(ClANnil''Adjustetted FreeleOptlca)tical'fial,and.antemllt.CameralpU",[ILK,KV'TRYCo.,()DSClI' Hairdsh andhicago.[ANIII It.�orheentId'e'ersUs.Id'sre­Its,re_na·rto.'terlaslated.lei,ne­icelas-IsS8.ES'ss.waf'd�r. The; Daily Ma:roo"nPubUshed Afternoons by the Students of the UDlveraitr of Chicago DUMe the Four Quarters of the University TearA'�i: S�aig"f' .,VOL. II. No. 109. CHICAGO. T,HUJ�I.u�,:t'A" �I:!�!�,: .. �� i, 1904 PRICE Two CENTSUN D E RON E B 0 AiR D NOTED BOTANIST TO COME FRESHMAN - SOPHOMORE MEET CONVOCATION AT HANDAll State 'Educational Institutions of" . �rof�ssor Hugo Devries of AmsterdamI " M' b M d b Will Address Students Next Summerowa ay e anage y and Investigate the Botanical GardenCentral Power Four distinguished foreignersHarvard Charges, Students Fe� of Four have been engaged by the Exten-Do�lars to Maintain Inflr- sion Department to deliver a seriesof lectures at the University during, the coming SUlllmer.Professor Hugo Devries, directoror" Botanical Gardens' Amsterdam.well-known through his new theo­ry on the origin of species, willdeliver five le�tures on "The Muta­tion Theory .and the Origin ofSpecies." It is to test and studythis theory of Devries' that theUniversity will start a botanicalgarden this spring, The othernoted .men are Professor JohnMahaffy, University of Dublin, lec­turer on Political Science; ProfessorHerbert H. Turner, Oxford Uni-', versity, lecturer on Astronomy;Professor Engen Philoppovich, Un­iversity of Vienna, lecturer onPolitical Economy. These fourhave accepted, the University's in­vitation'. Others have been invitedbut no word from them has beenNone but Members will Enjoy Club Privil­eges This Spring.During the ,�pring , q uarter adoor-keeper in unifornr wfil"ne sta-:tioned in the Reynolds Club andall members will be compelled toshow their tickets upon entering.,This was decided upon yesterday'at the meeting of the executivecouncil of the Club 'on account of'the numerous complaints made bymembers of the Club., During the past few weeks manyhigh school studen ts and others notmembers of the Club hav� been us­ing .the bowling alleys and the pooland billiard tables, and membersof the Club have frequently beencompelled to wait for these non-members to finish their games be­LaWs Choose,Men for, Christian. ,Union andAthlet��, Boards fore being able to play themselves.The patronage of the barber-shop.: ..1\f11i� '�ho�tts. of approval, from will also be confined to 'membershis adherents .and Gries of-fraud on of the Club by the new rule.the' .part .. .of . opposition. , John, C.Witt was this morning chosen law A guest book will be kept andschool representative on the board each member will be required toof-the Christian Union. register his guests when bringing�j;he balloting aroused more ex: them into the Club and will be re­citernent than the recent mock re- sponsible for them.publican convention. Witt won by Club stationary with an appro­three .votes, while Ross and Meek' priate engraved heading will be pro­tied:', Wit,t was, too weighty to vided next quarter and will be keptcarry' to the platform but he stood on hand in the Club.on a chair- and assured the meeting' The question of having a Clubhe w:ould ,do his best ;n his' office .. : but,ton was also' brought up yester­The tie -vote between Meek and day but was deferred to a laterR;oss threatened to keep. the con: m'eeting. It's final settlement willvention in session all day. When be left to the members of the Club.fJur ballots had 'resulted in' a tie,David Rosenthal proposed the can­d�dates shake dice for secotid, ,place.J imJl�y Sheldon' 'said they oughtto cut for it.Chairman Jayne called for a newballot and declared Meek elected.When interviewed/h�'�ould notdeny the rumor that he had cut anace. Edward R. Ferris was electedrepresentative on the· Board of Phy­sical Culture and Athletics.mary ,It is possible that the Universityof Iowa, will become a part of agreat state educational system.The educational- committee of theIowa legislature is considering aplan to bring all the state, institu­tions under one 'board of control.It is argued that this will result ina unified system as well as central­izing powers that have always beenscattered among different boards ofregents or trustees or directors allover the state. James G: Berry-:hill -is the originator of this idea.He is an alumnus of the Universityof Iowa and 'a prominent busine ssman. He' advocates the. formingof an educational board of three orfive men', '�ith, power of' general,,oversight and specific powers of 'recommending, money appropria­tions, 'and in general looking afterthe business, end of the institutions. 'Harvard University has iuaugurated a new plan of maintaining theuniversity hospital, Stillman In­firrnary. Beginning next year,.every incoming student will becharged a fee of four dollars. Onthe order of a physician, -auy istud-"ent in case of sickness will be en­titled to a bed 'in ,the infirmary,board and ordinary nursing at nofurther expense. Unmarried mem­bers of the 'faculty will' be 'allowedthesame privilege.The isolation ward is now underconstruction-and when.this. is' fin­ished those; having contagious-dis­eases will be 'received as in the case'of other patients, Medical attend­ance will not be included in, hospi­.tal services unless paid for extra.WITT AND ':FERRISS EJ;.;ECTED received as yet,CLUB WILL lfAVE A DOOR KEEPERThe law school council yesterdaypassed a resolution recommendingthat the students ,who graduatefrom the law school at the close ofthe summer 'quarter be classed withthose who graduate in June. Pro­fessor Hall is known to favor therecommendation, and it is verylikely that it will be adopted by thelaw faculty. Annual Class Affair to 'be Held in Con­nection with Hi�h School Finals-Sopho­mores Should'Win by Score of 44 to 42The annual Freshman-Sopho-more indoor meet will be held Sat­urday night in connection with thefinals for the high schools. Thetwo class teams have been traininghard and should, furnish an excel­jent. contest, At present and O.l!_paper the sophomores seem to havethe better. of the argument. In the, dashes Bobby Maxwell is the darkhorse and may upset calculationsby winning. Bobby is a little over,weight for a sprinter but is traininghard to get' into' condition. Parryis another of the heavy weightswho will compete in a new event.He is entered in the high jump andcan do better than 5 feet a inches.The outcome of the meet figuredon a basis of the previous perform­ances of the competitors gives themeet to the sophomores by a score, of 44 to 42. In the dash Eckersallshould win, with the' remainingpoints to the sophomores. In thehurdles Catlin and 'Kelly shouldwin first and second places, andAbbot '07 third. Taylor '06 shouldwin first and LIghtbody '07 secondin the 880 yard run, with Parkin-'son 'Of) third.' Taylor '06 shouldwin. the 440, with Jayne and Briggs'07 secor{d and third: Lightbody: '07 and Lyon '07, should win firstand second in the mile and twomile, with third place in bothevents to the sophomores. Clark'07 should win the pole vaultwithMefford '06 second and third place'undecided. Carroll' 06 should winthe high jump with, Brown secondand Parry third. The sophomoressh�uld win' all, three places in the 'shot put. Th� relay race 1S doubt­ful with 'the odds in favor of thefreshmen.The events are as follows:Fifty-yard, dnsh-:-'OO, Andrews, Kelly,:\Inxweil, Catlin, Taylor, Horovitz; '07,Eckersall, Briggs, Mabin, Lightbody.Fifty yards high hurd,les-'OG, Catlin,Kelly, Kerwi n, ,N owel.s,. Ki lgore ; '07,: ,Abbot, Brown, Briggs, Mabln;Foul' hu�dred and forty yards run­'00, Parkinson, Kelly, Andrews, 'Yood-. .,worth, Taylor, Horovitz, Hitchcock; '07".Iayne, Poole" Pegius, Mabin, Brig&;s.·Eight hundred and eighty yards run-'00, Fuessle, Mendelsohn, Woodwoi-th,Parkinson, l\IefIord, Ta,ylo�,' Kerwin,Rosecrans, Hitchcock; '07, Pettit,Loose, Poole, Lightbody.,One mile run - 'OG, �losenc1'unz,WOodworth" Kerwin, Fuessle, Parkin­son; . '07, Lyons, Hirshl, Wilder, Light­body.Two mile' run - '00, Rosencranz,,ybodworth, Parkinson, l!'uessle, Ker­win; '07" Matthews; Drummond, - Light:. body.Pole vault....:...'OO, Kelly, :MefIord, Ker­win, Parkinson, Now�s; '07, �lark,Green.Shot put-'06, Maxwell, Gale, 'Parry,Catlin; '07, Clark.High jump';,-.'OO, Carroll, Parry, Ke1'­,win, Taylor, Keily, Andrews, Nowels,Parkinson; '07, 'Brown, Briggs, Mabin.Relay race--'OO, Kelly, Andrews,'Tay­lor, l\Iefford, Parkinson, ,Catlin, Hitch­cock, Horovitz, Beebe; '07, Eckersnll,Abbott, Poole, Briggs, Jayne, ,Mabin,Perguis, Lightbody. Exercises Begin Tomorrow EveningWith President's Dinner' atthe Chicago ClubDinner at' Commons Saturday for Facultyand Students-Religious, Services'Sunday ·in Mandel Hall1The winter convocation exerciseswill begin tomorrow evening at 7,p ... Dl_.,� 'with.. the. President's. dinner,to official guests at the ChicagoClub. On Saturday, at 6 p. m.,the university dinner to 'officialguests will be given in HutchinsonHall, for which members, of thefaculty and students may securetickets, fifty cents each, at the In­formati�n Office or at the Commons:At 8 p. m., the convocation recep­tion, invitation only, will be givenin the Reynolds clubhouse.On Sunday, at 10:15 a. m., theconvocation prayer service will be.held in Hutchinson Hall, and at 1�a. 111. the convocation religiousservice will be .held in the LeonMandel hall. The convocation ser­mon' will be preached by theRev.'Professor Emil Y. Hirsch. The. Sinai Temple' choir will sing. Atalp. m, a Festversammlung, are.union of the alumni of .the Cerman .universities living in Chicago, willbe held in the Auditorium. Ad­miSSion will be by ticket. ..'The .Ui .. iversity has invited col­leges and societies to send represen­tatives to this convocation: Thesespecial guests are as follows:President- Clifford' "V. Barnes, Illinois,College ; President S. B. McCormick,Coe College; President W. F. King� Cor­nell College; President Howard Ayres,University of Cin.cinnati; PresidentCharles '1'. Howe, 'Case School 'of Ap­plied Science;, President Guy PotterBenton, Miami University : PresidentGeorge Scott, Otterbein Unlversltv:President Edward D. Eaton, Beloit CoI�lege; President Henry G. "Teston, Oro­zer Theological Sem.; President J. ItHeOI'ge, .Ohicago Theologicnl Semlnary :President Joseph V. 1\:La vck, HillsdaleOollege ; Professor Henry St. George'u'ucker, Columbian Univ. Law School;Professor James T. Hatfield, Nortliwest­ern University; Professor Louis Oetes­ten 1\Ionin, Armour Institute; ProfessorH. C. Mullenix, Wheaton College; Pro­fessor Stanley Coulter, Purdue Univers­ity; Hon. William Haynes, Notre DameUnlvarsity ; Professor John F. Downey,University of Minnesota; Professor W.'W. Puyne,' Carleton College; ProfessorSHmuel B�lI Platner, Western ReserveUniversity; Professor Julius A. Bevel',Obe-rlin College; Professor RichardIIochdofer, Wittenberg College; Profes­sor 1\1. D. Harris, Lawrence University:Pofessor Charles N. Gregory,' StateUniv. of Iowa Law School;' ProfessorWillium S. Pattie, Univ. of M,inesota'j.JfiW School; Professor Frederic Ca�p­bell V{oodwnrd, Nortlnveflwrn Univ.Law School; Professor lIowll,l'd L�;'Smith, Univ. of Wisconsin I.uw School; ,Profl1lsor Howard N. Ogden� :IJ1inoisCollege of Law; Professor Sigmun�Zei�ler, John Marshall Law School; Pro­fessor George P. Dreyer, College of'Physicialls and Sur�.; Dr. Joseph Stolz,H�l)l-e� Union College; ProfessorCharles J. Litt'le, Garrett Biblical In­stitute, Henry, J. Furber, Jr., Chicago. Acq.deqly ,of �Scien�e; Uussel.l ,Whitman,.,ChicUgo �BRJ.· "Asso<;!ip.tiol); Eug,ene. ,ill);Pl'us�ing" Chicago, Lnw Clu�; Dr!" Kalil,Doepfner, Deuttsch·l\I�iciDische Gesel­lschnft; Professor Maurice nloo�fielcl,Johns Hopkins University; ProfessorIsaac B. Burgess, Brown University;James H.ar�ey Peirce, Cornell Univers­ity.CHICAG<;>, THURSDAV, MARCH 17,' 1904-.....Majors and Minors' �ARRICK.\the lDatl� t1Qaroon Geo. O. Marlatt .......Quick Service" ,ANHEUSER & NEILRestaarantTonightFrederick Warde lectured thisafternoon at 4 o'clock in KentTheater on "Shakespeare and HisPlays IIThe picture of the varsity basket­ball team will be taken tomorrowat 1:00 o'clo�k ai M�rty�'s, Cot­tage Grove avenue, just south of"Fifty-seventh street.i' "A farewell meeting of the Stud­ent Volunteer Band -was.held lastevening at "the home' 'of MissEleanor Whipple "for two of itsmembers/who leave this quarter.Miss Mary, Virginia Gamer, .whoreceives "her"master' s' degree.' at the,: cp�ing"c��yocation, will ego beforefall to her work at Kabe, Japan.Miss CeliaA. Wood goes to Wilkes­barre, P"a;, toengage in Y. M�"C. A.work, preparatory to work abroad,Five other members of the bandexpect to be on the field �e�ore theyear closes.Formerly the University of Chicaio Weekly.I'OtJNDBDThe Universitt of Chicaio WeekI,. Oct. I, 1892TUB DAILY l\4AROON. • • • • Oct. 1,1902: i Ij.i'llI�,• ' '!I' Ir 1 WEBER & FIELDSand the all stnrs in"Wnoor-nn-noo" and "CA.'l'lIEntNE."l\[ntine�s; Wetlnesdny ann Saturday. 391 BAST SIXTY-'l'mRD ST • OBlO�OONEWS CONTRIBUTIONS REQUESTED.Published b, the' students of the Universityof Cbicaio everf afternoon, except Saturdarand .Sunday, dunng the 46 weeks of the Unl­verslty year.First board of- editors and business managerauthorized by student-body in mall meetmgMay 15, 1902.Membenhip on subeequent boards of editorsto be determined by competition open to allstudents in the University. WILCOX & WICKSAl_.;LBLA;, 'j(Formerly with M. J. Coffey)Mndlson, between Clark and La Sulle,Nothing to compare withBELLm OlJ" NEWPORT Fa"shionable TailorsFOR.Fastidious Dressers"Good fit, style and quality" is ourmotto. Our prices are very reason­able. We invite your inspection ofour spring patterns. 'ROOM 72,' 119 DEAhBO� ST.BOARD OF EDITORSManaging Editor ••••••• Oliver B. WIman, '04News Editor •••••• _ •••••• Harry W. Ford, '04Athletic ,Editor ••• __ •• _ Walter L Gregory, 'esASSOCIATE EDITORSThaddeus J. Merrill, Law '05 rErnest J. Stevenst:o","Ralph P. M.ulvane 'OJ' .Edward M. Kerwin, '06LeRoy A. VanPatten, '06 ,, Edward R. Gannon, '04 'Riley H. Allen. '04WOMEN EDITORSMilS Lena Harris Miss Helen Smith, '06STAFF OF REPORTERSJohn S. Wright, 'oS Arthur Bridgman, 07lames V. Hickey, '06 Claude Schofield, '07C. McKenna, Rush '05 Bernard' I. Bell, '07Chaa A. Bruce, '06 " r.Miss Marie Ortmayer, '06 GREAT NORTHERNTo-night.. The Royal LILUPUTIANSPresenting Gulliver's 'I'ruvela.Mats. 'red. and Sat., 25 nnd 5Oc.Next Week-Dnvid Harum.i ! IiltD:MONROE,R.esta.urant t'iJ CafeA. PRENTICE, Proprietor299 55th St., Near Monroe Ave.Commutation' Tickets, $3.50 for $3.00.GRAND OPERA HOUSEBLANCHE' Bl�'.tES in"TIm DARLING OF THE GODS,"A Drnmn of Olrl .T npnn.At the 'Vc<1nesdny Matinee, Murch23, Miss Rates wil1 appenr in "Mad-11I11C' Huttorfly" n nd "My Annt's Ad­vice.""ITel"BUSINESS STAFFBUlinesl Manaier. _ •• _ •• •• Julien L. Brod� 'IKIMBALL BALL243 Wabash Avo.i£ I\oor S�c!L�S'Original Ideas andExclusive Styles inPhotographsStudt: baker SpeciaRatestoU.ofC.Students'To-NightDAILY PAPERS' ANi> MAGAZINES.Entered as second-class mail at Chicago Post-'office. Tlonrv W. Savage offers(-:poI'�c .. ' de's 'Vitty, Muaicnl Rntire" 8U1l.rAN OIP SUT.. U�rn!'lie hy Alfred G. W,llthnll.Capable cnst nnrl n strtklng' produc­tion of the orlglnnl Chicngo success,Popular Mnt. Wed" 2t"ic to �1.NORTON takes subscri, tions for both andhas them delivered at your �o,or ,.Oaily_ Subscrjption, $3 per year; $r for 3 mos.By Mail in City $4 per year; $r.25 for 3 mos.SubscriJ)tions received at THE MAROONOffice, Ellis Han, or left in THE MAROONBox, the Faculty Exchange, Cobb Hall. Phone, 116 Hyde Park 348 51th Sreet-•Printed by the Quadrangle Press,404 E. 55th St. Established 1870. Incorporated 1888,TURKISH �! RUSSIAN 75c� Pl��� o��!�N�35CSA8"�T��"A 5HHOoiEL 161 DEARBORN ST.Tbe' ,Credit . Guide Co ..iii .IiI.tiI E D I T () R. I A L".5 .til .til .til H .. '1'. McGuire, ;PI'Op.7th Floor, Fort Dearborn mdg.134 MONROE STREET. Chicago. '"'Commercial Re�)()l;ts. Collections:mwf 'The annual contest of the N orth­ern Oratorical League," for whichChicago's representative, ThomasJ - Meek, was selected yester­day, takes place this year at AnnArborIn the first week of May.The league is made up of Oberlin,Michigan,· Wisconsin; Iowa; "Min­nesota, Northwestern and Chicago. 'Its annual meeting is the most im­portant event in inter-collegiateoratory of the year, arid as the bestorators of the universities are rep­resented, its outcome is awaitedwith interest throughout the cen­tral West. ,: :\[ATHSON AVgNUR PACKIXO' CO.,WlIOLESALL ANDRETAIL MARKLT, "H ,RRY S. r ES fERPHoNa-O'FFlca-Hyde Park 1788DR. RALPH W. PARKERDR. FRED W. PARKERDENTISTSPRESCRIPTLON PHARMACIST.�. I' •• ' ...f.Over six: years ::a1" "this" Ioeatlon - -nnd (1301) "Madison Avenue, Chicago.g)'owinf up with the Uulversltv., I. * �%:me' Hy'Ue' Park 1322.o5th� S�-.::tJ..Q.do�I\iPll>.ru:J.\; .. ,:A1.�'::.�,�.,:,:'�,:; _ t:. " " tHours I 8 ;'30 to u.I ("00 to '5. 62 �9 Kimbark Avenue/Ii. lj -, Cf1", Sixty·tlu',.d SI.Tel,LOSER & uANSON�-'TAILORS·Cues-of,:GQOdi,�"'Quality1 nexpensiveYou can have' a fine private BUtiard Cue at from.SOc to $5.00Send. for Price ListI .THE B�Y�$��CK ';S�LKE :"_�_�,:",:.� ,,�oung America LaundryCOLLENDER Co, -_,._" DENTIST369-E 63g STREET·, TELEPHONE ""de I)ark II ytlHow To Be Excused Good Friday.All Roman Catholics or Episco­palians, except members of theBrownson Club or of the Brother­hood of St. Andrew, who desire tobe excused from attendance onGood Friday, April 1, must notifytheir respective deans of such desirebefore the vacation. 17e5 DEARBORN ST.CHICAGO. 'A" T ypir,al (JolI�ge Manis at once recognized by the distinctand faultless cut of his clothesSTUDENTS'LAUNDRRY263 Wabash Avenue, C��cago We are Tailors forCollege Men •••••Tel. Hy�e Park 1252 5416 Lake Ave.F _ S. YOUNG. ProprietorPRO�'. SiIULTZ'SDa n c in g Assembly 600000000600000000000000000. . "0 ,," 0Calumet Hall A EGYPTIAN D' EITIES ....G8d. see an,' Jackson Park AV'. Y V'[Formerly Stony Island Av.]_ ,t._ r: !Every � ',MQnday_ .. :-·Ev-eni�g. X No better Turkish Cigar�tte can be ma.de. 0""Write.f�r"{:'ompliIi1et?-tary Tickets"" S T 'D A WFor Yourself and Friends. . . . . 0 � TIP 0PRIVATE LESSONS BY, J.PPOINTMENT 0 0o Cork Tip Pla.in ,0o 0OOO�OOOOOOOOO�OOOOOOOOOOOOOFreshman Class Meeting.A meeting of the Freshman Classwill be held on Friday morning at10:30, in Kent Theatre, to arouseenthusiasm for the Freehmeu-Sopa-­omore track 111�et Mr. Stagg willspeak..,'j:,.,Basketball TonightBasketball between Coach Child'smen and the Pontiac High Schoolboys, will be- the bill in the gymtonight at 8 o'clock. The Pontiacteam arrived at 2:30 this afternoon. OFFICE AND STUDIOSOl W.' SIX·.('Y-THIRD ST.YOUR NEXT TRIP 'EASTSHOULD BIDVIAthe Lake :Erie and.W estern Railroad BASl:BAL·'L,-:COLLEGENotice.The .University Physician's officehas been moved into 1 A Cobb HallStudents are entitled to gratui­tous office consultations from 11 :30to 12:30 daily, except Monday andSaturd�y. and all other college sport is fully coveeed in text andillustration by THE ILLUSTRATED SPOlt.TING NEWS, 'which is the ONLY publication giving special attentionto college subjects.UNION SERVIOE �OONNEOTIO.NS,FINE SERVIOE.CAFE AND PARLOit CARS. SEND US ONE, DOLLAR.'I,Il'il'I,I:1'r and we will send you the ILLUSTRATED SPORTINGNEWS each week for 16 weeks, which will eovey thespri1tg season of outdoor sport. Address,TH� ILLUSTRATED SPORTING NEWS, 7 West Twenty-Second St., New YorkA8k for tickets that wall. JG. J. GRAILIER, General' Traffic Manag­er, Cleveland. H. "J. "RHEIN, "Gen'f P8.B�·"., ., .senger Agent, Indianapolls, Indo'Stu,unts are 'Urgently 1'eqU8Htedto settle up tlad1' st,bscrlpUorf, ac­count bt/ore the end 01 this qua1'te1'CHICAGO, THURSDAY. MARCH 17, 190.you." I;" Waiting forOur Spring Woolensselected especially forCollege Men.Tailor for Young MenA. N. jerrems, Mgr. 129-181 La Salle St.ITDB PAR AND .... CHiCAGO-BEACH STABLESJ. H�,I{INTZ(PaOPRII&TO.)[ackson Park, Stables273 Bast Fifty-Seventh StreetTel.,HydePar� 552' CHICAQITo keep your facein good C c o n d i t ion,use Williams' ShavingStick._______________ L--eS'Ec'URE OUR PRICES ON'FRATERNITY STATIONERY, 'p,ROGRAMMES, MENU.,kl'j V I TAT ION 8 ANDI.NGRAVED CARDa.,BROe.HON4.- -34-36 WA8HINGTO� ST.E. C. MOOREjfl�tif,;t132 East Forty-Ninth' St�ee.. Telephone Oakland 1495 ' '27' l:ast Flfty-Fiitii Street.'._ . ..l, j Telephone Hyde Par� 38Telephene Hyde Park 18A. McAdamsTHE UNIVERSITY FLORISTGREENHOUSES: CHICAGOCor. 5]d It. aad Khnbark ave.NEWCOLLARSuite 73 to 76, Dexter Bldg,"INDIVI DUALITY"I' N C LOT H E SNot the ordinary' kindbut clothes with the at­tributes which makethem different. : : :GEO. H. FIEDLER&CO.THE HANDSOMESTEST;\BLISHMENT IN CHICAGOMUSSEV'SBilliard Halls and Bowling AlleysThe Largest and Finest AmusementResort in the World100 to 108 Madison StreetBrauch: 616 Davis st., Evanston Gymnasium News.Most of the lockers have arrivedat the gymnasium and a large forceof men is at work putting them inplace, The last of the apparatusis also being rapidly installedDr. Raycroft is now engaged onthe plans fo:r the university exhibitat St. Louis Fair, and will soonmake a definite announcement asto its nature. He has five viewsof the gymnasium, platinums byFuerman, which will be placedamong the group 0'£ photographs inthe U. of C. exhibit.FLOWERS AT LOWlEST PRIOESFor all occasions atLUBLINER & TRll\Z44 E. RANDOLPH STREET.Tel. :\Inin 1307.(Formerlv The Consumers' FlowerStore.)BENHAM ·BROS.···FASHIONABLETAILORS225 Dearborn Street Suite 201-202Telephone 4523 Harrison•'COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY'GR Ann" ;I'}<� sr IfOOLS The Facultiesof Political Science, Philosophy. and Pure Sci­ence offer a wide range of courses leading to thedegrees of A. 1\1. and Ph. D. Graduates of col­leges or scientific schools are admitted withoutexamination.SCHOOL OF LAW Three-year course.candidates for admission must be graduates of Kcollege or scientific school or show evidence ofeqaivalent training. 'SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Four-yearcourse. Candidates must .have completed oneyear of work in a college or scientific, school, or.must pass the stated-entrance examination.S(4HOOLS OFAPPLIED SClI�'NCEAND A..RCHl'l'RCTUR� Four -yearcourses in .l\tining. Metallurgy. Chemistry, Civil.Electrical, and Mechauicar - Engineerin� andArchitectur, Graduates.of colleges or SCientificschools can usually enter these courses with Ad­vane d standi_ng.TEACHERS COLLRGK Professionalcourses in Bducation of varying lengths, leadingto degrees and diplomas. Students will receivedue credit for-work done at other colleges orschools for the training of teachers.For information apply to the Secretary ofColumbia University,'New York. N. Y.DANCE PROGRAMSfraternity Stationery. Invitations. etc.lowest Prices DUNWELl UORD. Fkle Stationers171 WABASH AVE��'.J. CO F J:.4'.EIY'TAILOR I TO COLLEGE !ME!/(ISS LaSalle Street. Phone Central 3439"COFFEY'SCALENDARA most exquisite crea­tion of the Season.Worthy of a place in fany man's apartment.Given free to any onecalling at my showrooms, or sent to anyaddress on. receipt of �ocen�s in coin or stamps60wman Dairy Co.OUR· MILKis Bottled in the Country. The DAILY MAROON wishes to announce'that it has for saleScholarships in Prom­inent Colleges10 the city In the following:MusicVocal'. Law Languages ( Berlitz)Short- HandBook Keepin�,.These will .be sold at a liberal discount tostudents.A pply to the Business ManagerDAILY MAROONEII.is Hall. 57th St. and Ellis Av.,- jtbt lanAt SbOt.FOR FASTIDIOUS' FOLK.S�:DBSIG�ED BY YOUNG MEN,FOR YOUNG MEN'S W.AR PRESCRIPTIONS,RELIABLE PHARMACYROSALIE PHARMAGYJ. J. GIL L. (ihemlst IIId PillnnldltI'IIoae Hyde Park 175 274 L 57th St.. near W ..... Ave.ORAS. A.. LA.WRENOE,Manager and Director.149 Dearborn StreetTRIBUNE BUILDING 'LAWRENGE ORGHESTRAO. A. LAMPERTVIOLI N·ISTMember of the Chicaco Orcbtetra.Pupils and encacements accepted.�ddress: 8438 Wa.basb Avenue.Y" will Il.". .......If you waat t. __ .... COI .... Ilf., wlda aU ..eootal actlvltlu that .._DDeCte4 wltb It. z : I IOU dreee nlte aN _epecIaI� z Z I tbeJ __........ , .FlI S .............'o R D E R T HAT·DRESS SUIT NOWI M�Donald & Spannl'�5 ., •• rborD su •• ,'..:.A4aaa1 B.xpre •• Blda. : 4th 1'100rWe Are StuckToo .lPany Silk Otterman OperaHats=-Regular value ten dollars.Until_ ;March rst we will sell, them-for FIVE DOLLARS: : : :,A.' FEILCHENFELD, Sf-SS E. Yan Buren St.Fisch er BuildingOBT THB BBST$2 AMES HATS t3Batablllh.d ,873,6,·,6, B. MadllOD .5t, .. t ..... La .s.1I.' ... D .. ,It.,. StEarly Spring Hats, Cane!! Glovesand Umbrellasa· .. Select .mustc tee allSelect � c cas ton smOUt Patronagetespectfull� eoucueo, ResidenceS7�6 Hosalie CourtTel. Hyde Park 1467. CHICAGOA. 7 .. CORNpLL()jJ CM&ap Sloe/: Exckanr' Du,'/d,'nrWas/II'"ptin and LaSa//, Sis •1904 EDITION NOW READ'YSpalding'sOfficial,.·Athletic. ',.;AlmanacEdited by J. E. Sulllvan,Sec.·Trcas., A. A. U.The only publication in the country contalnin2 allauthentic athletic reeords, This boole contains over!IOO paees of athletic infonnation, and is profuaclyillultratl"C! with numeroul portraits of leadine atbleteaand athletic teaml. Price, 10 ceats,A.. G. SPALDING" BROS.Send for U1ultrated cataloc 0 f athletic iOCMIa.MerchantTailorM ' t larquetteens IIIW• BuDdingear .... Dearborn StreetTYPEWRITERSONB-HALP PRICBSend for our list of special bargains in allmakes of Standard typewriters. Full line ofluppliel, Machines for rent'2 to'3 permontb.ROC:KWSLL-BARNBS C:O.:1161-a6p Wabub Avo. , -.j�rrIfIIf�,I:IIr CRIeAGO,. THUaaDAV. ,MARCH.17, �904CALIFORNIAIf you are going. by all meansmake the trip over the SantaFe trait - most delightful ofatt transcontinental routes.On the Santa Fe, going to Cal.ifornia, are peavs miles high,and canyons a mile deep,• rainbow-colored petrified for­ests, ages old; nomadic Novo­Ios and home-Iovlng PuebloIndlans: painted deserts andoases of tropical verdure, seenon no other tine.Our illustrated boo k let,maited free, will help you torightly plan a California tour.Address. SANTA FEJ.M.Connell. Genera.l A.ent.109 Adams St. Chlca.om-w·f-2- -8-15Fraternity StationeryGalling Gards 'Invitations Programs6jsbop UorCHat$4QQ ' .,EST-IB60156 STATE 5T.It's a FOWNES'That's all .you need,to know about a, ,gloveGENT.�,�MENWHO DRESS fOR STYLE'NEATNESS, AND: COMFORT 'WEAR THE IMPBQ�EDB.OSTON�, BARTER'Lies Flat to the Leg-Never. Slips. rears r Dr Unfastens, • Sample pair, 81lk 6Oc .. Cotton 2I!c.';" 1I1811ed 00 recelp& of price.Oeo. 'roat CO., Maker.,BOlton, Mass., U. S. A. NOTICES L. MAN ASS E, OPTICIAN• Established 1878. Incorporated 190�.Studenta and faculty membera are requestedto lend all no,ic:es to The Daily Maroon, forpUblication free of ch.rle. Notices muat beleft at The Maroon office or Faculty Exchangebefore II A. M.Thursday, March 17--Le Cercle de Conversation Franc-.uise du departement des languesRomanes se reunit a 4 heures dans'Spelman House (Lexington Hall,Salle 8; ,Open lecture, by Mr. FrederickWarde, under the auspices of theEnglish Club, Kent Theatre, 4:00p .. in. Subject: "Shakspere and�is Plays," .Y. M. C. A., 7:30 in HaskellMuseum.Friday, March 18�W. S. C. L., Haskell Museum,10:30 p. m. ., ,Der Deutsche, .Klub: kommt um4 Uhr in derf.exington Halle ZU6��­men. Mathematical Club, Ryersont35 4:00, p. m.Address by Rev. Charles A. Cook,Superintendent of the GeneralCommittee 011 Christian Stewa�d­ship, H�skeil Assembly Room, 2:30. .'p. 111., Historical Club, 5551 LexingtonAve. 8:00 p. m.Sunday March 20-University Religious', Services,11 .oo a. m. in' Mandell Hall, Rev.Professor EmU'cr,'1!ffSc1i: "LL. D.,University ,Preacher.The Woman's Union Wednesday,Marcll"i6, at 4', p.- ill:" There willbe a general.' business' 'meeting- toconsider plans for-future activities;Sludenfl4r,are:_ 'urg.,.tl-Y :-reqw ,.,ted ,to H'e��,�:·",p.r�/��;,r�ftl'ldJ�;,pt.'��a�-: 'coun, b, lore the t:t,fl, f r uu« q "((rter;,ALBION� CAFE398-400 OM "St.Good .Meals, Qu:ck Service.Also .!!'urnished",RooOlS to' 'Rent •.\Yllf,., 11. t:;age. '& -Oo., -rellable druggbitar.eorner \\' oudla wn. A veuue. uud ,b'ifty-iiftk'street. SoJe agent in Hyde L'tlrk for ",Uud' 'Ko�:h'� '�,e\v, D'ijcovery',.'for "l�e cur,"'of COlIl::l,UWl)tion,' Coughs, 'Ooids; �IJ(J alldlseuses of the 'fJ.'broat;' Chest/anti I Lungs.yuarauteed to cure �r moues 'refunded,Price; 50 cenb5.: Tt'ial size 10,. cents;'.. '. ,to •• t ••If you want a positlon to teach,· callon, or wri�'; to ·Jame:t, ]j":·�.'McOullougbt.63� Fine Arts Bullding, Ohica,o�..�A rare opportUliit1-:-A.. $�04qo lin·;,porOO4 Otterman Opera Hat for $9!.Q0. ARTHtiii '::FEiLOHjjNFEtb;�','.81 E. Van, Buren.-·St.,. J3'11h4tti'Bldg.� .. ..' (,:first�claSs·'tao'ie;Board'$3;50·per week. "Handsomely furnished rooms, hot andcold water, steamheat, tel�ph�ne, �tc.5836,DREXEI. AvaNu�... .. '. ,A premium of five ,cents will ,be offereufor the following issues, of" the':: DailyMaroon if delivered" at the' otllc�l\ 58thStreet aQd Ellis '.� venue. :� '1> ' t •• 'Janu'ary 8, ,21; Februo,ry .. �,' l004� ...'. v.· '. "� '.. }. 7 : .• ' �' .'�" .:,.Il\WORTANT, NOTICE TO 'SENroRS ' 'All Seniors afe reqilested to· call atl\Itirtyn;s 'Maroon Studio, 5705 CottagaGrove Ayef., and have their' 'pictures 'tnkeIl,' free, fOl'i':.publication in the '04Cnp an.d Gown.,, i: MAnuscriptS,. letters, etc., �ypewritten ' 'at S5'5� Le�ington Avenue., 'Miss :'GbODF'JtI;I.OW:, The, .nni versi ty Pharmacy': carrlel '. a.. I complete, line pf �old weather. remedies. "560 Fifty-fifth street. ". ..' . _ ,.. .. :.: �,l.� "tt ..Have your _S#f#g�'\tirid' �SulDmer gar·'ments put' "In '"l'good . ¢oodition . now' andbe, :ready for' Easter with' a nice,I'ap­peamnce.',FAi\fOUS ',TAILORING' 00.; I340 E. 55th Street., Phone: ;Hyde, Park 5700. 88 Madlaon St., Tribune Bulldln�8Pfetael .. &Qd Byell ..... Befent18cally AdjultetEyel Telted FreeEve�hlnr OpticalMatliematlcal. .,. Metereolorlcal,andfor the Lanternl •••Kodata, Oam.r ••u48uppU •••TAILonsPullman Buildingw- 'make a specialty of,high grade DressSuits for young' 'men. BORDEN'SCONDENSED MILK, FLUID MILK,CREAM AND BUTTERl'tIILKALL BOTTLEIj itl THE COUNTRYBORDEN'S CONt\ENSED MILK Co.e2T�e33 I. 'OATy-aEVENTH aT. 'w H' y use poor. unwholeseme milk, wheafor the lame money you un ret 11Pure • .sweet. and Blltraordl •.•• rlly Rich, delivered in sealed bottles; by calliar u,I�cilep�one So�t� ,817, or dropplnr a postal to':.5IDNEY WANZER & SONS': ,, 305 Thirtieth st. E� BURNHAMHAIR OOODSElectrolysisFacial Massage. Manicuring. LAdies' Hsk­Dressing and Manicuring. Ladies' Turkish andRUssian nnths. 70 and 72 State st., Chicago.O�MEARA BROTHERS' HOME BAKERY, (Phone 16t6 HydePark.)All Ooods Str dly Home-Madel'o�.,. talcen for Ice Cream and Iees, Good. delivered378 But Plfty • ,bIt reet.Yo' u Want Money call A. LIPMAN\ on V9 Bait Ma4i.on .t.0" •• 111. Watcha,'Jewell'J. aDd Aatlques. fot Ialei Old Gold and SUver BOUlhIII. 0: O'DOmtBLL8ecretaryStandard W�shed ICOal CompanyALBBRT TUOTreuurwg03 .. Dearborn: Street, ., .STANDARD' WASHED CO'AL FOR� DOMESTiC' USE'Standard Egg -Washed Range $5.00 per ton Wasbed Chestnut • $4,50 'per;toD ' '$5.00 per ton Washed Pea - $4.25 per tonr.;;;;;;;;; .... ;;;;;;;:;;;;;; .. I--;;;;;;�•• ;.'��:;�;;;••�.;'::===="WHEN YOU,LEAST EX�EC�II Jl'rom 'Lt. bb,'stamonsh:rlrien(o kitchens."ber pmt)' prevail .. All meate uled ir, LIB'BY'S,,jN'atural FlavorI Food Productsa:' U! B., Government Insp80ted. The whole"ome-ft:S�r���:a��'l: '��::��::tf�:'.!e� r�b':t����ke,oO enln8 cans, A Ruppl)' on your pRnt..,. shelv811enables JOU to have alw81.. at liand the ell8ntlal.td the very beat meal". The little book, "How toMake ,Good Thing. to Eat," tlUS all about them...;.lent tree., Libby's Atlaa of the World, ·malledt�e tor 10 cents poataae.'LIBBY, McNEILL & ,LIBBY, . CHIC�aO. Underwood's' Deviledif' you have it on hand, will help. greatlyto entertain the unexpected guest. .[It's an old-fashioned product-s- madehonestly and pure of HAM and purespices _ nothing else. 'All first class dealers sell it. ,. Look on the can for the little red devil.W.m� Underwood Co •• Boston. Ma.�. ''CemPreaaed Air Service AntiseptIc Fa�e CreamTHE GRAND CEN:TRAL: BARBER'SHOPH. J. GAMET. PROPRIETOR73 AdamI Street Opposite PairLaundry OfficeiISteel raultsIII Electric LineaHYDE; PARK CENTR.�LSAFE, TY D�POSITVAULTSI' Fifty-Fifth 5t. and Washington Ave.fJurglar Proof. Fire Proof. Absolute Security. Boxes $".00 per Year.W. K.' YOUNG (:, �BRO.Caps""and �'Gown.sFor .' ..'j! CommencementR E N TED ANDMADE TO ORDERThe W. C. kERN co.411 E. 51th St. , 1