ussr:r.irrd).5,, .... __ '" _ .... 'If • ., • •,..Published Afternoons by the Students of the Univeraity of Chicago During the Four Quarters of the Ulliversity Year .Vor ... II. No. W3. PRICE Two CHN'I'SCHICAGO, \VEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1�)04�============================�=-=-�---==========================================================r=====�=-=-===-=-=��=-==��-�-===------STUDENTS TAKE POISON ALL IN READINESS FOR PROM ONE MAN FOR EACH· OFFICE DARK HORSE NOMINEEMany Enthusiasts at Ann Arbor Ex­periment with the Deadliestof Drugsyear.Dr. Chamberlain Goes to Mexico CityDr. C .-J. Chamberlain of the de­partment'�of Botany will leave to­day for the City of Mexico. Hegoes as a' commissioner for the Bot­any Society of America to investi­gate certain geological plants inJalap. At this place there is aspecial kind.of palm, the study ofwhich is expected to throw muchlight on the geologic plant problem. Committees Are Taking Final Steps To Reynolds Club Caucus Well Attended But:Carry Out The Details-Dancing To Candidates Are Scarce-Nominees ByStart At 9 O'Clock Petition .Are Expected.The decorating committee of the Only one candidate for each ofNorthwestern University Finally Abolishes Washington Prom inspected the' the executive offices was nominated Lowden Carries E�rly Ballots-Rush toI, the Degree of Bachelor' of main gymnasium room of the Gym at the Reynolds Club caucus last Fifer on the' Fifth-ConventionPhilosophy yesterday and completed the ar- night.' A fairly representative ' ' 'in Detail.Fifteen members of the Alpha, rangements for the decoration. number of clubmen were present. Ex-goveruor Joseph Vl. Fifer of1.., Sigma 'medical fraternity at the Hundreds ot yards of -Dtl�1hng, Presid�nt Sloan, when seen today, Bloomington was last night n0111i­University of Michigan and four' many flags, pennants and pictures was at a loss to explain the lack of nated for, governor by the mockwomen students are imperilling are to be combined in the color candidates. According' to the Republican State Convention. Histheir lives for the cause of science scheme. Coach Stagg has practic- constitution three men may be nomination, coming on the fifthby eating a secret deadly poison to ally consented to allow the c011111lit- nominated for each office. How- ballot as a compromise candidate,testits effects. This startling ex- tee to place on exhibition the ban- ever, it is thought that the' const i- brought to a close the hardestperiment has been going on for ners and trophies won by the varsi- tutional provision which makes it fought and most interesting mockseveral days but as yet all attempts ty teams during the past ten years. possible for nominations to be made political gathering ever held 0�1 theby, outsiders to discover the nature In addition to the other decorations by petition .over the, signatures of campus.of the 'poison have failed. Dr. A. a large portrait of George Wash- twenty-five members, having the The Lowden boom had beenE. Ebershoff of the homeopathic ington will, be hung at the north right to vote' at the coming election, growing steadily until the fourthdepartment is conducting the ex- end af the room. will be taken, advantage of and ballot, and the Yates, Hamlin andperirnent and has made the an- The other committees which have that further candidates will be put Deneen managers, noting that theyuouucement that though the poison the arrangements for the Prom in .forward. had no chance of nominating theiris a pow,erf.ul one the doses are' to hand have reported to the general The men who were named last candidates, began to look for a com­be very minute in quantity. The chairman that they have completed night for, the various offices and promise candidate. At this momentdrug was shipped from New York their tasks. Work on the floor will who will stand for election Friday the Deneen people came out withand at the time it was sent to begin Friday and the authorities are; President Roy D. Keehn, Law the statement that they were readyMichigan the New York papers re- declare that they will have it in ex- '04, at present secretary of the to support ex-governor Fifer' andported that it was cyanide of caco- cellent condition by Friday night. Club, member of the legal fratern- the Yates and -, Hamlin' delegaiesdyl, a drug ten thousand times 'I'he-rnanagers of the Prom have ity Phi Deltri.'i>lii and 'of Phi Kappa immediat�y.�e:t��in{t) line. Fife·rmore d��'dlY ti1an prussic acid. decided upon an innovation, 'spec- Pi;, vice president James S. Riley was nomri'4tr�,��;,;;h.: next ba�lotThree' grains of it thrown into a tators will be admitted to the gal- '05., business manager Cap and by a votttof �HO ��.P 020. On motiontheater-would kill the whole audi- lery at a charge of fifty cents a Gown, Beta Theta Pi; secretary of Mr. ntamiuiU;'of the third dis­ence..' When the experiment was piece. They will also be privileged Harry ,W. Ford, 'news editor of trict, the nomination was madebegun only members of the medical to attend supper at seventy-five THE DAILY MAROON, Phi Gamma unanimous'. The convention wasfraternitywere allowed to undergo cents a plat.e. . D�lt�; Ernest �. Qualltrell, va�sity called/9, order i't� Cobb chapel at,_"'�-..:-.t� �n.t.u. �tJ,'ite._r.:o.�\ !Q.�:;=:\vQ).t1e,n ,; I • .;_,�!.�!� __���S1l1g. �lll .. ,.�-..t�:�.!?ro�J?t7�., ,J:�c� _t�,�l11_'.J�.,h.t��!t.�r-l15���br�.:� _4�3�.,�.. ' h,,�, .IJnn�l.'� .f1� terupor-.were also allowed 'the 'privilege on at nme 0 clock and supper wIIl be ,nan, Fred, A. .Fischel, Law ()5., ary ch . l�ld 1�. J. Meek astheir earnest -solicitation. served at twelve o'clock. There present librarian of the club, mem- temporary s cretary. The firstAfter this year Northwestern will be two additional supper ex- ber of the legal fraternity Delta business was the appointment of theUniversity will abolish the degree' tras, one before and one after sup- Chi. committee on credentials, perma­of bachelor of philosophy. The per. The Steward of the Commons /I'he following men were named nent organization, platform, anda11110t111cemen� of this radical step has �l1ade extensive preparations for at the caucus to make up the e1ec- delegates at large. The first test ofhas come as a result of a long dis- se.rvlllg the supper. All th� guests toral comission: C. R. Howe, A. E. strength was 0�1 the selection ofcussion over many, changes in the Will be served at the same tune and Bester, E. C. Eicher, L. A, Grid- permanent, chairman. ,A. E. Bestercollege' ,curriculum. The students in order that this may be accom- ley, G. B. Robinson, and ,G. B. representing the combined anti-who will graduate this year and' plished without confusion a co�ps, Jackson. Lowden forces was elected.have bben, working toward a Ph. B. of waiters is. ,being' drilled. N ew The platform committee sub-degr�� :will 'be given choice between service 'has been provided for tlre MONTHLY MAROON FOR FEBRUARY mitred a platform endorsing thethis and an A. B. degree. After occasion. administration of President Roose-this year N orthwestern will confer , Review of the contents prove the number velt, including its Panama andonly two degrees--A. B. and H. S. LAW FRATERNITIES BOWL TO-NIGHT especially desirable to students "open-door" policies, mourned theAt ,the University of Illinois the . -Distinct departments added death of Senator Hanna, and fav-Delta Chi meets Phi Delta Phi in firststudents are condemning the prac-tice of men who have not made anathletic team wearing the uniformof that team'. They say that theofficial emblems of the Universityand the various marks of athleticdistinction are being cheapenedto a very considerable degree. 'Thegraduate manager of athletics hasbeen empowered to enforce a ruleagainst unauthorized wearing ofany part of the athletic uniforms.Columbia University has justpaid off the last cent of its athleticdebt; amounting ,to $12,;>00. Thedebt has been standing for severalyears. $7,000 of this debt was paidby the football association this games of the tournamentThe first series" of the bowlingtournament between the legal Ira­terni ties will be held at 7 0' clocktonight, at the Reynolds Club, be­tween Delta Chi and Phi Delta Phi.'The three law fraternities have en-tered the tournament, and'a bannerwill be given to the winning team.The tournament is to be governedby the same rules as the fraternitytournament that has just been,completed. The winning team willchallenge au All-Medic team com­posed of represen tati ves from allthe medical fraternities. If theyare successful with the Medics they. expect to challenge the winner ofthe fraternity tournament for thechampionship of the University,The schedule is as follows}.Feb. 22, Delta Chi vs Phi AlphaDelta; Feb. 24, Delta Chi vs PhiDelta Phi; Feb. 29, Phi AlphaDelta vs Phi Delta Phi; March 2d,Delta Chi V8 Phi Alpha Delta; Mar.3, Phi Alpha Delta vs Phi DeltaPhi; Mar. 8, Delta Chi vs PhiDelta Phi.Subscribe for THE MAROON. The February number of' the"Monthly Maroon" , which ap­peared to-day, 'is distinctly a novelissue. Several new features, in­cluding a new style of cover, andthe introduction of unique epigrams,descriptive of university life, givepleasing variety to the number""Mr. Petch Conner", by RileyH. Allen, is' a well :executed littletale of Alaskan life.. ,An event' inthe life of Mr. Petch Conner, thecontemplative, blue-eyed' I Klondikebo�ze�mixer," is narrated in, pict-. uresqu� style .. The vivid reali�mof the story, is emphasized by cleverdialect. 'Miss Alice, Baldwin contributedan artistic bit of verse entitled,"A 'Fantasy," describing a child'sfire-side dream.A. story by Bertha M. Warren,, I When First We Practice to De­ceive;" is characterized throughoutby Clever dialogue The plot is, interesting and true in its adherenceto the time-honored principles of"flirting.' ,I' Maroon, Maroon, Maroon," byMarguerite Davidson, is given theCONTINUED ON P.lGE, 4 COLUMN 1. Hon. J. W. :fifer, a CompromiseCandidate, the Choice of Re­publican State Conventionored an' auiendmeut to the stateconstitution giving the city of Chi­cago a new charter.Leon P. Lewis of ,the 20th dele­gation then precipitated a livelyfight by moving that an indorse­. mentof Governor Yates, adminis­tration be embodied in the platform.After considerable debate the 1110-tion was carried and the conventionadjourned until t) 0' clock.The evening session opened withthe nominating speeches whichwere made on the roll call. Chas,S.' Deneen was nominated by H. P.Chandler, Lawrence Y. Sherman byFred Fischel, Howard J. Hamliuby Ralpll Merriam, Frank O. Low­den by T. 'J. Meek, Vespasia n War­ner by R. T. Hee1man, and Gov­ernor Yates by L P. Lewis.On the first ballot the vote stoodLowden 2H4, Hamlin 2t)2, Sherman2H5, Yates 258, Warner 2:W, andDeneen 187. On the next ballotLowden increased his vote to 413and Yates and Hamlin increasedslightly. On the third Lowdenreached .523. The Yates men triedto stampede the convention butCONTINUED ON PA.GE 4, COLUMN 1CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, PEBRUARY 24, 1904The convention yesterday wasworth while and it is hoped thatthe experiment will be repeated...\' 'ttbe lDatl� maroon' details 'of the convention.' Such.. � .," practical experiments must be use-Formerly the Uni����JIlo� Chicago W�e,k,ly., :fu,l and are extremely interestingThe University_of Chicago Weekly, Oct •• ,1892 to every student who takes advan­TUJIl DAILY MAROON, - - - - Oct. 1,1902, tage of them.NEWS CONTRIBUTIONS REOUES�ED.Published by the students of the Univeraityof Chicago ever:y afternoon, except Saturdarand .Sunday, during the 46 weeks of the Unl-verslty year. 'First board of editors and business managerauthorized by student-body in masa meetingMay 15. 1902.Member.hip on subsequent boards of editorsto be determined by competition open to allstudents in the University. •I,IdBOARD OF EDITORSManaging Editor ••••••• Oliver B. W),man, '04News Editor ••••••••••••• Harry W. Ford. '04Athletic Editor •••••••• Walter L. Gregory, '05ASSOCIATE EDITORSThaddeus J. Merrill. Law '05Ernest 1. Stevenst :04"Ralph P. Mulvane '()5Edward M. Kerwin, '06LeRoy A. VanPatten. '06Edward R. Gannon. '04Riley H. Allen, '04WOMEN EDITORSMiss Lena HarrisSTAFF OF REPORTERSJohn S. Wright, 'OS Arthur Bridgman, 07James V. Hickey, '06 Claude Schofield, '07C. McKenna, Rush 'OS Bernard I. Bell, '07Chaa A. Bruce, '06Miss Helen Smith. '06Miss Marie Ortmayer, '06III III' I,I BUSINESS STAFFBusiness Manager •.••.••.••.• Julien L. BrodeEntered as second-class mail at Chicago Post·office.Daily Subscrjption, $3 per year; $1 for 3 mos.By Mail in City $4 per year; $1.25 for 3 mos.Subscriptions received at THE MAROONOffice, Ellis Hall, or left in THE MAROONBox, the Faculty Exchange, Cobb Hall.• Printed by the Quadrangle Press, 404 E. 55th St. next year.,GAR.GOYLETTESDON'T.Would you be a man of characterWith ideas of your own?pon't!Would you be a great professorWith the strength to stand alone?Don't!Would you be an honest thinker,With a clear and powerful mind?Would you rise against the weak­nessesAnd errors of your kind?If you hold a prof's position, theSafest plan, you'll find,Is "Don'l!" Fraternity StatloneryGalling Gards 'Invitations 'Programl" CRESWELL"ANARROW COLLARQUARTER SIZES, 15 CENTS EACH,TWO FOR 25 CENTS.CLUET� PEABODV & CQ,MAKERS OF CLUETT AND MONAPCH SHIRtS• • •HUMOROUS n n,She: Isn't that chair uncomfort­able?He: Wait and I'll ask it.• • •iii /i{/il E D ITO R I A L 5 iii iii iii QUES'l'IONS.Is it N ott William Flint we seeThe MOllthly Maroon for Febru­ary is on the campus today. Likethe numbers which have precededit, this magazine is nicely arranged,well drawn, and timely. The edit­ors have succeededin d�vid,ing the. "contents of the l�ui'paziile intodepartments which appropriatelygive the entire work the collegecolor so desirable in a student'publication of Tlie MOIl/ltly MaroO/l'Snature.• • •To correct an error made inarecent editorial, it is stated that notonly the Philanthropic committeeof the Woman's Union but commit­tees from the Woman Students'Christian League, the Young l\-lell' sChristian Association and the hallson the Campus hav� associated forthe furtherance of Settlement inter­ests. The Associated Committeeswill .have regular office hours whenthey will be glad to confer withany who may be interested in themovemet:lt.,'" . .i'fhose who attended the mockRepublican State Convention yester­day af�er�1001l and evening saw anexcellent example of aRepublican pol i tic a I gathering.State All the features of aConvention real convention, . polit­ical strategy, oratory,and enthusiasm were presentFew of the farcical elements suchas were introduced in the mockDemocratic convention were S��i1.The delegates and officers of theconvention seemed determined .toconduct the office in a business-likemanner, Pr�f, Merriam deservesgreat praise for introducing politicalconventions into our student life.He was untiring in arranging the Oft across the campus strutting?And should.we grin .. with joy if'we 'ShoulctcatchStarr' \Villard Cutting?" , • A, Ir •• F. ,I SANTA FEWe Are Stuck1'00 many Silk Otterman OperaHats=-Regular value ten dollars.Until March rst we will sellthem for FIVE DOLJ�ARS : : : :A. FEILCHBNFELD, 81-83 E. Van Buren St.Jlisch er UuildingCALIFORNIAJ.M.Connell. Genera.l Agent,109 St. Chicagom·w·f-2·.-tl·151£ you nre going. by nil meansmake the trip over the SnntnFe trail - most delightful ofnil trnuscontlueutnl routes.On the snntn Fe, going to Cal­ifornin , are pea- s miles high,nnd cnnyous a mile deep,rrriubow-colored petrified for­ests, nges old; nomadlc NO\'n·jus n ud homc-loviug' PuebloIndians; pnlnted deserts andoases of tropicnl verdure, seenon no other line.Ou r il lustrnted boo k 1 e t ,mni led free, will help you torightly plnn n California tour.AddressDANCE PROGRAMSfraternity Stationery. Invitations, etc.lowest Prices DUNWELL 4: fORD, fine Stationers171 WABAS,H AVE.TYPEWRITERS'ONE-HALF PRICESend for our list of special bargains in allmakes of Standard typewriters. Full line ofsupplies, Machines for rent $2 to $3 permonth.�OCKweLL·BA�NES CO.:16,.::169 Wabash Ave •'TURKISH � RUSSIAN 75c... E PL��� D!�!DHN�H?5C-. - �"AS�J>:EL 161 DEARBORN ST.BORDEN'SCONDENSED MILK, FLUID MILK,CREAM AND BUTTERMILKALL BOTTLED IN THE COUNTRYBC?RDEN'S COII.IDENSED MIL,K, Cpo827-033 E, FORTY'SEVENTH ST. II O'MEARA (��!!I!l��.' )'de��r�r BAKERYAll Ooods Strictly Home-Made "Order£ taken for Ice Cream and Ices. Goods deliveredj :178 East Fifty· bst reet. '-------- __ .-----------GARRICKFRANCIS WILSON -IN-AND STAR P!.AVERS "ERnINIE"SATURDAY MATINEE ONLY�'1'1 TlWmA K nnPupuln r :\hllill('(' \\'('(itl(,l-'llIIY, �1 to :!:ie.NC()/Iells t.O-IIIO/'l·Oll) niul. t. 'In Iull l'olllplinlll'p with :111 prov ision«of' the IH'W citv ordinnnce, itu-ludin g im-1Il'O\'l'<1 spr ink'lor svstom. J�:lItit'e gu l-11'1'.'" otlivin l'lv r-onunoudorl. will Ill' openIn t ho puhllr-.Hl'Ill'.\' ,Yo �:\\':I�(' wiS! oll'l'I' t.h e (iI'PHI:·I'Ht oi: '.\ h 1.-: h-u I f'OIll('(l,\' II i I H.I'HI:'\('I'� Cn' PIL�I'��Itvt ru-u of nil t h« Fuvm-itos.Side Lights- on' the 'Convention �: 'After the convention was overDr. Merriam of the Political Sci­ence department, under whose sug­gestion and guidance the conven­tion was held, said that the conven­tion was superior to last year's,both in general interest among thestudent body, and in the thorough­ness wi th the details of organizationwere worked out. •• • •The University Band was pres­ent at the evehing"�session' andadded an element of reality to theaffair. W. T. DBLIHANTPresideut M. C. O'DONNELLSecretary303 Dearborn Street ALBERT TEBOTreasurerStandard Washed Coal CompanyljI ., •When the resolution endorsingYate's administration was intro­duced, a member of the first dele­gation created considerable merri­ment by delivering some extempor­aneous fireworks about "an insidi­ous foe lurking under the mantleof this apparently harmless resolu­tion." STANDARD WASHED COAL FOR DOMESTIC USEStandard Egg - • $5.00 per ton Washed Chestnut' • $4,50 pertonWashed Range $5.00 per ton ,Washed Pea - $4.25 per tonCompresaed Air Service Antiseptic Face CreamTHE GRAND CENTRAL BARBER SHOPH. J. GAMET, PROPRIETOR73 Adams Street Opposite FairTel. ICB, Harrison Laundry Office CIpn• • •At the evening session a largenumber of visitors, including adelegation from the women's halls,watched the proceedings' with in­terest.• • •The city press sent a special rep­resentative out to write up theconvention.• • •Between the afternoon and even­ing sessions the Yates men decorat­ed the convention hall with largeIithographs of the governor, whichwere promptly torn down by therival factions when the conventionreopened.• • •A lively parlimentary tilt be­tween temporary chairman Hattonand L. P. Lewis occurred, duringthe reports of the committees in the. first part of the convention. "THE MARSHALL FIELDand COMPANY IDEA'�I�'IM�\ do the righ� thil�g, at"Iv" the rIght'�lme'l in the.... 7:{ nght �ay; to do,�--.��' some thIngs betterthan they "Were 'ever done be-fore� to eliminate e rr-ors ; toknow both sides of the question�to be court.eous ; to be an ex­am ple � to W'orl<. for love ofthe work: to anticipate require­menrs ; to ,develop r-es o ur-ces;to recognize .no i,�pedin'lents;to master ctr-curnsturices � toact fr�m reason rather thanru1e� to he satished -withnothing short of perfection.s.11ren St.-�:.=:f'oJ.r,10·15-MSlJonersHAVE.RS1S in allline otrmontb.�AKERVlade.,I deliveredmo,Cream ...... l-iCHICAGO, WEDNESDAV, FEBRUARY 2( 19mr'NOTICES.VERYBetween 52nd and 53rcl Streets" Waiting for you."Our Spring Woolensselected especially forCollege Men.Tailor for Young MenA. N. jerrems, Mgr. 129-131 1,0 Salle st.-'W H Y use poor, unwholesome milk. wheefor the same money you ran �et itPure, ,sweet, and Extraordi­narily Rich, delivered in sealed bottles, by cllllinr upTelephone South 817, or dropping a postal to.SIDNEY WANZER « SONS305 Thirtieth st.To keep your facein good con d i t ion,use Williams' ShavingStick.SECURE OUR PRICES ONf'RATERNITY STATIONEIlY,P•• ROG R A MM ES, MENU.,1\ r:t V I TAT ION 8 ANDE.NGRAVED CARDS.BROCHON34-36 WASHINGTON ST.E. C. MOOREjflotiat13::1 East Forty-Ninth StreetTelephone Oakland I4Q5:171 East'Fifty-Fifth StreetTelep�on� Hyde Park 38Telephone Hyde Park 18A. McAdamsTHE UNIVERSITY FLORISTGREf:NHOUSES : CHICA' GOCOl', S3d It. aad Kimbarlc ave._" "_'--' _"_'--- -_NEWCOLLAR"INDIVIDU ALITY"IN CLOTHESNot the ordinary kindhut clothes with the at­tributes which makethem di ITc re 11 t. . . .GEO. H. FIEDLER&CO.'I'HI<: HANDSOMEST�STAlIJ.ISHl\IgNT IN CHICAGOMUSSBV'SBilliard Halls and Bowling AlleysThe Largest and Finest Amusement. Resort in the World100 to 108 Madison StreetJiranch' 616 Davia St., Evanston OET THE BESTAMES HATSYoung America Laundry'STUDENTS' LAUNDRRYITel. Hyde Park 1252 5416 Lake Ave.F. S. YOUNG. ProprietorStudents and faculty members are requestedto send all notices to The Daily Maroon forllUblication free of charge. Notices must hecft at The Maroon office or Faculty Exchangebefore II A. M. .. EASY'NEWDETACH'EDWednesday, Feb. 24-Chemistry JournalKent 22, 4 p. 111.Woman's Union, Lexington 1'5,4 p. 111.Brotherhood of St. Andrew, Uni­versity Chapter meets at 7 p. 111. inHaskell Assent bly Room. AllEpiscopalian men invited.'I'he Faculty Musical Club willentertain the members of the Wo­'man's Union' from 4r,to () ill theRoom of the Union. Meeting, HOUSES.Colonial, Gothic and Modern.ArchitectureGreenwood Avenu'eThe best arranged houses in the ci ty. Allr?ot1l� have outside light. Th!« is the firsttll!1e 1I! Chicago's history that residences ofthis 'lll�h order 011<1 situated in the most ex­clusive residence district of the South Sidehave been offered on such easy terms.Prices, $7,500 to $8 000LOCATION:Greenwood Avenue, between 521111 and 53rdStreets, the highest point of land on theSouth Side. Houses open for inspectionevery day. - - -- -BRANCH OFFICE:Northwest Corner Fifty-second and Ellis Av.S.E.GROSSThursday. Feb. 25-Le Cerc1e de Conversation Franc­aise du department des languesRomanes se reunit a 4 heures dansSpelman House (Lexington Hall,Salle 8."'fhe Administration of a Col­lege," IV. Lecture by President. William R. Harper, Haskell As­sembly Room,S p. m.Economics Club, Cobb 3c, 7:30p. 111.Con ert by the University of Chi­cago Military Band, Kent Theatre,5 p. Ill.Y. M. C. A. in Haskell Museum,7:30 p. 111.Friday, Feb. 2()-W. S. ·C. L., Haskell Museum,10:30 a. 111.Der Deutsche Klub k0111111t um4 Uhr in derLexington Halle zusam­men. TERMSSixth Floor, Masonic Temple.149 Dearborn StreetTRIBUNE BUILDINGCbt J:angt SbOtFOR FASTIDIOUS FOLKSSunday, Feb. 28-University Religious Services,11:00' a. 111:. in-Matldel-Hall=-:-Rev.L. A. Crandall, D. D., MemorialBaptist Church, Chicago, Univer­sity Preacher. DESIGNED BY YOUNG MENFOR YOUNG MENtS WBAR. -- -.. .'.'Notice to Stud.nb.Special Notice to Fraternities and Clubs-Get your pictures, group and indivi­dual, -for the '04 Cap and Gown, at Mar­tyn's Maroon Studio. Best terms. \Vefulfill a 1 we promise.St udlo, ;'705 Oottage Grove .... ve .. C. A. LAl\IPlm1'VIOLI N 1ST�[t'11I1H'1' of the 'Ohlcugo Orchestra.Pupils and cugngemonts accepted.Address : 34:33 Wabash Avenue.The University Pharmacy carri... acomplete line of cold weather remedies.;-,00 Fifty-fifth street.If you want a Position to teach, caUon 01' write to Jamed F. McOullough,tl:JO It'ine Arts Buildlng, Ohlcaco. )0 R D E R T H AT'­DRESS SUIT NOWOwing to the constantly growing de­IllIUH).<; for our tailoring, we have dis­posed of our Gents' Furnishing Depart­ment, an., now exhibit a fuller line- ofwool ens, We also press, clean, repairand dye ladies' and gents' garments.FAMOUS TAILORING COMPANY.346 E. 55th street.. Phone H. P. 57<?O.Wm. H. Sage &: Co., reliable druggistscorner Woodlawn Avenue and Fifty-fifthstreet. Sole. agent in' Hyde Park for Dr.Oarl Koch's New Discovery for the cureof Consumption, Ooughs.: Colds •. and alldlseases of the '1"'broat, Cheat and Lungs ..Gunrunteed to cure or money refunded.Price, 50 cents, Trial size 10 cents. Y01l wtll ha" to ba ...If you want to enter ID"collego Ufo. with an tbeeoclal activities that ....connected with It. : : , IOur dress .ulte are 0.­epec:lalty :: : they DftWcauao lba' UDOO ......MeIoeU ....McDonald & Spann].15 De arb 0 r D S t r e e tA rare opportunitJ'-A $10.00 Im­ported Otterman Opera Hat for $5.00.AU'I'HUR FEILCH'ENFELD,81 E. Van Buren St .• Fisher Bldg. ... Adam. Express BIdS. 4th FloorDENTIST369-E 63!9 STREETTELEPHONE Hyde' Park 1196 Established 1873161.163 B. Madison ,street near La Salle. IS .. Dearborn 8t�arl.y Spring Hats, Canes, Gloves. . and Umbrellas WILLIAM SASE J& I CO.Registered Pharmaclsts,891 £, 55th 'sr •• cor. Wo.dlawn AYI.PRESCRIPTIONSRELIABLE PHARMACYROSALIE PHARMACYJ, J. GIL L. (ihemlst and PharmedstPIlon. Hyde rark 175 274 E. 57th st, nMr W�'1. Aye.ORA-S. A.. LAWRENCE,Manager and Director.LAWRENGE ORGHESTRASelect �ustc for allSelect � c cas ton slQOlU �atronngerespecttu 1112 sottctt (�Residence5745 Rosalie Court·rel. Hyde Park 14tl7. CHICAGO033 C"t'&ag-o Siocle Exc"a"J:1 B,u'/dt'nrWaslu'ng-Ion and LaSa1l1 Sis.A. 7. CORNE�LMerchantTaz"lor1904 EDITION NOW READYSpalding's'OfficialAthleticAlmanac·Edited by J. E. Sulllvan.Sec.-Treas., A. A. U.The only publication in the country coDtainini allauthenric athletic records. This book contains over200 pal:CS of athletic information, and ill profuaelyIllustrat-d with numerous portraits of leadini athletesand athletic teams. Price. 10 cents.A. G. SPALDING & BROS.Send for illustrated catalo� 0 f athletic r>oda.$3 Dearborn StreetMarquetteBundingMen'sWear \DARK HORSE NOMINEECONTINUED FROM PAGE 1. COLUMN 4 CHICAGO, WEDNltSD�V, FsnlHjAllV 24, 1904stopped at 347 votes. On the fourthballot Lowden remained stationarywhile Warner polled 408 votes. Atthis time the anti-Lowden peoplebecame convinced that their onlyhope was to nominate a compromisecandidate. Accordingly R a I phMerriam withdrew the name ofHamlin and presented ex-governorFifer. This started a stampedewhich took in everything' but theLowden and Warner forces. Low­den gained votes on the last ballotin spite of the stampede for Fifer.MONTHLY MAROON FOR FEBRUARYCONTINUED FROM PAGE I, COLUMN 3.," position of honor in the issue. Thestory has a local setting, as indi­cated by the title, and its keynote,the love of a university girl 'for afellow-student-despite which shebravely chooses China as a field formissionary work-is tinged withthe spirit of graduate loyalty. Theending is both happy and con­sistent.Other contributions of merit areWalter B. Fulghum's story of"Pete," "The Same, Old Story"by Maurice Charles and "Domi­nick's Girl," a weird tale of an ac­cident to a mason. "Life Amongthe Lowly" is a humorous descrip­tion of a degenerated specimen of"the noble, red man."The illustrations are by ]. H.Weddell and Don P. Crane, twowellknown artists of ' I Cap andGown' , fame and 'are distinctlygood.The various departments, "TheKnown, the Unknown and the Un­knowable,", Campus Verse," theVarsity View," and Alumni Notesare kept up to their usual highstandard in: the February numberand are not lacking in items andanecdotes of locai interest to Uni­versity students.,.EXCAVATIONS BEGUN AT BIOMYAThree wells have been sunk=-Porce of 75men now at workDr. Banks, Field-Director of theExpedition to Babylonia under thedirection of The Oriental Explora­tion Fund of the University ofChicago has reported to DirectorRobert Francis Harper that Irearrived at Biomya 011 Decembererst. On account of the lack ofwater it has been impossible hither­to make excavations at the site.Three wells were sunk and onChristmas morning water 'Wasreached, and there is every indica­tion that the water will suffice forevery season of- the year. Excava­tions were begun on December23 with a force of seventy-five work­mel! and good results have alreadybeen obtained.Big Assembly of Delta Taus·The annual 'convention of thewestern division of the Delta TauDelta fr.aternity was held in thecity. last Friday and Saturday,(Feb. 19 and �O). The. sessionclosed Saturday evening with, a.banquet at De]onghe's, given by theChicago Alumni Association, atwhich oue hundred and twenty-fivemembers of the fraternity werepresent.The first University Band Concertof the season will be given in Kent,tomorrow afternoon at 5 o'clock. VARSITY BASKET-BALL TEAM WINSDefeat North Division High School five byscore of 38 to 20-De Tray starIn a game replete with fine bas­ket throwing and speedy 'playing,the varsity basket-ball team de­feated the five from North DivisionHigh School last evening in thegym, by a score of 38 to 20. Bothsides played fast basket-ball.OWENS and OZANNE scored thepoints for the varsity and DE TRA Vplayed the best for the high schoolboys.The, Chicago .men appeared forthe first time last evening in uni- 'form sui ts. These were presen ted .by the athletic management, andare the same as those worn by track. men. These outfits are temporary,however, .as regulation ones will beprovided later. .This evening the team will meeta team from the University Settle­ment. This,'· is a different squadfrom the one' played last week, andis said to, be much better.The line-up:-..JV .. RSI7Y s, D. H. S.RFLFCRGLG NelsonBeckerDe TrayGrahamHItchcock BilliardCues ofGoodQualityInexpensiveYou can have A fine private Billiard Cue at fromSOc to $5.00Send for Price ListTI·m BRUNSWICK BAJ..KE.' COLlENDER Co,'21)3 Wabash Avenue, ChicagoL. 'MAN ASS E, OPTICIAN88 Madison St., Tribune BuildingIpoctacle. and Eye,lu.o. Scientifically AdjusteclEyes Tested FreeEverythinr OpticalMathematical,Metereolorical,andfor the Lantemist.!Codaln, Camerasaad Suppliel.barFocIoLOSER & �ANSON"·TAILORS·N,OwensOzanneHughesKerwinHuntSIGMA CHI WINS ONE FROM CHI PSIRace for third place now between twoteams- Dues must be paid. LE.AGUE. STANDINGNAMES WON LOS"!' PC'!'.Alpha Delta Phi '27 Ii 1:1 8Delta Kappa Epsilon �Ci IS 7Ci�Psi U. 18 U UIiG"hi Delt 2V 10 600Phi Kappa Psi HIli' usuDelta U, 11} r II milChi Psi 21t 10 sooDelta Tau Delta 12 18 . -tOOSi�lUa Chi 11 1.1 litlflPIll Gamma Delta 7 I·' 81\8S, A. E, /):?K 17MChi Psi won two games fr0111Sigma Chi yesterday and as a re­sult of dropping one game Chi Psiloses its bid on third place. Theleague schedule is expected to befinishecl this week and the bannerand cup awarded. The othergames this week are, Phi GammaDelta vs Phi Kappa Psi, \Vednes­day; l'si Upsilon vs Delta Up-ilon ,Phi Delt vs Chi Psi, Th ursday : andany other matches that have beenpostponed.The secretary of the league re­ports that five teams have not paidtheir dues. This money' must bein before Friday. as the bannermust b·e purchased at ·once. The'banner will be made by Kern andwill be on exhibition in the Reyn­olds Club as soon as finished. '76 DEARBORN ST.CHICAGO.A Typical (Jollege Manis at once recognized by the distinctand faultless cut of his clothes st,Weare Tailors forCollege Men .•.••SCIcoofeasott'1111.So011itId�tilfalTnS(,:islex111:tillfOIwi\'C"'..t- ellthl." Atf.:. ill!." joth:YcartFi:frcgn0111SUI110ceeeh:th:the1I1weeelotlitSetwintm(tiothiBTDB PARK AND CHICAGO BBACH STABLBSJ. H. KINTZ(nork IItTOR)Jackson Park Stables273 East Fifty·SeTenth StreetTel.. Hyde Palk 552 CHICAQ,Money call A. LIPMANonPRESIDENTSuspenders..,ork In perfect harmon), withthe . 'WArer', every. movemeDt.Comfort, St)rle and ServiceABSOLUTELYGUARANTEEDI, Trimmingl cannot 1U1t.PrIce IlOo and ,1.00, anYltore or mall, prepaid.TDE C. A. F.DGAUTON MFG. 00.,Bolt 29!!! I!tblrley.II .... You Want 99 Bast Mad110a It.Dlailloads. Watches, Jewelry, aad Antiques. for sale; Old Gol. anel Sliver BourhtIf----_._'_--_._------- Qulc k Service Qeo. O. lIarl�tt. IIKr.THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE andSTORAGE COMPANY'Phone, Hyde Parks,. KIMBARK AVe. and PIPfY.5IXTH ST.The Cleanest and Best Kept StorageWarehouse in the CityFurniture and Pianos Moved, Stored. Packed and Shipped to all parts 01the world. 300 Private Storage Rooms. Large Parlor Exclusively forPianos. Rooms for Trunks and Wheels. Large Room for Carria,es.Buggies, and Sleighs. TRUNKS TO AND FROM ALL DEPOTS.Local traasleta for B�i'ai'e, Furniture, Packages, etc .• at short notice.a:w- SpeCial Attention GiveD to Uninraity Ordor ••BENHAM BROS.FASHIONABLETAILORS225 Dearborn Street Suite 201-202Telephone 4523 Harrison OIllCAGOANHEUSER & NEILResf.u,.�nt391 EAST SiXTY -'l'HIRD ST.E. BURNHAM'HAIR 00.005ElectrolysisFacinl i\Ynssnge. Manicuring. Ladies' HairDressing and MRnicuring. Ladies' Turkish andRussian Ua till; , 70 and 72 State st., Chicago.", LIBBY'SNatural' FlavorFood Productsare U. � Go.ernment Tnepected, The whol.�ome-r:8�r�:,t:ro� ��:;�:�f�:c�� r:r�:t���ke),oOn8lling cans, .A. lIuppl)' on your pllntl")' ehelvesr:��l8�::': �sf�:n,��a�h:t IMr: ��k���fI';,�a��Moke Good Thing!! to Eat." tclla all about them­eent free. Lihb)"s Atlas or the World, moiledfree for 10 cent. postage,,LIBBY, McNBII..i. & LlBBV, CHICAGO. are sometimes filled with sulTerlnr. Thestrenuous lifo or tho u veruge studentbrings its sertes of mlshups. Pond'sExtract-tlte old family ductor-offersqutck rollef and 0111'0 (or all such Ills.The student who .hus II bottle of Pond'sExtract ut hundIs WE'll provtded to reolleve pain un d Hu,trerlng. It cures cuts,brutses, burns ;,: stops bleeding; reolieves enrucne, toothache, rheuma­tism and all putus us lr by magic.Soothes and '(rt;u;hens the face attershaving. For over 60 yeurtl It hasbeen the one' fu m Hy remedy that����� hus never disappointed.Wutered Witch Hazel,a weuk solutloll-some­ttmes otrered In pluceof Pond 's �x truct-vhusno medicinal vulue-Isposltl vely W 0 r t hi 0 IHi.Pond's l'�xtruct CU H,}t;S-I herefore lit prtceless, UllBaKeap]SchoolD�ysM,OvBa,.,·(Jill o/lfy '" ,.wlea lJOIlle.1111(it'r fluff·w,·upper.ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE.�OOO��OOOOOOOO�OOOOOOOOOOOO'o 0o EGYPTIAN DEITIES 0o 0o No better Turkish Cigarette can be 0o 6o STR.AW TIP 0o 0o 'Cork Tip Plain 0:OO�OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo: "I