The varsity track team will now Professor James Parker Hall willWomen of University of Minnesota Take 'begi n training hard to will the last be named as successor of Professor' Fitzpatrick Studies Track Men-RecordStand for Proposed Honor of . the indoor meets. So far the Joseph H Beale, Jr., as Dean of the in Half-mile and Rose con-System team has been successful and if the Law School. Official confirmation tinues to StarBy a vote of the faculty the vale- maroons are able to win the last of the appointment is expected soon. ANN ARBOR, March 7, 1�04.dictorionship and salutatorionship contest with Wisconsin a new rec- Prof. Beale will return to Har- The debate between Michigan_ ....... , -e .W.s'"",b�e�l"d,e,th1i�ely .abpli�hed. The ord wiit' be established. vard at the end of the spring quar- and Wisconsin is to be held here on--present senior ci��s; tll�t l�f" 190(" .. '· .. ·1'iie- 6"U1rool{-fOr" tH� -lir�et' fiexts t�to-'ttSt1[U(.' hifr.--·�ro�cS6f)rs11ip. March 25 .. -.�T.hjs ,,,�ll.,"b� .. the.firstis the last to have, these '. historic. 'Saturday at Madison is fair. Chi-" there When the University of inter-collegiate debate held in Annclass honors. Until a few' y'ears, 'cago will probably be without the Chicago Bar School opened in 1902, Arbor for ten years, consequentlyago the names of all men appointed services of Cahill, but Taylor will Dean Beale was' 'lent" by Harvard the greatest of interest in the de­to honorary class positions were again run the 880, and also the 440. for two years, He has a long rec- 'bators is manifest throughout theprinted on the commencement an- If Taylor can duplicate his per- ord of achievement in his chosen campus. The judges of the debatenouncements in the order of their formance of last Saturday in the 880 profession. Born at Dorchester, are to be decided upon by a com­scholarship ranking., Since that he should win this event. The ad- .Mass., Oct. 12, 1861, he graduated mittee composed of two alumni fromtime only those receiving philo- dition of Kelly to the hurdling squad from Harvard in 1882; A. M. from each institution. The Michigansophical oration appointments have has rounded out that branch of the the same institution in ) 887, and alumni are the Hon. C. Eastman'had their names printed in ranking work. With Catlin, Kelly and LLB, 1887. He practiced law in .and Frank P. Sadler, both oforder, and 110W even this is to be Friend in the hurdle event, Chicago Boston 1888- 1892, has been a teach- Chicago.done away with. The various rea- should capture the majority of er of law, Harvard Law School, Professor Shailer Mathews of thesons for the change ar that Yale events with ease. since 1890, Assistant Professor of I University of Chicago has beenhas grown, and widened the curri- In the dashes Blair and Rice 'Law, 1892, Professor of Law 1897, giving a series of the most scholar­culum until no practical basis of should win. The distance runs Professor of Law and Dean of the ly lectures upon Biblical subjectscomparison of two men can be should furnish some hard fought Law School of the University of that Michigan students have heardmade. And further that these hon- contests. Henry and Lyons, of the Chicago since )902, and Member of. for some time. His lectures haveorary offices frequently lead to bit- Varsity, are improving at each meet, the Massachusetts State Commis- been very well attended and ap­ter antagonism and risk of injus- and are expected: to assist mated- sion for Simplifying Criminal Plead- preciated. Sunday he spoke intice. ally in winning the last meet. .. .The ings." He is the author of various University Hall to a large audience,Harvard abolished the valedic- shot put should go to Miller unless legal articles and monographs. not alone of students but of manytorionship some years ago, and the Maxwell gets 'back into' form and Professor Hall, who' will succeed town's people as -well. Specialresult has been justified. The Yale sends the shot better than 42 feet. him, was graduated from Cornell music was furnished by the Y. M.chapter of Phi Beta Kappa is said In the Illinois meet Maxwell 'vas University in 1894, -and took his C. A. be heartily· in agreement, with off form and could not make a 40' degree from Harvard in 1897. After The Good Government Club hast,he' uecision.·�· ! - foot put. Speik will, also, competq, .a�racticing for three years in Buff�io, secured William Jennings Bryan toThe University of Minnesota has in this event and is good for third.,. 11.e�Yas-e'recte'tf','fo-anw·'associate"-pra;1�· lecture-to .. the ..• unhrersit-)t-Stll.dftJUs.. _lately been much exercised over the The pole vault looks easy for fes�orship in Leland Stanford, Jr., on next Sunday, March 12. Heproposed adoption 'of the honor sys- Miller of Chicago at 10 feet 6inches. ,?nivers�ty. He �ame to C�icago has chosen for �i,s subject, "Tl�etem in examination. Now the In all the meets this year, he has 111 UJO ..... · Prof.�sso� Hall IS ex- Value of an .I�ea1. Mr. Bryan 111women have come out in favor of won with 10 feet 4 inches and can tremely popular .with law school a former VISIt to- Ann Arbor do-the system and will endeavor to do better if necessary. The out- men. . • nated the receipts of the .lecture topersuade its adoption by the men. come of the meet is rather uncer- be used as a fund, the interest ofTh '11 f tl tl t DR. '!IARPER GREATLY IMPROVED hi h t be zi 11e women WI ur ier - re sys em. tain as it will be held in the Wis- w lC was 0 e grven annua y asbv arguing it in at'l their societies'·' a prize for the best essay uponJ conS111 gym which will be strange After a restful night' he attends' to mat.!' " . . 'and college organizations, and in to a few of the members of the Var- ters of business. Some Phases of Municipal Gov-sororieties and literarv societies. . 'I'hi '11 1 b d ernment." This has been doneJ SIt),'. IS WI a so. e con ucive Bv far the most encouraging rThe outcome of the bold action .. . e- each year since, the prize this yearof better efforts by the Wisconsin port of the President's conditionof the Brown university athletic' freshmen who are competing for comes this mctl;.ning. ire enjoyed has not been awarded � yet. Butboard in abolishing eligibility res- their varsity; and several of them . this time Mr. Bryan would come�, last nigh t the best night' s rest thustrictions on varsity men who have may show exceptional ability and far, and is so much improved that only upon the condition that hereceived money for playing summer upset calculations. 1 d d f come at his own expense, and thatre attempte to atten to a ewbaseball seems likely to be that the the lecture be free to anyone whomatters of business and give neces-Providence institution will have no would come.Athletic N t sary directions to his this spring. The Brown cor- 0 es. Saturday evening the varsity in-poration refused on Saturday to Despite reports to the contrary, door meet was held in WatermanIt . 1 t iti tl t M t Pan-Hellenic-Committee Meeting.stand' by the board, and -directed 1 IS now amos POSl ive ra or. Gymnasium. The object of theC I '11 '11 t b bl t . The committees on the Pan-Hel-that no games be played under the a 11 WI no e a e 0 run III meet was to give Trainer Fitzpat-t S t 1, t wi tl W' lenic dance will meet in the Rey-new rules until the corporation has nex a urc ay s mee WI - I iscon- rick an idea of the material he hadreached a final decision in Septern- • sin. Cahill was out yesterday and nolds Club tomorrow, Wednesday, '�o work with, and to give new menber, 1904. The board declared took a few turns around the track., at 5 p. m. the experience of running againstthat the best course was to be 'en-' He was able to jog without trouble; the best men that the Universitytirely honest in eligibility matters. but when he attempted to reach Blackfriar's Rehearsal Wednesday. has. The meet was generallyac-It isgenerally thought the baseball out into his regular 'half mile stride A rehearsal for. the .Blackfriars- knowledged to be the best varsityteam as a whole will refuse to play I his injury bothered him'. Mr. comic opera will be held in Kent indoor meet held for a number ofunder the old rule and therefore Stagg said today that unless Ca- Theater Wednesday evening at 7:30 years. Two indoor records werewill resign .. A few clays ago Patte, hill's condition improved greatly, o'clock. Complete. announcements broken, that of the shot put and ofthe all-collegiate short stop of 'last he would not allow him to compete. may be found on the Cobb Hall .the half mile. Rose's feat in theyear, stated that he would not play The varsity track men were bulletin board. former and Rainey's in the latterunder the old rule. -The team as a given a rest yesterday afternoon, were the sensations of the evening.whole will probably support the ac- and no regular work was taken. Girls Will Hold Relay Race Rainey had shown by his worktion of the athletic board, conse- Representatives of the freshman For the first time the women of in the two previous meets that hequently declining to take advantage and sophomore classes began train- the tJniversitY,are to have a relay was a man of some ability but hisof .the offer 'of the corporation, ing yesterday for the inter-class race in their gymnasium meet which decisive' victory over Hall thewhich will let themplayunder the meet on Saturday, March 19. is to take place Saturday afternoon' western champion was a surpriseold rule this spring. Lynch, the Arthur Sullivan who competed March Hl. The Junior College to everyone. Hall was up to hisstar pitcher, can play under either in the hlgh jump' for the varsity . will run against the Senior College old time form and time but the newrule, and from' four to eight girls will man was the victor. Rainey's timelast season took all examination. Friday to remove his conditions. psobably run on each team. Fri- was 2:02 flat. This clipped a .sec-If Sullivan succeeds in doing this day from 9:30 to I o'clock the try ond off of the old record made by. outs will be held, and the girls Howard Hayes in the memorablehis addition to the track squad will making the course in the best timestrengthen the team materially. w ill be chosen for the teams.tinct!!!!!!lBLBaC.&.�.AN.t.;, IIII'.UC.l.GO;' Hairsh and.icago.arerd,ne­IlerrtilyIsh60lI1dithlen�dyde.for.ndtered,(llcnesofno-isas.�S,,tor. TheJ�ulLily MaroonPubUshed Afternoons by the Students of the University of Chicago During the Four Quarters of the University YearVor ... II.. No. 102. CHICAGO, TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1H04 PRICE Two CENTSABOLISH VALEDICTORY' PREPARE FOR WISCONSIN HALL WILL BE LAW DEAN WEEK AT ANN ARBORHistoric Class Honor at Yale Will ' Varsity Track Men Hope to Set NewN A· b C f d . Mark for Chicago Teams by Hanging up'ever gam e on erre on Clean SlateOne of Graduating' Class Dean Beale Will Return to Harvard Michigan Prepares for Debate WithWisconsin -Professor ShailerMathews Biblical Lectures-Professor Hall has Brilliant RecordIand is popularA baby girl was born to DeanJoseph Hi Beale, .of the Law School,and wife at Cambridge on Thurs­day, March 3. CONTINUED ON PAGE of. COLUMN 1, .1� , t. " �. ,I •• fI.i I,,.'I C�ICAGO, TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1904Y'oung America LaundrySTUDENTS'LAUNDRRYttbe JDail\1 maroon. Mr. Kemp who has acted as oneof the university postmen for the'last .six years, has been compelledto discontinue his work. temporari­lyon account of an operation per-formed on his arm. .Formerly the University of Chicago Weekly.FOUNDBDThe University_ of Chicago Weekly, Oct. I, 1892THill DAILY MAROON. - - - • Oct. I, 1902F. W. NOR.TON348 57th Sreet541CS Lake Ave.Tel. Hyde Park 1252 DR. GOODMAN A.MILLfRDENTIST. 369-! 639 STREETTeLEPHONE Hyde Park 1196. F. S. YOUNG. ProprietorNEWS CONTRIBUTIONS REQUESTED.DAILY PAPERS AND. MAGAZINES.The committee on settlementwork will have 'charge of the pro­gram at the Woman's Union to­morrow afternoon. A scene of Shakespeare's "plays willbe presented by one of the clubs ofthe University Settlement. KIMBALL BALL, 243 Wabash Ave.Miss Maud Sutter, business Specia /.: �agent and organizer of the Wo- Rates I �� oorS�citos,man's Union, Local 183 of the to :;Stock. Yards, will address the U. of C. Original Ideas andStudents Exclusive Styles inWoman's Union tomorrow after- Photograpbsnoon. Following the address the .,__. _girls of the' 'Evening Hour Club"will give a scene from' 'As YouLike It."Prof. Atwood of the geology de­partmen t has become a story teller.Yesterday in class he told a storytold him by a cowboy. It is as fol­lows: One day it was .so hot inTexas that the fish were jumpingout of water to keep cool. Sudden­ly � "Norther" came up and thewater froze so quickly that fish, came down on ice instead of water. M.ONROE,R.estaul'ant & CafeA. PRENTICE, Proprietor299 55th St., Near Monroe Ave.. Commutation Tickets, $3.50 for $3.00.Published by the students of the Universityof Chicago every afternoon, except Saturdarand Sunday, during the 46 weeks_Df the Uni-versity year. .•First board of editors and business managerauthorized by student-body in mass meetmgMay IS, 1902.Membership. on subsequent boards of editorsto be determined by competition open to allstudents in the University. NORTON takes subscri, tions for both andhas them delivered' at your doorPhone, 116 Hyde Park'BOARD OF EDITORSManaging Editor •••••.• Oliver B. Wfman, '04News Editor ••••••••••••• Harry. W. Ford, '04Athletic Editor •••••••• Walter L. Gregory, 'OSASSOCIATE EDITORSThaddeus J. Merrill, Law '05Ernest J. StevenSc.:04'Ralph P. Mulvane '�SEdward M. Kerwin, '06LeRoy A. VanPatten, '06Edward R. Gannon, '04Riley H. Allen, '04WOMEN EDITORSMiss Lena Harris Miss Helen Smith, '06STAFF OF REPORTERSJohn S. Wright, 'es Arthur Bridgman, 07James V. Hickey, '06 Claude Schofield, '07C. McKenna, Rush 'OS Bernard I. Bell, '07Chas A. Bruce, '06Miss Marie Ortmayer, '06I;1I;,PHONE-OPFlcE-Hyde Park 1788DR. RALPH W. PARKERDR. FRED W. PARKERDENTISTSH 18:30 to u.ours I 1'00 to S. 62.&9 Kimbark AvenueIv. s.cs-. Sixty·third St.,i I BUSINESS STAFFBusiness ManaKer .••..•..•••• Julien' L. Bl'od�Cempresled Air Servlce I Antiseptic Face CreamTHE GRAND CENTRAL BARBE� SHOPH. J. GAMET, PROPRIETOR73 Adams Street Opposite PairLauDdrv OfficcEntered as second-class mail at Chicago Post­office.Daily_ Subscription, $3 per year; $1 for 3 mos.By Mail in City $4 per year; $1.25 for 3 mos.Subscriptions received at THB MAROONOffice, Ellis Hall, or left in THill MAROONBox, the Faculty Exchange, Cobb Hall. 'lei. -. BarrflOliCOLLEGE BASE-BALLA delightful musicale was givenat Beecher Hall last Friday eveningby Miss Nellie Foster, soprano, andMr. Francis Woodmansee, pianist,two Chicago musicians of unusualability. Miss Foster's rendering ofthree songs composed by Mr. Wood­mansee were especially enjoyed.Professor S. D. Fess, UniversityExtension Lecturer, will give Hiscelebrated lecture on "Abraham"Lincoln, the Truest American," inthe Woodlawn Presbyterian church,·this evening. PHONE HYDE PARKPrinted by the Quadrangle Press, 404 E. 55th St.PI PI iii EDITOR.IALS PI PI iii and all other college sport is fully. covered in text andillustration by THE ILLUSTRATED SPORTING NEWS,which is the ONLY publication giving special college subjects.May 1 is known hi Chicago as"moving day." .On that date thehouse leases held by most of thefraternities wilt expire. In viewof this fact the fraternity jnen areespecially anxious to know whatprogress, if any, has been made bythe university authorities in work­ing out the details of the fraternityhouse system proposed by Presi­dent Harper, the general plans forwhich have been mapped out bythe Fraternity House Commission.•If the University sees its way clear'to go ahead with the work in­volved in the construction of thehouses, perhaps some of the frater­nities woul� prefer not to renewtheir leases at this time. The au­thorities would put the fraternitiesunder obligation by saying nowwhether the house problem can orcannot be solved this year. SEND US ONE. DOLLAR.and we will send you the ILLUSTRATED. SPORTINGNEWS each week for 16 weeks, which will eouer tll6spring season of outdoor sport. Address,TH� ILLUSTRATED SPORTING NEWS,. 7 West Twenty-Second' St., New YorkH. T. McGUIREProprietor 1322Senior .Class Meeting TomorrowThere will be a meeting of theSenior class in Haskel Hall tomor­row, Wednesday, at 10:�O a. m. Madison Avenue Packing CompanyWHOLESALE- ANDWm. H. Sage & Co., reliable druggist ....corner Woodlawn Avenue and �"ifty-fifthstreet. Sole agent in Hyde Park for Dr.Carl Koch's New Discovery for the CU1'eof Consumption, Coughs, Colds, and nildiseases of the 'I'hroat, Chest and LungK.·Guaranteed to cure or money refunded.Price, 50 ceuts, Trial size 10 cents. RETAIL MARKE-T6309 Madison Avenue CHICAGOLeave your 'subscription at th« Afaroon office. Ellis Hat].If you want a position to teach, callon or write to JamtM F. McCullough.639 Fine Arts Buildlng, Chicago. Keep in Touch with University. LifeGAR.GOYLETTES A rare opportunity-A $10.00 im­ported Otterman Opera Hat for $5.00.ARTHUR FEILCHENFELD,81 E. Van Buren St .• Fisber Bldg. ***********************Ii 'How'd you like the column yes­terday? Little Walt, our. athleticassistant was the one what done it.* • •Joined the Catholic or Episcopalchurch yet? 'It's the only hope ofsalvation. For particulars readMonday's Maroon.• • • ·La Salle THE HOME OFSUCCESSHead-on to a Glorious Success Be posted on what is taking placearound you .", . .", .", .", � J1.Be a loyal student and supportstudent enterprise. Subscribe toBELLE OF N'EWPORTGARRICKOnly Mntinee Saturday.FllANCIS WILSONand all star players.Mn rguerItn Sylva; Jessie BartlettDavis : Mudge Lessing, and"ERMINlJD."Next Sunday 'night only : Paula Ed-wardes in "Winsome Winnie." THE DAILr MAROONTONE PICTURES.Judging from recent reports fromthe baseball firing line in the farEast we conclude-no, no, Pauline,not that white is black, but merelythat Brown is Blue.STUDEBAKERPopular Matinee Wednesday. $1 to 2;)c.Reopen» to-nl01'1'OW night.In full compliance with all provisionsof the new city ordinance, including im­proved sprlnkler system. Entire gal­lery, oflicial1y commended, will be opento the public.Henry W. Savage win offer the Great­est of Musical Comedy Hits,PRINCE OF PILSENReturn of all the Favorites.Majors and Minors***********************': I Don M. Compton, '05, has beenelected to the Mouthy MAROONstaff.Miss Hilda Smith will give amusical program at the TwilightHour in the League room ThursdayafternoQn. $1,00 a quarter. $3.00 a year. d JTcTelGilCOl(81111-J)d- NOTICES.CHICAGO, TUESDAY, MARCH'S, 1904.U Waiting for "you."Our Spring Woolensselected especially forCollege Merl.' :Tailor. for VounK MenA. N. Jerrems, Mgr. 129-181 La Salle St.JlYDB PARK AND CHICAGO BBACH STABLBSJ. H. KINTZ.. (PIlOPRIBTOIl)Jackson Park Stables• 273 Bast Fifty ' Seventh StreetTel., Hyde Park SSiZ CHICAG.To keep your facein' good con d i t ion,use ·Williams' ShavingStick.ase;PURE OUR PRICES ON.FRATERNITY STATIONERY.'. P'.ROGRAMMES, MENUS.I�� V I TAT ION SAN D6NGRAVED CARDS.BROCHON4.' -34-36 WASHINGTON .ST.E. c. MOOREjflotfst132 East Forty-Ninth StreetTelephone Oakland 14QS271 East Fifty-Fifth StreetTelephone Hyde Park 38Telephone Hy�e Park 18A. McAdamsTHE UNIVERSITY FLORISTGREENHOUSES: CHICAGOCor. 53d It. aad Kimbark ave.NEWCOLLARSuite 73 to 76, Dexfer Bldg,"INDIVIDUALITY"IN. C'L 0 T H.:]�::)S·Not the ordinary kind ..but clothes with the at­tributes . which makethem different. . . .GEO. H. FIEDLER&CO.THE HANDSOMESTESTABLISHMENT IN CHICAGOMUSSBV'SBilliard Halls and Bowling AlleysThe Largest and Finest AmusementResort in the World100 to 108 Madison StreetBranch: .616 Davia St., Evanston CHICAGO, ILL.Students and faculty members are 'requestedto send all notices to The Daily Maroon forpublication free of charge. Notices must beleft at The Maroon office or' Faculty Exchangebefore J 1 A. M.TO·RENT - 2 pleasant light rooms,with or without board. Meal-rickets, 2 rmeals $3.50. Breakfast, Lunch and Dill­nero 5815 Drexel Ave., 3rd flatLOST-A black leather note book with. detachable leaves. The owners name iswritten ill the cover. Kindly return toDAILY MAROON office.A premium of five cents will be offeredfor the following issues of the Daily:\1:11'00n if delivered at the office, 58thStreet and. Ellis Aveuue.:Jruluurv 8, 21; February 4, lUO-!.IN�t�ce to Students.Special Notice to Fraternities and Clubs-Get your pictures, group and indivi­dual, for the '04 Ca'p and Gown, at Mar­tyn's Maroon' Studio. Best terms. Wefulfill all we promise.Studio, 5705 Oottage Grove Ave.'I'he University Pharmacy carrtes acomplete 'line of cold weather' remedies.500 Fifty-fifth street.Owing to the constantly growing de­mands for OUI' tailoring, we have dls-,posed of our Gents' Furnishing Depart­. ment, an., now exhibit a fnller line ofwoolens. We �Iso' press, clean, repairand dye ladies' and gents' garments.FAMOUS TAILORING COl\fPANY.346 E. 55th street. Phone H. P. 5700.WANTEDLady, to sell the best hand lotion 011market. Liberal terms, no canvassing.State yea S. Address:. LEXO TOILET GOODS CO.,Box 199 The DAILY MAROON. wishes to announcethat it has for sale'Scholarships in prom­inent Colleges• 4� •.' • ' ,In the city 'in the followil�g:Music.Vocal'Law Languages .(Berlitz)'Short HandBook KeepingThese will be sold:at a liberal discount tostudents.Apply to the Business Manager',JI'Ellis Hall . 57th St. and Ellis Av.tbt J:angt Sbot·FOR FASTI 0 IOU S' FOLKSDESIGNED BY YOUNG. MENFOR, YOUNG MEN'S WBARTuesday, March S.-N eurological J ournal Meeting,Anatomy 27, 4 p. 111.Romance Club, Haskell AssemblyRoom, 4 p. m. Program, "LesChausons populaires francaise,' ,Dr .. Neff, wi th 111 usical ill us tra tionsby Mr. Williamson.Botanical Club, Botany 13, 5p.m.A Missionary Conference, ad­.dressed by Rev. H. E. Dutton, at7 :HO p. ,m. in Haskel,l AssemblyRoom.Concert by the Chicago Orches­. ira, Theodore Thomas directing, inMandel Hall at S:15 p, m.Wednesday, March 9-Woman's Union, Lexington 15,4 p. 111. Settlement AssociationDay.Chemistry Journal Meeting, Kent'22,4 p. m.Chicago Chapter of Sigma Chi,Theatre of the Reynolds Club, 8p, m. 'Thursday, March 10-Le Cercle de ConversationFranc­aise du departement des langucs. Romanes se reunit a.a heures dansSpelman House (Lexington-' Hall,S�lle S. .. ,-- ;..�.' .Economics Club, Cobb Be, 7 :HOp. 111._". ',,,,Friday, March 11-W. S. C. L., Haskell Museum,10:30 a. m.Der Deutsche Klub kornmt 111114 Uhr in der Lexington Halle ZUsa111-111�n. Program, Vorlesungen VOllFrl. Albarus.Saturday, March 12-Ladies' night at the ReynoldsClub. Dancing.Sunday, March 13-University -Religio-u-s--S=--er-v-i ......c-e-s-, -1- � \.11:00 a. 111. in Mandel Hall-Rev. =============Professor Edward Judson, D.D., I49 D ear b 0 r n S t r e e tUniversity of Chicago, University T R.I BUN E B U I L DIN GPreacher.Sunday, 4 p. 111.-Vesper service in Mandel Hallunder auspices of the U ni versi tyarid the Settlement Association.·Professol'·Grahan� Taylor will speakon "The Relation of Universitiesand Settlements in England and theUnited States". Special musicalservice, 4:00 to 4:30, C. A. T.JAMPF.RTVIOLINIST:i\(pnlbpl' of the Chicago Orchestra.Pupils and engagerneuts accepted.AddJ'eS3: 3433 Wnbash Avenue.. ..!ORDER THATDRESS SUIT NOW-- ---�---- - -_--- - _- -YOg will ha .. to ha ...If you want to enter Ia lifo, wltb .U ..lOelal actlvltie. that ...connected witb It. : : I IOar drea •• ult ..... 0.­epeclalty :: : they ....auo &bat UDCO.�'".... roou ...I McDonald & Spann], 185 De arb 0 r D S t r e e t... Adam. Express Bldg. 4th FloorWe Are Stuck. ,Too many Silk Otterman OperaHats-Regular value ten dollars .. Until March rst we will sellthem for FIVE DOLLARS : : : :A. FEILCHENFELD, 81-83 E. Yan Buren St.Fisch er Buildingoer THE BEST$2 AMES. HATS $3established .8,3.61-163 B. Madison Street aear La Sallo154 Dearbora StEarly Spring Hats, Canes, Olovesand Umbrellas TYPEWRITERS. ONE-HALF PRICESend for our list of special bargain. in allmakes of Standard typewriters. Full line ofsupplies, Machines for rent,3 to'3 per month.ROCKWeLL-BARNES CO •:16,-:169 Wabuh Avo.PRESCRIPTIONSR ELI A B L E P H.A R MAC YROSALIE PHARMA()YJ. J. GIL L. lih,mlst and PllannadltPhone Hyde Park 175 274 E. 57th St •• near Willi. Av ..eHAS. A.. LAWRENCE,Manager and Director.L AWRENGE ORGHESTRASelect .muatc for allSelect � c c a a ton amour Patronagerespecttutta ecuctreoResidence5745 Rosalie CourtTel. Hyde Park 1467. CHICAGOA. 7. CORNELLMerchantTailor633 Cltt"cap Stock Exchanl{e RUI'/d'-"rW:sl,ing-ton and LaSa//1 Sts,1904 EDITION NOW READY"Spalding'sOfficialAthleticAlmanacco Edited by J. E. Sulllvan,Secv-Treas., A. A. U.The only publication in the country contalnlng allauthentic athletic records. This book contain. over:roo PBees of athletic information, and ill profuselylllusrrated with numerous portraits of leadine athletesand athletic teams. Price, 10 cents.A. G. SPALDING & BROS.Send for illustrated cataloe 0 f athletic aoOcle.M " ,. Marquetteen sW �{ �Buildingear •____ .___. Dearborn Street.' .. � _.'. ) -• • .�.,� ,, Y,·' . :. �. ,"', � '. . .... .: • .._;..' ,�.� �"I-' '.�,', ' , ,',. '. \ '." ' '-:1WEEK AT ANN ARBORCDNTINUED FROM ,PAGE 1. COLUMN 4.I' race against Bill Maloney in I go I.Rainey's time will stand as theworld's record, for a 14 lap track.Rose continued his record break­ing. His pu ts were 46 feet I 1-2inches; 4S feet 3 inches; 4S feet; 45feet; 45 feet. 7 inches; 45 feet 8inches. He did not seem to ex­tend himself greatly, for he did noteven remove his hea vy sweaterwhen he tossed the shot. Muchbetter work is expected of him whenhe gets out of doors, for 'now hecan not get accustomed to thesmooth and slippery floor. 'Archie Hahn did not competelast night at Trainer Fitzpatrick'srequest.. Mr. Fitzpatrick was'afraid of an injury in finishing �nthe incline plane, and wanted Hahnin his best condition for the Phila­delphia meet in May.Brewer the Western champion ofthe high. jump was defeated lastnight by both Miller and Keller.Brewer has done no jumping thisyear, and plainly showed his lackof practice.Shot put:-Rose rst, 46 feet l� inches.40 yard 'dash: - Keller rst. Time 4 3-5seconds.40 yard High Hurdles:-Stewart rst.Time 5 2-5 seconds.440 yard run:-Goodwin rst. Time54 4-5 seconds.Mile run-e-Kellogg ] st. Time 4 min.37 seconds.Pole Vaultt-c--Read and Withey tiedfor rst at 10 feet 6 inches.880 yard r q,:----Rainey 1st. Time 2minutes 2 seconds. 'High Jump:----Kelle� and Miller tiedfor 1 st 5 feet 10 inches.Class Relay Races.William C. Cole, the Varsitytackle on the 1902 football team,will assist Coach Yost in the capac­ity of assistant coach in developingthe team next year. Cole is one ofthe few double 'I M" men in theUniversity. Last year he won hisbaseball "M" by playing rightfield. While being' one of. the light­est tackles ever on the team he isconsidered as being the' quickest,and "headiest" . Cole coached theteam for Marietta college last fall,and after the season entered theLaw Department. Dan McGugan,who held the office of assistantcoach last season, has signed athree years' contract to coach theVanderbilt University team.Our next year's football squadwill be strengthened very the addition of Dartmouth'scrack tackle, Tnrner. He has en-"",I: I.'iI ._. �- .-'GENTLEMENWHO DRESS FOR STYLENEATNESS. AND COMFORTWEAR THE IMPROVED 4BOSTON'GARTERLie. Flat to the Lei-NeverSlip., Tear. r or Unfa.ten.Sample pair, Silk Wc •• Cotton 2lIc,Mailed 00 receipt of price.Oeo. 'roat CO., Mlker.,a •• l.A, M •••• , U. S. A.ALWAYS EASY � ,CHICAGO, �UESDAY. ,MARCH 8,1904tered the Law Department and iseligible to play next year. Turner,it will be remembered, is the manwho twice carried the ball overHarvard's lines last year. He is abaseball man too, and has joined the, squad.The Bird Club has been busy theselast few weeks studying the springmigration of birds. 'I'he work iscarried on systematically and verythoroughly. The weather, windand general climatic condi t ions, aretaken into consideration and tabu­lated with the birds seen, the dates,size of flock, etc. The club reportshaving seen forty-seven blue birds,three robins, sixteen song sparrows, ,six purple grackles, ,four meadowlarks, one red shouldered hawk, a�14two red polls. 'RI. '1(, PE'EBLES \Ready to Contest for Cup.The entries for the ReynoldsClub bowling tournament closedthis morning at 9 o'Clock withabout forty enteries. The namesof those entered will be paired offat once and the tournament will be­gin in a few days. The five menscoring the highest average for fivescheduled games will constitute theReynolds Club bowling team, andwill, represen t the club in allmatches with outside teams. Fromthe number of high scores made onthe alleys since they were openedit is thought that a team will beable to hold its own with the rna­jority of the teams in the city. l hebowler who makes the best averagefor five scheduled games will beawarded the handsome silver cuprecently presented to the Club bythe 'retiring 'president, Howard J.Sloan.Final Hall Basketball GameTomorrow night at 7 :30 the finalgame in the series of three for 'thehall championship in basketballwill be played The Kelly-Fosterand Beecher-Green teams ha veeach won one game, neither teamhas the advantage in skill and theoutcome is problematical.Line up:Kelly - FosterDudleyRoneyBocekeArnoldVisherFayRobey Centre Beec her - GreenVaughanMcCombPalmerTrumbullFiskeTschirgiJones. Meyer I ncornorn ted 1002.I��tnb1ish('d 1878.LOSER & "'ANSON ..·TAILORS'A. A. D E V 0 R E & SON.. .,1 •. 1""ForwardsGuardsOpening with a Publishing House.A prominenr publishing housedesires a man at once to representthem in the field, in introducingtext booksin the' schools and col­leges, A man who is somewhatacquaintedin Michigan and Indiana ,is desired. A graduate with someexperience in school work is pre­ferred. This is an exceptionalopportunity. Tho s e interestedshould apply at 10:30 tomorrow,Wednesday, at the office of theBoard of Recommendations. TAILOn.SPullmnn BuildingWe make a specialty of high grnde DressSuits for young men,• 17e5 DEARBORN ST.CHICAGO.J,Gymnastic Meet Postponed.The western intercollegiate gym­nastic meet which was to have beenheld in the Bartlett gymnasium butwas later transferred to .the gym­nasium of the University of Wiscon­sin, has again been postponed. Therecent fire at Madison, which de­stroyed the state house has com­pelled the S�ate Legisla�ure to usf7the . U niversi ty gymnasium as ameeting place. The 'date' as nowfixed is March 26. O'MEARA BROTHERS' HOME BAKERY(Phone 1616 HydePark.)All Ooods Strictly Home-MadeOr •• rl taken for Ice Cream and Ices .: Goods delivereda78 Pllt)'. batreet. A T ypir,al tollege Manis at once recognized by the distinctand faultless cut of his clothesQuie k SerVice Geo. O. Marlatt, IIgt. We are Tailor. forCollege Men •••••ANHEUSER &: NEILReslAtt,.anl.... j'gl BAST SIXTY-TWRD ST. OBlC�GO- ::L. MAN ASS E, OPTICIAN------ 88 M.dl.on St., Tribune Bulldlnl'W uy use poor. unwholesome milk, whe. 'pectacle. alld Byell ..... Sclelltiflcally Adjuste.I I for the samc �oney you nn Ict it Eyes Telted FreePure, Sweet, .nd Blltraor.l· eRe Everythin, Optical..rlly R.lch, delivered in sealed bottles, by calli Dr u, Matliematlcal1Telephone South 817, or dropplDI a pO,stal to Metereolorica ,aDdfor the Lanternll'.SIDNEY WANZER & SONS Kodak., Cameras305 Thirtieth st. &a4 8uvpUIi.,BORDEN'SCONDENSED MILK, FLUID MILK,CREAM AND BUTTERMILKALL B�TTLED IN THE COUNTRYBORDEN'S CONDENSED MILK Co.827-833 E. 'OftTy-aEVENTH aT.BENHAM BROS.t\ FASHIONABLETAILOR,S, E. BURNHAM,HAl R GOODSElectrolysisFncial Massage, Manicuring, Ladies' HavDressing and l\lallicuring, Ladies' Turkish andRussian Baths. '70 and 72 State st., Chicago.'225 Dearborn Street Suite 201-202Telephone 4523 HarrisonWant "MoneyYouIt call A. LIPMANon gg Ba.t Madi.o •• t.� Watch .. , Jewel.." a. Alatlquea. for laIe; Olel Gol. aD •. Sliver BoulblW�'T.'DBLlILUIT M. C. O'DON'lmLL ' ALBERT TBBOPresidout Secretary', TreasurerStandard Washed 'Coal Company303 Dearbom. StreetSTANDARD WASHED COAL FOR DOMESTIC USEStandard Egg - - 15.00' per ton Wasbed Chestnut • $+50 per:tonWashed Range 15.00 per ton Washed Pea -, $4.25 per tonLIB,BY'S,Natural Flavor ...Food Products' "·Underwoo·d's beviled Ham'if you have it' on hand, will help greatlyto entertain the unexpected guest.It's an old-fashioned product - madehonestly and pure of HAM and pure'spices - nothing else.All first class dealers sell it.Look on the can for the little red devil.Wm. Underwood Co •• Boston. Mass.are U. 8. Go�ernmentInlpected. Thewhole.ome-fi�8::e�����::�� ��::��:�f�:c: r�r:h����ke)'oOileninll eane. A lIuppl)' on Jour paDtr)' 8hel�e8, :g�t�e:::: ��r�:a,��at'h:t l\\�f� ��k���i'I��a��Mijke Good ThinlJll to Eat," tolll all about them­nnt free. LibbY'1 Atlas of the World, mailedfree for 10 centl poltage.LIBBY., McNBILL " LIBBY, CHICAOO.OOOOOOOOO�00600000000000000o ' 0·0 EGYPTIAN DEITIES 0o 0S No better Turkish Cigarette can be m .. de. :S STRAW TIP So Cork Tip Plain 0* •••••• 0 •••• 0 •• 0 •• 0 •• 0 •• 0.: