y.ined,I per Year.OPTICIANBuhdln� ,ilca1ly Adjuatel�ye. Tested 'ree '�ve�IDC Opticalbtliematlcaftletereolo.lcal,ud'or the Lintemllt.�o4ak., cam.ra.�4 811tpU •••i'S,UID MILK,tRl'tlILKCOUNTRY,MILK CO.N:rH aT.�NHAM00005'olyslsg; Ladies' Hnlres' Turkish Budte' st., Chicago.�lPMANIt MacUloa at,08111,' •ERT TBBO�reaauror�any !USEper%tODper ton---_.USE andNYIPTY-.5IXTH ST.,toralOpped to an parts .1Ilrlor Exclulively forloom for Carria,.,..LL DEPOT�.; ,r.lq Or4e�iIJ +-«... ,..\ • r... .. -; ...� .• , '40AI I,·>A.,;'�'r'� ty, };i'i-". ::T·he· Daily '''M''aroonPubUshed AfternooDs by the Students of the UDlversity of Chicago DurID� the Pour �art'fI of the UDlv.ralty YearVot; II. No. 112. PRICE Two CENTS,CHICAGO, TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 1004FIFTIETH UNIVERSITY CO .. NVOCA-TION"VIVATI CRESCATI" GERMAN-AMERICAN GREETINGS AT CONVOCATION 'AWARDSMANYDEGREESThe Fiftieth Convocation heldin was the .address by the GermanProfessor Eduard Meyer Addresses Mandel Hal! at' 3 o'clock today, ambassador. Baron' Hermann Fru-Stude'nt Mass-Meeting in Man- was one of the most memorable in I herr Speck von Sternberg, who.del This Morning the history' of the University. be- : brought .greetings from the Oer-, cause of the large number of guests ! man Emperor. He wasrespondedVon Sternberg, German. Ambassador, .. 1 � 't>' I 'rl ' 'Speaks of Closer Friendship of Ger- of honor. The honor.ar� de?re.�s t to ',by the . e.�� .. of .the .[' aculty,';'l:'�1,�'r��Pi.����!!.�!!_e�.§�!t��",'s ... ""_"""'" ,���!1!e!!..��tllP.��.t,P}���,A��t.l���ul�ltecf , .1 H��(Y Pr�tt I�d�n .. ��li� p:��.Th . tud t 'of th U· 'sit .j vtsnors, the exchange of greetings the greetjng' of President Roose-·e s ucen s 0 e nrversi y 'I . " ". . .I'd th G ','t \t between the German Emperor and, velt. 'The. President's quarterly.;e come, ,e' 't' erm.an .JelSl dOi� � l� President Roosevelt, and the dis-' i statement en the condition 'of th�, hl� mass �ee mwg .ltnh: a� ef a play of German-American f�iendli- 'University' followed' the address.t IS mornmg, I songs rom . ..h . 1" l' b .. th' he f ness rendered the occasion notable. The return of President; Harper totthe gt ,�; ,ctu s'd Wd1d cleer.s Grom Professor John M. (oulter, head �f, his official duties was welcomedbye s unen s an a resses 111 er-.,dEl' h th t d t' the Department of Botany, spoke the student body with hearty ap;.man an ng IS e s u en s th t' ti f th U .. . '. '. as. e represen a lVe 0 e 01- ,plause. The s111gmg ot theAlmawelcome to the foreign educators versity The reply for the German d h b di f 11 d;, '. T' .. Mater an t e ene ictton 0 owewas worthy of.Chicagc. he entire guests of honor, was given by Pro- , .cel�bration was characterized by fessor Eduard Meyer of the Uni- by the reces�10nal m�rch, brought. t 'tbusi t' reci tion of versity of Berlin' Following this the convocation exercises to a close.1U ense, e� USlas lC app eCla 1, • I' " •the visitors and the ideals of Ger-man scholarship. The words' of PER I L TO GREAT BRITAIN MANY STUDENTS WIN HONORSPrefessor Meyer received an ova-.tion rarely given to any speaker; English Thinker Sees, Danger to his Ninety-eight Students Receive Honorableand when the German Ambassador, Country's Educational Institutions Be- 'Mention for Excellence in worl,c of theBaron von Sternberg, rose, the cause of Poverty ,Coll�gesaudience rose with him and cheers Sir N orman Lockyer in his presi- The followlng awards ()f honors weremnde at the convocntlon in Mande!greeted his words. dential address to the British Asso- hnll this 'afternoon: '-Chairman Arthur Bestor -intro- ciation, all' extract ·of which was' Honorable 'mention for excellence induced the visitors with the words, published in the foreign notes of the work of the Junior Colleges was, nwarded the following studenta :• "We welcome you for your scholar- the American Inventor, said: Jonas Oska» Backlundship" for our college spirit, and '''Our position :,as a nation, our Helen l\Iife Oolllnsbecause we wish to show you what success as merchants, are in peril, .Jnrnes Dwigh] DlckersonAmerican student life is like." chiefly-dealing' with "preventable Albert Wesle� EvansEVelyn MOI-ie Bayde.Leon P. Lewis, delivered an ad- causes-because of our lack of com- Thomas Nobl� McBurneydress.of welcome to the visitors in' pletely' efficient universities and our ,Ruth Shelton Saunders•English. .Mr. .... Pfoko�h,��'�e. Jib.@-�. ' � •. �. h . -,. _. 'Honornble' 'mention for ''eXcellence' in'German address. ')11 both the neglect of'"t�searc . the work ()f the Senlor; Colleges wasspeeches was brought out most "If we take the twelve English uwarded the ,fo.llo"'ing students:strongly the fact that the .history of university colleges, the forerunners E'rn(>8t Everett Ballthe .University of Chicago has been of universities, unless we are to Teanette Batesf . ti f German edu I Elennor Frety Cochranone 0 apprecia Ion 0 -perish from lack of knowledg e, we,cational .ideas. Dr. von Holst's Henry Stead Davidsonwork along this line was spoken of. find that private effort during sixty Ec1na Cordelia Dunlaph f d 1 h 4 000 000 George Edmeston FnhrThen Professor Eduard Meyer years as oun ess t an, , .Horace Montague Francisspoke: , pounds; that is 2,000,000 pounds Hnrl'Y William Getz. "I wish 'to express our gratitude to you for building, and 40,000 pounds a Reb(ll('lCri Raxter Gilkesonfor the glimpse you have afforded us of year incor,ne. This saves us an Myra Hamilton Hanson. t d t l'f I . h t d t Silvanus Laurabee Beeteri\nlencan s u en 1 e. W1S 0 ay 0average of 16'6,000 pounds for build-giy� you some ide� of the German stutl- 'Mury Anderson Leonardents, 'those who have come over to Ger- ings and 3,000 for yearly income. :\Inrion Crawford LyonsWI t· th .1 f . t ff t 'Villinm 'Woodrow Martinm,a,ny have never been, otherwise than la IS e sca e 0 pnva e e or. Agnes Bl11'nett MacNeiahf��9r9bly impressed. But I would ad- we have, to compete with in regard 'Harriet May Palmervise such students to enter the smaller in- to American universities? In the Wiin ifred Mary ReidI:)titlltions at first, because in t)lese are United States during the last few Chnrl(>f; Moore Steeleformed the niost pleasant associations. - ye�rs, un,iversities and colleges liave .Tohn Allen Sweet, Jr.",The difference in the lives of these two received more than 4,000,000 Mnr,v Evelyn Thompsoncla!tsesoOf students seems to be that the pounds from this source' alone. Lamoa Darlene Ward�:�a:rs !��k ;��lit!hi��;�i�;:nsa�!; . "When we' coilsider the "large ����t�� ��i:'�:�;enricb, rendowments of university education Honors for excellence in 'pal'ticular,scientific purposes, Thete is not th� or-, both l'n 'the U1ll'ted States and f h S ' ColI<1(>p!\�tments 0 t e entor ege� wereganization of the scientific world that you Germany', it is obvious that 'the awnrded the following students: 'have here. State aid only can make any valid; Elean�r Frey Coclu'an, English'"German studeut life has many goou . . 'bl 'th 'th " Eelna Cordella Dunlap, Fr��ch and' Gi:r-things\)f its own. The law passes ,over competItton POSSI e WI el, er. 'the deeds of German students lightly, Iand'these things do not harm the stud- BASKET-BALL �QUADS ARE' CHOSEN, :'ents. If I'were a student again I wouldrepeat all the excesses of my' student Junior and Senior Girls Begin Training fordays., We gather iti ,small' groups for '., Gre�t Annual Gamesocial purposes, and in these groups areformed the most pleasant associations ofour lives Here is developed the freedomof mind that is one of the things we areproud of.. We try to teach the studentsthe theory of what they are to pmctice."I cannot imagine a German studentwho neither sings nor drink�. Such aman would not be a student. I am notashamed of. this' part of the student �ife,and would repeat it if I could."And now I would close with thesewords: 'Vivat! Crescat! Floriat!' forthis grand Alma Mater."Baron von Sternberg'next spoke."I am glad to greet you and say to youthat the spiritual bonds between theUnited States, and Germany ,are tighten­ing more and more. It is Ge�any'swish that these bonds should be lasting."Chairman Bestor closed by say':'ing:'I We beg that you will take back to thestudentl$ of your, institutions greetingsfrom the American students of Chicago. " As always at the last of the win­ter quarters the squads have beenpicked from which the final Senior Iand Junior' Teams will be chosenfor the three games for .champion­ship in basket-ball in the spring.These games win be so much themore exciti'ng as the cup has nowbeen won once, by the Juniors -andonce by the Seniors and the Collegewipning this series-two out ofthree-will have the cup perma­nently. The squads are:Seniors; E. Arnold, J. Barnet,E. Janes, B. McCloud, M. McElrpy,E. Meyer, M. Murphy, C. Palmers,M. Payne, M.Tschirgi, E.Vaughan.Juniors; G. Boxter, A. Boecke,F. Beneqict, H. Dudley, A. Hough,R. Jones; H, Manchee, EdithMackley, E. C. McBride, McClel­lan, K. Vichola, M. Ortlll�yer, M.Paglow, A. Juice, E. Poley, H.Roney, M. Spence, G. Viall, E.White, E. Yondorf. University Confers Honors Upon OneHundred and Ten at Con-, vocation: Highest Honorary Title Accorded to SlxDistinguished Germans and One.'American.//III'j "4".,, � wThe awarding of 110 degrees wasa feature of the Fiftieth Convoca­tion in Mandel Hall this afternoon.Besides the honorary degrees con­fE;rred on' six distinguished Germans, and one American, the regular de­; grees of every school and depart­ment in the University were be­, stowed upon candidates.'The five German guests received..,the highest honorary degree theUniversity offers, the, degree ofDoctor of Laws. Baron von Stern­burg also received the LL.D.Charlemagne Tower, the UnitedStates ambassador to Germany, re­ceived the degree, (irt absentia).The title of Associate was con­ferred upon forty-one. The Bache­lor's degree in Arts, Philosophyand Science was conferred �ponthirty-nine. In the Divinity schoolone Master of Arts and five Bache­lors of Divinity were awarded.SevenMaster's degrees conferred inthe - Graduate, .Schools, three Law'degrees, three Doctors of Philoso­-phy and the .seven honorary titles,complete the list.'l'he following degrees. were 'conferred;'The" 'Degree of Bachelor of A�rts IIconferred upon the following students:Henry Stead DavidsonEdnn Cordelia DunlapHurry WilIinUli GetzM�'I'a Hamilton Hansontolizabetb Katherine HossHal'l"iet l\Ioy PalmerT.JUUl'18 Darlene WardLawson Grant YenericbThe Degree of Bachelor of Philos­ophy was con.fen·ed upon the followiQl�students:Mal'garet Reardon RaconErnest Everett Ball'J etIl nette BatesFred Granville BurnettFrnnk G. BurrowsEleanor Frey Cochran.Re.berea Bll�ter GilkesonF)ugene Lawrffilce HartiganSilWlDUS LaUl'lflbee HeeterCharles RolAnd HoweCUI'ol Lee JordnnMary Anderson Leonard�lnria:n Cl'uwford LyonsW'!llinm Woodrow l\fartiaKate- Lou Neel'Winfred Mary Reidi\1'urray ScMoss.10hn Allen Sweet, .Tr.M'Ill'Y Evelyn Thompsonlildith May ThomsHarry Mlflton TingleTilden Ryland Wa.keley�imon WilliomsThe Degree of Bnchelol' of Sc,ien ewas conferred upon ,the following stu­delnts :'nudl�Y Yla: ay �_-.JGeorge Edmeston FahrHot'nee Montague FrnncisFrnnk 'Woodward MetcalfHarl'Y E(lgar Metca1fHarry Edward Mock_\gnes Burnett MncNeishLester Ely OdellCharlt>S Moore StP.eleThe Degl'ee of Bachelor of T...aws wa'!lconfM'red upon the following student:William 1\Iort KeeleyThe Degree of Doctor of Law ""nsronferred upon the followi'ng students:Challes Vernoy ClarkCUl'tis Rockwell ManndngThe Degree of Masteor of Arts was('onf�lTe<l upon the following students:John Bascom HamiltonAlbert Newton MerrittmnnG'eorge Edmeston Fnbr; Physics and,l\fa thematicsRebecca Baxter GdlkesOn, HiRtoryMarion ,Crawford, LyonR, EnglishAgnes Burnett: l\racNeish, ]')futh�a.ticsHarriet May Palmer, MathematIcs.T ohn Allen 'Sweet, Jr" Political E�con-omy and HJisto�y , ,CONGR�GATIOi� WELCOMES GERl'tlANSScholars are Admitted to the B,ody: withImpressive AddressesThe German guests of honqt. wereintroduced to the Universit:y Con­gregation at the forty-first meetingof that body in Haskell Museumyesterday afternoon.Three hundred members of thefaculty attended the enrollment of,the Germans as members of theCongregation. Professor ShailerMathews delivered the address ofwe1cotne,which wa�responded t9 byDr. Josef Kohler •. .'the, guestssigned the roster of: the Congrega­tion and w�re accord�d seats asmembers of the body. COl'fTIl'fUBD Ol'f PAGE 4, COLUMl'f 1.., ' ..GARG�YLETTE.5.' CHICAGO, TUE$PAY, MARCH 22, 1904• f�\�be lDatl� maroon .jFormerly the University of Chicago Weekly.I'OUNDED 'The University_of Chicago Weekly, Oct. 1,1892TUB DAILY MAROON. • • • • Oct. 1,1902NEWS CONTRIBUTIONS REQUESTED.Publiihed by the students of thb Univer.sity ,of Chicago every afternoon, except Saturdayand :Sunday, during the 46 weeks of the Uni­verslty year.First board of -editors 'and' business managerauthorized by student-body in 'mass meetrng­May IS, 1902,Membership on subsequent boards of editorsto be determined by' competition open to allstudents in the University. 'nOARD OF EDITORSManaging Editor ••• � ••• Oliver B. Wyman, :04News Editor ••••••••••••• Harry W. Ford, 04Athletic Editor •••••••• W!llter L. Gregory,' 'os, ASSOCIATE EDITORS' 'Thaddeus J. Merrill, Law 'oS, Ernest J. Stevens!. :04�alph .P, Mulvane 'PS ,•• ' Edward M. Kerwin, �06LeRoy A. VanPatten, '06 'Edward R. Gannon, '04Riley H. Allen, '04WOMEN EDITORS�liss Lena Harris Miss Helen Smith, '06STAFF OF REPORTERSlohn S. \Vright, 'oS Arthur Bridl{lllnn, 07ames V. Hickey, '06 Claude Schofield, '07C. McKenna, Rush 'oS, Bernard I. Bell. '07'Cbas A. Bruce, '06Miss Marie Ortmayer, '06BUSINESS STAFFBusiness Manager ••. : •••••••. Julien L, BrodeEntered as second-class -mail at Clncago Posr-: ,office.Dnily_ Subscrjption, $3 per year; $'1 for 3 mos.By Mail in City $4 per year; $1.25 for 3 mos.Subscriptions received at, THm, MAROONOffice, Ellis Hall, or left in THm MAROONBox, the Faculty Exchange, C:obb Hall.'Printed by the Quadrangle Press, 404 E. 55th St.I� EDITOI\.IAL��1The Fiftieth University Convoca­tion is taking 'place under auspiciouscircumstances. The formal pro­gramme whicha t ten d e d theThe University'sSignificant awarding of de-Exercises' grees and quar-. terly addressesin Mandel Hall this afternoonbrought to a close the most' signifi­cant week of exercises that lias everattended a Convocation 'on thecampus.The presence of the -Germanscholars, Professors Meyer, Her­mann, Ehrlich, Kohler and Dei­bruck and Baron Von SternburgI II ' international attention.Ralph Merriam returned Fridayfrom the east where he has .beeninvestigating Y. M. C. 'As in east­ern universities. Lives of oil great men remind usWe should ne'er a dollar miss,And departing leave behind usFootprints similar to this *��'t/}• • *,;. ,The Boy: From' what collegedid you graduate from, Grandpa?�: ,The -oia Codger: My boy .I;never went to such a school of t0111-foolery as your University. I grad­uated from the-farm, my boy; from.the farm, and Lam proud of it.IThe .Boyr . Oh, you went to anT agricultural college, then.. " Notice to StaHl.. , ..,'" Members of .the Staff and candi­, dates for the, Staff of . the DAILY: MAROON should hand in string not: later than Friday at 10: 30 a .: 111.: Strings should. be accompanied bya statement of any work done which, does not appear on the strings., ..-,Athletic Men WantedSeveral 'vacancies in which athletic men are called for have been, received at" the office of the Boardof Recommendations; one in math:ernatics at $900; another in generalscience at $1,200; and a third in amilitary academy at a good salary., Candidates with, athletic qualifica­tions who desire positions for nextyear are requested to report to theSecretary of the Board of Recom­mendations.ALBiON CAFE-308-400 (l3d St.Good Mouls, Quick Service.Also Furnlshed Rooms 'to Rent.. ,.PHONB-OFFleR-Hyde Park 1?88, r , DR·: RALPH 'W7""PARKoER"DR. FRED W. PARKERDENTISTS• Hours )8 :30 to u.1-00 to s. 6:rl9 Kimbark Avenue'Iv. s.cs-. Sixty-third St. Fraternity Stationery. <Dalllng Gardslnvltatlons Program.,GAR'R'I C KTonightWEBER & F1l!1LDSand the all stars in",,"TrrOOP-DE-UOO" and "CA'l'IlERINE."�Ia�inees Wednesday and Saturday.,SALLBMndlson, between Clnrk and Ln Snlle.Nothing to compare withBELLE OF NEWPORT,GRAND OPERA HOUSEBLANCHE BATES lu"TIlE DARLING OF THE GODS,""A Drnma of Old Jnpnn.• I At the 'Ye<llle!'Hln�' l\Iatinee,. March2:\, l\lis"l Ba'tes wlll appear in ul\Iad­nme Butterfly" and ul\Iy Aunt's Ad­vico."Studebaker To.�lghtMONROE.,Restaurant C:J CafeA. PRENTICE, Proprietor299 55th St., Near Monroe Aye.Commutation Tickets, $3.50 for $3.00. IIenry 'V. Savage offersGeorge Ade's Witty Musical SatireSULTAN OF SULUi\Iu�ic by Alfred G. -Wnthan.Cnpnhle cast and a strlklng produc­tion of the orlginnl Chicngo success.Popular Mat. Wed., 25c to $1. .�elepNORTON takes subscrij tions for both andhas them delivered at your doorPhone, 116 Hyde Purk 348 51th Suet -­.......GREAT NORTHERN. ' �o-njght.The Royal LILLIPUTIANSPresenting Gulllver's 'I'ruvels.Mats. Wed. and Snt., 25 and 50c.Next Week-Dnvid Harum.ADon't Wait.Buy Now.They are going' fast. Only a few leftSUR Otterman Opera HatsOnly $5.00 Real Value $10.00A. FEILCHENFE�D, 81�83 E. Van Buren St., P,ischer" Building , , ,,'•II. '1'. l\{cGuire,' Prop.MADISON AVENUE P ACI\:ING CO.WHOLESAL'L ANDRET AIL MAR.K£.. TG300 Madison Avenue," 'Chicago.Phone Hyde Park 1�22ro»JacDENTIST369-8 63� STREETTELEPHONE Hyde Park 1196, Tel.,l,_C. A. T.lAl\IPF.RTVIOLINIST •Member of the Chicago Orchestra.Pupils n�d engageruents Accepted.Address: 3433' Wabash Avenue. .........Woodla'VVnS,-:\fety'De po.sttCorrrparry449·53East 63rd 5t.,Near Woodlawn Ave. Will open in its new builrling May 1.Steel Vaults - burglar and fireproof . No expel�se has been, sparedin making this the strongest andsafest vault in Chicago .Boxes to R.ept at-$3 and UpwardsThe mo'st convenient Safety Vaultfor those engaged at the University.Cempressed Air Service Antiseptic' Face CreamTHE GRAND CENTRAL BARBER SHOPH. J. GAMET, PROPRIETOR73 Adams Street Opposite Fair, Laundry OfficcMaterials are the sameas in other coats except thatthey have been chemicallytreated and made rainproof.Come and be fitted during thissale. You can save one-thirdon the price, and choose fromthe' widest assortment ofcravenettes ever shown inChicago;Prices range $8.75,' $9 75 $1:1.50,$16.50 and up.DAILY PAPERS AND MAGAZINES.has to a marked degree signalized 'the week. These ,gentlemen havebeen the honored guests of the Uni­versity. The welcome and enter­tainment accorded them has been ofthe most appr�priate ty�e at �heUniversity'S command. On theirpart these .men who' represent thehighest culture and learning of theirscholarly. fatherlan�'have taken ,theopportunity to instruct students infields in which they are 'authorities.Their lectures �have been _ir�te.!ullreceived by the .hundreds of men,and women who were fortunateenough to gain admittance.The campus yesterday' was thecenter toward which all of.' thefriends of the university type Of.education flocked .. Nor is the il11-:portance of' the Universitys pro­gramme recognized only by localeducators. The 'assembly .011 thecampus is attracting national and Great Sale ofCravenette Coats.Bought the entire surplusstocks of four of theleading American makers at asaving of one-third. In all130 .stylcs and patterns..-F;ashionable, -» TaUor�_......_., __ , __ T?e handsomest topcoats come in, caaven-ettes. They're alwaysstylish, and suitableto any occasion.WILCOX & WICK'(Formerly with .M. J. Coffey), FOR.Fastidious Dr-es se r s"Good fit, style and quality" is our"motto. 'Our I prices are very reason­able. We invite your inspection of tOul' spring pattems.ROO�I 72, UO DEARBORN ST.,,904 EDITION NOW READYSpalding'sOfficialAthleticAlmanacC" Edited by J. E. Sullivan,Sec.-Treas., A. A. U.The only publication In the country conralnlng allauthentic athletic records. This book contains over. 200 p�es of athletic information, and ill profuselylllustrae-d with numerous portraits of Ieading athletesand athletic teams. Price, 10 cents.s: G. ��ALDING & BROS.Send for illustrated cataloi 0 f athletic iooda. It1, \'Our Spring' Woolens ..selected 'especially forCollege Men. CHICAGO, TUESDAY" MARCH 22, .�UO!, U Waiting for you.")-rr.llor for Young MenIA, N, Jerrems,.Mgr: , ,129-181- La Salle' St.mB PAU AlU""cmOAGO 'BBACH �TABLBa.J. :H. KlNTZ• ' ( •• OPRlltTO.)Jackson .Park Stables273' Bait Fifty-Seventh StreetTel"HydeParkSSII CHICAO.To keep your facein good, con d i t ion"use Williams' ShavingStick."'*."A .... \_ ... -�_ • • • •aSECURE OUR PRICES ON\ FR, ATERNI'ry STATIONERY,p,ROGRAMMES, MENU., _I�VITATIONS AND&NGRAVED CARDS,BROCHON4,-' 34-36 WASHINGTON ST.E. C. MOOREjflot(st132 East Forty-Ninth StreetTelephone Oakland 1495271 East Fifty-Fifth StreetTelephone Hyde Park 38Telephone Hyde Park 18 ".A. McAdamsTliE UNIVERSITY FLORISTonINHousES': ',,' CHICAGOCor. S3d It. aDd Kimbark ne. 'NEWCOLLAR,Suite 73 to 76, Dexter Bldg,� "-i'.... �__:_ ..."INDIVI DUALITY"INC LOT H'E SNotthe ordinary -kindbut clothes with the-at­tributes which makethem different. : : :',GEO. H: FIEDLER&CO.THE HANDSOMESTESTABLISHM�NT 'IN CHICAGOMUSSEV'Sf:lllliard Halls and Bowling Alleys�'he Largest and Finest AmusementResort in the World100 to 108 Madison StreetBranch: 616 Davis st., Evanston 'I MAJORS and Ml��RS IDirector' Stagg: announcedyester­day that the University.' would be'represetlted in the intercollegiategymnasium contest at the Univer­sity of Wisconsin. The teamwillconsist of one. man-John L. Han­cock,' a .senior, who performs on the.vaulting horse. Coach Childs w111accompany him.'I'he picture of .the varsity basketball team was taken last Saturdaymorning at Martyn's. A copy willbe inserted hi the Cap and Gown,Frederick W. Owens, who hasplayed right forward on the team"this season, \':� elect� c..�ptfli.t.! ata-nr�ttng 11eldit before" Hie 'ptd urewas taken.Subscrlbe for ·The Maroon.tbt . J:angt SbOtFOR FASTIDIOUS FOLKS. ,DESIGNED BY YOUNG MEN.FOR YOUNG MEN'S WBAR'149 Dearborn StreetT RIB U NEB U I L D I .N G) . .ORDER, THAT.{ ,DRESS SUIT NOWYou win ba .. to ba ...U' YOU want to eDte,""college life, witb .n ....lOCial actlvitie. that ...connected witb I� : : a ,Ou dreH .ulta are ...epectalty :: : th., .....caUft abat galla,'at_.,.......M.cDonald & Spannl185 Dearbora StreetAdams Express BIdS.' 4th PloorTYPEWRITERS", ,ONE-HALF PRICESend for our list of special bargains in allmakes of Standard typewriters. Full line' ofsupplies, Machines for rent $2 to $3 per month:ROCKWELL-BARNp.s co.• 367-369 Wabash Ave.BENHAM BROS.'·FASHIONABLETAIL,·ORS225 Dearborn Street Suite 201-202Telephone 4523 HarrisonLOSER & "'ANSON":TAILORS.175 DEARBORN ST.CHICAGO.A T ypir,al ()ollege Manis at once recognized by the distinctand faultless cut of his clothesWe are Tailor's £9r, .College Men ••••• E'. BURNHAMHAl R OOODSElectrolysisFacial Massage, Manicuring, Ladies' HairDressing and Manicuring, Ladies' Turkish andRussian Baths. 70 and 72 State st., Chicago.FLOWEHS AT LOWEST PRICESF.Ol' all occasions ut• • I OET THE BEST$2 AMES HATS $3established 18731610163 B. Madison Street near La Salle15. Dearborn StEarly Spring Hats, Canes, Glovesand Umbrellas'LUBLINER &, TRINZ-1-1 E. u.vxnor.ru RTHEJ·�'1'.'I'e). Main 1307.(Formerly The Consumers' FlowerStore. ),Es�ablished 1878. Incorporated 1902. L. MANASSB, OPTICIAN88 Madison St" Tribune Bulldlnlrlpectacl •• 8Ild Byecla •• e. �cientt"ca11y AdjuatetEyea Teated FreeEverythln, OJ)t1calM atliematical.Metereolollcal,aDdfor the Lanternl.t,Kodak., cameraea.d 811VPUI.,A. A. DEY. 0 R E & SONTAILORSPullman Building r ,w� make a specialty of high gr'lde DressSuits for young men. BORDEN'SCONDENSED MILK, FLUID MILK,CREAK AND BUTTERMILK.ALL BOTTLED IN ·THE. Co'UNTRY'BORDEN'S CONDENSED MILK CO,.27-.3:1 C. ,OATY·.CVCNTH .T.W. HY' use poor, unwhbte.bntciilllk;whei·'for the same 1I10ney you "an let It,Pure" Sweet, and Bxtraor41-.arlly Rich, delivered In sealed bottles, by calliDl u,Telephone South 817, or dropplnl a postal, toSID�EY WANZER &. ,SONS305 Thirtieth st.O'MEAR� BROTHERS' 'HOME BAKEIV(Phone 1646 HydePark.)All Ooods Strictly Home-MadeOrUr. takeD for Ice Cream and Iees. GoodJ delivered378 But Plfty. bit rHt.'It You. Want Money ':1 A���!:��a.-da. WaecIaes, Jewelrf, u4 Aatlques, for .alea Old Gold anel SUvar BouahlW. '1'. DBLIlLUft' II. O. O'DODBLL ALBBRT TBBOPres140llt ' 8ecr�tary TreasurerStandard Washed Co81 C�mpany303 Dearborn -, Street ',STANDARD ·W ASHED COAL FOR DOMESTIC USEStandard Egg - - '5.00 per tOD Washed Chestnut - $4.50 per,tonWashed Range '5.00 per tOD Washed Pea $4.25 per ton,000000000000000000000000000o � O·o EGYPTIAN D�.ITIES 0o d O': No better Turkish Claarette can be made. :o S T R. A ,W 'T I P 0� 0o ork Tip Pla.in 0o '. 00.00+00000000000000000000000COLLEGE BASI:BAL.Land all other college sport is fully cC\'8'Iad in text andillustration by ,THE ILLUSTRATED ·�POB.TING NEWS,whichcis the Oxr.v publication giving.s/Jecial attentionto college subjects.SEND US ONE DOLLARand we will send you the ILLUSTRATED SPORTING,NEWS each week for 16 weeks, whick will eouer litespring season 0/ outdoor sport. Address,TH� ILLUSTRATED SPORTING NEWS, 7 'Yesf Twenty-Second se.. New YorkLIBBY'SNatural ,Flavor.Food Products , Underwood's Deviled Ham:if you have it on hand, will help greatly,to e�tertain the unexpected guest,It s an old-fashioned product - madehonestly and pure of HAM and purespices - nothing else. 'AU first class dealers sell it.Look on the can for the little red devil.Wm. Unclerwoocl Co •• Bo�ton. Ma •••are U. 8. GovernmentInlpected. Tbe whol81!0me­oe88 and "oodoeel of ey8l'J' artiole II PI'8II8"ed inits preparation for rour oonvenienoe. In tbe band,.ke,.-on80ma oaDI. A lIuppl,. on J'our pant..,. IbelY88:g���e::�;�lr�:a,��ai-·b:�I�t�f: �=k���"l�Milito GoOd Tblngll to Eat," wile 'all about them­Bent free. Libby'. Atl .. of the World, mailedfree for 10 cent. poatqe. .LIBBY t McNEILL It LIBBY, CHICAGO.AWARDS MANY DEGREESCONTINUED FROM'PAGE I, COLUMN 4. CHICAGO,' TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 1901'l'he Degree of Master of Philosophywas conferred upon the 'followi'ng stu­dents:William Shelton Bixlerl\Inry Virginia GarnerHerbert 'W'ynford, HillThe Degree of Master of Sclence wnsconferred upon the fdllowing students :Eflitb E'dnn GladfelterHnrr is Franklin M.ncNeishTine :PIVINITY Sell OOL'I'he Degree of Mastel' of Art!'! wasconferred by the University upon the. following student:George Louis Loring ,\VhiteThe Degree of Bachelor' of Divinitywas conferred by the Universitv uponthe fol1owing students:J'ullnn Foster BlodgettLeslie l\!oulthrop BurwellWilliam Henry GarfieldRochester \ViUiams·' Irwin·.... "", �, �t ,.Hurry Eugene LuckTh(' Degree of. Doctor of Phllosophywas conferred UpOIl the following stu­donts :Thomns Eaton DoubtAndrew Peter Forsn(,Ol'ge Harr-ison Shull'I'ho Degree of Doctor of·. Laws wasconferred (in absentia). upon Charlo­mange' 'J.."ower, for eminence in diplo­n1H(,Y, and especlallv for his services tothe cause of friendship between theUnited States of America and the Ger­man JIJmpire. Upon Herman FreiherrSpook Yon Sternburg, for eminence! indiplomucv, and especially for zeal andtnct in drn wing closer the historicfr'iendship between the people of Ger­run'ny and the people of the Unitedstn tes of America. .The Degree of Doctor of Lows wasconferred upon Berthold Delhruk, raulghrlieh, Wllhelm Herman. JosephKohler, Edward Mever, representativesof Gormnn Universities for the-irsr-holn tJ)y n ttn in menta.Young Americ� La�ndrySTUDENTS'LAUNDRRYTel. Hyde Park 125a 5416 Lake Ave.F. S. YOUNG, ProprietoreHAS. A. L.-WRENCK,Mana�er and Director.L AWRENGE ORGHESTRASelect .mustc tcr allSelect ® c cas ton slI101U J)atronagerespectruun ecuctreoResidence5745 Rosalie CourtTel: Hyde Park 14U7. OHIOA60Quick Service .Geo; 0, Marlatt, ......ANHEUSER & �EIL.Restaurant .391 BAST SIXTY -1.'HlRD ST. cmO,Ag().Iarquette r • \BundlngMen's,I'�II,ff,�". \.;t/, I:I: IIII·f I"� I WearDearborn ,StreetGENTLEMENWHO DRESS FOR SThENEATNESS, AND COMFORTWEAR THE IMPROVEDI:, II,, 'I IIII, j� II I:1 11 !I �, I1i, I SECURITYSteel' raults Electric Lined'(.tentralb,,�e ��rh $afet�\l)aults'Fifty·Fifth 5,t, an'd 'Washington Ave..I •Burglar Proof, Flre Proof. A �solute Seruri'ty.W. K. YOUNG {;;J BRO..Phone Hyde Park 997Clothing of HighestQuality'at a moderate cost:Sprina: Toppers and RegularLength Light Weight Overcoats, .'in oxfords, blacks and novelties-:Cravenette8 in checked and plaid,'worsted oxford and black thibets tand whipcords-Double and S�n.gle Breasted Suits, in' 'choiceworsteds, tweeds. and plain blacksand blues, an immense variety to Iselect from, all sizes, 10 501$15 values.. • • •• . . .... • ,: _ \. .f • • !Uttra-Pashlona ble Cravenette.,:. Overcoats' and Suits-:.:the choic-' .est patterns' ·and· finest qualities':.of both- foreign and domestic·!�,a��.!?J.ij_9.� ":J_�lJ:���:.c;.�un try' s_foremost custom tailors, equal to'any in.Chicago .17 50at $25 .. ',. ,..... • 'This is decidedly a Men'sStore. Our stock of Shoes,Hats and Furnishings is thor­oughly . complete and. ourprices are absolutely lowest.Rothschild & CompanyState and Van Buren Sts.Have your Spring and Summer gar­ments put in good condition now andbe 'ready for E.aster with a' nlce ap­pearance.FAl\W'US 'TAILO�I�G 00.,'B 0 S T 0 N' .846' E. 55th Street.',' . --,--Pllone_HYdeP--:---ark5700_. �I -GARTER': Tuesday, March 22-Student celebration, Leon Man­del Hall, 10:45 a. m. Addressesin German and English. M usicby University Student Organiza­tions..The matutinal for candidates for­higher degrees, President's house,12:30 p. m.Fiftieth University Convocation,Leon Mandel Hall, a p. m.Subscription Dinner in honor ofour German guests, Auditorium,7:00 p. 111.Wednesday': 'Mr�c;'ji"23�i'''' .... Q uarter 1)'T�ursdaY,.March 24 exnmiua-Fnday, March 25 nations.Friday, March 25 winter quar ..ter ends, 'Mar�h 26-31 - Spring reces ...April I-Spring quarter begins.Sunday, March 27-- '8,:00 a: m .. , .Corporate communion,Umverslty chapter, Brotherhood ofSt. Andrew, Low celebration,Church of the Redeemer,Alul1�nre Loan Books may be re­,turned ll1·Haskell basement, 'fhurs­day, 10:30-12'30' Friday 11-11:�0-3. . � ,. ,student., are u/I'g.ntLy requdsted.Co settle up tlun'l' .,ubscript'&on ac­count bej'o'l'e the ena oj'tltis qua'l'te'l':;lMPORTANT NOTICE TO SENIOR'SAll Seniors' are requested to ca'll at I •!\Inrtyn's Maroon Studio, 5705. CottageGrove Av�, and. have their pictureataken free for publication in 'the '04Cap and Gown. I •• ' •Wm. H, Sage & 00., re'liable di-ugjitltscorner Woodlawn .A. venue and: .11'lft1-�ftbstreet. Sole agent in Hyde Park for Dr.Carl Kooh's New Discovery' tor the' cureof C�)Usumptlon, Ooughs, Colds, and �lldtseases of the 1.'hroat,. Ohest. and Lungs.u uaran teed to eure . or money refunded.Price, 50 cents. Trial size 10 cents.If you want a position to teach, callon or write to Jamed F. McOullough,6aO Fine Arts' Building, OhJcalo� ,.�. rare 'oPportunity-A ,10.00 im­ported Otterman Opera .Bat for $5.0.0..ARTHUR FEILOaENFELD,8� m. V�n Buren St., Fisber BIde.A premium of five cents will be offeredfor the following issues �f the DailyMaroon if delivered at the office, :i8thStreet and Ellis Avenue.: .January 8, 21; Febru�ry 4, 1904.Manuscripts, letters, etc" typewrittenat 555l Lexington Avenue.,..MISS GOODF1U.r.OW.The University Ph�rlhaey carrl. acomplete line of cold weather remedies.560 Fifty-fifth street.,tlJ3 CMcpp StOell Exda"rl Bu,'ltU"rI!'ttllu'"pon'a"d LaSa111 SII.KIMBALL BALL243 Wabash Avo. ,Sp�cia /.: 1?�:!es' I�� I\OOrS�d.tos,U: of C. 'Original Ideas andStuden t s Exclusive Styles inPhotographs ,I.tA .. 7. CORNELL. MerchantTailor__'. __ . 1--- _ '.PRESCRIPTIO·NSRELIABLE PHA�MACYR()SA'LlE PHARM·AGYJ. J. GIL L, Cl_llhad PbInIId��e Hyde 'Park 175 274 E. 57t11 st.. near W .... Aye.-.' -� ',' '�". ' "'" :'i", • ..10 II .1 f. <• ', • •, , .