etys.•s,�y1.Ill. The 0 a i 1[����II!�1Yl a roo nPubUsbod Afternoons by the Students of the University of Chicago Durillr.l£·r lour Quarters of tbo University YearVOL. II. ·No. 12(). ---------------------------=-.��======================�====�==============================CH rCAGO. FRIDAY, APRIL 15, IH04 PRICE Two CENTS--�--======================�===========================----:-._- -----_._-- --- - ._===- =-=:.--:-- -=-==- .:..:::. ..=::-..:..======FARMER'SlHIGH SCHOOL OAK PARK TIES VARSITY PREP RELAYS TOMORROW ·PAN-HELLENIC TONIGHTOak Park gave Chicago the The "Oski Wow Wow" of Hydehardest game of the season yester- Park and the war whoop of Engle- Two Hundred Couples in Grand Marchday, the high school boys holding wood will be intermingled with the -Led by A. T. Stewart andthe Varsity down to a tie, 3-3. ear splitting yells of six other of Miss Gertrude Butler. Skillen, a tall lefthandedtwirler the most pro�inent prep and high All preparations have been com-with a deceptive delivery, a varied . 'schools in the West tomorrow after- pleted and everything is' in readi­assortment of curves and a host of 110011 on Marshall Field. 'ness for the first annual Pan-Hel­speed was ill the box for the Oak Promptly at 2:45 the first relay lenic Promenade which takes placeParkers. It was due to his efforts will be.sent flying around the track tonight in Bartlett Gymnasium.that Chicago did not win. He starting what promises to be the ,Heretofore each fraternity has giv­struck out fourteen Maroon batters closest relay race in the history of en its own individual dance but to­and only six hits were secured off western preparatory school track night for the first time in the his­him. athletics. The teams are so evenly tory of the University all the fra-Baird's work at third was the matched that competent judges re- ternities unite in giving one greatbest of the Chicago team. Out of fuse to attempt to pick a winner. ball in place of the separate smallerfour times at bat he lined out a The teams which will compete ones.three bagger, two singles, and drew are: 'Hyde Park high school-W. Since early yesterday morning aa base on balls. P. Comstock, captain; Norman large force of decorators has beenStillman got back in the game Barker, John Taylor, Curtis Smith. busy working on the booths andyesterday after an absence of nearly Lewis Institute-Abe Delves, cap- general decorations, with the resulttwo weeks. He went in at short tain; E. B French, George M. that tonight the gymnasium pre­but" in the last half of the game Varnell, William Hogenson. Mor- sents a setting for a college dancesucceeded Capt. Howe in the box. gan Park-J. E. Wrigley, F. Gar- that has never been equalled at Chi­He played a good g�me in the field rett, Frank Berquist, Beverly Per- cago and seldom if . ever at anybut was out of form with the stick. sOli., R. T. Crane high school- other college.After the game with Oak Park' Badenoch, Hopkins, Merrill, Mor- A large balcony for the orchestrayesterday afternoon Coach Stagg ris. University high school-e-Lin- has been constructed on the run­took charge of the infield and gave gle, Gordon, Tompkins, Hultquist. ning track on the west side of thethe men an. hour ·of 'the hardest', Culver Military Academy and' room, and the girders are elabor­and 'sharpest practice they have North 'Division high school have ately festooned and hung withhad this season. Stillman 'was not sent their entries to Director Chinese lanterns. The booths,tried at short and Ellsworth at . Stagg and nothing is known as to which are built in pairs along thefir�'t. This combination worked in �h� makeup' of their teams. � • -walls, are draped hi white and. dec': .snappy style. 'tillman was a little Comstock, captain of the Hyde orated with' the colors and crests ofgreen in his new position and failed Park team, is the fastest man en- the individual fraternities. Theto cover second and third at the tered in the races. He has done floor has been especially waxed andright time. His fielding and throw- :52 in the 440 and can repeat his is said to be in better condition thaning were almost perfect. tie previous performances. Barker has it was at the time of the Washing­handles the ball quickly and throws done :54 which is probably faster ton lightning. Ellsworth. contin- than he will do tomorrow. Smith Supper will be served in Hutch­ues to improve at first and unless . has made a reputation as a mile inson Hall and a canopy stretchedhe pitches in the Michigan gnme ,and two; mile runner, and is ex- from the east entrance of the gymwill play that position Saturday. pected to run the quarter around to the commons. Fifty-seventhThe men will be given further :55 or :56. Captain Delves of Lewis street between Lexington andEllisdrill in team work tomorrow and . is said to have a record of :52. avenues will be closed until after Itheir team play should be pretty French is unknown as a quarter the dance .well developed by Saturday. Just miler and he and his team mate The attendance will not be ashow strong Michigan is cannot be Varnell are considered dark horses. large as was expected a few daysestimated. Nothing has been heard Hogenson demonstrated in the ago as several fraternities will havefrom the camp of the Wolverines tryout that he can run the quarter only a few alumni present. Onebut stories about bad weather. It in good time. He did :54 easily in fraternity is seriously hampered byis known that the Michigan men rather unfavorable weather. Wrig- having conflicting fraternity en- .�are heavy' hatters but as to the ley, Garrett and Berquist of Mor- gagements, and the attendance ofability of their pitchers nothing gan Park Academy are all :55 men members of fraternities not havinghas been revealed. and may do better under favorable chapters in the University will beWith the infield working nicely circumstances. Person, the fourth much smaller than expected. How­. Tryouts for Honor of Going to Philadelphia and the outfield playing a fairly man 011 the academy team, is run- ever two hundred couples will prob-Tomorrow Afternoon . strong game the University team ning his first relay race and his ably be on the floor.The trials for the men who are with the aid of one of the star abilities are questionable. Bloom- President Harper, who was un-to be taken East to compete in pitchers stands a fair chance of feldt of R. T. Crane is the only one able to be at the Washington PromPhiladelphia games will start to- winning. Paul, Ellsworth, Stillman on that team who is widely known. on account of illness" is expectedmorrow afternoon, promptly at 2 and Howe are all in condition to He is a good' miler and 880 man to be present tonight. The grando'clock. The events will be the pitch. ,If the day is a warm one but has never run the 440 before. 'march will start' promptly at 8:45,100 yard dash, pole vault, broad these men could pitch an excel- Lingle, Gordon, Tomkins and HuI- led by Adelbert Turner Stewartjump and also the hammerthrow lent game. The weather man says quist of University high are run- and Miss Gertrude Butler.and shotput. that Saturday will probably be ning in about the average time·The men who will compete are warm with winds from the South. of :5(j. This team has a goodBlair, Rice and Taylor in the dash; Such conditions would be ideal for chance for the honors and has beenMaxwell, Parry, Tobin, Speik and a baseball game 011 Marshall' Field. training hard for the event. Engle­Gale in the weight events; Friend Everyone realizes that the Var- wood's team has not done as welland Kennedy in the broad jump; sity must be well supported to win as some of the others. The timeKennedy and Clark ill the pole and every student should attend of the men ranges from 55 2-5 tovault. Director Stagg has set no this game with Michigan. The 57. The North Division team that'\d�finite distances for the weight coaches declare the men will take competed at the indoor meets wasmen or broad jumpers, time for the care of the game if the students very fast and was considered thesprinters or height for the pole will lend them a little support. best team in the West. Just whatvaulters. He said this morning There is no doubt but that there the team will do outdoors in thethat what he wanted was that the will be a large attendance for the relay trials cannot be stated but themen perform consistently, and double bill, relay races and the ball members of the squad may be con-also make fair records. CONTll'fUBD ON PAGB' ". COLUMN a sidered dangerous opponents.California May Introduce Agricul­tural Departments Into Pre­paratory InstitutionsPhysics Buildings at Nebraska Will NotBe Erected On AthleticFieldFrom California- ·has come newsof the "practical" education car­ried out to its fullest extent. Anoted educational and practicalfarmer, Judge' Shields ot Sacra­mento, in an addresss at the Uni­versity of California advocated theestablishment of agriculturalhighschools throughout the state. Theseschools will be organized as "feed­ers" to the university and proba­bly affiliated with it.: Four prac­tical courses as laid ou t by Mr.Shields, include dairying, fruitraising, irrigation and animal in­dustry.Tile establishment of farms forthe agricultural high schools andcolleges was also advocated. JudgeShields lamented the fact that somany college graduates go intotheoretical, or at least impracticalprofessions, seeing in this tendencya 'peril to . future agricultural pur­suits.:Tll:e.· University of 'N ebraska hasa'";arr���' 5?1l.tracts f�r. �h� .. newPhlslf:�:: an�:"'::state .fU-Fn:l-·b\l�ld�g.Th� ", -total cost of these buildingswill be 'over $l1Q,OOO. The siteofthe 'building has been a subjectof �luci� discussion. At first it wasproposed to erect them 011, the ath­letic field.: but protests from alumnistudents and faculty were so strongth�t ne\� grounds were secured.A week from next Friday theUiilversity or" Minuesota basketballteam will leave for Lincoln, N e­braska, when the girls will play theNebraska University women. will have a great deal of in­terest attached to it, inasmuch asthe two teams stand 011 about equalfooting . in western basketballShould Nebraska win the honors"the championship will be amiablydivided between the two institu-ions.TRACK MEN WOULD GO EAST Best Prep Schools of Middle West WillCompete on Field Tomorrow for MileChampionshipSkillen of Oak Park has Varsity Battersat his Mercy in Yesterday's Game-Michi­gan Tomorrow-Hard Game Expected All Arrangements for First Inter­Fraternity Dance Complete­Gym DecoratedSwimming Tank RecordsThe list of swimming records todate for the tank in the gymnasiummade by students of the Universitywas given out yesterday by Mr.Kn udson , who is in charge of thethe Aq uatie department.20 yards-Held by Badenoch'time :111-5. I40 yards-Held by Schott i time:27.60 yards-Held by Hirsch i time:50.Long dive-Held by Terry; dis­tance 46 feet.CHICAGO, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1904\tbe lDatl� maroonForMerly til. Uaiverlity of Chica� Weekly.I'OUHDIII)n. Uaiy .... ity_ of Chic .. o Weekly. Oct. I. 1892TB. D.uLY ILU\OON. - • • - Oct. I.' 1902NEWS CONTRIBUTIONS REQUESTED.PubUlhed by the Itudeata of the Univerlityof Cbica.o ever:v afternoon. except .Saturdaraai Sunday. dUrin, the <4' weeks .f the Uni­y.ulity year.. Firat board of edltors and busineaa managerautborized by Itudent·bod,. in maaa meenngMay 15. 1902..' Mtmberahip on lubaequent board. of editorsto be determined by competition open to allItudeata ia tJI. Uaivulity.BOARD OF EDITORSManall_a, Editor ••••••• Oliver B. Wl!1lan, '0<4Newt Editor Harrl' W. Ford, '0<4Athletic Editor· •••••••• Walter L. Grelory, 'OSASSOCIATE EDITORSErnut J. Stevena, '04., . "Ralph P. Mulv�c; 'OS' .. Edward .Ilo1o Kerwin, '06LeRoy A. VanPattea, '.,. Edward R. Gannoa, '04RUel H. All�, '04Joha S. Wri,ht, oSWOMEN EDITORSMisl Lena Harria Mi .. Helen Smith, '06STAFF OF REPORTERSC. McKenna, RUlh 'OS Arthur Bridgman, 07Chu A. Bruce, '06 Claude Schofield, '07Wm. A. McDermid, '07 wei. H. Hatfield, '06Bernard I. Bell, '07Mi .. Marie Ortmayer, '06BUSINESS STAFFBUlineaa Manalef •••••••••••• Julien L. BrodaEatereel U lecond-c:laA mail at ChlcaKo Poet­office.Dai1y_ SubscriPtion, $3 per year; $1 for 3 mos.By Mail ia City $4 per year; $1.25 for 3 mos.Subscription. received at Tam MAROONOffice, . Eml Hall, or left in Tam MAROONBox, the Faculty Exchange, Cobb Hall...... .: :'E D ITO R I A L 5 .61are, however, known .. They havebeen out in large numbers, the com­petition between them .has beenclose and they have been workingunder the careful direction of JerryUtley. These facts are of impor­tance to Chicago students in thatthey call attention to the need of aChicago crowd on our homegrounds. The spring vacation be­gins at Ann Arbor today and a hostoJ Michigan men will 'follow andencourage their team. The Varsitywill play a part of its scheduleaway from home and it is a privi­lege to have a chance to yell forthe team on Marshall Field. Thecandidates- have 'not given undeni­able 'assurance of developing into achampionship organization, but theearly games have plainly indicatedthat Chicago is to have a steadyfielding team and a strong staff ofpitchers. Ability to hit the ballhas not been developed to a high'degree as yet, but the squad islargely made up of natural ballplayers and a good average battingpercentage may be expected to beregistered before the season is wellunder- way. An evenly balancedi��� �ith large possibilities is �hatthe student body has a �?ance toencourage. A refusal to accept• I···· .the "opportunity will materially de-crease,' Chicago's championshipprospects. I �ORS a�� MINORS IMis s Conde addressed theW. S. C. L. in Haskell this mortl­ing.Robert Samuel McClure, A. B.1900, died at the Wesley Hospitallast evening, April 14, as a resultof an operation for appendicitis.The annual intercollegiate tennistournament of this year will beginon May 2B 011 the Kenwood Coun­try Club's courts.Samuel N. Harper, A. B. 1902,who has been abroad for over ayear,· sails for home 011 the Ameri­can liner St. Louis tomorrow,April 16.The French club was well at­tended yesterday afternoon. Thec/W11S01lS which were so popular inthe cercle last summer have beenprinted, and -were enthusiasticallygreeted yesterday. Mr. Davidalso read Le Passant , the playwhich will be performed for the lasttime this season next Tuesday inSteinway hall. Tickets for thisplay be purchased at a reductionfrom any of the officers of theFrench club.THE UNIVERSITY FLORISTGREENHOUSES: CHICAGOCor. S3d It. alld Khnbark • .,..ROUNDTABINARROW BRAND15 CENTS, 2 FOR 25 CEWiT'SCLUETT. PEABODY &. CO,Makers·. of Cluett and Monarch Shirts'6 fell Mossier Your Clothes Tro'lbies "N,O,. NONE!�., The wiselooks ahead!Of course, you11l a y not need aspring suit to-day-but you will!Much better se­lecting "ahead ofthe rush."Wily 1101 to-day?{'E. M. System"garments are justso good that mortalman makes nonebetter. No, none!$10 to $35.We are "111 0 n e yback" clothiers!Mail orders shipped everywhere onapproval.MOSSLER'S E. M. SYSTEM121 Monroe St., near Clark Cbt tanAt SbotFOR FASTIDIOUS FOLKSDESIGNED BY YOUNG MENFOR YOUNG MEN'S WBAR149 Dearborn StreetTRIBUNE BUILDINGIf yon val ue yourface, don't experiment. with S h a vi 11 g Soap.Use \Vi11iams' ShavingStick.I t's a FOWNES'That's all you needto know about a glove Phone Hyde Park 1322PRESCRIPTIONSRELIABLE PHARMACYROSALIE PHARMA(jyJ. J. GIL L I Cihemfst In4 PllarmIClItPhone Hyde fa"" 175 274 E. 57th St., noar WISh. Ave.H. '1'. McGuire; Prop.l\1ADISO� AVENUE PACKING 00.WHOLESALE, ANDRET AIL MARKE, T0309 l\fadl8on Avenue, Chlc.p.TV PEWRITE.RS'ONE-HALF PRICESend for our list of special bargains in allmakes of Standard typewriters. Full line ofsupplies, Machines for rent $2 to $3 permonth.ROCKWELL-BARNES CO.:167-:160 Wabalh Ave.QUit k Service Geo. O. Mllrlatt� M� •.ANHEUSER & NEILRestaurant391 BAST SIXTY-'l'HIRD ST. CHICAGOTHE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE lndSTORAGE COMPANY'Phone, Hyde Park 571 KIMBA�K AVe. and PIPTY·.5IXTH ST.The Cleanest and Best Kept StorageWarehouse in the City • • •Furniture and Pianos Moved, Stored. Packed and Shipped 10 all parts .of.the world. 300 Private .storage Rooms. Large Parlor Exclusively forPianos. Rooms for Trunks and Wheels, Large Room for Carriaiu,BU�2ies, and Sleighs. TRUNKS TO· AND FROM ALL DEPOTS.. Local lraasiers for Baeeaee, Furnirure, Packages, erc., at short Special Attention Given to University Ordera.t,SAWYER54!}! WASHINGTON AVE.Hail' Dressing, Shampooing, Maulcur ing and Facial Massage.Special prices for c.oul'ses.Hail' dried with compressed air. Coiffures for balls and parties n specialty.All the appliances and conveniences of the best down town establishmentsin your own neighborhood.TEfJF.PHONE HYDE PARK 5853.SHOPPING BY TELEPHONEONE of the many uses of the telephoneis to "go shopping." In a great manycases it is more satisfactory than going inperson, because it takes so little time. Youcall up the store, "Private Exchange-One"-that is easy to remember-and ask theoperator for the section you wish to speakwith. Tell the salesperson what you want,'and he will tell you what it costs and how itcomes, and when you may expect it. Ifyou haven't an account the goods may bepaid for when delivered. Owing to thegrowing custom of making purchases bytelephone, we have special provisions inevery section for prompt and intelligentattention to telephone orders.MARSHALL FIELD AND COMPANY'r E I.E P HONE "P RIV A '1' E EXC HANGJ.>O N E"man, Mrs. Fenno of the EmersonPrinted by the Quadrangle Press, 404 E. 55th St. School of Oratory who was to havegiven a dramatic reading at theTwilight Hour of the League Tues­day afternoon, will not be able tocome on account of a death in. her ,;The intercollegiate baseball sea- }ami�'y' .. .Miss Randall ... has, how­son will- . be formally opened: to- :; .��erf,se�lU��ci the' services of Will J.morrow afternoon when the Varsity .Stone of. the. Chicago. .Piano Col­I' , . ',. . �. . ..... ! : lege. MT .. · Stone' will render n. piano�e�ts Michigan on Marshall Field. � recital.'rh�:, Wolverines this year a:e an� _unk�own.quantity to the' outside .Telephone Hyde Park '18world. A few facts in regard to ,A� ''1VIcAdamsthe Ann Arbor baseball candidatesisCy STUDENTS TO STUDY BIBLECHICAGO, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 190'(ICiIIthe Ava.I 00.ND£T10·; in allline 01month.RICAGO=r:':andTH ST.partse]iively forarriajes,rs. ".rl.I,!ialty.ments- :1- ,- ' 'orII" Wl:l..ting,. for you."!:��II _:!OUt·. :Spring 'Woolensselected especially forCollege Mell., :;" "Tailor for Young MenA. N. jerrems.vxtg}, 12!)-ISI r,ll Salle H1.HYDB PARK AND CHICAGO BBACH STABLBSJ. H. KINTZ(PltOPIt IItTOIt)Jackson, Park' Stables273 East Fifty-Seventh StreetTel., Hyde.Park 552 ," ,CHIO.lQtJ' ;nm: :�h�\\;illg It t-ouip letc new Iinoof cxelusivo importn tions(rom tl�c Inshion centers ofLond�n"":__Pal'is-Ber'lin.:. ", l\I,Y, Custom Mndo Shirts,!lrc correct in every pn rticulnrt" ,- ��xf.ll1Hi \'0 Pnt.torns,""'RTHU,� S. HYMAN.5 ·:tttcKso'n Boul., Chicugo.SECURE OUR PRICES ON, FRATERNITY STATIONERY.PROGRAMMES, MENUS,INVITATIONS ANDEo N G R AVE 0 C A.R 0 S.BROCH.ON34-36 WASHINGTON 51'.,,' ': ....z. C�: MOOREI ','jflQth:d.: Il�', Easf'Porty .. Ninth Street• Z., �' "Telephone Oakland'I4QS. ,271 East. Fifty-Fifth Street• 'Telephone Hyde Park 38 ': .',NEWCOLLARc. A. LAl\IPERTVIOLI,N 1STMember of the Chicago Orchestra.Pupils and engagements accepted.Address : 3433 Wabash Avenue.1904 EDITION NOW READYSpalding'sOfficialAthleticAlmanacfi'" Edited by J. E. SullivantScc.vTrens., A. A.�en��\lhl�!I�a��o;�r��. thTh�ub�� ����i��gov�!200 pages of athletic information, and is profuselyillustrated with numerous portraits of leading athletesand athletic teams. Price, 10 cents.A. G. SPALDING & BROS.Send for illustrated catalog 0 f athletic goods.'4. 7. CORNELLMerchant­Tailor633 C"kap'Sfod� Excllang-tt BtdldinrWasln'n�/ott and La Sail, SIs.MarquetteBuildingMen'sWearDearborn Street248 WARA5H AVENUE.Biblical World Will Advise Adoption ofCourse in Secondary SchoolsThe May number of the BiblicalWorld, published by the UniversityPress, will contain an article rec­ommending the adoptio'n of a courseof Bible study in the secondaryschools. The plan is put forwardin order that students entering col­lege may have a deeper knowledgeof the Scriptures.Dean Harry Pratt Judson saysconcerning this: C 'Bible study inthe schools should be as thoroughas the teaching in Latin or chemis­try _ The old fashioned Sundayschool method of scriptural teach­ing is in part responsible for thepresent neglect of the Old and NewTestament, and such methods maywell be relegated to the dust heap. "The scheme is given an affirrna­tivc vote by -six educators of na­tional repute. - Dr. Andrew F.West 011 the contrary takes a nega­tive view. He says the loss of in­terest in Scripture must be curedat its source ill the home.niY<� It shnrc of your trade toJENI{INS BROS.'HC':l�oll:lhle and RolinhloRotn ilers ofDry Goods, Men's Furnish­ings, Boots and Shoes-11:1--117 E. G3d s-, (CoL'.lGmbark Ave)Telephone Hyde Park 1188.AI:-lO nt'773-777 ID. 47th St.Years of experience in fittinggentlemen who appreciate thevalue of correct dress.Heller & BensonTAILOR.S85-87 DEARBORN STREE'fBank FloorBENHAM BROS. iFASHIONABLETAILORS225 Dearborn Street Suite 201-202Telephone 4523 Harrison(B'orrnerly with l\f. J. Coffey)Ea s hforrab le Tailors'FO RFastidious Dressers"Good fit, style and quality" is ourmotto. Our prices are very reason­able. We invite your lnspectlon of0\11' spring patterns.HOO1\[ 72, 110 DEARBORN ST.MUSIOFur all Instruments andull Voices, Special Ca­talogues free on applica­tion. Usual discount.W. I-I. "VILI ... 18 & CO.Successors to The /oltn ChurchCo's Relailllltlsic Business FLOWERS AT LOW!lDST PRIOmSFor all occasions atLUBLINER & TRINZ, 44 E. RANDOLPH STREET.Tel. Main 1897.(F'ormerlv The Oonaumees' FlowerStore.) OET THE BEST$2 AMES HATS $3established 187316.·.6.1 13. Madison Street near La SalleIS. Dearborn StEarly Spring Hats, Canes, Glovesand UmbrellasIncorporated 1002. L. MAN ASS E, OPTICIANEstablished 1878.A, A, D; E V 0 R E &: SONTAILORSPullman DulldiorWo make a specialty of hllh grade nn ••Suits for youn, meo.W H Y use poor. unwholesome milk, wheefor the same Inoney you raD ret ItPure, .s ..... eet, and e:draor.l·• arlly Rich, delivered in sealed bottlea, by calliq u,.Telephone South 8X7, or dropplDI a postal ..51DNEV WANZER & SONS305 Thirtieth st.O'MEARA, BROTHERS' HOME BAm. (Phone 1646 HydePark.)All Goods Strictly Home-MadeOnlen taken for Ice Cream and Ices. Oeods delivered278 East Fifty-Fifth Street 88 Madison St., Tribune BulIdln�'ptctacl •• and Byecla •••• Scientifically A.4ju.tet, Eyes Tested FrMEve�hi .. ODtfcatMatliematlcaf.Metereolo,icai,aadfor the Llintemllt,Kodak., CaIn.ra.a.' Ihl,pU •• ,BORDEN'SCONDENSED MILK, FLUID MILE,CREAM AND BUTTERMILKA4L BOTTLED IN THE COUNTRYBORDEN'S CONDENSED MILK CO.027·.,33 1:. 'OATY·.EVENTH ST •E. BU�NHAMHAl R GOODSElectrolysisFacial Masuge, Manicuring, Ladies' HairDressin&" and Manicuring, Ladies' :rurkillh andRuulan Bath., 70 and 72 State st. Chicago.If You Want Money call A. LIPMAN011 W Bast Ma4iloD ,t........ Walda.., Jewelry, uct Aadqa .. for .... , Old GeY ID4 8Uvat BoaakW. T. DELIIIANT ]II. O. O'DONlfELL A.LBERT TBBOPresidout 8ecretar,y TreasurorStandard Washed Coal Company303 Dearborn StreetSTANDARD WASHED COAL FOR DOMESTIC USEStandard Egg - - $5.00 per ton Washed Chestnut - $4.50 perltollWashed Range $5.00 per ton • Washed Pea - $4.25 per tonSuIte 73 to 76, Dextor Bide.GR.AY a.nd BLUEWorsteds � SergesARE CORRECTWe have them illALL SHADESGEO. H. FIEDLER&CO.THE HANDSOMltSTESTABLISHMENT IN CHICAGO CHAS. A. LA. WHENOE,Manager and Director.L AWRENGE ORGHESTRASelect �u6tc rOt allSelect � c c a e t e.n sJIlour patronagerespecttull\2 soltcttcl)Residence6745 Rosalie CourtTel. Hyde Park 14ti1. OHIOAGO. GEMS OF AR. TA Boolt containing 24 of the most EntranclngPhotvne Pictures ever IIhown In one publication.The Artist'. Dream Rtlallzed. Slzll Book 6x9Inch •• , all full page pictures. Sent prepaid for25c • .Addr, ..'I'D WHITE CITY ART STORR330 Dearbom st. Cb.lcqo, m.Send 2c stamp for Illustrations o. uptedate catchypteture. mwf 1mThe Philbrick Shorthand and Typew�ting School6303-7 l\fONROE AVENUE,OHIOAGO.YOUNG PEOPLE THERID IS MONEY IN THIS FOR YOU.This School is Taught by an Expert- Best. There is More Mone1 in it forenced Court and Convention Reporter. you.Individual Instruction. Graded Speed Stenographers of All Systems WhoClasses. Phrase Writing. Expert Wish More Speed Can be Greatly BeM-Instructlon, fited Here,r The Demand for Good ShorthandWe Teach the Systems Used by the Writers Exceeds the Supply. We Teachmost l�xpel't Reporters in this Oountry ,• Book-keeping, Business OorrespondenceA void the So-Called Quick, Eas1 and Spelllng, etc. Day and EveningSystems. It costs no more to learn the Session. 0811 or write us.PUBLIC TYPEWRITING OFFIOE IN CONNECTION.1�IIIiI:MII�1f3�ilThe Greatest Game Out FootbaU.Poker has all theMimic Football Played with Carda ��;r���:r������nenb��t�s�Easy to Learl\-Easy to Play Full ofspectacular runs, goalsfUI\ for Two-Ful\ for .. Crowd from the field, blocked kicks,fumbles, touchdowns, etc. -b A real game of Football played on a paper "gndiron" and minusroken bones. Price 60 cents at book dealers or from us IlOst.paid. Sample chart of game free. Young and ol;}. teachers, collegestudents, society-everybody is playing Football-Poker,"All Huvard plays Football·Poker-now the rage with students.".. An Interestfng and Instructive Ir.lme. "-Dirut;;'i/'.;f:f' ;r:i.�;:�:THE REILLY • BRITTON CO •• 84 Adam. St., Chica8o.llI.OAK PARK TIES V ARS·ITYCOKTINUBD FROM PAGB 1. COLUl\f1UCHICAGO,. FRIDAY, APRIL 15,1904BBAB IN MINDelaae your: 8ubBcriptlon is n()w (luelor ,he .pring quaf'te'l' ana wewould thank you to 'l'elltit promptlyTO RENT-FURNISHEDHandsome new u room residence,3 bath rooms, large grounds.Location near the University and Ill. C.ROBERTP. WALKER, 115 Dearborn st.Phone 8391 CentralAll students who desire .good photo­graphs should call at Martyn's MaroonStudio, 5705 Cottage Grove Ave. Wefinish in all the latest original and artis­tic. designs: Platinum, Oo1odlo Oar­bon, Wash Drawing, Platinums andMlneatures. We also ha ve on salephotos of all Versity buildings and ath­letes. Special rates to students.Have your Spring and Summer gar­ments put in good coodition now andbe ready for Easter with a nice ap­pearance.FAMOUS TAILORING 00.,846 E. 55th Street.Phone Hyde Park 5700.DANCE" PR06RAMSFratemlty Stationery, invitations, etc.Lowest Prices DUNWELL & fORD,' fine Stationers171 WABASH AVE.Want The Earth?For twenty-five cents we will mailyou, for one year, a monthly il­lustrated publication of sixteenpages devoted to the industries,climate, life and present oppor­tunities of the Great Southwest.Sample copy mailed upon re­quest. You'll want it when yousee it. Address,THE EARTH�118 Railway Exchange CHICAGO11'::thnllttln thingsII h () II L 11 1111\ II'S':I)I!aIlI� 1:,111 III1\)WUI' JI1I�I'1.1" ,'UIII.UI L.Ca!'Lt'I." ILl· 111-hIILIIl'P, uru .. uucl l11.:11;", 11\.1 to he"UlI11,'I'IHh;c they1II11bl 1'1' ri(lM.BRIGHTONFlat ClaspGARTEHS,ror men nre " riutu " g.ll'II'I·t! tll('y tlll'ight· freiI'h�ht 1\:111 wear rluht, 'fhey snaIl Oil lind otf('lIsl)::. Yl'L ILI\\'ays 111",·111'('. �,ever hind , 1'1111, rnl)or 11111' •• IIISL courroruuuo, jllHt l'iJ.(lIt. .\i 1111(' of1111,' pi-re JIII/'f' silt: un h wlt l; nlvkv) t r luuulucs,UII!} cu&;L Ullly 2uc, A t atores or I,y uuul.l'IOS'.:IUUI(·St·I�Slllm I'll .. �]Ii 11�rl;�ISt •• l'hlh"I�lllhlu.PRESIDENTSuspenderswork In perfect harmon)' withthe wearer', ever)' movement.Comfort. Style and ServicoABSOLUTELYGUARANTEEDTrimming. cannot ruat.I'Itoe 100 and,l.oo, any .tore or 1Il&.ll,,, C. A. F.DGARTOH )IrQ. w..Box 298 8blrle7.11_It game, will prove attractive to uni­versi ty and prep school men.Another important thing whichmust occur Saturday is that everymember of the team must have onhis "battiug clothes." Chicagoteams have 110t made any remark­able records as hitters for a coupleof years and this one thing has lostthem the championship during thattime. So far this season the teamhas been batting erratically. Oneday 'they will hammer the ball allover the field and another time theycannot hit a regulation sized bal­loon. Yesterday Skillen had mostof the men who faced, him at his'mercy and the team narrowlyescaped a defeat. Michigan willprobably present a man the equalof Skillen and if the men 011the U ni versi t y team are as helplessas they were Thursday the situationlooks a little bit gloomy. In pastyears Chicago has won the open­ing game from Michigan withmarked regularity.The score:CHICAGOR. H. P.A. E.Bezdek, zb. ,.... . 0 0 0 5 0Harper, cf 1 I 0 0 0Smart, rf............... 0 I 1 0 1S'lm'n, ss-p 0 0 4 3 0Baird, 3b ..............•. 1 3 0 I 0Ellsworth, Ib.......... 1 0 17 0 IAbbot. If , ,0 0 1 0 0McPherson, c...... . I [ 4 2 0Howe, p , 0 0 0 6 0Paul, 55 ' 0 0 0 0 0Total. , 3 6 27 17 2OAK PARKR. H. P. A. g.F. T.'Pl'n, ss 1 4 0 2Cooley, If... . . .1 0 0 0 0Buck, 31> '. .. 1 2 o 0 IBeye, 1£ '. .. . U 0 6 1- 0McPherson, c G U 13 0 1Skillen, p......... . ' U 0 u 10 0Arnold, 20.. . 0 0 3 3 2Cleary, cf. . . . . .. . ' ,0 0 0 0 0S. Te'pl'pn, rf ..... , U 0 1 (I 0Totals .. , 3 3 27 5 4Chicago .... o 0 ? 0 0 0 r 0 0-3Oak Park 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0- 3Stolen Bases-Stillman, Baird, F. Tem­pleton, Cooley. Two Base Hit-Buck.Three Base Hits--Baird, Buck. DoublePlay---Arnold to F. Templeton. StruckOut-s-By Stillman, 5; by Skillen, 14.First Base on Balls---Off Howe, 1; offSkillen, 1. Time of Game-v-r :45.'I'he U ni versi ty. Pharmacy cUI'rlelll acomplete line of cold weather remedies.GUO Fifty-fifth street.If you want a position to teach, callon or write to James F. McCullough,630 Fine Arts Building, Chicago.Wm. H. Sage, & Oo., reliable druggil:ltscorner Woodlawn Avenue and Fifty-fifthstreet. Sole agent in Hyde Park for Dr.Oarl Koch's New Discovery for the cureof Oonsumption, Ooughs, OoIds, and alldiaeases of the Throat, Ohest and Lungs.Guaranteed to cure or money refunded.Price, 50 cents. Trial size 10 cents.Bishop'su-rc Hat$�'!2156 state'St. MUSSEV'SBilliard �a1l8 and Bowll�lr AII.y.The Largest and Finest AmusementResort in the World100 to 108 Madiaon St .. ee.orancb: 616 Davia Bt., nv •• atoaLOSER Ie: "'ANSON,·TAILORa.Spring StylesDoNotDelayCAI.L ONt7& DEARBORN •••CHICAGO.McDonald & Spann A Typltal Gollege ManIs at once recognized by tho dlldactand faultless cut 'of his clothOiTAILORS-185 Dearborn StreetWe are Tailor. lorCollege Men •••••Adams Express Bldg. ath FloorDICK HASEstRhlishec1 1870. Incorporated 1888.Golf and Tennis Supplies,Baseball Goods, CameraSupplies, Stationery andPeriodicals.Rigltt on tit, way to Jacklin Par':J. DICK & CO., 344 E. 63rd StreetThe Credit Guide Co.7th Floor, Fort Dearborn Bldg.18-1 l\WNROE S'l'RElCTChicago.Commerclal Reports. Oollections.HARRY S. LF-STERPRI�SCmp'I.'ION PHARMAOIST.Over six years at, this location andgrowing up with the University.5r1t'l1 St. lind Kimbark Ave.CollegeDoctorPond's Extract Is an everyday .tancJ.bifamong college students. They knowthat It 11 a sovereign' remedy tor t.h.many accidents incidental to sohoolllte. Pond's Extract-the old /am'JJIdoctor-might with equal proprl.i,. b.,caUed the old college doctor. For over60 years Pond's Extract has been doln�a work ot mercy- -curing cuts, brull".burna; relieving aohes and pain.;easing 8ufferlng, and making Utebrighter. It Is lust as eIDoienUo-day.A. bottle should always be kept oonv .. ,nlent. Soothes and treshens the taoeatter ahaving. Don'texpcrlmentwitb'����� so-catted remedie8lald CO'• beUjWitaagood,aa'Pond'.�'Extrnct"-there i, no'3ub,ttitute. WateredWltchHazel, a weak solution-sometimes offered tnplaoe or Pond'a Extraot.-bas no medioinalvalue-ta pOlllttvelyworthless. Pond's Ex­tract CURES-theretor.1s prtceless,Sold only in .ealed boU,.,under bllJl wrapper.ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE. .LIBBY'SNatural FlavorFood Productsare U. 8. Government Inspected. The whole-ome-l�tI�:��)�!a�Y�::�'�"r \'�::����;�l��C�� 1��'r::ben�I�I:keyo{) 'ening enns, A lIupply on your I",ntry 81lelvesr����e�:�),:, ��lIfc�:n'��'18i�h:t IMJ�l1 ���k-::�1l��a��}\Iuke Good '.rhinWl to Ent," t� 118 all about them-e­sent froe. I.ihby'R AtlaH of .. he World,' mulledfrlle tor 10 cents postage. .LIBBY. McNEILL & LIBBY, CHICAGO.WI LLIAM SACHENTAILOROUl' collection of woolens for SpringSnits, Overcoats and Trousers is com­plete in every fabric. Our fit andstyle is of the best only.3 2 0 E A 5 T F 1FT Y - F 1FT H S T R E. E TMAKE.:R. TO USER!!Our Designs are tile Latest and il/ost A rtistic,\\'e are the largest Office De.ksFurniture manufacturers Cha.i .. sin the world Table.THE A. H. AND:R.EWS CO.. Chicago, Ill.The most convenient Safety Vaultfor those engaged at the University.W oodla.wriSafetyDe po sdtCorrrparry Will open ill its newbuildingMay 1.Steel Vaults - burglar and fireproof. 1'\0 expense has been sparedill making this the strongest andsafest vault in Chicago.Boxes to R.ent at$ 3 and U ,?wa.rds449·53E,ast 63rd sr.,Near Woodlawn Ave.