'EBOer.yn!lughKATESCentsatt, Mgt.IL. CHICAGO> The Daily MaroonPublished Afternoons by the Students of the University of Chicago During the Four Quarters of the University YearVOL. II. No. 60. CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, IH04 PRICE Two CENTSOPPOSE FRATERNITIES NEW STRENGTH TEST METHOD MEMORIAL SERVICE FRIDAY HAMILTON ORATORICALAt the annual conference of col­lege athletic directors, held atPrinceton, N. J., during the holi­days, it was voted to give a thor­ough trial in the coming year of themethod of strength tests devisedand used by Dr. J. E. Raycroft ofthe University of Chicago. Nearlyall of the larger Universities of thecountry were represented ,at theconference.'* * *Dr. Raycroft, who was the onlywestern director present', read apaper in which he presented an ex­position of the methods to be util­ized in organizing the physicalexhibit at the St. Louis Fair, andthe possibilities in connection there­with. Dr. Raycroft is in charge ofthe college and general educationalfeatures of the physical exhibit,acting as a sub-committee of theExposition Athletic Board. Mostof the session was spent in the read­ing of papers and in general con­sideration and discussion' of prob­lems and methods involved in theattainment of best results along theline of proper relation of physicalto educational development. Thenext conference will be held at NewYork City.* * * Earnest L. Harris, of the Consular Ser-The first regular work for the vice Talks in Senior Chapelbasket-ball team candidates was EARNEST L. HARRIS, of theheld yesterday afternoon. Coaches American Consular service, whoChilds and Owens captained two during the first term of the winterteams, and for about an hour a quarter will give a course of lectureslively and close game was indulged in the department of political econ­in. The men on coach Owens' omy, spoke this morning in theteam showed the better team work, ower senior division meeting.but the other side managed to keep Mr. Harris outlined briefly theahead by three or four points, most' 'purpose of Joseph Chamberlain'sof the time through the fine basket- plans for a Commercial Empire.throwing ability of Childs. From The most direct part of his addressthe material that appeared yester- was a plea for an American protect­day, with the other good players ive tariff. "I would not," saidthat are in college, the prospects Mr. Harris, "have removed onefor a first class. team seem good. stone in our whole tariff wall.* * * Our relations with England willActive training for the old men .alwavs vitally affect our commercialand the new candidates for the interests. England is the markettrack team began yesterday after- for our over-production in' foodnoon under the direction of Captain supplies; her colonies are the mar­Blair. The following runners were ket for our surplus manufacture.out and took light work on the Americans should watch closelytrack: Blair, Taylor', Cahill, Light- the English commercial empire,body, Mathews, Rice and Pat for in my judgment we shall be theHenry. Captain Blai� ordered the country most affected by the sue­men to work out easily and merely cess or failure of Mr. Chamberlain'strot around the track in order toloosen-up their muscles. All can­didates for the team rare expectedto show up some tim� this week.Princeton Man Says that SecretSocieties are Detrimental toCollege Spirit System Devised by Dr. Raycroft to beGiven Trial by many Athletic DirectorsAthletic NewsNorthwestern University to Appoint Per­manent Track and Base-ball CoachAt a football dinner given recent­ly by university men in Honolulo,former gridiron heroes told whyteams win victories.A member of one of Princeton'sfamous teams of the' 'eighties'" at­tributed the success of "old N as­sau' to the absence of secret socie­ties. The tenor of his opinion wasthat at Princeton everyone is im­bued with the spirit first and fore­most of duty to his college, and thatthis results in bringing the best mento the front; the necessary implica­tion being that at that universitythe choice of members of the teamis in no way influenced by the pre­judice of social connections, asmight be the case at some other col­leges, where, other things beinganywhere near equal, the societyman would have the advantage.This opinion was not concurred inby the Harvard men or the Yalemen, who declared convincinglythat secret societies had no suchprejudicial 'influence at those uni­versities.A track captain will be elected atNorthwestern University this week.The board of athletic control is con­sidering the appointment of Jerry.Delaney, the Exeter trainer, as per­manent track and baseball coach forthe purple during the coming sea-l'son.Dr. Francolini of Rome, pub­lishes!a statement declaring thatthe source of the Clitumnus, asmall Umbrian river sacred to theancient Romans, may contain rad­ium. He bases his opinion on adescription by Pliny and on pas­sages in the works of many writersfrom Virgil to Byron and Carducci.The waters at the source of the riverare the eolor of violet.Receipts from football at the Uni­versi ty of Pennsylvania this yearamounted to $47,810.90. The ex­penses of the team were $22,05�.99,leaving a balance of over $25,000.Baseball brought in $6,214.05, thetrack team $3,98 I . 52, while the con­tributions for rowing were only'$370.55. The cost for maintainingthe crew was $13,781.27, a muchlarger amount than usual, owing toa new"coaci1ing launch.After defraying the expenses ofall other sports, all of which lostmoney, and after paying a deficitof Over $2, 500, there is a balance of$780.36 in the treasury.Professor Ellers Hausen, a Ger­man, has invented a method of ex­tracting zinc white from refuse slag.He and Sir William Ramsay suc­cessfully experimented at Hafanmine in North Wales yesterday,'showing that a ton of zinc whitecan be extracted from fifteen tonsof slag by a far simpler and cheaperprocess than is now used in a round­about prodUction from spelter. , Important to Members of Reynolds ClubThe executive committee of theReynolds club' urges allmem bers topay their dues for the winter quar­ter at once. Members are not en­titled to the privileges of the billiardroom until dues are paid. Mr.'Hughston, the steward, is in hisoffice all day.E. Vincent Quinby, 'oS, is work­ing in the general manager's officeof the Southern Illinois Railroadthis winter. At Meeting in Mandel Hall Friday NoonUniversity will pay Tribute to LostStudentsThe U ni versi ty memorial servicefor students who lost their lives inthe Iroquois theater fire will be heldin Mandel Hall next Friday atnoon.Professor Charles R. Henderson,Chaplain of the University, willdeliver a memorial address on be­half of the University at large.Leo F. Wormser, '04, will pay atribute to his former friend andfellow student, Walter B. Zeisler.T. J. Riley, graduate student insociology, will speak in memory ofRev. Henry L. Richardson.A medical' student who will beappointed by Dean Dodson willspeak for Fred W. Leaton.Professor \Villiam D. MacClin­toek, dean of the University Collegefor Teachers, will speak of the lifeand work of Mrs. Livingstone andMiss Falkenstein, who were studentsin that college.Scri pture lessons will be read byDr. A. K. Parker, the Universityrecorder.All University exercises will besuspended Friday from-If 0' clockto 1 0' clock. Arrangements Complete for Contest-Thomas J. Meek will Rep­resent ChicagoJudges Have Been Selected - Order ofthe Speakers Has BeenAnnouncedThe annual oratorical contest forthe Hamilton Club prize will beheld next Monday evening, Janu­ary 11, at the Hamilton ClubHouse, on the corner of Clark andMonroe Streets Contestants fromfour universities and colleges areentered, all of whom have gainedthe right to represent their institu­tions by winning the local oratori­cal contests. Under the rules ofthe club, the speakers draw lots to­determine their respective order ofspeaking, except the representativefrom Chicago, who invariablyspeaks first It has been decidedto make the contest an evening dress,affair .The committee in chargeis made up' wholly of college men,of whom the majority are fromwestern universities.The contestants will speak in thefollowing order:1. "Alexander Hamilton, thePractical Idealist," Thomas JonesMeek, University of Chicago.'2. "Alexander Ham i Ito n,"Henry G. Walker, University ofIowa.3. "H ami Ito n, ConstructiveStatesman," James F. Halliday,University of Michigan.4. "Principles' of Hamilton andPresent Day Problems," WillardLampe, Knox College.The committee in charge is asfollows:Robert McMurdy, Michigan,Theodore K. Long, Yale ,Frank I. Moulton, Knox,George W, Miller,Breck D. Porter,Rush C. Butler, Iowa,Harlan Ward Cooley, Yale,William Otis Wilson, Chicago,.Hoyt King, IndianaHarold W. Letton, Yale,James A. McLane, Illinois,Ward B. Sawyer, Northwestern,Clark S. Reed, Chicago.The judges for the HamiltonClub Prize Oratorical Confest are,announced as follows :Albert C. Barnes, AssistantState's Attorney; Rev. Joseph A.Millburn of the Plymouth Congre-·gational Church; and John S. Miller ..SPEAKS FOR A PROTECTIVE TARIFFplans."Debating Team Works Hard in PracticeThe debating team had its firstpractice debate of the week yester­day afternoon. The Varsity wascomposed of Fairweather, Wormserand Merritt. Brett, Lewinsohnand Ralph Merriam made up thesecond team. As a whole the after­noon's work was satisfactory, butaccording to Mr. Chandler theremust be a great deal of improve-. ment before the team is in any kindof shape to meet Northwestern. Consider Pan-Hellenic DanceA meeting of representatives ofthe fraternities to consider theplan for a Pan- Hellenic dance washeld in the Reynolds Club lastevening: Owing to the want ofsufficient notice the attendancewas small. Another meeting iscalled for the coming Friday night,..in the club, at 7 :30.Harvey D. Trimble of the classof 1904 has left school and is travel­ing for William S. Harman, whole­sale coal dealer .We want your name on the sub­scription list of THE DAILY MA­ROON. Advertise in THE. DAILY MAROONThe Daily Maro�n".,._rly the University of Chica�o Weekly. 'FOUNDEDThf',Unlversity of Chica�o Weekly 0 October I. 1892THE DAILY MAROON - Octeber I. lOOtNBWS CONTRIBUTIONS REQUESTED.� Published by the students of the University or Chi·caRo every afternoon, except Saturday an� Sunday. duroina the �6 weeks of the University year.First board of editors and business mana�erauthorized by student-body In mass meeting May IS,1:Q02.Membership on subsequent boards of editors to be4etermlned by competition open to all students in theUniversity.SOARD OF EDITORSMaD.gln� Editor • • - OLIVER B. WVMANNews Editor • • • • HARRY W. FORDAthletic Editor • • WALTER L. GREGORVASSOCIATE EDITORSTHAOOEUS T. MERRILL Enw A '1\ 0 M. KERWINERNEST 1. STEVENS ALDEltT W. SHERItRRALPH P. MULVANE LERov A. VANPATTENAUSTIN A. HAYOUNWOMAN nOITORSMISS LENA HARtt IS MISS ANNA. FLOYOSTAFF OF RKPORTHRSE. R. GA.NNON �. S. WRIGHTR. H. ALLIlN • V. HICKEVW. J. CUppy HOMAS MEEKMISS HELEM SMITHI." BUSINBSS STAFFJiusinesl Mana�er JULIEN L. BROORrI!I, Dally Subserlptlen, $3 per year I $1 for 3 months.• By Mallin city .4 per year I $1,25 for 3 msnths,Sublertptlonl received at "The Maroon" Olice, Ellis Hall,.. , left In "The Maroon" Box, the Faculty ElICha_" CobbHallPriuted by The Quadrangle Press, ,104 E. 55th St.LiI�� EDITORIALS���T HE DAILY MAROON needs yoursubscription. When you are ar­ranging for the quarter come to theMAROON office in Ellis Hall, paywhat you owe the paper and giveyour correct address to the businessmanager. The editors of THEMAROON are determined to main­tain Hie policy which has character­ized th,e paper from the first butthis will be only possible with suffi­cient support from the students.THE PAILY MAROON is publishedby students of the University. Doyour share toward making THEDAILY MAROON truly representa­tive of the University life.I·,1I Candidates for the Universitytrack team have begun training forthe winter indoor meets. The ad­vance season work finds the squadsadly depleted by a harvest of noti­ces from the deans. Men who havewon their "c" on the track andfreshmen of promise alike, failedcompletely or received conditionsin the Autumn quarter's courses.Chicago men who thus so signallyfail to meet the requirements ofthe faculty and accordingly makethemselves ineligible to representthe University are deserving 'of nosympat�y. Nothing can be saidfor track men who fail in Autumnquarter work when they are not intraining and when I their time is asmuch their own' as that of the vastmajority of students.Michigan Football Man DiesCecil Goo�ing, who expected toplay center for Michigan next falldied at. his home in Ann Harbo�last mght from typhoid fG d' ever.�o �ng played guard on the�lchl�an team last fall and was in­Jured 111 t�e Minnesota game. Hisparents �hlUk that his constitutionwas senously impaired by thisgame and .that it was an indirectcause of his death.M!r�iner Keene Fitzpatrick of thelchlgan team said . " Aru.mor that the brUise s�stained �� •CHICAGO, WEDNESDA Y, JANUARY?, 1904the Minnesota game had anythingto do with ,Gooding's. death is cer­tainly unfounded. No man with.an injured system could play suchfootball as Gooding did in the Wis­consin and Chicago games."Majors and MinorsIt was reported about the campuslast night and this morning thatMandel Hall had been closed by thecity authorities because it is notsupplied with an asbestos curtain.This report is not true. Mandellis a private hall. Besides, the build­ing inspector says that he considers'it perfectly safe.The third aniiual banquet of th.eChicago Chapter of£, the Delta UPSI­lon Fraternity was held last nightat the Del Prado Hotel, in connec­tion with the initiation exercises ofthe chapter. The men re�eivedinto. the Fraternity were the follow­ing: Ralph Mayer Ashby, JohnHenry Weddell, John FryerMoulds, James Howard Dennedy,Richard 1. 1?avis,. Arthur Bridg­man.GARGqYLE,TTESAnswers to Aspiring AuthorsLOUISE -Tell it to the Monthly.If the editors refuse it send it toPuck.H. AIR.-Your joke is a littleraw. However we will publish itin the Asbestos Extra next Sundayafter the managing editor, hasthoroughly roasted it.C. H. L.-Your poem about theLogical Logarithm is hot stuff.We will print it as SOO�l as theback of this cold snap hassnajped \Ve need the poem herein the office at present to keep theplace warm.H P, C =-Your. tale of the Lone­Some Egg Sandwich brought tearsof joy to our eyes It saved the ed­itor's life This noon when lunchtime came around we got out ourcopy of Mrs Eddy's book andopening to page 63 we held thevolume in our left hand, while,with our right we conveyed yourtale to our lips and forgot that wewere broke and owed for ourboard. Please send a story abouta champagne supper next timeIt' 5 more fillingImported Opera Hats $6I have just received direct from Parisa big lot of OTTERnIAN OPERAHATS, regular value $10, my price $6ARTHUR FEILCHE�FELDFisher Building 8t and 83 E. VanBuren St.Remember (jornellHydro xA Double Distilled Aer­ated Drinking Water putup -in steriiised sealed glassbottles. Avoid danger ofi m pure water and drinkHydrox.For sale by your druggistTHE (jONSUMERS (jOMPANYButler St., ssth to 36th ata.Phone Yardllao THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE andSTORAGE COMPANY'Phone. Hydo Park 511 'KIMBARK AVE. and PIPTY·SIXTH ST.The Cleanest and Best Kept StorageW arehouse in the CityFurniture and PIanos Moved, Stored, Packed and Shipped to all parts ofthe world. 300 Private Storage Rooms. Large Parlor Exclusively forPianos. Rooms for Trunks and Wheels. Large Room for Carriages,Bu�gies, and Sleighs. TRUNKS:rO AND FROM ALL DBPOTS.Local traasters for Baggll2e, Furniture, Packages, erc., at short nonce,r:w- Special Attention Given to, UniverSity Orders.Nearest 'Drug .S tore to tbe UniversityKRIZAN & SCHWEITZERTelephone Hyde Park . . 1854COR. FIFTV-SEVENTH STREET AND KIMBARK AVENUEFOUNTAIN PENS ...5[1We have a complete stock of the Waterman Fountain pens,all styles and prices. They make a very suitable Christmasgift. Let us show them to you. : : :: :CAMPBELL'S PHARMACY W'F�ty���::S���d't;ke Ave;.It Y W t M call A. LIPMANou an oney on 99 Bast Madison st.DIamonds. Watches, Jewelry, and Antiques, for sale; Old Gold and Silver BoughtO'MEARA BROTHERS' HOME BAKERY(Phone 1646 Hyde Park.)All Ooods Strictly Home-MadeOrders taken for Ice Cream and Ices. Goods delivered:378 East Fifty· hstreet. SI1RU.Stu••1t,'Tllepl1<GlEI,Cot,sTETcamirourCouris en.andwishshoudres:M174 j,((IW H Y use poor, unwholesome milk, Wile,.,for the same money you ran get ItPure, Sweet, and Extraordl.narlly Rich, delivered in scaled bottles, by calling upTelephone South 817, or dropping a postal toSIDNEY WANZER « SONS305 Thirtieth st.NEWCOLLAR�ooooooooo��ooooooooooooooo� 0o 0: Marshall Field&Co. !:o 0o 9o 0o o.o 0o 0o 0o 0o A 0: Store S: For S: �en So 0o 0o o.o 0o 0o 0o the 0o The maximum, of quality at 0o. !o lowest prIce y-O 0o �-gOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO�OOOOO' DAfratemllo'restand:TH ST.I parts ofsively (or;arriaees,TS.rs�.P.Lake Ave;.,fAN10D st.nilk, wlte,a,can get IIdraordl·calline uptoSONS�AKERYlade; delivered�ooooO·O·• 0oO·oO·ooooootOtooooooO·ooooootOtoO·�OO" A COLLEGE OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCECHtCAGO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6; 1904January SpecialA black or blue Serge or CheviotSnit with extra Trousers of thesame or striped material . .25 DOLLARSTailor for Young MenA. N. jerrams, l\Igr. 129-131 La Salle St.KIMBALL HALL243 Wabash Ave.ie: 1\oOrS�dLOS'Original Ideas andExclusive Styles inPhotographsSpeciaRatestoU.ofC.StudentsTo keep your facein good con d i t i 0 11 ,use Williams' ShavingStick.-aSECURE OUR PRICES ON. ;.;: i\t_. _ FRATERNITY STATIONERY,� ._. _ PROGRAMMES, MENUS,. INVITATIONS ANDENGRAVED CARDS.tt� "�I' BROCHON4· ., 34-36 WASHINGTON ST.E. c. MOOREjflotifjt132 East Forty-Ninth StreetTelephone Oakland 1-495271 East Fifty-Fifth StreetTelephone Hyde Park 38�elephone Hyde Park 18A. McAdamsTHE UNIVERSITY FLORIST�lEENHOUSES : CHI'CAGO.cot. 53d st. and Kimbark ave.TEACHERS! TEACHERS!Teachers wishing to prepare for Ex­amination should write immediately forour Teachers' Interstate ExaminationCourse, as taught by mail. This Courseis endorsed by many leading educators,.and every progressive teacher whowishes to advance in their professionshould begin work immediately, Ad­dress nearest office, with stamp, for reply.AMERICAN TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION174 Randolph Bldg.1\'1 e III phis, Tenn. 1423 Arch St.Philadelphia Pa,Sulto 73 tJ 76, Dexter Bldg,FIEDLER:MAKES CLOTHES FORGENTLEMEN WHO"APPRECIATE It ANDKNOW GOOD CLOTHESDANCE PR06RAMSfratemHy Stationery. Il:Ivltations. etc.lowest Prices DUNWELl &: fORD. fine Stationers171 WABASH AVE. Technical Training will be given in Med­ical Missionary Work andOther LinesUpon the recommendation of theDivinity Faculty. and with the ap­proval of the Senate, a new groupof studies has been arranged of suf­ficient dignity to entitle it to thename of College. The exact titlehas not yet been fixed. Amongothers, the following have beenproposed: "The College of Relig­ious Science," , "I'he College of Re­ligious and Social Service," "TheCollege of Practical Religion, JJ, 'The College of Religion and Phll­anthropy." The College proposed'�Till be, like the College of Com­merce and Administration, a tech­nical college, and its purpose willbe to furnish courses of study for(a) students preparing to be Y. M.C. A. secretaries, or to fill otherlike positions; (b) students prepar­ing for the work of medical mis­sionaries, it being presumed thatsuch students would first pursue acourse in this College and then amedical course; (c) students pre­paring for the Christian ministrywho, by reason of age or other cir­cumstances, cannot afford the timefor a separate college and Divinitycourse; (d) students preparing forvarious forms of philanthropicwork, such as secretaryships, ofbureaus of associated charities,chaplaincies in penal institutions,and work as city' missionaries.THE DAILY MAROON'S advertis­ers are reliable firms.WHEELER & WILSON- NO.9.Do' not LuI tv use one beforeyou buy. Drop post card for freetrial.Wh.eler • Wilson' nf.. Colllpa.712 and 74 Wabash Avo.Solid ComfortSpeedSafetyScenery, CHICAGOTONEW YORKThreeTrainsDailyTickets103 Adams StreetOEO. A. CULLEN(� OeD'. Wutern Pus'r Agent I'J Cbt "[anot SbOtFOR FASTIDIOUS FOLKSDESIGNED BY YOUNG MENFOR YOUNG MEN'S WEAR149 Dearborn StreetTRIBUNE BUILDINGDAILY PAPERS AND MAGAZINES.NORTON takes subscriptions for both andhas them delivered at your door , .F. W. NORTONPhone, 116 Hyde Park 848 51th SreetFraternity StationeryGalling GardsInvitations ProgramsYoung America LaundrySTUDENTS'LAUNDRRYTel. Hyde Park 1252 5416 Lake Ave.F. S. YOUNG, ProprietorPHONB-OFFlcl!-Hyde Park 1788DR. RALPH W. PARKERDR. FRED W. PARKERDENTISTS'Hours ! 8 :30 to �2.1'00 to 5. 6249 Kimbark AvenueN, u.c». Sixty,third St.OET THE BEST$2 AMES HATS $3Established 1873161-.63 E. Madison Stre�t near La Salle'54 Dearborn StGIFT CERTIFICATES. a Usetut Pt'eseHfHATS, CANES, GLOVES &. UMBRELLASL. MAN ASS E, OPTICIAN88 Mallison St., TrIbune Building .Bpllctacles and gyelhts8dil Sciehtith::ally AdjusteaEyes Tested FreeEvery thin, OpticalMathematical .Metereolorical,and. for the Lanternist,Kodak. j Oamerasaad Buppl1 •••COFFEY'S.CALENDARu The PuritannA most exquisite crea­tion ,of the Season.Worthy of a place inany man's apartment.Given free to anyonecalling at my showrooms, or sent to anyaddress on recei pt of 10cents in coin or stampsM.J.COFFEETAlLOR TO COLLEGE 8ME8(153 LaSalle Street. Phone Central 3439 GENTLEMENWHO DRESS FOR STYlENEATNESS, AND COMFORTWEAR THE IMPROVEDBOSTONGARTERLies Flat te the Leg-NeverSlips, Tears r Dr UnfastensSample pair, Sllk60c .. Cotton :.!.'le.10Ialled on recolpt pf prlc ••GI •• frosl Co., M.·ki .. ".osl.n, MISS., U. S. A.TYPEWRITERSONE-HALF PRICESend for our list of special bargains in allmakes 01 Standard typewriters, Full line ofsupplies, Machines lor rent $2 to $3 permonth.ROCKWELl.BARNES CO.:167-269 Wabash Ave.We are Tailors forCollege ivIen .....LOSER & uANSON. ..·YAILORS·175 DEARBORN ST.CHICAGO.A Typical (Jollege Manis at once recognized by the distinctand faultless cut of his clothesOHAS. A. LAWRENOE,Manager and Director,L AWRENGE ORGHESTRA40es ONEONTA BLDG.Corner Clark and Randolph Streets.TEL. CENTRA.L 0282Residence5745 Rosalie CourtTel. Hyde Park H17. CHICAGOPROF. SHULTZ'SDancing AssemblyCalumet Hall63d St. an.'" ,](l.ckson Parle Av .[Formerly Stony Island AV.]Every Mon�ay. Evening.Write for omplimentary TicketsFor Yourself and Friends ... ; -:PRIVATE LESSONS BY APPOINTMENT.OFFICE AND STUDIO301 W. SIXTY-THIRD ST.A. y. CORNELLMercha11tTailor633 Chicago Siock Exc/wlIge Buildillg.Washinglolt an d LaSalle Sis.HYDE PARK Al'fD CHIOAGO BEAOH STABLESJ. H. KINTZ(PIIOPRIIEToII)Jackson Park Stables'273 East tlifty,Sftitith streetTel., Hyde Park SSfi CHI C J. G e " t,I'1,I.IPRESIDENTSuspenderswork in perfect harmon" withthe wearer's ever" movement.Comfort, Style and ServiceABSOLUTELYGUARANTEEDTrimmings cannot rust.Price I50c and $1.00, any store or mall, pre�slcLTHE o, A. F.DG,\RTON MFG. 00.,Bolt 298 Shirley, Ma •••1904 EDITION. NOW READYSpalding'sOfficialAthleticAlmanac.r Edited by J. E. Sullivan,Sec. -Treas., A. A. U.The only publication in the country containing allauthentic athletic records. This book contains over200 pages of athletic information, and is profuselyillustrated with numerous portraits of leadmg <tlhletesand athletic teams. Price, 10 cents.A. G. SPALDING & BROS.Send for illustrated catalog 0 f athletic goods.Good Things to Eat!��r::, ����i;�����Y� hlr.I���t�t!��a��LIBBY'SNatural FlavorFood Productsare n. B. GovernmentInspect6d. The whole-oms-rt�S�r'!,�I�:a�Y����� ��:;�����f��ct:, f���:tea���ke:r-onenlnlJ cans. A IIl1ppl:y on your pnntr:r shelvesr�:��e�:�)? ��sr'�:n,��a�·h:t Irttr� ���k���rr':,�a��Make Good Things to Eat," tc lIa all about tbem­sent free. Libby's Atlas of the World, mulledfree for 10 cents postage.LIBBY, McNEILL & LIBBY, CHICAGO.MUSSEV'SBilliard Halls and Bowling AlleysThe Largest and Finest AmusementResort in the World100 to 108 Madison Streetllrnnch: IiIG Davis St., EvanstonWilLIAM SAGE & CO.Registered Pharmacists,391 E, 55th St., cor. Woodlawn Ave.TEACHERS WANTED'We need at once a few moreTeachers, both experienced and 'in­experienced.More calls this year than ever be­fore. Schools supplied with compe­tent teachers free of cost. Addresswith stamp.AMERiCAN TEAGIIERS' ASSOCIATION174 Randolph Bldg.Memphis, Tenn. 1423 Arch St.Philadelphia, Pa NOTICES.CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1904Thursday, January 7th­Sociology Club in Cobb Chapeat 8 p. m. • ,Y. M. C. A. in Haskell AssemblyRoom at 7 :30 p. 111.Thursday, January 7th-Y. M. C. A. in Haskell Assembly.Room, 7 :30 p. 111.Friday, January 8th-Historical Clubr8 p. m., at 5815Drexel Ave.Sunday, J anuary 1.0�h-- ..University: RehglOuS Services,Mandel Half, 11 a. 111. The. Rev ..H Churchill King, D. D., Presi-enry U. .dellt:of Oberlin College tuversIty,preaches.Furnished Rooms_ .for Rent-Steam heat; hght, mce,Room. t1 Stfurnished. 452 E. 5S 1 •T 'Rent-TwO rooms, $6.00 and $7.50,0.. . bl 21L blocks southmodern, desire e, 7'1. ,6145:Ellis avenue, znd flat. 592FOR REN'1'-Two light, warm rooms;furl1ishec1; steam, Welshbach,newly kboiled water, 5431 Kimbar avenue,58-2second flat.Of Interest to Our Readers •Th University Pharmacy carries ael t Iine of cold weather remedies.comp e e560 Fifty-fifth street.If you want a position to teach, call onor write to James F. McCullough, 639Fine Arts Building, Chicago.Owing to the constantly grow�ng de­mands for our tailoring, we have disposedof our Gents' Furnishirlg Department,and now exl�ibit a fuller line of woolens.We also press, clean, repair and dyeladies' and gents' gannents.PAnous TAILORINO COMPANY346 E. Fifty-fifth street. Phone H. P.570Notice to Students.-Why wait for yourcar in the cold at Fifty-eighth street?when you can wait in the warm at Fifty­seventh street, in Martyn's MaroonStudio, 5705 Cottage Grove avenue,U. of C. Photographer An exceptionally good opportunityfor one or two men about to grad­uate from the UNIVE�SITYOF CHICAGO.--must be ambi­tious and prepared for hard wotk.Address Evarts Wrenn, GeneralAgent, State Mutual Life Assur­ance Company, Worcester, Mass.,85 Dearborn Street, Chicago, Ills. I'NonCE '1'0 S'l'UDEN'1'S: Private tutoringin preparatory mathematics and physcs.Terms reasonable. U. of C. referencescan be given. Registered tutor at theU. and teacher of mathematics at AschamHall. Apply to A. L. Rhoton, 4746Madison Av.BENHAM BROS.'FASHIONABLETAILORS225 Dearborn Street Suite 201-202'Telephone 4523 HarrisonBowman Dairy Co.OUR MILKis Bottled in the CountryPRESCRIPTIONSR ELI A B L E . P H.A R MAC YROSALIE PHARMACYJ. J. GIL L I Chemist and PharmacIstPhono Hydo Park 175 274 E. 57th St., noar Wash. Ave.BORDEN'SCONDENSED MILK, FLUID MILK,CREAM AND BUTTERMILK·ALL BOTTLED IN THE COUNTRYBORDEN'S CONDENSED MILK CO.627-e33 E. FORTY-SEVENTH ST. �����������������������iAKK c:c ........ 0 <: -& - <: <:I --.. ::E � -e- c= ,,- W + <::) <: Nn�Ben HEADQUARTERS THE BEST IS NrNX•I, FOR THE FINEST TeA NONE TOO GOOD"'BA'..... COLLEGE STATIONERY FOR YOU 'I' Ll!�� 88 WABASH AVENUE :��lAT CLASS, FRATERNITY ClHllOAQO INVITATIONS r�B:SORORITY PROGRAMS.A ill AND SOCIETY MENUS ArEAM:z: 1:= <l -e-� �q CD + -eo L.. CD -&e.g. c=: I. I't-J >< L-A.J -e- = BZ�AX &-I i= �><�L-J � � N« <:];2 �� ��L::� ��� �AIW. T. DELIBANTPreside'lt M. C. O'DONNELLSecretary ALBERT TBBOTreasurerStandard Washed Coal Company303 Dearborn StreetSTANDARD WASHED COAL FOR DOMESTIC USEStandard Egg - - $5.00 per ton Wasbed Chestnut - $4.50 porItonWashed Range - - $5.00 per ton Washed Pea - $4.25 per tonROL·LER SK·ATING.COLISEUM •• Every Day and EveningMusic by DeBaughRICHARDSON'S BALL-BEARING SKATESAdmission, 15 and 25 CentsIIORDER THATDRESS SUIT NOW,DENTIST369·E 63!!P STREETTELEPHONE Hyde Park 1196 �You will have to have Itif you want to enter intocollege life, with all thesocial activities that areconnected with it. : ': : :Our dress suits are ourspecialty: : : they nevercause that uncomforta­ble feeling.Quick Service Geo. O. Marlatt, Mgt'.ANHEUSER & NEILRestaurant185 Dearborn StreetAdams Express Bldg. 4th Ploor391 BAST SIXTY-THIRD ST. OHIOAGO'