lnd1 ST.art •• ,ely forriare"IN,It.net!!!aLBIles ["It""', • J , .... r ........ ,.... ��: , A. 'StaJ[g ,The . Daiti'y't��MaroonPublish�d Afternoons by the Students of the University of Chicago During the Four Quarters of the University ,Ye.,VOL. II. No. HI. PRICE Two CEN'ff;CHICAGO, 'l'HURSDA Y, FEBRUARY 4, I�04==�====�==========�========�===-�----�====================�============================��========================��---RACEWARTHREATENED BAD FALL FOR LIGHTBODY MEN SETTLE ORGANIZATION CONCERTS ASSUREDMathematics. .Bmall college illbut strong in the dashes and runs. Iowa. $650.The entries follow:Thirty-Five Yard Dash-e-Ecker- ,Physics and Chemistry. High.School in Illinois. $800.Passage of Bill by Kentucky Legis­lature Against Coeducation ofRaces Arouses FeelingWomen too Prominent at Northwestern sayStudent Editors-Latter Refuse Fem­inine Magazine Cover DesignA race war is imminent at Berea,Kentucky, over the passage of abillprohibiting co-education of theblack and white students at BereaCollege. This bill was passedthrough the influence of a n11111berof prominent citizens who appearedbefore the state legislature and ad­vocated non-education of the neg­roes. The' bill only awaits thesignature �f Governor Beckham tobecome a law, and if this happensa serious outbreak among the neg­roes is feared: Promoters of thebill have been warned not to appear: in public so bitter is the feelingagainst them. President WilliamG. Frost in a public address lastnight against those who wish to seethe bill. go through, so worked uponhis audience, who were mostlynegroes, that it was difficult to pre-'vent a riot at the conclusion of hisspeech. Berea College was foundedin 1855, and' has now about Roowhite· and 150 colored students.The college has drawn its patron­.age especially from the mountainwhites.The board of· editors of theNorthwestern Magazine have stirredup the feminine wrath of N orth-'western University by refusing toaccept a cover design for the mag­azine wherein a young woman isthe central feature of the landscape.The hardy masculine editors de­clare that the women of the univer-'sity are coming too pr'omiuentlybefore the public, and that a designplacing more emphasis on the menis desirable." FRESHMEN WILL MEET ILLINICoach Stagg announces make-up of teamthat will go to ChampaignCoach Stagg annouced yesterdayevening the makeup of the fresh­men team to be taken to Illinois.The team is weak in the field eventssaIl, Mabin, Pool, Finney, Briggs;Loose, Myers.Forty Yard High Hurc�les-Ma­bin, Briggs, Abbott, Myers.Four Hundred 'and Forty Yare!Run-Jayne, Pool, Mabin, Briggs,Finney, Eckersall,Eight Hundred and Eighty YardRun�Loose, Pettit, Jayne, Lyon'J,Lightbody, HirschI.Mile Run-Lightbody, Mat t­hews, Hirschl , Loose, Lyon.,Two-Mile Run-Lightbody,Matthews, Lyon, Hirschi, Loose.High Jump ___;, Brown, Mahin,Hriggs, Loose,' Myers.Pole Vault-Clark, Pettit.Shot Put-Clark, Mabin, Myers,Relay (four men" to a team, eachman running three laps )-Briggs,Pool, Jayne, Finney, Eckersall,Myers, Abbott, Mabin, Lightbody. Slips on New Gym Track and Strikes HeadAgainst Iron Railing-Will not Competeat ChampaignAt the finish of a two mile racebet ween Halt, Ligh t body and Kellylast night in the gym Lightbodyslipped at the last turn and plunged. headlong into the iron railing sur­rounding the track. He regainedhis feet, however. and won therace.After the scalp wound wasdressed he was taken to the DeltaTau Delta fraternity house wherehe became unconscious and re­mained in that condition for sever­al hours. This morning Dr. Ray­croft stated that Lightbody's con­dition had improved btit that hewould be under the care of a phy­sician and nurse for several days.This accident will prevent hiscompeting in the meet with Illinoisand weaken the freshmen chances'in the distance runs. Lightbodyhas been doing consistent work allquarter and was expected to winhis races next Saturday with ease,Buck Jayne was given a timetrial at the quarter yesterday findmade the distance in 57 2- 5. Thistime is two seconds faster than thatmade in the same event at the try­mit last Saturday.POSITIONS OFFERED TO TEACHERSSecretary of Board of Recommendationsannounces list of vacanciesThe secretary of the Board ofRecommendations has received no­tice of the following vacancies forwhich no candidates have as yetbeen found.Botany and Zoology. Tempor-ary position in a state normalschool. 'Woman preferred. $7�0.Principal of a high school in Illi­nois. $800. Eligible to superin­tendency next year at $1200.History and Mathematics. High, School in Montana. $lOOO.Mathematics and Physics. 1-1 ighSchool in Illinois. $1000.English. Academy in New YorkState. $800 to $1000 and home.. Chemistry..$1200 to $1400.English. High School in Min­nesota. $900:Two positions in a college inTennessee. One History, the'other Mathematics and Physics.Athletes preferred; experience re­quired. Salary in each case $1000to $1250.Physics and Chemistry. HighSchool in Michigan Good salary.Mathematics. Western College.$'doo. Western college.Further information may be ob­tained on application to the secre­tary of the Board.THE DAILY MAROON'S advertis­ers are reliable firms. Executive Committee of the Pan HellenicDance Movement Elect Permanent Offi­cers and Chairmen of CommitteesApril the fifteenth, the thirdFriday in April, is the date whichhas been definitely set for the PanHellenic Dance. At a meeting ofthe permanent executive committeeyesterday 'afternoon in the Rey-, nolds Club the officers were electedand the chairman of the variouscommittees selected.A. Chester EIJsworth, a memberof the Phi Delta Theta fraternity,was elected permanent president.David E. Nichols, Beta Theta Pi,and Geo. P. Jackson, Sigma AlphaEpsilon were elected secretary andtreasurer respectively.The chairmen of the committeesfor the dance as announced byAdelbert T. Stewert, general chair­man, are as follows:Chairman Finance Committee,Geo. B. Robinson, Sigma Chi.Chairman Arrangement Commit­tee, Arthur E. Lord, Psi Upsilon.Chairman Reception Committee,Frank R. Adams, Delta U.Chairman Printing Com mi ttee:Walter M. Johnson, Chi Psi.Chairman Decoration Committee,Theadore B. Hinckley, Delta TauDelta.According to the articles� ofAgreement, the organization shallbe called the Hellinecs of the Uni­versity of' Chicago and its mem­bers shall be underguadute mem­bers of the Greek letter fraternitiesThe present agreement is to lastonly one year but if the dance issuccessful the organization will bemade permanent. The expensesof the dance are to be assuredby a guarantee of each fraternityof sufficient tickets to cover pro­rata share of the expenses. Thoseinvited to the dance must be mem-'bers of Greek letter fraternitiesalthough the fraternities need notbe represented in Chicago. Theauditing of accounts and all finan­cial and other matters shall be inthe hands of the executive com­mittee, composed of one member ofeach fraternity. The price of thetickets has not as yet been decidedupon.COACH STAGG WILL BE REFEREEHe will officiate at First Regiment meet-Varsity athletes are readyCoach Stagg will act as referee atthe big athletic meet held in thefirst regiment armory tonight. TheChicago Varsity men entered in themeet are considered possible pointwinners. In the dashes Freind hasa' liberal handicap but is notthought capable of defeating Hog­enson of Lewis Institute, or GeorgeSmith of the Regiment. Millershould be able' to score in thepole vault with his handicap of fourinches. In the shot put it looks asif Maxwell of the Varsity and Kir­by of the Regiment would be in aclass by themselves. Kirby hasconceded a foot to Maxwell, and"Bobby" will have to do betterthan forty-one feet to win.Gale, Parry and Catlin all haveliberal handicaps in this event andstaud a good chance to score. Thomas Orchestra Will be Heard inMandel' During WinterMonthsLarge Subscription Safe Makes ConcertsPossible-Tickets on SaleFebruary iotnThe students of the Universitywill be given the opportunity ofhearing the Thomas Orchestra dur­ing the months of February, Marchand April. The subscription saleof seats amounted to more than$1000 and the concerts are assured.The dates upon which the concertswill be given are,' February 15,March 8, and April II.'The Quadrangle club was instru­mental in raising the subscriptions.The members of that club boomingthe sale of tickets. The seats forthe concerts may be reserved onand after February H, at the infor­mation office in Cobb Hall. Theprice of the tickets for single seatswill be $[,00, $.75, and $.50, theywill be on sale February 10.The concerts' will be gi veu illMandel Hall which has been madeto comply with the recent rigid en­forcement of the fire laws. Theconcerts are intended to be Univer­sity affairs given for the entertain­ment of the students and faculty.The men who are promoting thethe concerts desire that the student. body enthusiasticaly support theenterprise and make the concertsannual college affairs.Play .Austin Team To-NightThis evening at eight o'clock inthe gymnasium, the first Varsitybasketball team will meet the rep­resentatives from the Austin HighSchool in .a match game. Thehigh school boys have a splendidrecord in the league, so far thisyear and only yesterday they de­feated the heretofore victorious teamfrom the Oak Park High School bya score of 40-13.. The chance that the visitorshave for victory is greatly increasedby the present condition of theVarsity players. Ozanne, the starforward will be absent because ofhis brothers death. And Owens,the other forward, twisted hisankle so severely last night he maynot be able to play.But light work was taken lastevening. The second team aidedby the addition of Coach Childs,had somewhat the better of theevening's play, and succeeded ingetting a number of baskets.The Phi Beta Kappa Society atYale has sent around to the sev­enty-five best scholars among thefreshman class a printed circular,stating the society's requirements,objects and privileges. This stephas been taken because of the factthat the number of men eligible tothe honorary society has beensteadily decreasing in recent years,until it is feared a total lack ofeligible men will soon be apparent.The social sideof the organizationwill also in the future be empha­sized in the attempt to stimulateinterest.� ,I':CHICAGO, THURSDAY,. .FEBRUARY 4, 1904Majors and' MinorsUbe 1Dail� maroonBeware of January Thaw ICharles Endacott is pledged Sig- J.ma Alpha Epsilon.Harold M. Barnes, Secretary ofSnell House, has left the hall.Katherine H. Gannon is pledgedto the Mortar Board club.R. W. Moore, a graduate student,has moved into Room 28, Snell'Hall.All members of the Three­Quarters Club are requested to beat Martyn's Studio, corner Fifty­seventh and Cottage Grove at go'clock Saturday morning to have,the club picture taken.The Brotherhood of St. Andrewmet last evening in Haskell Mus­emu. Since the next regular bi­weekly meeting would come 011Ash Wednesday, the chapter willnext convene three weeks from lastnight. All Episcopalian men areurged to attend.The booms of the various candi­dates for the nomination for gover­nor by the mock Republican Stateconvention are well under way. Allthose who would like to be dele­gates to the convention shouldmake themselves known at once tosome one of the delegation chair­man.Formerly the University of Chicago Weekly.FOUNDED .The University of Chicago Weekly, Oct:' I, 1892THE DAILY MAROON, - - • • Oct. 1,1902Hydro XNEWS CONTRIBUTIONS REQUESTED.Published by the students of the Universityof Chicago every afternoon, except Saturdayand Sunday, during the 46 weeks of the Uni-versity year. .First board of editors and business managerauthorized by student-body in mass meetmgMay IS, 1902.Membership on subsequent boards of editors,to be determined by competition open to allstudents in the University. A Double Distilled Aer­ated Drinking Water putup -in sterilized sealed glassbottles. A void danger of1 m pure water and drink. Hydrox.For Stile by your druggistBOARD OF EDITORS1fanagi!1� Editor ....••. Oliver B. Wyman, :04News Editor .•....••••••. Harry W. Ford, 04Athletic Editor •.•...•. Walter L. Gregory, 'OSASSOCIATE EDITORSThaddeus J. Merrill, Law 'oSErnest J. Stevens, '04Ralph P. Mulval!C; 'oSEdward M. Kerwin, '06LeRoy A. Van Patten, '06Edward R. Gannon, '04Riley H. Allen,' '04WOMEN EDITORSl\liss Lena HarrisSTAFF OF REPORTERSJohn S. Wr ight, 'OS Arthur Brid�man, 07James V. Hickey, '06 Claude Schoheld, '07C. McKenna, Rush 'OS Bernard I. Bell, '07Cbas A. Bruce, '06Miss Helen Smith, '06Miss Marie Ortmayer, '06 THE CONSUMERS COMPANYButler se., 35th to 36th Sts.Phone Yards l!llII)It's a FOWNES'That's all you needto know about a glove EST-1860156 ST ATE ST.BUSINESS STAFFBusiness Manager .....•.•••.. Julien L. BrodeEntered as second-class mail at Chicago Post-office. ,_ O'MEARA BROTHERS' HOME BAKERY(Phone J6,,6 HydePark.)All Ooods Strictly Home-MadeOnlers takea for Ice Cream and Ices. Goods delivel'id378 east Fifty - bIt reet ,Daily Subscription, $3 per year; $1 for 3 mos.By Mail in City $4 per year; $1.25 for 3 mos.Subscriptions received at THIll MAROONOffice, Ellis Hall, or left in THE MAROONBox, the Faculty Exchange, Cobb Hall.Printed by the Qttac1rangle Press, 404 E. 55th St. DAILY PAPERS AND MAGAZINES.NORTON takes SUbscriptions for bothandhas them delivered at your door "The second informal dance of theseries being given by C. A. Law­rence and W. F. Parker, is to beheld in Rosalie Hall, on Fridayevening, February 5th. Musicwill be furnished by the LawrenceOrchestra; The price of tickets isone dollar.The hockey team has been dis­banded. The University officialsdecided that it was not worth theexpense to builda hockey rink thislate in the season. They were un­able to secure the Kenwood Rink,and so the team had to disband.The members of the team are de­termined to have a team next year.Work 011 one of the buildings atthe University of California wasinterrupted by a union walkingdelegate who demanded thatthe non-union teamsters used illthe excavation should be dismissed.The walking delegate used strong. language to the foreman, where­upon some of the students unceri­moniously tossed the advocate ofunion measures over the fence and, insisted that he stay off the campus.The Northwestern UniversityLaw :- chool has organized an indoorbaseball team, and is trying to ar­range a series of games with theUniversity of Chicago Law School.It is not probable the local schoolwill organize a team as the studentswill soon be busy with examina­tions. A � eries of baseball gameswill be arranged again in the springbetween the two schools. Lastspring the Chicago laws were vic­torious./iJ/iJ/iJ EDITORIALS /i}/i}/i}F. W. NORTONThe benefit for the UniversityGlee and Mandolin Olubs which isto be given in the form of an old-fashioued mi nstrel show,'.The deserves the support ofMinstrel every student in theShow University. The Clubsdepend on the home con­certs to make up the deficits that,may be incurred on the holiday tour.This year the Clubs face a deficitand they look to the students forhelp.The Clubs deserve aid becausethe men have had the courage toattempt a holiday trip when for thepast few years Univ.ersity musicalclubs have feared to take the riskincident to such a trip. This yearthe Clubs gave ten concerts in theMiddle Western States, and in thecities visited the press was unani­mous ill its praise of the men an dtheir concert. On this trip the menreflected much credit on the Uni­versity. The financial loss in thiscase is more than counterbalancedby the actual gain to the Univer­sity, as the tour gave to the peopleof the states through which theClubs passed a favorable impressionof the University and Chicago men.There is no more legitimate manner.of putting the name of the University before the public, and suchpersonal advertising is necessarily astrong factor in influencing highschool graduates to select Chicagofor their college work.The minstrel show will be of thehighest order. A number of theUniversity professors have promisedto contribu te original songs andsketches. It will be strictly aUniversity affair, which will bebubbling over with local color. Phone. 1111 Hyde Park a 48 51th Sre'et"KATONAH" Young America LaundryINCLUETT BRAND STUDENTS' LAUNDRRYQUARTER SIZES, 25 CENTS EACHCLUET� PEABODY & C�,MAKFRS nF CLUETT AND MONA'lCH SHIRTS 5416 Lake ATe.Tel. Hyde Park 1252F. S. YOUNG, ProprietorALBERT TEBOTreasurelW. T. DELIIlANTPrelideut M. C. O'DONltELLSecretaryStandard Washed Coal Company303 Dearborn StreetJ1I, STANDARD WASHED COAL FOR DOMESTIC USEStandard Egg - - $5.00 per ton Wasbed Chestnut - $4 50 per;toDWashed Range $5.00 per ton Washed Pea - $4.25 per tOD( ,'I:1:II',(I, ,I ooooooooooo�oooooooooooo�ooo 0: Keep in Touch with University Life :o 0: *********************** :o 0o 0o 0.o 9o Be posted on what is taking place 9o 9o around you .JI. .Jf. . .;t. .Jf. .JI .J& 0o ,0o Be a loyal student and support 9o student enterprise. Subscribe to too 0: 'THE DAILr MAROON :o 0'0 0+o 9: �: *********************** io Ao $1.00 a quarter. $3.00 a year. i! EIII's Ual'l. 0y Leaue your-subscription at the Maroon offic«, I "J,j Io �o ,�000000000000000000000000000How about that dress suit 01' Tuxedoyou were going to buy? Do not delayany longer. The social season at theUniversity has now begun and you can­not do without one.We have an assortment. that willplease you in fit, quality, tltyle and price.GIBBONS NEW CLOTHES SHOP,. 49 J aekson Boulevard,Den't Miss This-Imported Opera HatSale--you will need" one. Buy now; $10ITat for $5.00ARTHUR FELCHENFELD.81 m. Van Buren St., Fisher Bldg.--intIAKERYadedeliveridZINES.haudI SI'.'.tdry80r�ootOttotoooE '0oo0.oooo,0ooo:o:oo� :ooooS·�O� CHICAGO, ,THURSDAY, FEBRUARY�4i i904January SpecialA black or blue Serge or Cheviot;I Suit with extra Trousers of thesameor striped material., \2� DOLLARSTailor for Voung Men'A, N. jerrams, Mgr. 129-181 I.n Salle St.-W--H' YUle poor. unwholesome milk, wlte.for the .sarne money you ran ret it• - '. Pure; Sweet, and Extraordl­I •• rll)' Rich; delivered in sealed bottles, by callinr u,ITelephone South 817, or dropplna a postal totSIDNEY W'ANZER « SONS305 Thirtieth st.� ." ' ,To .keep 'your facein 'good' condition,use Williams' ShavingStick. '1 '•SECURE OUR PRICES ONI FRATERNITY STATIONERY,PROGRAMME8, MENua,INVITATIONa ANDENGRAVED CARDa.. BROCHON�.' 34-36 WASHINGTON ST.E. C. MOOREjflot{st'la2 'East Forty-Ninth StreetTelephone Oakland 14QS211 East fifty-Fifth Street,Telephone Hyde Park 38Tcl��De Hyd� P�ik III. �'} d'1\. McAdamsTim UNIVERSITY FLORISTGRkti:rilouSES: 'C'HICAGOc.r. J3d It. aad Kimbark ave. •IOO:"t !NEWCOLLAR-_--,-,-- -------------Suite 7Jfo 76. Dexter Bldg,FIED'LERMAKES CLOTHES FOR,I a'E N'T i. E M E'N ,,'HO'1/ AP)pfRECtATE" ANDKNOW GOOD CLOTHESMUSSEV'SBilliard Halls and Bowling AlleysThe Largest and Finest AmusementResort in the \Vorld100 to ,108 Madison StreetBranch: 616 Davia St., Evanston Owing to the �onstantly ,�'o,!,lng' de-,manda lor our tailor;i,ng, we have; d,i!cJ� .posed of our Gents' Furnishing Depart­ment, an .. now exhibit a litHer line ,pf,woolen.i. We also press, clean, repairand dye ltulles', Rnd gents' garmentH.FAMOUS TAILORING COMPANY.340· E.' 55th street: Phone H. P. :)70.NQTICE�.,Students and fnc{tlty mentb�rs are requestedto send nil notices to The Daily, Maroon forpuhlicntion free of charge. Notices must beleft at The Maroon office, or Faculty Exchangebefore II A. l\L , '," 'Thursday, Feb, 4-Se Cercle de conversation Fran­caise du department des IanguesRcmanes se reunit a 4 heures daus.Spelman House, (Lexington Hall,Salle 8.)Lecture Course IV., "Heredity,"Dr. Webber, Botany Laboratory,4 p 111.'I'he third of Dr.' Harper's Lec­tures on "The Administration of aCollege," in Haskell Assembly'Room .at 5 p, 111. Sullject,' 'TheOrganization of the Faculty."Y. M. C. A. iii Haskell Asseni­bly Room, 7:31.1 p. 111 •.Will the members of the Ar­rangement Con�l11ittee' of the Wash­ington Prom' please meet in CobbChapel promptly at 4 00 p. m.Thurs. Very Important.GEO. P. JACKSON,Chairman.Friday, Feb. 5-,W. S. C. L., Haskell Museum,10:30 a. m.Der Deutsche Klub konnnt um4 Uhr in clerLexington Halle zusam­men. Prograrnm: Vortrag vonHerrn Professor Cutting.Historical Club, 5551 LexingtonAve., 8 p. 111.Open Meeting of the EnglishClub, Haskell Assembly Room, 8p. 111.Saturday, Feb. 6-Alumni Club Banquet, Univer­sity Commons, (j:30 p. m.Sunday. Feb. 7-University Religious Services, 11a. 111. in Mandel Hall. )�ev. PhilipMoxon, D. D., University Preacher.Monday, Feb. 8-,The Physics Club will meet inRyerson, Room 32 at 4:45 p. ��.Papers: "Blondlots N Rays," T. C,Hebb; "Measurement of Small In­ductances and Capacities,' HornerDerr.Notice to Students.Platinum and wash-drawing portraits.Gl'OUP photos. Framing. Views of the,Val·�ity. Pictures of Athletes, Specialrates t� St�ldents at Martyn's MaroonStudio, 5705 Cottage Grove Ave.'I'he University Pharmacy carried acomplete liIJe, of, cold weather remedies.5GO Fifty-fifth street.If you want a position to .teach, callon or write to Jamett F. McCullough.639 Fine Arts Bullding, Ohicago.NOTICE TO STUDENTS: Private tutor­ing in preparatory" .m�thematics andphysics. Terms reasO'nable. U. 'of C.references can be given. Rf!gisteredtutor at the U. and teachel', of mathe­matic.� at Ascham flail. Apply to A. L.l\noton, 4740 Ma'di�o� i..ve�Wm. H. Sage, &. Co., reliable druggistscorner Woodlawn Avenue and Fifty-fifthstreet. Sole agent in Hyde Pllrk for Dr.Carl Koch's �ew Discovery for the cureof Consumption, Coughs, Golds, ,and alldlseas�s o,f the 'I��t, Ohest, and Lungs.Guaranteed to cure or nioney refunded.Price, �O cenbt. Trial size 10 c,�ts. tbt J:angt SbOtFOR FASTIDIOUS FOLKSDESIGNED BY YOUNG MENFOR YOUNG MEN'S WBAR1 49 D ear b 0 r n S t r e e tTRIBUNE BUILDING:BORDEN'SCONDENSED MILk, FLUID MILK,CREAM AND BUTTERMILKALL BOTTLED, IN THE COUNTRYBORDEN'S CONDENSED MILK CO.827-833 E. FORTy-aEVENTH aT.•o R D E R T H A,T ,DRESS SUIT NOWYou wltl have to ha ...If you want to enter Intl.lcollele life, with all theIOci.t activitiea that areconnected with h. : : I IOur dre .. awt. are ...peelatty :: : the, Mnrceu •• · tba' UDCOmSa ....... roeu....McDonald & Spann185 Dearbora StreetAdam. Expre .. Bldl. :: 4th Flo�rKIMBALL BALL243 Wabash Avo.1b� l\oorS�cltos,Original Ideas andExclusive Styles inPhotographsSpeciaRatestotr.er c.StudentsMONROER.esta.urant l1I CafeA. PRENTICE, Proprietor299 55th St., Near Monroe Ave.Commutation Tickets, $3.50 for $3.00.OET THE B.EST,'2 AMES HATS '3e.tabllshed 1873161'163 E. Madison Street ae.r La S.Ue184 Dearbora StEarly Spring Hats, Canes, Glovesand UmbrellasL. MANAS,SEt OPTICIAN88 Madison St:,:' Tribune Bulldlnl.poetacl.s and Byell ••••• 8clontilcally Adjuste.,; Eyel Telted Free. , I ". Every thin, OpticalMatliemaucal 'Metereeloric;},aadfor the 'Lanternil'.Eo4at., Camera.a.4811pp11 ...C 0 FF E Y'SCALENDARucrhe PuritanUA most exq uisite crea­tion of the Season.Worthy of a place inany man's apartment.Given free to anyonecalling at my ,showrooms, or sent to anyaddress on receipt of 10cents in coin or stampsM,. J. ,C 0 � F��",Y.,TAILOR TP' COLLEGE !JI1E�.153 LaS�lle .�tre�t. _ Ph?.?e Cent�al ;i439 -�,����'�-',���,-, ',Good Things to eafFrom Llb1ijo'. famon. hJ'aieDlo kltoheD ••where purler prey,," .. All me.� aled ....l I ,,"�" t;:I BY'S, .. LNatural FlavorFood ,ProdiJ�c,tsare n.s, GoY8rnmentInllp&cted: Tre"ho'��O�.ft:8�r'!,��=:T:,� ��:::�:�.!f.!:c�. f�rb':t"a�l�1keJ'o()I1enina cans, A. IIupply on rour pantl")' ahelvell.;r:��!e�:�: ��R�'!!:n,��at"h:t lrt�r! ���k�iir;,���'Make Good ThlnlJR to Eat," tlUa all about them­lIent free. Llh"r'R Atlall of the World, mutledfree for 10 centa pOHtaile. .LlBBV, McNEILL 4: LIBBY. CHICAGO.TYPEWRITERSONE-HALF PRICESend for our list of special barg�ln._ In all! .akel' of Standard typewriters'. , Full line: 0'supplies, Machines for rent"2 to"3 per month.ROCKWELL·BARNES CO.367-360 Wabash Ave.We Are s'tucliToo many Silk Otterman OperaHats-Regular valueten dollars.Until February ] st we will sellthem for FIVE DOLLARS : : : :A. FEIL�HBNFELD, 81-83 E. Yan Buren St.Fisch er BuildingPRESCRIPTIONSR ELI A ,. L E � H A.� MAC YR'OSAl'IE, P'HARMA()YJ. J. GILL, GhImIIt ...... lllnlldltPIIone H,cIt Plrk 175 274 f. 57t11 St.. lIOII' Willi. Avo.'CBAS. A. LA.WHENCR.Msnalrer and D,irector.L AWREN'GE ORGHESTRAr .Select mustc tcr all�elect G' c cas t 0 n smOUt �attonagereepectruuz eeuctree, Residence. 5746 Rosalie Court"el. Hyde Park 14117. CHICAGOI _A. 7. CORNELLMerchantTazt6rbJJ CIu'&ap Slo&k Ex&nanr' Build,'"",W,Zln,'nrlon and LaS4l1, :Sls.1804 EDIT,qN �.OWl READY':.Sp�ding'sOfficlalAthletic,·A1n1aJiac,Edited by J. E. S�lJIvaD,Sec.-Treas., A. A.'U.'The only publication In the country containlrie, ,aliauthentic athletic records.' Thil boolc containa over,'00., paeel of athletic information, and is profuselylIlu.trat�d with numerOus portraits of leadine athletesand athletic teaml. Price, 10 cents.A. G,�.SPALDING &; BROS.Send for iIlultrated cataloa 0 f athletic eooda.larquette: . .:' ,. 'I, .... ,t'B!llldtng'Men'sWearDearborn StreetI WILLIAM SASE It, CO.. � .. ' �Regi.5tered Pha .. maei�t8,;,. J '.L. , • _. � I .. .. t'391 E, 56th St., cor. Woodlawn Ar ••_. "'J)EKES"TIED FOR FIRST PLACEWin two games from Chi' Psi-Gridleymakes best score.,1 LEAGU� STANDINGNAMHSDelta Kappa EpsilonAlpha Delta PhiChi PalI:'hi DeltDelta Tau DeltaPhi-Kappa PsiPili U. .Sigma ChiDelta U.Phi Gamma DeltaS. A. �. WON1114 ,II9II1110�1175 'LOSTU476u\IH710813.The only games played in the'bowling league yesterday werethose between the Dekes and ChiPsi. Two of the three games werecaptured by the Dekes, Gridleyrolled the best score, making a totalof 202 in the first game.The. games to be played today,and the remainder. of this week are:Phi Kappa Psi vs. Phi Delta Theta.Delta Upsilon vs. Delta Tau Delta,Thursday. .Psi Upsilon vs. �igtnaAlpha Epsilon, Alpha Delta Phi vs.,Phi Delta Theta. Saturday.I'IChi Psi 1st!!d lidW, johnson 111; l/i; r 7Maxwell 1110 ·4H 5\! ;Howe '711 IllS 80 'Henry 1311 75 150Cn rrol. GIl lIiU lollDeke lst 2d 8dGridley lIB 202 11:14'l·ingle 41 \21145Jennison 1110 1-14 1111iJurr 151l 1�8 170Sloau l , 156 1411'1'otal ........ 7lil 'i70 7,80'l'otlli ........ 7112 7(}� 741Mrs. Bingham Addresses Women,Under the auspicies of the artcommittee Mrs. Bingham addressedthe Woman's Un ion yesterdayafternoon on "The Place of Art ina Student'.s Life." The meeting, was well attended and the address,which was given very informally,aroused a great deal of ,interest."Art is not for the few, thewealthy or those of special advant­ages, " said Mrs. Bingham. "Itgoes hand in hand with literature,with religion and everything else.We should approach a piece of artin a friendly spirit not in a criticalspirit, and if we do not care forsome 'famous work we need not beafraid we are inartistic because themasters themselves differed greatlyin their ideas of the beautiful. Weshould t�y to see in his work whatthe artist thought beautiful."�, .'; .1 "," 1i '" I!. President R. H. Jesse, of Mis­souri University recently created astir by naming Washington, J eff­erson, Lincoln, Harrison and Cleve­land as the five great presidentialchampions of education. Presi­dent Jesse declared that these fivemen have done more than all theother presidents together to fostera liberal spirit along educationallines, and said further that Presi­dent Roosevelt now has a greatopportunity to influence legislationfavorable to educational work.• IiI'IGENTLEMENWHO DRESS FOR STYLENEATNESS, AND COMFORTWEAR THE IMPROVED, I.BOSTONGARTER, ."Lies Flat to the Leg-NeverSlips, rears r or UnfastensSample pair, SlIkllOc .. Cotton 2!ic.l\hlled 011 receipt of price.QeD. frost Co."Mlken,BolloR, Mass., U. S. A., �I.,1! I i-cr.77i777011600600676.555M36244t1f1277 WAS THE CAT KIDNAPPED?CHICAGO, THURSDAY, FE13RUARV 4, 1HOt81 and 83 E. VanBuren St. THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE andSTORAGE COMPANY'Phone, Hyde Park 511 KIMBARK AVB. and flIPTY·.5IXTH ST.The Cleanest and Best, Kept StorageWarehouse In the CityFurniture and Pianos Moved, Stored. Packed and Shipped to all part. otthe world. 300 Private .storage Rooms. Large Parlor Exclusi�ely forPianos. Rooms for Trunk. and Wheels. Large Room for Carria, .. ,BU�iie., and Slelih.. TRUNKS TO AND FROM ALL DBPOTS.Local lta.sicra for Bllieaee, Furniture, Packaies, erc., at short notice..,w- Special Attention Given to Vninrlity Ord,rl.Nearest Drug Store to the UniversityKRIZAN & SCHWEITZERTel�pll'One Hyde Park . . 1854COR. FIFTY-SEVENTH STREET AND KIMBARK AVF."lUE'If You Want Money C:!l A�B�!!���DlamODels, Watche., Jewelry, aDd ADtiquc., for .ale; Old Gold aDd Sliver Bourbt· --------�HilliardCues ofGoodQualityInexpensiveYou can have a nne private Billiard Cue at fromSOc to $5.00Send for Price ListTHn BR liXS\\,ICK BA I.K ECOI.I.R�DHR Co,2nn \Vabash Avenue, Chicago LOSER & "'ANSON... '-TA.l LOR ••17!S DEARBORN ST.CHICAGO.A T yplr,al College Manis at once recognized by the distinctand faultless cut of his clothesWeare Tailors forCollege Men .... '. ="Shanty" Boarders perplexed by the un­precedented disappearance of "Witten""The young man that took thecat away will please return same.""Witten" the faithful tiger feline 1of Mrs., Ingham was taken fromthe "shanty" yesterday at noon.This is why in the place of theusual menu card there appearedthis morning, on the wall of "Mrs.Ingham's" the above placard.For ten years "Witten" has rol­licked about the cramped quartersof the "shanty" with varsity men.During this time she has been afavorite with scores upon scores ofmen long since graduated from theUniversity. Undergraduates this ",�morning who, in large Bum bel'S,despite the attractive surroundingsof Hutchinson hall, continue toboard with Mrs. Ingham, held an 'impromptu indignation meetingover their "coffee and rolls" Or­ganized search will be made andevery boarder lias solemnly boundhimself to follow the slogan 'I \\' ewill find Mrs'. Ingham's cat."There is one substantial clue to. the robbers. Circumstantial evi-dence points to a group of enthusi­astic medical students who had adinner at the "shanty" yesterdaynoon. The cat was seen before themedics departed and Mrs, Inghamdoes 110t recall a glimpse of hersince. The' 'regulars" at the"shanty" I man)' of whom aremedics, feel confident that if "Wit­ten" was coaxed to the anatomybuilding, it was by some chancecaller attracted by the eat's largefigure and unfamiliar with hermany virtues. A careful watchwas kept over the medical buildingsto-day where subjects similar to"Witten" are received and sacri­ficed 011 the altar of scientific re­search.Mrs. Ingham, this morning, paidI the highest tribute to "Witten"which any member of the cat fami-ly could receive, •"I've' ad that cat for ten years"said Mrs. Ingham, "and she ' as1.uever been out over night before.'The faithful old thing 'as kept therats and mice away so that we'avent 'acl any trouble at all withthem."A bulletin received from thescene of the kidnapping early to­day reported that "Witten", likethe cat of old, came back. As"\\ itten" would see 110 reporters,just what happened during the pastharrowing hours could not belearned. The posse which set outbright and early ,to-day to scourthe lower campus and the anatomybuilding has been recalled. Noarrests have been made, but severallaw school star boarders declarethey will unravel the tangled mys­tery.ALBION CAFE39S-400 63rd St.Good Meals, Quick Service.Also Furnished Rooms to Rent.A 1'l1I'e opportunlty-e-A $10.00 im­ported Ottermnu Operu Hut for $;).00.AH'l'IIUH FI':1 LCUI�Nl�ELD,81 F.. Vlln Buren St .. l�'ish�r B1ug.Imported Opera Hats $6I have just received direct from Parisa big lot of OTTERMAN OPERABATS, regular value '10, my price $1ARTHUR FEILCHENFELDPi.her Buildini PHONB-OI"FICE-Hydc: Park 1788DR. RALPH W. PARKERDR. FRED W. PARKERDENTISTSHours! 8 :3010 r a,'1-00 10 S. 674Q Kimbark AvenueN. u. Cor, Sixty·third St. IIYD. PARK ARD OHIOAGO BBACH STABLBIJ. H.,KINTZ(paOPltlaTOa)Jackson Park Stables273 BaIt Fifty·Sennth StreetTel., Hyde Park SSII ' CHIOAelM� � � � §2 � L-! � a...J L- � -e-� � * ��+.e-a-��'",",lAKK c:c 0 <t: -& L- - <: � :E "'& c= l-J -r 0 <C Nnr.�Ben HEADQUARTERS THE BEST IS NINFOR THE FINEST . NONE' TOO GOODXv COLLEGE STATIONERY .I!TCALF FOR YOU .811AKE U�_,1 • �.+SKIAlA 8,8 WABASH AVBNUB tPIIAT CLASS. FRATERNITY ,OHIOAGO INVITATIONS rt8··-A Tn ANS����lll�Y' PR��:�:S ArE' ...'AM 8Zt:z c: c:::::J -e- � >< � CD + -eo L- en -e- -e- c:: I • I a-J >< L.&.J -e- :z:AX ""'��><����N<C<l�gg����S2�iti� tAlCompressed Air Service Antiseptic Faco Cream ,THE GRAND CENTRAL BARBER SHOPH. J. GAMET, PROPRIETOR73 Adams Street Opposite PairLaundry OfficcQuick Serylc. G.�. O ... rl.... .... IANHEUSER & NEILRestaurant391 BAtsT SIXTY -THIRD ST." OBIO.lGODENTIST369-! 63!P STREETTELEPHONE Hyde Park 1196DANCE PR06RAMS Ifraternity Stationery. invitations, etc,loWelt Price. DUNWElll fORD, Fine Stationer.171 WABASH AVE. Residence, J833 Arlington Place:, .. ,PhoneBelmont I3%THEGoldsmit�'Orchestra·'Unl'Yerslt,.,.s.: 'FAvorite"opeN i=o�. ENOAOEMsNTS'FORTHIS SEASONOFFI�B:Room 6, 59 Dear,born StreotPhone State 55225 Dearborn Street ,Suite 201.202Telephone 4523 HarrisonBENHAM BROS.'FASHIONABLETAILORS