. D. Warfield of La­fayette College, 'Easton, Pennsyl­vania, will visit, the .University onThursday, and ·will deliv�r. an ad­dress at the chapel assembly. Allstudents are invited to hear him at·,·this .. time. President Harper Says' Graduates COD- ttrol Policy of the University Through 'the Congregation' .. Presiden t Harper in Senior Col­lege Chapel this morning, declared Depart��nt of. the Fair to be Devqte4that the alumni were the most-Im- to a Liberal Presentation ofportant factor in shaping the policy' ,the • Subject.of the University. In discussing' The .programme 1)f .the Olympicthe, influence of the .alumni on .the games which has. recently 1>een is­University Dr. Harper said: .'sue<\indicates that these -eontests"No institution of learning e�er exi�tJtl' wilt' be the greatest ever given.successfully when' run by a policy deter- For the.first time physical culturemined by the faculty alone. To have iR .will receive recoznition as an .. im-successful university its policy must be 0-determined by the. alumni. The govern- portant factor in human welfare bying alumni body of our University is th� being' establishedas a separate de­University congregation. In. this body partment at a world's exposition.the alumni are just as powerful as ,the The plans thus 'far outlined de-members of the faculty. Every import- sign to present in the fullest meas.,ant question of University policy .that hascome up in the-last seven years has bee.n ure possible an a<lequaterepr�senta-,'controlled by the. alumni through the con- tion of the .w?r.�._. ��.� . -the progressgregation. The university should be already. accomplished, .to provide acontrolled by those who have taken de- basis. for _ an i�t�!.!ig��t concept ofgrees from it. German universities with ,the -subject, and to stimulate aall their greatness, are, many of them, b I fstill mediaeval, . because they are not in . e � ul interest and growth .alongtouch with their alumni A German all lines. I� is int�nd�d·,to,.co,=.ordi­alumnus has nothing to do with [the uni- nate the -various .. -phases .of the sub­versity after he leaves, as has the Ameri-. ject, educational- scientffic; and­can alumnus. competitive, giving to' each its true"Prof. Meyer says 'that the trouble with, place and value. 'our (the German) universities is th.t,they are not in touch with modem life T�e. best interests of i'physic�1and thought.' Herehowever, ,wbe�!a edu<;�tton ';il1 b:p,romoted by meansman graduates, he does not separate hun- of lectures, exhibits, 'and class dem­sel fromjhis alma �ater; he is.' adm�ttdd' onstrations, -and itbe .organizationas a Ifreat fac�or �n b� pobcy. 'T�e" of the Department iis;sUQh that-thealumni of our University, through the. educati 1 d ..congregation, are in closer touch with . iona r ', an com1?�bt�ve.w.orktheir University and have more influence. �arr�ed al,ong 9;t. the same, time and..on . its policy tbaJ,.\ ,ny body of alumni in. 111 the same place a.ffords an' oppor­the United States." . - tunity' for' a" broad" � scientific 'pre-sentation of· the -subject- in all its.phases. ,The lectures. will. be-bothpopular-and -technical. ' ·A .specialFinal Decision' as . to Men ltIade tb.Js_ .progt:amme has been_f>repared cQver-Afternoon-Team Leaves Tomorrow .. h' ,lng· t e scientific and educationalfeatures, and in a' booklet of sixty­four ,pages, the detai1��and rules ofthe contest and the members .of, theInternational ,Olympic, ,AmeticabO�ympic, Sectional Representativearid SpeciaL Oly�pic' Committees. are.given. Tb.e name. of·Mr .. A. A.Stagg appears' on the AmericanCom�itte�' iiid:' 'those . on co1legeat�letics, baseball'and football. '··Dr.J. E. Raycroft is on the Special Com­mittee on Ph¥,sicat Tr�iui�g.A:. ,perm�n�pt ,gymuaaium hasbeen erecte� i� the E�p'osition Site,adjoining a.sta�ium with a s�atingc�pa�ity of 25�OOO�· both of 'whichw'ill become the property ·of theUniversity of St.· Louis�The . contests , will i extend, fliomMay 12th to November,24th ... Theywill include the ha�dic�p. meeting�thejunior championships, �d thenational champi<?nships of the A�a­there. Between Green hall aqd teur Athletic Union of the' Unitedthe law b�iiding the�e will be,set States, World'. contest at ,bicycling,out a dozen large el:q1 trees. Park- olympic interscholastic �champion­ings. will b.e soddeo. a!ound the Gyin ,ships, swimmi�g ch�pionships,and the -rower Group and flowers" ,�pen to the· swimmers· of the wo�ld'planted. Elms wiil be planted �n' . plunging contests, fa�cy .diiin�front of Ryerson and Kent. The' and t�e' water 'po�o , championships.Twenty-six men have been sent water will be turn�d into the pond Lawn tennis' is well taken care of,, to the.' trainipg table this week. in Hull Court and variol:1s water .one week having been set I aside: forEighteen are track men and eightbaseball men. The men at the plants placed there, while Hull this sport. World's college ch�·. table are: Howe, Ellsworth, .04; c�urt is .to be the garden spot of pionships will. be, held, as well asSmart, Grad.; Baird, Bezdek, Mc- ,the ·campus this summer. Scam-, ,sectional events. Sever!11dlily�hav�,Pherson, :06,' �Paul, Stillman, 07. . C" t d tl t f th b t'd f M 'mon our an Ie res 0'. e een se .a.sl .e.. or ass �xhibitiQnTrack�Henry, 03; . Ferris,. Tobin, S h I f E' d t' I d '11 be b T ' d d 1c 90 0 uca IOn an ;W1. .<J••••• Y,.'J.,- uro.. ers, a,n t,w, 0_ ays w' 1.1 'h.aLaw, Cahill, Matthews, Friend, r. �Rice, Blair, Speik, Kennedy, 05; so�ded, parked, and filled with devotea'lo' the l'titt'iier's 'lnterna-Catlin, Maxwell, . Carroll, Gale;' flowers. All of this ·work is �o tionaUridi�ual and.tea� contests.Taylor,.Parry,.06;Lyons,.Clark,.07 ... commence at once. oo ......... w.. 0111. .&aM"_�vll �.AG. 4 • .co�··aThe Beautifying of University Groundsto Get Under Way at Once. Mr. McLain, superintendent of" 'buildings and grounds s�lid, thisThe final practice last night morning thatan endeavor to beauti-showed a marked improvement in fy the campus, would 1?e begun �t.fielding and batting. ;The co�d,weather, however, retard� the men'men greatly and 'keeps them fro�playing the 'game they are capableof. Northwestern is in good shapeand should give the university teama hard· game.The " game was called at three0' clock with 'a ,high cold' windsweeping the diamond.REMAINl' Big Nine 11 Will Not Allow Colleg�s. 'Outslde Its Circle to Compete inConferenceThe baseball team left for North-western at noon 'today to play thefirst of.a series -with the Purple'. team. The cold ·weather and the'high. wind will make baseball a dif­,ficult proposition, for the players,and uncomfortable for the specta-.tors. Ellsworth will pitch for theuniversity team. He is .in goodcondition and the Northwestern bat­ters should have difficulty in hittinghim. Paul will play at short andStillm:;l11 'Yill be given a trial in leftfield.�thle�es <Go to Training Table 'Olympic 'Program Indicates ,ThatPhysical Culture Is To 'Receive.UneqUled Rec.ognitionPENNSYLVAN� TRACK TEAMThe make-;up of t�e track tea�'which will be taken to Pennsylvaniatomorrow was finally decided uponthis afternoon. Blair and Rice.will compete in the dashes, Friel,'din the broad jump, Catlin in thehurdles. and .speik in the discu� .The final selections were made, aft�rtrials held on Marshall Field at one0' clock today .TO BEGIN WORK' ON CAMPUSonce.The land ,around, the ·new Law.building will be leveled and sodde�,and sidewalks will be' constructedCHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2Q, 1904BOARD OF EDITORS _. , cago teams must be made up of menManalinl Editor ••••••• OliTer B. W�an. '04Newa .�dit.� Harrr W. Ford. :q4 .who come to .the University to en-, Athletac EditOl' .•••••••• Walter L Grelory. qS, , " '..: _ ASSOCI.&TE -EDITORS ! 'joy its broad 'culture and not ofI ., '.Emeat J. SteTalat �o" thl t h '. d h iuch"Ralpb� P. MulTuM: .� .1 a e es w ose mI,n save sue aLeRo), A. VuPatten, �ward • enri�. �6 bent toward the physical as to makeE4war4 R. Gaaaon. '04 "I ' 'John S. Wri,ft?e'.sH. Allen. '04 it imp?�si�l,e Jor them to meet a'. WOMEN EDITORS' !, reasonable scholarship standard.Mias Lena Harri. Mi .. Helen Smith. '0:6STAFF OF REPORTERS IiC. McKenna. Rulh '05 Arthur Bridlman. 07 'Chu A. Bruce. 'e6. Claude Schofield. '07Wm. A. McDermid, '07 Wm. H. Hatfield, '06, Bernard I. Bell. '07Mi •• Marie ,Oi-tmayer, '06'Ctbe JDat(� maroonFormerly the UniTerlity of Chicalro Weekly.NVJO):.D ",The Univenit,_ of Cbic .. o Weekly, OcL I, 1892THB DAILY IrLUlOON. • • • • OcL I, 1902NEWS' CONTRIBUTIONS REQUESTED.Published by the .tudenta of the UniTeraityof ChicslO everf afternoon, except Saturda1and Sunday •. durin, the 46 weeks of the Uni­versity jar •.Firlt bOa�4 of editon and Itusineu manaJerautlaoril:ed by .t�dent·bOdr ill m... meetinlMay 15, IP0.l. ,I ••Memberahip on lul»equent boards of editor.to be determined by oompetition open to allstudent. in the Univulity.. � -'irU'SINESS STAFFBusineaa Manaaer ••••• � •••••• �ulien L. Brod6Entered. as .econd-cla .. mail at Chicalro Post­of&ce.oaiiy_ Subacri_ption, :$3 per ,year; $1 for 3 moe,Br Mail in Citr $4 per year; $1.25 for 3 mos.Subscriptiona received at THB MAROONOffice. ElU. Hall, or left in THB MAROONBox. the Faculty Exchanlre. Cobb Hall.'�rinted by the Quadrangle Press, 404 E. 55th St.I' EDITORIALS ... ,11 ..The G���'a Rho c.�apte� of SigmaNu received its charter and took a injure its ·position as a participantin athletics by a rule utterly pre­cluding competition with rival uni-, ,versities on �I� equal footing.And yet, the University pridesitself on a magnificent athletic de­partrnent, which brings out manlyqualities in students, and grieveswhen, our students �re defeated byrivals. Chicago students do not.. !. •care to, sacrifice sc40la�shi p to sue-, cessess on ,l,be athletic field.' Chi-. So long, however, as Chicago is to'attempt 'intercollegiate compet­ition the men -who are asked totrain teams and the students whoare appealed to at every mass 'meet­.ing to get out and help the teamshould notjbe obliged to suffer anordeal unreasonable in the highestdegree. Chicago' s regulations can­not be reasonable until in gen-, : eralthey conform to the standardsset by the. faculties of the .universi­ties with whose teams our teamsar� ask�d t� ��m pete.A decided - change 111 us t takeplace in u,�iversity ,and college lifebefore athletic activities cease to beplace in the 'University's colony of the most general undergraduate ill­Greek letter �d�ieties'on last Friday terests. Some ��11 on the facultyevening.� Si��.a'. Nu cOll,1trS to' :�(th�.,,��iye.r;�i�)' ap��re.n�ly �vell­Chicago" as the thirteenth great look this fact. Their minds arenational :·-fraternity. 'I'H� DAIL.Y �erqaI?� .. � Iittle ,_<;.ramped .in.certain) ,,'-- ", c > ', ..... ,,' .. ,'MARoow'�����s the ruling bodies respects, so that they fail to see.of the society' that- a favorable field just the heed' of maintaining for'has been entered J:>y . it� in,f�1J.t Chicag_o a reputation of fair-nessprotege, a�d that' th� petitioning alike, toward all s�udents whetherbody whith-has'been honored by t�e' 'they 'be Ga�did�tt:;:; fo,t: ·te.ams or·recognitio� qf.the �ati�nal orgat;liza- simply stude"nts who are satisfied totion is respected ·by the university pursue their college ,work turningneither to the right nor to the left.''.'the majori't; of students, wh�thercommunity:.J. •••••Chicago's distinct regula�ion �s. they be athletes or not: -are �ot into public appearance, famously college t6 get As in their st�dies; .known as "the th�ee weeks' ��t1e,�' �nd t�ese' students rais,e the ques­has since its illcep- tion of t1�e right of the faculty toThree Weeks' . tio!! been :the sub- impose a �burdensom� rule and a, Rule .. ' je'Ct 'of:- inuch com- standard Of class work which has,. m��t� but jt,1st. at· by no, means· been prove� to be thebest for ali concerned.Tir� DAILY �AROON believesthe. University is e�tirely too strict.:this time it is the topic of con versa­,tion 'of everyone in ,the university,'com�unity who believes that Chi­cago shouJd be r�cognized as aninstitution of, aV"erage liberal ath-letic views:Time has prove�\J.b�t the "tht:eeweeks" rule" is a l?urden. Themeasure met a stu,n1yopposition onits passages and from the earliestinsta�ce of its enforcement to thepresent day its friends have rapidlydwindled ar-ray until now. It is said,even Its original- champions hesi-. tate to speak £or such an indefen-I,sible regulation ..The "thr�e'� weeks' ruler! ,during'. t e time of it� enf9rcement hasharmed the Univ �ity's.position asa liberaL instituti9�. t>'Tlie' West'has rightly wonder:�d why the fac­ultyof a western univer,sity should, Subscribe for The �aroon.REL,IABLE. PHARMACYROSALIE PHARMAGYJ. J. GIL L. ChemIst andl'banneclltPhone Hydo Part 'r5 274 f. 5�th St.. near Wasil. Aye. , "'AJ�RS and MINORS IThe water cooler which recently.mysteriously disappeared fromSnellHall has been returned.Snell Hall will hold its regul armonthly informal next Fridayafternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock.. On Wednesday at 5 o'clock, aparty will Ieave the League room tovisit the Young Woman's ChristianAssociation house on the northwestside of the city.An important meeting of the Uni­versity 'Chapter Brotherhood of St.,Andrew, will be held in Haskelltonight at 7 0' clock. All membersare expected to be present-Professor Edwin Earle Sparks,associate professor of American His­tory in the University of Chicago,spoke before theIllinois Society ofthe Sons of the Revolution at theWellington . last evening. Amongother remarks, Professor Sparkssaid: I I More' men were killed inChicago' by bandi ts and other assail­ants in one year than were killed inShay's rebellion." He said thatthe descendants of the men whofought the Revolution seemed -tothink liberty the right to do as onepleased, ,but' 'that the real heritagewas the' right as one pleases as longas it does not interfere �with �th�other fellowv' . Hitchcock Hall, will hold its usu­al reception on .Monday next from4 to 6. Dr. Parker and MissParker will receive.Mr. Stone of the Chicago PianoSchool gave a very successful pro­gram at the Twilight Hour of theW. s, c. L. yesterday afternoon.Among the most enjoyable of thenumbers of the .program wereChopin's Polonaise Militar;�' andSinding's Rusil� oj' Spring. Atthe special request of a large num-. ber of those present Mr. Stoneren­dered Sinding's composition a sec­ondtime.Professor. William D .. M�cCI.in- .. f.tock of the University will lecturebefore, the Henry George Associa­tion at 8 p. m. tomorrow in the"Lecture Hall,' 40 East Randolphstreet. His subject is "Whitmanthe Poet of Democracy." .T'he indoor picnic given by the .Woman StudentsChristian Leagueyesterday afternoon was well at­tended. The, League room wa?decorated with spreading branchesof Japanese peach trees' in fullbloom, and was lighted by Japan- .ese lanterns. After lunch had peenserved in picnic style, the repor-tsof the different committees were ,',.given, and the jollification closedwith an earnest address by Miss :�"Bertha Conde, the guest of hon(jt .'!' ,: '7" '.,WHOLESALE,AND-RETAIL �A&KE.T .. :..Cbt' tangt ShOtFOR FASTIDIOtJ S' FO.LKS H. �r. MICGulre, Prop.:\IADISON A'VENUE PACKING 00.aa09 Mad,iePJl Avenue, C�leal'O.�,:,.�. • � ,,....... .. _:t· ... Ph.on� H!de Park. 1322., I::I'ARRY.,S. LESTER.PRESCRIPTION PHA.RMAOIS�.Over six' years at this location andgrowing up with the Uidverslty.. 55th· S�. and Kimbark Ave.Established 1870. Inco-rporated 1888.J)ESIGNED BY YOUNG MEN-: FOR YOUNG :MEN'S'-W�AR :149T R'I B U ,N E'" B I U .r" Be fair to yourface." l :Use' Williams' ,.Shaving, Soap .., iSold in Shaving Sticks, Tablets, Etc.It's a FOWNES'That's. all you need.to know about a gloveDAN(JE' PR06RAM'SFraternity Stationery, invitations, etc.Lowest Prices' DUNWELL &: FORD, fine Stationers. 171 WABASH AVE.W H Y use poor. unwholesome milk, wbeafor the same money you ran iet itPure, Sweet. and Extraordl­.arlly Rich. delivered in sealed bottles, by ealline u,Telephone South 817. or droppin2 a postal toSIDNEY WANZER « SONS305 Thirtieth st. The Credit Guide Co.7th Floor, Fort Dearborn Bldg.134 MONROE STREETChicago.Commercial Reports. CollectloDLEstablished 1878. Incorporated 1902.A. A.' D E 'V 0 R E & SONTAILORSPullmaD BulhUnrWe make �.lIpeciaIty of'h1rh rtad,_ nr,..Sulta for 100DC m�.Wilson's Billialr.dPARLOR301 E. 55th St., near Monroe Ave ... 'Evel"ything new. Highest grade, tables. Open SundaysSteel f7aults Electric LinedIIYDE PARK' CENTR.ALSAFE DE.POSIT·VAULTS.. GEMS' ,'01'. AaT" I 'A Hook c;)ntuluing'24 of. th",mpst EntrancingPhO"'ne Plclures ever shown. 'in one publication.The ArliFlt's Dream Rea.lzed •. , Si�, Book 6d)tnehel'. all full page pictures. Sent prepaid for25c. Addres8' .., .. \ .,THE WHlTB CITY ART STORE '.330 Dearbom St. Ch1ca&O. m. 'Send 2c'stamp for Illustrations of upt'odate catchy'pkture. " '_�_I �w£ 1m.. ,.�������������������������������Fifty-Fifth St. and' Washing'on Ave.Burglar PrOOf. F£re Proof. Absolute Security: .Bo:us $",.00 per Y�ar:Phone. Hyde Park 997 w. K. YOUNG D sao, ) (Tlutl100i1JU!andA.--Me)-LlMmSS10OMletl.lereld�t[lM1':;c-lM"�et-,eo --hin ),8,e :t-.Ss:1l-1Se ,'.,.:1s ''':'1'�.,... '!l,:' �. ',••". :.\. i CHANGE BY-LAWS OF LEAGUEC�ICAGO, WEDNESDAY, APRI� 20, 1904 . "CAl4"'Eu Waiting for 'you." Mrs. Henderson· Will Be President forThree Consecutive YearsAt the monthly meeting of theSettlement League held yesterdayafternoon at the Quadrangle Club,it was voted to change the by-lawsin order that the president mighthold office for three consecutiveyears. Mrs. Henderson bas givensuch efficient service during thetwo years she has, been in office,and the coming year will bring somany important questions to be de-"cided that the decision reached wasnot only unanimous but receivedwith applause.The report of. the nominatingcommittee was read. The ticketwill be voted upon at the May. meeting. The following womenwere appointed on the auditingcommittee: Mrs. Franklin Johnson,Mrs. Montgomery and Miss Ger­trude Dudley.The address for the afternoonwas given by Dr. Lucy Ryder, ofNew York City, 011 "The Evils ofChild Marriage in India". Dr.Ryder went to India for a year'srest from professional work. Be-:fore landing she was asked by aBrahman to visit his suffering childwife. The impression made by-thevisit was so vivid, and the sad con-"dition of the child-wives appealedso strongly to Dr. RY9.er ,that in­stead of one year of rest she spent1thirteen years of earnest ''work inIndia .Our Spring Woolensselected especially forCollege Men.(, Tallo; for Vourisr'Men:A. N. ;j���ems, 'Mgr.· 129-181 I.a Salle, St.8YDB P.lRE .lIfD OBJOAGO BB.lOB STABLBSJ�>.H:.', KIN.�Z,'·( •• OPJUaTO.) ,J�c�son Park Stables117:J Bait Pifty·Sn.nth StreetTel •• Hyde Park sslt CBIO.lQII am showing a complete new lineof exclusive importationsfrom'.' the "fashion centers ofLondon-c-Parls=-Berlin.My Oustom Made Shirtsare C'OrTect in every particular"'Excl'usive PatternsARTHUR S. HYMAN.5 Jackson, BouI.�.. Chicago._SECURE OUR PRICES ON, ;RATERNITV STATIO. NERV,P.,ROGRAMME8, MENU.,, II,N V I T AT ION. AND'IlNQRAVED CARD ••BROCHONi'tf. -34-36 :.WASHINGTON, ST.E. C. MOORE, -jflOdt1t '132 East Porty-Nhith StreetTelephone Oakland 149527. East.Fltty-Sifth Street .•. i'Telc,(lhone Hyde Park 38ANARROW COLLAR,18 CE�T". 2 FOR '28 CENT.CLUETT, PEABO,DY & CO.,MAKERS OF CLUETT AND MONAROH IHUlT.N'EWCOLLAR The EARTH IO. A. LAMPERTVIOLI N 1STl\iemb('r of the OIliea,o Orc .... tra.Pupils and en,al'ements accept •.Address: 8488 Wabash AveDU8. That''s the yearly subscription:pri.ce of the latest and best jour­nal in -the interest· of farming,fruit growing and cattle raising.It will acquaint you with the con­ditions, climate, life and oppor­tunities of the Great Southwest.Issued monthly; profusely illu­strated. Address for sample copy'804 ED.ITION' 'NOW READYSpalding'sOfficialAthleticA.1n1anac THE EARTH1118 'Railway Exchange CHICAGOFor all Instruments andaU Voices. Special Ca­talogues free on applica­tion. Usual discount..., Edited hy J. E. Sulllvan,Sec.-Trcas., A. A. U.The only publicatfon' in the Country containing allautbeotlc athletic records. This book contains overaoo paees of athletic information, and is profuselyfIIustratpd with numerous portraits of leading athletesand athletic teams. Price, 10 cents.A. G. SPALDING & BROS.Seod for iIl��tra;�� Catalog 0 f �tbJetic �ds.' W. H. WILLIS &: CO.,Successorsto The John ChurchCo's Re/ail Music Business248 WABASH AVENUEA. 7. GORNELLP. D. WEIN5T£INLa.diesTailorMerchantTailorWorkmanshipU 11 e'q u a ledSpecial Rutes for U. of C. Students'N. e, Cor. 55th and Lexington,Phone 1282 Hyde Park'6» Clu"ca� Sloe� ExcAa"p But'ltli"rWII.A,·"po" a"tI LaSall, SII.Dearborn StreetMarquetteBuildingMen's� Wear, O'MEARA BROTHERS'. HOME BAKERY(Phone 16�6 HydePark.)All Ooods Strictly Home-Made0rMn taken for Ice Cream and Ice.. Goods delivered218 E .. t Flfty·Flfth Street �================�' 1����BORDEN'S,CONDENSED MILK, FLUID MILK,CREAM AND BUTTERMILKALL:OOT,TLED ,TN THE COUNTRYBORDEN'S CONDENSED MILK CO. '827-833 E. 'ORTV·.EVENTH aT.. � 11 AB; ;U�H�� D SlIiIf:;';r Electroly.Is .Facial Massage, . Manicuring, Ladies' HairDressing and Manicuring. Ladies' Turkish andRussian �at11s, 70 ,and 72 State st.,'Chicago.!, T�leph8ne Hyde Park 18A. McAd�nisTHE' UNIVERSITY FLOR�' IGREENHOUSES: CHICAGO".Cor. S3d at. aad Klmb.rk .... '1WILOOX & WICK"(Formerly with M. J. Ooffer)Fashionable ,TailorsFORFastidious Dressers"Good fit, style and quality'" is ourmotto. Our prices are very reason­able. We invite your inspection ofOUI' spring patterns. 'ROQM: 72. 119 DEARBORN S,T.: .MAK£R. TO USER!Our Designs are the Latest and •M.ost Artistic. ' ,;We are the largest Office furniture.manufacturers in the world')l Desks Chairs ,Ta��es!r�. A. H� ANDREWS CO" 'Cblcago, Ill. 181'E. 55th Street�oruer Jefferson Ave. 'Be-st Meal ,10 Hyde Park ISCJust To LQok,� • •"t l .' ... , �.�'Conie IlI,' th� Waler's Find"".' ,�., Wh�n :WE "suit"or .!).vet:coat ,y�>u,J!o.,�')�i�"'t!� will be" " "i)'··'"' f·�l.' , I ,',.: �eXt 111, me.·M :,1,1 SystemGar m e 11 t s lookwo�th $30 to $60., Cost $lQ, to $35.Worth investigat-. '''',1,', ing!Mail orders shipped everywhere ,- onapproval.MOSSLER'S E I' M. SYSTEM121 Monroe St • ., near ClarkIf 'You·' Want Money c:: A�!:!!.!!-!N·D' I ft, W--. Jowe1rJ. �lIcIA.tlq... f�'uJo, oW 'GOld 'ad SUv.r ....... ! ..W. '1'. DBLUIAKT .. O. O'DOJmBLL ALBBRT TBBOPreaidout Socretary 'l'rOUUIW, "Standard Washed Co&i C0l!lP�l' .,• -.1303. �e�rb�rn, Street. , ., .. �'t :STANDARD WASHED COAL FOR DOMESTIC, 'USE ",Standard Egg - IS!oo per tOD' Washed Chestnut • 14;SO' pel1tOnI ' ; ''':;.; ,.,,:_w_a.8h_e.d.R.a.D.ge .1.5 .•o0_pe.r.t.oD__w.a.lI.h.ed.p.e.a_-_._'., .$4_.:J.s.p.er.�I.' _,I OET THE BESTAMES HATS $3I$225c, Established 1873161-163 B. Madison Street near La Salle154 Dearb�rD St.Early Spring Hats, Canes; Glovesand Umbrellas ,GRA. Y, a.nd BLUEWorsteds � Serges,ARE CORRECTWe have them i�ALL SHADESGEO.·H. fIEDLER&CO.T H'E HAN D S 01\1 ESTESTABtISHMENT IN CHICAGO L. MANASSE, OPTICI�N88 Madison St •• Tribune Bulldlnl'.pectacl.1 and ByeCla1i1i SCieDtilca11y AdjllltetEyes Tested 'roe" Ey�lac ODdcalMatJiematicaf.Metereol.,I� ... dfor the LinterD1.t,I[odatl, cam.ra.." .. 4 11lp,U.I.OBA..S ..... LAWRENOE,Manager and Director.. L AW�ENGE ORGHESTRASelect- Mustc .fot, allSelect 4' c c a. s t e n slIlout J)atronagerespectfull� solfcttel)Residence,5745 Rosalie CourtTel. Hyde Park 14&'1. OHIOAGOBENHAM BROS.,eFASHIONABLE"TAILORS225 Dearborn Street Suite 101·1OaTelephone 4523 Harrison, .liluu:(;nl�113�ilThe Greateit Game Out Football-Poker has all theMimic, football Played with Card. ,:�r:�:ri��J�eoM��Euy to Learn�Euy· to Play 'Full ofspectacular runs, BjotlsfUI\ for Two-ful\ for e.. Crowd .from the field, blocked kiCks,, ' r fumbles, touchdowns, etc.�k!�I�:� o�lI=t�g �!:��,�:'J��a��I��d��?��D� minuspaid, Sample chart of S'amc free, YOUDS' and ola. teachers. col:students, society-everybody is playing Football-Poker.,"All Harvard plays Football.Pokcr-l;low tho rage with ltudeats."�'AD ID�tt�g and jDstr��tl�� pme5;:':'D;,.It,;;���:J.tlJ:f:t;:;::THE REILLY .. BRITTON CO •• 84 Adam. St .. CbicaA .... .,', � '_I\ ... ,,1.;'. _'• II III �I·: ,I 'iI : �t,il . C'HtCAOO. 'WEDNESDAY, APRIL ',20,1904GAMES' AT EXPOSITIONOONTiNUED PROM PAGB 1. COLUMN .. WILL·IAMTAiLOROur collection of woolens for SpringSuits, Overcoats and Trousers is com­plete in every fabric. Our fit 'andstyle is of the best' only.320 EAST FIFTY-FIFTH STRE·ETSpring StylesDoNotDelayCALL ONMcDonald & Sp�nnTA IMUSSBV'SBilliard Halls 'and Bowling AlleysThe Largest and Finest AmusementResort in 'the World100 to" 108 �Madl'8on . StreetBranch: 616 Davis St., Rvanston ' )Students and faculty members are requestedto send all notices to The Daily Maroon for'publicatiQ� ,free of charge. Notices must beleft at-Tho Maroon office or Faculty Exchangebefore II 'A. M. . 'Dr. Hans Gadow, F. R. S., lec­turer on zoology in tJ:1� Universityof Cambridge, England; who has.just 'delivered six 'lectures on theColoration of Amphibia and Rep-tiles before the Lowell Institute inBoston, will present a, resume ofthis subject in the form of two lee­tures on Wednesday and Thursday:afternoons, April 27 and 28, at 4 ',p. m. in Kent Theatre. ' 'BEAR IN UINDtnat your sulJ.�cript1ofl, ,is now duefor the !)JI"ing qua, ter and weuunua titanic y�u to remu p"omvtly,,� ..FOR REN't-Choice ot three beauti­ful rooms, furnished, in a new, strictlymodern house.5408 DREXEL AVENUEAll students who desire good photo­graphs should call at ¥nrtyn's MaroonStudio, 5705 Cottage Grove Ave. We.fiulsh in �ail the latest original and artis­tic designs: Platinum, Oolodio Car-,'bOD, 'Vash Drawing, Platinums and'l\Iineatures. We also have on sale" photos of all Versity buildings and ath­letes., Speciai rates to snidents,IIl\ ve your 'Spritig and Summer gar':'ments put in good 'condition now andbe rendy for Easter "with a nice ap­p�arance.FAMOUS 'fAILOlUNG CO.,341.} E. 55th Street.Phone lIyde Park 5700.The University Pharmacy carrtes a. complete line -of cold weather remedies.;;(\0 Fifty-fifth street.If you want r a position ,to teach, callon 01' write to James F .• 'McCullough,I• (l30' l!'ine Arts Building, Ohlcago..�. , 185 Dearborn StreetAdams Express Bldg. 4th Floor. l.1\9t suliltner Iemplo'ytd one U. 'of C. student.RESUI.TS: ,,,1· He was a>suc:&o. :2.1 �l$h '1 had employed . The, .sn Around Championshiphalf a .doze". 8. 1 am ready to do so now..4.,�n_tfIJ.c:p�0�, g�t �rainingfr�, be ready for, will be h. eld on July 4, and will bework when school eloses.'D. B. �tij1t'er I Supt., Pacific Mutual Life Ins. Co. �n to the athletes of the worl4· I608 MARQUltTTa BUII.DING .Lhree days �i11 be devoted to In-:ternational Lac. rosse: and the I'M'� It N D I I"t�G basketball .championships for theschoola] .�Y. 'M. C. A's. athletic;clubs, and colleges will extend over'several days. An interscholastic'I '�hatripJofishipj open to schools ofthe .world will, occupy two days.Irish sports, including hurling and-Oaelic'football will be held for fourdays. The world's fencing . cham- !pionships will occupy thr�e days,one- 'week will be set aside forcricket, a�d a military athleticcarnival will extend a week. Twodays will be devoted to the wrest-,ling championships, and the ama­teur gymnasts of the world will begiven several days' to contest forolympic honors. A relay racingcarnival, open to the schools, ath­letic clubs, a�d Y. M. C. A's. willextend over a period of several days.College football will receive atten­tion, many days. having been. �ssigned for this game. Associa-tion football will occupy severaldays, in' the fall of the year,' and,;the world' s cross country cham­pionship will occupy one day. The.national games of baseball will beplayed by schools, colleges and. professional organizations,·1 A MUS E hi E. N. T S r r�. ... � 0 TIC JC S .D .D I;8 T"U�DEBAKE-R��N JJJ 'EXPE,R:IMENT�ebdi1ig done 'at· reasonablerates. Send postal or callat 6342 Ingleside Avenue,Flat 2. Bundles WIll' be"callcfd �for .' .'MRS. :P. ..... BESS EMS, .'Trim,and INeat ,��SER &: "ANSON"�T.A.I LORI!'.t7a DEARBORN ST.CHICAGO."t ;Typlr,al (Jollege, Manis at once recognlzed by the dlsUnctand faultless cutof his clothesWe are Tailors forCollege Men •••••'DICK 'HASTbe garters that FIT'-that "'BAR·-UlAt. l'LBAISK. The tumoua Brlghtc)p' Itat clasp,ean', poB8lbl Y catch or tray the' c1otblng­.maked the' [farter Ilmple, aecure and atis()oo .lutely comfortable. Made of one Jllet'epure .lIk web with nickel trlmmlnlfS tllatcannot rust or ru h. Prtee onl y 21)0. at store.or by,mlLll, _ Ge� the "llJ.IIGHTON,"• ; PIONEER' SUSPENDER 'CO.,Tt8 M •• ket Street, Phlllll�e1Jhl ••Maker. of PloDMf SIl.pell\l�rJ. Years of experience in fitting'gentlemen who appreciate the. value of correct dress.Heller Benson "Golf and Tennis J Supplies,Baseball Goods, .OameraSupplies, Stationery, 'andPeriodicals. 'Right on lh« way to Ja�k8on PQ1'kJ. DICK & CO., 344 E. 63rd StreetBophomore.or Freshman-first day.\school or last, you are just as Hable toaccident and t:l..j ust as great need ot,Pond's Extract-the old family doctor-torelieve you. There are many 111s thatyield like magic to Its healing Innu­ence. For over 60 years It has been t.heleading remedy in the old family medl­cine chest-"ftrst 'aid" In all emergen­cies. At college or school, as well aaIn tbe home, It Is counted 0. necessity.Sootbes and freshens the' face aftershaving. If you have never usedPond's Extract you may not refUseWatered Witch Hazel when itis offered. you as 0. substitute; if1I=:;:;:::;::::;::=iI you .have used Pond'.Extract you wlU refuse'to take ami substttute­you wlllinsiston Pond'.Extract. For burns,outa, bruises, to stopbleeding atiddrive awaypatns-and acbes, It is asootbing, heal1nJ; rem­edy, easy or applicationand 0. positlve cure.Sold only tn"eared bot­tle, tl'ICJer 1JuJ! wrapper.IICC£PT IVO, SIJBSTITlJTE.,QUit k Service Geo. 0.' Marlatt, Mif. I Senio.'dunioP''AbovetheFeetare the lees that wearlBRIftHTON ltl:lJ, ftARTERS -FOR nEN, .;(.p-�p�at"'M'atinee Wednesday:�JleDryUW'. Sa�age The Sho - Gunoffers,'�'N�w-:I�;o-rean �omic Opera &A o 5TYPEWRITERS'ONE-HALP PRICESend' for our list of special bargains in allmakes of Standard typewriters. Full line- 01. supplies , Machines for rent S� to '3 permont]a.ROCKWELL-BARNBS CO.a67�a6o Wabah Ave.Sgl BAST SIXTY -'l'BIRD ST. CBICAOOWill open in 'its new building'May l.Steel Vaults - burglar 'and fireproof . No expense has been sparedin making tlris. the strongest· and: .. safest vault in Chicago. .. ..'Boxes to Rent at$,3 and Upwards\,T-he tno�t convenient Safety Vaultfor those engaged at the University.·MQt.Wedt1es�ay. A . Chinese Honeymoon �"'!'he, lnternational :liit.. �GR':IDAT\:N(>'RT·HERN"'Mat. 'Wednesday and 'SaturdayAl':H:'Wflson in. 'Prince' bf T aters. ...-. .. - " .'L 'A s 'L!L T I L85-87· DEARBORN STR�ET, Ban�_ Floor- _ •• � • # v_ _ -: .".", ."-·Win. n. Sage: & Co., reliable druggi�ts('Ol'nerl Woo<\lawn Avenue and Fifty-fifthsheet. 'S'ole agen.t in Hyde Park for Dr •., ,-·Ca'1'I. I<o'ch's .New Discovery for the' cure. TrtIDiDIi( cailllbt rdit. . I.'of Consumption, Coughs. Colds, and all""'WoC;�,',OO t 'ilti?reormm.� , diseases of the 'l"hroat, Ohest and Lungs.""linD c: IJ:. EbU{.TON' ."�'-" � 'Guaranteed . to cure' or money' refunded.��ilIBlo!x,.!9!8�8�h�lJo�10J'�' .� ...�' ����"!!I'>;;fI' '-Prlee,-'50 eenb!l. Triahiilze '10 ·cents.• " The 'Royal Chefllts Set the Whole ,T6wh T�lkil1gIt's Gr��t jha.t's What They Ail SayM��! :ttiesdllY: '.Tlitirsd,ay, SaturdayGRAND �OP.'ERA ;HOUSE":'," . . '.. ' ·Wed. aild�Sat, at' 2:20Denman Thompson a'tld"The Old, Homestead LIBBY'SNatural FlavorFood Products���s�n� ����:s�'�f\�v��e���i!,ie l:e :t!!�1�eori�its preparation for your convenience. fn the handyke)'-onening cans. A l1upply on your pantry shelvesr��gle::�� ��8��:a,��a�'I:t l�t�l: ���k���Wot!u�Milke Good ThlnKR to Eat," tells all about them­sent free. Libby's Atlas of the World, muiledfree for 10 cents postage.LIBBY, McNEILL « LIBBY, CHICAGO.ANHEUSER & NEILResisaren:Woodla'VVn,SafetyDepo�it,Company449·53East ·63rd 5t.,Near Woodlawn Ave.