net!!!:ANuateti'ree'.ptlcal1.l,.ndernlst,morasI'.�K,'NY).D5it Hairsh uud.icago.ANLIt.o:amsatlynadepure,evil.:.88.00'ooeDtooSoo00 The DalAlgv Maroon�, •.. '." tajrs culty E� �PubUshed Aftemoons by the Students o� J••• �., .' ,Fl\.:_ .: :\ "I'�' DUring the Four Quarter. of the Unlversity Y ....VOL. II. No. 105. PRICE ,Two' CENTSCHICAGO', FRIDAY, MARCH n. 1�04NO TWO YEAR COURSEPresident James. of NorthwesternSays it is Too Short forCollege MenDecision that Rhodes Scholarship Require­ment of Athletics Means MerelyGood Physical ConditionPresident James of NorthwesternUniversityIs the latest one of thecollege. pr.esidents to .discuss .themuch talked of two year course.In au address delivered before theNew England Alumni associationof Northwestern, President jamesemphatically declared that he was110t in favor of cutting down thecollege course. President Jamesbases his conclusions on the factthat the demand for college trainedmen' is rapidly growing, especiallycollege graduates. He says thatthere is no sign that academiccourses will gradually go out of ex­istence and 'professional coursessubstituted for them. He furthermakes the statement that the rea­son why so many men leave collegebefore their course is finished is be­cause of the inducements held outto them by employers who knowthe work of a college trained man. 'In connection with the confer­ring of the Rhodes scholarshi p,President Van. Hise of. Wisconsinmade an ::important decision re-.: cently.· He 'decided that the clause:of the bequest providing that aholder of the scholarship must beprominent in '. athletics does notnecessarily mean that he. must be'an active athlete. President Van'Rise thinks it sufficient if the can­didate is able to pass an .ordinaryphysical examinatiol1:., As, to lead­ership, the third required line, hesays taking part in student 'activi­ties qualifies for this. '_By dint of rnuch protesting onthe part of the st udents, Nebraska's .athletic field was saved 'from des­truction. It had been decided bythe regents to erect a physics build­ing on the athletic oval, -but this. will not be done.Rehearsal for Mandolin ClubThe Mandolin CI ub requests arehearsal of all men Tuesday, March15, at 7 :30 p. m. in Kent. An- .nouncements Saturday evening willbe made. The Glee Club will meetMonday March 14, in Snell, at 4p. m.The final debate of the Inter­Academic League occurs this (Fri­day) 'evening between. the Univer-,sity High 'School and. the N orth­western Academy and will be heldat Armour Mission. For the firsttime in the history of the league agirl will take part in.. the finals.Miss Grace Norton, w ho will speakon behalf of U. H. S. is considereda very able debater, and it was ow­ing much to her ability in the semi­finals that the University HighSchool defeated Morgan Park. Thewinning team this evening will bepresented with a banner, contribu­ted by the different members of theleague.• W.oRL1?'S'FAIR EXHffiITPURPOSES ARE ANNOUNCED .MEET AT MADISON TO-MORROW, .,; ( Skull and Crescent has Eighteen Mth� 1 ... l .Chicago Will Meet Wisconsin in Badger . The University Will be Representedbers and Will Rush, Sub'- FreshllilW: Gymnasium-Team has Good Chance to -at St. Louis in � Befi�ng-Five Fraternities Interested )':'IT' Win Last of Indoor MeetsMannerThe members of the Skull and The last of the indoor meets forC res c en t, the new Sophomore the varsity will be held at Madison Plans Drawn by D. L. Perkins-AU De-So ci e t y, to day formally an- tomorrow, night. If the. Maroons partments of the University Willnounced the list of men who, as are victorious the. team will estab- be Representedcharter members, are responsible lish a new ·indoor record for Chi- The detail designs of, the exhibitfor the organization of the order. cago track men. So-far this season of the :University of Chicago at theWhile five fraternities are interest- Chicago has won all the indoor 'c�n� Louisiana Purchase Expositioned it is 110t primarily a fraternity tests by' good margins, This ex- have 'been prepared by Architectorganization. The fraternities at cellent showing· has been' made hi Dwight H. Perkins, and the com­present represented are: Beta spite of the' conditions and flunks mittee plans to make the exhibitTheta Pi, Phi Delta Theta, Alpha that have kept many star freshmen one which will adequately indicateDelta. Phi, Phi Kappa Psi, Delta out of competition. Cahill's injury the University's importance as aUpsilon and Delta Kappa Epsilon. was also a drawback but Taylor has great educational institution.TIle present members are: Hon- developed into an excellent half ·The Exposition Committee oncrary, James S Riley, Adelbert T. miler, and he' and Breitkreutz Exhibits, which has for its headStewart and Charles B. Elliott; AC7 should furnish a pretty contest in as director Mr. Skiff, of the Fieldtive: Cobb, Schaeffer, Lombard, that event. .Columbian Museum, has assignedGarnett, R. Maxwell, Bovee, And- In the weight events Maxwell, space for five buildings for collegerews, Fred Hall, Lovewell, Nich- and speik have been winning points exhibits, to be occupied by theols, Darst, Hitchcock, Dixon, C. oonsistently.· Maxwell, however, University of Washington, the Uni­N. Thomas, Hatfield. has been off form since the last Illin- versity of Michigan, the UniversityThe Skull and Crescent accord- ois meet. and his puts have not been of Chicago, Yale and to one of its charter members up to his old standard. Yesterday These will face an aisle, or road,has not been organized for the pur- he showed. marked improvement' about twenty feet wide, and thepose of competing with the Score over his work in the earlier part of rear entrance will open on a nar­Club. The members of Skull and' the week and may be able towin' : "rower aisle about twelve, feet inCrescent feel that it has a distinr t frc;md\'ii11ed:6t1l'dtro\t'nighL";S�ikf '''w¥t�: i.'') '�-;'" '� ,.'.. ' '...'. Ifield among the .college activities,r : .may be counted on for a third. tiP �:::' f;I'he front elevati�n shows thatThe university' authorities hav� the high jump ·Chicago 'is not ex- the .building ,�o be erected for the.recognized the society. The mem- . pected to . score. �ne··'.Wisc<?nstn., "U, �f 'C�' exhibit .will follow the.bers seek to unify Sophomore, .high [umpers ,).�� ����" .���\��r},h�p·" : general, style .: of architecture of the.", . rspirit, �P�,�9s.ter :���'y�rsit�;· .int.E�2�:s:,:."1 • �t;h� ,�hJ<;agq, J\1.$!Ji.; ,<r.!le team ,:i1l u�ve.r�it�h�\l1;l,i1?A�g�'t"":"-H; J D;WAified"", .to prbMbt�".7ii'�t�OJigcl". uteeIi1lgt,'·�of.� reave 10 the mornmg accompanied GOthIC. A main portal, closed atfellowship among fraternity and by several students. , ,' night by.a sort of. portcullis ofnon-fraternity men. The' society .. . . handeome design, will give entranceaims 'to become' represented i�. all REYNOLDS CLUB DANCE TO-JtlORROW fr<�in, the larger aisle. Wi.ndows atthe university fraternities arid, ,to .each side of the portal WIll supplynumber in. its 'meinbership i nflu- Dancing will'bepn at 8: 15-Melnbership'l Hght ... .The rear facade is much'. '. tickets wlll be 'ne'cessart"j .ential non-fraternity men. .. ' !'. , •. '. r : ..' ". . mqre simple. The building occu-The organization will entertain' The members of the .Reynolds. pies a space 28x28 feet, and thethe high school athletes at the Rey- Club will give their first club dance, cornice line is 15 feet high.nolds Club after the high school tomorrow night. No one but the Within the building is a smallermeet at the Bartlett gymnasium to-. members and their guests will be, structure which contains the astro­night. admitted and all members must nomical exhibit, an important fea-show ,their tickets at the door. ture. This is a small room, aboutThe dancing will begin promptly rox rox ro feet, with a door on theat 8:15 o'clock and will close at side nearest the main entrance.midnight. Two orchestras have Within its outer structure is another.been engaged. One will 'play for set: of walls in which: are inserteddancing on the main floor and the, the astronomical plates from theother in the reception room. Yerkes Observatory, about 28x32Frappe will be served and the iuches, the largest, and in manybowling alleys and pool and billiard cases the finest, ever secured. Theytables will be at the disposal of theare in the form of transparencies,guests. 1 he patronesses will be, and are illuminated by incandescentMrs. George E. Vincent, Mrs. John lamps llning' the outer wall of theM. Dodson, Mrs. Floyd R. Mech- smaller room.em, Mrs. F. W. .Shepardson and' Around the outside of this smallerMrs. James Westfal�' !hompson. room a gallery wilt run about fivefeet from the ground, from whichmay be seen photogra phs andPlates. Around the outer wall ofJennison the only man to get into the 900VESPER SERVICE SUNDAY EVENING class the inner room above the level ofthe gallery, and- also on �he top ofthe astronomical room, will be. amodel of the Universify groundsand buildings, IOxlO feet, con­structed by Beil and Mauch to ascale of 1-16 of an inch to the foot,which would make the tower aboutseven inches high and the Ryersonlabratory about four.On the sides of ,the smaller roomunder the' gallery are the e�hibi�sfrom the Chicago Manual TrainingSchool 'and the School of Educa-President Harper Improves Rapidly tion. The physics exhibit willconsist largely of specimens of ap­pa�atus invented by Professor Mich-CONTmUED ON PAGE 4. COLUMlf 1SEMI-FINALS FOR HIGH SCHOOLSKeen competition between North Divisionand Hyde Park expected to-nightThe fourth of the series of theCook County High School AthleticLeague indoor track meets will beheld this evening in the Gym at7:30 o'clock. The contest thisweek is for those who have wonseconds and thirds in the three pre­vious affairs, and the winners ofthe events tonight, with the win­ners in the preliminary meets, willcome together in the finals nextSaturday evening, March 19.Prof. Graham Taylor will speak - Specialmusical program arrangedNext 'Sunday afternoon, at 4o'clock, Professor Graham Taylorwill speak in Mandel Hall on theRelations of Universities and Setle-ments in England and America."Professor Taylor, who is known theworld over as an authority 011 allmatters connected with Settlement� ,work, has just returned from an ex-tended trip to England, where hespent great time and car� in the in­vestigation of English social condi­tions. There will be a short mu­sical program from 4 to 4:30. POOR SCORES IN CUP CONTESTThe .scores yesterday in thetournament for the President'scup of the Reynolds Club werebelow those of the' day' before.Jennison was the only' man to getinto the 900' class. The totals forfive games yesterday were: Cut­ting, 806; Oldham, 676; Jennison,001; B. Jayne, 693; Wright, 740;Horton, 767; Blair, 870; Johnson,828.. President Harper received visi­tors again today and his improve­, ment from day to day is marked.CHICAGO, FRIDAV, MARCH 11, 1904THE HOME OFS�CCESS�be TDail,� marOOllFormerly the University of Chicago We,ekly.J'OUNDmDThe Unlversity_ of Chicago Weekly, Oct. I, 189.2Tum DAILY MAROON. - - - - Oct. I, 190.2NEWS CONTRIBUTIONS REQUESTED.Published by the students of the Universityof Chicago everf afternoon, except Saturdayand Sunday, dunng the 46 weeks of the Uni­versity year.Firl!lt board of editors and buslness managerauthorized by student-body in m81!18 meetingMay IS, 1902.Membership on subsequent boards of editorsto be determined by competition open to allstudents in the University,BOARD OF EDITORSManaging Editor., •• , •• Oliver B. W)'!tlan, '04News Editor ••••••••••••• Harry W. Ford, '04Athletic Editor ••• : •••• Walter L. Gregory, 'oSASSOCIATE EDITORSThaddeus J. Merrill, Law 'es, Ernest J. Stevenst :04Ralph P. Mulvane 'OJ, Edward 1\[. Kerwin, '06LeRoy A. VanPatten, '06Edward R. Gannon, '04Riley H. Allen. '04WOMEN EDITORSMiss Lena Harris Miss Helen Smith, '06STAFF OF REPORTERSJohn S. Wright, '0S Arthur Bridgman, 07James V. Hickey, '06 Claude Schofield, '07C. McKenna, Rush '05 Bernard I. Bell, '07. Chas A. Bruce. '06Miss Marie Ortmayer, '06is\LI.t, BUSINESS STAFFBusiness ManaKer ••••.••.•••• Julien L. BrodeEntered as second-class mail at Chicago Post­office.i!, Daily_ Subscrjption, $3 'per year; $1, for 3 mos.Ry 'Mail in City $4 per year; $1.25 for 3 mos.Subscriptions received at THE! MAROONOffice, Ellis Hall. or left in THm MAROONBox. the Faculty Exchange, Cobb Hall.Printed by the Quadrangle Press,404 E. 55th St.111111111 EDITORlALS 111111111By winning the last indoor meet,that at Madison on Saturday even­ing, Chicago's track team Win h1ivecompleted an indoori,�, .,,I� I;'I I', season unmarred bya single defeat. Todefeat Wisconsin inher own strongholdwill be tlie . signal. The victoryconsidered alone will be satisfactory,but � victory at this point will �hor­oughly round out the indoor workof the team and give confidence for'the arduous out-door season whichis at hand.A Seriesof VictoriesPossible,') . Chicago has a track team thisyear which will give us all anopportunity to cheer at the finalsin June. Luminaries of unequaledbrilliancy have been discovered atMichigan and at other of our sisterinstitutions. We expect the keen­est sort of competition. v./e areconfident that with every Chicagoman eligible in the spring our team�ill b� made up of men who willgather point after point for the Ma­roon in any competition which theWest can offer.Chicago must win the Conferencethis';'�ar, To accomplish this it isvital that, the student body bolsterup' the track men 'who .have been'lagging behind from 'the first .ofthe year. There �eemst?, be a ge,n­eral opinion .. that our, three we,�,k!?'�qtice. system is a large factor-in Imaking it difficult tor Chicago -to..compete with rivals.?n arrequal'oasis. Uniformi'ty." in' eligibility'rules' througheu t.' the VI est ��p,14 Ibe welcomed. �� Chicago p1en . .wh?,�re-': studying .. the athletic situationin this: sectionof the country. ,At-this' time, however, this discussiohof uniform rules is be�ide the ciites­-tlon. Clii�ago's fac:�l�r has 'for. some three or four years enforced ,I,I;'j.I,I,I %&is .I,MS H_the warning system which 110t only La Sallewarns but disqualifies. For the{present we can only ur,ge our cap­able athletic men to exert a greatereffort to conform to the require­ments which the faculty has fixedGAR.GOYLETTESProfessor Salisbury does not ap­prove of the study of Ancient His­tory. Perhaps as a believer in theDarwinian theory, he is willing tolet the past alone.". '" '"Did you hear the robins sing thismorning?• • •Picked out that graduation dressyet?'" '" '"DRIGHT"There must be a fire in the his­tory library," said he.II How do you know?" anxiouslyqueried the beautiful, though' in­teresting coed. ,I' ;11.1'1 just saw Sparks coming' outof there.". '" '"WELL?The word that General Shermanused when questioned: "What iswar?" is just the word that we usein Describing English 4.D. R. C.• • *We hope that the young ladywho umpired the inter-hall basketball game recently, is as just as hername.Show your college spirit by subscrib­illl!' fOI' TIIP )1111'0011. ,C ALI F ,0 R N I AHead-on to a Glorious SuccessIf you are going. by all meansmake the trip over the SautnFe trail _: most delightful ofall transcontinental routes.On the Santa Fe, going to cat­ifornia, are peavs miles high,and canyons a mile deep,ral nbow- colored petrified for­ests, ages old; nomadic NO\'a­j08 aud home-loving PuebloIndians: painted deserts andoases of tropical verdure, seenon no other line.Our illustrated boo k let,mailed free .. will help you torightly plan a California tour.. AddressBENHAM BROS.FASHIONABLETAILORS225 Dearborn Street Suite 201-202Telephone �523 HarrisonQuic k Service Qeo. O. Marlatt, �II'.ANHEUSER & NEIL, Restaurant391 BAST SlXTY -1'HIRD ST. cmCAGOLOSER & "'ANSON ..·TAILORS·175 DEARBORN ST.CHICAGO.A T yplr,al, (Jollege ManIs at once recognized by the distinct'and faultless cut of his clothesWe are Tailors forColleg� Men ......Ji'LmYJ;�HS A'l� LOWEST PHICESFor all occasions at_ IfLUBLtNER_.& . TRl1'!Z44 E. R'ANDOLPH S'l'REET.Tel. "Mnhi 1397�'(Fol'mcl'ly' T£he' Oousumers' F'lowerStore.) BELI .. E OF NEWPORTGARRICKOnly Matinee Saturday.FHANCIS WILSONand all star p1nyel'iJ.Margueritn Sylva; Jessie BartlettDavis; Mad.;", Lessing, and"ERl\UNIE."Next Sunday night only: Paula Ed·wardcs in "Winsome Winnie." SANTA FEJ.M.Connell. Genera.. Agent,109 St. Chicagom-w-f-2- -li-16STUDEBAKERPopular Matinee Wednesday. $1 to 2;:)c.Reopens to-mot'rotv night.In full compliance with all provisionsof the new city ordinnnce, lncludlng Im­proved spr lnkler system. Entire gal­lory, official1y commended, will be opento the public.Henry W. Savage will offer the Great­f'st of Muslcal Comedy Hits,PR INCE OF PILSENReturn of all the Favorites.18 CENTS, 2 FOR 28 CENT8CLUETT, PEABODY de. CO.MAKER8 OF OLUETT AND MONARCH SHI"TIIt's a FOW,HE�'That's all you needto know about a glove HARRY S. i ESTt, RPRESCTIIPTION PHAIL\[ACl�'l'.0\,('1' six vears at this location and'growing up with the Universlty.,r)r;th St. and Kimbnrk Ave.'I'his Schoo'l is 'I'nught by an Experl- Bosr, There is More Money in .lt ,for(,11<'f'l1 Court n nd Convention Reporter. you.Irulividun l Instruction .• Graded Speed �tcnogl'nph('r8 of All Systems WhoC;::lSS(,R. Phrase Wrltlng. Expert Wish �Iore .. Speed Can be Greatly Bene-Iustruc-tlon. litrxl Here.'I'he ] iemnnd for Good Shorthand"'e '1'I'I1('h the Systems Used by theT.' I . I' C Writfll's Exceeds the Supply. \Ye Teachmost .'.XP(lI·t {('porters In t us ountry. Book-keeping, Business Correspoudence.\ vol.l tho So-Called Qni<']\. Easy' find Spelling, etc. Day and }iJ"ening·�y�tPlllS. It costs no more to leu l' II, the �eRsion: Cnll 01' write us.pnBLIC TYPF.WHITING OFFICE) IN CONNECTION.The Philbrick Shorthand and Typewriting SchoolG!103-7 MONHOE AVI�NUE,CHICAGO.YOUXG PEOPLE THERE IS MO�EY IN '.rIBS FOn. YOU.The Fashionable FabricsVOILESSpring and Summer, 1904This extreme popularity has beenanticipated in the very complete linesof Spring Dress Goods in our Mainand Basement Sections. The qualitiesrange from the least expensive to thevery finest, both in American andEuropean manufacture, in an excep­tionally wide range of colors. Pricesare the lowest consistent with thequalities.Marshall Field andCompanyh ���-=:::-��'_J•-fraternity Stationery. invitations. etc.lowest Prices DUNWEll &: fORD. me Stationers171 WABASH AVE.CHICAGO, FRtDAV, MARCH 11, 1904'Rush NotesThe Chicago Pathological Societywill meet in Schiller Hall, Monday,'Marcil 11, at 8 p. 111. Dr. J. LeCount of Rush Medical College, ispresident of the organization.The dates of the examinationshave been changed. ' The first willbe written Saturday, March 19, andthe last March 22.A. A. Haydon, class historian ofthe '04 Class, is now devoting histime in gathering some valuablefacts regarding the class. The 1904Class will have a history that willnot be forgotten.James Corkey', of the '05 Class,will assist S. A. Mathews in Phar­macology in the Sprin� quarter.The seniors who intend graduat­ing at the end of the Spring quarter,have the privilege of registeringfirst, thereby selecting the most de­sirable courses. .Dr. J. Wilson is expected at col­lege after a week of severe illness.Many of the students are makingarrangements to attend the MedicalProm given on the· South Side Fri­day evening. This is the first ofthe kind this season and both classeswill be well represented. NEWDETACHED'" Waiting for you."Our Spring Woolensselected especially forCollege Men. HOUSESI , Colonial, Gothic and ModernArchitectureGreenwood AvenueBet�een 52nd and 68rd StreetsTailor for Young Mi.:n_Sixth Floor, Masonic Temple.- A. N. Jerrems, Mgr. 129-181 I.a Salle St. VERY( EASYTERMSIIYDB PARE AftD CHICAGO BBACH STABLBSJ. H. KINTZ(.aO.RI_TOa)Jackson Park Stables273 Bast Pifty-S..,eDth StreetTel •• Hyde Park 552 CHICAOI The best arranged houses in the city. Allrooms have outside light. This is the firsttime in Chicago's history that residences ofthis high order and situated in the most ex­clusive residence district of the South Sidehave been offered' on such easy terms.Prices, $1,500 to $8,000LOCATION:Greenwood Avenue, between 52nd and 53rdStreets, the highest point of land on theSouth Side. Houses open for inspection 'every day. - - -BRANCH OFFICE:Northwest Comer Fifty-second and Ellis Av.To keep your facein good con d i t ion,use Williams' ShavingStick: S.E.GROSS�'l'.and'Y" Chicago Alumni Club MeetingThe monthly dinner and businessmeeting of the Chicago AlumniClub of the University will be heldtomorrow evening in HutchinsonHall. Important questions are tobe discussed and decided at themeeting and a full attendance isurged. The dinner will beginpromptly at 6 o'clock. CHA.�, A. LA.WHENeK,:\fana�er Rod Director., SECURE OUR PRICE�N"It 'RATERNITY STATIONERY.P,.ROGRAMMES, MENU ••�NVITATIONS AND&NGRAVED CARDS.BROCHON'.. 4,-' 34-36 WASHINGTON ST. ROSALIE PHARMAGYJ. J. GILL. (illtmlatl .........Phone Hyde Park 175 274 E. 57th $1. W � ...'for PRESCRIPTIONSRELIABLE PHARMACYtbt tan9t SbotFOR FASTIDIOUS FOLKSE. C. MOOREjflotif.1t .132 East Forty-Ninth .s�reetTelephone Oakland ·149521' East Fifty-Fifth Street. Telephone Hyde Park 38 DESIGNED 'BY YOUNG MENFOR YOUNG MEN'S WBARWhoene-Incorporated 1888.UWdENGE ORGHESTRAThe Cr;��it Gtfide Co.randeachericening 149 Dearborn StreetT RIB UN·.E . B U I L DIN GTcle�hoDe Hyd� Park 18A. McAdamsTHE' UNIVERSITY FLORISTGREENHOUSES: CHICAGOCor. S3d It. aad Kimbark an. 7th Floor, Fort Dearborn Bldg.134 MONROE S'1.'REETChicago.Commercia I Reports. Collections.tnwf Select lDustc tOt all ..Select '" e cas ton s .mOUt J)atronage.reepectfull12 eoltcttet) .--- -------------------------:U. A. I.J."\MPl��H'l'A. 7. COR.lY.E_��--- .VIOLI N 1ST Residence5745 Rosalie CourtTel. Hyde Park 1467. CHIC�,(.,1;<?H. '1.'. l\:1icGl1ire, Prop.Member of the Chicago Orchestra.Pupils and engagements accepted.Address: 3433 Wabash Avenue.:\L\DISON AYRNUE PACKIXP 00.=======::::::::::::::======'.. ,.� b33 CIu'carD Slot" E'xc"a;.��·iJuhdi;,� �'I:'f Waslu'ngton and La Sail, ,Stl.· ,." - , .WHOLESALE: ANDRET AIL MARKE: TNEWCOLLAR j 0 R D E R T HAT·DRESS SUIT NOW Merchant'lattay'(l30n :\IndiRon Avenue. Chicngo.Phone Hyde Park 13�2 .i.�,, ... 'w n .. CQX & 'W'ICK YOQ will ha .. tD ha ...If you want to enter latecollep Ufe. witb aU ...IOCla1 activitiel that ...connected witb It. : : a ,Our dn •• lult. are �epeclalty :: : the, .....caue tbat QDCO.Ia ....... fee1l ..., .(Formei-ly with 1\1. .T. Coffey))}1904 EDIT.ION\ NOW READY---', ,,.'. Spalding's��" --Uff1ciir'"""AthleticAlmanacC'" Edited by J. E. Sulllv!PI.Sec.-Treal .• , A, �, V.The only publication in the cOuntry cc)luatnlo&, allauthentic athletic recerds,' Thil boole contain. ·over200 palles of athletic informadont and III profutelyllIustratl'4 with numerous portraits of leadlDI _th1.iaand athletic teams Prfce�l(),ceDt8. . . . , .A.--G . .-SPALDI�G. & .. -·:Q-�OS.Send for Illustrated cataloi 0 f athletic aoodI.� - __ -- :.:� • .: _"= ��� .. ,..,- r"-Fashionable TailorsFOR.Fastidious Qressers -----------------------------"Good fit, style and quallty" is ourmotto, Ou l' prlees a re very reason­able. "'e invite vour Inspection ofOU1' spr! ng 11n ttorn s., I McDonald & Spann]185 De arb 0 r D S t r e e tAdamI Expres. Bldg. : 4th PloorSuite 73 to 76, Dexter Bldg,nom! 72, nn D,EARBORN ST." 1 N D I V I D U A L I TY ttIN CLOTHESNot the ordinary kindbut clothes with the at­tributes which makethem different. : : -: We Are Stuck.Too many Silk Otterman OperaHats-Regular value ten dollars.Until March rst we will sellthem for FIVE DOLLARS : : : :A. FEILCHENFELD, 81-88 E. Van Buren St.Jlisch er Building � , .. - ..... -:rMen's.", ,_ ... - � ��9U��t6 '.W .BIU�&ear.' . - "-�--'''- - 'Dearbofli"Str�t1._�_ ,. ... ,.. _ .. .., �� , .. ",.'. ............ ". '. •• '.' I _ ... ,,-.GEO. H. FIEDLER & CO:THE HANDSOMESTESTABLISHMENT IN CHICAGOFraternity StatloneryGalling GardsInvitations Programs OET THE BEST ' . �$2 AMES HATS tJl3established 1873161'163 B. Madison Street near La" s.lie-18. Dearborn St'Early Spring Hats, Canes) 'Giqv'e's. and Umbrellas' '.'_ - TY P.E-.WRl':rERS-ONE-HALP PRICESend for··outtist' -of speciafbiugalDI. in .. 11makes - of Standard ·typewriters. . Fun' rUne· ofsupplies,' Machines for rent 'a �(i'3 permoQ-..__ _�o�Kw.eLL-B4RNeS 4;0.,, _:167-:169 Wabub Av ••MUSSEV'S8i11larJ Halls and Bowling AlleysThe Largest and Finest AmusementResort in the World100. to 108 Madison StreetBrancb: 616 Davia st., Evanston DANCE PROGRAMS •IICHICAGO, FRIDAY, MARCH 11,1904WORLD'S FAIR EXBlBIT NOTICE�. Established 1878. Incorporated 1902. L. MAN ASS E, OPTICIANCOKTINUBD FROM PAGE 1. COLUMN 4 Studentt and faculty .. ember. 'are requestedto send all notic. to TIle Daily Maroon. forelson and others, several photo- publication free of char... Node. must beleft at The Maroon olice or Faculty Exchangegraph folders. rhe Press 'exhibits before u A. M. . .will consist of all the publications Friday, Mar.c411-of the University Press, .Al h' 11 b k k W. S. C. L.,. :aaskeU Museum,ong t e side wa s 00 rae s 10:30 a, m.will be placed to contain publica-. Der Deutsche Klub kommt umtions of members' of the university 4 Uhr in der'LexingtorrHalle zusam­faculty. Above these will be men. Program, Vorlesungen von'grouped views of interiors and ex- Frl. Albarus.teriors of university buildings, ar- Saturday, March 12-ranged according to the positions Ladies' night at the Reynoldsof the buildings, as "the Tower Club.· . Dancing.Group", "the Hull Group", etc. Sunday, March 13-The platinum enlargements' range . University Religious � 'Services;in size from 16x20 inches to 22X28 11:00' a. m, in Mandel Hall-Rev.iProfessor Ed ward: Judson, D. D. "inches and are by Fuerman. 'University of Chicago, UniversityThe committee has. under consid- .Preacher.. I.'eration the installation ofa Mural, Snnday, 4 p. m.-painting of the university' grounds Vesper service' in' . Mandel HaU'and buildings, 4x8 feet. It will .under -auspices 'of the Universityalso prepare a forty-eight page i: and'. the' S�tt.le�l1ent· Ass�ciati?n... ..• • I" Professor Oraharn Taylor WIll speakhand-book about the exhibit and . '''Th R··}· ft·' f"'U'�" A" iti ..·•• • • • I, . 'on e e a on 0 111 VdSl lesthe University, which WIll be IUUS- ': and Settlements in Engla�� andthe '!trated by eight superb engravings. \ United States" � . Special musical'The University Committee· of: service, 4:00 to 4:30.Exhibit is: �. Monday Mch. 14- :A. W. Small, Chairman, W. A.' "',, The Physics Club will meet at!Payne, Secretary, George E, Vin- j .'4:'45' in Room 32 Ryerson, Paper.s:i. ' ( I) In terference Phenomena 111:cent, James H. Tufts, Charles. R., Thin Films, Ass't. Prof. Manu; (t):Mann, John M. Coulter, Shader \. The Discharge of Electricity byMathews, Ernest Freund, E. P. ultra violet light. Mrs. B. O.Lyon, Wilbur Jackman, Newman Hutchison .Miller .Ralph . Emerson Hill ' 07, ofLeavenworth, , Kan., is pledged toPhi Delta Theta.The "Twilight Hours" of theLeague will be held hereafter onTuesday afternoons, and will con:'tinue during the Spring quarter.Miss":Hilda Smithigave- a 'very' .... II·· Manuscripts, letters, etc., typewrittenp easing musical program at theat 5552 Lexington Avenue.Surlight Hour yesterday afternoon. MISS GOODFELLOW.Among her selections were Chopin'sPrelude No. 21. Nocturne" No.2,MacDowell'e To a Wild Rose, andImpromptu by Schubert. Tea wasserved by Miss Clendenning.Miss Epstein, Miss Haskell, Miss'Leland and Mr. Da vis presentedLe Baroier de Seville at the FrenchClub yesterday afternoon. Theparts were well taken. Next weekRostand' s Cyrano de Bergerac willbe given by fifteen members of theCercle.•:: j11. '•Majors and Minors. '," I"._,Notice.The University Physician's officehas been moved into 1 A Cobb HallStudents are entitled to gratui­tous office consultations from 11 :30to 12:30 daily, except Monday andSaturday.";.Ih1� .. ;,iI,fII'PRESIDENTSuspenders"OI'k In perfect harmOD)' withthe 'Wearer', every movemeat.Comfort, Style and ServiceABSOLUTELYGUARANTEEDTrimming, cannot ruat.rrtoe 100 aDd ,1.00, an,. store or mall, JnIIU1.TaB C. A. EDQABTON liFe. .... .• 0& 898 BIaI .. leJ' ........ ,I Bargains. in Choice Books.The private Library of J. W.MITCHELL will be sold every eve­ning for two weeks .at 474 H. 55thstreet.First-class Table B�ard $3.50 per week .Handsomely fur�ished rooms, hot andcold water, steam heat, telephone, etc."5836 DREXEL A V�NUE.'. '.1. ,1 _._..:......; _A premium of five cantil wili be offeredfor' 'the following" issues of the Dully. Maroon if delivered at the office, 38thStreet and Ellis Avenue.:J�nuary 8, 21; Februarr 4, 100·!.UfPORTANT NO'l'ICE TO SENIORSAll Seniors are requested to cnll fit:\Iul'tyri's 'Mal'oon Studio, 5705 CottageGrove Ave., before the fifteenth ofMarch, and have their pictures takenfree fOl' publication hi the '04 Cap andGown.. ..! .'The University Pharmaq carrleM acomplete line 'of' Cold weather remedies.560 Fifty-fifth .tnet.. Wm. H. Sage &\ 00.. reliable druggistscorner Woodlawn Avenue and FlftJ-flfthstreet. Sole agent. Hide Park for Dr .. Carl Koch's New DiScovery for the 'cure. of Oonsumption, Coughs,. OoIds, and alldise&ses of the �1broat. ·Oheat and Lungs.Guaranteed to cure or money refunded.� Price,· 50' cenb5. . Trial size 10 cents.J" .. , •• Pullman Building 88 Madllon St., Tribune Building.pectacl •• aDd Byeclu.e. SCientiflcally AdjuBtetEyes Tested FreeEverythinr OpticalMathematicalMetereoloricai,udfor the Lanternlst,Kodak., Camera.aad 8Ilppl1 •••'jIf. you want a position to teach, callon or write to Jamet F. McOullough,639 Fine Arts Bu�ldl�, Chicago.A rare opportunity-A ,10.00 Im­ported OttermaD Opera Hat f. $5'.00.ARTHUR FEILOHENFELD,81 E. Van Buren St., Fisher Bldg.Owing to the constantly growln, de­mands for our tailoring, we han dis­posed of our Gents' Furnishing Dep�t­ment, an... now exhibit a fuller line ofwoolell8. We also pretJ8. clean, repairand dye ladles' and gents' garment ••FAMOUS TAILORING OOMPANY.'346 B. 55th street. Phone H. P. 5700.An opportunity for purchasing stand­ard low figur�s is presented tothe students of 'U: of C.' by the dispos'al .of a lilmiry of 300 books, at ·N'o. 474 B .55th st., but open only: .in the evenings. A. A. D E V 0 R E &: SONTAILORSBORDEN'SCONDENSED MILK, FLUID MILK,CREAM AND BUTTERMILKALL BOTTLED IN THE COUNTR_YBORDEN'S CONDENSED MILK CO.827-833 E. 'OFlTY-8EVENTH ST.",(\ make a specialty of high grade DressSuits for young men.WHY use POOr. uDwholelome milk, wheafor the lame 1D0Dey you ("aD ret ItPure, Sweet, and Bxtraor •••• arn), Rlcb, delivered ID sealed bottles, by calli Dr u,TelephoDe South 811, or dropplDr a postal toSIDNEY WANZER &" SONS.a05 Thirtieth st. B. BURNHAMHAI.R GOODS.ElectrolysisFacial Massage, Manicuring. 'Lndies' "HairDressing and Manicuring, I.adies' 'l'urkish andRussian Baths, 70 and 72 State' st. I Chicago.O�MEARA BROTHERS', HOME, BAKERY', . . (PhoDCl6�6 HydePark.) .'�. AII"Ooods strictly Home':'Made.�""s taken for·Ice .:ream aDellcel.· Goods delivered',·':1 I j' ,�- .t�!!.P._�.!.f.��t..rI:·f'b.tre.t. '. ;If' YbJ< Want· Money .� A;.��!!!�N,- ........ Waldaa, Jewetr;. all4l Aattquea, for sale; Old Gold aDel SUver Boulba .W. T. DELIJIAKT 1'rI. O. O"DONlfBLL ALBERT TEBOPre.ide.t Secretary TreasurerStandard' Washed Coal Company303 Dearborn StreetSTANDA.�D WASHED COAL FOR DOMESTIC· USEStandard Egg.- - '5.00 per ton Wasbed Chestnut - f4,so per:toDWashed Range '5.00 per ton Washed Pea - $4'�S per tOilSpirit ofHelpfulnessIn caae8 of accident everybody manlf .. taa desire to be of IlalIlstance. At such tim"the spirit of helpfulness asserlsltseU',.butlOotten the wrong thing Is 'done and the rlgbtthing lett undone. 'l'be first.tblng to do Insuch an event Is to quickly and treel,. applyPond's Extraot-the old family doctor-a.recogDlzed emergency remedy, for over 60yean used by nurses, pbyslclans and bOlt­pltala. Ever,. student suoutd have a bottleClOll8 at hand. Quickly atops bleeding Indeep cuts; cures brutaes, sprain., and pre­vents muscles becoming sore from gym-i����naslum exerclsell·; reolIevell earacbe, tootbacbe,rbeumat1l1m and all palns,Sootbes and frellbens tbefaceatter IIbavlDg. WateredWltcb Hazel, a weak eoiu­ttcn=eomeumea offerod Inplace of Pond's Extract­bas no medicinal value-Is-. poslti vely wortbtese, Pond"Extract CURES-thereforeIs prlceleaa,Sold only in ,�al�d bou; ..--- ....... � under buff wrapper.ACCEPT NO SIJBSTITUTE.are U.8. GoverDmeDt IDIPeoted. The whole'ome­ness and "oodneel (If ever, artlol. tl pl'8tIe"ed inita preparatloD 'for )'our 00DveDleD08. ID the band,ke:roOl\eDIDII oan.. A lIupply OD )'our pant!')' shelve!!:J1:��e:�:::.r�:a,�"a¥h:tlh�r� ��k�':,���;ake Good Thinp to kat," tolll all about them­MDt tree. Libb:r'1 AtJlll of th. Worlcl. mailedtree tor 10 GeDtl poltase.LIBBY, McNEILL 4 LIBBY, CHICAGO.Nearest Drug Store to the UniversityKRIZAN & SCHWEITZERTelephone Hyde Park . . 1854CORNER FIFT,V·SEVENTH STREET AND KIMBARK AVENUBm-w-f·THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE andSTORAGE COMPANY'Pbon., Hyde Park 81' KIMBARK AVB. and �IPTy·.sIXT" ST.The Cleanest and Best Kept Stora�eWarehouse In the City • • •.� F��i�re "n(i'Pi'an�s Moved. Stored, Packet and'Sliip'ped 'to .11 part. 0'7the world. 300 Private Stora&,c Rooms. Laree Parlor Exclulively forPlaDOI. Rooms for Trunkl and Wheels. Lar2e Room for Carrialoa,Buniel, and Sleiehl. TRUNKS TO AND FROM ALL DEPOTS.Local trauf.,. for Baeraae, Furniture. Packaees, etc., at short notice •..- Spectal Attention GinD to Uninraity Or4er ••SAWYER54Hl WASHIXG'l'ON AVE.Hair Dressing, Shampooing, Manicuring nnel Facial Massage.Sp('C'inl prices for .courses.Hair dl'ip<) with cnmpl'essed air. Coiffures for balls and pm'ties a specialty.All the appliances and conveniences of the best down town establishmentsin your own neighborhood .TELEPHONE HYDE PARK 5853.