.PTICIAN,ulldlli�cally Adjustet:1 Telted Free.�tre,!l:t,�r.tltaltereolor1cal,andthe Lantend.t.,lat., CamerallluppU ...S[D MILK,�ILKCOUNTRY�ILK CO.H ST.,HAMtOODS'YSl5Ladies' HairTurkish andst., Chicago.PMAN \�a41,oll at.T TBBO'lSUIOrmy'SE1tODrtoD---_.r'·lrst day atLS Iiuble tout need ofydocior-toIy 1I1s thatling InOu-'lS been thenlly medt-ernergen­a.s well asnecessity.face utterever 'usedlot rerusetls.offered' '• sUtute; ited Pond'swill refuse 'rbstttute-;Lon Pond".r burns,to stop,lrlve awayres, It Is a.ltna rem­pplicatioDI cure.enleil bot­'wrapper.'TIJTE.'�ueined�er Year. •�} ; •• :.' I.!J,I ..", . . 'The Daily 'Maroo·nhbUshed AftemooDs by tho Stuc10Dts of t�o University of Chicago During the 'Pour Quarters of the UDivorelty Year 'VOL. II. No. 111. PRIen Two CnN'l'SCHICAGO, MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1904JUNIOR COLLEGE EXERCISES SATURDAY ATHLETIC MEETSAll classes will be suspendedafter 10:30 a.' m. o� Tuesday.WOMEN DON UNIFORM . STUDENTS HONOR VIS I T o R S IN MASSMEETING THEThirty-eight Receive Title of Associate Women Hold Annual Gymnasium Games--Address by Professor Terry-G. Ray- Sophomores and Freshmen $truggle formond Schaeffer Speaks for Candidates Class' Supremacy and '07 WinsThe Junior, College class exercis- The annual Woman's Gymna-es were held this morning in Man- sium Games .took place Saturdaydel Hall. Twenty-eight stud- afternoon in the presence of 500:six Hundred Guests Attended Uni�ersity· ents received titles. Dean, Castle spectators. The winner of' theDinner Saturday Evening presided and Professor Benjamin meet was Marie G. Ortmayer � '06,The great utility of Hutchinson Terry gave the address. His sub- with 15 points, Helen Manchee '07,Hall as a place for 'university ject was "The Advantages of a and Helen Freeman '05, tied forgatherings of large proportions was College Education." '2nd place at 1� points each, whiledemonstrated, a second time last Prof. 'rerry said: "The college A�es Fiske :06 secured third placeSaturday night 'when'-600 memb�rs "graduate has a far better chance of - -with ten, points.. Miss Dudley pre­and friends of the University men success in the world than the man sented a big maroon and gold ban­and women, gathered there to do without a college education, yet the ner to the winner. After the con­honor to the distinguished German college cannot guarantee 'his sue- test short games of baseball, basket­scholars who are official guests, of, cess. The college simply does the ball and hockey were played.Chicago during the present convo- best it can with the material :whibh ', SUMMARY OF EVENTSr Ladder:-Time--M: Ortmayer II sec;cation, time. Those present Satur- comes to it.", ' I H. Manchee II 1-5 sec; White II 2-5 sec.day night were reminded of the G. Raymond.Schaeffer spoke 'in Form:-A. Fiske, rst; L. White, znd;first great university dinner in .behalf of those who received' their F. Nichols, 3d. .. ,Hi�h'.Jump:-H. Freeman, 4 feet; M.Hutchinson when the Mosely com-' titles of associates. ITschirgi, 3-11; C. Peck, 3-9.mission was entertained last fall. Incline Rooe: H F H wuPresident Harper's health was' .... -. reeman, . 1-President Harper made his first ' , " hams, L. White.such that he was,' unable to attend, Rings.-M. Ortmayer, H. Manchee, M.public appearance at the University The thirty-eight candidates who Tschirgi. . ,since his return from the hospital. . d hei . I 'f . ' Broad jump:-Radebaugh, 12-3; M.receive t err tit es 0 ,aSSOCIate are: Tschirgi, II feet 7', G. Gaylord, 9 ft lOlL.His entrance into the hall at the ' �J onas Oscar Bachlund, Geo, Pem- Straight Rope:-A. Fiske, 12 2-5 sec',end of the second course of the din- H M hington Beach, Florence Beers, Alida . anc ee, 13; H. Freeman, 14·ner was the occasion for a demon-' I Hor . MOt H M hBiegelow, Helen May Collins, H. Fr::�n.· r mayer, . anc ee,stration which lasted several mill- Marie Daszkiewicz, Jas. Dwight Relay Race:-Juniors: 41 sec; Buech-utes. D" k E li '. ler, Gaylord, Radebaugh,' Markley.tc erson, va me Dowling, \Val- S eni ors: Tschirgi, Fay, Freeman,, Professor Shailer Mathews, of ter Eggemeyer, Helen Ruth'Fiend, Vaughn. 'the divinity school acted as toast- I" I) Baseball:-Reds, 16; Blues 7·Leonard Gy lenhaal,' Frederick Basketballt-s-Reda, 4; Blues 2.master. Addresses were made by Hatfield, Evelyn Hayde, Helen RiugHockeyt-e-Reds, 2� Blueso.Professor Hermann and Professor Holzhheimer, Wade Hulette, Ed-Delbruck on behalf of the guests win Michael Kerwin,·: Louiseand by Professors Terry and Cham- La r r abe e , J e an L'e s lie,berlin of the university faculty. Sarah LOUIse Lull, Wayland-Wells" President Harper' made a brief Magee, Lee Wilder Maxwell, Thos.speech, introducing Dean j udson Noble McBurney, Elizabeth Mac­who extended official welcome to Farland, Susanna 0' Donnell, Chas.the guests, Following the dinner Walter Paltzer, j�mes, 'Patterson,President, Harper held his regular Waldemar Edward Paulsen, Henryquarterly reception in the Reynolds Ingle ,Raymond, 'Nathaniel CurtisClub' House. Rogers, George Sass, Ruth Sanders,Geo. Raymond Schaeffer, .FrederickSpeik, Grace Stafford, J ohn JamesVan Nostrand, Evelyn .ElizabethYoung, Herbert 'Edward Wheeler,John Stephen Wright. "Compelled by Clark , University Fac­ulty to Wear Prescribed Cos­tume on Campus - At 10:30 o'clock tomorrow morn­ing the student mass meeting inhonor of the visiting' German edu­cators will be held in Mandel Hall.Music by the Men's Glee Club; theBand, the Mandolin Club and theGirl's Glee Club, address of wel�. G . Icome 111 erman and III English byrepresentatives of the student body,songs by the audience,' 'extempor­aneous remarks by distinguishedguests, and finally the address ofProfessor Eduard Meyer" H istor­ian of the University of", Berlin,.These things wiif make tomorrow' smass meeting !'J. notable one in Uni­versity life. Baron Von Sternberg,the German ambassador will be aguest and is expected to deliver ashort talk. Professor Meyer willspeak in English. The committeeFirst ,Instance of Dress RegulationKnown ill the CollegeWorldThe faculty of Clark Universityhas adopted a uniform costume forthe woine� of 'the ins"i'i"tution. xuwomen boarding on the campus willbe required to wear this costumeat �11 public exercises of the school,, such as Sunday services. A' spec­ial uniform, a dark blue cottonskirt and a white shirtwaist, musthe worn at all the exercises of bac­calaureate week. The school willprovide the uniform at a low cost.During the summer sailor hats,prices not exceeding fifty cents,'Y�11 be part of the required uni­form. This regulation is believedto be the first instance of a univer­sity faculty attempting to prescribe'a -certain costume for women on the.campus.,.G,REAT GATHERING IN HUTCHINSON: ....DR. HARPER ENTERTAINS AT DINNERFestivities of Convocation Week Opened atChicago ClubThe winter convocation exercisesopened on Friday evening with thePresident's dinner at the ,ChicagoClub. About forty-five guests werepresent. President Harper presid­ed as toastmaster; and introduced'Oen. Frederick D. Grant, who re­sponded to the toast, "The Presi-.rdent 'of the United States," Dr.CONTIlfUBD ON PAGB 4, COLUMN 1. George P. Hambrecht,"'03, wonfirst prize in the Yale Law Schoolfor a parliamentary law thesis.Hambrecht graduated, from theUniversity last spring, and enteredthe LawSchool at Yale. He is amember of the Yale Law SchoolSociety, "Boo� and Gavel. i, BACCALAUREATEin charge, with Arthur Bestor aschairman, are today finishing thedetails of the big celebration. Theprogram follows:Music, "Die �acht am Rhein," BandSong, ,. America,', AudienceIntroductory Remarks, the Chairman,Mr. BestorSong, " '93," The Glee Clubs_.Audience join in the chor.usAddress of Welcome (in English]" Leon P. LewisAddress of Welcome (in German}Eduard ProkoschSong, "The Way of the World,"The Men's Glee Club'Response on Behalf of Guests,Professor Eduard MeyerSong, "Estudiantian," Girl's Glee ClubMusic, "Chicago Ideal March,"The Mandolin Club"Alma Mater," Audience will join' insinging. Dr. Emil G. Hirsch of Sinai TempleDelivers Convocation Sermonin MandelDr. Harper Unable to Attend-New OrganUsed for First Time-ManyTurned ,AwayThe convocation religious ser­vices held yesterday morning inMandel assembly hall were themost impressive in the University'shistory. The new pipe organ, al­though not yet fully installed, wasused for the first time, and addedan air of solemnity which has here­t of ore been' lacking in religious'meetings on the campus. The pro­cession of candidates for degrees,members of the faculty and distin­guished guests in cap and gown,special music bythe Sinai tenipleand University choirs, and thebaccalaureate sermon by Dr. EmilG. Hirsch of Sinai temple, werethe' features of, the service.The assembly hall was crowdedto the doors long before II o'clock,the hour set for the service. Thedoors. were then locked in orderthat the city ordinance might becomplied with, and hundreds weredenied admittance.At II 0' clock the long. lines ofstudents and professors in theirdark collegiate robes and brightcolored caps and hoods filed slowlythrough the long Tower - Groupcorridor and down the aisles of thechapel to the seats reserved forthem in front.President Harper did not attend.Professor Harry Pratt Judson,Dean of the Faculties, was presentin his stead.Rabbi Hirsch preached from thetext, "Man shall not live by breadalone, but by every word that pro­ceeds out of the mouth of God shallhe live." He denied the truth ofthe teaching that every question'can be reduced to an equation inbread winning, that every struggleis' but the result of hunger, a "Ma­genfrage" or question of the stom­ache."The struggle of the poor and ofthe capitalists," said Rabbi Hirsch,"is only outwardly for bread. In­wardly it' has become more andmore a struggle for the humanities.The utilities are not ultimate; they.are only means to an end. Menand women of culture and refine­ment must thunder out through theworld that man shall not live bybread alone. There must be hungerfor infellectuality."Speaking of the German scholars, Rabbi Hirsch said:"These messengers are exponentsnot of the new Germany of indus­trial success and power, but of Ger­man ideals, and the spirit of search­ing for more light, deeper informa­tion, greater wisdom. If, there isany lesson in the development ofGerman scholarship, it is that manshall not live by bread alone, butby every word that proceedeth outof the mouth of God."N aughtyseven took the "Sophs"in tow in the annual freshman-soph­omore track meet last Saturdaynight 'in' Bartlett Gymnasium by.the close score of 46 1-3 to 39 2-3.,The "Fresbies" had a sad uphilltussle from the very start to winthe honors and it was only throughremarkable work in the long dist­ance runs and the relay race thatthe meet was won by them. Thesecond year men gained a good leadin the early stages of the contestbut were unable to' hold their ownin the mile and two mile runs whichthe Freshmen swept clean witheighteen points.Lightbody did the best individ­ual work, winning the half mile,besides running a strong race in therelay.Director Stagg is suffering froma rather severe strain to his backwhich he received last Friday after­noon.CH1CAGO, MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1904,"ormerly the University of Chicalo Weekly.I'OUNDmDThe Univeraity_ of Chicago Weekly, Oct. " 1892lu1II DAILY MAROON, - - - - Oct. 1,1902�EWS CONTRIBUTIONS REQUESTED.. Published by the students of the Universit,of Chicaso everf afternoon, except Saturdarand Sunday, dunns the 4' weeks of the Uni­versity year.First board of editors and business managerauthorized by student-body in mass meetingMay,s. 1902.Membership on subsequent boards of editorsto be determined by competition open to allstudenta in �he University. !BOARD 0;1" EDITORSManaging Editor ••••••• Oliver B. W),man, '04News Editor Harry W. Ford, '04Athletic Editor •••••••• Walter L. Grelory, 'OSASSOCIATE EDITORSThaddeus J. Merrill" Law '05Ernest 1. Stevens '0""'Ralph P. �{ulvanc:.. '!»SEdward �1. Kerwin, '06LeRoy A. VanPatten. -'06Edward R. Gannon, '04Riley H. Allen, '04WOMEN EDITORSMiss Lena Harris Miss Helen Smith, '06STAFF OF REPORTERSJohn S. Wright, '05 Arthur B;idgman, 07lames V. Hickey, '06. Claude Schofield. '07',C. McKenna, Rush '05, Bernard 1. nell. '07Cbas A. Bruce, '06Miss Marie Ortmayer, '06BUSINE�S STAFFBusiness Manaler •••••••.••.. Julien L. nrod�Entered as 'second-class mail at Chrcago Post­office.Daily Subscrjptlon, $3 per year; $1 for 3 mos.By Mail in City $4 per year; $1.25 f"r 3 mos.Subscriptions received at THm MAROONOffice, Ellis Hall. or left in THU: MAROONBox, the Faculty Exchange, Cobb Hall.Printed by the Quadrangle Press, 404 E. 55th St.'\ I ���_��A L -='-_"': IChicago will greet the distinguish­ed German visitors tomorrow in theone way that appeals most stronglyto the student-body-a mass meet­ing. The fine educators who arcby this time well known to us willbe accorded a distinctively Ameri­can reception. \Ve want this re­ception to be what it purports tobe-cordial, hearty, appreciative ofthe services which these, men haverendered the common cause of edncation We want to prove, forinstance, that thc Amer ican studentis not wholly taken up by his ownpeculiar acti vities: that he can wel­come in � worthy manner thosewho ar�, striving to answer thepressing educational q uestions ofthe day. 'We wish to give thesegentlemen sucha reception, to joinin such a celebration, that therewill always bea pleasant remem­brance in their hearts of Chicagoand Chicago's men and women.• • •t:I, In the appointment of a Westernman to a place on the Rules Com­mittee, recognition ,ha� at fast beenpublicly made of thehigh . standard of. Director StaggWestern football- -a ,Representsstandard th us ad- the Westmitted to' be com-parable with that' of the 'East Irithe choice of Director.Stagg to fillthis position', Chicago has been hon-ored arid the due respect to ourgreat director paid.For years .sectional feeling be­tween the East and West on' thequestion of comparative foot-ballstandards has run high. The \V�Slhas declared ,that the quality of herfoot-ball was equally good, and theEast h�s scornfully denied the fact. On several occasions strong Easternteams have matched their strengthwith the fittest of the West and•• � 4 • • •.. i I.found worthy opponents. In themajority of cases the advant.a�� ofsuch games has been with the Easttheir teams have played on homegrounds and before sympatheticbleachers. But the West has gladlywelcomed comparison under anycircumstances" and has not sufferedby it.GARGOYLE. TTESNEARLY DONE·Junior: c, How is' your moneyholding out Bill?"Senior: (about to graduate):"Well, to tell the truth, I'm downto my last quarter."• • •THE FUSSERS'S FINISHThe q uarter' s done and the fusserWho has tried with all his mightTo win the love of a maiden,Sits down with a sigh to write:"Three months I have sought towin YOll:--Trying each lovers artAnd all I get fur my trouble's'Three flunks and a broken heart."Tonight Ii 11 be filled withsadnessAs my dean's behest I obey.To pack my clothes in a hurryAnd as hastily steal a way. "COLUMBIA 'UNIVERSITYGRAOU ATE SCHOOLS The Facultiesof Political Science; Philosophy. and Pure Sci­ence! offer a wide runge of courses leading to Utedegrees of A. \'. And Ph. D. Graduatt's of col­leg. s or scientific schools ale admitted withoutexamination.SCHOOL OF LA W Three-yenr course.Candidates for ndmlssion must he graduates ofcollege or scienr ific SCIlLO} or show evidence ofeqaivalent training.SC'I-lOOL ()(4' MEDIC[NK Four-yenrcourse. Candidate!'! 111USt have completed one• year of work iu a college or scieuritic school, ormust pass the stated enlrall�'e exuminattcn.SCHOOl.S OFAPPLIKD SCIENCEAND A HCHlTa.:C'1'UH .. : Four -yearcourses in \1ininR'. "etallurgy. Chemistry. Civil.Eleclrical. and �[l·chnllical. EIlg-illet'I in� andArch itectur (.�rndlllltt:s of coll"gt'H 01 SCIentific-schoots Cl'lI llHIIIlII\' enter these courses with Ad­vauc 11 :HUlhil'lg ••TEA CJ( J.:RS COLI .. fiG": ProfeSS:OI1RI.courses tn 'Education of vn ryi ng lengths. leRdllljtto dq�Tt't:H n nd di plouuis. Sllllil!llls will receivedue credit fOI -work done III other cotteges orschools for the trniuf ng of teachers.For informatiou upply to the secretary ofI..:f,Iu111bin University. New York. X. v.Don't Wait.Buy Now.They are going fast. Only a few leftSilli Ott�rman Opera Hat.Only $5.00 Real Value $1O�OOA. FEILCHENFELO, 81-83 E. Van Burtn St.Pisch�r Building,HARRY S. LESTERPllESCHIPTION PH.·\'R�IACIST.Over six rears at this location andgrowing up with the University.5Gth St. and Klmbark Ave..I IWILCOX & )V1CK(Formerly with 1\1. J. Coffey).... - ..,. ...Fe s htorrab'le TailorsFORFastidious Dressers, ."Goorl {it, style and' quallty" is ourmotto. Our prices are very reason­able. "re invite your, inspection ofour spring patterns.nom! 72, 119 DEAnnORN ST.1&04 EDITION NOW READYSpalding'sOfficialAthleticAlmanac, C" Edited by]. E: Su111van,Sec.-Tress., A. A. U •.The only publication In the country containln&, allauthentic athletic records. This boole contains over200 pll�es of athletic information, and is profuselylllustrat,.d with numerous portraits of leadinl athletes,and athletic teams. Price, 10 centl,A. G. SPALDING &' BROS.Send for illustrated c:ataloe 0 f athletic eooda. 'I r' s 'a 'FDWN'ES'That's all you needto know about a gloveGAR.R I C KTonightWEBER & FIELDSand the all stars in"WIrOOP-DE-DOO" and "CA1·UERINE."Matinees ·Wetlnesday and Saturday.LA SALLB GREAT NORTHERN, To-night.The Royal LILLIPUTIANSPresenting Gulliver's Truvels..Mnts. 'Yed. and Sat., 25 and 5Oc.Next Week-David Harum,II. 1.'. McGuire, Prop.MADISON AVENUE PACKING CO.WHOLESALE: ANDRETAIL MARKE:Ttl309 :Madison .Avenue, Chicago.Phone lIyde Park 1322O. A. T...t.Al\IPF.nTVIOLINISTMember of the Chicago Orchestra.Pupils and engagements accepted,Address: 3433 Wabash Avenue.:\[adi�on, between Clark and La Snlle.Nothing to compnro withBELLE OF NEWPORTGRAND OPERA HOUSERLANCHE BATES in"THE DAULING OF' TIlE GODS,"A Drama of Old .Inpnn.At the Wednesday Matinee. :March'2:l, )lil'l� nates wi1'l nppenr in "Mad­ame Butterfly" and "l\(y Aunt's Ad­\'1(.'(\."Studebaker To-NightTTpnt'y W. Savage offers(;C'ol'ge .Vrle's Witty :\Im;i('al Rath'e�mr..TAN OF SULU:\[u�i(.' by Alfred O. Wnthnll.Cnpnhle cnst and a str-iklng produc­tion of the, original Chicago success.Popular :\Iat. wea., 25c lo $1.Woodla.'VVn5af'e,tyDe po sftCompany449·53"East- 63rd sr.,Near Woodlawn Ave. Will open in its new huilding May 1.Steel Vaults - burglar • nrl firep�oof. No expense has been sP.fir,cdin making this t he strongest andsafest vault in Chicago.Boxes to Rent at$3 an,d UpwardsThe most convenient Safety Vaultfor those engaged at the University,%e,New Spring StylesINn E 7\[ .. 'S HA �Sare Now 'ReadyOUR BRANDS:"l'he M. F. � Co." $4.00(DERBYS AND FEDORAS) ,"The Colbert" $3.00(DERBYS AND FEDORAS)"The Colbert" Silk Hats $6.00"The Colbert" Opera Hats $6.00 �$8.00The Qualities are thoroughlycharacteristic ofthis storeTELEPHONE "PRIVATE EXCHANGE'ONE" ,,RN�NSs,5Oc.:; co.ND,F..,T.go._.Titra,ted.ue,, "Waiting for you."Our Spring Woolensselected especially 'forCollege' Men.Tailor for VOllnlr Men'A. N. jerrems;' Mgr. 129:-181' La Salle St.IIYDB p.aJt Aft» CBICAGO BBACB STADL.'J. '-H. KINTZ," ( •• O'I'I.IIITO.)J�ckson Park 'Stables173 Bait Pifty,S.Tenth StreetTel., Hyde Park 558 ,OBIOA8'To 'keep your 'facein good condi t i o n ,use Williams' ShavingStick.• SECURE'OUR PRICES ON"'ATERNITY .TATIONERV,P'�OQRAMME., "'ENU.�t.;ff V I TAT ION. ,A N DIl"GRAVED CARD ••BROCHON. . . ,0- 34-36 WA.HINGTON ST.E. C. MOOREjflotfst132 East Porty-Nlnth StreetTelephone Oakland I4QS27' East Fifty-Fifth Street.Telephone Hyde Park 38 .Te1epheno Hyde Park ISA. McAdamsi!HB UNIVERSITY FLORISr,GR,J:NHOUSES : CHICAGOc.r",3d It. a.d Khnbark an. 'NEWCOLLAR�Dl.h'�"\ FINIt�'�'T .... ILORING• 1.."INDIV I DU ALITY"r�N C LOT H E S'Not the ordinary kindout clothes with the at­_. tributes which makethem different. : : :'GEO: H. FIEDLER & CO.T H'E HAN D S 0 ME S TESTABLISHMENT ,IN CHICAGO. MUSSBV'S"Dllilard l Halls and Bowling AlleysThe Largest and Finest AmusementResort in the World100 to 108 Malison Streetpranch: 616 Davia st., Evanaton CHICAGO, MO�DA V, M \ 'H"H 21, 1904Fraternity StationeryGalling <PardsInvitations, Programstbt [a.gt SbOtFOR FASTIDIOUS FOLKSDESIGNED BY YOUNG MENFOR YOUNG MEN'S WBAK149 Dearborn StreetTRIBUNE BUILDING, �JORDER THAT. DRESS SUIT NOWYoa will b ... to ba ...If YOQ want to .ntor .. t.collep Ufe, wltb aU ...eoclal .ctlvltie. tb.t ...connected wltb It. : : a ,Our dre ••• ult. are oat.peelaltl' ;: tb., ....auo �t a .... '1u ...... '-11... 'I McDonald & Spann]'B� DearbolD StreelAdam. Ibpreaa Bldg. 4th Ploor------------------------------,TYPEWRITERSONE-HALP-pR:leS .- �Send for our list of special bargains in allmakes of Standard typewriters. Full line ofsupplies, Machines for rent $2 to $3 per month,ItOCKWELL.BARNES CO.267·260 Wabash A ,:e.FLOWERS' AT LOWEST rnrcicsFor all occaslous atLUBLINER & TRI�Z44 E. RANDOLPH STREET.'Tel. l\loin iaor.(Formerty 'l'he Consumers' FlowerStore. )225 Dearborn Street Suite 201-202Telephone 4523 HarrisonBENHAM BROS.FASHIONABLETAILO,RSDANCE P.R06RAMS. fraternity Stationery. invitations. etc., lowest Prices DUNWELL &: FORD. fine Stationers171 WABASH AVE •17!5 DEARBORN ST.CHICAGO.A T yplr,al College Manis at once recognized by the, distinctand .faultless cut. of �is clothesWe are Tailors for. C'ollege 'Men·; • : ", ':'. . I• NEWHOUSESColonial, Gothic and ModernArchltectureGreenwood AvenueBetween 52nd and 5Urd StreetsVERYEASYTERMSThe best arranged houses in the city. 'Allrooms have outside light. Thi .. -s the first •time in Chicago's history that residences ofthis high order and situated in the most ex-clusive residence district of the South Sideha ve been offered on such easy terms.Prices, $7.500 to $8,000LOCATION:Greenwood Avenue, hetween 52rid and 53ra-­Streets, the highest point of land on theSouth Side. Houses open for inspectionevery day. - - - . 'BRANCH OFFICE:Northwest Comer Plfty-second and Ellis Av ..Sixth Floor, Masonic Temple.'cer THE BEST$2 AMES HATS $3Established .8,3161·.63 B. Madison Street near La Salle 'IS04 Dearborn StEarly Spring Hats, Canes, Glovesand Umbrellas l�stnblished 1870. Incorporated 1888.The Credi: 'G,u/t:/e'� Co,7th Floor, Fort Dearborn Bldg.13-1 MONROE STREET;Chicago.Commercial Reports. Collections.Nearest . Drug Store to the r�niversity.KRIZAN & :SCHWEITZERTelephone Hyde Park . . 1854CORNER FIFTY-iEVENTH STREET AND KIMBARK AVENUB')"Caps and Gowns.For ...CommencementR E N TED AND�1ADE '(0 ORDERT b e W. C,, K ERN c '0 •411 E. 51th St.,A,"'''''From,,'HOID8,'.:.•• ",I.away (tom tbe tender, lolloltoua ;.oar.of Motber-at. .obool�.tQdylng ,bard,exerolslng barder, aooldent. �lll.ome­times bappen. 'lt'at. bome .. motberwould use Pond's Extraot-lhlDldfami/ydDCID,....,.and tbe pain would soon vanlsb :-tbe 'Injury soon beal. ,F,:»r over 60,.years motber.' haTe eased :paina .andbealed wounds, burn. and, brullel witb tPond'. Extract and bave never i)een 'dlsappoln ted In It. Ther. il no remedy iwblob will take Ita praoe-no .1.&,11.'"", •. !i���§i Keep. bottle bandy (orqulok n.e., ',SOOtbe. and ,:� fre.ben., the (aoe aRer :sbavlnc. Wa t.ered IWlt.cb Hazel,a weak.sol utlon- some.t.lmes �offered,' In' "placd ofPond'. Extraot-bas nomed 10 I nal, .value-I. :posltlvelywortbleu'iPond'. Ext.ract OURES, Ithere!,)re I, prloelesl.Sold �,,'si in .ealed boC;tie. under bW)' wrapp""ACCEPT- NO SUBSTITUTE.LIBBY'SNatural FlavorFood Products-'are U. S. Governmentlnapeoted. Tbewboleoom.r�S�:e�,�:�Y��ro� (���:�:�Jf�:o: r�!b�n��ke)·.o' tmin" cans, A Ruppl,. OD )'our paDtl')' abel"811:�g�tl::�: ��Rt�::.��a�lIh:t lrt��': �k�':,�a��Milke Good Thinll" to Eat," tl,lI. all about tbem­IIlmt free. Lihby's Atlaa of tbe .World. mailedfree for 10 centa poatage, '. LIBBY,"McNEILL 6( LIBBV, CHICAaO�I ,�.:;::-.�=---r;cr:.?''';-;::::_::::'''=�'� •.. :==_..:: :"-'��=';.--==��--': --,.--._ .._., ,II III II I CONTINt1ED FROM PAGE 1, COLUMN 3. CHICAGO, MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1904Tuesday, March 22-Student celebration, Leon Man­del Hall, 10:45 a. m. Addressesin German and 'English. Musicby University Student Organiza­tions.The matutinal for candidates forhigher degrees, President's house,12:30 p. m.GE'M,S .OF ". �iftieth University Convocation,Leon Mandel Hall,. 3, p. m.�� !.ta;n'l:g·'I� Subscription Dinner -in bonor ofnf the most HntraJlclng our 'German guests, Auditorium,Photvne Pictures evershown in 'one publica- 7:00·p, m.tlon, The A r 1 I 8 t ' 8Dseam Rea Ized, Sir.. . Wednesday, March 23'1 QuarterlyBook 6lt9 lnehe,. all Th d Mfull page plctnre», Sent urs ay, arch 24 ' exarnina-rXJS;!:/oJr 25c, ,, 'Friday, March 25 ,nations.',TBB WHITE OITY t' Friday, March 25, winter quar-ART'bTORB· •330 Dearborn st. ter ends,Sen'd �c����!!!; Illus. March 2H-31- Spring recess.tratlons of uptodate April I-Spring quarter, begins.catchy picture., mwf 1m Sunday, March 27-- '-----------�-----------------8:00 a. m., Corporate communion,University chapter,'Brotherhood ofSt. Andrew, Low celebration,Church of tbe Redeemer.DR. HARPER ENTERTAINS AT DINNERW alther Wever the German Consul,with the toast C "The Emperor ofGermany," :f'rof. J. LaurenceLaughlin, who made an address ofC C Welcome on Behalf of the Uni­versity" and William Vocke, whogave the C 'Welcome on Behalf ofthe German Citizens- of Chicago."Brief, addresses' were made by theGerma� scholars, Professors Del­bruck, Kohler 1 Hermann, Ehrltckand Meyer.CIALlFORNIAIf you are going, by all meansmake the-trip over the SantaFe trail ...:. most delightful ofall transcontinental routes.On the Santa Fe"going to cal­ifornia, ate peaks miles high,and canyons a mile deep". rainbow-colored petrified for­ests, ages, old; nomadic Nova­jos and home-loving PuebloIndians; :painted deserts andoases of tropical verdure, seen,on no ot1\�r line. .,Our illmitrated boo k I 'e t , 'mailed free, will help you t6rightly plan a California tour.; Address'1SA(N:TA" FEJ.N.Connell. Gen_ra.l .A1_nt,'109 Ada�s St:', ..... Cblcale:. m:w.f_'�- -8-Ui'·OHA.S • .A.. LA.WRENOI�,· ,Manager and Director.L AWftENGE ORGHESTRAsereer �ustc"rOt allSelect· � c cas ton sIII 0 U t Pat, ton agerespecUulh2 aettctteoResidence5745 Rosalie Court'Tel. Hyde P�rk 1467. OHIOAUO\Quick Service Oeo. o. Marlatt, 1111'.ANHEUSER &: NEIL - ,Restaurant. � .191 BAST SIXTY -THIRD ST."tic .Marquette.. '.. BlilldlngI I I : Men's , ":: � ,t ...... �. ; . J :'7r �..� Dearborn Street, I,Ii I. ! ,�;! I pffE.sfOENl8PJ.R'JI�.rS ;:work la perfect harmon), wlththe wearer'. every movemeDJ.. Com,fort. Sty.e and Sen'ic:e "ABSOLUTELYGUARANTEED, �, !J)..�.'\'Trlmmtng. cannot rude"rrtoe 1500 and ,1.00, an), store or tDall, �TaB C. A. EDGARTON MFG, co.,.'JioJt.898 8Idrlqi..... �.!• A;' •• omcA.QO ' I" ... N.� .. T ICE S " "jStudents and facult, met1Jber. are requestedto lend all noticee to ,Tbt Daily Maroon forpublication free of cbarlre. Notices must beleft at The Maroon office or Faculty Exchangebefore 11 A. M.Student. are urgently requd8te�to settle up thebe �'1.f,bscriptt,on �c­count before the nut of tl .. is quarter!Wm. H; Sage, & cs, rellable dru"i�tacorner Woodlawn Avenue and ,(,'ifty-tlftlistreet. Sole agent in Hyde Park for t»;Carl Koch's New Discovery, for the cureof Consumption,· Ooughs; Ooids, and alldlseasea of the 'l'hroe.t, Ohest .and Lungs.Guaranteed to cure or mo'ney refunded.Price, 50 cents, 'Trial size 10 cents.If you want' a POSition to teach, callon or write to Jamed F. McCullough,. '639 Fine Arts Building, OhlcaJo.A rare oPPGrtunity-A $10.00 Im­ported Utterman OPera' Hat for $5.00AH'l'UUR FEILCHENFELD�'81 E. 'Van Buren, St.,, rlsh�r Bldg.A premium of five cents will be ,offeredfor the following issues, of 'the ,Dailyl\Ifll'oon if delivered at the office, :>8th,Street and Ellis Avenue,«, ' 'January 8, 21; Februar.y 4, lU04.,IMPORTANT NOTICE TO SENIO}lSAll Seniors are requested to call at1\Iartyn's Maroon Studio, 5705 OottageGrove Avef., andi have their picturestaken free for publication in the '04Cap �nd Gown.Manuscripts, letters" etc., typewrittenat 555:2 Lexington Avenue.MIS� GOODFELLOW. IThe University Pharmacy carrlelll atcomplete line of cold weather remedies. �500 Fifty-fifth street.Have your Spring and Summer gar­ments 'put in good condition now 'andbe rendy for' Easter with n nlce ap­poarance.F Al\IOUS TAILORING CO.,840 E. 55th· Street.Phone Hyde Park 5700.bJJ CIu'&ap Sloe", Exclla"l" Bu,·ld,."l'Wallu'"poll tJ"d LtJSall. SII.A. 7. CORNE�LMerchantTailorPRESCRlPTIONSRELIABLE PHARMACYROSALIE PHARMAGY .'J,"J. GILL, OIIImllt" PIIir.cM 'Phono Hrclo M 175 274 E. 57tb St. .... W .... An.. SECURI:TYSteel f/aults Electric Lined(tentralb,,�e �ark $afet)illlaultsFifty-Fifth St. and Wasbing.ton Ave..It bsoiut« Security. Boxes $".00 per Year.Burglar Proof. Fire Proof.w. K. YOUNG ill ��Q�Phone lIyde Park 997Established 1878. Incorporated 1902. L. "MANASSE, OPTICIAN88 MadISon St., T�lbun. Buhdln�Spectacl •• aD4 B7ecla .... Sci.ntUlcally A4juetetEyes Tested Free 'Eve�11lI ()Pdca.MatliematicaftMet.-eolo,ical.aadfor the Lintemllt.Kodat., cam.raea.4 SauU •••A. ,A. D E V 0 R E & SON'TAILOHSPullman BuildingW(' make a specialty of high gradeDressSuits for -young men. BORDEN'SCONDENSED MILK, FLUID MILK,,CREAM AND BUTTERMILKALL, 8.0'rTLED IN THE COUNTRYBORDEN'S CONDENSED ,MILK CO.821-833 E. 'ORTY-SEVENTH ST.'WHY use poor, unwholelomemilk,wheafor the same money you r�n ret hPure, Sweet, and Bxtraordl.; .arlly Ricb. delivered in sealed oottles •. by �al1iD' u,Telephone South 817, or droppinr a postal t.SIDNEY WANZER & SONSa05 Thirtieth st. E. BURNHAM, tl A I R, GOO DoS.,., ElectrolysisRRcial MRssage, Manicuring; Ladies' HairDressing and l\1aulcuring, Ladies' Turkish andRussian Isaths, 70 and 72 State, s�., Chicago.O'MEARA BROTHERSII HOME BAKERY(Phone 16t6. HydePark.)All Ooods Str ctly Home-MadeOn.,. taken for Ice Cream and Ices. Goods delivereda78 But Pitt)'· bet reet.It You W ant : Money ! � ���!!.!!�... ••• Watchel, Jeweby, _ad Alatlq� for .. leI' Old Gold ad Snyer Bou8h1 .' •Standard Egg •Washed Range 15.00 per ton Wasbed Chestnut • 14.50 pet1toD15.00 per ton Washed Pea _. 14.�5 per tOIlw. T. DBLIIUKT M. e, O'DONl'fBLL ALBERT TBBOPrelidOllt secretary Treasurer,Standard Washed Coal Company i.303 Dearborn Stree�STANDARD WASHED COAL FOR D()M'ESTIC USETHE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE and.�!I� STORAGE COMPANY ,CF • � 'Pbone, Hyde ParkS7. KIMBARK AVE. and PIPTY-.5IXTH ST.� The Cleanest and Best Kept Stora&e111_JIImmlir.,. Warehouse In the City • • •a'nIJ1[�' Fumhure and Pianos Moved, Stored, Packed and Shipped to all parts.'�lilt .llll\¥ ��a:::.ld. R!:=sP:�;���::r:�e �::::.. �:;:: P;!o� ���!�:,�� BU�iies, and Sleiihs. TRUNKS TO AND FROM ALL DEPOT�.Local trustcn!or BlI2iaee. Fumllwe. Packaeel, etc., at Ihort notice.- I .w- Spectal Attention Gt�en to Ullinrllty Or4el'lrIII